ININfarmer - UTS Products GmbH
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Customer Magazine of Anaergia Technologies / UTS Products GmbH INfarmer IN UTS REFERENCE PROJECT Gordemitz SEPARATION “TO THE POWER OF 3” MSU-Project ALMOST EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE Cash payment, leasing, hire purchase, credit FARMERS’ BILLION Investment and Future Programme Issue 04/2021
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to take the opportunity of the publication of our new INfarmer magazine to introduce myself to you. My name is Michael Brinkmann and I am the new Managing Director of UTS Products GmbH. I am happy to be on board and look forward to tackling some new and exciting tasks together with my colleagues at UTS and the Anaergia Group. After completing my mechanical engineering studies, I have been able to gain extensive experi- ence in the agricultural sector in recent years, also internationally, at Westfalia Separator, GEA Farm Technologies and Big Dutchman. “May you live in interesting times” is an expression from the Far East that came true in a most unique way last year. I now fervently hope that we are up for some less eventful times! Politically, there is also a lot going on in the agricultural sector and we at UTS are preparing ourselves intensively in order to be able to provide you with com- prehensive support and advice on all kinds of subjects, including the German “farmers’ billion”. Repowering and enhancing the efficiency of biogas plants are also topics which we will continue to pay much attention to this year. The Coronavirus has led to an intensified discussion about the dangers of globalization and what we would be better off producing and stocking locally. But this should not be limited to just masks and medication. Medical supplies and care, food production, and energy supply go hand in hand here and that is something that we, as a society, should be aware of. In this context, biogas is and remains the renewable energy that can be most reliably controlled and produced on demand. In this edition of INfarmer, we are presenting the Gordemitz biomethane plant which has recently gone into operation and which is, in many respects, a flagship for our industry. Other subjects discussed include subsidy and financing options, our Sludge Screw Dewaterer (SSD), and the ad- vantages of a central pump station. And we will also take a look behind the scenes of our PSM 1200 development. I’m sure you will find a lot to interest you in this magazine. But if you have any comments on the topics discussed here, or if you have ideas for future INfarmer articles, please feel free to contact us. Finally, I look forward to meeting you in person - as soon as this is possible again - and to continuing our joint success story together with you and our colleagues at UTS. Best regards, Michael Brinkmann Managing Director of UTS Products GmbH Editorial – Michael Brinkmann | 03
CONTENT 03 | Editorial Michael Brinkmann 06 - 07 | SSD Sludge Screw Dewaterer 08 - 09 | Separation “to the power of 3” 10 - 11 | Sales & Service Herbert Eder 12 - 13 | Cash payment, leasing, hire purchase, credit 14 - 19 | UTS Reference Project Gordemitz 20 - 21 | Farmers’ billion program in Germany 22 - 25 | ZPS 4000 E central pump station 26 - 29 | PSM 1200 mixer 30 - 33 | ANAERGIA Project Escondido 34 - 35 | Website & YouTube LEGAL NOTICE Editorial staff: Photo credits: INfarmer Donato Cristaldi, UTS Products © Foto Design Herbert Stolz, Issue 04/2021 Jens Schönlau, sku:l communication UTS Products GmbH, Adobe Stock Publisher: Concept and realization: UTS Products GmbH Plan B Marketing You can subscribe for the INfarmer by mail or e-mail Oestinghausener Str. 12 Möhnestraße 55 for free. Reproduction, also in extracts, only with explicit 59510 Lippetal 59755 Arnsberg permission of the editorial staff. Phone: +49 2923 610 94 0 Phone: +49 2932 899722 Printed on 100% recycling paper. Content | 05
SSD SLUDGE SCREW DEWATERER WHEN THE NAME SAYS IT ALL! Sludge Screw Dewaterer may not structed, proven in practice, and de- be term that you want to use very signed for efficiency. often, however, the underlying technology comes in very handy In general, in order to optimize the if you have too much sludge. process a polymer is added to the sludge prior to separating it. The This can be municipal or industrial polymer-blended sludge, optionally sewage sludge as well as slurry or flocculated by a flocculation reactor, fermentation products produced in is fed into the Sludge Screw Dewa- agriculture. terer. General problem: sludge disposal The combination of the slowly run- is a challenge, both logistically and ning internal screw and the coun- economically. What should you do? ter-pressure device presses the slud- Separate that what does not belong ge against a screen (non-clog slotted together. Reduce weight and volume screen basket). The liquid compo- by separating and separate the so- nents, the filtrate, are separated and lids from the liquids. discharged to the filtrate tank. The solids, i.e. the dry sludge cake, are SSD 225 AND 400 ejected and can be transported to a storage location by conveyor belts. These are the solutions we offer. The working principle is simple, the This “problem material” can be used technical details behind it are cleverly or sold as fertilizer. devised, well designed, robustly con- 06 | SSD
THE ADVANTAGES OF THE SYSTEM? First of all, there is its very high capa- city. The SSD 225 and SSD 400 achie- ve considerable throughput rates of up to 20m3/h or 325kg of TSS/h or up to 60m3/h or 1160kg of TSS/h (TSS - To- tal Suspended Solids). And this in fully automatic continuous operation under economically optimi- zed conditions: energy consumption is low, availability is high thanks to the non-clog slotted screen baskets and integrated spraying device (rinsing without interrupting the separation operation), and the service life is parti- cularly long thanks to high-quality ma- terials (all parts that come into contact with the media are made of stainless steel) and the robust construction. In addition, flocculant consumption is very low due to dynamic inline mixing, and noise and odor development is mi- nimized. ANYTHING ELSE? In many applications, the solids con- tent must first be increased in order to achieve a volume reduction. This is where an SST Sludge Screw Thickener comes into play. For example, if you want to increase the sludge retention time in anaerobic digestion plants in order to increase biogas production, the SST is the optimal solution. Both systems offer a very high degree of application flexibility. Exchangeable slotted screen segments allow the se- paration efficiency to be adjusted for different media, whereas the dryness of the output materials and uniform solids output can be adjusted by me- ans of the pneumatic counter-pressure device. And last but not least: we can deliver your Sludge Screw Dewaterer system completely configured and assembled as a compact turnkey solution. SSD | 07
