Page created by Denise Tucker
Effective from: 31 08 2021
PROPERTY INSURANCE – BENEFITS GUIDE                                                                                           WELCOME TO ALLIANZ
                                                                                                                               Table of contents

WELCOME TO                                                              TABLE OF
ALLIANZ                                                                 CONTENTS
                                                                        Introduction to your insurance                                       6
                                                                        I.   General Insurance Terms and Conditions                          8
                                                                             1. Insurer, policyholder, insured person and
             TO INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH US.                                   insurance agent                                             10
                                                                             2. Concluding an insurance contract                            11
                                                                             3. Inception date of the policy                               15
                                                                             4. Duration of the contract, anniversary
                                                                                date and insurance period                                  15
                                                                             5. Contract modification                                       16
                                                                             6. Termination of the insurance contract                       16
                                      Taking care of risk is our job.        7.   Insurance premium, payment of premiums                    17
                                                                             8. Sum insured, underinsurance, concurrent
                                      We’re here to protect you and
                                                                                insurance, overinsurance                                    21
                                      your property from financial
                                      losses from unexpected events          9. Rules of indexation, other modifications of
                                      you can’t control. Rely on our            the contract initiated at the anniversary                  22
                                      experience. We are with you            10. Deductible                                                23
                                      every step of the way.                 11. Obligations of contracting parties                        23
                                                                                  11.A. Obligations of the policyholder and
                                                                                      the insured person                                   23
                                                                                  11.B. Obligations of the insurer                         29
                                                                             12. Exemption                                                  31
                                                                             13. General exclusions                                         31

CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                              Table of contents

       14. Other provisions                                     32   IV.   Special Terms and Conditions of Assistance Insurance              76
          14.A. Claim for compensation                          32         1. The insured person                                             76
          14.B. Limitation                                      32         2. The insured events (damage)                                    76
          14.C. Data processing and data protection             33         3. Insured events and costs not covered by insurance             77
          14.D. D
                 eviation from legal regulations or                        4. Obligations of the insured person upon the
                past contractual practices                      33            occurrence of the insured event and the
          14.E. Jurisdiction, complaint management,                            measures of the insurer or the service provider
                and language of the contract                    38            after the damage was reported                                 77
       15. Connection between Base insurance                                5. Obligation to mitigate damages                                 78
           and Supplementary insurances                         39         6. Insurance service                                              79
                                                                            7.   Performing the insurance service                             81
II.    Special Terms and Conditions of Property Insurance       40
                                                                            8. Failure of assistance service                                  82
       1. The insured                                           40
                                                                            9. Termination of assistance cover by the insurer                 82
       2. Territorial scope and coverage area
          of the insurance                                      41   V.    Anti-burglary security levels and limit amounts                  84
       3. Insured assets                                        41   VI. Contractual Clauses                                                90
       4. Determining the insured sum by asset groups           45   VII. Insurance decoded                                                 96
       5. Insured events                                        50
       6. Services of the insurer                               63   Claim happened – what comes next?                                     104

III.   Special Terms and Conditions of Liability Insurance      68   Useful tips                                                           110
                                                                      Questions you might still have                                        114
       1. Insured person, injured party, party suffering harm   69
       2. Territorial scope and force                           69   Help us be better!                                                    120
       3. Sum insured (annual limit)                            70
       4. Insured events                                        70
       5. Services of the insurer                               72

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CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                Introduction to your insurance

TO YOUR                                                                   This Benefits Guide:

INSURANCE                                             YOU INSURED YOUR
                                                      HOME WITH ALLIANZ
                                                                          • Describes the type of coverage of
                                                                            each package,
                                                                          • Informs you about claims and
                                                      MYHOME INSURANCE.     explains insurance terminology,
                                                                          • Provides tips how to improve safety
                                                      THE CHOSEN            in your home,
                                                                          • And answers frequently asked
                                                      PACKAGE COVERS        questions.
                                                      YOU AND YOUR HOME   As a separate document, you have
                                                      ACCORDING TO YOUR   received also the insurance policy
                                                                          which contains specific information
                                                      PERSONAL NEEDS.     regarding the insurance you contracted
                                                                          (e.g. selected insurance package,
                                                                          duration, sum insured).

                                                                          If you have any questions while or after
                                                                          going through the documents, feel free
                                                                          to contact us at +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-
                                                                          1-421 or!

                                                                          We are ready to help!

6                                                                                                                 7
CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                       I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

I. GENERAL                                                     These General Terms and Conditions
                                                               of the Allianz Myhome insurance
                                                                                                          separate document (Rules of Data
                                                                                                          Management and Supplement of

                                                               include provisions applicable to Allianz   Customer Information and General
                                                               Myhome insurance contract of Allianz       Terms and Conditions) completing the
                                                               Hungária Zrt. (hereinafter the insurer)    present product information and terms

                                                               unless stipulated otherwise in your        and conditions.
                                                                                                          Issues not regulated by the general
                                                               These General Terms and Conditions         and the special terms and conditions
                                                               consists of the General and the Special    of the insurance will be governed
                                           WE WOULD LIKE       Terms and Conditions and the clauses
                                                               related thereto. In addition to the
                                                                                                          by Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
                                                                                                          (hereinafter the Civil Code), the Act on
                                           TO INTRODUCE A      above, the offer, declarations made
                                                               during the offer, clauses Rules of Data
                                                                                                          Insurance Business and the provisions
                                                                                                          of applicable Hungarian law.
                                           COMPREHENSIVE       Management and Supplement of
                                                               Customer Information and General           These General Terms and Conditions
                                           INSURANCE PRODUCT   Terms and Conditions and the policy        include comprehensive information in
                                           FOR YOUR HOME.      will also be part of the insurance
                                                                                                          compliance with the Civil Code and
                                                                                                          Act LXXXVIII of 2014 on Insurance
                                                                                                          Business (hereinafter the Insurance
                                                               In exchange for insurance premiums,        Act), in particular on available
                                                               the insurer undertakes to make the         packages, loss settlement and
                                                               insurance service payment specified        insurance related terminology.
                                                               in this document upon the occurrence
                                                               of an insured event as defined in the      Our Allianz MyHome insurance
                                                               insurance terms and conditions. Such       product as a base insurance consists
                                                               service payments will be made in the       of property insurance, liability
                                                               Hungarian forint and in accordance         insurance and assistance covers
                                                               with the insurance contract.               (hereinafter together: Base insurance),
                                                                                                          Supplementary Family Accident
                                                               Information about the insurer,             Insurance and Supplementary Life
                                                               provisions of the governing law,           Insurance (hereinafter: Supplementary
                                                               information on the sale of insurance       insurances) are optional to the Base
                                                               products (consultancy and                  insurance. Supplementary insurances
                                                               remuneration), insurance contract          have their own separate Client
                                                               provisions concerning the processing of    information and General Terms and
                                                               personal data, insurance secrecy rules,    Conditions so this document does not
                                                               complaint management information,          contain their detailed descriptions.
                                                               distance marketing information and
                                                               e-contract rules are included in a

