Page created by Andrew Wagner
                  OCTOBER 2021
     The fall season is upon us! Members of the Inspira Women's Imaging Center Vineland
     team are here to help harvest good health and support Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
     Pictured from left: Clarisse Edwards, medical sonographer, Allison Lawyer, M.D.,
     Lourdes Ruiz, MRI technologist, Lori Hullihen, mammography technologist, Linda
     LaRosa, office clerk, Amanda Solometo, R.N.
       Julie Ellis, MBA, SHRM-SCP, Appointed
       Vice President of Human Resources
       Julie H. Ellis, MBA, SHRM-SCP, joined Inspira as      Ellis will work alongside Anneliese McMenamin,
       vice president of Human Resources effective            chief human resources officer, and support
       September 7. Aligned with Inspira’s new strategic     employee recruitment, engagement and retention
       plan, Ellis has been chosen to further elevate the    efforts, as well as drive human resource business
       organization and quality of care through              policies for the organization. Throughout the
       employee recruitment and retention efforts, as         development and execution of various initiatives,
       well as notable partnerships with the business        Ellis’ strategic expertise will ensure all efforts align
       community and other stakeholders. Through her         with Inspira’s mission, vision and values to both
       role, she will solidify Inspira’s employee strategy   foster internal growth and optimize the patient
       to continuously improve its talent pool and           experience.
       pipeline for growth, and ultimately its role in the
       community.                                            Ellis holds a Bachelor of the Arts in Labor and
                                                             Industrial Relations from Pennsylvania State
       Ellis has more than 20 years of experience in         University, as well as a master’s degree in Business
       human resources within the health care industry,      Administration from Rutgers University. She also
       most recently serving as assistant vice president     has a Senior Certified Professional Certification
       of Human Resources for Kennedy Health System,         from the Society for Human Resources Manage-
       now part of Thomas Jefferson University.               ment, where she is an active member. She is also
                                                             actively involved in The Pennsylvania State
                                                             University Alumni Mentorship Program, New
                                                             Jersey Hospital Association, and Chamber of
                                                             Commerce of Southern New Jersey HR Council.

       Dr. Steven Krefetz Appointed
       Vice President of Physician Integrated Services

       Steven Krefetz, Ph.D., joined Inspira as vice         driving ambitious business growth plans and
       president of Physician Integrated Services            guiding the network on the path forward.
       effective September 13.
                                                             “A key pillar of Inspira’s mission is to improve
       Krefetz has more than 20 years of experience in       the health and well-being of our community,
       the health care industry, most recently serving       and Steven’s leadership in driving our primary,
       as the vice president of Physician Advocacy at        specialty and surgical care through IMG will
       New Jersey Urology. Prior to that, he worked          further enable us to support a healthier South
       as the senior director of Operations at Axia          Jersey,” said Warren Moore, FACHE, executive vice
       Women’s Health and regional director of               president, Chief Operating Officer. “His experience
       Operations at Specialty Care in Nashville.            in strategic planning, operations and management
       Krefetz brings a wealth of knowledge and              will only strengthen the care we provide to our
       experience in directing operations, strategic         patients.”
       planning, regulatory compliance and team
       management to ensure operational efficiency,            Krefetz holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
       while driving aggressive future business              from Widener University, as well as a Bachelor of
       growth plans.                                         Science in Perfusion from Drexel University. He
                                                             also holds a Master of Science in Education from
       As Vice President of Inspira Medical Group,           Capella University, a Doctor of Philosophy in
       Krefetz will support and advance the implemen-        Educational Psychology from Capella University
       tation of Inspira’s strategic plan by focusing on     and a Master of Business Administration in
                                                             Business from LSU University.
Congratulations Employees of the Month!
                               Compassion                                                            Innovation
                         Ana Maldonado, medical
                                                                                            Karen Koontz, R.N., 2 South,
                         assistant, Inspira Medical
                         Group General and Vascular
                         Surgery Woodbury

“Ana is always kind and professional. She is devoted to her        “Karen cares for her patients with compassion even when
patients and her team. She supports her patients, peers and        the patient needs additional assistance. Karen knows how to
providers with such a loving heart. Ana is genuine and cares       calm the patients and is excellent in critical situations. She
for anyone she meets. Her work ethic exceeds expectations          is able to think critically and provides excellent care. Karen
and many patients speak highly of her.”                            exemplifies Inspira’s core values and is an asset to our team.”

