BAILLIE GIFFORD Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies Fund Quarterly Update 31 March 2022

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BAILLIE GIFFORD Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies Fund Quarterly Update 31 March 2022

Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies Fund

Quarterly Update
31 March 2022

This document has been prepared for use by professional advisers and intermediaries only.
It is not intended for use by retail clients.
BAILLIE GIFFORD Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies Fund Quarterly Update 31 March 2022
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This document is issued by Baillie Gifford & Co Limited, Calton Square, 1 Greenside Row, Edinburgh EH1
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Israel: This Report, as well as investment in the Fund described herein, is directed at and intended for
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The Fund’s share price can be volatile due to movements in the prices of the underlying holdings and the
basis on which the Fund is priced.

As with any investment, the clients’ capital is at risk. Past performance is not a guide to future returns.

Throughout the report all figures are rounded, so any totals may not sum. Not all stocks mentioned may
be held by the portfolio.

All information as at 31 March 2022 and source is Baillie Gifford & Co unless otherwise stated.

Baillie Gifford & Co Limited
Calton Square, 1 Greenside Row, Edinburgh EH1 3AN
Telephone +44 (0)131 275 2000

Copyright © Baillie Gifford & Co 2022                                                           Ref: 18021 10006568
BAILLIE GIFFORD Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies Fund Quarterly Update 31 March 2022
Executive Summary                                                                                                               01

Fund Objective
To outperform (after deduction of costs) the Numis Smaller Companies Index (excluding Investment Companies) by at least 2%
per annum over rolling five-year periods.

The manager believes this is an appropriate target given the investment policy of the Fund and the approach taken by the
manager when investing. In addition, the manager believes an appropriate performance comparison for this Fund is the
Investment Association UK Smaller Companies Sector.

There is no guarantee that this objective will be achieved over any time period and actual investment returns may differ from this
objective, particularly over shorter time periods.

Risk Analysis
Key Statistics
Number of Holdings                                                 56
Typical Number of Holdings                                     50-80
Active Share                                                   94%*
Annual Turnover                                                   9%
*Relative to Numis Smaller Companies Index (ex. Inv.Companies). Source: Baillie Gifford & Co, Numis.

The portfolio underperformed on a relative basis
over the quarter as the market is grappling with the
second-order impacts of the pandemic and
challenging geopolitical backdrop
We are confident that the portfolio owns a
collection of extremely versatile, resilient
businesses, all of which address large unique
opportunities and all of which are empowered and
able to navigate whatever uncertainties lie ahead
During the quarter we have sold a private equity
firm IP Group, venture capital firm Mercia
Technologies and polymer manufacturer, Victrex.
We have also sold Sumo Group, Cliningen and
Clipper Logistics as a result of takeovers
BAILLIE GIFFORD Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies Fund Quarterly Update 31 March 2022
Commentary                                                                                                             02

Before talking about portfolio activity over the period, we        While the direct exposure of the underlying holdings
wanted to acknowledge the deeply upsetting events              to Russia and Ukraine is de minimis, there’s no question
unfolding in Ukraine. From an economic perspective, the        that the past three months have seen severe disruption
portfolio is relatively insulated from the war, but from a     to markets at a global level. War has added pressure to
human perspective, we feel the impact acutely.                 already highly strained logistics and supply chains, while
A number of the businesses we hold have spent the period       the severe disruption in fossil fuel supply from Russia has
finding ways to aid staff and their families in the conflict   thrown energy markets into turmoil, fanning the flames
regions. Videogame publisher and developer tinyBuild           of inflation kindled over the past year. The long-term
has been working around the clock to support the staff in      impacts of this remain unfathomable, with second and
its Ukrainian and Russian studios, helping evacuate them       third-order effects likely to ripple down economies for
to safety and even setting up a new studio in Belgrade for     years to come. In the short term, however, the clearest
displaced workers. We are also happy to see a number of        impact on markets has been a retreat from risk assets as
holdings work to support the Ukrainians that have found        consumer confidence is shaken and central banks begin
shelter in the UK. Recruitment specialist Robert Walters       the process of tightening the money supply to rein in
is one of a group of high-profile UK businesses that have      inflation. If 2020 was the year of tech and online retail
gone out of their way to help refugees, both                   stocks, and 2021 the year of reopening and recovery in
by hiring a number of displaced Ukrainians into its            the wake of relaxing Covid-19 rules, then 2022 so far has
business and through representing others as a recruiter.       been a year of a more indiscriminate reduction of risk
In our small role as shareholders, we will continue to         appetite. The FTSE 250 is down almost 10 per cent in
encourage these businesses to do what they can to help         2022 so far, as is the Numis small cap index. The sell-off
the victims of war.                                            both at an index and portfolio level has been relatively
Commentary                                                                                                              03

