Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria

Page created by Tina Parsons
Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
Integrity and
Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
1. Introducing the Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program

2. Senior Executive IELP

3. Manager IELP

4. Board IELP

5. More information
Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
1. Introducing the Integrity and
Ethical Leadership Program
Integrity is a core tenet of the public purpose sector and underpins the
community’s trust in the services we deliver. It is widely recognised that a
culture of integrity does not just happen; it takes a deliberate and coordinated
effort on the part of organisational leaders and is the responsibility of all.

The Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program (IELP) places integrity and
ethical leadership as the first order of business in the public purpose sector.
The IELP is designed for public purpose sector employees at all stages of their
career to extend personal practice, build the confidence needed for ethical
decision-making and embed a robust integrity culture in their organisations.

In this document you will find information about the IELP, the Senior
Executive IELP, Manager IELP and the Board IELP.

Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
Development and
Over two years, we worked closely
with the public purpose sector,
expert partners and our principal
partner, EY, to co-design the IELP
and create the Integrity and Ethical
Leadership Framework.

The framework takes a
comprehensive full-system view to
ethical leadership in the public
purpose sector, from the ‘self’ to
how the system influences us and
how we influence the system.

The IELP is designed with, and for,
the public purpose sector in
Victoria, across local, state and
Commonwealth government.

The framework is the foundation of
all programs in the IELP suite.        © Institute of Public Administration Australia (Victoria) Inc 2021. All rights reserved.
                                                No part of this material may be reproduced, stored or transmitted
                                               by any means without the prior written permission of IPAA Victoria.

Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
Program         Segment          Profile
IELP suite
                                                                                          Senior executives   Work in complex ecosystems with a
Our ambition is to develop and deliver programs in the IELP suite                                             varying ability to influence ministers,
covering the full public purpose career.                                         Senior
                                                                                                              councillors, etc. Their success hinges on
                                                                         Executive IELP
                                                                                                              their ability to navigate the public
These will be designed for specific cohorts working in the public                            Executives       purpose political landscape.
purpose sector and will be aligned with key public sector career
progressions, such as managers and board directors (see the table on
this page).                                                                                                   Tasked with translating the strategy into
                                                                                                              action, requiring them to think both
We currently deliver the flagship Senior Executive IELP three times a    Manager IELP        Managers         strategically and operationally.
year in Victoria.                                                                                             Experiences being ‘in-between’, needing
                                                                                                              to manage up, down and sideways.
The Manager IELP is offered twice a year and can be offered more
frequently to respond to demand.                                                                              Varied background, with varying degrees
                                                                                                              of experience and understand of public
The Board IELP is the newest program in the IELP suite. It is designed                                        purpose expectations.
                                                                                IELP      Board directors
to help boards strengthening their confidence in setting a positive
integrity culture and for robust ethical decision-making.                                                     Distinction to be made between advisory
                                                                                                              and governance.

Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
2. Senior Executive IELP
The Senior Executive IELP is the leadership development program for the modern, public purpose sector

The program equips leaders within the public purpose sector with the skills, knowledge and tools for ethical
leadership and to help build positive integrity cultures. Over an immersive three ‘waves’, participants join an
intimate peer cohort drawn from Victoria’s diverse public purpose sector.

Participants have opportunities to build trusted peer networks, work with expert facilitators, delve into
thought-provoking case studies, explore an ethical dilemma they have faced, and grow their leadership
awareness with one-one-one coaching, self-reflection and development diagnostics.

They hear ‘integrity moments’ from renowned ‘wise heads’. Previous wise heads have included Kerry
Thompson, Cheryl Batagol PSM, Jon Faine AM , Gill Calister PSM, Chris Eccles AO and Andrew Metcalf AO.

The journey continues when participants join the growing IELP Alumni and continue to deepen and extend
their integrity leadership practice through enjoy exclusive ‘under the hood’ events.

Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
Participants                                                Learning outcomes
The Senior Executive IELP is for senior executives across   1.   Unlock your ethical leadership – understand
all levels of government – Commonwealth, state and               your decision-making temptations and biases to
local.                                                           enhance your leadership
                                                            2.   Explore your ‘leadership ripple’ – gain
The program appeals to experienced senior executives,            awareness of the way you influence and the
e.g. deputy secretaries, CEOs, COOs, CFOs, executive             shadow you cast
directors, and executive and general managers.              3.   Set the ‘tone from the top’ – develop the
                                                                 capabilities you need to create a positive
We understand the diversity of senior executive                  integrity culture
experience across different areas, localities and           4.   See the ‘system’ – shine a light on how the
institutions, and we curate each cohort to maximise the          system works on you and you on it
experience for each participant. We aim to build            5.   Optimate your personal resilience and
cohorts with a shared level of professional experience.          wellbeing and develop the skills to foster
                                                                 psychological safety amongst those you lead.

Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
Learning journey
Participants go on an immersive three ‘wave’ journey. The program
journey also includes the My Ethical Leadership 360° Survey, self-
directed journal reflection, readings and pre-work, peer group work
and one-on-one coaching sessions between waves.

Welcome & Commencement Session
The program commences with a welcome session where you will
meet your fellow participants and peer groups, and be introduced to
the program team, the IELP team members and to the program’s key

Wave 1: Culture, Governance and Systems
Participants will work with the Integrity and Ethical Leadership
Framework, and consider ethics and integrity in the context and
dynamic of the public sector. Observing the Chatham House Rule,
‘wise head’ speakers will discuss ethical challenges, including lived
experiences of when things didn’t go according to plan.

The practice of ethical leadership will be examined from a systems
thinking perspective, and will include discussions on the influence of
the operating environment on individuals’ ethical decision-making,
and the way in which individuals can deploy levers of change within
their organisation.

Systems thinking will also be used to look at your individual systems,
identifying key assumptions that are held, and how these may
influence decision-making.

Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
Wave 2: Philosophical Enquiries into Ethics in the public sector
Participants will examine ethical dilemmas through the works of historical philosophers. Through a process of
philosophical enquiry, participants will be presented with complex ethical problems that provoke and
challenge their own moral belief systems.

Participants will explore three main themes relevant to the public sector. The first is working with power,
which discusses ‘work as a moral frontier’. This concept encourages participants to bring their own ethical
compass into their professional environments, rather than separating themselves from their job role and
using it as a means through which their need for personal accountability may be reduced.

The second theme explores the exercise of power, enquiring into the participant’s personal responsibility
within their system, situated within a public sector context. Lastly, the program focuses on moral reasoning
and moral blindness. Through these three themes, participants will explore how they can bring ‘their best
possible moral health’ as a leader in the public sector.

Wave 3: My Leadership Ripple
Over the final days of the program - my leadership ripple, participants will be provided with practical
knowledge and skills to create an ethical leadership ripple within their organisation. My leadership ripple is
focused on enacting ethical leadership within the system, pulling together the participant’s journey through
action planning to address their key ethical challenge(s). Participants will draw on the components of the
program that resonated most for them and develop an action plan to transfer learnings and embed
strengthened integrity practice within their workplaces.

Participants will develop practical knowledge, skills and methods on:
• delegating and sharing responsibility in the context of promoting ethical behaviours
• building trust and communication through enhanced psychological safety.

Finally, participants will build on a range of their leadership skills, including:
• drawing on neuro-leadership to harness and optimise their well -being for effective decision-making
• understanding decision dynamics and the influence of unconscious biases in ethical decision -making.

Integrity and Ethical Leadership Program 2021 - IPAA Victoria
Senior Executive IELP delivery partners
IPAA Victoria works with a range of specialist organisations, including out principal partner EY, to deliver the Senior
Executive IELP.

