In this issue: SECURING LIVELIHOODS - SPECIAL EDITION - The Rockefeller Foundation
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SPECIAL EDITION SECU R I N G LIVE LI H O O DS Reprinted from The Economist in 2014 In this issue: Long-term living standards Crises and their impact Technology and jobs Pensions Migration and climate change
Contents Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 3 The future of securing livelihoods: Policies, strategies and tools for better lives today and tomorrow Challenges and opportunities for livelihoods Livelihoods: The big picture 25 The future of jobs 4 The future of jobs The great mismatch The onrushing wave 27 Technology and jobs 7 The world economy Coming to an office near you For richer, for poorer 28 Working conditions in factories 9 Poverty When the jobs inspector calls Not always with us 29 Migration after the crash 11 The world economy Moving out, on and back A game of catch-up 30 Migration and climate change A new (under) class of travellers 31 Youth unemployment Generation jobless 33 Health care and technology The pillars of livelihoods Fantastic Voyage 14 Innovation pessimism Has the ideas machine broken down? 17 Asian welfare states New cradles to graves SPECIAL EDITION SECU R I N G LIVE LI H O O DS Reprinted from The Economist in 2014 20 Pensions In this issue: Falling short Long-term living standards 22 Working women Crises and their impact Still struggling Technology and jobs Pensions Migration and climate change 23 Work and family Baby blues For more information about “The future of livelihoods” please go to
From the conveners The future of securing livelihoods: Policies, strategies and tools for better lives today and tomorrow As private and public players at all levels examine some less prosperous countries need to harness affect livelihoods. Local safety issues also weigh on our progress in moving people out of poverty, the their still-growing working-age population to drive livelihood development possibilities. Violence and time is right to explore if and how livelihoods have economic growth. With this backdrop, creating job crime are prevalent in many urban areas. Conflicts improved. What factors really determine livelihoods? opportunities for those who enter the workforce within societies, as evidenced by protests during Which issues will most affect them over the next 20 is essential. At the same time, social protection the Arab Spring in the Middle East and elsewhere, to 30 years as economic growth shifts from West systems, including health insurance and retirement are both a symptom and a trigger of livelihood to East, amid increasing global interdependence? programs, are weak or nonexistent in low-income disruption. Cyber-crime also affects the security of And how can rising living standards across the countries. These need to be strengthened, particularly financial and intellectual assets. Finally, cyber-war globe be ensured and sustained? for those whose livelihoods are at risk. risks raise the spectre of new security threats to Livelihoods are constantly at risk. Local Climate change is also increasingly affecting critical infrastructures and lives. and global crises, demographic shifts, climate livelihoods. Extreme weather events, such as Confronting the many challenges of future change, new technologies and other challenges floods and hurricanes, occur more often and livelihoods and imagining opportunities for them impact livelihoods in many ways. These challenges with increased intensity. These events take lives; is a massive, complex undertaking. Livelihood vary dramatically across countries, cultures and destroy crops, homes and roads; create health debates and solutions draw from many different communities. Their impacts’ complexity demands hazards and trigger mass migration. They also policy areas and a vast number of stakeholders. that relevant stakeholders from the public and take a heavy toll on the sustainability of insurance So, by extension, when changes or reforms are private sectors, universities, nonprofits and the systems. Longer term, biodiversity loss and rising required, strong resistance often follows. All too public join forces in a holistic way to design future sea levels may significantly reduce global economic often, policy-makers are biased by short-term strategies for securing sustainable livelihoods. growth and deeply transform our living conditions. and personal vested interests, rather than long- The recent financial and economic crisis, for Interestingly, climate change represents both a term societal goals. Forging consensus and quick, example, affected livelihoods in a variety of ways threat and an opportunity for livelihoods. Many coordinated action among national governments in and triggered more inequality and unemployment. sectors are joining forces to build sustainable such urgent areas as global warming, international Inequality further worsens the situation of people economies and climate-resilient infrastructures. financial regulation and cyber-crime remains, who already struggle because it disproportionately To face such challenges, technology offers a host unfortunately, particularly challenging. reduces their opportunities to make a living, and of opportunities and solutions for future livelihoods. This special edition of The Economist, with the erodes their ability to cope with economic shocks. Better access to and improved information and theme “Securing Livelihoods”, features informative As for unemployment, youth, in particular, struggle communication technologies, nanotechnology and provocative articles from recent editions of the to find jobs and to earn resources to pay for their lives’ and biotechnology, as well as “green innovation”, magazine. It brings insights into the trends concerning core needs. Paradoxically, in parallel, firms in many are but a few advances that could materially help global livelihoods, and asks provocative questions industries and countries struggle to find the talent livelihoods. Technology already helps prevent about some of the “pillars” that shape them, such as they need, and face skill shortages and mismatches. more environmental degradation and damage from technology, demographics, jobs, pensions, poverty, This is sparking new employer practices and thinking natural disasters, playing a critical role in social inequality and climate change. The selected articles about the private sector’s role in skills development. areas, such as health. Over time technology will also help identify future challenges and opportunities, At the same time, many lack the entrepreneurial skills foster conditions for better and more-sustainable such as maintaining social protections—for example, that can help spark job creation. Major changes are livelihoods. It remains unclear, nonetheless, whether pensions, coping with escalating health costs in therefore required throughout education systems, from technological trends will create or destroy jobs in ageing societies, creating sustainable jobs and pre-kindergarten to college to workforce training, and the future, and the debate over whether innovation responding to climate change. will be crucial for the future of livelihoods. is slowing down or speeding up continues. These articles do not cover all angles of livelihoods Demographic