Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus

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Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus
Improving the Pardon
and Commutation Process

Policy Recommendations
for Governor Gavin Newsom
MARCH 2019
Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus
Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus
About Asian Americans Advancing              • Immigrant Legal Resource Center
Justice - Asian Law Caucus
                                             • Legal Services for Prisoners with
Founded in 1972, Asian Americans               Children
Advancing Justice – Asian Law
                                             • PICO California
Caucus (Advancing Justice - ALC) is
the nation’s first legal and civil rights    • Southeast Asia Resource Action
organization serving the low-income            Center
Asian Pacific American communities.
Advancing Justice – ALC focuses              • Root and Rebound
on criminal justice reform, housing
                                             • Youth Justice Coalition
rights, immigration and immigrants’
rights, labor and employment issues,
                                            This memo was authored by:
immigrant youth advocacy (ASPIRE),
voting rights, and national security         • Ny Nourn - Yuri Kochiyama
and civil rights.                              Fellow,
                                               Advancing Justice - ALC
Since the vast majority of Asians
and Pacific Islanders in America are         • Sarah Lee - Community
immigrants and refugees, Advancing
                                               Advancing Justice - ALC
Justice – ALC strives to create
informed and educated communities            • Angela Chan - Policy Director and
empowered to assert their rights               Senior Staff Attorney, Advancing
and to participate actively in                 Justice - ALC
American society. This perspective is
reflected in our broad strategy which
                                            Thank you to the following editors:
integrates the provision of legal
services, educational programs,              • Carol Strickman - Senior Staff
community organizing initiatives and           Attorney, Legal Services for
advocacy.                                      Prisoners with Children

Prepared by Asian Americans                  • Colby Lenz - Community
                                               Organizer, California Coalition
Advancing Justice - Asian Law
                                               For Women Prisoners
Caucus on behalf of the Pardon and
Commutation Reform Coalition:                • Eva DeLair - Associate Director,
                                               Northern CA Programs & Policy
 • Asian Americans Advancing                   Reform, Root and Rebound
   Justice – California
                                             • Emily Harris - Senior Campaigner,
 • Asian Prisoner Support                      Ella Baker Center for Human
   Committee                                   Rights

 • California Coalition for Women            • Saira Hussain - Staff Attorney,
   Prisoners                                   Asian Americans Advancing
                                               Justice - ALC
 • Coalition for Humane Immigrant
   Rights                                    • Rose Cahn - Criminal and
                                               Immigrant Justice Attorney,
 • Council on American - Islamic               Immigrant Legal Resource Center

Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus
applicants and drawing from our
                                                                     experiences serving directly-
                                                                     impacted community members
                                                                     seeking pardons and commutations,
                                                                     we provide recommendations for
                                                                     building on these initial reforms to
                                                                     further improve California’s pardon
                                                                     and commutation process.

                                                                     In this memo we provide
                                                                     background information on the
                                                                     pardon and commutation
                                                                     process, a summary of AB 2845,
                                                                     and an analysis of major trends in
                                                                     the survey results. We also provide
                                                                     the following recommendations for
                                                                     this new administration to consider
                           Executive Summary
                           After passing AB 2845 in September        1. Add a section in the pardon and
                           2018, the state of California adopted        commutation applications that
                           its first progressive pardon and             allows the applicant to explain
                           commutation reform since 1943.               if there are urgent issues
                           This year the Governor’s Office and          involved, such as deportation
                           the Board of Parole Hearings (BPH)           orders, and require that BPH
                           have the important responsibility            expedite these applications.
                           of implementing this new law and
                                                                     The Governor’s Office should ask
                           can choose to take additional
                                                                     BPH to expedite their investigation
                           steps to significantly improve the
                                                                     of these applications within
                           transparency and accessibility of the
                                                                     three months of receipt from the
                           pardon and commutation process.
    “As nonprofit                                                    Governor’s Office, with the flexibility
                           As nonprofit organizations working        of acting sooner for emergency
    organizations                                                    situations.
                           alongside directly-impacted
    working alongside      community members to advance
    directly-impacted      criminal justice reform, we write
                                                                     2. Issue a decision regarding
    community              this report to share our policy
                                                                        pardon and commutation
                           recommendations for implementing
    members to             AB 2845. While implementing AB
                                                                        applications within one year
                                                                        of receipt of the application,
    advance criminal       2845 is an important first step
                                                                        or sooner if the application
    justice reform, we     to improving the pardon and
                                                                        involves an urgent issue.
                           commutation process, further reform
    write this report to
                           is needed to ensure that these vital      The Governor’s Office should
    share our policy       avenues for relief are truly accessible   provide a clear time frame for when
    recommendations        and transparent. Based on gathering       a decision will be issued to increase
    for implementing       and analyzing 100 survey results          transparency for applicants and their
                           from pardon and commutation               families.
    AB 2845.”
Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus
3. Create a notification process          6. Ask CDCR to approve trainings
   for applicants and their                  in a timely manner regarding
   supporters that includes                  the pardon and commutation
   providing notification of receipt         process from community
   of the application, a filing              groups.
   number, status updates, and
   guidelines for supplementing or        It can be challenging for community
   resubmitting an application.           groups to get access to a state
                                          prison to provide trainings. This
A key request from survey                 process should be streamlined,
participants was that the Governor’s      especially for trainings on applying
Office provide notification at            for clemency and commutations.
each step of the clemency and
commutation application process
to increase transparency so               7. Advocate for elimination of
that applicants are not waiting              California Supreme Court
indefinitely for a response. This            Review for clemency applicants
reform could be implemented                  twice convicted of a felony, and
through updating the Governor’s              resubmit applications recently
website to allow applicants to               rejected by the Supreme Court.
submit an application through an
                                          The Supreme Court’s recent
online portal and for supporters and
                                          decisions in December 2018
applicants to check the status of an
                                          blocking the Governor from granting
                                          clemency for ten individuals while
                                          providing no explanation for
4. Allow support letters to be            their decision raises concerns of
   electronically submitted using         transparency and interference with
   the applicant’s filing number.         the Governor’s clemency powers.

