Best Practices for Noise-Based Augmentation to Improve the Performance of Emotion Recognition "In the Wild"
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Best Practices for Noise-Based Augmentation to Improve the Performance of Emotion Recognition “In the Wild” Mimansa Jaiswal Emily Mower Provost University of Michigan, Ann Arbor University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Abstract because the predictions made by emotion recog- nition models are often used for downstream ap- Emotion recognition as a key component of plications such as advertising, mental health mon- high-stake downstream applications has been itoring (Khorram et al., 2018), hiring (emo) and arXiv:2104.08806v1 [cs.SD] 18 Apr 2021 shown to be effective, such as classroom en- surveillance (Martin, 2019). However, when used gagement or mental health assessments. These systems are generally trained on small datasets in such sensitive human-centered tasks, incorrect collected in single laboratory environments, emotion predictions can have devastating conse- and hence falter when tested on data that quences. has different noise characteristics. Multi- Data used to train emotion recognition systems ple noise-based data augmentation approaches are often collected in laboratory environments de- have been proposed to counteract this chal- signed to avoid as much noise variation as possible. lenge in other speech domains. But, unlike speech recognition and speaker verification, This collection method ensures that the collected in emotion recognition, noise-based data aug- data are variable only due to the presence of emo- mentation may change the underlying label tion or predefined control variables. This ensures of the original emotional sample. In this that the trained models avoid spurious correlations work, we generate realistic noisy samples of between noise and emotion labels, which results in a well known emotion dataset (IEMOCAP) us- datasets that are usually clean and small. ing multiple categories of environmental and However, these pristine conditions generally synthetic noise. We evaluate how both hu- man and machine emotion perception changes do not hold in the real world. Researchers have when noise is introduced. We find that some addressed this concern by augmenting emotion commonly used augmentation techniques for datasets via signal manipulation to enhance gener- emotion recognition significantly change hu- alizability to real-world noise conditions or avoid man perception, which may lead to unreli- overfitting of ML models as is common in other able evaluation metrics such as evaluating ef- speech domains (Zheng et al., 2016). For example, ficiency of adversarial attack. We also find many speech domains, such as speech recognition that the trained state-of-the-art emotion recog- nition models fail to classify unseen noise- and speaker identification, tackle this challenge by augmented samples, even when trained on manipulating training samples to encourage models noise augmented datasets. This finding demon- to learn only salient features (Mošner et al., 2019). strates the brittleness of these systems in real- But, unlike these tasks, where the desired output re- world conditions. We propose a set of recom- mains consistent in the presence of noise, this same mendations for noise-based augmentation of consistency cannot be assumed for emotion labels. emotion datasets and for how to deploy these This paper investigates how common sources of emotion recognition systems “in the wild”. noise affect both human and machine perception of emotion. 1 Introduction Prior researchers has analyzed robust augmen- Emotion recognition is considered a low resourced tation methods for automatic speech recognition domain due to the limitations in the size of avail- (Li et al., 2014). The results have shown that hu- able datasets. As such, the performance of emotion mans have surprisingly robust speech processing recognition models is often improved when tech- systems that can easily overcome the omission of niques such as data augmentation or transfer learn- letters, changes in the speed of speech, and the ing are applied. Accurate performance is critical presence of environmental noise through psychoa-
coustic masking (Biberger and Ewert, 2016) during changes in human perception? speech comprehension. However, the same analy- • Q3: Does dataset augmentation or sample de- ses have not been completed within the domain of noising help improve ML models’ robustness computational paralinguistic applications. While it to unseen noise? is known that the comprehension of lexical content • Q4 : How does difference in allowed set in noisy data examples is not significantly affected, of noises for adversarial perturbation change the same effect in emotion perception is understud- evaluation of adversarial attack efficiency? ied. Instead, previous works have focused on other • Q5: What are the best practices for speech confounders, ranging from distribution shift (Ab- emotion dataset augmentation and model de- delwahab and Busso, 2018) to physiological factors ployment, based on crowdsourced experi- such as stress (Jaiswal et al., b), or have studied ments on human perception? how pink or white noise affects emotion percep- Our findings suggest that human emotion per- tion (Parada-Cabaleiro et al., 2017; Scharenborg ception is usually unaffected by the presence of et al.). Important outstanding questions include environmental noise or common modulations such the impact of real world noise, e.g., footsteps, run- as reverberations and fading loudness. We find that ning water, and how variation across both type and human perception is changed by signal manipu- loudness impacts human and machine perception. lations such as speed, pitch change, and even the In this paper, we study how human’s emotion presence of pauses and fillers, and hence are not perception changes as a factor of noise. We find good noise augmentation methods. We show that that multiple commonly used methods for speech the trained models though, are brittle to the intro- emotion dataset augmentation that assume consis- duction of various kinds of noise, which do not tent ground truth, like, speeding of the utterance or change human perception, especially reverberation. the adding fillers and pauses, actually alter human We show that some kinds of noise can help through emotion perception. We show how the addition either dataset augmentation or sample denoising, of noise, such as, footsteps, coughing, rain, clock or a combination of both, but, the performance still ticks, that does not alter human emotion perception, drops when an unseen noise category is tested. We do result in incorrect emotion recognition perfor- finally show how noise augmentation practices can mance. This is critical because these types of noise lead to a false improvement in adversarial test ef- are common in real world applications (e.g., in in- ficiency, thus leading to an unreliable metric. We puts to virtual agents such as Siri or Alexa). The end the paper with a set of augmentation and de- fragility of these models can pose a security risk, es- ployment suggestions. pecially when the change in signal isn’t perceived by humans. Adversarial attacks are designed to 2 Relation to Prior Work test the robustness of model. They might be inac- curately evaluated if they introduce noise that do Previous work focused on understanding how noise change the perception of human, but are also con- impacts machine learning models can be classified sidered as successful if the model output changes. into three main directions: (a) robustness in auto- We end the paper with a set of recommendations matic speech recognition or speaker verification; for emotion dataset augmentation techniques and (b) noise-based adversarial example generation; and deployment of these emotion recognition al- and, (c) improvement in performance of machine gorithms. We investigate the following research learning models when augmented with noise. questions: Previous work has looked at how speech recog- nition systems can be built so that they are robust • Q1: How does the presence of noise affect the to various kinds and levels of noise (Li et al., 2014). perception of emotions as evaluated by human The most common themes in these papers are to raters? How does this effect vary based on concentrate on either data augmentation or gather- the utterance length, loudness and the added ing more real-world data to produce accurate tran- noise type, and the original emotion? scripts (Zheng et al., 2016). Other lines of work • Q2: How does the presence of noise affect have looked into preventing various attacks, e.g., the performance of automatic emotion recog- spoofing or recording playback, on speaker verifica- nition systems? Does this effect vary based on tion systems (Shim et al.). Noise in these systems is the type of the added noise in agreement with usually considered to be caused by reverberations
or channel-based modulations (Zhao et al., 2014). tamination on the human perception of emotion Researchers have also looked into building noise and its implication for noise-based augmentation robust emotion recognition models, using either for emotion datasets. signal transformation or augmentation (Aldeneh and Provost, 2017). But data augmentation in this 3 Datasets And Network analysis was formulated in a similar manner to 3.1 Dataset those for speech recognition, or, speaker identifica- tion systems, which have a fixed ground truth and For our study, we use the Interactive Emo- are independent of human perception. This paper tional Dyadic MOtion Capture (IEMOCAP) attempts to establish methods for noise-based data dataset (Busso et al., 2008), which is commonly augmentation of emotion datasets that are grounded used for emotion recognition. The IEMOCAP in human perception. dataset was created to explore the relationship be- tween emotion, gestures, and speech. Pairs of Previous works have also investigated adversar- actors, one male and one female (five males and ial example generation that aims to create audio five females in total), were recorded over five ses- samples that change the output of the classifier. sions (either scripted or improvised) The data were However, these methods usually