In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council

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In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants              AUTUMN/WINTER 2021

                                            In this issue:
                                            Connecting Scotland
                                            Landlord Report Survey
                                            New Housing in East Lothian
                                            ELTRP News
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
In this issue of Homefront

You & Your Community
Digital Update                       4
Connected Communities                6
Mental Health Support                8
Dementia Support                     9
Cancer Journey                      10
Volunteer Centre East Lothian        11

ELTRP News                          12

Money Matters
Help with rent arrears              16
Financial Inclusion Service         18

Housing News
Harkness Crescent TRA               19
Household Form                      20
Focal Point Fireplaces               21
LIFT                                22
New Homes for Veterans              24
New Affordable Homes                26
New Letting Areas                   27
Downsizing Survey                   28
Landlord Report                     29
Getting Ready for Winter            30

Useful numbers                      32     If you need Homefront
                                            in another format e.g.
                                             Large Print, audio, or
Homefront is East Lothian Council’s
                                           in your own language,
newsletter for its tenants. Follow us on         please call
  @ELCouncil, or East Lothian Council           01620 827199.
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
by email
In the past, all of our copies of
Homefront were sent out to
tenants by post, however due to
restrictions over the last year the
council has used various other
means of getting all types of
information out to tenants and
communicating with them.

This led to our last edition of        If you have now received a paper
Homefront, which was sent out          copy of Homefront and want to
towards the end of 2020, being         receive any future copies by email,
sent out by either e-mail where we     please contact your area housing
had an e-mail address noted on our     office and ask that your contact
system or by paper copy. We usually    details be updated to include your
record tenants e-mail addresses        email address. Or the next time you
when they have contacted the           are in contact with the council eg.
council for things like applying for   for a repair, ask them to record your
housing or reporting a repair.         email address on our system.

help is here
The council’s website has lots of
advice on housing issues including
how to request repairs, asking for
help if you think you can’t pay your
rent, or what to do if you have
problems with your neighbours.

In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
You & Your Community

Digital Update
    Throughout the pandemic and various
    stages of lockdown, the need for people and
    communities to remain connected to each
    other has never been more important.

East Lothian Council rolled out the     For Tenancy Support Officers (TSOs)
Scottish Government’s Connecting        the ability to access Ipads or laptops
Scotland programme, offering digital    with internet access has been vital.
equipment and internet access to
those in need of it.                    For their tenants who received
                                        devices they have been a lifeline for
Throughout the pandemic, the            helping them with their Universal
internet kept us connected to friends   Credit claims, online shopping and
and family, informed and entertained    keeping in touch with family and
and enabled us to learn, work, shop     friends on social media.
and access health information and       They told us their stories.
other public services.
                                        One TSO told us:
However, some people couldn’t
                                        “My clients are now able to update
access these benefits because
                                        their Universal Credit claims as
they didn’t have the confidence,
                                        changes occur. They are now
equipment or connectivity at home.
                                        familiar with the screens and
                                        can check payments etc online.
Connecting Scotland is working
                                        Before receiving their devices they
to change this and help get every
                                        often had to make lengthy calls to
citizen in Scotland online.
                                        Universal Credit to report changes or
                                        query payments”.

4                            Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
Images © Shutterstock

Another said:                                  Additionally, she is venturing into
                                               the world of social media so she
“One tenant I support has significant
                                               can keep up with her local lunch
physical and mental impairments,
                                               club and other pals. As her support
lives alone with a care package in
                                               worker, it’s a joy to see her becoming
place and has been really isolated
                                               more involved in every day decision
during lockdown. She was reliant on
                                               making and great to see her
carers and family members to do
                                               becoming better connected.”
her shopping and to pay her bills as
she can’t get out and about much.

However, we were lucky to get an
                                                    If you need support with
Ipad and unlimited internet access
                                                    getting online and think
for her through Connecting Scotland
                                                    the Connecting Scotland
which is incredibly life enriching
                                                    programme could benefit
for her because now, with support,
                                                    you, please contact your
she is able to choose what she
                                                    TSO. Or you can call the
wants in her weekly shop and do
                                                    People Know How helpline
her own shopping and she has
                                                    if you need a device or even
recently decided that she wants to
                                                    if you need help connecting
have frozen meals delivered and is
                                                    using your own device.
looking forward to doing her own
menu planning each week.                            T. 0800 059 0690

                The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                         5
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
You & Your Community
                                      I’m the Connected Communities
                                      Manager for the Preston Seton
                                      Gosford Area, which covers
                                      Prestonpans, Cockenzie and Port
                                      Seton and Longniddry (PSG).

                                      I started with East Lothian Council in
                                      April 2020, not long after our team
                                      had been restructured and the start
                                      of COVID-19, so we, as with most
                                      people, have been adjusting to doing
                                      our jobs flexibly and supporting
                                      communities with changing needs.

                                      The Connected Communities team
                                      was launched in March 2020 and
                                      covers Community Learning and
                                      Development, including community
                                      centres, supporting school clusters,
                                      community planning, community
                                      councils and area partnerships.