We recommend that the application         We recommend that the Governor’s
instructions inform applicants that       Office promptly resubmit these
they may submit support letters           applications, and ask for an
from organizations or programs, as        administrative order from the
well as from their family, friends, and   California Supreme Court that
community members.                        explains their prior rare decision to
                                          reject grants for these applications.
                                          We also recommend that the
5. Designate a point person as            Governor support a ballot measure
   a resource for applicants and          to amend the California Constitution
   their supporters.                      to remove this requirement of
                                          Supreme Court review.
Survey participants expressed that
it’s often unclear who they should
contact in the Governor’s Office
with questions or to ask for updates.
This can be addressed through
designating a clear point person.

Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus
8. Adopt a policy of presumptively        the constitutional standard of care
       granting pardon applications           for the prison population and ruled
       supported by a Certificate of          for the state to comply by reducing
       Rehabilitation (COR).                  its prison population from 181
                                              percent to 137.5 percent of design
    Individuals who are able to obtain        capacity within two years.1
    a COR from a court must go
    through a rigorous review process.        As of December 2017, of the 130,263
    Applications for a pardon supported       people incarcerated in state prisons,
    by a COR should be granted by             5,119 are sentenced to Life Without
    the Governor without a second             the Possibility of Parole (LWOP) and
    investigation by the Board of Parole      27,431 are sentenced to Life.2 People
    Hearings.                                 serving LWOP and Life sentences
                                              spend decades in prison, and after
                                              exhausting all state appeals, rely
    9. Establish an Independent               on clemency as their main form of
       Pardon and Commutation                 relief. Pardons and commutations
       Commission.                            are key avenues for the Governor
                                              of California to recognize the harm
    An independent panel should be
                                              caused by the mass incarceration
    established to ensure that pardon
                                              crisis and to underscore the value of
    and commutation applications are
                                              redemption and rehabilitation.
    prioritized and investigated. Pardon
    and commutation applications              In California, individuals who were
    are important decisions for the           convicted of a crime and can show
    Governor’s Office to make as they         they have rehabilitated may apply
    affect whether people will be             for a gubernatorial commutation or
    deported, can obtain employment,          pardon. A commutation reduces a
    can vote if they live in another state,   sentence post-conviction. A pardon
    and can remove other barriers             restores specified rights, such as
    to reintegration. Pardons and             the ability to obtain a professional
    commutations deserve a designated         license. A pardon may also allow
    commission.                               for an immigrant to reopen their
                                              deportation case if the order
                                              was based on the state criminal
    Background on pardons                     conviction.
    and commutations in
    California                                Currently, the Governor may forward
                                              applications for pardons and
    From the 1980’s to the 2000’s,            commutations to the Board of Parole
    misguided “tough on crime” policies       Hearings (BPH) to review and make
    spurred a prison boom in California       recommendations. The Governor
    that led to an almost tripling of the     retains exclusive authority to grant
    number of state prisons from 12           pardons and commutations; and
    to 33. California’s prisons became        the Legislature can establish the
    overcrowded and rife with inhumane        clemency application process.
    conditions. In 2011, the Supreme
    Court held that the state fell below

Improving the Pardon and Commutation Process - Policy Recommendations for Governor Gavin Newsom - Asian Law Caucus
Summary of AB 2845
Governor Brown’s legacy in addressing mass incarceration and deportation in California
went beyond granting a record number of pardons and commutations. On September
27, 2018, Governor Brown signed AB 2845 into law to begin reforming California’s
pardon and commutation process. Effective January 1, 2019, AB 2845 takes initial steps
to increase the transparency and accessibility of the pardon and commutation process
in the following ways:

•   Establishes a one-year timeline for the Board of Parole Hearings (BPH) to review
    and issue recommendations on pardon applications supported by a Certificate of
    Rehabilitation (COR), which is a court order declaring that a person convicted of a
    crime is rehabilitated.

•   Requires BPH to consider expediting their review of urgent pardon and
    commutation applications, such as when an applicant is facing deportation.

•   Requires BPH to notify applicants when they receive a pardon or commutation
    application, and when they issue a recommendation to the Governor.

•   Allows for individuals to apply for a COR in the county where they reside or where
    they were convicted.

•   Makes COR applications available on county court websites.

•   Clarifies that individuals are eligible for a commutation, pardon, or a COR
    regardless of immigration status.

•   Makes pardon and commutation applications available on the Governor’s website.

•   Expands “Ban the Box” employment protections to ensure that when conducting a
    background check in connection with an application for employment, an employer
    may not consider convictions that have been pardoned or received a COR.

AB 2845 was co-sponsored by a coalition of community-based organizations with
expertise in criminal justice reform and immigrant rights: Asian Americans Advancing
Justice – California, Asian Prisoner Support Committee, California Coalition for Women
Prisoners, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, Council on American - Islamic
Relations, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, Legal Services for Prisoners with Children,
PICO California, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center, Root and Rebound, and Youth
Justice Coalition.

