Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary - Alexander Fleischmann Josefine van Zanten - Philip Morris International

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Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary - Alexander Fleischmann Josefine van Zanten - Philip Morris International
Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary        Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Early 2022

Alexander Fleischmann
Josefine van Zanten

This study was conducted with full
independent editorial control by IMD and
funded by Philip Morris International.
Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary - Alexander Fleischmann Josefine van Zanten - Philip Morris International
Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

    Equity, inclusion & diversity (EI&D) is often        of the project delved into the recent social
    regarded as a set of preachy “eat your greens”       movements and socioeconomic factors that have
    issues that organizations are socially pressured     influenced EI&D needs so powerfully. Part 3
    into adopting. This attitude towards EI&D is         briefly looked at practical tools to measure and
    outmoded and out of touch with the complex           facilitate inclusion, introducing the Inclusion Net
    socioeconomic conditions which organizations         Promoter Score (iNPS).
    operate in today. In fact, it is becoming apparent
    that the discipline of fostering EI&D makes          This Early 2022 Summary is designed to
    organizations more responsive, more resilient,       provide an overview of project’s findings
    better informed and better able to recruit and       and conclusions.
    retain employees.
    There are strong operational and moral
    imperatives for diversity. A diverse workforce
    can bring a broad range of experiences
    and views to bear on the complex business
    challenges of this time. Organizations are also
    finding that the growing ranks of Millennial and
    Generation Z employees support diversity from
    a moral perspective, and indeed expect it as a
    normal condition of life.
    However, simply having a broad diversity of
    employees, while necessary, is not in itself
    sufficient for an organization to thrive. To reap
    the benefits of diversity, an organization must
    also become more inclusive. Gender and
    nationality, two key elements of diversity, can
    be defined, identified, and measured objectively.
    By contrast, inclusion is subjective. It is about
    how employees feel an organization treats
    them in relation to their diversity. This makes
    inclusiveness harder to define and measure.
    Organizations are keen to have clear
    definitions, tools, and metrics to define EI&D
    operationally and implement policy. To this
    end, the International Institute for Management
    Development (IMD), sponsored by Philip Morris
    International (PMI), undertook with full editorial
    independence the Inclusive Future project.
    Part 1 of the project involved research into
    academic literature, consultants’ approaches,
    and corporate case histories to review current
    best practice to measure inclusion. Part 2

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary - Alexander Fleischmann Josefine van Zanten - Philip Morris International
Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

    Future Part 1


Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

                                                         This brings its own difficulties in measuring
                                                         inclusion for all employees. On each question,
                                                         it is not possible to determine to what extent

    Future Part 1                                        employees’ responses authentically reflect their
                                                         experience and to what extent they are influenced
                                                         by how they think they “should” respond. Then,

                                                         for surveys as a whole, there is the challenge of
                                                         balancing practicality and thoroughness. Longer
                                                         survey questionnaires offer the benefit of greater

    Summary                                              depth, but with the risk that respondents get tired
                                                         of answering; shorter surveys are more practical
                                                         but risk missing important information.
    The business case for EI&D is well researched        The timing, frequency and locality of surveys also
    and well documented. We therefore started            vary too widely to permit standardized metrics
    the Inclusive Future project by analyzing the        to be developed. Among major corporations,
    work that leading academics, consultants and         Microsoft fields an annual employee satisfaction
    corporations have carried out to foster it. It       survey including questions on inclusion, and
    became clear, as outlined below, that several        sends out short surveys every day to a random
    factors have made it impossible to establish         selection of employees. BP stopped using
    broadly agreed benchmarking metrics to track         employee surveys (and with them its inclusion
    diversity and inclusion across industries.           index) in favor of more immediate and short
    For diversity, legal constraints in many countries   forms of surveys and data from other IT-
    make it impossible to gather data on important       generated sources.
    dimensions such as race and sexuality.
    Consequently, organizations cannot reliably map      In short, Part 1 of the project did not yield
    and track their own diversity, nor compare it with   a unified index or metric to guide EI&D.
    that of other organizations.                         Nevertheless, from the research, we were able
                                                         to generate a broad model to be explored and
    Inclusion is even more of a conundrum. Differing     elaborated in Part 2. The crucial element of this
    operational definitions of inclusion have led        model is “psychological safety”, denoting an
    to different elements being identified and           inclusive environment in which all employees
    measured. Some models of inclusion highlight         feel able to express their unique perspective
    personal needs for feelings of “belongingness”,      without fear of negative consequences. This is
    “uniqueness” and “authenticity”. Others focus        fostered by “inclusive leadership”, a key driver
    on organizational needs for participation and        for creating inclusive work environments that
    fairness. Even where different organizations         balance employee needs to feel part of the whole
    focus on the same elements of inclusion, there is    (“belongingness”) while remaining authentically
    no common approach to the nature and number          themselves (“uniqueness”). Inclusive leadership
    of questions included in their surveys.              requires a nuanced style that reflects shifts in
    Apart from gender and nationality, whichever         society. It balances each individual employee’s
    other elements of diversity are measured, the        need to feel part of the whole (“belongingness”)
    process of measurement inevitably involves           with their need to feel that their individuality is
    individuals completing self-report questionnaires.   recognized and appreciated (“uniqueness”).