                                      There are six Connected Communities
                                      managers to reflect the six area
                                      partnerships in East Lothian and we
                                      act as a key contact for community
                                      members and organisations.
      East Lothian Fareshare Hub

6                             Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
You & Your Community

We are a great point of contact for           In May 2020 we established and
linking organisations and contacts            staffed an East Lothian Fareshare
together and being aware of what is           Hub for organisations across East
taking place in our areas.                    Lothian to access free food for their
                                              pantries or meal services, delivering
Working with communities and                  or arranging collections of over 225
ensuring that their voice is embedded         van loads for 13 months.
in decision making and plans is key.
Within each area we have an Area              All these services were undertaken
Plan which identifies what the needs          in partnership with the Cockenzie
are within the specific communities           and Port Seton Resilience Team
and how we can, as members and                volunteers, Heavy Sounds CIC, ELC
communities, assist to address these          Transport, Property Maintenance
needs.With COVID we have been                 and Community Wardens, Fareshare
re-looking at how the needs in our            South and East.
communities might be changing.
                                              Thanks to everyone
In the last 18 months, the Connected          for your support!
Communities team has been
responding to the developing needs of
COVID-19 in a practical way. In PSG
this involved cooking over 500 meals
a week for delivery to vulnerable
people, delivery of lunches for those
eligible for free school meals, assisting
vulnerable people with shielding
boxes, telephone befriending service,
managing kindness funds, setting up
food pantries and delivering hearing
aid batteries.

     To find out more about East              Emma Brown
  Lothian’s Area Partnerships, visit:         Connected Communities Manager –
                                              Preston Seton Gosford

               The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                        7
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
Image © Shutterstock

You & Your Community

Struggling                             There is now a quicker way

with your                              to access a wide range of
                                       mental health specialists. Care
                                       When It Counts (CWIC) Mental
mental                                 Health is a primary care service
                                       for people in East Lothian aged

health?                                over 17 years and 9 months.

    The team includes mental health   We refer and signpost to other
    occupational therapists, mental    services such as community
    health nurses and primary care     projects and other NHS services
    administrators and can:            such as psychological therapies,
                                       Community Mental Health Team
• l isten to you and work with you    and psychiatry. We work closely
  to help you find better ways to      with GP practices, Adult Mental
  manage your mental health            Health services and local third
• h
   elp you come up with plans         sector services to help you get the
  to manage ongoing mental             right support for your needs.
  health issues by offering a
  compassionate approach,              Our service is available Monday
  specialist skills and an             to Friday - 9am to 4pm. Our
  understanding of how past            phone number is 01620 642 963.
  experiences can impact how           Our Business Support Team will
  we feel now                          ask you for brief details. They
                                       will then book you a 30-minute
• w
   ork closely with your General      appointment with a mental
  Practitioner (GP), for example,      health specialist by phone, Near
  about medication                     Me (video consultation) or face-
                                       to-face (restrictions allowing).
• p
   revent mental illness and
  promote mental wellbeing and
  hope for the future
                                         Please note that this is not an
• h
   elp you to set goals and reach       emergency service. If you are
  your potential in all activities      experiencing a life-threatening
  including work and college.             emergency, please call 999.

8                            Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
You & Your Community

THE HERBERT PROTOCOL is a nationally recognised scheme focused on
people living with dementia who may be at risk of going missing.

The main aim of the Herbert Protocol form is that it is completed in advance so
that significant information is recorded and readily available for police in the
event of someone going missing. It can help the police to find someone who
goes missing more quickly.

People who care for someone with dementia can fill out a form with details about
the person including where the person grew up, favourite
places, and a picture of the person with consent to
share this on social media should it be required. The
form is then kept somewhere safe in the person’s
household. If the person goes missing, the form
helps police to quickly access important
information to help find them.
Find out more and download the form

In addition to the Herbert Protocol, PURPLE ALERT is another useful tool.
It’s a community minded app for people with dementia if they are missing –
designed by people living with dementia and carers, Alzheimer Scotland staff,
Police Scotland, Social Work, Dementia Friends Scotland, Health and Social Care
Partnerships and Telecare Services.
The app alerts members of the community when a person with dementia loses
their way and becomes separated from their loved ones,
friends or carers. It uses GPS to alert people within
a 30 mile radius and gives updates on sightings

               The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                     9
In this issue: Connecting Scotland Landlord Report Survey New Housing in East Lothian ELTRP News - AUTUMN/WINTER 2021 - East Lothian Council
You & Your Community

  Pioneering new support service for
  cancer patients in East Lothian
 People affected by cancer in East Lothian now have access to
 a new service that can offer emotional, practical and financial
 advice and support – with just one phonecall.
 There are two link workers in East           Although Improving the Cancer
 Lothian delivering the ‘Improving            Journey is new in East Lothian, people
 the Cancer Journey’ service, which           who have used the service in other
 provides advice, information and             areas of Scotland have valued having
 support on a whole range of non-             local support and being able to talk
 medical issues related to having a           through things and think about their
 diagnosis of cancer and is open to           choices.
 anyone with cancer and their family
 or carers, at any stage of the illness.      ‘Since my appointment I feel
 Doctors and other health or social care      so much less anxious and
 professionals can also refer people to       gaining my confidence again’
 the service.

