Inter-institutional variations in oxytocin augmentation during labour in German university hospitals: a national survey
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Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access Inter-institutional variations in oxytocin augmentation during labour in German university hospitals: a national survey Sonja Helbig1, Antje Petersen1, Erika Sitter1, Deirdre Daly2 and Mechthild M. Gross1* Abstract Background: There are several international guidelines on oxytocin regimens for induction and augmentation of labour, but no agreement on a standardised regimen in Germany. This study collated and reviewed the oxytocin regimens used for labour augmentation in university hospitals, with the long-term aim of contributing to the development of a national clinical guideline. Methods: Germany has 34 university hospital compounds, representing 39 maternity units. In this observational study we asked units to provide standard operational procedures on oxytocin augmentation during labour or provide the details in a structured survey. Data were collected on the dosage of oxytocin, type and volume of solutions used, indications and contraindications for use and discontinuation, case-specific administration, and on who developed the procedures. Findings were analysed descriptively. Results: A total of 35 (90%) units participated in this study. Standard operating procedures were available in 24 units (69%), seven units (20%) did not have procedures and information was missing from four units (11%). Midwives participated in the development of standard operating procedures in 15 units (43%). Infusions were most commonly prepared using six units of oxytocin in 500 ml 0.9% normal saline solution (12 mU/ml). The infusions were started at 120 mU/hour and increased by 120 mU/hour at 20-min intervals up to a maximum dosage of 1200 mU/hour. The most common indication for use was delayed progress in labour. Infusions were stopped when uterine contractions became hypertonic and/or the fetal heart rate showed signs of distress. Most of the practices described aligned with international guidance. All units used reduced oxytocin dosages for women with a history of previous caesareans section, as recommended in the international guidelines, and restrictive use was advised in multiparous women. The main difference between units related to combined use of amniotomy and oxytocin, recommended by three guidelines but used in only four maternity units (11%). Conclusions: While there was considerable variation in the oxytocin augmentation procedures, most but not all practices used in these 35 German maternity units were comparable. Establishing a national guideline on the criteria for and administration of oxytocin for augmentation of labour would eliminate the observed differences and minimise risk of administration and medication error. Keywords: Oxytocin, Guideline, Germany, Labour, Augmentation, Midwifery * Correspondence: 1 Midwifery Research and Education Unit, Department of Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1, D – 30625 Hannover, Germany Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 2 of 10 Introduction An intravenous high-dose bolus of oxytocin is recom- There are several international guidelines on oxytocin mended immediately after the birth of the anterior shoul- regimens used to induce or augment labour, but no der to prevent postpartum haemorrhage [25]. After birth, agreement on a standardised regimen in Germany. Dif- oxytocin plays an important role in maternal well-being, ferent guidelines and publications report the use of low- bonding and lactation [24, 26, 27]. Reduced maternal oxy- dose and high-dose regimens, and variations in regimens tocin levels and increased prolactin levels during breast- used the same maternity unit depending on a practi- feeding have been reported after in-labour oxytocin tioner’s preferences [1–3]. Such variations, at national infusion (exogenous oxytocin) [24]. In one study, women and institutional level can be confusing and increase the who were breastfeeding their babies and who received ex- risk of errors and harms occuring [3, 4]. This study col- ogenous oxytocin during labour showed reduced levels of lated and compared the standard operating procedures anxiety and aggression, traits associated with endogenous (SOPs) used for augmentation of labour in 35 of the 39 oxytocin [27]. In addition, depressed reflexes associated university-based maternity units in Germany. with