Indonesian Local Televisions Obstacles in Combating Hoaxes in Social-Media

Page created by Jeanette Miranda
                                                                       ISSN: 2146-0353 ● © RIGEO ● 11(4), WINTER, 2021                                                                                                  Research Article

          Indonesian Local Televisions Obstacles in
            Combating Hoaxes in Social-Media
                  Aceng Abdullah1                                                     Edwin Rizal2
     Communication Faculty, Padjadjaran University                     Communication Faculty, Padjadjaran University

                   Sri Seti Indriani3
     Communication Faculty, Padjadjaran University

Corresponding author: Communication Faculty, Padjadjaran University Email:

Hoax or fake news spread rapidly in Indonesia with the help of social media. People seemed to have a
low digital literacy which can increase the speed of the deception in social media. This deception has a
high hypnotism power because even educated people often get deceived or involved themselves in this
deception. The Anti Hoax campaign has also proven to be ineffective, and hoaxes are still milling about.
One of the reasons is that the role of mass media is not maximal in combating hoax or fake news. Having
televisions as one of the still favourite mass media in Indonesia, the audiences have more excellent
opportunities in combating hoax spreading. A total of 394 local TV stands in Indonesia. Why is it still
ineffective? What obstacles do local TVs face in combating this deception in three big cities in Indonesia?
The study used a descriptive qualitative approach to acknowledge the obstacles that local stations face
in producing anti-deception information, and what is the solution that local TV provides in the middle of
its limitations. The results of the study show that the obstacles that local TV stations in Bandung, Padang
and Jakarta face relating on the packaging of the anti-hoax program on televisions, the financial
problem, and human resources issues. Local government lawyers and alternative medicine
advertisements are solutions to financial problems, and joint news agencies can provide quality anti-
deception programs.

Fake News; Hoaxes; Local Televisions; Social-Media; Anti Hoax Programs.

To cite this article: Abdullah, A.; Rizal, E.; and Indriani, S, S. (2021) Indonesian Local Televisions Obstacles in Combating
Hoaxes in Social-Media. Review        of   International   Geographical     Education     (RIGEO), 11(4), 1175-1183. doi:
Submitted: 06-04-2021 ● Revised: 16-04-2021 ● Accepted: 06-05-2021
© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education                        11(4), WINTER, 2021

