The PV automation misnomer - Are UK & US pharma companies still missing an opportunity? - Arriello

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The PV automation misnomer - Are UK & US pharma companies still missing an opportunity? - Arriello
The PV automation misnomer.
Are UK & US pharma companies
still missing an opportunity?
An Arriello survey, October 2021.

© Copyright Arriello Ireland Limited 2021. Please credit Arriello in all content citations, whether print or online.
The PV automation misnomer - Are UK & US pharma companies still missing an opportunity? - Arriello
Foreword by Dr. John Price.
    To get what you want, you first have to know what that is –
    and that’s particularly true of PV automation.
    There is a belief that it is not possible to    This year’s Arriello PV automation survey
    achieve all three desirable outcomes when       sought to explore drivers and progress
    transforming processes – i.e. that they         around associated technology adoption and
    become faster, better and cheaper.              has come up with some interesting findings.

    Rather, companies should settle on two          It confirms that many companies are
    of these priorities, and be prepared to         indeed reviewing and progressing
    sacrifice the third to achieve these.           their plans for process automation,
                                                    and – interestingly – that quality rather
    In the first decade of the 21st century, as     than cost is now the driving force.
    workloads soared, companies across
    the pharmaceutical industry embarked            Certainly there is no point processing
    on initiatives to reduce the cost of            PV data at low cost if case management
    pharmacovigilance (PV) operations.              can’t be fully trusted. This simply creates
                                                    more work for PV teams in fixing the gaps.
    They did this first by outsourcing, and
    then by offshoring their activities.            Fear of human replacement is notably
                                                    very high, rising from seventh to second
    Ten or more years later, Pharma is              place in this year’s study as an impediment
    finding that the cost savings achieved          to tech adoption among PV staff.
    have been at the expense of quality.
                                                    This suggests the messages that automation
    As a result, some are seeking to rebuild        can relieve an already over-stressed workforce,
    internal PV capabilities – despite the higher   and free up skilled professionals to do
    cost, not to mention a talent shortage.         higher value/more rewarding analysis work,
                                                    are not yet fully appreciated.
    An alternative solution is to harness
    technology, specifically AI and
    process automation solutions.
                                                    We need automation not because
                                                    there are too many people in PV,
                                                    but because there aren’t enough!              >>
The PV automation misnomer - Are UK & US pharma companies still missing an opportunity? - Arriello
>>           This year’s question               In Drug Safety, a growing desire among
                                                                                                  About John...
              about perceived barriers           clinical operations teams to leverage
to automation found that the main                electronic data capture for serious adverse
obstacle remains systems validation,             event (SAE) management presents problems
but it is now cited more frequently              different to those facing post-marketing PV.
than in 2020 by PV professionals.
                                                 Anecdotally, and from personal experience,
It is going to be important to address           it appears it may be more effective to develop
this obstacle. Repurposing some staff            new solutions tailored to their needs.
as system managers should provide the
resource needed to confirm an automated          Despite the challenges reported, the number
system is processing cases correctly.            who already use automated solutions is
                                                 intriguingly high. Widespread technical
There were some interesting differences          solutions with limited overall impact may
about the validation barrier between those       be being counted as “automation”.
in PV vs Drug Safety, with those in Drug
Safety rating ease of use and cost as            However few may actually be automating           John Price is an executive physician
much more tangible considerations.               case processing end-to-end, which                with deep experience gained from over
                                                 is where real benefits can come.                 25 years working across the breadth
This may reflect current practices in clinical                                                    of regulatory affairs and
study teams, which tend to be more labor         It is perhaps in the survey’s open responses,    pharmacovigilance worldwide.
intensive yet involve managing                   about what companies would like to see
lower case volumes.                              more of, that we get to the real nub of where    He has created and led high-functioning
                                                 teams are looking for new help and value         global departments for pharmacovigilance,
The survey suggests beyond PV departments,       – particularly around accessibility, ease of     regulatory and clinical operations, medical
technology solutions may be lagging.             use, and the ability to do more with data.       writing and drug development, and held
                                                                                                  senior roles in the UK Medicines Control
                                                                                                  Agency (now MHRA), Pfizer, J&J, Alexion
                                                                                                  Pharmaceuticals, and in academia.