shifts due to medical progress Global security represents a very different and the challenges and opportunities that shape and fertility-rate fluctuations also pose significant livelihood challenge. Since the end of the Cold their sustainability. But we hope this publication will challenges to societies. Pensions, for example, need War, the world has not experienced a major global spark debate among participants brought together to be rethought, particularly in wealthier countries, conflict. Nevertheless, security concerns are by the OECD Development Centre, the Economist where people now live long after retirement, and mounting across the world, and these concerns Intelligence Unit and the Rockefeller Foundation at the Foundation’s Bellagio Center in August 2014. Exploring key trends and strategies affecting the future of livelihoods, and examining the complex interdependencies of the many factors that shape livelihoods in a systematic way will undoubtedly prove challenging. Identifying potential future scenarios with stories of systems and their interactions demands creativity, imagination, optimism and innovation. We hope the conversation and post- meeting publications will inform and inspire global, national and local debate about the strategies and policies that can secure and improve livelihoods today and in the coming decades. Together we hope to provide strategic guidance to public and private organisations, and the public, Mario Pezzini Robert Garris on how to address the coming challenges and Director of the Development Centre Managing Director to leverage opportunities to improve livelihoods OECD Bellagio Programs across the globe. n The Rockefeller Foundation 3
Livelihoods: The big picture Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 Also in this section 7 The world economy 9 Poverty 11 The world economy Graeber argues, is not an economic choice; it is something the ruling class does to keep control over the lives of others. Be that as it may, drudgery may soon enough give way to frank unemployment. There is already a long-term trend towards lower levels of employment in some rich countries. The proportion of American adults participating in the labour force recently hit its lowest level since 1978, and although some of that The future of jobs is due to the effects of ageing, some is not. The onrushing wave In a recent speech that was modelled in part on Keynes’s “Possibilities”, Larry Summers, a former American treasury secretary, looked at Reprinted from The Economist, Jan 18th 2014 employment trends among American men between 25 and 54. In the 1960s only one in Previous technological innovation has always Industrialisation did not end up eliminating the 20 of those men was not working. According delivered more long-run employment, not need for human workers. On the contrary, it to Mr Summers’s extrapolations, in ten years less. But things can change created employment opportunities sufficient to the number could be one in seven. soak up the 20th century’s exploding population. This is one indication, Mr Summers says, IN 1930, when the world was “suffering… Keynes’s vision of everyone in the 2030s being that technical change is increasingly taking from a bad attack of economic pessimism”, a lot richer is largely achieved. His belief they the form of “capital that effectively substitutes John Maynard Keynes wrote a broadly would work just 15 hours or so a week has for labour”. There may be a lot more for such optimistic essay, “Economic Possibilities for not come to pass. capital to do in the near future. A 2013 paper our Grandchildren”. It imagined a middle by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, way between revolution and stagnation that When the sleeper wakes of the University of Oxford, argued that jobs would leave the said grandchildren a great Yet some now fear that a new era of automation are at high risk of being automated in 47% of deal richer than their grandparents. But the enabled by ever more powerful and capable the occupational categories into which work is path was not without dangers. computers could work out differently. They customarily sorted. That includes accountancy, One of the worries Keynes admitted was a start from the observation that, across the rich legal work, technical writing and a lot of other “new disease”: “technological unemployment… world, all is far from well in the world of work. white-collar occupations. due to our discovery of means of economising The essence of what they see as a work crisis is Answering the question of whether such the use of labour outrunning the pace at that in rich countries the wages of the typical automation could lead to prolonged pain for which we can find new uses for labour.” His worker, adjusted for cost of living, are stagnant. workers means taking a close look at past readers might not have heard of the problem, In America the real wage has hardly budged experience, theory and technological trends. he suggested—but they were certain to hear a over the past four decades. Even in places like The picture suggested by this evidence is a lot more about it in the years to come. Britain and Germany, where employment is complex one. It is also more worrying than For the most part, they did not. Nowadays, touching new highs, wages have been flat for many economists and politicians have been the majority of economists confidently wave a decade. Recent research suggests that this is prepared to admit. such worries away. By raising productivity, they because substituting capital for labour through argue, any automation which economises on automation is increasingly attractive; as a result The lathe of heaven the use of labour will increase incomes. That owners of capital have captured ever more of Economists take the relationship between will generate demand for new products and the world’s income since the 1980s, while the innovation and higher living standards for services, which will in turn create new jobs share going to labour has fallen. granted in part because they believe history for displaced workers. To think otherwise has At the same time, even in relatively egalitarian justifies such a view. Industrialisation clearly meant being tarred a Luddite—the name taken places like Sweden, inequality among the led to enormous rises in incomes and living by 19th-century textile workers who smashed employed has risen sharply, with the share standards over the long run. Yet the road to the machines taking their jobs. going to the highest earners soaring. For riches was rockier than is often appreciated. For much of the 20th century, those arguing those not in the elite, argues David Graeber, In 1500 an estimated 75% of the British that technology brought ever more jobs and an anthropologist at the London School of labour force toiled in agriculture. By 1800 prosperity looked to have the better of the Economics, much of modern labour consists that figure had fallen to 35%. When the shift debate. Real incomes in Britain scarcely doubled of stultifying “bullshit jobs”—low- and mid- to manufacturing got under way during the between the beginning of the common era level screen-sitting that serves simply to occupy 18th century it was overwhelmingly done at and 1570. They then tripled from 1570 to 1875. workers for whom the economy no longer small scale, either within the home or in a And they more than tripled from 1875 to 1975. has much use. Keeping them employed, Mr small workshop; employment in a large factory 4
