Page created by Sam Richardson

                 INSURANCE FOR THE
Business Advice Service
These helpline services are provided for Your use whilst this        telephone, if they are aged 18 or over, and to 16 and 17 year
Policy is in force.                                                  olds, provided they are in full-time employment, assisting
                                                                     issues such as:
Eurolaw Commercial Legal and UK Tax Advice                           ●   stress                         ●   relationship
                                                                         depression                         bereavement
0345 878 5024                                                        ●                                  ●

                                                                     ●   family
Unlimited access, over the telephone, to a team of legal
                                                                     This service can also help with:
advisors for confidential legal advice and guidance on any
commercial legal problem affecting the Business such as:             ●   Onward referral to relevant voluntary, self-help groups or
                                                                         professional services
●   employment                      ●   VAT
                                                                     ●   Availability of planned (weekly) telephone counselling
●   prosecution                     ●   contract disputes                sessions, time to suit caller
●   landlord and tenant disputes.                                    ●   Details of face to face counsellors in Your area
Eurolaw Commercial Legal advice can only be offered in               Any costs arising from the use of these referral services will
respect of matters subject to the laws of and within the             not be paid by DAS.
jurisdiction of courts or tribunals of:
                                                                     This helpline is provided on Our behalf by DAS Legal Expenses
●   the United Kingdom                                               Insurance Company Limited. All calls may be recorded.
●   the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man
●   any member country of the European Union                         Health and Medical Assistance Helpline
●   Switzerland and Norway
                                                                     0345 878 5031
Wherever possible the Legal Advice helpline aims to provide
immediate advice from a qualified legal advisor. However if this     Health and medical information is provided by a medically
is not possible DAS will arrange a callback at a time to suit You.   qualified person 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding
DAS’ legal advisors provide advice on the laws of England and        public and bank holidays. If You call outside these times, a
Wales 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Where          message will be taken and a return call arranged within the
advice is sought in an area of law beyond this jurisdiction or in    operating hours.
respect of very specialist matters, DAS will refer You to one of     Advice and assistance concerning:
DAS’ specialist advisors. This will include European law and         ●   exercise information           ●   changing doctors
certain areas of law for Scotland and Northern Ireland.              ●   giving up smoking              ●   inoculations
Specialist advice is provided 9am–5pm, Monday to Friday,             ●   comprehensive doctor, clinic and treatment facility database
excluding public and bank holidays. If calls are made outside
these times, DAS will call You back.
                                                                     ●   sports injuries                ●   nutrition assessment
                                                                     ●   complimentary health
DAS offer confidential advice over the phone on any tax matters
affecting the business, under the laws of the United Kingdom.        Bespoke fact sheets can be sent out if requested.
Tax advice is provided by tax advisors 9am–5pm, Monday to            This helpline is provided on Our behalf by DAS Legal Expenses
Friday, excluding public and bank holidays. If calls are made        Insurance Company Limited. All calls may be recorded.
outside these times, DAS will arrange to call You back the next      DAS will not accept responsibility if the telephone helpline
working day between 9am and 5pm.                                     services operated by them are unavailable for reasons they
This helpline is provided on Our behalf by DAS Law                   cannot control.
Limited and/or a Preferred Law Firm appointed by DAS                 In addition to these helplines, DAS offer on our behalf access
Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited (DAS) on                    to the DAS Employment Manual.
behalf of Us. All calls may be recorded.
                                                                     Employment manual
Counselling Helpline                                                 The DAS Employment Manual offers comprehensive, up to
                                                                     date guidance on rapidly changing employment law. To view it,
0345 878 5029                                                        please visit
Available 24 hours each day, 7 days every week, all year round.      If You would like notifications of when updates are made
A confidential counselling service for any employee (and their       to the Employment Manual, please email us at
immediate family who permanently live with them) over the   quoting Your policy number.
Attached Page

What is in this Booklet           3       How to Use Your Policy

                                  4       General Definitions

                                  5       General Conditions

                                  8       Claims Conditions

                                10        General Exclusions

                                          Sections of the Policy

                                12        Section 1   Public Liability

                                17        Section 2   Employers Liability

                                20        Section 3    Money

                                23        Section 4   Tools and Business Equipment

                                25        Section 5   Business Stock

                                27        Section 6   Personal Accident

                                29        Optional Extensions

                                30        Important Information
Professionals Policy
NIG policies are underwritten by U K Insurance Limited.
We will provide the insurance described in this Policy,
which consists of individual Sections (subject to the terms,
definitions, conditions, clauses and exclusions) for the Period
of Insurance. The Policy should be read in conjunction with the
Schedule, which confirms the Sections You are covered for.

2   |   Professionals
How to Use Your Policy                                                  Policy Booklet

How to Use Your Policy

Your Policy
Your Policy contains details of the extent of cover available to
You, what is excluded from the cover and the conditions on
which the Policy is issued.
We wish to provide You with a good standard of service.
To help Us achieve this, it is important that You read this
Policy carefully. If it does not meet Your requirements,
or You have any comment or query about the Policy,
please contact Us through Your insurance adviser
or at the office which issued Your Policy.

Your Schedule
Your Schedule provides details of the insurance protection
provided, the Sections of the Policy which are operative
and the levels of cover You have.
Please examine Your Schedule to ensure it meets Your

Using the Business Advice Service
Details of Our helplines are provided on the inside front cover
of this policy booklet.

Making a Claim
To make a claim, first read the Policy and Schedule and check
that You are covered. Then follow the instructions provided
under Claims Conditions 1 – Action by You.
You should ask Your insurance adviser for a claim form and let
Us have as much information as soon as possible to help Us
deal with Your claim promptly and fairly.
If You are dissatisfied with the way in which a claim or any
other matter has been dealt with, please refer to Important
Information at the back of this policy booklet.