Ernst & Young
EY’s People Advisory Service is a global practice bringing together teams of highly skilled professionals from a breadth of
industry backgrounds and specialisations. Based on a deep understanding of the public sector’s diverse needs, our team
focusses specifically on building leadership and developing the skills to support the cultural transformations required to
deliver improved public services. Our EY professionals ask better questions and work with clients to create holistic,
innovative answers that deliver quality results. We are inspired by a deep commitment to build a better working world,
and to help organisations and people meet their goals and enhance public value, for today and tomorrow.

 “Ethical leadership is critical to building trust, influence and respect with the communities we serve,
 stakeholders and importantly our own teams. The Senior Executive IELP really reinforced the
 importance of always doing the right thing even when no one is watching.”
 — Gönül Serbest, Chief Executive Officer, Global Victoria, Department of Jobs, Precincts & Regions (VIC)

“I am now more reflective rather than reactive when facing a dilemma.”
— Dr Geoff Allan, Chief Operating Officer, Austroads

“I can highly recommend this program for leaders who want to extend themselves.”
— Rebecca McKenzie, Chief Executive Officer, Glen Eira City Council

“Systems thinking has helped me consider the role I’m playing in any situation and better
understand the systems in which I’m operating.”
— Nigel Cadywould, Director Customer Engagement, Cenitex

The Senior Executive IELP that I participated in was well balanced, professionally run with thought provoking
contents, various presentations reflecting diverse and unique perspectives. I personally benefitted
enormously from the exposure and experience gathered as a participant.
— Vijaya Vaidyanath, Chief Executive Officer, Yarra City Council

3. Manager IELP
The Manager IELP is a professional learning and development
program designed for public purpose senior managers.

The program equips managers with the skills and knowledge to
better understand public sector integrity, navigate ‘the grey’
and build their ethical leadership practice.

The Manager IELP builds on:
•    IPAA Victoria’s extensive research, in partnership with EY,
     into public sector integrity and ethical leadership.
•    A co-design process with public purpose sector
     practitioners to develop our Integrity & Ethical Leadership
•    Our insights and experience gained from our highly
     regarded Senior Executive IELP.
•    The VPS Public Sector Values.

Each Manager IELP cohort is capped at 30 participants.

Participants have the opportunity to build their peer networks, work
with one another, and learn from each other’s perspectives and

The Manager IELP participant is a people or program manager and/or
budget manager of significant responsibility.

Participant profile
The Manager IELP participant is tasked with translating the strategy
into action, requiring them to think both strategically and
operationally. They experience being ‘in-between’, needing to manage
up, down and sideways.

They manage people, have financial responsibilities and/or are
responsible for significant delivery. Aspects of their role are likely to
require an integrity focus – this could include managing staff and
performance, oversight of governance or conflicts of interest
processes, exercising judgement over the allocation of resources or
use of sensitive information, dealing with external stakeholders or
responsibility for procurement or contract management.

Learning outcomes and vehicles
The Manager IELP takes a multi-faceted approach to maximise learning outcomes.       Learning vehicles
Learning vehicles include task-based and case study learning, an action learning
project, peer learning, coaching and drawing on peer experience.
                                                                                      Storytelling and facilitated discussions
The Manager IELP learning outcomes:

1.    Enhance understanding of own values and purpose and alignment with              Ethical Decision Making Profile
2.    Develop skills to improve own resilience and create enhanced team
      psychological safety
3.    Enhance mindfulness of own decisions, including decision-making biases and      My Ethical Project
4.    Improve ability to foster a positive integrity culture by empowering your
      team to make decisions ethically                                                Peer learning and peer groups
5.    Develop strategies to facilitate ethical decision making when dealing with a
      range of stakeholders with competing needs
6.    Strengthen understanding of the system you operate in to optimize ethical
      decisions and actions                                                           ‘Scavenger hunt’ learning tasks
7.    Gain awareness of how to activate public sector purpose, values, codes of
      conduct, governance and risk processes to enhance ethical practice across
      your team

Program impact
The Manager IELP targets three levels of awareness and application
of integrity and ethical leadership in the public purpose sector. It
aligns to leading research on adult development from Kegan and
Lahey (2009).

