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IMPROVED PARALLEL WAVEGAN VOCODER WITH PERCEPTUALLY WEIGHTED SPECTROGRAM LOSS Eunwoo Song1 , Ryuichi Yamamoto2 , Min-Jae Hwang3 , Jin-Seob Kim1 , Ohsung Kwon1 , Jae-Min Kim1 1 NAVER Corp., Seongnam, Korea 2 LINE Corp., Tokyo, Japan 3 Search Solutions Inc., Seongnam, Korea arXiv:2101.07412v1 [eess.AS] 19 Jan 2021 ABSTRACT only using adversarial loss function [12], employing the MR- This paper proposes a spectral-domain perceptual weighting STFT loss function has been proven to be advantageous for technique for Parallel WaveGAN-based text-to-speech (TTS) increasing the training efficiency [10, 13, 14]. Furthermore, systems. The recently proposed Parallel WaveGAN vocoder because the Parallel WaveGAN only trains a WaveNet model successfully generates waveform sequences using a fast without any density distillation, the entire training process be- non-autoregressive WaveNet model. By employing multi- comes much easier than it is in the conventional methods, and resolution short-time Fourier transform (MR-STFT) criteria the model can produce natural sounding speech waveforms with a generative adversarial network, the light-weight con- with just a small number of parameters. volutional networks can be effectively trained without any To further enhance the performance of the Parallel Wave- distillation process. To further improve the vocoding perfor- GAN, this paper proposes a spectral-domain perceptual mance, we propose the application of frequency-dependent weighting method for optimizing the MR-STFT criteria. A weighting to the MR-STFT loss function. The proposed frequency-dependent masking filter is designed to penalize er- method penalizes perceptually-sensitive errors in the fre- rors near the spectral valleys, which are perceptually-sensitive quency domain; thus, the model is optimized toward reducing to the human ear [15]. By applying this filter to the STFT auditory noise in the synthesized speech. Subjective listening loss function calculations in the training step, the network test results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves is guided to reduce the noise component in those regions. 4.21 and 4.26 TTS mean opinion scores for female and male Consequently, the proposed model generates a more natural Korean speakers, respectively. voice in comparison to the original Parallel WaveGAN. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: Index Terms— Text-to-speech, speech synthesis, neural vocoder, Parallel WaveGAN • We propose a perceptually weighted MR-STFT loss 1. INTRODUCTION function alongside a conventional adversarial training method. This approach improves the quality of the syn- Generative models for raw speech waveforms have signifi- thesized speech in the Parallel WaveGAN-based neural cantly improved the quality of neural text-to-speech (TTS) TTS system. systems [1, 2]. Specifically, autoregressive generative models such as WaveNet have successfully replaced the role of tra- ditional parametric vocoders [2–5]. Non-autoregressive ver- • Because the proposed method does not change the net- sions, including Parallel WaveNet, provide a fast waveform work architecture, it maintains the small number of pa- generation method based on a teacher-student framework [6, rameters found in the original Parallel WaveGAN’s and 7]. In this method, the model is trained using a probability retain its fast inference speed. In particular, the system density distillation method in which the knowledge of an au- can generate a 24 kHz speech waveform 50.57 times toregressive teacher WaveNet is transferred to an inverse au- faster than real-time in a single GPU environment with toregressive flow student model [8]. 1.83 M parameters. In our previous work, we introduced generative adversar- ial network (GAN) training methods to the Parallel WaveNet framework [9], and proposed Parallel WaveGAN by combin- • Consequently, our method achieved mean opinion ing the adversarial training with multi-resolution short-time score (MOS) results of 4.21 and 4.26 for female and Fourier transform (MR-STFT) criteria [10, 11]. Although it male Korean speakers, respectively, in the neural TTS is possible to train GAN-based non-autoregressive models by systems.