 Every newly diagnosed cancer patient         ‘I hadn’t realised how much
 in East Lothian will also be sent a letter   things were getting to me. It
 offering a session with a link worker        was so useful to think about
 to help them access a wide range of          these things and then go
 support, from benefits advice and            through it with you.’
 emotional support to help at home or
 with other practical needs.                    The numbers and email below will
                                               take you to the friendly Lothian
 Macmillan Cancer Support is investing         Admin team, Emma and Sandra,
 £2.8m across Edinburgh and the                who will set up your appointment
 Lothians to introduce the Improving           with Kathleen or Lorna – our East
 the Cancer Journey programme,                 Lothian ICJ Link Workers.
 working with East Lothian Health and
 Social Care Partnership.                            Call 07977 307 286 or
                                                    07929 784315 or email

 10                               Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
You & Your Community

Volunteer Centre East Lothian                 Working in partnership with the
(VCEL) is here to help you find               Community Integrated Rehabilitation
volunteering opportunities                    Team, the Community Support
throughout the Lothians or locally,           Service provides patients with
if you want to give something                 information, assistance, and
back to your community.                       access to local volunteers when
                                              they have been assessed as ready
If you are involved with a local              for discharge from hospital. This
community group or charity, we                ensures that people get back to their
can help you recruit volunteers, find         homes in a safe and supported way.
funding, train your trustees, provide
you with templates for policies or            Engage, a youth-befriending
support you to become a constituted           project, works with young people
group or charity. Partly funded by the        aged 8-14 who fall into any of the
Scottish Government, most of these            following groups: looked after
services are free.                            children, siblings of additional needs
                                              children, young people attached to
We also provide local initiatives that        mental health services, and those
focus on supporting those in need             with chaotic lifestyles and home
across East Lothian.                          environments.
                                                                     (Continues overleaf)

               The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                         11
You & Your Community

 Volunteer Centre
 East Lothian (continued)

 Volunteer befrienders aim to have            The Fa’side Community Pantry
 lots of fun with the young people            offers individuals and families in the
 while fostering a culture of healthy         Fa’side area a dignified method of
 self-respect, positivity, increased          accessing essentials like food and
 self-confidence and motivation.              toiletries. The pantry has invaluable
                                              support from organisations such
 We hope to bring positivity to               as Fareshare, local retailers and the
 children that are experiencing very          Lothian branch of Unison. It’s open
 difficult and challenging lifestyles.        Monday-Friday, 9.30-12 at the VCEL
                                              office at 56 High Street, Tranent
 The East Lothian Community
 Taskforce is part of the East Lothian        More recently the Kindness Café
 Caring Communities initiative which          opened, also at the VCEL office
 developed following the fantastic            in Tranent High Street. Operating
 work already undertaken by many              Monday-Thursday 10am-12, the café
 of our local partners in response            gives anyone the opportunity to pop
 to recent COVID-19 challenges.               in for a cup of tea and a biscuit and
 Volunteers help with occasional              make new friends, catch up with old
 tasks such as prescription collection        ones and just have a chat.
 and deliveries, walking dogs, tidying
 gardens, a 10-minute doorstep
 chat, accompanying people to an
 appointment and shopping.

   If you would like to support any of our
     initiatives, search for a volunteering
  opportunity or need assistance for your
  group we’d love to hear from you. Please
    call on 01875 615423 or email us on
                                                                    Kindness Café

 12                               Homefront I AUTUMN 2021

East Lothian Tenants
and Residents Panel Update
ELTRP AGM                                     ELTRP Sparkle Awards
ELTRP Executive Committee is                  As many of you know ELTRP held its
planning its Annual General Meeting           first ever Sparkle Awards last year
for Tuesday 28th September at                 via ZOOM. The awards were a great
6.30pm via ZOOM.                              success and everyone who attended
                                              had a fantastic evening. The awards
As well as electing the Executive             were a way of recognising all the
Committee, members will also have             amazing work carried out by tenants
the opportunity to elect the local            and residents throughout East Lothian.
tenants and residents’ representative
for the Area Partnerships.                    This year the Sparkle Awards will be
                                              held on Thursday 16th December at
The theme for this year’s AGM is ‘The         6.30pm via ZOOM.
Financial Impact of COVID’. There will
be guest speakers to talk about what          Please come along and support your
has happened in the past year to              local group and enjoy the evening’s
assist tenants with food poverty, rent        entertainment. You never know, you
arrears and general support. ELTRP            or your local group may be in for a
has also invited East Lothian Council to      surprise!
talk about its plans for going forward.

               The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                    13

  Clarty Loan                                of the council, also agreed to fund
                                             an upgrade of lighting to make the
                                             walkway safer as it’s a popular shortcut
                                             to the local shop, parks and school
                                             with no traffic, so safe for the kids. Now
                                             all the agreed work has been done
                                             and it looks fantastic.

                                             We can all achieve so much by
                                             working together...