                                                                   Professionals   |   3
Policy Booklet                                                                                                   General Definitions

General Definitions

These definitions apply to this Policy. In addition other          Period of Insurance
more specific definitions apply under some of the Policy           a The period beginning with the Effective Date and ending
Sections and are stated in those Policy Sections.                    with the Expiry Date (both stated in the New Business
Any word or expression to which a particular meaning has             Schedule or latest effective Renewal Schedule as
been given in the General Definitions in this Policy or in           applicable); and
the Definitions within the Sections of this Policy will have       b any subsequent period;
that meaning wherever it appears when commencing with
                                                                   for which You will pay and We will agree to accept Your
a capital letter in this Policy or the relevant Section
Bodily Injury
                                                                   This policy including the Sections and Schedule, all of which
Bodily Injury which includes death, disease or illness
                                                                   should be read together as one contract
The ‘Business’ as shown in the Schedule and no other for the
                                                                   Material property.
purposes of this Policy.
                                                                   The schedule applicable to the Policy.
Any vessel or craft made or intended to float on or in or travel
through water air or space.                                        We/Us/Our
Damage                                                             U K Insurance Limited trading as NIG and/or such other
                                                                   authorised Insurer as U K Insurance Limited may contract to
Accidental loss, destruction or damage.
                                                                   underwrite any part of this Policy.
Any person while working for You in connection with the
                                                                   The person, persons, Limited Liability Partnerships or Limited
Business who is
                                                                   or Public Limited Company, shown as the Insured Name in the
a under a contract of service or apprenticeship with You           Schedule and, in respect of Section 2: Employers Liability, the
b a person under a contract of service or apprenticeship with      Policyholder stated upon the Certificate of Employers Liability
  some other employer and who is hired to or borrowed by           Insurance.
c a labour master or person supplied by him
d a person engaged by a labour only sub-contractor
e a self-employed person performing work under a similar
  degree of control and direction by You as a person under a
  contract of service or apprenticeship with You
f   a driver or operator of hired-in plant
g a trainee or person undergoing work experience
h a voluntary helper.
The first amount of each and every claim for which You will be
responsible as shown in the Schedule.

4   |   Professionals
General Conditions                                                                                                 Policy Booklet

General Conditions

These Conditions apply to this Policy. You must comply                  b entered into this Policy on any terms, We may
with these Conditions. Where additional Conditions apply                  avoid this Policy and refuse all claims but will
to a specific Section of this Policy, they are stated under               return any premiums paid; or
that Section.                                                        iii neither deliberate nor reckless and We:
1 Observance of Conditions                                              a would have entered into this Policy or agreed to
   Your due observance and fulfilment of the terms and                    the alteration made to this Policy, but on different
   conditions of this Policy will be conditions precedent to              terms (other than terms relating to the premium),
   Our liability to make any payment under this Policy.                   this Policy or the alteration (as applicable) will be
                                                                          treated as if it had been entered into on those
2 Fair Presentation of the Risk
                                                                          different terms if We require; and
   a You have a duty to make to Us a fair presentation of the
     risk before:                                                       b In respect of an alteration made to this Policy:

       i   the inception of this Policy;                                   i   would have agreed to the alteration, but
                                                                               would have charged an increased premium
       ii an alteration made to this Policy, concerning                        by more than We did or (in the case of an
          changes in the risk which are relevant to the                        unchanged premium) would have increased
          proposed alteration; and                                             the premium, We may reduce proportionately
       iii the renewal of this Policy; and                                     the amount to be paid on a claim arising out
   b In the event of a breach of such duty, if the breach is:                  of events after the alteration.

       i   deliberate or reckless, We may:                                     We will pay on such claim a percentage of
                                                                               what We would otherwise have been liable to
           a in relation to an alteration made to this Policy,                 pay (whether on the original terms, or as
             (despite the references to notice period and the                  varied, or under the different terms provided
             refunding of premiums in General Condition 5 b)                   for by virtue of item b iii a above), based on
             by notice to You at Your last known address treat                 the total premium actually charged compared
             this Policy as cancelled with effect from the time                to the premium that We would have charged;
             when the alteration was made and retain any
             premiums paid;                                                ii (where the total premium was reduced as a
                                                                              result of the alteration), would have agreed to
           b in relation to inception or renewal of this Policy,              the alteration and We would have increased
             avoid this Policy and refuse all claims and retain               the premium, would not have reduced the
             any premiums paid;                                               premium, or would have reduced it by less
       ii neither deliberate nor reckless and We would not                    than We did, We may reduce proportionately
          have:                                                               the amount to be paid on a claim arising out
           a in relation to an alteration made to this Policy,                of events after the alteration.
             agreed to the alteration on any terms, We may                     We will pay on such claim a percentage of
             treat this Policy as if the alteration was never                  what We would otherwise have been liable to
             made, but in that event We:                                       pay (whether on the original terms, or as
              i      will return any extra premium paid; or                    varied, or under the different terms provided
                                                                               for by virtue of item b iii a above), based on
              ii may (where the total premium was reduced                      the total premium actually charged compared
                 as a result of the alteration), reduce                        to the original premium if We would not have
                 proportionately the amount to be paid on a                    changed it, and otherwise the increased or
                 claim arising out of events after the alteration.             (as the case may be) reduced total premium
                 We will pay on such claim a percentage of                     We would have charged.
                 what We would otherwise have been liable to
                 pay (whether on the original terms, or as              c would have entered into this Policy (whether the
                 varied), based on the total premium actually             terms relating to matters other than the premium
                 charged compared to the original premium                 would have been the same or different), but
                 charged; or                                              would have charged a higher premium, We may
                                                                          reduce proportionately the amount to be paid on
                                                                          a claim.

                                                                                                             Professionals   |   5
Policy Booklet                                                                                                      General Conditions

