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Customer Magazine of Anaergia / UTS Products GmbH INfarmer INTERVIEW with the president of the German Biogas Association Mr. Seide PSM MIXER TECHNOLOGY Intelligent technology SERVICE-BOX PRO Patented system UTS REFERENCE PROJECT Eggertshof Issue 03/2019
Dear customers, Dear UTS fans, I would like to thank you all. The feedback we received on the first two issues of INfarmers was overwhelming. The discussions we were able to have with you were substantial, forward-looking, encouraging and constructive. This magazine is a communication medium in which we bring to- gether what is important to you and to us: technology, the latest insights and developments in our industry, success stories by and with you, and news from our parent company Anaergia. We are very pleased that all this is met with so much interest on your part and that a cycle seems to be closing. A closed cycle is the idea of the ideal biogas plants for all of us. This requires many willing hands, courageous decisions and strong cohesion of all those involved in the creation of value. So, if we want to continue our biogas history in a positive way, we should all move closer together. Because biogas and anaerobic digestion have a future and we can shape it together. All the more I am again pleased to present to you different perspectives in this issue: starting with the incredible history of a 600-year-old farm that has already experienced a lot as a biogas pioneer; about our German biogas association president, Mr. Seide, who gives interesting insights into the post-EEG phase in this interview; or our man of the first hour in the north-east of Ger- many in sales and service; to insights into a waste plant in Cardiff and the latest findings of a promising technology in the form of our PSM agitation technology. All these stories show me and I believe you too that this industry has huge potential and all of us can shape the future of biogas in a positive way. My plea to you: please challenge us every day so that together we can present a sustainable solution to climate change and the latest movements. Years ago, this industry already demonstrated that it is possible to break down borders in the long term and be a climate-neutral alternative. I wish you a lot of fun reading and discovering where the road will lead to. Please keep on letting me know if you enjoyed the INfarmer and maybe next time we will tell your success story. With the best regards Stefan Kaiser Managing Director of UTS Products GmbH Editorial – Stefan Kaiser | 03
CONTENT 03 | Editorial Stefan Kaiser 06 - 09 | Reference Project Eggertshof 10 - 11 | 600th Anniversary Eggertshof 12 - 15 | Interview with the president of the German Biogas Association Mr. Seide 16 - 21 | Separators 22 - 25 | Service partner Michael Fritz 26 - 29 | Reference Project Demmin 30 - 31 | PSM Mixer Technology 32 - 35 | Service-Box Pro 36 - 39 | Anaergia Project Cardiff LEGAL NOTICE INfarmer Editorial staff: Photo credits: Issue 03/2019 Sonja Grage, UTS Products © rené becker FOTO & WERBESTUDIO, Greifswald Jens Schönlau, sku:l communication © FOTOGRAFIE GRUNERT-HELD, 97209 Veitshöchheim Publisher: Adobe Stock UTS Products GmbH Concept and realization: Oestinghausener Str. 12 Plan B Marketing You can subscribe for the INfarmer by mail or e-mail 59510 Lippetal Möhnestraße 55 for free. reproduction, also in extracts, only with explicit phone: +49 2923 610 94 59755 Arnsberg permission of the editorial staff. phone: +49 2932 899722 Printed on 100% recycling paper. Content | 05
EGGERTSHOF UTS BIOGAS PLANT PROJECT THE BIOGAS INDUSTRY PIONEERS There will always be people who farm from his parents. The couple built a biogas plant on the Eggerts- lead the way. The first people to invested a lot of time, energy, mo- hof farm as early as in 1996, ma- fly, to walk on the moon, or to ney and ideas to secure the future king the farm independent of oil and land on a new continent. Others of their agricultural family tradition. gas. To this day, this initial plant has might think that they are reck- They also decided to diversify so been continuously optimised and less or downright crazy. that they would not have to depend kept up to date with the latest tech- on only one source of income any nology. UTS assisted the Eggertshof We have a saying: everybody said it longer. farm and the Pellmeyer family with wasn‘t possible until someone came this. along who didn‘t know it wasn‘t Biogas plays an important role in possible and did it. Josef Pellmeyer the business strategy of the Pell- A SECOND PLANT always knew what he was doing. meyer family whose farm is now in In 1983, he and his wife took over the hands of their son Michael and In 2004, the conditions for inves- the now 600-year-old Eggertshof his wife Natalie. Josef Pellmeyer ting in new biogas plants were very WIR GEBEN ALLES FÜR EINE SAUBERE UMWELT! Aerial view of the Eggertshof Reference Project Eggertshof | 07
UTS PROJECT REPORT good thanks to new legislation (of ensiled on an immense outdoor sto- The entire energy potential intro- 2000 and 2004) on feeding power rage area in order to have sufficient duced into the plant is put to highly into the grid. stock to last until the next harvest. efficient use. After all, the plant with its two large Josef Pellmeyer had been the Chair- fermenters and one secondary fer- RICH HARVEST man of the German Biogas Associati- menter must be fed every day. The on since 2001 and seized the oppor- raw materials from the silage area And what does the system bring? tunity to build a new, state-of-the-art are fed into a solids dispenser by a To begin with, the plant produces biogas plant, once again hiring UTS. wheeled loader, from where screw approx. 5,800 MWh of renewable Having worked together for several conveyors and conveyor belts trans- electricity per year, which is sufficient years, they had come to appreciate port them to the fermenters. They for the needs of some 1,500 house- each other and it was clear that UTS, are designed with only one purpose: holds. In addition, approx. 6,000 with its design expertise and leading to achieve a maximum gas yield with MWh of thermal energy is generated biogas technology, would be able to the minimum energy consumption which is used for the fermentation make an optimum contribution to using UTS technology. The mixers process and for drying both the fer- the success of the plant. ensure optimum fermentation, the mentation residues in the fermen- service boxes minimise gas losses tation residue tank and wood chips. Not only was a new plant to be cre- during maintenance work, and the The fermentation residues stay in ated, but it should also be an extra continuously used UTS pumps ensu- the plant‘s 5,609 m³ fermentation source of income for the Eggerts- re that the entire process takes pla- residue storage facility for some 180 hof. Biomasse Kraftwerk Eggertshof ce smoothly and reliably. days. The MKR vacuum evaporator, GmbH & Co. KG was established and which extracts additional moisture put the new plant into operation in In addition to UTS technology, there from the fermentation residues, is a 2006. The plant, which runs on re- is yet another component that plays special technical feature. newable raw materials, has been a central role for the efficiency of the fermenting has been fermenting plant: process heat. The fermenta- THE ADVANTAGE: approx. 