Inside IP - Venner Shipley

Inside IP - Venner Shipley
Inside IP

Venner Shipley’s Intellectual Property Magazine                       Autumn/Winter 2019

G1/19: Just what do those
questions mean?

What's in the Patent Box for   Implications of the UK       100 Engineering Ideas That
SMEs?                          General Election on Brexit   Have Changed The World
PAGE 10                        PAGE 24                      PAGE 30

European Intellectual
Property Attorneys

Inside IP - Venner Shipley
What’s inside?
    Page 4 AI Inventorship                                   Page 19 New Year, New Rules:
    Richard Kennedy and Joel Moss explore if an invention    Changes to the Rules of Procedure of
    is created by an AI, should the AI be named as the       the EPO Boards of Appeal January
                                                             Tim Russell looks to 1 January 2020 when new Rules
    Page 5 MONOPOLY: Trade Mark                              of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal of the EPO come
                                                             into force.
    Camilla Sexton highlights the recent case of Hasbro,
    which had one of its EU trade mark registrations for     Page 22 Integrated Circuits
    MONOPOLY struck out in part.                             To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the invention
                                                             of the integrated circuit, Rob Cork looks back on the
                                                             pioneering work of two US inventors, Jack Kilby and
    Page 6 Protecting a New Medical Use
                                                             Robert Noyce, whose research paved the way for
    of a Known Substance                                     virtually all modern electronic devices.
    Catrin Petty looks at how patent protection can be
    pursued for a new medical use of a known substance
    in five key jurisdictions.                               Page 24 Implications of the UK
                                                             General Election on Brexit
                                                             We provide an insight into the implications of the UK
    Page 8 Effective Use of Outsourcing
                                                             General Election on Brexit.
    for Developing Patent Portfolios
    Based on his experiences, Gary Whiting highlights
    how in-house departments can make effective use of       Page 25 Design Protection of
    outsourcing when developing patent portfolios.           Graphical User Interfaces
                                                             We continue our series of articles on GUIs. George
                                                             Hudson explores the extent to which GUIs can be
    Page 10 What's in the Patent Box for
                                                             protected under the various design law systems
    SMEs?                                                    covering the UK.
    Ian Grey provides an update on the UK tax incentive
    scheme, Patent Box.
                                                             Page 28 Sound Marks
    Page 12 G1/19: Just What do Those                        David Birchall highlights the topic of sound trade
    Questions Mean?                                          marks.
    Pawel Piotrowicz has been at the forefront of
    developing EPO law regarding computer-implemented
                                                             Page 30 100 Engineering Ideas That
    inventions following the EPO Board of Appeal
    referring questions to the EBA on G1/19. In this issue   Have Changed The World
    Pawel discusses the referral and highlights the wider    We continue our series of articles, where we look
    implications for the patentability of simulations        at some of the greatest engineering ideas that have
    surrounding the decision.                                had an effect on our everyday lives. The list of 100
                                                             engineering ideas was compiled by The Institution of
                                                             Engineering and Technology (IET).
    Page 16 Designing for Compliance –
    Data Protection Considerations in the                    Page 34 Venner Shipley News
    Development of Artificial Intelligence                   A round up of the latest Venner Shipley news.
    Robert Peake and Ronique Hossain explore how
    the application of AI, and ML, to support decision
    making and accelerate innovation has experienced
    exponential growth in recent years.

Inside IP - Venner Shipley

A word from the editor
                      European patent practice is heavily influenced by the case law of the Boards of Appeal
                      at the European Patent Office (EPO). Every year there are hundreds of decisions made
                      by the EPO Boards of Appeal, but decisions of the Enlarged Board (which carry the
                      greatest weight) are much rarer, with only two or three cases being referred a year.
                      Regarding computer implemented inventions, there have been well over a thousand
                      Boards of Appeal decisions about what is patentable, but no Enlarged Board has fully
                      wrestled with the issue. This will change with Enlarged Board case G1/19, which is
                      the subject of our cover article. This case is being handled by Venner Shipley’s Pawel
                      Piotrowicz, and Pawel provides an overview of this very important European patent
                      matter on pages 12 to 15.

On the subject of the EPO Boards of Appeal, the Rules of Procedure of the Boards of Appeal undergo some
important changes on 1 January 2020, and appeals expert Tim Russell provides a detailed overview of the
changes on pages 19 to 21.

It will not be a surprise to many that there has been a huge growth in the filing of patents related to AI
technology, and Richard Kennedy and Joel Moss discuss on page 4 the issue of whether an AI can be
considered to be an inventor of a patent, with reference to a test case that is being processed by various
patent offices. In addition, Robert Peake and Ronique Hossain discuss data protection considerations in the
development of AI on pages 16 to 18.

Before joining Venner Shipley, Gary Whiting gained extensive experience as an in-house patent attorney.
On pages 8 and 9, Gary draws upon this experience to discuss effective use of outsourcing for developing
patent portfolios.

The UK has a tax incentive scheme called Patent Box, which enables companies to benefit from a reduced
rate of corporation tax for the profits derived from innovative products and processes protected by a
qualifying IP right. Ian Grey provides an update on this scheme on pages 10 and 11.

As part of our series of articles relating to graphical user interfaces, George Hudson provides an overview of
how design protection can be used to protect graphical user interfaces on pages 25 to 27.

Regarding trade marks, David Birchall discusses issues related to sound trade marks on pages 28 and 29,
and on page 5 Camilla Sexton provides an interesting summary of a recent decision relating to bad faith
concerning a trade mark for MONOPOLY. Also, Jan Walaski and David Birchall provide an insight into the
implications of the UK General Election on Brexit.

As a final point, I am very pleased to note that Venner Shipley has been recognised by Legal 500 UK as a Tier
1 firm for PATMA: Patent Attorneys. This recognition means a lot to us, and is the result of the hard work of
all of our attorneys and the wider Venner Shipley team.

Simon Taor
Partner, Patent Attorney

About Venner Shipley:
Venner Shipley is a leading firm                        firm with a long history and a
of European intellectual property                       vast amount of experience in
attorneys and lawyers. We are                           relation to all aspects of patents,
a modern forward-thinking                               trade marks and IP law.

Inside IP - Venner Shipley
AI Inventorship
    For a patent application, there is a requirement to name the inventors. While
    there have been many disputes as to who should be considered the inventor
    of a given invention, the requirement to name inventors was, until recently,
    considered to be uncontroversial. The continued rise of artificial intelligence has
    changed this. If an invention is created by an AI, should the AI be named as the
    inventor? Should inventions created solely by AI be patentable at all?

