Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises

Page created by Jared Hill
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
Interim Results 2022
8 March 2022

Prescriptive Solutions,
Sustainable Production
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
Forward-looking statements

This presentation contains forward-looking statements.
These statements have been made by the Directors in
good faith based on the information available to them up
to the time of the preparation of this presentation. Due
to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic
and business risk factors underlying such forward-looking
information, actual results may differ materially from
those expressed or implied by these forward-looking

The Directors undertake no obligation to update any
forward-looking statements contained in this
presentation, whether as a result of new information,
future events or otherwise.                                       2
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
Positive foundation for the full year
 Strong operating performance                  Strong volume growth across all                      Strategic and Operating developments
                                                       three segments                                                   • Immediate focus on safety and wellbeing
 Growth across all key financial metrics:
                                                                                                                          of our employees in Ukraine following
                                                                                                                          Russian invasion
                                            > Positive on-farm sentiment
       €877.1m                              > Encouraging cropping profiles
                                            > Early season demand drives input volumes
                                                                                                                        • Managing considerable price and supply
                                                                                                                          chain volatility
       53.2% increase                                                                                                   • Acquisition of Envirofield UK to enhance
       in Group Revenue                                                                                                   R&D capability

                                                                                                                        Embedding Sustainability
       €11.1m                                                 and the UK
                                                                                                                        • Committed to setting science
                                                                                                                          based targets
       €9.9m year on year increase
       in Operating Profit                                                                                              • Launched Soil Resilience Strategy
                                                                                                                          through Agrii UK
                                                                                                                        • New environmental management

       0.61x                                    America
                                                                                                                          system progressing to plan

       Net Bank Debt/ EBITDA Ratio                                                                                      Shareholder Returns
       (H1 2021 2.76x)
                                                                                                                        • €19.5m cash inflow from 1st phase of
                                                                                                                          Cork property disposal

       3.15 cent                                                                                                        • Launch of share buyback programme -
                                                                                                                          up to €40m
       Interim dividend                                                    1                                            • Capital Markets Day – London 10th May
                                                                               Underlying Volumes                                                                                                                                            3
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
                                                           Operating Profit (€’m)
         Ireland & the                                                                                                                                                                  UK
         United Kingdom                                              2.8

         >     Crop input volume growth +10.1%
                   • Larger cropping area
                   • Favourable in-field conditions               H1 2019        H1 2020         H1 2021        H1 2022
                   • Seed sales recovered with no repeat
                     of FY21 inventory overhang

         >     Global fertiliser and feed price
               inflation reflected in revenue growth
                   • Modest impact on demand
                                                           Financial Review: Ireland and the United Kingdom

         >     Amenity portfolio delivered                                                                                                       Change on prior year
               improved performance
                   • Green-tech performing ahead of                                                           H1 2022            H1 2021            Change      Underlying3     Constant Currency4
                     expectations                                                                                 €’m                €’m               €’m             €’m                    €’m
                                                           Revenue                                                561.7             344.5             217.2             172.8                187.2
         >     Digital secures exclusivity on cloud        Operating profit1                                        3.2                  (2.7)          5.9               3.3                  5.0
               free imagery technology
                                                           Associates and joint venture2                            1.3                   0.8           0.5               0.4                  0.4
         >     Acquisition of Envirofield Ltd              1.   Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
               enhances near market R&D trials             2.   Profit after interest and tax before exceptional items
               capabilities                                3.   Excluding currency movements and the impact of acquisitions
                                                           4.   Excluding currency movements                                                                                                                                                                                4
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
                                                       Operating Profit (€’m)
         Continental                                                                                                              Poland

         >     Underlying volume growth + 18.7%                               0.7
                                                               0.6                           0.1
         >     Input price inflation uncertainty
               stimulated early season demand               H1 2019        H1 2020         H1 2021        H1 2022                                                                    Romania
         >     Robust winter plantings:
                   • Poland in line with FY21
                   • Romania 7.9% ahead of FY21
                                                      Financial Review: Continental Europe1
                   • Ukraine returned to normalised
                     level (back 4.6%)
                                                                                                                                         Change on prior year
         >     Positive on-farm sentiment in
                                                                                                         H1 2022            H1 2021            Change         Underlying3         Constant Currency4
               Poland and Romania
                                                                                                             €’m                €’m               €’m                €’m                        €’m
         >     Improved cash/credit mix               Revenue                                               182.1               122.4              59.7                69.9                        60.1
         >     Limited localised operations in        Operating profit2                                        1.1                 0.1              1.0                 1.2                          1.2
               Ukraine in areas away from the         1. Excluding crop marketing. While crop marketing has a significant impact on revenue, its impact on operating profit is insignificant. An analysis of
                                                         revenues, profits and margins attributable to agronomy services and inputs more accurately reflects the underlying drivers of business performance
               conflict and when safe to do so        2. Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
                                                      3. Excluding currency movements and the impact of acquisitions
                                                      4. Excluding currency movements                                                                                                                                                                                          5
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
                                              Operating Profit (€’m)
         Latin America                                                                                                                         Brazil

