Intelecom SMS Gateway - Technical specification for integration

Page created by Geraldine Jenkins
Intelecom SMS Gateway - Technical specification for integration
SMS GW – API Description   Date: 02.03.2014        Rev: 2.1.0

  Intelecom SMS Gateway
  – Technical specification for integration

                                                           Version               2.1.0

                                                     Last Revised         March 2014

                                                       Revised By       Sven Ståle Osa

                                                                 Contact Information:

                                                              Technical: Sven Ståle Osa

                                              Pricing and other requests: Jostein Lund
Intelecom SMS Gateway - Technical specification for integration
SMS GW – API Description                       Date: 02.03.2014                Rev: 2.1.0

  1     Contents

  1  Contents ......................................................................................................... 2
   1.1    Revision history ....................................................................................... 3
  2 Introduction .................................................................................................... 4
   2.1    Overview................................................................................................. 4
   2.2 Abbreviations .............................................................................................. 5
  3     Sending messages using the SMS Gateway ......................................................... 6
      3.1    Pricing - Non-premium and premium messages (CPA / GAS) ......................... 6
      3.2    Originator ............................................................................................... 7
      3.3    Validity Period.......................................................................................... 8
      3.4    Message Content ...................................................................................... 8
      3.5    Sessions ................................................................................................. 9
      3.6    Send Window..........................................................................................11
      3.7    Message Parameters ................................................................................13
      3.8    Message Response ..................................................................................16
      3.9    Interfaces for sending SMS messages ........................................................17
  4     Receiving messages using the SMS Gateway ......................................................23
      4.1    Request parameters for incoming (MO - Mobile Originating) messages ...........23
      4.2    Value-added services for MO messages ......................................................26
      4.3    HTTP response for MO messages ...............................................................27
      4.4    SMTP MO - Receiving email (from SMS) .....................................................27
  5     Receiving Delivery Report messages..................................................................28
      5.2    Response for DR messages .......................................................................32
  6     Contact info ...................................................................................................33
  7     Appendix A : Gateway Management API ............................................................34
      7.1    Interfaces for using the management API ...................................................34
      7.2    Message batch management.....................................................................34
  8     Appendix B: SMPP Gateway..............................................................................38
      8.1    Supported PDUs ......................................................................................38
      8.2    Data coding scheme ................................................................................38
      8.3    Validity period ........................................................................................38
      8.4    Current limitations ..................................................................................38
Intelecom SMS Gateway - Technical specification for integration
SMS GW – API Description                   Date: 02.03.2014              Rev: 2.1.0

  1.1     Revision history

  Revision Date            Revised by        Change description

  2.0.1     20.12.2013 Sven Ståle Osa                Updated platform

  2.1.0     03.03.2014 Andreas Häber                 Added Revision history (chapter 1.1)
                       Morten Trydal                 Added Gateway Management API description (Appendix
                       Kjetil Johannesen              A).
                       Sven Ståle Osa                Added information about PID (Protocol Identifier).
                                                     Added SMPP Gateway information (Appendix B).
                                                     Added information about GAS messages to Telenor
                                                      prepaid, and GAS/ CPA messages without delivery
                                                      success (chapter 3.1)
                                                     New HTTP GET interface that obsoletes the old HTTP GET
                                                     Added information about the new interfaces for
                                                      incoming messages (MO) (see chapter 4).
                                                     New value added services for incoming messages. New
                                                      request parameters added (see chapter 4.2).
                                                     Updated chapter and table references
Intelecom SMS Gateway - Technical specification for integration
SMS GW – API Description                   Date: 02.03.2014                 Rev: 2.1.0

  2 Introduction

  2.1       Overview

  This document describes the functionality of, and explains how to integrate with, the Intelecom SMS
  Gateway (SMSGW). The SMSGW is an API that enables your solution(s) to both send and receive SMS
  messages. Contrary to earlier versions of SMSGW this version of the API enables you to send both
  single messages and bigger batches of messages using the same API.

  To be able to connect to SMSGW you will need a service configured by Intelecom with sensible
  defaults and settings for your use case. The service identifiers are serviceid, as well as a username
  and password. If you have an active agreement, but have not received information about these three
  identifiers, please contact Intelecom Support ( or your customer representative.

  The SMSGW has three main functionalities with corresponding APIs:

            Sending one or many SMS messages from your system to end-users (MT)
            Receiving SMS messages from end-users to your system (MO)
            Receiving delivery reports to your system for SMS messages sent to end-users (DR)

  To send SMS messages to end-users you need to integrate with one of the API via REST (XML or JSON
  over HTTP POST), Web Service (with corresponding WSDL), email (SMTP), SMPP, or via HTTP GET
  (with query parameters). Due to the flexibility of the REST / SOAP interfaces, we generally
  recommend that you choose to integrate with one of these endpoints if possible.

  To receive SMS messages (MO) or delivery reports you need to provide a service endpoint that can
  receive HTTP GET or POST requests. As an alternative, you can also receive MO messages as email
  messages (SMTP) or using the SMPP protocol.

                           Figure 1: High-level sequence diagram for basic SMSGW operations
Intelecom SMS Gateway - Technical specification for integration
SMS GW – API Description                     Date: 02.03.2014                  Rev: 2.1.0

  Additionally, the Gateway provides a Management API to manage messages. A description of this API
  is given in Appendix A : Gateway Management API.

  2.2     Abbreviations

   MCC                     Mobile Country Code

   MNC                     Mobile Network Code

   SNO                     Short Number (e.g. 1960)
   TTL                     Time To Live

   UDH                     User Data Header

   DCS                     Data Coding Scheme

   MO                      Mobile Originated (incoming messages sent from end users)

   MT                      Mobile Terminated (outgoing messages sent to end users).

