Intake conservative who's who in health - HSJ

who’s who in health

Foreword, by Charles Lewington                         3

Helen Grant, Maidstone and the Weald                   4

Phillip Lee, Bracknell                                 5

Daniel Poulter, Central Suffolk and Ipswich North      6

George Freeman, Mid Norfolk                            7

Sarah Wollaston, Totnes                                8

Maggie Throup, Solihull                                9

Mark Coote, Cheltenham                                10

Penny Mordaunt, Portsmouth North                       11

Maria Hutchings, Eastleigh                            12

Margot James, Stourbridge                             13

Paul Maynard, Blackpool North and Cleveleys           14

Helen Whately, Kingston and Surbition                 15

Rowena Holland, Nottingham South                      16

Julia Manning, to be selected                          17

Departures, voluntary and involuntary               18-19

                                    At the next general election the House of
                                    Commons may undergo its most radical
                                    change since 1945. An unexpected number
                                    of retiring MPs, coupled with a sizeable
                                    predicted swing to the Conservatives
                                    means well over a third of the new
                                    Parliament could be new MPs. Even if the
                                    Conservatives gain an overall majority of
                                    one, more than half their MPs will be new
                                    to Parliament. Change of this scale will
                                    have huge implications for business.

                                     Much has been made of the “ones to
watch” in this predicted new intake of MPs. This booklet highlights candidates
with a healthcare interest, including unique information gained from them
via a hanover survey of their opinions and priorities.

This booklet focuses on Conservative PPCs, some of whom will be certain of
election as they are fighting seats with large majorities, or ones estimated to
have had large notional majorities in 2005 with the new boundaries. Others
will have a harder fight ahead, but with a national swing of 7%+ needed for
the narrowest of Conservative majorities the party is working hard to win these
seats. While we did not originally set out to look solely at the Conservatives,
they can expect to form the bulk of the class of 2010, and of the candidates
from other parties selected to date, few have a health specialism.

The candidates’ backgrounds range from scientist to investor, GP to
PCT board member, policy advisor to aid worker and patient advocate.
They have many common priorities and concerns: care of old people;
prevention; improved access and decentralisation, to name but a few, but in
how healthcare should be organised and funded there is a plurality of views.

Given the tough challenges health faces over the coming years the views
and energy of this new intake will be critical.

3   January 2010
Helen Grant                                                           notional majority

PPC for Maidstone and the Weald                                      of   12,922
                      Helen inherits the        She strongly believes in the importance of
                      seat from Rt Hon          listening to patients, understanding them
                      Anne Widdecombe           and the communities in which they live:
                      who held the health
                      brief in opposition       “highest
                                                   If we are committed to delivering the
                                                         quality of care and service we must
                      under William
                      Hague’s leadership.
                                                 know our customers.
                      She took an active        She wants to see widespread reform
                      role in the NHS as                         “
                                                stretching from financing a world
a non-executive director of the Croydon                                         ”
                                                class commissioning service through
NHS Primary Care Trust from January               “
                                                to the public perception of the NHS.
                                                If we can improve the perception
2005 until 2007. Helen is also the founding
member of the executive committee of            of the NHS then this would lead
the MASH campaign, which aims to save           to a more motivated workforce.
Maidstone’s Hospital Services, and she
regularly meets with the Chairmen of the          Helen considers the NHS to be:
Maidstone Hospital Trust Board and their
overseeing Primary Care Trust board.              “ Ahealth
                                                        pearl of our society – universal
                                                             care free at the point of need.
Her family background is rooted in                  We must support it and protect it,
healthcare. Her grandmother was a nursing           but also improve it by making it more
sister, her father a doctor and orthopaedic
surgeon, her mother a nurse and she has
                                                    responsive to patients’ needs.
two sisters, one who is a doctor and the
other a nurse.