                                     Access                                                           Reliability
                         Carol Middleton, R.N.,                                             Ralph Pezzano, painter,
                         Interventional Radiology,                                          Facilities Engineering, Mullica
                         Vineland                                                           Hill

“Carol serves as the go-to resource for staff, physicians, and     “Ralph sets an example of Inspira's core values. Every time
other departments. Her extensive knowledge provides a solid        you see Ralph painting, spackling, or correcting the walls
platform for all care providers and facilitates superior care to   in our building he will always stop, smile and say hello to
our patients. She does so much to support the team and our         someone walking by. Ralph keeps our building looking beau-
physicians so that we can provide the very best care to our        tiful. He is always friendly, warm and goes out of his way for
patients.”                                                         anyone he encounters.”

                              Compassion                                                          Compassion

                        Catherine Jones, nurse                                              Michael Mcenery, paramedic,
                        practitioner, LIFE                                                  Ground Transport, Ambulatory

“Cathy demonstrates extraordinary care and compassion              “Mike helped a co-worker when they needed assistance with
with every patient. “She is a role model to the LIFE Primary       a flat tire. He took the time to stop and assist without ques-
Care Providers as well as the rest of the care team. There is a    tion. As a paramedic, he strives to give patients and anyone
constant stream of accolades for Cathy's deep connectedness        he meets the Wow experience. His time and thoughtfulness
and care for patients.”                                            were greatly appreciated in his co-worker’s time of need.”
As employees, we have a vested interest in the kind of           HOW can I participate?
organization Inspira is and what it can be. The ALL in! Employee
Giving Campaign is your opportunity to join your colleagues         Payroll Deduction (Most Popular)
in supporting the development of our health care network and        Click the “ALL in!” icon on ANY Inspira desktop to
community.                                                          take you directly to the payroll deduction form
                                                                    (NOTE: you must be connected to Direct Access
Last year’s campaign raised more than $96,750 from 400+             for this to work). Gifts can be deducted from your
employees, and every dollar has been invested to make a             paycheck throughout the year (split across 26
positive impact on our patients and in our community. We’re         bi-weekly pay periods) or made one-time. Deductions will take
eager to see what we can accomplish together this year...with       place the first pay period in January 2022.
your help, we’ll reach our goal of raising $100,000!
                                                                    Credit Card
WHY should I support Inspira?                                       Visit to make your one-time
                                                                    gift with a credit card.
Inspira is a non-profit health care organization relying on phil-
anthropic support from community members, patients, corpo-
rations, foundations, and YOU – our Inspira Family – to provide     Cash & Check
the highest quality care and improve the lives of all we serve.     Forms are available online HERE. Please drop off or mail your
You may not recognize it, but the impact of donations sur-          contribution and completed form in a sealed envelope to the
rounds you every day. And your participation can inspire others     Foundation office: 159 Bridgeton Pike, Mullica Hill, NJ 08062.
to give! Your support demonstrates to colleagues, patients,
and the community that you believe in the mission of Inspira        WHERE can I designate my gift?
                                                                    YOU decide how your gift will be invested – and this year, there
                                                                    are more designations available than ever before! Click here to
                                                                    learn more about the 2021 giving options!

                                                                      Wellness Compliance
                                                                      Are you enrolled in the Horizon Omnia or HAS MyWay
                                                                      medical plan offered to Inspira employees? If you want
                                                                      to keep your rates low, make sure to fulfill the wellness
                                                                      requirements before December 31! The Wellness
                                                                      Compliance program offers lower rates to employees
                                                                      who meet the requirements. Click here to check your
                                                                      compliance status. For more information, go to the
                                                                      Wellness Compliance site or the HR Inspiranet site.

DAISY Award Winner

                  Mary Tiernan,
                  R.N., Intensive Care Unit

                  “Mary is a special, caring nurse who will always have a special place in the
                  hearts of Edith’s family. Mary met Edie while she was in the Elmer ICU fighting
                  COVID. She took care of Edie several times during her two-week stay. On Edie’s
                  final day, Mary arranged for Edie’s family to visit after explaining, to her hus-
                  band, that Edie had wished to start palliative care. The family was able to visit
                  with her through the window and talk on the phone with her. Mary offered
                  support while Edie talked with her husband, children, and sister for the last
                  time. After the family left and palliative care was started, Edie’s passing hap-
                  pened quickly. Mary stayed with her, held her hand and prayed with her during
                  her passing. Edie had peace with her passing but had expressed “I’ll have to die
                  alone”. This had to have been comforting for Edie to have Mary hold her hand.
                  I know it meant the world to the family to have someone with her when they
                  were not allowed.”