assume white-box segmented by speaker turn, resulting in a total of access to the network and create modifications in ei- 10,039 utterances (5,255 scripted turns and 4,784 ther feature vectors or actual wave files (Carlini and improvised turns). It contains audio, video, and Wagner; Gong and Poellabauer, 2017). This gen- associated manual transcriptions. erally results in samples that either have percetible differences when played back to a human, or are im- 3.2 Network perceptible to a human but fail to attack the model To focus on the effect of types of noise contami- when played over-air (Carlini and Wagner). nation on performance of emotion classifiers, we The line of work closest to ours is data augmenta- use the state-of-art single utterance emotion classi- tion aimed for training more generalizable models. fication model which has widbeen used in previous Noise and manipulation-based data augmentation research (Khorram et al., 2017; Krishna et al.). is a prime research field in the space of vision and Acoustic Feature. We extract 40-dimensional text. (Sohn et al., 2020) have looked at how rotating Mel Filterbanks (MFB) features using a 25- and blackening out random pixels in images to cre- millisecond Hamming window with a step-size of ate augmented datasets leads to better performance 10-milliseconds. Each utterance is represented as on the test set for digit and object recognition. Au- a sequence of 40-dimensional feature vectors. We thors (Sohn et al., 2020) have also looked at how z-normalize the acoustic features by each speaker. data augmentation can help with zero shot object Emotion Labels. The target emotion labels repre- recognition in sparse classes of the dataset, provid- sented in a dimensional format are binned into three ing new options for sub sampling of classes. In classes to represent {low, medium, high} the field of NLP, researchers have looked at how for both activation and valence. replacing words with their semantic synonyms can Architecture. The extracted MFBs are processed lead to better performance on tasks such as POS using a set of convolution layers and Gated Recur- tagging and semantic parsing (Wallace et al., 2019). rent Units (GRU), which are fed through a mean Researchers have also looked at techniques for data pooling layer to produce an acoustic representation augmentation using noise augmentation (Kim and which is then fed into a set of dense layers to clas- Kim), mostly focusing on how model training can sify activation or valence. be improved to yield better performance. However, Training. We implement models using the Keras these augmentation techniques are mostly used for library (Chollet, 2015). We use a subject inde- acoustic event detection, speaker verification or pendent five-fold cross validation scheme to select speech recognition (Ko et al., 2015; Rebai et al., our train, test and validation sets. We generate 2017), and has been sparingly used in audio classi- corresponding noisy examples for each sample in fication tasks. the test using the method described in Section4. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first We use a weighted cross-entropy loss function for work that looks at the effect of different kinds of each task and learn the model parameters using the real world noise and varying amounts of noise con- RMSProp optimizer. We train our networks for a
maximum of 50 epochs and monitor the validation out in loudness, represented by St, or (ii) oc- loss from the emotion classifier after each epoch curs during the entirety of the duration of the for early stopping, stopping the training if the vali- utterance, represented by Co. Complete addi- dation loss does not improve after five consecutive tive background would represent a consistent epochs. Once the training process ends, we revert noise source in real world, e.g., fan rotation. the network’s weights to those that achieved the • ENVdB: We vary the signal to noise ratio lowest validation loss on the emotion classification (SNR) of additive background noise for the task. We measure performance using Unweighted Co method at levels of 20dB, 10dB and 0dB. Average Recall (UAR) (chance is 0.33). We report • ENVLen: We vary the length of the intro- averaged performance over all samples considered duced background noise, from a short blip to as test in multiple runs. covering the entire clip. Short length is repre- Sample Selection. We select 900 samples from sented by Sh, medium length by Me, and com- the IEMOCAP dataset for the human perception plete length by Co. A complete additive back- part of the study. The sample size is far larger ground represents a consistent noise source in than the ones used for previous perception stud- real world (e.g. fan rotation). ies (Parada-Cabaleiro et al., 2017; Scharenborg 4.2 Synthetic Noise et al.). To ensure that the 900 samples covered multiple variations, we select 100 samples from We define synthetic noise as modulations that aren’t each activation and valence pair bin, i.e., 100 sam- additive in background. These kinds of noises in au- ples from all the samples that have activation bin dio signal can occur from