                                                                                                  Based in the US, John is an advisor
                                                                                                  to Arriello.

The PV automation misnomer - Are UK & US pharma companies still missing an opportunity? - Arriello
The PV automation misnomer.
    Are life sciences companies still missing opportunities to lighten safety reporting workloads?
    Across all facets of the industry, on both sides of the Atlantic, and between Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety
    and Product Safety teams, there is evidence that teams are still not benefiting fully from today’s process
    automation potential, to enhance delivery of the important work they do.
    Typically, companies have implemented automation in fairly limited and focused ways that make only
    a small impact on overall PV operations (an example being auto-listedness).

    Similarities... and differences.
    In mid-2020, Arriello commissioned a first      But this time our research dug deeper,
    milestone survey into the pharmaceutical        seeking to distil what companies meant
    industry’s planned and developing use           by automation, and to determine the fuller
    of automation solutions to ease the             opportunities that might be going untapped.
    delivery, and improve the quality, of
    adverse event reporting as part of their        Again, we targeted a similar research
    pharmacovigilance (PV) safety obligations.      base – 200 professionals at manager level
                                                    and above working in the PV, Drug Safety
    Conducted independently by Censuswide,          or Product Safety departments of
    the poll of 200 respondents – in senior         pharmaceutical companies, split evenly
    roles spanning PV, Drug Safety and Product      between the UK and the US.
    Safety departments, on both sides of the
    Atlantic – suggested that a surprisingly high   The online research took place in late July/
    percentage of organizations were already        early August 2021, as many companies
    progressing on their journeys to automation.    were evaluating an imminent return
                                                    to the workplace and to more familiar
    A year on, a follow-up poll reflected similar   modes of operating as COVID-related
    claims, even despite the substantial            restrictions started to be eased.
    disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The PV automation misnomer - Are UK & US pharma companies still missing an opportunity? - Arriello
What a difference a year makes – or has it?
  Unsurprisingly, the pandemic has dominated      (RPA), standalone PV automation, or PV          Often, however, when companies talk
  decision-making over the last year and          automation as part of something bigger, up      about automation, they are not referring to
  in many cases this has been reflected           to two thirds of companies claimed to have      end-to-end processing (case collection,
  in setbacks to automation initiatives.          solutions “already in place” or were “likely”   database work, triage, reporting) but rather
                                                  to do so in the next 12 months – when asked     leveraging IT to support elements of case
  Although the majority of the respondents        about plans to implement PV automation          processing (e.g. auto-scheduling reports
  in 2021 were as upbeat as those taking          on a larger scale. Meanwhile no one             for submission).
  part in the research last year, in suggesting   suggested their organization was
  they were already making strong progress        not considering automation as a                 This is a shame, given the broader process
  with process automation in Safety and           PV solution to rising PV workloads.             automation opportunities now – for instance
  PV, many had seen plans put on hold as                                                          to simplify the work of reporters (HCPs,
  other priorities came to the fore, and as       The highest levels of current adoption were     patients), enabling them to make their reports
  office-based activity suffered disruption.      found in PV departments, where more than        directly into the PV database, circumventing
                                                  half of respondents claimed some level          the effort of data entry. This is similar
  Intentions remain strong, however. Whether      of PV automation was already in place           conceptually to electronic data capture
  categorized as robotic process automation       as part of a wider technology set-up.           (EDC) in common use in clinical trials.

                    Which of the following, if any, Pharmacovigilance (PV) Automation technology or
                    methodology have you adopted already or plan to adopt?