          MULLICA HILL                                                   P e r f o r m i n g E x c e p t i o n a l Ta s k s

                                                                                                                        & A f fi r m i n g L i v e s
          Kathy Wolfrom,
          Unit Clerk, 5 Acute
          “Kathy approaches every situation with the purest of
          intentions and is always there to help. Every time I work
          with her, I am impressed by her dedication to her job
          and willingness to go above and beyond to assist the
          staff. There are many reasons why she deserves this
          recognition but this one situation, proved once again
          how selfless she truly is.

          We had a patient admitted to our floor who had been
          bed bound after a massive stroke. His wife was his
          advocate and sole caregiver. The patient was successful-
          ly rehabilitated in the hospital and was about to be
          discharged home. A few hours post discharge, it was
          brought to the staff’s attention that he had forgotten
          some of his personal belongings, including his Prevalon
          boots. These boots are particularly important because
          they relieve pressure from bony prominences to prevent injury. Since this patient was bed bound, he
          was more at risk for pressure injury. Kathy immediately called the number listed to see if someone
          from home would be able to come back and recover his belongings. The patient’s wife was unable to
          come back, as she was now caring for her husband, but expressed worry that he would be without
          the boots. Kathy, without hesitation, confirmed the patient’s address and promised she would bring
          them to their home. Kathy had already agreed to stay later to assist the night shift, who would be
          without a clerk that night. She worked from 7am to 11pm and managed to drive to the patient’s
          house to deliver his belongings after clocking out. Kathy did all this knowing that she still had to get
          up and come back to work in the morning, as she was scheduled for another shift. Kathy does these
          great deeds without expectation of reward. She displays integrity, compassion, and selflessness in
          everything she does - because that is who she is in her core.”
Learning Boards
   Mary Charlesworth, director of Inspira’s Access Center
shared, “Maria Fiorani, Supervisor of Access Center, Melissa
(Missy) Manupello, Safety Coach and Patient Access Liaison
and I hold our department Huddle virtually via Microsoft
Teams three days a week. Missy kicks off the meeting
with a Safety Message, reviews updates from the
monthly Safety Coach Meeting and Infection Control
COVID-19 numbers. Maria and I complete a look back
and look forward on key topics of the day that impact
employee and patient safety, such as location closures,
COVID-19 precautions. And the staff loved the Strategic
Plan updates with the new Mission, Vison and Values.”

In light of COVID-19 the Access Center maintained a
hybrid setting with staff working in the office and
remotely to practice social distancing - making the use
of a physical Learning Board very difficult. The Access
Center moved to a Virtual Learning Board and has                   ACCESS CENTER, INSPIRA HEALTH
never looked back!

Missy shares her screen during the Department Huddle           Second, staff identified a process issue with        24-hour County Crisis Hotline was going to
and reviews the Virtual Learning Board with the team.          accessing the MRI Prep Reference Sheet when        voicemail. The employee ARCCed this
Staff have the opportunity to add their concerns on             on the phone with patients. Maria worked           concern to Missy. Missy contacted Bonnie
their own time and during huddles.                             with Information Systems to build the MRI          Price, director of Behavioral Health who
                                                               Prep Reference Sheet in Soarian Financial for      was able to assist the patient immediately.
A huge win for the Access Center was the Engagement            on the spot access.                                This event prompted an immediate
and Safety Survey Action Plan items that moved quickly                                                            action plan for Standard Scripting, which
across the Learning Board to the Solved (green) section.       The third item that moved quickly across the       included collaborating across several
                                                               Learning Board to the Solved (green) section       departments including Access Center,
First, Employee of the Month Recognition was refreshed         was standard scripting for Access Center staff      Behavioral Health, and Quality and
for the department. In addition to Living the Promise          when they receive a call that expresses the        Patient Safety.
Recognition, the department holds a special Employee           potential of self-harm. Mary shared, “It was a
of the Month celebration where Mary and Maria dress            concern that was added to our Learning Board
as Batman and Robin to celebrate the Employee of the           following an event that occurred when an
Month. The employee receives a gift from their special         employee received a call from a patient that
personal wish list and is celebrated during a huddle.          was unable to access Crisis resources and the

