Page created by Sharon Robinson
                                                                                                 Building Queensland is a statutory body
                                                                                                 providing independent, expert advice on major
ISBN: 978-0-6484591-2-5
                                                                                                 infrastructure. Established under the Building
                                                                                                 Queensland Act 2015, Building Queensland’s
Online                                                                                           vision is to enhance infrastructure outcomes
ISBN: 978-0-6484591-3-2                                                                          for Queensland.
INFRASTRUCTURE PIPELINE REPORT AUGUST 2019                                                       Working closely with Queensland Government
©Building Queensland, AUGUST 2019                                                                agencies, including departments, government-
                                                                                                 owned corporations and statutory authorities,
                                                                                                 Building Queensland leads the development
Building Queensland makes no representations or warranties as to the
contents or accuracy of the information contained in this publication.
                                                                                                 of detailed business cases for projects with an
                                                                                                 estimated capital cost of $100 million or more and
The material contained in this publication has been prepared only for                            assists with those between $50-$100 million. This
the purpose of section 15 of the Building Queensland Act 2015. Some                              threshold is higher for road transport projects
of the information contained in this publication has been provided to                            that do not incorporate a toll road, with Building
Building Queensland by third parties and readers should not assume                               Queensland leading detailed business cases for
that Building Queensland has verified the accuracy and completeness                              projects over $500 million. Where a toll road is
of the information. It is not the purpose of this publication that it be
                                                                                                 included, Building Queensland’s $100 million
used by any person as a source of verified information.
                                                                                                 threshold applies. Working across all asset classes
This publication reflects information as at the time of release. None                            Building Queensland also provides advice in the
of the information in this publication should be relied upon unless                              early stages of proposal development.
and until those seeking to rely on it have independently verified the
                                                                                                 All infrastructure proposals led by Building
accuracy and completeness of it.
                                                                                                 Queensland are developed under our Business
                           Creative Commons Licence                                              Case Development Framework. The framework
                           This work is licensed under a Creative                                supports a consistent and rigorous approach to
                           Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0                                       proposal development.
International Licence. You are free to copy, communicate and adapt
this material as long as you attribute the work to Building Queensland.                          To assist the Queensland Government in
To view a copy of this licence, visit                                determining the projects that will best address
licences/by/4.0                                                                                  the state’s infrastructure priorities, Building
                                                                                                 Queensland develops the Infrastructure Pipeline
                                                                                                 Report. Our Infrastructure Pipeline Report
                                                                                                 provides transparency of key government
                                                                                                 proposals under development.

Cover (left to right): Inner City South State Secondary College, Cairns Convention Centre, Princess Alexandra Hospital, school sports court,
Somerset Dam and newly completed state school building (images courtesy of Department of Education, Queensland Health and Seqwater).
                   FOREWORD . ..................................................................................................................1



                              INFRASTRUCTURE PIPELINE REPORT............................................................5

                   PART 1: UNFUNDED PROPOSALS — INFRASTRUCTURE PIPELINE...........................7

                              SUMMARY OF PRIORITY PROPOSALS................................................................8

                              INFRASTRUCTURE PIPELINE OF PRIORITY PROPOSALS..............................9

                              WHAT’S CHANGED.........................................................................................10

                              PROPOSAL SUMMARIES..................................................................................13

                              BEYOND THE PIPELINE..................................................................................32

                   PART 2: FUNDED PROPOSALS — DETAILED BUSINESS CASES...............................35

Centenary Bridge
                                            The Queensland Government, with the support of Building         business cases for new greenfield developments for
Significant progress has been made in the
                                            Queensland, has been busy unpacking service needs               Toowoomba Hospital and Bundaberg Hospital.
development of Queensland infrastructure    across the state and identifying opportunities for economic
                                                                                                            Building Queensland is also leading the development of
proposals since our December 2018 report.   growth. This analysis has led to the identification of
                                                                                                            detailed business cases for our critical water supply assets
                                            new proposals in the pipeline. The introduction of these
                                            proposals has resulted in a greater balance of economic         to ensure they continue to function safely during extreme
Over 70 per cent of proposals                                                                               weather events. Engineering standards have changed since
                                            and social infrastructure—both of which are necessary for
have progressed to further stages           developing the Queensland economy and enhancing the             many of our dams were built and the detailed business
                                                                                                            cases for Somerset Dam and Paradise Dam will investigate
of development.                             quality of life for all Queenslanders.
                                                                                                            solutions to meet the latest guidelines on acceptable
                                            Queensland’s growing and ageing population, coupled with        flood capacity.
                                            ageing infrastructure assets and increased risks of extreme
                                            weather are just some of the challenges being addressed         With the recent amendments to the Building Queensland
                                            by the proposals in this report. Some of the proposals          Act 2015, our Infrastructure Pipeline Report will now
                                            are in the early stages of development, while others are        transition to an annual cycle. Building Queensland will
                                            well progressed building on the comprehensive planning          continue to provide transparency of the state’s major
                                            undertaken by agencies.                                         infrastructure proposals through our website and we
                                                                                                            remain firmly focused on achieving our goal of enhancing
                                            Recognising the need to meet the demands of a larger            infrastructure outcomes for the state.
                                            population, various education and health proposals are in
                                            the pipeline. In addition to investigating various hospital
                                            expansions, Building Queensland is developing detailed

                                                                                                                 Damian Gould
                                                 Alan Millhouse                                                  Chief Executive Officer,
                                                 Chair, Building Queensland                                      Building Queensland

                                                                                              Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019              »1

Building Queensland oversees the planning               The breadth of our involvement in developing the state’s
                                                        infrastructure proposals is captured in this report. Building
for all major infrastructure proposals in               Queensland has either led or assisted with the development      » BEYOND THE PIPELINE
Queensland. From the early stages of                    of many of these proposals. Proposals where Building
                                                        Queensland has not been involved have been identified
proposal development right through to the               through engagement with agencies and assessed for
                                                                                                                          This Infrastructure Pipeline Report tracks
development of detailed business cases,                 inclusion in this report.                                         proposals that have progressed out of
Building Queensland works closely with                  The Infrastructure Pipeline Report has moved to an annual         the infrastructure pipeline. See page 34
agencies to help government determine                   cycle to align with the Queensland Budget. This will              for the status of these projects after
                                                        ensure budget priorities and developments are captured.
infrastructure priorities.                              This change in frequency has been implemented under               government consideration.
                                                        amendments to the Building Queensland Act 2015 which
Ultimately, Building Queensland’s analysis              also include a change in responsibilities for business case
                                                        development. Building Queensland leads the development
and advice inform the government’s final                of detailed business cases for infrastructure projects with

investment decisions for Queensland’s                   an estimated capital cost of $100 million or more. This
major infrastructure projects.                          threshold is now higher for road transport projects that do
                                                        not incorporate a toll road with Building Queensland leading
                                                        those with a minimum capital cost of $500 million. Where
                                                        a toll road is included, Building Queensland’s $100 million
                                                        threshold applies. Building Queensland is also required to
                                                        assist agencies in developing detailed business cases for
                                                        infrastructure projects over $50 million.