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

    Future Part 2


Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

MeToo                                                    11
Black Lives Matter                                       12
Socioeconomic Inequalities                               14
COVID-19 – The Disruptor                                 16
Millennials, Generation Z                                17
& Technology

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

     Future Part 2
     As Part 1 found, the imperatives for equity,
     inclusion & diversity (EI&D) have been broadly
     recognized, researched, and enacted for well
     over a decade. However, three recent social
     factors have made key elements of EI&D more
     starkly apparent to everyone. Specifically, MeToo
     has made individual cases of sexual harassment
     and sexism visible, spurring people to examine
     ways in which gender is part of general power
     imbalances. The 2020, the murder of George
     Floyd by a white police officer in Minneapolis
     made the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement
     and racial inequity more salient not only in the
     United States, but around the world. And since
     early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed
     and exacerbated the chronic Socioeconomic
     Inequalities that present threats to democracy,
     order, and economic growth.
     This summary of Part 2 of the Inclusive Future
     project starts by examining MeToo, BLM and
     Socioeconomic Inequalities before looking at how
     EI&D dynamics have been disrupted by COVID-19
     and accelerated by fast-developing technology
     and generational change. It then proposes
     ways in which organizations including PMI can
     recognize these shifts and work constructively
     with them to the benefit of all.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

MeToo                                                   The MeToo movement has raised awareness
                                                        that sexual abuse and inequity cut across more
                                                        than a simple sectional divide between male and
It’s over 15 years since MeToo was first used
                                                        female. This has led to a growing understanding of
by Black activist Tarana Burke to encourage
                                                        “intersectionality”. The term refers to conjunctions
conversations about sexual violence. Tellingly,
                                                        of various individual attributes such as gender,
it wasn’t until MeToo was used by white actress
                                                        race, class, sexual orientation, and physical
Alyssa Milano in 2017 that it rapidly gained
                                                        ability that may lead to a person suffering inequity
momentum and resonated around the world.
                                                        or exclusion. With specific regard to MeToo,
The MeToo movement has sparked extensive                we found that women and people with a lower
revelations of sexual harassment and sexual             socioeconomic background remain at a higher
violence that women have endured in the                 risk of sexual harassment and abuse compared
workplace. It has popularized the notion of             to others.
toxic masculinity to denote a prevalent type of
destructive male culture that harms men too.
Hidden behavior that had previously been tolerated
as unwelcome but “normal” has therefore been
“denormalized”. It’s not just predatory male
behavior, but also many other everyday sexist
behaviors that inhibit, marginalize, or exclude
women from being heard and taken seriously. For
example, it is now recognized that men interrupt
women 30% more often than they do other men,
heavily impacting women’s ability to be seen as
leaders. When women of all backgrounds are not
heard, important intelligence goes to waste.
The MeToo movement has driven a substantial
shift in mindsets, prompting many men to
become advocates and allies of women. However,
it has also become a contested field. Skeptics,
opponents, and indeed many ordinary members of
the public, are concerned that MeToo risks going
“too far”. Some contend that it strains relationships
between men and women. A common trope is that
MeToo would lead to a “policing of sex”, revealing
the mistaken perception that the movement is not
about consensual sex, but about abuse of power
at work. Some fear that it potentially exposes
too many men to false accusations of sexual
abuse, although the irony here is that this makes
survivors of sexual abuse more hesitant to report
it, and data demonstrates that less than 5% of
denunciations are false.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

