Improving cold-region streamflow estimation by winter precipitation adjustment using passive microwave snow remote sensing datasets - IOPscience
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LETTER • OPEN ACCESS Improving cold-region streamflow estimation by winter precipitation adjustment using passive microwave snow remote sensing datasets To cite this article: D Kang et al 2021 Environ. Res. Lett. 16 044055 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 22/08/2021 at 13:01
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044055 LETTER Improving cold-region streamflow estimation by winter OPEN ACCESS precipitation adjustment using passive microwave snow remote RECEIVED 25 July 2020 sensing datasets REVISED 16 February 2021 D Kang1,2,∗, K Lee1,2 and E J Kim2 ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION 1 18 February 2021 Earth System Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20740, United States of America 2 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, United States of America PUBLISHED ∗ Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed. 8 April 2021 E-mail: Original content from Keywords: winter precipitation adjustment, snow water equivalent, AMSR-E (advanced microwave scanning radiometer-E), this work may be used under the terms of the hydrologic model, streamflow prediction Creative Commons Supplementary material for this article is available online Attribution 4.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to Abstract the author(s) and the title of the work, journal Winter precipitation estimations and spatially sparse snow observations are key challenges when citation and DOI. predicting snowmelt-driven floods. An improvement in streamflow prediction is achieved in a snowmelt-dominant basin, i.e. the Red River Basin (RRB), by adjusting the amounts of snowfall through satellite-borne passive microwave observations of snow water equivalent (SWE). A snowfall forcing dataset is scaled to minimize the difference between simulated and observed SWE over the RRB. Advanced microwave scanning radiometer-E (AMSR-E) SWE products serve as the observed SWE to obtain the solution to the linear equation between the AMSR-E and the baseline (no snowfall-forcing adjustment) SWE to yield a multiplication factor (M factor ). In the headwaters of the RRB in the United States, a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 0.74 is obtained against observed streamflow, with M factor -adjusted streamflow during the snowmelt seasons (January to April). The baseline streamflow simulation without M factor exhibits an NSE of 0.38 owing to an underestimated SWE. 1. Introduction for hydrologic modeling applications [7, 8]. Adams and Lettenmaier [9] adjusted the bias of global winter Cold region hydrological processes have garnered precipitation, but the source of adjustments was from increasing attention because of climate change and its point-based meteorological observations. Andreadis hydrological effects on communities where snow and and Lettenmaier [10] assimilated the SWE using a ice are essential to the water supply [1]. Estimation remote sensing dataset, including passive microwave of the amount of snowmelt runoff remains challen- observations; however, streamflow was not simu- ging despite long-term concerns regarding the applic- lated as a criterion for performance improvement. ations of water resources, which are associated with Shi et al [11] evaluated cold region hydrological snow hydrology [2–5]. Cold region hydrological pro- processes in the Northern Hemisphere using bias- cesses have different characteristics that are affected corrected winter precipitation to demonstrate recent not only by rainfall, but also by the release of snow- changes induced by climate change in the cryo- melt, which depends on the distribution of the snow sphere to evaluate the degree to which streamflow water equivalent (SWE) and the timing of melts in prediction is improved using the adjusted winter the basin. In climatology, in addition to the finer-scale precipitation in subarctic watersheds. Despite the hydrological cycle, snow is regarded as a sensitive ele- importance of snow, exact mass measurements and ment for the evaluation of climate variations at both spatially varying snowfall monitoring are unreli- local and global scales [6]. able when using traditional or sophisticated obser- Winter precipitation corrections for mountain- vational technologies, including in-situ precipitation ous areas have been attempted by many researchers gauges, and ground-based precipitation radars [12]. © 2021 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044055 