Hubertus Peitz and Thomas Braun SEPARATION “TO THE POWER OF 3” MSU-PROJECT AT THE BIOGAS PLANT OPERATOR HUBERTUS PEITZ UTS is well-known for the technically possible and economical- a mobile unit and then convince Mr high-quality separators it has ly justified, we always seek to satisfy Peitz with our proposal. been producing for several years. our customers’ wishes. LARGE COMBINED SEPARATION Whether it is a question of high se- This was also the case some three TO GO paration rates or the highest possible and a half years ago when entre- dry matter content in the solids (e.g. preneur and farmer Hubertus Peitz, The special requirement for this in order to use them as bedding for from the beautiful town of Schmal- plant was that it should be capab- animal houses), UTS offers long- lenberg in the Sauerland district of le of achieving high throughput and life separators in various sizes, for a Germany, contacted us. He wanted high separation rates, as well as wide range of applications through to offer the separation of liquid ma- producing high-quality bedding ma- its FSP-A and FSP-B series. Many of nure and fermentation residues as terial with a high dry matter content our readers will be familiar with the a service to customers throughout of >35% whenever required. So, it UTS MSU (Mobile Separation Unit) North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). should enable the right balance bet- with its complete pump and control ween “mass” and “class”. system. Since Mr Peitz was already a biogas plant operator and owner of a UTS The result is definitely worthwhile: But what if standard products do not separator, we did not need to con- A Mobile Separation Platform (MSU- meet a customer‘s requirements and vince him of the quality of the sepa- 3) consisting of three FSP-B 78/15 they have their own individual pre- rator itself. The only thing we had to combined separators suitable for ferences? Well, that‘s easy: if it is do was to come up with a plan for both bedding operation and regular 08 | UTS Mobile Separators
TO GO operation. These separators have materials from deep below (e.g. a The platform is driven to the custo- enabled Mr Peitz to either separa- slurry cellar). The system runs fully mer‘s farm on a truck, unloaded te high amounts of mass and vo- automatically, and so various sen- autonomously and then remains at lume per hour up to the maximum sors measure the filling levels, flow the customer‘s site until the desired pump capacity (approx. 100m³/h) rate and pressure and then send the amount of slurry has been separa- or, if required, to produce very dry data to a PLC with a touch screen. A ted. bedding material (litter) from cattle dynamically controlled rotary pump slurry with a throughput of approx. conveys the liquid phase through a Billing is fair and transparent: per 20-30m³/h. buffer tank to any destination the m³ of raw slurry. It can also be customer requires - even over long agreed in advance with Mr Peitz FULLY SELF-SUFFICIENT distances and into high containers. how dry the solids should eventu- ally be. The machine then arrives Of course, our flexible separators In addition, the unit features its at the customer‘s appropriately ad- alone were not enough: flexible own enclosed power unit and the justed. pump equipment with correspon- necessary conveyor belt technolo- ding control options also had to gy, e.g. to convey the solids direct- Mr Peitz is looking forward to be installed. Depending on the dry ly onto a trailer. Hoses and its own your call! matter content of the slurry or the pressure cleaner are also a stan- fermentation residues and the re- dard feature of the MSU-3. quirements on the dryness of the solids, the special eccentric screw TRY IT YOURSELF! pump is frequency converter-cont- rolled for flow rates of between 20 If you are located in NRW and and 100m³/h. would like to separate slurry or fermentation residues, you In addition to the good control pos- can contact Mr Peitz directly on sibilities of this pump, one of its +49 170/2025306. advantages is the ability to draw in UTS Mobile Separators | 9
HERBERT EDER WHATEVER HAPPENED TO GOOD SERVICE? Is good service hard to get in threatens to shut down the plant. We It takes specialists with skill, commit- Germany? Not as far as we are help wherever and whenever we can. ment and a practical eye and mind. concerned. Our technical service department is One such specialist is our Mr Herbert At Anaergia Technologies, we love also ready for you when it comes to Eder who has learned his trade from our work and our products and equip- new products or if your plant should the bottom up. As a young metal- ment. And not only in the good times. be extended or converted as part of a worker who had just completed his That‘s why we are always there for repowering project. apprenticeship, he started as a fit- our customers whenever they need ter at UTS and spent the next se- us. No matter whether this concerns SERVICE DOESN’T JUST FALL ven years setting up our systems in a simple question about our products, FROM THE SKY! Germany and all over the world. He maintenance that should be carried therefore knows every part and has out soon, or a technical defect that Service is brought about by people. held every screw in his own hands. 10 | Sales & Service
This helps him understand the com- STAYING INTERESTED This helps me to react quickly in plexities of how things can be linked practice and to develop good, practi- together. Herbert Eder is one of many Anaergia cal solutions.” Technologies / UTS colleagues who Since 2010, he has been using his do not like to stand still and so keep And the fact that he is very success- experience and solution-oriented developing themselves. In parallel ful at this is evidenced by the res- attitude to help our customers in to his daily work, he completed his pect he enjoys among customers and Bavaria and the rest of Germany. metalworking master‘s degree at an colleagues alike. It is certainly due in He turns customer requests or pro- early age and trained as an agricul- large part to him that our service cen- blems into proposals for solutions; tural assistant. ter is often referred to as the Custo- “can‘t do” won‘t do for him! That‘s mer Happiness Center. Who else can something that can‘t be taught. He says, “I want to understand things say that about themselves? and learn more about the details. Sales & Service | 11
