In-person Folk Festival returns July 23

Page created by Bonnie Bowen
In-person Folk Festival returns July 23
VOLUME 44 NO. 5 JUNE 2022

                              In-person Folk Festival returns July 23
                                   The 42nd annual
                              Natchitoches-NSU Folk
                              Festival will be held
                              on Saturday July 23 in
                              air-conditioned Prather
                              Coliseum, 220 South
                              Jefferson Street on the
                              campus of Northwestern
                              State University in
                              Natchitoches. The family-

Freshman                      oriented Festival, which is
                              wheelchair accessible, will
                              take place from 9 a.m.-10
Connection                    p.m.
                                   The 2022 Festival
dates below                   theme is “Stronger
                              Together: The Power of
    2022 Freshman             Traditional Culture.”
                                   “We are so grateful to
Connection dates have         once again be able to hold
been added to the             a face-to-face event,” said
First Year Experience         Dr. Shane Rasmussen,
website. Registration is      director of the festival and
live.                         NSU’s Louisiana Folklife
                              Center. “This year’s theme
                              will celebrate the ways in
Session 3: June 2-3           which folk traditions bring
                                                                  Said Rasmussen,           dance lessons taught by
Session 4: July 7                                            “It is our honor to            the Cajun French Music
                              people together in positive
                                                             recognize Amanda Shaw          Association Dance Troupe,
FC CENLA: June 21             ways, providing solace,
                                                             as an incredibly exciting      Cajun by Amanda Shaw
FC Leesville: June 22         hope, cheer and inspiration.
                                                             musician, whose distinctive    and the Cute Guys, zydeco
FC Shreveport: June 23        We are truly stronger
                                                             sound captures the vibrancy    by The LaCour Trio and
                              together than apart.”
                                                             of Louisiana’s traditional     Geno Delafose and French
                                   Fiddler extraordinaire
    For more                                                 culture. Louisiana music is    Rockin’ Boogie, French
                              Amanda Shaw will be
                                                             alive and well because of      Creole la la music by
information,                  honorary chair ajd headline
                                                             artists like Ms. Shaw who      Goldman Thibodeaux
please visit https://         performer with her band,
                                                             inspire others to follow in    and the Lawtell Playboys
firstyearexperience.          Amanda Shaw and the Cute
                                                             her steps.”                    and dancing to Golden
                              Guys. Shaw will be also                                                        The festival will offer   Oldies from the 50’s and
                              inducted in the Louisiana
freshmanconnection/.          Folklife Center Hall of
                                                             three stages of music, with    60’s with the popular
                                                             free Cajun and zydeco                  Continued on Page 2
                              Master Folk Artists.
In-person Folk Festival returns July 23
Folk Festival... Continued from Page 2
                          band Flashback. There will also be traditional
                          Native American songs and dances by the
 VOLUME 44 NO. 5
    JUNE 2022             Caddo Culture Club, lion dance performances
                          by the Rising Dragon Lion Dance Team, gospel
                          by Joyful Sounds, a musical tribute to the late
 Next Publication:        blues artist Hardrick Rivers, Celtic music by the
   May 2012               Haggis Rampant Celtic Band and the Thistle
                          Dancers and Pipers and a special performance by
    Deadline for
                          the Winnsboro Easter Rock Ensemble.
      Entries:                 The Festival will also include numerous food
    Thursday,             vendors offering traditional Louisiana cuisine.
     April 26             Outdoor activities include demonstrations of
                          traditional blacksmithing and black pot cooking.
Please submit news        A child friendly hands-on demonstration of a 19th