                                                                      5.7                           6.7
                                                       5.5                           3.9
                                                                                                                                                                Minas Gerais State
         >     Underlying volumes
               increased by 72.7%
                                                    H1 2019        H1 2020        H1 2021        H1 2022                                                 Paraná State
         >     Growth achieved across both
               BAM and controlled release
               fertiliser product ranges
         >     Total cropping area           Financial Review: Latin America
               increased by 4.4%
         >     Positive farm sentiment                                                                                            Change on prior year
               despite impact of dry                                                            H1 2022            H1 2021           Change      Underlying3     Constant Currency4
               weather on crop/soy yields                                                           €’m                €’m              €’m             €’m                    €’m
                                             Revenue                                                 44.5                  21.6         22.9             21.9                 21.9
         >     Harvest ahead of 5 year
                                             Operating profit1                                        6.7                   3.9          2.8              2.7                   2.7

                                             1.   Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
                                             2.   Profit after interest and tax
                                             3.   Excluding currency movements and the impact of acquisitions/disposals
                                             4.   Excluding currency movements                                                                                                                                                                 6
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
Financial Review                      7
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
2022 Interim Performance

                                     Revenue                                  Operating Profit         Adjusted EPS     Dividend per share

                    €877m €11.1m                                                                     4.99c              3.15c
                                53.2% (rc1)                                     €9.9m (rc1)             6.52c (rc1)      H1 2021: 3.15c
                                48.2% (cc1)                                     €9.0m (cc1)             5.94c (cc1)

                               Finance costs                               Working Capital outflow     Net Bank Debt    Net Bank/EBITDA

                        €4.8m                                              €53.1m                    €53.7m             0.61x
                          H1 2021: €4.5m                                     H1 2021: €98.6m         H1 2021: €158.3m    H1 2021: 2.76x

           1. rc denotes reported currency; cc denotes constant currency                                                                                                                        8
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
•               Group Revenue1
                 Period ended 31 January
                                                                               +61.4%        Growth in Group Revenue
                                                                                             6 months to January 2022

                  +6.3%    Currency
                                                                 +54.1%                 +3.0%                    (2.0%)
                                                                  Underlying            Acquisitions                    Disposals

                                             +15.0%     Volume
                                                                         +39.1% Price
     1   Excludes crop marketing revenues and volumes                                                                                                           9
Interim Results 2022 Prescriptive Solutions, Sustainable Production - 8 March 2022 - Origin Enterprises
2022 Interim Financial Highlights
Period ended 31 January

                                                                                                                     2022                                    2021                        Change    Constant Currency
                                                                                                                       €’m                                     €’m                         €’m                  €’m

  Group revenue                                                                                                     877.1                                   572.4                         304.7               275.9

  Group operating profit1
  Agri-Services                                                                                                       11.1                                      1.2                         9.9                  9.0
  Associates and joint venture2                                                                                        1.3                                      0.8                         0.5                  0.4

  Total group operating profit                                                                                        12.4                                      2.0                        10.4                  9.4
  Finance costs, net                                                                                                  (4.8)                                   (4.5)                        (0.3)               (0.1)
  Profit/(loss) before tax                                                                                               7.6                                 (2.5)                         10.1                  9.3
  Adjusted diluted EPS (cent)3                                                                                      4.99c                                (1.53c)                          6.52c                5.94c
  Dividend per share (cent)                                                                                         3.15c                                   3.15c                              -
  Net bank debt4                                                                                                      53.7                                  158.3                         104.6

1. Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets and exceptional items
2. Profit after interest and tax
3. Before amortisation of non-ERP intangible assets, net of related deferred tax (2022: €4.6m, 2021: €3.4m) and exceptional items, net of tax (2022: €2.8m credit, 2021: €0.4m charge)
4. Group net debt before impact of IFRS 16 Leases                                                                                                                                                                                                10
Group Revenue Bridge
Period ended 31 January







                   H1 2021   Underlying   Acquisition   Disposal   H1 2022 (excl. currency)   Currency   H1 2022                                                                                              11
Group Operating Profit Bridge
Period ended 31 January




€’m    6



                        H1 2021   Underlying   Acquisitions/Disposals      H1 2022         Currency   H1 2022
                                                                        (excl. currency)                                                                                           12
2022 Interim Cash Flow
Period ended 31 January

                                                                       6 months to    6 months to   12 months to
  Year to July 2021                                                   January 2022   January 2021   January 2022
                 €’m                                                          €’m            €’m            €’m