     BLM                                                   Like MeToo, BLM has shone a revealing light
                                                           on established structures of power and relative
                                                           privilege. As with MeToo, it has sparked waves
     Like MeToo, the origins of Black Lives Matter (BLM)
                                                           of debates, advocacy, and solidarity, but also
     go back several years. The movement was started
                                                           resistance and contestation. Critics counter
     in the United States by three Black women in 2013
                                                           BLM with statements such as “All Lives Matter”
     to highlight cases of police violence, and to show
                                                           and claims that affirmative action leads to
     how Black lives are shaped by a history of slavery
                                                           white employees being “the real victims
     and colonialism. However, it wasn’t until the
                                                           of discrimination”.
     murder of George Floyd in 2020 that the movement
     gained traction in the United States and beyond,
     prompting conversations about racial topics not
     just in North America but around the globe.
     A major effect of BLM has been to raise the
     visibility of systemic racism and racial injustice
     in many countries. It has compelled corporate
     executives to look hard at these issues and ask
     what they can do to change things. A survey of the
     HR Policy Association found that the movement led
     to an 85% expansion of inclusive activities, an 85%
     increase in C-suite involvement, and 70% starting/
     expanding unconscious bias training.
     The source of BLM, the United States, has its
     own unique history of racism. However, BLM
     has resonated in many other countries that have
     their own local constellations of racism and
     xenophobia. It has emboldened advocates and
     social movements to highlight local racial issues
     that may previously have been ignored, dismissed,
     or denied.
     As with MeToo, questions of intersectionality
     and visibility are raised by Black Lives Matter.
     It is striking that BLM achieved global spread
     because of the highly visible murder of a Black
     man, while much of the groundwork for the
     movement was done with little visibility by Black
     women (two of whom identify as queer). The
     vocal support of many companies for BLM has
     prompted questions about the visibility and lives
     of underprivileged groups working in the lower
     ranks of such companies.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

     Socioeconomic Inequality

     The traction gained by MeToo and BLM have shown
     that gender and race are two factors of inequality
     that are relatively clear to discern and define.
     Both are elements of “the ways in which access
     to resources and opportunities are differentially
     distributed across a particular population”.
     Other factors include social class, educational
     attainment, and income distribution. This is what
     may be termed “socioeconomic inequality”. They
     are less visible and less readily dramatized in
     media coverage.
     Elements of socioeconomic inequality have
     arguably been a recurring theme of politics for
     a long time. Growing inequalities of wealth have
     been influentially highlighted by best-selling
     academic Thomas Piketty in his 2014 book Capital
     in the Twenty-First Century and his 2020 book
     Capital and Ideology.
     Socioeconomic inequality is a challenge for
     organizations because they themselves are part
     of the problem. In many cases, their inclusiveness
     does not stretch to socioeconomic diversity.
     Whether deliberately or inadvertently, they
     perpetuate socioeconomic inequality through their
     hiring practices, promotion tracks, role allocations,
     compensation schemes, and organizational
     structures. Fortunately, organizations that are
     committed to EI&D can be part of the solution.
     They can become aware of socioeconomic diversity
     and ensure that socioeconomic background is
     included in their systems to identify talent.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

