IN YOUR COMMUNITY - 2021 AGENCY BROCHURE - Catholic Community Services

Page created by Donald Allen
IN YOUR COMMUNITY - 2021 AGENCY BROCHURE - Catholic Community Services

IN YOUR COMMUNITY - 2021 AGENCY BROCHURE - Catholic Community Services
                                                     1918 Everett Avenue
                                                     Everett, WA 98201-3607
                                                     425-257-2111 or Toll-free 888-240-8572

   Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services (CCS/CHS) of Western Washington are your Catholic Charities
   Agencies in Western Washington serving people of all beliefs. We offer an array of programs and services in your community.
   The programs and services listed below are just a few of the ways that we provide assistance and support to our neighbors in
   need. Please call or visit us online for more information.


                                                                                                                                              SNOHOMISH & ISLAND COUNTIES
                                                                     Services are provided to Medicaid-eligible children and their
                                                                     families with high mental health and other complex needs,
Programs and services that support homeless individuals
                                                                     using a team-based Wraparound approach.
and families, including short term financial assistance (rapid
rehousing), chemical dependency and mental health services,          LAYETTE SERVICES
HIV/AIDS supportive services, veterans programs, permanent           425-257-2111
supportive housing, and help with employment, healthcare             Provides low-income families with basic newborn necessities.
and education.                                                       Layettes include bottles, socks, one outfit, sleepers, a stuffed
                                                                     animal and a baby blanket.
Provides permanent housing at three properties for income-
                                                                             SENIORS AND PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES
eligible individuals or families as well as homeless veterans:
                                                                     HOME CARE FOR ELDERS AND PEOPLE WITH
425-535-4020 Clare’s Place (Chronically Homeless)
425-258-9503 Monte Cristo
                                                                     800-562-4663 or 425-212-9571
             (Low-Income Individuals & Families)
                                                                     CCS provides personal care including transfers and incontinent
425-967-3476 Sebastian Place (Homeless Veterans)
                                                                     care to seniors and people with disabilities living in their own
               FAMILY AND YOUTH SERVICES                             homes. Services paid by DSHS, VA, Insurance, or private pay.
                                                                     Training for caregivers is provided in multiple languages,
CATHOLIC ADOPTION SERVICES OF WASHINGTON STATE                       including English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian and Korean.
206-328-5921                                                         Bilingual staff available in Russian, Spanish, Polish, and
Birth mothers throughout Washington State are supported              Vietnamese.
through counseling, prenatal care and long term planning
whether they decide to parent or place their child for               RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM (RSVP)
adoption.                                                            425-374-6311
                                                                     Volunteers 55 years or older are placed at “work stations”
CCS NORTHWEST RECOVERY CENTERS                                       throughout Snohomish County, according to the type of
425-258-5270 (Everett)                                               volunteer work they enjoy and skill sets they have to share, for
360-651-2366 (Marysville)                                            example hospitals, food banks, and Senior Centers.
CCS Recovery Centers provide a full continuum of outpatient
addiction recovery services in Snohomish County for youth            VOLUNTEER SERVICES
and adults and their families. Services are provided in both         425-374-6303
Everett and Marysville.                                              Volunteers help low-income older adults and adults with
                                                                     disabilities remain living independent in their own homes by
COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES                                     assisting with basic needs such as transportation, shopping,
425-257-1621                                                         housework, and yard care.
CCS provides community mental health services to Medicaid
eligible children and their families. After an initial assessment    VOLUNTEER TRANSPORTATION
and determination of need for ongoing help, core mental              425-374-6336
health services are available at CCS including individual            Provides necessary transportation for low-income elders
and/or family counseling/therapy, medication evaluation/             and adults with disabilities to access medical appointments
management and coordination with primary care physicians,            and other essential errands, such as grocery shopping. Also
and case management.                                                 provides transportation to maintain social connections.