                 We will pay on such claim a percentage of what       5 Cancellation
                 We would otherwise have been liable to pay
                                                                        a Your Cancellation Rights
                 (making provision for any different terms referred
                 to in item b iii a above), based on the premium           i   You may cancel this Policy within 14 days of receipt
                 actually charged compared to the higher                       of Your Policy (this is known as the “cooling off”
                 premium.                                                      period). If You elect to cancel within this period You
                                                                               should return all documents to Your broker,
    c We will be entitled to vary the premium and any terms in
                                                                               intermediary or agent and We will pay a refund of
      respect of any ongoing acceptance of cover (where
                                                                               premium for the full amount paid by You. If a claim
      agreed by Us), in relation to a breach of the duty to
                                                                               has been made or an incident notified to Us that
      make to Us a fair presentation of the risk.
                                                                               could give rise to a claim during the “cooling off”
3 Reasonable Precautions                                                       period Your Policy will be treated by Us as in force
                                                                               and no refund of premium will be made.
    You must:
                                                                           ii If You elect to cancel Your Policy after the “cooling
    a take all reasonable precautions to prevent or minimise
                                                                              off” period has expired but still during any Period of
      any accident, incident, Bodily Injury or Damage
                                                                              Insurance You must give 14 days’ notice in writing to
    b safeguard any Property the ways works machinery plant                   Your broker, intermediary or agent. You will be
      vehicles premises and appliances and maintain such                      entitled to a proportionate refund of premium, based
      Property in a good state of repair                                      on the number of days remaining in the Period of
    c exercise care in the selection and supervision of                       Insurance, unless a claim has been made (or an
      Employees                                                               incident notified to Us that could give rise to a claim)
    d comply with all relevant statutory requirements                         during the Period of Insurance when no refund of
      manufacturer’s recommendations and other regulations                    premium for the Period of Insurance will be made.
      relating to the use inspection and safety of property and            iii Where You pay by Instalments any amount of
      the safety of persons.                                                   premium returned under this condition will be
                                                                               reduced by any unpaid Premiums or instalments
4 Change of Risk or Interest
                                                                               due at the time of cancellation.
    a It is a condition precedent to Our liability that You will
      immediately notify Us if any alteration be made either in         b Our Cancellation Rights
      the Business or in any other circumstances whereby                   i   We may cancel Your Policy (or any Section of it) at
      the risk is increased other than in accordance with                      any time and in any Period of Insurance by giving a
      General Condition 2 at any time after the Effective Date                 minimum of 14 days’ notice to You in writing at Your
      (as stated in the Schedule) of the Period of Insurance.                  last known address.
    b This Policy will cease to be in force if:                            ii If we cancel Your Policy, You will be entitled to a
        i   Your interest in the Business ends, other than by                 proportionate refund of premium, based on the
            death; or                                                         number of days remaining in the Period of
                                                                              Insurance, unless a claim has been made (or an
        ii the Business is to be wound up or carried on by a
                                                                              incident notified to Us that could give rise to a claim)
           liquidator or receiver or permanently discontinued,
                                                                              during the Period of Insurance when no refund of
        at any time after the Effective Date (as stated in the                premium will be made.
        Schedule) of the Period of Insurance, unless its
                                                                           iii Where You pay by Instalments any amount of
        continuance be agreed by Us.
                                                                               premium refunded under this condition will be
                                                                               reduced by any unpaid premiums or instalments due
                                                                               at the time of cancellation.
                                                                        In relation to cancellation in any of the circumstances
                                                                        outlined above You must immediately return to Us any
                                                                        current Certificate(s) of Employers Liability Insurance.

6   |   Professionals
General Conditions                                                       Policy Booklet

6 Instalments
   a Notwithstanding General Condition 5b, where the
     premium under this Policy is payable by instalments and
     You fail to pay one or more instalments, We may cancel
     this Policy by giving 7 days’ notice at You last known
     address, and You will immediately return to Us any
     current Certificate(s) of Employers Liability Insurance
   b Any amount of premium returned under this General
     Condition will be reduced by any unpaid premiums or
     instalments at the time of cancellation
   The total amount of premium refunded to You will be
   calculated by Us in accordance with the process set out in
   General Condition 5. The calculation made by Us will be
   final and binding
7 Choice of Law
       You and We may choose which law will apply to this policy.
       Unless both parties agree otherwise, English law will
       apply. We’ve supplied this policy and other information
       to You in English and We’ll continue to communicate
       with You in English.
8 Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
   A person or company who is not a party to this Policy has
   no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act
   1999 to enforce any term of this Policy but this does not
   affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is
   available apart from that Act.
9 Changes to Your cover
   You must tell Us immediately if there are any changes that
   may affect Your insurance, such as the following:
   i     If You change the number of workers employed by You
   ii If Your limits change
   We may then reassess Your cover and premium either
   immediately or at Your next renewal, depending on the
   information You have provided.
10 No Claim Discount
   If You do not make a claim against Your Policy, We will give
   You a no claim discount and may reduce Your renewal
   premium. However, if You do make a claim against Your
   Policy, We will reduce Your no claim discount.

                                                                    Professionals   |   7
Policy Booklet                                                                                                     Claims Conditions

Claims Conditions

These Conditions apply to this Policy. You must comply               2 Our Rights
with these Conditions. Where additional Conditions apply               We will be entitled:
to a specific Section of this Policy, they are stated under
                                                                       a on the happening of any Damage in respect of which a
that Section.
                                                                         claim is made and without thereby incurring any liability
1 Action by You                                                          or diminishing any of Our rights under this Policy to take
    It is a condition precedent to Our liability that:                   possession of or require to be delivered to Us any
    You will on the happening of any incident which could give           Property insured and deal with such Property for all
    rise to a claim under this Policy:                                   reasonable purposes and in a reasonable manner;

    a immediately notify Us and deliver to Us at Your own              b at Our discretion to take over and conduct in Your name
      expense a claim in writing with such detailed particulars          the defence or settlement of any claim and to prosecute
      and proofs as may be reasonably required by Us and (if             at Our own expense and for Our own benefit any claim
      demanded) by Us, a statutory declaration of the truth of           for indemnity or damages against any other persons in
      the claim and any matters connected therewith within:              respect of any event insured by this Policy and You will
                                                                         give all information and assistance required;
        i   7 days of the event in the case of Damage caused
            by riot, civil commotion, strikes, labour disturbances     c to any Property for the loss of which a claim is paid
            or malicious persons;                                        hereunder and You will execute all such assignments
                                                                         and assurances of such Property as may be reasonably
        ii 30 days of the event in the case of any other claim or        required but You will not be entitled to abandon any
           such further time as We may allow;                            Property to Us;
    b give immediate notice to the Police in respect of:               d in the event of any Occurrence (as defined in Sections
        i   vandalism                                                    1 and 2) resulting in any claim(s) under Sections 1 and
        ii theft or any attempt thereat                                  2 to pay to You the amount of the Indemnity Limit for
                                                                         such Occurrence (less any sums already paid as
        iii loss of Money by any cause whatsoever
                                                                         damages in respect of such Occurrence and in respect
    c make no admission of liability or offer promise or                 of Section 2 less costs and expenses incurred before
      payment without Our written consent;                               the date of payment) or any lesser amount for which the
    d inform Us immediately of any impending prosecution,                claim(s) can be settled after which We will have no
      inquest or fatal inquiry or civil proceedings and send to          further responsibility in connection with such claim(s)
      Us immediately every relevant document;                            except in respect of Section 1 for costs and expenses
    e take all reasonable action to minimise or check any                incurred before the date of payment;
      interruption of or interference with the Business;               e in the case of death of the Person Insured by Section 3
    f   produce to Us such books of account or other business            Special Extension 1 – Personal Accident (Assault) and
        books or documents or such other proofs as may                   Section 6 – Personal Accident to have a post mortem
        reasonably be required by Us for investigating or                at Our expense.
        verifying the claim;
    g in respect of Section 3 Special Extension 1 – Personal
      Accident (Assault) and Section 6 – Personal Accident
      supply at Your own expense all certificates and
      information and evidence required by Us. The Person
      Insured will as often as required by Us submit to
      medical examination at Our own expense.