 Local PCT priorities                                  Local hospital performance rating

 •   Teenage pregnancy                                 Maidstone and Tunbridge
 •   Smoking                                           Wells Hospital
 •   Cancer screening                                  Quality of Service:   ✪
 •   Childhood immunisation                            Financial Management: ✪ ✪
 •   Weight management

                                Key:   ✪ 		     Weak       ✪✪✪✪       Excellent
                                       ✪ ✪ 		   Fair       Source: Care
                                       ✪✪✪      Good       Quality Commission
Phillip Lee                                                            notional majority

PPC for Bracknell                                                 of   12,036
                        Phillip was selected   He cancelled his BMA membership shortly
                        by members of the      after qualifying as a doctor as he felt they
                        local community        did not stand up for doctors’ or patients’
                        as well as the Party   best interests, but has been complimentary
                        membership at          about more recent BMA policy, such as
                        an “open primary”      their agreement with the Conservative’s
                        selection meeting,     call to create an independent health board.
                        although Bracknell     He has been critical of both nation
                        stopped short of       devolution and the Barnett formula
having a full a constituency-wide paper        as causing unfairness in the provision
ballot. Phillip is expected to increase the    of healthcare in Britain.
majority, despite an anticipated backlash
                                               This will be the second general election he
against the retiring Conservative
                                               has fought having contested Blaenau Gwent
incumbent’s expense claim abuses.
                                               in South Wales in 2005.
He studied at King’s College, London, Keble
College, Oxford and St Mary’s Hospital
                                                 Phillip believes patients need
Medical School at Imperial College in
                                                 to be involved in service design:
London. He now works as a part-time GP
throughout the Thames Valley area. He has        “ Uofntil local people take ownership
                                                        their own individual health
highlighted the lack of MPs and candidates
with a science background and is expected          and play an active role in determining
to be a champion of research and science           the health services offered locally,
on the green benches.                              the health of the nation as a whole
                                                   will not improve.

    Local PCT priorities                             Local hospital performance rating

    • Increasing physical activity                   Royal Berkshire Hospital
    • Reducing teenage pregnancy
    • Fuel poverty and early age obesity             Quality of Service:   ✪✪✪
                                                     Financial Management: ✪ ✪

Daniel Poulter                                                        notional majority

PPC for Central Suffolk and Ipswich North                               of   7,856
                        A doctor, specialising   record will ensure he is an effective advocate
                        in obstetrics,           for the issues he cares about when he
                        gynaecology and          reaches the green benches.
                        women’s health,          During his career he has served on several
                        pipped 170 hopefuls to   service improvement committees concerned
                        become the PPC for       with care for older patients and promoting
                        retiree Michael Lord’s   best practice in natural childbirth. He also
                        safe Conservative        has experience of health issues from a local
                        seat. Selected in an     government perspective as a local
                        meeting open to          Councillor, being made Deputy Leader
everyone living in the constituency, he          of Reigate & Banstead Council last year.
pledged to resign his post immediately           In his spare time he has chosen to support
at the Princess Royal University Hospital,       organisations dealing with homelessness,
in Bromley, and to find health care work in      mental illness and Women’s Refuge.
Suffolk in the run-up to the General Election.   His interest in all three issues is likely
Daniel is a veteran campaigner both for          to continue into his parliamentary career.
the Conservatives and for local healthcare
services. He has good connections to the           He states that:
Conservative health team, in particular
Anne Milton MP, having run her polling             “	Ibureaucracy,
                                                        would fight to cut NHS
                                                                    and instead direct
day operation for the 2005 general election.
                                                     more money into frontline patient
In addition to medicine, his legal                   care: such as maternity services,
background – he is a law graduate – and
successful recreational debating track
                                                     A&E and cancer treatment.

 Local PCT priorities                                  Local hospital performance rating

 • Inequalities                                        Ipswich hospital
 • Child physical activity
 • Teenage pregnancy
                                                       Quality of Service:      ✪✪
                                                       Financial Management:    ✪✪✪

George Freeman                                                          notional majority

PPC for Mid Norfolk                                                       of   7,793
                        George will bring          and now a leading specialist experimental
                        twelve years               medicine consultancy.
                        experience of              His work in the last three years has almost
                        biomedical research        exclusively involved working with the
                        and healthcare             UK’s leading biomedical research hospitals
                        venture capitalism         setting up new translational models of
                        to the green benches       care to catalyse and draw on accelerated
                        and is likely to be        biomedical discovery.
                        a leading prevention
                        champion, wanting
investment in health awareness and                   He sees the major challenges
responsibility earlier in life.                      healthcare providers face as:
After a brief spell as Parliamentary Officer
for the National Farmers Union and an
                                                     “	The ‘perfect storm’ of pressures, from
                                                      continuing technological innovation
early career in small business, George was             creating ever more treatment
appointed Director of venture capital firm             possibilities, exploding patient
Early Stage Ventures. As one of the                    demand accelerated by fundamental
founders of Merlin Biosciences in the                  epidemiological and demographic
1990s, he was closely involved in the                  drivers, the breakdown of the Big
formation and funding of a number of                   Pharma ‘one size fits all’ blockbuster
well known UK biotech start-ups including              discovery model, and new
Ark Therapeutics, Vectura, Microscience,               reimbursement regimes based on
Biovex, and Amedis Pharmaceuticals.                    improved performance of increasingly
In 2003, he set up 4D Biomedical,                      targeted therapies.
a bio-medical ventures advisory business,