  Local Groups                               Hallhill TRA, Dunbar
  Ormiston West TRA                          The committee has moved to holding
  ‘Clarty Loan’                              virtual meetings during the pandemic
  The improvements to ‘Clarty Loan’          but is hoping to hold an open meeting
  have been a joint venture between          soon. As a few committee members
  East Lothian Council, Walker Homes,        have stood down recently, they are
  and Ormiston West TRA. This path has       looking for new members to help
  been called ‘Clarty Loan’ as far back      pursue the objectives and issues that
  as anyone can remember but no-one          are important to the local community.
  seems to know exactly why it’s called
  this. It was used by coal miners on        The TRA was only set up in 2018 and, in
  their way to and from work. Four coal      2019, was recognised as the best new
  mines surrounded the village at one        TRA. In 2020 it gained the Sparkle Award
  point, so that may be the link.            for ‘Contribution to the Community’.

  With all the new builds in the north       The group works very closely with
  of the village, Ormiston West TRA          community stakeholders, including
  suggested that upgrading the path          East Lothian Council, local councillors,
  would be of great benefit to the local     Dunbar Community Council,
  community. They approached Walker          Connected Communities, Dunbar and
  Homes for some help, who agreed to         East Linton Area Partnership, Police
  fund the reinstatement of the path, with   Scotland, Transport Scotland and
  the work carried out by the council.       housing developers – representing
  The Local Housing Partnership, part        660 households.

  14                              Homefront I AUTUMN 2021

In the last couple of years they have         Windsor Park Community,
managed to achieve;                           Musselburgh
	Getting public transport provision
  to Hallhill                                 From 1996 to November 2018, Windsor
                                              Park had an active Tenants and
	Involvement in site / estate
                                              Residents Association.
  inspections with the council, factors
  and housing developers
                                              One of the group’s first projects was
	Involvement in consultation                 installing a playpark, involving local
  regarding Dunbear Park                      children in its content and design.
	Working with the community
  to resolve a serious antisocial             There were issues with back lanes
  behaviour issue                             so the group organised for gates
                                              to be put in place and keys issued
	Installation of a Postbox at Brodie         to residents. They also tackled
  Road/Moray Avenue                           overgrown green areas as well as
	Remedial works to drains at                 organizing street parties celebrating
  Gospatrick Grange                           special occasions such as the
                                              Queen’s Golden Jubilee and royal
	Field Drains to the rear of                 weddings. Pinkie St. Peter’s school was
  Marquette Place                             given trophies to present to pupils for
	Replanting of trees and shrubs              achievement in education and sport.
  donated from Taylor Wimpey
  Marketing Suite                             Some members of the community are
                                              interested in re-starting the group,
Objectives for the coming year include        especially in light of the COVID-19
improving road safety; promoting              pandemic, which has shown the
Hallhill as a safe place to live and          importance of communities working
work; working with the factor to              together and looking out for each other.
ensure value for money for services
and promoting positive working                If you would like to be part of a new
relationships with all stakeholders.          Tenants and Residents group for
                                              Windsor Park, please get in touch with
                                              Sue Cairns, Outreach Officer at ELTRP
If you would be interested in joining
                                              by emailing
the TRA, please contact Chairperson
Terry Prior by email:

               The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                         15
Money Matters

  Help for tenants with rent arrears
  The Coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on all our lives. As
  well as health concerns, many households have struggled financially,
  including keeping up-to-date with rent payments.

    It’s really important to get advice
  as soon as possible if you have fallen
  behind with your payments. It’s also
  important to claim any financial help
  you’re entitled to if you’re struggling to
  pay. We’ve included some helpful advice
   from our Rent Income Team.
                                                 © Shutterstock

   The most important thing is to
  keep in touch with the council’s               Be open and honest about your
  Rent Income team. It’s important to          situation and we’ll do what we can
  contact us as early as possible to           to help. If you’re struggling to pay
  prevent the situation getting worse.         your full rent, then let us know what
                                               is affordable for you and we’ll work
                                               with you to get you back on track.
   If your circumstances have                  It can help to explain that you’re
  changed and you find yourself                dealing with money problems or give
  worse off, get in touch. If you claim        a reason why you’re not able to pay
  Universal Credit (UC) or Housing             the full amount immediately.
  Benefit (HB), you may be able to
  apply for a Discretionary Housing
  Payment (DHP) which could be                  It’s important to work out what
  a one-off payment or a number                has caused the problem and get
  of payments to help with your                help to make sure it doesn’t get
  housing costs. This payment is for           worse. We have a Financial Inclusion
  a short period of time only to assist        team who can provide free and
  households who have been subject             confidential advice on any benefits
  to financial hardship, so it could help      or other financial support you may
  you out in the short term. We can help       be entitled to. They can also help
  you to apply if you need assistance.         you to apply if you need help.

  16                               Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Money Matters

                                           Our leaflet Financial Support During
                                           Coronavirus is available on the
                                           council website and contains lots of
                                           helpful information about various
If you’re claiming Universal               forms of support available. Visit
Credit and are still struggling to
pay your rent, The Department
for Work & Pensions may be able            If you would like a paper copy, contact
to help.                                   the Rent Income team and we’ll
                                           arrange this for you.
You should contact the                     Phone 01620 827528 or email
Universal Credit                 
Freephone Helpline
on 0800 328 5644.