   CP                      Content Providers (Customers of Intelecom and Intelecom itself)

   DR                      Delivery Reports (Confirmations from operators that messages have been / not have
                           been received by end-user)
   MSISDN                  Mobile Station International ISDN Number

   SMSGW                   Intelecom SMS Gateway

   REST                    Representational State Transfer
   MNO                     Mobile Network Operation (e.g. Telenor, Telia)

   CPA                     Content Provider Access – An agreement between (in this case) Intelecom and the
                           MNO’s to be able to use four digit shortnumbers with billing possibilities.
   GAS                     Goods And Services – Like CPA only with the possibility to sell physical goods and
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014           Rev: 2.1.0

  3 Sending messages using the SMS Gateway

  To send SMS messages you will need to integrate with one of the APIs described below and further in
  chapter 3.9. The parameters are common for the SOAP, HTTP GET and REST APIs and divided into
  three groups: common parameters, basic message parameters and message settings parameters.
  The message settings parameters are optional, if you do not have any special need for custom
  settings you can ignore these. In the current version of SMSGW, not all parameters are available for
  SMTP (email) and SMPP methods.

  The available APIs for sending SMS messages are:

            SOAP Webservices
            REST services – XML or JSON using HTTP POST
            HTTP GET (with limited functionality)
            SMTP (email – with limited functionality)
            SMPP

  Using the SOAP and REST interfaces it is possible to send several messages in one batch, this can be
  messages with different recipients and different content. All interfaces except SMTP will
  synchronously return a status code and message identifier, which is a unique identifier for each
  message in the Intelecom platform. The status code will give information about whether the
  messages was added to the internal queue in the Intelecom system or not. The status code will not
  give information about whether the message was received at the end user handset or not. In order
  to check for this you need to utilize the delivery report mechanism as described later in this

  3.1       Pricing - Non-premium and premium messages (CPA / GAS)

  When sending messages there are some alternatives concerning pricing of the messages. The
  messages may be sent to the end user free of charge, meaning that the end user will not have to pay
  to receive your message. Your company typically pays for this message. The other alternative is that
  the end user pays a price for receiving the message; paid for on the end user’s phone bill. Often
  called premium messages, you may use these for billing purposes such as paying for digital content
  or services. Premium messages are not available in all countries; please contact your customer
  representative for more information. In some countries, there are different payment models as well.
  In Norway, you will have to use the CPA model for paying for digital services whilst the GAS model is
  for billing physical goods and services. The difference between CPA and GAS is that GAS offers a
  better profit for you as a customer, but each service that is to use GAS needs to be approved by the
  mobile network operators. GAS and CPA requires different short numbers, meaning that you cannot
  alternate between GAS and CPA messages using the same short number/ service. Using GAS you also
  need to specify a service code and category as defined by the mobile network operators for each
  message. You can find the listing of the Mobile Network Operator service codes in a separate
  document as an attachment to this document.
SMS GW – API Description                  Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  In Norway, the supported premium rates are from 1,- to 200,- in steps of 1 NOK. Additionally it is
  possible to use 1,50NOK and 6,50NOK. For GAS messages the rates are from 1,- to 500,- in steps of 1

  The price parameter uses the lowest monetary unit available, for example to send to Norwegian
  recipients Norwegian “øre” is used.

  Example: To send a billing message with a price of 2kr NOK to a Norwegian recipient set the price
  parameter to the value 200.

  Most operators use this flow when billing messages (CPA and GAS):

        1) The specified amount is debited from subscriber when the operator accepts the message
           (SMSC ACK) regardless of the delivery status of the message.
        2) If the message could not be delivered (negative delivery status), the operator credits the
           amount to the subscriber.

  However Telenor by default does not credit the billing amount if the message is not successfullly
  delivered to the subscriber. It is possible for Intelecom to enable automatic credit towards Telenor
  subscribers for specific services.

  Please also note that by default Telenor rejects GAS messages sent to Telenor prepaid customers. It
  is possible for Intelecom to enable this functionality for specific services, but be aware that the
  operator’s cut is higher on these messages.

  Please contact your customer representative for more information about CPA and GAS, and enabling
  Telenor crediting / GAS for prepaid.

  3.2       Originator
  When sending SMS messages the originator of the messages shows at the end users handset upon
  receiving the message. Three different types of originator settings exist:

            International Number – if the originator is to be an international phone number, in E164
             format e.g. +4799999999
            Alphanumeric Text – if the originator is to be alphanumeric text, for example “Intelecom”.
             The max length of an alphanumeric originator is 11 characters and only a-z, 0-9 and the chars
             ‘ ‘ (space), '%', '&', '-', '+', '.' , ',' may be used as content.
            Network specific – if the originator is to be shortnumber, e.g. 1960.

  You must set the correct originator and originatortype parameter values according to the table in
  chapter if you want to override the default originator for your service. For example, if you
  want the originator to be ‘Intelecom’, you need to set the originator parameter to “Intelecom” and
  the originatortype parameter to “ALPHANUMERIC”.

  Note that is not possible for an end user to reply to a message sent with alphanumeric originator.
  Some phones may be able to reply to alphanumeric originators if you set alphanumeric originator
  with only numbers in the content parameter. As not all phones will accept this, we recommend that
SMS GW – API Description                       Date: 02.03.2014          Rev: 2.1.0

  you use the types for international or national numbers if you are to send a numeric string as

  Also note that it is only possible to specify originator for messages that are received by the end user
  free of charge (price = 0). The reason for this is that it needs to be easy to identify who sent specific
  billing messages to the end user.

