In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission

Page created by Keith Osborne
In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
Easter 2016

In God’s
Mitch’s bout against ice

A new life from the
shadow of trauma
Overcoming the struggles
of alcohol addiction

baked with love
A family’s joy in selflessly
helping those in need
In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
Wesley Impact! Hello

                               Easter 2016

                                                                    04                                                                   “ God      surprises
                                                                                                                                             breathing hope into
In God’s corner......................................... 04
                                                                                                                                             what we thought were
A new life from the shadow of trauma....... 08                                                                                               fruitless situations... ”
Generations baked with love..................... 10

Regulars                                                                                       When Jesus Christ was crucified on Good
Hello......................................................... 03                              Friday even his closest friends believed that
Wordwise..................................................12                                   was the end of his story.
Wesley News.............................................14
                                                                                               Those who went to his tomb on             At the heart of Easter is a person who
                                                                                               Easter Sunday found it empty. Their       might even go unnoticed. This person–
Contact                                                                                        immediate thought was that someone        Jesus Christ–healed the sick, brought
                                                                                               had stolen his body. Hope was almost      good news to the poor and loved those

Executive Editor: Rev Keith V Garner, AM                                                       lost as his downhearted followers         who were rejected by so many.
Superintendent/CEO                                                                             were overwhelmed with grief.
                                                                                                                                         As Jesus considered his destiny at
Editor: Graeme Cole                                                                            Then came Sunday and the promises         the cross, he told his followers that
                                                                                               made by Jesus Christ made sense           there was no greater love than to lay

Writers: Gavin Hanbridge, Alexandra Peard,                               “In his great mercy   as he appeared to his friends. It is      down your life for one’s friends. That
Graeme Cole
                                                                                               reassuring to know that the hope of       is the nature of the love that took him
                                                                          he has given us a
Design: Eleanor Rennie                                                                         Easter comes in the midst of people       to the cross and still endures today.
                                                                          new birth into a     whose lives had been shattered and        This can be seen in the ministry and
Project Manager: Olga Korobko
                                                                          living hope…”        who were not expecting anything.          work of Wesley Mission and those to
Photography: Tim Pascoe, Luke Reynolds                                                         Every day of the year Wesley Mission      whom we offer fresh hope.
                                                                         1 Peter 1:3           cares for people who have been
                                                                                                                                         May you and those you love reach
Printing: Finsbury Green
                                                                         Wordwise              overwhelmed to the point where they
                                                                                               do not expect anything at all because
                                                                                                                                         out and grasp the hope and love of
                                                                                                                                         the Risen Lord this Easter.

220 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000                                                               hope has been lost. Many feel
PO Box A5555, Sydney South NSW 1235                                                            unworthy of kindness.
(02) 9263 5555                                                            Yet God surprises us even in the                                                                           most routine parts of life by breathing
Superintendent/CEO: Rev Keith V Garner, AM                                                     fresh hope into what we thought were
                                                                                               fruitless situations. We can respond
ABN 42 164 655 145
                                                                                               and take hold of this opportunity if
Wesley Mission is a part of the Uniting Church                                                 we open our hearts and minds to           Rev Keith V Garner, AM
in Australia.                                                                                  his possibilities.                        Superintendent/CEO
Wesley Impact! is the magazine of Wesley Mission,
                                                                                                                                         Wesley Mission
                                                                                               In this edition of Wesley Impact!
Sydney, and is a member of the Australasian
Religious Press Association. Articles from the                                                 magazine you will read stories                   For more visit
magazine may be reprinted with the permission of                                               of people doing remarkable and                   Rev Dr Keith
the publisher.                                                                                 surprising things–from a volunteer               Garner’s blog
                                                                                               whose life and selfless giving is a
“But if Christ is in you, then even though your body
 is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives
 life because of righteousness.”
                                                                                     14        model for us to follow to a young man
                                                                                               who found faith and new hope during
                                                                                               his battle with drug addiction.

Romans 8:10
In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
The owner, operator and trainer of the       old. Mitch would smoke a cone in
                              gym, has a heart for both boxing             the bushland across from his high
                              and people. He sees value in every           school and then head in for roll call.
                              drop of perspiration that his pupils         Once that was done he would go
                              exude. It is a place where folk of all       home to be by himself. He said the
                              ages come to train, learn new skills         drug was his constant companion
                              and test their abilities. Here, lives are    and he carried a bong in his school
                              both changed and sustained.                  bag for whenever he wanted to light
                                                                           up. “Cannabis calmed me down,” he
                              At his trainer’s direction, 23 year-old
                                                                           said. “I experimented with other drugs:
                              Mitch strides into the ring. He shuffles
                                                                           MDMA, ecstasy, acid and speed. But
                              and keeps his guard up, ready for the
                                                                           they didn’t do much for me.”
                              blows from his opponent. Mitch trains
                              four times a week with his eye on the         Then on the verge of adulthood Mitch
                              prize–his first competition bout in three     headed into much darker territory.
                              months’ time. It has been a hard slog         What began as light banter with a
                              for the kid with the intense eyes and         friend, ended in crippling dependence.
                              dancing feet. The coming bout is the         “We were joking about ice and I said I
                              result of not only his relentless training    wanted to try it,” he said. “My friend
                              but a preparedness to fight a bigger          wasn’t keen but I was determined, I
                              personal battle–addiction.                    don’t know why.”
                              It has been more than 280 days since         Ice, the crystalline form of the stimulant
                              Mitch used cannabis or ice. It is a          drug methyl amphetamine, is more
                              new beginning following a decade of          addictive the purer it is. A 2013 Australian

In God’s
                              dependence which took him to the             Crime Commission Report on the
                              depths of psychosis and violence. It is      illicit drug market in Australia reported
                              an achievement as great as any title         significant increase in the importation
                              fight that has left him wondering how        and use of the drug after 2010.
                              he ever survived.