    Local PCT priorities                                 Local hospital performance rating

    • Inequalities across the county, especially         Norfolk and Norwich
      early deaths from heart disease and stroke         University Hospital
                                                         Quality of Service:   ✪✪
                                                         Financial Management: ✪ ✪ ✪

Sarah Wollaston                                                       notional majority

PPC for Totnes                                                          of   1,620
                        Selected via a high     She has been a Fellow of the Higher
                        profile open primary,   Education Academy in 2007 and has also
                        where all members of    taught medical students from Bristol and
                        the electorate can      the Peninsula Medical Schools for the last
                        vote, the Chagford      ten years. She has worked as a GP trainer,
                        GP and relative         has taught junior doctors at Exeter
                        newcomer to the         postgraduate centre, and is an examiner for
                        political arena beat    the Royal College of General Practitioners.
                        established local       From 1996-2001 Dr Wollaston worked as
politicians to the Totnes candidacy. She is     a forensic medical examiner for the police.
expected to continue the tradition of vocal
GPs in the House and has already
highlighted alcohol abuse as an issue of          During her selection campaign,
                                                  she pledged:
concern having witnessed the devastating
effects of alcohol-related crime and              “	Ihospitals
                                                       would fight to maintain community
binge-drinking as both a doctor
and a victim examiner.
                                                                and resist the slide towards
                                                    impersonal, large scale medical
She took a BSc in pathology in 1983,                provision. I feel the health service is
a medical degree at Guy’s Hospital in               under-represented in Parliament and
1986, and became a Member of the Royal              hope to be in a position to influence
College of General Practitioners in 1992.           future Conservative health policy.
In addition to her work as a GP,
Dr Wollaston has considerable expertise
in medical education and training.

 Local PCT priorities                                 Local hospital performance rating

 •   Smoking                                          Totnes Country Hospital
 •   Obesity
 •   Misuse of alcohol                                Quality of Service:   ✪✪
 •   STDs (especially in young people)                Financial Management: ✪ ✪ ✪

Maggie Throup                                                            notional majority

PPC for Solihull                                                                 of   124
                           A qualified             She is a champion of decentralisation,
                           healthcare scientist
                           and Fellow of the
                                                   saying that patient-centred healthcare
                                                   is important – it doesn’t always have
                           Institute of            to be delivered in the latest, high-tech
                           Biomedical Sciences,
                           Maggie is expected
                           to take Solihull from
                           the Lib Dems.             Her priority for reform:

                       She should benefit            “	More preventative medicine
                                                       – the well-woman and well-man
from favourable boundary changes and
                                                       clinics introduced by the last
a long track record as a local campaigner,
                                                       Conservative Government were
often on high profile health issues,
                                                       a step in the right direction.
including working to save local maternity
services and A & E.                                  	Also the cost of screening and
                                                       therefore early diagnosis and
She graduated from the University of
                                                       prevention must be much lower
Manchester with a Biology degree and
                                                       than the cost of treating diseases
she also has professional qualifications
                                                       at a later stage, plus the cost
in Biomedical Sciences and in Marketing.
                                                       to employers of sickness absence
Maggie began her career as a Medical
                                                       and the cost to the State in benefits.
Laboratory Scientist, working in the NHS,
and then moved into Medical Diagnostics              	More importantly, it must be good
Sales & Marketing for Nycomed (UK) Ltd,
before setting up her own business.
                                                       for the individual.