  3.3     Validity Period
  It is possible to define the validity period of each message when sending SMS messages. The validity
  period is the period of time that delivery attempts occurs for a SMS message. Meaning that if you
  specify a validity time of 5 minutes, the Intelecom platform and the Mobile Network Operations will
  try to deliver the message for 5 minutes using the respective retry schemes. If the message cannot be
  delivered to the handset in this timeframe (handset turned off etc.), the message is discarded,
  resulting in a delivery report with a timeout status. This feature is handy if you have messages that
  only are valid in a certain period, such as one-time passwords or special offers with a time limitation.
  When specifying the validity parameter please refer to the table below:

  Value                                 Validity period

  0 to 143                              (Value + 1) x 5 minutes

  144 to 167                            12h + (Value-143) x 30 minutes

  168 to 173                            (Value-166) x 1 day

  Table 1 - Valid TTL (time validity of SMS)

  3.4     Message Content
  You can specify the content of the SMS message using the “content” parameter. For text messages,
  the max length of a single message is 160 characters. If you provide text that is longer than 160
  characters the SMSGW will automatically split the message into concatenated text messages. When
  SMS messages are concatenated, some of the SMS payload is needed for the UDH, resulting in the
  max message length for each concatenated message being 153 characters. The Intelecom platform
  allows a maximum of six concatenated messages, meaning that the maximum character length of the
  content field is 918 characters (153*6). The GSM specification allows for a much higher number of
  concatenated messages but because of restrictions in the MNO SMSCs, the max limit of six
  concatenated messages had to be included.

  SMS default encoding uses 7 bits to handle a character. The GSM 03.38 specification defines the valid
  character sets, this being the “Basic Character Set” and the corresponding extension table as
  depicted below:
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0

                                    Figure 2: Valid 7-bit GSM characters

  If you use characters from the extension table, for example the EUR character (€), an escape
  character is needed in addition to the character from the extension table. This means that the EUR
  character counts as two characters and you will have less space available in the message.

  3.5    Sessions

  The Intelecom SMS platform has introduced a session mechanism that allows for two-way dialog
  between a system and end-user without the need for keywords. Keywords in SMS are short text
  identifiers for services on a shared short number. Example: To order weather information on the
  short code 1881 you can send “WEATHER OSLO”. In this example “WEATHER” is the keyword
  identifying the service, whilst “OSLO” is a parameter. Using keywords to have a SMS dialog with an
  end user is often not a very user-friendly solution session. For each message, the end user will have
  to provide the keyword before entering the text.

  Example not using sessions: Your service desk needs to update email information for your customers.
  You want to send them a SMS message requiring them to reply to the SMS with their correct email

  The following is an illustration of the interaction without and with the use of session.
SMS GW – API Description                 Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

               Without use of sessions                       With use of sessions

  Using session, you can also continue a conversation by providing the unique sessionid as a parameter
  when sending a message, for example like this:

                                           Currently use of sessions is only available for Norwegian
                                           subscribers, meaning that you can only send messages with
                                           session to end users with Norwegian subscriptions.

                                           For the implementation of the session logic in Norway, we
                                           have utilized a feature from the Mobile Network Operators
                                           named subnumbering, also sometimes named recipient
                                           range routing. With this feature, a string of numbers uniquely
                                           identifying the session is added to the last part of the short
                                           number resulting in a fourteen-digit originator.

                                           As the identifier will be generated when sending the
                                           message, it is only possible to start a session with a message
                                           sent to the end user.

                                           As mentioned earlier, there are two ways to access the
                                           session for MT messages, request a new session or reuse a
                                           previous used session.

                                         When using a session the originatortype must be set to the
                                         value 3 (Network specific / short number). It is not possible
  to use alphanumeric or international number types as originator when using sessions.
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  The synchronous response from the gateway will contain a session identifier, which must be stored
  in your system if you want to be able to identify the response from the end user when replying to the

  Figure 3: SMS Gateway high level overview

  3.5.1    Start a new session

  Add the parameter newSession=true. This flag will tell the Gateway to start a session and you will
  receive a sessionid in the response.

  3.5.2    Continue a session

  To continue an existing session the use the sessionid parameter in the request, using the sessionid
  previously returned in the response.

  Note: If you want to continue the session do not set the new session flag, if you set both the new
  session flag and the sessionid a new session will be generated.

  3.6     Send Window
  If you want to schedule one or more message to be sent at some point in the future or you are about
  to send a very large number of messages and want to control when messages are sent to end users
  then you can specify the send window.

  The send window composite objects consists of four parameters, where the start date is the only
  mandatory field in the object.
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  The start date defines when the message sending will start and the stop date defines when to stop. If
  there are remaining messages in the queue after the stop date / time they are discarded. The start
  and stop time can be used to create a window of time during the day where messages will be sent.

  For example, if you are to send a large batch of messages that you need to send out between 2nd of
  August and 4th of August 2013 and you want the end user to only receive messages in the day time,
  between 09:00 and 15:00. For this example the values need to be populated as follows:

          Startdate: 2013-08-02
          Stopdate: 2013-08-04
          Starttime: 09:00:00
          Stoptime: 15:00:00

  If the batch is so large that it is not possible to send all messages in one day, then the message
  sending will stop at 15:00 and continue the next day at 09:00. This will continue until reaching the
  stop date.

  The next chapter will explain the different parameters that are available when sending messages,
  chapter 3.9 will describe in more detail the different interfaces with examples.
SMS GW – API Description          Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0

  3.7     Message Parameters

  3.7.1    Common parameters
  Serviceid                     Integer.
  Required                      Identifies the service. Provided by Intelecom service desk.
  username                      String.
  required                      For authentication. Provided by Intelecom service desk.
  password                      String.
  required                      For authentication. Provided by Intelecom service desk.
  batchReference                String.
  optional                      Reference ID that will be returned in the response.
  message                       List with composite objects.
  required                      At least one message.