                                                                       Mitch’s introduction to ice began in
                              Many troubled young people like Mitch an auto shop which was also home
                              have been mentored at this gym.          to a known dealer. Mitch and his
                              The trainer is a survivor of domestic    friend found the dealer sitting in the
                              violence himself and as such, he can     shop, toying with a handgun. When
                              empathise with what many of the          he heard what they wanted he asked
                              young people are up against. “In the     if they had tried it before. “No,” Mitch
                              ring they gain confidence to overcome answered. The dealer shook his head
The no-frills boxing gym in   massive challenges in their lives,” he   and laughed, “Oh boy.”
Sydney’s south is a haven     said. “I see Mitch as David up against
                                                                       Mitch bought and tried half a gram
                              a Goliath. It’s not necessarily about
for the purist. The worn      going up against an actual opponent
                                                                       then and there.

in ring, the smell of sweat   but looking what scares him in the eye “When I first used ice, it calmed me
and the thud of leather       and wrestling it to the ground.”         down like no other drug,” he said. “It
                                                                       also helped me feel connected with
creates an ambience           When Mitch was in primary school he
                              was lonely and coming to terms with
                                                                       those around me.”
that is purely pugilist.      his parents’ divorce and his mother’s    But whatever calmness he first felt,
                              excessive drinking. Mitch had to         was quickly replaced by a storm
                              contend with bullying at school and the of aggression and paranoia as he
                              verbal abuse of his mother’s boyfriends. became addicted, using up to one
                              He longed to connect with the other      gram every day for almost three years.
                              young people but began to distance       He regularly experienced psychosis,
                              himself. “I always had this growing      seeing apparitions of himself staring
                              feeling of dread,” he said. “And I was   into his own eyes.
                              really uncomfortable around people.”
                                                                       Like many users, Mitch said ice could
                              To ease the anxiety, he became a         make him extremely aggressive. “You
                              daily cannabis user at just 15 years     really think people want to attack
In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
Wesley Impact! In God’s corner
you, so you start attacking them         life, the Christian faith was always     he could be homicidal.”
first,” he said.                         present–even as a moral compass in
                                                                                  Mitch’s treatment started with a
                                         the midst of despair. It was a glimmer
Mitch had stewed for years over                                                   detox of the drug from his system
                                         of hope.
how his stepmother had ill-treated his                                            and then Dr Davies worked to
dad. “In the blink of an eye one day I   In time, Mitch grew tired of looking at stabilise Mitch’s mood. The
decided to kill her and I grabbed the    his incredibly gaunt self in the mirror psychiatrist said this was the
meat cleaver. It was the ice that made   and decided to try rehab. His initial    young man’s biggest challenge.
me really aggressive really quickly,”    attempt was unsuccessful but his
he said. His dad managed to detain       family stood by him and encouraged “Mitch’s relationship with his parents
                                         him to try again–this time at Wesley     could be a trigger for extreme
him in the house long enough for the
                                         Hospital Kogarah.                        behaviour but while in rehabilitation
police to arrive, preventing him from
                                                                                  he worked on his connection with
acting on the feeling.                   The day before the program began,
                                                                                  them,” he said. “I’m really impressed
Mitch was naturally thin, he had         he walked into Gymea Peoples’
                                                                                  by how far he has come.”
become even thinner because of the       Church on a quiet suburban street. It
drug, and it still took several police   was empty and he sat and prayed for Mitch said a key benefit of the program
to restrain him. “One policeman          almost an hour. “I sat and asked God was the group sessions with a therapist
was holding a gun to my head, just       to give me strength,” he said.           that taught him skills and ways of
because they weren’t sure what I                                                  thinking that he still finds very useful.
                                         Mitch was determined to beat
would do,” he said. “Addicts are         the addiction and throughout the        “We looked at Cognitive Behaviour
very unpredictable.”                     rehabilitation he prayed for courage     Therapy (CBT) and how to challenge
 Even after this swirl of violence       and resolve.                             unhelpful thinking styles and
 Mitch said he continued to use ice.     One of the health professionals who      negative thoughts,” he said.
“On ice, you can be willing to kill      worked with Mitch was Dr Matthew           Mitch also learned mindfulness, the
 someone but it doesn’t strike you       Davies, consultant psychiatrist,           practice of staying focused and in
 that there’s a problem,” he said.       Wesley Hospital Kogarah. Dr                the moment during difficult situations.
                                         Davies said Mitch was diagnosed with       He said this was particularly helpful
While in the midst of the addiction,
                                         Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder   as he experienced the normal
he remembers trying to limit his
                                         (ADHD) and a phobia of people.             stresses of life without drugs
behaviour, willing himself not to steal
or hurt people. Despite the many        “Mitch had a propensity to anger            propping him up.
contradictions and paradoxes in his      before using ice,” he said. “On ice
                                                                                                                                                                        addicted nothing else gives you joy,” he       training at the gym and studying for his

                                                                                                                              “ We need to
                                                                                                                                                                        said. “And when you are without it and
                                                                                                                                                                        suffering the come down, you’d be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Certificate III in Fitness. “I’m thinking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       about becoming a professional boxer
                                                                                                                                                                        happy to die. But I’m really feeling the joy   and maybe one day I’ll run my own

                                                                                                                               go out into                              now without needing to use anything.”          boxing gym,” he said.

                                                                                                                                                                        Mitch is now part of the day patients          Mitch continues to pray and give

                                                                                                                               the world
                                                                                                                                                                        program at the hospital, coming once           thanks to God for helping him through
                                                                                                                                                                        a week for a day of group therapy and          rehabilitation. Currently he is not part
                                                                                                                                                                        seminars. He meets with Dr Davies              of a church but prayer is ever present.

