Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

Page created by Alberto Newman
Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS
Issue No.

                                                                                                                              JUL 2018
                                                                                                                              DEC 2018

A publication of the Institute of South Asian Studies                               MCI (P) 055/04/2018

Imran Khan:
the Nation
Yet Again

                                          06    State Poll Boost for the Congress
                                          08    Bangladesh: Politics of Polls
                                          10    The FinTech Landscape in Singapore and India – Prospects for Enhanced Collaboration
                                          12    India-China Rivalry in the Maldives
                                          14    Delivering a Social Agenda through the State in India
                                          16    Ocean Diplomacy: Sri Lanka’s Quest for an Indian Ocean Identity
Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS
A Message from the Director ....................................................................................................................................................................... 03

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again ......................................................................................................................................... 04

State Poll Boost for the Congress .............................................................................................................................................................. 06
Bangladesh: Politics of Polls ........................................................................................................................................................................ 08
The FinTech Landscape in Singapore and India – Prospects for Enhanced Collaboration............................................................ 10
India-China Rivalry in the Maldives ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Delivering a Social Agenda through the State in India ............................................................................................................................ 14
Ocean Diplomacy: Sri Lanka’s Quest for an Indian Ocean Identity ...................................................................................................... 16

The Bay of Bengal: History, Memory and the Future ............................................................................................................................. 18
The Global Trade War: Implications for India, China and the Region ................................................................................................. 18
Reflections on the Partition of India and Palestine after 70 years ...................................................................................................... 19
Pakistan under Imran Khan: A New Dawn? ............................................................................................................................................. 20
ASEAN-India: Commerce, Connectivity and Culture .............................................................................................................................. 20
The United States and South Asia: Assessing the New Dynamics .................................................................................................... 21
BIMSTEC at 20: Priorities and Prospects ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Indian-Singapore FinTech Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges ............................................................................................ 23
Higher Education in Singapore ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Switzerland in Asia: Burgeoning Links with South Asia and ASEAN .................................................................................................. 24
Emerging Technologies, Shifting Power Balances and Nuclear Stability .......................................................................................... 25
Maritime Sri Lanka: Reclaiming Indian Ocean Identity .......................................................................................................................... 25
Digital Politics: Emerging Trends in South and Southeast Asia .......................................................................................................... 26
ISAS Events Listing (July to December 2018) ......................................................................................................................................... 27

Authored and Edited Books ......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Briefs, Insights, Working Papers and Special Reports ........................................................................................................................... 28

South Asia is the newsletter of the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS).                                                     © Institute of South Asian Studies
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                                                                                                                                 Printed in Singapore, 31 January 2019
The Editor
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Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

A Message
from the Director

Greetings from the Institute of South         Equally surprising has been the             to understanding the impact of
Asian Studies (ISAS)!                         peaceful transition of power in the         technological disruption on the politics,
                                              Maldives, which defeated incumbent          economy and international relations
We hope the New Year has begun well           President Abdulla Yameen and                of South Asia. The third theme is the
for all our readers and well-wishers. If      replaced him with Ibrahim Solih. Our        question of geopolitical identity in
the second half of 2018 is any guide,         analysis captures the increasing            the sub-continent. Sri Lanka has long
2019 is going to be even more hectic          impact of India-China rivalry on the        presented itself as a “South Asian
at ISAS. Many critical developments in        Maldives and its politics. Surprise         nation”. Today, amidst the growing
South Asia during the last six months         has also been the theme of elections        significance of the regional waters,
of 2018 have kept my colleagues busy          in some key states in the Indian            Sri Lanka has begun to see itself as
analysing them. It has also been a            heartland. Our analysis focuses on the      an “Indian Ocean nation”. Do read the
period when ISAS has stepped up its           factors behind the Bharatiya Janata         essay in this issue on Sri Lanka’s quest
engagement with other institutions in         Party’s defeat in the polls for the state   for a maritime identity.
the National University of Singapore          assemblies in Chhattisgarh, Madhya
                                                                                          As we look ahead to 2019, my
and beyond to develop a more                  Pradesh and Rajasthan.
                                                                                          colleagues and I are confident that
informed appreciation of a rapidly
                                                                                          our work on the South Asian sub-
changing sub-continent.                       Beyond the immediacy of the
                                                                                          continent will become more relevant
                                              elections, this issue devotes attention
                                                                                          to the policymakers, the community
One of the key changes in the region          to three very different themes. One
                                                                                          of businessmen and entrepreneurs,
has been the election of the flamboyant       is the little understood nature of
                                                                                          and the civil society in Singapore
former cricketer Imran Khan as the            welfare politics in Tamil Nadu and          and beyond. We also hope to widen
Prime Minister of Pakistan. Our cover         its long-term consequences. The             the ISAS footprint and make it a real
piece for this issue profiles the persona,    second is the prospect for FinTech          hub for scholars and analysts of
politics and policies of the new prime        collaboration between India and             contemporary South Asia. We look
minister amidst the many challenges           Singapore. One of the highlights of         forward to your strong support in
confronting Pakistan. If Pakistan             Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s       2019. Meanwhile, I trust you will enjoy
has opted for a fresh political face,         visit to Singapore from 31 May to           reading this issue. Your feedback is
Bangladesh has opted for political            2 June 2018 was the agreement to            always welcome.
stability and continuity by re-electing the   promote the linking of the payment
two-time incumbent, Sheikh Hasina, as         systems in the two countries. Studying
the Prime Minister. We have an analysis       technology policy has emerged as
in this issue on what led to Prime            one of the new priorities of ISAS. We
Minister Hasina’s sweeping victory.           hope to devote considerable energies