»2     Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Influences                                     Agencies identify service needs and opportunities, and
                                               engage Building Queensland to assess and develop
                                               infrastructure proposals. Building Queensland works
                                                                                                                        QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT
The Queensland Government develops the         collaboratively to develop effective solutions—these are                INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECTIVES
                                               not always new build infrastructure solutions. Building
state’s infrastructure strategy. The State     Queensland also considers opportunities to improve service
Infrastructure Plan sets the framework         performance through reform, better use and improvement to
                                               existing infrastructure. Building Queensland helps ensure the
for planning and prioritising projects in      vision for infrastructure is maintained through the planning
                                                                                                                                      improving prosperity
Queensland. It influences corridor plans,      and development of projects.
                                                                                                                                      and liveability
state strategic infrastructure documents       Building Queensland provides information to the Department
such as strategic assessments for transport,   of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and
                                               Planning on the proposals in this report. These are captured
and regional plans—all of which help           in Part B of the State Infrastructure Plan, along with all other                       leading and supporting
identify service needs and opportunities.      infrastructure projects the government is developing across
                                                                                                                                      growth and productivity
                                               the state (see diagram Relationship to the State Infrastructure
                                               Plan on page 4).

                                               Projects considered nationally significant are typically
                                               reflected in Infrastructure Australia’s Infrastructure Priority                        connecting our communities
                                               List. Our Infrastructure Pipeline Report is providing early                            and markets
                                               visibility of Queensland projects entering the national
                                               priority list as evidenced by the M1 Pacific Motorway—
                                               Varsity Lakes to Tugun and Eight Mile Plains to Daisy Hill
                                               and Gold Coast Rail Line Capacity Improvement—Kuraby to
                                               Beenleigh projects.                                                                    improving sustainability
                                                                                                                                      and resilience

                                                                                                     Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019   »3
                         The State Infrastructure Plan provides a framework for planning and                                                                   Part B of the State Infrastructure Plan
                         prioritising infrastructure investment and delivery. It sets out the state’s                                                          details the infrastructure investment
                         strategic direction for infrastructure by identifying what government                                                                 strategy and delivery program for the
                         ultimately wants from infrastructure.                                                                                                 next four years.

QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT                                                                                                                                         QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT

                                                                                                                                                                                        Submissions from state and
                                                                                                                                                                                        territory governments, industry
                                                                                                                                                                                        and the community that
                                                                                                                                                                                        Infrastructure Australia consider
                                                                                                                                                                                        to be nationally significant.

                                                      AGENCY INFRASTRUCTURE
                                                                                                                BUILDING QUEENSLAND
                                                                                                                                                                        PRIORITY LIST

      The delivery of new assets can be expensive                                                                Building Queensland provides early stage
     and takes a long time from planning through                                                                 advice and formally leads detailed business
   to operation. The government needs to ensure                                                                  cases >$100 million (>$500m if a road transport
      that both current and future assets support                                                                project). Building Queensland’s Infrastructure
  service delivery objectives in the most effective                                                              Pipeline Report details priority proposals under
                  and financially responsible way.                                                               development (>$50 million).

QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT                        »» improving prosperity               »» leading and supporting                      »» connecting our communities                  »» improving sustainability
INFRASTRUCTURE OBJECTIVES:                      and liveability                       growth and productivity                        and markets                                    and resilience
Infrastructure Pipeline Report
The Infrastructure Pipeline Report signals the priority infrastructure proposals under development by the Queensland Government. It is
presented in two parts—unfunded and funded proposals. Building Queensland has developed the analysis for many of these proposals,
including completion of the six detailed business cases identified below.

    PART 1                                                                            PART 2
    UNFUNDED PROPOSALS                                                                FUNDED PROPOSALS

    INFRASTRUCTURE PIPELINE                                                           DETAILED BUSINESS CASES

    Part 1 identifies Queensland Government                                           Part 2 features the detailed business
    infrastructure proposals that are                         Unfunded                cases led by Building Queensland                              Funded
    unfunded for delivery with a minimum                      for delivery            that are supported by Queensland                              for delivery
    capital cost of $50 million. Building                                             Government funding commitments for
    Queensland recommends that these                                                  delivery, in part or in full. The estimated
    proposals are further analysed or are                                             capital cost of delivering these projects
    ready for consideration by government.                                            is $100 million or more and delivery is
                                                              $50M                                                                                  $100M
    Proposals that have been considered
    by government and are progressing are
                                                       $      minimum
                                                                                      subject to detailed analysis confirming
                                                                                      the viability of the project. These                    $      minimum
                                                              capital cost            business cases are out of scope for                           capital cost
    reported at the end of this section to
                                                                                      inclusion in the infrastructure pipeline
    provide visibility beyond our pipeline.
                                                                                      (Part 1—unfunded proposals).

  Detailed business cases                                                           Detailed business cases                »» Cairns Convention Centre
                                       »» Centenary Bridge Upgrade
  completed by Building                                                             completed by Building                  »» Inner City South State Secondary College
  Queensland in the last               »» Nullinga Dam and Mareeba Dimbulah Water   Queensland in the last                 »» Ipswich Hospital Redevelopment Stage 1A
  six months                              Supply Scheme Improvements                six months
                                                                                                                           »» Logan Hospital Expansion

                                                                                                  Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019            »5
Summary of priority proposals                                                                                                           STAGE OF PROPOSALS IN THE PIPELINE

Credible proposals are moving through the infrastructure pipeline                                                                         STRATEGIC
                                                                                                                                        BUSINESS CASE
                                                                                                                                                                    BUSINESS CASE

with over 70 per cent advancing since the last report in December
2018. A total of 18 proposals are now reported at various stages

of development.
Transport corridors are illustrated in the infrastructure pipeline for the first time. The inclusion
of transport corridors provides visibility of the broader planning from which specific proposals
                                                                                                                                           3             2            9                  4
are then developed and progressed through the infrastructure pipeline.
Effective corridor planning will reduce the future financial costs of delivering infrastructure,
while minimising disruption to communities. Transport corridors are not only for motor                      TOTAL NUMBER
vehicles, but may also be for rail, bus, cycling and pedestrians. The corridors identified in               OF PROPOSALS                             PRELIMINARY
                                                                                                                                                    BUSINESS CASE
                                                                                                                                                                                    DETAILED BUSINESS
                                                                                                                                                                                     CASE COMPLETE
this report are aligned with Queensland corridors submitted to Infrastructure Australia for
inclusion in the National Infrastructure Priority List.