  3.7.2    Basic message parameters
  recipient                     String.
  required                      The MSISDN of the recipient. The format should follow the ITU-
                                T E.164 standard with a + prefix.
                                Example: +4792000001.
                                Note: This must be a valid MSISDN, that is Mobile phone
                                number. E.g. for Norway these numbers start with 4, 9, 58 or
  content                       String. The message payload to send, typically the message text.
  required                      See chapter 3.4 for more details
  price                         Integer.
  optional                      The cost for the recipient to receive the message. In lowest
                                monetary unit. See chapter 3.1 for details
                                Example: 200 (2,- NOK)
  clientReference               String.
  optional                      Arbitrary client reference ID that will be returned in the
                                message response.
  settings                      Composite object.
  optional                      For advanced message settings, see chapter 3.7.3.

  3.7.3    Message settings parameters

  priority                      Integer. Uses service value unless specified.
  optional                      Used to prioritize between messages sent from the same
                                     1: low (slower)
                                     2: medium
                                     3: high (faster)
                                Example: 2
  validity                      Integer. Uses service value unless specified.
  optional                      Specifies the TTL (time to live) for the message, i.e. how long
                                before the message times out in cases where it cannot be
SMS GW – API Description         Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

                               delivered to a handset.
                               See chapter 3.3 for valid values.
                               Example: 173
  differentiator               String.
  optional                     Arbitrary string set by the client to enable grouping messages in
                               certain statistic reports.
                               Example: pincode_messages
  age                          Integer. Only relevant for CPA/GAS messages.
  optional                     Defines an age limit for message content. The mobile network
                               operators enforces this.
                               IMPORTANT: If the service is a subscription service all CPA/GAS
                               messages must have age set to 18.
                                     0
                                     16
                                     18
                               Example: 18
  newSession                   Boolean.
  optional                     Used to start a new session. See chapter 3.5 for details.
                               Example: true
  sessionId                    String.
  optional                     Used to continue an existing session. See chapter 3.5 for
                               Example: 01bxmt7f8b8h3zkwe2vg
  invoiceNode                  String.
  optional                     Arbitrary string set by the client to enable grouping messages
                               on the service invoice.
                               Example: market_department
  autoDetectEncoding           Boolean. Default value is false.
  optional                     Currently not in use.
                               Example: true
  safeRemoveNonGsmCharacters   Boolean. Default value is false.
  optional                     If set to true the SMSGW will remove or safely substitute invalid
                               characters in the message content instead of rejecting the
                               message. See chapter 3.4 for details.
                               Example: true
  originatorSettings           Composite object. Uses service value unless specified.
  optional                     Used to specify the originator. See chapter
  gasSettings                  Composite object. Uses service value unless specified.
  optional                     Used if the message is a CPA Good and Services transaction. See
  sendWindow                   Composite object.
  optional                     Used if the message should be queued and sent in the future
                               instead of immediately. See chapter
  parameter                    Composite object.
  optional                     Used to specify special settings including settings for binary
SMS GW – API Description          Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0 Originator settings

  originatorType                String.
  required                      Specifies the type of originator. See chapter 3.2
                                     INTERNATIONAL
                                     ALPHANUMERIC
                                     NETWORK
  Originator                    String.
  Required                      Depends on the originatorType.
                                Example: +4799999999, Intelecom, 1960 GAS settings
  serviceCode                   String.
  required                      Identifier for the category of Goods and services. See chapter
                                3.1 for more information. See separate attachment to this
                                document for valid parameter values for service codes.
                                Example: 05008
  Description                   String.
  Optional                      Further details of the Goods and services. The description may
                                occur on the end-user invoice (together with category) for
                                certain Mobile Network Operators.
                                Example: Aftenposten Send window
  startDate                     Date.
  required                      The date to send the message. See chapter 3.6 for more info.
                                Example: 2013-12-24
  startTime                     Time.
  optional                      The time of day to start sending the messages. See chapter 3.6
                                for more info.
                                Example: 13:00:00
  stopDate                      Date.
                                The date to stop sending the message if the message is still in
                                enqueued. See chapter 3.6 for more info.
                                Example: 2013-12-25
  stopTime                      Time.
  optional                      The time to stop sending the message if the message is still
                                enqueued. See chapter 3.6 for more info.
                                Example:12:00:00 Parameter
  key                           String.
  required                      Example: dcs
  value                         String.
  required                      Example: F5

  Valid parameters
SMS GW – API Description                 Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  DataCodingScheme                    Used to specify the message encoding to be used.

                                      This property is searched for if {@link
                                      GwMessage#isAutoDetectEncodingEnabled()} returns false.
  Dcs                                 Data coding scheme for message

                                      Specify what data coding scheme is used for this message.
                                      Defined in 3GPP TS 23.038 ch. 4.

                                      Should be one octet (2 hex digits). For example '15' or 'F5'.
  Udh                                 User Data Header

                                      If non-empty will set the TP-User Data Header Indicator (UDHI)
                                      for the message.

                                      Defined in 3GPP TS 23.040 ch. TP-User Data (TP-UD).
  Pid                                 Protocol Identifier – replace short message feature

                                      A message containing a PID will replace an existing message
                                      having the same PID. Valid values are 65 – 71.

                                      Note: It will only be replaced if the service center address and
                                      originating address match the previous message.

  3.8     Message Response
  All interfaces except SMTP will return a synchronous response with at least the fields for status code,
  status message and message identifier populated per message. All available fields in the response are
  described in table 4 below.