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

Photo courtesy of the Government of Pakistan

Imran Khan: Captaining the
Nation Yet Again

Imran Khan was sworn in as the Prime           proved to be a sticky wicket. Despite   elite institutions — Aitchison College
Minister of Pakistan on 18 August              his celebrity status, it took Khan 21   in Lahore, and the Royal Grammar
2018. Khan became a national hero              years to break the hold of the two      School in Worchester, England — and
when he captained the Pakistani                established political parties — the     graduated from Oxford University with
cricket team to victory in the 1992            Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N),       a degree in Philosophy, Politics, and
World Cup. He now promises to utilise          and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP)   Economics.
his leadership skills to build a Naya          — and to emerge as a major player in
Pakistan (New Pakistan).                       the political realm.                    Khan began his cricket career as a
                                                                                       teen playing for Lahore, and went
Khan entered the political terrain in                                                  on to play county cricket in England.
1996 when he launched his political            Cricketing Star and Playboy             He made his international test
party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf           Khan was born in 1952 to an affluent    cricket debut for Pakistan in 1971.
(Pakistan Movement for Justice),               Pashtun family in Lahore, Punjab. He    His mastery over the craft of fast
or PTI. The political arena, however,          received his formative education in     bowling, coupled with his charisma

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

and fiery temperament, led to him          however, was unable to garner                Khan also made a conscious effort
being appointed captain. His impact        substantial support. In the 2013             to appeal to religiously and socially
on the team was profound. The team         elections, his party won 35 seats in         conservative sections of Pakistani
displayed a new sense of confidence        the National Assembly and formed             society. His often unprovoked defense
and aggression.                            the provincial government in Khyber          of the blasphemy laws indicate that
                                           Pakhtunkhwa.                                 this is a calculated decision. There
Khan’s exploits on the pitch and his                                                    have also been serious accusations
matinee-idol looks led him to acquire                                                   leveled against the military of having
a huge fan following internationally. In   Prime Minister Khan                          influenced the results in favour of the
England, where he lived for much of        The upswing in Khan’s political              PTI. Procedural errors on the part of
his cricketing career, he was a darling    fortunes can be traced to his                the Electoral Commission Pakistan,
of the paparazzi. Tabloids regularly       successful agitation against the             and censorship of news coverage by
published photographs of him partying      previous Prime Minister of Pakistan,         the establishment leading up to the
with female socialites and tales of his    Nawaz Sharif, over the issue of              elections, have raised questions over
numerous affairs.                          corruption. In April 2016, the “Panama       the role of the military in ensuring the
                                           Papers” leak revealed that eight             PTI’s victory.
In 1995, Khan married Jemima               off-shore companies had links with
Goldsmith, scion of the billionaire        Sharif’s family. Khan launched a
financier Sir James Goldsmith. This        two-pronged campaign demanding               Challenges
marriage lasted nine years; in 2015,       Sharif’s resignation. On one level,          Given the financial crisis confronting
Khan married the British Broadcasting      Khan organised mass protests that            Pakistan, the need to balance the
Corporation news presenter Reham           attracted tens of thousands. This            huge social coalition that the PTI had
Ramzan. The second marriage lasted         allowed him to capture the public            to stitch together to win the election,
less than a year. Ramzan recently          imagination and expand his party’s           and the powerful role of the military,
authored a sensational biography           grassroots reach. On another level,          it remains to be seen how Khan will
in which she accuses Khan of               he filed a petition in the Supreme           negotiate the political wicket. The
promiscuity, drug consumption and          Court, calling for a probe against           immediate challenge confronting Khan
bisexuality, amongst other things. Khan    Sharif and demanded that the latter          and the PTI is Pakistan’s crippling
is currently married to Bushra Maneka,     resign. On 28 July 2017, the Supreme         current account deficit. Pakistan is
who is a spiritual healer. Khan stated     Court disqualified Sharif from office.       poised to approach the International
that his marriage to a Sufi who veils      Occurring less than a year before            Monetary Fund (IMF) for help. A
herself reflected a development in his     the general elections, this decision         loan from the IMF will, however, be
own views on religion and relationships.   constituted a massive political victory      contingent upon the imposition of
The days of parties and affairs were,      for Khan.                                    austerity measures and structural
according to him, long gone.                                                            reforms. These would contradict the
                                           In the build-up to the 2018 elections,       PTI’s campaign promises of building
                                           the PTI’s campaign largely focused           an Islamic welfare state.
Philanthropy and Politics                  on criticising established politicians
Following his retirement from cricket,     as corrupt, and promoting Khan
Khan used his popularity to raise over     as the saviour. Khan promised to
US$200 million (S$272 million) to          deliver a non-corrupt government
build the Shaukat Khannum Memorial         and develop an Islamic welfare state
Cancer Hospital and Research               that provides educational and health
Centre. Named after his mother, who        facilities to the masses. The constant
struggled with cancer, it is the largest   focus on the issue of corruption had
cancer hospital in Pakistan. The cost      generated widespread support. Khan
of treating nearly 75 per cent of the      and his party had also generated a
patients is borne by the hospital.         tremendous amount of enthusiasm
                                           amongst sections of Pakistan that were
In 1996, Khan turned his attention         disillusioned by the dynastic, provincial,
towards politics and formed the PTI.       and patron-client based politics of the
He took part in the 1997 elections         PML-N and the PPP. However, the PTI’s
and ran for a National Assembly seat       victory itself has partly been due to its
from two constituencies but ended          success in winning over a number of
up losing in both. In the subsequent       politically powerful traditional elites,     Associate Professor Iqbal Singh Sevea
elections of 2002, Khan was elected        feudal leaders, and spiritual authorities    is a Visiting Research Associate
to the National Assembly from his          who had previously been aligned with         Professor at ISAS. He can be contacted
hometown, Mianwali. His party,             the PML-N and the PPP.                       at

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

State Poll Boost for
the Congress

Photo courtesy of the Indian National Congress

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party                the three Hindi heartland states, the       22 per cent of the 282 seats that the
(BJP) has lost elections in five Indian          results represented a coming of age         BJP had won in 2014. If the Assembly
states, three of which were Hindi                for Rahul Gandhi, who has often been        poll results were to be replicated in
heartland states. The opposition                 dismissed as a lightweight but as of        2019, the BJP’s seat tally would go
Congress party was the big gainer,               December 2018, has completed a year         down to 31 seats in these three states.
dislodging the incumbent BJP in the              as the party president.                     While state election results are not
three Hindi belt states of Chhattisgarh,                                                     necessarily always a reflection of the
Madhya Pradesh (MP), and Rajasthan.              The results will ring alarm bells for the   general elections, the proximity of the
In the two other states — Telangana              BJP as it heads into general elections      polls to the 2019 elections is crucial,
in southern India, and Mizoram in the            in early 2019. In the 2014 general          as is the erosion of BJP votes across
northeast — regional parties came out            elections, the BJP won 62 of the 65         the board. Indeed, the past cycle of
on top. Though the scale and margin              parliamentary seats from Chhattisgarh,      elections in these three states suggests
of the Congress victory differed in              MP and Rajasthan. This represented          that the party that does well in the state