linguistic/paralinguistic low, and valence bin low; 100 samples which have factors, room environment, internet lags, or the activation bin low, and valence bin mid, and so on. physical locomotion of the speaker. We add ten We ensure that out of the 100 samples, 30 of variations of synthetic noise in our dataset. them are shorter than first quartile or greater than • SpeedSeg: We speed up a random segment fourth quartile of utterance length in seconds to of the utterance by 1.25×. cover both extremities of the spectrum, and the rest • Fade: We fade the loudness of the utterance of the 70 belong in the middle. We also ensure by 2% every second, which emulates the sce- that the selected samples had a 50-50 even split nario of a user moving away from the speaker. amongst gender. We increase the loudness for fade in, and de- crease for fade out. 4 Noise • Filler: Insertion of non-verbal short fillers 4.1 Environmental Noise such as ‘uh’, ‘umm’ (from the same speaker) in the middle of a sentence. The insertion We define environmental noises (ENV) as additive is either just the filler (S) or succeeded and background noises. These noises are obtained from preeceeded by a long pause (L). the ESC-50 dataset(Piczak), which has often been • DropW: Dropping all non-essential word be- used for both, noise contamination and environmen- longing to the set :{a, the, an, so, like, and}. tal sound classification, out of which, we choose: • DropLt: Phonological deletion or drop- ping of letters has been widely stud- • Natural soundscapes (Nat), e.g., rain, wind. ied as a part of native US-English di- • Human, non-speech sounds (Hum) for e.g. alect (pho; Yuan and Liberman). Hence, sneezing, coughing etc. • Interior/domestic sounds (Int) for e.g. door we drop letters in accordance with var- creaks, clock ticks etc ious linguistic styles chosen from the set:{/h/+vowel, vowel+/nd/+consonant(next These environmental sounds are representative of word), consonant+/t/+consonant(next word), many factors in “in the wild” audio, especially in vowel+/r/+consonant, /ihng/}. the context of virtual and smart home conversa- • Laugh/Cry: We add “sob” and “short- tional agents. We manipulate two factors in addi- laughter” sounds obtained from Au- tion to noise: dioSet (Gemmeke et al., 2017) to the end of utterance. • ENVPos: We vary the position of the intro- • SpeedUtt: Speed up the entire utterance by duction of sound that (i) starts and then fades 1.25× or 0.75×.
• Pitch: Change the pitch by ± 3 half octaves. Table 1: The original activation (Act) and valence (Val) • Rev: Add room reverbration to the utterance. performance is 0.67 and 0.59, respectively. The table shows the change in UAR on IEMOCAP (Iem) and the 5 Analysis Augmented IEMOCAP (Iem(Aug)) datasets. The rows are augmentation methods that were evaluated as im- 5.1 Qualitative human study perceptible for emotion by human annotators. For the human perception part of the study, we UAR introduce noise into the selected 900 samples in Iem Iem(Aug) ten ways each, leading a total of 9000 samples for Act Val Act Val comparison. Each sample is introduced to the four Environmental Noise kinds of environmental noise and six out of ten randomly chosen synthetic noise methods to create NatSt -.25 -.24 .22 .18 ten noisy samples. NatdB (Co) 20dB -.33 -.34 .22 .13 Crowdsourcing Setup. We recruited annotators 10dB -.37 -.41 .33 .31 using MTurk from a population of workers in the 0dB -.40 -.41 .27 .26 United States who are native English speakers, to HumSt -.22 -.24 .15 .13 reduce the impact of cultural variability. We en- HumdB (Co) 20dB -.33 -.37 .16 .16 sured that each worker had > 98% approval rating 10dB -.37 -.42 .21 .26 and more than 500 approved Human Intelligence 0dB -.40 -.42 .25 .21 Tasks (HITs). We ensured that all workers under- IntSt -.21 -.25 .15 .18 stood the meaning of activation and valence using IntdB (Co) 20dB -.31 -.39 .20 .22 a qualification task that asked workers to rank emo- 10dB -.34 -.39 .23 .19 tion content, as in previous work of (Jaiswal et al., 0dB -.40 -.41 .30 .26 a). All HIT workers were paid a minimum wage Synthetic Noise ($9.45/hr), pro-rated to the minute. Each HIT was annotated by three workers. SpeedSeg -.09 -.12 .03 .02 For our main task, we created pairs of samples, Fade In -.07 -.10 .05 .04 i.e., the original and modulated version. For each Out -.09 -.14 .02 .06 pair, we asked three workers to annotate if they DropW -.04 -.05 .02 .00 thought that the samples contained the same emo- DropLt -.03 -.02 .06 .03 tional content. If the worker selected yes for both Reverb -.36 -.37 .05 .04 activation and valence, the noisy example was la- beled same and they could move to the next HIT. Human Perception Study Results. We report If the worker selected no, the noisy example was our human perception results below. The val- labeled different. If a clip was labeled different, the ues represent the ratio of the utterances that were annotator was asked to assess the activation and marked as different based on majority vote amongst valence of the noisy sample using Self Assessment all the utterances introduced with that noise. We Manikins (Bradley and Lang, 