ALMOST EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE CASH PAYMENT, LEASING, HIRE PURCHASE, CREDIT There is one common goal that Whenever there are plans for large investment subsidy via BAFA, hire underlies almost all investments projects, most people contact their purchase is also an option. In this in farms or biogas plants: redu- regular bank first. But for purcha- case, unlike with leasing, you beco- cing operating costs and making ses between €25,000 and €250,000, me the owner of the asset and you the operations as future-proof many farmers and biogas plant ope- capitalize it on your balance sheet as possible. rators are reluctant to “tap a new from the beginning. barrel” at their bank. At present, topics such as flexibi- In principle, Schacht Leasing finan- lization (CHP/gas storage), slurry So for exactly these cases, UTS, ces our separators (stationary and technology (separators, spreading in collaboration with our partner mobile) as well as our PSM mixer technology) or energy efficiency Schacht Leasing, offers various stra- equipment. Please have a look at (economical mixing equipment) play ightforward financing possibilities. the calculation examples on the a major role. Schacht Leasing has been active as right. In addition to the economic a financing partner in the biogas and advantages, the immediate techni- However, considering the general agricultural markets for twelve years cal advantages are also quite consi- maintenance requirements on farms and has already helped numerous derable. For example, better mixing and the many plant safety and emis- customers find the right financing to of the fermenter with the PSM mixer sion protection requirements that suit their needs. (example 1) or improved operational operators/farmers have to comply slurry and nutrient management by with, it will not come as a surprise Schacht Leasing is not only familiar separating the slurry or fermentati- that the necessary funds for import- with the products of our industry, but on residues (example 2) using our ant investments will not always be this financing partner also speaks separator. Interested? Our sales col- directly available. the language of our customers: leagues would be happy to give you “Having grown up on a farm, I some more detailed advice! Financing can be the right solution, naturally have a great affinity for especially if the planned investment agriculture. My partners and I help You can find more information about will help to reduce operating costs in you ensure that you can make your Schacht Leasing on the long term. investments in biogas and agricul- tural equipment quickly and cost- INVESTING WISELY effectively,” explains Bodo Schacht. Even if you have saved the financial Leasing, hire purchase or a traditi- reserves for such investments, this onal credit – in principle everything does not always mean that you actu- is possible, whatever our customers ally want to spend them. Tax reasons or their tax advisors prefer. We can or the desire for a good cash positi- quickly prepare a financing propo- on are often reasons to decide to fi- sal free of any obligation. If you are nance new equipment. Ideally, such interested, binding offers and finan- investments are cleverly chosen so cing details are discussed discreetly that the money saved by using the and directly between our customer new technology, e.g. a PSM mixer, and Schacht Leasing. covers the financing costs. THE BEST? WE‘VE KEPT THAT This means that the new purchase UNTIL THE END OF COURSE virtually pays for itself and the effec- tive monthly costs remain the same If you are interested in financing or even improve (see examples). one or more PSM mixers, and at the same time wish to take advantage THE RIGHT CONTACT FOR of the federal government‘s efficien- FINANCING QUESTIONS cy subsidy (module 295; for German customers only) with up to 40% 12 | Leasing
Object to be invested in 2 PSM mixers with DMC Investment costs (hardware only)* approx. €32,000 Annual electricity savings** approx. €15,700 Monthly electricity savings** approx. €1,308 Monthly hire purchase cost (60 months) approx. €592 Additional funds freed up every month approx. €716 * plus one-off costs for installation and electrical cabling, which are generally not financed by hire purchase ** Comparison of 2 PSMs to 2 high-speed TMRs with approx. 18kW and 20 min. of mixing time / hour CALCULATION EXAMPLE 1: PSM MIXER Object to be invested in Bedding Separator Investment costs (hardware only)* approx. €32,000 Annual savings on bedding for 200 cows** approx. €13,500 Monthly savings on bedding** approx. €1,125 Monthly separator operating & maintenance costs approx. €100 Monthly lease (60 months) approx. €550 Additional funds freed up every month ca. €475 * plus one-off costs for installation, pipeline construction and pumping technology ** at approx. 4.5m³/y per animal and costs of €15/m³ for conventional bedding CALCULATION EXAMPLE 2: BEDDING SEPARATOR Schacht Leasing Phone 04531 67 01 23 Meddelskamp 32 B Fax 04531 89 72 344 D-23843 Bad Oldesloe Mobile 01522 243 6000 Bodo Schacht Leasing | 13
The story behind this project is so unusual that it would make an exciting Hollywood screenplay. It‘s about rise and fall, a long spell of hardship, adversaries who beco- me allies, fighting for what is good and meaningful, and ... a happy ending. These are not exactly the words you would normally expect when describing a biomethane plant project! LET‘S START AT THE BEGINNING One step at a time. Let‘s start in 2010. Back then, when EEG 2009, the German Federal Re- newable Energy Sources Act, was in force, the biogas world was in full bloom and building biogas plants was still quite attractive. However, the in- troduction of EEG 2012 brought an end to this booming growth. Whe- reas some 4,400 new biogas plants were built from 2008 to 2012, this fell to just over 900 in the compara- ble period from 2012 to 2016. It was in this first period, between 2010 and 2013, that the plant near Gordemitz (10km north-east of Leip- zig) was designed, as one of the last of its size. At the time, the project was commissioned by the Münster based company, which was then one of the largest biogas plant operators in the market, while UTS Biogastechnik, as the company was known at the time, was awarded the job of designing and constructing the plant. PAINFUL Initially everything went according to plan, the ground-breaking ceremony was held in 2013, and it was planned that the project would be completed and the plant connected to the elec- tricity grid and the natural gas grid in 2015. The project was running smoothly and the building activities