breastfeeding in newborns and oxytocin infusion dur- ing labour have been reported [28, 29]. Consequently, the Background administration of oxytocin during labour appears to have In 1906, Sir Henry Dale showed that the hormone oxyto- long-lasting effects on mother and child [30]. cin, in the form of a dried ox-pituitary extract, promoted Overall, oxytocin has particular pharmacodynamic and uterine contractions [5]. Oxytocin is a peptide with nine kinetic characteristics with versatile effects on the human amino acids, only two of which differ from the hormone body [15]. Exogenous oxytocin administration can cause arginine vasopressin (AVP) [6], and was first synthesised various side-effects, such as hyperactive uterine activity, in 1953 by Vincent du Vigneaud et al. [7]. Due to the high even uterine rupture, and fetal hypoxia [15, 31, 32]. Stud- structural similarity of oxytocin and AVP, both hormones ies reporting on women who have intrapartum oxytocin signal through G-protein-coupled receptors, certain cross- augmentation are very rare [33]. In 2007, the Institute for reactivity properties are evident [8]. Both hormones cause Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) added oxytocin to the muscle contractions, and are associated with sexuality, list of high-alert medications, and urged caution with its anxiety, depression, cancer and social behaviour [9–11]. administration during labour [21, 34]. Consequently, hav- While AVP is known to, mainly, regulate vasoconstriction ing a clinical guideline on the use of oxytocin for inducing [12], oxytocin is responsible for uterine muscle contract- and/or augmenting labour is the first step towards safer ibility during labour, and has been used for labour induc- administration [18, 31, 35–37], and has the potential to tion and augmentation for decades [13–15]. While slow eliminate inter-institutional variations [3] and minimise or no progress in labour, which are associated with in- the risk of administration errors. creased maternal and fetal morbidity [16], can be remed- There are a number of international and national guide- ied with oxytocin augmentation [15, 17], there is no lines and recommendations on oxytocin administration conclusive evidence that augmentation of labour with oxy- for labour induction and augmentation (summarised in tocin decreases caesarean section rates [16, 18]. Table 1). These include: the Irish guideline, developed by The number of oxytocin receptors in the uterus is dy- the Health Service Executive (HSE) on Oxytocin to accel- namic and increases as pregnancy approaches term. This erate or induce labour [37]; the National Institute for leads to a higher uterine sensitivity to oxytocin and Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guideline on Intrapar- causes uterine contractions [19]. In contrast, a reduction tum care for healthy women and babies [35]; the Nordic in the number of oxytocin receptors has been reported Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in women receiving oxytocin for induction or augmenta- (NFOG) guideline on Augmentation of labour [36]; the tion of labour [19]. Oxytocin shows particular pharma- American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists codynamics and kinetics [15]; for example, its effect lasts (ACOG) practice bulletin number 107 on Induction of for approximately 10 minutes, but its half-life decreases labour [31], and the French recommendations on Oxyto- when plasma concentrations are increased with the use cin administration during spontaneous labour, developed of oxytocin infusions [20]. According to Clark et al. [21] by the CNGOF (French National College of Gynecologists oxytocin has three distinctive characteristics. First, the Obstetricians) and the CNSF (National College of Mid- desired plasma level and effect is usually reached after wives) [38]. These guidelines vary regarding the starting 40 min [22]. Second, the safe and optimal dosage is chal- dose of international units (U) used; fluid type and vol- lenging to determine because oxytocin has a variable de- ume; minimum, escalation and maximum dosages, and es- gree of efficiency [1, 2, 21, 23]. Third, artificially calation time intervals. Most of the guidelines recommend inducing and/or increasing the rate and strength of uter- performing an amniotomy prior to commencing an oxyto- ine contractions has an unpredictable effect on fetal oxy- cin infusion while all guidelines mention uterine hyper- gen saturation [24]. activity as a contraindication for continued use. Further