14,000 metric tons of forage tion process requires a temperature maize and approx. 4,000 metric tons of around 40 °C year round in the Weight and volume are reduced, of grass into approx. 1.8 million m³ containers. This is where the com- simplifying handling and fewer trips of biomethane a year since then. bined heat and power unit (CHP) are needed to spread the fermen- that belongs to the plant comes tation residues as natural fertilizer THINKING BIG into play. The biogas produced dri- onto the fields of the Eggertshof and ves two 370-kW MAN gas engines, neighbouring farms. That is a positi- The Pellmeyer family harvests the which in turn drive a generator that ve effect, as is the fact that the qua- raw materials for their biogas plant produces electricity. The waste heat lity of the soil in the area has been from early summer to early autumn. from the engine is used to keep the continuously improved by these The grass and the chopped maize are fermenters at the right temperature. fermentation residues, doing away 08 | Reference Project Eggertshof
with the need to purchase expensive artificial fertilizers. The fermentation residue storage facility in the plant is also a gas storage facility. From here, the gas is fed to the CHP via pipelines that optimise the calorific value of the gas by cooling and dehumidifica- tion. A positive effect of the Eg- gertshof biogas plant for the en- vironment and the climate is that it achieves significant annual CO2 savings of 5,000 metric tons com- pared to conventional energy gene- ration using fossil fuels. MODERN GAS TREATMENT Biomasse Kraftwerk Eggertshof GmbH & Co. KG has been working together with Munich‘s municipal utilities, i.e. Münchener Stadtwerke (SWM), since 2010. The latter indi- cated to the Pellmeyer family that they were willing to buy the surplus gas produced by the plant. To this end, the Munich utilities invested in a state-of-the-art gas treatment and network entry plant which was built on the Eggertshof and connected to the biogas plant through a gas pipeline. The trea- ted raw gas is fed into the H-gas network of Erdgas Südbayern as high-quality biomethane (methane Gas processing plant with a purity of over 99%) at a ma- ximum network pressure of 16 bar. SWM uses the gas quota for the CO2-neutral operation of a 370-kW CHP unit at Munich‘s Michaelibad pool, which is some 30 km away. The electricity produced is fed into the SWM‘s grid and the heat covers a considerable part of the pool‘s he- ating requirements. This flagship project in Eggertsho- fen shows how versatile the use and advantages of a sustainably designed biogas plant, combined with sophisticated technology, can be. And one of the best things is that this benefits an entire region in the form of renewable energy, sustainably farmed land, and an Michael Pellmeyer, Nathalie Pellmeyer, Michaela Kaniber (minister for agriculture, improved CO2 balance. Bavaria), Elvira Pellmeyer and Josef Pellmeyer (from left to right) Reference Project Eggertshof | 09
600TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE EGGERTSHOF HONOUR TO WHOM HONOUR IS DUE! A farm reaching the venerable The farm dates back to the Middle of best practice“, since the Eggerts- age of 600 years old is a very Ages. First mentioned in an official hof now represents three companies good reason to celebrate. document in 1418, the Eggertshof and three sectors: Eggertshof Ag- started out as the „hunting lodge“ of rar is an agricultural company, Eg- That‘s why two generations of the the Prince Bishops of Freising. The gertshof Bioenergie GmbH & Co. KG Pellmeyer family, the owners and land and the farm became priva- produces, uses and sells renewable operators of the Eggertshof farm, te property in 1633 and they have energy and Entsorgungs- und Ver- decided to organise a public celebra- been owned by the Pellmeyer family wertung GmbH Eggertshof recycles tion on the last Saturday of June of since 1918. The Eggertshof survived all kinds of waste. this year, followed by an open farm the 30-year war, two world wars, as day on Sunday. The Pellmeyers‘ in- well as medium and major catastro- EXPERIENCING THE vitations were well received. Visitors phes such as the BSE crisis in 2000 EGGERTSHOF included the Bavarian Minister of and a major fire in its composting Agriculture Michaela Kaniber, the Mi- hall in 2003. In order to show local residents what nister of State Florian Hermann, the the Eggertshof has become and what President of the Bavarian Farmers‘ But rather than concentrating on it is doing, its doors and gates were Association (Bayerischen Bauernver- surviving, the recent history of the opened to the public for one day as band) Walter Heidl, the President of farm has been characterized by op- part of the anniversary celebrations. the Biogas Association (Fachverband timistic, constructive shaping of the To present the four key themes, i.e. Biogas) Horst Seide, the Mayor of future. One thing that is typical of agriculture incl. livestock farming, Freising Tobias Eschenbacher, the the Eggertshof and the Pellmeyer fa- biogas plant with waste utilisation/ local priest Peter Lederer, and many, mily is the courage to look ahead. fermentation product evaporation, many other guests of honour. There Since the mid-1980s, they have ma- composting plant and wood utilisa- was a lot going on at the Eggertshof naged to shape the transition from a tion, as well as biogas plant with re- on these two days. traditional agricultural enterprise to newable raw materials, several pre- a broad-based modern company. Mi- sentations, guided tours and several A FARM OF IMPORTANCE nister Michaela Kaniber paid respect stands were organised where vari- to this in her welcoming speech. She ous organisations from these fields There is a good reason why there is called the Eggertshof an „inspirati- showed off what they did (Bauern- so much public interest in the Eg- onal undertaking“ and said that the verband, Jungbauernschaft, Ma- gertshof. It starts with its history. Pellmeyer family were an „example schinenring, Berufsgenossenschaft, 10 | 6ooth anniversary Eggertshof
Michael Pellmeyer, Elvira Pellmeyer, Michaela Kaniber (minister for agriculture, Bavaria), Josef Pellmeyer and Horst Seide (president of the German Biogas Association) (from left to right) proGesund, Landeskuratorium der partner to the Pellmeyer family, we farm in 1996, many experts and Erzeugerringe für tierische Verede- did not want to miss out on this delegations have visited the farm lung in Bayern e.V. (LKV), Zucht- chance to present UTS to the pub- to learn more about this subject. In verband, Bayerische Landesanstalt lic with our own stand. After all, it 2004, the Eggertshof even welco- für Landwirtschaft (LfL), Fachver- is a rare occasion that people can med the then Chinese Prime Minis- band Biogas, Stadtwerke Freising, experience so much biogas power ter Wen Jiabo and the then Bavari- Fachvereinigung Bayerischer Kom- in one place. The festivities were an Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber posthersteller, Waldbesitzervereini- a great success and drew attenti- who wanted to get an idea of new gung). on from way beyond the municipal, ways of sustainable energy produc- district and federal state borders. tion themselves. Many guests have Of course, as a long-standing de- Ever since Josef Pellmeyer built the followed them to come and see how velopment, technology and service first biogas plant on the Eggertshof things can be done differently. 6ooth anniversary Eggertshof | 11