     COVID-19 – The Disruptor                                     Among the pluses, hybrid and blended working
                                                                  can potentially enable employees to custom design
                                                                  their working days to optimize meeting their
     General lack of awareness about, or attention to,
                                                                  work goals while accommodating other priorities
     these inequalities was tellingly illustrated by the
                                                                  such as family, fitness, or hobbies. Among
     claim in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                  the challenges, on the other hand, is creating
     that “we are all in the same boat”. Within just a
                                                                  and maintaining an environment in which all
     few weeks it became apparent that in fact we
                                                                  employees feel included and heard, whether they
     “are in the same storm but not in the same boat”.
                                                                  are present in person or online. While the formal
     COVID-19 has had the effect of making inequalities
                                                                  aspects meetings may be run inclusively, remote
     glaringly apparent to all and actually making them
                                                                  participants risk not being included in informal
     worse for many.
                                                                  comments, jokes, and conversations.
     In terms of health impacts, sickness and death
     from COVID-19 has disproportionately hit
     disadvantaged populations such as people of color
     in the United States and the United Kingdom.
     In the workplace, women, Black people, young,
     less educated and precarious workers were hit
     hardest by reduced paid hours and more job
     losses. Among workers fortunate enough to be
     able to work from home in relative comfort and
     safety, many women found themselves juggling
     the tasks of work and providing care for children
     and the elderly. Consequently, working through
     the pandemic, more women than men have felt
     stressed, exhausted, and excluded. This effect is
     even more marked among LGBTQ+ women and
     women with disabilities.
     At the time of writing (early 2022) the pandemic is
     still not over, so it is not possible to predict its long-
     term effects with any certainty. What we can say
     for sure is that COVID-19 has accelerated the pace
     of technological change, giving many organizations
     and employees prolonged experience of working
     remotely. Hybrid working, mixing on-site and
     remote working, is likely to become part of
     the “new normal”. This will also mean more
     blended meetings that involve both in-person and
     remote employees.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Millennials, Generation Z & Technology

The rising generational cohorts of Millennials and
Generation Z bring some distinctive and related
attributes to the workplace. They embody some
of the big shifts in awareness and mindsets that
organizations must adapt to as they work at
fostering diversity and inclusion.
Both cohorts use technology fluently, especially
social media technology. Both cohorts seek
achievements and constant development while
expecting a good work-life balance. Generation Z
in particular supports movements such as MeToo
and BLM and is apt to voice their support online
with so-called ‘hashtag activism’. Together, these
cohorts are accelerating the development of
inclusive cultures that value diversity and fairness,
work-life balance, and purpose.
Even more than most, Millennial and Generation Z
employees need to feel that they are being heard
by their employers. Otherwise, they tend to voice
their concerns and air their grievances publicly
through social media. This can prove problematic
for organizations, especially in a digitally
accelerated environment where organizations are
likely to be scrutinized, fact-checked and called
to account.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

     Future Part 3


Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

                                                            a positive feedback loop, research indicates that
                                                            sharing the results of inclusion metrics with a
                                                            broad internal audience spurs behavioral change.

     Future Part 3                                          To allow comprehensive measurement of progress
                                                            over time, it is advisable to compile an inclusion
                                                            index as part of an Employee Engagement survey,

     Topline                                                comprising 6-10 standard questions covering the
                                                            key components of inclusion, including:

     Summary                                                •
                                                                   Psychological safety
     Measuring inclusion and inclusive leadership           •      Fairness
     is not an end in itself. An open and pluralistic
     organizational culture, i.e., an inclusive working     •      Participation
     environment, increases an organization’s               •      Belonging
     resilience and prepares it to proactively navigate
     the sort of disruptive periods we have experienced     •      Authenticity
     since 2020. When the data is collected and
     analyzed properly, the results offer unique insights   Many organizations already have questions that
     to transform an organization and foster inclusion      measure some of these components in established
     and inclusive leadership throughout. As Parts 1        employee engagement surveys. They can continue
     and 2 found, a comprehensive approach is needed        with their established questions and complement
     that focuses on uniqueness, fairness/equity and        them with new inclusion-focused questions to
     psychological safety and also takes belongingness,     encompass the six inclusion components listed
     participation, and authenticity into account.          above, thereby getting a fuller and more accurate
     For organizations that are interested in evolving      picture. The phrasing of such questions can serve
     EI&D, Part 3 proposes a menu with a core set           a dual purpose: to gather information about past
     of standardized questions to measure results           and present behavior, and to influence future
     over time; qualitative and quantitative methods        behavior. Scalar agree/disagree statements such
     and tools to gain varied types of insights; and        as: “I am committed to improve my leadership
     recommendations about inclusion nudges to spur         skills in terms of active, humble listening” can
     behavioral change. In an interesting example of        nudge the respondent to do more of the behavior.
                                                            This type of survey measurement is thorough, but
                                                            takes time and is costly. To complement it, a new
                                                            pulse tool is currently being tested: the Inclusion
                                                            Net Promotor Score (iNPS). It asks respondents
                                                            to rate: “How likely are you to recommend our
                                                            organization to a friend or colleague from an
                                                            underrepresented group as an inclusive place to
                                                            work?” (By “underrepresented group” we mean
                                                            women, people from ethnic or racial minorities,
                                                            with different sexual orientation or different