Despite the urgent need for              applicants. These responses
                          pardons and commutations in              included four responses from family
                          many deserving cases, there is little    members of applicants.
                          transparency around the review
                          process. Individuals who apply for       Ninety commutation applicants
                          a pardon or commutation do not           and three family members of
                          receive notice if the application was    commutation applicants responded
                          received, if it is being reviewed, and   to the survey by mail in December
                          if/when a decision is made.              2018. Six California pardon
                                                                   applicants, and one family member
                          Prior to passage of AB 2845, there       of a pardon applicant responded
                          also was no statutory requirements       to the survey online between
                          for how long the BPH had to review       December 2018-January 2019. All
                          and issue recommendations to             pardon applicants are immigrants
                          the Governor on commutation              who also faced immigration
                          and pardon applications. In many         detention after serving time
                          cases, individuals who submit            in prison or jail. See Appendix to find
                          pardon or commutation applications       all survey results.
                          never hear back from BPH or the
                          Governor’s Office after submitting       Major Trends
                          their applications.                      Profile of Commutation and Pardon
                          In addition to the lack of
                          transparency, very few applications       • The average number of
                                                                      years participants have been
                          have been granted in California over
                                                                      incarcerated is 16.2 years.
                          the past several decades. From 1991
                          to 2010, three California governors      Experience with the Pardon and
                          granted a total of just 28 pardons       Commutation Process
                          and 14 commutations. Governor
                          Jerry Brown changed this trend in         • 87% of participants and their
                          his last two terms by prioritizing          supporters first heard about
                          using his pardon and commutation            the pardon and commutation
                          power, and granting 1,332 pardons           process through word of mouth,
                                                                      other incarcerated people, or
                          and 283 commutations, including
                                                                      through researching on their
                          a significant number of immigrants          own. 12% heard about the pardon
                          who were seeking pardons to stop            and commutation process
                          their deportation. 3                        through outside resources
    “Despite the urgent                                               such as an attorney, clergy, or
    need for pardons                                                  community based organizations.

    and commutations      Survey Analysis                           • 1% of participants heard about
    in many deserving                                                 the pardon and commutation
                                                                      process directly from the Board
    cases, there is       To better understand how to                 of Parole Hearings at a workshop.
                          implement AB 2845 and improve the
    little transparency
                          pardon and commutation process,           • 85% of participants did not
    around the review     we collected 100 survey responses           receive a filing number after they
    process.”             from pardon and commutation                 submitted their application.

• 5% requested assistance for
                                                                those living with learning
                                                                disability, or for English language

                                                             Recommendations for
                                                             Improving the Pardon
                                                             and Commutation
                                                             Our analysis of the survey results
                                                             and our experience serving low-
                                                             income incarcerated and formerly
                                                             incarcerated community members
                                                             provide the basis for the following
                                                             recommendations. “Participants”
                                                             refers to participation in the
                      • 76% of participants expressed        survey, and “applicants” refers
                        confusion or experienced
                                                             to participation in the pardon or
                        difficulties while filling out the
                        application.                         commutation process.

                      • 52% of participants completed
                        their pardon or commutation          1. Create a process for flagging
                        application pro se (on their own        applications involving urgent
                        without an attorney).                   Issues, such as deportation
                                                                orders, and expedite these
                     Recommendations to improve the             applications
                     Pardon and Commutation Process
                                                             The Trump administration’s intense
                      • 60% requested a filing number.       focus on ramping up immigration
                                                             arrests has resulted in more
                      • 56% requested a way to receive
                        status updates.                      immigrants seeking pardons
                                                             to obtain potential relief from
                      • 44% requested a timeframe for        deportation. Immigrants who have
                        when applicants can expect to        served their sentence, rehabilitated,
                        hear about the final status of       and earned release face the risk
“76% of                 their pardon or commutation
                                                             of being detained by Immigration
participants                                                 and Customs Enforcement and
                                                             permanently separated from their
expressed             • 19% requested a notice of receipt
                        letter.                              families and communities through
confusion or                                                 deportation.
experienced           • 16% requested guidelines for a
                        how to complete an application,      While AB 2845 requires BPH to
difficulties while      including whether and how            consider expediting applications
filling out the         to include attachments to the
                                                             involving urgent issues, including
application.”                                                deportation orders, it does
                                                             not actually require that these

