INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS (REVISED 2017) - Journal of Animal Science
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INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS (REVISED 2017) Journal of Animal Science The Instructions for Authors, Journal of Animal Science (JAS) is divided into 2 sections: • For bacterial nomenclature, consult Approved Lists of Bacterial Names. I. Manuscript Preparation, which describes the Style and Form that authors must follow in the Manuscripts should be prepared double-spaced in preparation of manuscripts; and Microsoft Word, with lines and pages numbered con- secutively, using Times New Roman font at 12 points II. Policies and Procedures of JAS, which describes and no less than 2.54-cm (1 inch) margins all around. the mission of JAS, contact information, care and Special characters (e.g., Greek and symbols) should use of animals, protection of human subjects, con- be inserted using the symbols palette available in this flict of interest, types of articles published in JAS, font. manuscript submission, copyright policies, review Complex equations should be entered using Math- procedures and policies, papers in press, author Type ( proofs, and publication charges. or the Word Equation tool within your Word docu- ment. Do not insert equations as image files; image I. MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION files will need to be re-keyed by hand by layout staff, (STYLE AND FORM) which may introduce errors. Tables and figures should be placed in separate The most important thing authors can do as sections at the end of the manuscript, and not placed they prepare their manuscripts is to consult a recent in the text. Manuscripts should be uploaded to Thom- issue of JAS to see the acceptable format for headings, son Reuters ScholarOne Manuscripts (formerly called title page, ABSTRACT, Key words, INTRODUCTION, Manuscript Central) using the fewest files possible to MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUS- facilitate the review and editing processes. SION (or combined RESULTS AND DISCUSSION), Manuscripts should contain the following sections LITERATURE CITED, and tables and figures (includ- in this order. ing figure captions). Each of these topics is described in Title Page. The title page includes a running this document. The headings are shown in uppercase head (the first word only and any proper nouns capi- letters to illustrate how they should appear in manu- talized and no more than 45 keystrokes [i.e., charac- scripts. A basic manuscript template in Microsoft Word ters and spaces; a space is counted as a keystroke]); is available at http://www.animalsciencepublications. the title (only the first word and any proper nouns org/publications/jas/infora. Manuscripts that are not capitalized, as brief as possible, and including the spe- consistent with the Instructions for Authors will cies involved); names of authors (e.g., T. E. Smith; no be immediately rejected. title, positions, or degrees) and institutions, including General. Manuscripts must be written in English the department, city, state or country (all with first and must use American spelling and usage, as well as letters capitalized), and ZIP or postal code. Author af- standard scientific usage. The following online resources filiations are footnoted using the symbols *, †, ‡, §, #, provide detailed information. ║, and ¶ and are placed below the author names. If a consortium is listed in the byline, a footnoted refer- • For general style and form, authors should fol- ence to a website showing the names and affiliations low that recommended in Scientific Style and of each member of the consortium should be included Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Edi- in acknowledgements; names and affiliations of each tors, and Publishers. 7th ed. Council of Science member of the consortium will not be listed on the Editors, Reston, VA. title page. Superscript numbers are used to reference • For American English spelling and us- footnotes on the first page. Acknowledgments, includ- age, consult Merriam-Webster Online. ing acknowledgements of consortia, grants, experi- ment station, or journal series number, are given as • For how to use numbers, refer to Policies Re- a footnote to the title. Authors disclosing poten- garding Number Usage later in this document. tial or actual conflicts of interest related to the • For SI units, the National Institute of Standards research presented in the manuscript should and Technology provides a comprehensive guide. describe this in a footnote with other acknowl- edgements (for details, see Conflict of Interest). • For capitalization and spelling of plants, Abstract. ABSTRACT consists of no more than consult the USDA Plants website. 2,500 keystrokes (characters and spaces) in one para- graph and contains a summary of the pertinent re- • For anatomical nomenclature, consult the sults, with statistical evidence (i.e., P-values), in a current Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria. brief but understandable form, beginning with a clear 1
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science statement of the objective and ending with the conclu- the P-value (e.g., P = 0.042 or P < 0.05) should be pre- sions, with no references cited. Abbreviations in the sented, thereby allowing readers to decide what to re- abstract that are not in Standard JAS Abbrevia- ject. Other probability (alpha) levels may be discussed tions must be defined at first use. if properly qualified so that the reader is not misled Key words. List up to 6 key words or phrases (e.g., trends in the data). including the species, variables tested, and major Discussion. DISCUSSION contains the author’s, response criteria. The first letter of each key word is or authors’, interpretations of the results of the study. lowercase, unless it is a proper noun; key words are The presentation should be clear and concise, address separated by commas and presented in alphabetical biological mechanisms and their significance, and in- order; and no abbreviations should be used. Because tegrate the research findings with the body of previ- major words in the title are not used for the subject ously published literature to provide readers with a index, which is published in the last issue of each vol- broad base on which to evaluate the author’s, or au- ume of JAS, appropriate words from the title should thors’, interpretations and assertions. Authors may be listed as key words. speculate, but they should make it clear that their Introduction. INTRODUCTION