8   |   Professionals
Claims Conditions                                                                                                       Policy Booklet

3 Fraudulent Claims                                                   6 Arbitration
   In the event of any claim under the Policy being submitted           If any difference arises as to the amount to be paid under
   which in any respect is intentionally exaggerated or                 this Policy (liability being otherwise admitted) such
   fraudulent or if any fraudulent means or devices are used            difference will be referred to an arbitrator in England who
   by You or anyone acting on Your behalf to obtain benefit             will decide the matter in dispute according to English law
   under this Policy, We:                                               and will be appointed by the parties in accordance with the
   a will not be liable to pay the claim;                               relevant English statutory provisions for the time being in
                                                                        force. Where any such difference is to be referred to
   b may recover from You any sums paid by Us to You in
                                                                        arbitration under this Condition, the making of an award will
     respect of the claim; and
                                                                        be a condition precedent to any right of action against Us.
   c may (despite the references to notice period and the
     refunding of premiums in General Condition 5 b) by
     notice to You at Your last known address treat this
     Policy as having been cancelled with effect from the
     time of the fraudulent act and may:
       i   refuse all liability to You under this Policy in respect
           of any event that gives rise to Our liability occurring
           after the time of the fraudulent act; and
       ii retain any premiums paid under this Policy.
4 Subrogation
   We will be subrogated to Your rights of recovery against
   any third party. Accordingly, it is a condition precedent to
   Our liability that any claimant under this Policy will, at Our
   request and expense, take and permit to be taken all
   necessary steps for Us to enforce any rights against any
   other party in Your name before or after any payment is
   made by Us.
5 Other Insurances
   Unless otherwise stated in this Policy:
   a if at the time of any accident incident Bodily Injury or
     Damage which gives rise to a claim, there is any other
     insurance effected by You or on Your behalf applicable
     to such event Our liability will be limited to its rateable
     proportion thereof; and
   b if any other such insurance is subject to any provision
     whereby it is excluded from ranking concurrently with
     this Policy whether in whole or in part or from
     contributing rateably, then Our liability hereunder will be
     limited to any excess beyond the amount which would
     have been payable under such other insurance had this
     Policy not been effected.

                                                                                                                   Professionals   |   9
Policy Booklet                                                                                                     General Exclusions

General Exclusions

These General Exclusions set out what is not covered                     ii civil commotion in Northern Ireland,
under this Policy. Where additional exclusions apply to a             except to the extent stated in the Liability Provisions
specific Section of this Policy, they are set out in that             relating to this General Exclusion and set out below
                                                                      For the purpose of this Exclusion and its Liability
This Policy does not cover
                                                                      War means war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies,
1 Sonic Bangs                                                         hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared
     loss, destruction or damage caused by pressure waves             or not), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion assuming the
     caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic   proportions of or amounting to popular rising, military
     or supersonic speeds.                                            rising, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, or military or
                                                                      usurped power.
2 Radioactive Contamination                                           Government Action means martial law, confiscation,
     loss, destruction or damage to any property whatsoever or        nationalisation, requisition or destruction of property by or
     any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising              under the order of any government or public or local
     therefrom or any other costs directly or indirectly caused by    authority or any action taken in controlling, preventing,
     such loss, destruction or damage, or any legal liability of      suppressing or in any way relating to War.
     whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or            Terrorism means acts of any person or persons acting on
     contributed to by or arising from:                               behalf of, or in connection with, any organisation which
     a ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity          carries out activities directed towards the overthrowing or
       from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the       influencing, by force or violence and/or the threat thereof,
       combustion of nuclear fuel; or                                 of Her Majesty’s government in the United Kingdom or any
                                                                      other government de jure or de facto.
     b the radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous
       properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear        In any action suit or other proceedings where We allege
       component thereof.                                             that by reason of this General Exclusion as far as it relates
                                                                      to Terrorism any Damage or resulting loss or expense or
     As far as this General Exclusion concerns Bodily Injury
                                                                      other costs either directly or indirectly caused by or
     caused to any Employee, if such Bodily Injury arises out of
                                                                      contributed to by or arising from such event is not covered
     and in the course of employment or engagement of such
                                                                      by this insurance, the burden of proving that such loss,
     person by You this Exclusion will apply only in respect of
                                                                      destruction or damage, expense or costs is covered will be
     i   the liability of any principal; or                           Your responsibility.
     ii liability assumed by You under agreement and which
                                                                      Liability Provisions
        would not have attached in the absence of such
        agreement.                                                    Subject otherwise to the terms, definitions, exclusions,
                                                                      exceptions, provisions and conditions of this Policy:
3 War, Government Action and Terrorism
                                                                         We will indemnify You under the Employers Liability
     a loss, destruction or damage to any property whatsoever            Section provided that in respect of any one Occurrence
       or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising            (as defined under Section 2 Employers Liability) or
       therefrom or any other costs directly or indirectly               series of Occurrences arising out of any one original
       caused by or contributed to by or arising from:                   cause Our liability in respect of all legal liability costs
         i   War, Government Action or Terrorism (or any action          and expenses either directly or indirectly caused by or
             taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in         contributed to by or arising from Terrorism (or any
             any way relating to Terrorism); or                          action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or
                                                                         in any way relating to Terrorism) will not exceed
         ii civil commotion in Northern Ireland;
     b legal liability of whatsoever nature or any costs or
                                                                      2 We will indemnify You under the Public Liability Section
       expenses whatsoever directly or indirectly caused by or
                                                                        against legal liability costs and expenses either directly
       contributed to by or arising from:                               or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising
         i   War, Government Action or Terrorism (or any action         from Terrorism (or any action taken in controlling,
             taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in        preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to
             any way relating to Terrorism); or                         Terrorism) provided that Our liability for all damages
                                                                        (including interest thereon) will not exceed
10   |   Professionals
General Exclusions                                                                                                       Policy Booklet