applications be expedited. It also        not knowing next steps they should
                                 does not provide a clear timeline         take. We recommend issuing a
                                 as to how quickly an application          notice of a grant or “decline to grant”
                                 involving an urgent issue should be       within one year so that applicants
                                 expedited.                                and their supporters can have set
                                                                           expectations regarding the process,
                                 We recommend that the Governor’s          and can decide whether they should
                                 Office ask BPH to expedite their          resubmit their applications at a later
                                 investigation of applications             point with additional supporting
                                 involving urgent issues to within         materials. For emergency situations
                                 three months of receipt from the          as described in #1, we recommend
                                 Governor’s Office, with the flexibility   issuing a notice of a grant or “decline
                                 of acting sooner for emergency            to grant” within three months, with
                                 situations. We also recommend             the flexibility of responding sooner.
                                 that the pardon and commutation
                                 application forms be revised to           Not knowing if the Governor’s Office
                                 include a box that applicants can         can expedite their application can
                                 check if their application involves       cause an extra layer of stress for
                                 an urgent issue and a section for         applicants who face imminent
                                 the applicant to explain the urgent       deportation. Vanna, a Cambodian
                                 issue and provide a timeline as to        community member who faced
                                 when the application will need to         deportation, shared his experience
                                 be granted to address this issue.         going through the pardon
                                 The form also should include              application process: “For nine months,
                                 instructions for attaching supporting     I had no idea what was going on, only
                                 documents. To further expedite an         that I haven’t received a rejection
                                 application, we recommend that the        letter. It was more nerve wracking than
                                 Governor’s Office include an online       anything. I was living in limbo.”
     “For nine months,           portal for those who are able to
                                 submit an application electronically      Lastly, per AB 2845, BPH should
     I had no idea               (see #4 for more details on website       notify pardon applicants of their
     what was going              recommendations).                         recommendation within one
     on, only that I                                                       year if the applicant is applying
                                                                           for a pardon after obtaining a
     haven’t received            2. Set a timeline of one year to          Certificate of Rehabilitation. We
     a rejection letter.            issue a decision on pardon and         recommend that BPH also issue
     It was more nerve              commutation applications not           recommendations for direct pardon
                                    involving urgent issues                and commutation applications
     wracking than
                                                                           within one year.
     anything. I was             Traditionally, applicants who are not
                                 granted a pardon or commutation
     living in limbo but
                                 are not “denied” a grant from
     it was not as bad           the Governor’s Office; rather,
     as the days that led        these pending applications are
     up to my check-in           supposed to be kept on file as they
                                 theoretically can be granted at a
     with ICE.”                  later date. This current process can
            —VANNA IN, PARDON
                                 keep applicants waiting indefinitely,
         APPLICANT AUGUST 2018

3. Create a Notification Process for     3c. Status Updates
   Applicants and their Supporters       To streamline information, we
   that includes Notification of         recommend centralizing updates
   Receipt Letter, Filing Number,        on a website where applicants and
   Status Updates, and Guidelines        supporters can obtain updates on
   for Supplementing an                  an application’s status through an
   Application                           online portal using the applicant’s
                                         filing number. We request that status
3a. Notification of Receipt Letter       updates provide specific information
In response to our survey, 19% of        regarding the application’s progress.
applicants specifically requested        For example, instead of listing the
notification that their application      status of an application as “pending,”
was received. For example, Billy, a      we recommend providing detailed
commutation applicant shared his         updates such as whether BPH has
experience that there was a lack of      issued a recommendation, whether
communication from the Governor’s        an interview has been scheduled,
Office during the application            whether an application is pending
process: “It was frustrating. I had no   the Governor’s review etc. For
idea if the application was submitted,   those currently incarcerated who
or if it was done properly because I     cannot access updates online, we
got no response.”                        recommend periodically mailing
                                         specific updates that match an
Applicants do not know whether or        applicant’s online status. All updates
not they should re-submit duplicate      should be given within expected
applications, costing extra time         timeframes as mentioned in
and unnecessary paperwork for            recommendation #2.
all. To address this concern, we
recommend that the Governor’s            3d. Supplementing or Resubmitting
Office mail applicants a notice of       an Application
receipt letter within two weeks of       We recommend that the Governor’s
receiving an application.                Office provide clear instructions if
                                         supplemental materials are needed
3b. Filing Number                        to make a determination regarding
Only 15% of survey participants          an application, or alternatively,
reported receiving a filing              if the Governor’s Office would
number. We recommend issuing             prefer the applicant to resubmit
filing numbers to all pardon and         their application at a later point. If
commutation applicants to better         applications are incomplete, the
track the status of each application,    Governor’s Office should notify the
assist in correspondences with BPH       applicant of missing application
or the Governor’s Office, and for        components within one month of the
supporters with incarcerated loved       application’s submission.
ones to access updates online (see
next paragraph). We recommend            In addition, per recommendation
that the Governor’s Office send          #2, if the Governor’s Office issues
applicants their filing number at        a “decline to grant” notice for
the same time as the notification of     an application, we suggest that
receipt letter.                          the Governor’s Office notify the

applicant about the reason for           as “exemplary” from the Governor’s
     declining. Applicants want to know       website, the instructions for the
     whether there is anything they can       applications, and the application
     do to improve their likelihood of        forms. This should be replaced with
     receiving a pardon or commutation        language that focuses on specific
     (e.g. if an applicant needs to provide   actions such as rehabilitation,
     more support letters, program            leadership, and community service.
     acceptance letters, COR etc.).           “Exemplary” is not a standard for
                                              granting pardons and commutations
     Importantly, during this time of         under California law. Rather,
     transition between administrations,      pursuant to California Penal Code
     Governor Newsom should issue             4852.05, the standard is that,
     clear instructions to individuals        “[t]he person shall live an honest and
     who submitted applications under         upright life, shall conduct himself or
     Governor Brown, which have not yet       herself with sobriety and industry,
     been granted, if they need to re-        shall exhibit a good moral character,
     submit their application to the new      and shall conform to and obey
     administration or if the previously      the laws of the land.” “Exemplary”
     submitted application remains            language is vague, sets a higher
     pending. This notice should be           bar than required by law, and can
     issued within six months of the new      discourage qualified applicants from
     administration taking office.            applying.