D Kang et al Furthermore, measurement errors associated with microwave radiometer from the National Aeronautics a precipitation gauge range from 20% to 50% as and Space Administration Aqua satellite for years compared with the actual snowfall; this is typically 2002–2011. Satellite passive microwave products for referred to as the ‘snow undercatch’ problem [13, 14]. the SWE are spatially distributed and temporally con- Approximately half of all snowflakes at high wind tinuous. Hence, they are appropriate for determin- sites tend to be recorded using traditional precip- ing the average amount of SWE over the domain itation gauges owing to aerodynamic flows around when the SWE is dry and does not exceed 150 mm. the gauge [15]. This suggests that a multiplication The two cases of simulated streamflow (baseline and factor of approximately 2 is necessitated to accom- M factor adjusted) were calibrated against the observed modate the actual amount of snowfall to a land sur- streamflow from stream gauge data available from face at open and windy sites, such as the Northern the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The hydrolo- Great Plains. If a device for precipitation measure- gic calibration/validation and streamflow analyses ment is affected by snow undercatch, and a weather were constrained to the snow-melting period from forcing dataset is generated from these point precip- January to April, not for an entire year. The aim of itation observations, then a scaling factor to correct this study was to determine the scaling factor for the winter precipitation must be applied. Addition- winter precipitation in a watershed in the Northern ally, the factor must be constant across a watershed, Great Plains for a specified period and then apply it regardless of temporal variations. Owing to the het- to the prediction of streamflow over a longer period erogeneous distribution of terrestrial snow on com- using a hydrologic model to demonstrate an improve- plicated topographies, it is challenging to determine ment in streamflow performance during the melt the scaling factor in a watershed. season. Few modern snow hydrologic applications using remote sensing have been implemented in the North- 2. Methods and materials ern Great Plains [16, 17], as compared with the numerous snow studies in the western United States. This section provides details regarding the methods In the Northern Great Plains, snow is the most det- for scaling winter precipitation using the solution for rimental source of flooding during spring snowmelt. linear equations between the AMSR-E SWE and the Snowmelt-driven floods directly affect the popula- baseline hydrologic simulation. First, a description tion along the rivers in the Northern Great Plains of the application watershed is presented, followed [18, 19] because of the flat topography and poorly by the specifications of the hydrologic model and a draining soil. These factors decrease the flow velo- method for adjusting winter precipitation. city of surface waters derived from the snowmelt once it begins [20]. To demonstrate an improvement 2.1. RRB in the in the Northern Great Plains in streamflow prediction by adjusting winter pre- The RRB flows through two U.S. states and one Cana- cipitation, a representative and well-observed water- dian province, starting at the border between North shed, the Red River Basin (RRB) in the Northern Dakota and Minnesota, and ending in Manitoba, Great Plains, was investigated. The headwaters of the Canada. The catchment of this north-flowing river RRB were selected to apply the proposed multiplic- occupies 287 500 km2 , and springtime ice congestions ation factor (M factor ) method to the underestimated in the north result in considerable flooding because winter precipitation to demonstrate the improvement of the backwater effect of these frozen water bod- in streamflow prediction. ies [21]. In recent decades, the RRB has experienced Streamflow simulation driven by snowmelt regular annual flooding incidents, causing national- involves various nonlinear processes such as selec- level concern [22]. The floods from January to April tion of snow schemes, infiltration characteristics, are primarily driven by fast snowmelt. Significant and routing schemes after the land model is used. community efforts have been expended with support However, this study focused on the effect of snow- from state and federal governments [23] to establish melt on streamflow generation in a snowmelt- flood prediction and monitoring capabilities for res- dominant watershed instead of other hydrological idents throughout the main stem of the RRB. It