                                                                                                                               Printed 2021
IN YOUR COMMUNITY - 2021 AGENCY BROCHURE - Catholic Community Services
DISABLED VETERANS TRANSPORTATION                                 Servicios Comunitarios Católicos les ofrece algunos
425-374-6336                                                     programas y servicios en español, incluyendo los siguientes:
Provides door-to-door services for disabled veterans living in
underserved areas of Snohomish County to access medical          CREADOR DE REDES PARA LA COMUNIDAD LATINA
appointments and other essential errands.                        360-630-9171
                                                                 Servicios disponibles para los párrocos para aumentar la
SEBASTIAN PLACE                                                  capacidad parroquial para el discipulado misionero a través de
425-293-0557                                                     proyectos de promoción y alcance ampliados o nuevos. Creador
With 20 units of permanent supportive housing, Sebastian         de Redes Regionales CC/CHS para la Comunidad Latina: José
Place provides another housing choice for chronically            Ortiz
homeless and vulnerable Veterans that have difficulty finding
and qualifying for housing in the private market, and that are   CUIDADO EN EL HOGAR PARA PERSONAS MAYORES Y CON
seeking a supportive community.                                  DISABILIDADES
                                                                 800-562-4663 or 425-212-9571
                   ADDITIONAL SERVICES                           CCS proporciona cuidado personal, incluyendo transferencias y
                                                                 atención incontinente a personas de la tercera edad y personas
CATHOLIC IMMIGRATION LEGAL SERVICES                              con discapacidades que viven en sus propios hogares. Servicios
206-328-6314                                                     pagados por DSHS, VA, Seguros o pago privado. Entrenamiento
Provides quality legal immigration assistance to low-income      para los asistentes de atención domiciliaria se proporciona en
residents of Washington. Services are provided in multiple       varios idiomas, incluyendo inglés, español, vietnamita, ruso
languages including Spanish, Somali, Russian, Ukrainian,         y coreano. Personal bilingue está disponible en ruso, español,
Belarusian, Kmhmú, Laotian, Thai and Burmese.                    polaco y vietnamita.
PROJECT RACHEL                                                   PROYECTO RACHEL
800-822-HOPE (4673)                                              800-822-HOPE (4673)
206-450-7814 En Español                                          206-450-7814 En Español
Provides healing and support in a confidential environment for   Proyecto Rachel provee sanación y apoyo en un ambiente
women and men who have experienced abortion.                     confidencial para mujeres y hombres que han experimentado un
                  PARISH-BASED SERVICES
                                                                 SERVICIOS LEGALES DE INMIGRACIÓN CATÓLICOS
                                                                 Provee asistencia legal de calidad para residentes de Washington
Services available to pastors to increase parish capacity for
                                                                 de bajos recursos. Los servicios son proveídos en idiomas
missionary discipleship through expanded or new outreach
                                                                 múltiples incluyendo el español.
and advocacy projects. CCS/CHS Regional Network Builders:
Mary Wahl and Jose Ortiz.
                                                                 Para mas información sobre estos programas y servicios
PREPARES (PREGNANCY AND PARENTING SUPPORT)                       visite nuestro sitio de web o llámenos a los
206-737-9264                                                     numeros de teléfono localizados al reverse de este folleto.
A partnership with volunteers in local parishes and
communities trained to accompany pregnant mothers, fathers
and families through the first five years of the child’s life.

                                                                                                                          Printed 2021
IN YOUR COMMUNITY - 2021 AGENCY BROCHURE - Catholic Community Services
                                   is made each day when
                                   we come together to offer
                                   care and support to our
                                   neighbors in need.

                                      CO M PA S S I O N

                                                                           O U R CO R E VA LU E S
                                       over   782,000meals prepared
                                                and served each year

                                                            More than

     W E A R E YO U R                        individuals and families
                                          from all beliefs and cultures

C AT H O L I C C H A R I T I E S                       served annually

AG E N C Y I N W E S T E R N                       JUSTICE
     WA S H I N G TO N                      over    4,900
                                          men, women and children
                                             in permanent housing

                                       E XC E L L E N C E
                                              programs and services
                                        throughout all 19 counties in
                                                Western Washington

                                               employees from many
                                              different faith traditions

                                     S T E WA R D S H I P
                                            of every dollar spent goes
                                     directly to benefit those in need
IN YOUR COMMUNITY - 2021 AGENCY BROCHURE - Catholic Community Services
5 WAY S                                                   OUR GUIDING
 T O G E T I N VO LV E D                                  is to meet clients where they are.
For over 100 years, Catholic Community                    We offer tailored services that build
Services and Catholic Housing Services                    upon the strengths of the individual,
have compassionately served children,
women and men of all beliefs with                         leading towards stability and an
shelter, food and other much-needed                       improved quality of life.
services. With your help we can reach
out in love and compassion to our
neighbors in need. Please join us!

  Sign up for a monthly CCS/CHS update at Visit us on Facebook, Twitter and
  Instagram for more frequent updates @ccsww.

  Tutor youth, serve meals, help seniors and more at

  Be a champion for those in need. Follow us on Twitter
  for advocacy alerts!

  Make a gift of cash, stock or leave a legacy gift
  through your estate at To donate a
  vehicle please call CARS at 1-855-880-4483.