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CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                          I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

1. INSURER, POLICYHOLDER, INSURED              and obligations conferred upon the            agent, the declaration will come into           and it is clear on the basis of the nature
PERSON AND INSURANCE AGENT                     contracting party shall pass to the insured   force with respect to the insurer at the        of the claimed insurance coverage or
                                               person. In such a case, the policyholder      moment when received by the insurer.            the circumstances of the risk that an
The insurer                                    and the insured person are universally                                                        individual risk assessment is needed for
                                               liable to pay the insurance premium           2. CONCLUDING AN INSURANCE                      the acceptance of the offer.
The insurer is Allianz Hungária Zrt.           due in the current insurance period. The      CONTRACT
authorized to conduct insurance                insured person entering into the contract                                                     If the policy issued by the insurer deviates
activity by the National Bank of               shall be liable to cover the contracting      2.1. Rules for concluding an insurance          from the policyholder’s offer and the
Hungary.                                       party’s expenses arising from the contract,   contract                                        policyholder does not object to such
                                               including premium payments.                                                                   deviation without delay, the contract will
Registered office: 1087 Budapest,                                                            An insured contract is concluded upon           be concluded according to the content of
Könyves Kálmán krt. 48-52.                     If the insured asset is financed, then the    agreement of both parties. No contract          the policy.
                                               insurer will provide the service based        is concluded if the insurer rejects the offer
Mailing address: 1368 Budapest, Pf. 191        on the relevant clause(s).                    within 15 days of the reception thereof.        This provision applies to significant
                                                                                                                                             deviations only provided that the insurer
The policyholder                               The insurance agent                           To conclude the insurance contract, the         notifies the policyholder thereof in
                                                                                             policyholder is obliged to provide his/         writing upon delivery of the document
The policyholder is an entity making an        The insurance agent is a person               her e-mail address and mobile phone             verifying the coverage.
offer to conclude an insurance contract        cooperating in the conclusion of              number, regardless of the method of
who is obliged to pay the insurance            insurance contracts. Agents and               communication. The Insurer ensures that         If no such reminder is given, the contract
premium.                                       multiple agents are tied insurance            all customers with an e-mail address            will be concluded in accordance with the
                                               intermediaries while brokers are              can view and download the documents             content of the offer.
Contract may be concluded by any               independent insurance intermediaries.         related to the contract, including
person or entity interested in securing                                                      in particular, but not limited to, the          The policyholder will be bound by the
the asset or concluding the contract to        Tied insurance intermediaries do not          insurance policy, premium notice/index          offer for a period of fifteen days from the
the benefit of such interested person.         receive any premiums.                         letter, due date notice, premium notice.        time when it was made.

The insured                                    Tied insurance intermediaries do not          The insurer also sends notification (SMS)       The contract will be concluded also if the
                                               receive from the insurer any amount           about the date of on-site investigation         insurance company does not respond to
The insured person is entitled to the          due to the customer.                          required for the risk assessment to the         the offer within fifteen days of the time
insurer’s service unless otherwise                                                           mobile phone number provided by the             of receipt thereof, provided that the offer
specified in the terms and conditions.         Tied insurance intermediaries are only        policyholder, or with the help of the           was made on the insurance company’s
                                               entitled to take over offers; they neither    policyholder, by a pre-downloaded               own standard offer sheet for the type
The insured person (if other than              make contracts on behalf of the insurer       mobile application.                             of policy in question, upon receipt of
the policyholder) may replace the              nor manage legal declarations of the                                                          the relevant statutory information,
policyholder at any time based on a            policyholder and the insured person.          If the insured event occurs during the          containing the tariffs applicable.
written declaration addressed to the                                                         time of risk assessment, the offer may
insurer. Consent of the insurer is not         If the policyholder addresses its             only be rejected by the issuer in the           In this case the contract will be
required for entering into the contract.       declaration related to the insurance          event that it had expressly warned              concluded – under the conditions
Upon entering into the contract the rights     contract to an independent insurance          about this possibility on the offer sheet       contained in the offer – with retroactive

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CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                       I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

