VANUATU SPC COUNTRY PROGRAMME 2019-2022 Prepared by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu and the Pacific Community, December 2018
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VANUATU SPC COUNTRY PROGRAMME 2019-2022 Prepared by the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu and the Pacific Community, December 2018 1
Foreword and endorsement The Republic of Vanuatu Country Programme (the Programme) provides the direction for Pacific Community (SPC) engagement with Vanuatu over the next three years. It outlines key actions that the Government and SPC agreed through a consultation process that began in July 2018. The Programme marks the first country programme for a Pacific Community member that has been developed and endorsed since the ‘joint country strategies’ (precursors to country programmes). It will be used to guide further planning, implementation and monitoring on an annual basis to support the achievement of development outcomes for Vanuatu under the National Sustainable Development Plan and to consider potential impact pathways to the Sustainable Development Goals. Hon. Ralph Regenvanu Dr Colin Tukuitonga Minister Director General Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Pacific Community Cooperation and External Trade Noumea, New Caledonia Government of Vanuatu Contents Foreword and endorsement ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Vanuatu development agenda.............................................................................................................................................. 3 Vanuatu-SPC country programme 2019-2022 ............................................................................................................ 4 A changing partnership ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Strategic priorities ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Ways of working..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Tracking performance .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Annex A: A profile of Vanuatu and its development ................................................................................................. 8 Annex B: Vanuatu development and reform priorities ........................................................................................... 8 Annex C: National Government Policies and Implementation Framework ......................................... 10 Annex E: SPC current work programme against Vanuatu NSDP priorities ............................................... 12 2
Introduction The Vanuatu-SPC Country Programme was developed in partnership with the Government of the Republic of Vanuatu during 2018, under the leadership and coordination of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Internal Cooperation and External Trade (MFAICET) and the Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aide Coordination (DSSPAC). The process of developing this country programme began with the opening of the Regional Office for Melanesia in January 2016. A Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Vanuatu and SPC was signed on February 23, 2016 to set the path for a more in-depth collaboration based on the National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) that the government had recently embarked upon. Since that time, the Regional Office has developed an informal country programme based on all SPC work in Vanuatu, with focus on improving the Productive Sector (Agriculture and Fisheries), as per government direct consultations and instructions. Monthly reports are produced for the Government, and quarterly consultation meetings are held with Government to listen to the government’s input on SPC work, emerging needs, and to provide a platform for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning against the NSDP. In mid-2018, a visit to Vanuatu was made by the SPC Deputy Director General to introduce the new concept of a full country programming process that SPC has embarked upon. This process provides a clear pathway for managing results with our members, driven by the members themselves. Following the DDG visit, further in-country consultations were held in August and October 2018 led by MFAICET, the Director of Aide Coordination (DSSPAC) and the SPC Regional Director for Melanesia. These consultations included central agencies as well as a range of line ministries. This was followed by a process of analysis of key policies, strategies and development priorities of the government and its key development financiers, assessment of the relevance, significance and targeting of SPC’s current portfolio of activities in Vanuatu, and consultations with SPC programme divisions on current and planned areas of support. The consultation process culminated in a whole-of- government consultation held on November 2, 2018, at which time Government Departments were able to contribute at a high level to inform the process further. Inputs from this consultation were finalized by MFAICET and DSSPAC. Based on these consultations and analyses, this country programme was prepared, reviewed by the Vanuatu Government and SPC Executive, and jointly agreed. It aligns the Vanuatu Government’s priority interests from its relationship with SPC with SPC’s strategic plan development objectives and expected resourcing capability. Vanuatu development agenda Vanuatu Vision: Building a sustainable, stable and prosperous nation Vanuatu National Development Aspirations: A vibrant cultural identity underpinning a peaceful, just and inclusive society; Supported by responsive and capable state institutions delivering quality public services, including health and education, to all citizens; Maintaining a pristine natural environment on land and at sea that serves our food, cultural, economic and ecological needs; With enhanced resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change and natural disasters; and A stable economy based on equitable, sustainable growth that creates jobs and income earning opportunities accessible to all people in rural and urban areas 1. In response to its development challenges, in 2016 Vanuatu adopted Vanuatu 2030, The People’s Plan, also known as The National Sustainable Development Plan (NSDP) 2016 to 2030, specifying 3 national development pillars, along with overarching objectives for each sector aligned to these national themes and targets. 