must not ex- statements are speculative, rather than factual. A ceed 2,000 keystrokes (characters and spaces) and stand-alone DISCUSSION should not refer to any ta- must contain a brief justification for conducting bles or figures, nor should it include P-values, unless the research, the hypotheses to be tested, and the citing a P-value from another work. The discussion objective(s). Extensive discussion of relevant litera- must be consistent with the data from the research. ture should be included in DISCUSSION, not in IN- Results and Discussion. In JAS, authors have TRODUCTION. the option of combining the results and discussion into Materials and Methods. MATERIALS AND one section. METHODS is a required section and must contain a Literature Cited. To be listed in LITERATURE clear description or specific original reference for all CITED, papers must be published or accepted for pub- biological, analytical, and statistical procedures. All lication (“in press”). Personal communications and modifications of procedures must be explained. Di- unpublished data must not be included in LITERA- ets, dates of experimental activities if appropriate, TURE CITED. Guidelines and formats for references animals (breed, sex, age, body weight, and weighing and citations are described in the Literature Cited conditions [i.e., with or without restriction of feed and Section of this document. water]), surgical techniques, measurements, and sta- Tables and Figures. Tables and figures must tistical models should be described clearly and fully. be prepared so they meet the stand-alone criterion; Manufacturer information must be provided at the that is, information in a table or figure can be under- first mention of each proprietary product used in the stood without referring to information in the body of research (for details see, Commercial Products). Ap- the manuscript. Tables and figures shall be placed at propriate statistical methods should be used, although the end of the manuscript. Each table and each figure the biology should be emphasized. The threshold (e.g., shall be placed on a separate page (separated with sec- P < 0.05) for significance should be stated. A statement tion breaks) and identified with table and figure num- of the results of the statistical analysis should justify bers. Author-defined abbreviations must be defined the interpretations and conclusions. The experimental (or redefined) in each table and figure. Manufacturer unit is the smallest unit to which an individual treat- name and location must be provided for any propri- ment is imposed. Measurements on the same experi- etary product appearing in a table or figure. mental unit over time are not independent and should Tables must be created using the table feature in not be considered as independent experimental units. MS Word (for instructions, see Guidelines for Cre- Provide a validation for assays (e.g., mean and CV ating Tables Using Microsoft Word (http://www. for repeated analysis of a sample [both between and within-assay if available] and the sensitivity [mini- wordtableguidelines-jas.pdf). Refer to a recent issue mum amount or concentration detectable]). Also, pro- of JAS for examples of table construction. When pos- vide a publication reference for the methods used in sible, tables should be organized to fit across the page kits. Centrifugal force should be provided in × g, not (i.e., portrait layout) without running broadside (i.e., rpm, and duration and temperature of centrifugation landscape). Each column must have a heading (e.g., must be included. Include volume of blood collected, Item, Ingredient, Trait, Fatty acid). Units (e.g., kg) container used, and amount of preservative or antico- should be separated from headings by a comma, rath- agulant (e.g., 10 μL of heparin). er than being shown in parentheses. Limit the data Results. RESULTS are presented in the form of ta- field to the minimum needed for meaningful compari- bles or figures when feasible. The text should explain son within the accuracy of the methods. In the body or elaborate on the tabular data, but numbers should of the table, numerals are used to reference footnotes. not be repeated within the text. Sufficient data, all Each footnote should begin on a new line. Lowercase, with some index of variation attached, including sig- superscript letters are used to indicate significant dif- nificance level (i.e., P-value), should be presented to ferences among means within a row or column and to allow readers to interpret the results of the experi- reference footnotes explaining how to interpret the let- ment. Reporting the P-value is preferred to the use of ters. the terms significant and highly significant, which are Figures should follow the Quality Guidelines more editorial than quantitative descriptions. Thus, for Journal of Animal Science (JAS) Figures 2
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science ( and redefined at first use in the body of the manuscript, lications/jas/infora-guidelines-for-figures.pdf). Figure in each table, and in each figure. Authors should avoid captions should be typed double-spaced on a separate excessive use of author-defined abbreviations. page. Now that JAS is a fully electronic publication, Gene and Protein Names. Because there is no authors are encouraged to use color to enhance fig- universally accepted style for gene and protein names ures; there are no additional fees for color figures and that applies to all species, the JAS asks authors to as- images in issues of JAS. sume the responsibility of using the convention appro- Individuals may purchase print-on-demand copies priate for the particular species. Some general guide- of JAS issues from Sheridan Press. Print-on-demand lines can be found in the CSE Manual for Authors, copies will contain gray-scale, rather than color, fig- Editors, and Publishers (7th ed., 2006). For example, ures and images. To purchase these, contact Sheridan the gene that codes for the protein p53 is TP53 in hu- at Journal of Animal Science or American Society of mans and Trp53 in mice (note that, by convention, Animal Science, PO Box 465, Hanover, PA 17331 P: gene names are italicized, and protein names are gen- 717-632-3535, F: 717-633-8920, E: pubsvc.tsp@sheri- erally not italicized). Quantitative Trait Loci and DNA Markers and Appendices. An appendix or appendices are op- Microarray Data. Authors of papers that contain tional and used to provide numerical examples or give original quantitative trait loci (QTL) or DNA marker- extensive detail of analytical procedures. However, if association results