effect to the date on which the offer is       The insurance contract can be concluded     • premium payment method is direct             The contract can also be concluded
received by the insurance company on           by choosing the following contact and         debit order, online credit card              with a surcharge as a non-e-product
the day following the expiry of the risk       communication methods:                        payment, bank transfer                       but still a contract based on electronic
assessment period.                             • as an e-product by default or             • the frequency of premium payment is          communication.
                                               • as a non-e-product with a surcharge         annually, semi-annually or quarterly,        The policyholder, having provided his/
If the contract that has been concluded          obligation and in which the method        • the policyholder provides his/her valid      her mobile phone number and e-mail
without the insurer’s explicit statement         of communication between the                e-mail address, capable of receiving         address to the insurer, and agrees
deviates from the insurer’s general              parties, according to the choice of the     electronic notices, as well as his/her       to communicate with the insurer
terms and conditions in any important            contractor can be                           valid mobile phone number, capable           electronically and also agrees that
circumstances, the insurer may propose           – electronic communication                  of receiving text messages (SMS)             the insurer may use such date to send
within 15 days of the conclusion of the            (e-communication) or                      and phone calls for the electronic           declarations and documents related
contract that the contract be amended            – traditional (postal) communication.       communication, and                           to the contract (including, in particular
according to the general terms and                                                         • the policyholder accept the Terms and        but not limited to, the policy, invoices
conditions. If the policyholder does           Depending on the chosen method of             Conditions of Customer Portal.               and according receipts, indexation
not accept the proposal or does not            communication, the Insurer makes the                                                       information, notifications, notice of
respond within 15 days, the insurer            documents related to the contract and       The Customer Portal allows the                 termination, notice of cancellation), and
may terminate the contract with 30             the service available to the policyholder   policyholder to view the details of            use the mobile phone number and email
days’ notice period within 15 days of          on the Allianz Customer Portal in           his/her insurance contract within              address provided by the policyholder to
receiving the rejection of the proposed        case of e-product, while in case of         the framework of the service, and to           send notifications.
amendment. If the insurer proposes             electronic communication or traditional     perform the operations provided by             The Allianz MyHome Insurance contract
to modifiy the offer because it is             communication on the Allianz Message        the Customer Portal, including online          is qualified as an e-communicaton
not comply with the general terms              Portal, of which the policyholder will be   credit card payment, data modification,        product if all the below conditions are
and conditions, the insurer will send          notified via e-mail address provided by     downloading and requesting documents           met:
notification to the mobile phone               him/her.                                    related to contracts.                          • the policyholder and the payer of the
number provided by the policyholder                                                        In case of choosing e-product the insurer         premium are the same
at the same time. Insurance contracts          Rules of surcharges connecting to the       will send statements and documents             • premium payment method is direct
may be concluded at a distance, e.g.           methods of communication and the            related to the contract to the e-mail             debit order, online credit card
over the internet or over the phone. In        multiplier of the surcharges detailed in    address provided by the policyholder              payment, bank transfer
such a case, legal regulations on distant      section 7.1.3.                              and to the Customer Portal account             • the policyholder provides his/her valid
marketing will apply.                                                                      (including, in particular but not limited         e-mail address, capable of receiving
                                               2.2.1. Rules of e-product                   to, the policy, invoices and according            electronic notices, as well as his/her
If the contract has not been concluded         The insurance contract can be concluded     receipts, indexation information,                 valid mobile phone number, capable
in writing, the insurer will issue a policy    as an e-product by default, which means     notifications, notice of termination, notice      of receiving text messages (SMS)
proving the insurance coverage.                a Allianz MyHome insurance contract         of cancellation).                                 and phone calls for the electronic
                                               based on electronic administration.         The e-mail address and mobile phone               communication.
2.2. Rules for communication of the            The Allianz MyHome Insurance contract       number of the e-product can be
parties, legal declarations, sending           is qualified as an e-product if all the     modified but cannot be deleted.                2.2.3. Common rules of e-product
electronic mail                                below conditions are met:                                                                  and electronic communication
                                               • the policyholder and the payer of the     2.2.2. Rules of electronic communication –     (e-communication)
                                                  premium are the same                     e-communication

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CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                           I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

Any changes of e-mail addresses                If the policyholder chooses traditional         of e-product or agreement in electronic        Supplement of Customer Information and
or mobile phone numbers must be                (postal) communication, he/she is               communication - in connection with the         General Terms and Conditions’.
reported to the insurer within 8 days. The     obliged to provide his/her valid e-mail         contract will be deemed as received
insurer will not be liable for an losses or    address, capable of receiving electronic        at the time when the Insurer sent it in a      3. INCEPTION DATE OF THE POLICY
consequences arising from a failure to         notices, and a valid mobile phone               verifiable manner to the e-mail address
report such changes.                           number related to the policyholder’s            provided by the policyholder or placed         3.1. When concluding an insurance
The insurer will not be liable for any         person, capable of receiving text               it on the Customer Portal and Allianz          contract, the inception date of the
damage, or consequences arising                messages (SMS) and phone calls, which           Message Portal operated by the Insurer.        policy will be:
from inaccuracy or incompleteness              is necessary for communication between          Parties can terminate a contract exclusively   • the date indicated in the offer, or
of the electronic data provided by             the parties and the provision of services.      by mail, fax, personally at the customer       • if no date is indicated, 0:00 a.m. on
the policyholder, for any errors or                                                            service or customer contact points or            the day following the reception of the
malfunctioning arising at the e-mail            A legal declaration related to the             by electronic documents with at least a          offer.
service provider of the policyholder or         contract will be deemed as received            high-level security electronic signature.      The inception date of the policy will be
any problems resulting from the service         if the document sent by post was not           The termination will be accepted by the        included in the policy issued by the insurer.
provider’s security settings or the settings    delivered because the addressee did            insurer if this declaration was made on
of the policyholder’s personal account,         not receive it (‘not called for’, ‘unknown’,   the Customer Portal by the policyholder.       3.2. The insurer will undertake coverage
or for any damage or detrimental legal         ‘moved’) at the given address. In any such      Please note that sending of data via           for floods with a waiting period of 15
consequences arising therefrom.                 case, the date of receipt will be the fifth    e-mail can be risky, considering that          days. The period will commence at 0:00
The insurer will only accept a legal            workday following the second attempt           sending data in the body of or attached        a.m. on the day following the reception
declaration sent by e-mail if it is received    to deliver the document by post.               to an e-mail is not considered safe.           of the offer. The risk coverage of the
from an e-mail address connected to                                                                                                           insurer will start at 0:00 a.m. on the 16th
the sender, previously reported to and         2.2.5. Handing over of legal declarations       2.2.6. Other rules of Customer Portal          day following the reception of the offer.
recorded by the insurer.                       If a written form of legal declaration is       Services of the Customer Portal                The insurer will not require a waiting
                                               required by law, the legal declaration          operated by the insurer may only be            period in cases where the policy comes
2.2.4. Rules of traditional (postal)           will only be valid if it meets requirements     used by registered users. The services         into effect more than 15 days after the
communication:                                 imposed on written documents by                 of the Customer Portal may be used             reception of the offer.
The contract can also be concluded             the Civil Code, i.e. it can be used to          by the policyholder who provided his/
with a surcharge as a contract based on        retrieve the full unaltered content of the      her email address and password. The            4. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT,
traditional (postal) communication.            declaration and to identify the person          insurer will deem any declaration made         ANNIVERSARY DATE AND INSURANCE
In this case, the insurer will send the        who made the declaration, as well as the        over the Customer Portal after login           PERIOD
documents, information or statement            time when the declaration was made.             using the customer’s e-mail address and
related to the conclusion, management          In all other cases, any declaration             password as a declaration made by the          4.1. An insurance contract can be
and possible termination of the                submitted to the insurer will only be valid     policyholder. Further information about        concluded for indefinite term.
insurance contract, the service request to     if made in writing or sent by e-mail, fax or    the rules for electronic communication,
the policyholder by post.                      electronically over the Customer Portal         the Customer Portal and Allianz Message        4.2. The insurance anniversary date
The Insurer also places the above              operated by the insurer, over www.allianz.      Portal can be viewed at www.allianz.           will be the first day of the month that
documents on the Allianz Message               hu or using another permanent means,            hu, in the Allianz Online Portal Solutions     follows the start date of coverage. If
Portal, which the policyholder can view        and if the insurer becomes aware of it.         menu as well as in the document                the risk coverage starts on the first day
after registration.                            The Insurer’s legal declaration sent            entitled ‘Rules of Data Management and         of a particular month, the anniversary
                                               electronically (e-mail) - in case of choice                                                    date will fall on the same day.