2. The NSDP Monitoring and Evaluation Framework was adopted in July, 2017. The three NSDP pillars are comprised of a total of 98 policy objectives spread over 15 goals. There is a maximum of three indicators and targets for each of the 98 policy objectives. In actuality there is a total of 77 indicators and 83 targets in the Social Pillar, 62 indicators and 64 targets in the Environment Pillar and 57 indicators and 58 targets in the Economy Pillar. 3. In addition to these overarching national frameworks, Vanuatu development actions are guided by a range of national and sector level strategies, as well as some key regional and global commitments and frameworks (Annex C). 4. Vanuatu implements its development priorities with support from a range of development partners (Annex D), chief amongst these being Australia, China, ADB and the World Bank 3
Vanuatu-SPC Country Programme 2019-2022 A changing partnership 1. Historically, SPC has provided wide-ranging support to Vanuatu. Broadly speaking, this support is and has been fairly well aligned with the government’s development priorities. However, it has always been mostly siloed – both within Vanuatu line ministries and within SPC programme divisions. 2. Vanuatu wishes to continue drawing extensively on SPC’s scientific and technical expertise, to help address its Vanuatu 2030 challenges. However, senior officials in both Vanuatu and SPC have agreed that SPC support could achieve greater impact if a different sort of partnership is developed, as follows: High level ownership and leadership of a deepening relationship – The Vanuatu-SPC Country Programme 2019-2022 will be led by the Vanuatu Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and External Trade (as primary point of contact between SPC and member states as per governance arrangements SPC) and the Department of Strategic Policy, Planning and Aide Coordination (DSSPAC) for monitoring and evaluation of the Country Programme. Within SPC, it will be overseen by the Regional Director for Melanesia. Shared responsibility and accountability for advancing agreed strategic priorities. In the past, SPC support for Vanuatu has often been supply driven, i.e., where SPC had succeeded in obtaining resources for a particular project. However, SPC is not a donor. It is a member organisation. Its staff, programmes and resources are owned by its members and are at their disposal. It acts as an adviser to its member governments within its many areas of expertise and as an implementing agent for its members’ development efforts. In future, the Vanuatu Government will engage with its other development partners and financiers to encourage them to use SPC as their implementing agent, wherever the Vanuatu Government considers SPC is best placed to play that role. This can be especially effective where Vanuatu has bilateral funding from donors and can assist with resource mobilization for work to support key sectors of development with SPC assistance. Strategic priorities During this country programme period (2019 to 2022), SPC will work more deeply with Vanuatu in support of the following 3 priority areas: (1) Support to the Productive Sector: The productive sector is the foundation of healthy eating, food security, sustainable livelihoods, mitigate the effects of natural disasters and climate change and promote environmental protection. In line with the NSDP’s Environmental Pillar 1 and 4 (“Improved resilience and natural resources management”), the support would contribute to the realization of the following policies and more: • The Agriculture Sector Policy 2015-2030 • The National ‘Gudfala Kakae’ Policy 2017-2030 • The National Fruits and Vegetables Strategy 2017-2027 • Vanuatu Agritourism Plan of Action 2016 These are a strategic fit to SPCs Goal 1 for “Pacific People to benefit from sustainable Economic Development” through: • Seeds for Life • Landscapes and forests management • SPS (Sanitary and phytosanitary measures) and Biosecurity • Food Systems for Health: Build capacities in Value add – organic agriculture / Participatory Guarantee Schemes • NCDs, Nutrition, Support to Gudfala Kaikai policy (2) Water: The Government of Vanuatu has an ambition to ensure that all populations of Vanuatu have access to potable water. The NSDP captures the policy directives for this under the Environment and Economic Pillars. SPC has been working in partnership with the Ministry of Lands and Water Resources on this. SPC has supported the Department of Water Resources with technical support on ground-water assessment and integrated water resource management; hazard mapping; Tagabe Catchment Management support; Hazard Mapping; PCRAFI support. This links to a component of SPC’s Goal 1to strengthen sustainable management of natural resources (fisheries, forestry, land use, agriculture, minerals, water) (3) Oceans: Vanuatu National Ocean Policy commits the Government implement actions for marine spatial planning and support marine protected areas, support fisheries management, promote maritime tourism and maritime 4