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

abilities.) This single-scale evaluation can be
enriched with an open-ended free-text question:
“What is the one thing (name of organization)
could do to improve this?”
The iNPS is an easily implantable way (both in
terms of time and cost) to obtain quantitative
information. Its usefulness hinges on being
able to apply intersectional analysis to the
results. It should be clear which demographics
in the organization find it inclusive enough to
recommend – and which don’t. Intersectional data
can be gathered by encouraging respondents to
voluntarily and anonymously self-identify in terms
of belonging to underrepresented groups.
Quantitative surveys such as the iNPS yield
numbers that measure responses to a pre-
set list of questions and statements. To obtain
richer, more detailed information, it’s advisable
to complement quantitative surveys with
qualitative methods. Provided a psychologically
safe environment is fostered, valuable insights
can be found in open-ended conversations with
employees, whether in more formal settings such
as focus groups and appraisal sessions, or less
formal settings such as lunch-and-learn sessions.
Another source to obtain information is the use
of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is already widely
used by HR. We anticipate that AI analysis of
communications will be further developed to
gather data relevant to EI&D purposes. As with
both quantitative and qualitative methods, it
is essential to guard against bias. This can be
achieved by having multidisciplinary teams design
the gathering system, interpret the results, and
apply the learnings with intersectional input.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

     Key Points
     & Guidelines

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

     Key Points
                                                                To encourage everyone to foster inclusiveness,
                                                                an organization must clearly articulate its values,
                                                                strategy, and position on EI&D. This provides

     & Guidelines                                               essential reference points to help leaders at
                                                                every level become visible advocates and models
                                                                of inclusion. Equally, this articulation helps the
     An organization is inevitably surrounded by                organization to manage the EI&D missteps that are
     diversity in the societies where it operates. This         bound to arise.
     is a fact, not an option. Some forms of diversity          There is no universal gold standard to measure
     are more visible than others, but they are no less         even diversity, let alone inclusion, because there
     important for that. The organization needs to              are too many variables and constraints. In the
     be aware that many different forms of diversity            absence of an ISO-type set of universal standards,
     combine in intersectionality.                              an organization must both have a wide-angle view
     An organization needs diversity to develop the             of inequality as a whole and zoomed-in views of
     skills and benefits of being inclusive. Without            unique intersectional experiences.
     diversity, an organization tends to default to ‘group      Beyond all the complexities of measuring and
     think’, where people simply agree with each other.         tracking EI&D, organizations should be guided by
     Diversity helps an organization learn to operate           four clear principles:
     better, whereas a homogenous (non-diverse)
     workforce, with less diversity, is a risk factor for all
     forms of harassment.
     Rapid changes in operating environments have
     become faster and more complex since 2020. It is
     therefore essential for an organization to develop
     inclusive leadership to benefit from the diversity
     in the organization. Inclusive leaders don’t think
     or act as if they have all the answers. Rather, they
     listen with humility so that diverse employees feel
     safe to speak up and contribute without fear of
     negative consequences.
     Creating more equitable, inclusive, and diverse
     work cultures requires willingness to engage in
     difficult conversations about issues such as sexism
     and racism. It involves using emotionally freighted
     terms such as patriarchy, toxic masculinity,
     intersectionality, psychological safety, and privilege
     that some employees may find challenging or
     politically loaded. It takes leaders with the skills to
     foster psychological safety where emotive issues
     can be discussed honestly and inclusively. It takes
     inclusive leadership to prevent such conversations
     from becoming “us versus them”.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

1   Foster psychological safety above all,
    so that all employees can contribute
    their experience authentically without
    fear of negative consequences.

2   With psychological safety as the
    linchpin, attend to the six key
    components of inclusion:
    • Personal components (belongingness, authenticity and uniqueness)
    • Organizational components (participation and fairness)
    • Matrix Component (without diversity, there is no inclusion; just like
      minded people echoing each other

3   Develop inclusive leadership, with
    humble listening and willingness
    to become allies and advocates of
    underrepresented employees.

4   Increase visibility so that all
    employees get noticed and included,
    especially those who may be less
    visible because of intersectional traits
    such as gender and race.

Inclusive Future Early 2022 Summary

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