2. RELATED WORK The discriminator is trained to correctly classify the gen- erated sample as fake while classifying the ground truth as The idea of using STFT-based loss functions is not new. In real using the following optimization criterion: their study of spectrogram inversion, Sercan et al. [16] first LD (G, D) = Ex∼pdata [(1−D(x))2 ]+Ez∼pz D(G(z, h))2 , proposed spectral convergence and log-scale STFT magni- tude losses, and our previous work proposed combing these (3) in a multi-resolution form [9]. where x and pdata denote the target speech waveform and its Moreover, perceptual noise-shaping filters have signifi- distribution, respectively. cantly improved the quality of synthesized speech in autore- gressive WaveNet frameworks [17]. Based on the characteris- 3.1. Conventional MR-STFT loss tics of the human auditory system, an external noise-shaping filter is designed to reduce perceptually-sensitive noise in the To guarantee the stability of the adversarial training method spectral valley regions. This filter acts as a pre-processor in described above, it is crucial to incorporate an MR-STFT loss the training step; thus, the WaveNet learns the distribution of function into the generator’s optimization process [10]. The noise-shaped residual signal. In the synthesis step, by apply- MR-STFT loss function in equation (1) is defined in terms of ing its inverse filter to the WaveNet’s output, the enhanced the number of STFT losses, M , as follows: speech can be reconstructed. M However, it has been shown that the filter’s effectiveness 1 X (m) Lmr stft (G) = L (G), (4) does not work for the non-autoregressive generation mod- M m=1 stft els, including WaveGlow [18] and the Parallel WaveGAN. (m) One possible reason for this might be that the character- where Lstft (G) denotes the mth STFT loss defined as fol- istics of the noise-shaped residual signal are difficult for lows: the non-autoregressive model to capture without previous time-step information. To address this problem, the pro- Lstft (G) = Ex∼pdata ,x̂∼pG [Lsc (x, x̂) + Lmag (x, x̂)] , (5) posed system applies a frequency-dependent mask to the process of calculating the STFT loss functions. As this where x̂ denotes the generated sample drawn by probability method does not change the target speech’s distribution, the distribution of generator, pG ; Lsc and Lmag denote spectral non-autoregressive WaveNet can be stably optimized, while convergence and log STFT magnitude losses, respectively, significantly reducing the auditory noise components. which are defined as follows [16]: qP 2 t,f (|Xt,f | − |X̂t,f |) 3. PARALLEL WAVEGAN Lsc (x, x̂) = qP , (6) |X |2 t,f t,f The Parallel WaveGAN jointly trains a non-causal WaveNet generator, G, and a convolutional neural network (CNN) dis- P t,f |log|Xt,f | − log|X̂t,f || criminator, D, to generate a time-domain speech waveform Lmag (x, x̂) = , (7) T ·N from the corresponding input acoustic parameters. Specif- ically, the generator learns a distribution of realistic wave- where |Xt,f | and |X̂t,f | denote the f th STFT magnitude of x forms by trying to deceive the discriminator into recognizing and x̂ at the time frame t, respectively; T and N denote the the generated samples as real. The process is performed by number of frames and the number of frequency bins, respec- minimizing the generator losses as follows: tively. LG (G, D) = Lmr stft (G) + λadv Ladv (G, D), (1) 3.2. Proposed perceptual weighting for MR-STFT loss where Lmr stft (G) denotes an MR-STFT loss, which will be To further enhance the performance of the Parallel Wave- discussed in the next section; Ladv (G, D) denotes an adver- GAN, this paper proposes to apply a spectral-domain percep- sarial loss; λadv denotes the hyperparameter balancing the tual masking filter to the MR-STFT loss criteria as follows: two loss functions. The adversarial loss is designed based qP 2 on least-squares GANs [19–22], as follows: t,f (Wt,f (|Xt,f | − |X̂t,f |)) Lwsc (x, x̂) = qP , (8) |X |2 Ladv (G, D) = Ez∼pz (1 − D(G(z, h)))2 , (2) t,f t,f where z, pz , and h denote the input noise, a Gaussian distri- P t,f |logWt,f (log|Xt,f | − log|X̂t,f |)| bution N (0, I), and the conditional acoustic parameters, re- Lw mag (x, x̂) = , T ·N spectively. (9)