They can advise on:

	Changing how they make
  payments to you, for example
  fortnightly instead of monthly
  - this is known as
  Scottish Choices
	Paying you an advance
	Paying your rent direct to
  East Lothian Council

      something we
    can do, and we’ve
  helped lots of tenants
  who’ve been affected
    by the pandemic,
       so you’re not

              The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                   17
Money Matters

  Financial Inclusion Service
                   Meet Keith              telephone or email.
                    ello Keith, what
                   H                       Yes, most of the team have been
                   do you do?              doing this for decades! People often
                    ello, I am the
                   H                       contact the team during a difficult
                   Team Leader for the     period in their lives. Being able to
                   Financial Inclusion     help with the money side of things
                   team                    can really take a huge weight off
                                           people’s shoulders.
  What’s that?
  The short answer is income               Anything else you would like to
  maximisation. Longer answer - The        tell me?
  team help people look to see if they     Yes, two things. First - We are quite a
  have any entitlement to benefits,        small team of five people and cover
  we can also help to complete forms.      the whole of East Lothian. If you do
  We go all the way up to appeals and      have an issue or a form that needs
  help represent people at tribunals.      completed by a certain date, please
                                           contact us as soon as possible rather
  That’s a good service, who can use it?   than leaving it late. We really do want
  If the person that needs the service     to help, but we need time to help you.
  lives in East Lothian, we can help.
                                           Second – We have some really
  How would somebody go about              excellent advice on our website.
  contacting you?                          After reading this I would strongly
  There are two ways. Email us, or call    recommend that you look at
  and ask for Financial Inclusion. Leave
  a short message with your name,
  contact number and what the call is      Even if you do not have an issue
  about and we will return your call.      now, it is worth a read to see what is
                                           out there. You never know when this
  Where is your team?                      could be helpful!
  Well, because of everything that has
  been happening since March 2020
                                              Email Financial Inclusion Service:
  we are still working from home.
  Things will change in the future but
                                                 or call us on 01620 827 827
  for now just keep contacting us by

  18                            Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Housing News

Crescent TRA

Since being formed in 2017,                Work began in February 2019
Harkness Crescent Tenants and              and the project has almost been
Residents Association (TRA) has            completed.
achieved a huge amount – to the
benefit of the community.                  Not only do the communal areas
                                           now look much more attractive,
Harkness Crescent is amenity               they are more accessible to
housing in Tranent, owned by the           residents and have created a
council and made up of 40 flats            much better community spirit.
in four blocks, with surrounding           The formation of a TRA has also
communal areas, parking bays               brought the community closer
and shared back gardens.                   together. You will see tenants
                                           outside knitting, having a cuppa,
Housing Officers had been                  planting and maintaining the
dealing with recurring issues for          plants and generally supporting
some time and suggested the                each other.
tenants formed a TRA.
                                           Harkness Crescent TRA were
Once formed, the TRA came                  finalists in the 2019 Tenants
up with an action plan which               Information Service Awards and
included making communal                   also won a ‘Contribution to the
areas more attractive; repairing           Community Award’ at the 2020
paths; dealing with antisocial             ELTRP Sparkle Awards.
behaviour, littering and dog
fouling; tackling inconsiderate            If you would like support with
parking by non-residents; and              setting up a TRA in your area,
even building greenhouses                  please speak to your Housing
and planting vegetables for the            Officer who can help you take
community to use.                          this forward.

            The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                    19
Housing News

  Household Forms
  There are a number of reasons why you might want to make a change to
  your tenancy. You may want to add a joint tenant, pass your tenancy on to
  someone else, sub-let your home or even bring your tenancy to an end.

  As your landlord, it is important that you let us know who is living in your tenancy.
  This is because the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 introduced some legal changes
  to your tenancy agreement with us.

  For changes such as succession (passing on your tenancy to someone who
  lives with you after your death) and assignation (giving your tenancy to someone
  who lives with you) we would need to know that this person has been living with
  you and how long they have been a member of your household.

  What can happen if you don’t return your Household Form?
  Here are two examples:-

  1. Passing your tenancy on to someone who lives with you (succession).
       A tenant sadly passed away.

       Her son had previously returned to live
       with her following the breakdown of his
       relationship with his partner.

       Unfortunately, neither the tenant nor her
       son had returned a Household Form to
       tell the council’s housing service that he
       was back living with her.

       As the housing service did not have a
       Household Form noting him as staying in
       the property – the tenant could not pass
       her tenancy to him, as they had not
       established his legal right to be there.
       He then had to make arrangements for
       somewhere else to live.

  20                                  Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Housing News

                                     Phasing out of
                                     focal point fires
                                                     Do you have a focal point fire
                                                     in your home? Did you know
                                                     that focal point fires are a very
2.	Giving your tenancy to someone                   inefficient method of heating?
    who lives with you (assignation).                The council is now phasing out
                                                     these appliances.
  A tenant has accepted a promotion
  from his employer which means a                    As part of the Energy Efficiency
  move to their head office in Aberdeen.             Standard for Social Housing (or
                                                     ‘EESSH’), the council has a duty to
  A friend has lived with the tenant for             make sure our homes are as energy
  the last 18 months but neither have                efficient as possible. Through
                                                     making our homes better heated
  completed and returned a Household
                                                     and insulated it not only makes
  Form to let the council’s housing
                                                     our homes more environmentally
  service know about it.                             friendly, it also ensures your energy
                                                     bills are reduced.
  The tenant wanted his friend to take over
  his tenancy when he moved away and                 We are now removing focal point fires
  asked his Community Housing Officer to             when a property is empty and during
  arrange this on his behalf. Unfortunately,         central heating upgrades. We will also
  the Housing Officer was unable to do               no longer repair any appliance that
  this as there was no record of the friend          becomes faulty – although we will of
  being resident in the tenancy.                     course leave it safe.