  Dawn Morace, manager of Inspira Medical Group
General and Vascular Surgery Mullica Hill, holds her
department huddles daily with staff in front of the
department Learning Board. During the huddle, Dawn
completes a look back and look forward on high-risk
patients, staffing issues, days since last, network
updates and a high level overview from items reported
on the Ambulatory Daily Safety Briefing. Staff are
encouraged to bring safety concerns to the huddle,
where they are reviewed and added to the Learning

Susan Smuzinsky, safety coach and surgical scheduler/
medical assistant shared, “The learning board is a great
communication tool. Since we've moved to the
Leading-Edge Cancer Center in Mullica Hill our work
stations are so spread out, except for electronic                 INSPIRA MEDICAL GROUP GENERAL & VASCULAR SURGERY MULLICA HILL
communication, we have no other way of keeping
up-to-date on issues being worked on or that have been
resolved. We also like to decorate it with photos of our       In early August the team had the honor of        Pictured from left to right:
office and team members’ accomplishments.”                       welcoming Christopher Bashian, D.O., to          Ana Maldonado, medical assistant; Sharon
                                                               the team!                                        Romer, medical assistant; Taneta
A recent item that moved from the New (red) section to
                                                                                                                Mason-Holland, medical assistant;
the Solved (green) section of the Learning Board was
                                                               Dawn shared, “He is a great asset and            Christopher Bashian, D.O.; Susan Smuzin-
Staffing – Onboard Additional Surgeon. Staff made this
                                                               brings ambition, support to the existing         sky, safety coach, surgical scheduler/
request to help safely care for their patients and
                                                               surgeons, new ideas, and completes our           medical assistant; and Dawn Morace,
prevent employee and provider burnout.
                                                               team! It was a great, successful month           manager.
                                                               onboarding him!”

                                                           MULLICA HILL

Safety Story
    Heuristics are mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of
making decisions and allow us to process faster. When our mind
learns a heuristic, we can see and identify a familiar object in
slightly less than one second with no effort. Heuristics are
patterns of patterns in the mind. Think of a spoon – and a
spoon appears in your mind. That is a heuristic. Your mind
knows that spoon well and will treat the spoon as a spoon.

Now note the photo to the right. This is a heuristic gone bad.
This is a bottle of hand sanitizer – but the packaging looks like
a soft drink. If we do not practice self-check using STAR (Stop,
Think, Act, Review), someone could accidentally ingest the
hand sanitizer and become injured.

Chrissy Oatman, supervisor and safety coach for Ground
Transport, self-checked using STAR and noticed that the hand
sanitizer looked very similar to a soft drink. Oatman found the
bottle on the breakroom counter and identified the concern.
Our Supply Chain team confirmed that this was NOT an Inspira
provided product. Ground Transport leaders, along with
Supply Chain, removed all product from the stations and
replaced with Inspira provided hand sanitizer. This lesson was
spread to all Ground Transport, reported on the EMS Safety
Brief, reviewed at huddle, and communicated at our safety
coach meeting.

So, heuristics can be good, or they can be bad. Our job is to
decide which. And that is why we have our safety behaviors
such as STAR. When our self-checking finds a bad heuristic like
the one Oatman found, we can take action to remove the
hazard from the work environment.

                              Safety Tool of the Month:
                                            Speak Up Using ARCC
                                      A responsibility to protect in a manner of mutual
                                      respect – an assertion and escalation technique

         ARCC                         Ask a question
                                      Request a change
                                      Communicate a concern
                                      if no success, use the
                                      Chain of Command

Interested in becoming a Safety Coach?
            See below to learn more!

    What is a Safety Coach?
       Safety Coaches are considered “super users” of high reliability tools and behaviors. They act as valuable
    liaisons between staff and managers to identify, address and eliminate potential or real safety risks or
    concerns during the course of their normal day. In addition, Safety Coaches serve as safety “experts”
    within their unit or department and assist with the roll out of safety-related policies/procedures/pro-
    cesses and facilitate the development of a culture of safety at the local level.


    Safety coaches will attend monthly Safety Coach Meetings, continuously coach colleagues, encourage
    others to coach for safety and help spur safety improvement initiatives in their areas.