    In a test case for these issues, a team             inventions, DABUS was not merely         manual to expressly indicate that “an
    led by Professor Ryan Abbott at the                 used as a tool by a human inventor       ‘AI Inventor’ is not acceptable as this
    University of Surrey has filed several              but instead independently conceived      does not identify ‘a person’ which is
    patent applications for inventions                  the inventions and identified their      required by law” giving an indication
    which they claim were invented by                   salience. The team’s view is that        as to how the UK IPO is likely to react
    an AI named DABUS (Device for the                   DABUS should be considered to be         to the inventions allegedly invented
    Autonomous Bootstrapping of Unified                 the inventor and that there is no        by DABUS. Nevertheless, the pace
    Sentience). The inventions in question              appropriate human inventor to name       of development of AI is rapid and
    are a ‘Fractal Container’ and a ‘Neural             in the patent applications.              unpredictable, and Ryan Abbott’s
    Flame’.                                                                                      team is of the view that DABUS is
                                                        However, the notion that an AI (or       already capable of independent
                                                        indeed any computer software)            creation without the involvement of
                                                        could be named as an inventor on a       a human inventor. While views differ,
                                                        patent conflicts with several existing   the issues go beyond mere academic
                                                        provisions in patent law, and with       enquiry, or the formality of what
                                                        the common understanding that            name to include on a form - in the
                                                        the inventor should be a person.         United States in particular, failure to
                                                        For example, the UK Patents Act and      name the correct inventors can lead
                                                        the European Patent Convention           to a patent being held unenforceable.
                                                        provide certain rights to inventors,     The questions around AI inventorship
                                                        including the right to be mentioned      thus represent an emerging challenge
    Architecture of the DABUS Artificial Intelligence   in an application or patent. Rights      for the patent system which has yet to
                                                        to appropriate compensation, at          be resolved.
    Patent applications to both of these                least for some inventions, also exist
    inventions have been filed with the UK              in some jurisdictions. These and         Venner Shipley has extensive AI
    IPO, USPTO and EPO. PCT applications                other provisions of patent law do        expertise with the largest dedicated AI
    to these inventions have also been                  not mesh well with the concept of AI     team in the UK. Members of our team
    filed. The 'Fractal Container' patent               inventorship.                            have postgraduate qualifications in AI
    application relates to a container                                           Neural Flame
                                                                                                 and have given presentations on the
    having a wall with a fractal profile. The                                                    patentability of AI at various major
    fractal profile enables the coupling of                                                      IP conferences. So, whether your AI
    multiple containers, improves grip,                                                          has spontaneously started inventing
    and facilitates heat transfer into and                                                       or you simply want to protect your
    out of the container. The 'Neural                                                            inventions in this area, please get in
    Flame' patent application relates to                                                         touch.
    causing a light source to pulsate in a
    particular manner to attract attention
    over competing attention sources by
    triggering human or artificial anomaly
    detection filters.                                      Fractal Container

    Ryan Abbott’s team argues that                      The position of the European
    these inventions were conceived by                  Patent Office is that it is “a global
    DABUS. The team says that DABUS                     consensus that an inventor can only
    only received training in general                   be a person” and that “the current
    knowledge in the field, and was                     state of technological development
    not created to solve any particular                 suggests that, for the foreseeable       Richard Kennedy
    problem nor trained on any special                  future, AI is a tool used by a human
    data relevant to the inventions. The                inventor”. Similarly, the UK IPO         Joel Moss
    team argues that in creating these                  recently updated its formalities

Inside IP - Venner Shipley

                                                                                      the benefit of being able to rely upon
                                                                                      one registration without the need to
                                                                                      prove use of it. She also indicated that
                                                                                      this was a benefit considered by all

Trade Mark Edition
                                                                                      brand owners across many different
                                                                                      industries. It was the above admission
                                                                                      which appears to have been key to
                                                                                      the decision. The BoA noted that if
                                                                                      a filing is motivated not only by the
Hasbro, Inc. ('Hasbro') has had one of its EU trade                                   advantage of not having to prove use
mark registrations for MONOPOLY struck out in                                         of the mark but for other reasons
                                                                                      as well, this does not, in itself, make
part by the Board of Appeal on the basis that it was                                  the strategy acceptable. Further, the
                                                                                      fact that other brand owners may
filed in bad faith.                                                                   also make repeat filings does not,
                                                                                      in itself, make the strategy legal and
                                                                                      acceptable unless it has been tested
Background                                The Case                                    and approved as such by the Courts.
The EU trade mark registration            Hasbro already enjoyed the benefit
system is based on the 'first to file'    of three EU trade registrations for the     The BoA concluded in a harsh
principle. With some exceptions,          word MONOPOLY. The registrations            manner: “Such conduct, which
the superior right is awarded to the      were filed respectively in 1996,            improperly and fraudulently
trade mark owner who obtains a            1998 and 2010. It obtained a fourth         extends the five-year grace period,
registration rather the owner who         registration for MONOPOLY in                is manifestly intended to circumvent
uses the mark in commerce but does        2011 for goods and services in part         the obligation to prove use of earlier
not register it. However, the system      identical to the previous registrations     marks and must be considered as an
is open to abuse if owners clutter        and in part for previously                  intention to distort and imbalance the
up the register with unused marks.        unregistered goods and services.            European Union trade mark system
Competitors are denied the full range     A Croatian company applied to               as established by the EU legislators”.
of available brand names. To mitigate     invalidate the 2011 registration on the     The MONOPOLY registration was
this, EU legislation allows a finite      ground that it was filed in bad faith.      struck from the register insofar as it
grace period of five years’ non-use       It claimed Hasbro had a dishonest           included goods and services already
of a registered trade mark after its      intention when the application was          covered by earlier registrations. It
entry on the register. If a mark is       filed because it was a repeat filing        was allowed to remain on the register
unused after that period there are        made with the intention of re-setting       insofar as it extended the goods and
consequences. One of these is that it     the non-use clock for the word mark         services because it could be inferred
becomes liable to a revocation action     MONOPOLY. The Cancellation Division         that these extensions were a natural
for non-use and could be struck from      at first instance disagreed. It held that   commercial progression of the mark.
the register insofar as it has not been   there was no evidence of dishonest          A further appeal is underway.
used on the registered goods and          intention or unfair practice involving
services and there are no proper          bad faith. An appeal was filed.
reasons for non-use. It will also be                                                  Comment
disregarded as a basis of opposition      The Appeal Decision                         There was always doubt that the
before the EUIPO, meaning it cannot                                                   practice of re-registering marks
block later applications for the          This was a score draw. The Board of         was acceptable under EU law. This
same or similar mark. In both these       Appeal ('BoA') invalidated Hasbro’s         decision very much underlines the
scenarios the registered owner is         MONOPOLY registration in part and           risk trade mark owners take in re-
required to prove use of the mark.        allowed it to remain on the register        filing in this way. Care is needed in
This requires an investment of time       in part. Most unusually, rather than        long-term filing strategies. It was
and cost.                                 relying on written submissions alone,       also interesting to note that the fact
                                          the BoA ordered oral proceedings in         of a finding of bad faith in relation
As a result of the above, some trade      this case. The issue of bad faith must      to some goods and services was not
mark owners have taken to re-             be determined at the time of filing of      fatal to the entire registration.
applying periodically for the same        the mark and the BoA said it wanted
mark in order to re-start the non-use     to better understand the particular
clock by each fresh application. The      circumstances underlying the filing
resulting registration can be used in     strategy of Hasbro. Bad faith is not
opposition proceedings for a period       defined in EU legislation but may be
of five years without the owner having    inferred from the behaviour of the
to prove use of it. Therefore, even if    registered owner. This must take
the mark is in fact being used on the     into account the accepted principles
registered goods and services, a new      of honest commercial and business
registration would, in theory, spare      practice. At the oral hearing the
the owner the task of proving actual      registered owner mentioned that one
use in contentious proceedings. There     of the reasons (among others) for the       Camilla Sexton
is a time and cost saving here.           re-filing was to reduce administrative
                                          burden. She specifically referred to