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 3 of 10 indications and contraindications are given together with SOP to the research team. Written consent was obtained defined criteria to start or stop oxytocin infusion during from all participants. When SOPs alone were received, labour. Case-specific recommendations in relation to par- data were entered into the data collection form by SH. ity, uterine scars, term, preterm and twin pregnancies are Hospitals’ names were removed. usually provided. In Germany, there are no guidelines or national data Data preparation on intrapartum oxytocin augmentation. Due to the lim- Some responses contained more than one answer re- ited information, and in order to be able to contribute to garding oxytocin dosages used and titration rates. In a national guideline, this study aimed to describe the those cases, all responses were reviewed. For ease of in- most common clinical practice patterns on oxytocin terpretation and comparison, we converted dosage infor- augmentation during labour. mation to mU/hour. After conversion, the median starting dosage of 120 mU/h correlated to 2 mU/min. In Methods turn, this equated to 10 ml/hour or 0.16 ml/minute when Setting the solution was prepared with 6 U oxytocin in 500 ml All 34 university compounds in Germany were surveyed. of fluid (oxytocin concentration of 12 mU/ml). Five university hospitals have campuses with two separate maternity units, and these were treated as independent Statistical analysis units resulting in a total of 39 maternity units. The clinical Data were analysed descriptively using GraphPad Prism director of the university gynaecological hospitals, senior 7. Frequencies were used to summarise categorical data: physicians and head midwives were contacted by e-mail. international oxytocin units, volume, infusion fluid and All participating units were obstetrician-led units [39]. final oxytocin concentration. Continuous data were sum- marised using the mean distribution: starting, maximum The tool and escalation dosage. This survey is part of a larger international, unfunded survey, which was initiated during the EU COST Action Results IS1405 on organizational perspectives (http://www.cost. A total of 35 out of 39 (90%) maternity units returned eu/COST_Actions/isch/IS1405; https://eubirthresearch. the survey and/or SOP. eu/). The survey was translated from a 20-item survey Twenty-five units (71%) completed the survey alone, that was based on the tool used to capture institutional six (17%) completed the survey and sent their SOPs and practices on oxytocin acceleration or induction of labour 4 units (11%) sent the SOP alone. in Ireland [37, 40]. The questionnaire was originally de- signed according to the NHSLA/CNST standard 2 criter- Development of standard operational procedures ion 5 of the Maternity Clinical Risk Management Almost half of the SOPs (44%, n = 16) were developed Standards. Therefore, it included the following five cat- by (senior) consultants (34%, n = 12) or the assistant egories: oxytocin dosage, criteria for oxytocin adminis- medical director and/or the head of the department of tration and indications, contraindications, case-specific obstetrics (11%, n = 4). Three SOPs (9%) were developed conditions and the process of developing SOPs. Add- by (head) midwives, with input from the assistant med- itional file 1: Table S1 shows the questionnaire and the ical director or the head of the department. Another NHSLA use of oxytocin can be found online (http:// three procedures (9%) were developed jointly by (senior) physicians and (head) midwives and 2 units (6%) stated non-infusion-regime-io25v2/). The survey was not piloted that the entire obstetric and midwifery team developed but maternity care practitioners in eleven countries, ten the SOP. European and South Africa, reviewed the content for accur- Midwives participated in the development of SOPs in acy and completeness. less than half of the units (43%, n = 15), while 9 units (26%) reported no midwifery involvement. No SOP was Ethical approval available in 7 units (20%) and information was missing The study and research protocol were approved by the from 4 units (11%). Ethical Review Board of Hannover Medical School (no. 3317–2016). Conditions to start and monitor oxytocin administration for labour augmentation Data collection The main indication given for augmenting labour with oxy- The study information, survey and consent forms were tocin was delayed progress during labour (31%, n = 11). Cri- sent electronically in August 2016. Participating units teria included prolonged first stage of labour (23%, n = 8) or could choose to complete the survey or forward their prolonged second stage of labour, delayed progress with or