for livestock are strongly encour- the supplemental material is of interest only to a lim- aged to make their data available in an electronic ited number of JAS readers, it should not be included form to one of the publicly available livestock QTL da- as an appendix. Instead, state that supplemental in- tabases after the manuscript appears on the JAS First formation is available on request from the correspond- Look website (http://www.animalsciencepublications. ing author; addresses for websites with appropriate org/publications/jas/first-look). The date on which the supplemental information are acceptable. If extensive, paper is posted to the JAS-Papers in Press website the data may be included as an e-supplement to the may represent the official public disclosure date for manuscript (see E-Supplements). Appendices should the contents of the article. Current QTL databases for follow LITERATURE CITED and be introduced with livestock include, but may not be limited to, the Animal a major heading (e.g., APPENDIX 1: TITLE). QTL database ( E-Supplements. Authors may present mate- and the Bovine QTL database (http://genomes.sapac. rial in an e-supplement (e.g., detailed data sets, Ex- Similarly, for micro- cel files, and video) that is more extensive or detailed array data we request that all authors using mi- than necessary for a JAS article. A note will appear in croarray data analysis in their research submit a the JAS article that more material can be found on- complete data set to 1 of 3 databases before submis- line. Material in an e-supplement must undergo peer sion of a manuscript: the NCBI Gene Expression review and, thus, should be in a format that is easily Omnibus (GEO; accessible (i.e., does not require dedicated software or ects/geo), the EMBL-EBI ArrayExpress repository software that is not generally available) to most re- (, or the Center for viewers and readers. Information Biology Gene Expression (CIBEX) data- base. Additional Usage Notes Commercial Products. The use of names of com- mercial products should be minimized. When a com- Numbers. For details, see Policies Regarding mercial product is used as part of an experiment, the Number Usage for Journal of Animal Science manufacturer name and location (city and state if in later in this document. the US; city, administrative region or district [e.g., Abbreviations. Except to begin a sentence and province], and country if outside the US) or a website when specifically contraindicated (e.g., units of time address must be given parenthetically at first mention should only be abbreviated when used with a num- in text, tables, and figures. The generic name should ber), authors must use the abbreviations that are be used subsequently. No ™, ®, or © symbols should listed in this document under STANDARD JAS AB- be used. BREVIATIONS. Abbreviations in the text that are not listed in STANDARD JAS ABBREVIATIONS General Usage. must be defined at first use, unless they are interna- •• Abbreviations are not used to begin sentences. tional abbreviations for elements, units of measure, Words must be spelled out. amino acids, and chemicals, as examples. Abbrevia- •• “Sex” should be used, rather than “gender.” tions listed in STANDARD JAS ABBREVIATIONS Gender is more appropriate for describing a or standard international abbreviations cannot be role in society than for describing biological sex. used to create author-defined abbreviations (e.g., t = •• State total sample size (e.g., the study included metric ton and cannot be used as an abbreviation for a total of 600 animals), rather than using “N” to time, temperature, or treatment; C = carbon and can- represent total sample size. not be used for Control). •• The hierarchy for brackets and parentheses is Once defined, author-defined abbreviations should [ ( ) ]. For example, [(2 + 3) × (12 ÷ 2)] × 2 = 60. always be used, except to begin a sentence. Author- •• Meat shear force should be expressed in kilo- defined abbreviations must be defined in the abstract grams (kg), although newtons (N) may also be 3
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science acceptable. editorial policies of JAS, subject to review by the pub- •• Report time using the 24-h system (e.g., 1410 h lications committee and ASAS Board of Directors. The rather than 2:10 p.m.). views expressed in articles published in JAS repre- •• Use italics to designate genus and species (e.g., sent the opinions of the author(s) and do not neces- Bos taurus) and botanical varieties (e.g., Medi- sarily reflect the official policy of the institution with cago sativa var. Potomac). Designations for bo- which an author is affiliated, the ASAS, or the JAS tanical cultivars should be preceded by “cv.” or Editor-in-Chief. Authors are responsible for ensuring enclosed in single quotes (e.g., Festuca arundi- the accuracy of collection, analysis, and interpretation nacea cv. Kentucky 31 or Festuca arundinacea of data in manuscripts and ultimately for guarantee- ‘Kentucky 31’). ing the veracity of the contents of articles published •• Names of muscles are not italicized. in JAS. •• Specify the basis (i.e., as-fed or dry matter) for dietary ingredient and chemical composition Contact Information data listed in text or in tables. Similarly, specify For information on the scientific content of the the basis for tissue composition data (e.g., wet journal, contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. James or dry basis). Sartin, American Society of Animal Science, P.O. •• Calculations of efficiency should be expressed Box 7410, Champaign, Illinois 61826-7410; e-mail: as output divided by input (i.e., gain:feed, not feed:gain). For questions about submitting a manuscript and •• A diet is a feedstuff or a mixture of feedstuffs; a ScholarOne Manuscripts, or for assistance with au- ration is the daily allotment of the diet. thor proofs, contact ASAS staff; e-mail: asas@asas. •• The word “Table” is capitalized and never ab- org. breviated. •• Except to begin a sentence, the word “Figure” Care and Use of Animals should be abbreviated to “Fig.” •• Except to begin a sentence, experiment and All authors submitting to JAS must complete the equation should be abbreviated to Exp. and Care and Use of Animals form certifying that any re- Eq., respectively, when preceding a numeral search that involves animals has followed established (e.g., Exp. 1). standards for the humane care and use of animals and •• Avoid jargon unfamiliar to scientists from other must specify which standards were used. Only inves- disciplines. Do not use the term “head” to refer tigations that have followed high standards for the to an animal or group of animals. Instead, use humane care and use of animals in research will be animal, sow, ewe, steer, heifer, cattle, etc. reported in JAS. •• Avoid bi- as a prefix because of its ambiguity; Also, the manuscript must include a statement of biweekly means twice per week and once every institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC), 2 weeks. or equivalent, approval of all animal procedures. The •• Breed and variety names should be capitalized IACUC statement should appear as the first item in (e.g., Landrace and Hereford). MATERIALS AND METHODS and should specify •• Trademarked or registered names should be which publically available animal care and use stan- capitalized, but no ™ or ® symbols should be dards were followed (e.g., ADSA-ASAS-PSA Guide for used. Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching; Primary Industries Ministerial Council, II. POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OF JAS Model code of practice for the welfare of animals: the sheep). The manuscript should describe anesthetics, The mission of the American Society of Ani- analgesics, tranquilizers, and care taken to minimize mal Science (ASAS) is to “foster the discovery, pain and discomfort during preoperative, operative, sharing, and application of scientific knowl- and postoperative procedures. If research requires edge concerning the responsible use of ani- discomfort to the animals or stressful conditions, justi- mals to enhance human life and well-being” fication for these conditions must be evident in papers ( The published in JAS. Journal of Animal Science, which is published month- ly by ASAS, accepts manuscripts presenting informa- Protection of Human Subjects tion for publication with this mission in mind. The JAS is divided into the following Sections: Ani- In the United States, federally funded or regulated mal Genetics; Animal Nutrition: Nonruminant Nutri- research involving human subjects must comply with tion; Animal Nutrition: Ruminant Nutrition; Animal Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 45 Public Physiology; Animal Production; Animal Products; Welfare, Part 46 Protection of Human Subjects. How- Special Topics; and Symposia, which contains invited ever, CFR 45 Part 46.101(b) exempts some research manuscripts from symposia at ASAS meetings. Man- from these regulations. For all exempted research and uscripts that do not fit one of the JAS Sections will not other details, see be considered for publication. subjects/guidance/45cfr46.html. Exempted research The Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editor-in-Chief, includes that in which the only involvement of human Managing Editor, and Section Editors establish the subjects is for “taste and food quality evaluation and consumer acceptance if 1) wholesome foods without 4
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science additives are consumed or 2) a food is consumed that ucts. Many articles are multidisciplinary and can- contains a food ingredient at or below the level and for not be conveniently categorized. Articles typically a use found to be safe, or agricultural chemical or en- report research with cattle, goats, pigs, and sheep. vironmental contaminant at or below the level found However, studies involving other farm animals (e.g., to be safe, by the Food and Drug Administration or poultry and meat and working horses) and compan- approved by the Environmental Protection Agency ion animals, including performance and recreational or the Food Safety and Inspection Service of the U.S. horses, aquatic, and wildlife species will be consid- Department of Agriculture.” If human subjects were ered for publication. Studies with laboratory animal used in exempted research and the research was in species that address fundamental questions related compliance with CFR 45 Part 46, or equivalent regu- to the biology of livestock, companion animals, and lations where the research was conducted, authors other managed animals may be considered. must state in MATERIALS AND METHODS or ac- The preceding paragraph is not meant to exclude knowledgements that they were in full compliance. If manuscripts but, rather, is a clarification of the focus human subjects were used in research that was not of JAS. Authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief or exempted in CFR 45 Part 46, or equivalent regula- Associate Editor-in-Chief if there are questions about tions where the research was conducted, authors must whether the topic of a manuscript is appropriate for certify that the research received a priori approval JAS. from an appropriate Institutional Review Board. Research Articles. Results of research contained in manuscripts submitted to JAS must not have Conflict of Interest been published in or submitted previously to a peer- reviewed scientific journal. Previous presentation All JAS editors, ASAS staff, ASAS Board of Direc- at a scientific meeting or the use of data in field-day tors, and submitting authors must disclose any actual reports or similar documents, including press publi- or potential conflicts of interest that may affect their cations or postings to personal or departmental web- ability to objectively present or review research or sites, do not preclude the publication of such data data. This generally includes any relevant profession- in JAS. However, abstracts, proceedings papers, al, personal, political, intellectual, religious, or finan- field-day reports, or similar presentations that are cial interest in, or relationship with, an individual or expanded to produce full-length manuscripts should business that could have an actual or perceived influ- be referenced and cited in JAS manuscripts. Articles ence, positive or negative, on the conduct and publica- simultaneously posted to websites and submitted to tion of the research or data. Financial relationships JAS should carry a disclaimer on the website that generally refer to financial benefits accrued to authors this version of the paper has not undergone JAS peer- through avenues such as salary, consulting fees, hono- review and is not to be considered the final published raria (including paid holidays, use of vacation prop- form of the article. If the article has been published erty, country club privileges, and other nonmonetary in JAS, the author should include the complete JAS rewards for service), intellectual property rights, roy- citation so that proper credit can be given to JAS as alties, business ownership, and investments, other the publisher of the article. Because