                M1 PACIFIC                                                          CENTENARY MOTORWAY                                                  WARREGO HIGHWAY
                MOTORWAY CAPACITY                                                   CAPACITY                                                            EAST CORRIDOR

     The M1 Pacific Motorway is one of Australia’s busiest roads         The Centenary Motorway is a principal transport corridor        The Warrego Highway is part of the National Land Transport
     and is a vital component of the National Land Transport             linking high growth areas of Ipswich, Springfield and Ripley    Network and is Queensland’s principal east-west freight route,
     Network. The South East Queensland section of the M1                Valley in Brisbane’s west to Brisbane’s inner northern          connecting people and freight from the Darling Downs and
     Pacific Motorway is the primary north-south arterial road           regions and to the central business district. High volumes      south-west Queensland to South East Queensland and the
     that connects Brisbane, Logan and the Gold Coast.                   of traffic use the corridor resulting in congestion and         Port of Brisbane.
                                                                         impacting safety.
     The upgrade and widening of the motorway is being                                                                                   The Warrego Highway East Corridor (M2/A2) between Ipswich
     delivered in strategic priority stages as funding                   Despite its progressive development, the Centenary              and Toowoomba is impacted by high crash rates, travel delays
     becomes available.                                                  Motorway has not kept pace with rapidly changing land use       and low flood immunity.
                                                                         and demographic changes. Planning for a program of work,
     Strategic business cases are being developed for the                broken down into multiple stages, is underway.                  Corridor master planning activities are being undertaken
     following sections of the motorway:                                                                                                 between Toowoomba and Brisbane. These activities will
                                                                         A detailed business case has been completed for the             inform future and current detailed planning to address
     »»   M1 Pacific Motorway—Daisy Hill to Loganholme                   following project within the corridor:                          safety and performance issues. Travel will be safer and more
     »»   M1 Pacific Motorway—Loganholme to Nerang                                                                                       efficient, thereby supporting strong economic growth and
          (incl. Coomera Connector)                                      »»   Centenary Bridge Upgrade                                   network connectivity in the Toowoomba, Lockyer Valley and
                                                                                                                                         Ipswich local government areas.

»8          Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019   »9
What’s changed
Major progress in the development of Queensland infrastructure proposals has been made since December 2018 with the majority of
proposals progressing to further stages of development.
            Six proposals have received funding and progressed                The Princess Alexandra Hospital Rehabilitation and     The strategic business cases for Additional Special Schooling
            out of the pipeline. Two have emerged from the                    Subacute Service Renewal has progressed to a           Capacity in South East Queensland and Additional Primary
            former strategic business case investigating                      preliminary business case. The land use impacts        Schooling Capacity in the Logan City Council Area have
additional education capacity in southern Sunshine Coast.          from Cross River Rail are continuing to be explored to improve    progressed with detailed business cases underway.
Detailed business cases undertaken by the Department of            precinct master planning for this project. Furthermore, the
Education determined the need for an additional primary            Queensland Government’s announcement of a new
school in Palmview and secondary school in Caloundra South.        greenfield site for Bundaberg Hospital has kickstarted the                   Building Queensland has completed the detailed
Similarly, the strategic business case for additional special      detailed business case for the hospital. Building Queensland is              business case for the Nullinga Dam and Mareeba
education capacity in South East Queensland has led to             leading this business case in partnership with Queensland                    Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme Improvements
government investment in special schooling on the                  Health and Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service.                  project. The business case has been considered by
Sunshine Coast.                                                                                                                      government and released on Building Queensland's website.
                                                                   Strong progress has been made in the water sector with
                                                                                                                                     Based on the outcomes of the detailed business case, the
The Queensland Government has committed $351 million               detailed business cases for Paradise Dam and Somerset
                                                                                                                                     Queensland Government will investigate other water supply
to the next stage of the Gold Coast Light Rail—Stage 3A. The       Dam underway, and the detailed business case for Lake
                                                                                                                                     options to support development in the region.
project will see the light rail route extend by seven kilometres   Macdonald Dam complete. As long-life assets requiring
from Broadbeach South to Burleigh Heads and include eight          continual monitoring, assessment and maintenance, the
new stations.                                                      focus of these proposals is on how to best meet modern dam
                                                                                                                                                Four new proposals from the education and
                                                                   safety guidelines.
Procurement planning is underway for the construction of                                                                                        transport sectors have been added to the pipeline.
a 1000-bed male high-security correctional facility in South       A detailed business case has also been completed for the                     A strategic business case is being developed for
East Queensland to increase the state's capacity. Identified       South West Pipeline—Bulk Water Connection to Beaudesert.          Additional Education Capacity in High Growth Areas across the
as the South Queensland Correctional Facilities Expansion          The pipeline is expected to meet the near-term demand of          state. Analysis is further progressed for Additional Primary
in previous reports, this project has progressed out of the        Beaudesert and provide water supply security to growth areas      Schooling Capacity in the Ipswich City Council Area with a
pipeline after government announced funding.                       in the Logan City Council area.                                   detailed business case underway.
The Integrated Client Management System Replacement                Building Queensland completed a detailed business case for        Strategic business cases are underway for two sections of
project also received funding which will see the rollout of        the Centenary Bridge Upgrade in the first half of 2019 and the    the M1 Pacific Motorway—Daisy Hill to Loganholme and
information technology to improve the delivery of frontline        proposal has been provided to the Queensland Government           Loganholme to Nerang (incl. Coomera Connector). Both are
child safety and youth justice services for at-risk children and   for consideration. The business case stemmed from the             part of the ongoing Master Plan for the motorway from the
young people living in Queensland.                                 Centenary Motorway Capacity Corridor and is a component           Gateway merge to the New South Wales border.
                                                                   of the former Centenary Motorway—Frederick Street to
                                                                   Sumners Road proposal.