                                              The website should also clarify
     4. Revisions to the Website              that individuals are eligible for a
        and Application                       commutation, pardon, or a COR
                                              regardless of immigration status
     4a. Clarify the Standard
                                              pursuant to AB 2845. Especially
     for Granting Pardons and
                                              in emergency situations such
                                              deportation, the Governor’s Office
     We recommend removing vague
                                              should reduce any barriers for
     language describing the standard for
                                              immigrants to apply for a pardon.
     granting pardons and commutations

As mentioned in recommendations         4c. Provide Clear Application
#1 and #2, we suggest that the          Guidelines
website and application state the       To increase transparency regarding
time frame of issuing a grant or a      the pardon and application
“decline to grant” within one year or   process, we recommend posting a
3 months for emergency situations.      chronology of steps of the pardon
                                        and commutation process on the
4b. Create an Online Portal to          Governor’s and BPH’s website.
Submit Applications                     Applicants and their supporters
To increase efficiency, we              describe the process as opaque
recommend that the Governor’s           and difficult to navigate, so an
Office allow applications to be         explanation of the steps, including
submitted through an online portal      interviews and investigations, and
for individuals who are able to         the role of BPH and the Governor’s
submit their applications online.       Office in each step, can shed
Creating an online portal can           more light for applicants and their
also expedite urgent pardon or          supporters. To create greater
commutation applications.               understanding, include information
                                        about why various avenues exist in
                                        the application process (e.g. what

programs with whom they have ties.
                                             In particular, we suggest providing
                                             an option to electronically submit
                                             support letters using the applicant’s
                                             filing number.

                                             5. Accessibility

                                             For applicants living with learning
                                             disabilities, we recommend
                                             providing a list of resources for both
                                             inside and outside prison to assist
                                             with the pardon and commutation
                                             process. In addition, we recommend
                                             making the application accessible in
                                             multiple languages.

     warrants a BPH investigation ordered
                                             6. Improve Access to Trainings and
     by the Governor’s Office). This
                                                Information for Applicants and
     chronology should also include the
                                                Their Supporters
     notification process and timeframe
     stated in recommendations #1, #2,
                                             To streamline information for those
     and #3.
                                             in state prison, we recommend that
                                             the Governor’s Office issue timely
     Lastly, we recommend providing
                                             approval to community groups
     a sample list of documents to
                                             who offer pardon and commutation
     demonstrate what applicants can
                                             workshops. Eighty-seven percent
     submit to support their application
                                             of participants heard about the
     on the website and application.
                                             pardon and application process
     Linda, a commutation applicant          without access to professional
     shared that, “I wanted to include       or community resources and did
     much more than what was asked for.      not learn about the process from
     I only answered the questions and       the Governor’s Office or BPH.
     now wish I had done more.”              Community-led workshops can
                                             provide baseline knowledge for all
     A sample list could include support     applicants, and provide more equity
     letters, parole plan, program           for applicants who cannot afford
     acceptance letters, job offer           legal representation.
     letters, declaration of remorse and
     accountability for crime, and other     We also recommend providing a
     helpful supporting documents.           point of contact at the Governor’s
                                             Office for applicants and their
     4d. Support Letters                     supporters for questions and
     We recommend that the Governor’s        updates. Applicants and their
     Office provide instructions as to       supporters have expressed
     how the applicant may submit            confusion as to who to contact to
     support letters from organizations or   check the status of applications,
so combined with making the             that were blocked in December 2018.
                    information available online, having    Moreover, because Governor Brown
                    a designated point of contact will      appointed Judge Joshua Groban on
                    create more transparency in the         January 3, 2019, the applications can
                    pardon and commutation process.         now be reconsidered by a full bench.