INTERVIEW PRESIDENT OF THE GERMAN BIOGAS ASSOCIATION MR SEIDE Mission Statement of the German Biogas Association Who we are: The German Biogas Association brings together and represents the interests of more than 4.700 members such as substrate suppliers, plant planners and constructors, biogas plant operators, energy providers, and people from research and development as well as public bodies on a national and international level. We create platforms for exchanging opinions and knowledge and bring together the expertise of sector by coordinating industry stakeholders. 12 | Interview Mr. Seide
INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT OF THE GERMAN BIOGAS ASSOCIATION MR. SEIDE THE FUTURE OF BIOGAS ” industry? What contribution can We are trying to make it clear to po- biogas plants make and what liticians that biogas plant operators limitations can the environmen- should be allowed to use flowers talists‘ demands pose? from flower strips and wildflower fields in their biogas plants. There is The Fridays for Future movement definitely room for improvement as Mr. Seide, has been very useful for our industry far as this and other issues are con- and as a trade association we have cerned. the biogas industry is on the encouraged our members to join the brink of yet another major ch- demonstrations. Young people have When looking at our indust- ange. Operators and manufactu- pressured politicians into taking ac- ry, do you see any weak points rers are wondering: What does tion. Of course, these young people that operators and technology the future hold for biogas? The were hoping for more, but it can‘t be suppliers should specifically ad- Fachverband Biogas (German denied that the demonstrations have dress? Biogas Association) and all its brought about some change. This is stakeholders are working hard really positive for renewable energy, There‘s not this ONE weak point that to raise the general awareness also for our biogas sector. we can focus on. However, emissi- of biogas as it is an important on reduction is a topic that should component in the energy mix. We would like to counter any criti- be given specific attention. We have After all, renewable energy is cism from nature conservationists also noticed this in connection with about more than just wind and by explaining the solutions we of- the current, 44th BImSchV (Federal solar energy. fer. Let‘s take the example of flower Immission Protection Ordinance). It strips or fields with wildflowers. The- is very likely that this will not be the What do you consider to be the se flowers can be used to produce last time that biogas plants will be main arguments in favour of bio- energy in our biogas plants. Forcing required to reduce their emissions. gas plants and their continued our farmers to grow flowers will be It is a long way from fermentation existence? What are the Biogas good for bees and insects, but it will to the motor in biogas plants. There- Association‘s views on the fu- have a financial impact on farmers. fore, both operators and manufactu- ture of biogas? rers need to step up their efforts to We believe that current program- reduce emission sources as much as The current energy transition is in mes which promise farmers a cer- possible. full swing and it will be different from tain amount of money per hectare if the previous one. The challenges for they let flowers rot in their fields are We, as the Biogas Association, are the next decade and beyond are is- creating false incentives. Letting the involved in scientific accompa- sues that our biogas plants will be flowers rot is bad for the CO2 and nying research for determining and able to handle very well. Some ex- nitrous oxide emissions balance. It evaluating emission sources, i.e. amples of these challenges are the would make more sense to bring the which emission sources are relevant stabilising of the electricity grid or withered flowers to our biogas plants and how relevant they are. We have providing heat in an affordable and as this would benefit us all. already recorded the first results, climate-friendly way. This means but this process is still ongoing. We that biogas plants will continue to be We are currently testing several dif- expect that a publication will be issu- indispensable to enable the goals of ferent flower mixtures with our ope- ed by around mid-2021 the energy transition to be achieved. rators. This is not scientific research, but it is a learning by doing appro- What do you think about the is- Fridays for Future have set the ach. Different mixtures are used in sue of intra-agricultural compe- climate protection debate in various locations all over the coun- tition and competition for land? motion! Does the Biogas Asso- try, from north to south, in order ciation support this initiative? to find out which flowers grow best Biogas plant operators and far- And if so, what exactly do you where, and which ones are useful for mers should stop seeing each other think will be the benefits for our energy production. as competitors. I think that biogas Interview Mr. Seide | 13
technology offers agriculture an op- major challenges. Which measu- I am convinced that our biogas in- portunity to overcome the current res does the Biogas Association dustry will provide a solution to this and future challenges. recommend should be taken in issue. Considering what we built ten order to comply with the requi- or twenty years ago and where we Let‘s take the Fertiliser Regulation as rements of this fertilisation le- are now, we can look forward to an example. Farmers in red areas, gislation? Fermentation product some great new developments in the i.e. regions with a high concentra- processing, marketing, storage? coming years. We still have a lot of tion of livestock, can be supported innovations ahead of us! by biogas plant operators to help The Deutsche Bauernverband (Ger- them manage their manure. A posi- man Farmers‘ Association) and the Is there anything else in terms tive side effect of this is that valuab- Biogas Association have been pur- of technology that operators le energy is produced and methane suing a common goal for more than should take to heart in order to emissions from livestock farming are a year: slurry should be covered. secure the futures of their plants, reduced. e.g. with regard to increasing In the next 10 years, we want to the efficiency and effectiveness As is often the case, there will not achieve that at least 50% of all of their plant operations? be one single measure that works slurry is covered in biogas plants. equally well for all farmers and bio- We have reached the point where Again, a general recommendation gas plant operators, but there are these endeavours have also reached is difficult due to the highly diver- still many issues that are easier to the political sphere and are begin- se ways in which biogas plant ope- solve together instead of trying to ning to bear fruit. Various paragra- rators are structured. However, the solve them on our own phs of the Climate Change Package general increase in effectiveness is mention slurry in conjunction with obviously something that they all Flexibility premium subsidies biogas plants. We have reached a have in common. Of course, an ope- for biogas have been exhaus- point where politicians have realised rator of a 75kW plant will never be ted. The flex lid is closed. What that we have to introduce the slurry as concerned about marketing their do you think is the significance into our biogas plants. This is an im- electricity as someone who owns a of the flexibilization of biogas portant step in the right direction. 