UTS REFERENCE PROJECT were progressing nicely. But then, the world of natural gas in the far from the input of solids to the gas in 2014, with the construction acti- future: for example, whilst what output at the tank. But would this vities in full swing, there was some are known as green gases currently actually work out? terrible news:, the client account for less than one percent and investor, had gone bankrupt! of total natural gas consumption Well it did and it has actually led The work was stopped immediately today, this ratio will be reversed to a WIN-WIN-WIN situation for all and the unfinished project became within a few decades – with consi- the stakeholders. part of the insolvent estate. This derable effects on our business and was a very unpleasant situation for the entire energy sector.” Tobias Anzer, a sales engineer with everyone involved, including the Schmack said: “Naturally, I was a neighbors who could do nothing but So now back to the project: from bit sceptical at first. We planned a watch this promising project gradu- an abandoned ruin to a sign of hope first appointment where our ‘ter- ally fall into decline. in no time! ritories’ were staked out. Both si- des had to compromise and work The chances of a turnaround and A MINOR HURDLE together. But this actually resulted a fresh start were slim. But then in a good solution for the customer, suddenly, in 2018, two experienced As we mentioned earlier, the ori- which we are currently implemen- biogas entrepreneurs from the Ger- ginal project was planned by UTS ting. What I hear from our project man Westphalia district discovered Biogastechnik in 2010. The com- team is that they see the collabora- the project for themselves, bought pany was a direct competitor of tion as very good, professional and it, and energetically started to plan Schmack Biogas GmbH, a subsidi- based on trust. We will definitely its reactivation. Their initial plan ary of the Viessmann Group, which, continue this in future projects.” was to extend the existing permits, like UTS, built biogas plants to in- revise the concept, adapt the tech- dustrial standards. So actually, the Donato Cristaldi, Head of Sales & nology, and continue building the companies had been competing for Service at UTS, is also enthusi- project on the basis of the existing the same customers for many ye- astic about the cooperation with built structure. However, there was ars. Schmack: “Our team, consisting of yet another unexpected turn of Christian Friedl, Thomas Braun and events shortly before the project Now fate can be so cruel: when myself, and our colleagues from was to be restarted together with BALANCE restarted the project, a Schmack, from Mr Anzer to the ma- UTS. The Westphalian investors de- new consortium suddenly emerged. nagement including Mr Götz, all got cided to sell the project again. After a total of nine years in which along together right from the be- UTS had worked on this project ginning. It did not take long for us And, as a result, in late 2019, with varying levels of intensity, the to realise that the Schmack team the plant became the property of new owner BALANCE brought in the were also professionals who, des- BALANCE Erneuerbare Energien company now known as Schmack pite their great belief in their own GmbH. Biogas Service as an established technologies, were open to the UTS partner. Would it be everyone with technology approach that had al- BALANCE ERNEUERBARE each other, or against each other, ready been planned. ENERGIEN GMBH? that was the question. However, after a thorough introduction of all I think both parties were pleasantly Now we just need to take a short the parties involved, it soon beca- surprised by the honest and open detour in order to give you a better me clear that as far as the custo- interaction and by what the other view of the big picture. BALANCE mer BALANCE was concerned, and party could contribute to the pro- is a subsidiary of the VNG group given the tight time schedule and ject. It quickly became clear to of companies, which is active th- budget, the only option would be everyone that the project could roughout Europe, and has 20 sub- for UTS and Schmack to work to- be brought about more safely and sidiaries in the energy market with gether. quickly by working together than a focus on the gas industry. Based without the other party.” on its group strategy “VNG 2030+”, Schmack was to construct and VNG has been investing in the coordinate the entire plant as the So what started out as a forced energy transition and the future. general contractor and UTS would marriage has evolved into a true The group‘s website says: “Con- be responsible for fitting out and biogas romance. sequently, we are also focusing on constructing the raw biogas line, UTS Reference Project Gordemitz | 17
UTS REFERENCE PROJECT THE PROJECT at the substrate which is fermented any obstructions and with low ener- to biogas in the plant. The substrate gy consumption. If required, liquid In short, the goal is to build a bio- consists of renewable raw materials manure can also be supplied and in- methane plant which will enable such as corn and grass silage, as troduced via a preliminary pit. BALANCE GmbH to feed approx. well as approx. 10-15% of dry chi- 700Nm³/h of climate-neutral bio- cken manure from regional farms. 14 PSM MIXERS gas of natural gas quality into Some 45,000-50,000 metric tons the natural gas grid per hour. The of input materials are processed in The contents of the five digesters are “green gas” is stored in the grid, so the plant under full load per year, mixed by a total of 14 state-of-the- to speak, making it available for use resulting in approx. 700Nm³ of bio- art UTS PSM mixers with gearless all over Germany. methane being produced or fed into direct drive and intelligent DMC con- the grid per hour, enough to supply trol. These mixers not only provide To make this possible, a gas treat- approx. 3,000 to 4,000 households the necessary thrust and mixing, but ment plant from the Schwelm com- with energy. thanks to their power consumption pany brings the raw biogas from the of approx. 7 - 9kW, they are also one biogas plant to a methane content of 5 DIGESTERS of the most energy-efficient mixing approx. 97%. The biomethane can systems on the market. then be taken from the grid and used Overall, the plant consists of two wherever this makes sense. For ex- pre-digesters and three main diges- FURTHER HIGHLIGHTS ample, as a climate-neutral fuel for ters. In 2014, UTS Biogastechnik public transport (natural gas-fuelled provided the two pre-digesters with A total of 17 Service Boxes Pro enab- buses), as well as for “green” heat concrete ceilings in order to ensure le easy and safe access to the mixing and power generation in CHP plants intensive mixing, proper desulphu- equipment at any time and feature of hospitals, swimming pools, indus- risation, a stable gas pressure and integrated and frost-protected over- trial companies or in district heating low heat losses, while excluding any pressure/underpressure safety de- networks. weather influences. vices, as well as “clean” gas tapping points far above the substrate level. This makes the plant a further com- Two Havelberger solids feed-in sys- Pump structures with progressive ponent of the energy transition th- tems with capacities of 120m³ and cavity pumps and a UTS ZPS (cen- rough green gas for BALANCE and 150m³ and the conveyor technology tral pumping station) and numerous an example of how the future can be that is typical of UTS plants feed two pumping options in all directions en- shaped to achieve a WIN-WIN-WIN pre-digesters and two of three main sure sufficient operational flexibility. situation from both a climate and an digesters with solid substrate. environmental point of view. Two UTS FSP-B 78/15 separators en- Besides being very robust, the Ha- sure high solids separation of alrea- THE PLANT velberger scraper chain conveyors dy fermented material and enable with milling rollers and the installed the dry matter content to be regu- Well it’s large, as the performance conveyor technology offer the ad- lated by returning the filtrate to the data suggests, but compactly built. vantage that they can convey fib- digesters or, optionally, to the fer- But let‘s start from the beginning: rous material into the tanks without mentation product storage. 18 | UTS Reference Project Gordemitz