  As there was no Household Form, the                While tenants are currently under no
                                                     obligation to have any working fire
  tenant had to terminate his tenancy
                                                     removed, we are encouraging you to
  and move away - his friend had to
                                                     have these fires removed on request.
  make his own alternative arrangements.

                                                       If you would like to have your
    We have sent a Household Form to                  focal point fire removed, please
    all our tenants. If you need another               contact Property Maintenance
     copy, please contact the housing                        on 01875 824 311.
         service on 01620 827827.

                   The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                       21
Housing News

    Get a LIFT                           The Scottish Government contributes
                                         between 10% and 40% towards the
      onto the                           property price and gets the same
                                         percentage back when it is sold.
     property                            Alternatively, buyers can increase
                                         their share if they wish to at any
     ladder in                           point in future.

   East Lothian                          You can purchase any size of property
                                         as long as you meet the financial
                                         criteria and the property is large
                                         enough to avoid overcrowding.
  The LIFT (Low-cost Initiative
  for First-Time Buyers)                 To be eligible, properties must be:
  scheme helps first-time
                                            Advertised for sale publicly
  buyers and other priority                 e.g. on a website, and
  groups, including current
  council tenants, get onto the            	Priced within the maximum price
  property ladder with Scottish              threshold for the area.
  Government support.                    In East Lothian, the current
                                         maximum price thresholds are:
  I wanted to get onto the
                                            2 apartment
  property ladder and have                  (1 bedroom)
  my own place. It was a great
  experience from start to finish           3 apartment
                                            (2 bedroom)
  going through the LIFT scheme
  & I’ll be forever grateful I was          4 apartment
  able to use this scheme to buy            (3 bedroom)
  my own home. I would 100%
                                            5 apartment
  encourage (and have done)
                                            (4 bedroom)
  people to go and speak to a
  mortgage advisor to find out if           5 apartment
                                            (6 bedroom)
  they are eligible. It’s worth it!
  Stephanie, LIFT scheme buyer

  22                             Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Housing News
LIFT example:
A family of three with a household income of £35,000 per annum and savings of
£7,000 bought a two-bedroom property in East Lothian with the help of LIFT.

   Property price: £145,000
   Buyer contribution (deposit plus mortgage): £89,300
  Scottish Government contribution: £55,700

In this example, the Scottish Government contributes 38% of the price and will
get the same percentage back when the property is sold, unless the buyer decides
to increase their share.

In addition to first-time buyers,
LIFT is open to:                                   For more information, visit
  Social renters
  People with a disability who can                   or text ‘LIFT’ to 66777.
  demonstrate a housing need
                                                 Eligibility criteria apply. Always seek
  Members of the armed forces and                    independent financial advice.
  veterans who have left within the
  past two years

  Widows, widowers and other
  partners of those who have lost
  their lives while serving in the
  armed forces within the last two

  People aged over 60 who can
  demonstrate a housing need (not
  required to take a mortgage)

              The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                              23
Housing News

  New Homes for
  Veterans in Cockenzie
  The former East Lothian            Sam said.
  Council Groundcare Depot site
  at Osborne Terrace, Cockenzie      “I am so grateful to
  has been transformed into          both Veterans Housing
  six specially built homes for      Scotland and East Lothian
  veterans.                          Council for giving me this
  There are six, two-bedroom flats   opportunity, I am looking
  including three that are fully     forward to having Keria
  wheelchair accessible.             live with me again. She is
                                     more than a dog to me, and
  The council has worked with        this is so much more than a
  Veterans Housing Scotland to
                                     new home, it is a new start.
  arrange the tenancies of the
  new flats.                         Thank you to everyone
  For Sam McGeachie, the move
  also means a reunion with a        The Osborne Terrace
  beloved pet. Sam joined the        development builds on the work
  Royal Army Medical Corps in        already being done to support
  2009 and trained as a Combat       veterans in East Lothian,
  Medical Technician, serving        including a housing allocations
  with 2 Medical Regiment, Royal     policy which awards points
  Scots Dragoon Guards and 3rd       specifically for those leaving a
  Battalion The Rifles. She was      service tenancy.
  based in Germany for five years
  and saw operational service in     The council also signed an
  Afghanistan.                       Armed Forces Covenant, which
                                     involves a working group
  She is excited about moving        bringing together key partners
  into her new home and being        from the council, health,
  reunited with her seven-year-      education, service and veterans’
  old German Shepherd cross          organisations to create policies
  companion dog Keria, who was       and practices that will support
  living with her parents in West    armed forces personnel (serving
  Lothian.                           and retired) and their families.