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

polls carries forward the momentum to      a positive impact on the party’s                 up the Congress party’s role as the
the general elections.                     electoral fortunes. Whether the BJP              pivot for opposition politics. But the
                                           will continue ratcheting up its rhetoric         Congress party, too, needs to stitch
Though the results in Chhattisgarh,        on Hindu nationalism or highlight                together state-level alliances with
MP and Rajasthan augur well for the        development and governance, as it did            regional parties if it is to significantly
Congress party in 2019, the party is       in 2014, remains to be seen. The party,          increase its seat tally from 2014.
organisationally weak in most of the       though, might find itself in a corner,
other Hindi heartland states, including    given its poor record of alleviating             Given its formidable election
the populous states of Uttar Pradesh       rural distress and creating jobs. It is          machinery, considerable war chest,
(UP) and Bihar, where even winning a       likely that the Modi government will             and Modi’s continuing popularity, the
handful of seats is unlikely. Outside      announce big-ticket populist measures            BJP still remains the frontrunner to
the heartland, the Congress party          before the 2019 elections to sway                form the government in 2019. Like
performed poorly in Telangana and          voters.                                          in 2014, the BJP is likely to turn the
Mizoram, which goes to show that                                                            general election into a referendum on
the party, and Rahul Gandhi, have a        The results of the Assembly elections,           Modi. The recent Assembly elections
long way to go. However, Congress’         particularly in the three Hindi belt             have, however, given the opposition
strong showing will make it a far          states, have thrown open the field for           significant momentum and has
more credible fulcrum in 2019 for the      2019. The BJP will try and compensate            made the BJP’s task that much more
opposition parties.                        for its probable losses in the Hindi             difficult.
                                           heartland with additional seats from
For the BJP, the erosion of support in     eastern India and the northeast, but
Chhattisgarh, MP and Rajasthan cut         that might not be enough. The BJP
                                           will also be looking to reach out to             Dr Ronojoy Sen is a Senior Research
across the rural-urban divide, caste,
                                           regional parties as possible allies, both        Fellow and Research Lead (Politics,
and class. This was due to agrarian
                                           before and after the 2019 elections.             Society and Governance) at ISAS. He can
distress and unemployment turning
                                           The Assembly poll results have firmed            be contacted at
out to be burning issues in the recent
elections. The BJP was particularly hit
hard in rural constituencies, as well as
those reserved for lower castes and
tribals. This will be a cause of concern
for the BJP in 2019.

While Prime Minister Narendra Modi
still remains very popular, his ability
to swing elections is under scrutiny.
Though he addressed 30-odd rallies
in the three Hindi heartland states, the
BJP’s success in those constituencies
was mixed. Modi, who benefited from
being the challenger in 2014, has to
now face the problems that come with
incumbency. The tenor of the BJP’s
2019 campaign will be decided by
what lessons Modi and his inner circle
draw from the current results.

The BJP’s poll campaign in the three
Hindi heartland states saw a distinct
rise in the pitch for Hindu nationalism
with UP’s controversial and divisive
chief minister, Yogi Adityanath,
campaigning prominently for the BJP
and facing an escalation of personal
attacks. Arguably, both did not have       Photo courtesy of the Indian National Congress

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

Bangladesh: Politics of Polls

Photo courtesy of Jatiya Oikya

The 11th Parliamentary elections in   The other was the Jatiya Oikya           in London. The coalition JOF is,
Bangladesh were held on 30 December   Front (JOF) (National Unity Front)       however, being spearheaded by the
2018. The contest was between         of nearly 20 parties, but mainly the     octogenarian and well-respected jurist,
two broad coalitions. One was the     AL’s traditional rival, the Bangladesh   Dr Kamal Hussain.
ruling Mohajote (Grand Alliance),     Nationalist Party (BNP), whose
comprising around 14 parties, the     Chairperson Khaleda Zia is currently     The electorate of the world’s 8th largest
main component being the Awami        in prison on corruption charges.         country numbers more than 104 million.
League (AL) led by Prime Minister     The Acting Chairman, her son             According to the Election Commission
Sheikh Hasina.                        Tareq Rahman, is a fugitive in exile     of Bangladesh, 80 per cent of that

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

number voted. By any standards, this                   Over the past months, it had indeed         religious-leaning, these differences
participation was enthusiastic. In the                 been complaining of the absence of          have eroded over time. Some
lead-up to the polls, the AL campaigned                a level playing field, exacerbated by       analysts will now see their ideological
on the remarkable development of                       violence and use of state instruments       divergence as between Tweedledum
Bangladesh over its decade of rule.                    against its members. To these, the          and Tweedledee. The electorate
Indeed, Bangladesh’s gross domestic                    JOF now adds allegations of ballot          appeared to have opted for continuity,
product growth rate of over seven                      box stuffing by AL supporters, who          rather than change. More so as the
per cent in 2018, and six per cent                     were also accused of intimidating           BNP’s performance, on what was on
consistently over the past, has been                   JOF voters. Dr Hussain also claimed         offer from past experiences, was not
praiseworthy. The party promised                       massive rigging. The opposition has         altogether pristine.
continuity. The opposition underscored                 now demanded fresh polls under a
its governance deficit, alleged                        neutral government, a demand which          So, for now, the Bangladeshi people
corruption, and suppression of dissent.                the Election Commission has already         seem to have spoken. The results of
The opposition’s leaders offered                       rejected. The JOF is threatening to         the elections are known. However,
positive change.                                       commence an agitation but all this          there might well be consequences to
                                                       politicking may already have left the       follow — not immediately perceptible,
The result of the polls was a landslide                nation a tad exhausted.                     but lying well beyond the rim of the
victory for Hasina’s government.                                                                   saucer.
Out of the coalition, the AL alone                     The politics of elections, as is the case
won 259 of the 298 contested seats.                    in Bangladesh, has been polarised
The Mohajote partners bagged 288                       for years between the AL and the            Dr Iftekhar Ahmed Chowdhury is a
seats in total. The total for the JOF                  BNP. In the past, both alternated in        Principal Research Fellow at ISAS, and is a
was a paltry seven seats, of which                     government. While the AL was usually        former Foreign Advisor (Foreign Minister)
the BNP accounted for five. Almost                     perceived as secular and left-of-centre,    of Bangladesh. He can be contacted at
immediately, the JOF cried foul.                       and the BNP both right-wing and   