Robotic Process Automation                        Stand-alone pharmacovigilance                    Pharmacovigilance automation
(RPA)                                             automation solution                              delivered as part of a larger solution

39.5%    Already in place                         41.5%    Already in place                        49.5%      Already in place
44.0%    Under evaluation                         42.5%    Under evaluation                        36.0%      Under evaluation
15.0%    Likely in the next                       15.0%    Likely in the next                      14.5%      Likely in the next
         12 months                                         12 months                                          12 months
 1.5%    Not under consideration                   1.0%    Not under consideration                  0.0%      Not under consideration

The PV automation misnomer - Are UK & US pharma companies still missing an opportunity? - Arriello
COVID-related delays to automation initiatives.
    Although more than a third                     UK organizations were much less often             In Product Safety, concerned especially
                                                   impacted than their US counterparts.              with managing product defects in
    of all respondents said their                                                                    a quality assurance context, delayed
    companies were currently                       Encouragingly, only two per cent said             decision-making was more of an issue.
    evaluating automated solutions,                that the pandemic had curtailed
                                                   automation projects completely.                   For dedicated PV functions,
    progress may have stalled during                                                                 which could be processing vast volumes
    the pandemic as many said they                 Where COVID had played a part in temporarily      of AE reports linked to many thousands
    have solutions in place in 2021                side-lining projects, the most common reasons     of marketed products, remote
                                                   listed were financial uncertainty (cited by       working had proved a more significant
    as in 2020, despite in 2020,                   more than half of relevant respondents),          barrier to automation progress.
    around 40% expecting                           delayed decision-making (mentioned by
    to introduce automation                        46 per cent), reliance on offshore services       PV and Drug Safety personnel teams were
                                                   (44 per cent), talent challenges (42 per cent),   most likely to have been affected by offshoring
    in the next 12 months.                         and remote working (38 per cent).                 issues, which we can attribute at least in part
                                                                                                     to the devastating effect the pandemic
    Asked specifically about the impact of         Those working in Drug Safety were                 has had on India, a major hub for IT support.
    COVID, just under a third (30 per cent) said   more likely to be affected by financial
    initiatives had been delayed by up to six      uncertainty and talent shortages, reflecting
    months; while a further third (31 per cent)    the correlation with these roles and the
    said timelines were now 6–12 months out.       biotechs/startups taking part in the study.

To what extent has COVID-19 affected progress with
            PV automation in your organization?

                                      No impact

                32.0%                 Delayed it by up to 6 months

                                      Delayed it by over 6 months up to a year
                                      Delayed it by over a year or longer
                                      Completely stalled progress

            What would you say were the causes of that impact/delay
            due to COVID-19? (Tick all that apply.)

                                   52.2% Financial uncertainties
                                   45.6% Delayed decision making
                                   44.1% Reliance on offshoring
                                   41.9% Slow up in recruitment/talent acquisition
                                   37.5% Remote working

Definitions of automation.
    In last year’s survey, we identified diverse      To drill a bit deeper, in this year’s survey   But still, the figures are perplexing around
    interpretations of ‘automation’ in companies’     we asked more specifically about the           AE reporting. This remains a high-pressure
    responses. It appeared that the high              areas of PV/Safety in which companies          activity for pharma organizations, because
    proportions of those claiming to have             planned to invest in smart (AI-enabled)        of the high volumes of incoming content,
    implemented PV automation solutions               or robotic process automation (RPA).           the diversity of capture points and formats,
    were most likely to be inputting data into                                                       and the very tight timelines for reporting
    IT systems, without really benefiting from        Overall, clinical documentation management     serious real-world safety events.
    labor reduction and resource redeployment.        was the area most likely to have been
                                                      automated already, followed by product         Some 42 per cent of all respondents,
    Our own observations tell us that many            quality compliance information handling        rising to 48 per cent in the UK alone,
    organizations employ basic electronic data        and medical information management,            claimed to have automated AE reporting
    capture in clinical development, electronically   then standard document compilation             solutions already in operation.
    report safety cases to agencies; generate         (forms, PSMF, aggregate reports, etc.).
    auto-narratives; program tabulations; and                                                        Yet our experience tells us that the solutions
    listings for aggregate reports and so on.         For planned investment over the next           currently in play at most organizations or
                                                      12 months, literature screening and            their outsourced service partners are not
    This functionality is often included in the       auto-narrative generation were the most        true timesaving or quality-enhancing tools;
    platforms provided by safety vendors and,         popular areas of focus, cited by more than     rather they are software systems into which
    in the main, these productivity aids bring        a fifth of respondents across the board.       professionals manually input their findings.
    limited new value to the PV function.
                                                      Beyond that timeframe, smarter                 As we ventured last year, this suggests
    Last year we wondered whether our                 regulatory intelligence management and         that companies are still not realizing
    initial survey findings might have masked         automated document compilation were            the fuller potential of automation.
    relative immaturity in adverse event (AE)         the main areas under evaluation.
    case intake automation, for instance –                                                           With this in mind, we asked about
    a category of solution that can make                                                             companies’ drivers for investing
    a substantial difference to the effort of                                                        in PV automation.
    processing intense PV workloads.

