Individualisation through material mix

Page created by Wesley Davis
Individualisation through material mix
Quality Inside

                                                                                                                           fair and will therefore not be taking
                                                                                                                           part again until 2020 (20.–26. April
                                                                                                                           2020) were not on board.

through material mix                                                                                                       Deep matt surfaces
                                                                                                                           For this reason, visitor interest at
                                                                                                                           the Cologne event was increasingly
                                                                                                                           devoted to the kitchen range, which
The furnishing trends in Western Europe can be seen every year at the two                                                  was characterised by diversity and
major furniture fairs, imm cologne in Cologne and Salone del Mobile in                                                     numerous new presentations. In
Milan. With more than 3,000 exhibitors, both events offer visitors an overview                                             addition to real wood, lacquered
                                                                                                                           fronts could be seen in the kitchen
of new shapes, colours and materials. The increasingly individual furnishing
                                                                                                                           area, which did not appear in high
wishes of consumers have led to a variety of materials in which wood no                                                    gloss but with a deep matt surface.
longer plays the main role.                                                                                                With their velvety soft feel, they re-
                                                                                                                           sembled the laminate surfaces ex-

The imm cologne, which takes              At both fairs (14.1.–20.1.19), 1,355
place in the odd-numbered years           furniture and kitchen manufactur-
together with the kitchen trade fair      ers from 50 countries presented
LivingKitchen in Cologne (Germa-          their new models. Among the ex-
ny), offers an initial insight into the   hibitors were around 370 German
new furnishing trends every year.         suppliers, whose products offered
                                          an insight into the current taste of
Molteni (Italy) also wants to             German furnishing. Visitor interest
make rooms transparent with               proved to be just as international as
glass cabinets.     Photo: Molteni        the range on offer at the fair: Both

                                                                                  events – including around 50,000         In the “Vivi” concept by Doimo
                                                                                  end consumers – attracted more           (Italy), the pattern of the
                                                                                  than 150,000 visitors. With a share      wallpaper can be found on the
                                                                                  of 52 per cent, the share of foreign     furniture and table fronts.
                                                                                  visitors was higher than in previous                           Photo: Doimo
                                                                                  At the same time, the range on of-       hibited with an anti-fingerprint ef-
                                                                                  fer at the furniture fair in Cologne     fect. Metallic surfaces in various
                                                                                  gave a foretaste of the furnishing       shades were also on display. For
                                                                                  trends that were to be seen a few        kitchens and living furniture, thick
                                                                                  months later at the Salone del Mo-       veneers were also used, which
                                                                                  bile in Milan (Italy). Numerous imm      were embossed and thus had an
                                                                                  cologne material trends were con-        authentic old wood character. Com-
                                                                                  firmed at the Italian furniture show.    pared to previous years, however,
                                                                                  New colour and material trends           the wood surfaces were less rustic
                                                                                  were also set at the Salone. With        and more elegant. Oak dominated
                                                                                  over 2,400 exhibitors, the Milan         the solid wood programmes in the
                                                                                  event (9.4. to 14.4.2019) set off a      living area, followed by beech,
                                                                                  firework display of innovative prod-     which mostly appeared as ash pine
                                                                                  ucts for the home, the office and        or beech heartwood. More fre-
                                                                                  the bathroom. Around 1,300 suppli-       quently than in previous years, oak
                                                                                  ers gathered in the residential furni-   was shown in the white oiled ver-
                                                                                  ture sector.                             sion.
                                                                                  This year the event attracted            Among the wood reproductions,
                                                                                  386,236 visitors from 181 coun-          oak was also ahead of walnut. The
                                                                                  tries, including around 100,000 end      rusticity of the previous years also
                                                                                  consumers. The manufacturers of          seemed to be somewhat reduced
                                                                                  kitchens who only exhibit every          here, so that more elegant and
                                                                                  two years at the Eurocucina trade        above all lighter oak decors could
10 material+technik möbel – special 01|19
Individualisation through material mix
be seen. Occasionally, replicas of        Marble is one of the trendy
ash and larch were shown. In ad-          materials for Olivieri (Italy) as a
dition to the authentic appear-           replica on the glass fronts of
ance of the decors, there was a           the wardrobe.  Photo: Olivieri
corresponding haptic, because
melamine surfaces as well as              the glass showcases usually
some finish foils were provided           found a metal frame structure in
with a tactile surface structure.         which the sides were also made
In many cases only accents were           of glass and thus provided in-
set with wood and wood replicas,          creased transparency in the
while other material replicas such        room. Transparency also proved
as cement or concrete as well as          to be an important trend at the Sa-
stone or marble were given great-         lone del Mobile in Milan (Italy), as
er focus. Ceramics and slate were         almost every exhibitor had exhib-
also used as materials as well as         ited wardrobes and, in some cas-
replicas.                                 es, home furniture with a metal
Black and almost black surfaces           structure completely clad in glass.
were eye-catching in the colours.         A large part of the exhibited furni-
At the same time, light, pastel           ture was also not equipped with
blue and green shades as well as          the usual cup hinges, but had