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CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                         I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

Contract duration and the anniversary          5.5. If the policyholder indicates that          B. Termination by notice                    coverage within 120 days of the date
date will be included in the insurance         he/she does not accept the proposal                                                          of termination. The insurer will restore
contract.                                      or if does not respond within 15 days            Either party may terminate the              the risk coverage under the terms and
                                               of the reception thereof, the contract           indefinite term insurance contract at       conditions of the terminated contract
4.3. The insurance period will be one          will terminate on the thirtieth day of           least thirty days in advance, with effect   provided that the overdue premium is
year.                                          communication of such proposal if                from the last day of the insurance          paid.
                                               the insurer warned the policyholder              period, without specifying a reason.
5. CONTRACT MODIFICATION                       thereof when making the proposal.                                                            D. Mutual consent
                                                                                                C. Non-payment of the insurance
5.1. Upon mutual agreement, the                5.6. If the contract covers more                 premium                                     The insurance contract may be
parties may change the term of the             than one asset concurrently and the                                                          terminated by mutual consent at any
contract at any time.                          significant increase of risk applies to          The insurance contract will be              time as of the date of agreement.
                                               some of them only, the insurer will not          terminated with retroactive effect to the
5.2. In case of modification of the            be able to exercise its rights set forth in      due date of the premium if the insurer,     7. INSURANCE PREMIUM, PAYMENT OF
premium payment method and                     the above sections with respect to the           also notifying about the consequences,      PREMIUMS
frequency, the contract can be modified        remaining assets.                                has reminded the policyholder in
by the day following the period covered                                                         writing to pay the premium, setting an      7.1. Determining the insurance premium
by the last premium under the frequency        6. TERMINATION OF THE INSURANCE                  additional thirty-day time limit, and the
of payment except in case of automatic         CONTRACT                                         extended time limit has expired without     7.1.1. The insurer will determine
transactions based on notifications via                                                         payment, unless the insurer enforces the    the insurance premium for one year
electronic settlement system (GIRO) used       The insurance contract will terminate by:        claim for the premium in court without      insurance period.
by the banks and saving banks.                                                                  delay. Payment of premiums after the
                                               A. Ceasing of the insurable interest             contract terminated due to premium          The insurer will determine the
5.3. Either party may initiate the             and impossibility to perform                     non-payment will not render the             premium based on the data provided
modification of the contract. If the other                                                      contract effective again.                   in the insurance offer or during the
party does not accept the modification         If the insured event occurs, its occurrence                                                  modification of the contract, taking
proposal, the insurance contract will          becomes impossible, or the insurable             If only part of the due premium was         among others the following factors into
remain in force with the original content.     interest ceases before the insurance             paid and the insurer reminded the           consideration: sums insured, address
                                               coverage becomes effective, the contract         policyholder to pay the remaining part      of place of risk coverage, permanent
5.4. If the insurer becomes aware of           or the relevant part of it will be terminated.   of the premium without success, having      inhabitation, proprietary/lease right,
any significant circumstances related                                                           properly applied the rules applicable       scope of insurance (immovable and/
to the contract or the changes thereof         If the interest of protecting the insured        in case of non-payment, the contract        or movable assets), year of birth of the
after the conclusion of the contract and       asset ceases (including any case                 will remain in force with the same          policyholder, year of construction of
such circumstances result in significant       of changing the ownership of the                 insurance amount for the period of time     the main building.
increase of risk, the insurer will make        insured asset) or occurrence of an               corresponding to the premium paid.
a written proposal within 15 days of           insured event becomes impossible                                                             The premium of Supplementary
becoming aware of that or terminate            during the period of risk coverage, the          If the contract was terminated due          insurances are added to the premium
the contract with 30 days’ notice.             contract or the relevant part of it will         to continuous non-payment of the            of Base insurance.
                                               be terminated on the day of cession of           premium, the policyholder may request
                                               interest or becoming impossible.                 in writing that the insurer restore risk

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CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                                                                         I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

The insurance premium may be affected
                                                                                                                            Name of                                                                                               Multiplier
by surcharges and discounts according                                                                                                        Condition of eligibility for discount
                                                                                                                            discount                                                                                              of discount
to the following table.
                                                                                                                            Discount for     The policyholder will be eligible for a Discount for duration if he undertakes not   If 3 years of
                                                                                                                            duration         to terminate the policy within the selected period of time by either not paying      duration is
                                                                                                                                             the premium or willingly terminating it upon its anniversary.                        selected: 0.95
7.1.2. Discounts                                                                                                                             The policyholder may select the duration of 3, 4 or 5 years.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If 4 years of
                                                                                                                                             The detailed terms and conditions of the Discount for duration will be included in   duration is
                                                                                                                                             Chapter VI. Contractual Clauses.                                                     selected: 0.92
 Name of                                                                                                     Multiplier
                    Condition of eligibility for discount
 discount                                                                                                    of discount                                                                                                          If 5 years of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  duration is
 Partner discount    1.	In the case of concluding a new home insurance contract                             0.9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  selected: 0.90
                     Upon concluding a home insurance contract (hereinafter home insurance
                     contract) in accordance with these terms and conditions, the policyholder                              Promotion        Discount announced by the insurer for a specific period of time, sales channel(s)
                     provides, at the insurer’s request, the number of existing vehicle or life insurance                                    and/or group of customers, the terms and conditions of which will be provided
                     contract with Allianz Hungária Zrt.* , than the home insurance contract becomes                                         by the insurer individually in each case.
                     eligible for Partner Discount. The insurer may request from the policyholder the
                     policy number on which the discount is based, until the following 15th day the                         Sales discount   A business policy discount may be provided from the annual premium of the
                     offer made for the home insurance contract, but no later than the day the policy                                        product upon the conclusion of the contract.
                     is issued.
                    *	In the event that the home insurance policy is concluded with a forward
                         inception date, then the vehicle or life insurance contract will be force at the
                         inception date of the home insurance policy to be eligible for Partner discount.                  7.1.3. Surcharges