Indonesia is ranked five in the world as internet users in the world (Azzura, 2019). The growing and
cheapness of the price of internet access devices are one of the main reasons. Most Indonesians
can access the internet via smartphones with social media facilities in it. Social media is very
popular in this era, it has replaced the 'old' way people communicate to new creative way of
communication. The social media seems now to have become a popular component in
everyday life (Indriani & Prasanti, 2017). Unfortunately, these internet users are not ready with
various information that is milling about on social media. Indonesian internet users' digital media
literacy is still low, so fake-news or hoaxes thrive in Indonesia (Abdullah, Rizal, & Indriani, 2019). The
hoax also spread very quickly. Apart from the lack of digital media literacy, hoaxes also have a
high hypnotism power because well-educated people often participate in being deceived and
trusting the contents of the message where they also spread the hoax to other social media
groups. Some social media are prone to be used as hoaxes or spreaders of lies, even leading to
slander or also the spread of hate speech, especially on the weeks before the presidential
election. Most conflicts especially in Indonesia were triggered by hoax news with prejudice,
hatred and negative information (Susanto, 2019). Hoax is a series of information that is deliberately
misled, but "sold" as truth (Silverman, 2015). Hoaxes or fake news contains information to mislead
audiences for particular political agendas. Hoax is not just misleading information; it also does not
have a factual basis but is presented as if it is a series of facts (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017; Ireton,
Posetti, & Berger, 2018). Meanwhile, according to the KBBI, Hoax contains the meaning of false
news; where the source is unclear (Aditiawarman, 2019) . Fake news on the other hand can be
defined as news satire, news parody, fabrication, manipulation, advertising, and propaganda
(Tandoc, Lim, & Ling, 2018).
The spread of hoaxes through social media in Indonesia in recent years has reached alarming
levels and has emerged in various fields such as social, economic, political, health, and religion.
During the 2019 presidential election, there was a hoax outburst that led the nation in a heated
conflict through social media (Susilowati, 2019). Social media users need to be smarter, wiser, and
selective (Klau Lekik, Palinggi, & Ranteallo, 2019). The existence of hoax news has led to the unrest
of social media users in particular and almost the majority of Indonesian society in general.
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) then asked for an evaluation of online media that spreads false
news without clear, provocative and slanderous sources (Purbolaksono, 2017). Due to the
enormity of this hoax, many parties are inviting social media users to combat this hoax. The Ministry
of Communication and Information Technology also has an anti-hoax task force. Anti-hoax
campaigns continue to roll out through social media and the mass media. The anti-hoax
campaign continues to be carried out by various parties. However, hoaxes remain rampant and
remain trusted because most people do not realize that the information, they receive is false news.
However, the Anti Hoax campaign seems to be ineffective. Hoaxes are still milling about; one of
the reasons because the mass media has not maximized its role in fighting this hoax. So far, the
mass media has only been preaching the actions of the anti-hoax campaign but has not tried to
make a breakthrough to combat the hoax.
In Indonesia, television is a mass media that is still used by the Indonesian people compared to
other mass media, such as newspapers and magazines. Television, although there has been a shift
in viewing patterns, especially among millennials, in general, television media is still the favourite
mass media in Indonesia. Both national and Local TV have a strategic role to play in various
development socialization, including hoax eradication programs or this hoax. The question is to
acknowledge on what were the obstacles do local Televisions need to face in making various
programs related in combating against the spread of hoax and fake news. Researches chose
three cities for this study; Bandung, Padang and Jakarta. Bandung represents Java and Padang