is processes. The hydrologic model was used twice, critical to establish a monitoring system for spatially i.e. (a) with a baseline hydrologic simulation with distributed SWEs. Satellite passive microwave obser- non-adjusted winter precipitation; and (b) with an vations, with revisits twice per day, can be used to adjusted winter precipitation hydrologic simulation determine the daily status of the SWE throughout scaled by M factor . The scaling factor of the winter pre- the basin, thereby allowing observations of the peak cipitation was derived from the solution for linear amount of SWE. equations between the advanced microwave scan- Figure 1 (left) depicts the location and extent ning radiometer-E (AMSR-E) SWE and the baseline of the RRB headwaters, to which this study was SWE. We independently determined the amount applied, which has an area of 13 476 km2 . The out- of SWE at each grid cell using the AMSR-E SWE. let of the RRB headwaters is located in Fargo, ND This was achieved by employing an AMSR-E passive and was gauged using the USGS streamflow gauge 2
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044055 D Kang et al Figure 1. Left: location of headwaters of RRB (center): headwaters and subwatersheds of RRB as well as locations of USGS streamflow gauges, and (right): two sets of hydrologic simulations with and without M factor for evaluating streamflow predictability. Arrows show sequential steps of M factor and the variable infiltration capacity (VIC) applications for streamflow evaluations. ID 05054000. The enlarged view of the watershed stations using standard precipitation gauges. Wind in figure 1 (center) provides a topographic repres- speeds were obtained from a reanalysis dataset from entation of the RRB; the elevation difference over the National Centers for Environmental Prediction– 130 km of the river was 200 m, with an average National Center for Atmospheric Research [29]. slope of only 0.08◦ . The large area of the basin Point measurements were linearly interpolated from and the rapid increase in air temperature during approximately 1.9◦ to 1/8◦ resolution, which is sim- the spring season resulted in abrupt flooding in the ilar to the grid resolution used in the AMSR-E SWE local municipalities, particularly along river banks retrieval. in the Fargo metropolitan areas. An abrupt increase With the baseflow and runoff from the VIC in the air temperature, coupled with the flat topo- considering snowmelt with three soil layers, classic graphy, caused a free water body to form from the streamflow calibration was performed by minimizing meltwater, and small melt ponds enlarged abruptly the cost function between the observed and simulated owing to the poor drainage of the Northern Great streamflows at the outlets of a watershed [30, 31]. Cal- Plains. The average maximum winter precipitation, ibrated soil parameters were applied to the validation from December to March, is approximately 100 mm period to evaluate the accuracy of streamflow predic- SWE, which is sufficient to create a large snow mass. tion. It is beyond the scope of this study to identify the During wet winters, the peak SWE in the large basin optimal soil parameters to accurately represent the can reach up to 200 mm, which is disastrous to overall peak of the streamflow associated with rain- many communities when any abrupt melting occurs fall and snowmelt. in the spring. For a general depiction of the cli- matology of this region, figure S1 (available online 2.3. Winter precipitation adjustment using at demon- AMSR-E SWE strates the monthly snowfall, rainfall, and air temper- The amount of winter precipitation in the model was ature averaged from 1995 to 2013 in the headwaters adjusted with a factor to match with the amount of the RRB. of SWE based on the U.S. AMSR-E SWE product (25 km), compared with the 12.5 km grid cell of 2.2. VIC-ROUT model setup the VIC model. A M factor of winter precipitation was In this study, a semi-distributed macroscale hydrolo- used to scale the winter precipitation in relation to gical model known as the VIC model (version 4.0.6) the observed AMSR-E SWE. Despite the well-known was used [24] in addition to a routing scheme, VIC- microwave saturation that occurs when the SWE ROUT. The VIC model has been widely applied to exceeds 150 mm [32–34], the AMSR-E SWE offers assess hydrological responses to weather and climate several advantages, including long temporal cover- over numerous river basins globally [for example, age (2002–2011), near-daily observations, and global 25, 26]. The VIC model was used in this study spatial coverage [35]. The National Snow and Ice for streamflow