Fig. 2: Log-spectral distance (LSD; dB) between the original and generated speech signals (a) (b) (c) Table 1: Utterances in speech sets by Korean male (KRM) and Korean female (KRF) speakers (SPK). Fig. 1: Magnitude distance (MD) obtained when calculating the spectral convergence: (a) The weight matrix of spectral SPK Training validation Testing mask, (b) the MD before applying the mask (conventional KRF 5,085 (5.5 h) 360 (0.4 h) 180 (0.2 h) method), and (c) the MD after applying the mask (proposed KRM 5,382 (7.4 h) 290 (0.4 h) 140 (0.2 h) method). 4. EXPERIMENTS where Wt,f denotes a weight coefficient of the spectral mask. The weight matrix W is constructed by repeating a time- 4.1. Experimental setup invariant frequency masking filter along the time axis, whose transfer function is defined as follows: 4.1.1. Database p The experiments used two phonetically and prosodically rich X speech corpora recorded by Korean male and female pro- W (z) = 1 − α̃k z −k , (10) fessional speakers. The speech signals were sampled at 24 k=1 kHz, and each sample was quantized by 16 bits. Table 1 shows the number of utterances in each set. The acoustic fea- where α̃k denotes the k th linear prediction (LP) coefficient tures were extracted using an improved time-frequency tra- with the order p, obtained by averaging all spectra extracted jectory excitation vocoder at the analysis intervals of 5 ms from the training data. As shown in Fig. 1a, the weight ma- [23], and these features included 40-dimensional line spectral trix of the spectral mask is designed to represent the global frequencies (LSFs), fundamental frequency, energy, voicing characteristics of the spectral formant structure. This enables flag, a 32-dimensional slowly evolving waveform, and a 4- an emphasis on losses at the frequency regions of the spec- dimensional rapidly evolving waveform, all of which consti- tral valleys, which are more sensitive to the human ear. When tuted a 79-dimensional feature vector. calculating the STFT loss (Fig. 1b), this filter is used to penal- ize losses in those regions (Fig. 1c). As a result, the training process can guide the model to further reduce the perceptual 4.1.2. Acoustic model noise in the synthesized speech1 . Although there are many state-of-the-art acoustic architec- The merits of the proposed method are presented in Fig. 2 tures available [24–26], we used a Tacotron model with which shows the log-spectral distance between the origi- phoneme alignment [27, 28] for its fast and stable genera- nal and generated speech signals. The proposed perceptual tion and competitive synthesis quality. The left section of weighting of MR-STFT losses enables an accurate estimation Fig. 3 presents the acoustic model which consists of three of speech spectra, and it is therefore expected that it will sub-modules, namely, context analysis, context embedding, provide more accurate training and generation results, to be and Tacotron decoding. discussed further in the following section. In the context analysis module, a grapheme-to-phoneme converter was applied to the input text by the Korean stan- 1 Although the log-scale STFT-magnitude loss in equation (7) was de- dard pronunciation grammar, and then phoneme-level feature signed to fit small amplitude components [16], our preliminary experiments vectors were extracted by the internal context information- verified that applying the masking filter to this loss was also beneficial to labeling program. These were composed of 330 binary fea- synthetic quality. tures for categorical linguistic contexts and 24 features for
Fig. 3: Block diagram of the TTS framework. Table 2: Vocoding model details, including size and inference speed: Note that inference speed, k, indicates that a system was able to generate waveforms k times faster than real-time. This evaluation was conducted on a server with a single NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. MR-STFT Perceptual Noise Number of Model Inference System Model loss weighting shaping layers size speed Baseline 1 WaveNet - - - 24 3.71 M 0.34×10−2 Baseline 2 WaveNet + NS - - Yes 24 3.81 M 0.34×10−2 Baseline 3 Parallel WaveGAN Yes - - 30 1.83 M 50.57 Baseline 4 Parallel WaveGAN + NS Yes - Yes 30 1.83 M 47.70 Proposal Parallel WaveGAN + PW Yes Yes - 30 1.83 M 50.57 numerical linguistic contexts. By inputting those linguistic 4.1.3. Vocoding model features, the corresponding