represents Sumatra. Java has the most internet users in Indonesia, it has the highest concentration
of Internet users. Around 65 percent of Indonesian users (or 86.3 million people) live on Java
(Investments, 2016), and Sumatra the second most. Bandung is the capital of the province of West
Java which has the highest population in Indonesia, and Padang is the capital of West Sumatra
whose population has advantages in the economic and educational fields. The majority of
Indonesian entrepreneurs are West Sumatra people. West Sumatra is also a province outside of
Java, where the people pursue high academic level. As for Jakarta, it is the centre of government,
political economy and culture. Besides national television located in Jakarta, there also stands
several local TVs supported by financiers who are more potent than local TV in other regions.

Abdullah, A.; Rizal, E.; and Indriani, S, S. (2021) Indonesian Local Televisions Obstacles in Combating Hoaxes …

Observations also show that local TV in Jakarta is also popular with its citizens because of its
exciting shows and even the national TV uses some Jakarta Local TV shows as inspirations.
Research about hoax or fake news has now become a trend, in this post-truth era, information
can be assessable anywhere and anytime without knowing the validity of the information. This has
become a massive problem. The vast communication technology gives people a tool to spread
gossips and rumours fast. Information that is disseminated by these individuals who more often do
not have responsibility for the correctness of the information is known as HOAX (Virga & Andriadi,
2019). These people are irresponsible, and might have gained some benefits from spreading this
false information. Hoax is a word used to show false coverage or effort to deceive or outsmart the
reader to believe in something. Preaching that is not based on reality or truth (nonfactual) for
specific purposes. The purpose of a hoax is merely joking, prank, to form public opinion. The point
is that hoaxes are misguided and misleading, especially if Internet users are not critical (Nugroho,
2018). Marwan (2017) described reasons why people create hoax or false news, ; those are; to
seek pleasure, to seek sensation, to get money from it, to join in just to make the news more
exciting, to do a black campaign, to deliberately cause anxiety in the society and to create
conflict between two parties or more (Ferdiawan et al., 2019).
A hoax that is massively deployed and repeated through social media can form public opinion
that the news is accurate. Juditha (2018) argued that there are at least three essential
approaches to anticipate the spread of hoaxes in the community, which are institutional,
technological and literacy approaches. Promoting the anti-hoax community is an institutional
approach where both government and the private sector must continue to improve efforts on
anti-hoax campaign and its supporting content decisive for the community. The technology
approach is when people access the hoax checker application. This application has a capability
in checking whether a news is fake or not. Socializing digital literacy/social media literacy needs
to start in the community from school to the general public; this is the literacy approach. (Juditha,
2018a). Television is one of the mass media communication that has a significant role for the
society. Television still exists in the digital era, one of the main reasons is because television is known
to be more exciting and more actual compared to print media in broadcasting information. When
the print media print can only broadcast information the next morning, television can broadcast
in the evening, or live on the scene, that is why television in Indonesia is still the number one media
used (Abdullah & Puspitasari, 2018). Local TV also has its characteristics. Indonesian local TV still
has various weaknesses but has the advantage of an element of proximity to the audience so
that local TV should theoretically have its own psychological and geographical appeal
compared to Jakarta national TV which is too "Jakarta centric". Local television has a role in
building a regional economy and can elevate local culture in the content broadcast. Besides,
local television can preserve local culture, and explore regional potential by exposing the
programs to the public (Juditha, 2018b).