calibrations, with emphasis on the Data Center (NSIDC) archives the microwave bright- snowmelt runoff in the headwaters of the RRB in ness temperature (Tb). The SWE products from the the Northern Great Plains. Detailed descriptions AMSR-E Tb datasets were processed based on a spec- of the snow scheme are included in pages 6–9 of tral difference between the 18.7 GHz Tb (least affected the supplementary data. Precipitation and temperat- by snow) and the 36.5 GHz Tb (most affected by snow ure observations were provided by weather stations, [36],). The period from 2002 to 2011 was used to and the synergraphic mapping system algorithm encompass the global domain with a 25 km grid using [27] was employed to generate gridded temperat- the equal area scalable earth grid (EASE-Grid) format ures spatially interpolated from the point observa- from the NSIDC (later updated to EASE-Grid 2.0 tions [26, 28]. Specifically, the precipitation data were [37]). A spatially averaged ratio was obtained using obtained from NOAA cooperative observer (COOP) a solution for linear equations between the AMSR-E 3
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044055 D Kang et al Figure 2. SWE intercomparison among VIC baseline, M factor -adjusted, and AMSR-E-retrieved SWEs. M factor calculation period (2003–2011 hydrological years) and hydrologic simulation period (1995–2013) shown below x-axis. based observed and the baseline simulated SWE in all data can be used to replace the AMSR-E SWE; how- grid cells throughout the hydrologic years from 2003 ever, it is only applicable to well-observed watersheds to 2011. The M factor was calculated using the following such as the RRB, where the number of observations is equation: abundant. However, snow undercatch problems per- sist in NOAA COOP stations. [SWEVIC - baseline ]2003−2011 · Mfactor Figure 2 displays three basin-averaged SWE = [SWEAMSR - E ]2003−2011 (1) estimates: the baseline VIC simulation, the M factor - adjusted VIC simulation, and the AMSR-E SWE observations. The spatially averaged ratio from Mfactor = SWEAMSR - E · pinv (SWEVIC - baseline ) , (2) equation (1) during the M factor calculation period, i.e. 2003–2011, was used as the scaling factor for the winter precipitation at all 70 grid cells in the where SWEAMSR-E is the AMSR-E-retrieved daily SWE RRB headwater region and was applied to the (mm), and SWEVIC-baseline is the VIC-simulated daily longer hydrologic modeling period, i.e. 1995–2013, SWE (mm) without M factor adjustment. M factor is to demonstrate the validity of M factor outside the determined by solving a system of linear equations M factor calculation period. A M factor -adjusted hydro- with the assumption that both time series are row vec- logic simulation was performed to demonstrate the tors of the same size from hydrological years 2003– improved predictability of snowmelt-driven floods. 2011. It is noted that M factor is determined by consid- A schematic illustration is shown in a block diagram ering the entire hydrologic year, and it is specific to the in the right panel of figure 1 to show the M factor cal- basin where the M factor method is applied. A classical culation period from 2003 to 2011. The hydrologic A · x = B solution for the linear equations is represen- simulation from 1995 to 2013 was independent of ted by the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse [38, 39] of M factor calculation to calibrate the soil parameters SWEVIC-baseline (A) owing to the non-invertibility of and had a wide temporal range. A hydrologic calib- its row vector. Subsequently, pinv (SWEVIC - baseline ) is ration scheme was applied to two cases: a baseline multiplied by SWEAMSR-E (B), which is the left term of VIC simulation without M factor and a VIC simulation the right-hand side in equation (2), to obtain M factor with M factor . Streamflow calibrations were conduc- on the left-hand side. Physically, this system solu- ted by fitting to the observed streamflow for both tion of the linear equations only accounts for days cases, from January to April, to adjust the soil para- when snowfall appears for both the SWEVIC-baseline meters. The two applications illustrate the degree to and SWEAMSR-E cases. Specifically, the M factor for the which M factor affects the SWE, followed by the extent headwaters of the RRB was 2.53. It is noteworthy that to which the winter precipitation adjustment aided 2.53 was derived by applying equation (1) to the head- by passive microwave observations improved the waters of RRB; however, its values typically vary from streamflow prediction during the subsequent months 2 to 3 when applied to the other subwatersheds