                                                                                                                               with love ”
                                                                                                                                                                        once a month and with a hospital               Before each bout their trainer leads the
                                                                                                                                                                        psychologist much more frequently              boxers in prayer and they give thanks
                                                                                                                                                                        as he continues to resolve the deep-           after their fights. It is in the confines of
                                                                                                                               “Addiction once made me think that       seated issues in his life.                     the ring that young people battle not
                                                                                                                                drugs were a way to live, now I look    When he arrived at the hospital Mitch          only other boxers but their inner issues
                                                                                                                                back and see the insanity of those      could not even lift his arms above his         rising to the challenge to find a much-
                                                                                                                                grim automatic thoughts,” he said.      head without feeling dizzy. Now he             needed balance between physical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       fitness, emotional and mental stability,
                                                                                                                               At first, Mitch found group work at      radiates physical agility and power.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       an attachment to those they love, and
                                                                                                                               the hospital difficult because he was    Before Christmas last year he won the          a spiritual way forward.
                                                                                                                               anxious about meeting new people.        gym’s Rookie of the Year award and
                                                                                                                               However, the hospital’s therapists                                                       As their trainer stands leaning against
                                                                                                                                                                        accepted it to the cheers of his boxing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the ropes, he reflects on what it
                                                                                                                               and nurses put him at ease with their    peers. It was clear to everyone how far
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        means to live in a very difficult world.
                                                                                                                               regular encouragement.                   he had come. It was a great motivation to
 To find out more about how Wesley                                                                                                                                                                                     “Carrying anger around is not going to
 Mission can help with drug addiction                                                                                                                                   keep training for his first competition fight.
                                                                                                                               As the hold of ice eased, he began to                                                    help us,” he said. “We need to go out
 visit                                                                                                    feel a new sense of joy. “When you are   Mitch said his life now revolves around into the world with love.”
 phone 1300 924 522 or email                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        7
In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
Wesley Impact! A new life from the shadow of trauma

                                                                 Tina was in her thirties when she           sometimes seek drugs like heroin in       Therapy helpful in processing her
                                                                 went from being a social drinker to

  A new life
                                                                                                             an effort to slow themselves down.”        painful traumatic memories. “As
                                                                 downing two bottles of wine a day,                                                     a consequence of this intense
                                                                                                             As her three children became young
                                                                 but the trigger for her addiction                                                      work, Tina was able to have a better
                                                                                                             adults, Tina remembers becoming
                                                                 occurred much earlier in her life. As                                                  perspective about her past,” he said.
                                                                                                             argumentative with them as she
                                                                 a child, a casual family acquaintance                                                 “She came to realise that her life had
                                                                                                             became progressively drunk during
                                                                 sexually abused Tina over a number
        from the shadow                                                                                      the evening. She said they would leave     not been ruined and that there was
                                                                 of weeks. She did everything she                                                       in fact much to live for.”
                                                                                                             the house at 5 pm and only come back
                                                                 could to block out the memories,
                                                                                                             when she was asleep. “I really wasn’t a
            of trauma                                            but the trauma left shadows in her
                                                                 mind that sent her spiralling out of
                                                                                                             nice person at night,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                        During her seven week’s treatment,
                                                                                                                                                       Tina’s family would visit and take
                                                                 control in adult life.                      As bad as Tina’s drinking became           her on drives and picnics. It
  The first thing you notice                                     After she married her husband
                                                                                                             she didn’t recognise it as a problem
                                                                                                             until she was in her mid-40s. She
                                                                                                                                                        encouraged her and gave her hope
                                                                                                                                                        as she confronted her problems.
  about sixty-one year old                                       Norm and had children, sex became
                                                                                                             sought counsel from a psychologist         Encouragement from hospital staff
                                                                 uncomfortable and disconcerting
  Tina Penny is her cheeky                                       because it gave her flashbacks of the
                                                                                                             for 10 years but the sessions did          was also crucial to her recovery.
                                                                                                             not help her resolve her trauma or
  smile. Broad, bright and                                       abuse and she started using alcohol
                                                                                                             drinking. It was only as Tina neared
                                                                                                                                                       “Everyone was so supportive,
                                                                                                                                                        understanding and caring,” she said.
  usually accompanied                                            to cope. “I would start drinking at 5 to
                                                                 ready myself, by 8.30 I’d be slurring
                                                                                                             her 60s that a crisis brought the full
                                                                                                                                                       Mark Stevens said this connection is
  by a deep belly laugh, it                                      my words and by 9 I’d be literally
                                                                                                             nature of her problem home to her.
                                                                                                                                                       very much the launch pad for people
  is hard to reconcile this                                      stumbling off to bed,” she said.             One Friday night, Tina was sitting with  as they rebuild their lives; often
                                                                                                              a glass of wine when she received an
  smile with the dark story                                      “Norm knew the problem I was
                                                                                                              urgent call: her sister Karin had been
                                                                                                                                                       facing tough questions physically,
                                                                  having and has always been very                                                      emotionally and spiritually.
  she shares of her struggle                                      understanding and supportive. In
                                                                                                              rushed to hospital with a suspected
                                                                                                                                                      “This is where I see people come
  with alcohol addiction and                                      those days it was very difficult to
                                                                                                              heart attack. Tina had a few more
                                                                                                              drinks to ready herself to visit her     back to life,’ he said. “People re-enter
  childhood trauma.                                               find any sort of help.”
                                                                                                              sister but she was stopped in her        their lives–that’s the resurrection
                                                                 Tina’s story is not an uncommon              tracks when Karin’s husband called       you see.” There is no denying that
                                                                 one—different changes in life can            back and asked her not to come,          in many rehab programs, as well
                                                                 trigger past traumas and it is then          knowing she would be drunk.              as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), the
                                                                 that many people seek solace in
                                                                                                             “I realised if she had died from a heart sense of having the guidance of a
                                                                 alcohol or drugs.
                                                                                                              attack in hospital, I would never have higher power is a critical component.
                                                                  Mark Stevens, who is addictions            seen her again because I was too          “When people understand that
                                                                  recovery program coordinator at            drunk,” Tina said.                         there is something greater than
                                                                  Wesley Hospital Ashfield, said                                                        them, it keeps them humble,” Mark
                                                                                                             On the following Monday, Tina
                                                                  the majority of trauma leading to                                                     said. “They start to soften and accept
                                                                                                             went to her GP to ask about rehab
                                                                  addictions starts in childhood.
                                                                                                             and eventually booked into the             they don’t have to control everything.
                                                                 “Childhood trauma and hereditary
                                                                                                             rehabilitation program at Wesley           It’s a huge relief for them.
                                                                  predispositions to addiction often
                                                                                                             Hospital Kogarah. She was terrified
                                                                  requires a further traumatic event to                                                “The story of Christ is an archetypal
                                                                                                             of going into the program but her
                                                                  turn into substance abuse,” he said.                                                  story for all men and women. Just
                                                                                                             husband Norm went with her on the
                                                                 “The trauma creates stress and then                                                    as Christ surrendered himself to
                                                                                                             first day, supporting her as he had
                                                                  people seek something to contain                                                      the cross, for all of us including
                                                                                                             always done.
                                                                  that pain and stress.”                                                                people with an addiction, there
                                                                                                             During the program, Tina worked            is a surrendering to allow a
                                                                 There are two general types of
                                                                                                             with therapists to understand and          transformation to take place.”
                                                                 responses by children to trauma:
                                                                                                             resolve the issues at the heart of
                                                                 children who ‘act in’ and children                                                    Tina is excited about becoming an
                                                                                                             her drinking. She learnt that she
                                                                 who ‘act out’. Mark said children who                                                 imminent grandmother. She also knows
                                                                                                             had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
                                                                 act in internalise dysfunction and                                                    how far she has progressed when her
                                                                                                             (PTSD) because of the abuse
                                                                 tend to develop depressive disorders                                                  son and daughter-in-law presented
                                                                                                             and Wesley Hospital Kogarah
                                                                 as they grow up. “Kids that are shy                                                   her with a bassinet and cot so that she
                                                                                                             clinical psychologist, Dr John
                                                                 because of this may be attracted to
                                                                                                             Kearney, helped her understand the        could look after their baby.
                                                                 drugs or alcohol because it helps
To find out more about how Wesley                                                                            complexity of PTSD and its ongoing
                                                                 them find their voice and lose their                                                  “There are so many positives in my
Mission can help with drug addiction                                                                         effects on her daily life.
                                                                 fears,” he said. “Kids who act out the                                                 life since I stopped drinking,” she
                                                                 dysfunction often become bullies and        Tina found Dr Kearney’s Trauma             said. “Their gift was an inspiring
phone 1300 924 522 or email
                                       Tina overcame adversity   are prone to violence later in life. They   Focussed Cognitive Behaviour               sign of trust.”                                                                                                                                                                     9
In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
Wesley Impact! Generations baked with love