JAS holds the than diversified mutual funds or the equivalent. copyright to articles it publishes, posting altered JAS Disclosures for JAS authors are to be provided as articles that are represented as exact duplicates of an acknowledgement on the title page of a manuscript the published version constitutes copyright violation. (for instructions, see Title Page). The JAS may use Review Articles. The journal publishes invited such information as a basis for editorial and publica- review articles. The Editor-in-Chief, in consultation tion decisions, and may publish such disclosures if with the Associate Editor-in-Chief, Section Editors, that is deemed relevant and sufficient. The JAS edi- and the ASAS Board of Directors, identifies invited tors, ASAS staff, and ASAS Board of Directors with reviews. Section Editors may solicit proposals for actual or potential conflicts of interest that may affect review articles to be published in JAS, after con- their ability to objectively evaluate or manage a man- sultation with and approval by the Editor-in-Chief; uscript will be prevented from gaining access to the the authors may be responsible for a portion of the manuscript and associated documents, unless they publication charges for invited reviews. Unsolicited are an author or coauthor, in which case ScholarOne review articles will not be considered. Manuscripts will limit their access to the Correspond- Special Topics. This Section includes Biographi- ing Author Center. When the current Editor-in-Chief, cal or Historical Sketches and Contemporary Issues for example, has an actual or potential conflict of in- in the animal sciences. Even though Biographical terest with a manuscript, a former Editor-in-Chief or Historical Sketches are part of the Special Top- will assume the responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief ics Section, they will be published on the ASAS web- for that manuscript. site and in the Association News section of JAS. The frequency of publication depends on the availability Types of Articles of the prepared sketches. For more information, see Articles published in JAS encompass a broad tions/jas/infora.. range of research topics in animal production and Contemporary Issues include topics such as envi- fundamental aspects of genetics, nutrition, physiol- ronmental concerns, legislative proposals, systems ogy, and preparation and utilization of animal prod- analysis, and various “newsworthy” scientific issues. 5
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science Even though Contemporary Issues manuscripts do manuscripts. Information that is more extensive or not have to include original data, authors’ assertions detailed than necessary for a Technical note may be should be substantiated with references to estab- presented in an e-supplement (see E-Supplements). lished information from credible published sources. Short communications, brief communications, and Special Topics papers will be subject to peer re- similar types of articles will not be considered for view in a manner similar to other JAS submissions. publication in JAS. Because of the nature of these manuscripts, their Letters to the Editor. A letter judged suitable for format may vary from that of standard scientific ar- publication will be printed in a “Letters to the Edi- ticles, although ABSTRACT and INTRODUCTION tor” section of JAS. The purpose of this section is to must be consistent with keystroke (characters and provide a forum for scientific exchange relating to ar- spaces) limitations defined earlier in this document. ticles published in JAS. To be acceptable for publica- Teaching articles should be submitted to Natu- tion, a letter must adhere to the following guidelines. ral Sciences Education, which is a joint venture of 1) Only a letter that addresses matters of science and several professional societies, including the ASAS. relates to information published in JAS will be con- Articles in Natural Sciences Education are “writ- sidered. In general, a letter should not exceed 5,000 ten by and for educators in extension, universi- keystrokes and should contain no more than 5 cita- ties, industry, administration, and grades K–12” tions. 2) A letter should provide supporting evidence and highlight teaching techniques, concepts, ideas, based on published data for the points made or must and other teaching-related issues. The goal is build develop logical scientific hypotheses. A letter based a portfolio of teaching-related articles that can on conjecture or unsubstantiated claims will not nor- be accessed at a single location. For detailed in- mally be published. No new data may be presented in formation about Natural Sciences Education, see a letter. 3) The Editor-in-Chief will evaluate each let- ter and determine whether a letter is appropriate for Rapid Communications. JAS is now consider- publication. If a letter is considered appropriate, the ing rapid publication of short communications that author(s) of original JAS article(s) will be invited to are considered novel and highly significant to ani- write a letter of response. Normally both letters will mal science. Submitted papers should follow JAS be published together. 4) All letters will be subject guidelines, but are restricted to 2 figures or tables or to acceptance and editing by the Editor-in-Chief and a combination of 1 figure/1 table. The words “Rapid editing by a technical editor. Communication:” should begin the title. When pre- paring the file, please include the following at the top of the first page, in bolded text: NOTE: THIS IS A SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS RAPID COMMUNICATION SUBMISSION. This note will ensure that the submission is processed im- Manuscripts should be submitted electroni- mediately. cally through ScholarOne Manuscripts at The final published paper will be no more than 5 Authors with printed pages (approximately 15 Word file pages). A questions about using the electronic manuscript sub- JAS Section Editor handles the review and outcome mission system or, for technological reasons, are un- is to accept or reject the paper. The reviews will gen- able to submit manuscripts electronically may contact erally be complete by 2 weeks and if accepted, added ASAS staff ( to the First Look page within 2 days and placed in Please note: in 2016, JAS instituted a submission the next available journal issue. If significant revi- fee equivalent to the page charges for one page at the sions are needed, the Section Editor will reject the membership rate. The submission fee must be paid at manuscript and