1994) on a scale of also find that the presence of environmental noise, one to five (as in original IEMOCAP annotation). even when loud, rarely affects human perception, We ensured the quality of the annotations by verifying our initial judgement that humans are able paying bonuses to the workers based on time (re- to psycho-acoustically mask the background noise. moving the incentive to mark same every time) and We verify expected patterns, such as the presence by not inviting annotators to continue if their level of laughter or crying often changes human percep- of agreement with our attention checks was low. tion. The results for the five synthetic modulations We created final labels for the noisy examples by that significantly change human perception of ei- taking the majority vote over each pair. The final ther activation or valence are as follows: label was either same emotion perception or differ- • Filler(L)- Act: 0.10, Val: 0.06, ent emotion perception and an averaged valence Filler(S)- Act: 0.06, Val: 0.03; and activation score. The annotators agreed in 79% • Laugh- Act: 0.16, Val: 0.17 of the cases. All the samples along with the paired • Cry- Act:0.20, Val: 0.22; noisy examples and their annotations will be made • SpeedUtt(1.25x)- Act: 0.13, Val: 0.03, available for further research. SpeedUtt(1.25x)- Act: 0.28, Val: 0.06;
• Pitch(1.25x)- Act: 0.22, Val: 0.07, of the utterance and dropping words, showing the Pitch(0.75x)-Act: 0.29, Val:0.10. brittleness of these models. This suggests that modifications that do not 5.4 Denoising Algorithms and Model change human perception and wouldn’t raise suspi- Performance cion, should ideally not impact performance of an The common way to deal with noise in any audio ideal machine learning model. signal is to use denoising algorithms. Hence, it is a valid counterpoint to understand how machine 5.2 Variation in changes in human perception learning models trained to recognize emotions per- In further experiments, we aim to find if there is a form if they are tested on denoised samples. To notable difference in human perception of emotion this end, we look at two major approaches to de- based on the original length of utterance, original noising algorithms in the audio space: Denoising emotion classification and gender of the speaker. Feature Space (Valin, 2018) and Speech Enhance- We find that the original emotion of the utterance, ment (Chakraborty et al., 2019). Denoising feature the gender of the speaker, or the length of the ut- space algorithms seek to remove noise from the terance, plays no significant role in predicting if extracted front end features. Speech enhancement the perception of noisy example would change. In algorithms seek to convert noisy speech to more line with the hypothesis tested by Parada in intelligible speech. Both techniques are associated (Parada-Cabaleiro et al., 2017), we test how noise with known challenges, including signal degrada- shapes the direction of perception change. tion (Valin, 2018) to harmonic disintegration (Valin, We find that the addition of laughter or crying 2018). increases perceived activation while laughter in- We use the most common denoising methods creases perceived valence and crying decreases it. from each category, Recurrent Neural Network We also find that increasing the pitch usually in- Noise Suppression (RNNNoise, denoising feature creases perceived activation and vice-a-versa. Fur- space) (Valin, 2018) and Vector Taylor Series (VTS, ther, increases in the speed of an utterance increases speech enhancement) (Chakraborty et al., 2019). activation and vice-versa (Busso et al., 2009). This We train a system composed of the emotion evaluation gives us an insight into what methods recognition models, described in Section 3.2. We can be used for robust data augmentation, which, then create two separate denoising approaches, unlike for speech recognition, do not always convey one that combines the emotion recognition model the same material. with RNNNoise and the other with VTS. In both cases, we refer to the different approaches using 5.3 Model performance RNNNoise and VTS, respectively. We then use We study how introducing varying kinds of noise these denoising algorithms on the extracted fea- affects the performance of the model trained on a tures for the noise augmented samples as shown in clean dataset. The test samples of each fold are in- Section 4. The combination ensures that the models troduced to all the types of noise (Section 4), except are trained to maximize the probability of predict- those that were also found to often affect human ing the correct emotion as well as maximizing the perception (Pitch, SpeedUtt, Laugh, Cry, Filler), speech quality. which are then used to evaluate the performance of We use the noise augmented training, validation, the trained network. Given that, the domain of the and testing datasets, described in Section 5.5. We trained network, the speaker independent fold dis- then evaluate the performance of pre-trained emo- tribution remains the same, a drop in performance tion recognition models from Section 3.2 on the can be singularly attributed to the addition of a denoised test samples using a leave-one-noise-out particular noise. cross-validation approach. This assumes that the We report the performance of emotion recog- system doesn’t have an individual sample of noise nition model trained as described in Section 3 in prototype introduced in the sample, akin to real Table 1. We find that the machine learning model’s world conditions. We do not compare with other performance decreases greatly given environmen- denoising algorithms that assume a priori knowl- tal noise, fading, and reverberation. There is also a edge of noise category (Tibell et al., 2009). smaller drop in performance for speeding up parts We find that the addition of a denoising compo-