Livelihoods: The big picture Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 was a rarity. By the end of the 19th century effects of the imperialism driven by European it becomes easier to break production down huge plants in massive industrial cities were industrialisation continued to be felt by billions. into routine components, then automate those the norm. The great shift was made possible The impacts of technological change take components as technology allows. by automation and steam engines. their time appearing. They also vary hugely If, that is, automation makes sense. As David Industrial firms combined human labour from industry to industry. Although in many Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts with big, expensive capital equipment. To simple economic models technology pairs Institute of Technology (MIT), points out in maximise the output of that costly machinery, neatly with capital and labour to produce a 2013 paper, the mere fact that a job can be factory owners reorganised the processes of output, in practice technological changes do automated does not mean that it will be; relative production. Workers were given one or a few not affect all workers the same way. Some costs also matter. When Nissan produces cars repetitive tasks, often making components of find that their skills are complementary to in Japan, he notes, it relies heavily on robots. finished products rather than whole pieces. new technologies. Others find themselves At plants in India, by contrast, the firm relies Bosses imposed a tight schedule and strict out of work. more heavily on cheap local labour. worker discipline to keep up the productive Take computers. In the early 20th century a Even when machine capabilities are rapidly pace. The Industrial Revolution was not simply “computer” was a worker, or a room of workers, improving, it can make sense instead to seek a matter of replacing muscle with steam; it doing mathematical calculations by hand, often out ever cheaper supplies of increasingly skilled was a matter of reshaping jobs themselves with the end point of one person’s work the labour. Thus since the 1980s (a time when, in into the sort of precisely defined components starting point for the next. The development of America, the trend towards post-secondary that steam-driven machinery needed—cogs in mechanical and electronic computing rendered education levelled off) workers there and a factory system. these arrangements obsolete. But in time it elsewhere have found themselves facing The way old jobs were done changed; new jobs greatly increased the productivity of those increased competition from both machines were created. Joel Mokyr, an economic historian who used the new computers in their work. and cheap emerging-market workers. at Northwestern University in Illinois, argues Many other technical innovations had similar Such processes have steadily and relentlessly that the more intricate machines, techniques effects. New machinery displaced handicraft squeezed labour out of the manufacturing and supply chains of the period all required producers across numerous industries, from sector in most rich economies. The share of careful tending. The workers who provided textiles to metalworking. At the same time it American employment in manufacturing has that care were well rewarded. As research by enabled vastly more output per person than declined sharply since the 1950s, from almost Lawrence Katz, of Harvard University, and craft producers could ever manage. 30% to less than 10%. At the same time, jobs Robert Margo, of Boston University, shows, in services soared, from less than 50% of employment in manufacturing “hollowed Player piano employment to almost 70% (see chart 2). It out”. As employment grew for highly skilled For a task to be replaced by a machine, it was inevitable, therefore, that firms would workers and unskilled workers, craft workers helps a great deal if, like the work of human start to apply the same experimentation and lost out. This was the loss to which the Luddites, computers, it is already highly routine. Hence reorganisation to service industries. understandably if not effectively, took exception. the demise of production-line jobs and some A new wave of technological progress may With the low-skilled workers far more sorts of book-keeping, lost to the robot and dramatically accelerate this automation of numerous, at least to begin with, the lot of the spreadsheet. Meanwhile work less easily brain-work. Evidence is mounting that rapid the average worker during the early part of broken down into a series of stereotyped technological progress, which accounted for this great industrial and social upheaval was tasks—whether rewarding, as the management the long era of rapid productivity growth not a happy one. As Mr Mokyr notes, “life did of other workers and the teaching of toddlers from the 19th century to the 1970s, is back. not improve all that much between 1750 and can be, or more of a grind, like tidying and The sort of advances that allow people to 1850.” For 60 years, from 1770 to 1830, growth cleaning messy work places—has grown as a put in their pocket a computer that is not in British wages, adjusted for inflation, was share of total employment. only more powerful than any in the world 20 imperceptible because productivity growth But the “race” aspect of technological years ago, but also has far better software and was restricted to a few industries. Not until the change means that such workers cannot rest far greater access to useful data, as well as to late 19th century, when the gains had spread on their pay packets. Firms are constantly other people and machines, have implications across the whole economy, did wages at last experimenting with new technologies and for all sorts of work. perform in line with productivity (see chart 1). production processes. Experimentation with The case for a highly disruptive period of Along with social reforms and new political different techniques and business models economic growth is made by Erik Brynjolfsson movements that gave voice to the workers, this requires flexibility, which is one critical advantage and Andrew McAfee, professors at MIT, in “The faster wage growth helped spread the benefits of a human worker. Yet over time, as best Second Machine Age”, a book to be published of industrialisation across wider segments of practices are worked out and then codified, later this month. Like the first great era of the population. New investments in education industrialisation, they argue, it should deliver provided a supply of workers for the more Long time coming 1 enormous benefits—but not without a period of skilled jobs that were by then being created in Britain’s average annual growth, % disorienting and uncomfortable change. Their ever greater numbers. This shift continued into argument rests on an underappreciated aspect Real output per person Real wages the 20th century as post-secondary education of the exponential growth in chip processing 1.8 became increasingly common. speed, memory capacity and other computer Claudia Goldin, an