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 4 of 10 without previous amniotomy (11%, n = 4 for each criterion). Only a few maternity units stated a time range, the most In another 11% of the units (n = 4) the administration of common range being 15–20 min (9%, n = 3). oxytocin was specifically prescribed by a physician, while the criteria for starting oxytocin administration were up to Titration of oxytocin dosage the individual physician (6%, n = 2) and women’s written Oxytocin dosage was titrated with uterine contractions consent was required in 6% of the units (n = 2). in 29 units (83%). One unit (3%) stated it was not ti- After oxytocin infusions were started, continuous car- trated and data were missing from five units (14%). Uter- diotocography (CTG) was used to monitor labour in 23 ine contractions were monitored by continuous CTG in units (66%). CTG was continued for 30 min in 12 units 26 units (74%) while two units (6%) used intermittent (52%), while the remaining units stated no further infor- tocometry. In four units, uterine contractions were mon- mation on CTG monitoring. Three units also used ultra- itored every 10 min (n = 3) or every 30 min (n = 1) but sonography, took fetal blood samples or performed the method(s) used were not specified. One unit stated vaginal examination (3%, n = 1 for each criterion) to the frequency of monitoring contractions varied (3%). evaluate the obstetric situation. Four units (11%) re- Data were missing for two units (6%). ported no defined indications or criteria, and data on starting criteria were missing for two units (6%). Contraindications and criteria for stopping intrapartum Although the survey asked specifically about indica- oxytocin infusions tions for oxytocin administration to augment labour, The most commonly stated contraindication was a additional details on induction of labour was reported by pathological cardiotocograph (CTG), stated by 10 units five units (14%), delivery of the placenta by one unit (29%). Overall, oxytocin administration was contraindi- (3%) and accelerating uterine contractions after the birth cated when vaginal birth and/or uterine contractions of the first twin by three units (9%). were contraindicated (20%, n = 7). These included the following contraindications: cephalopelvic disproportion Preparation of oxytocic infusion and mechanical obstruction, placenta or vasa praevia, The preparation of oxytocin infusions varied in relation active herpes genitalis, abruption of the placenta, abnor- to the number of international units used, and the type mal lie or position of fetus (e.g. transverse), maternal and quantity of the infusion fluid (Fig. 1). More than 50% heart defects/problems, prolapse of the umbilical cord as of the units (n = 20) prepared oxytocin infusions using 6 U well as a suspected fetal asphyxia. while another twelve (32%) used 3 U (Fig. 1a). Three of the Further contraindications included uterine hyperactivity SOPs gave two alternative oxytocin dosages (3 U or 6 U), giv- (17%, n = 6) and having had a previous caesarean section ing a total of 38 responses (total n = 35 + 3). The majority of or any further uterine surgery (14%, n = 5), risk for uterine maternity units use a volume of 500mls (72%, n = 26) (Fig. rupture and fetal heart rate abnormalities or problems 1b). One SOP gave a two-volume option, 250 ml or 500 ml (both 11%, n = 4). (total n = 35 + 1). Normal saline was the most commonly Several units gave multiple responses. Four maternity used infusion fluid (n = 20, 54%) (Fig. 1c) and two units spe- units gave no contraindications for oxytocin (11%), and data cified two fluid options, resulting in a total of 37 responses were missing from another four university hospitals (11%). (total n = 35 + 2). The criteria for stopping oxytocin infusion were When converted to U/ml, the oxytocin concentra- grouped according to reasons: fetal (83%, n = 29), tion in 55% (n = 21) of units was set to12mU/ml placental (17%, n = 6), uterine (69%, n = 24), maternal (Fig. 1d). Overall, the concentration ranged from 6 (17%, n = 6) and others (26%, n = 9). Overall, a mU/ml to 200 mU/ml. Two alternative oxytocin pathological CTG and hyperstimulation of the uterus