» 10        Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Key changes in the pipeline since December 2018

                STRATEGIC                                     PRELIMINARY                                 DETAILED                                              DETAILED
              BUSINESS CASE                                  BUSINESS CASE                              BUSINESS CASE                                        BUSINESS CASE
                                                                                                                                                                                          Special Schooling on
                                                                                                                                                                                          the Sunshine Coast*
                                                                                                     Additional Special Schooling
                                                                                                     Capacity in South East                                                               Integrated Client
                                                                                                     Queensland                                                                           Management System
        Additional Education                                                                        Additional Primary Schooling                                                          Replacement
        Capacity in High                                                                            Capacity in the Ipswich City                                                          New Primary School
        Growth Areas                                                                                Council Area                                                                          in Palmview***
                                                                                                  Additional Primary                                                                      New Secondary School
                                                                                                  Schooling Capacity in the                                                               in Caloundra South***
                                                                                                  Logan City Council Area
                                                                                                                                                                                          South Queensland
                                                                                                 Bundaberg Hospital                                                                       Correctional Facilities
                                                                                                 Redevelopment                                                                            Expansion

     M1 Pacific Motorway—                                                                        Paradise Dam                                                                             Gold Coast Light
     Daisy Hill to Loganholme                                                                    Improvement Project                                                                      Rail Stage 3A
                                                                                                                                                     Centenary Bridge
      M1 Pacific Motorway—
                                                                                                 Somerset Dam Improvement                             South West Pipeline—
      Loganholme to Nerang
                                                                                                 Project                                              Bulk Water Connection to
      (incl. Coomera Connector)

                                                          Princess Alexandra Hospital                                                                  Lake Macdonald Dam
                                                          Rehabilitation and Subacute                                                                  Improvement project
                                                          Service Renewal                                                                                Nullinga Dam and Mareeba
                                                                                                                                                         Dimbulah Water Supply
                                                                                                                                                         Scheme Improvements

         *     New proposal            $    Proposal that has received funding            Proposal that has progressed              Proposal that has been considered by government

*Component of the former Additional Special Education Capacity in South East Queensland
**Component of the former Centenary Motorway—Frederick Street to Sumners Road proposal
***Proposal is a component of Additional Education Capacity in Southern Sunshine Coast

                                                                                                                                     Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019          » 11
Proposal summaries
The following infrastructure proposals are presented in order of their stage of development, with completed detailed
business cases appearing first. Proposals are then listed alphabetically within each stage. Proposals are not presented in
order of priority. The ultimate decision about the relative priority of proposals rests with the Queensland Government.
Cost estimates are provided by responsible agencies, with the exception of figures for detailed business cases led by Building
Queensland. Proposals with a cost range indicate that several options are still being considered. Proposal locations are
broadly identified as South East Queensland (SEQ) or regional.
In accordance with the Building Queensland Act 2015, Building Queensland may perform a lead or assist role as indicated in
the following proposal summaries.

                                                                                        Artist impression of new state high school in Mango Hill (Image courtesy of Department of Education)
Pipeline of priority proposals
          PROPOSAL NAME                                                           SECTOR                         LOCATION    PAGE


         Brisbane Live Entertainment Arena—Roma Street Project                    Arts, Culture and Recreation      SEQ        16

         Centenary Bridge Upgrade                                                 Transport–Road                    SEQ        17

         Lake Macdonald Dam Improvement Project                                   Water                             SEQ        18

         South West Pipeline—Bulk Water Connection to Beaudesert                  Water                             SEQ        19


         Additional Primary Schooling Capacity in the Ipswich City Council Area   Education                         SEQ        20

         Additional Primary Schooling Capacity in the Logan City Council Area     Education                         SEQ        21

         Additional Special Schooling Capacity in South East Queensland           Education                         SEQ        22

         Bundaberg Hospital Redevelopment                                         Health–Built                    Regional     23

         Clinton Vessel Interaction—Port of Gladstone                             Transport–Port                  Regional     24

» 14       Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
PROPOSAL NAME                                                                       SECTOR                            LOCATION         PAGE


        Paradise Dam Improvement Project                                                     Water                              Regional          25

        Somerset Dam Improvement Project                                                     Water                                SEQ             26

        Sunshine Motorway—Mooloolah River Interchange                                        Transport–Road                       SEQ             27

        Toowoomba Hospital Redevelopment                                                     Health–Built                         SEQ             28


        Gold Coast Rail Line Capacity Improvement—Kuraby to Beenleigh                        Transport–Rail                       SEQ             29

        Princess Alexandra Hospital Rehabilitation and Subacute Service Renewal              Health–Built                         SEQ             29


        Additional Education Capacity in High Growth Areas                                   Education                          Statewide         30

        M1 Pacific Motorway—Daisy Hill to Loganholme                                         Transport–Road                       SEQ             31

        M1 Pacific Motorway—Loganholme to Nerang (incl. Coomera Connector)                   Transport–Road                       SEQ             31

                                                                                  Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019     » 15
Brisbane Live Entertainment Arena—
                Roma Street Project