  Please contact us at 800-499-5979 ext. 5707 or
WHERE TO                                                            Bellingham
                                                                                                                                  FAMILY CENTERS
                                                                                                                                   WHATCOM FAMILY CENTER

                                                                                                                                     Serving Whatcom County
                                                                                              WHATCOM                               1133 Railroad Ave., Ste. 100
                                                                                                                                   Bellingham, WA 98225-5054
                                                                             Sedro Woolley
                                            SAN JUAN                                                                                  SKAGIT FAMILY CENTER
                                                                          Burlington              SKAGIT                                 Serving Skagit County
                                                                          Mount Vernon                                                         614 Peterson Rd.
                                                                                                                                    Burlington, WA 98233-2606
                                                                                    SNOHOMISH                         SNOHOMISH COUNTY FAMILY CENTER
                                                                                                                      Serving Snohomish and Island Counties
                                                                                                                                           1918 Everett Ave.
                                                                                                                                     Everett, WA 98201-3607
  Forks         CLALLAM                                                                                                        425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572
                                                                                                                              KING COUNTY FAMILY CENTERS
                                                                       Lynnwood                                               Serving North, Central, East and
                                                                                                                                           South King County
                 JEFFERSON                                                   Kirkland        Redmond
                                                          KITSAP                                                                                100 23rd Ave. S
                                                                                            Bellevue                                   Seattle, WA 98144-2302
                                                         Bremerton                          KING                                 206-323-6336 or 800-499-5979
                                                                          Burien Renton                                                       1229 W Smith St.

                  GRAYS                     MASON                                                                                         Kent, WA 98032-4317
                                                                          Federal       Kent                                                     253-854-0077
                  HARBOR                                                  Way
                                                                                         Auburn                                                 33505 13th Pl S.
                                                                           Sumner                                                  Federal Way, WA 98003-6337
                                                                Lakewood Puyallup
                          Aberdeen                 Olympia           Parkland                                                                 11061 NE 2nd St.
                                                                                                                                      Bellevue, WA 98004-5810
                                                 Tumwater                    PIERCE                                                              425-213-1963

                                                THURSTON                                                                              PIERCE FAMILY CENTER
                                                                                                                                         Serving Pierce County
                                            Centralia                                                                                         1323 Yakima Ave.
                                                                                                                                       Tacoma, WA 98405-4457
                           PACIFIC                                                                                               253-383-3697 or 800-372-3697
                                                                                                                                      KITSAP FAMILY CENTER
                                                                                                                                        Serving Kitsap County
                                                                                                                                          250 S. Cambrian Ave.
                            WAHKIAKUM           COWLITZ                                                                             Bremerton, WA 98312-4102
                                                  Longview                                                                                       360-377-6136

                                                        Kelso                    SKAMANIA                                    GRAYS HARBOR FAMILY CENTER
                                                                                                                    Serving Grays Harbor and Pacific Counties
                                                                                                                                                 410 N “H” St.
                                                        Woodland                                                                   Aberdeen, WA 98520-4011
                                                                                                                               360-637-8563 or 888-415-4015
                                                                CLARK                                                            THURSTON FAMILY CENTER
                                                                                                                  Serving Thurston, Lewis and Mason Counties
          SERVICES OFFERED AS OF                                                                                                              604 Devoe St. SE
          SUMMER 2021                                            Vancouver                                                            Olympia, WA 98501-2034
                                                                                                                                         360-753-3340 ext. 127
             Addiction Treatment and                                                                                                  SERVICES OFFERED AS O
                                                                      Portland                                              COLUMBIA RIVER FAMILY CENTER
             Recovery Services                                                                                                        SUMMER 2021
                                                                                                                         Serving Clark, Skamania, Cowlitz and
             Family Center/Services                                                                                                      Wahkiakum        Counties and
                                                                                                                                           Addiction Treatment
             (accessible in every county)
                                                                                                                                           Recovery Services
             Family Behavioral Health System                    CATHOLIC HOUSING SERVICES                                 CLARK AND SKAMANIA COUNTIES
                                                                                                                                      3205 Family
                                                                                                                                            NE 78thCenter/Services
                                                                                                                                                       St., Ste. 103
                                                                                                   206-328-5731                            (accessible in every county)
             Housing                                                                                                                      Vancouver,     WA 98685
             Volunteer Services                                                     LONG TERM CARE                                         Family360-213-2431
                                                                                                                                                     Behavioral Health S
                                                                                                   877-870-1582       COWLITZ AND WAHKIAKUM
                                                                                                                                        Housing COUNTIES
             Long Term Care Services
             (available in every county)                                                                                                      676 26th Ave.
                                                                                                                                  Longview,       Services
                                                                                                                                            WA 98632-1816
                                                                                                                              360-577-2200 or 844-851-9380
                                                                                                                                       Long Term Care Services
                                                                                                                                           (available in every county)

Visit our website at or find us on social @ccsww                                                                                        Printed 9/2021
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