          to:             century wash day will also be presented.
   Leah Jackson,               The Annual Louisiana State Fiddle
    News Bureau,
  Prather Coliseum,       Championship will be held at 1 p.m. in Magale
 FAX 5905 or e-mail       Recital Hall. There will be a non-championship        Native American crafts and pottery. Other
                          class and a championship class. A twin fiddle         expected craftspeople will display needlework,
For more information,     category will also be held. Registration will         wood carvings, handmade toys and dolls,
    call Ext. 6466.       begin at noon in the first-floor foyer outside        paintings, sculpture, homemade soap, spinning
                          Magale Recital Hall. The Fiddle Championship          and weaving, handcrafted knives, handmade
NSU News is a news-
letter published by the   winner will perform on the main stage in Prather      brooms, walking sticks, folk art quilts and more.
  NSU News Bureau.        Coliseum at 4:30 p.m.                                      KidFest will once again be available from 9
NSU News serves the            The Festival includes several opportunities      a.m.-4 p.m. Kidfest is an area dedicated to child-
  faculty and staff of    for patrons to engage directly with Louisiana         friendly activities and is a fun way for children to
  Northwestern State
                          folk culture. Blues artist Ed Huey will conduct       examine their own cultural and family traditions
University. Personnel
  on all campuses are     beginning and advanced harmonica workshop.            as well as those from around the state.
encouraged to submit      Participants in this interactive workshop                  Children 12 and under are admitted free.
  information regard-                                                           Tickets are $10 at the door for all events, or $6
 ing their professional   will learn and trade tricks, techniques and
 accomplishments as       theories with these master artists. A free            for an evening pass to all events after 5 p.m. For
well as their personal    Hohner harmonica will be given to the first 50        more information, call (318) 357-4332, email
                          participants in the workshops. Participation in the or go to https://www.nsula.
                          harmonica workshops will be free for members          edu/folklife/.
                          of the Festival audience.                                  ASL interpretation, assistive listening devices
                               “The Festival attempts to bridge the distance    and audio description will be made available
                          between artists and the Festival patrons, thus        upon prior request for the cultural discussions
                          breaking the artificial barriers between artists      in the Festival N-Club Room from 10 a.m.- to 5
                          and audience,” said Rasmussen. “Rather than           p.m. and for the interpretive music informance
                          watching from the sidelines, everyone who takes       by the Winnsboro Easter Rock Ensemble from
                          part in these activities will share and engage in     10:15-11:30 a.m. Please make requests for ASL
                          Louisiana’s rich culture.”                            interpretation, assistive listening devices and
                               Narrative sessions include a presentation        audio description for these events by July 1 by
                          on Acadian brown cotton, an introduction to           contacting or (318) 357-4332.
                          Native American Caddo tradition, and music                 Support for the Festival is provided by
                          informances by Amanda Shaw, Geno Delafose             grants from the Cane River National Heritage
                          and Goldman Thibodeaux.                               Area, Inc., the Louisiana Division of the
                               More than 75 crafts vendors have been            Arts, the Natchitoches Area Convention and
                          invited to display and discuss their traditional      Tourism Bureau, the Natchitoches Historic
                          work with Festival patrons. Craftspeople are          District Development Commission, the National
                          expected to display beadwork, baskets, cowhide        Endowment for the Arts, the New Orleans Jazz
                          chair covers, alligator jewelry, Pysanky eggs,        and Heritage Festival and Foundation and the
                                                                                Shreveport Regional Arts Council.
In-person Folk Festival returns July 23
Earn comp time as a Folk Festival volunteer
               The Natchitoches-Northwestern Folk Festival will be July 23 a
               nd volunteers are needed for many components of the Festival.              VOLUME 44 NO. 5
                                                                                             JUNE 2022
If you are interested in volunteering, contact Dr. Shane Rasmussen at rasmussens@nsula.