    Local PCT priorities                                 Local hospital performance rating

    •   Inequalities                                     Solihull Hospital
    •   CVD deaths increasing
    •   Physical activity
    •   Reducing smoking                                 Quality of Service:       ✪✪
                                                         Financial Management:     ✪✪✪✪

Mark Coote                                                           0.33%
PPC for Cheltenham                                                      swing required

                      Mark cites his        He believes there should be a systematic
                      passion for           dismantling of Department of Health
                      healthcare as         targets, and devolution to Hospital Trusts
                      stemming from the
                      NHS saving his life
                                            and PCTs of Far more responsibility
                                            based on the audited needs of individual
                      from a rare illness   communities and their unique healthcare
                      when he was in his
                      twenties. A former
                                            needs and provisions.
                      teacher, he is now    Having fought Hastings and Rye in two
Associate Director of Britain’s largest     successive elections, he now has the chance
charity, Cancer Research UK.                to take his hometown of Cheltenham from
                                            the Lib Dems who hold it with a slim
Unsurprisingly, improving cancer
outcomes features high on his list of
priorities and, in particular, prevention
and early detection as well gaining           He believes:
equitable access to treatments.
                                              “	IfbeItocould change one thing it would
                                                          end the inequities of healthcare
He also wants to see a fair solution
to long-term healthcare for the elderly,
                                                access within deprived communities
                                                and the postcode lottery with
improved access to free dental care, and
stronger recruitment models for trainee
                                                treatment availability.
doctors and dentists.

 Local PCT priorities                             Local hospital performance rating

 •   Smoking                                      Cheltenham General Hospital
 •   Obesity
 •   Breastfeeding                                Quality of Service:   ✪✪✪
 •   Alcohol misuse
                                                  Financial Management: ✪ ✪ ✪
 •   Independence of vulnerable people
     and reducing falls in over 75s

Penny Mordaunt                                                       0.38%
PPC for Portsmouth North                                                 swing required

                      Penny is a former      Penny has worked in Westminster,
                      Director of Diabetes   for William Hague as Leader of the
                      UK – the largest       Opposition, and in Washington DC,
                      patient organisation   as George W Bush’s head of foreign
                      in Europe. In this     press, as well as for hanover as a public
                      role she helped the    relations consultant.
                      charity develop
                                             Improving care and services for older
                      the provision of
                                             people is her priority, and she recently
                      services as well
                                             helped bring together major charities
as raise awareness of the condition and
                                             for older people with the Centre for
improve diagnosis and access to services.
                                             Social Justice, to encourage greater
Penny is concerned with international        policy focus on these issues within
development, an interest that dates back     the party. She is also a hospital visitor,
to her time as an aid worker in the          and during the London mayoral campaign
hospitals and orphanages of post-            ran a campaign to highlight poor access
revolutionary Romania. More recently         to GP services for commuters.
she participated in a UK Trade and Invest
health mission to India, and also devised
                                               She wants to see:
and ran an occupational health programme
for UK companies with overseas staff,          “	Apotential
                                                      true level playing field for all
                                                              providers, maintaining
delivering screening and educational
                                                 focus on continual training and
programmes on five continents.
                                                 development for staff, and a more
                                                 outward looking NHS.

 Local PCT priorities                              Local hospital performance rating

 •   Obesity & Smoking                             Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust
 •   Alcohol related harm                          (Queen Alexandra and St Marys)
 •   Oral health                                   Quality of Service:   ✪✪✪✪
 •   Teenage pregnancy                             Financial Management: ✪ ✪
 •   Substance misuse and inequalities

Maria Hutchings                                                             0.56%
PPC for Eastleigh                                                                swing required

                        Maria has spent              After a brief 12 month flirtation with
                        the last 6 years             the Labour party in 1983 she joined the
                        campaigning for              Conservatives in 2005 after coming to
                        special needs                prominence through her campaigning.
                        children and their           She went on to serve as a member of
                        carers and takes a           the Conservative Party Public Service
                        particular interest          Improvement Policy Group and
                        in autism, having            the Commission on Special Needs.
                        an autistic son.
                        Although she only
needs a tiny swing to win, she has a                   She thinks patient organisations will:
considerable challenge on her hands.
                                                       “	Hinave their work cut out for them
She is standing against the well-resourced
and experienced campaigner Liberal
                                                              an increasingly crowded space.
Democrat Chris Huhne MP. Huhne has                     and thinks that the current trend
been critical of her wish to increase access           for mergers of these organisations will:
to single vaccines for MMR for parents who
are concerned about the joint vaccination.             “	Bmore
                                                            e balanced by the emergence of
                                                                splinter groups due to the need
A former radio broadcaster, Maria makes
regular media appearances often describing               for increased and more detailed,

     “                    ”
the immense struggle of coping with                      specific knowledge.
a child with a disability and citing her
personal experience of fighting the
system as her motivation in politics.
A popular and well-known figure, she
                                                     Her priorities would be joining up
                                                     the dots between health and education
                                                     provision and tackling single vaccine
famously ambushed Tony Blair in February
2005 live on television, over the proposed                      ”
closure of the special school attended by her son.