economist at Harvard 1.5 metrics: that the amount of progress computers University, and Mr Katz have written that 1.2 will make in the next few years is always equal workers were in a “race between education to the progress they have made since the very 0.9 and technology” during this period, and for beginning. Mr Brynjolfsson and Mr McAfee the most part they won. Even so, it was not 0.6 reckon that the main bottleneck on innovation until the “golden age” after the second world 0.3 is the time it takes society to sort through the war that workers in the rich world secured real nil many combinations and permutations of new 0 prosperity, and a large, property-owning middle 1760-1800 1800-30 1830-60 1860-1900 technologies and business models. class came to dominate politics. At the same A startling progression of inventions seems to Source: “Engels’ Pause: Technical Change, Capital time communism, a legacy of industrialisation’s Accumulation, and Inequality in the British Industrial bear their thesis out. Ten years ago technologically harsh early era, kept hundreds of millions of Revolution” by R.C. Allen, Explorations in Economic minded economists pointed to driving cars in History (2009) people around the world in poverty, and the traffic as the sort of human accomplishment 5
Livelihoods: The big picture Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 opening the way to eventual automation this will be real, even if they mostly accrue to Bring on the personal trainers ? could reduce the satisfaction from such work, the owners of the machines. Some will be Probability that computerisation will lead to job just as the satisfaction of making things was spent on goods and services—golf instructors, losses within the next two decades, 2013 reduced by deskilling and interchangeable parts household help and so on—and most of (1=certain) in the 19th century. If such jobs persist, they the rest invested in firms that are seeking to Job Probability may engage Mr Graeber’s “bullshit” detector. expand and presumably hire more labour. Recreational therapists 0.003 Being newly able to do brain work will not Though inequality could soar in such a world, Dentists 0.004 stop computers from doing ever more formerly unemployment would not necessarily spike. Athletic trainers 0.007 manual labour; it will make them better at The current doldrum in wages may, like that of it. The designers of the latest generation of the early industrial era, be a temporary matter, Clergy 0.008 industrial robots talk about their creations as with the good times about to roll (see chart 3). Chemical engineers 0.02 helping workers rather than replacing them; These jobs may look distinctly different from Editors 0.06 but there is little doubt that the technology those they replace. Just as past mechanisation Firefighters 0.17 will be able to do a bit of both—probably more freed, or forced, workers into jobs requiring Actors 0.37 than a bit. A taxi driver will be a rarity in many more cognitive dexterity, leaps in machine Health technologists 0.40 places by the 2030s or 2040s. That sounds intelligence could create space for people to like bad news for journalists who rely on that specialise in more emotive occupations, as yet Economists 0.43 most reliable source of local knowledge and unsuited to machines: a world of artists and Commercial pilots 0.55 prejudice—but will there be many journalists therapists, love counsellors and yoga instructors. Machinists 0.65 left to care? Will there be airline pilots? Or Such emotional and relational work could Word processors and typists 0.81 traffic cops? Or soldiers? be as critical to the future as metal-bashing was Real estate sales agents 0.86 There will still be jobs. Even Mr Frey and Mr in the past, even if it gets little respect at first. Technical writers 0.89 Osborne, whose research speaks of 47% of job Cultural norms change slowly. Manufacturing categories being open to automation within jobs are still often treated as “better”—in some Retail salespersons 0.92 two decades, accept that some jobs—especially vague, non-pecuniary way—than paper-pushing Accountants and auditors 0.94 those currently associated with high levels of is. To some 18th-century observers, working Telemarketers 0.99 education and high wages—will survive (see in the fields was inherently more noble than Source: “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible are table). Tyler Cowen, an economist at George making gewgaws. Jobs to Computerisation?” by C.Frey and M.Osborne (2013) Mason University and a much-read blogger, But though growth in areas of the economy writes in his most recent book, “Average is Over”, that are not easily automated provides jobs, that computers were highly unlikely to master. that rich economies seem to be bifurcating into it does not necessarily help real wages. Mr Now Google cars are rolling round California a small group of workers with skills highly Summers points out that prices of things- driver-free no one doubts such mastery is complementary with machine intelligence, made-of-widgets have fallen remarkably in past possible, though the speed at which fully for whom he has high hopes, and the rest, decades; America’s Bureau of Labour Statistics self-driving cars will come to market remains for whom not so much. reckons that today you could get the equivalent hard to guess. And although Mr Brynjolfsson and Mr of an early 1980s television for a twentieth of McAfee rightly point out that developing the its then price, were it not that no televisions Brave new world business models which make the best use of that poor are still made. However, prices of Even after computers beat grandmasters at chess new technologies will involve trial and error things not made of widgets, most notably (once thought highly unlikely), nobody thought and human flexibility, it is also the case that college education and health care, have shot they could take on people at free-form games the second machine age will make such trial up. If people lived on widgets alone— goods played in natural language. Then Watson, a and error easier. It will be shockingly easy whose costs have fallen because of both pattern-recognising supercomputer developed to launch a startup, bring a new product to globalisation and technology—there would by IBM, bested the best human competitors market and sell to billions of global consumers have been no pause in the increase of real in America’s popular and syntactically tricksy (see article). Those who create or invest in wages. It is the increase in the prices of stuff general-knowledge quiz show “Jeopardy!” blockbuster ideas may earn unprecedented that isn’t mechanised (whose supply is often Versions of Watson are being marketed to returns as a result. under the control of the state and perhaps firms across a range of industries to help with In a forthcoming book Thomas Piketty, an subject to fundamental scarcity) that means all sorts of pattern-recognition problems. Its economist at the Paris School of Economics, a pay packet goes no further than it used to. acumen will grow, and its costs fall, as firms argues along similar lines that America may So technological progress squeezes some learn to harness its abilities. be pioneering a hyper-unequal economic incomes in the short term before making The machines are not just cleverer, they also model in which a top 1% of capital-owners have access to far more data. The combination and “supermanagers” grab a growing share of Not what it was 2 of big data and smart machines will take over national income and accumulate an increasing US employment by sector, % of total employment some occupations wholesale; in others it will concentration of national wealth. The rise of allow firms to do more with fewer workers. the middle-class—a 20th-century innovation— 70 Text-mining programs will displace professional was a hugely important political and social 60 jobs in legal services. Biopsies will be analysed development across the world. The squeezing out Services more efficiently by image-processing software of that class could generate a more antagonistic, 50 than lab technicians. Accountants may follow unstable and potentially dangerous politics. 