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                                       NEED                                                                »» provide convenient access to state-of-the-art facilities and
                                                                                                                                   employment opportunities, particularly by public transport
Cross River Rail Delivery Authority                      The development of the Cross River Rail station at Roma Street
                                                         has provided the opportunity to redevelop an underutilised          »»    attract significant international entertainment and
                                                         section of the Brisbane central business district and the most            investment as a result of the proximity of the arena to the
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                            connected transport precinct in Brisbane to create a                      city centre and world-class developments such as Queen’s
Ready for Queensland                                     world-class entertainment arena for Queensland.                           Wharf Brisbane
Government consideration                                 Capitalising on the existing range of sporting, music and arts
                                                                                                                             »»    expand the central business district’s appeal as both a
                                                                                                                                   business and creative centre through the development
                                                         events occurring in Brisbane, the Brisbane Live Entertainment
                                                                                                                                   of an entertainment hub that is expected to improve
PLANNED STAGE END DATE                                   Arena, with state-of-the-art facilities and technology, would
                                                                                                                                   opportunities for the surrounding precinct
                                                         provide Brisbane and Queensland with a world-class facility
Not applicable                                           for premium live events that is highly accessible and well          »»    improve the pedestrian access and connectivity between
                                                         connected to all transport networks.                                      precincts, including Suncorp Stadium, Roma Street
                                                                                                                                   Parkland, Queen Street Mall, South Bank Parklands and the
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                                                                                                         cultural precinct.
$2.1 billion1                                            PROPOSAL
                                                         The proposal is for a new arena of 17,000 to 18,000 seats           DELIVERY MODEL
                                                         located on a large deck structure built over railways, roads
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                                                                                                     Several delivery models were considered in the detailed
                                                         and property, bounded by Albert Street to the north and
                                                                                                                             business case including:
Led the detailed business case                           Roma Street to the south. The proposal also includes ancillary
                                                         facilities to support the arena’s operation as well as new public   »» Public-Private Partnership options—Design, Build, Finance
                                                         spaces and active transport connections with neighbouring                 and Design, Build, Finance and Maintain
                                                         central business district locations.                                »» Traditional delivery options—Managing Contractor, Design
                                                                                                                                   and Construct, and Alliance.
                                                                                                                             Interface risks were key considerations in the delivery model
                                                         The project is expected to:
                                                                                                                             analysis. Other considerations included the potential for
                                                         »» revitalise an area of the central business district that         synergies with surrounding infrastructure projects such as
                                                              is underutilised                                               Cross River Rail, Brisbane Metro, and other major central
                                                         »»   deliver a new music and night-time precinct that contributes   business district developments.
                                                              to economic development outcomes for Brisbane                  The final delivery model/s will be confirmed following
                                                                                                                             government consideration of the detailed business case.
                                                                                                                                 Nominal cost in Australian dollars, Building Queensland detailed business case 2018.

» 16     Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Centenary Bridge Upgrade

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                   NEED                                                                 BENEFITS
Department of Transport              The Centenary Motorway performs a critical role within the           The bridge forms a critical component of the overall
and Main Roads                       broader South East Queensland transport network, providing           corridor upgrade program which is expected to provide the
                                     a key link that connects the western corridor and inner and          following benefits:
                                     northern suburbs of Brisbane and the Australia Trade Coast
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT        Precinct. An analysis of major Brisbane River crossings revealed
                                                                                                          »» reduced congestion, improving travel times
Ready for Queensland                 that Centenary Bridge has the highest lane utilisation, and          »» reduced vehicle operating costs
Government consideration             traffic congestion is expected to exacerbate over time.              »» improved safety outcomes
                                     The Centenary Motorway has progressively developed from              »» improved active transport facilities
PLANNED STAGE END DATE               a two-lane local arterial to an urban motorway; however,             »» congestion relief on alternative routes, particularly
                                     it has not kept up with the rapidly changing land use and                for freight.
Not applicable                       demographic changes due to its operational and road design
                                     limitations. As a result, the strategic network is vulnerable to     DELIVERY MODEL
                                     severe impacts on network performance and flow breakdown
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY           in the event of a traffic incident.
                                                                                                          Several delivery models were considered in the detailed
                                                                                                          business case, taking into consideration risk, operational
$247 million2                                                                                             impacts and value for money. The models considered were:
                                     PROPOSAL                                                             »» Transport Infrastructure Contract—Construct Only
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE             The detailed business case investigated the construction of a
                                     new three-lane northbound bridge and rehabilitation works            »» Design and Construct
Led the detailed business case       for the existing bridges. Upgrades to active transport facilities    »» Alliance Contracting.
                                     were also examined.                                                  The preferred delivery model is a Transport Infrastructure
                                                                                                          Contract—Construct Only.
                                                                                                           Nominal cost in Australian dollars, Building Queensland detailed business
                                                                                                          case 2019.

                                                                                           Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019                                 » 17
Lake Macdonald Dam Improvement Project

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                                       NEED                                                               of the water supply for the Sunshine Coast region, giving
                                                                                                                            Seqwater the option to source water from the Mary River and
Seqwater                                                 Lake Macdonald Dam on Six Mile Creek on the Sunshine Coast
                                                                                                                            Lake Macdonald.
                                                         is one of several dams identified for an upgrade as part of
                                                         Seqwater's Dam Improvement Program. The dam now requires           The proposed upgrade will reduce dam safety risks by
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                            upgrading to comply with the provisions of the Australian          increasing the spillway capacity of the dam while maintaining
Ready for Queensland                                     National Committee for Large Dams (ANCOLD) and Queensland          water supply security.
Government consideration                                 guidelines on acceptable flood capacity. This is in response to
                                                         updated climate modelling for extreme weather events.              BENEFITS
PLANNED STAGE END DATE                                   The drivers for the upgrade include:                               The project will ensure the dam meets the ANCOLD and
                                                                                                                            Queensland guidelines on dam safety standards and continues
Not applicable                                           »» population growth downstream of the dam                         to function safely during extreme weather events.
                                                         »» advances in dam design and development of consistent
                                                              methodologies for assessment of dam safety
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                                                                                                  DELIVERY MODEL
                                                         »»   latest estimates of extreme rainfall and the application of
$90–$100 million5                                             best practice hydraulic modelling methods                     Several delivery models were considered as part of
                                                                                                                            the detailed business case, including a Design, Novate
                                                         »»   improved understanding of earthquake probabilities            and Construct approach.
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                                      and loads.
                                                                                                                            The final delivery model/s will be confirmed following
Assisted with the detailed business case
                                                         PROPOSAL                                                           government consideration of the business case.
                                                         Lake Macdonald is located approximately four kilometres            5
                                                                                                                             Nominal cost in Australian dollars 2017, estimate provided by responsible agency.
                                                                                                                            Final cost subject to further design development and market engagement.
                                                         north-east of the township of Cooroy and has a supply
                                                         capacity of 8,018 megalitres. Lake Macdonald is one of the
                                                         primary sources of water to the Noosa Water Treatment
                                                         Plant. The water treatment plant is an important component

» 18     Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
South West Pipeline—Bulk Water
                Connection to Beaudesert

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                         NEED                                                              BENEFITS
Seqwater                                   The Beaudesert Water Treatment Plant supplies Beaudesert,         The pipeline is expected to meet the potential future increase
                                           the Bromelton Industrial Area and some of Logan City Council      in water demand in the Beaudesert area and provide water
                                           area. The plant is a stand-alone water supply that extracts raw   supply security to Logan City Council growth areas. In the
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT              water from the Logan River, which has variable water quality.     longer term, this pipeline connection also has the strategic
Ready for Queensland                       The water treatment plant is not connected to the South East      benefit of connecting Beaudesert and the Scenic Rim region to
Government consideration                   Queensland Water Grid and may have insufficient capacity to       the South East Queensland Water Grid, increasing bulk water
                                           meet future demand due to potential growth in the area.           supply reliability.

