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INCREASING LOUDNESS IN AUDIO SIGNALS: A PERCEPTUALLY MOTIVATED APPROACH TO PRESERVE AUDIO QUALITY A. Jeannerot1,2 , N. de Koeijer1,3 , P. Martı́nez-Nuevo1 , M. B. Møller1 , J. Dyreby1 , and P. Prandoni2 1 Bang & Olufsen, Acoustics R&D, Struer, Denmark 2 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland 3 Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Delft, Netherlands arXiv:2202.08183v1 [eess.SP] 16 Feb 2022 Indirect methods to increase loudness operate by reducing the amplitude excursions of the audio signal and then, if ap- ABSTRACT plicable, reamplifying to increase its energy. There exist two We present a method to maintain the subjective perception main classical approaches in the literature in this regard: dy- of volume of audio signals and, at the same time, reduce namic range compression (DRC) [3] and clipping techniques their absolute peak value. We focus on achieving this without [4]. The DRC reduces the amplification gain of the input sig- compromising the perceived audio quality. This is specially nal for input levels above a predefined threshold. This reduc- useful, for example, to maximize the perceived reproduction tion is achieved through a compression ratio. Additionally, level of loudspeakers where simply amplifying the signal am- it incorporates integration periods, referred to as attack and plitude, and hence their peak value, is limited due to already release times, thus introducing memory in the system. Even constrained physical designs. In particular, we minimize the with a careful choice of these parameters, a DRC may inad- absolute peak value subject to a constraint based on auditory vertently lead to poor audio quality [5]. masking. This limits the perceptual difference between the Another common approach is the use of clipping. This is original and the modified signals. Moreover, this constraint essentially a memoryless input-output map with a linear char- can be tuned and allows to control the resulting audio qual- acteristic around the origin and nonlinear regions for larges ity. We show results comparing loudness and audio quality as input values. Depending on the characteristics of the nonlin- a function of peak reduction. These results suggest that our ear regime, it is possible to further divide clipping into hard method presents the best trade-off between loudness and au- and soft clipping. Hard clipping is characterized by clamping dio quality when compared against classical methods based the output to a constant value when the input exceeds a prede- on compression and clipping. fined threshold. Soft clipping makes this transition smoother. Index Terms— Loudness increase, crest factor reduction, Similar to DRCs, clipping typically results in audio quality peak reduction, perceptual models, audio signal processing degradation [5]. In [6], an approach is presented to reduce the impact of clipping by using a simplified masking model. They focus on minimizing the perceptual distance, based on 1. INTRODUCTION noise masking, between the input and output signals such that the values of the latter lie within a predefined range. It is usually desirable for loudspeakers, specially the ones small in size, to be able to increase loudness as much as pos- In this paper, we present a perceptually motivated ap- sible while avoiding any distortion. This may be achieved by proach that increases the loudness of an audio signal while simply amplifying the amplitude of the audio signals. How- controlling the degradation in audio quality. As opposed to ever, this is usually limited by physical and electronic design previous methods, even those incorporating perceptual fea- constraints. For example, the maximum displacement of the tures, we focus on minimizing the peak value of the input voice coil of a loudspeaker driver so that it still operates in a signal under a constraint based on the perceptual detectability linear regime, or the maximum input level of a voltage ampli- of the resulting distortion. This constraint, based on mul- fier so that clipping is avoided. Instead, it is common to resort titonal masking, includes a parameter that is perceptually to processing techniques that lead to an increase of the per- interpretable, referred to as detectability. This provides us ceived volume level even in the presence of these limitations. with a way of tuning and controlling the output audio quality For ease of explanation, we focus on the increase of loudness explicitly. This is particularly relevant in an environment that of voltage signals in this paper. The same principles apply in needs guarantees on the perceived audio quality of the output order to constrain the loudspeaker driver displacement. In this signals. case, a linear model could be readily incorporated [1], [2]. The paper is structured as follows: in section 2, we ©“© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”