Question: In which areas of PV do you plan to introduce automation or AI?

Adverse Event Reporting                 Literature Screening                     Regulatory Intelligence

42.0%   Already in place                40.0%   Already in place                 40.0%   Already in place
38.0%   Under evaluation                35.5%   Under evaluation                 40.5%   Under evaluation
19.0%   Likely in the next              23.0%   Likely in the next               17.5%   Likely in the next
        12 months                               12 months                                12 months
 1.0%   Not under consideration          1.5%   Not under consideration           2.0%   Not under consideration

Document Compilation (standard forms,   Medical Information                      Clinical Documentation
PSMF, aggregate reports etc.)

43.0%   Already in place                44.5%   Already in place                 48.5%   Already in place
40.0%   Under evaluation                39.0%   Under evaluation                 30.5%   Under evaluation
16.0%   Likely in the next              16.0%   Likely in the next               20.0%   Likely in the next
        12 months                               12 months                                12 months
 1.0%   Not under consideration          0.5%   Not under consideration           1.0%   Not under consideration

Auto Narrative Generation               Product Quality Compliance Information   Other

39.0%   Already in place                45.5%   Already in place                 25.0%   Already in place
36.5%   Under evaluation                38.0%   Under evaluation                 37.5%   Under evaluation
22.5%   Likely in the next              16.5%   Likely in the next               21.0%   Likely in the next
        12 months                               12 months                                12 months
 2.0%   Not under consideration          0.0%   Not under consideration          16.5%   Not under consideration

Automation drivers.
     On the basis that achieving equal improvements      For small biotechs, performing Phase I and
     across quality, speed of delivery and cost is       Phase II trials of cutting-edge science applied
     rarely possible, we asked respondents to indicate   to medicine – such as gene and cell therapies
     the two more dominant drivers of the three.         – the need to understand what is happening
                                                         with already very sick patients, especially
     Across the research base these emerged              when there are many moving parts involved
     as quality (cited by 71 per cent) and speed         (Drug Safety teams, clinical development
     (mentioned by 67 per cent). Quality was             teams and CROs) – is paramount, so
     deemed even more of an issue for those              accelerating the speed of information/report
     with a PV-specific remit, suggesting this is        processing is clearly going to be a priority.
     an area they are trying hardest to improve.
                                                         For Product Safety teams, and for
     Those working in Drug Safety, where clinical        organizations in the US more than those
     studies are the main source of Safety data          in the UK, cost was the higher priority.
     capture/reporting activity, were considerably
     more likely to prioritize speed of delivery.        Typically, Product Safety teams –                 Automation has
                                                         usually associated with medical
     This makes sense given the huge time                devices and combination products                  provided us with
     pressures around submitting complete reports        – are concerned with processing                   real-time data, which
     to the authorities – especially between days 7      high volumes of information about
     and 15 in the US where teams must develop           defects, such as particulates in vials            has saved lot of time
     the full context around their findings.             or faulty syringes, activity which                and improved results.
                                                         tends to be more usually resource
                                                         intensive than inherently urgent.