       a under the Public Liability Section (excluding the            In respect of Section 3: Money Section 4 Tools and
         Products Liability Extension) in respect of any one          Business Equipment and Section 5 Business Stock, of this
         Occurrence (as defined under Section 1 Public                Policy, this Exclusion will not exclude subsequent Damage
         Liability) or series of Occurrences arising out of any       not otherwise excluded from this Policy which itself results
         one event £2,000,000 or the amount of the                    from fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft or other aerial
         Indemnity Limit stated in the Schedule whichever is          devices or articles dropped therefrom, riot, civil
         lower;                                                       commotion, strikers, locked out workers, persons taking
       b under the Products Liability Extension of Section 1          part in labour disturbances, malicious persons other than
         Public Liability in respect of all Occurrences during        thieves, earthquake, storm, flood, escape of water from any
         any one Period of Insurance £2,000,000 or the                tank or apparatus or pipe, theft or impact by any vehicle or
         amount of the Indemnity Limit stated in the                  animal.
         Schedule for the Public Liability Section whichever          General Exclusion 4 will not apply to Section 2 –
         is the lower; and                                            Employers Liability.
       c in respect of all Pollution or Contamination               5 Computer Virus and Hacking
         consequent upon Terrorism and which is deemed to             a Damage to any computer or other equipment or
         have occurred during any one Period of Insurance               component or system or item which processes, stores,
         £2,000,000 in the aggregate or the amount of the               transmits or retrieves data or any part thereof whether
         Indemnity Limit stated in the Schedule for the Public          tangible or intangible (including but without limitation
         Liability Section whichever is the lower.                      any information or programs or software) and whether
4 Date Recognition                                                      Your Property or not where such Damage is caused by
                                                                        Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking;
   any claim which arises directly or indirectly from or consists
   of the failure or inability of any:                                b financial loss directly or indirectly caused by or arising
                                                                        from Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking
   a electronic circuit, microchip, integrated circuit,
     microprocessor, embedded system, hardware,                       but this will not exclude Damage or financial loss which is
     software, firmware, program, computer, data                      not otherwise excluded from this Policy and which results
     processing equipment, telecommunication equipment                from fire, lightning, explosion, earthquake, aircraft or other
     or systems, or any similar device; or                            aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom , riot, civil
                                                                      commotion, strikers, labour disturbances, malicious
   b media or systems used in connection with anything
                                                                      persons (including the acts of thieves but excluding the
     referred to in a above,
                                                                      acts of malicious persons which do not involve physical
   whether Your property or not, at any time to achieve any or        force or violence) storm flood escape of water or oil from
   all of the purposes and consequential effects intended by          any tank apparatus or pipe impact by any vehicle or animal.
   the use of any number, symbol or word to denote a date
                                                                      For the purpose of this Exclusion:
   and this includes without any limitation the failure or
   inability to recognise, capture, save, retain or restore           Virus or Similar Mechanism means program code,
   and/or correctly to manipulate, interpret, transmit, return,       programming instruction or any set of instructions
   calculate or process any date, data, information, command,         intentionally constructed with the ability to damage
   logic or instruction as a result of:                               interfere with or otherwise adversely affect computer
                                                                      programs, data files, or operations, whether involving
   i   recognising, using or adopting any date, day of the
                                                                      self-replication or not. The definition of Virus or Similar
       week or period of time, otherwise than as, or other than,
                                                                      Mechanism includes but is not limited to trojan horses,
       the true or correct date, day of the week or period of
                                                                      worms and logic bombs.
       time; or
                                                                      Hacking means unauthorised access to any computer or
   ii the operation of any command or logic which has been
                                                                      other equipment or component or system or item which
      programmed or incorporated into anything referred to in
                                                                      processes, stores, transmits or retrieves data whether
      a and b above.
                                                                      Your Property or not.
                                                                      General Exclusion 5 will not apply to Section 1 – Public
                                                                      Liability and Section 2 – Employers Liability.

                                                                                                                   Professionals    |   11
Policy Booklet                                                                                                   Section 1 | Public Liability

Section 1 | Public Liability

Definitions                                                            Occurrences
The Business includes                                                  1 accidental Bodily Injury to any person;
a the ownership repair maintenance and decoration of Your              2 accidental Damage to Property;
  premises;                                                            3 accidental obstruction, trespass, nuisance or interference
b private work undertaken by any of Your Employees for You               with any easement of air, light, water or way; or
  or with Your consent for any of Your directors partners or           4 wrongful arrest, detention, imprisonment or eviction of any
  other Employees; and                                                   person, malicious prosecution or invasion of the right of
c the provision and management of canteen sports social                  privacy;
  and welfare organisations for the benefit of Employees and           occurring within the Territorial Limits during the Period of
  fire security first aid medical and ambulance services.              Insurance and happening in connection with the Business.
Pollution or Contamination                                             Indemnity Limit
a All pollution or contamination of buildings or other                 Our liability under this Section for all damages (including
  structures or of water or land or the atmosphere, and                interest thereon) payable in respect of any one Occurrence or
b all Damage or Bodily Injury directly or indirectly caused by         in the aggregate in respect of a series of Occurrences arising
  such pollution or contamination.                                     out of any one event will not exceed the Indemnity Limit.