                 baked                               with

                   love                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Robyn and Michelle

     Robyn Jeney’s kitchen seems to be
     almost permanently veiled in a soft
                                                  volunteering and doing all she can to
                                                  help and care for others. “You miss out
                                                                                              who has been diagnosed with autism.
                                                                                              Robyn says the relationship works           “I don’t want
                                                                                                                                                                                       together doing something they both
                                                                                                                                                                                       love. They have been actively involved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    do that. If, like Robyn, you would like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to join in serving Jesus Christ and in
     white mist of baking flour, and the          on so much if you don’t give,” she said.    because Michelle and she are on the                                                      in volunteering at their church and          Wesley Mission’s concern for those

                                                                                                                                           to rust out;
     calendar on her fridge is a collage of      “This is what Jesus teaches: it is about     same page. She aptly describes it as a                                                   visiting a nursing home monthly for 10       in the wider community who are in
     tasty stains–a thumb print of icing here,    doing what you can for others and           team effort in the “seamless flow in the                                                 years where they play, sing and provide      need of compassionate care inspired
     a splotch of cake batter there–with          looking to their needs.                     care that Mia receives”.                                                                 afternoon tea for the residents. The pair    by the gospel, contact the volunterring
     not an inch of blank space. Every
     day is written over with details of a
     church, school or community activity
                                                 “I’m not the most adventurous person
                                                  in the world but sometimes you just
                                                                                              This mother and daughter pair share
                                                                                              a very strong and special bond. They         I want to                                   has also fundraised for youth projects
                                                                                                                                                                                       at their church and Michelle has
                                                                                                                                                                                       attended various mission trips helping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    team in Community Engagement:

                                                                                                                                           wear out
                                                  have to give it a go. This is what I        spend a lot of time together, from
     that Robyn and her daughter, Michelle,                                                                                                                                            disadvantaged people overseas.
                                                  say to people who are my age and            shopping or going on outings to, of
     are volunteering their time to organise
                                                  say they are bored, they haven’t            course, doing volunteer and church                                                       For almost four years, Michelle has
     or contribute to in some way. And it                                                                                                                                                                                               Last November, Robyn Jeney

                                                                                                                                           doing good
                                                  got anything to do. ‘Why don’t you          work together.                                                                           been volunteering at a local kids’ club
     almost always involves baking!                                                                                                                                                                                                     was honoured in Wesley
                                                  volunteer?’ I say, ‘Just give it a go.’”                                                                                             for disadvantaged children and over
                                                                                              Like treasured family recipes, the                                                                                                        Mission’s inaugural Making
  Robyn is a mother, a grandmother and                                                                                                                                                 the past year Robyn has also started
                                                 Robyn began volunteering when she            joy of volunteering and giving time to

