INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...

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INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between
     research and professional users in crop protection
         Emilio Gil1, Montserrat Gallart1, Paolo Balsari2, Alex Koutsouris3,
            Sebastien Codis4, David Nuyttens5, Spyros Fountas3
         1Universitat  Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Castelldefels (Barcelona) – Spain
       2DiSAFA, University of Turin (UNITO), Largo Paolo Braccini, 2, 10095 Grugliasco (TO), Italy
                         3Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) – Greece
                 4 Institut Francais de la Vigne et du Vin – Montpellier (France)
   5Flanders research institute for agriculture, fisheries and food (ILVO), Merelbeke – Belgium
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
The discomfort
  of Carlos                                 water      appropriate      to    the
                                           characteristics of the canopy". First
                                                                                     on the screen, he felt disheartened.
                                                                                     Pretty pictures of vineyards that
Carlos worried in the morning. The         problem - he thought -. What is           looked nothing like his, an
previous night he had received a           meant by adequate volume? How             indeterminate number of completely
notice from the Phytosanitary              can         I       calculate       it?   incompressible formulas for him and,
Warning Station that reported the          He put the container back in its place    worst of all: the document he had
risk of a serious attack of powdery        and headed back to his house. He          opened was written in English.
mildew       in    the    zone.    The     started the computer and typed in
recommendation was clear: he had           google: ”spray volume for vineyard        He selected the "back" option and
to spray immediately. So, he left the      spray application". After a long          returned to the list of entries. A few
coffee and went directly to the ship       waiting period - what a pity that the     lines down he saw another one that
where he had recently been updated         high speed internet does not reach        he found interesting. He waited
an adequate and safe space to store        the villages - appeared on the screen     patiently again for it to load and
all plant protection products. Initially   no less than 14,335 entries that          found a reference to a text of more
he had been a little sceptical, but        corresponded to what he had               than fifty pages, in French. Fed up
finally he had agreed to the               written. Buff! - he thought - and now     with feeling useless, he turned off
construction of that space following       where should I start? He ran through      the computer with anger and
the instructions of that TOPPS             the screen several of the initial         returned to the store. He took the
project. And now he was satisfied          entries, trying to avoid those that he    PPP and, while filling the tank of his
with the result.                           considered too commercial, and            sprayer, he measured three litres of
He searched the shelf where he kept        stopped at one that he found              product in a kitchen jug and added
the fungicides and found the one he        interesting. He clicked the left mouse    them to the tank. He knew from
was looking for. He read the               button and waited, waited ......          experience that with the nozzles he
information that appeared on the           "loading" appeared on the screen.         was carrying and at the normal
label of the product: "apply a dose of     When the content of the web page          speed he used to try, he will had
1 l / ha with a volume of                  he had selected finally appeared          enough liquid for more or less three
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...



Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
Some examples …

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
H2020 – SME 2
       Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and
       processing (SFS-08-2014)

Air Blast

 IoF – Internet of Farming –

     Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
Are we ready to use new

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
 "Farmers are getting older and a generational change
 is necessary. The agricultural sector needs to attract a
 new generation of farmers with the knowledge and
 training necessary to live and work in a novel and
 global context "

 "The CAP devotes considerable efforts to the
 exchange of knowledge and innovation [....] The
 European Parliament has stressed the importance of
 education and training of farmers, as a measure to
 guarantee their ability to work in a globalized and
 technified world"

Precision Agriculture and the future of farming in Europe. 2016. STOA IP/G/STOA/FWC-2013-1/Lot 7/SC5. disponible en:

            Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA - An H2020 European project to fill the gap between research and professional users in crop protection - An H2020 European project to ...
The main objective of INNOSETA is to set up an Innovative self-sustainable Thematic Network
on Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising to contribute in closing the gap between the
available novel high-end crop protection solutions either commercial or from applicable
research results with the everyday European agricultural practices by promoting effective
exchange of novel ideas and information between research, industry, extension and the
farming community so that existing research and commercial solutions can be widely
communicated, while capturing grassroots level needs and innovative ideas from the farming

    Accelerating INNOvative practices for Spray Equipment, Training and Advising
   in European agriculture through the mobilization of agricultural knowledge and
                                innovation systems

     Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Spraying, Equipment, Training and Advising (SETA) refers to the circle of tools that are required to
cover the PPP use for crop protection including Spraying Machinery and their components,
electronic technologies (software and hardware) applied in sprayers and spray application
techniques and Best Management Practices adapted to particular requirements.

      Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Project Coordinator

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Well balanced consortium
    Participant organisation name                      Acronym          Country        Organization type
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya                 UPC               Spain         Research
Universita degli Studi di Torino                     UNITO             Italy         Research
Agricultural University of Athens                    AUA               Greece        Research
Instituut voor landbouw- en visserijonderzoek        ILVO              Belgium       Research
Institute Francais de la Vigne et du Vin             IFV               France        Research
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas            CERTH             Greece        Research
Comite Europeen des groupements de                                                   Farm Machinery
                                                     CEMA              Belgium
constructeurs du Machinisme Agricole                                                 Manufacturers Association
                                                                                     Plant Protection Product
European Crop Protection Association                 ECPA              Belgium
                                                                                     Manufacturers Association
                                                                                     European Farmers and
COPA-COGECA                                          COPA-COGECA       Belgium
                                                                                     cooperatives association
Union de Pequenos Agricultores y Ganaderos           UPA               Spain         Farmers/Extension service
Confederazione Gererale dell’ Agricoltura Italiana   Confagricoltura   Italy         Farmers/Extension service
Zuidelijke Land- en TuinbouwOrganisatie Vereniging   ZLTO                            Farmers/extension service
Agricultural & Environmental Solutions               AGENSO            Greece        Extension/Advisory service
Visavi God Lantmannased AB                           VISAVI            Sweden        Extension/Advisory Service
Zachodniopomorski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego
                                                     ZODR              Poland        Extension/Advisory Service
w Barzkowicach

      Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
INNOSETA message to …
  Farmers: Novel SETA solutions can increase the profitability and
  sustainability of your farm while they help you comply with the demanding
  European environmental legislation.

  Extension Services: You are the local innovation brokers that will bring novel
  SETA solutions into practice.

  SETA industry: Now is the time to unlock the potential of novel SETA in
  European agriculture by addressing real needs of real farmers.

  Academia: If you want to have a positive and high impact on productivity
  and environmental sustainability of agriculture by results-oriented research
  you need to collaborate with industry and end-users (CO-CREATION)

  Consumers/ EU Citizens/ Environmental Advocacy Groups: providing
  solutions for safe food production while protecting our environment from
  the impacts of high input agricultural production.

  Potential Investors: There are big profits for those investing in novel SETA
  before they become mainstream.

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Expected impacts
  Impact 1. Successful development of the vast reservoir of existing scientific
  and practical knowledge on the chosen theme.
  Impact 2. Improve knowledge exchange between scientist and
  practitioners on agricultural and forestry practices

  Impact 3. The collection and provision of easily accessible practice-
  oriented knowledge on the thematic areas, so that the material remains
  available in the long term, beyond the project period.
  Impact 4. Greater user acceptance of collected solutions and more
  intensive dissemination to end-users
  Impact 5. Increased flow of practical information between geographical
  areas in Europe
  Impact 6. Support to implementation of the European Innovation
  Partnership (EIP)

  Unidad de Mecanización Agraria

 Unidad de Mecanización Agraria


          data base


Unidad de Mecanización Agraria

   Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
 Industry Solutions
  Training material
                   (Source: UNITO, 2019)

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Total collected SETAs by groups

   Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Training material by language

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Accepted industry products per country of manufacturer (n=188)

 Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
SETAs grouped in a system of categories, groups and subgroups

   CATEGORY             GROUP                SUBGROUP              CATEGORY               GROUP                     SUBGROUP
1) Components           Nozzles                                    4) Support
                                                                                         Guidance              Automated guidance
                 Nozzles Accessories                                systems
                        Valves                                                              DSS
                         Fans                                                                                Single/Multiple operation
                   Sprayer Booms                                                                                     monitoring
                  Cleaning Systems                                                                            Sprayer position via GPS
                   Filling Systems     Closed transfer systems                                               Nozzle activity monitoring
                                            Direct Injection                                                      Field operations
                                       Filling level monitoring                    Mapping/recording              (automated data
                                               Pre mixers                                                            collection)
  2) Sensors      Canopy Sensing                                                                                   Field mapping
                  Target detection         Weed detection                                                        (Drones/Satellite)
                                          Disease detection           5) PPE
 3) Integrated                                                    6) Innovative
                 Boom height control                                              Sprayers for field crops
    Systems                                                          sprayers
                   Control Units                                                   Sprayers for arboreal
                   Nozzle Control        Variable rate/PWM                                crops
                                       On/Off section or single                        Sprayers for
                                               nozzle                                  greenhouses
                                       GPS based nozzle control

                        Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
The discomfort of Carlos

                                     Volumen óptimo para
                                      tratamiento en viña

                                       Material En español
                                       Específico para viña
                                     Adecuado para mi zona
                                    Fácil de entender y aplicar

   Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
European effort on research and
                                       extensión …

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria




Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
Thank you very much
                            Prof. Emilio Gil

Unidad de Mecanización Agraria
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