Inside IP - Venner Shipley
Protecting a New
    Medical Use of a
    Known Substance
    The ability to protect known compounds and compositions where a new
    medical indication has been discovered can be extremely valuable. However, it
    is not possible to obtain protection for a new medical use of a known substance
    in some jurisdictions. Furthermore, even in jurisdictions where it is possible
    to obtain protection, the form the claims should take to comply with local
    practice can vary significantly. Knowing where protection can be pursued,
    and the form the claims should take, better enables us to work with clients to
    devise a targeted filing strategy. This article provides a summary of how patent
    protection can be pursued for a new medical use of a known substance in five
    key jurisdictions.

    Europe                                    an Enlarged Board of Appeal Decision      Such claims can also define dosage
                                              (G5/83) reached the conclusion that       regimes and specific patient groups.
    The European Patent Convention
                                              the use of a known compound or
    (EPC) states that a European patent
                                              composition to treat a known disease      China
    shall not be granted in respect of
                                              can be patentable if the medical use is
    methods for treatment of the human                                                  In China it is possible to obtain
                                              linked to a novel and inventive dosage
    or animal body by therapy. This                                                     protection for the medical use of a
    excludes from patentability methods                                                 known compound using so-called
    of treatment and prophylaxis, but                                                   Swiss-style claims. These are written
                                              Furthermore, established case law of
    this exclusion does not apply to                                                    like so:
                                              the Boards of Appeal (for instance,
    products, in particular substances
                                              see T 233/96) states that it is also
    and compositions, for use in such
                                              possible to obtain protection for         •     “Use of compound/composition
                                              the use of a known compound or                  X for the manufacture of a
                                              composition to treat a known disease            medicament.”
    If a known compound has not
                                              where the compound or composition
    previously been used in a method of
                                              is administered to a novel patient        Or:
    treatment by therapy, it is possible to
                                              group. The patient group must
    protect the product using a so-called
                                              be distinguishable from former            •     “Use of compound/composition
    first medical use type claim, which
                                              patients due to their physiological or          X for the manufacture of a
    may be written like so:
                                              pathological status.                            medicament for treatment of
                                                                                              disease Y.”
    •   “Compound/composition X for
        use as a medicament.”                 Unites States of America                  It will be noted that these claims
                                              It is possible to obtain protection       correspond closely to first and
    Even if the product had previously        for methods of treatment in the           second medical use claims. If a PCT
    been used as a medicament, further        United States. Accordingly, it is         application is drafted with first and
    medical indications could still be        possible to obtain protection for new     second medical use type claims or
    protected by a so-called second           indications of known compounds and        method of treatment claims, these
    medical use claim, which would take       compositions by using a method of         can be converted to Swiss-style claims
    the form:                                 treatment claim. Such claims would        upon entry to the Chinese national
                                              generally take the form:                  phase.
    •   “Compound/composition X for
        use in treating disease Y.”           •   “A method of treating disease X in    However, a decision by the Supreme
                                                  a subject, the method comprising      People’s Court found that use
    It should be noted that second                administering to a subject in         features which do not have any
    medical use claims are not limited to         need thereof a therapeutically        effect on the manufacture of
    treatments of new diseases. In fact,          effective amount of compound/         medicament cannot be considered
                                                  composition Y.”

Inside IP - Venner Shipley

to form a contribution over the prior     became patentable in India in 2005.
art. Accordingly, claims where the        Accordingly, it is now possible
distinguishing feature is a specific      to obtain protection for new
dosage regime or the treatment of a       compounds and compositions.
specific patient group may be invalid     Additionally, it is also possible to
in China.                                 obtain protection for new forms of a
                                          pharmaceutical product. For instance,

   Knowing where
            can be
                                          if an unexpected improvement is
                                          observed for a polymorph or salt of
                                          a known compound then this may
                                          be protected in India. Additionally, a
pursued, and the                          synergistic composition possessing
form the claims                           unexpected chemical properties may
                                          also be protected.
should take, better
enables us to work                        Summary
with clients to                           Different jurisdictions have
                                          significantly different approaches
devise a targeted                         when determining whether or not

                                          a new medical use of a known
filing strategy.                          compound may be patentable.
                                          However, careful drafting of the
                                          patent specification and claims can
Japan                                     ensure that there is basis to protect
The Japanese Patent Office allows         your inventions in key markets. Please
a number of different formats for         contact one of our attorneys for
claiming a new medical use of a           further advice.
known substance. These are:

1.   “A pharmaceutical composition
     for the treatment of disease X,
     comprising compound Y.”
2.   “An anti-disease X agent
     comprising compound Y.”
3.   “Use of compound Y to treat
     disease X.”
4.   “Use of compound Y in the
     manufacture of a medicament for      Catrin Petty
     the treatment of disease X.”

Similar to the situation in China, the
claims of a PCT application can be
adapted to comply with Japanese
practice on national phase entry or
during subsequent prosecution of the

In addition, new dosage regimes and
the treatment of new patient groups
may also be patentable if it can be
argued that there is an unexpected
technical effect associated with the
novel feature.

It is not possible to obtain protection
for a new use of a known substance
or a method of treatment in India.
Accordingly, second medical use
claims are not allowable.

However, chemical and
pharmaceutical substances

Inside IP - Venner Shipley
Effective Use of
    Outsourcing for
    Developing Patent
    Gary Whiting has been a patent attorney for more than 20 years, with almost
    half of that time spent in-house. Based on his experiences, Gary has the
    following thoughts on how in-house departments can make effective use of
    outsourcing when developing patent portfolios.

