IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE UPDATES - 2035 Comprehensive Plan City of Fairfax - January 24, 2022

Page created by Matthew Lowe
City of Fairfax

2035 Comprehensive Plan

January 24, 2022
 1    Performance Metrics                               58    Economic Vitality

 2    Land Use                                          62    Community Services
 2    Land Use Strategies                               62    Education
 4    Neighborhoods                                     67    Parks and Recreation
 6    Commercial Corridors and Activity Centers         72    Cultural Arts
 14   Housing                                           76    Government and Public Safety
 21   Community Design and Historic Preservation        80    Infrastructure and Utilities

 25   Multimodal Transportation

 46   Environment and Sustainability
 46   Natural Environment
 53   Sustainability Initiatives

                City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022   i
Performance Metrics
The following tables are provided as a tool to measure progress in               Status updates are color coded based on the year they were
the implementation of the range of goal-supporting actions in this               updated:
Comprehensive Plan. Each goal from throughout the plan is listed with a          • Original entries or updates prior to Winter 2021- black
table of actions below it. The primary measurement of implementation is          • Winter 2021 updates - purple
whether or not progress has been made in implementing that action. The           • Summer 2021 updates - orange
work type (whether the action is part of a department’s base work or a special   • Winter 2022 updates - red
project), primary responsible party, a timeframe for implementation and a
timeframe for completion for each action is provided in the table with the       Glossary for Lead Responsibility:
following timeframes:                                                            Abbreviation      Department or Agency
  Timeframe for Completion		                                                     Atty              City Attorney
                                                                                 CDP               Community Development and Planning
      Ongoing        Routine and continuous
                                                                                 Code              Code Administration
                                                                                 CoR               Commissioner of the Revenue
    Immediate        Completed within 2 years
                                                                                 CM                Communications and Marketing
                                                                                 ED                Economic Development
    Short-Term       Completed within 2 to 5 years                               EM                Emergency Management
                                                                                 Fire              Fire
    Long-Term        Will take longer than 5 years to complete                   His.              Historic Resources
                                                                                 HS                Human Services
These tables should be reviewed annually to ensure that progress has been        P&R               Parks and Recreation
made on implementing or completing each of the actions per the defined           Police            Police
schedule.                                                                        PW                Public Works
                                                                                 Resp. Depts.      Respective City Departments
In addition to the implementation schedule, specific metrics are provided
for some of the goals. The metrics indicate desired impacts that may result      SB                School Board
from proper implementation of the actions within that goal. In some cases,       Sust.             Sustainability
these metrics can be reviewed immediately after an action is completed,          Trans.            Transportation
while in others, the results may not be clear for a long period of time. For
this reason, the metrics should not be considered alone when measuring the
success of this plan.
                             City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                     1
Action                           Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation    Completion                        Status

Land Use


Goal 1: Ensure development is complementary.
OUTCOME LU1.1: The Future Land Use Map is used in conjunction with other recommendations from the Comprehensive Plan to guide development throughout the City.
                                                                                                                 A new Future Land Use Map is included in the
                                                                                                                 2035 Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted
          Maintain and update, as necessary, a Future
                                                                                                                 by City Council on 2/12/2019, and land uses
   LU     Land Use Map that provides for a balanced
  1.1.1                                                 Base Work          CDP          Ongoing       Ongoing    in the Activity Centers have been further
          mix of development types and addresses
                                                                                                                 confirmed through the Old Town Fairfax and
          current and future needs of the City.
                                                                                                                 Northfax Small Area Plans, both adopted in
                                                                                                                 June 2020.
          Use the Future Land Use Map (Figure 9),
          Place Types, and general text from the                                                                 A new Future Land Use Map is included in the
  1.1.2   Comprehensive Plan as a guide when            Base Work          CDP          Ongoing       Ongoing    2035 Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted
          considering new development throughout                                                                 by City Council on 2/12/2019.
          the City.
                                                                                                                 City staff are preparing a process for identifying
          Refer to Parcel Specific Recommendations,                                                              additional parcel specific recommendations
          as detailed on pages 39-44, for potential                                                              for properties with a Social and Civic Network
  1.1.3   alternative uses. Amend the Comprehensive     Base Work          CDP          Ongoing       Ongoing    place type. This study has been presented to
          Plan to provide additional Parcel Specific                                                             the Planning Commission and there are no
          Recommendations as appropriate.                                                                        proposed amendments for additional Parcel
                                                                                                                 Specific Recommendations at this time.

   2         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                     Status

OUTCOME LU1.2: Zoning regulations that accommodate high-quality design and development practices.
                                                                                                                  Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance
                                                                                                                  amendments are considered regularly,
          Consistently review the Zoning and
                                                                                                                  partially based on feedback from Planning
          Subdivision Ordinances and the Zoning Map
   LU                                                                                                             Commission members. Planning Commission
  1.2.1   to ensure they are able to support the Future   Base Work         CDP          Ongoing      Ongoing
                                                                                                                  members are encouraged to continue to
          Land Use Map and other guidance of the
                                                                                                                  provide feedback on regulatory requirements
          Comprehensive Plan.
                                                                                                                  that are inconsistent with the Comprehensive

                                      City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                            3
Action                                 Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                          Status

Goal 1: Enhance neighborhood character.
Metrics:         • Number of homeowner, condominium, and civic associations in regular communication with the City
OUTCOME N1.1: Infill housing that complements the character of surrounding homes in existing neighborhoods.
           Maintain regulatory standards to ensure
    N                                                                                                                     This action will be considered through regular
           infill housing fits in with the surrounding            Base Work         CDP          Ongoing      Ongoing
  1.1.1                                                                                                                   updates to the Zoning Ordinance.
           neighborhood context.