dosage regimens in three protocols resulted in add- were the most frequently given criteria, stated by 21 itional three data points (total n = 35 + 3). units (60%), and another 10 units (29%) gave shoul- der dystocia as a criterion. Data were missing from 3 Oxytocin dosage units (9%). Starting, escalation and maximum dosages, as well as es- In summary, a total of 30 different contraindications calation intervals, were compared (Fig. 2). The median for oxytocin augmentation were reported and 35 cri- concentration of the starting dosage and the escalation teria for discontinuing oxytocin infusion. Multiple an- dosage was 120 mU/h, stated by 37% (n = 14/38) and swers were given in most cases. 29% (n = 11/38) of units, respectively (Fig. 2a, b). In con- trast, the maximum dosage showed greater variation Alterations in oxytocin administration in case-specific with a median concentration of 1200 mU/h (31%, n = 11/ circumstances 35) (Fig. 2c). Escalation intervals varied between 20 Oxytocin administration regimens can differ depending (34%, n = 12), 15 (17%, n = 6) and 30 min (11%, n = 4). on case-specific conditions such as parity and previous
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 5 of 10 A B C D Fig. 1 Descriptive analysis of oxytocin preparation and concentration in German university hospitals. The frequencies of used international oxytocin units (a), the volume in ml (b) and the fluid it was prepared in (c) as well as the final oxytocin concentrations in mU/ml (d) are depicted. (NaCl: Sodium chloride; E 153: electrolyte infusion solution 153) uterine surgery. In this study, no case-specific recom- Protocols varied for women with uterine scars: 37% mendations were reported for primiparous and multipar- (n = 13) of the units used lower oxytocin dosages, slower ous women in any unit, or for women in preterm labour escalation rates or reduced maximum dosages. Among in 66% of units (n = 23). Women with a twin pregnancy others, additional recommendations were monitoring with were advised to receive an oxytocin infusion to augment CTG (14%, n = 5), consultation with an obstetrician (6%, labour according to standard protocols in 49% of units n = 2), ultrasonography of the uterine scar or delaying the (n = 17). oxytocin infusion until later in labour (both 3%, n = 1). A B C Fig. 2 Range of oxytocin dosage for labour augmentation in German university hospitals. This Figure contains the frequencies of starting (a), maximum (b) and escalation dosage (c) in mU/h
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 6 of 10 Recommendations for women with twin pregnancies most commonly used infusion fluid was 0,9% NaCl (54%, included restrictive administration of oxytocin (12%, n = 20). These results fall into the ranges reported in the n = 4) before, and increase in oxytocin, administration HSE, NICE, NFOG and ACOG guidelines: 5-30 U in 500- after the birth of the first twin (9%, n = 3), and oxyto- 1000 ml NaCl or Ringer lactate, but they differ in the exact cin administration in combination with CTG monitor- values and infusion fluids (Table 1) [31, 35–37]. We identi- ing (6%, n = 2). fied varying indications, contraindications and case-specific Individually adjusted recommendations were stated for guidelines for intrapartum oxytocin administration in most approximately 10% of case-specific alterations. of the maternity units. Moreover, our study depicts the magnitude of inter-institutional variations for augmenting Discussion labour using oxytocin [3]. Although there is no recommen- This study demonstrated considerable variation in the dation on the superiority of one regimen over others [1, 2], intrapartum oxytocin infusion regimens used in German such variations pose challenges for clinicians, the mother university hospitals. Regimens differed widely in several and the unborn as well as the reproducibility of favourable aspects, including indications for administration and outcomes. preparation of oxytocin solutions. Overall, most university To identify similarities and differences with other hospitals prepared oxytocin solutions with 6 U (53%, n = countries, we compared our findings with the inter- 20), in 500 ml of intravenous fluids (72%, n = 20), which national guidelines in relation to indications for starting resulted in an oxytocin concentration of 12 mU/ml. The augmentation; monitoring uterine activity during labour Table 1 International guidelines for the administration of oxytocin HSE (Ireland) NICE (Great NFOG (Denmark, Sweden, ACOG (USA) Empiric study on Britain) Finland, Iceland, Norway) German university units (n = 35) International 10 / 5 30 6 Units (U) Oxytocin 1 l NaCl / 500 ml NaCl 500 ml Ringer lactate 500 ml NaCl solution Oxytocin 10 / 10 60 12 concentration (mU/ml) Start dosage 60–300 / 360 120 120 (mU/h) Maximum 1800 4–5 2400 9000 1200 dosage (mU/ contractions/ h) 10 min Escalation 60–300 / 180 120 120 dosage (mU/ h) Time interval 15–30 30 15 30 20 (min) Monitoring CTG CTG CTG CTG CTG Criteria for 20 min CTG, stable fetal CTG, CTG, preceding amniotomy Stable fetal and maternal status, CTG, monitoring oxytocin status, preceding preceding continuous monitoring of obstetric administration amniotomy amniotomy situation Indication Slow labour, reduced Slow labour, in-effective contractions Induction and augmentation of Labour contraction frequency reduced labour augmentation contraction frequency Contra- Fetal distress, hyperactive Hyperactive Hyperactive uterus, shoulder Hyperactive uterus, water Pathological indications uterus, uterus scar, fetal uterus dystocia intoxication, fetal distress, no CTG, hyperactive malposition monitoring possible uterus, shoulder dystocia Case-specific Multipara, uterus scar, pre- Multipara, Sensitivity is individual for every After amniotomy reduction of Uterus scar, twin variations term labour, twin preg- regional women and the administration oxytocin dosage, guideline for: pregnancy nancy, maternal heart analgesia should be adapted accordingly, singletons, vertex, in term, (multipara, pre- insufficiencies uterus scar without uterus scars term)
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 7 of 10 augmentation; infusion solutions and oxytocin dosage; minutes. Both starting and escalation dosages correlate contraindications for use, criteria for stopping the infu- with the ACOG guideline but the median maximum sion and criteria for alterating the regimen. dosage in German university hospitals is lower com- pared to all four guidelines (Table 1) [31]. A Cochrane Conditions to start and monitor oxytocin administration review found a reduced labour duration and increase in for labour augmentation spontaneous births when a higher starting and escalation The main focus of the study was the intrapartum admin- dosage was used [2]. This was defined as 4 mU/min or istration of oxytocin for labour augmentation. The 35 more, which is achieved with 6 U oxytocin in 500 ml maternity units that participated in our study stated de- NaCl and a starting and escalation dosage of 20 ml/h. layed progress of labour was the main indication for This regimen was only recommended by NFOG and was augmentation with oxytocin, but there was no clear def- included in the range of dosage in the HSE guidelines inition of delayed progress in labour. Differing criteria [36, 37]. No increased side effects of high oxytocin can be also found in other guidelines. For example, starting dosages were found (instrumental vaginal birth, NFOG advises oxytocin acceleration when cervical dila- epidural analgesia, hyperstimulation of the uterus, post- tation is less than 1 cm/hour after 2 hours in the active partum haemorrhage, chorioamnionitis, women’s per- phase in nulliparous women, and after 4 hours in mul- ceptions of experiences, Apgar scores, umbilical cord tiparous women [36]. According to NICE (2017), delayed pH, admission to special care baby unit, neonatal mor- labour progress is assessed by 1) cervical dilatation of tality) [2]. Nevertheless, the review authors concluded less than 2 cm in 4 h in a first labour, 2) cervical dilata- that they could not give a general recommendation for a tion of less than 2 cm in 4 h or a reduction in labour high-dose regimen because of insufficient evidence [2]. progress for second or subsequent labours, 3) delay in The escalation interval of 20 min lies in the recom- descent and rotation of the fetal head, 4) and changes in mended range of 15–30 min. Nevertheless, oxytocin has the strength, duration and frequency of uterine contrac- been shown to reach the desired plasma level after ap- tions [35]. proximately 40 min [20] and dosage should only be in- Oxytocin augmentation is one component of the ac- creased after 30 min or later according to NICE and tive management of labour package which was intro- ACOG [31, 35]. Hence, variation in the escalation time duced in Dublin in the 1960s [41]. Labour progress is interval may increase unintended side effects. different in nulliparous and multiparous women, dif- The ACOG guideline