PLANNED STAGE END DATE                     PROPOSAL                                                          DELIVERY MODEL
Not applicable                             This proposal investigated the connection of the Beaudesert       Several delivery models were considered as part of the
                                           water supply zone with the South East Queensland water grid,      detailed business case, taking into account ongoing service
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                 via Logan City Council infrastructure. The bulk water pipeline    delivery requirements.
                                           is proposed to be approximately 24 kilometres in length,
$70 million7                               connecting the Beaudesert Water Treatment Plant storage
                                                                                                             The final delivery model/s will be confirmed following
                                                                                                             government consideration of the detailed business case.
                                           reservoirs to the Flagstone development area and to the Water
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                   Grid pipeline network. The project will include provision for     7
                                                                                                              Nominal cost in Australian dollars 2018, estimate provided by responsible agency.
                                                                                                             Final cost subject to further design development and market engagement.
                                           the potential connection to a future water treatment plant
Assisted with the detailed business case   at Wyaralong.

                                                                                              Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019                                  » 19
Additional Primary Schooling Capacity
               in the Ipswich City Council Area

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                                      NEED                                                                BENEFITS
Department of Education                                 Population growth and new residential developments within           The detailed business case will assess the need for additional
                                                        the Ipswich City Council area are driving demand for additional     capacity to accommodate enrolment growth across the
                                                        primary schooling capacity. This demand is predicted to             existing state school network. A detailed investigation of
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                           increase significantly within the next five years.                  benefits will occur as the detailed business case is developed.
Detailed business case underway                         Enrolment forecasts indicate that it is unlikely the schools
                                                        currently serving the Ipswich City Council area will be able        DELIVERY MODEL
PLANNED STAGE END DATE                                  to accommodate future growth or alleviate pressure on the           Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
                                                        existing state schools.                                             business case. The selection of the preferred delivery
First half of 2020                                                                                                          model will take into consideration risk, operational impacts,
                                                        PROPOSAL                                                            environmental requirements and value for money.
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                              The detailed business case will be developed in accordance          8
                                                                                                                                An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.
To be determined8                                       with the framework set out in the State Infrastructure Plan.
                                                        The recommendations to accommodate projected enrolment
                                                        growth will be investigated and prioritised as follows:
No active role                                          »» non-asset strategies to mitigate, in part or in full, the need
                                                             to expand existing schools or construct new schools
                                                        »»   expansion of schools within the existing school network
                                                        »»   construction of new school(s).

» 20    Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Additional Primary Schooling Capacity
              in the Logan City Council Area

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                NEED                                                                 BENEFITS
Department of Education           Population growth and new residential developments within            The detailed business case will assess the need for additional
                                  the Logan City Council area are driving demand for primary           capacity to accommodate enrolment growth across the
                                  schooling capacity. Existing schools in the area are reaching        existing state school network. A detailed investigation of
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT     capacity and demand is predicted to increase significantly           benefits will occur as the detailed business case is developed.
Detailed business case underway   within the next five years.
                                                                                                       DELIVERY MODEL
PLANNED STAGE END DATE            PROPOSAL                                                             Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
                                  The detailed business case will be developed in accordance           business case. The selection of the preferred delivery
First half of 2020                with the framework set out in the State Infrastructure Plan.         model will take into consideration risk, operational impacts,
                                  The recommendations to accommodate projected enrolment               environmental requirements and value for money.
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY        growth will be investigated and prioritised as follows:              9
                                                                                                           An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.
To be determined9                 »» non-asset strategies to mitigate, in part or in full, the need
                                       to expand existing schools or construct new schools
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE          »»   expansion of schools within the existing school network

No active role                    »»   construction of new school(s).

                                                                                        Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019                                     » 21
Additional Special Schooling Capacity in
               South East Queensland

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                                      NEED                                                                BENEFITS
Department of Education                                 The capacity at existing state special school facilities in South   The detailed business case will assess the need for additional
                                                        East Queensland is unlikely to meet ongoing demand for              capacity to accommodate enrolment growth in the existing
                                                        enrolments and there are limited opportunities to expand on         special schools serving the area. A thorough investigation of
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                           the current sites.                                                  additional benefits will occur as the detailed business case
Detailed business case underway                         A number of special schools in South East Queensland have
                                                                                                                            is developed.
                                                        experienced significant growth in enrolments over the past five
PLANNED STAGE END DATE                                  years. Population forecasts indicate that enrolments will likely    DELIVERY MODEL
                                                        increase for students with special educational needs within         Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
First half of 2020                                      the short to medium term as the population in South East            business case. The selection of the preferred delivery
                                                        Queensland continues to grow.                                       model will take into consideration risk, operational impacts,
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                                                                                                  environmental requirements and value for money.
To be determined10                                      PROPOSAL                                                            10
                                                                                                                                 An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.
                                                        The detailed business case will be developed to investigate
                                                        options to expand existing sites as well as considering the
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                                option to provide additional special schooling capacity for Prep
No active role                                          to year 12 students. The detailed business case will determine
                                                        the preferred option.

» 22    Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Bundaberg Hospital Redevelopment

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                     NEED                                                               BENEFITS
Queensland Health, Wide Bay Hospital   Bundaberg Hospital is experiencing significant service and         The project is expected to:
and Health Service11                   infrastructure pressures (including space, site and fit-for-
                                       purpose infrastructure) impacting the ability to deliver
                                                                                                          »» improve community health outcomes
                                       contemporary health services for the Bundaberg region in the       »» improve access to specialist services
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT          long term.                                                         »» reduce travel costs for patients
Detailed business case underway        The Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service has employed              »» increase workforce sustainability
                                       numerous strategies to relieve the service pressure, including     »» reduce vulnerability to flooding events.
PLANNED STAGE END DATE                 implementation of service optimisation initiatives and
                                       leveraging rural facilities.
Second half of 2020                                                                                       DELIVERY MODEL
                                       Despite these strategies, 19.5 per cent of acute inpatient         Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
                                       activity is being delivered outside of the Wide Bay Hospital       business case. The selection of the preferred delivery model
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY             and Health Service with the majority at Metro North Hospital       will take into consideration risk, operational impacts and value
To be determined12                     and Health Service, some 350 kilometres away. This outflow         for money.
                                       of patients results in pressure on Metro North Hospital and
                                       Health Service and represents a significant social, economic
                                                                                                               Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service is the project owner.
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE               and financial burden.
                                                                                                               An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.