In-person Folk Festival returns July 23
   JUNE 2022

                  Summer Dinner Theatre will stage two productions
                      The NSU Summer Dinner         and the show.                     ship’s mission is to explore
                  Theatre will present the sci-         A cash bar will be            new worlds, search out new
                  fi murder mystery “It Came        available. The price does         life and boldly go where no
                  from Outer Space” on June         not include a suggested           man has gone before with the
                  14-18 and 21-25 and the           gratuity of $8 per guest.         Captain, his sidekick, number
                  comedy “Sister Amnesia’s          Dress is casual. Tickets are      two and a cast of characters.
                  Country-Western Nunsense”         available at by    The show is appropriate for
                  on July 19-23 and 26-30           searching for NSU Summer          those in high school and up.
                  on the A.A. Fredericks            Dinner Theatre. For more               “Sister Amnesia’s
                  Auditorium stage.                 information, contact Yolanda      Country-Western Nunsense”
                      Doors open at 5:30 p.m.       Britton at (318) 357-4483 or      is the story of whether a
                  and dinner service starts at 6    email         former country singer leaves
                  p.m. Tickets are $35 which            “It Came from Outer           the convent for the Grand Ole
                  includes a meal (soup, salad,     Space” details the voyage of      Opry. The show is appropriate
                  entrée, dessert, tea, coffee)     the starship Natchitoches. The    for all ages.

                  Pick Up Your Brush painting class June 9, June 23
                      Northwestern State University’s Office          a painting called “Beehive with flowers.”
                  of Electronic and Continuing Education will         On June 23, they will paint “Americana
                  offer a Pick Up Your Brush painting class on        Sparklers.” No special or prior skills are
                  June 9 and 23 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on        required. Children ages 7 – 12 years old
                  the second floor of South Hall. The fee is $45      are allowed to enroll, but a parent must
                  per session. Each class is a separate session.      accompany the child the entire class. The
                      In the class, participants will learn the art   parent does not have to enroll unless they
                  of painting using step-by-step instructions to      participate. All supplies are included.
                  create a masterpiece. Students will take home           For more information or to register for
                  a completed painting at the end of every            classes, go to or call
                  class. On June 9, participants will create          (800) 376-2422 or (318) 357-6355.
Office of Sponsored Programs
                                                                                                           VOLUME 44 NO. 5
           Congratulations                          Network, College of Education and Human
                                                                                                              JUNE 2022
                                                    Development, submitted the following proposals
        Dr. Shane Rasmussen, Louisiana              to the Louisiana Department of Education:
Folklife Center, College of Arts and Sciences,      “Ready Start Cohort 4 for 2022,” and
received notification of a $3,500 award from        “Birth-to-Three Seats 2022 for Bossier Parish.”
the Cane River National Heritage Area for “42nd     Ms. Camile Holden is collaborator.
Annual Natchitoches – NSU Folk Festival.”                                                                Resources and
                                                            Ms. Anna Dugas, School of Biological         Assistance
        Ms. Nancy Alexander, Child and              and Physical Sciences, College of Arts and
Family Network, College of Education and            Sciences, submitted a proposal to the Louisiana      For assistance in
                                                    Space Grant Consortium (LaSPACE)/Louisiana           seeking informa-
Human Development, received an additional                                                                tion about fund-
$2,023,859 from the Louisiana Department of         Aerospace Catalysts Experiences for Students
                                                                                                         ing opportunities,
Education for “Statewide Early Learning and         (LaACES) entitled, “DemonSats-4: Continued           preparing proposals
Child Care Scholarship Program.” Ms. Jenny          Student Payload Design Programs at NSULA.”           or administering
                                                                                                         projects, contact the
Cowan is collaborator.
                                                             Dr. Shane Rasmussen, LA Folklife            Office of Sponsored
                                                                                                         Programs by phone,
                                                    Center, College of Arts and Sciences, submitted      357-5222; e-mail at
         Current Activities                         a proposal to the Lower Mississippi Delta  , or
        		                                          Initiative through the National Park Service         visit the OSP website
         Dr. Christopher Gilson, School of          entitled, “Celebrating Delta Cultures at the 2023    at http://www.nsula.
                                                    Natchitoches – NSU Folk Festival.” Ms. Bessie        edu/orsp.
Social Sciences and Applied Programs, College
of Arts and Sciences, collaborated with Louisiana   Jones is collaborator.                                    OSP Staff
Delta Community College and Baton Rouge
Community College to submit a proposal to the               Dr. Rebecca Riall and Dr. Hiram                  Carla Howell
Louisiana Board of Regents entitled, “Learn with    F. Gregory, School of Social Sciences and                  Director
Podcasts! Creating Podcast Lectures to Enhance      Applied Programs, College of Arts and Sciences,          Alysia Jones
Dual Enrollment Students’ Engagement with           submitted a proposal to the Lower Mississippi             Associate
History.”                                           Delta Initiative through the National Park                  Director
                                                    Service entitled, “The Old Ways Live: Cultural
        Ms. Nancy Alexander, Child and              Sovereignty and the Arts in the 21st Century.”
Family Network, College of Education and            Dr. Mark Melder and Ms. Meredith Morris are
Human Development, submitted a proposal to          collaborators.
the Louisiana Department of Education entitled,
“Child Care Resource and Referral for Region        If you should have any questions or interests in
8 and Part of Region 7.” Ms. Kim Duncan is          submitting a proposal, please contact either Carla
collaborator.                                       Howell or Alysia Jones at or
                                                    318.357.5222 to discuss the proposal preparation
        Ms. Kim Duncan, Child and Family            process.