  24                       Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Housing News

Group Captain Bob Kemp is
Chairman of Veterans Housing
Scotland (VHS). He said:

 “The VHS ethos is
 ‘building lives, building
 communities’ and there
 is no doubt that this
 wonderful development
 in Cockenzie is a
 perfect demonstration
 of that but also a
 perfect example of
 collaboration between
 East Lothian Council
 and VHS.

 We are grateful to East
 Lothian Council for their
 support and for helping
 us provide veterans
 who are disabled with
 homes in a place of their
 choice that meets their

   If you are an Armed Forces Veteran in need of any support
    with housing-related issues, contact your Housing Officer
              or Tenancy Support Officer for advice.

            The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants          25
Housing News

  New affordable homes
  available across East Lothian
  Despite the closure of construction
  sites for a significant part of last
  year due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
  the council continued to work with
  developers to ensure as many new
  affordable homes as possible are
  made available across the county.

  At the end of 2020, we took
  ownership of 37 council houses, two
  of which were built to be wheelchair-
  accessible, at one of the largest new
  developments in East Lothian, at
  Letham Mains, Haddington.
                                                Also at the end of last year, we took
  One new tenant, Justine Holmes, was           ownership of a further 19 new council
  delighted and said the move had been          homes; seven at Home Avenue, Dunbar
  life-changing for her and her two             and 12 at Pinkie, Musselburgh; plus
  children. She said:                           six flats for veterans in Cockenzie,
                                                which you can read about in another
        e have had a hard three years. I was
       W                                        Homefront article in this issue (p25).
       made redundant and we lost our home
       as it was tied to my job. We spent a     In 2021, we anticipate taking
       year in temporary accommodation          ownership of a further 60 new
       and it was made even harder during       council properties; 37 at Tynemount,
       lockdown as the property was really      Ormiston, 18 at Craighall, Musselburgh
       too small for our needs.                 and 15 at Blindwells, Tranent.

  	We are so happy with our forever            There will be many more affordable
    home. We no longer feel we are living       homes available through our housing
    on top of each other and the kids love      association partners and through
    having their beautiful garden.              other tenures such as Mid Market Rent
                                                and Low Cost Home Ownership.

  26                                 Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Housing News

 New Housing Lettings Areas
      for East Lothian
 Two new lettings areas will be added to the council’s housing application
  forms and housing system in the coming few months to prepare for new
     areas of mixed housing at Blindwells and Craighall, Musselburgh.
The Blindwells Development is a whole        Thirty four properties at Craighall will
new town for East Lothian and will           be completed in phases between
include schools, a nursery, shops and        late 2021 and mid 2022.
leisure facilities.
                                             There are:
Sixty council properties are due to            16 two bed terraced houses
be completed by Cruden Homes at                8 three bed terraced houses
Blindwells by Summer 2022.                     2 four bed terraced houses
                                               8 one bed cottage flats
There are:
  17 two-bed terraced houses                 If you have an application
  4 four-bed terraced houses                 for housing with East Lothian
  11 three bed terraced houses               Council and have chosen Tranent
  12 two bed cottage flats                   or Musselburgh areas, your
  12 one bed cottage flats                   Community Housing Officer will be in
  4 two bed wheelchair flats                 contact with you to enquire whether
                                             you wish the new area(s) to be
The Craighall lettings area is situated
                                             included on your application.
towards OldCraighall and the A1
access road from Monktonhall and             For those who do not have an active
will also have a mixture of owner-           application these areas will shortly
occupier and council properties.             be added to the application form.

               The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                          27
Housing News

       Landlord Report
       to Tenants
  We are currently working with ELTRP (East Lothian Tenants and Residents
  Panel) to produce our annual Landlord Report, with information on how we
  performed as a landlord in 2020-21.

  As a social landlord, we have to             The pandemic has presented
  report to the Scottish Housing               significant challenges to us as a
  Regulator (SHR), who assesses our            housing service, in how we deliver
  performance. The SHR asks us to              our services and support our tenants.
  report to our tenants on a range
  of things such as rent collection,           We have at times only been able to
  repairs, keeping tenants informed,           carry out essential and emergency
  antisocial behaviour etc.                    services in line with government
                                               guidelines. This has affected things
  A full list is available on the Scottish     like our modernisation programme
  Housing Regulator site:                      and upgrades to our housing stock                over the past year. Despite these
                                               challenges, we have still managed
  It is important to note that this            to achieve
  report covers the period from April          a lot.
  2020 to March 2021 during the full
  impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

        The report will be published
        in October 2021 and added
        to the council’s website at
        or paper copies can be
        provided by contacting your
        local Area Housing Office.