                                                                                                                                           for others. ”
  a life-long volunteer who is genuinely                                                                                                                                               helping out, earning the name ‘Gran              A Difference Awards.
                                                 was just 15 years old, playing the 120       help others has been passed down
  driven and energised by the joy she                                                                                                                                                  Red’ from the children because of her            The awards, which attracted
                                                 bass piano accordion on the street           via generations of women in Robyn’s
  feels from helping people. “I don’t                                                                                                                                                  distinctive red hair. They play games with       countless nominations across
                                                 outside the local pub to support her         family and can be traced back at least
  want to rust out; I want to wear out                                                                                                     having three bouts of cancer, she is        the children and provide food, do Bible          seven categories, give us
                                                 church’s outreach services. Since then,      to Robyn’s grandmother, who was
  doing good for others,” she said.                                                                                                        still fiercely independent, living on her   study, sing and provide the children with        the opportunity to recognise
                                                 she has built up an extensive volunteer      the organist for many years at the
 “People don’t realise what a privilege                                                                                                    own and remaining actively involved         the opportunity to access support.               the invaluable support of our
                                                 portfolio that includes fundraising          Methodist Church she attended on the
  it is to volunteer–your own problems                                                                                                     in her church. She even runs a weekly                                                        3,500 dedicated volunteers.
                                                 for church activities, running a café        Central Coast. Robyn’s mother, Eve,                                                      It is obvious how much Michelle loves
  don’t seem as big, don’t seem as                                                                                                         prayer meeting in her home.
                                                 through her church, and teaching             continued the tradition of volunteering.                                                 and cares for the children, “The kids            “We recognise and appreciate
  overwhelming when you see what
                                                 Sunday School. “For me, this is what         She wrote birthday cards for every           It is no wonder the desire to do            need to trust somebody and they trust            each and every one of our
  others are going through.”
                                                 living the Christian faith is about; it is   member in the church they attended           good runs so deep in Robyn, and             [Michelle] completely,” Robyn says. “She         volunteers, but these awards
     For the past three years, Wesley            a natural part of your life–helping and      for more than 10 years.                      no surprise that she has passed it          understands them and because she                 allow Wesley Mission staff
     Mission has been blessed to benefit         loving others,” she said.                                                                 on to Michelle who, until recently, also    has a daughter with autism, she has              to nominate individuals that
                                                                                              “My mother is at her very core, a giver,”
     from Robyn’s time and skills, and not                                                                                                 volunteered at Wesley Mission. When         patience with those with special needs.”         have gone above and beyond
                                                  Robyn and Michelle enjoy a                   Robyn said. “She is the kind of person
     just in the baking department. As a                                                                                                   she is not volunteering, Michelle works                                                      in their roles,” said Wesley
                                                  partnership of deep trust and true love      who you will give a birthday present to                                                 Wesley Mission is blessed to have
     volunteer, Robyn provides invaluable                                                                                                  at a local hospital and for her church.                                                      Mission Superintendent the
                                                  that expands well beyond the kitchen.        and the next thing you know she has                                                     thousands of people, just like Robyn,
     support, drawing on 26 years of                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rev Dr Keith Garner.
                                                 “What we do, we do together,” says            given it to someone else because “they      For Robyn and Michelle, volunteering        who are dedicated to helping people
     experience as a school administrator
                                                  Robyn. They are both legal guardians         need it more than I do”. Eve has led a      not only allows them to contribute          in need through volunteering–and who
     and a lifetime commitment to
                                                  for Mia, Michelle’s 10 year-old daughter     life of servanthood, and at 91 and after    and help others, but to spend time          chose Wesley Mission as the way to
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In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
Wesley Impact! Wordwise

                 hope that

                     sets us

                                         with Rev Keith V Garner, AM

 1 Peter 1:3
                                                  the twentieth century, Bertrand Russell,   that this is the basis for our praising      freedom from all that would spoil life.     a 1977 article talked directly and less       distressing of human experiences.
                                                  when still a young man of only 30,         God and a new birth which makes all          This has two aspects to it: the saving      flippantly about the futility of life, “The   Is there anything more fearful than
                                                  expressed his conviction that “no fire,    things possible.3                            power which releases us from the guilt      fundamental thing behind all motivation       death? The Apostle called it ‘the last
 “In his great mercy he has given us a            no heroism, no intensity of thought and                                                 of the past, but also a transforming        and all activity is the constant struggle     enemy’. In Paul’s great chapter on
                                                                                             During his earthly ministry, Jesus
  new birth into a living hope through            feeling, can preserve an individual life                                                spirit which has the capacity to change     against annihilation and against              the resurrection, he explores the link
                                                                                             was well aware that the disciples
  the resurrection of Jesus Christ                beyond the grave … the whole temple                                                     the present.                                death. It’s absolutely stupefying in          between resurrection and hope and
                                                                                             were dependent upon him. Without
  from the dead.”                                 of man’s achievement must inevitably                                                                                                its terror, and it renders anyone’s           clearly sees our hope as related to
                                                  be buried beneath the debris of a
                                                                                             him they were often faithless, fearful       The hope of Christ sets us                  accomplishments meaningless.”6                that which is eternal. “If only for this life
     Once again we prepare ourselves for
     the unique and enormously important          universe in ruins.”2
                                                                                             and foolish. It is what gives context        free to enjoy God                           Thankfully the living hope of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    we have hope in Christ, we are of all
                                                                                             to those words of Jesus, “O you of
     season of Easter. It should not surprise This hope which we encounter in                                                             It was the Apostle Paul who reminded                                                      people most to be pitied.”7
                                                                                             little faith.” After the events of the                                                   New Testament is not merely that of
     us that we return to some of the         Christ is what gives me as a pastor            cross, there would be a sense of utter       us, “You, however, are not in the realm     survival, but of a whole new way of           The Christian knows that because of
     central words of our faith–and there is the confidence to reach out to those            futility had it not been for the fact that   of the flesh but in the realm of the        looking at life. We can be released           the death and resurrection of Jesus
     none bigger than the notion of ‘hope’.   who are grieving. It gives me as an            the risen Lord came alongside the            Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives   from the power of fear and gain a             that even when death comes we will
                                              evangelist a message which can                 disciples and opened up for them             in you. And if anyone does not have         transformation through the redemptive         never be separated from God’s love.
     It has been argued that there are
                                              breathe new purpose into lives that            the possibility of a new beginning.          the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong    work of God which we know in Christ.          On Martin Luther King’s memorial are
     four basic ingredients of Christian
                                                                                                                                          to Christ. But if Christ is in you, then                                                  these simple words, ‘Rev Martin Luther
     discipleship–worship, faith, obedience are set on a journey in search of God.           The humanist, Walter Lippman, made           even though your body is subject to
                                                                                                                                                                                      The hope of Christ                            King, Junior 1929-1968 Free at last,
     and hope.1 When John Stott made          It gives me as a Christian engaged
                                              in social welfare a vision that takes
                                                                                             this perceptive comment after the            death because of sin, the Spirit gives      enables us to confront                        free at last, thank God Almighty, I am
     this case, he did so in the context
     of responding to the word of God.        me beyond mere ideas and thought
                                                                                             Second World War, “We ourselves were         life because of righteousness.”5            all fear                                      free at last.’
                                                                                             so sure that at long last a generation
     All four basic ingredients would be      patterns into a conviction that this                                                        As Christians we are confident about        Fear has an extraordinary ability to hold
                                                                                             had arisen, keen and eager to put this                                                                                                 Rev Keith V Garner, AM
     irrational without an objective basis    world can actually be transformed into                                                      the future and we understand our            a powerful sway over people’s lives. I
                                                                                             disorderly earth to right … we meant so
     in God’s revelation. For me, the         something refreshingly new.                                                                 Christian hope in terms of a sure           discover this fear in the lives of many
                                                                                             well, we tried so hard, and look what we                                                                                               1.   Stott, John R W, The Contemporary
     resurrection of Jesus Christ is that                                                                                                                                             people. Invariably it is expressed in a
     which makes sense not only of the
                                              The hope of Christ                             have made of it … what is required is a      expectation. Apart from Christ, the
                                                                                                                                                                                      fear of the future and in those things        2.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Christian, IVP, p.176
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Russell, Bertrand, A Free Man’s
                                                                                                                                          fear that we have about death and
     ministry of Jesus Christ, but also       opens up the possibility                       new kind of person.”4
                                                                                                                                          disillusion is almost universal. I have     which cause us great uncertainty.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Worship, Unwin, p.p.10-17