  3.8.1    Message Response
   Parameter               Description
   batchReference          Reference ID for the request. Either the value provided by the client in

                           the request or an automatically generated ID if no such value is set.

   messageStatus           List of composite objects. At least one element.

  Table 2 – Message Response

  3.8.2    Message status
   Parameter               Description
   Statuscode              See table 4 below
SMS GW – API Description                 Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0

   statusmessage           Textual information about status, e.g. which parameter failed

   clientReference         The client reference ID if specified in the request

   Recipient               The recipient. NOTE: The SMSGW runs all numbers through a number
                           parser and so the recipient in the response may be in same format than
                           in the request, i.e. “+47 41 00 00 00” will be “+4741000000” in the
                           response. Use the clientReference if you need to match messages in the

                           request and response.

   messageId               Message ID (used as reference for delivery reports).

   sessionId               Sessionid for a session, see chapter 3.5. Only returned if newSession

                           parameter is set to true, or if you are specifying a sessionid.

   sequenceIndex           The messages in the response will always be in the same order as in the

                           request. The sequence index is a convenience counter starting at 1.

  Table 3 – Message Status

  3.8.3    Status codes
   Statuscode                        Value    Description
   MESSAGE_DELIVERED_OK              1        OK.
   ACCESS_ERROR                      2        No access. Authentication failed.
   ILLEGAL_ACTION                    3        An illegal operation was tried.
   ILLEGAL_SERVICE                   4        An illegal service was tried.
   SYNTAX_ERROR                      5        The request contained syntax errors.
   INTERNAL_ERROR                    6        An internal error occurred in the gateway.
  Table 4 – Status codes

  3.9     Interfaces for sending SMS messages

  3.9.1    Web service (SOAP) How to connect

  The web service interface is defined by the WSDL and can be retrieved from:
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0 Request Example

                                            This is a message from Intelecom.
                                               Response Example

                                           Message enqueued for sending
  3.9.2    REST How to connect

  The REST interface supports both XML and JSON over HTTP POST on the following URL:
SMS GW – API Description              Date: 02.03.2014           Rev: 2.1.0 Regarding content types

  The REST endpoint for sending messages supports both JSON and XML. To specify the content type of
  the request you must specify the “Content-Type” header and to specify the content type of the
  response you must specify the “Accept” header. Valid values are “application/json” or
  “application/xml”. Encoding

  The content encoding should be UTF-8 XML Schema definition

  The XML request and response uses the same schema used in the WSDL definition for the SOAP
  interface: XML Request Example

                   This is a message from Intelecom.
    XML Response Example

                  Message enqueued for sending
SMS GW – API Description                    Date: 02.03.2014         Rev: 2.1.0 JSON Request Example

            "content":"This is a message from Intelecom.",

  JSON Response Example

           "statusMessage":"Message enqueued for sending",

  Important note for consuming responses

  The REST interface supports both XML and JSON so you will need to specify what kind of request you
  are sending by using the “Content-Type”-header (application/xml or application/json). Most
  framework handles this correctly without any configuration.

  More importantly, the SMSGW will not know what format to respond with and it is important that
  you specify this. This is done by setting the “Accept”-header. Many frameworks handles this
  correctly, but for some you need to explicitly configure this.

  3.9.3     HTTP GET

  The content provider may invoke the SMS Gateway (Gateway) using HTTP GET queries. Though not
  as flexible as its SOAP / REST counterparts, it is a very easy protocol to integrate and to send simple
  test messages from for example your browser. If you need to integrate a third party product to SMS
  this protocol is often the only option. However, as mentioned earlier we recommend that you
  integrate using SOAP or REST if you have the possibility to do so.
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0 How to connect

  The web address for the production system is and the Gateway servlet is accepting
  GET requests on the URL:    Parameters

  Parameter names are case sensitive. For example for the Service ID parameter the correct spelling is
  “serviceId“. Incorrect examples are “serviceid”, “serviceID”, “SERVICEID”, “serViceID”, etc.

  Common parameters (see section 3.7.1 above) do not need any prefix, e.g., “username” and

  A dot (“.”) notation is used to specify nested properties, such as message[0].settings.priority.

  Similar to the other interfaces the HTTP GET interface supports sending multiple messages. Message
  parameters must therefore be prefixed with message[n] (n is a zero-based index for the message).
  The first message is therefore message[0]. For example to set the message content for the first
  message the query parameter key name would be message[0].content. Similarly, setting the
  recipient becomes message[0].recipient. Encoding

  The request URI must be percent encoded, following RFC2396 (“Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI):
  Generic Syntax”), and use UTF-8.

  For example, a message with the content “Dette er en melding med ÆØÅ I seg” should be encoded

            Dette%20er%20en%20melding%20med%20%C3%A6%C3%B8%C3%A5%20i%20seg. Request Example

  Simple message:

  Note that +47 becomes %2B47 when URL encoded.

  Message with originator setting:
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014           Rev: 2.1.0

  Message with PID parameter setting:
  e=68 Response Example

  The response format is the same as for the REST interface described above.

  3.9.4    SMTP – Sending SMS using email

  The SMS gateway also provides email as an alternative channel for sending / receiving sms messages.
  This channel is limited in what kind of messages it can send.

  The recipients in the mail message are the receivers of the message in the format:

  The subject field is ignored (however, it may be configured to be appended to the message). The
  body of the email is used as the sms content.

  There is a maximum limit of 918 characters of the sms, and sms’ that extend one sms (160
  characters) are concatenated and sent as single message to the phone (with many fragments).
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  4      Receiving messages using the SMS Gateway
  If you want to enable end users to send SMS messages to your solution you will need to set up a
  service able of receiving HTTP GET requests or HTTP POST requests through a REST API with either
  JSON or XML formatting. Whilst the HTTP GET API will one request for each message, the REST API
  will accumulate batches of messages and only send 1 request pr second.