require a new submission. Generally the time of submission, but will be credited towards there will not be a revision. All papers are subject to total page charge fee if the article is published. Please the $100 submission fee (applied towards publication note: the submission fee is not refundable if the ar- if accepted). The manuscript will be published Open ticle is rejected. Access and the fee for publication of this rapid for- mat will be $1,000 (members) and $2,000 (nonmem- bers). Section titles Technical Notes. A technical note is used to re- port a new method, technique, or procedure of in- Each author will be prompted to choose a section for terest to JAS readers. When possible, a technical grouping articles within the table of contents. note should include a comparison of results from the new method with those from previous methods, 1. Animal Behavior and Cognition using appropriate statistical tests. The advantages 2. Animal Genetics and Genomics and disadvantages of the new procedure should be 3. Animal Health and Well Being discussed. When typeset for publication, a technical 4. Animal Models note shall not exceed 10 pages (approximately 18 Mi- 5. Arid Land Animal Production crosoft Word document pages), including tables and 6. Cell and Molecular Biology figures. “Technical note:” shall be the first portion of 7. Companion Animal Biology the title of such manuscripts. The review process for 8. Companion Animal Nutrition a technical note will be the same as that for other 9. Dairy Products 6
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science 10. Environmental Animal Science REVIEW OF MANUSCRIPTS 11. Exercise Physiology 12. Feeds General Procedures. The Editor-in-Chief, Asso- 13. Fetal Programming ciate Editor-in-Chief, and Section Editors determine 14. Forage Based Livestock Systems whether manuscripts are suitable for publication in 15. Gastrointestinal Biology JAS. All communications about a submitted manu- 16. Growth Biology script should maintain confidentiality. The Associate 17. Housing and Management Editor-in-Cheif and Section Editors handle corre- 18. Immunology spondence with the peer reviewers and corresponding 19. Integrated Animal Science author and promptly decide whether a manuscript 20. Lactation and Mammary Gland Biology should be accepted, revised, or rejected. A Section 21. Meat Science Editor’s decision to accept, invite revision, or reject a 22. Metabolism and Metabolomics manuscript after peer review is based on peer-review- 23. Microbiology er comments and recommendations and the Section 24. Microbiome Editor’s own review of the manuscript. Section Edi- 25. Molecular Nutrition tors forward document files for accepted and rejected 26. Muscle Biology manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief. After acceptance, 27. Neuroendocrinology manuscript files are forwarded to the technical edi- 28. Non ruminant nutrition tors. The Editor-in-Chief is the final arbiter concern- 29. Pasture and Grazing Lands ing acceptance or rejection of manuscripts submitted 30. Proteomics for publication. 31. Reproduction Rejections. Manuscripts are rejected for 3 general 32. Ruminant Nutrition reasons. 1) The substance of the manuscript may not 33. Special Topics meet JAS standards; the work may be incomplete, the 34. Sustainable Animal Science and Practices evidence may not support the conclusions, the experi- 35. Symposia mental approach may be poorly conceived, or the work 36. Technology in Animal Science may repeat established fact or represent no advance- 37. Toxicology ment of the existing knowledge. 2) Even though the 38. Wildlife Management work may be sound and the results valid, the paper 39. Zoo and Exotic Animal Management and Nutrition may be better suited for publication elsewhere. 3) 40. Board Invited Reviews Manuscripts are not written clearly, concisely, and co- herently, or they are not consistent with guidelines in the 2016 Instructions for Authors, Journal of Animal Copyright Agreement Science. These manuscripts may be rejected without review. Authors whose first language is not English Authors shall complete the Manuscript Submission are urged to have an editing service review their man- and Copyright Release form for each new manuscript uscripts before they are submitted to JAS. However, submission. The form is completed during the submission JAS considers the authors, and not an editing service, process through ScholarOne Manuscripts. 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Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science Eq equivalent (only can be used with a prefix; R2 multiple coefficient of determination e.g., mEq) s2 variance (sample) g gram SD standard deviation (sample) ha hectare SE standard error Hz hertz SED standard error of the differences of IU international unit means J joule SEM standard error of the mean L liter t t-(or Student) distribution lx lux α probability of Type I error m meter β probability of Type II error M molar (concentration; preferred over μ mean (population) mol/L) σ standard deviation (population) mol mole σ2 variance (population) N newton (N not italicized) χ2 chi-squared distribution N normal (concentration) Pa pascal Others rpm revolutions/minute (not to be used to indi- cate centrifugal force) Item Term t metric ton (1,000 kg) AA amino acid(s) V volt ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone W watt ADF acid detergent fiber (assumed sequen- tial unless designated otherwise) ADFI average daily feed intake (not to be Units of time confused with DMI) ADG average daily gain Item Unit ADIN acid detergent insoluble nitrogen s second ADL acid detergent lignin min minute ADP adenosine diphosphate h hour AI artificial insemination d day AIA acid insoluble ash wk week ARS Agricultural Research Service mo month ATP adenosine triphosphate yr year avg average (use only in tables, not in the text) Statistical symbols and abbreviations BCS body condition score BLUE best linear unbiased estimate Item Term BLUP best linear unbiased prediction ANOVA analysis of variance bp base pair CI confidence interval BSA bovine serum albumin CV coefficient of variation BTA Bos taurus chromosome df degree(s) of freedom (spell out if used BW body weight (used for live weight) without units) cDNA complementary deoxyribonucleic acid F F-distribution (variance ratio) C/EBP CAAT-enhancer binding protein LSD least significant difference cfu colony-forming unit n sample size (used parenthetically or in footnotes; note italics) CIE International Commission on Illumi- nation (Commission Internationale P probability d’Eclairage) r simple correlation coefficient CLA conjugated linoleic acid r2 simple coefficient of determination CoA coenzyme A R multiple correlation coefficient 9