sector agnostic, the only big winner over the quarter being   acquire all the customers you can while those dynamics
energy producers. Given the overweighting within the          hold. Right now, fear in the market seems to be obscuring
portfolio to areas of growth and disruption, and our          these types of opportunities so, where applicable, we’ve
minimal exposure to areas like energy and commodities,        added to Trustpilot and other similar holdings on
which we believe (as they say on the tin), are largely        weakness.
commoditised and cyclical, the portfolio has                      Other businesses have felt different impacts. Both
underperformed its benchmark over 2022 so far.                legal services business Knights and flexible office
    At this point, I would reiterate that we do not believe   software provider essensys have hurt short-term
that three months or even a year is a hugely meaningful       performance as both reported weaker than expected
period over which to measure an individual company’s          trading environments. This was driven largely by
performance. The ambitions of the portfolio holdings are      ongoing Covid-19 disruption and nervous businesses
significant and will take time to realise. Disruption         sentiment reducing activity in the wake of geopolitical
of incumbents and development of new technologies             mayhem. In an entirely different vein, livestock genetics
 and solutions to solve large problems are all multi-year     specialist Genus has had a difficult year so far in
challenges and hence we believe that a three-to-five-year     navigating volatile pig prices in its large Chinese market.
view will give a far clearer window on what the portfolio     In these cases, where businesses have felt a genuine
hopes to achieve, and I’m happy to note that at present       operational blow versus simply falling foul of market
we remain positive over these periods. While remaining        short-termism, we will be more nuanced in how we
entirely agnostic to the benchmark will, by definition,       approach the situation. The first step is to ensure a short-
lead to divergence from its results, we aim for that          term setback doesn’t hinder the businesses’ long-term
divergence to be positive over the longer term. That said,    opportunities. If this is the case (as in the examples above)
short-term periods of underperformance like those we’ve       then our default position is one of patience. We remain
seen over the past quarter and past 12 months are sadly       confident that your portfolio is a collection of the very
inevitable. While they will not cause us to panic and         best UK small cap businesses in our investment universe.
forget our core task, it is still worth taking the time to    If nothing fundamental is broken in our initial investment
look at where the worst impacts have been felt. This          hypothesis then we will support the companies and their
offers an opportunity to reflect on where market              management through the hard times no differently than
overreactions may offer buying opportunities or those         how we’d support them when times are easy.
occasions where our investment hypotheses may be more             Of course, sometimes upon reflection, there has been
structurally challenged.                                      a significant change to an investment hypothesis and
    The short-term pressures mentioned above have             action is required. The period saw us close positions in
resonated through the fund in several ways. The promise       Victrex, IP Group, and Mercia Technologies. Although
of rising interest rates has had a clear negative impact on   none of these was in a state of crisis, and indeed were not
‘long duration’ businesses, those investing all today’s       the worst victims of recent market selloffs, in each case
earnings to generate returns in the future, as investors      we felt that the fundamental investment case had changed
increasingly want their cash sooner rather than later.        to the point where we no longer had conviction in return
We’ve seen this manifest clearly within the portfolio.        outcomes. In the case of IP Group and Mercia, both of
Profitable growth businesses like Alpha FX or 4imprint,       which invest in private businesses, we felt changes in
have performed well over the period, while those still at     management structure and their underlying holdings
the early stages of investing heavily in their potential      weakened their long-term positioning, whereas in the
have suffered. A notable detractor here would be              case of Victrex we have gradually lost confidence in
Trustpilot, a leading platform for online reviews. The        its competitive moat and resultant pricing power in its
business released a promising growth update over the          market for high-performing plastics. We aim to hold a
period demonstrating strong traction in both old and new      small group of the most exceptional small UK businesses,
markets, however, alongside this it announced a               businesses with the potential to offer transformational
significant investment to continue driving this adoption.     outcomes for shareholders over many years. When we
This choice in this environment contributed to shares         believe that there has been a fundamental impairment
falling more than 50 per cent over the quarter. We believe    ether in the quality of a holding, or the likelihood of it
that there are strong unit economics developing in            achieving strong shareholder returns we will not hesitate
Trustpilot. Spend on customer acquisition today offers        to redeploy your investment elsewhere.
clear and attractive returns in years to come, hence the
logical thing to do to generate maximum value is to
Commentary                                                        04