                              ELC Landlord Report 2019/20

  28                              Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Housing News

 Our Key
 this year:

     461                      80                         27                27 MAJOR

  NEW LETS ON            NEW BUILD
                                                                        WE BOUGHT 13
                                                     13                PROPERTIES FOR
                                                                     RENT THROUGH OPEN
                                                                     MARKET ACQUISITION
 WE CARRIED OUT          WE CARRIED OUT          (this is when we purchase properties which are advertised
                                                 on the open market. The majority of these will be when we
                                                 have a need for the property size)


                                                      THE PERCENTAGE OF OUR


                                                      PROPERTIES MEETING THE
   NON-                                            EESSH STANDARD INCREASED TO

 EMERGENCY                  REPAIRS

      RENT COLLECTION                       NEW                              NEW BATHROOM
      RATES, UP TO                       INSTALLATIONS

      102.11%                               108                                      144
      WE SAW A                                             AVERAGE
                                                 TURNAROUND TIME
                                                      IN RE-LETTING
      5.87%                                        PROPERTIES THAT
      (6.29% LAST YEAR)                          HAVE BEEN VACATED

                  The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                                     29
Housing News

                 Downsizing Survey
          In June 2021 a downsizing survey was sent out to all tenants
                      in three & four bedroom properties.

  The survey asked a number of questions     in East Lothian and owned by:
  around the downsizing incentives and
  what additional help or support the           East Lothian Council
  council could provide to encourage
                                                A Housing Association/
  tenants to move to a smaller property.
                                                Registered Social Landlord
  The results of the survey are now being      	A house that is in shared
  collated and will be used to improve           ownership, where one of the
  our service.                                   sharing owners is a Housing
  If you wish to downsize you should
                                                 Social Landlord
  contact your Area Housing Office. Your
  Community Housing Officer can help
                                             The transfer must not lead to
  you complete a housing application
                                             overcrowding and must be consistent
  form and also give advice on your
                                             with the council’s Allocations Policy
  housing options and types of properties
                                             occupation levels (except in the case
  which would be suitable for you.
                                             of single applicants who may wish to
                                             have an additional bedroom for family
  Downsizing Grant – is a payment            visits or care)
  for those who are either transferring
  or mutually exchanging to another          The grant amount is £2000 with an
  property.                                  additional £1000 for each bedroom
  Eligibility Criteria
  The grant can only be paid to an           *Please note that tenants with
  outgoing tenant of East Lothian            outstanding debts to the council for
  Council. The outgoing tenant must          things like Council Tax or repairs will
  move to a smaller house (including         have the amount subtracted from their
  sheltered or amenity housing) located      grant payment.

       If you wish to discuss this further please contact your local Area Housing
         Office or telephone 01620 827 827. Further details can be found on the
                         council website

  30                              Homefront I AUTUMN 2021
Housing News

  Get ready
  for winter                                   As if COVID-19 hasn’t caused
                                               us enough worry, winter is just
                                               around the corner, and it makes
                                               more sense than ever to be
                                               prepared for any emergencies.

                                                                        Image © Shutterstock

                                               To report a power cut in your
                                               area, or check on the status of your
Here are some top                              supply, call 105 regardless of who
tips to help you -                             you get your energy from.

                                               If you’re in a rural community not
Stock up on essentials for your                served by mains gas, make sure you
home or your car such as an ice                keep an eye on your fuel levels.
scraper and de-icer, a torch and               Deliveries can struggle to access
spare batteries, a snow shovel,                remote locations in heavy snow.
warm clothes, boots and a blanket.
If you’re taking on a long journey,
                                               Gather telephone numbers for
check the weather and travel
                                               friends and neighbours who might
reports and consider taking snacks
                                               be vulnerable in prolonged poor
and a hot drink with you. Charge
your phone before you go and/or
take an in-car charger with you.               Do you live in a flood area?
                                               Register with Floodline for early
                                               warnings on 0345 988 1188.
Make sure your gutters and drains
are clear of leaves and debris and
insulate outdoor taps to avoid
damage caused by freezing water.               Key numbers
Keeping your heating on a low                  Police (non-emergency): 101
setting can help to avoid burst pipes          NHS 24 (non-emergency): 111
in your home. If heating your home             Power cuts: 105
is a concern speak to Home Energy              Council emergency repairs (council
Scotland on 0808 808 2282.                     tenants only): 01875 612818

              The newsletter for East Lothian Council tenants                        31
Get in touch
AREA OFFICES - TEL 01620 827 827

All housing offices are closed to the public although customers can still attend
The Brunton (Musselburgh) or John Muir House (Haddington). Please only visit if
it is essential (by appointment only) and make contact with us by phone or email
in the meantime.

MUSSELBURGH                                 HADDINGTON
The Brunton, Ladywell Way                   John Muir House, Brewery Park

PRESTONPANS                                 NORTH BERWICK
Aldhammer House, High Street                Library & Customer Services, School Road

TRANENT                                     DUNBAR
George Johnston Centre,                     Bleachingfield Centre,
Winton Place                                Countess Crescent    

Benefits                   Scottish Welfare Fund        Antisocial Behaviour
01620 827730               01620 828790                 01875 824 307
Council tax                Social work                  Gas Leaks
01875 824314               01875 824309                 0800 111 999
Housing                    Special uplift
01620 827827               01875 824305

Homelessness               Switchboard
01620 827536               01620 827827

Repairs                    Welfare Rights
01875 824311               01620 827827

If you need Homefront in another format
e.g. Large Print, audio, or in your own
                                               Spotted a broken street light?
language, please call 01620 827199.            Pothole? Fly tipping?
                                               01875 824 305

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