nent to the models leads to significant improvement mance on utterances contaminated with reverber- (average of 23% ± 3% across all environmental ation, a common use case, even when the training noise categories) in continuous noise introduction set is augmented with other types of noise. This at 20dB SNR as compared to when there is no de- can be because, reverberation adds a continuous noising or augmentation performed. We observe human speech signal in the background delayed by a decline in performance when dealing with other a small period of time. None of the other kind of signal to noise ratios of continuous noise additions, noises have speech in them, and hence augmenta- possibly due to masking of emotional information tion doesn’t aid the model to learn robustness to from the speech to maintain legibility. We fur- this kind of noise. ther show that the addition of a denoising com- 5.6 Use Case: Adversarial Attack Evaluation ponent didn’t significantly improve performance when samples were faded in or out or segments The common way to evaluate the robustness of a were sped up. While we did see an improvement model to noise or an attacker with malicious intent, in performance for unseen reverberation contami- is adding noise to the dataset and testing perfor- nated samples as compared to data augmentation, mance of the model. This method is commonly the performance is still significantly lower (−28%) used for various tasks, such as, speech recognition, than when tested on a clean test set. Finally, we or, speaker identification (Abdullah et al., 2019), observe an increase in emotion recognition perfor- which aren’t perception dependent as discussed be- mance, compared to when the model is trained on a fore. The closest task to ours where the ground clean training set, which supports the findings from truth varies based on noise introduction is senti- dataset augmentation. ment analysis. In this case, the adversarial robust- ness is usually tested by flipping words to their syn- 5.5 Model performance with augmentation onyms, such that the meaning of the text remains the same, and analyzing how the predictions of the We then augment the dataset with noise to increase model change. Unlike the lexical modality, speech the robustness of the trained model. Hence, we cannot be broken down into such discrete compo- test environmental and synthetic noise separately. nents with obvious replacements while maintaining We perform leave-one-noise-out cross-validation, speech feature integrity, and hence, introduction of augmenting each fold with one kind of noise from noise for emotion recognition while assuring that the set: {Hum, Int, Nat}. We train on two kinds of the perception remains the same is more difficult. environmental noise and test on the third. We do Instead, we formulate the problem as a decision the same with synthetic noise, performing leave- boundary untargted attack, which tries to find the one-noise-out cross-validation, augmenting each minimal amount of noise perturbation possible in fold with the most impactful augmentations from k-queries such that the decision of a model changes, the set: {SpeedSeg, Fade and Reverb}. while having no knowledge about the internal work- We find that data augmentation improves perfor- ings of the model (probabilities or gradients). A mance, especially when the environmental noise is decision-based attack starts from a large adversarial introduced at the start of the utterance, e.g., when perturbation and then seeks to reduce the perturba- the test set is introduced with NatSt and the train tion while staying adversarial. In our case, because set is introduced with HumSt and IntSt, we see we are considering noise augmentations, we define a performance jump of 22%, compared to when the the distance between an adversarial sample and the model is trained on clean data and tested on noisy original sample as the degradation in signal to noise samples. We can speculate that the network learns ratio (SNR). The input to this attack model is a set to assign different weights to the start and end of of allowed noise categories (e.g., white, gaussian, the utterance to account for the initial noise. or categorical), and the original signal. We also Though the performance increase on test data modify the decision boundary attack to first use when introduced to continuous background noise the any random sound from four categories at low- is aided by addition of training samples that have a est SNR. If the attack model is successful, it then continuously present background noise as well, the shifts to using other additive noise options from performance is still affected due to introduction of that category. In case, the attacker has knowledge new noise in the test set. about the relation between noise category and per- We also find that it is hard to improve perfor- formance degradation, we also provide an ordering