Photo courtesy of the Office of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh

Imran Khan: Captaining the Nation Yet Again - NUS

The FinTech Landscape in
Singapore and India – Prospects
for Enhanced Collaboration

On 1 June 2018, the Indian                   of capital, into the realm of formal       Rationale for Collaboration
Department of Economic Affairs and           finance. Access to finance raises the      Despite differences in the levels of
the Monetary Authority of Singapore          prospects for inclusion, economic          development, the potential for mutually
(MAS) signed a memorandum                    mobility and, eventually, inclusive        beneficial collaboration between India
of understanding to strengthen               development.                               and Singapore is vast. India has a large
cooperation in financial innovation                                                     pool of skilled workers in information
between Singapore and India through          The “JAM” trinity underpins                and communications technology,
the establishment of a Joint Working         development of the enabling                and a robust and vibrant FinTech
Group. This agreement will consolidate       environment for FinTech development        infrastructure. Singapore offers one of
ongoing collaboration in the FinTech         in India: the confluence of bank           the most progressive FinTech eco-
space, and spearhead initiatives in          accounts for every individual              systems, with a regulatory sandbox
this rapidly evolving, innovative, and       (JanDhan, or people’s wealth               to expedite the entire early life cycle
promising field.                             accounts); a universal biometric           of startups. It offers access to global
                                             identity card (Aadhaar); and the           financial institutions, and a reservoir of
                                             increasing penetration of mobile           expertise and capital-seeking profitable
FinTech Landscape                            phones (M), that together offer access     avenues for investment.
Backed by a robust startup ecosystem         to a growing portfolio of financial
encompassing a network of industry-          services. Policymakers treat the
specific incubators and accelerators,        digital infrastructure as a public good,   Collaboration
and over 400 Fintech startups                where interoperability, consumer           FinTech collaboration between
spanning the financial services              protection, and strong anti-money          Singapore and India is spearheaded
landscape, Singapore is at the               laundering safeguards have been            by close engagement between the two
forefront of global initiatives in FinTech   instituted. India has taken steps that     governments, as well as the private
experimentation and validation. It           have ultimately enabled the launch of      sectors. The Network for Electronic
offers a unique regulatory sandbox           pure play digital banks. Established       Transfers Singapore (NETS) group in
that allows startups to develop,             by DBS Bank, Digibank — India’s first      Singapore and the NPCI-owned RuPay
test, and apply financial products           fully digital bank — has enlisted more     can now be deployed in Singapore. The
and services to assess regulatory            than 1 million customers. JAM is           BHIM app was launched in Singapore
compliance, before bringing them to          building the foundation for the growth     recently to facilitate remittances to
markets.                                     of e-governance and delivery of public     India. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
                                             services.                                  has been collaborating with MAS to
India stands amongst global                                                             ease cross-border funds flow.
leaders in the adoption of FinTech           The Unified Payment Interface
services across a range of industry          platform unveiled by the National
segments driven by mobile wallets            Payments Corporation of India (NPCI),      Government to Government
and innovations. FinTech offers the          the first interoperable payment            The potential for government to
possibility of bringing hundreds of          system in the world, allows funds from     government as well as private sector
millions of its financially-excluded         different financial institutions to be     collaboration in new technologies
citizens, including the poor, women,         transferred between mobile wallets,        such as blockchain, Artificial
and socially marginalised groups,            and smartphones to double up as            Intelligence (AI), machine learning,
as well as small businesses starved          virtual debit cards.                       and data analytics, will catalyse


Photo courtesy of the Office of the Prime Minister of India

further engagement between the                           (AFIN) offers an excellent platform         Regulatory Consultations
two countries. The benefits of                           to learn and share experiences and,         FinTech is an evolving area where
developing AI for use in sectors such                    over time, increase trade and financial     effective regulation and the quest for
as water supply, health, education,                      linkages. Affiliation with AFIN can         financial stability are of paramount
and maintenance of records in real                       facilitate innovation and collaboration     concern for both countries’ central
estate holds tremendous potential for                                                                banks. The main question, of
                                                         between financial institutions
broadening access to finance.                                                                        course, is balancing regulation and
                                                         and FinTech enterprises in India
                                                                                                     innovation, and questions of what,
                                                         and ASEAN in regards to financial           whom, and when to regulate. Sharing
Financial Inclusion                                      inclusion, blockchain, cybersecurity,       experiences in regulatory technology
FinTech offers the possibility of                        and innovations in trade finance, with      and e-governance, is important. The
bringing hundreds of millions of India’s                 the potential to ease India’s integration   challenge of regulatory silos, as the
financially excluded citizens — the                      into the Regional Comprehensive             bifurcation of responsibilities in India
poor, women, and other socially and                      Economic Partnership. India and             (for example, the RBI, the Securities
economically marginalised groups — as                    ASEAN should also work towards an           and Exchange Board of India, and the
well as SMEs starved of capital, within                  interoperable system.                       Pension Fund Regulator) demonstrate,
the ambit of formal finance. It can help                                                             is a serious problem.
millions of individuals and SMEs to
access financial services at affordable                  India-Singapore Entrepreneurship            The growing public infrastructure
costs. Payments can be a pathway to                      Collaboration                               should breathe life into collaboration
other areas such as lending, savings,                                                                between firms in Singapore and
insurance, and wealth management.                        The India-Singapore Entrepreneurship        India, be it a small firm or a large
Most people in India lack credit history.                Bridge (InSpreneur), is a collaborative     multinational with an eventual bearing
Digital payments create a credit history                 platform for entrepreneurs, incubators,     on productivity and growth. We are in
which can be leveraged in other areas,                   the vast Indian diaspora, and startup       an exciting phase where technology,
and also provides a platform to serve                    founders in Singapore and India, that       innovation, enterprise, and FinTech
the unbanked and the uninsured, and                      has proven to be quite successful. It is    have been perhaps the most dominant
link old age pensions to the poorest and                                                             areas of engagement between India
                                                         supported by industry associations in
the remotest due to links in their bank                                                              and Singapore.
                                                         both countries, including SG Innovate,
                                                         Enterprise Singapore, Confederation
                                                         of Indian Industry, Federation of Indian
Regional Integration                                     Chambers of Commerce and Industry           Dr Dipinder S Randhawa is a Senior
Singapore is leading ASEAN’s efforts in                  and National Association of Software        Research Fellow at ISAS. He can be
FinTech. The ASEAN FinTech Network                       and Service Companies.                      contacted at