The research method used is qualitative. Qualitative research is an interdisciplinary, and also
counter disciplinary field. Qualitative research touches on humanities, social sciences and also
physical sciences (Denzin & Licoln, 2009). The methodology examines natural object conditions,
where researchers as principal instruments, data collection techniques carried out triangulation.
The data analysis is inductive, and qualitative research results emphasize more meaning than
generalization (Sugiono, 20013). Research data collection carried out by in-depth interviews with
informants, as stated in the research subject. Informants were from the board of commissioners
from each local television. Researchers dug up the data needed, including efforts made by local
television to combat hoaxes or hoaxes circulating through social media. Data analysis techniques
based on qualitative research applied collecting, reducing, presenting and concluding (Miles,
Huberman, & Saldana, 2014). Researchers started from collecting all data through interviews,
observation and also literature studies. The data were then reduced based on the research focus.
After presenting the data, then researchers drew conclusions.

                                       Result and Discussion
This research was conducted in three cities, Bandung, Padang and Jakarta. The research team
conducted interviews with several managers of TV stations in Bandung, namely Cecep Hendar as

© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education                      11(4), WINTER, 2021
Executive Producer of the PJTV News Program (Parijs van Java TV) Bandung and Miftah Khasan
as Head of Kompas TV West Java Human Relations. Researchers also conducted interviews with
Padang TV, West Sumatra i-News, West Sumatra KPID in Padang, and interviews with JakTV in
All local TV stations in Bandung, Padang and Jakarta generally have the same policy in
responding to the outbreak of hoaxes or fake news. At the same time, it is evident that strong
ethical journalism is needed as an alternative, and antidote, to the contamination of the
information environment and the spill-over effect of tarnishing of news more broadly (Posetti et
al., 2018). Both have attitudes to help prevent and eradicate this hoax. For this reason, PJTV,
Padang-TV, iNews Padang and JakTV always participate in socializing through the reporting of
various anti-hoax movements both organized by the government, police and community groups.
At the local Bandung station, the news is also downloaded through social media YouTube so that
non-Bandung residents can also watch the anti-hoax program. Kompas TV Jabar, iNews Padang
and JakTV did the same thing. These stations always look in at news which emphasized the need
to be aware of hoaxes that spread through social media. Because as a TV station which is a
subsidiary of Kompas TV Jakarta, Kompas TV Jabar also relays its program from Jakarta, which
often preaches about this hoax phenomenon. Kompas TV Jabar was originally named STV (Sunda
TV), which then its management was changed. Hoax or fake news turns out to show not only in
social media but also on television. Television as mass media often drags itself to doubtful news,
therefore local TV stations try to avoid the ploy of fake news (Galih, 2016). Local TV stations have
made several attempts to fight this fake news. One of them is to follow the journalistic principles,
one of which was the principle of factuality. News productions are also required to be aligned
with Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran dan Standard Program Siaran (P3-SPS) or Broadcast Code of
Conduct and Broadcast Program Standards as regulated by KPI (Suryawati & Wulansari, 2013).
PadangTV has the same policy, but often PadangTV gets news material from social media that is
interesting and has high news value. However, news originating from social media must be
responded with caution because the factuality must be proven; it is. According to Nasrian
Bahzein, Editor in Chief of PadangTV, the people of the city of Padang in West Sumatra are
relatively quickly exposed to hoax issues, primarily political and SARA issues, as well as social issues
such as LGBT. Hoax in the city of Padang is mostly emerging from social media such as WhatsApp
and Facebook.
According to the Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Local Television Association (ATLI), Jimmy
Sillahi always encourages all members who are in local TV stations to fight hoaxes as a form of
social concern. As what Silalahi urged that journalist have to do their duty. The best of journalism
involves dedication that can educate the society with accurate news (Lowe, 2012). Almost all
anti-hoax programs at the local TV stations in Bandung, Padang and Jakarta, are limited to only
the information of the hoax. There has been no attempt to create a continuous program to
continue in uncovering the facts of a hoax or fake news. The report was not on the contents of
the hoax, but more to encouragement for institutions or community groups of all parties in
Bandung and West Java to be more careful in the use of social media. Information relating to Anti
Hoax on the local TV stations Bandung, Padang and Jakarta have just been packaged in the form
of general news programs rather than exclusive coverage. The information submitted is only in the
form of activities of community groups or anti-hoax government agencies. An example: the
information obtained was from a press conference that was organized by the police. The
provincial-level Communication and Information Agency officer or by individual community
groups conducting anti-hoax campaigns at a specific location. The TV stations have not made
exclusive coverage or initiatives to find the truth of the information content that appears through
social media.
PJTV organized a field checking when a hoax emerged which said that the Pasupati bridge in the
city of Bandung had collapsed. Because of this hoax, many tourists were discouraged from
coming to Bandung. Due to the collapse of the Pasupati bridge hoax, the PJTV Reporter Team
conducted a field check as well as taking pictures showing that the bridge was still standing
strong. The same thing was done by iNews TV and Padang-TV shortly after information spread
about the catastrophic fire and massive landslide in a village in West Sumatra. It turns out it was a
hoax. Jak TV is also checking about the fire hoaxes that were spreading then. However, the hoax
does not only relate to catastrophic events but also other information such as health,
transportation, religion, and others. These fields are still out of reach of local TV, even though the
hoax is massive in social media every day. All local TVs do not yet have anti-hoax programs
broadcast routinely and continuously. The anti-hoax program is limited to checking and

Abdullah, A.; Rizal, E.; and Indriani, S, S. (2021) Indonesian Local Televisions Obstacles in Combating Hoaxes …