               What are the two most                                  71.0% Quality
               important drivers for
                                                                      66.5% Speed
               PV automation in your
               organization?                                          62.5% Cost

Anticipated benefits of PV automation.
   Quality-wise, improved data quality is the           to 38 per cent for Drug Safety teams, who also
   chief objective of automation initiatives, cited     prioritized the ability to report more promptly.
   by 35 per cent of respondents – rising to
   40 per cent among those in Drug Safety roles.        In terms of cost reduction benefits                        PV automation has
                                                        linked to automation, Product Safety
   For Product Safety teams, by far the bigger          teams were most likely to be seeking                       the greatest value
   preoccupation is improved compliance – cited         reduced infrastructure costs, and least                    where we need
   by 44 per cent of this cohort as the main goal       likely to be targeting labor replacement.
   of quality improvements, compared to an
                                                                                                                   to track data and
   average of 34 per cent across all respondents.       US respondents were also slightly                          ensure its accuracy.
                                                        more inclined to be looking to reduce
   Operational improvements were also a priority,       infrastructure related costs.
   though less so for Product Safety teams.
                                                        UK respondents were more inclined
   For speed-related improvements, accelerated          towards more cost-effective scalability
   processing was the main benefit sought, cited by     (a priority for 37 per cent of UK respondents,
   34 per cent of all respondents – rising              compared with 29 per cent of those in the US).

                     Which of the following, best reflects the benefits for automation in your
                     organization based on Quality, Cost and Speed?

Quality Benefits                                      Cost Benefits                                        Speed Benefits
34.5%     Improved Data
          Quality                                     37.0%    Reduced                                     33.5%   Faster
34.0%     Improved                                             infrastructure                                      processing
          Compliance                                  33.0%    Scalability                                 32.5%   Greater focus
31.0%     Operational                                 27.5%    Reduced                                             on safety
          improvements                                         manpower                                    32.0%   Faster reporting
 0.5%     None of the above                            2.5%    None of the above                            2.0%   None of the above

Solution suitability.
     Probing more closely, we asked respondents to       Of the remaining responses, the following    „ Providing reliable decision support:
     rate currently available PV automation systems      themes were most pronounced when                 e.g. for accurate evaluation of costs;
     for their ability to meet their companies’ needs.   survey participants were asked how               improved Regulatory intelligence.
                                                         existing solutions could be improved         „   Use of AI to both improve quality and
     Drug Safety teams felt the least well               to better meet their needs:                      reduce costs.
     catered for overall, with 16 per cent giving
                                                         „ Improved quality and accuracy              „   Use of natural language processing
     a neutral score of 5 out of 10, and the highest
                                                             of information at the time of data           and machine learning to further
     proportion (29 per cent) scoring only a 7.
                                                             compilation.                                 improve the automation.
     Product Safety teams were significantly             „   Providing a more structured way of       „   Improved productivity and efficiency.
     more satisfied (56 per cent scoring 8–10),              data collection to aid analysis.         „   More affordable solutions to match
     and more typically UK respondents had               „   Improved data management.                    budgets under pressure.
     a more positive outlook compared to their           „   Reducing the time and effort expended
     US peers (36 per cent vs 20 per cent stretching         on data entry and manual processes.      The implication is that
     to a satisfaction score of 8 out of 10).            „   Improved usability.                      automation solutions clearly
     At this point, the survey provided for
                                                         „   Improved speed of processing.
                                                                                                      hold perceived value, but that
     open responses to tease out some of the             „   Support for a single drug safety
                                                                                                      companies need the scope
     reasons PV and Safety teams felt current
     solutions might fall short of their needs.          „   Use of real-time data, saving time and   to increase and for the benefits
                                                             improving results.                       to be more visible and easier
     Tellingly, 56 per cent answered “I don’t            „   Support for fool-proof signal            to access.
     know,” rising to 60 per cent of specifically            management and a strong safety
     UK-based respondents and 74 per                         strategy.
     cent of those in Drug Safety roles.

PV automation makes quality assurance easy.
     It’s just a matter of overcoming validation
     requirements and providing ease of access.
     Usability issues and fear of the unknown are
     what hold people back, which is a shame
     given that integrating functional events
     through PV gives awesome results.

             How well do you think currently available PV automation systems match your
             needs? (Scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being not at all and 10 being fully.)