    Why Insource? Why                         Core In-House Tasks                       One aspect of patentability analysis
                                                                                        is searching for earlier disclosures of
    Outsource?                                A number of elements of the patent
                                                                                        similar concepts (prior art). In-house
    Let us assume that you are                portfolio development process can be
                                                                                        experts know the business, often
    responsible for a dedicated in-house      considered to be core in-house tasks
                                                                                        making them good at searching in the
    IP department that is developing a        that should generally be partially or
                                                                                        relevant field, suggesting that prior art
    significant patent portfolio around the   completely insourced, if the resources
                                                                                        searching should be a core in-house
    world. Your department has limited        are available to do so.
                                                                                        function. However, prior art searching
    resources and makes extensive use of                                                is a specialist and time-consuming
    outsourcing. You are under pressure       Invention Harvesting
                                                                                        task. You should consider whether the
    to develop a high quality patent          Your in-house team is likely to be
                                                                                        use of specialist external searchers
    portfolio that meets the needs of your    closer to the business (and to the
                                                                                        is more efficient or whether your in-
    business. You are also under pressure     people within the business) than
                                                                                        house team can do a more effective
    to keep costs under control.              external patent attorneys. This,
                                                                                        job. Also, with algorithms improving,
                                              coupled with the knowledge of the
                                                                                        is there a case for automatic or
    How can you ensure that your use of       business (including business strategy),
                                                                                        semantic searching as part of the
    outsourcing is effective?                 typically makes invention harvesting a
    If your in-house team has both            core function of the in-house team.
    the skills and the time to do so,         There will be circumstances when
                                                                                        If a detailed prior art search is
    then insourcing many of the tasks         external attorneys can be of
                                                                                        obtained, many departments consider
    typically carried out by external         assistance. For example, a visit from
                                                                                        that analysis of the search results is
    patent attorneys is likely to be the      an external attorney (e.g. an invention
                                                                                        a core function of the in-house team.
    cheapest option. Also, in-house           harvesting workshop) can sometimes
                                                                                        However, some companies prefer to
    teams are closer to the business and      generate enthusiasm and encourage
                                                                                        outsource at least some of this work.
    have detailed technical and business      the submission of ideas for potential
    knowledge that can lead to the            patent filings.
                                                                                        Filing Decisions
    generation of a high quality patent                                                 Whether to file a patent application
    portfolio that meets the needs of the     Initial Patentability Analysis
                                                                                        is typically a decision with many
    business.                                 In some companies, patent
                                                                                        variables, only one of which is
                                              applications are filed if there
                                                                                        patentability. Accordingly, this is
    So why not insource everything?           is a business case, with limited
                                                                                        usually considered to be a core in-
    In-house departments typically have       consideration of patentability. The
                                                                                        house function. You should consider
    insufficient resources (particularly      consideration of the business case
                                                                                        the extent to which the wider
    time) to insource everything and it is    is a core in-house role. In other
                                                                                        business should be involved at this
    easy to increase or reduce the level      companies, patent applications
                                                                                        stage. Do you want to get input from
    of outsourcing as workload demands        may be filed only when a detailed
                                                                                        your technical team regarding the
    fluctuate. In addition, outsourcing is    patentability analysis concludes that
                                                                                        inventiveness of a new invention?
    typically the easiest (and most cost-     the chance of obtaining a granted
                                                                                        Do you want to get input from your
    effective) way of obtaining specific      patent is high. Where to sit on this
                                                                                        commercial team regarding the
    technical or legal expertise.             spectrum is a question for you and
                                                                                        commercial value of a new invention?
                                              your business.

Inside IP - Venner Shipley

Portfolio Management                      The preparation of the first patent         external patent attorneys, but for the
A patent portfolio needs to be            filing for a new invention is one of the    in-house team to retain responsibility
reviewed regularly to ensure that         most important steps in the patent          for the scope of the patent claims.
resources are being used effectively.     generation process. Well drafted
For example, abandoning individual        patent applications not only lead           Oppositions and Contentious Matters
patents or patent families can help to    to patents that are more likely to          Patent oppositions can be extremely
keep costs under control.                 provide valuable patent protection,         time-consuming. Accordingly,
                                          but such patent applications typically      although expensive, unless your
This is generally an in-house role, and   pass through the patent system              department has a significant amount
the wider business should perhaps         more easily. It can be difficult (and       of regular opposition work, such
be involved. One approach is to hold      expensive) to get poorly drafted            tasks are typically best outsourced.
regular (e.g. annual) review meetings     patent applications granted and may         Similarly, contentious work is often
to get the business involved. This        be impossible to obtain a broad scope       better outsourced unless significant
approach works well with relatively       of protection. Accordingly, investing       internal expertise is available.
small patent portfolios, but can          extra resources at the patent drafting      Outsourcing contentious work may
quickly become unmanageable as the        stage may be cost-effective in the long     also make the application of attorney-
size of the portfolio grows. Another      term.                                       client privilege easier to secure.
option is to reconsider the value of
cases within the portfolio at defined     Patent Filing                               Final Thoughts
milestones (e.g. on grant) or at          The filing of patent applications
defined time periods after filing.                                                    IP departments have different sizes,
                                          is usually outsourced to patent
Even though the decision making is                                                    skill sets, workloads and priorities.
                                          attorney firms. Filing patents in-house
often a core function of an in-house                                                  Almost all departments make at least
                                          involves significant responsibilities
IP department, the implementation                                                     some use of outsourcing and the
                                          and is typically only cost-effective
of such decisions is often outsourced.                                                comments above should assist with
                                          for companies with large patent
Although it is possible for an in-house                                               tailoring the use of outsourcing to
                                          portfolios. Before committing to
team to liaise with patent attorneys                                                  meet your particular circumstances.
                                          this, you must ensure that you
around the world, this is a significant                                               It makes sense to discuss your
                                          have sufficient internal resources.
undertaking. This is typically only a                                                 approach to outsourcing widely.
                                          Consideration should be given to the
core function of the largest in-house                                                 For example, these issues can be
                                          implications of systematic mistakes
IP teams.                                                                             discussed within your IP team,
                                          that risk the loss of a significant
                                                                                      within your wider business and with
                                          portion of your patent portfolio.
Consideration must also be given to                                                   your peers (e.g. those managing IP
                                                                                      departments at other companies).