recommends fetal heart rate ob- ferences which have been acknowledged already for servation using continuous electronic CTG for 20–30 decades [42]. The normal progress of labour was in- min prior to starting oxytocin administration, and the vestigated by Friedman [43] and re-evaluated more HSE guideline states CTG should be performed for at recently by Zhang [44, 45]. Recent studies on the use least 20 min [31, 37] which is similar to our findings of the partogram to monitor fetal and maternal key (Table 1). A total of 23 maternity units (66%) monitored data during labour showed that they can minimise the fetal heart rate using CTG; 52% (n = 12) for a the administration of oxytocin without impacting duration of 30 min and 9% (n = 2) for 20 min. Oxyto- negatively on progress of labour in terms of frequency cin dosage was titrated with uterine contractions in of operative births and safety criteria such as the 83% (n = 29) of the units, and uterine activity was Apgar score [46]. This is especially interesting as the monitored with continuous CTG in 74% (n = 26). In- administration of oxytocin alone did not reduce the fusion titration with uterine contractions minimise need for operative births [46, 47], in contrast to early the risk and consequences of uterine hyperstimula- amniotomy and oxytocin augmentation together [48]. tion. The NICE guideline recommends achieving 4–5 It is still not clear if delayed oxytocin administration contractions in 10 min [35] and NFOG recommends a would contribute to an increase in spontaneous birth rate of 3–5 in 10 min [36]. [49]. In recent years, research on oxytocin focussed Three out of four guidelines recommend performing on negative effects on children’s development. For ex- an amniotomy before starting an oxytocin infusion. In ample, synthetic oxytocin was suspected to effect our survey, only 4 units (11%) gave previous amniotomy hyperactivity/inattention problems in children, even as a criterion to start oxytocin (Table 1). Previous studies though the data did not support the hypothesis [50]. comparing the use of amniotomy to no treatment showed a reduced labour duration of two hours, but Preparation of oxytocin infusion, dosage and titration no reduction in the number of caesarean sections The most frequently used starting dosage was 120 mU/h performed [16]. In a review of 11 trials, performing with a median maximum dosage of 1200 mU/h. The amniotomy prior to oxytocin administration was asso- most frequently used escalation dosage was 120 mU/h, ciated with a modest reduction in the number of cae- and the most frequently used escalation interval was 20 sarean births [51], and labour duration was reduced
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 8 of 10 by an average of 1.28 h (95% CI − 1.97 to − 0.59; eight tri- and degree of tissue stretching during a twin pregnancy als; 4816 women) [51]. Hence, the impact of a combined [23]. A restrictive administration at the start of the infu- use of amniotomy and oxytocin on labour progression sion reduces the risk of oxytocin overdose and associated and caesarean section rates needs to be investigated side-effects while the dosage can be increased after the further. birth of the first twin when the uterine size and conse- quently the level of stretch decreases and an increase in Contraindications and criteria for intrapartum oxytocin uterine contractions is desirable. Only the HSE guidelines cessation mentioned twin pregnancies and recommended CTG The recommendations for oxytocin administration in exist- monitoring for both twins and starting oxytocin when ing guidelines vary depending on the women’s specific prescribed by a senior obstetrician [37]. conditions. Hyperstimulation is defined as more than 7 uter- Furthermore, both the HSE and NICE guidelines ad- ine contractions in 15 minutes in nulliparous women and vise restrictive use of oxytocin in multiparous women, more than 5 contractions in 15 minutes in multiparous and the NICE guideline states that an obstetrician women, according to HSE guideline [37]. The ACOG guide- should perform a full assessment and a vaginal examin- lines define more than 5 contractions in 10 minutes, ation before the decision to use oxytocin is made [35]. averaged over a 30-min interval [31]. NFOG defines hy- Four units reported restricted use of oxytocin ad- perstimulation as more than 5 contractions in 10 minutes ministration in preterm labour. This is supported by or a duration of the contraction with more than 2 minutes