place our proposed perceptually-optimized loudness increase for |x| > λ and Tλ (x) := 0 otherwise. Note that Tλ (x) ≡ method and classical clipping techniques within an optimiza- (Tλ (xi ))N i=1 . It follows then that Sλ (x) = x for |x| < λ and tion framework. Section 3 introduces the perceptual model Sλ (x) = λ otherwise. Similarly, Sλ (x) ≡ (Sλ (xi ))N i=1 . used. Finally, in section 4, we demonstrate the performance As shown later, the main issue with this approach is that it of the proposed method by using loudness, audio quality, and leads to poor audio quality. However, we show in the next sec- crest factor reduction as evaluation criteria. We use a dataset tion how it is possible to include a frequency-domain weight- of music clips consisting of kick drums and compare against ing in the energy difference in such a way that this degradation DRCs and clipping techniques. in audio quality is controlled. 2. LOUDNESS INCREASE: AN OPTIMIZATION 2.2. Perceptually Motivated Approach PERSPECTIVE Instead of simply focusing on solving (1), we resort to fre- quency masking. In particular, we introduce the matrix Px0 Instead of directly optimizing for loudness, it is usually more to compute the perceptual difference, or error, between the tractable to resort to indirect methods. The perception of vol- original and modified signals [8]. This error is constrained by ume is not only driven by the peak value of sound pressure a parameter c ≥ 0, referred to as detectability, that provides waves but, to a large extent, it is also determined by their en- information about how noticeable the difference is. This re- ergy. Thus, in a scenario where maximum amplitude levels sults in the following optimization problem are limited, it may be possible to increase loudness by both minimizing the peak value and maximizing the energy. Later, min ||x||∞ it is always possible to reamplify the signal to its maximum (2) s.t. ||Px0 W(x − x0 )||2 ≤ c amplitude level, thus increasing loudness. This can be for- malized in terms of the so-called crest factor of a signal x, where W ∈ RN ×N is the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) i.e., CR := 10 log10 (||x||∞ /||x||2 ) where x ∈ RN for some matrix. We explain in detail in the next sections how Px0 N > 0. is computed and what the detectability parameter c implies. Unfortunately, minimizing the crest factor entails solving This form of the optimization problem is particularly inter- a nonconvex problem. In order to have stronger theoretical esting since the detectability provides us with a direct way of guarantees, we can settle instead for a suboptimal problem controlling the audio quality, reducing the peak value, and po- that is actually convex. We can achieve this by minimizing tentially increasing loudness. We also explore in this paper an the `∞ -norm subject to be close to the original signal in an alternative formulation, inspired by [6], i.e., energy sense. Thus, we minimize the peak value and aim at min ||Px0 W(x − x0 )||2 preserving the energy. We show in this section how this ap- (3) s.t. ||x||∞ ≤ λ proach leads to the classical notions of hard clipping. Finally, our proposed method naturally follows: the energy constraint where λ > 0 is the maximum amplitude level allowable in the is weighted by a perceptual criterion instead. This constraint system. is known as detectability and provides us with control over the resulting audio quality. 3. PSYCHOACOUSTIC MODEL 2.1. Non-perceptual Optimization Approach We use a model of human auditory perception that exploits tonal masking. In particular, the distortion detectability Minimizing the crest factor involves minimizing the `∞ -norm D (x0 , e) predicts how noticeable a sinusoidal distortion of a signal and, at the same time, maximizing the `2 -norm. e ∈ RN is in the presence of a masking signal x0 ∈ RN [8]. However, it is more tractable to settle for suboptimal methods. This distortion detectability can be expressed in a compact Instead, it is possible to constrain error, in the `2 sense, and form as an `2 -norm in the frequency domain [9]: minimize the peak of a signal. In particular, we can write 2 1 D (x0 , e) := ||Px0 ê||2 (4) Sλ (x0 ) := arg min ||x||∞ + 2λ ||x − x0 ||2 (1) x∈RN where ê := We and Px0 ∈ RN ×N is a diagonal matrix that weighs the frequency components of ê based on the psychoa- for a signal x0 ∈ RN and some λ > 0. Interestingly, this cor- coustic masking properties of x̂0 . Thus, increasing values of responds to performing hard clipping on x0 . The connection D indicate a more noticeable distortion. This matrix Px0 is comes from the fact that Sλ (x0 ) is the proximal operator of constructed in the following manner [9]: λ|| · ||∞ . v In order to show this, notice that hard clipping can be u 2 uX c ĥ s i computed from the soft-thresholding operator Tλ [7], i.e., Px0 := diag t (5) || 2 Sλ (x0 ) = x0 − Tλ (x0 ) where Tλ (x) := |x| − λ · sgn(x) i=1 ĥi 0 ||2 + ca ˆ x
where ĥi ∈ RN represents the ith filter in a Gammatone filter quency range. Thus, we assign these weights large values so bank modeling the outer- and middle-ear transfer functions as that they are effectively ignored. well as the i-th auditory filter (note that ·2 operates element- Fig. 2 shows the magnitude of the spectrum of a single wise). The constants ca and cs are calibration coefficients modified kick drum clip from the dataset for different values chosen such that D (x0 , e) = 1, i.e., when e is just detectable of the detectability parameter. For low values of this parame- in the presence of x0 [8]. ter, the constraint on the perceptual difference has more influ- In our setting, we constrain the value of D(x0 , x−x0 ). In ence. Thus, frequencies between 100 and 200 Hz, which are particular, we want to find a signal x with a lower peak value less constrained by the psychoacoustic model [8], are modi- in magnitude such that the detectability of the error signal fied the most. For larger values of detectability, reducing the x − x0 is limited. We interpret the detectability of this error absolute peak value dominates and tends to produce a line as the perceptual difference between the original and modified spectrum. Additionally, the solution tends to present a reduc- signals. As shown in the next section, although the resulting tion in energy that can be easily solved by linear amplifica- signal may have lower energy as well as maximum amplitude tion. value, its crest factor is reduced and loudness is increased if we add a simple reamplification factor. 0.0 mean 2.5 +/- standard deviation Crest Factor Gain (dB) 4. SIMULATIONS AND RESULTS 5.0 We focus on enhancing signals mainly composed of low- 7.5 frequency content. This is of particular interest in reproduc- 10.0 tion systems since the human hearing system is less sensitive to this frequency range. Our analysis focuses on kick drum 12.5 sounds sampled from a drum kit, which are characterized by a low-pass spike-like waveform followed by a resonant part. 15.0 Clearly, naively increasing their loudness by linear amplifi- 17.5 cation can lead to saturation of the voltage amplifier. Since 20.0 they are often repeated several times across a song, focusing 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 on single kick drum clips is a first step toward increasing the Perceptual Constant c loudness of longer samples. In our experiments, we apply the method proposed in both formulations, as in (2) and (3), Fig. 1. Crest factor reduction for the method proposed in (2) to 16 clips taken from [10] with a maximum duration of 1 s as a function of the detectability parameter c. Results are gen- and downsampled to 1 kHz. We assess the performance using erated using the 16 clips taken from [10]. loudness, audio quality, and crest factor reduction as function of peak reduction as the underlying physical problem is the reduction of the loudspeaker excursion. The dataset used to generate the plots can be accessed online at [11]. 7 Original 6 c=5 4.1. Crest Factor Gain c=65 Magnitude spectrum 5 From a physical system design perspective, crest factor fig- ures are commonly used to estimate loudspeakers power han- 4 dling since they provide a measure of absolute peak values relative to RMS [12]. We introduced the crest factor as a 3 suboptimal metric for increasing loudness. Fig. 1 shows the average decrease in crest factor, as computed by (2), for 16 2 kick drum clips taken from the dataset. It can be observed 1 that even for small values of detectability, i.e., less than 10, the reduction can lead to a significant increase in perceived 0 volume. 0 100 200 300 400 500 It is important to emphasize that we introduced a slight f(Hz) change in the matrix Px0 in all our simulations. The model from [8] assigns weights close to zero to frequencies below Fig. 2. Magnitude spectrum (linear) for three different values 30 Hz. This can cause the optimization problems in (2) and of the detectability parameter c in (2). Results generated for (3) to encourage solutions with energy in an inaudible fre- the clip n°1 of [11]