Products Supplied                                                      Cover
Any goods (including their containers packaging labelling and
                                                                       We will subject to the Indemnity Limit stated in Section 1 of
instructions for use) manufactured, sold, supplied, hired out,
                                                                       the Schedule indemnify You against:
repaired, renovated, serviced, altered, erected, installed or
treated by You or on Your behalf in connection with Your               1 a all sums which You will become legally liable to pay as
Business and no longer in Your charge or control.                          damages (including interest thereon); and
                                                                          b claimants’ costs and expenses if You are ordered to pay
Territorial Limits
                                                                            them or paid with Our written consent,
i    Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the
                                                                          in respect of the Occurrences stated in this Section
     Isle of Man;
                                                                       2 all costs and expenses incurred by You with Our written
ii within any member country of the European Union where
                                                                         consent in defending any claim:
   any person is temporarily engaged in connection with Your
   Business; and                                                       3 the solicitor’s fees incurred with Our written consent for
                                                                         representation at proceedings in any court of summary
iii elsewhere in the world where any person is temporarily
                                                                         jurisdiction in respect of any alleged act causing or relating
    engaged in non-manual work in connection with Your
                                                                         to any Occurrence which may be the subject of indemnity
                                                                         under this Section or at any coroner’s inquest or fatal
You includes                                                             accident inquiry.
a Your personal representatives in the event of Your death
  but only in respect of liability incurred by You; and                Special Conditions
b if You so request:
                                                                       1 Contractual Liability
     i   any of Your directors, partners or other Employees while
                                                                          Insofar as concerns liability assumed by You under
         acting in connection with the Business provided that
                                                                          agreement which would not have attached in the absence
         You would have been entitled to indemnity under this
                                                                          of such agreement this Section will only apply if We retain
         Section if the claim had been made against You; and
                                                                          sole conduct and control of any claim.
     ii any officer or member of Your canteen, sports, social or
                                                                          Extension I will not apply to liability assumed by You under
        welfare organisations and fire, security, first aid, medical
                                                                          agreement other than under any condition or warranty of
        and ambulance services in their respective capacity as
                                                                          goods implied by law unless such liability would have
                                                                          attached in the absence of such agreement.
     Provided that such persons will observe fulfil and be
     subject to the terms conditions Exclusions and limits of this
     Section insofar as they can apply.

12   |   Professionals
Section 1 | Public Liability                                                                                              Policy Booklet

2 Jurisdiction                                                     4 liability for Damage to Property belonging to or in Your
    The indemnity provided by this Section will only apply to        charge or under Your control but this Exclusion will not
    any action for damages brought against You in any court          apply to Your directors’, partners’, Employees’ or visitors’
    or tribunal subject to the laws of England, Scotland, Wales,     Property or any premises (including contents) which are
    Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.        temporarily occupied by You for the purpose of work in
                                                                     connection with the Business (not being buildings which
3 Costs Inclusive in U.S.A. and Canada                               are owned by or leased rented or hired to You);
    Where indemnity is provided by this Section for liability in
                                                                   5 Damage to the contract works and other materials plant
    respect of Occurrences in the United States of America or
                                                                     tools or equipment brought on to the site for use in
    Canada or their dependencies or trust territories the
                                                                     connection with any contract entered into by You and
    Indemnity Limit stated in the Schedule will be the maximum
    amount payable by Us inclusive of all costs and expenses.
                                                                      a before the date of practical completion or before a
4 Asbestos Clean Up Costs                                               certificate of completion has been issued;
    Our liability for all damages (including interest thereon)        b after the date of practical completion or after the issue
    payable arising from the need to clean up or remove
                                                                        of a certificate of completion and where liability for such
    asbestos, asbestos fibre or any derivative of asbestos from
                                                                        Property attaches to You solely by reason of a contract
    Property in respect of all Occurrences during any one
                                                                        or agreement;
    Period of Insurance will not exceed £2,000,000 in the
    aggregate or the amount of the Indemnity Limit stated in       6 liability caused by or arising from the ownership,
    the Schedule, whichever is the lower.                            possession or use by You or on Your behalf of any:

5 Excess                                                              a Craft other than hand propelled watercraft; or
    We will not be liable for the first amount of the Excess          b mechanically propelled vehicle (or trailer attached
    stated in the Schedule for each and every claim in respect          thereto) licensed for road use other than liability caused
    of Damage to Property.                                              by or arising from:
                                                                          i   the loading or unloading of such vehicle;
Exclusions                                                                ii the movement of any such vehicle not Your property
We will not be liable under this Section in respect of:                      which is interfering with the performance of the
1 the cost of replacing or making good faulty defective or
  incorrect:                                                          but this indemnity will not apply if in respect of such liability
    a workmanship; or                                                 compulsory insurance or security is required under any
                                                                      legislation governing the use of the vehicle;
    b materials goods or other property supplied installed or
      erected by You or on Your behalf ;                           7 liability arising out of Products Supplied other than:
2 liability arising from:                                             a food or drink sold or supplied for consumption by Your
                                                                        directors Your partners Employees or visitors; or
    a design, formula, advice or specification provided by You
      or on Your behalf for a fee or where a fee would                b the disposal of furniture and office equipment originally
      normally be charged;                                              intended solely for use by You in connection with the
    b breach of professional duty or malpractice of any nature          Business and which is no longer required for that
      by You or on Your behalf;                                         purpose;
    c the sale, supply or administration of drugs, medicines,      8 liquidated, damages fines or penalties;
      chemicals or medical supplies or equipment of any kind       9 punitive, exemplary or aggravated damages or any
      by You or on Your behalf;                                      additional damages resulting from the multiplication of
    d any treatment used, practised or performed by You or           compensatory damages;
      on Your behalf other than when performing first aid;
    e any surgical operation or medical procedure by You or
      on Your behalf;
3 liability for Bodily Injury caused to any of Your Employees
  arising out of and in the course of such person’s
  employment or engagement by You in the Business;

                                                                                                                    Professionals   |   13
Policy Booklet                                                                                                 Section 1 | Public Liability