Table 2: Attacker efficiency (PIF ) using noise-based models in the wild, that are grounded in human adversarial methods. k refers to the number of black perception. For augmentation, we suggest that: box queries an attacker can access, whereas, Corr refers to the knowledge of correlation between performance 1. Environmental noise can be added to datasets deterioration of emotion recognition and noise cate- to improve generalizability to varied noise gory, and Eval refers to whether the attack efficiency conditions, whether using denoising or aug- is evaluated only on those noise categories that human mentation method or a combination of both. perception doesn’t change. Bold shows significant im- 2. It is good to augment datasets with fading provement. Higher values are better. Significance is loudness of segments, dropping letters or established using paired t-test, adjusted p-value< 0.05 words, and speeding up small (no more than k=5 k=15 k=25 25% of the total sample length) segments of the complete sound samples in the dataset. Corr: No, Eval: No 0.22 0.29 0.39 But it is important to note that these aug- Corr: Yes, Eval: No 0.32 0.38 0.53 mented samples should not be passed through Corr: No, Eval: Yes 0.31 0.36 0.45 the denoising component as the denoised ver- Corr: Yes, Eval: Yes 0.34 0.43 0.58 sion loses emotion information. 3. One should not change the speed of the entire to the attack model, such that it is more successful utterance more than 5% and to not add inten- given the same limited budget of k-queries. The tional pauses or any background noises that sample is considered to have been successfully at- elicit emotion behavior, e.g., sobs or laughter. tacked only when the noise addition chosen by the algorithm is at SNR of > 10dB. We use the Fool- Regarding deployment, we suggest that: box Tooklit (Rauber et al., 2017) to implement a 1. Noisy starts and ends of utterances can be han- decision boundary attack (Brendel et al., 2017). dled by augmentation, hence, if the training For our purpose, we assume that an attacker has set included these augments, there is no issue access to a subset of labelled data from the set of for deployed emotion recognition systems. users (U) in IEMOCAP and the training and the 2. Reverberation, in its various types is hard to testing conditions remain the same as that of the handle for even augmented emotion recog- black-box emotion recognition model. We calcu- nition models, and hence, the samples must late the average probability of a successful attack, either be cleaned to remove reverberation ef- PIF , for any sample from user Ua using k queries. fect, or must be identified as low confidence We calculate PIF for four conditions varying for classification. in two: 1) knowledge about the correlation be- tween the performance deterioration of emotion 7 Conclusion recognition and the noise category (Corr) and 2) In this work, we study how the introduction of evaluation only on those noise categories whose real world noise, either environmental or synthetic, addition doesn’t change human perception (Eval). affects human emotion perception. We identify This leads to four experimental conditions, i.e. {or- noise sources that do not affect human perception, dering knowledge based on degradation (Y/N)} x and hence can be used for data augmentation, lead- {allowed noise categories that change human per- ing to more robust models. We then study how ception (Y/N)}. The results are reported in Table 2. models trained on the original dataset are affected We see that the efficiency is always higher when the in performance when tested on these noisy sam- attack model can use noises that change human per- ples and if augmentation of the training set leads ception, but is an unreliable way of evaluating due to improvement in performance of the machine to change in ground truth label. This shows that not learning model. We conclude that, unlike humans, accounting for human perception in evaluation can machine learning models are extremely brittle to lead to faux increase in attack efficiency, and hence the introduction of many kinds of noise. While improper benchmarking of proposed adversarial the performance of the machine learning model attack methods proposed in future. on noisy samples is aided from augmentation, the performance is still significantly lower when the 6 Recommendations noise in the train and test environments does not We propose a set of recommendations, for both aug- match. In this paper, we demonstrate fragility of mentation and deployment of emotion recognition the emotion recognition systems and valid methods
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