            Not at all                                                                Fully
               1          2      3      4      5       6       7       8       9      10

              0.0%       0.0%   1.5%   4.0%   11.0%   13.5%   20.5%   28.0%   7.5%   14.0%

Barriers to progress: validation; ease of adoption & fear for jobs.
     In last year’s survey, the three top perceived   Fear of human replacement was a particular      Product Safety teams were by far the most
     barriers to PV automation were IT related.       issue for PV teams (cited by 42 per cent        likely to cite this as a barrier to automation.
                                                      of this cohort, in contrast to 22 per cent
     This time, although the age-old challenge        of those working in Product Safety.             This further supports our suspicions from
     of system validation remained a key                                                              last year about differing perceptions of what
     concern, cited by the same proportion of         This suggests a misconception that job losses   constitutes “automation”; that the technology
     the research base (41 per cent) in 2021 as       are inevitable when an automated solution       and service provider industry must work harder
     in 2020, familiarity, ease of use and cost       is implemented, when in reality automation      to educate the market on emerging options.
     were the next most significant barriers to       paves the way to retain talent which is
     embracing new automation opportunities.          currently considerably over-stretched.          That system validation still presents as
                                                                                                      such a high barrier to process innovation/
     Cost was the steepest hurdle for Drug            Matters of IT infrastructure were most likely   improvement is disappointing.
     Safety teams (cited by 46 per cent,              to register as an issue for Product Safety
     compared to an average of 37 per cent            teams, and for respondents in the US.           PV professionals know how to validate a system,
     across all respondents), while perceived                                                         understand how to do it, and have the resources
     issues of usability featured least acutely       A perceived lack of available solutions         to be able to monitor and confirm the machine
     for PV teams (many of which consider             was cited as a barrier to adoption by           is doing what it is supposed to do, with the
     themselves to be fairly automated already).      43 per cent of UK survey participants,          quality and consistency required. And in the
                                                      compared to 27 per cent in the US.              meantime, work on more value-based tasks.

                       What do you see as the main barriers to the adoption of PV automation in your
                       organization? (Tick up to three.)

                                41.0% Systems validation                                                        36.5% IT Infrastructure
                                38.5% Lack of familiarity with the technology                                   35.0% Lack of available solutions
                                37.0% Cost                                                                      35.0% Fear of human replacement
                                37.0% Ease of use                                                                0.5% Not applicable – there are
                                                                                                                      no main barriers
That there remains much confusion around          On a more positive note, companies
the real potential of true PV automation          are clearly prioritizing quality and
solutions is both a challenge and an              processing speed above cost now when
opportunity – for life sciences companies,        exploring new automation options.
and for the technology and service providers
striving to help them achieve more with less.     It is likely that the pandemic has shone
                                                  a light on the fragility of offshore outsourcing
While 2020–21 has been an exceptional             arrangements, which have emphasized
period for all kinds of businesses, the           lower costs for case processing – often at
disruption and intensified pressures on           the expense of lower quality (and timeliness
life sciences as a result of COVID-19 will        having to be preserved for compliance).
have acted as a catalyst for new process
transformation, as organizations look to          As PV functions strive to reverse this trend,
cope with additional demands and time             harnessing capabilities closer to home that
constraints, and reduced resource availability.   make use of accessible and user-friendly AE
                                                  automation solutions – whose productivity
In spite of the inevitable delays to              benefits are immediate right from case
projects caused by the pandemic, there            intake – offers a significant promise.
are encouraging signs that PV and
Safety functions want to do more to               As more regular work practices resume
advance their operations, and to improve          over the next 12 months, automation
the quality of data and the speed of              trends will continue to be an interesting
processing/report delivery in particular.         area to watch – and when we come to
                                                  measure progress with our next survey
As ever, necessity is the mother of invention,    in a year’s time, the findings will be a good
and one of the next priorities for the industry   test of companies’ current intentions.
must be to find ways round the roadblock
of system validation which continues
to prevent companies from more readily
capitalizing on the rapid evolution of
next-generation automation capabilities.