1MW plant, but I am convinced that plants for the energy mix? Is this we will experience great leaps in all topic already a thing of the past? However, as mentioned before, there areas. As I already indicated befo- Or to put it differently: What fu- is not a single measure that repre- re, there will be considerably more ture compensation do you envi- sents the best solution for all parties innovations and at an increasingly sage for the energy produced by concerned. We therefore have to find faster rate. biogas plants? separate solutions for the individual regions such as a storage facility for Digitisation is an area that I find I think this lid - to put it bluntly - is an arable farming region. At this sta- exciting. Of course, we can alrea- nonsensical. Politicians are talking ge, it would be a nice idea to have dy kind of „remotely control“ plants about how we can make more ca- several farmers share a storage faci- now, but this is just the start. The pacity available. Let me give you an lity at a biogas plant. However, such future will be that all our products, example. In addition to the existing a solution is not helpful for regions i.e. electricity, heat, gas, etc., will Irsching 4 and 5 gas and steam tur- with a lot of livestock as their nutri- be offered for sale and digitisation bine power plants, another 300MW ent density is simply too high. Again, can help us to a great extent in this Irsching 6 gas-fired power plant is technical solutions, such as proces- respect. Companies that manage to be built in Upper Bavaria. But the sing techniques, are needed to make to sensibly combine the two topics biogas plant operators in Bavaria are fertiliser easier to transport. of sales and digitisation for farmers already in a good position to provi- and operators will certainly have a de the required energy. And we can The agricultural and biogas sector is good future ahead of them. do this at considerably lower costs currently offering us many approa- and in a shorter time than the cons- ches. And this makes me really pro- Digitisation will have its effect on all truction of a new power plant would ud of our industry, as I see that com- aspects of biogas plants. An examp- involve. panies are giving a lot of thought to le of this is the mixing technology how we can solve these challenges in our plants. I‘m quite certain that Even if the flex lid is closed, this dis- together. And here I’m thinking of there‘s still plenty to be optimised in cussion is definitely far from over. the first plants that are now entering this respect. For instance, we might the market with solutions for nitro- combine digitisation and electricity The amended Fertiliser Regu- gen reduction, phosphorus reducti- sales, and thus extend the existing lation is also important for bio- on, separation, full-scale treatment needs-based electricity supply whe- gas plant operators. The „red ... and these are only the first ini- re an automatic process shows ope- zones“ in particular are facing tiatives. rators when to feed electricity into 14 | Interview Mr. Seide
the grid so that they’ll get the best regulated. We have to sell the pro- At the conclusion of the Gas 2030 possible prices. This is one of the ducts we produce, i.e. electricity, dialogue process, Peter Altmaier, many aspects where the right tech- heat, mobility, gas, and our biogas Federal Minister for Economic Af- nology, i.e. feed technology, pum- plants offer a wide range of possi- fairs and Energy, recently said „Gas ping technology, mixing technology bilities. As an industry, we have to is sexy“. Biogas plays an import- and so on, will be very important. take responsibility for these sales. ant role in this and we can defini- There will be operators who are tely consider the outcome of these Even although our industry has very keen to sell, and on the other dialogues to be a success. If you already gone through several ch- hand there will be those who would study the paper in detail, you will anges, I believe that even greater be less interested in this issue and see that biogas will be part of the changes await us in the future. And need support. This in turn is an op- solution for the energy sector in the I definitely mean that in a positive portunity for our producers. future. However, the focus will be way. less on our electricity and more on These new challenges will change heat, gas and electric mobility and We have all experienced and our industry to a certain extent. green gases. These areas will be- achieved a great deal together The pure production of raw materi- come significantly more important over the past two decades. als will become a thing of the past. for our industry in the future. The What do you consider to be the And this will be a challenge for all demands set by politics are chan- main issues for the time after forms of renewable energy equal- ging and it would make sense for the EEG? ly. So I can only call on all stake- us to recognise this and keep ahead holders to view these aspects as of the game Even if the EEG would no longer an opportunity, to consider how to “ exist in its current form, there will best respond to the new challenges Thank you, Mr. Seide! be other guidelines and directi- at their own plants, to think ahead ves to regulate the market, in the and to fully leverage the benefits way that tenders are already doing offered by our biogas industry. now. I don‘t believe in a free mar- ket. But, and this is a message that Biogas offers some great possibili- politicians have already made quite ties in the future world of renewa- clear: the market will become less ble energy! Fachverband Biogas e.V. Angerbrunnenstraße 12, 85356 Freising phone: 08161/984660 fax: 08161/984670 Interview Mr. Seide | 15
16 | Separators
UTS SEPARATION IN RESPONSE TO DÜV 2020 THINGS ARE GETTING PRETTY SERIOUS NOW Or to put it more aptly: the shit has definitely hit the fan! Germany and the EU have been having a discussi- on about slurry for several years. The German Fertiliser Ordnance (Düngemittelverordnung) was amended by the incorporation of stricter provisions in 2017, but the EU Commission still did not consider this to be sufficient.