rechecking on disaster information. The public needs to check and critizise information, not only
a matter of disaster but various other information, such as political, social, economic, social,
cultural, security, health, education hoaxes, and so forth. Motives are very often a reason to
spread these hoax such as political affiliation, ideology and the economic factors (Meinarni &
Iswara, 2018). There was a hoax about an orange peel that is efficacious to cure certain diseases.
The internet and other advances in telecommunications gave hoaxes a part of a media frenzy,
and all truths might be thrown out the window when people depend only on their emotions and
unfounded beliefs (Chang & Gershwin, 2005). The TV station should confirm this to pharmacy
experts; likewise, other fields should do the same. JakTV has a health program to confirm health
hoaxes. This type of health hoax is among those rampant on social media. Health programs on
JakTV are often brought in by well-known health experts such as Dr. Boyke or Dr. Lula Kamal. They
always discuss hoaxes about health, and this program attracts the attention of local TV viewers in
the Greater Jakarta area.
Other local TV cannot do these kinds of programs because of several limitations, mainly limited
funds. Obstacles of local TV stations in anti-hoax social media activities face general things and
cliche obstacles, especially local TV in Bandung, Jakarta, and Padang, two of them are because
of limited operational funds, and the availability of human resources in the field. Obstacles faced
by local TV stations in all regions in Indonesia are generally a matter of funding. From this crucial
problem spreads to the problem of human resources owned by local TV stations. As a result, local
TV always loses human resources quality because those who are qualified at this point leave and
look for other media that can provide higher wages. In contrast, Local TV has not been able to
provide decent welfare. The funding problem arose because of the lack of advertisements which
sees Local TVs have a limited audience. They also have inadequate shows. Based on surveys of
research institutions such as AC Nielsen and local TV, the number of viewers tends to be very low
compared to stations that broadcast nationally from Jakarta. The lack of viewers is because of
the programs that seem uninteresting. The local TV also realized that they could not afford exciting
programs because they do not have enough fund and human resources. Local television can sell
things that are not presented by national television, such as local wisdom and regional-themed
content that depicts the character of the local community (Artanti, Sunarto, Dwiningtyas, &
Yulianto, 2015). However, according to Local TV Managers, even if there is an exciting program
and watched by local viewers, the advertising rates are very cheap when compared to the
advertising rates on national TV. The reason is that the range of local TV broadcasts is limited, and
the audience is also limited compared to national TV.
In addition to influencing the availability of quality human resources, it also affects the
procurement of tools and technology used. With limited funds, the equipment used are not
sophisticated. Pictures, displays and audio received by the audience also do not have high
quality. At the same time, pictures and audio from national TV stations look more explicit with the
qualified audio system too. Television viewers will ignore a good and quality program when the
appearance on the screen is not perfect for the event. Although generally, local TV has such
weaknesses, not all of them have similar problems. JakTV is somewhat tolerable. The local TV in
Jakarta was able to make exciting shows even traced by national TV stations. However,
advertisers will still feel reluctant because of the still limited audiences compared with national TV
stations. Local TV platforms are unique, and the business side is different. The cost of production is
almost the same but to be sold to agencies, the price must be lower than the national TV.
Especially JakTV which operates in the centre, it is always compared to other national TVs. JakTV
must find its content in order to survive. (Jimmy Silalahi interview, JakTV). In terms of capital, JakTV
is indeed quite different from the local TVs in Bandung and Padang, which are the objects of
research. JakTV was founded by two large corporate groups, Mahaka Group and Artha Graha
Group so that they had the initial capital. In their operations, it was also difficult to operate this TV
station, let alone signify profit as initially hoped. Whereas other local TV, especially those standing
outside Jakarta, have limited initial capital. Managers of local TV stations in Bandung, Padang
and Jakarta have long had a kind of idealism to fight hoaxes because hoaxes are misleading,
sadly sometimes people believe hoaxes as a truth. Therefore, local TV stations are trying to do
news alignment by existing capabilities, both to confirm, check and re-check the field or with
other events.
However, this is not an easy thing because hoax production or hoax news appears almost every
time on social media. At the same time, local TV stations have several limitations. The limitation of
the availability of human resources or the number of personal to confirm or check on the field,
and also, they are unable to make special routine events done because of existing limitations,

© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education                        11(4), WINTER, 2021
specifically the limitations of funding problems. Local TV is not even profitable; surviving to exist is
already very difficult. Advertisements cannot always support and run their operations. Several TV
stations usually collaborate with the local government, whether it is with the provincial
government or with the municipal and regency government where the TV station stands. The
event was a kind of advertorial on print media. Collaboration with district/city and provincial
governments is usually in the form of exclusive coverage of the activities of governors, regents or
mayors as well as other development successes, for TV stations as long as they are within
reasonable limits considered not a violation. The regional government also felt helped by the
socialization of this development. The reason is that Jakarta national television has never touched
on the success of regional development. The national TV only broadcasts information that attracts
the audience, which sometimes is bad news. For example, if there are disasters, calamities,
corruption officials or crime news.
Besides the local government, this local station also utilizes alternative medicine practitioners or
health advertisements that are rife in various regions. This kind of advertising thrives on several local
TVs and marketing through this local TV by traditional medical practitioners. It is considered quite
effective in marketing their products. These two sources of income are recognized by several local
TV managers who can support the TV station so that it can continue to operate, even in JakTV
which is in the national capital, this health advertisement is also a source of income. Nevertheless,
local TV stations are still unable to fund the creation of quality programs, including special
programs related to the eradication of hoaxes, so another breakthrough is needed. Because of
this limitation, all TV station managers agree that there is an institution such as a joint news agency
that can supply anti-hoax information for all local stations that have limited funds and human
resources on every local TV. According to Jimmy Silalahi from ATVLI, a joint news agency can be
an alternative. It can even become ATVLI's ideal to create a news agency that will supply
programs or news for local TV stations so that 66 local TV members of ATVLI can play on one
coverage, and this is a tremendous saving for local TV. According to Agung Pepen, Producer of
i-News Padang, he agrees with the formation of a joint “news agency” considering that producing
an event is not easy. He stated that a special reporter needed to confirm to several parties to
straighten out the truth of information from social media and when hoaxes appear every time,
they should be straightened out.
In Padang, several reporters collaborate in conducting media reportage even though it is not
formal in gathering information that is circulating..The purpose of this activity is to overcome the
breaking news when a media does not get news material because he has to cover other events
that happen to coincide at the same time but in a very remote location. Conditions like this often
occur one day wherein there are several events, but because there are not enough reporters,
some events cannot be covered. Reporters usually experience this condition from representative
media whose headquarters are outside the city or even outside the province, for example, media
from Jakarta. The cooperation in this area, a journalist, can share tasks, for example, A goes to
event 1, B goes to event 2, and C goes to event 3. The three information is then distributed to
reporters of group members so that a reporter has all the complete information material. However,
this cooperation denies the exclusivity of the media, and consequently, the news of all media is
the same. However, for journalists, it is beneficial, because so far there is no institution like "local TV
news agency" that can supply all information thoroughly. Reporters are also questions on their
news sources which could be about bias, power, and influence (Berkowitz, 2009). Based on this,
Agung strongly agreed to fight this hoax. There should be a kind of "joint news agency" to produce
programs where contents are "counters on fake news" or straightforward information. All local
television can broadcast this program in the form of delayed broadcasts so that all hoax
information that appears on social media can be straighten out and residents are not fooled or
lulled by the hoax information.
Figure 1 describes obstacles in local TV stations on why they could not reveal all hoax/fake news
spreading in the social media and what solutions they could identify through interview discussions.

Abdullah, A.; Rizal, E.; and Indriani, S, S. (2021) Indonesian Local Televisions Obstacles in Combating Hoaxes …

Figure 1: Obstacles and Solutions
Source: Researchers Data

However, according to Jimmy Sillahi, it is not easy to make the same program within cultural
diversity in each region. He gave an example, coverage of the Bali tourism area, is not necessarily
suitable for the Aceh community, where the way they dress is different. However, for Jimmy, this is
the goal of ATLVI, whose benefits can be directly felt by the community.

Televisions in Indonesia have a significant role in combating hoax or fake news. Society still sees
television as a media that will give reliable information. On other words, the people are aware if
they think the news is confusing in the social media they will go back and seek the truth from the
television. Indonesia, as a vast country, has local televisions to provide news in rural areas where
national television news is not quite suitable for the society surrounding them. This assumption
means that local televisions also have a high impact on how society perceives news and
information. Local televisions must educate society with reliable news. Though, the results of the
study show that there are some obstacles that local televisions endure. Local TV stations in
Bandung, Padang and Jakarta face obstacles that relate to the packaging of the anti-hoax
program on televisions. These local TV stations are eager to create programs related to anti-hoax
news, but they have financial problem and human resources issues. Relating to financial problems,
local television stations have been working together with the regional government by
broadcasting government advertorial events. Besides that, local televisions also broadcast many
alternative medicine advertisements. Local television joint news agency is also seen to be the
solution for these problems.

                                 Limitation and Study Forward
The research has a potential limitation, even though the research could find what obstacles the
television had to face and what solution could be applied; however, the research could not
breakdown thoroughly on the obstacles. Time constraints and the limitation to access the data
were the main reasons. Future studies should focus more on whether or not the solution offered
regarding the prevention of Hoax spread were applicable and practical.

This research was supported by Padjadjaran University, which has given a research grant, namely
‘Riset Kompetensi Dosen UNPAD’ (RKDU). We thank our colleagues from Padjadjaran University,
who provided insight and expertise.

© RIGEO ● Review of International Geographical Education                        11(4), WINTER, 2021
We would also like to thank local TV stations in Bandung, Jakarta, dan Padang that have provided
us with valuable information on the concern of the fake news in the post-truth era.

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