    The period saw us participate in a capital raise for
videogame publisher Team17, supporting its purchase of
German simulation game specialist Astragon.
Videogaming is another space where despite Covid-19
receding, demand has held up remarkably well. In January
Team17 announced that 2021 growth had been above
expectation despite an exceptionally strong 2020.
Pandemic gamers are here to stay, and the owners and
publisher of the best IP find their content in high demand,
yet markets seem
to have missed the memo with Team17’s shares down
roughly 25 per cent over the period. For us, this feels like
an opportunity.
    Overall, we are happy that your portfolio remains
in a strong position. In these times of volatility and
geopolitical turmoil, we won’t pretend to know what
 is coming next. What we are confident in, however, is
that you own a collection of extremely versatile, resilient
businesses, all of which address large, unique
opportunities and all of which are empowered and able
to navigate whatever uncertainties lie ahead. Nowhere
better is this illustrated than in the challenges of inflation.
We strongly believe that trying to rotate in and out of
gold miners and energy companies as inflationary
pressures ebb and flow is not an area we, or many others
for that matter, are likely to add value consistently over
the long term. On the other hand, by owning high-quality
businesses delivering significant value for their
customers we believe that when facing inflation these
companies will be able to increase pricing where
necessary without ceding market share. Indeed, we’ve
seen this across the portfolio with businesses as diverse
as flooring producer Victoria, to sports nutrition
specialist Science in Sport raising prices to offset rising
supply costs. We believe this ability to navigate inflation
is indicative of the broader flexibility and strength that
your holdings have and continue to build upon. By giving
them time and space to develop we remain confident they
have the potential to deliver significant value to patient
shareholders over the longer term.

Disruption Week investment webinar series, June 21-24.
Details &

Performance                                                                                                                       05

Periodic Performance

                                                                                                  3 Years                    5 Years
                                                            3 Months                1 Year
                                                                                                     (p.a.)                     (p.a.)
Class B-Acc (%)                                                  -21.4               -18.9               6.4                      2.8
Index (%)*                                                        -9.7                -1.1               6.6                      4.7
Target (%)**                                                      -9.2                 0.9               8.8                      6.8
Sector Average (%)***                                            -12.8                -1.7           10.2                         8.4
Performance source: FE, StatPro, Numis, total return in sterling.
*Numis Smaller Companies Index (ex. Inv.Companies).
**Target refers to Target Benchmark: Numis Smaller Companies Index + 2%.
***IA UK Smaller Companies Sector.

Discrete Performance

                                                                 31/03/17-       31/03/18-   31/03/19-         31/03/20-   31/03/21-
                                                                  31/03/18        31/03/19    31/03/20          31/03/21    31/03/22
Class B-Acc (%)                                                            3.9        -8.4       -17.7             80.7        -18.9

Index (%)*                                                                 5.2        -1.2       -25.9             65.6          -1.1

Target (%)**                                                               7.3         0.7       -24.4             68.9           0.9

Sector Average (%)***                                                    14.9         -2.6       -17.9             65.7          -1.7
Performance source: FE, StatPro, Numis, total return in sterling.
*Numis Smaller Companies Index (ex. Inv.Companies).
**Target refers to Target Benchmark: Numis Smaller Companies Index + 2%.
***IA UK Smaller Companies Sector.

Stock Level Attribution
Top and Bottom Ten Contributors to Relative Performance

Quarter to 31 March 2022                                                One Year to 31 March 2022
Stock Name                                         Contribution (%)     Stock Name                                      Contribution (%)
Clipper Logistics                                                 0.5   YouGov                                                      1.8
Petropavlovsk*                                                    0.4   Alpha FX                                                    1.3
Liontrust Asset Management*                                       0.3   Cineworld Group*                                            0.6
4imprint                                                          0.3   Clipper Logistics                                           0.6
Moonpig Group Plc*                                                0.3   888 Holdings*                                               0.5
Baltic Classifieds Group*                                         0.3   Petropavlovsk*                                              0.5
Alpha FX                                                          0.2   Wetherspoon (JD)*                                           0.5
888 Holdings*                                                     0.2   Sumo Group                                                  0.5
RHI Magnesita*                                                    0.2   CMC Markets*                                                0.4
Hipgnosis Songs Fund                                              0.2   PureTech Health*                                            0.4
Dotdigital Group                                                 -1.6                                                  -3.0
Genus                                                            -1.2   AO World                                                    -1.7
essensys                                                         -1.2   Creo Medical                                                -1.5
Fevertree Drinks                                                 -0.9   Genus                                                       -1.5
Naked Wines                                                      -0.8   Dotdigital Group                                            -1.4
Team 17 Group                                                    -0.8   essensys                                                    -1.3
Kainos Group                                                     -0.8   Naked Wines                                                 -1.2
Knights Gp Hdgs                                                  -0.7   Watches of Switzerland                                      -1.0
Trustpilot Group                                                 -0.6   Team 17 Group                                               -1.0
Gear4music                                                       -0.6   Renishaw                                                    -1.0