INTELLIGENT SLURRY PROCESSING NRSCOMPACT „On 25 July 2019, the Europe- an Commission decided to open a second round of proceedings against Germany for inadequate implementation of the EC Nitra- tes Directive. In the worst-case scenario, drastic penalties of a maximum of some EUR 857,000 per day may be imposed for every day that this situation has not been remedied.“ The German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has there- fore issued another, new Fertiliser Ordinance, which will pose consi- derable challenges for farmers from February 2020 and/or from February 2025. BAN AND APPLICATION METHODS NRScompact This new Fertiliser Ordinance cont- ains many details such as distances to bodies of water depending on the of the slurry that is moved around is ses. The solid phase (dry matter slope of the agriculturally-used area, simply water. Another sticking point >25 %), which is separated from the and much more. The extended period are the new requirements for the raw slurry or fermentation residues, in which applying manure is banned application methods. Here the provi- is particularly rich in nutrients. It is and the new requirements for appli- sions of the new fertiliser regulation ideally suited as an energy source in cation methods are two of the main will apply to arable land from Febru- biogas plants or as a natural fertiliser issues. With effect from 1 February ary 2020 and to grassland from Fe- in areas where little farm manure is 2020, i.e. in just a couple of weeks, bruary 2025. Slurry, liquid manure, produced. Further drying and ther- it will only be permissible to spread swill or liquid fermentation residues mal utilisation is also possible. The slurry and manure onto arable land will have to be deposited directly on solid phase can be transported away and green areas in the period from the soil using special techniques. in order to relieve the burden on the 1 February to 30 September, this This will put an end to the use of farm‘s own slurry storage facility. extending the banned period in au- popular rear spreaders with baffle tumn and winter from 4 to 5 months. plates or swivel nozzles. In addition, This makes much more sense now Storage capacities can be quite tight the slurry must be worked into the that it is no longer mainly water that already, and it is not hard to imagine soil within a maximum of four hours. is being ferried away. what the situation may be like from This will also involve additional costs 2020 onwards. for many farmers. In most cases, in- Another advantage: vestments will have to be made in Separation optimally prepares the Farmers should either invest in ad- completely new technology because, slurry for application using the requi- ditional storage capacity or accept for example, old slurry tanks with red methods (hose applicator, drag the cost and time involved in moving baffle plate spreaders cannot be re- shoe, slot injection process). Using manure away („manure tourism“) to trofitted. raw slurry that has not been sepa- farms that want to accept it. rated involves the risk of equipment WHAT NOW? such as hose applicators becoming In the meantime, the „disposal costs“ WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? clogged up. And since non-separated have gone up to EUR 18 per cubic slurry penetrates the soil less effec- metre. What is especially annoying Our suggestion: separation. Separate tively, it takes more time to work it is that a major share (90 to 97%) the slurry into solid and liquid pha- into the soil as required. 18 | Separators
THE UTS FSP B SEPARATOR ESPECIALLY COST-EFFECTIVE The FSP B is an ultra-modern, sophisticated filter screw press specifically designed for the ag- ricultural sector. All technical details of the separa- tor have been designed intelligent- ly and robustly, with an eye to a continuously high throughput and separation performance. Further- more, the clever construction and high-quality materials minimise wear. Maintenance and service can be carried out quickly and easily on site without the need to remove the press head and the pipes – minimi- sing downtime. For you, this means low operational costs and high per- formance during the entire service life of your UTS FSP separator. Separator FSP B-78 Upstream separation before vacuum evaporation Separators | 19
UTS has developed special bedding separators of a particularly high capacity and which are a valuab- le alternative in the context of the current slurry problem. But let‘s consider the technology first, before we go into the economic returns. The UTS bedding separators fea- ture an extremely robust screw that presses slurry through a screen. Clever technology has enabled us to produce an extremely high pres- sure at the screen, thus achieving a dry matter content of 35 to 40% (!) which is actually quite exceptional in the current market. This means that the separated slurry has beco- me something different from liquid manure. The solid substance that ARE YOU USING is obtained actually smells like peat and has a pleasant consistency with BEDDING? low residual moisture. This makes it a fine bedding material with good lying properties. SPECIAL UTS SEPARATORS ARE THERE ANY ECONOMIC ADVANTAGES? What do we mean by bedding? Bedding refers to the use of Yes, for example, bedding materials straw or bedding straw as litter such as straw and sawdust no lon- for animal houses. ger have to be purchased at high prices. The annual costs of sawdust Liquid manure can be turned into as bedding for the cow boxes for a litter which you can use as bedding farm with some 100 dairy cows can for your cows. Although this might be as much as EUR 20,000. A quote sound like something you need from a farmer who has experience to get used to at first, it is actual- of bedding: „Not only does bedding ly already widely practised and it litter cost less than sawdust, it is has been found to offer many ad- also more sustainable since it en- vantages. ables us to make optimum use of our own slurry“. And the new litter offers significantly better lying com- fort, something which contributes to improved udder health. An advantage of bedding that must not be underestimated is that it sig- nificantly reduces ankle and carpal joint injuries and this has enabled farms that apply bedding to reduce their mortality rates to max. 20%. Furthermore, you can also benefit from the easier application of the liquid phase and the increased sto- rage capacity in the manure storage facility. A UTS bedding separator is already worthwhile for a dairy herd of 80 cows and it takes only a short time to earn back the investment! 20 | Separators