The entire set of equipment is desi- gned to achieve the efficient, trou- ble-free, economical, and above all safe operation of the plant through- out the fermentation process. ALL‘S WELL THAT ENDS WELL The Gordemitz plant became opera- tional by late 2020, and it will start to actively contribute to environ- mental and climate protection by end of January 2021. This has been a challenging project, which, given its rather uncommon start and pro- ject set-up, initially required a lot of good will. At the start of this article, we referred to a happy ending. UTS, Schmack, BALANCE, and Mr. Kellermann from greenValue managed to combine their competences and capacities to optimum effect. This made it possib- le that the project was completed “in time and according to budget” and at a consistently high technical le- vel. Donato Cristaldi, Head of Sales & Service at UTS said: “Achieving a goal sometimes takes stamina. I am very happy with how success- ful the project has been and how well we have been working together with Schmack. The Gordemitz plant means a lot for many colleagues who already worked for UTS when it was first planned, and we are proud and happy to see this plant finally go into operation, even if it is six years later than planned.” The plant will soon be connected to the mains in Gordemitz and it is a showcase project in many respects. Not only that, but in the end, there will only be winners: BALANCE as an operator, UTS & Schmack as contractor, local farmers, gas consumers and, last but not least, the climate. WIN-WIN-WIN. All that remains is for the heroes of the film to ride off into the sunset together... UTS Reference Project Gordemitz | 19
WHAT IS THIS “FARMERS’ BILLION”? INVESTMENT AND FUTURE PROGRAM IN GERMANY We reported on the new German deral government issued its promise many farmers have been making for Fertilizer Ordinance in the previ- of the “farmers’ billion”. A resoluti- years has been that they are not suf- ous issue of INfarmer under the on document published by the co- ficiently rewarded for their products. keyword “Separation”. alition committee stated: “In order to support farmers in the upcoming GET IT WHILE IT LASTS - This ordinance took effect on 1 Fe- transformation process, we will make THE FIRST MONEY HAS bruary 2020 and has been posing a total of EUR 1 billion available for ALREADY GONE considerable challenges for many agri-environmental programs and in- agricultural enterprises. In most vestments within four years.” In this A total of EUR 207 million in invest- cases, complying with these new context, CSU leader Markus Söder ment subsidies is planned for 2021. regulations is not just a matter of coined the term “Bauernmilliarde” or In total, the farmers’ billion consists good will and minor changes to farm “farmers’ billion” in English and pro- of the following pots and is to be dis- procedures. It requires extensive mised, “This is a clear sign of appre- tributed between 2021 and 2024: investments in new slurry storage ciation and support in difficult times. capacity, new application technology The money is intended to prevent » EUR 816 million for or separation systems. So far, far- hardship when implementing the Fer- investment measures mers have had to pay for those costs tilizer Ordinance and should help far- » EUR 140 million for themselves. mers to purchase new slurry plants, agri-environmental measures for example.” » EUR 24 million to promote PROTESTING HAS HAD EFFECT innovation The term “farmers’ billion” is certainly » EUR 20 million for digitization Since gentle coaxing did not help, something not everyone agrees with, many farmers decided to take to the and the form of the subsidy has also A further EUR 35 million is earmar- roads with their tractors to demand met with increasing criticism from ked for agri-environmental measu- and receive support to help them many farmers (and customers). They res with a focus on insect protection implement the Fertilizer Ordinance. allege that it is a) not open to ever- and a further EUR 8 million for digi- Their protest was partly successful yone and b) it does not solve the key tization measures. and at the end of January, the fe- issue, since the main complaint that 20 | Farmers’ billion
WHO IS ENTITLED TO SUBSIDIES? German agricultural companies and agricultural service providers such as contractors and machinery rings are entitled to submit applications for subsidies. Proposed subsi- dy rates are: » agricultural enterprises 40% » agricultural service providers 20% In general, investment amounts of EUR 10,000 or more are eligible for subsidies. The initial application is made online on the website of Rentenbank, after which it is hand- led by the applicant‘s principal bank. The applicant will have to cover 60 or 80% of the investment sum by means of regular bank credit. A pure “cash subsidy” is not possible. Three comparative quotations have to be submitted for investments of less than EUR 100,000 and they must be kept available in case of an audit. Applicants who fail to be able to present these three quotations, or who fail to opt for the lowest-cost offer, have to justify why they did so (for example, lower operating costs). Again, this justification must be kept in the company‘s records. It does not have to be submitted as part of the application. WHAT IS SUBSIDIZED? » the construction of covered slurry stores with capacity expansion enabling storage to be extended by two months » the procurement of equipment for high-precision application of fertilizers and plant protection products and for mechanical weed control » the procurement of mobile or stationary equipment for slurry separation So far, so good. Applying for the worm, or “first come, first served”. ces almost half a ton of corn and is subsidies has been possible since therefore most welcome as a fuel for Monday 11 January 2021 at 12 OUR SUGGESTION: biogas plants. Another advantage of noon. However, so many applica- SEPARATION separating is that it enables easier tions came in on that first day that slurry application – which is also Fer- Rentenbank‘s website was tempo- Although there is some time pressu- tilizer Ordinance-compliant - using rarily closed for any further invest- re, it is never a good idea to just go the required methods (drag hose, ment applications after a couple of ahead and buy something without drag shoe or channel method). Un- hours. careful thought. It is a better idea separated raw slurry clogs up drag to invest in products and technolo- hoses considerably more frequently. TO BE CONTINUED IN gies that you will need in any case In addition, the mandatory incorpo- MARCH 