Leading the detailed business case
                                       The proposal will investigate the construction of a new hospital
                                       that will provide fit-for-purpose infrastructure to address the
                                       future needs of the Bundaberg region. The proposal includes
                                       detailed health service modelling to establish the future health
                                       care demand, service capability and staffing requirements to
                                       support the growing and ageing population of the Wide Bay
                                       Burnett region. Key considerations include: access to clinical
                                       services, flood resilience and capacity for future growth and
                                       expansion. The proposal will investigate options for the staged
                                       relocation of priority services.

                                                                                          Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019                                       » 23
Clinton Vessel Interaction—Port of Gladstone

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                                      NEED                                                            DELIVERY MODEL
Gladstone Ports Corporation                             The movement of larger vessels (draft over 14 metres) through   Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
                                                        the Clinton Channel at the Port of Gladstone is resulting in    business case. The selection of the preferred delivery
                                                        interaction of water displacement forces between passing        model will take into consideration risk, operational impacts,
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                           vessels and vessels berthed at the RG Tanna Coal Terminal.      environmental requirements and value for money.
Detailed business case complete13                       These forces impact on the safe mooring and operations at       13
                                                                                                                           Business case activities finalised. Conditions of Australian Government environmental
                                                        the terminal.                                                   approvals to be assessed prior to Queensland Government consideration.
                                                                                                                           A range is provided by responsible agency.
Not applicable                                          The proposal is for capital dredging to widen the Clinton
                                                        Channel. The works will involve dredging, the beneficial
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                              reuse of dredged material, changes to navigational aids and
                                                        environmental monitoring.
$65–$80 million14
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                                The primary benefit of the proposal is to improve safety by
No active role                                          minimising the risk of vessel interaction between passing and
                                                        moored vessels. The proposal is also expected to improve the
                                                        efficiency of:
                                                        »» ship loading
                                                        »» the allocation of port infrastructure and resources
                                                        »» vessel passage through the Clinton Channel.

» 24    Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Paradise Dam Improvement Project

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                   NEED                                                               The preliminary business case for the project assessed factors
                                                                                                        including life cycle costs, current and future water demand,
Sunwater                             Paradise Dam is located approximately 20 kilometres north-
                                                                                                        and environmental considerations to determine the best
                                     west of Biggenden and 80 kilometres south-west of Bundaberg
                                                                                                        construction options to take forward into the assessment of
                                     on the Burnett River. It is a key component of the Bundaberg
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT        Water Supply Scheme—holding up to 300,000 megalitres of
                                                                                                        the detailed business case. The options shortlisted for further
                                                                                                        consideration in the detailed business case include upgrading
Detailed business case underway      water for the city of Bundaberg and farmland irrigation.
                                                                                                        the existing dam and strengthening and anchoring the primary
                                     During the 2013 floods, extensive scour occurred downstream        and secondary spillways.
PLANNED STAGE END DATE               of the primary spillway. Sunwater immediately repaired the
Second half of 2020
                                     scour and downstream toe of the dam, and investigated              BENEFITS
                                     options to prevent scour occurring in future extreme
                                                                                                        The project will ensure the dam meets the ANCOLD and
                                     weather events.
                                                                                                        Queensland guidelines on dam safety standards and continues
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY           This investigation identified necessary improvements to            to function safely during extreme weather events.
To be determined15                   the primary and secondary spillways. Improvement works
                                     are being proposed to maintain efficient and safe operation        DELIVERY MODEL
                                     of the primary and secondary spillways during extreme
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE             weather events.                                                    Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
                                                                                                        business case. The selection of the preferred delivery model
Leading the detailed business case                                                                      will take into consideration risk, operational impacts and value
                                     PROPOSAL                                                           for money.
                                     The proposal is investigating an upgrade of the Paradise Dam       15
                                                                                                             An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.
                                     to comply with the provisions of the Australian National
                                     Committee for Large Dams (ANCOLD) and Queensland
                                     guidelines on acceptable flood capacity. This is in response to
                                     updated climate modelling for extreme weather events.

                                                                                         Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019                                      » 25
Somerset Dam Improvement Project

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                                       NEED                                                              BENEFITS
Seqwater                                                 Somerset Dam is one of several dams identified for an upgrade     The project will ensure the dam meets the ANCOLD and
                                                         as part of Seqwater's Dam Improvement Program. It is located      Queensland guidelines on dam safety standards and continues
                                                         on the Stanley River and was built between 1937 and 1959 to       to function safely during extreme weather events.
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                            the engineering standards at that time. The dam now requires
Detailed business case underway                          upgrading to comply with the provisions of the Australian         DELIVERY MODEL
                                                         National Committee for Large Dams (ANCOLD) and Queensland
                                                         guidelines on acceptable flood capacity. This is in response to   Delivery model analysis will be a key component of the
PLANNED STAGE END DATE                                   updated climate modelling for extreme weather events.             detailed business case. The selection of the preferred delivery
                                                                                                                           model will take into consideration risk, operational impacts,
Second half of 2020                                                                                                        environmental requirements and value for money.
                                                         PROPOSAL                                                          16
                                                                                                                                An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                               The preliminary business case developed a shortlist of options,
                                                         taking into account factors including life cycle costs, current
To be determined16                                       and future water demand in the Brisbane, Gold Coast and
                                                         Logan City areas and environmental considerations.
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                                 The proposal will incorporate the preliminary business case
Leading the detailed business case                       findings with the detailed geotechnical investigations into the
                                                         dam's foundations and characterisation. Large-scale physical
                                                         hydraulic modelling will also be examined to assess the
                                                         hydraulic performance of the upgrade options in a variety of
                                                         conditions, including extreme events.
                                                         The detailed business case will include the selection of
                                                         preferred options for which preliminary designs will be
                                                         undertaken to develop construction cost estimates, a detailed
                                                         project scope and program.