10 all liability in respect of Pollution or Contamination other     Extensions
   than that caused by a sudden identifiable, unintended and
   unexpected incident which takes place in its entirety at a       A Court Attendance Costs
   specific time and place during any one Period of Insurance          In the event of any of the undernoted persons attending
   provided that:                                                      court as a witness at Our request in connection with a
     a all Pollution or Contamination which arises out of any          claim in respect of which You are entitled to indemnity
       one incident will be deemed to have occurred at the             under this Section We will pay compensation to You at the
       time such incident takes place;                                 following rates per day for each day on which attendance is
     b Our liability for all damages (including interest thereon)      required:
       payable in respect of all Pollution or Contamination            a £500 for You or any of Your directors or partners
       which is deemed to have occurred during any one                 b £250 for any Employee.
       Period of Insurance will not exceed in the aggregate the
       Indemnity Limit stated in Section 1 of the Schedule;         B Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
     c this Exclusion does not apply to the United States of           We will indemnify You and at Your request any of Your
       America and/or Canada and/or their dependencies or              directors or partners or any Employee against legal costs
       trust territories;                                              and expenses incurred in defending prosecutions for a
                                                                       breach of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 or
11 all liability in respect of Pollution or Contamination
                                                                       similar legislation in Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands
   occurring in the United States of America and/or Canada
                                                                       or the Isle of Man or the Construction (Design and
   and/or their dependencies or trust territories;
                                                                       Management) Regulations 1994 or any similar health and
12 liability arising in connection with any visits to or work on       safety legislation committed or alleged to have been
   any offshore rig or platform. A visit to or work on any             committed in the course of the Business during the Period
   offshore rig or platform will be deemed to commence at the          of Insurance.
   time of embarkation onto a conveyance at the point of final
                                                                       We will also pay the prosecution costs You are legally liable
   departure to such rig or platform and continue until the time
                                                                       to pay and any other costs in appealing against any
   of disembarkation from a conveyance onto land on return
                                                                       judgment given.
   from an offshore rig or platform;
                                                                       Provided that
13 liability arising out of:
                                                                       a this indemnity will not apply to:
     a failure or partial failure of computer programs written,
       devised, designed or adapted by You or on Your behalf              i   the payment of any costs or expenses incurred
       to fulfil the purpose for which they were intended;                    without Our written consent; or
     b Damage to computer systems and data processing                     ii the payment of fines or penalties;
       media or loss, distortion or erasure of data contained          b the prosecution relates to the health safety and welfare
       therein;                                                          of any person other than an Employee;
     c loss of data or provision of incorrect data or failure to       c proceedings arise from an incident which relates to a
       supply data;                                                      claim or potential claim under this Section.
14 liability arising out of:                                        C Indemnity to Principals
     a libel, slander or infringement of plans copyright patent        We will at Your request indemnify any principal to the
       trade name trade mark or registered design;                     extent required by the contract between You and the
     b incorrect information or errors or omissions in published       principal in respect of liability arising from the performance
       materials.                                                      of work by You for such principal.
                                                                       Provided that:
                                                                       a We will retain sole conduct and control of any claim
                                                                       b the principal will observe fulfil and be subject to the
                                                                         terms, conditions, exclusions and limits of this Section
                                                                         insofar as they can apply.

14   |   Professionals
Section 1 | Public Liability                                                                                             Policy Booklet

D Defective Premises Act 1972                                       H Cross Liabilities
    We will indemnify You in respect of liability incurred by You       Where You comprise more than one party We will treat
    under Section 3 of the Defective Premises Act 1972 or               each party as if a separate Policy had been issued to each
    Section 5 of the Defective Premises (Northern Ireland)              provided that nothing in this Extension will increase Our
    Order 1975 in connection with any business premises or              liability beyond the amount for which We would have been
    land disposed of by You.                                            liable had this Extension not applied.
    Provided that this Extension will not apply to:                 I   Products Liability
    a the cost of rectifying any damage or defect in the                Despite Exclusion 7 of this Section We will indemnify You
      premises or land disposed of; or                                  against liability in respect of:
    b liability for which You are entitled to indemnity under any       1 accidental Bodily Injury to any person;
      other policy.
                                                                        2 accidental Damage to Property;
E Leased or Rented Premises                                             occurring anywhere within the Territorial Limits during the
    Exclusion 4 of this Section will not apply to liability for         Period of Insurance and caused by any Products Supplied
    Damage to any premises (including their fixtures and                in or from Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel
    fittings) leased, rented or hired to You.                           Islands or the Isle of Man.
    Provided that We will not be liable for Damage by any cause         Provided that:
    against which the lease or tenancy agreement stipulates             1 Our liability under this Extension for all damages
    that insurance will be effected by the lessee or tenant.              (including interest thereon) payable in respect of all
F Motor Contingent Liability                                              such accidental Bodily Injury or Damage to Property
                                                                          during any one Period of Insurance will not exceed the
    Despite Exclusion 5 of this Section We will indemnify You
                                                                          Indemnity Limit stated in the Schedule;
    in respect of liability arising out of the use of any motor
    vehicle not belonging to or provided by You and being used          2 We will not be liable under this Extension in respect of:
    in the course of the Business anywhere in Great Britain,               a Damage to or the cost of repair, alteration,
    Northern Ireland the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man                  replacement, removal or recall of any Products
    Provided that this indemnity will not apply:                             Supplied which give rise to a claim hereunder or any
                                                                             refund for such Products Supplied;
    a in respect of Damage to the vehicle or any property
      contained therein;                                                   b Products Supplied which to Your knowledge are to
                                                                             be used as a critical part in connection with the
    b whilst the vehicle is being driven
                                                                             flying or navigation of any aircraft, spacecraft,
        i    by You;                                                         rocket, missile or satellite;
        ii with Your consent by any person who does not hold               c Products Supplied which to Your knowledge are
           a licence to drive such a vehicle;                                exported to the United States of America and/or
    c to liability which is insured or would but for the                     Canada and/or their dependencies or trust
      existence of this Section be insured under any other                   territories unless otherwise agreed by Us.
                                                                    J   Data Protection Legislation 2018
G Overseas Personal Liability                                           We will indemnify You against any compensation claim in
    We will indemnify You and at Your request any of Your               respect of material or non-material damage where such
    directors or partners or any Employee or any family                 damage occurs during the Period of Insurance and happens
    member accompanying them while temporarily outside                  in connection with the Business, provided that You:
    Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the         a have complied in all respects with Your obligations
    Isle of Man in connection with the Business against legal             under the Data Protection (Charges and Information)
    liability as defined in this Section incurred in a personal           Regulations 2018;
                                                                        b are not in business as a computer bureau; and
    Provided that this indemnity will apply:
                                                                        c were acting as a sole and independent controller in respect
    a to liability arising out of the ownership or tenure of any          of the matter giving rise to the compensation claim.
      land or building; or
    b where indemnity is provided by any other insurance.
                                                                                                                    Professionals   |   15
Policy Booklet                                                                                                    Section 1 | Public Liability