                    2. In the case of an existing home insurance policy
                    In the event that the policyholder of home insurance contract in force wishes                           Name of                                                                                               Multiplier
                                                                                                                                             Condition of applying surcharge
                    to apply for the Partner discount, then they will provide the policy number of                          surcharge                                                                                             of surcharge
                    their permanent vehicle or life insurance contract existing and in force at Allianz
                    Hungária Zrt.                                                                                           Surcharge        The insurer will apply a surcharge in the event that the premium of the given        Monthly 1.05
                                                                                                                            for premium      home insurance contract is paid monthly, quarterly or semi-annually.
                    3. A further condition of eligibility for the Partner discount in both cases (1 and 2)                  payment                                                                                               Quarterly 1.03
                    is that the policyholder of the additional Allianz insurance meeting the above                          frequency
                    terms and conditions and founding the basis for the Partner discount will be                                                                                                                                  Semi-annually 1.02
                    the insured party of the home insurance policy or a relative of the insured party
                                                                                                                            Surcharge for    The insurer will apply a surcharge in the event that the method of communication     E-communication
                    permanently living at the same household in the place of risk coverage or a close
                                                                                                                            not choosing     chosen by the policyholder is e-communication or traditional communication           1.01
                    relative of the insured party permanently living at the place of risk coverage but
                                                                                                                            e-product        instead of e-product.
                    not in the same household.                                                                                                                                                                                    Traditional
                    4. Only one Partner discount can be valid at the same time as one home                                                                                                                                        communication 1.05
                    insurance policy. An insurance contract can only be used as the basis of Partner
                    discount for one home insurance policy at the same time.
                                                                                                                           The discount and the surcharge is
                                                                                                                           applied by multiplication of the
                                                                                                                           discount/surcharge multiplier with the
                                                                                                                           basic insurance premium shown on the
                                                                                                                           offer. In case of application of several
                                                                                                                           different discounts or surcharges, the
                                                                                                                           insurance premium is multiplied by all
                                                                                                                           applicable multipliers.

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CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                    I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

7.2. Minimum premium                           the premium payment method. There           The insurer will be entitled to receive     the insurer on the basis of realistic
                                               are opportunities for paying in advance     the premium for the entire duration of      data. The insurer will determine the
The insurer will determine a minimum           on our Online Premium Payment page          the risk coverage.                          recommended sum insured according
premium for the entire contract                available from website,                                                  to the usable floor area of the insured
amounting to HUF 8,000 (eight                  at our insurance agents, or at our          8. SUM INSURED, UNDERINSURANCE,             building. If the usable floor area
thousand forints) per insurance period         customer contact points, and also in our    CONCURRENT INSURANCE,                       determined by the policyholder is
at the time of publishing the present          bank partner’s branches through POS         OVERINSURANCE                               not correct, the insurer will examine
Client Information and General                 terminal.                                                                               underinsurance even if the sum
Terms and Conditions. The premium              The insurer will consider the advance       8.1. Sum insured                            insured is equal or higher than the sum
determined for the insurance period            payment as an insurance premium in                                                      recommended by the insurer.
together with the surcharges and               case of concluding the contract, in case    The sum insured is the upper limit of
discounts will not be lower than the           of rejection the offer the insurer will     service provided by the insurer.            8.3. The sum insured relevant to
minimum premium at the time of                 pay the advance payment back to the                                                     a given insurance period will be
concluding the contract or any later           policyholder.                               The sum insured will be determined by       decreased by the amount paid due
modification thereof.                          The first insurance premium will be         the policyholder based on reconstruction    to an insured event occurring in the
                                               due when the contract is concluded,         cost or repurchase value of the insured     same insurance period unless the
No discount for duration will apply if         and subsequent premiums will be             asset(s) in new condition. Insurance may    policyholder completed the premium
the insurance premium payable for the          due on the first day of the insurance       also be concluded with a sum insured as     payment as appropriate. The insurer
insurance period equals the minimum            period which the premium covers.            recommended by the insurer.                 may apply this legal consequence
premium.                                       The first premium, monthly, quarterly,                                                  if they notified the policyholder
                                               semi-annual or annual premium in            8.2. Underinsurance                         thereof no later than at the time
If, due to a modification initiated by         accordance with the chosen frequency,                                                   of providing the insurance service
the policyholder or the insured person         will be payable upon the first payment      An asset is underinsured if the sum         and communicated the amount of
resulting in a decrease of the premium,        date. If inception date is earlier than     insured valid at the moment of an           premium for maintaining the amount
the insurance premium payable for              the insurance anniversary, then the         insured event is lower than the             of insurance coverage.
the insurance period fails to reach the        premium for the period between these        reconstruction cost or repurchase value
minimum premium, then the minimum              two dates will be payable upon the          of the insured assets in new condition.     If the contracting party does not
premium will apply.                            first payment date as well.                                                             exercise the right to maintaining the
                                                                                           In case of underinsurance, the insurer      amount of insurance coverage, the
7.3. Premium payment                           The policyholder is entitled for a          will provide insurance service based        contract will remain in force with the
                                               deferred payment of the first premium.      on the ratio of the sum insured to the      sum insured decreased by the amount
7.3.1. The policyholder may choose to          The payment date of the deferred            reconstruction cost or repurchase value     paid out in the current insurance
pay premiums monthly, quarterly, semi-         premium will be indicated in the offer.     of the insured asset(s) in new condition.   period.
annually or annually.
                                               If circumstances entitling to discount or   The insurer will not provide the service    8.4. Concurrent insurance
7.3.2. The policyholder can pay the the        surcharge cease to exist, the premium       according to the proportionate ratio to
insurance first premium as an advance          increased by the lost discount or by the    the Building and Household category         8.4.1. If the same interst is insured by
payment simultaneously with making             applicable surcharge will be paid from      of assets if the sum insured set forth      more than one insurance company
the offer or until the time of concluding      the date the given change is recorded       in the insurance contract equals or         independently, the insured person
the contract by credit card regardless of      by the insurer.                             exceeds the sum recommended by              shall have the right to submit his/her