MOBILE SEPARATORS THE MOBILE UTS SEPARATOR RANGE IS CALLED MSU. The system can be used wher- separator to be switched over bet- piping, fittings, sensors and control ever it is needed. ween these two versions. wwIn the system. Even though the new Fertili- end, we do not deliver just any pro- ser Ordinance has not made your life No permit or approval is required for duct to you, but exactly the separa- and business operations any easier, its temporary use. The MSU sepa- tor solution that you need and that there are technical solutions that can rator is especially interesting if the is profitable for you. We would be help you to optimally deal with the- slurry needs to be separated in seve- happy to advise you and prepare a se challenges. The possibilities range ral different locations on a farm or if mass, nutrient, and cost balance free from separation to biogas plants. neighbouring farms share a solution. of charge. We can also support you in integrating the separation system We would be happy to show you what The different designs enable these into your processes. is possible for you now and to do the separators to be used in regular se- And if you wish, we can take over sums together with you in order to paration mode, in bedding mode, or the complete separator installation calculate what would be profitable in combined mode which enables the for you, including pumps, platform, for both you and your company. MSU 1-78
UTS SERVICE MR. BIOGAS MICHAEL FRITZ Anyone operating a UTS biogas plant in the north or north-east of Germany, in postcode area 1 from Rostock to Potsdam, should know Michael Fritz. If you are planning such a plant, it would be a good idea and very worthwhile to have him by your side. When it co- mes to service, maintenance, or repowering a biogas plant or constructing a new one, this independent UTS service and trading partner is our specialist and the face of UTS on site. Michael Fritz is a qualified electrici- an who started his professional career in the 1980s by selling and installing technical installations for animal houses. Through further training, he not only gradually got to know UTS technology, but he also learned to appreciate it. ALWAYS OUTDOORS Having started his career in the agricultural sector, he has remained in this sector ever since. This is becau- se he not only enjoys technology, but he also loves being out in the fresh air every day, even if it brings intense country odours at times. In 2001, Michael Fritz started his own company Handelsvertretung & Monta- geservice Michael Fritz and he has been self-employed since then. While working on site at farms in his local region, he found that his customers were increasingly calling on him for service and maintenance work on UTS pumps and mixers. His contacts with UTS became ever closer, the cooperation went smoothly and so Mi- chael Fritz became an official UTS service and trading partner in 2001.
Service partner Michael Fritz | 23
Michael Fritz at the MeLa agricultural fair in Mühlengeez INVOLVED A real pioneer, he has become an ex- Fritz has developed from being pu- FROM THE perienced and popular specialist who is the number one contact for his rely a technician into a biogas plant specialist. Based on his comprehen- START customers for all technical matters. sive experience and broad knowled- ge, he advises customers on matters „I take care of service, repairs and that go beyond technical service, MICHAEL FRITZ maintenance of the equipment. I di- supporting them with optimisations scuss modifications and spare part in particular. deliveries with my customers, and „My customers place a lot of trust in provide them with detailed quota- me. Restructuring and modernising One could say that, as regards tions, stating concrete prices. I‘m existing biogas plants is a special biogas plants, Michael Fritz has available to my customers 24 hours task they entrust to me. This requi- been involved from the start and a day, every day of the week.“ res detailed knowledge and skilled has experienced their initial de- craftsmanship. I enjoy learning new velopment and further develop- During his almost twenty years as a things in such projects and working ment hands on. self-employed professional, Michael closely with my customers.“ 24 | Service partner Michael Fritz
GOOD, CLOSE COOPERATION He not only values UTS’ good techni- cal products, but he particularly appreciates the team spirit and clo- se, respectful cooperation with UTS. „If there are any technical questions to be answered or quotations to be prepared, UTS colleagues are the- re to support me. Everything goes quickly and smoothly. All in all, UTS enables me to optimally serve my customers and ensure the best pos- sible utilisation of the biogas plants. This is the basis for customer satis- faction.“ With demand for clean, ecological energy constantly growing, Micha- el Fritz is optimistic about the fu- ture of the biogas plant industry. He is happy to take on the challenges of further technical development, especially with regard to new, more efficient plant components, and to continue to expand his technical knowledge. He has one wish for his personal fu- ture: „I would like to have one or two capable young employees with whom I can share my professional know-how until I retire. That would give my company a future and my customers would continue to receive excellent service.“ This is something that UTS wishes as well. We believe in the saying Never change a winning team. CONTACT: Handelsvertretung Michael Fritz Franz Wehrstedt Weg 8 17493 Greifswald phone: 03834 844598 fax: 03834 535531 mail: Service partner Michael Fritz | 25
UTS PROJECT REPORT The Hanseatic town of Demmin ahead and a partner that would MILLIONS OF KILOWATT HOURS with its approximately 11,000 build and operate the biogas plant EVERY YEAR inhabitants* lies in glorious was quickly found in the agricultural Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on enterprise Kirchengut Demmin Klo- The two fermenters of the biogas the edge of the largest administ- ke GbR. After intensive planning and plant at Kirchgut use more than rative district of Germany (twice design, and extensive construction 10,000 metric tons of biomass a the size of the Saarland) which work, the plant was put into operati- year for biogas production: approx. is known as the Mecklenburgi- on in early 2007. 9,000 tons of maize, approx. 