Participants journey through a deep understanding of their own
ethical orientation and their challenges in leadership, through to an
appreciation of the way their system influences their judgements and
behaviour, towards equipping each with the tools they will need to be
confident leaders and ‘agents of change’ in the system.

                                                                                                             3. Influencing the system through my
                                                                                                             ethical leadership

                                                        2. Impact of the system on my ethical                Understanding the ways you can impact the
                                                        leadership                                           system to augment integrity and ethical
                                                                                                             leadership in practice. This includes the ways I can
                                                        Understanding the requirements and impact of         influence the team, the organisation, the culture
1. My ethical Leadership                                                                                     and the broader public purpose sector.
                                                        the system on the individual.
                                                        This also involves understanding the complexity of
Understanding yourself and improving skills to          the political environment, public scrutiny,
strengthen ethical decision-making.                     frameworks, governance, values and codes of
For example, self-awareness and self-regulation         conduct.
for resilience and well-being, and balanced
decision-making, values centred on ethics and

4. Board IELP
Ethical decision making has never been more critical to effective and ethical governance and the
delivery of public value. Rising citizen expectations and stakeholder needs, and a shifting authorising
landscape create an ever changing public purpose environment.

IPAA Victoria’s Board IELP, the newest program, launched in 2020, in the Integrity and Ethical
Leadership Program (IELP) suite, will help boards navigate this environment by strengthening their
confidence in setting a positive integrity culture and for robust ethical decision-making.

Participants                                           PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK

                                                       “The Board IELP was a fantastic way to build self
The Board IELP is designed for intact public sector
boards, local government councils and other public     awareness and to question established norms and
purpose decision-making governance committees.         dynamics that could lead to perverse outcomes.”

The Board IELP is delivered over four hours by         “It is a great opportunity to learn about your own
IELP leadership development experts. It can
                                                       contribution to the board and to more deeply
either be delivered in-person or online. The
program can be delivered in a single session or in a   understand the contributions of others, and why?”
collective of modules.
                                                       “I will actively seek to move outside my default style
                                                       to expand my experiences and to add more value to
                                                       the board.”

Learning outcomes
The Board IELP comprises three core modules that explore the nature of
ethical perspective taking, challenging existing boardroom dynamics and
growing your board’s capacity to incorporate ethical frames into decision-
making. The components can be delivered individually or as an integrated,
four hour program.

Module 1, Ethical perspective tak ing, is designed to assist in enhancing
decision making by adopting the perspectives of key board stakeholders and

Module 2, Setting ‘the right’ ethical tone, builds on module one by helping the
board to understand how to activate ‘the right’ ethical tone for their

Module 3, Understand, activate and own ethical decision mak ing, is the final
module and helps participants to understand the role they play as individual
decision-makers in collective decision making.

In completing the program, the board will:
• Enhance their understanding of how group dynamics and individual
   preferences shape boardroom decisions.
• Strengthen trust between board members.
• Enhance effectiveness in the ethical rigour of boardroom decision-
• Build confidence in boardroom leadership to set a positive integrity
   culture for their organisations, their community and beyond.

4. More information

References from our alumni are available on request by contacting our IELP
team using the below details.

For further information, please visit or reach out to the
IELP team.

Boris Radickovic
General Manager Capability Development

“The Senior Executive IELP provided me with philosophical
insights that grounded my antenna of the importance of
leading with high standards of integrity and ethics.”
— Terry Garwood PSM, Deputy Secretary, Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (VIC)
3 / 37 Little Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 | (03) 9653 2000

                        © Institute of Public Administration Australia (Victoria) Inc 2020. All rights reserved.
No part of this material may be reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means without the prior written permission of IPAA Victoria.
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