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science Co-EDTA cobalt ethylenediaminetetraacetate IL interleukin CP crude protein (N × 6.25) IVDMD in vitro dry matter disappearance D dextro- kb kilobase(s) diam. diameter KPH kidney, pelvic, heart fat DE digestible energy L levo- DEAE (dimethylamino)ethyl (as in DEAE- LD50 lethal dose 50% cellulose) LH luteinizing hormone DFD dark, firm, and dry (meat) LHRH luteinizing hormone-releasing hor- DM dry matter mone DMI dry matter intake LM longissimus muscle DNA deoxyribonucleic acid ME metabolizable energy EBV estimated breeding value(s) MP metabolizable protein eCG equine chorionic gonadotropin mRNA messenger ribonucleic acid EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid MUFA monounsaturated fatty acid EFA essential fatty acid NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide EIA enzymeimmunoassay NADH reduced form of NAD ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay NDF neutral detergent fiber EPD expected progeny difference(s) NDIN neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen Eq. Equation(s) NE net energy Exp. experiment (always followed by a nu- NEg net energy for gain meral) NEl net energy for lactation FFA free fatty acid(s) NEm net energy for maintenance FSH follicle-stimulating hormone NEFA nonesterified fatty acid GEBV genomic estimated breeding value(s) No. number (use only in tables, not in the g gravity text) GE gross energy NPN nonprotein nitrogen G:F gain-to-feed ratio NRC National Research Council GLC gas-liquid chromatography o.d. outside diameter GLM general linear model OIE World Organisation for Animal Health GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Office International des Epizooties) GH growth hormone OM organic matter GHRH growth hormone-releasing hormone PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis h2 heritability PBS phosphate-buffered saline i.m. intramuscular PCR polymerase chain reaction i.p. intraperitoneal PG prostaglandin i.v. intravenous PGF2α prostaglandin F2α hCG human chorionic gonadotropin PMSG pregnant mare’s serum gonadotropin HCW hot carcass weight PPAR peroxisome proliferator-activated re- ceptor HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N′-2- ethanesulfonic acid PSE pale, soft, and exudative (meat) HPLC high-performance (pressure) liquid PUFA polyunsaturated fatty acid(s) chromatography QTL quantitative trait locus (loci) i.d. inside diameter RDP ruminally degradable protein Ig immunoglobulin (when used to identify REML restricted maximum likelihood a specific immunoglobulin) RFLP restriction fragment length polymor- phism IGF insulin-like growth factor RIA radioimmunoassay IGFBP insulin-like growth factor-binding RNA ribonucleic acid protein(s) RQ respiratory quotient 10
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science RUP ruminally undegradable protein similar presentation, the authors should determine whether the work has been expanded and published rRNA ribosomal ribonucleic acid as a peer-reviewed article, and then reference and cite SAS SAS Institute Inc. (no longer stands for the peer-reviewed article. Statistical Analysis System) s.c. subcutaneous Work that has not been accepted for publication shall be listed in the text as “J. E. Jones (institution, SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate city, and state or country, personal communication).” SFA saturated fatty acid The author’s own unpublished work should be listed SNP single nucleotide polymorphism in the text as “(J. Smith, unpublished data).” Personal communications and unpublished data must not be spp. species included in the Literature Cited section. ssp. subspecies SSC Sus scrofa chromosome Literature Cited Section. To be listed in LIT- ERATURE CITED, articles must be published or ac- ST somatotropin cepted for publication (“in press”). In-press citations TDN total digestible nutrients should be updated with complete information during TLC thin layer chromatography revision or in the author proofs. In LITERATURE CITED, citations are listed alphabetically accord- Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane ing to author(s) last name(s), and then chronologi- tRNA transfer ribonucleic acid cally. The year of publication follows author names. TSAA total sulfur amino acids As with text references, 2 or more publications by the same author or set of authors in the same year shall USDA US Department of Agriculture be differentiated by adding lowercase letters after the UV ultraviolet date. With the exception of consortia, the names of all VFA volatile fatty acid(s) authors must appear in LITERATURE CITED. For consortia, authors may include, as an acknowledge- vol volume ment on the title page, a link to the website contain- vol/vol volume/volume (used only in parenthe- ing the names and locations of the members of the ses) consortium, or they may include the names and lo- vs. versus cations of the members of the consortium in an ap- pendix, but not in an acknowledgement on the title wt weight (use only in tables, not in the page. Journal names shall be abbreviated according to text) the conventional ISO abbreviations used by PubMed wt/vol weight/volume (used only in parenthe- ( ses) One-word titles must be spelled out. Inclusive page wt/wt weight/weight (used only in parenthe- numbers must be provided. ses) Sample references are as follows: 1. Books and articles within edited books: LITERATURE CITED GUIDELINES FOR JOUR- AOAC. 1990. Official methods of analysis. 15th ed. As- NAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE soc. Off. Anal. Chem., Arlington, VA. NRC. 2000. Nutrient requirements of beef cattle. 7th References in the Text. In the body of the manuscript, rev. ed. Natl. Acad. Press, Washington, DC. refer to authors as follows: Smith and Jones (1992) or Robinson, P. H., E. K. Okine, and J. J. Kennelly. 1992. Smith and Jones (1990, 1992). If the sentence structure Measurement of protein digestion in ruminants. requires the authors’ names to be included in paren- In: S. Nissen, editor, Modern methods in protein theses, the proper format is (Smith and Jones, 1982; nutrition and metabolism. Academic Press, San Jones, 1988a,b; Jones et al., 1992, 1993). When there Diego, CA. p. 121–127. are more than 2 authors of an article, the first author’s name is followed by the abbreviation et al. More than 2. Handbooks, technical bulletins, theses, 1 article listed in the same sentence or parentheses and dissertations must be in chronological order first and alphabetical Goering, H. K., and P. J. Van Soest. 