20                                                                                                                                                                                21
CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                    I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

claim to one or more of such insurance         9. RULES OF INDEXATION, OTHER               sum insured and insurance premium,          cases and to the extent specified in
companies.                                     MODIFICATIONS OF THE CONTRACT               he/she can terminate it anytime             Deductibles chapter of the Special
                                               INITIATED AT THE ANNIVERSARY                in writing on 30 days’ notice with          Terms and Conditions. However, the
8.4.2. The insurance company to which                                                      the effective date at the end of the        insurer will not deduct any deductibles
a claim is submitted shall be liable to        9.1. The insurer will index the amounts     insurance period.                           if the service is provided based on
make a settlement payment under                and insurance premium applicable to                                                     Liability insurance or Assistance
the terms and conditions fixed in the          the next insurance period regardless        9.6. The reason for changing the            insurance.
document verifying insurance cover             of the frequency of claims, based on        premium of Assistance insurance
and up to the sum insured as specified         changes of the price level.                 by the insurer may be given by the          11. OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTING
therein, while reserving the right to                                                      circumstance if the consumer price          PARTIES
lodge a claim for compensation                 9.2. The adjusted sum insured will be       index for June with reference to the
relating to the other insurance                the previous sum insured multiplied         same month of the previous year,            11.A. Obligations of the policyholder
companies.                                     by the index. The index will be the         published by the KSH exceeds 3%.            and the insured person
                                               June consumer price index published         In such case the Assistance insurance
8.4.3. Under the claim referred to in          by the Hungarian Central Statistical        premium will be changed at the time         a ) Obligation to notify
Subsection 8.4.2. for compensation, the        Office (KSH) for the same month in the      and at the rate of indexation of the
insurance companies shall cover the            previous year. The insurer may depart       sums insured for the insured assets.        If the policyholder and the insured
claims paid jointly subject to the terms       from this index by 5 percentage points.                                                 person are not the same entity, the
and conditions and in proportion to            The insurer will use the index value        9.7. Concurrently with the above            policyholder must notify the insured
the amounts of coverage according              from 1st January until 31st December        modifications of premium, the insurer       person of the declarations made to
to which the individual insurance              of the year following the year in which     may also modify the premium in case         the policyholder, and changes made
companies would be liable to the               it is determined. Changes to the sum        of changes of legal regulations and         to the contract until the occurrence of
insured person.                                insured are followed by proportionate       the regulatory environment if such          the insured event or the entry of the
                                               changes in the insurance premium.           changes directly affect the insurer’s       insured person.
8.5. Overinsurance                                                                         activities, operating conditions and the
                                               9.3. Furthermore, the insurer will notify   public charges related to its activities.   b ) Obligation to disclose and report
The sum insured may not exceed                 the policyholder in writing on the                                                          changes
the value of the insured asset. Any            indexation of the sum insured and           Provisions set forth in Sections 9.3.
agreement on the sum insured                   the insurance premium, specific index       and 9.5. will apply to the insurer’s        Upon signing the contract, the
exceeding the value of the insured             applied and the new sum insured and         notification duty and the policyholder’s    policyholder is required to truthfully
asset will be void and the premium will        insurance premium not later than 60         right of termination.                       disclose to the insurer all circumstances
be reduced accordingly. The insurer            days before the insurance anniversary.                                                  that the policyholder is or must be
will pay back the overinsured portion                                                      10. DEDUCTIBLE                              aware of, that are material in terms of
of the premium to the policyholder.            9.4. The insurer will round the indexed                                                 risk assumption, and that the insurer
Despite this provision, insurance              sum insured and insurance premium           Insurance contracts can be concluded        inquired about.
contracts can be concluded for an              to thousand forints and whole forints,      with or without deductibles.
expected value of an asset or for a            respectively.                                                                           The policyholder will meet this
value of restoring or procuring the                                                        If a contract was concluded with            obligation to disclose by truthfully
asset in a new condition.                      9.5. If the policyholder does not wish to   deductibles, then the insured person        answering the insurer’s written
                                               keep up the contract with the indexed       will bear part of damage in the             questions. Leaving the questions

22                                                                                                                                                                            23
CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                    I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

unanswered will not constitute a               damage as normally be expected in        report including the circumstances,            the insurer will be released from their
breach of this obligation.                     the given situation.                     time, location, damaged assets and             obligation to perform.
                                                                                        estimated damage.
The policyholder or the insured person         c / 1. Having detected damage they                                                      Obligation to preserve conditions
must report a change of any circumstance       must immediately                         d /2. Documents verifying the occurrence
indicated in the offer within 15 days.         • call the fire department/disaster      of damage and can be requested by the          d / 5. The policyholder or the insured
                                                  management in case of fire and        insurer to establish the extent of services    person may only change the condition
In case of breaching the obligation to            explosion,                            will be enclosed to the report during          of a damaged asset only to the extent
disclose and the obligation to report          • report a criminal offence to the       the loss settlement process pursuant to        required to mitigate damage until the
changes, the insurer will not be obliged          police and describe stolen or         section 11.e) and the Special Terms and        loss settlement process begins, but
to perform unless the policyholder or             damaged assets in an itemized and     Conditions. All necessary information will     maximum 5 workdays of reporting
the insured person demonstrate that a             identifiable manner.                  be provided to the insurer. Reviewing the      damage. If, due to changes exceeding
concealed or unreported circumstance                                                    content of the report and checking the         the allowed extent, it is impossible
had been known to the insurer at the           c / 2. If the purpose of the property    information will be allowed for the insurer.   to clarify the circumstances that are
time of concluding the contract or that        is temporary use, recreation or                                                         significant for the assessment of the
it did not contribute to the occurrence        occasional short-term stay rather        d /3. In order to use the service of the       insurer’s payment obligation, the
of the insured event.                          than permanent inhabitation, the         insurer, the insured person / injured          insurer will be released from their
                                               policyholder (insured person) must       / injured party (hereinafter: party) is        obligation to perform.
If the contract covers several assets or       • drain water, heating and cooling       entitled to prove the insured event,
persons and the obligation to disclose            systems at the property, and close    damages, costs or non-material                 If the insurer does not initiate a loss
or the obligation to report changes is            the main valve of the pipes, or       damage by any means and documents              settlement process within 5 workdays
breached only with respect to some             • leave their heating on low             in accordance with the general rules           of receiving the report, the insured
of those assets or persons, then the           to avoid frozen pipes.                   of proof. In the case of a document            person can take measures to restore
insurer will not be able to allege the                                                  attached to the insurer, the party must        the damaged asset except if the
breach of the obligation of disclosure         d ) Obligation to report claim and       ensure that it contains only personal          insurer was unable to survey damage
and notification of changes with                   preserve conditions                  data in support of the claim for damages       for reasons attributable to the insured
respect to the remaining assets or                                                      or services (for example, in probate           person. Nevertheless, parts and
persons. Both the insured person and           The insured person will have to prove    proceedings, contains only the personal        equipment not used or discarded must
the policyholder are obliged to disclose       the occurrence and amount of damage.     data of the insurer entitled to provide        be preserved by the insured person in
and report changes. Neither may rely                                                    services; or in case of a court decision,      an unchanged condition for additional
on the other party reporting to the            Obligation to report damage              does not contain the personal data             30 days.
insurer if they are aware of a particular                                               of witnesses). To this end, the party is
circumstance and therefore obliged to          d / 1. Any damage must be reported       obliged to uncover or delete personal          e ) Documents can be requested
disclose and report.                           to the insurer within two workdays of    data in the document that does not                 to report damage and perform
                                               becoming aware thereof using the         affect the insurer’s service obligation.           service
c ) Obligation to prevent and mitigate         insurer’s website (,
    damage                                     hotline (+36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421)     d / 4. If the policyholder or the insured      • service claim specifying the amount
                                               in writing or in person at the Allianz   person fails to meet their obligation to         and supported with data;
The policyholder and the insured               Customer Service Points. Damage          report damage and, consequently, the           • detailed description of damage;
person must prevent and mitigate               must be accurately summarised in a       actual circumstances become obscure,             place, time and manner of the