                                                            Borey “PJ” Ai, a Cambodian refugee
                    7. Resubmit Applications Recently       and survey participant, received
                       Rejected by the Supreme Court,       36,000 signatures in support of
                       and Advocate for Elimination         his pardon application and earned
                       of California Supreme Court          a pardon recommendation from
                       Review for Clemency Applicants       BPH, but became one of the ten
                       Twice Convicted of a Felony          who received a denial from the
                                                            California Supreme Court. Like
                    In December 2018, the California        other participants in the survey,
                    Supreme Court blocked                   Ai requested more transparency
                    ten clemency applications               in the pardon and commutation
                    recommended by Governor Brown.          process. Because the California’s
                    This was the first time since 1930      Supreme Court’s role in checking
                    that the California Supreme Court       the Governor’s “abuse of power”
                    denied applications that the            remains vague, and because of the
                    Governor was inclined to grant.         lack of communication about its
                    At the time of this decision, the       decision-making process, we also
                    California Supreme Court did            suggest that the Governor’s Office
“To address         not have a full bench of justices.      ask for an administrative order from
this concern of     Pursuant to Article V, section 8 of     the California Supreme Court that
the Supreme         the California Constitution, a person   explains their historic clemency
                    with “twice-convicted of a felony”
Court blocking                                              denials from December 2018.
                    must obtain a recommendation by
the Governor        the California Supreme Court in         In addition, to address this concern
from pardoning      order for the Governor to grant a       of the Supreme Court blocking the
individuals and     pardon or commutation. According        Governor from granting clemency
                    to an Administrative Order issued       to individuals and providing no
providing no        on March 28, 2018 issued by the         explanation for the basis for their
explanation for     California Supreme Court, the           decision, we recommend that the
the basis for       Court’s role is to check whether a      Governor support a ballot measure
                    Governor’s proposed decision to         to eliminate this requirement of
their decision,     grant a pardon or commutation           Supreme Court review.
we recommend        “represents an abuse of power,” and
that the Governor   not to determine the merits of a
                    case. 4                                 8. Pardon Applications
support a ballot                                               Supported by a COR Should Be
measure to          Because the justices did not               Presumptively Granted
eliminate this      provide clarification regarding the
                    basis for their decision to deny        Currently, pardon applications
requirement of                                              supported by a Certificate of
                    the ten clemency applications, we
Supreme Court       recommend that the Governor’s           Rehabilitation (COR) can be sent by
review.”            Office resubmit the ten applications    the Governor’s Office to the Board
                                                            of Parole Hearings for a second
investigation and recommendation.          that the applicant has been fully
                            However, a second investigation            rehabilitated, which makes the
                            by BPH is not necessary given how          applicant a strong candidate for a
                            rigorous the process is for obtaining      pardon. We recommend that the
                            a COR from a court. To apply for a         Governor considering granting
                            COR, an applicant must meet the            pardon applications supported by a
     “Pardon and            exacting criteria required by CA           COR without sending the application
                            Penal Code §§ 4852.01 to 4852.21.          to BPH for a second investigation.
     commutation            The applicant must wait a minimum
     applications           period of rehabilitation and have
                                                                       9. Establish an Independent
     are important          resided in California for at least five
                            years. The applicant must also prove          Pardon and Commutation
     decisions for the                                                    Commission
                            to a court that they “live an honest
     Governor’s office to   and upright life, shall conduct
                                                                       Pardon and commutation
     make as they affect    himself or herself with sobriety and
                                                                       applications are important decisions
     whether people         industry, shall exhibit a good moral
                                                                       for the Governor’s Office to make as
                            character, and shall conform to
     will be deported,      and obey the laws of the land.” The
                                                                       they affect whether people will be
     can obtain                                                        deported, can obtain employment,
                            courts may review the trial record, a
                                                                       can vote if they live in another state,
     employment, can        probation officer report, prison or jail
                                                                       and can remove other barriers
                            records, probation or parole reports,
     vote if they live      and reports of any law enforcement
                                                                       to reintegration. They deserve a
     in another state,                                                 designated commission.
                            agencies concerning the conduct
     and can remove         of applicant. The District Attorney
                                                                       The primary responsibility of
                            also has the opportunity to conduct
     other barriers                                                    the Board of Parole Hearings
                            their own investigation and can
     to reintegration.                                                 is to conduct parole suitability
                            provide the court with their
                                                                       hearings. Investigating and making
     They deserve           assessment of the applicant’s merits
                                                                       recommendations on pardons
     a designated           for a COR. If the court decides to
                                                                       and commutation applications is a
                            grant a COR after this thorough
     commission.”           review process, the court is finding
                                                                       secondary duty that burdens BPH’s
                                                                       already limited resources. The
                                                                       Governor’s Office should establish
                                                                       a separate and independent pardon
                                                                       and commutation panel to ensure
                                                                       that pardon and commutation
                                                                       applications are prioritized and
                                                                       investigated. The panel should
                                                                       review, investigate, and make
                                                                       recommendations regarding pardon
                                                                       and commutation applications to
                                                                       the Governor. The panel should
                                                                       be made of experts in community-
                                                                       based reentry services, community-
                                                                       based risk assessment issues, and
                                                                       immigration law.

Conclusion                                  Individuals who have demonstrated
                                                                  their rehabilitation and commitment
                      One of the most important powers            to our communities should not face
                      granted to the Governor by the              additional barriers to living a life that
                      California Constitution is the              is free from indefinite imprisonment,
                      ability to change people’s lives by         imminent deportation, and/or
                      granting pardon and commutations            barriers to employment. Participants
                      in recognition that they have               in the survey emphasized the need
                      rehabilitated. However, prior to            for more transparency, clarity,
                      Governor Brown, for decades,                accessibility, and efficiency in the
                      Governors failed to execute this            pardon and commutation process.
                      important responsibility. The
“One of the                                                       We urge Governor Newsom to
                      pardons and commutation process
most important        also has not been transparent or            adopt these recommendations
powers granted        accessible.                                 promptly and thereby honor the path
                                                                  of redemption and rehabilitation
to the Governor                                                   that many current and formerly
                      With the recent passage of AB 2845,
by the California     for the first time in over 70 years in      incarcerated individuals have taken
Constitution is the   California’s history, initial progressive   to contribute to our communities
                      reform has been made to the pardon          and our state.
ability to change
                      and commutation process. The
people’s lives by     Governor’s Office should take this
granting pardon       opportunity to not only implement
and commutations      AB 2845 to the fullest extent, but
                      also to take additional innovative
in recognition        strides to reform the pardon and
that they have        commutation process by adopting
rehabilitated.”       these recommendations.