transport, address deep sea mining and reduce and mitigate the marine impacts of climate change and natural hazards SPC’s support to Ministry of Foreign Affairs Oceans Division in implementation of National Oceans Policy and work under the Pacific Community Centre for Ocean Science (PCCOS). From SPC’s perspective, increased visibility and intensified national engagement in supporting Vanuatu to address these critical challenges makes sense, given its extensive role and contribution regionally to advancing the management of these issues. Ongoing work across government under NSDP SPC will continue to provide the full range of support and services currently underway or planned. In each of its long- standing areas of work at the national level in Vanuatu, SPC support is highly valued. Nevertheless, there are ways in which SPC’s ongoing support can be improved. Vanuatu and SPC will actively explore opportunities to broaden or improve the contributions being made through these activities, and the ways in which they are monitored, in line with the new partnership set out in paragraphs 10-11 above. For example: • SPC internally is in the early stages of developing integrated programming and management approaches that will likely benefit Vanuatu in some key areas, such as food security and nutrition. • SPC will continue to work with MFAICET and DSSPAC to be accountable to the government for managing our work with the line Departments for results. This will be achieved through (a) regular quarterly dialogue to monitor and monitor and hone the Country Programme, held with the Regional Office and DSSPAC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and (b) joint country missions by technical divisions when combined support is expected to be delivered.1 Annex E maps all known current and proposed SPC support that is nationally focused within Vanuatu. This does not include the very broad range of regional work that SPC undertakes and from which Vanuatu benefits as a member of SPC, e.g., participation in regional meetings and workshops, region-wide scientific and technical research and analytical reports, regional databases and information products etc. Ways of working Principles: Vanuatu and SPC have jointly agreed that, in both planning and implementing activities within this country programme, our work together will follow the principles outlined in the Aid Management Policy. SPC appreciates that the Government recognizes that partners, such as SPC, and the Government, have collective responsibility to build a stable, effective and accountable environment to promote effective ownership and thus more effective external assistance. The notion of shared responsibility underpins the principles outlined below (taken directly from the Government Aid Management Policy, DSSPAC, 2018) 1. All development partners commit to and respect the Government’s national leadership and ownership of the development process with a focus on quality, effectiveness and results to ensure consistency with development priorities and alignment with national planning and decision making process for economic growth, thereby reducing poverty while allowing debt sustainability. 2. The Government will engage in development cooperation with partners and approve new programs according to a transparent assessment of projects and programs in line with the AMP and its planning framework. The engagement will form the basis of cooperation agreements that clearly articulate the roles, approaches and obligations of the Government and its development partners. 3. The AMP clarifies the roles and responsibilities of the Government’s central and line Ministries in overall coordination and management and recognizes the role of DSPPAC and, specifically, the Aid Coordination and Negotiation Unit (ACNU), and the roles of the MFEM and the MFAICET. 4. Recognizes the importance of an improvement in the capacity of DSPPAC to allow it to effectively perform the central development cooperation and management role. 1 For example, for food security, this might include experts in non-communicable diseases, climate smart agriculture, value chains and rural youth self-employment support through agri-business development. 5
5. Promotes and encourages inclusive development partnerships that focus on trust, mutual respect and learning recognizing the different and complementary roles of all stakeholders. 6. Promotes and encourages transparency and accountability in a mutual manner so that the decisions, implementation and results are mutually beneficial and serve the interests of Vanuatu’s citizens. 7. Identifies institutional arrangements to ensure broad and regular consultations and dialogue with development partners. 8. Encourages the use of Government systems to include planning, financial management including the budget process, and monitoring and evaluation. a. Planning: Use of the NSDP, NPF, ACNU Development Project Profile (for proposed and planned projects); integration into Ministry and agency corporate and business plans; and responsiveness to sector or thematic strategies. b. Financial Management: Use and integration of financial information in the annual national budget process, use of the established FMIS, and budget reporting. c. Monitoring and Evaluation: Use of the approved Monitoring and Evaluation Framework including reporting formats and information fields while indicating relationship to NSDP Pillars, Goals, Policy Objective, and, per Policy Objective, Indicator(s), Target(s) and Baseline measurement. 