phoneme duration was estimated through three fully connected (FC) layers with 1,024, 512, Table 2 presents details of the vocoding models including 256 units followed by a unidirectional long short-term mem- their size and inference speed. As baseline systems, we ory (LSTM) network with 128 memory blocks. Based on used two autoregressive WaveNet vocoders, namely, a plain this estimated duration, the phoneme-level linguistic features WaveNet (Baseline 1) [3] and a WaveNet with noise-shaping were then up-sampled to frame-level by adding the two nu- (NS) method (Baseline 2) [17]. We adopted continuous Gaus- merical vectors of phoneme duration and relative position. sian output distributions for both the baseline systems [7], instead of using the categorical distributions. These two ap- In the context embedding module, the linguistic features proaches used the same network architecture but differed in are transformed into high-level context vectors. The mod- the target output; the plain WaveNet system was designed ule in this experiment consisted of three convolution layers to predict speech signals, whereas the latter method was de- with 10×1 kernels and 512 channels per layer, a bi-directional signed to predict the noise-shaped residual signals. Note that LSTM network with 512 memory blocks, and an FC layer a time-invariant noise-shaping filter was obtained by averag- with 512 units. ing all spectra extracted from the training data. This external filter was used to extract the residual signal before the train- To generate the output acoustic features, we used a ing process, and its inverse filter was applied to reconstruct Tacotron 2 decoder network [25]. First, the previously gen- the speech signal in the synthesis step. erated acoustic features were fed into two FC layers with The WaveNet systems consisted of 24 layers of dilated 256 units (i.e. the PreNet), and those features and the vec- residual convolution blocks with four dilation cycles. There tors from the context embedding module were then passed were 128 residual and skip channels, and the filter size was set through two uni-directional LSTM layers with 1,024 memory to three. The model was trained for 1 M steps with a RAdam blocks followed by two projection layers. Finally, to improve optimizer. The learning rate was set to 0.001, and this was generation accuracy, five convolution layers with 5×1 kernels reduced by half every 200 K steps. The minibatch size was and 512 channels per layer were used as a post-processing set to eight, and each audio clip was set to 12 K time samples network (i.e. the PostNet) to add the residual elements of the (0.5 seconds). generated acoustic features. The experiment involved three Parallel WaveGAN sys- Before training, the input and output features were nor- tems, namely, the plain Parallel WaveGAN (Baseline 3) [10], malized to have zero mean and unit variance. The weights a Parallel WaveGAN with the same noise-shaping method as were initialized using Xavier initialization [29] and Adam op- before (Baseline 4), and the proposed method with the per- timization was used [30]. The learning rate was scheduled to ceptually weighted (PW) criteria (Proposal). All had the same be decayed from 0.001 to 0.0001 via a decaying rate of 0.33 network architecture consisting of 30 dilated residual convo- per 100 K steps. lution block layers with three exponentially increasing dila-
Table 3: The details of the MR-STFT loss calculations. A Table 4: Naturalness MOS test results with 95% confidence Hanning window was applied before the FFT process. intervals for the TTS systems with respect to the different vocoding models: The MOS results for the proposed system STFT loss FFT size Window size Frame shift are in bold font. The KRF and KRM denote Korean female (1) Lstft 512 240 (10 ms) 50 (≈ 2 ms) and male speakers, respectively. (2) Lstft 1024 600 (25 ms) 120 (5 ms) (3) Index Model KRF KRM Lstft 2048 1200 (50 ms) 240 (10 ms) Test 1 WaveNet 3.64±0.14 3.60±0.13 Test 2 WaveNet + NS 4.36±0.11 4.32±0.10 Test 3 Parallel WaveGAN 4.02±0.10 4.11±0.11 tion cycles. The number of residual and skip channels was set Test 4 Parallel WaveGAN + NS 2.34±0.10 1.72±0.09 to 64, and the convolution filter size was three. The discrimi- Test 5 Parallel WaveGAN + PW 4.26±0.10 4.21±0.10 Test 6 Raw 4.64±0.07 4.59±0.09 nator consisted of 10 layers of non-causal dilated 1-D convo- lutions with leaky ReLU activation function (α = 0.2). The strides were set to 1, and linearly increasing dilations were applied to the 1-D convolutions, except the first and last lay- ers, from 1 to 8. The number of channels and filter size were 4.2. Evaluations the same as the generator. We applied weight normalization to all convolutional layers for both the generator and the dis- Naturalness MOS tests were conducted to evaluate the per- criminator [31]. ceptual quality of the proposed system2 . 