Appendix                           4. How did participants learn    6. Who helped you with the
                                        about the commutation            application and how long
     Survey Results                     process?                         did it take to put application
     For each response to the           Other incarcerated individuals   packet together?
     survey question, the number        (50), Prison Law Library (14),   Completed by self (51), Other
     of participants who replied        Word of Mouth (13), Outside      incarcerated individuals
     accordingly is in parentheses      Resources or Workshop (6),       (15), Friend (9), Professional
     following the responses. For       Attorney (4), Self-taught (4),   (5), Family (3). Of the 66
     some responses, applicants         BPH (1).                         participants who responded
     replied with more than one                                          to the time it took them to
     answer. Some responses             5. Did participants have any     complete a commutation
     may not add up to the total        difficulties getting help with   application, it took an average
     number of participants due to      putting commutation or           of two months.
     questions that participants left   pardon application together?
     blank.                             If “yes” explain why:            7. Were you given a filing
                                         Yes (47). For the responses     number for application?
     Commutation Survey Results          that marked “yes,”              No (79), Yes (13).
     (93 responses)                      participants reported
                                                                         8. For every application
                                         Unclear Guidelines* (24),
     1. Where are participants                                           submitted, did your family
                                         Resource Access** (13),
     incarcerated?                                                       member or person who
                                         Difficulties with Questions
     Central California Women’s                                          helped you receive phone
                                         (8), Language Access (1),
     Facility (CCWF) (56), California                                    call(s) or updates from BPH or
                                         Fear of Retaliation (1).
     Institution for Women (CIW)                                         Governor’s Office?
     (27), California State Prison       No (36), No but received        No (83), Yes (5). Of those that
     Solano (3), San Quentin State       support (8).                    marked “yes,” four stated that
     Prison (3), California Health                                       a friend or family member had
     Care Facility, Stockton (2),        *Participants who marked        initiated communication with
     Pelican Bay State Prison (1),       Unclear Guidelines were         BPH or the Governor’s Office.
     Centinela State Prison (1).         not sure about which
                                         attachments to include,         9. Did anyone help you
     2. What are the sentences of        what was required for the       contact BPH and ask for
     participants?                       application, and/or how to      status of your application(s)?
     Life without the possibility        submit the application.         If yes, what was the status of
     of parole (LWOP) (47),                                              your application(s)?
     Indeterminate life sentence         **Participants who marked       No (72), Yes (19). Of those
     (Life) (32), Determinate (11),      Resource Access had             that marked “no,” four did
     Enhancement (1), No response        difficulty making copies,       not know if BPH/Governor’s
     (2).                                collecting records and          Office could be contacted. Of
                                         attachments, and needing        those that marked “yes,” one
     3. How long have participants       outside support to gather all   received an updated response.
     been incarcerated?                  of the necessary materials      The California Coalition for
     Participants have served an         for the application.            Women Prisoners supported
     average of 17 years in prison.                                      this person and they received
                                                                         a filing number.

10. What was your application     12a) How long did the               13. Have you received a
process like?                     interview take?                     decision on the applications
 Difficult (45): extremely        Over one hour (13), 50 minutes      you submitted?
 frustrating, hard, scary,        - one hour (6), 30 - 45 minutes     No, have not received a
 stressful, telling personal      (3).                                decision on application (91).
 truth, emotionally draining,
                                  12b) What kind of questions         13a. When was the date you
 getting resources/material
                                  were asked during interview?        received a decision and how
 together, trying to figure out
                                  Nature of the crime (21),           was it conveyed to you?
 what’s impactful, navigating
                                  Rehabilitation: education,          Commutations granted by
 how to put application
                                  self-help, prison programs (17),    Governor 8/18 and 11/18, both
 together, a lot of work to
                                  Childhood/upbringing (17),          by phone through Governor’s
 do and unsure if doing
                                  Prison behavior write ups (5),      legal team (2).
 application correctly.
                                  Family/marriage (4), Parole
                                  plans (4), Prior convictions (4),   14. What would applicant like
 Confusing (38): confusing,
                                  medical history (4), History of     to see with BPH or Governor’s
 intensive, frustrating, time
                                  substance abuse (3), Why one        Office to make commutation
 consuming, not knowing
                                  deserves a commutation and          process better especially
 status of application, unsure
                                  support received upon parole        being incarcerated with very
 how to fill out application,
                                  (1).                                few resources available?
 no idea if Governor
                                                                      Receive a filing number
 received application, lack
                                  12c) What was your take away        (58), Get update on status
 of communication from
                                  from the interview?                 of application through
 Governor’s Office.
                                  Participant felt that               mail or website (52), Set
 Easy (10): fine, simple          investigator had interest in        timeline date how long
 process: no problems due to      what applicant shared (7),          commutation should take
 being assisted by others with    Comfortable with interviewer        (40), Better communication
 application. Application was     and interviewer was a good          and transparency in the
 simple, to fill out because of   listener (7), Felt rushed and       commutation process (32),
 examples provided at Prison      investigator did not spend          Notice or letter of receipt
 Law Library.                     enough time with applicant          confirming application is
                                  (3).                                received (18), Set guideline
11. After you submitted the                                           and criteria of a completed
application, did you get an       12d) What did the interviewer       application and examples of
interview by BPH?                 tell you regarding next steps?      applications that have been
Total received interviews (27):   A report takes 2-3 weeks to         granted (15), Applicants with
CIW (18), CCWF (6), Men’s         send to the Governor’s Office       learning disability and mental
prisons (3).                      (6), If “denial” letter is not      health should get assistance in
                                  received, it is good news           applying (5), Receive a notice
12. How long afterward            (6), Recorded interview will        whether commutation was
was the interview after you       be reviewed by others (4),          granted or not (5).
submitted the application?        Applicants should find housing
8 months - 1 year (9), over 1     and submit acceptance letters
year (8), 1-3 months (5), 4-7     from programs (2).
months (4).