     our own personal discipleship.           of new life                                    In the past year, we have lived
                                                                                                                                          often heard Woody Allen quoted              We cannot of ourselves live the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    3.   Perkins, Pheme, First and Second
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Peter, John Knox Press, p.29
                                                                                             through the huge difficulties of trying to                                                                                             4.   Quoted by Billy Graham in World
     The resurrection of Jesus gives us           Our forthcoming Easter Mission will                                                     when he jokingly said in the New            Christian life. It requires the liberating         Aflame, Doubleday, p.138
                                                                                             understand a world that is marred by
     insight into God’s ultimate triumph. It is   focus on the new life which Christ                                                      Yorker magazine, “It’s not that I’m         power of the Holy Spirit who sets us          5.   Romans 8:9-10, NIV
                                                                                             human selfishness and torn apart by the
     in direct contrast to the hopelessness       brings to us. This is the message that                                                  afraid to die, I just don’t want to be      free and, in doing so, enables us to          6.   Stott, John R W, The Contemporary
                                                                                             evil that such self-centredness breeds.                                                                                                     Christian, IVP, p.84
     that is often to be discerned in the         the author touches upon in the early                                                    there when it happens.” Once again it       handle the impossible, deal with the          7.   1 Corinthians 15:19, TNIV
     world around us. In the early part of        section of this epistle and suggests       God offers us in Jesus Christ a              was Stott who pointed out that Allen in     unthinkable and confront the most

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In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
Thousands in need touched by                                                                                                   Plight of Coffs homeless opens hearts
     Christmas generosity

                                                                                                                                      Frankie Mayes (left) delivering care bags to the team at Wesley Youth Accommodation Coffs Harbour: (from left) Julee Townsend, Sally
                                                                                                                                      Hudson, Lisa Johnson, Allison Fleming and Meena Johnson.