  The SMSGW will invoke your HTTP service when MO- and DR-messages are slated for delivery to your
  server. The URL of your service must be provided to Intelecom Service Desk (
  for proper configuration of the service. You also need to provide information about which API you
  prefer for incoming (MO) messages. (HTTP GET, HTTP POST with JSON or HTTP POST with XML).

  4.1    Request parameters for incoming (MO - Mobile Originating) messages

  The input parameters available in the request are:

   CP parameter name         Description
   Messageid                 Unique messageid generated by the platform for this message. The
                             messageid is generated by the channel container.
   Sno                       The shortnumber associated with this message.
   Command                   The pattern that causing the routing to the service. Usually a keyword e.g.
   Content                   The content of the SMS message. For regular text SMS messages this is a
                             plain text, for binary messages this will be hex content.
   strippedcontent           Same as content, but keyword is stripped from beginning of content.
   Timestamp                 This parameter indicates when the message entered the Intelecom SMS
                             Note: Format:
                             yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss

   Sctimestamp               Service Center time stamp represents the time the operator SMSC received
                             the message.

                             Note: Format:
                             yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss

   Serviceid                This parameter identifies the service that has been identified for this service.
   Servicename              The name of the service
   originator               The originator of the SMS message (in international format).
   Mcc                      The Mobile Country Code for originator MSISDN (e.g. 242 – Norway). See
                            table 6
   Mnc                      The Mobile Network Code for originator MSISDN (e.g. 2 – NetCom). See table
   Sessionid                This contains the session identifier that this message is a reply to, this
                            parameter allows you to bind an outgoing and incoming message together.
                            This field will be empty if the message does not belong to a session
   Type                     Always=1 (parameter used to distinguish between MO and DR). Note that
                            this parameter is only available on the HTTP GET interface.
   Table 5: Input parameters for MO messages
SMS GW – API Description                 Date: 02.03.2014        Rev: 2.1.0

      Operator             MCC       MNC
      Telenor              242       1
      NetCom               242       2
      Teletopia            242       3
      Network Norway       242       5
      Ventelo              242       7
      TDC Norway           242       8
      Tele2 Norway         240       7
  Table 6: List over MCC / MNC Values

  4.1.1     HTTP GET example of a valid MO URL:[messageid]&sno=[sno]&comm

  The attributes in the SMS-MO message will substitute the corresponding part of the template.

  4.1.2     HTTP POST example with JSON formatted data:

           "content":"Kodeord Testmelding 1",
           "strippedcontent":"Testmelding 1",
           "timestamp":"20140206 11:45:33",
           "sctimestamp":"20140206 11:45:33",
SMS GW – API Description                  Date: 02.03.2014       Rev: 2.1.0

              "content":"Kodeord Testmelding 2",
              "strippedcontent":"Testmelding 2",
              "timestamp":"20140206 11:47:33",
              "sctimestamp":"20140206 11:47:33",

  4.1.3        HTTP POST example with XML formatted data:

                 Kodeord Testmelding 1
                 Testmelding 1
                 20140206 12:41:13
                 20140206 12:41:13
                 Kodeord Testmelding 2
                 Testmelding 2
                 20140206 12:43:15
                 20140206 12:43:15
  Note that the HTTP POST version of the MO Gateway will trigger every second and send any
  messages (MO / DR), present in the queue. This means that you can expect that you sometimes will
  get XML or JSON messages that contain more than one message / delivery report.
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0

  4.2    Value-added services for MO messages
  For Toolbox customers it is possible to enable automatic retrieval of customer data through Toolbox
  services. Currently the services offers integration for directory inquiries and network lookup.
  It is a requirement that the toolbox service is registered in the same service group as the SMS
  Gateway service. In addition, VAS must be enabled in the SMS gateway service parameters.
  This integration extends the set of input parameters available in the HTTP GET request given above
  with the following:
   VAS type      CP parameter name             Description
                                               Record type. See the table below for mapping the code to
                                                 Code Type            Description
                                                 0       Unset        No result received from the directory
                                                                      inquiry service provider
                 di_recordtype                   1       Person       Personal record
                                                 2       Business     Business / company / organizational
                                                 3       Hybrid       Mixed result data
                                                 4       Unknown Type is unknown

                 di_firstname                  First name, if person
                 di_middlename                 Middle name
                 di_lastname                   Last name, or company name if record type is Business
                                               Gender type. See the table below for mapping the code to
                                                 Code Type            Description
                                                 0      Unset         No result received from the directory
   Directory                                                          inquiry service provider
    Inquiry di_gender                            1      Male
                                                 2      Female
                                                 3      Hybrid
                                                 4      Unknown

                 di_birthdate                  Person - Birth date
                 di_streetname                 Address - Street name
                 di_house_number               Address - House number
                 di_entrance                   Address - House entrance
                 di_zip                        Address - Post zip number
                 di_zip_location               Address - Post zip location
                 di_municipiality              Address - Municipality
                 di_country                    Address - Country
                 di_orgnr                      Business – Organization number
                 di_boxtext                    Postbox – Name on postbox
                 di_boxnumber                  Postbox – Number
                 di_boxoffice                  Postbox - Office
                 di_boxzip                     Postbox – Post zip code
                 di_boxcity                    Postbox – Post zip location / city
SMS GW – API Description               Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

   VAS type      CP parameter name            Description
                 di_boxcountry                Postbox - Country
                 di_coord_matchtype           Coordinate – match type
                 di_coord_xpos                Coordinate – X Position
                 di_coord_ypos                Coordinate – Y Position
               msisdn_errorcode          Error code
               msisdn_errortext          Error description
    MSISDN msisdn_mnc                    Mobile network code
    Network    msisdn_mcc                Mobile country code
     lookup msisdn_spid                  Service provider ID
               msisdn_spname             Service provider name
               msisdn_cc                 Country code
   Table 7: Extra input parameters for VAS MO messages

  4.2.1    HTTP GET example of a valid MO URL with VAS parameters:[messageid]

  The attributes in the SMS-MO message will substitute the corresponding part of the template.