  Investiture for Dr. Marcus Jones will be Sept. 9
      The investiture of Dr. Marcus Jones as NSU’s 20th president will take place with a formal
  ceremony at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 9 in A.A. Fredericks Auditorium and will be followed by a
  community reception in the Sylvan Friedman Student Union Ballroom.
      Other events that will take place surrounding the investiture of Dr. Jones include a day of
  service and an outdoor event for students and a breakfast for faculty and staff.
      More details will be available as plans are finalized. Updates will be posted at www.nsula.
  edu and at
      Jones’ investiture was postponed earlier this year to allow for more student participation.

June Non-Credit Classes
VOLUME 44 NO. 5   Phlebotomy Technician Training via Online at                                      6:00 pm-9:00 pm
   JUNE 2022                                                                                   June 6-July 17, Classroom
                  NSU Natchitoches Campus
                  This course is designed to teach entry-level                                 Instruction (Online via NHAnow)
                                                                                               July 18-24, Job Prep & Resume
                  phlebotomy skills to students interested in                      Builder (Online via NHAnow & Stick it
                  pursuing a career in Phlebotomy. Students                        Phlebotomy)
                  are required to complete classroom                                           July 25-31, Practice Exam (Online
                                                                                   via NHAnow)
                  instruction and 50 venipunctures before they                                 August 1-5, Skills/hands-on
                  will be allowed to take the board exam.                                      &National Board Exam (Face-to-
                  This nine (9) week course is broken down                                     Face)
                  into three parts.                                                                 6:00 pm-9:00 pm
                      1. A mandatory face-to-face                           Fee:           $950 + $50 material fee + $117
                          orientation class meeting at                                         National Board Certification fee
                                                                                               (The $50 fee is paid directly to
                          the NSU Natchitoches Campus on                                       the instructor the first face-to-face
                          Monday, June 6, 2022.                                                class meeting - National Board
                      2. Eight (8) weeks                                                       Certification fee is due July 22).
                          of online classroom instruction.                                     A minimum payment of $475 must
                                                                                               be included with registration and
                      3. A face-to-face hands-on portion that                                  does not include material fee or
                          will meet August 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5                                   board fee. Remaining balance
                          (Monday through Friday) at the NSU                                   must be paid through checkout.
                                                                                      prior to Friday, July 8.
                          Natchitoches Campus from 6:00-9:00                Location:   444 Caspari Street (South Hall)
                          p.m.                                                                2nd Floor Classroom
                  Upon satisfactory completion of this course,              Instructor: Sherry Hinton, CPI
                  students will be eligible to take the National                               Stick It Phlebotomy, LLC
                  Board Certification Exam on-site through the
                                                                            Phlebotomy Technician Training via Online at
                  National Healthcareer Association (NHA).
                                                                            NSU Cenla Campus
                  This course also includes Basic Life Support
                                                                            This course is designed to teach entry-level
                  (BLS) Certification through the American
                                                                            phlebotomy skills to students interested in
                  Heart Association.
                  Requirements for the course:                              pursuing a career in Phlebotomy. Students
                            ·         Must provide proof of high            are required to complete classroom
                                     school diploma, GED, or official       instruction and 50 venipunctures before they
                                     transcript.                            will be allowed to take the board exam.
                            ·         Must pay a $50 material fee to        This nine (9) week course is broken down
                                     the instructor at the first face-to-   into three parts.
                                     face class meeting, Monday June            4. A mandatory face-to-face
                                     6. (This fee is in addition to                 orientation class meeting at
                                     any registration fees.)                        the NSU Cenla Campus on Monday,
                            ·         Must pay $117 to NHA for the
                                                                                    June 20, 2022.
                                     National Board Certification
                                     Exam before Friday, July                   5. Eight (8) weeks
                                     22. (This fee is in addition to                of online classroom instruction.
                                     any registration fees.)                    6. A face-to-face hands-on portion that
                            ·         Electronic Book is available at               will meet August 15, 16, 17, 18,
                                     no cost to you and will be posted              and 19 (Monday through Friday) at
                                     in your online class                           the NSU Cenla Campus from 6:00-
                                                                                    9:00 p.m.
                  Date:          June 6, Mandatory Orientation (Face-       Upon satisfactory completion of this course,
                                            Monday                                                            Continued on Page 7