 Local PCT priorities                                      Local hospital performance rating

 •   Mortality rates                                       Winchester and Eastleigh
 •   Child obesity                                         Healthcare Trust
 •   Teenage pregnancy                                     Quality of Service:   ✪✪✪
 •   Alcohol rated harm                                    Financial Management: ✪ ✪

Margot James                                                               1.46%
PPC for Stourbridge                                                            swing required

                       A vice-chairman of        On healthcare funding, Margot opposes
                       the Party since 2005,     any idea of co-payment and says that
                       and named by The
                       Pink Paper as the
                                                 “ As soon as you move to a two-tier system
                                                 that guarantees a ‘minimum’ and facilitates
                       tenth most powerful       access to better treatment and services
                       gay, lesbian and          to those who can afford co-payment or
                       bisexual politician       insurance, then more and more treatment
                       in the UK, Margot         will start to fall in to the latter category
                       is one to watch           and the ‘minimum’ will become worse
                       should she turn
the suburban West Midlands seat
                                                 over time.
of Stourbridge blue in 2010.
                                                     She wants to:
She has experience of working in healthcare
as a volunteer, a politician and professional,       “	Restore the values of care, and time
                                                       with patients so this becomes the
as well as being a carer for her own family.
After working in the family firm, Margot               cornerstone of nursing. I would like
co-founded Shire Health, a healthcare PR               for nurses to take greater pride
and medical education business which she               in their work and have the power to
sold to Ogilvy & Mather in 2004, joining the           aspire to, and reach, a much higher
senior management team.                                standard of ward discipline and
She also brings expertise as a former mental           patient care than is reportedly
health manager, as a board member of
Parkside NHS Trust, and as an ‘Older
                                                       the case at the moment.
People’s Champion’ and member of the
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
while a councillor for the London Borough
of Kensington and Chelsea.

 Local PCT priorities                                    Local hospital performance rating

 • Alcohol                                               Dudley Hospital NHS Trust
 • Obesity

                                                         Quality of Service:         ✪
                                                         Financial Management:       ✪✪✪✪

Paul Maynard                                                          4.24%
PPC for Blackpool North and Cleveleys                                     swing required

                       In 1999, Paul served
                       as a health adviser
                                              “theThe more complex healthcare becomes,
                                                   harder it seems to be to preserve a
                       in the Conservative    patient’s individuality. Everything I hear
                       Research               from local groups is about how difficult
                       Department and         people find it to access the help appropriate
                       was later appointed    to them – if you don’t fit neatly into
                       an adviser to Dr
                       Liam Fox MP during
                                              the tick-boxes, you struggle.
                                              Noting that his constituency has the
                       his role as Shadow
                                              highest proportion of residents in the
Health Secretary. After he left his role
                                              country with a long-term medical
within the Conservative Party in 2002,
                                              condition, improvements in this sphere
Paul took a year’s sabbatical at the think
                                              are important to him and he thinks mental
tank Reform.
                                              and public health are much neglected
He believes the ethical dimensions of         policy sectors.
healthcare provision will become more
important as the costs of healthcare
                                                He has two priorities:
escalate and our ability to meet those
costs fails to keep up.                         “	Reform to the financing of end-of-life
                                                 provision, and a review the 1969
Paul sees the biggest challenge, for those        Medicines Act in its totality to reflect
who provide care, is to fit the care to the       current medical reality (adults with,
patient and not the patient to the care.          for example, cystic fibrosis should
                                                  be allowed free prescriptions).