24                                                                                                                                                                               25
CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                     I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

    occurrence; name, address, contact             service from any other person           • report by a certified chimney sweep        • declaration by the perpetrator on
    of the person potentially responsible          (insurer or perpetrator) in relation      expert;                                      taking responsibility;
    for the occurrence;                            with the given insured event;           • police charge records;                     • verification and receipts of mitigation
•   name, date of birth, mother’s name,        •   document verifying premium              • police on-site investigation records;        of damage and emergency
    home address, phone number, email              payment (if the insurer has not         • decision suspending or closing police        (firefighting, rescue, demolition,
    address of the insured person/injured          received the premium);                    investigation;                               clearing and disposing of debris,
    party/party suffering harm, name,          •   quotes for reconstruction and           • itemised list of movables;                   construction of a temporary roof)
    phone number and email address of              repurchase value or an invoice          • report by a structural engineer expert;      and planning and official permitting
    a contact person;                              verifying the cost of restoration if    • certification of a natural gas supplier;     costs;
•   name, registered office, identification        damage has been restored;               • permits and official documents             • death certificate;
    number, tax number of non-natural          •   records of assets of a business           proving conformity of pressure vessels;    • documents supporting the reason for
    person insured party/injured party,            association, inventory sheets,          • in case of damage due to induction           reporting damage with a delay;
    name, phone number and email                   individual tangible asset record          impact of lightning and short circuit,     • employer certificate in case of loss of
    address of a contact person;                   sheets, stock invoices;                   verification or an expert report of the      income and tax certificate in case of
•   instrument proving existence of a          •   data processing declarations;             service that the damage was caused           a business entity;
    registered civil union or a private        •   VAT refund declaration of the insured     by lightning induction arising from        • animal vaccination certificate;
    document providing full evidence of            person including the VAT number/tax       the secondary impact of the lightning      • certification of hospital in-patient
    civil union;                                   identification number;                    and whether or not the defect can            treatment;
•   bank account number of the insured         •   quotes, invoices, warranty cards,         be repaired; invoice for the repair in     • medical documentation certifying
    person/injured party/party suffering           expert reports (indicating a size,        case the defect is repairable;               the extent of permanent health
    harm;                                          material, working fee and quantity);    • certification of a competent                 damage;
•   authorization (to report damage, to        •   photos of damage/restoration of           local authority that the property          • certification of the costs to block/
    loss settlement, payment of damage);           buildings and structures;                 as uninhabitable; temporary                  replace payment cards and official
•   documents verifying the asset value        •   building permit documentation;            accommodation rent certificate;              documents issued by a bank/
    (invoice, contract);                       •   copy of a map in the land registry      • document proving the date of last            government office;
•   verification of insurable interest;            office;                                   maintenance;                               • certification of water consumption
    a document verifying the title of          •   in case of an insured person/injured    • soil mechanics expert report;                (invoice, official certificate);
    possession in case of third-party              party/party suffering harm who          • draft or original floor plan of the        • keys of bicycle lock(s), remains of
    assets, e.g. sale and purchase                 is under age or under custody,            property;                                    bicycle lock(s), invoice of bicycle
    agreement; real estate register                documents proving authorization of      • driving licence of the person driving        lock(s) used to secure;
    document ; rental, holding, leasing,           the parent/custodian to represent the     the vehicle; registration certificate of   • witness declaration;
    loan, lending arrangement ; free use;          minor child/person under custody;         the vehicle; temporary registration        • forensic expert report;
    verification of handover for repair;       •   articles of incorporation of a            certificate of the vehicle;                • expert report issued by medical
    name of the asset owner in case of             condominium association, charter of     • photo, rough draft, valuation of the         experts or medical expert boards;
    third-party assets;                            a housing cooperatives;                   assets;                                    • declaration of the consent of the
•   declaration of the insured person          •   request for urgent advance payment;     • certificate by a remote monitoring           injured party to data request;
    whether they received any amount,          •   certificate of a disaster management      service provider that the remote           • decisions related to meditation
    service (compensation for damage               authority;                                monitoring system/device were                proceedings;
    or monetary or assistance insurance        •   fire inspection records;                  operable and in operation;                 • certificate of disassembly;
                                                                                                                                        • notarial act;

26                                                                                                                                                                             27
CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                      I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