how to handle renewal fee payments
that are required to keep patents              visit from                             Moreover, external patent attorneys
in force (such costs can be a large                                                   have experience of many different
proportion of the lifetime cost of a                                                  outsourcing arrangements, all of
patent family). Nearly all companies      attorney can                                which have pros and cons.
                                                                                      Although you should consult widely,
outsource this process, either to
an external patent attorney or to         sometimes generate                          ultimately decisions need to be taken
                                                                                      and those should be communicated
a specialist renewal fee payment
company, not least because of
                                          enthusiasm and                              (internally and externally). External
the severe implications of missing        encourage the                               patent attorneys who understand the
                                                                                      rationale behind your outsourcing
                                          submission of ideas                         arrangements (and your wider

Non-Core Functions                        for potential patent                        patenting strategies) will be better
                                                                                      placed to meet your expectations.
A number of elements of the patent
portfolio development process are
not generally considered to be core
                                          Patent Prosecution
in-house tasks. These are often           Prosecuting patents to grant typically
outsourced (to a greater or lesser        involves a large number of self-
degree), although this may depend on      contained tasks that are well suited
the size and expertise of the in-house    to outsourcing to external patent
team.                                     attorneys.
Patent Drafting                           Care is required here since patent
Patent drafting is time consuming and     applications can be granted with
most departments do not have the                                                      Gary Whiting
                                          amendments that can significantly
resources to draft all cases in-house.                                      
                                          reduce the value of the patent within
Many IP departments outsource all         your patent portfolio. Thus, if this task
patent drafting work, but if you have     is to be outsourced, then the in-house
internal patent drafting expertise,       team should ideally maintain at least
then a combination of drafting some       some control of the process. One
cases in-house and outsourcing            common approach is to outsource
others may be optimal.                    the patent prosecution process to

Inside IP - Venner Shipley
What's in the Patent
     Box for SMEs?
     R&D tax credits is a UK tax incentive scheme which seeks to encourage
     UK companies to invest in R&D by allowing them to reduce their tax bill or
     claim payments as a proportion of their R&D expenditure. The scheme has
     been available to UK companies for some time and the value of it for many
     companies is undisputed.

     In 2013, the UK Government              patents, it must have a qualifying IP     to the perceived complexity of the tax
     expanded on the favourable tax          right, such as a patent granted by        calculations and the associated cost
     incentive offered by the R&D            the UKIPO or the EPO, or a patent         and effort of ensuring compliance.
     tax credit scheme by enacting a         granted by another country within         Although the additional administrative
     Corporation Tax incentive, known as     the European Economic Area that           burden may be a factor, a lack of
     the Patent Box, to further capitalise   recognises the system. A qualifying       awareness of the scheme and the
     on creative talent in the UK and        IP right is not limited to patents,       benefits that it may provide, coupled
     boost innovation by incentivising and   and may also include certain other        with a lack of specialist knowledge
     rewarding the active exploitation of    types of intellectual property, such as   relating to intellectual property may
     patented technology in the UK.          supplementary protection certificates     also be partially to blame.
                                             and plant variety rights.
     The UK Patent Box regime offers                                                   Although some SMEs might be
     companies a competitive tax             The company must actively hold the        dissuaded from claiming, we would
     environment by reducing the rate        qualifying IP right as an owner or        still encourage all companies to
     of Corporation Tax payable to 10%,      an exclusive licensee. This means         investigate the potentially valuable
     compared with the main rate of          that the company must be creating,        incentive provided by the Patent Box
     Corporation Tax of 19%. The reduced     or significantly contributing to, the     regime. Electing into the scheme may
     rate is applicable to the profits       protected invention, or performing        be worthwhile for many businesses
     derived from innovative products and    a significant amount of activity to       and the procedure may not be as
     processes that are protected by a       develop the protected invention or        onerous as it first appears.
     qualifying IP right.                    any product or process incorporating
                                             it. If the company holding the patent     It is also important not to
     The lower rate of Corporation Tax       is part of a group and the activities     underestimate the potential tax
     provided by the Patent Box regime       are carried out by another member         relief that may be available, bearing
     has the aim of incentivising UK         of that group, then it must actively      in mind that a UK patent is all that is
     companies to:                           manage its portfolio of qualifying        needed to enable all the worldwide
                                             IP rights. It is also necessary for the   profits generated as a result of selling
     •   Increase the number of patents      company to have an income related         a product covered by that patent to
         and other intellectual property     to the IP right, such as from the sale    fall within the Patent Box regime. As
         protection being sought, and        of patented products. Finally, the        long as UK Corporation Tax is paid
         to ensure that the technology       majority of the relevant R&D must be      on the profits obtained as a result of,
         covered by that intellectual        carried out in the UK.                    for example, the sale of a patented
         property is further developed and                                             product, it is irrelevant whether
         commercialised;                     Since the introduction of the system      those sales were made in the UK or
                                             in 2013, the total value of the relief    overseas. Furthermore, if a patented
     •   Manufacture and sell innovative
                                             claimed through the Patent Box            component is incorporated into a
         products protected by that
                                             regime has grown year-on-year. From       larger product, profits attributable
         intellectual property; and
                                             the latest statistics on the uptake       to the entire product may qualify for
     •   Locate the high-value jobs          of the Patent Box published by            relief under the Patent Box regime.
         associated with the development     HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in            Whilst there are some upfront costs
         and manufacture of patented         September 2018, it is apparent that       associated with obtaining a patent,
         technology in the UK and            this upward trend continues.              once granted it can be maintained
         encourage the exploitation of                                                 for 20 years, which means that the
         patents covering that technology.   Whilst the statistics show year-on-year   saving in Corporation Tax over that
                                             growth, the use of the Patent Box         20-year period can be substantial and
     For a company to benefit from the       regime continues to be dominated by       easily justify the costs associated with
     reduced 10% Corporation Tax rate on     large companies. One reason for the       obtaining the patent in the first place.
     profits derived from UK or European     lack of uptake by SMEs could be due       It is also important to appreciate that


a patent can be sought for relatively
small modifications or improvements
to existing products or processes,
especially if that new product or
process provides an advantage or
solves a problem compared with an
existing product or process that is
already known.

Once granted, a patent will enable
a company to take advantage of the
Patent Box and the tax savings that
it provides straight away. Although a
claim for tax relief under the Patent
Box regime can only be made once a
patent has been granted, the regime
does allow for profits arising up to six
years before grant (i.e. in the period
between applying for a patent and
grant), to benefit from the reduced

Assuming that the UK Government
intends to continue its high priority
of supporting innovative companies
undertaking R&D in the UK, we
anticipate that the Patent Box regime
will continue beyond Brexit. As the
rules around the relief available have
been influenced by the European
Commission, Brexit means that the
UK will no longer have to seek EU
approval for favourable tax incentive
regimes such as the Patent Box, and
so the UK government may have free
rein to implement a more generous
Patent Box regime. This could make it
more attractive to SMEs and further
incentivise the creation of IP assets in
the UK.