Photo courtesy of the Office of the President of the Maldives

India-China Rivalry
in the Maldives

With the defeat of Abdulla Yameen in the                improve its deteriorated relationship with    its infrastructure. In September 2014,
presidential elections on 23 September                  the Maldives. However, Beijing cannot         Chinese President Xi Jinping visited the
2018, the Maldives has reclaimed                        be completely sidelined from Maldivian        Maldives. Soon after his visit, in December
normalcy and democratic rule. During                    affairs, and it is premature to claim         2014, China and the Maldives signed a
his term as the President of the country                otherwise.                                    memorandum of understanding to join
(2013-18), Yameen used his power to                                                                   China’s maritime Silk Road policy. At that
silence dissenting voices and imprisoned                                                              time, China-Maldives bilateral trade was
                                                        Deepening Ties with China
prominent leaders from the opposition                                                                 about US$100 million (S$135 million).
                                                        under Yameen
parties, such as former president Abdul
Gayoom. Yameen had also imposed                         Traditionally, the Maldives has been          Chinese investments in the Maldives’
a state of emergency twice (2015 and                    closer to India than China. However, this     infrastructure sector underpinned this
2018) to establish his hold over the                    started to change when then-President         bilateral relationship. China is engaged in
country. On the foreign policy front,                   Mohamed Nasheed was forced to quit            building the China-Maldives Friendship
the presidential elections were seen                    office in February 2012 for his policies,     Bridge at the cost of around RMB1.26
by many commentators as a contest                       which were alleged by then opposition         billion (S$253.7 million). As much as 57.5
between India and China to regain and                   groups and institutions as “anti-Islamic”.    per cent of the project’s cost is covered
maintain their influence in the Maldives.                                                             by a grant from the Chinese government,
During the elections, it was believed that              During Yameen’s tenure, the Maldives          while 36.1 per cent of the cost is covered
Yameen was a pro-Chinese candidate,                     deepened its relationship with China at       by a preferential loan from the Chinese
while the joint opposition candidate and                the cost of India. This drift was primarily   government. The remaining 6.4 per cent
present President of the country Ibrahim                to find a supporter to his regime against     is to be borne by the Maldives. China
Mohamed Solih was seen by many as a                     Nasheed, who was then seen as getting         is also upgrading and expanding the
supporter of India. The election results                support from India. Also, the Maldives        Velena International Airport, and engaged
certainly comforted India as it stood to                needed Chinese investments to develop         in housing projects in Male. It has also