40 travel agents and tellers into the unemployment The potential for dramatic change is Manufacturing 30 line as tax software improves. Machines are clear. A future of widespread technological Government already turning basic sports results and financial unemployment is harder for many to accept. 20 data into good-enough news stories. Every great period of innovation has produced 10 Jobs that are not easily automated may its share of labour-market doomsayers, but Agriculture still be transformed. New data-processing technological progress has never previously failed 0 1948 60 70 80 90 2000 11 technology could break “cognitive” jobs down to generate new employment opportunities. Source: US Bureau of Labour Statistics into smaller and smaller tasks. As well as The productivity gains from future automation 6
Livelihoods: The big picture Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 3 than a bygone peasant to have savings. This concentration of incomes over the past 30 years, A history to repeat? means that the “reservation wage”—the wage on a scale that matches, or even exceeds, the Average real wage, year 1=100 below which a worker will not accept a job—is first Gilded Age. Including capital gains, the Britain, year 1=1770 now high in historical terms. If governments share of national income going to the richest 180 United States, year 1=1970 refuse to allow jobless workers to fall too far 1% of Americans has doubled since 1980, from 160 below the average standard of living, then this 10% to 20%, roughly where it was a century ago. 140 reservation wage will rise steadily, and ever Even more striking, the share going to the top more workers may find work unattractive. And 0.01%—some 16,000 families with an average 120 the higher it rises, the greater the incentive to income of $24m—has quadrupled, from just 100 invest in capital that replaces labour. over 1% to almost 5%. That is a bigger slice of Everyone should be able to benefit from the national pie than the top 0.01% received 80 productivity gains—in that, Keynes was united 100 years ago. 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 with his successors. His worry about technological This is an extraordinary development, and Years since start unemployment was mainly a worry about it is not confined to America. Many countries, Sources: “Pessimism Preserved: Real Wages in the British Industrial Revolution” by R.C. Allen (2013); a “temporary phase of maladjustment” as including Britain, Canada, China, India and US Bureau of Labour Statistics society and the economy adjusted to ever even egalitarian Sweden, have seen a rise in greater levels of productivity. So it could the share of national income taken by the top everyone richer in the long term, and can drive well prove. However, society may find itself 1%. The numbers of the ultra-wealthy have up the costs of some things even more than it sorely tested if, as seems possible, growth soared around the globe. According to Forbes eventually increases earnings. As innovation and innovation deliver handsome gains to magazine’s rich list, America has some 421 continues, automation may bring down costs the skilled, while the rest cling to dwindling billionaires, Russia 96, China 95 and India 48. in some of those stubborn areas as well, employment opportunities at stagnant wages. n The world’s richest man is a Mexican (Carlos though those dominated by scarcity—such as Slim, worth some $69 billion). The world’s houses in desirable places—are likely to resist largest new house belongs to an Indian. Mukesh the trend, as may those where the state keeps Ambani’s 27-storey skyscraper in Mumbai market forces at bay. But if innovation does occupies 400,000 square feet, making it 1,300 make health care or higher education cheaper, The world economy times bigger than the average shack in the it will probably be at the cost of more jobs, and slums that surround it. give rise to yet more concentration of income. For richer, for The concentration of wealth at the very top The machine stops poorer is part of a much broader rise in disparities all along the income distribution. The best- Even if the long-term outlook is rosy, with known way of measuring inequality is the Gini the potential for greater wealth and lots of Reprinted from The Economist, Oct 13th 2012 coefficient, named after an Italian statistician new jobs, it does not mean that policymakers called Corrado Gini. It aggregates the gaps should simply sit on their hands in the mean Growing inequality is one of the biggest between people’s incomes into a single measure. time. Adaptation to past waves of progress social, economic and political challenges If everyone in a group has the same income, rested on political and policy responses. The of our time. But it is not inevitable, says the Gini coefficient is 0; if all income goes to most obvious are the massive improvements Zanny Minton Beddoes one person, it is 1. in educational attainment brought on first The level of inequality differs widely around by the institution of universal secondary IN 1889, at the height of America’s first Gilded the world. Emerging economies are more education and then by the rise of university Age, George Vanderbilt II, grandson of the unequal than rich ones. Scandinavian countries attendance. Policies aimed at similar gains original railway magnate, set out to build a have the smallest income disparities, with would now seem to be in order. But as Mr country estate in the Blue Ridge mountains of a Gini coefficient for disposable income of Cowen has pointed out, the gains of the 19th North Carolina. He hired the most prominent around 0.25. At the other end of the spectrum and 20th centuries will be hard to duplicate. architect of the time, toured the chateaux of the the world’s most unequal, such as South Boosting the skills and earning power of Loire for inspiration, laid a railway to bring in Africa, register Ginis of around 0.6. (Because the children of 19th-century farmers and limestone from Indiana and employed more of the way the scale is constructed, a modest- labourers took little more than offering schools than 1,000 labourers. Six years later “Biltmore” sounding difference in the Gini ratio implies where they could learn to read, write and do was completed. With 250 rooms spread over a big difference in inequality.) algebra. Pushing a large proportion of college 175,000 square feet (16,000 square metres), the Income gaps have also changed to varying graduates to complete graduate work successfully mansion was 300 times bigger than the average degrees. America’s Gini for disposable income is will be harder and more expensive. Perhaps dwelling of its day. It had central heating, an up by almost 30% since 1980, to 0.39. Sweden’s cheap and innovative online education will indoor swimming pool, a bowling alley, lifts is up by a quarter, to 0.24. China’s has risen by indeed make new attainment possible. But and an intercom system at a time when most as Mr Cowen notes, such programmes may American homes had neither electricity nor tend to deliver big gains only for the most indoor plumbing. conscientious students. A bit over a century later, America’s second Another way in which previous adaptation Gilded Age has nothing quite like the Vanderbilt is not necessarily a good guide to future extravaganza. Bill Gates’s home near Seattle is employment is the existence of welfare. The full of high-tech gizmos, but, at 66,000 square alternative to joining the 19th-century industrial feet, it is a mere 30 times bigger than the average proletariat was malnourished deprivation. modern American home. Disparities in wealth Today, because of measures introduced in are less visible in Americans’ everyday lives response to, and to some extent on the proceeds today than they were a century ago. Even of, industrialisation, people in the developed poor people have televisions, air conditioners world are provided with unemployment and cars. benefits, disability allowances and other forms But appearances deceive. The democratisation of welfare. They are also much more likely of living standards has masked a dramatic 7
Livelihoods: The big picture Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 96 36 18.6 4.0 Russia 421‡ Britain More or less unequal 10.5 Income inequality, Gini coefficient* 55 95 United States 7.2 48 2.6 1980 or earliest 2010 or latest 10.9 Germany China 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 India South Africa % change in Brazil inequality 1980-2010† China 37 More equal 6.2 Number of United States 20 No data inequality of disposable income; where Sources: Forbes; unavailable consumption or expenditure data Sweden More unequal IMF; The Economist †Or closest year available ‡September 2012 §March 2012 around 50% to 0.42 (and by some measures narrowing seemed so inevitable that Simon economies, more inequality often means that to 0.48). The biggest exception to the generalKuznets, a Belarusian-born Harvard economist, people at the bottom and even in the middle upward trend is Latin America, long the world’s in 1955 famously described the relationship of the income distribution are falling behind most unequal continent, where Gini coefficients between inequality and prosperity as an not just in relative but also in absolute terms. have fallen sharply over the past ten years. upside-down U. According to the “Kuznets The Occupy Wall Street campaign proved But the majority of the people on the planet curve”, inequality rises in the early stages of incoherent and ephemeral, but inequality and live in countries where income disparities industrialisation as people leave the land, fairness have moved right up the political are bigger than they were a generation ago. become more productive and earn more in agenda. America’s presidential election is That does not mean the world as a whole hasfactories. Once industrialisation is complete and largely being fought over questions such as become more unequal. Global inequality—the better-educated citizens demand redistribution whether taxes should rise at the top, and how income gaps between all people on the planet— from their government, it declines again. big a role government should play in helping has begun to fall as poorer countries catch Until 1980 this prediction appeared to have the rest. In Europe France’s new president, up with richer ones. Two French economists, been vindicated. But the past 30 years have put François Hollande, wants a top income-tax François Bourguignon and Christian Morrisson, paid to the Kuznets curve, at least in advanced rate of 75%. New surcharges on the richest have calculated a “global Gini” that measures economies. These days the inverted U has turned are part of austerity programmes in Portugal the scale of income disparities among everyoneinto something closer to an italicised N, with and Spain. in the world. Their index shows that global the final stroke pointing menacingly upwards. Even in more buoyant emerging economies, inequality rose in the 19th and 20th centuries Although inequality has been on the rise inequality is a growing worry. India’s government because richer economies, on average, grew for three decades, its political prominence is under fire for the lack of “inclusive growth” faster than poorer ones. Recently that patternis newer. During the go-go years before the and for cronyism that has enriched insiders, has reversed and global inequality has startedfinancial crisis, growing disparities were hardly evident from dubious mobile-phone-spectrum to fall even as inequality within many countries at the top of politicians’ to-do list. One reason auctions and dodgy mining deals. China’s leaders has risen. By that measure, the planet as a was that asset bubbles and cheap credit eased fear that growing disparities will cause social whole is becoming a fairer place. But in a life for everyone. Financiers were growing unrest. Wen Jiabao, the outgoing prime minister, world of nation states it is inequality withinfabulously wealthy in the early 2000s, but has long pushed for a “harmonious society”. countries that has political salience, and this others could also borrow ever more against Many economists, too, now worry that special report will focus on that. the value of their home. widening income disparities may have That changed after the crash. The bank damaging side-effects. In theory, inequality From U to N rescues shone a spotlight on the unfairness has an ambiguous relationship with prosperity. The widening of income gaps is a reversal of of a system in which affluent bankers were It can boost growth, because richer folk save the pattern in much of the 20th century, when bailed out whereas ordinary folk lost their and invest more and because people work inequality narrowed in many countries. That houses and jobs. And in today’s sluggish harder in response to incentives. But big Gini coefficient*, late 2000s Global inequality, Gini coefficient* Top 1% income share‡, % Market income Disposable income US Britain Germany France Sweden 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.70 30 United States 0.65 25 Britain 20 0.60 Japan 15 OECD-29 0.55 10 average Germany 0.50 5 0 Sweden 1820 50 70 90 1910 29 50 70 92 2008† 1913 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 2000 10 Sources: The World Top Incomes Database; IMF; OECD; World Bank; “Inequality among World Citizens: 1820-1992", by Bourguignon & Morrisson, The American *0=perfect equality, 1=perfect inequality †Estimate Economic Review, 2002; "A short history of global inequality: The past two centuries”, by Branko Milanovic, Explorations in Economic History, May 2011 ‡Includes capital gains, except Britain and France 8