2021 and, above all, that will be value for ration of unseparated slurry into the money throughout their life cycle. soil requires greater effort and incurs If you are interested, please visit This means that high quality, low higher costs because it penetrates Rentenbank‘s website on a regular cost of wear, and low operating costs the soil less effectively. Separation basis. It features a wealth of care- should be the main criteria, and are results in about 30-40% of the phos- fully prepared information about the far more important than simply the phorus and about 20-25% of the application process and the general lowest price. nitrogen entering the press cake. procedure. The immediately available ammoni- From this point of view, and admit- um nitrogen remains predominantly According to the information availa- tedly also for our benefit, we advise in the liquid phase, on the farm. ble at the time of writing this artic- you to invest in your own separa- le, it looks as though another major tor. Optimize the separation of your We would be happy to advise you tranche from the “investments” pot nutrient-rich solids by optimizing on the subjects of the farmers’ bil- will be made available or brought for- your slurry management and im- lion and separation, and show you ward for applications in early March prove your nutrient balance. From which of our mobile or stationary 2021. And then again it will be a an energy point of view, one ton separators make sense for your case of the early bird catches the of separated cattle manure repla- company. Farmers’ billion | 21
The efficiency and yield of bio- does more than just pump. steel intake cage and cast iron pump gas plants can be optimized in body. It has a special geometry and many ways. One of its main advantages is that is reinforced with extremely re- this pump consistently and vigoro- sistant materials in those areas that Transporting and moving the fer- usly tears and cuts the substrates are subjected to the highest loads. mentation substrates in and bet- (including challenging constituents This means that, in practice, it is un- ween tanks plays a key role in this. such as lumps of manure, fibres, harmed by any but the very hardest It sounds simple: small pieces of wood and straw) be- foreign objects. fore pumping. A WIDIA-armoured The substrate is transferred from the auger pulls the substrate over a cut- When pumping animal manure or collection tank to the digester whe- ting edge and into the pump where substrates with solid manure frac- re biogas then occurs naturally, and the substrate is accelerated by a tions or from recycling plants, for- the process ends by filling the fer- steel impeller running at a speed eign objects encountered can ran- mentation residue store. This is cor- of 1500rpm and conveyed at high ge from animal house fragments to rect in theory, but in practice it isn‘t pressure. And that‘s not all. The belts, horseshoes, hoof blocks, parts always that straightforward. Since substrate is not only torn, cut and of harvesting equipment, sandbags, substrates are natural products from conveyed, but is mixed as well. This tyres, foils, cutlery, plastic parts, the field or from animal houses they gives the substrate a better, more glass, etc. Where a positive displa- have their natural variations. And homogeneous consistency, creating cement pump would be damaged by unfortunately, they do not behave in the basis for good fermentation and such foreign objects, the DRP 4000 accordance with specific rules or DIN a stable overall process. The more will only jam. Its good accessibility requirements. regular the pump passage, the bet- enables foreign objects to be remo- ter the homogeneity and the gas ved quickly, after which the pump FROM PRACTICE, production potential will be. And the and, as a result, the entire cent- FOR THE INDUSTRY easier it will be to process the subs- ral pump station will run smoothly trate after the fermentation process. again. Small particles foreign to the When developing the ZPS 4000 E, That means lighter pumping, better substrate, such as sand, stones, gra- our engineers rigorously took stock separation and, consequently, easier vel and glass, are carried along ea- of the challenges that a central and more even slurry application sily and safely because of the high pump station would face in practice. using drag shoe and hose distributi- flow speed. And they considered what else would on methods. be required of the pump station to All in all, thanks to its cleverly de- make the overall process proceed as HOW ABOUT FOREIGN vised, robust design, the DRP offers efficiently as possible. OBJECTS? a significantly longer service life and significantly less wear than a positi- As they found that the pump, the In practice, foreign objects are a ve displacement pump. Furthermo- heart of the central pump station, pump‘s Achilles‘ heel and often spell re, worn parts can be replaced qui- was the key feature, our engineers the death of a conventional pump. te easily and, in most cases, by the decided to go for a Pressure Chopper To protect the DRP 4000 from for- operators themselves. This pays off Mixing Pump (DRP 4000) construc- eign objects, it has been equipped and the investment costs can be re- tion, which, as the name suggests, with a welded steel impeller with a couped relatively fast. ZPS | 23
HIGH CONVEYING SPEED Once the central pump station has been installed, all substrate streams in the biogas plant will pass through this station. Installed centrally in a pump building, its four feed lines can serve up to four tanks. Pneumatic valves enable easy selection or ad- justing of the pumping paths. Besides substrate optimization and its robustness, another key advan- tage of the system is its enormous capacity. The pumping capacity of up to 350m3/h enables large subst- rate volumes to be circulated quickly and easily within the system. And its high delivery capacity supports the quick filling of tankers and thus quick and easy fermentation sub- strate application. By comparison, the delivery capa- city of conventional positive displa- cement, worm, rotary piston and piston pumps does not exceed 40- 100m3/h as a rule. IMPROVED BIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS The primary purpose of the system is to consistently optimize and sim- plify the fermentation process. Fast circulation of large quantities provi- des flexible options for controlling the fermentation process in a targeted manner and for reacting to several different situations. The central pump station enables re- circulation according to the first in, first out principle in order to lower the load in the digester and improve the stability of the secondary diges- ter. And, thanks to its high production capacity, there will be no temporary bottlenecks when balancing volumes. This is because the same quantity that the digester (with higher dry matter content) pumps into the se- condary digester can be pumped back (with lower dry matter content) virtually simultaneously.