taken up the Hulhumalé Phase II housing       Political tensions between India and           Yameen’s political high handedness, it
project, and is developing a link road        China in the Maldives came into the            was expected that Solih would favour
between Hulhule and Hulhumalé. Further,       open after Yameen declared a state of          India. However, India should not become
in 2017, Yameen’s government signed a         emergency in February 2018. There              complacent, and should work towards
free trade agreement with China.              was also a division within the Maldivian       resetting its relationship with the
                                              opposition parties on India’s role at that     Maldives. In its congratulatory message
While such investment projects help           time. In an opinion piece published in the     to Solih on 24 September 2018, India
in the development of the Maldives,           Indian daily, The Indian Express, Nasheed      said that “this election marks not only
they could lead the country into a debt       wrote, “It is essential that India leads       the triumph of democratic forces in
trap. According to the Centre for Global      the international community in forcing         the Maldives, but also reflects the firm
Development, a Washington-based               President Yameen to comply with the            commitment to the values of democracy
think-tank, the total Chinese loan to the     1 February 2018 Supreme Court order.           and the rule of law. In keeping with
Maldives is around US$1.5 billion (S$1.9      This will pave the way for genuinely           our ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy, India
billion). Such a large loan to a small        inclusive, free and fair elections with        looks forward to working closely with
economy puts the Maldives in danger of        full international monitoring.” However,       the Maldives in further deepening our
getting into a debt cycle. However, the       former Minister for Foreign Affairs (2013-     partnership”.
Chinese Ambassador to the Maldives,           2016) and a member of a joint opposition,
Zhang Lizhong, called the investments         Dunya Maumoon, said, “I believe that the       On 25 September 2018, in congratulating
                                              call by Nasheed for foreign intervention is    Solih for his win, Chinese foreign ministry
“completely normal”, and has rejected any
                                              very irresponsible”.                           spokesman Geng Shuang expressed
such allegations made by the then joint
                                                                                             his country’s willingness to work with
opposition parties which won elections in
                                              In tune with Nasheed, a section of Indian      the new government. Later, Xi, in his
September 2018.
                                              commentators even supported the idea           congratulatory message to Solih, said
                                              of sending troops to restore normalcy          that he is “willing to join hands with
China is also accused by the local people                                                    Solih to lift the comprehensive friendly
of land-grabbing in the Maldives. China       in the Maldives. The Indian national
                                              daily, The Times of India, reported that       cooperative partnership between China
presently has leases on 17 Maldivian                                                         and Maldives to a new level”.
islands. Just a few days before the           the Indian troops were on stand-by in
                                              case they needed to enter the Maldives.
presidential elections, the global                                                           In the 100 days agenda, published after
                                              Reacting against such personal opinions
investigative journalism consortium                                                          taking oath on 17 November 2018, Solih’s
                                              and views, Ai Jun, a columnist for The
(a global network of more than 220                                                           government, without mentioning the
                                              Global Times, wrote in The Global Times
investigative journalists in 80 countries)                                                   country’s name, highlighted that it would
                                              in China that, “Since Maldivian President
reported that Yameen has been a part of                                                      start re-negotiating the contracts and
                                              Abdulla Yameen assumed office in 2013,
a multi-million dollar scam that “helped                                                     loans that have put the Maldives into
                                              the nation has proactively interacted
developers skirt public tenders and                                                          debt. However, such a move would not
                                              with the US, China, Saudi Arabia and
acquire dozens of islands and lagoons”.                                                      be straightforward for the debt-ridden
                                              Pakistan, gradually heading toward(s)
                                              more independent and balanced                  government. It has to also repay the
Unlike China, India was sidelined during      diplomacy. This apparently irritated India.    loans taken by the previous government.
Yameen’s term. In 2017, his government        Perhaps New Delhi has been seeking             In such a situation, the new government
suspended three local councillors             an opportunity to showcase its military        has limited options. It could re-negotiate
working for the Indian Ambassador to          again in its ‘backyard’…If India one-sidedly   some of the projects agreed upon by the
the Maldives, Akhilesh Mishra. Later, in      sends troops to the Maldives, China will       previous government. Another option
December 2017, an editorial in Divehi         take action to stop New Delhi. India should    would be to negotiate new deals with
language in the pro-Yameen newspaper          not underestimate China’s opposition to        other countries because India would not
Vaguthu described India as an enemy, and      unilateral military intervention.”             be able to match the “unparalled scale of
called on Male to find a new best friend                                                     Chinese capital”.
in China. The editorial also termed India’s   The situation calmed down only
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, as a Hindu     after the emergency was lifted by the          Conclusion
extremist and anti-Muslim. However, soon      Maldivian government in March 2018.            Yameen’s defeat in the presidential
after publication, Yameen’s government        The incumbent and the opposition               elections has strengthened India’s
made a statement that “the administration     parties then started preparations for          position in the island country. On the
would never entertain negative sentiments     the September polls. In order to stop          other hand, it will take time for China to
towards India, highlighting that Indian       Nasheed from contesting the elections,         recalibrate its relationship with the new
assistance formed an ‘invaluable              the Yameen government amended the              government. Having said that, it would be
contribution to the Maldives’”.               electoral laws of the country. However,        interesting to see how Solih’s government
                                              the government was not aware about             will manage its relationship with its two
Just a few days before the 2018               the high anti-incumbency sentiments in         big neighbours and yet maintain its
presidential elections, Yameen made           the country, which were expressed by the       sovereignty.
a request to India to withdraw its            voters on 23 September 2018.
helicopters from the airfields on the Gan
and Laamu islands of the Maldives.
                                              Future of India and China in the Maldives      Dr Amit Ranjan is a Visiting Research
The Indian government suspected that
this move was to “clear the decks for a       As India extended its support to the           Fellow at ISAS. He can be contacted at
Chinese air and naval presence”.              opposition leaders suffering due to  


Delivering a Social Agenda
through the State in India

One of the strengths of public policy            The Congress governments focused          Large, centrally-owned public sector
in Tamil Nadu has been the balance of            on improving infrastructure, roads        units were set up, providing access
development of infrastructure and the            to villages, rural electrification, and   to employment, technology, and skills
focus on social welfare. The Dravida             support to the agricultural economy,      development.
Munnetra Kazhakam (DMK), came to                 while expanding the reach of primary
power in 1967 on the plank of social             education and public health. There        When it came to power, the DMK had
reforms and equal opportunities for              was a limited focus on school meal        an important agenda, different from
all communities, and, for the last 50            programmes, and public distribution       the above. It had grown to power
years, Dravidian parties have ruled              of food grains. There was a focus         on the promise of providing equal
Tamil Nadu. During the earlier two               in these years on industrialisation,      opportunities for all communities
decades, from 1947 to 1967, the state            especially the creation of industrial     in education, public employment,
was ruled by the Congress party.                 parks for small-scale industries.         and in all public services. The

Photo courtesy of the Government of Tamil Nadu


Photo courtesy of Dravida Munnetra Kazhakam

election plank was that the forward           waste of resources, and even by the         for a day’s work to every able-bodied
communities had cornered too much             government of India, which refused to       person. While this involved a huge
of the state’s resources, and that            support some of the programmes.             budget expenditure, it improved
an opportunity had to be provided                                                         money supply in the hands of the
for the backward communities to               The state persisted and, indeed, all        poor, and enabled them to better
catch up and have equal access.               the social development parameters           address their livelihood needs. It also
Significant institutional and social          improved in terms of nutritional            improved rural wages by setting a
changes happened in the decade                status, life expectancy, infant             floor to the wages paid on a daily
from 1967 to 1977. At the same time,          mortality reduction, and access             basis.
the government was alive to both the          to education and health. Other
welfare and the development agenda.           states followed, and even the Indian        The criticism to this approach has
Industrial development took place at          government, by 1995, had come               been that it draws away public funds
an accelerated pace, promoted by              round to the view and enacted a food        from much-needed development
policies of the government. The scope         security act, which required that           expenditure like the building of
and reach of the public distribution          the public distribution systems be          infrastructure, especially roads,
system were expanded significantly,           expanded to all states. The Supreme         irrigation networks, and power
along with institutions and logistics         Court ruled in favour of mid-day meals      plants. Direct grants also reduce the
for procurement and distribution              for all school children, and what had       funds available to improve access
of food grains to all family card             started as a welfare initiative in Tamil    to health and education. While
members. The state moved rapidly              Nadu soon became a model for state          viable private sector alternatives are
forward in all developmental indices          policy in all the states, and even in the   available in both these areas, they are
and, by 1977, was ranked next only to         central government.                         considerably more expensive than
Maharashtra and Gujarat.                                                                  public health and public education
                                              During the period of the United             alternatives.
The next decade saw an increased              Progressive Alliance government in
focus on welfare expenditure.                 Delhi between 2001 and 2014, there          At the other end is the democratic
The mid-day meals programme                   was a National Advisory Council             reality that regional parties wishing to
of providing a hot meal to every              assisting Sonia Gandhi, then-leader         remain in power find that giving away
school-going child was a massive              of the Congress party. It comprised         freebies to the poor and expanding
programme involving enormous                  a number of eminent economists              direct benefit schemes is a good
manpower, logistics, and costs to             and public persons who seriously            approach to winning votes. From both
the state. Other programmes of free           believed that, in a developing country      the electoral as well as the poverty
school text books and note books,             like India, where there is a high           alleviation point of view, the state is
assistance for the elderly and the            level of poverty, chasing economic          getting more and more engaged in
widowed, and a plethora of welfare            growth and gross domestic product           welfare programmes.
initiatives attempted to reach the            numbers alone was not enough —
poor and the underprivileged, without         there had to be direct intervention to      Dr S Narayan is a Visiting Senior
discriminating on the basis of caste          alleviate poverty. The National Rural       Research Fellow at ISAS. He is a former
or community. These massive welfare           Employment Guarantee programme              Chief Economic Advisor to the Prime
programmes were initially criticised          was conceptualised to provide for           Minister of India. He can be contacted at
by all the multilateral agencies as a         a payment of 100 (less than S$2)  