Livelihoods: The big picture Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 income gaps can also be inefficient, because do not do very well. Yet the 20th century’s focus they can bar talented poor people from access on redistribution brought its own problems. to education or feed resentment that results in Too often high-tax welfare states turned out to growth-destroying populist policies. be inefficient and unsustainable. Government The mainstream consensus has long been cures for inequality have sometimes been that a growing economy raises all boats, to worse than the disease itself. much better effect than incentive-dulling This special report will explore how 21st- redistribution. Robert Lucas, a Nobel prize- century capitalism should respond to the present winner, epitomised the orthodoxy when challenge; it will examine the recent history he wrote in 2003 that “of the tendencies of both inequality and social mobility; and it that are harmful to sound economics, the will offer four contemporary case studies: the most seductive and…poisonous is to focus United States, emerging Asia, Latin America on questions of distribution.” and Sweden. Based on this evidence it will poverty could be halved in the past two decades, But now the economics establishment has make three arguments. First, although the why should the other half not be got rid of become concerned about who gets what. modern global economy is leading to wider in the next two? If 21% was possible in 2010, Research by economists at the IMF suggests gaps between the more and the less educated, why not 1% in 2030? that income inequality slows growth, causes a big driver of today’s income distributions Why not indeed? In April at a press conference financial crises and weakens demand. In a recent is government policy. Second, a lot of today’s during the spring meeting of the international report the Asian Development Bank argued inequality is inefficient, particularly in the financial institutions in Washington, DC, the that if emerging Asia’s income distribution most unequal countries. It reflects market and president of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, had not worsened over the past 20 years, the government failures that also reduce growth. scrawled the figure “2030” on a sheet of region’s rapid growth would have lifted an And where this is happening, bigger income paper, held it up and announced, “This is it. extra 240m people out of extreme poverty. gaps themselves are likely to reduce both social This is the global target to end poverty.” He More controversial studies purport to link mobility and future prosperity. was echoing Barack Obama who, in February, widening income gaps with all manner of Third, there is a reform agenda to reduce promised that “the United States will join with ills, from obesity to suicide. income disparities that makes sense whatever our allies to eradicate such extreme poverty The widening gaps within many countries your attitude towards fairness. It is not about in the next two decades.” are beginning to worry even the plutocrats. higher taxes and more handouts. Both in rich This week, that target takes its first step A survey for the World Economic Forum and emerging economies, it is about attacking towards formal endorsement as an aim of meeting at Davos pointed to inequality as the cronyism and investing in the young. You could policy round the world. The leaders of Britain, most pressing problem of the coming decade call it a “True Progressivism”. n Indonesia and Liberia are due to recommend (alongside fiscal imbalances). In all sections of to the UN a list of post-2015 MDGs. It will be society, there is growing agreement that the headed by a promise to end extreme poverty world is becoming more unequal, and that by 2030. today’s disparities and their likely trajectory There is a lot of debate about what exactly are dangerous. Poverty counts as poverty and how best to measure it. But by any measure, the eradication of Not so fast Not always with us $1.25-a-day poverty would be an astonishing That is too simplistic. Inequality, as measured achievement. Throughout history, dire poverty by Gini coefficients, is simply a snapshot of Reprinted from The Economist, Jun 1st 2013 has been a basic condition of the mass of outcomes. It does not tell you why those gaps mankind. Thomas Malthus, a British clergyman have opened up or what the trend is over The world has an astonishing chance to who founded the science of demography, wrote time. And like any snapshot, the picture can take a billion people out of extreme poverty in 1798 that it was impossible for people to be misleading. Income gaps can arise for good by 2030 “feel no anxiety about providing the means of reasons (such as when people are rewarded subsistence for themselves and [their] families” for productive work) or for bad ones (if poorer IN SEPTEMBER 2000 the heads of 147 and that “no possible form of society could children do not get the same opportunities as governments pledged that they would halve prevent the almost constant action of misery richer ones). Equally, inequality of outcomes the proportion of people on the Earth living in upon a great part of mankind.” For most might be acceptable if the gaps are between the direst poverty by 2015, using the poverty countries, poverty was not even a problem; young people and older folk, so may shrink rate in 1990 as a baseline. It was the first of it was a plain, unchangeable fact. over time. But in societies without this sort a litany of worthy aims enshrined in the To eradicate extreme poverty would also of mobility a high Gini is troubling. United Nations “millennium development be remarkable given the number of occasions Some societies are more concerned about goals” (MDGs). Many of these aims—such as equality of opportunity, others more about cutting maternal mortality by three quarters Hooray! 1 equality of outcome. Europeans tend to be and child mortality by two thirds—have not Global poverty rate, % more egalitarian, believing that in a fair society been met. But the goal of halving poverty has 50 there should be no big income gaps. Americans been. Indeed, it was achieved five years early. Baseline scenario and Chinese put more emphasis on equality In 1990, 43% of the population of developing Range based on best 40 of opportunity. Provided people can move up countries lived in extreme poverty (then and worst scenarios the social ladder, they believe a society with defined as subsisting on $1 a day); the absolute 30 wide income gaps can still be fair. Whatever number was 1.9 billion people. By 2000 the 20 people’s preferences, static measures of income proportion was down to a third. By 2010 it was gaps tell only half the story. 21% (or 1.2 billion; the poverty line was then 10 Despite the lack of nuance, today’s debate over $1.25, the average of the 15 poorest countries’ inequality will have important consequences. own poverty lines in 2005 prices, adjusted for 0 The unstable history of Latin America, long the differences in purchasing power). The global 1990 95 2000 05 10 15 20 25 30 continent with the biggest income gaps, suggests poverty rate had been cut in half in 20 years. Source: Laurence Chandy, Natasha Ledlie and Veronika Penciakova that countries run by entrenched wealthy elites That raised an obvious question. If extreme 9