900 sche Seenplatte (Mecklenburg tons of grains, and up to 1,000 m3 Lake District). From then onwards, the biogas plant of slurry (to start the plant or to en- From a bird‘s eye view, the on the outskirts of the city has been sure the biological stability of the landscape is mainly green and supplying biogas to the Saarstra- plant). The total biogas production is blue – characterised by fo- ße heating plant via a 400 m long 2.8 million m3. The total amount of rests, lakes, river landscapes, gas pipeline. Here, a combined heat energy generated in the biogas plant meadows and farmers‘ fields. and power unit generates renewable and the CHP unit adds up to around With so much space being avai- electricity which is fed into the grid. five million kWh of electricity and lable, it makes sense to generate The heat produced in this unit and four million kWh of heat. This saves energy from biomass and thus the heat from the biogas plant is fed 6,000 metric tons of er CO2 a year. become less dependent on oil into the municipal district heating and gas. network. FLEXIBILIZATION WITH UTS HAND IN HAND Karsten Behrens, authorized repre- This year, after our UTS partner sentative of the municipal utility Michael Fritz had been doing the In 2005, the municipality decided to company explains: „800 houses be- maintenance and repair work on take parts of the municipal energy nefit from the combined heat and the biogas plant for several years, supply into its own hands. The plan power unit (CHP) which also heats a we were commissioned to make the was to construct a biogas plant to vocational school, a boarding school, plant more flexible. The aim was to operate a combined heat and power a grammar school, the Friesenhalle, increase plant efficiency and to be unit to generate district heating and and the Pestalozzi school. By utili- able to tailor the electricity producti- electricity. sing the heat, the municipal utilities on more flexibly to price fluctuations A feasibility study led to the go- spend less on fossil fuels.“ in the electricity market. A gas storage Reference Project Demmin | 27
tank enables us to only run the ge- nerator of the CHP when electricity prices are high and when a (very) good profitability can be achieved. Another important point is minimi- sing the plant‘s power consumption, thus further increasing the overall efficiency and profitability. To achie- ve this, the existing conventional hydraulic units were replaced by modern hydraulic drive units (TRG- H-WLS 400) and combined with four performance-optimised 3D mixer blades in the fermenters. An old electrical mixer in the mixing pit was replaced by a highly efficient and po- werful UTS PSM submersible mixer (TRG-E-PSM 940). In addition to significantly lowering electricity consumption, the flexibi- lity measures have significantly in- creased gas yield and reduced noise emissions. In the end, this benefits all the partners in this showcase project and the citizens of Demmin, who now have even more sustain- ably generated energy in the form of renewable electricity and district Andreas Gierke (plant operator Demmin), Olaf Schmetzke (Managing director of heating at their disposal. municipal utilities in Demmin) and Michael Fritz (from left to right) 28 | Reference Project Demmin
COMPARISON OF EFFICIENCY AND COSTS FOR THE REPOWERING OF BIOGAS PLANT DEMMIN PSM MIXER – ENERGY CONSUMPTION Energy savings when using UTS PSM technology compared to conventional electric mixing technology Tank: Mashing pit Tank size: 125 m³ Electricity price: 0,19 €/kWh Mixing Time Nominal power Thrust-Time Factor 80 24 400 70 21 350 60 18 300 50 15 250 kN min/h installed mixing technology installed mixing technology min/h kW 40 12 200 installed mixing techno- 30 9 150 logy 210 kN min/h 20 6 100 242 kN min/h PSM 940 PSM 940 PSM 940 60 min/h 59 min/h 16,1 kW 6,3 KW 10 3 50 0 0 0 Yearly Mixing Time Yearly Energy Consumption Yearly Electricity Costs 12.000 200.000 40.000 10.500 175.000 35.000 9.000 150.000 30.000 7.500 125.000 25.000 installed mixing technology installed mixing technology installed mixing technology kWh/a h/a €/a 6.000 100.000 20.000 4.500 75.000 15.000 178.266 kWh/a 72.175 kWh/a 33.870,54 €/a 13.713,29 €/a 3.000 50.000 10.000 8.760 h/a 8.614 h/a PSM 940 PSM 940 PSM 940 1.500 25.000 5.000 0 0 0 178.266 kWh/a - 72.175 kWh/a 33.870,54 €/a - 13.713,29 €/a 60% 60% = 106.091 kWh/a = 20.157,25 €/a Yearly Energy Savings Yearly Savings Electricity Costs Reference Project Demmin | 29
UTS TECHNOLOGY UPGRADE FOR EVERY BIOGAS PLANT PSM MIXER TECHNOLOGY UTS has completely built or repowered hundreds of bio- gas plants in Germany and around the world and equip- ped them with high-quality components made by UTS. 30 | PSM Mixer Technology
However, as the example of Demmin shows, we can also equip any other plant with UTS technology to make it more ef- ficient. Our highly efficient mixing technolo- gy, our powerful separators and our long-lasting pumps can be integra- ted into almost any biogas plant. Also, our service box with integrated mixing control unit and over-/under pressure protection should not be missing in any new air-bearing roof. Just ask one of our many long-term customers. The best example is our PSM sub- mersible mixer, which is only avai- lable from UTS. It can be integra- ted into any round container without major efforts and brings you additio- nal stirring power at half the energy consumption. All without additional holes in the concrete wall or new floor shots. Your own power consumption will be significantly reduced thanks to DMC control and gearless PSM drive – we promise! And if that is not enough, we are happy to offer you a befo- re-and-after recording at any time and let us show you that we keep our promises. We also recorded and calculated the mixing technology at the Demmin plant together with our customer. Just take a look at the figures... More and more renowned service companies are already relying on our technology, such as MT Energy from Zeven. The service and repow- ering specialist from Lower Saxony has already equipped several sys- tems with UTS PSM mixers this year and has made its customers very happy. Just ask your service partner about mixing technology from UTS or con- tact us directly if they try to sell you something else. PSM-940 PSM-1500 PSM Mixer Technology | 31
First generation of service-box in operation for over 20 years The only really good biogas plant like your tractors and agricultural The UTS Service-Box Pro is a robust is one that runs smoothly. If the- equipment, continuity and reliabili- stainless-steel construction which re are any problems, then it is ty are not possible without service also offers an optional membrane no fun being a biogas plant ope- and maintenance. This is a sensiti- clamping frame that allows gas-tight rator, nor will the best possible ve issue, as no one likes to inter- installation. The operating, working economic efficiency be achieved. fere in a process that is running and control platform features two At UTS, we are always thinking smoothly. maintenance openings for major and about further optimizations. minor maintenance work. The Pro Ways to make things a little bit We have therefore looked into how version has a larger maintenance better. these activities can be carried out opening, enabling mixers with a dia- as simply as possible and without meter up to 1500 mm to be installed Our advantage: we have field per- any major interventions in the pro- and removed. sonnel and engineers working hand cesses. And of course, we have also in hand with each other. Our service looked at how any loss of metha- An adjustment unit enables easy lif- technicians work in the field and their ne can be carefully managed while ting, swivelling of the mixer level. experience has taught them what carrying out maintenance work on During maintenance, the entire