1970. Forage fiber order for 2 publications in the same year. Published, analyses (apparatus, reagents, procedures, and peer-reviewed articles, and not abstracts, should be some applications). Agric. Handbook No. 379. cited. However, if authors originally described their ARS-USDA, Washington, DC. work in a meeting abstract, proceedings paper, field- Shreck, A. L., C. D. Buckner, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. day report, or similar presentation and then expanded Klopfenstein. 2011. Digestibility of crop residues the information to produce a full-length manuscript, after chemical treatment and anaerobic storage. the authors should reference and cite those reports. If In: 2011 Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. Rep. No. the work was someone else’s and originally described MP94. Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln. p. 35–36. in an abstract, proceedings paper, field-day report, or Sigma. 1984. Total hemoglobin: Quantitative, colori- 11
Instructions for Authors of Journal of Animal Science metric determination in whole blood at 530–550 5. Electronic Publications nm. Tech. Bull. No. 525. rev. ed. Sigma Chemi- FDA. 2014. Approved animal drug products online cal, St. Louis, MO. (Green Book). Ward, J. D. 1995. Effects of copper deficiency on per- nary/Products/ApprovedAnimalDrugProducts/ formance and immune function of cattle. PhD default.htm (Accessed 26 December 2014.) Diss. North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh. Galyean, M. L. and P. J. Defoor. 2003. Effects of rough- age source and level on intake by feedlot cattle. 3. Journal articles and abstracts J. Anim. Sci. 81(E. Suppl. 2):E8–E16. Centon, J. R., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, K. Heaton, M. P., T. S. Kalbfleisch, D. T. Petrik, B. Simp- J. Vander Pol, and M. A. Greenquist. 2007. Ef- son, J. W. Kijas, M. L. Clawson, C. G. Chitko- fects of roughage source and level in finishing McKown, G. P. Harhay, K. A. Leymaster, and diets containing wet distillers grains on feedlot the International Sheep Genomics Consortium. performance. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 2):76. (Ab- 2013. Genetic testing for TMEM154 muta- str.) doi:10.2527/ jas.2006-354 (NOTE: The doi is tions associated with lentivirus susceptibility in now considered part of a citation.) sheep. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55490. doi:10.1371/jour- Cleale, R. M., IV, R. A. Britton, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. nal.pone.0055490 L. Bauer, D. L. Harmon, and L. D. Satterlee. 1987a. Induced non-enzymatic browning of soy- bean meal. II. Ruminal escape and net portal ab- sorption of soybean protein treated with xylose. J. Anim. Sci. 65:1319–1326. (NOTE: Articles POLICIES REGARDING NUMBER USAGE FOR published before circa 2005 may not have a doi.) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE Perez, V. G., A. M. Waguespark, T. D. Bidner, L. L. Number usage in JAS is consistent with the Scien- Southern, T. M. Fakler, T. L. Ward, M. Steiding- tific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, er, and J. E. Pettigrew. 2011. Additivity of ef- Editors, and Publishers. fects from dietary copper and zinc on growth performance and fecal microbiotia of pigs after •• All cardinal numbers are written as numerals weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 89:414–425. doi:10.2527/ except when they begin a sentence or appear jas.2010-2839 in a title, when 2 numerals are adjacent in a Revidatti, M. A., J. V. Delgado Bermejo, L. T. Gama, sentence (spell out the number most easily ex- V. Landi Periati, C. Ginja, L. A. Alvarez, J. L. Ve- pressed in words; e.g., two 10-kg samples), or ga-Pla, A. M. Martínez, and BioPig Consortium. when a number is used as a figure of speech. 2014. Genetic characterization of local Criollo •• Numbers less than 1 are written with a pre- pig breeds from the Americas using microsat- ceding (leading) zero (e.g., 0.75). ellite markers. J. Anim. Sci. 92:4823-4832. doi: •• A comma separator is used in numbers great- 10.2527/jas.2014-7848 er than 999 (e.g., 1,234 and 1,234,567). The Bovine Hap Map Consortium. 2009. Genome- •• Numerals should be used to designate ratios wide survey of SNP variation uncovers the ge- and multiplication factors (e.g., 2:1 and 3-fold netic structure of cattle breeds. Science. 324:528- increase). 532. doi 10.1126/science.1167936 •• Statements such as “5 times less” should be avoided because “times” means multiplied by, 4. Conference proceedings and the product of a positive number (multipli- Bailey, E. A., J. R. Jaeger, J. W. Waggoner, G. W. Pre- cand) multiplied by 5, for example, is greater, edy, L. A. Pacheco, and K. C. Olson. 2012. Effect not less, than the multiplicand. The opposite is of weaning method on welfare and performance true for a negative multiplicand, but the notion of beef calves during receiving. Proc. West. Sec. of “5 times less than –5,” for example, may be Amer. Soc. Anim. Sci. 63:25-29. not be clear to readers. NMC. 1995. Summary of peer-reviewed publications •• If a number is spelled out at the beginning of on efficacy of premilking and postmilking teat a sentence, its associated unit is also spelled out disinfections published since 1980. In: Natl. (e.g., Ten microliters of fluid . . ., not Ten μL of Mastitis Counc. Reg. Meet. Proc., Harrisburg, fluid . . .). PA. Natl. Mastitis Counc., Arlington, VA. p. •• Units of measurement not associated with a 82–92. number should be spelled out rather than ab- Talmant, A., X. Fernandez, P. Sellier, and G. Monin. breviated (e.g., lysine content was measured 1989. Glycolytic potential in longissimus dorsi in milligrams per kilogram of diet) unless used muscle of Large White pigs as measured after in parenthetically, as “lysine content (mg/kg of vivo sampling. In: Proc. 35th Int. Congr. Meat diet) was measured,” or in tables and figures. Sci. Technol., Copenhagen, Denmark. p. 1129. •• Single-digit ordinals are spelled out (i.e., first Van der Werf, J. H. J. 1990. A note on the use of con- through ninth); larger ordinals are expressed ditional models to estimate additive genetic vari- in numeric form. Single-digit ordinals may be ance in selected populations. Proc. 4th World expressed numerically when they form part of a Congr. Genet. Appl. Livest. Prod., Edinburgh, series (e.g., 1st, 3rd, 10th, 20th, not first, third, Scotland XIII:476–479. 10th, and 20th). 12
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