9. Identifies institutional arrangements among Government Ministries with cost-effective and efficient \ implementation, delivery and accountability mechanisms. 10. Underlines the principles of good governance, mutual accountability and zero tolerance to corruption. The Government requests joint efforts with partners to minimize corruption and illicit flows by enforcing Vanuatu’s laws and promoting a culture of zero tolerance for all corrupt practices. This includes efforts to improve fiscal transparency, strengthen independent enforcement mechanisms, and extend protection for whistle-blowers. 11. Recognizes the critical importance of inclusive sustainable development that addresses gender equality, environmental sustainability and respect for human rights. 12. Ensures that planning, management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation are inclusive of Provincial Governments, NGOs and the private sector. 13. Ensures that the Aid Project Management System (APMS) is fully operational and updated to serve as a single reference point and repository of all (proposed, planned, ongoing and eventually, completed projects) information on development projects and programs. The Government will require all development partners and Ministries and agencies to report all development assistance flows (commitments and disbursements) to promote transparency and facilitate timely approval and implementation. 14. The Government reserves the right to refuse or redirect external assistance if the potential negative effects of the assistance are judged to outweigh its possible benefits. The measures for this right of refusal will include both quantitative and qualitative aspects that will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Activity programming: For each of the three strategic priorities for this Country Programme (paragraph 12 above), SPC staff missions will visit Vanuatu before the end of April, 2019 to flesh out the specific areas where SPC can best contribute. Resource mobilisation (financial and technical): This will be a joint responsibility, including from other potential partners. To this end, Vanuatu has committed to work with its bilateral donors to have them use SPC as an implementing agency where feasible and appropriate. Focal points: Progress with implementing this country programme will be coordinated by the Director General of MFAICET and monitored and evaluated by the Director of DSSPAC for Vanuatu and by the Regional Director for Melanesia for SPC. 6
Tracking performance 1. The Government of Vanuatu will be responsible for monitoring and assessing the performance and contribution of SPC-supported activities within Vanuatu against its National Sustainable Development Plan using the national M & E Framework for the NSDP. 2. SPC will prepare a country report in June each year (a) summarising the key results (outputs) achieved over the previous year; and (b) highlighting significant outcomes where they exist – those that have demonstrably changed the lives of Vanuatu citizens for the better. This report will be shared with all members as a CRGA information paper. 3. This country programme is a living document. It will be revisited annually by both Vanuatu and SPC, to check and monitor the relevance of ongoing activities to Vanuatu’s specific policy objectives and to update Annex E with any new activities or emerging priorities. Results Matrix under NSDP M & E Framework to be reported annually: Lead Priority Impact Result NSDP Indicator responsibility Vanuatu SPC Support to Wide spread More local ENV 1.2.1 National food guidelines directing food MALFFB, LRD, Productive Sector, knowledge of food security and nutrition promotional activities MoH PHD Gudfala Kaikai Gudfala kaikai consumption, (including aelan kaikai) completed and operational policy policy; better reduction in implementation, national and diabetes and SOC 3.2.1 No. of Diabetic (NCD) related amputations Food security and community heart By 2020, the prevalence of diabetes amongst the NCDs level disease; adult population is
Annex A: A profile of Vanuatu and its development Overview Geography: Vanuatu is made up of 83 islands and an exclusive economic zone of 680,000 square kilometres. Its total land area is just over 12,000 square kilometres. Vanuatu has been ranked globally as the world’s most vulnerable country to natural disasters, with several active volcanoes and frequent exposure to earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones and volcanic eruptions. Population: Vanuatu has a total population of about 304,500 (mid-year 2018 SPC estimate), 70% of which lives in rural areas. Over half of the population live on the three largest islands (Espiritu Santo, Malakula and Efate); and the urban population is concentrated in the capital, Port Vila and Luganville. Between 1999 and 2009, urban population growth was 2-3 times higher than that for rural areas, suggesting high rates of urbanisation and both major urban centres have large communities and informal urban settlements just outside the municipal boundaries. Vanuatu is linguistically complex, with over 100 local languages spoken. Government: Vanuatu achieved independence on 30 July 1980 from what had been a joint British and French colonial administration. Today it is a parliamentary republic, governed by a 52 member unicameral parliament elected by universal suffrage to serve a four-year term. The President is the head of state and is elected for a five-year term by an electoral college comprising members of parliament