Another option for stabilizing the LOW MAINTENANCE COSTS OPTIONS THAT PAY biological conditions in the digester THROUGHOUT FOR THEMSELVES without reducing the dwell time is to rapidly circulate large volumes from The central pump station is designed Several options are available to add the bottom to the top. This is parti- and constructed such that all com- to the standard configuration. For cularly advantageous if the substra- ponents that are subjected to heavy instance, additional frequency con- te tends to segregate. In this case, loads are constructed robustly and verters enable variable adjustment the digester acts as a separator in all delicate components, such as the of the volume conveyed, from 40 to which the more liquid substrate sett- drive shaft and motor, are optimal- 350m3/h, to match the requirements les at the bottom and the fibre-rich ly protected and therefore virtually of mixing systems, separators, ex- material accumulates at the top. The maintenance-free. For example, the ternal heating systems, sanitation more markedly the substrate segre- shaft features multiple bearings, and recirculation. Another advanta- gates, the more difficult it will be to runs in an oil bath and is protected ge: power consumption is minimized get it moving and pump it to the se- against dry running by a mechani- and energy efficiency is increased. condary digester later. To counteract cal shaft seal with an oil reservoir. this, the central pump station pumps The motor is positioned outside the If substrates with high dry substan- large quantities of the more liquid robust stainless steel pump housing, ce content or gas-laden substrates substrate into the digester at the top so as to prevent any contact with are mainly used, the central pump in a short time, where it is mixed in the substrate. Overall, the design of station can be additionally fitted again by the mixers. An additional the central pump station offers very with automatic pump control and a effect is temperature equalization good accessibility, simplifying main- venting device. The pump capacity between the cooler substrate at the tenance work on all components and automatically adapts to the medium bottom and the warmer substrate at making it easier to remove foreign and the gas is discharged in a cont- the top. objects in practice. rolled manner. THE ZPS 4000 E AT A GLANCE · Dry installed central pump station for multifunctional conveying tasks · Four pipelines for four system tanks · Robust and powerful DRP 4000 Pressure Chopper Mixing Pump · Fast circulation of large volumes of substrate · Optimization of substrate and biology · Long service life, low wear · Delivery of up to 350m3/h · Power rating from 11 to 30kW ZPS | 25
NEWS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT PSM 1200 MIXER FULL SPEED AHEAD Yes, you’ve read it correctly: Basically, you can compare it to the The market is changing and we’re PSM 1200 - not PSM 940 or PSM development of a ship or aircraft seeing more and more high-per- 1500. Our designers are develo- propeller. What is the ideal design formance biogas plants with a high ping a new mixer blade. Why? for a propeller or mixer blade that organic load rate. Although the ope- will generate the perfect feed rate? ration and efficiency of our systems Well, first and foremost, becau- are unrivalled, an intermediate so- se we’re always trying to make A fully loaded container ship requi- lution is needed for a special com- good things even better. And res an enormous propeller, whereas bination of system and substrate: adding a medium-sized solution a light aircraft only needs a small a mixer blade with a diameter of will fill a gap in our range. prop. It‘s all about size, hydraulic 1200mm. design, thrust and circulation capa- BACKGROUND city. In short, the perfect mixer bla- DRY MATTER CONTENT OF de with the best drive available. 8 TO 12% This is actually all about fluid me- chanics, but that’s a subject we But don‘t the PSM 940 and PSM 1500 This dry matter content is quite don’t want to go into here. already offer that? Well, yes and no. challenging and calls for some power 26 | PSM 1200
mixing. Our RF1500 (mixer blade 1500) is definitely not cut out for that. It was designed as a flow- maker for systems with low-viscosity substrates. It does not achieve the desired mixing performance in high- viscosity media. And how about the RF940? This bla- de can handle dry matter content of up to 12%. However, if it had a lar- ger blade it would be able to utilize the reserve power of our gearless permanent magnet synchronous motor (PSM) even more efficiently. Combined with our intelligent DMC control system, that would give us further possibilities in terms of mi- xing performance and efficiency. With a theoretical power consump- tion of 11.2kW, the RF1200 can ge- nerate torque of up to 800Nm at the mixer shaft at speeds of around 120rpm. These are impressive valu- es and figures, but unfortunately the RF940 cannot fully achieve them in practice. Consequently, the system with the RF940 generally doesn’t manage to draw significantly more than 9kW of motor power, although this would be an advantage under particularly challenging conditions, especially with pseudoplastic substrate beha- viour. TOO SMALL? TOO BIG? So we needed a solution which would fill the gap between the RF940 and the RF1500. We took measurements in plants, studied real-life conditions and visited plants that worked with dry matter content of between 8 and 12% and eventually we decided to develop a new mixer blade. We ran elaborate CFD simulations to simula- te the mixing behaviour of the blade and fine-tuned it on the basis on the results of these simulations. This led to the development of the RF1200, whose shape is similar to that of the existing models, but which, upon closer scrutiny, can be seen to have its very own wing geo- metry and wing characteristics. PSM 1200 | 27
COMING SOON PSM 1200 MIXER IN THEORY? power into the digester when required sure that we will get it to that stage, and, generally speaking, we can run which means that you can count In theory, yes. That‘s how enginee- at lower speeds than is the case with on our PSM 1200 appearing in the ring works. Doing development work the RF940. Which of our three mixer future. inside an actual digester is simply blades is best suited to each speci- not possible. But since we are practi- fic application is something that will WHO MIGHT CONSIDER USING cal people at heart, we have been have to be considered on a case by THE PSM 1200? observing, verifying and testing on case basis. and in plants. First of all, it depends on your bio- TRIALS UNTIL MID-2021 gas plant and the substrates used. This has resulted in a prototype that If your digester processes substra- matches our ideas and calculations Have we aroused your enthusiasm? tes with dry matter content of over and we are now field testing it with Well, don‘t get your hopes up too 8% and pseudoplastic behaviour, it some customers who use the sub- high yet. will probably perform very well with strates in question. Of course, a lot a PSM 1200. of measuring is involved and so far We won’t be marketing the new this has confirmed our calculations RF1200 mixer blade until we have Of course, combining both wing sizes and simulations. carried out all the tests under all might also be an ideal solution. This applicable conditions. We insist on is especially true if you have so far The power that the mid-size blade that. relied on high-speed units with small draws in the field tests using sub- blades or hydraulic mixers, which strates with dry matter content of We will need time to further opti- are significantly less energy effi- between 8 and 12% is noticeably mize the product after receiving feed- cient. Any of our three PSM versions higher than the 8kW drawn by the back and test data and then bring can save you up to 50% in energy RF940. This means that we get more it to market maturity. We are quite consumption, and sometimes even 28 | PSM 1200
STRÖMUNGSGESCHWINDIGKEIT more. That‘s thousands of euros a year which can definitely be put to better use. We will be happy to talk to you in person and discuss the best possib- le way of changing over and how to make the system part of your repo- wering. In so doing, you may also be able to secure additional subsi- dies from the German BMWi scheme (Energy Efficiency and Process Heat from Renewable Energies in the Eco- nomy (295)), which might entitle you, if you are based in Germany, to a subsidy of up to 40% of the con- version costs. PSM 1200 | 29
ANAERGIA PROJECT ANAERGIA RESOURCE RECOVERY CENTER PROJECT, ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA HOW TO SAVE 7,800 TONS OF CO2 AND A LOT OF MONEY EVERY YEAR Escondido in California‘s San Diego County is a green city with lush parks and green areas surrounded by nature re- serves and wineries in a beautiful hilly landscape. The city is located in the hinterland 30 miles north of San Diego. Its original name in Spanish means “hidden”, but this has long ago ceased to be the case for this prospering city. Thous- ands of tourists come to Escondido every year just to visit its 1,800-acre San Diego Zoo Safari Park. To ensure that the city continues to be so attractive, the mission of every employee of the City of Escondido is to provide a community that is safe, clean and efficiently run. The project described here shows that this mission is being actively supported and implemented.