Photo courtesy of Sri Lanka Navy

Ocean Diplomacy:
Sri Lanka’s Quest for an
Indian Ocean Identity

A Key Player                               of the Indian sub-continent. Yet, in       Historically, the Indian Ocean played
Sri Lanka, known as the pearl of           the recent years, Sri Lanka is seen        a central part in Sri Lanka’s economy,
the Indian Ocean, is surrounded by         developing two parallel identities; as     politics and culture, making Sri Lanka
the world’s third largest ocean. The       a South Asian state, and as an Indian      a key player in the region. It was a
country’s territorial boundary extends     Ocean state. Then-Prime Minister           stop-over for travellers from the East
to a part of the Indian Ocean, with a      Ranil Wickramasinghe, addressing           and West, a port of call for maritime
continental shelf seven times more                                                    traders and mariners, and a muse for
                                           the Indian Ocean Conference in 2017
than the land area, and an Exclusive                                                  many writers and poets. During the
                                           in Colombo, emphasised that the
Economic Zone of up to 200 nautical                                                   early post-colonial years, Sri Lanka
                                           Indian Ocean has shaped Sri Lankans
                                           as a distinct people. This affirmation     was a notable leader in Indian Ocean
                                           hinted that the country is undergoing      affairs, raising awareness of the
Sri Lanka has been viewed as a South
                                           a refashioning of its identity, and that   Indian Ocean and security, freedom of
Asian state, where its identity is
linked with the diversity, rich history,   the new identity is centred on the         navigation, and marine environment.
creaking bureaucracy, and poverty          Indian Ocean.


In recent years, Sri Lanka’s Indian         through the Resolution 2832 (XXVII) of      reality. The rising competition to
Ocean identity was diluted, losing          Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a        take the centre stage of the Indian
the geopolitical and geo-economic           Zone of Peace.                              Ocean brings multifaceted economic,
relevance of the Indian Ocean. The                                                      political, and security challenges,
Indian Ocean was curtailed from             In retrieving its new identity, Sri Lanka   yet Sri Lanka is determined to take
strategic and policy circles as             is reclaiming a leadership role in          advantage of the opportunity.
the protracted Sri Lankan conflict          Indian Ocean diplomacy, where it is
dominated discussions.                      active in multiple multilateral forums      The island is becoming a destination
                                            promoting a rule-based order. It is an      of choice among businesses and
Having ended the conflict, today,           active member of the Indian Ocean           investors who are looking to tap
the relationship between Sri Lanka          Rim Association (IORA). Sri Lanka           opportunities in pan-Indian Ocean
and the Indian Ocean is looked at           has been vocal in establishing an           trade. Against this backdrop, Sri Lanka
with a new meaning at home. The             international code of conduct for           wants to become the economic hub
government seeks to incorporate the         military vessels traversing the Indian      of the Indian Ocean by becoming the
Indian Ocean into its policies, from        Ocean, through which a rule-based           gateway to the sub-continent and
economic to security and foreign            order will be ensured. Cognisant of         connecting itself with the growing
affairs, acknowledging its context and      the changing power dynamics and             pan-Indian Ocean supply chain.
developing a path along it.                 the country’s vulnerability towards the
                                            security, Sri Lanka believes that only a    It is also aware of the challenges
                                            rule-based order will ensure its safety     brought by new developments. As
Ocean Diplomacy: Strategy for New                                                       this ocean is Sri Lanka’s primary
                                            and security.
Identity                                                                                environment, any geopolitical tension
Sri Lanka’s significant diplomatic          Sri Lanka is also taking the lead in        in this region will have direct impact
role in Indian Ocean affairs over           regional maritime discourse, creating       on the country’s security. Hence,
the years exceeds its capacity as                                                       developing a dual identity opens
                                            a platform for local and foreign
a small island state. It was one of                                                     avenues for the country to build close
                                            scholars, and experts in maritime
the early signatories to the first four                                                 ties with competing powers in the
                                            and naval affairs, to discuss regional
conventions on the Law of the Sea                                                       region without offending one or the
                                            maritime security issues. In 2010, Sri
in 1958, and has taken leadership in                                                    other, and helps Sri Lanka to remain
                                            Lanka initiated the Galle Dialogue, a
multiple initiatives on ocean affairs. In                                               balanced and neutral.
                                            flagship annual international maritime
1967, Sri Lanka held the chairmanship       conference, to share its expertise in
at the Sea Bed Committee, which             combating maritime terrorism. In
proposed that the sea bed and ocean         2017, it hosted the second Indian
floor beyond national jurisdiction          Ocean Conference in Colombo. During
should be declared the “Common              the recent IORA Ministerial Meeting,
Heritage of Mankind”. The “Declaration      Sri Lanka suggested holding a Sub-
of Principles Governing the Sea bed         working Group meeting on maritime
and Ocean Floor, and the Sub-soil           security of IORA at the sidelines of the
thereof beyond the Limits of National       Galle Dialogue. Further, the Track 1.5
Jurisdiction” was negotiated under          International Conference titled “Indian
Sri Lanka’s leadership, and adopted         Ocean: Defining Our Future” was held
in 1970. In 1973, Sri Lanka was             in Colombo in October 2018.
chosen as the President of the third
United Nations Conference of the
Law of the Seas, giving it unparalleled     New Indian Ocean Identity:
recognition and acknowledgement             Opportunities and Challenges
for its leadership in oceanic affairs.      Sri Lanka’s biggest asset and strength
As a result, today, Sri Lanka is known      is its location. As such, it was always
for its influencing role in laying the      subjected to competition between
foundations for the new institutions        the major powers. It was invited to
created by the 1982 Convention on           be a partner in the US’ Indo-Pacific
the Law of the Sea, and for its attempt     Economic Corridor, China’s Belt and
to declare the Indian Ocean, the            Road Initiative, and numerous other         Dr Chulanee Attanayake is a Visiting
air-space above it, and the sea-bed         similar initiatives, highlighting that      Research Fellow at ISAS. She can be
below it, “for all time a zone of peace”    Sri Lanka cannot escape from this           contacted at