Source: StatPro, Numis. Baillie Gifford British Smaller Companies Fund relative to Numis Smaller Companies Index (ex.
Inv.Companies). Some stocks may have been held part period.
*Stocks not held in the portfolio.
Portfolio Overview                                                                                                                  07

Top Ten Holdings
Stock Name                                    Description of Business                                                 % of Portfolio
YouGov                                        Online market research company                                                        6.1
Alpha FX                                      Corporate foreign exchange (FX) broker                                                4.1
Victoria                                      Designer, manufacturer and distributor of flooring products                           3.8
4imprint                                      Offers wide range of imprinted products                                               3.8
Burford Capital                               Finance provider for corporate litigation, arbitration and other disputes             3.3
Fevertree Drinks                              Producer of soft drinks and mixers                                                    2.8
Team 17 Digital Limited                       Video game developer                                                                  2.8
Kainos                                        Develops information technology solutions                                             2.7
Focusrite                                     Audio equipment manufacturer                                                          2.7
Keywords Studios                              IT consultant                                                                         2.7
Total                                                                                                                              34.8
Totals may not sum due to rounding.

                                                                 Industry Weights                                                  (%)
                        10                                       1    Industrials                                                  19.9
                9                     1
                                                                 2    Technology                                                   16.9
                                                                 3    Financials                                                   14.1
       7                                                         4    Health Care                                                  12.2
                                                                 5    Consumer Discretionary                                        8.2
   6                                                             6    Personal Care, Drug and Grocery Stores                        6.7
                                          2                      7    Media                                                         6.1
                                                                 8    Retailers                                                     5.0
        5                                                        9    Household Goods and Home Construction                         3.8
                                                                 10 Leisure Goods                                                   3.5
                    4          3                                 11 Travel and Leisure                                              1.3
                                                                 12 Real Estate                                                     0.5
                                                                 13 Cash                                                            1.7
                                                                 A negative cash position may sometimes occur due to obligations
                                                                 awaiting settlement.
Governance Summary                                                                                                     08

Do the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine pose a moment           We have some sympathy with the instinct to challenge
of reckoning for environmental, social and governance         ESG investors and what they stand for. It’s hard to
(ESG) investors? Can we continue to assert that ESG is        disagree with these rebuttals, although not entirely for the
a force for good or matters in the current environment?       reasons suggested by some commentators.
Amid the uncertainties playing out on the world stage,            As we see it, ESG is a process of change, constantly
ESG may seem little more than a high-level sorting            shifting – not a paint-by-numbers labelling exercise.
exercise, with its binary ‘good’ or ‘bad’ classifications.    As active, long-term investors, we understand there is no
    Defence companies, to date banished from ESG              such thing as a perfect company. Being overly prescriptive
portfolios with other so-called sin stocks such as tobacco,   from the outset about what good looks like – for example,
are suddenly rebadged as ESG investments. After all,          by placing too much emphasis on a set of pre-determined
what could be more ethical than the right of states to        metrics and scores or sectoral exclusions – ignores
defend themselves against tyranny? And, by extension,         critical context, complexity and nuance. This is where
with energy prices skyrocketing, it must surely be            many commentators have got it wrong.
justifiable to pump money into oil and gas, and possibly          It’s not how we go about ESG. The question we
coal, companies?                                              have always sought to answer through ESG is: ‘how
    But this creates a dilemma for many. If oil and gas,      does the company get better from this starting point?’
coal and weapons are now ESG-friendly, even ethical,          We believe that companies that are fundamentally
then perhaps it is time to admit that ESG investing has       misaligned with broader societal expectations and ignore
become redundant or meaningless. At least, so says a          their environmental impacts are unlikely to be successful
succession of opinion pieces in the media recently,           over the long run. Investing in companies, not sectors
calling upon the industry to clarify what purpose and         nor themes, we analyse each company on its merits. We
relevance ESG has.                                            ascertain both its positive and negative impacts (and while
                                                              we’re clarifying, creating jobs and contributing to a tax
                                                              base can be positive impacts).
Governance Summary                                            09