                                                                                                 As individual as you.
various shades of grey were also          hinges that were almost flush
to be found in the trade fair image.      with the wall. Both in Cologne and
                                          in Milan, built-in sliding doors
Glass creates                             (pocket doors) were also on dis-
transparent spaces
The strong presence of open               There were also other material
                                                                                                 Customisable design – a matter of importance for more
shelves in the kitchen and glass          impressions to be seen on the                          and more furniture buyers. But how can marketable,
showcases in the living room was          fronts, such as ceramic in
also a striking feature of the range      marble look at Schüller                                customised options be produced cost effectively?
on offer at the trade fair. Visitors to   (Germany).      Photo: Schüller                       To this end, Hettich has for a long time been offering
                                                                                                 platform concepts and solutions that fascinate. Discover
                                                                                                 how easy it is to make customisable furniture design the
                                                                                                 standard. In your production too.

                                                                                                 Let Hettich fascinate you.
Individualisation through material mix
Quality Inside

                                                                                                                          The oval chest of drawers B&B
                                                                                                                          Italia (Italy) is made of tineo
                                                                                                                          veneer.            Photo: B&B Italia

                                                                                                                          hunter green to a mustard shade.
                                                                                                                          In the mid-price segment, howev-
                                                                                                                          er, grey tones dominated the trade
                                                                                                                          fair image, while beige, brown and
                                                                                                                          mud tones were the dominant
                                                                                                                          ­colours in the high-price segment.

                                                                                                                          Marble “on top”
                                                                                                                          For numerous furnishing products,
                                                                                                                          the exhibitors also played with the

The kitchen of Dada (Italy) has
fronts in Black Palm Wood.
                     Photo: Dada

play, which can be used to conceal
utility areas in the kitchen, for ex-
ample, or a workplace in the kitch-
en area. Since the living spaces in
the houses are now more open and
the boundaries between kitchen
and living space become fluid, are-
as of the kitchen can be concealed
in this way.
                                                                                 Lema (Italy) showed furniture made of heat-treated oak on filigree
Organic shapes                                                                   bronze-colored metal feet.                            Photo: Lema
At the Salone del Mobile, the new
box furniture was presented in thin     range in the mid-price segment           were occasionally used: Tineo            materials to give their models an in-
material thicknesses and often in a     was lighter. In the upper price seg-     wood veneer was to be found at­          dividual look. The main role was
minimalist style, while the uphol-      ment, oak and eucalyptus veneer,         B&B Italia (Italy), Porro (Italy) pre-   played by marble and various repro-
stered furniture was often lavishly     often thermally treated or stained       sented Pale-Moon wood (a strong-         ductions of the material. While the
upholstered and with organic lines.     black, continued to play the main        ly drawn ebony from Southeast            original stone was often colour-in-
The opposite was formed by ex-          role. This year, however, furniture in   Asia), MisuraEmme (Italy) showed         tensive or with contrasting veins,
pansive, linear upholstery pro-         light oak was added for the first        furniture made of high-gloss ebony       the replicas were based on classic
grammes with low seat depths.           time. Walnut had also gained             and Dada (Italy) made of black palm      ­Cararra marble.      Richard Barth
While dark wood colours domi­           ground. Elm was a widespread             wood.
nated the high-value segment, the       wood species, especially in the rep-     Green proved to be the trend colour
                                        licas. Some programmes were              for this year’s salon, as this colour    At Ballerina (Germany), work
Metal on the front: Kettnaker           shown in ash veneer, which was           was exhibited both in the living area    areas in the kitchen can be
(Germany) and Zeyko (Germa-             then often varnished in open-pore        and in upholstered furniture. The        concealed with pocket doors.
ny).   Photos: Kettnaker, Zeyko         colour. Exotic woods and veneers         palette ranged from pastel green to                        Photo: Ballerina

12 material+technik möbel – special 01|19
Individualisation through material mix Individualisation through material mix Individualisation through material mix Individualisation through material mix Individualisation through material mix Individualisation through material mix Individualisation through material mix
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