and the presidents of the six provincial governments. The Prime Minister is the head of government and is elected by the parliament from amongst its members. Vanuatu operates a mixed legal system of English common law, French law and customary law. The National Council of Chiefs advises on matters of culture and language. The current Prime Minister is Charlot Salwai, elected in 2016. The next general election is due to be held in 2020. Economy: Subsistence farming, fishing and production of cash crops such as kava, coconut and cocoa are the main sources of livelihood for the vast bulk of Vanuatu’s population. Exports are also dominated by agricultural products (e.g., kava, coconut products, beef and cocoa. Tourism receipts are equivalent to about 30% 2of Vanuatu’s GDP and account for about 30% of its formal employment. Construction, driven by the private sector as well as donor-funded infrastructure projects, is also a significant contributor to economic growth. In March 2015, tropical cyclone Pam caused widespread damage, from which the country is continuing to recover. In 2017 Vanuatu's GDP per capita was just under USD 3,000. Taxation revenue (equivalent to about 18% of GDP) comes mainly from import duties. Society: One-third of Vanuatu’s population lacks access to basic services and about 13 per cent live below the national basic-needs poverty line3. Literacy, numeracy, immunisation and nutrition indicators are stagnating and, in some cases, declining, partly because the government has insufficient revenue to provide adequate education and health services. Most of the population does not have access to a reliable supply of potable water, and sanitation is inadequate. Violence against women and children is the most common crime, with 72 per cent of women experiencing physical and sexual violence in their life time. Vanuatu has a ‘young’ population structure with a median age of 20 years, associated with high rates of youth unemployment. The number of school (and university) leavers entering the job market far outstrips the average number of jobs created in the formal economy. In 1999, UNDP’s Human Development Index (HDI) ranked Vanuatu 140 out of 164 developing countries, improving to 118 in 2005 but dropped to 134 in 2015 and to 138 in 20184, largely because Vanuatu’s development gains in health, education and income growth are not increasing at comparable rates as similarly ranked countries. 2 IMF 2018 Article IV Consultation Report 3 2010 National Poverty Report, National Statistics Office & UNDP 2013 4 8
Annex B: Vanuatu development and reform priorities National Sustainable Development Plan 2016-2030 Budget Policy Priorities 2019 (The People’s Plan) Society Pillar SOCIETY 2: An inclusive and equitable quality education system with life-long Improved education quality and learning for all accessibility SOCIETY 3: A healthy population that enjoys a high quality of physical, mental, Improved quality of health care spiritual and social well-being SOCIETY 5: A society where the rule of law is consistently upheld, and access to Improved service delivery timely justice is available to everyone SOCIETY 6: A dynamic public sector with good governance principles and strong institutions delivering the support and services expected by all citizens of Vanuatu SOCIETY 1: A Nation based on traditional governance and Christian principles, Social inclusion, Security which underpin our culture and continue to bestow life skills and knowledge to future generations SOCIETY 4: An inclusive society which upholds human dignity and where the rights of all Ni-Vanuatu including women, youth, vulnerable groups and the elderly are supported, protected and promoted in our legislation and institutions Environment Pillar ENVIRONMENT 1: A nation that ensures our food and nutrition security needs Improved resilience and natural are adequately met for all people through increasing sustainable food resource management production systems and improving household production ENVIRONMENT 2: An economy which fosters sustainable growth and development through low impact industries and modern technologies to ensure the well-being of future generations ENVIRONMENT 3: A strong and resilient nation in the face of climate change and disaster risks posed by natural and man-made hazards ENVIRONMENT 4: A nation which utilises and sustainably manages our land, water and natural resources ENVIRONMENT 5: A nation committed to ensuring the conservation and sustainable management of our biodiversity and ecosystems Economy Pillar ECONOMY 1: A stable and prosperous economy, encouraging trade, investment and providing economic opportunities for all members of society throughout Improved business Vanuatu opportunities and investment ECONOMY 3: A strong rural economy that creates opportunities, enables the development of rural communities and increasingly contributes to national prosperity ECONOMY 4: An enabling business environment, creating opportunities and employment for entrepreneurs throughout Vanuatu ECONOMY 2: Sustainable and well-maintained infrastructure and services for Improved infrastructure all, through inclusive and effective partnerships 9