       Thanks to volunteers like the Commonwealth Bank staff, Wesley Mission delivered more than 2,500 hampers of food and toys     In 2015, Frankie Mayes formed a             young people in need.                          “It really hit home to me the situation
       to struggling families last Christmas.                                                                                       hamper collection group through                                                            young homeless people face daily,”
                                                                                                                                                                                “They were facing a rough
                                                                                                                                    Facebook called Care Bags for                                                              she said. “All that young man had
                                                                                                                                                                                Christmas with no family around
     Thousands of individuals and              power of redemptive love but how             People phoned counsellors on            Coffs Coast Homeless, rallying the                                                         were the clothes on his back.”
                                                                                                                                                                                and without anything good to
     families in need were helped by           despair can be acknowledged and              issues ranging from loneliness          community to donate anything from                                                          Frankie had also given clothes she
                                                                                                                                                                                look forward to,” Meena said. “We
     Wesley Mission at Christmas 2015.         finally overcome. No matter how              and being estranged from family,        toothbrushes to clothes and gifts                                                          had collected to three teenagers at
                                                                                                                                                                                wanted them to have some nice
                                               bad things get, God’s presence               to dealing with grief and loss          to be distributed to people who are                                                        the centre.
     The church and community                                                                                                                                                   things on Christmas day.”
                                               means that He will be with us and            experienced during the year to          homeless in the area.
     responded to Wesley Mission’s                                                                                                                                              However the truck did not arrive               “I took the clothes in and now those
                                               help us.”                                    financial stress and its impact on
     call for support with more than                                                                                                In the days leading up to                                                                  teenage boys get to wear fresh
                                                                                            family members at Christmas.                                                        and things were looking bleak until
     2,500 hampers of food and toys       People eager to contribute at                                                             Christmas last year, Meena Johnson                                                         clothes,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                                                Frankie arrived with 23 care packs
     delivered across Sydney and the      Christmas dropped off beautifully                 Others phoned about coping with         Team Leader Wesley Youth
                                                                                                                                                                                she had gathered.                              It was an emotional meeting for
     Hunter region.                       wrapped gifts and hampers at                      parenting, visiting extended family     Accommodation Coffs Harbour,
                                          centres including Wesley Centre                                                           was waiting on a truck that would           Frankie met one homeless young                 Frankie and afterwards she made
                                                                                            and difficult relationships. Some
     Many of these were supported by      Sydney, Wesley Counselling                                                                                                                                                           a heartfelt Facebook video to talk
                                                                                            are overwhelmed by sickness and         deliver gifts, food and clothes for         man who was staying at the centre
     local businesses, corporations,      Services, Wesley Family                                                                                                                                                              about that special day.
                                                                                            chronic pain others discuss anxiety     homeless young people in the area.          when delivering the care packs to
     including the Commonwealth Bank, Services, Wesley Auntie &
                                                                                            and depression.                         This delivery was a boost to local          Wesley Youth Accommodation.
     individuals and churches.            Uncles and Wesley Youth
                                          Accommodation Coffs Harbour.                      Wesley Mission reconnected more
     “Each day at Wesley Mission
                                                                                            than 325 children in foster care with
     we help people who face up to        Fifty eight dedicated Wesley                      their birth parents on Christmas
     enormous personal challenges:        Mission volunteers continued our                  Day across western Sydney, the
     poverty, homelessness, mental        ever-popular gift wrapping stall at               Hunter and Central Coast. Rev
     illness, loneliness, fear and family Sydney’s Kinokuniya Books and
                                                                                            Keith and Carol Garner welcomed
     breakdown,” said the Rev Dr Keith Piccadilly Centre, raising $17,009
                                                                                            large numbers at the Shepherd’s
     Garner in his Christmas message as shoppers flocked to finish their
                                                                                            Tucker and Christmas with Friends
     which was broadcast to millions      Christmas shopping.                               lunch. Worship services were held
     on television and radio news
                                          Wesley Mission’s Lifeline volunteers              at the Wesley Centre, Wesley
     across Australia.
                                          were also busy. Lifeline Sydney &                 Edward Eagar Lodge, Wesley
     “These people choose hope and        Sutherland answered around 100                    Mission’s residential aged care
     move forward in life. They can       phone calls from people in crisis on              centres and many other venues
     teach each of us not only about the Christmas Day.                                     across Sydney.

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In God's corner - Easter 2016 - Wesley Mission
New program unites elderly, disabled                                                                                           Wesley School for Seniors
     Residents of Wesley Mission’s            experiences. Out of these social                                                      showcase their talent
     Frank Vickery Village and clients        gatherings there was only ever
     of Wesley LifeSkills Woolooware          going to be positive outcomes                                                         Students from Wesley School            Oliver by Serendipity Singers;
     are showing how aged care                for everyone involved: having more                                                    for Seniors, situated in the heart     Winter Vivaldi by The Music Theory
     and disability services can work         fun, helping others, and the clients                                                  of Sydney’s CBD, showcased their       Class; The Evergreens Rumba by
     together to achieve mutual and           and residents feeling positive                                                        array of talent at their End of Year   Latin & Social Dance; Monologues
     complimentary outcomes.                  about themselves and their                                                            Concert held at the Wesley Theatre.    by Voice & Theatre Acting; What’s
     Frank Vickery Village is an              new found friendships.                                                                                                       Bugging You? Effective Speaking
                                                                                                                                    The school offers people over the
     independent living village located                                                                                                                                    & Forum; a guitar rendition of His
                                              The social events have been held                                                      age of 55 the opportunity to extend
     at Sylvania in Sydney’s south. Also                                                                                                                                   Hand is Mine; Brooklyn Baladay–
                                              at the two centres and have been                                                      their skills and keep active through
     located in Sydney’s south is Wesley                                                                                                                                   Gypsy’s Black Peares by American
                                              supported by staff, with more                                                         a variety of leisure, lifestyle and
     LifeSkills Woolooware, a day                                                                                                                                          Tribal Style dance and many more.
                                              gatherings planned.                                                                   educational courses.
     program for adults aged                                                                                                                                               Performers and guests mingled
     18–42 with a disability.             Activities are planned around the                                                         The Rev Keith and Carol Garner
                                                                                                                                                                           after the concert as they enjoyed
                                          seasons. The spring gardening                                                             attended the sold out event which
     When Frank Vickery Village                                                                                                                                            light refreshments. Handcrafted
                                          project involved selecting and                                                            was a great success. The audience
     manager Jodie Hopkins was                                                                                                                                             beaded jewellery and Tunisian        Performing the Haole Hula
                                          planting the seeds, watering,                                                             was dazzled by the talent.                                                  (Hawaiian Hula).
     approached by service coordinator                                                                                                                                     crochet items were also on display
     Wesley LifeSkills Woolooware,        harvesting and then eating the
                                                                                                                                    Acts included a performance of         and available for purchase.
     Michelle Rogers, with an idea        crop; and the summer project
     for clients and residents of both    included creating murals, calendars
     centres to socialise together and do and birthday cards to be displayed
     projects, they both knew it was the at Frank Vickery Village.
     start of something good.             The gatherings will continue in 2016
     The idea was to enhance the lives        with some great events already         Residents of Wesley Mission’s Frank
     of each client and resident through      planned including an Art Exhibition    Vickery Village and clients of Wesley
                                                                                     LifeSkills Woolooware unite to have
     socialising, working on projects,        and morning tea on Wednesday 30        fun and share experiences.
     forming friendships and sharing          March at Frank Vickery Village.