     Our liability under this Extension (including all                   committed or alleged to have been committed in the
     compensation, costs and expenses) will be limited to a              course of the Business during the Period of Insurance
     maximum amount of £500,000 in the aggregate and in any              Provided that this indemnity will not apply to:
     one Period of Insurance.
                                                                         i   the payment of fines or penalties;
     Provided that this indemnity will not apply to:
                                                                         ii proceedings or appeals in respect of any deliberate act
     i    any material or non-material damage caused by any                 or omission by You;
          deliberate act or omission, by You, where such material
                                                                         iii costs or expenses insured by any other policy.
          or non-material damage could reasonably have been
          expected by You having regard to the nature and              L Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act
          circumstances of such act or omission;                         2007
     ii any material or non-material damage caused by any act            We will indemnify You against legal costs and expenses,
        of fraud or dishonesty;                                          incurred with Our prior written consent, in defence of any
     iii the costs and expenses of rectifying, rewriting or              criminal proceedings (including any appeal against
         erasing data (including personal data);                         conviction arising from such proceedings) brought in
                                                                         respect of a charge, or investigations in connection with a
     iv liability arising from the recording, processing or
                                                                         charge, of corporate manslaughter or corporate homicide,
        provision of data for reward or to determine the financial
                                                                         under the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide
        status of any person;
                                                                         Act 2007 or any equivalent legislation in the Isle of Man or
     v the payment by You of any regulatory fines or penalties; or       the Channel Islands, committed or alleged to be committed
     vi any material or non-material damage caused by:                   in the course of the Business during the Period of Insurance.
          a any deliberate, reckless or negligent act of any of          Provided that:
            Your Employees; or                                           a Our liability under this Extension will be limited to a
          b any failure by an Employee to act in accordance with           maximum amount of £1,000,000 in the aggregate and
            Your internal policies, procedures and guidelines.             in any one Period of Insurance;
     For the purposes of this Extension:                                 b this Extension will only apply to proceedings brought in
     i    “GDPR” means:                                                    Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the
          The General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.            Channel Islands;

     ii “compensation claim” means:                                      c We must consent to the appointment of any solicitor or
        Any sums which You become legally liable to pay as                 counsel, acting on Your behalf;
        compensation to any data subject under and in                    d You must immediately notify Us of receipt of any
        accordance with Article 82 of the GDPR, or any                     summons or other process, served upon You, which
        equivalent legislation in the Isle of Man or the Channel           may give rise to proceedings arising from the cover
        Islands, or any similar or successor legislation,                  under this Extension; and
        including the Data Protection Act 2018 (as may be                e before We consent to fund any appeal, advice must
        amended from time to time).                                        have been received from Counsel that there is a strong
     iii “controller” will have the meaning given to it in Article 4       probability that the appeal will be successful. Any
         of the GDPR.                                                      information in support of this assertion requested by Us
                                                                           will be supplied by You.
     iv “material or non-material damage” will be interpreted in
        accordance with Article 82 of the GDPR.                          It is understood that We will have no liability under this
K Consumer Protection and Food Safety Acts
                                                                         i   if You have committed any deliberate or intentional
     We will indemnify You and at Your request any of Your                   criminal act that gives rise to a charge of corporate
     directors or partners against legal costs and expenses                  manslaughter or corporate homicide;
     incurred with Our written consent in connection with the
                                                                         ii for any fines or penalties, of any kind; or
     defence of any proceedings or an appeal against conviction
     arising from such proceedings brought for a breach of               iii where You can obtain indemnity for the costs of
                                                                             defending a criminal proceeding in relation to corporate
     a Part 2 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987;
                                                                             manslaughter or corporate homicide, from any other
     or                                                                      source or insurance or where but for the existence of
     b Section(s) 7, 8, 14 and/or 15 of the Food Safety Act 1990,            this Extension You would have obtained indemnity from
                                                                             any other source or insurance.
16   |    Professionals
Section 2 | Employers Liability                                                                                           Policy Booklet

Section 2 | Employers Liability

Definitions                                                           Cover
The Business includes                                                 We will subject to the Indemnity Limit stated in Section 2 of
a the ownership repair maintenance and decoration of Your             the Schedule indemnify You against:
  premises;                                                           1 a all sums which You will become legally liable to pay as
b private work undertaken by any of Your Employees for You                damages (including interest thereon); and
  or with Your consent for any of Your directors or partners or          b claimants’ costs and expenses if You are ordered to pay
  other Employees;                                                         them or paid with Our written consent,
c the provision and management of canteen sports social                  in respect of the Occurrence stated in this Section;
  and welfare organisations for the benefit of Employees and          2 all costs and expenses incurred by You with Our written
  fire security first aid medical and ambulance services.               consent in defending any claim;
Territorial Limits                                                    3 the solicitor’s fees incurred with Our written consent for
i   Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the         representation at proceedings in any court of summary
    Isle of Man;                                                        jurisdiction in respect of any alleged act causing or relating
                                                                        to any Occurrence which may be the subject of indemnity
ii within any member country of the European Union where
                                                                        under this Section or at any coroner’s inquest or fatal
   any person is temporarily engaged on Your Business;
                                                                        accident inquiry.
iii elsewhere in the world where any person is temporarily
    engaged in non-manual work in connection with Your                Special Conditions
You includes                                                          1 Contractual Liability
a Your personal representatives in the event of Your death               Insofar as concerns liability assumed by You under
  but only in respect of liability incurred by You                       agreement which would not have attached in the absence
                                                                         of such agreement this Section will only apply if We retain
b if You so request:
                                                                         sole conduct and control of any claim.
    i   any of Your directors, partners or other Employees while
        acting in connection with the Business provided that          2 Jurisdiction
        You would have been entitled to indemnity under this             The indemnity provided by this Section will only apply to
        Section if the claim had been made against You; or               any action for damages brought against You in any court
    ii any officer or member of Your canteen, sports, social or          or tribunal subject to the laws of England, Scotland, Wales,
       welfare organisations and fire, security, first aid, medical      Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
       and ambulance services in their respective capacity as         3 Right of Recovery
                                                                         The indemnity provided by this Section is deemed to be in
    Provided that such persons will observe fulfil and are               accordance with the provisions of any law relating to
    subject to the terms conditions Exclusions and limits of this        compulsory insurance of liability to Employees in Great
    Section insofar as they can apply.                                   Britain, Northern Ireland the Channel Islands and the Isle of
                                                                         Man but You will repay to Us all sums paid by Us which We
Occurrence                                                               would not have been liable to pay but for the provisions of
Bodily Injury caused to any of Your Employees occurring                  such law.
anywhere in the Territorial Limits during the Period of               4 Certificate of Employers’ Liability
Insurance and arising out of and in the course of employment
                                                                         If this Policy or Section is cancelled the current Certificate
or engagement of such person by You in the Business.
                                                                         of Employers’ Liability Insurance is similarly cancelled from
                                                                         the same date.
Indemnity Limit
Our liability (inclusive of all costs and expenses payable) under
this Section in respect of any one Occurrence or in the
aggregate in respect of a series of Occurrences arising out of
any one original cause will not exceed the Indemnity Limit.

                                                                                                                     Professionals   |   17
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