Annex C: National Government Policies and Implementation Framework The national planning framework consists of the following (Taken from Aid Management Policy, DSSPAC, 2018): • Vanuatu 2030: The People’s Plan (Vanuatu’s National Sustainable Development Plan -NSDP, 2016-2030) • Vanuatu 2030: The People’s Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Framework • Annual Development Report • National Planning Framework • Annual Budget Policy Statement The NSDP identifies the country’s vision and serves as its overarching policy framework to achieve a stable, sustainable and prosperous country within the next 15 years. The NSDP sets out the national priorities and their alignment with the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to which the Government has committed. In regards to the AMP, the NSDP “requires the active participation of civil society, the private sector and our international development partners.” And, “It also requires strong coordination of the partnerships with business, civil society, development agencies and donors, aligning their contributions to national priorities and ensuring program delivery takes place through national systems.” There are many NSDP components that relate to effective development assistance. Regarding the management of the assistance, the most relevant goal is within Pillar 1: Society Pillar under Goal 6: Strong and Effective Institutions - a dynamic public sector with good governance principles and strong institutions delivering the support and services expected by all citizens of Vanuatu. The following policy objectives are relevant to the AMP: 6.1 Enhance the capacity and accountability of public officials, and ensure the impartiality and effectiveness of performance management systems. 6.4 Strengthen national institutions to ensure they are cost-effective and well-resourced to deliver quality public services. 6.5 Strengthen local authorities and municipal institutions to enable decentralized service delivery. 6.6 Strengthen physical planning and management to meet the service delivery needs of a growing population. 6.8 Coordinate resources to align with national objectives. 6.9 Strengthen research, data and statistics for accountability and decision-making. The Vanuatu 2030: The People’s Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF) was designed to complement the NSDP and report on its progress. It is the result of the Monitoring and Evaluation Policy. The MEF is results based and is intended to serve as a guide for implementing, monitoring and reporting on the NSDP. The Department of Strategic Policy Planning and Aid Coordination (DSPPAC) prepared the MEF with the assistance of the Vanuatu National Statistics Office (VNSO) and inputs of a variety of Government Ministries and agencies as well as other stakeholders. The Annual Development Report (ADR) is the annual monitoring report for the NSDP. It follows the NSDP’s MEF. The report is results-oriented as it shows the status of achieving specific targets based on activities to achieve the NSDP’s pillars, goals and policy objectives. DSSPAC’s Monitoring and Evaluation Unit produces the ADR. The National Planning Framework (NPF) was prepared for the use of decision makers involved in planning at the Ministry and agency level. This includes keeping Ministries and agencies compliant with the legal reporting requirements of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Management (MFEM) and the Public Service Commission (PSC). The NPF is to ensure that planning across the Government is carried out in a uniform manner. The planning process includes the Corporate Plans (Ministry or agency medium term strategies) and Business Plans (annual plans that accompany annual budget submissions). The NPF was prepared by DSSPAC. The Annual Budget Policy Statement is prepared per the Public Finance and Economic Management Act. It incorporates the Government’s strategic vision that is in line with the NSDP and identifies the financial policies and indicators of the Government including economic and fiscal performance, targets and future trends. The AMP is part of the above policy and process framework and will use what processes and procedures that exist from this framework to the extent possible. The AMP will also be a part of the Foreign Policy now being prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and External Trade (MFAICET). In addition, there are sectoral policies being revised in key line Ministries that inform planning and programming of sectoral work and integrated programming that will be utilized in the implementation of this Country Programme. 10
Regional Ø SAMOA Pathway (2014) Ø Regional Framework for Accelerating Action on Food Security and Nutrition in Pacific SIDS (Draft, February 2018) Ø Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership (September 2013) Global Ø Sustainable Development Goals Ø Paris Agreement on Climate Change Ø Barbados Plan of Action Annex D: Vanuatu key development partnerships Ø Asian Development Bank (ADB) Current: 124.3 Million USD with some co-financing with Japan and New Zealand. Note that total is 202.41 USD= 83.46 in 14 Grants, 23.05 in 19 Technical Assistance interventions, and 95.96 in 16 Loans). Sectors: Transport Infrastructure – marine and road Urban and Sanitation – Drainage, sanitation Energy – Renewable – Hydro Disaster relief/reconstruction – volcano victims, schools, roads/crossings Private Sector - Enabling business environment, policy and legislative reforms Health – Introduction of 3 new Vaccines (neumococi, HPV, Retrovirus) Education – Repair of Schools (TC Pam reconstruction) Ø World Bank (WB) Ø Australia currently focuses its support on a wide range of sectors, from Infrastructure to Health to Education and Gender and Climate Change and Disaster Management. Ø European Union national indicative programme (NIP) (2014-2020) includes an allocation of €21 million, fully committed to budget support for value chain work in three areas: Coconuts, Fruits/Vegetables and Beef. In addition to this there is a €10 million financing fund and a €4 million technical assistance fund, totalling €35 million in the NIP. Vanuatu will also benefit from the Regional EDF 11 Programmes, such as the Fisheries work that will soon commence (SPC, FFA as principle implementers). Ø Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) country programme framework (2018-2022) is for 5.5 Million USD, and is focused on achieving outcome: Sustainable increase in production and marketing of domestic agriculture products and healthy consumption of safe and nutritious food. This will mainly be in the form of policy support, resource management training and support to develop integrated landscape/ seascape management plans. Ø German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) supports several projects, including SPC/GIZ CCCPIR, which provides technical advisory support to the National Advisory Board on Climate Change & Disaster Risk Reduction (NAB) and the Ministry of Climate Change (MoCC). This has included a NAB Secretariat handover process, including providing support to the NAB UNFCCC Taskforce and defining national climate negotiation priorities, and the NAB Climate Finance working Group (with SPC/ISACC project) to approve the Climate Finance Review document and plan for 2018 GCF Readiness funding. Ø South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) provides assistance through projects such as PEBACC (Regional EBA adaptation project), and have the only approved GCF project in country, for Climate Change Information, with upcoming work expected through a Blue Carbon project that will be done in tandem with SPC. Ø Japan provides assistance to build, manage and maintain infrastructure, including a recently completed addition and renovation of existing commercial port, where there are a large amount of cruise ship dockings (up to 29 in a month during high season) Ø New Zealand, supports projects focused primarily on education and agriculture. Ø China is a large supporter in Vanuatu, contributing through grants and soft loans, focused mainly on infrastructure (wharfs, roads, convention centre, sporting facilities, Prime Minister Office renovation) Ø United States of America (USA) has some programmes through USAID that are implemented by SPC (ISACC project) 11
Annex E: SPC current work programme against Vanuatu NSDP priorities NSDP Pillar 1: Society Pillar SPC strategic plan Goal 3: Pacific people reach their potential and live long and healthy lives alignment: NSDP Sub- SPC SPC support Status/planned sector lead 2019-2021 Soc. 4 RRRT UPR: RRRT assistance with reporting and implementation of Treaty and Ongoing Inclusive Society Universal Periodic Review (UPR) obligations; Soc. 6 Stakeholder trainings, mock UPR sessions; Legislative & policy reviews Good Gov. for human rights compliance & ensuring human rights compliance in new legislation & policies Training for Vanuatu State Prosecution Department summary prosecutors (police level training) (Australia funded) Soc. 4, 5 RRRT Human Rights Task Force; Ongoing Inclusive Society Family Protection Act implementation tracking tool design, validation and finalisation; Community awareness raising on Child Safeguarding Policy and Gender Equity in Education Policy - Malampa Province; Training on RBA (Rights Based Approach) for National Human Rights CSO Coalition Soc. 2 EQAP Support to Vanuatu to improve quality of education nationally: Ongoing, Education Pacific Islands Literacy and Numeracy Assessment: (PILNA) – extensive implementation and administration for outcome of improved literacy Country and numeracy nationally; Programming Support to education assessment system: sectoral Improve education system governance, MEL; discussions VEMIS: Increased capacity to manage and use high quality, value and completed reliable data to inform planning and decision-making; Helping Vanuatu to connect to Regional Qualification Register to improve labour mobility Soc. 3 PHD 1. Non-communicable diseases (NCD) – Advocacy; technical Ongoing, TA and Health assistance; and promotional resources for awareness campaigns, WAKE materials UP NCD campaign with MoH, Wan Smol Bag, Mele community available to MoH 2. PPHSN: Strengthening public health surveillance and response; upon request, strengthening lab standards and training of staff ongoing support 3. Strengthening collaboration regional clinical services and workforce issues Soc. 3 GEM Water: Continued support to the groundwater assessment and Ongoing – Health monitoring in existing sites and new sites where needed. resource mobilization • Further training of ground water drill team required due to • Continued capacity development in groundwater assessment and completion of monitoring PAM project • GCF Water security engagement funding • Link in with water governance work which is already being supported by UNICEF, other partners where possible Soc. 4 SDP Gender responsive planning and budgeting processes: increased Ongoing Inclusive Society capacity for Department of Women’s Affairs, central agencies and sectors for gender analysis (including gender statistics) Soc. 6 SDD Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS): system review, Ongoing Statistics, Data prioritisation, training in use of information technology to inform policy Population census – Technical support for planning, design, delivery of 2020 Census Support 2019 SDG NSDP Voluntary Nat. Review SPC/UNESCAP/PIFS; Support to Vanuatu National Voluntary Reporting (VNR) preparation via the Pacific SDG regional support partnership. Support to NSO on their reform agenda, as requested NSDP Pillar 2: Environment Pillar SPC strategic plan Goal 2: Pacific communities are empowered and resilient alignment: 12