4.2. Loudness and Audio Quality 10 Average Loudness Increase (dB LUFS) Compressor We compare both formulations of the method proposed, i.e., Hard clipper 8 Soft clipper (2) and (3), against a dynamic range compressor and clipping Proposed in (2) techniques. The dynamic range compressor is implemented Proposed in (3) with an attack of 0 s, a release of 0.5 s, a ratio of 8, and a knee 6 of 0 dB [3]. The hard clipper is easily implemented by clamp- ing to a constant value samples above a threshold. The soft clipper is implemented by setting the appropriate parameters 4 of a dynamic range compressor, i.e., attack and release times of 0 s, a ratio of 50, and a knee of 20dB. In order to evaluate the performance of these methods, we 2 use loudness and audio quality metrics. We use the Loud- ness Units relative to Full Scale (LUFS) [13], also known 0 as Loudness, K-weighted, relative to full scale (LKFS)[14]. 0 20 40 60 80 100 This is commonly used, for example, to comply with the au- Average Peak decrease (%) dio normalization requirements of many broadcast standards. In terms of audio quality, we use, as an objective measure, Fig. 3. Average loudness increase as a function of average the Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (PEAQ) standard decrease of the absolute peak value. [15], [16]. We use 16 kick drum clips from the dataset in [10]. Note that loudness measurements specially penalize low-frequency content, thus using kick drum clips represents 0 Compressor a challenging scenario for all these methods. Hard clipper Soft clipper We report both loudness and objective audio quality Proposed in (2) scores as a function of peak reduction. In particular, for -1 Proposed in (3) Average ODG each of the methods evaluated, the x-coordinate values are the average, across kick drum clips, of the absolute peak value reduction in percent. Similarly, the corresponding y- -2 coordinate values are the average, across kick drum clips, of the performance metrics, i.e., loudness or quality scores esti- mates. As a preprocessing stage for the loudness estimates, -3 the samples were periodically replicated in time and truncated to 1 s. Regarding the PEAQ scores, the reference signal was processed in the same manner as for the loudness estimates. -4 Additionally, the modified audio clips were then appropriate 0 20 40 60 80 100 scaled so that they have the same loudness as the reference. Average Peak decrease (%) Fig. 3 shows the loudness values as a function of average peak decrease, i.e., (||x0 ||∞ − ||x||∞ )/||x0 ||∞ in percentage Fig. 4. Average Objective Difference Grade (ODG)—i.e., ob- values. We can observe that the hard and soft clippers outper- jective sound quality score estimated by PEAQ—as a function form the rest of the methods in terms of loudness. However, of average decrease of the absolute peak value. as can be seen in Fig. 4, they achieve this at the expense of au- dio quality. Both formulations of the method proposed in this paper have similar performance, i.e., they present the high- 5. CONCLUSION est objective score in terms of audio quality and, at the same We presented a method designed to increase loudness while time, they present a significant increase in loudness. These re- reducing the absolute peak value of audio signals and, at the sults also suggest that the dynamic range compressor presents same time, preserving audio quality. We achieved this by ex- a better tradeoff than clipping techniques in terms of loudness ploiting a psychoacoustic model, based on multitonal mask- and audio quality. ing, in order to explicitly control either the resulting audio The main difference between both formulations of the quality or the resulting peak value depending on the formula- method proposed in this paper is that it is possible to either tion of the method. Our results suggest that the methods pro- control the resulting audio quality, as in (2), or the maximum posed present a better tradeoff between loudness and audio peak value of the resulting signal, as in (3). The former has quality than dynamic range compressors and clipping tech- the advantage of being able to provide guarantees in terms of niques and should be validated by subjective listening test. resulting audio quality in a system design process.
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