Please contact us if you have any
further questions on the Patent Box.


Ian Grey

G1/19: Just What Do
     Those Questions Mean?
     When you think of a researcher – a scientist or an engineer – designing a new
     computer chip, optimising a chemical process, or developing a new medicine,
     the chances are that you picture him or her sitting in front of a computer
     manipulating a computer-generated model. Simulation allows the researcher
     to test different designs, try out alternatives, make substitutions and change
     variables, before settling on a final design. In this way, the researcher can
     rapidly try out large numbers of designs before finally turning to expensive real-
     world testing or costly production.

     Given that patents protect                 implemented inventions are handled        perhaps unsurprising that different
     technological innovations, you might       at the EPO.                               Boards of Appeal can reach different
     naturally assume that patents can                                                    conclusions in similar cases giving
     be used to protect the very type of        Appeals at the EPO                        diverging reasoning.
     software used in this activity. That
     assumption, however, is misplaced.         The EPO has a self-contained appeals      This is where the Enlarged Board
     Indeed, in Europe, patent protection       system. If a department of first          of Appeal plays an important role:
     for computer-implemented inventions        instance (typically an examining          its main task is to ensure uniform
     is currently under review with             division or an opposition division)       application of the law (the European
     questions referred to the European         refuses an application, revokes a         Patent Convention). It decides
     Patent Office (EPO) Enlarged Board of      patent or issues some other form of       on points of law which are of
     Appeal in G1/19 (CONNOR/Pedestrian         negative decision, then the affected      fundamental importance that are
     Simulation). The outcome of the            party can appeal against the decision.    referred to it either by a Board of
     referral could have a significant effect                                             Appeal or by the President of the EPO.
     on whether these invaluable – indeed       The appeal is heard by one of 28          Referrals of questions are rare: there
     essential – tools and processes can        Technical Boards of Appeal (or simply     are only two or three cases referred
     in fact be protected and could have        'Boards of Appeal'). Each Board           to the Enlarged Board each year.
     far-reaching consequences affecting        consists of about seven members
     a wide range of technical areas            of which three are drawn to hear          This is what is happening in G1/19.
     involving computers.                       a particular appeal. The appeal           Questions have been referred by a
                                                process includes a written procedure      Board of Appeal seeking clarification
     But G1/19 is not just simply               and often involves a hearing ('oral       about patentability of simulations.
     about whether or not computer-             proceedings'). At the end of the
     implemented simulations are                process, a Board hands down a
                                                decision which includes its reasoning     Computer-Implemented
     patentable. It also looks at the sorts
     of simulations that can be protected.      (the 'ratio decidendi', to give it its    Inventions at the EPO
     For example, a tool for verifying the      proper name). Once a decision has         The case law relating to patentability
     design of a computer chip might seem       been handed down, the case is often       of computer-implemented inventions
     more worthy of patent protection           remitted back to the department of        is well developed and you might be
     than one which models the price of         first instance for further examination    forgiven for thinking that no referral
     stocks and shares. Furthermore, the        with the department bound by the          is needed. Indeed, a referral made
     case also looks at what the claims         reasoning in the decision. Important      over ten years ago by the President
     should cover, in particular, whether       decisions are added to the EPO’s          of the EPO in G3/08 (Programs
     a claim to a method of simulation          Case Law of the Boards of Appeal and      for computers) was found to be
     alone is enough or whether the             significant cases are incorporated into   inadmissible because the Enlarged
     claim should be directed to the wider      the Guidelines for Examination at the     Board of Appeal did not identify
     design process (including simulation),     EPO.                                      any divergence in Board of Appeal
     or indeed be limited to a final, real-                                               decisions. The present case, however,
     world product or system.                   About 3,000 appeals are filed each        highlights a potential gap as to
                                                year, most of which result in a           what should be considered to be
     Before delving into some of the            decision. Thus, there is a large and      patentable in the realm of computer-
     details of the case, it is perhaps         ever-expanding body of case law.          implemented inventions.
     helpful to have a brief look at the        Given the sheer volume of cases and
     appeals process and how computer-          variations in Board members, it is


The current EPO approach to                  The perceived problem with a               questioned the decision’s reasoning in
examining computer-implemented               simulation is that it does not control     INFINEON.
inventions is based to a large extent        any external equipment or process
on T 641/00 (Two identities/COMVIK).         physical data. If a simulation just runs   First, the Board considered that
                                             on a computer, then what technical         “although a computer-implemented
In this decision, it was held that,          effect does it produce or indeed could     simulation of a circuit or environment
when assessing inventive step of an          it produce?                                is a tool that can perform a function
invention consisting of a mixture of                                                    "typical of modern engineering work",
technical and non-technical features         The Appeal                                 it assists the engineer only in the
and having technical character as                                                       cognitive process of verifying the
a whole, only those features which           The application in CONNOR relates          design of the circuit or environment,
contribute to the technical character        to a method of simulating pedestrian       i.e. of studying the behaviour of
of the claim should be taken into            crowd movement which can be used           the virtual circuit or environment
account; those features making no            to help design or modify a venue,          designed. The circuit or environment,
such contribution cannot support the         such as a railway station or stadium. It   when realised, may be a technical
presence of inventive step.                  seeks to provide a realistic simulation,   object, but the cognitive process
                                             in real-world situations, which            of theoretically verifying its design
It is important to note that the             cannot be adequately modelled by           appears to be fundamentally non-
COMVIK decision did not state that           conventional simulators.                   technical”.
non-technical features should be
ignored. Instead, the decision made          The application was refused during         Secondly, the Board took the view
it clear that such a feature could           examination on the grounds that            that the earlier decision “appears
contribute to technical character (and       it lacked an inventive step: the           to rely on the greater speed of the
so be considered when assessing              examining division argued that a           computer-implemented method as
inventive step) provided it met a            simulation model was non-technical         an argument for finding technicality.
certain requirement, namely that it          and that its implementation on a           But any algorithmically specified
interacts with the technical features        computer was obvious following the         procedure that can be carried
to change how those aspects of the           approach set out in COMVIK.                out mentally can be carried out
claim technically function.                                                             more quickly if implemented on a
                                             So what are the issues? The first          computer, and it is not the case that
This approach is important since             relates to the link between the            the implementation of a non-technical
in most computer-implemented                 simulation and physical reality.           method on a computer necessarily
inventions the distinguishing feature        Simulations are run on models which        results in a process providing a
tends to lie in areas that the EPO           approximate real-world systems. Is         technical contribution going beyond
considers to be non-technical, such          there a direct link between the two?       its computer implementation”.
as an algorithm or mathematical              Should there be? Remember that
process.                                     the system being modelled may not          The Board acknowledged
                                             actually yet exist and indeed may          the significance of numerical
What does this approach mean in              never exist.                               development tools and considered
practice?                                                                               that “legal certainty in respect of the
                                             The second issue is the role that the      patentability of such tools is highly
Stated simply, a non-technical feature       simulation plays. Does the simulation      desirable”. Accordingly, it is looking
can contribute to the technical              merely assist in a cognitive process       for a decision to be taken on the
character in one of two ways, namely         of verifying the design? A cognitive       patentability of simulation methods.
by its technical application to a field of   process is not technical. Therefore,
technology, i.e., by solving a technical     does the simulation provide a              The Board, therefore, referred the
problem in a technical field (i.e., it       technical contribution going beyond        following questions to the Enlarged
serves a 'technical purpose'), or by         its computer implementation? At their      Board of Appeal for decision:
being adapted to a specific technical        heart, the issues concern technical
implementation. Thus, if neither of          effect and the question “What is the       1. In the assessment of inventive
these two situations arise, then the         technical effect of a simulation which     step, can the computer-implemented
non-technical feature will be ignored        is run on a computer?”                     simulation of a technical system or
during the assessment of inventive                                                      process solve a technical problem
step and so the claimed invention is         The appeal cited an earlier Board          by producing a technical effect
likely to be found unpatentable.             of Appeal decision T 1227/05               which goes beyond the simulation’s
                                             (Circuit simulation I/INFINEON             implementation on a computer, if the
A non-technical feature can be               TECHNOLOGIES) in which it was found        computer-implemented simulation is
considered to serve a technical              that simulation of a circuit subject to    claimed as such?
purpose when, for example, it                1/f noise constitutes an adequately
contributes to controlling external          defined technical purpose. In that         2. If the answer to the first question
equipment, such as an X-ray machine,         case, the simulation was found to be       is yes, what are the relevant criteria
or it is used in the processing of           patentable.                                for assessing whether a computer-
physical data, such as digital images                                                   implemented simulation claimed as
or measurements, to achieve a                The Board of Appeal agreed that            such solves a technical problem? In
technical effect.                            INFINEON supported the case in             particular, is it a sufficient condition
                                             CONNOR. However, the Board                 that the simulation is based, at