  4.3     HTTP response for MO messages

  Your server must respond to the HTTP request with a HTTP 200 header response, any other response
  code will by default cause a retry of delivery.

  If the gateway does not receive a HTTP 200 acknowledge it will try resending the message to the CP.
  The MessageId will be the same as the previous attempt. Normally the mo-request will wait 60
  seconds for the HTTP 200 response. If the your server does not respond within the time limit the
  message is marked as undelivered and the gateway will try to resend the message later.

  IMPORTANT: Respond as fast as possible on the request before you start doing heavy business logic.
  It is strongly recommended to use an asynchronous model where you acknowledge the message and
  add it to an internal queue for example database. Do not use a synchronous model where you do all
  the business logic and then send a response message. Our experience is that customers that fail to
  respond within the time limit of the request often experience that their messages are queued. This is
  because the system will use some of its resources to resubmit messages that your server has
  received earlier but failed to acknowledge. The higher the traffic peaks, the more significant this
  problem will be.

  4.4     SMTP MO - Receiving email (from SMS)

  It is also possible to configure the SMSGW to format and send an incoming SMS message as an email
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  The email address to send incoming SMS messages to will need to be provided to Intelecom service
  desk. The end user mobile number as well as the incoming serviceid is by default set as the originator
  of the message (this is highly configurable though), so it is fully supported to reply to a email to
  respond immediately.

  The SMS message content will come in the email body, but is also highly configurable.

  By saying highly configurable, we mean that ANY field in the message (see 4.1) can be substituted in
  any of the fields in the email.


  Sender:           [originator]-[serviceid]
  Subject:          SMS message from Intelecom: [originator]
  Message:          This is a message from Intelecom SMS platform. User sent: [content]

  5 Receiving Delivery Report messages

  If you need to know whether a specific message is received by the end users handset or not you will
  need to implement a server side service able of receiving HTTP GET requests or HTTP POST requests
  through a REST API with either JSON or XML formatted content.

  This is an asynchronous operation and you will need to implement a mechanism for storing
  messageid and/ or batchReference and/ or clientReference from sent (MT) messages in order to
  associate an incoming delivery report to the correct MT message.

  The input parameters available in the HTTP GET request for delivery reports are:

   CP parameter name             Description
   Messageid                     The messageid of the original message this report is for.
   customerbatchreference        The batchReference of the MT message. A system batch reference is
                                 generated if you do not specify one when sending the MT message. See
                                 also chapter 3.7.1
   customermessagereference The clientReference you specified in the MT message. See also chapter
   Serviceid                     This parameter identifies the service that has been identified for this
   servicename                   The name of the service
   Mcc                           The Mobile Country Code for originator MSISDN (e.g. 242 – Norway).
                                 See table 6
   Mnc                           The Mobile Network Code for originator MSISDN (e.g. 2 – NetCom). See
                                 table 6
   Statuscode                    Internal statuscode. See table 11
   statusdescription             Brief description of the internal statuscode (primarily used for logging).
   extstatuscode                 External statuscode (from mobile network operator)
   extstatusdescription          Brief description of the external statuscode (primarily used for logging).
   Type                          Always=6 (parameter used to distinguish between MO and DR). Note
                                 that this parameter is only available on the HTTP GET interface.
  Table 8: Input parameters for DR messages
SMS GW – API Description                  Date: 02.03.2014               Rev: 2.1.0

   Value     Description                                  Use

   0         Operation successful                         Operation successful.

   350       Invalid network provider                     Non-existing or invalid network provider

   354       Illegal bulk message                         The account cannot send bulk messages

   355       Illegal tariff Undefined                     or illegal tariff for account

   360       Syntax error in message                      When a message contains a syntax error reported
                                                          by operator (SMSC)

   361       Validity period expired                      Validity period expired without recipient receiving
                                                          the message

   362       Message timed out                            The message timed out before recipient received

   363       SMSC operation failed                        The message contains errors and the SMSC is
                                                          unable to process the message.

   370       Unspecified error

   371       Transmit error                               The message was cancelled due to transmit errors
                                                          towards the SMSC.

   380       Invalid Login Invalid or client identifier   Illegal login towards operator.

   368       Not connected to SMSC                        Not connected/not logged in to SMSC.

   369       SMSC Specific error                          Some error condition occurred on the SMSC side.

   351       Unknown recipient number                     Recipient unknown (do not belong to current
                                                          network operator) or illegal recipient.

   356       Customer temporary barred                    Customer is barred for an unspecified for an
                                                          unspecified amount of time

   357       Customer permanently barred

   358       Subscription barred for overcharged          The subscriber has explicit chosen to be
             messages.                                    permanently barred from receiving premium rate
                                                          messages. The recipient is only allowed to receive
                                                          messages that are free of charge.
   359       Age limit exceeded                           The subscriber is not old enough to receive the
                                                          CPA / GAS message. Should only occur when an
                                                          ageLimit is set for a message.
SMS GW – API Description               Date: 02.03.2014             Rev: 2.1.0

   364       Subscription temporary not reachable     For some reason, the subscription number cannot
                                                      be reached for the moment.