     Village life snags Japanese students
     Japanese nursing students are            students also enjoyed the lighter
     regularly visiting Australia and         side of village life. Students were
     making Wesley Mission’s Alan             pitted against residents in indoor
     Walker Village a priority place          bowls, croquet, snooker and table
     of learning.                             tennis. The Japanese were novices
     Nursing practices in retirement          in croquet and indoor bowls and
     villages in Japan are very different     the residents always had the edge.
     to those in Australia. In Japan, only    The students also performed
     the most prestigious families can        a song and dance much to the
     afford to live in retirement villages.   delight and enjoyment of the
     The students are always amazed at        residents. Afterwards, Alan Walker
     the diversity of village residents and   Village residents shared with the
     the professional support and care        students another typical Australian
     they are given.                          tradition–a barbecue. Snags and
                                                                                     Students enjoyed the lighter side of
     Apart from seeing aged care              sauce and not Sashimi were on          village life including playing table tennis.
     nursing practice first-hand,             the menu.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
Food challenged students                                                                                                     Meeting the needs of more
                                                                                                                                  than 200,000 Australians
                                                                                                                                  The number of people in need who        “We recognise that to achieve             and Wesley Hospital Ashfield
                                                                                                                                  were helped by Wesley Mission           our goals, we need to focus on            experienced a combined total of
                                                                                                                                  increased to over 233,000 during        supporting and developing our staff       881 in-patients and 5,009 day-
                                                                                                                                  the last financial year–a 12 per cent   and volunteers, continuing careful        patient visits during the year
                                                                                                                                  growth on the previous year.            management of our finances,         •     the number of young people
                                                                                                                                                                          identifying further operational           who engaged with Wesley
                                                                                                                                  Wesley Mission experienced
                                                                                                                                                                          efficiencies and exploring                StreetSmart program grew
                                                                                                                                  substantial increases in the people
                                                                                                                                                                          opportunities to grow our income.”        from 1,277 to 1,773
                                                                                                                                  assisted through Wesley Out of
                                                                                                                                  Home Care, Wesley Help at               Lifeline Sydney & Sutherland         •    Wesley Homeless Services
                                                                                                                                  Home, Wesley Family Services,           answered more than 34,860                 assisted 1,696 homeless
                                                                                                                                  and Wesley Suicide Prevention           crisis calls from people in               people and provided 73,735
                                                                                                                                  Services, all of which saw their        desperate need.                           nights of accommodation
                                                                                                                                  client base grow by approximately       Gambling continues to be one of       •   Wesley LifeForce Suicide
                                                                                                                                  25 per cent.                            Australia’s greatest social problems.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Prevention Networks increased
                                                                                                                                  “We also performed strongly             Wesley Mission gambling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    from 37 to 57 nationally
                                                                                                                                  in a number of areas including          counsellors helped 636 people
                                                                                                                                                                          and their families through 2,597      •   eleven new programs were
                                                                                                                                  implementing Consumer Directed
                                                                                                                                                                          counselling sessions during the           implemented by Wesley
                                                                                                                                  Care–a new model for aged care
                                                                                                                                                                          year, addressing issues such as           Disability Services
                                                                                                                                  delivery that allows clients to
                                                                                                                                  choose their own packages of            dependence, addiction and debt.       •   the number of older people
                                                                                                                                  services,” said Superintendent and      More than 1,330 people received           who enjoyed social interaction
                                                                                                                                  CEO the Rev Dr Keith Garner.            Wesley Financial Counselling              through Wesley Seniors
                                                                                                                                                                          and 145 individuals and families          Social Hub grew from 161 to
                                                                                                                                  “This will set a pattern across
                                                                                                                                                                          received legal support, while the         531–a 230 per cent increase
                                                                                                                                  all our services as the future of
                                                                                                                                  community care takes shape.             number of families supported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                •   Wesley Foster Care helped
                                                                                                                                                                          through Wesley Family Centres
      Wesley Community Engagement Manager, Richard Duncan (back right) pictured here with students from Knox Grammar School who                                                                                     organise more than 2,750 visits
      participated in the Wesley Homeless Food Challenge and generated enough food to feed over 30 families in need.              “Wesley Mission returned a              grew by 58 per cent to 2,853.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    between foster care children
                                                                                                                                  sustainable annual surplus which
                                                                                                                                                                          Other highlights included:                and their birth parents.
                                                                                                                                  will enable us to continue helping
     Forty students from Knox Grammar         As well as resourcefulness and            Grammar are long term supporters          more people in need in the future.      •   Wesley Hospital Kogarah
     School became the latest group to        encouraging team work, the                of Wesley Mission’s work,” said
     successfully complete the Wesley         challenge helps participants              Wesley Community Engagement
     Homeless Food Challenge, donating        understand more about the                 Manager, Richard Duncan.
     over $1,500 worth of food to Wesley      hardship facing homeless people.          “Their most recent efforts
     Connect food and care program.
                                              Wesley Connect offers people              generated enough food to feed
     There are 17,000 children under          experiencing homelessness or              over 30 families through Wesley
     the age of 12 without a safe place       facing hardships non-perishable           Connect and resulted in them
     to sleep in Australia. The Wesley        food items and personal care              being finalists in the 2015 annual
     Homeless Food Challenge helps            items, and helps connect them to          volunteer awards.”
     teach students about this important      other sources of assistance within        For more information or to find out
     community issue while underlining
                                              Wesley Mission and beyond.                how you can take part in the Wesley
     the practical role they can play.
                                                                                        Homeless Food Challenge contact
                                              This is not Knox Grammar’s first
     School and community groups who                                                    Wesley Mission’s Community
                                              though. Their most recent efforts
     take part in the Wesley Homeless                                                   Engagement team (9263-5555)
                                              mark the school’s ninth year
     Food Challenge are tested to see                                                   or visit
                                              working with Wesley Mission.
     if they can feed a family for three                                                for more information on other
     days with just $10.                      “The staff and students of Knox           fundraising opportunities.

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