least in part, on technical principles    Amicus Curiae Briefs and                  Conclusion
     underlying the simulated system or
                                               Comments from EPO                         It is hoped that the Enlarged Board
                                                                                         of Appeal will hand down a decision
                                               President                                 before the end of 2020.
     3. What are the answers to the            At the beginning of September, the
     first and second questions if the         Enlarged Board of Appeal invited          All being well, the Enlarged Board of
     computer-implemented simulation is        observations from the appellant,          Appeal will take a sensible, pragmatic
     claimed as part of a design process, in   interested parties and the EPO            approach and agree that computer-
     particular for verifying a design?        President.                                implemented simulations as such are
                                                                                         patentable at the EPO. If it takes the
     The questions are ostensibly based        The common view was that the first        opposite view, then the repercussions
     on those that were presented by           two questions should be answered          not just in computer-aided design
     the appellant during the appeal.          in the affirmative. Pleasingly, the EPO   but also across all fields involving
     Interestingly, another question was       President submitted comments which        computer-implemented inventions
     formulated by the appellant relating      supported the view of the appellant.      – including AI – would be immense.
     to the extent to which claim features     The President was of the view that “a     It would also bring into question
     based on psychological considerations     computer-implemented simulation of        whether the patent system in Europe
     could make a technical contribution.      a technical system or process claimed     is fit for purpose for inventions
     The Board, however, decided not to        as such solves a technical problem        coming from new and growing
     refer a question on this point.           by producing a technical effect going     technology sectors or whether it is
                                               beyond the computer-implementation        stuck in the 20th century, content
     So what do these questions actually       when it reflects, at least in part,       with granting patents only for the
     mean? The questions can be stated         technical principles underlying the       technologies of yesteryear.
     more simply (although not quite on a      simulated system or process”.
     one-to-one basis) as:

     - Are computer-implemented
     simulations in principle patentable?
     - Does the nature of the system or
                                               “theThe outcome of
                                                    referral could
     process being simulated matter?           have a significant
     In particular, does it help if the
     simulation concerns the technical         effect on whether
     aspects of the system or process?
     - What form should a claim to a
                                               these invaluable –
     simulation take?                          indeed essential –                        Pawel Piotrowicz

     Another way of looking at the             tools and processes             

     questions is whether the test set out
     in T 1227/05 is correct and, if so, how
                                               can in fact be
     should it be applied?                     protected and could
     The form of claim will have an            have far-reaching
     important bearing on different            consequences
     actors in the chain between software
     designer, via the user of the software,   affecting a wide
     and manufacturer. For example,
     if a direct link to physical reality
                                               range of technical
     is required, then it still might be       areas involving
     possible to obtain a European patent
     for a product designed using the          computers.
     simulation. However, such a patent
     is of little use to the designer of the   As to the issue of direct link to
     software.                                 physical reality, the President stated
                                               that “a direct link to physical reality
     The answers to the referred               […] is not necessarily required for
     questions could have far-reaching         the finding of a technical effect going
     consequences. Simulations are             beyond the computer-implementation
     used in a wide range of technical         in the context of inventive step”.
     areas, including drug discovery,
     chemical processing, transport and        Thus, if this view is followed by the
     communication networks to name but        Enlarged Board of Appeal, then it will
     a few. Also, it should be remembered      affirm that computer-implemented
     that building a model is a key part of    simulations, in principle, can be
     artificial intelligence.                  patented at the EPO.


Designing for
     Compliance – Data
     Protection Considerations in
     the Development of Artificial
     The application of artificial intelligence (AI), and more specifically, machine
     learning (ML), to support decision making and accelerate innovation has
     experienced exponential growth in recent years. Large, aggregated datasets
     are extremely valuable; they can help us to identify trends in a population,
     relationships between different variables, test hypotheses and evaluate