of the of melt-runoff. RRB. Furthermore, the winter precipitation was mul- tiplied by M factor during the hydrologic model- 3. Results and discussion ing period, i.e. 1995–2013, by assuming that the AMSR-E SWE sufficiently captured the underes- First, monthly averaged streamflows for both the cal- timated baseline SWE even outside of the period ibration and validation periods are presented using where M factor was calculated. The National Oceanic the baseline and M factor -based streamflow simula- and Atmospheric Administration National Climatic tions as well as Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) val- Data Center and COOP (hereinafter NOAA COOP) ues [41]. Additional streamflow results are based on weather stations and SNODAS [40] snow assimilation three events selected from historic floods in Fargo, 4
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044055 D Kang et al Figure 3. (top) Monthly averaged streamflow from 1995 to 2007 (calibration period); comparison among VIC baseline, M factor -driven simulation, and observed streamflows. (bottom) Monthly averaged streamflow from 2008 to 2013 (validation period). ND. Monthly streamflow analyses with embedded was lower than that for the calibration period. The plots of the monthly SWE demonstrate the extent to NSE values were 0.48 and 0.11 for the M factor and which SWE affects spring snowmelt, and the degree baseline streamflow simulations, respectively. The of improvement in streamflow prediction based on relatively low NSE during the validation period was the AMSR-E aided SWE adjustment during extreme attributed to the short validation period of only floods. 6 years, and differences from the streamflow peak were associated with the timing of snowmelt. Fur- thermore, streamflow calibration was not applied to 3.1. Calibration and validation: baseline the periods October–December and May–September simulation vs. M factor -adjusted simulation of RRB when snowmelt was not the main contributor of headwaters floods. The calibration and validation periods were 1995–2007 and 2008–2013, respectively, and M factor was applied to both periods. It is noteworthy that 3.2. Floods in 1997, 2010, and 2011 the calibration was only applied from January to It is noteworthy that hydrologic calibration was only April when spring snowmelt was the dominant factor applied from January to April in this study. Figure 3 determining peak streamflow. The simulated stream- shows the monthly averaged streamflow performance flow using the M factor SWE more accurately replic- during the hydrologic simulation period, and these ated the observed streamflow during both the calib- results suggest that all the hydrological years contrib- ration and validation periods, compared with the uted to a stable improvement in the streamflow pre- streamflow from the baseline SWE. The M factor - dictions corresponding to January to April. However, driven streamflow during the calibration period as shown by the event-based simulations of stream- achieved an NSE of 0.74 for the snowmelt-runoff flow in figure 4, the improvement in the flood pre- season. The VIC baseline streamflow was underes- diction was apparent only during the snowmelt sea- timated against the observed streamflow, even with son within the shaded areas. Figure 4 (top) shows the the annually averaged streamflow, as reflected by the baseline, M factor -driven, and USGS-observed stream- low NSE of 0.38. Additionally, the validation period flows for the historic 1997 flood in Fargo, ND. showed the underestimation of the baseline stream- The baseline, SWE-adjusted, and USGS-observed flow simulation, but the degree of underestimation streamflows were plotted using the left-hand y-axis. 5
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044055 D Kang et al Figure 4. Baseline, M factor -driven, and observed streamflows (left axes), and SWE (right axes). Hydrologic years are 1997 (top), 2010 (middle), and 2011 (bottom). The predicted streamflow was nearly identical to of figure 4. Interestingly, the baseline VIC stream- the USGS streamflow in April 1997, with a peak of flow simulation could not capture the low observed 500 m3 s−1 , which was attributed to the increasingly streamflow in June and July. This was because the adjusted SWE shown in the right y-axis, in the reverse adjusted soil parameters from January to April pro- direction (also represented in figure S2). The match- moted runoff and baseflow, which are associated with ing of streamflow in the spring of 1997 suggests that the spring snowmelt, thereby resulting in increased the adjusted amount of winter precipitation from the streamflow; however, it