     05     ISAS Public Lecture
     JUL    The Bay of Bengal: History, Memory and the Future

                                                                                   During his lecture, Professor Amrith
                                                                                   mentioned how, after decades of
                                                                                   neglect, the Bay of Bengal is now
                                                                                   gaining strategic and economic
                                                                                   importance. He also provided insights
                                                                                   on how Singapore, much more than
                                                                                   Calcutta, came to be the heart of the
                                                                                   Bay of Bengal as he highlighted the
                                                                                   increasing trend of migration across
                                                                                   the Bay of Bengal in the 1950s. These
                                                                                   historical connections, arising from the
                                                                                   South Asian diaspora, were reflected by
                                                                                   the flourishing of print culture among
                                                                                   the Tamil, Telugu, and Bangla speaking
                                                                                   diaspora who had settled in different
                                                                                   parts of Southeast Asia.

On 5 July 2018, Professor Sunil Amrith, Mehra Family         Touching on the religious aspect of the Bay of Bengal, he
                                                             went on to elaborate on how scholarship was reviving the
Professor and Professor of History at Harvard University,
                                                             Indian Ocean as a geopolitical concept.
as well as Academic Visitor at the Asia Research Institute
at NUS, delivered an ISAS Public Lecture and discussion      Professor Amrith highlighted the Bay of Bengal’s crucial role in
on “The Bay of Bengal: History, Memory and the Future”,      international politics noting that the Bay of Bengal was emerging
chaired by ISAS Director Professor C Raja Mohan.             as a strategic point in light of China’s Maritime Silk Road.

     02     ISAS-Business China Panel Discussion
     AUG    The Global Trade War: Implications for India, China and the Region

                                                                                               On 2 August 2018, ISAS
                                                                                               Director Professor C Raja
                                                                                               Mohan chaired a panel
                                                                                               discussion on “The Global
                                                                                               Trade War: Implications
                                                                                               for India, China and the

                                                                                               Members of the panel were
                                                                                               Mr Lee Yi Shyan, Chairman,
                                                                                               Business China; Mr Dustin
                                                                                               Watson, Director, Asia
                                                                                               Business Trade Association;
                                                                                               Mr Eduardo Pedrosa,
                                                                                               Secretary-General, Pacific
                                                                                               Economic Cooperation
                                                                                               Council; and Dr Amitendu
                                                                                               Palit, Senior Research Fellow
                                                                                               and Research Lead, ISAS.


Mr Lee provided a summary of the trade war thus far,             Mr Watson added that the trade war rhetoric will not
sharing that it will be a double-edged sword which will hurt     decrease before the United States (US) midterm elections in
both Chinese and American firms involved in China through        November 2018 as it is an attempt to maintain a Republican
                                                                 majority in the Senate and that it could cool down after if
the supply chain. He gave the example of Apple Inc. where
                                                                 President Donald Trump maintains the House and Senate.
538 out of its 900 plants are located in China, to emphasise
how the trade war will hurt both parties. He also stressed       Mr Pedrosa provided data from surveys that the Pacific
that while China would be able to ride through the war,          Economic Cooperation Council has conducted showing
President Xi Jinping’s goals to be moderately developed by       that the highest risk was increased protectionism. Dr Palit
2035 and a superpower by 2050 will push him to find ways         focused on India, mentioning that India officially joined the
to avoid the trade war.                                          trade war by announcing retaliatory measures on 29 items
                                                                 that it imports from the US.

   15        ISAS-MEI Workshop
  AUG        Reflections on the Partition of India and Palestine after 70 years

On 15 August 2018, ISAS jointly hosted a workshop with           and transcend their differences. He expressed the necessity
the Middle East Institute (MEI) on “Reflections on the           for academic enterprises to make fresh enquiries into the
Partition of India and Palestine after 70 Years” to analyse      multiple dimensions of the two partitions, and renew efforts
the partitions of British India and Mandatory Palestine on       to transcend negativities.
political leaderships, ideologies, laws, and institutions that
connect them.                                                    Dr Victor Kattan, MEI’s Senior Research Fellow, delivered
                                                                 the introductory lecture on “What is Partition?”. He defined
Mr Bilahari Kausikan, Chairman of MEI, delivered the             partition as a form of statecraft that has been employed by
welcome remarks whereby he noted that “partition” is a           different actors, in different contexts, at different moments,
harsh and loaded term compared to “separation”, and cited        for different reasons. He argued that, while India and
Singapore-Malaya as a successful case of “separation”            Palestine are the paradigm cases of partition, they were a
whereby the two countries are not unweighted by emotional        part of a broader phenomenon.
and historical baggage and complications. They get along
fairly better than India-Pakistan or Israel-Palestine.           The full-day workshop included four panel discussions
                                                                 involving scholars from around the world. The sessions
In his introductory remarks, Professor C Raja Mohan,             were on the partition of British India, the partition of
Director of ISAS, mentioned how the consequences of              Mandatory Palestine, the comparison of the partition of
both India-Pakistan and Palestine-Israel partitions were so      India and Palestine, and the consequences of the partition
terrible and cataclysmic for the respective regions that the     for South Asia, the Middle East and beyond.
involved states still have not been able to come to terms

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