     One of the central challenges for        requirement of data minimisation;         research into potential causes and
     AI developers is the vast amount         which, as we will see, also assists       cures. The importance of considering
     of data required in order to train       in achieving data security and in         the privacy impact of AI systems
     AI algorithms successfully. Many         meeting the legal requirement that        will only increase, as more powerful
     of today’s AI applications seek to       personal data are retained no longer      models are fuelled by increasing
     solve human-centred problems, and        than necessary for the purposes           amounts of data. With the wider
     therefore rely heavily on data about     for which they are processed. We          availability of hardware specialised
     individuals - personal data - in order   should not, however, lose sight of the    for the processing required in ML
     to function. In this article, we will    requirement for personal data to be       models (such as neural processors/
     look at the phases in the lifecycle of   processed lawfully. Non-exhaustively,     accelerators, found even in mobile
     ML applications, the importance of       that means the data are processed:        devices), it is more feasible than ever
     personal data in those phases, and       to perform a contractual obligation;      to implement larger, more powerful
     the approaches which can be adopted      in the legitimate interests of the        models. Typically, more data are
     to minimise regulatory risk whilst       processor; in order to carry out a task   required to train these larger models
     allowing algorithms to achieve their     in the public interest; or based on the   and achieve these higher levels of
     aims.                                    consent of the individual whose data      performance.
                                              is being processed. Another important
     Personal data – being data relating      aspect of data protection law in the      Typical ML Pipeline
     to an identified or identifiable         context of automated decision making
     individual – must only be collected      – including decisions reached using       Before turning to the strategies for
     and processed in accordance with         AI systems – is that individuals have     minimising the privacy impact of ML
     data protection laws. In the UK, we      the right not to be subject to purely     models, it is useful to have in mind
     are concerned principally with the       automated decisions. This should          the common phases for such models.
     Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and       be borne in mind by organisations         Trained ML models process data
     the EU General Data Protection           implementing AI systems.                  in order to make some prediction
     Regulation (GDPR). Certain types                                                   about that data. For example, in
     of personal data, such as health         Some of the most widely reported          order to verify a user’s identity, face
     or biometric data, are classified        (and debated) AI applications at          recognition models receive a picture
     as special category data which are       present rely on biometric and other       of a face and predict whether the
     subject to heightened restrictions       special category data, for example, AI    received picture depicts a specified
     on processing, and must be handled       systems that process vast amounts of      user or not. This phase, where a
     with additional safeguards. In this      patient data in order to find specific    trained ML model is used to make
     article, we will look principally at     symptoms that could help identify the     predictions, is usually referred to
     how ML models can meet the legal         presence of a disease, thus enabling      as the inference phase. The phase
                                                                                        before this is known as the training


phase. An untrained model has access       privacy discussed below will need to       This is a very simple method, and easy
to training examples during this           be implemented in both the training,       to implement in the inference phase,
phase; the data comprising those           testing and inference phases.              as well as in training, as all that is
examples will often be collected from                                                 needed is remembering which noise
one device and transferred to a server     Data Protection                            distributions were chosen during
where the ML model training will                                                      training, and the features to which
take place. These training examples        Techniques                                 noise was added.
include some input data and a target       Many applications of ML, such as
for each data point. The target            face recognition, use an individual        There are, however, some drawbacks
represents the result that we would        as a data point. Each example in the       to implementing perturbation in order
ideally like our model to produce for      set of training examples is linked         to reduce privacy impact. First, with
each given data point. Then, to train      to a particular individual and each        any method that perturbs individual
the model, we generate predictions         example might contain a set of             features of training data, there is
for some training examples, and            descriptors about the individual. For      a risk of reducing the predictive
adjust the model so that the next          example, a job recommendation              power of ML models, as patterns in
time it sees the training examples,        service may use an ML model to             the training data become corrupted
the generated predictions are more         match candidates with jobs; each           by the addition of noise. More
similar to the corresponding targets.      training example will represent a          importantly however, is that if outliers
In the face recognition example,           particular candidate. The descriptors      are present in the training data (e.g. if
the target would be 1 (i.e. 'True') for    for each candidate may include             the highest earning candidate earns
images with the user’s face, and 0 (i.e.   information such as industry sector        double the second highest earner),
'False') otherwise.                        experience, years of experience,           adding noise will do little to mitigate
                                           relevant education, etc. For training      the risk that the outlier could be
These are the two most important           examples linked to an individual,          singled out from the data.
phases, but there are other phases         the data protection principle of
where data is processed. Before            minimisation means that the amount         Using Random Matrices
deploying ML models in practice,           of personal data collected, processed      Another perturbation method could
it is important to go through a            and retained should be no more than        involve generating a random matrix
validation phase. This involves            what is necessary for the purpose          to multiply with the training examples
making predictions on unseen data          of the data processing. Similarly, in      (also represented as a matrix) to
(i.e. data that the model has not          the testing and inference phases,          transform human-readable, sensitive
been trained on) to ensure that the        minimising the personal data used in       data into a matrix of ‘random’
model performs well when deployed.         ML applications is a key component         numbers. In this case, as all of the
When picking a suitable model for          of regulatory compliance. Below,           data has been modified by the same
deployment, several models may be          we examine some of the principal           transformation, the predictive power
validated. The best performing model       methods for minimising personal            of ML models should not be affected.
will then be tested on a separate data     data in ML applications, from training     At inference, instead of sending the
set in the testing phase in order best     through to inference.                      personal data to a server where
to assess the model. In practice, this                                                training data is stored, the personal
is implemented by distinguishing a         Perturbation Methods - Adding              data can be first multiplied by the
large collection of data into different    Noise                                      generated matrix in order to preserve
sets for these distinct phases, with a     A simple technique which seeks to          an individual’s privacy. However,
large majority of data being used to       reduce the privacy impact of data          there is risk that the process could
train the various models (e.g. 70% of      processing on individuals, is to           be reverse engineered to find the
the data), and smaller portions for        ‘perturb’ the training examples by         inverse transformation and recover
validation and testing (e.g. 20% for       adding 'noise' to the data (e.g. by        the original data.
validation and 10% for testing).           replacing existing data points with
                                           modified values). This approach            Synthesising Data
While it is common to separate             seeks to mitigate the risk of retaining    A related approach is to train ML
training and inference phases,             a fully accurate data profile for          models using synthetic training data.
this may not always be the case            individuals in the trained ML model,       In this privacy-preserving technique,
in practice. One example of this is        which would pose a heightened risk         generative models are used to
on-device training in which a model        to those individuals, for example, in      generate synthetic data which closely
is continually refined through use,        the event of a data breach. In the job     matches the characteristics of the
e.g. a face recognition model which        recommendation service example,            original training data set comprising
is refined over time as a user’s           a candidate’s previous income              personal data. Such generative
appearance changes.                        may be desirable to include in the         models will of course need to be
                                           training data. Instead of using (and       trained in the first place, which will
Most of ML depends on the                  storing) a candidate’s real income, we     require the use of personal data,
assumption that the data used to           could generate values from a noise         although that training could make
train a model is from the same             distribution and perturb the values        use of federated learning (as we
distribution as the data that will be      by adding this noise to produce a          examine in greater detail below),
received during inference. Therefore       ‘noisy estimate’ of the candidate’s real   where personal data is only stored
any pre-processing (i.e. processing        income.                                    on a local device. Alternatively, a
done to raw data before input into the                                                centralised trusted organisation
ML model) approaches to preserving                                                    could train these models in a secured

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