    • Ensure the Safety Coach is available to attend     • Ensure the Safety Coach Program is being
      the monthly Safety Coach Meeting.                    promoted in the department and that the Safety
                                                           Coach is being recognized as the `Voice of
    • Ensure the Safety Coach has time allotted at         Safety’ by their peers.
      each monthly staff meeting to share safety
      education, discuss key policies and to listen to   • Ensure the Safety Coach is being recognized for
      safety concerns that staff may have.                  the work they are doing to improve safety and
                                                           support Inspira Health’s Culture of Safety.
    • Ensure the Safety Coaches are allotted time to
      complete audits and other safety coach related

    What are next steps for you as a leader if you need to
    select or replace a department Safety Coach?
    • Identify frontline staff who have embraced our high reliability tools and behaviors and are committed
      to championing safety each and every day in your department!

    • Each department should identify at least one staff member to be trained as a Safety Coach. Depart-
      ments that operate 24/7 should identify Safety Coaches on both day and night shifts. Ambulatory
      sites (i.e., Inspira Medical Group) should identify at least one Safety Coach for each site.

    • Communicate their role as a Safety Coach not only to them but your whole department!

                             For more information on Safety Coaches,
                               contact Katy Perez at

Inspira Behavioral Health Teams Support Holidays for Heroes

   Besides blood drives and disaster relief programs, the American   Pictured front row, left to right: Teri Black, director, Child Partial Care;
Red Cross supports our troops overseas with reminders of home        Jerniece Saez, clinician; Mandy Schuhl, clinician; Back row left to right:
                                                                     Brooke Wilkins, child life counselor; Stacie Zak, occupational therapist;
by providing food care packages, personal hygiene care packages
                                                                     Andrea Kier, occupational therapist.
as well as holiday greeting messages. Inspira’s Behavioral Health
teams at Bridgeton, including the outpatient child and adoles-
cent, as well as the in-patient adult units, utilized therapy time
to create holiday greeting cards and messages for the troops.
Altogether they created more than 150 cards.

         Congratulations Inspira Medical Center Vineland              Congratulations Inspira Medical Center Mullica Hill
         for receiving the                                            for receiving the

         American Heart Association                                   American Heart Association
         Get With The Guidelines                                      Get With The Guidelines
         Stroke Gold Plus with Target:                                Resuscitation Gold Award.
         Diabetes Honor Roll Award.

Get Your Flu Shot
       October 1 - December 15, 2021

                               In an effort to keep our patients, families, and
                               ourselves safe, Inspira Health requires that all
                               employees receive the influenza vaccine.
A few reminders about the mandatory flu vaccine campaign:

       • Receiving the influenza vaccine is a condition of employment at Inspira Health, and it has been the law in the State of
         New Jersey since January 2020.
                o The program includes employees, students, volunteers, contracted staff, and physicians working within the
                  walls of Inspira Health.

       • If your plan is to request a Medical Exemption for the 2021-2022 flu season, you must submit medical records documenting
         evaluation and treatment for the condition for which you are requesting exemption by October 1st. No request will be
         reviewed without supporting documentation. No exemption request will be accepted for review after the deadline.

Examples of documentation that will not be accepted:

       • A note on a prescription pad stating, “…excuse from a flu shot…” or “…patient allergic to flu shot…”
         or patient should not have a flu shot…”

       • Submission of just the Medical Exemption Request without supporting documentation

Examples of acceptable documentation:

       • A narrative from the physician stating that they’ve seen you and treated you for the issue for which
         exemption is being sought

       • Medical Records from the ED or physician who saw you for the issue for which exemption is being sought

Additional information:

       • If you will be receiving a vaccine at one of our clinics, you must have your consent completed. There will not be blank consents
         available at the clinics. Blank consent forms can be found on Inspiranet or in emails from Employee Health/Marlene Fischer.

       • If an employee is on Leave of Absence between September and November 2021, they will need to receive or provide documentation
         of receipt prior to being cleared to return to work

       • Flu vaccines are available at any of the vaccine clinics, a community pharmacy, your physician office, or Inspira pharmacy. The Retail
         Pharmacies in Vineland and Mullica will be taking walk-ins for flu vaccines from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Flu clinics in
         all of our facilities will allow for appropriate social distancing to keep you safe. Our Laurel Springs, Williamstown, and East Vineland
         Urgent Cares will also serve as "flu vaccine centers" for employees. Departmental "deputies" are also being identified to aide in
         accessibility. If you receive a vaccine at a non-Inspira location, please provide documentation that includes your name, the date of
         vaccination, vaccine lot number, and vaccine expiration date.

 Questions regarding the mandatory flu vaccine?
You can also read