was insufficient to reflect AMSR-E SWE may improve the streamflow predic- the observed peak in streamflow. The SWE-adjusted tion of the observed precipitation. This successful M factor streamflow, however, successfully identified identification of the peak streamflow was achieved in the observed spring peak as well as moderately dry 1997 without the availability of AMSR-E SWE. This streamflow following snowmelt floods in June and implies that the M factor calculated from 2002 to 2011 July, which are rainfall-dominated months. In con- is also valid in 1997, thereby allowing an accurate cap- trast to the baseline, the relatively better performance ture of peak streamflow. of M factor from May to September was associated with In the hydrological years of 2010 and 2011, the the calibrated soil properties from the M factor simula- AMSR-E SWE was available, and the VIC baseline tion from January to April, which was applied equally streamflow continued to underestimate the observed to the other months. The relatively poor performance streamflow. The M factor -adjusted winter precipitation of the M factor streamflow during January and Febru- resulted in an improved prediction of streamflow that ary was caused by a difference between rainfall-runoff was comparable to the USGS peaks for March 2010 and snowmelt-runoff. Snowmelt runoff has a longer and April 2011. The prediction for 2010 indicated bet- lead time than rainfall-runoff, i.e. the released water ter performances than those for 2011; this is attrib- requires a longer time to arrive at the land surface; utable to the difference in the timing of the SWE therefore, a discrepancy occurs between streamflow peaks in 2011 between the AMSR-E (in February) predictions in January and February, as well as those and the baseline (in January), as shown at the bottom in March and April. 6
Environ. Res. Lett. 16 (2021) 044055 D Kang et al 4. Conclusions challenging, and the source and errors of measure- ments of winter precipitation forcing are known. In this study, the accuracy of streamflow predictions This study focused on evaluating the applicability of conducted using a baseline simulation method was a satellite-borne passive microwave SWE dataset to compared with that obtained from simulated stream- improve streamflow estimation by hydrologic mod- flows based on the SWE, which was adjusted by eling in a limited headwater basin. This enabled us to scaling winter precipitation using passive microwave emphasize the importance of SWE observations for observations. The headwaters of the RRB in the streamflow generation in cold-region hydrology. Northern Great Plains were selected because the pre- cipitation gauges exhibit typical snow undercatch, Data Availability Statement and weather forcing datasets are available from those point measurements. The conclusions of this study AMSR-E Daily SWE is available through Tedesco are as follows: et al [36] archived at the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Codes for VIC 4.0.6 are available at • The ‘snow undercatch’ by standard precipita- tion gauges was confirmed by the underestim- vic_run. USGS streamflow data in Fargo, ND, ated streamflow in the RRB headwaters in the USA, is from: U.S. Geological Survey, 2016, baseline simulation. This winter precipitation for- National Water Information System data avail- cing [26, 28] underestimation was resolved by able on the World Wide Web (USGS Water applying M factor to adjust the amount of winter pre- Data for the Nation), accessed (11 February cipitation. The M factor was calculated as the ratio 2021), at URL ( of the AMSR-E-retrieved SWE to the baseline VIC uv?05054000). simulation SWE. The underestimated SWE resul- No new data were created or analysed in this ted in an underestimated peak streamflow dur- study. ing snowmelt. The VIC simulation with the adjus- ted SWE (M factor ) performed significantly better, Acknowledgments with a 0.74 NSE for the snowmelt-dominant water- shed, compared with a 0.38 NSE of the baseline This research was supported by the first author’s simulation. appointment to the NASA Postdoctoral Program at • SWE values in the Northern Great Plains range the Goddard Space Flight Center, and another the from 50 to 100 mm, which is below the ~150 mm NASA grant, 80NSSC18K1136. saturation limit of the AMSR-E SWE algorithm. • The 1997 historic flood exhibited a peak flow of ORCID iD 500 m3 s−1 and was successfully captured by the SWE-adjusted VIC-ROUT simulation. It is note- D Kang worthy that the 1997 hydrological year is out- side the period when M factor was calculated. 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