NSDP Sub- SPC SPC support Status/planned sector lead 2019-2021 Env. 1, 4 LRD Seeds for Life Ongoing Sustainable Food Work with staff for Ex-situ conservation at the VARTC Production • Assist in the evaluation of tree and food crops (climate readiness) Systems; • Increase the number of collecting missions and characterize main plant sustainably genetic resources from Vanuatu (food and tree crops) manage • Support the Government in conservation of noble varieties of kava resources • Enhance where and when required local capacities for plant tissue culture • Provide technical support on nurseries establishment / community seed banks (vegetables, clonal crops) Landscapes and forests management Planned • Build capacities in community based natural forest management (restoration, protection, regeneration) • Support in surveillance systems for forest conservation • Assist in building REDD+ readiness capacities • Introduce tools to and build capacity in land use (voluntary guidelines) • Assess economic value of land (land degradation) Biosecurity/SPS Planned • Build capacity in plant health (plant health clinics) • Assist NPPOs in Pest and Disease On-line Commenting Systems • Create awareness at national level on important pest incursions • Assist in pest identification, early warning; response planning and implementation – phyto-sanitation (Pre-border / border / post border) • Assist in PPPO work planning – working with member countries and IPPC on the e-phyto and implementation of National Reporting Obligations (NRO’s) and other International Standards of Phyto- sanitary Measures (ISPM’s). Need Govt req: Food Systems for Health SPC can assist • Build capacities in Value add – organic agriculture / Participatory with EDF 11 Guarantee Schemes implementing GEM Ridge to reef management (R2R) – Tagabe River Catchment Ongoing (R2R) Management Plan support Env. 1, 4 FAME Aquaculture: Capacity development provided to government & farmers Ongoing Sustainable Food in aquatic biosecurity; community based and people-centred approaches Production to strengthen community impacts of small scale aquaculture; tilapia Systems; pond installation and methodology training, prawn hatchery support sustainably manage Coastal Fisheries: Coastal fisheries policies, management plans and Ongoing resources legislation reviewed; Coastal fisheries monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement support, database and training; Improved information and management of beche-de-mer stocks; Support provided for coastal fisheries resource or ecosystem surveys and assessments Soc 6 GEM Good Oceans and Maritime Governance: Ongoing Good FAME Assist Vanuatu for laws and policies to comply with international Governance maritime instruments; support Vanuatu to establish their maritime jurisdictional rights and responsibilities; Need Gov’t Env. 2 OCEANS POLICY IMPLEMENTION: Awaiting request from Vanuatu request Low impact government for support industry, modern technologies Sustainable Maritime Transport and Safe Navigation: Ongoing Assist Vanuatu with training of domestic vessels ship owners to adopt and implement safety standards and Safety Management Systems (SMS); support Vanuatu to have the capacity and systems to deliver safety of navigation services in line with international maritime instruments; Vanuatu able to improve energy efficiency and lower GHG emissions in maritime transport Shipping and ports energy efficiency: Training, technical assistance, and data collection and analysis for, e.g., Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), port energy 13
management (MTCC-Pacific5), to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuel in the maritime transport sector; Ship Safety – International Safety Management (ISM) code audit; Env 3 Resilient Improved Ocean Literacy and Maritime Capacity: Expertise, skills and knowledge is improved for people in the maritime and ocean-related sectors, support to Women in Maritime Association DRM: Enhanced partnerships and practises on good governance for resilience; utilize science based approaches to support evidence-based decision-making; implement and maintain new or enhanced climate, disaster, water & sanitation resilient investments – ground water Ongoing assessments with community engagement and capacity building of Dept. of Water to use SPC provided drill rig. Emergency management – partnership strengthening, including twinning (fire services, emergency services); capacity building NDMO, emergency response support to NDMO in disaster management Multi-Hazard Mapping: Lenakal, Tanna and Malekula mapping and community training for coastal flooding; capacity building of Met services and provincial authorities and communities; work under PCRAFI Project NSDP Pillar 3: Economy Pillar SPC strategic plan Goal 1: Pacific people benefit from sustainable economic development alignment: NSDP Sub-sector SPC SPC support Status/planned lead 2019-2021 Econ. 3 FAME Oceanic Fisheries: Stock assessment and monitoring; Analysis and Ongoing Strong Rural advice for evidence-based fisheries management; Economy Econ. 1 Data management: Fisheries and marine ecosystems data collection Trade and data management services Sustainable Livelihoods: Identification, promotion and transfer of marine-based livelihood alternatives including sustainable nearshore fishing methods for food and income generation, low-cost post-harvest technologies and non-extractive use of marine resources 5 Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre, co-hosted by SPC and SPREP. 14
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