mi- works and what doesn‘t work, as the mixer. Our solution, and one xer equipment is lifted out of the fer- well as what makes sense and what that is subject to continuous de- menter so that any work can be car- doesn‘t. And our design engineers velopment, is the UTS Service Box. ried out comfortably, fast and safely. then develop exactly the technology Its latest version is the UTS Service Since there is no need to open the that is needed to make biogas plants Box Pro. membrane roof or lower the tank, even better, more efficient, more the biological process can continue comfortable and more profitable. PATENTED SYSTEM uninterrupted. Maintenance can be carried out fast and smoothly, wi- STIRRED, NOT SHAKEN The UTS Service-Box Pro is a TÜV thout little loss of gas. certified and patented closed sys- The key aspect of a biogas plant is tem packed with ideas and clever This protects the environment and the gas yield. Only perfectly con- detailed solutions. First of all, it increases the economic efficiency trolled plant biology with an op- can be combined with all kinds of of the plant. The slanted inspecti- timum fermentation process can tanks and roofs, e.g. with tent roofs, on window, recessed into one of the ensure maximum yields. This is air-supported roofs up to ¼ spheres, maintenance openings to check the not possible without mixer equip- and also concrete roofs. In order to surface of the fermenter, is also a ment that is 100% reliable and that achieve maximum gas storage capa- very practical feature. works optimally all the time. The city, the UTS Service Box Pro is inte- enormous blades (preferably from grated perfectly into the membrane In addition to a cable or hose entry UTS) pull through powerfully and roof and without any kinks or folds for the mixer, the UTS Service Box keep stirring and mixing, unrelen- in the membrane. And since the box Pro also includes connections for tingly. But as is the case with all works with various brands of mixer, measuring sensors such as gas pres- equipment that is used intensively, it offers maximum flexibility of use. sure sensors. Service-Box Pro | 33
PRESSURE SAFETY AND GAS OUTLET The UTS Service-Box Pro is a mo- dular system and offers two further important functions. The gas out- let integrated into the Service-Box connects the fermenter to the gas lines. No further gas outlet through the wall or ceiling is required. The system also protects the tank against overpressure and under- pressure by means of frost-proof pressure safety devices. The ro- bust valves react to underpressure from max. -1,3 mbar (-130 Pa) and to overpressure in the range of 1 to 5 mbar (100 - 500 Pa). Any pres- sure peaks are reliably absorbed, in the event of overpressure simply by means of a vent stack at the top of the service box. Due to the increased arrangement of the gas outlet and the pressure fuses, a flow or block by substrate is prevented constructively by sub- strate. MANY ADVANTAGES, USEFUL OPTIONS If you want to achieve optimum mixer maintenance, gas extraction and tank safety, you should defini- tely take a closer look at the UTS Service-Box Pro. It will be worth your while! The carefully devised, TÜV-certified system offers several advantages that pay off immedia- tely and allow plant operators to sleep better. The total system with its coordinated, high-quality com- ponents minimizes methane emis- sions, increases operating times and gas yields, simplifies main- tenance work, and shortens main- tenance times. In addition, the UTS Service-Box Pro can be planned and installed quickly and easily. The following components are opti- onal extras: mounting frames and adapter frames for installation or installation of concrete ceilings, adapter plates for connecting the gas line, a motorised height ad- justment, a short working platform
STRÖMUNGSGESCHWINDIGKEIT for connecting gangways on site, your system and show you what start working together now. and a long working platform for at- the tried and tested, patented UTS taching an access ladder. Service-Box Pro can do for you. So please call us and let‘s talk to each other. About the possibilities, Interesting? Curious? Even if you are not using any UTS economic efficiency, plant comfort, Do you have any further questions mixers at the moment. Which and all those things that make life or are you already convinced? We would be a shame, of course, but easier for you as a plant operator. would be happy to take a look at that does not mean that we cannot Opening for height adjustment and square guide pipe Internal vent box for overpressure protection with vent stack Inspection glas with wiper opening for mixing unit supply Integrated vent box for underpres- sure protection Removable front cover Robust stainless Removable bottom steel housing cover with anti-slip coating Service-Box Pro | 35
ANAERGIA PROJECT REPORT 36 | Anaergia Project Cardiff, UK
ANAERGIA PROJEKT ANAEROBIC DIGESTION FACILITY IN CARDIFF, UK TOWARDS ZERO WASTE Wales, situated in the west of Great Britain and borde- red by the Irish Sea, is a beautiful green spot. Spacious meadows, hills, moors and mountains characterise the country. Large areas of Wales are protected landscape areas. And since the Welsh people feel closely connec- ted to their country and its nature, it will come as no surprise that Wales was an early adopter of ambitious environmental goals: the country aspires to achieve zero waste by 2050. This means that its recycling rate will have to be increased to 70% by 2025. The fact that Wales is taking its zero waste strategy seriously is demonstrated by the fact that, although the country‘s current landfill capacity will be exhausted in a few ye- ars‘ time, the country is not allowing any new landfill sites to be created in the future. So there is no time to waste! Anaergia Project Cardiff, UK | 37
ANAERGIA PROJECT REPORT AN ANAERGIA PROJECT DIGESTION FACILITY IN CARDIFF, UK RECYCLING FOOD WASTE An important pillar on the way to greater sustainability and better environmental protection is the use and processing of food waste which is full of energy that can be used sustainably. If food waste is left to decompose on a landfill site, this energy is dissipated into the open air as methane gas that harms the environment. To avoid this, the City of Cardiff decided in 2012 that food waste should be collected from local residents and businesses in the City and in the surrounding county of Vale of Glamorgan to be used to pro- duce biogas, green electricity, and organic fertiliser. In April 2015, Anaergia was commis- sioned by Kelda Organic Energy Ltd, a subsidiary of the Kelda Group, to build a biogas plant with waste pro- cessing facilities on the site of Welsh Water‘s Cardiff Wastewater Treat- ment Works in Tremorfa (Cardiff, Wales). The plant now owned by Welsh Wa- ter Organic Energy can process up to 35,000 tons of food waste every year: kerbside food waste with
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