15. What would your loved ones        16. How can the participant be      2. How long have participants
     or person helping you with your       supported while waiting on the      been incarcerated?
     application like to see happen        outcome of the application?         The average pardon applicant
     with BPH to make the pardon            Regular updates (50), Other        was incarcerated for 13 years.
     and commutation process                (9), Spiritual and emotional
     better?                                                                   3. What are the sentences of
                                            support (6), Clear guidelines
      Regular updates (34), Clear           (5).
                                                                               Life (5), Determinate (1), Jail Time
      guidelines (12), Representative
                                            Regular updates include            (1).
      (8), Website (7), Filling number
      (5), Emailing support letters (3),    having a website, notice
                                                                               4. When was the most recent
      Access to support letters (2).        of receipt, status updates,
                                                                               release date from jail or prison?
                                            timeframes, and whether or
                                                                               2016 (3), 2011 (1), 2001 (1), 2000
      Participants who asked for            not new applications should be
                                                                               (1), 1998 (1).
      regular updates requested             submitted with a new governor.
      a notice of receipt as to
                                                                               5. Was the applicant detained by
      whether or not an application is      Clear guidelines include
                                                                               ICE, and if so how long?
      accepted/rejected, with seven         resources on criteria and
                                                                               Yes, all seven pardon applicants
      suggestions to put updates on         attachments, how to
                                                                               were held in ICE detention. The
      a website, and five suggestions       prepare for interviews and
                                                                               average amount of time spent in
      to include a filing number.           what to expect after interviews.
                                                                               ICE detention is 9 months.
      Participants who asked for            Spiritual and emotional
                                                                               6. How did participants learn
      clearer guidelines requested a        support include needing
                                                                               about the pardon process?
      timeframe for the application         prayer or family and friends to
                                                                               Word of mouth (4), Research (2),
      process, which attachments            be with applicants during the
                                                                               Attorney (2).
      to include, and where to find         process of applying
      more information.                                                        7. Did participants have any
                                            Other includes creating a
                                                                               difficulties getting help with
      Participants who asked for            resource packet for those
                                                                               putting the pardon application
      a representative requested            who get interviewed and
                                                                               together? If “yes” explain why:
      a contact person that loved           commuted.
      ones can call for additional                                              No (4).Those who replied “no”
      questions.                           Pardon Survey Results (seven         all had legal and/or community
                                           responses)                           support.
      Participants who asked for
      emailing support letters             1. Where were applicants             Some difficulty (2). For one
      requested this method instead        incarcerated?                        family member, it was difficult
      of sending support letters           San Quentin State Prison (3),        to obtain information while
      through physical mail.               Solano State Prison (1), Mule        their partner was in ICE
                                           Creek State Prison (1), Federal      detention; for another, it took
      Participants who have been           Correctional Institute, Terminal     time to understand the pardon
      incarcerated for decades may         Island (1), East Mesa County Jail    process.
      have lost touch with loved ones      (1).
      or supporters and have no                                                 Yes (1). Writing the pardon
      access to support letters.                                                statement was difficult.

8. Who helped you with the            Time Consuming (1), especially        Receive a filing number (2).
application and how long did it       without any guidance for the first
take to put application packet        time, but the application itself      Notice or letter of receipt
together?                             was easy.                             confirming application is
                                                                            received (1).
 Attorney (6), Completed by self
                                      12. After you submitted the
                                      application, did you get an           Guidelines for when one needs
                                      interview by BPH?                     to re-submit (1).
 Participants took an average of
 8 months to finish the pardon        No (6), One applicant did not
                                      respond to question.                 16. How can the participant be
 application, with a median of 3
                                                                           supported while waiting on the
                                      13. Have you received a              outcome of the application?
9. Were you given a filing            decision on the applications you      Transparency (3): being more
number for application?               submitted?                            informed about the process.
No (6), Yes (1).                      Yes, pardon granted (4), No
                                      decision yet (2), Denied by           Community Support (3): having
                                      Supreme Court (1).                    the larger community contact
10. Did anyone help you
                                                                            the governor, to fight for
contact BPH and ask for status
                                      14. When was the date you             more time before deportation,
of your application(s)? If yes,
                                      received a decision and how           to gain more campaign
what was the status of your
                                      was it conveyed to you?               awareness, and to add letters
                                      Those who received a grant for        of support to applicant’s
Yes (5), No (2). For the those
                                      the pardon application waited         supplemental packet.
who answered yes - three had an
attorney or the applicant initiate    two months, three months, and
                                                                            Support for other immigration
first with BPH or Governor’s          eight months. The participant
                                                                            issues (1): getting a work
Office, one received a notice         who had their application denied
that application was on the           by the CA Supreme Court
Governor’s desk, and one              received this decision after seven
received a notification when the      months.
pardon was granted.
                                      15. What would applicant like
11. What was your application         to see with BPH or Governor’s
process like?                         Office to make pardon process
Difficult (3), one applicant stated   better, especially being
they needed patience with             incarcerated with very few
gathering support letters. Nerve-     resources available?
wracking (2) in one case, due to       Get update on status of
uncertainty of which part of the       application through mail or
deportation defense process to         website (4).
focus on (local jurisdictions for
COR or pardon application), and,       Set timeline date how long
in the other case, due to being        pardon should take (4).
in limbo and not understanding
the process. Easy (1), after           Expedite application for those
receiving help with attorneys.         facing deportation (2).

Notes                                    politics/2018/12/26/gov-jerry-
     1. CDCR Fact Sheet, “Three-Judge         for-modern-california-history/,
        Panel and California Inmate           and Bob Egelko, “Gov. Jerry
        Population Reduction,” May 23,        Brown sets record for pardons,
        2011, available at: https://www.      commutations in California,” San           Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 24,
        05-23-Three-Judge-Panel-              2018, available at: https://www.
     2. CDCR Report, “Offender Data           pardons-13487741.php.
        Points: Offender Demographics
        For the 24-month period, ending    4. CA Supreme Court
        December 2017,” available             Administrative Order,
        at:        “Procedures for Considering
        research/wp-content/uploads/          Requests for Recommendations
        sites/9/2018/07/Offender-Data-        Concerning Applications for
        Points-as-of-December-31-2017-1.      Pardons or Commutations,”
        pdf.                                  March 28, 2018, available
                                              at: https://www.courts.
     3. See Ben Christopher, “Gov.  
        Jerry Brown’s Pardons Set a           order_2018-03-28_proc_con_req_
        Record for Modern California          rec_apps_pardon_commutation.
        History,” Times of San Diego,         pdf.
        Dec. 26, 2018, available at:

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