                 83.5 Cash flow from operating activities                     23.4           11.1           95.8
                (4.0) Change in working capital underlying business         (53.1)         (98.6)           41.5
               (15.8) Interest and tax                                      (11.7)          (5.8)         (21.7)
                 63.7 Cash flow from ongoing operating activities           (41.4)         (93.3)          115.6
                (1.8) Exceptional and once off items                             -          (1.0)          (0.8)
                 61.9 Net cash flows from operating activities              (41.4)         (94.3)          114.8                                                                                       13
Strong Credit Metrics
Headroom across all key banking covenants)

                              12 month rolling EBITDA               Covenant   31 January 2022   31 January 2021

                              Net debt to EBITDA                Maximum 3.5x            0.61x              2.76x
                              Interest Cover                    Minimum 3.0x           11.10x              6.75x

Cash performance reflects:)

•   Sustained focus on working capital management initiatives

•   Proceeds from first phase of Cork property portfolio

•   Early season demand

•   Improved cash/credit sales mix)                                                                                              14
Nurturing Growth                      15
Turning challenges into opportunities

                            Soil        Biodiversity     Food security         Trends in green
                        degradation         loss         and nutrition        space and sports
                                                                                turf solutions

                          Water          Pesticide     Consumer trends            Circular
                          stress           use         > Nutrition & health      economy                                                                    16
How we are addressing opportunities

                        Protecting               Improving
                        Biodiversity &    Soil Resilience &
                        Enhancing          Plant Nutrition
                        Natural Capital

                        Sustainable           Innovative &
                        Farming           Integrated Ways
                        & Productivity    to Protect Crops                                         17
Transitioning through innovation

                        Protecting               Improving
                        Biodiversity &    Soil Resilience &
                        Enhancing          Plant Nutrition
                        Natural Capital

                        Sustainable           Innovative &
                        Farming           Integrated Ways
                        & Productivity    to Protect Crops                                         18
Developing new products and services to rebalance existing portfolio

                        Protecting                               Improving
                        Biodiversity &                    Soil Resilience &
                        Enhancing                          Plant Nutrition
                        Natural Capital

                        Sustainable                           Innovative &
                        Farming                           Integrated Ways
                        & Productivity                    to Protect Crops                                                         19
Innovating existing products and services to reflect changes in customer preferences

                        Protecting                                Improving
                        Biodiversity &                     Soil Resilience &
                        Enhancing                           Plant Nutrition
                        Natural Capital

                        Sustainable                            Innovative &
                        Farming                            Integrated Ways
                        & Productivity                     to Protect Crops                                                              20
Expanding our offering to meet new demand

                        Protecting                 Improving
                        Biodiversity &      Soil Resilience &
                        Enhancing            Plant Nutrition
                        Natural Capital

                        Sustainable             Innovative &
                        Farming             Integrated Ways
                        & Productivity      to Protect Crops                                           21
Using digital to support the transition

                Service orientated         Data driven

                Value creation            Collaboration                                     22
Positioning for growth
    Leading market positions which   Complementary M&A Targets                  Related Markets
    support essential global food
    production and the amenity                       Proprietary                                $2.5Bn -       Biologicals
    sector                                           Products                                   $2.7Bn
                                                                                                                                 $3.5Bn -
                                                     • Seed                                                  Micronutrients       $4.0Bn
    Long-term partnerships as a                      • Micronutrients
                                                     • Fertiliser
    trusted advisor and input                        • Biologicals
    provider                                                                                                    Global

    Collaborative research and
    technical innovation,
    transferring new technologies
    into commercial operations                              Amenity                                              UK Garden
                                                            Solutions                                             Products

    Positioned to capitalise on                            • Forestry
                                                                                                              UK Environmental    £825m*
                                                           • Landscaping
    evolving market trends                                                                                        Services
                                                           • Seeds                                               UK Urban
                                                           • Environmental                        £235m         Landscaping

    M&A introduces newer                                     creation
                                                           • Plant protection
    sustainability focus                                   • Biologicals
                                                                                                               UK Sports Turf

                                                                                * Relevant subsectors                                                                                                                       23
Summary &
                        Outlook               24

      Encouraging cropping profile across each geography ahead
      of the H2 growing season

      Aside from the normal weather risks, the Group will
      continue to focus on securing product supply, as price
      volatility and supply chain risks persist into H2

      Limited localised operations in Ukraine in areas away from
      the conflict and when safe to do so. Our top priority is the
      safety and wellbeing of our colleagues and supporting them
      and their families through this difficult time.

      Launch of Share Buyback Programme – up to €40m, in
      addition to an interim dividend of 3.15 cent per share

      The Group is well placed to deliver solid growth in earnings
      for the full year                                                25
Thank you        26
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