Non-Credit Classes ... Continued from Page 6
students will be eligible to take the National                               Stick It Phlebotomy, LLC
Board Certification Exam on-site through the
                                                                                                                                          VOLUME 44 NO. 5
National Healthcareer Association (NHA).                   Water Aerobics                                                                    JUNE 2022
This course also includes Basic Life Support               Using the unique properties of the water, this
(BLS) Certification through the American                   class provides you with a fun and challenging
                                                           workout designed to increase your heart rate,
Heart Association.
Requirements for the course:                               strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and
          ·         Must provide proof of high             enhance endurance. Water Aerobics meets the
                   school diploma, GED, or official        demands of the most skilled movers and is gentle
                   transcript.                             enough on the joints for those seeking a low
          ·         Must pay a $50 material fee            impact alternative.
                   to the instructor at the first
                   face-to-face class meeting,             Date:                June 7-30, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                   Monday, June 20. (This fee is           & Thursday
                   in addition to any registration                                 July 5-28, Tuesday, Wednesday, &
                   fees.)                                  Thursday
          ·         Must pay $117 to NHA for the                                   August 2-11, Tuesday, Wednesday,
                   National Board Certification            & Thursday
                   Exam before Friday, August              Time:                9:30 – 10:30 am
                   5. (This fee is in addition to          Fee:                  $49-June Session
                   any registration fees.)                                         $49-July Session                                    
          ·         Electronic Book is available at                                  $29-August Session
                   no cost to you and will be posted       Location:          Robert W. Wilson Recreation
                   in your online class                    Complex
                                                                                     6604 Highway 1 Bypass
Date:          June 20, Mandatory                          Instructor:         Kaitlyn Hamm
                    Orientation (Face-to-Face)
                          Monday                           Notary Public Exam Prep
                          6:00 pm-9:00 pm
                    June 20-July 31, Classroom             In partnership with Louisiana State
                    Instruction (Online via NHAnow)        University-Shreveport, this 52-hour
                    August 1-7, Job Prep & Resume          course is an introduction to notary public
       Builder (Online via NHAnow & Stick it
       Phlebotomy)                                         fundamentals. The instructor, attorney and
                    August 8-14, Practice Exam (Online     notary, Jennifer Brown, distributes significant
       via NHAnow)                                         course study guides and materials to assist
                    August 15-19, Skills/hands-on          in your preparation for the exam. This
                    &National Board Exam (Face-to-
                    Face)                                  course will be delivered via online video
                          Monday-Friday                    conferencing.
                          6:00 pm-9:00 pm                  The instructor will provide you with a
Fee:           $950 + $50 material fee + $117
                   National Board Certification fee        conferencing link to join the class on the
                   (The $50 fee is paid directly to        first day of class, Tuesday, June 16.  
                   the instructor the first face-to-face   Requirements for the course:
                   class meeting - National Board
                   Certification fee is due August 5.)         · Participants must have broadband
                    A minimum payment of $475 must                 access, a camera, and sound.
                    be included with registration and          · The test is based on the Louisiana
                    does not include material fee or
                    board fee. Remaining balance                   Secretary of State’s newest edition
                    must be paid through checkout.                 of “The Fundamentals of Louisiana
           prior to Friday, July 22.            Notarial Law and Practice”, only
Location:    NSU Cenla Campus, Rm. 164                             available at or
                  1410 Neel Kearby Boulevard
                  Alexandria, LA 71303                             call (225) 922-0507 for further
Instructor: Sherry Hinton, CPI                                                                            Continued on Page 8