About the research & its respondents.                                                       Survey to product.
     Conducted independently by Censuswide
     in late July/early August, our 2021               Respondents: 200 in total.                IntelliCASE.
     research – the second annual study in             Aged 18+ who are manager level and
     this series – polled 200 respondents, in                                                    Our second transatlantic
                                                       above in Pharmacovigilance, Drug Safety
     senior roles spanning Pharmacovigilance,          and Product Safety departments            survey has again helped us
     Drug Safety and Product Safety functions,         of pharmaceutical companies:              incorporate current thinking
     split evenly between the UK and the US.
                                                                                                 into the development planning
     Across the whole research base, just              Small to medium                           for our case intake and
                                                                                      30.00%     triage system IntelliCASE.
     under a third of respondents (30 per cent)        pharmaceutical
     identified their employers as small to
     medium pharma companies; a quarter                Large pharmaceutical           24.50%     As we continue to improve the system,
     (24.5 per cent) categorized their                                                           so surveys like this continue to help shape
     organizations as large pharma; 14 per cent                                                  and guide our decisions, ensuring what
                                                       Generics                       14.00%     we create is precisely what PV experts
     as generics providers (rising to 19 per cent
     in the US alone); 12.5 per cent as clinical                                                 around the world are looking for as we
     development operations; 11.5 per cent             Clinical/Development           12.50%     move to far greater automation adoption.
     as biotech companies; and 7.5 per cent
     specifically as a start-up venture.               Biotech                        11.50%

     In established large and SME pharma               A start-up                      7.50%
     organizations, respondents were more likely
     to be in PV or Drug Safety roles. In clinical/    Number of respondents:        Country:
     development operations and startups, as
     might be expected, Product Safety remits          100                           UK
     were more common, while biotechs had
     stronger representation in Drug Safety.           100                           USA
     The online research was primarily quantitative,
     with some scope for open responses.

Main features and benefits.

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The Adverse Event reporting experience hasn’t improved much
but IntelliCASE changes all that to make reporting super-easy and
efficient. Provide your reporters with a modern, up-to-date user
experience embracing current technologies and expectations.

Access.                                         Talk to the machine.
Depending on your use case, you can             Save even more time and introduce
report cases in the following ways:             a novel and expanded experience
                                                using IntelliCASE’s voice-enabled
A public landing page.                          data entry, in multiple languages,
No login, no account creation is required       alongside the keyboard text entry.
– the data form opens directly and a
captcha prevents unwanted reports.              You can use speech to text input
                                                wherever the Mic icon is next to a
A named account.                                field using the same fast and easy
Centralized user management                     5-step process every time.
– invitation – only access.

 Self-service registration using e-mail.
                                                                                     Submit the case
A one-time login e-mail is sent upon
                                                                                     and receive a visual
request to verify the identity of the sender.
                                                                                     confirmation, an e-mail
                                                                                     and a Reporter
                                                                                     dashboard update.

From development to market.
Faster. Better. Smarter.

About us.
Arriello is a leading consultancy and solutions provider of risk management         With our extensive global network, decades of combined experience
and compliance services to the pharmaceutical industry. We’ve been making           and ISO:9001 certification, we are a trusted partner primarily
the development-to-market process faster, better, and smarter since 2008.           to pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

Our global services span the product life cycle from Clinical to post-submission    Our valued clients rely on our ability to deliver, however complex their requirements,
Regulatory Affairs and Pharmacovigilance, Quality Assurance and Auditing,           through our proven expertise, global coverage, and technology.
and innovative automation solutions.

Headquartered in Ireland, with operations across Europe, we consult and create              ISO 9001 certified
solutions across the EU, North America, LATAM, CIS, MENA, Asia, and South Africa.

Service inquiries:
Global headquarters                         European operations                     USA office
Arriello Ireland Limited                    Arriello s. r. o.                       Arriello USA
No. 51, Bracken Road, Sandyford,            Olivova 2096/4,                         One Marina Park Drive Suite 1410
Dublin D18 CV48, Ireland                    110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic         Boston, MA 02210, USA
Phone: +353 1 293 6755                      Phone: +420 222 367 765                 Phone: +1 617 807 7016
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