 Local PCT priorities                               Local hospital performance rating

 •   Alcohol misuse                                 Blackpool Hospital
 •   Smoking
 •   Obesity                                        Quality of Service:   ✪✪✪
 •   Teenage pregnancy                              Financial Management: ✪ ✪

Helen Whately                                                             9.05%
PPC for Kingston and Surbiton                                                swing required

                       Helen is the daughter     In addition to the funding challenges
                       of two doctors and        faced by the NHS, she is concerned about
                       currently works as a      a lack of clarity around the status of
                       healthcare specialist     patient organisations within the service,
                       for a management          as well as the extent to which the NHS is
                       consultancy. She
                       is a passionate                                “
                                                 locally accountable: I’m unconvinced
                                                 by the structures intended to bring
                       campaigner for
                       the NHS, saying it
                                                 local democracy to bear on the NHS.
                                                 She also takes a close interest in
                       should be held up as      ‘healthcare systems’ and in the nursing
an example to aspire to around the world.
                                                 profession which has been in crisis
She has previously worked for the
Conservatives’ Culture Media & Sport team,
                                                 for a decade now. Her priorities would
                                                 be End of Life Care and Mental Health.
at PricewaterhouseCoopers, and at AOL,
                                                 Since winning this seat with a wafer thin
where she launched the UK’s first legal
                                                 majority in 1997, Lib Dem MP Ed Davey
internet film service.
                                                 has built up a comfortable lead here.
                                                 However the Conservatives are working
  Helen wants to:                                hard to ‘lovebomb’ Lib Dem voters and

   See the NHS continue to move from
   acute to primary and community care,
                                                 are ambitious about eroding Mr Davey’s
                                                 majority with the aim of taking the seat
   and I believe that more transparency          back, either at this election, or the next.
   in performance will help drive up
   standards, as has happened with
   hospital cleanliness.

 Local PCT priorities                                  Local hospital performance rating

 • Improving life expectancy and tackling              Kingston Hospital
 • Improving quality and responsiveness
   of services especially for people with long         Quality of Service:       ✪✪
   term conditions, disabilities and mental            Financial Management:     ✪✪✪
   health issues

Rowena Holland                                                               9.6%
PPC for Nottingham South                                                   swing required

                      Nottingham South         Rowena would like to see reform of NICE
                      is an ambitious target   as a priority, but she also highlights the
                      seat that could          need for pharmaceutical companies to
                      turn blue if the         provide adequate evidence in terms of
                      Conservatives’           clinical trials, health economic data and
                      best showings in the     quality of life patient outcomes in a format
                      opinion polls holds      that can be quickly evaluated.
                      up through to the
                      election. Rowena’s
campaign is aided by her local credentials       “	The Scottish Medicines Consortium
                                                  reviews all new drugs and I think that
and the sitting Labour MP Alan Simpson’s
retirement.                                        NICE should do likewise, and give
                                                   physicians a review of all new drugs
If elected, Rowena Holland would bring to          that are released for use in the UK.
Parliament 15 years in the pharmaceutical          The current process is extremely slow
sector. She has a doctorate in Biochemistry        and reviews only a small proportion
and has worked for 3M Healthcare, Merck            of new medicines, leaving physicians
Sharp & Dohme and ALK-Abellio. Allergy             and PCTs to make their own reviews
is her current area of professional interest       which ultimately causes ‘postcode
and she is a long standing supporter of the        prescribing’ issues…a very unfair
Anaphylaxis campaign.                              system that needs to be addressed.

 Local PCT priorities                                Local hospital performance rating

 • Premature deaths (CVD, stroke, smoking,           Nottingham City Hospital
   road accidents)
 • Reducing childhood obesity and teenage            Quality of Service:   ✪✪
   pregnancy and improving drug and
                                                     Financial Management: ✪ ✪ ✪
   alcohol treatment

Julia Manning
                                                                           To be selected

                       Julia Manning will be    She was a founder member of the British
                       a key player in future   Association of Behavioural Optometrists,
                       Conservative health      visiting lecturer at City University, visiting
                       policy development,      clinician at the Royal Free Hospital,
                       whether she becomes      London, and a Director of the Institute
                       an MP or not. One        of Optometry. Her clinical interests
                       of the four finalists    include diabetes and multiple sclerosis and
                       in the recent open       she has campaigned for improved provision
                       primary in Gosport,      for people with visual impairment.
she has made good progress through the
                                                She has recently called for an end to
selection process and commentators have
                                                the duplication of management roles
had her as a favourite to get a seat for the
                                                in the NHS, and for greater streamlining
forthcoming General Election.
                                                of services as a means to finding savings
Julia, an optometrist by trade, set up her      in the health budget.
own specialist practice for the housebound.
She is a founder and Director of a web-based, centre-right          “And  as a former NHS clinician I think
                                                    the single most depressing fact is the
Think Tank for health and social care
which focuses on policy development by              waste in the NHS of a huge number
front line professionals. Earlier this year         of incredibly talented, imaginative,
they produced a paper on Practiced Based            innovative medics and ancillary staff.
Commissioning, and current research work            Their expertise and experience is a
includes valuing work as a public health            significant pool of wisdom which is
outcome and value based pricing for                 frequently ignored or dismissed.
pharmaceuticals and medical technology.