the HSE guideline, which in general advise caution [36]. Not all units used CTG monitoring, but four inter- with oxytocin [37]. national guidelines recommended its use to detect fetal heart rate changes, a contraindication to starting and a criterion for stopping oxytocin infusion in most of the Limitations units (83%; Table 1). There were a number of limitations to our study. It was Further contraindications included general contraindi- designed to describe current practices in German uni- cations for vaginal birth. These criteria can also be found versity hospitals and compare these with international in international guidelines, such as ACOG (placenta/ guidelines. We did not collect additional hospital-level vasa praevia, transverse fetal lie, umbilical cord prolapse, data; therefore, we were unable to explore multiple asso- previous classical caesarean delivery, active genital her- ciations between variables. pes infection, previous myomectomy entering the endo- Our study is based on a national cohort and data ac- metrial cavity) [31]. quired in Germany may not be applicable to other coun- tries. The statistical analyses performed are limited due Alterations in oxytocin administration in case-specific to the small number of hospitals included. In addition, circumstances there may be a selection bias as only university hospitals Several units stated that oxytocin should be used with were asked to participate, and the population of child- caution when there was a history of previous uterine sur- bearing women in these hospitals may differ from those vey. This is supported by studies which showed an in- in other hospitals. Care and practice may also differ in creased dose-dependent risk of uterine rupture with other German non-university maternity hospitals. How- oxytocin [52]. A maximum dosage of 20 mU/min was rec- ever, to contextualise the findings, we compared prac- ommended, achieved at a rate of 100 ml/h when 6 U oxy- tices with other international guidelines. tocin is added to 500 ml NaCl [52]. Specific guidelines for One further limitation exists because of missing data management of vaginal birth after caesarean section from some units, especially on contraindications for oxy- (VBAC) did not include a maximum dosage [53, 54]. tocin administration. While it can be suggested that However, two guidelines advised clinical assessment contraindications for spontaneous labour are also contra- by a senior obstetrician before augmentation during indications for oxytocin augmentation, units did not re- the first stage of labour [35, 37]. In addition, the HSE port on these in the survey or include them in their SOPs. guideline does not recommend oxytocin administra- The French recommendations for the use of oxytocin tion use in the second stage of labour in women with during spontaneous labour were published after this uterine scars [37]. study had been finalised [38]. These recommendations Recommendations for women with twin pregnancies in- were developed jointly by the CNGOF (French National cluded a restrictive administration of oxytocin before (9%, College of Gynecologists Obstetricians) and the CNSF n = 3), and an increase in oxytocin dosage after (11%, n = (National College of Midwives) and used in 2018 by the 4), the birth of the first twin. These results are in line with HAS (High Authority of Health) in guidelines on normal the hypothesised increase of contraction frequency and birth. In future studies this guideline should be included overall response to oxytocin with increased birth weight in the overall evaluation process [38].
Helbig et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2019) 19:238 Page 9 of 10 Conclusion Consent for publication Our study showed a wide variation in oxytocin administra- Not applicable. tion and also in the completeness of the SOPs in the hospi- Competing interests tals surveyed. Labour wards, including midwife-led units, Mechthild M. Gross is a member of the editorial board (Associate Editor) of should have SOPs, which state the infusion solution, start- BMC pregnancy and childbirth. Otherwise, the authors declare that they ing and escalation dosage of oxytocin, and indications and have no competing interests. contraindications. Protocols should identify procedures to Author details be followed in specific circumstances (VBAC, twins, etc.) to 1 Midwifery Research and Education Unit, Department of Obstetrics, improve safety for women and babies. 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