• contract of sole trader or agency;           • documents related to the registration    11.B. Obligations of the insurer               extend to the service limit for insured
• labour contract, temporary worker              or cancellation of proprietary right                                                    events and the partial limit valid at the
  records;                                       (e.g. documents issued by an official    a ) Obligation to inform                       time of an insured event.
• certificate/declaration of                     authority, Land registry office);
  employment or unemployment;                  • inheritance certificate                  The insurer will provide written information   b / 3. In connection with its obligation
• sole trader’s licence;                                                                  under Paragraph (1), Article 152 of the Act    arising from an insurance contract,
• small-scale producer’s licence;              In addition to the above, the insured      on Insurance before the conclusion of the      the insurer may undertake to pay VAT
• court decision confirming company            person will be entitled to verify          insurance contract to the party wishing to     after the value of services subject to
  registration;                                damage and costs under the general         conclude the contract. The obligation to       VAT (material, repair and restoration
• certification of a competent authority       rules of evidencing.                       inform will also apply to changes in the       cost) required to restore the condition
  to change the name of a public                                                          reported data during the contract under        preceding the insured event or to
  space or property number;                    Special terms and conditions of certain    Paragraph (5), Article 152 of the Act on       eliminate consequences of damage
• tax card;                                    supplementary insurances may request       Insurance.                                     occurred, or pay such amount to
• mileage record;                              additional documents to claim damage.                                                     the person entitled to the insurance
• waybill, consignment note;                                                              b ) Obligation to provide service              service only based on invoices where
                                               The insurer may not make service                                                          the amount of value added tax is
Documents clarifying proprietary               providing conditional on the final         b / 1. If the insured event specified in the   indicated or from which the amount
rights and certifying eligibility for          termination of an ongoing criminal or      special insurance conditions occurs, the       thereof can be calculated provided
service/compensation for damage;               infringement proceeding.                   insurer will provide the service specified     that the eligible person cannot
• declaration or authorisation of a                                                       in the special insurance conditions.           reclaim VAT.
  mortgagee by a financial institution         f ) Obligation to pay premium
  or an employer;                                                                         The insurer will determine the                 b / 4. If damaging events or factors
• final official decision, court decision      f / 1. The policyholder must pay to the    indemnity amount on the basis of               other than the insured event also
  or auction document resulting in             insurer the premium for the entire risk    • the contents of a damage claim,              contributed to the occurrence
  the acquisition of property (e.g.            coverage period.                           • documents requested by the insurer           of damage, the insurer will only
  expropriation order);                                                                     under the terms and conditions and           compensate for that part of damage
• final grant of probate;                      f / 2. Obligation to pay premium in          submitted by the insured party and,          that resulted from the insured event.
• certification of proprietary rights (real    case of contract termination:              • in case of on-site investigation,
  estate register document , address           If insured event occurs and the              documents related to such                    b / 5. Insurer shall prepare claims
  card, sale and purchase contract);           contract is terminated, the insurer will     investigation.                               handling information for losses listed
• vehicle registration card, operator          be entitled to receive the premium for                                                    under Part A) of Annex 1 of Act on
  document or contract;                        the entire insurance period. In other      b / 2. The sum insured valid at the time       Insurance and shall make it available
• procurement invoice, procurement             cases of termination of the contract       of the insured event is the upper limit of     on its website at all times.
  voucher, e.g. receipt;                       the insurer will be entitled to receive    service provided by the insurer.
• rental or leasing contract;                  the premium until the end of risk                                                         The claims handling information shall,
• loan contract, gift deed;                    coverage thereof. If more premium          If there is a service limit exists for         in particular, contain the following:
• rent or lease contract of real estate;       was paid than the prorated amount,         insured events and also a partial limit        a)	claims reporting procedures
• contract of assignment;                      the insurer shall refund such excess       within that specified in the insurance             available;
• specimen signature;                          premium.                                   Terms and Conditions, the insurer’s            b)	settlement rules and deadlines;
                                                                                          obligation to provide service will

28                                                                                                                                                                                29
CLIENT INFORMATION AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS                                                                                     I. General INSURANCE terms and conditions

c)	potential ways of settlement               b / 6. The insurer will provide            12. EXEMPTION                                 c ) any damage caused by rebellion,
    of claims and loss adjustment,             information on the general documents                                                         strike, total or partial stoppage, civil
    including where a settlement is            necessary for the settlement of the        12.1. The insurer will be released from           disobedience, civil riot, workplace
    reached by agreement.                      reported damage in the individual          its payment liability if it proves that           riot, sabotage or any other event or
                                               Claim Tracker application sent after the   damage was unlawfully                             reason resulting in a declaration of
Insurers are required, within fifteen          damage report, or by letter or e-mail,     • caused by the policyholder or the               a state of war, state of emergency,
days of receipt of documents which             within 10 working days of the damage         insured person, any family member           d ) any damage caused by an act of
are deemed essential for settlement,           report. If these are not sufficient to       living in their household, any                  terrorism, and direct or indirect
or failing this within one month of the        assess the claim, the insurer shall          managing partner or any employee,               relation to terrorism, preventive
date when the injured party presented          provide additional information within        member or agent working in a                    measures against terrorism,
his claim for compensation, to:                15 days after the processing of the          position specified in the General           e ) any damage caused by an
a)	make a reasoned offer of                   received and available data and              Terms and Conditions; or,                       explosion of fissile materials,
    compensation to the person                 information.                               • a chief executive of the insured                nuclear reaction, nuclear explosion,
    entitled to insurance benefits                                                          legal entity specified in the General           radiation, electromagnetic field
    in cases where the obligation              b / 7. If the policyholder pays the          Terms and Conditions or a member,               or electromagnetic radiation (e.g.
    of settlement and the extent of            premium by direct debit order and            employee or an agent thereof entitled           mobile phone) or radioactive
    benefits have been quantified              the policyholder is the claimant,            to manage the insured assets                    pollution irrespectively of whether
    separately for each claim (including       then insurer will transfer the service     deliberately or by gross negligence.              or not damage incurred was caused
    information as to interest); or            amounts to the bank account                                                                  by events qualified as insured
b)	provide a reasoned reply to the            registered at the time of the damage       12.2. These provisions will also apply in         events in the insurance contract,
    person entitled to insurance               if not requested otherwise by the          case of violation of damage prevention        f ) any damage related to asbestos,
    benefits to the points made in the         policyholder. In lack of the above         and mitigation liability.                     g) any damage related to the
    claim for benefits in cases where          conditions the insurer will perform its                                                      production and distribution of
    the obligation of settlement is            service according to the declaration       12.3. Exemption rules will not apply to           genetically modified products; any
    denied or has not been clearly             made by the person entitled to the         Liability insurance.                              damage related to the production,
    determined, or the benefits have           insurance service during the claim                                                           distribution, storage or qualification
    not been fully quantified.                 settlement proceedings; to his/her         13. GENERAL EXCLUSIONS                            of pyrotechnic materials, explosive
                                               bank account or home address.                                                                materials, weapons and ammunition;
Having regard to the loss referred to in                                                  The insurer’s obligation to cover will        h ) any damage caused by any kind
first paragraph of Section b/5., where         b / 8. The service of the insurer will     not include                                       of tobacco or tobacco industry
the insurer offers to redeem annuities         be due within 15 days of the report        a ) any damage caused by war, invasion,           products except for damage arising
in a single payment, the insurance             of a claim. If a person eligible for the       acts of war (irrespective of whether          from the application of medicinal
company shall at the same time                 service of the insurer presents any            the war was officially declared or            products containing nicotine,
provide information about the present          certifying documents, the deadline will        not), civil war, counter-revolution,      i ) any damage caused by
value of the principal amount of the           apply from the day when the insurer            revolution, military or civil revolt,         environment pollution or the use of
redemption value of the annuity, and           receives the last document from the            martial law, actual or attempted              the environment,
the amount of redemption thus offered          documents included in the information          violent takeover of power,                j ) any damage related to
may not be lower than such value.              referred to in Section b/6.                b ) any damage caused by permanent                nanotechnology,
                                                                                              or temporary official limitation of       k ) if a part or component identical to
                                                                                              proprietary rights for public interest,       the original is no longer available

30                                                                                                                                                                               31
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