Non-Credit Classes ... Continued from Page 7
                          information. You must have this               Pick Up your Brush-Painting Classes
                          book on the first day of class.
VOLUME 44 NO. 5                                                         In these classes, you will learn the art of painting
   JUNE 2022
                                                                        using step-by-step instructions to create a master-
                  NOTE:  Please visit the Louisiana Secretary           piece of your own. No special or prior skill re-
                  of State’s Website’s Notary and Certifications        quired. Just relax and enjoy each class. Students
                  for qualifications at or call          will take home a completed painting at the end of
                  (225) 922-0507.                                       every class.  

                  Out of state residents: In order to take the          Children ages 7 – 12 years old are allowed to en-
                  Louisiana State Notary Exam, students must            roll, but a parent MUST accompany the child the
                                                                        entire class. Parent does not have to enroll unless
                  be Louisiana residents and registered to vote
                                                                        they participate. All supplies included.
                  in Louisiana.

                  Register by 06/10/22 to get the early bird
                  price of $430. After that date, the cost will         Date:                June 9, Thursday            Bee-
                  increase to $450.                                     hive with flowers        

                                                                                        June 23, Thursday        Ameri-
                  Date:             June 16 – September 22,                      cana Sparklers
                  Tuesday and Thursday
                                       (No class 06/21, 08/16, &        Time:               5:30 - 8:30 pm, Thursday
                  08/18)                                                Fee:                  $45 per session
                  Time:             6:30 – 8:30 pm
                  Fee:               $430 (Early Bird Fee)              Location:         2nd Floor South Hall
                                        $450 (After June 10, 2022)
                                                                        Instructor:         Shanna Dees Gaspard
                  Location:      Online
                  Instructor:     Jennifer Brown

                  Sam Sibley Drive improvement project underway
                      Northwestern State               in front of the
                  University has begun an              WRAC and
                  overlay project of Sam Sibley        Caspari Hall,
                  Drive. Regional Construction         which will be
                  began mobilization and placed        redesigned
                  barricades along the route that      with drainage
                  extends from in front of the         considerations
                  Dr. Randall J. Webb Wellness,        that will dictate
                  Recreation and Activities            the rest of the
                  Center and Caspari Hall. The         project. Access
                  campus community can expect          to the Caspari
                  workers and construction             Hall parking lot
                  equipment from the corner            and the front of
                  of Sam Sibley Drive and              Roy Hall will
                  Caspari down the hill to             not be blocked.                           For more information,
                  the intersection with South               Individuals on campus           contact Jen Kelly, executive
                  Jefferson at Chaplin’s Lake.         should not relocate or remove        director of University
                      The first stage of the           barricades. The upgrades             Affairs, at (318) 357-4300 or
                  project will include the             should be completed before 
                  removal of existing concrete         the start of the fall semester.

You can also read