   390       Message sent but not billed              The message was sent successfully, but not billed
                                                      (either it was not supposed to, or billing failed)

   385       Illegal function                         The message is stopped because of trying to use a
                                                      function that requires a special agreement.
   386       Message billed but not sent              The recipient did not receive the message, but
                                                      was billed for the message.
   650       Database error                           Database problems, error connecting to Database
                                                      or other database related problems

   652       Missing system data                      Crucial system data not found cannot perform
                                                      task without this data.

   651       No route found                           MT route not found.

   653       Unexpected error                         Unknown unexpected data. Please see error
                                                      message in the message object

   654       Invalid MSISDN                           MSISDN is not recognized as a valid number

   655       Inactive service                         Mt router barred message, service is inactive.
                                                      Discontinue routing procedure.

  Table 9: Internal status codes

  5.1.1     HTTP GET example of a valid URL for receiving delivery reports:[messageid]&statuscode=[statuscode]&statusdescription

  The attributes in the SMS-MO message will substitute the corresponding part of the template.

  5.1.2     HTTP POST example with JSON formatted data:

SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

                    "statusdescription":"OK. Message processed successfully.",
                    "statusdescription":"OK. Message processed successfully.",

  5.1.3    HTTP POST example with XML formatted data:

                 OK. Message processed successfully.
                 OK. Message processed successfully.
SMS GW – API Description              Date: 02.03.2014          Rev: 2.1.0

  5.2     Response for DR messages

  The CP must respond to the HTTP request with a HTTP 200 header response, or any other header
  responses to cause a retry of delivery.
SMS GW – API Description                Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  6      Contact info

  Content providers may contact Intelecom’s Customer Support for access to the test system from
  Internet and initial service setup for production. Intelecom’s Customer Support will also contact point
  first line service.

  Contact info is:

  Phone: +47 03050, IVR choice 1

  Required parameters from Content Provider are:
  HTTP and WebService access from CP to Intelecom SMS Gateway:
      IP address of calling CP system

  HTTP access from Intelecom SMS Gateway to CP:
      URL with template for SMS-MO messages
      URL with template for SMS-DR messages
      TCP/IP Connection Timeout towards CP in seconds (default 10)
SMS GW – API Description                  Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  7       Appendix A : Gateway Management API

  This API provides functionality to manage messages and receive status from the Gateway.
  Functionality is divided into functional groups described below.

  The API is available from web service and REST interfaces, similar to the SMS sending API. It also uses
  the same triplet of service identifisers (service id, username and password) as explained in chapter
  2.1 above.

  7.1     Interfaces for using the management API
  The management API is available as a web service and REST service.

  7.1.1    Web service (SOAP over HTTP)

  The web service interface is defined by the WSDL and can be retrieved from: Error codes
   Value        Description
   1000         No batch found matching the given customer batch reference for this service

  In addition the status codes for the SMS Gateway API are also used, e.g., for authorization errors.

  7.1.2    REST

  The REST interface supports both XML and JSON over HTTP with the following base URI:{serviceid}

  Parameter definition

   Type                    Name         Mandatory       Description
   Path                    {serviced}       Y           Identifies the service to be managed.


  Each API documented below defines the URIs used for the request based on this base URI.

  Use the HTTP Accept header to specify what Content-Type your client prefers for the response. XML
  (MIME-type: text/xml) and JSON (MIME-type: application/json) are supported.

  Note that HTTP Basic authentication (IETF RFC 2617) is used for authentication.

  7.2     Message batch management
  These APIs allow managing batches of messages sent that have been throttled (queued for sending in
  the Intelecom platform). .
SMS GW – API Description               Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

  Base URI path: /batch/

  7.2.1    Stop batch
  Stop messages that previously have been sent that are throttled. If sending has started for the batch
  only those messages still throttled will be stopped.

  Request URI path: /batch/{batch-reference}

  Request method: DELETE

  Request parameters

   Type      Name          Mandatory    Description
   Path      {batch-           Y        Identifies the batch to be managed. Set as the
             reference}                 batchReference parameter when sending messages (see
                                        chapter 3.7.1 above).


                                                 A request that references batch “my-batch” of
                                                 service with id 100.

  Response parameters

   Type Name                                         Mandatory     Description
   Entity StopBatchResponse                             Y          Response entity

            StopBatchResponse                             Y        Service id for the response.
                   #ServiceId                                      Same as provided in the

            StopBatchResponse                             Y        Client batch reference for the
                   #ClientBatchReference                           response. Same as provided in
                                                                   the request.

            StopBatchResponse                             Y        List of messages that were
                   #StoppedMessages                                stopped. Other messages in
                                                                   the batch may have been

            StopBatchResponse                             Y        Unique messageid generated
                   #StoppedMessages                                by the platform for this
                     #MessageId                                    message. The messageid is
                                                                   generated by the channel
SMS GW – API Description              Date: 02.03.2014            Rev: 2.1.0

            StopBatchResponse                            N        Customer’s message
                     #StoppedMessages                             reference for the message, if

  Status codes

   Statu    Status description                      Description
   200      OK                                      Request executed successfully. See response
                                                    entity for detailed results.
   401      Unauthorized                            The pair of username and password given is
                                                    not authorized to manage the provided
                                                    service id.
                                                    Note that username and password must be
                                                    provided per the HTTP Basic authentication
                                                    standard (IETF RFC2617).
   404      Not Found                               The requested batch cannot be found.
                                                    Ensure that the batch reference is correct for
                                                    the given service.
   500      Internal Server Error                   An unexpected error has occurred. For
                                                    example invalid request uri. Examples Web service

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