voluntary and involuntary

There are well over 100 MPs standing           Mental health campaigner, former
down at the next election, with an             laboratory technician and Health Select
expectation that many more will follow         Committee member John Austin, Chair
before the election campaign begins.           of the HIV / AIDS All Party Group Neil
Amongst those that are standing down           Gerrard, the Conservative Government’s
are three consecutive Health Secretaries       last Science minister Ian Taylor, and this
(1999-2006): Alan Milburn, Patricia            Government’s first one, John Battle, will
Hewitt and John Reid, together with their      all leave the House.
former Cabinet colleague and long serving
                                               Other health related departures include:
health minister John Hutton.
                                               sexual and reproductive health campaigner
The energetic Dr Howard Stoate, mainstay       Chris McCafferty in the Pennine marginal
of a myriad of health related All Party        of Calder Valley; two former Conservative
Groups and a long standing Health Select       ministers, Michael Jack and Tim Boswell,
Committee member, has chosen not fight         who have been campaigners on health and
his ultra-marginal Dartford seat, dropping     on disability from both front and
constituency surgeries in favour of his        backbenches. The redoubtable former
doctor’s surgery. His Co-Chair on the          Shadow Secretary of State for Health
All Party Group on Obesity and Health          during the Hague era, Ann Widdecombe,
Select Committee colleague, former             also moves on, as does former Opposition
immunologist Dr Doug Naysmith, will not        Chief Whip David Maclean, who spoke
be fighting marginal Bristol North West        from personal experience about Multiple
next time around either.                       Sclerosis. Angela Browning, who brought
                                               understanding of the impact of Asperger’s
Long-time mainstays of the Science
                                               syndrome on those with the condition
& Technology Select Committee, former
                                               and their families, is also standing down.
medical researcher Dr Des Turner and
organic chemist Dr Brian Iddon will also
depart next year. The Select Committee
for Innovation Universities Science and
Skills, that lost Dr Ian Gibson earlier this
year, will also lose committee Chairman
Phil Willis.

In addition to MPs that will depart the        A number of longstanding Health Select
Commons of their own accord, there are         Committee members face tough elections,
others at risk of involuntary retirement at    including former UNISON organiser
the hands of the electorate. The ministerial   Charlotte Atkins in Staffordshire
team at the Department of Health looks         Moorlands where boundary changes mean
the most vulnerable in Whitehall with          it is already considered a Conservative
at least three likely to forego both their     seat. Former pharmacist and longtime
ministerial salaries and their seats           Liberal Democrat spokesperson on health
in Parliament unless there is a major          and older people Sandra Gidley in ultra
turnaround in Labour’s fortunes.               marginal Romsey & Southampton North
                                               is also a top target for the Conservatives,
Prime amongst them is ‘Expensesgate’
                                               and should rheumatologist and
hit social services minister Phil Hope who
                                               septuagenarian Independent MP
is nursing a wafer-thin majority in Corby.
                                               Dr Richard Taylor decide to stand again
His colleague Ann Keen’s seat of Brentford
                                               in Wyre Forest he too will face a strong
& Isleworth also looks hard to hold, and
                                               challenge from the Conservatives.
Minister of State Gillian Merron will be
lucky to keep hold of Lincoln if current
polls are anything to go by. Fellow minister
Mike O’Brien in Warwickshire North is not
out of the woods either.

Liberal Democrat MPs may prove harder
to unseat than Labour ones. However
amongst those vulnerable to a resurgent
Conservative Party include former
frontbench spokesman and campaigner
on health, older people and disability
Paul Burstow in Sutton & Cheam; and
Chair of the All Party Group on Diabetes
Adrian Sanders.

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about hanover please get in touch.

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