Livelihoods: The big picture Reprinted from The Economist - 2014 since the 1930s. The three regions with the would have to be maintained at something like The fireman’s helmet 2 largest numbers of poor people all registered its current rate. Most forecasters do expect that Number of people in poverty, m strong gains in GDP after the recession: at 8% to happen, though problems in Europe could $1.25 a year in East Asia; 7% in South Asia; 5% in spill over and damage the global economy. Such 80 Africa. As a rough guide, every 1% increase in long-range forecasts are inevitably unreliable but 1990 70 GDP per head reduces poverty by around 1.7%. two broad trends make an optimistic account GDP, though, is not necessarily the best measure somewhat plausible. One is that fast-growing 60 2000 of living standards and poverty reduction. It is developing countries are trading more with 50 usually better to look at household consumption each other, making them more resilient than 2010 40 based on surveys. Martin Ravallion, until they used to be to shocks from the rich world. 2020 recently the World Bank’s head of research, The other trend is that the two parts of the 30 2030 took 900 such surveys in 125 developing world with the largest numbers of poor people, 20 countries. These show, he calculates, that India and Africa, are seeing an expansion 10 consumption in developing countries has of their working-age populations relative to 0 grown by just under 2% a year since 1980. But the numbers of dependent children and old 0 1 2 3 4 5 there has been a sharp increase since 2000. people. Even so, countries potentially face a Mean daily consumption (PPP $) Before that, annual growth was 0.9%; after it, problem of diminishing returns which could Source: Laurence Chandy, Natasha Ledlie and Veronika Penciakova the rate leapt to 4.3%. make progress at the second stage slower Growth alone does not guarantee less than at the first. when politicians have promised to achieve poverty. Income distribution matters, too. There is no sign so far that returns are in the goal and failed. “We do have an historic One estimate found that two thirds of the fact diminishing. The poverty rate has fallen opportunity this year to make poverty history,” fall in poverty was the result of growth; one- at a robust one percentage point a year over said Tony Blair, Britain’s prime minister in third came from greater equality. More equal the past 30 years—and there has been no 2005. Three years before that, Thabo Mbeki, countries cut poverty further and faster than tailing off since 2005. But diminishing returns South Africa’s president said that “for the unequal ones. Mr Ravallion reckons that a could occur for two reasons. When poverty first time in human history, society has the 1% increase in incomes cut poverty by 0.6% within a country falls to very low levels, the capacity, the knowledge and the resources to in the most unequal countries but by 4.3% in few remaining poor are the hardest to reach. eradicate poverty.” Going further back: “For the most equal ones. And, globally, as more people in countries the first time in our history,” said Lyndon The country that cut poverty the most was such as China become middle class, poverty Johnson, “it is possible to conquer poverty.” China, which in 1980 had the largest number will become concentrated in fragile or failing That was in 1964. Much will have to change of poor people anywhere. China saw a huge states which have seen little poverty reduction if Mr Kim’s piece of paper is not to become increase in income inequality—but even more to date. one more empty promise. growth. Between 1981 and 2010 it lifted a So how realistic is it to think the world can stunning 680m people out poverty—more The sweetest spot end extreme poverty in a generation? To meet than the entire current population of Latin In a study for the Brookings Institution, a think- its target would mean maintaining the annual America. This cut its poverty rate from 84% tank in Washington, DC, Laurence Chandy, one-percentage-point cut in the poverty rate in 1980 to about 10% now. China alone Natasha Ledlie and Veronika Penciakova look achieved in 1990-2010 for another 20 years. accounts for around three quarters of the at the distribution of consumption (how many That would be hard. It will be more difficult world’s total decline in extreme poverty over people consume $1 a day, $2 a day and so on) to rescue the second billion from poverty the past 30 years. in developing countries. They show how it has than it was the first. Yet it can be done. The What is less often realised is that the recent changed over time, and how it might change world has not only cut poverty a lot but also story of poverty reduction has not been all in future. Plotted on a chart, the distribution learned much about how to do it. Poverty can about China. Between 1980 and 2000 growth looks like a fireman’s helmet, with a peak in be reduced, albeit not to zero. But a lot will in developing countries outside the Middle front and a long tail behind. In 1990 there have to go right if that is to happen. Kingdom was 0.6% a year. From 2000 to 2010 were hardly any people with no income at the rate rose to 3.8%—similar to the pattern if all, then a peak just below the poverty line Growth Decreases Poverty you include China. Mr Ravallion calculates and then a long tail of richer folk extending In 1990-2010 the driving force behind the that the acceleration in growth outside China off to the right (see chart 2). reduction of worldwide poverty was growth. since 2000 has cut the number of people in As countries get richer, the helmet moves to Over the past decade, developing countries extreme poverty by 280m. the right, reflecting the growth in household have boosted their GDP about 6% a year—1.5 Can this continue? And if it does, will it consumption. The faster the rate, the farther points more than in 1960-90. This happened eradicate extreme poverty by 2030? to the right the line moves, so the strong 4.3% despite the worst worldwide economic crisis To keep poverty reduction going, growth annual growth in consumption since 2000 has pushed the line a good distance rightward. Chapters one to three 3 But the shape of the line also matters. The chart shows that in 1990 and 2000, the peak Number of people in poverty, m 1990 2010 2030 was positioned slightly to the left of the poverty China India Sub-saharan Africa line. As the shape moved to the right, it took $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 30 30 30 a section of the peak to the other side of the 25 25 25 poverty mark. This represents the surge of 20 20 20 people who escaped poverty in 1990-2010. 15 15 15 At the moment the world is at a unique sweet 10 10 10 spot. More people are living at $1.25 than at 5 5 5 any other level of consumption. This means 0 0 0 growth will result in more people moving 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 across the international poverty line than Mean daily consumption (PPP $) Mean daily consumption (PPP $) Mean daily consumption (PPP $) across any other level of consumption. This Source: Laurence Chandy, Natasha Ledlie and Veronika Penciakova is a big reason why growth is still producing 10
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