    We consider ongoing engagement with company
management as core to our investment activities and
integral to our long-term investment framework.
Sometimes, this engagement will involve reassuring
management of our support during challenging periods;
at other times, it entails pushing companies to ‘do and
be better.’
    What that entails rightly continues to change. Societal
norms and expectations do not stand still, and our
understanding of environmental issues, such as climate
change, has become more acute. Likewise, you would
expect the issues that we examine to determine the
investment case and raise with company boards and
management to adapt and grow with the times.
    ESG resists easy classification. But that doesn’t make
it meaningless. The consideration of ESG factors, by its
nature, is a process of change. Yes, it involves assessing
the current risks and opportunities, but the emphasis
should be on ascertaining where the opportunities for
improvement (and potentially transformation) lie.
    And what ‘better’ looks like will depend on your
starting point. If the starting point changes fundamentally
(as the Russian invasion of Ukraine may prove), then it is
both legitimate and necessary to re-examine the company
and its credentials. We can establish how the company
can improve and the pathways it will need to tread to get
    As investors that believe fundamentally in the
importance of due consideration of ESG matters and our
responsibility as stewards of our clients’ capital, we need
to grapple with this complexity. There are no easy answers
– no neat boxes to tick, no simple metrics to apply. There
is only detailed analysis and ongoing engagement, and a
healthy dose of humility.
Voting and Engagement Summary                                                                                             10

Voting Activity
Votes Cast in Favour                        Votes Cast Against                          Votes Abstained/Withheld
Companies                                 6 Companies                              None Companies                  None
Resolutions                             76 Resolutions                             None Resolutions                None

The paths to economic decarbonisation remain in place
National energy security will accelerate the adoption of non-fossil fuel sources
Supply chains are evolving from price and speed objectives to deliver ESG resilience

Company Engagement
Engagement Type                              Company
Corporate Governance                         Burford Capital Limited
AGM or EGM Proposals                         Genus plc
Executive Remuneration                       boohoo group plc
Transaction Notes                                                                                                         11

There were no new purchases during the period.

Complete Sales
Stock Name               Transaction Rationale
Clinigen                 We sold your holding in pharmaceutical business Clinigen ahead of its pending takeover by
                         European private equity fund Triton. The sale allowed us to redeploy the capital back into the
Clipper Logistics        In February Clipper Logistics announced it was recommending a takeover bid from a US
                         logistics peer which would see it delisted. Given the likelihood of the transaction taking place we
                         chose to close the position near the recommended sale price, allowing us to redeploy the
                         capital into the portfolio faster.
IP Group                 We sold the remainder of your small holding in IP Group. IP Group is a holding company which
                         seeks to commercialise a wide-range of early-stage technology. It has had mixed success over
                         the seven years that we have held it, but recently IPO'd one of its key holdings, Oxford
                         Nanopore for £3.4bn. We had always felt Oxford Nanopore was undervalued as a a private
                         company and was the main reason we retained our holding in IP Group who owned 14% of it,
                         representing half the IP Group portfolio. Now that Nanopore is publicly listed and far more high-
                         profile we feel our insight over the market has disappeared and that the fundamental investment
                         case for IP Group has changed for the worse. The retirement of both the long-standing CEO and
                         CIO was another key factor.
Mercia Technologies      We have sold your holding in venture capital firm Mercia Technologies. The business has
                         undergone several notable restructurings in recent years but we don't believe is has delivered
                         the track record since listing to justify this increased complexity. We've struggled to build
                         conviction around the company's competitive edge and have doubts over the likelihood of
                         successfully scaling operations going forward.
Sumo Group               We sold your position in Sumo Group ahead of its takeover by Chinese technology
                         conglomerate Tencent. This allowed us to redeploy capital into the fund sooner than had we
                         waited for the deal to formally close and reduced any risk of the deal falling apart given the
                         recent increase of tension in the Chinese tech sector.
Victrex                  Victrex manufactures PEEK thermo-plastic polymer. We have sold your holding because the
                         pace at which Victrex is penetrating its end markets remains disappointing. Whilst many
                         interesting potential applications remain, the lack of any demonstrable progress in capturing
                         those opportunities through its downstream strategy combined with the perennial threat of more
                         competition in its core materials business raise questions over its long-term growth outlook.
Legal Notices                                                                                                                              12

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