20 native Korean The MR-STFT loss was calculated by summing three speakers were asked to make quality judgments about the syn- STFT losses as shown in Table 3, which had been defined in thesized speech samples using the five following possible re- its original version [10]. In the proposed method, to obtain sponses: 1 = Bad; 2 = Poor; 3 = Fair; 4 = Good; and 5 = Excel- the time-invariant masking filter in equation (10), all the LSFs lent. In total, 30 utterances were randomly selected from the (p = 40) collected from the training data were averaged, and test set and synthesized using the different generation models. converted to the corresponding LP coefficients [32]. For a Table 4 presents the MOS test results for the TTS sys- stable convergence, the masking filter’s magnitude response tems with respect to the different vocoding models, and the was normalized to have a range from 0.5 to 1.0 before ap- analysis can be summarized as follows: First, in systems plying it to the MR-STFT loss. The discriminator loss was with autoregressive WaveNet vocoders, applying the noise- computed by the average of per-time-step scalar predictions shaping filter performed significantly better than the plain with the discriminator. The value of hyperparameter, λadv , in systems (Tests 1 and 2). This confirms that reducing au- equation (1) was chosen to be 4.0. The models were trained ditory noise in the spectral valley regions was beneficial to for 400 K steps with RAdam optimization ( = 1e−6 ) to perceptual quality. However, the effectiveness of the noise- stabilize training [33]. The discriminator was fixed for the shaping filter was not evident for the Parallel WaveGAN first 100 K steps, and both the generator and discriminator systems (Tests 3 and 4). Since the training and generation were jointly trained afterwards. The minibatch size was set to processes are both non-autoregressive, it might be that the 8, and the length of each audio clip was set to 24 K time sam- characteristics of a noise-shaped target signal were difficult ples (1.0 second). The initial learning rate was set to 0.0001 for the model to capture without previous time-step infor- and 0.00005 for the generator and discriminator, respectively. mation. Second, the systems with Parallel WaveGAN and The learning rate was reduced by half every 200 K steps. the proposed perceptually weighted MR-STFT loss function Across all vocoding models, the input auxiliary features demonstrated improved quality of synthesized speech (Tests were up-sampled by nearest neighbor up-sampling followed 3 and 5). Because the weighting helped the model reduce by 2-D convolutions so that the time-resolution of the auxil- generation errors in the spectral valleys, and because the ad- iary features matched the sampling rate of the speech wave- versarial training method helped capture the characteristics forms [9, 34]. of realistic speech waveforms, the system was able to gen- erate a natural voice within a non-autoregressive framework, 4.1.4. Text-to-speech generation providing the 14.87 K times faster inference than the best autoregressive model (Test2). Consequently, the TTS sys- In the synthesis step, the acoustic feature vectors were pre- tem with the proposed Parallel WaveGAN vocoder achieved dicted by the acoustic model with the given input text. To 4.21 and 4.26 MOS results for female and male speakers, enhance spectral clarity, an LSF-sharpening filter was applied respectively. to the spectral parameters [23]. By using these features as the conditional inputs, vocoding models such as WaveNet and Parallel WaveGAN generated corresponding time-sequences 2 Generated audio samples are available at the following URL: of the waveforms.
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