ANAERGIA Project | 31
ANAERGIA PROJECT AVERAGING 13 MILLION GALLONS OF WASTEWATER EVERY DAY Some 13 million gallons of wastewa- ter are produced in Escondido and its neighboring town of Rancho Bernar- do every day. This flow is treated at the Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF). This highly modern plant works extremely efficiently, which is why it has already won two “Plant of the Year” awards from the California Water Pollution Control Association and the California Water Environmental Association. In this context, its operator, the City of Es- condido, has decided to further in- crease the plant’s efficiency through a cooperation project with Anaergia. The biological treatment processes at HARRF produce enormous quanti- ties of sewage sludge and thus a cor- responding quantity of digester ga- ses. Up to now, these sewage gases have been flared off to prevent ha- ving to release of raw sewage gases into the environment. There is a ma- 32 | Service
jor disadvantage to this method: the meets 75% of the plant‘s energy 20 years at a fixed price and thus CO2 that is generated when burning requirements in terms of electricity to operate the HARRF. No costs are the gases harms the environment, and 100% in terms of heat. involved in the use of the thermal and the high-energy content of the energy. Anaergia benefits from long- energy source digester gases (con- ECONOMICALLY AND term investment security and Es- sisting of 40% carbon dioxide and ECOLOGICALLY SOUND condido benefits from permanently 60% methane) remains unused. stable electricity prices. The project The City of Escondido reaps sever- was also supported by the Self-Ge- BIOGAS AND COGENERATION al benefits from the operation of the neration Incentive Program (SGIP) new biogas plant. First of all, 7,800 of the California Public Utilities Com- To make use of the energy content tons of CO2 are saved annually, cor- mission (CPUC). The focus of the of the digester gases, Anaergia has responding to the emissions from CPUC‘s work is on promoting the developed a plant concept that com- approx. 1,500 cars. This is a valuab- expansion of a decentralized energy bines gas conditioning with a coge- le contribution to important environ- supply. Overall, the project has crea- neration unit. The biogas obtained mental and climate protection. In ted a WIN-WIN-WIN situation for the from the digester is processed th- addition, the city will save around city, Anaergia and the environment. rough the gas conditioning process USD 10 million in energy costs (elec- then used to fuel two generators tricity and gas) over the next 20 ye- This is a true flagship project that with outputs of 400 and 800kW. Ba- ars, funds the city can use for other shows what is possible and how sed on the principle of cogeneration, projects. technical means can be used to in- i.e. combined heat and power gene- telligently and meaningfully reconcile ration, the generators generate both As part of the cooperation project, ecology and economy. We would like electricity and thermal energy to an Escondido and Anaergia agreed that to take this opportunity to thank the extent that meets almost the entire Anaergia would design, build, finan- people responsible for the project – energy requirement of the HARRF. ce and operate the plant. In return, the City of Escondido and the HARRF. The 300SCFM of biogas produced Escondido has entered into a Power are used to generate 1.2MW of elec- Purchase Agreement (PPA) requiring Thank you. Mission accomplished. trical energy and 2.43MMBTu/h of the city to purchase the electricity thermal energy in the plant. This generated by the plant for the next ANAERGIA Project | 33
INTERNET PRESENCE AND YOUTUBE CHANNEL ALL FRESH, ALL NEW If you go to our website now, you will see it looks live by. If you would like to know more about our shared quite different from what you are used to. There’s mission, vision and philosophy, click on “About us” on a good reason for making these changes. As you the website. If you haven‘t already done so, please go know, UTS Products has long been part of Anaer- and browse our new website at leisure, click through the gia Group, a global technology and resource re- menus and see what you think of our website. And while covery leader headquartered in Canada. The UTS you‘re at it, you might also want to take a look at our sister companies, db technologies and Anaergia Service and News sections. OREX Manufacturing are also part of this group. The three European companies share a compara- YOUTUBE TOO ble focus and offer technically sophisticated solu- tions for the municipal, industrial and agricultural Some things are more easily explained visually than in sectors. words. That is why we have launched a new YouTube channel where we will regularly present new videos What has long belonged together has now finally come showing our technologies, products, applications and together on the internet. We have joined forces and services in action. combined our pumping, mixing, separation, screening & sorting and size reduction products into one product An example? The first video we have uploaded onto our portfolio under one name on one website: YouTube channel shows a conventional hydraulic mixer being replaced by our PSM mixer. But that‘s not all. You will also find out why the plant operator decided to go for EVERYTHING AT A GLANCE this replacement and the benefits this will have for him. The advantage of doing so is that the valuable synergies So: we won’t show you any loud and colorful adverti- of three strong companies and brands are now visible sing videos, but we will give you practical examples of and perceptible on one page. For instance, if you click applications, demonstrate their benefits and give you a on Separation, you will see our entire range of systems, better understanding of our products and technology. The from our small mobile separator to a large, permanently next few videos, about the ZPS central pump station for installed system with throughput of up to 30t/h. example, have already been uploaded. The shooting schedule for this year is quite promising. For example, Every product is accompanied by a detailed technical we will go into the topic of separation in detail on film. explanation and a demonstration of its application, and We‘ll keep you up to date on lots of interesting and you can see which advantages it offers for you. You can exciting developments. download brochures for all products, with summaries of their key features. Our website also shows you the mar- kets where we are jointly active: biogas, agriculture, in- dustry, resource recovery. THREE BRANDS, ONE VISION UTS Products, db technologies and Anaergia OREX Manufacturing not only operate in similar markets and support each other with complementary products, however. Our three brands have been combined into one value context under the umbrella brand Anaergia Technologies and embody Anaergia Group’s mission, vision and values: “We continuously improve ourselves and the world. We work as a team to succeed. We de- liver on our promises to our customers and each other. We use our resources effectively.” These are values that we at UTS have long been committed to and that we Website & YouTube | 35
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