» 26     Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Sunshine Motorway—Mooloolah River Interchange

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                            NEED                                                              BENEFITS
Department of Transport                       The existing Sunshine Motorway, Nicklin Way and Kawana            The project is expected to deliver:
and Main Roads                                Way transport infrastructure is congested and lacks capacity to
                                              accommodate forecast travel demand.
                                                                                                                »» improved safety by reducing crashes and weaving behaviour
                                                                                                                »» better connections between existing and planned future
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                 PROPOSAL                                                              arterial roads
Detailed business case underway               The proposal is investigating a range of upgrades to the
                                                                                                                »» increased capacity for future traffic demand.
                                              Sunshine Motorway at Mountain Creek to form a new
                                              Mooloolah River interchange.
                                                                                                                DELIVERY MODEL
PLANNED STAGE END DATE                                                                                          Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
First half of 2020                            Proposed works include a new direct connection to the             business case. The selection of the preferred delivery model
                                              Sunshine Coast University Hospital precinct via a new two-lane    will take into consideration risk, operational impacts and value
                                              road connecting Kawana Way at Parrearra and crossing the          for money.
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                    Mooloolah River to the planned Mooloolah River interchange.
                                                                                                                   Nominal cost in Australian dollars 2015, estimate provided by responsible agency
$430 million17                                A new direct connection for northbound traffic from               based on preliminary business case.
                                                                                                                   Building Queensland leads the development of business cases for infrastructure
                                              Nicklin Way to Brisbane Road and Mooloolaba is also being         projects with an estimated capital cost of $100 million or more. This threshold is
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                      investigated, along with an upgrade of the east-west section      higher for road transport projects that do not incorporate a toll road, with Building
                                                                                                                Queensland leading detailed business cases for projects over $500 million.
                                              of the Sunshine Motorway from two to four lanes between
Assisting with the detailed business case18   Kawana Way interchange and the upgraded Mooloolah
                                              River interchange.
                                              A new link to accommodate local traffic movements between
                                              Brisbane Road and Karawatha Drive is also being investigated.

                                                                                                 Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019                                    » 27
Toowoomba Hospital Redevelopment

RESPONSIBLE AGENCY                                       NEED                                                                 BENEFITS
Queensland Health, Darling Downs                         The infrastructure at Toowoomba Hospital is operating at             The project is expected to:
Hospital and Health Service19                            capacity in a number of areas and the hospital faces long
                                                         emergency department waiting times and overcrowding.
                                                                                                                              »» improve the infrastructure layout to support contemporary
                                                                                                                                     models of care
                                                         Forecast demand, driven by a growing and ageing population
PROPOSAL STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT                            and high levels of chronic disease, is expected to place further     »»     increase acute and emergency department bed spaces and
                                                         pressure on the hospital.                                                   thereby efficiency and throughput
Detailed business case underway
                                                         Moreover, the current asset condition and functionality of the
                                                                                                                              »»     provide additional outpatient services

PLANNED STAGE END DATE                                   hospital is not supporting the efficient and effective delivery of   »»     expand health services to meet complex conditions such as
                                                         contemporary health services.                                               palliative care, emergency children's services, and cardiac
First half of 2020                                                                                                                   diagnostic and interventional services.
ESTIMATED COST OF DELIVERY                               The proposal is investigating a staged relocation of healthcare
                                                                                                                              DELIVERY MODEL
                                                                                                                              Delivery model analysis is a key component of the detailed
$450–$750 million20                                      services to the Baillie Henderson Hospital site in Cranley Street
                                                         which is 6.5 kilometres north of the existing hospital.              business case. The selection of the preferred delivery model
                                                                                                                              will take into consideration risk, operational impacts and value
BUILDING QUEENSLAND ROLE                                                                                                      for money.
Leading the detailed business case                                                                                            19
                                                                                                                                   Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service is the project owner.
                                                                                                                                   A range is provided by responsible agency based on preliminary business case.

» 28     Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019
Gold Coast Rail Line                                                                                         Princess Alexandra Hospital
                       Capacity Improvement–                                                                                        Rehabilitation and Subacute
                       Kuraby to Beenleigh                                                                                          Service Renewal

                           NEED                                                                              RESPONSIBLE
                           The current track configuration of the Gold Coast Rail Line                                                      The need for an infrastructure upgrade at the Princess
Department of                                                                                                Queensland Health,
Transport and              between Kuraby and Beenleigh is limiting the ability for                          Metro South Hospital           Alexandra Hospital has been identified to provide
Main Roads                 express trains to effectively pass all stops during peak periods.                 and Health Service22           contemporary fit-for-purpose facilities for statewide spinal cord
                           This is limiting the capacity of the corridor and impacting on                                                   and brain injury rehabilitation, as well as general rehabilitation
PROPOSAL STAGE             service reliability.                                                              PROPOSAL STAGE                 services. Flexible health solutions are required to respond to
OF DEVELOPMENT                                                                                               OF DEVELOPMENT                 changing models of care and future capacity growth at the
Preliminary business       PROPOSAL                                                                          Preliminary business           hospital, in alignment with planning for the broader precinct.
case complete                                                                                                case underway
                           The proposal is investigating the following options:
                           »» signalling updates to safely increase the number of services                   PLANNED STAGE
                                                                                                             END DATE                       The proposal is investigating opportunities for redevelopment
                                 and improve reliability
Not applicable                                                                                               Second half of 2019            at the current hospital to ensure infrastructure for the
                           »»    amendment of stopping patterns to reduce conflicts                                                         provision of statewide services is fit-for-purpose into the future,
ESTIMATED COST                   between different train services                                            ESTIMATED COST                 and can enable delivery of contemporary models of care that
OF DELIVERY                »»    construction of new passing loops to provide more                           OF DELIVERY                    will facilitate efficient and cost-effective service delivery.
To be determined21               opportunities for express trains to pass                                    To be determined23             Land use impacts from Cross River Rail are being explored to
                           »»    development of a full or partial third/fourth track (subject to                                            improve precinct master planning to optimise the provision
BUILDING                         operational requirements)                                                   BUILDING
QUEENSLAND ROLE                                                                                              QUEENSLAND ROLE                of services.
No active role             »»    consideration of corridor preservation requirements                         Assisting with                 22
                                                                                                                                                 Metro South Hospital and Health Service is the project owner.
                           »»    targeted track realignments to improve travel time                          preliminary                    23
                                                                                                                                                 An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.

                           »»    station upgrades and higher-capacity trains.                                business case

                           The options will be packaged to form a preferred solution to
                           meet long-term capacity, reliability and customer objectives.
                           All major components of the preliminary business case are
                           complete. A staging assessment will be completed prior
                           to a detailed business case to inform a future program of
                           potential investments.
                                An estimate will be provided once the proposal has been developed further.

                                                                                                                             Building Queensland » Infrastructure Pipeline Report » 2019                                      » 29
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