OUTCOME N1.2: Residents have regular communication and positive interactions with other members of their neighborhood as well as the larger City community.
                                                                                                                          T h e C i t y e n g a g e d w i t h h o m e o w n e r,
                                                                                                                          condominium, and civic associations during
                                                                                                                          the Old Town Fairfax and Northfax Small Area
                                                                                                                          Plans’ community meetings. Staff will continue
                                                                                                                          to conduct outreach with neighborhood
           E n c ourage and s upport communit y
    N                                                                                                                     associations for future Small Area Plans. Staff
           e n g a g e m e n t t h r o u g h h o m e o w n e r,   Base Work          CM         Immediate     Ongoing
  1.2.1                                                                                                                   are also using the Engage Fairfax project page
           condominium, and civic associations.
                                                                                                                          to engage with the community for the Kamp
                                                                                                                          Washington Small Area Plan. Cityscene, City
                                                                                                                          Clips, and Channel 12/YouTube are also used
                                                                                                                          to engage community members and spread
                                                                                                                          information and awareness about City projects.
           Establish regular communication with
                                                                                                                          The City’s Community Relations Specialist
           homeowner, condominium, and civic
    N                                                                                                                     communicates regularly with HOAs and
  1.2.2    associations and residential property                  Base Work          CM         Immediate     Ongoing
                                                                                                                          civic associations via email and GovDelivery
           managers as a means to keep individual
                                                                                                                          newsletter subscriptions.
           citizens informed about City business.

   4           City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation      Completion                       Status

Goal 2: Provide neighborhood pedestrian connections.
Metrics:   • Number of pedestrian infrastructure projects completed that fill gaps in the existing network or are located in deficient areas
OUTCOME N2.1: Residents of all abilities safely and easily move about the community.
                                                                                                                Recommendations for four new trails (George T.
                                                                                                                Snyder Trail, Pickett Road Trail, and the Country
                                                                                                                Club Commons Trail) and a bicycle network plan
                                                                                                                are included in the Two-Year Transportation
                                                                                                                Program (to be adopted in summer 2021), and
                                                                                                                Staff continually monitors for opportunities
                                                                                                                for new trails. P&R encourages creating open
                                                                                                                spaces within new developments that are
                                                                                                                open to all and connect to amenities outside
          Identify opportunities for future open space
   N                                                                                                            the development. Additionally, there is a plan
          and trails in neighborhoods that are currently   Base Work    CDP, Trans., P&R   Immediate Short-Term
  2.1.1                                                                                                         to add a connection from Hill Street to the
          deficient in offering these amenities.
                                                                                                                adjacent shopping center on Fairfax Boulevard.
                                                                                                                The George T. Snyder Trail and Pickett Road
                                                                                                                Connector Trail construction will begin in late
                                                                                                                2023. The Country Club Commons Trail has
                                                                                                                also been funded, and design will start in FY
                                                                                                                2023. The Kamp Washington Small Area Plan
                                                                                                                will also identify areas for open space and
                                                                                                                non-motorized connectivity throughout the
                                                                                                                study area.
                                                                                                                A program for new sidewalks within
                                                                                                                neighborhoods has been funded. Additionally,
                                                                                                                the City is requesting FY2028 funding for
                                                                                                                Oak Street sidewalks. Off-street connections
          Expand existing pedestrian network to                                                                 are included in the bicycle network plan.
    N     increase connectivity within neighborhoods       Base Work    CDP, Trans., P&R    Ongoing   Ongoing Additionally, there is a plan to add a connection
          and to other destinations.                                                                            from Hill Street to the adjacent shopping center
                                                                                                                on Fairfax Boulevard. The Kamp Washington
                                                                                                                Small Area Plan will also identify areas for new
                                                                                                                pedestrian connections throughout the study

                                      City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                               5
Action                            Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation     Completion                        Status


Goal 1: Enhance Commercial Corridors.
Metrics:        • Average property value per acre in Commercial Corridor areas
		              • Average lease rates in Commercial Corridors
OUTCOME CCAC1.1: Commercial Corridors with attractive physical characteristics that provide shopping, dining, services, and other businesses.
           Encourage commercial redevelopment that
  CCAC                                                                 CDP, ED, Trans.,                              The City offers incentive packages to businesses
           offers amenities and atmosphere to attract     Base Work                        Ongoing       Ongoing
  1.1.1                                                                     P&R                                      looking to relocate in the City.
           top-tier commercial tenants.
                                                                                                                     The identification of underutilized properties
           Identify underutilized properties (i.e.:
                                                                                                                     and encouraging redevelopment happens on
           buildings assessed at considerably less than
  CCAC                                                                                                               an ongoing basis. Additional priority properties
  1.1.2    the total property value), and, working with   Base Work           ED           Ongoing       Ongoing
                                                                                                                     will continue to be identified through the Small
           the City’s Economic Development Authority,
                                                                                                                     Area Plan process as they were in Old Town
           encourage redevelopment.
                                                                                                                     Fairfax and Northfax.
                                                                                                                     New City of Fairfax Design Guidelines were
                                                                                                                     adopted in July 2018. The BAR continues
                                                                                                                     to reference the Design Guidelines when
                                                                                                                     considering applications for Certificates
                                                                                                                     of Appropriateness. ED is encouraging
  CCAC     Encourage creativity and architectural
  1.1.3                                                   Base Work        CDP, ED         Ongoing       Ongoing     art installations on City-owned buildings,
           excellence in new commercial developments.
                                                                                                                     including the mural on the new Draper’s
                                                                                                                     Restaurant in Old Town. ED has engaged in
                                                                                                                     other conversations with CA about additional
                                                                                                                     murals or art installations that help achieve
                                                                                                                     economic development goals.
           Develop urban design concept diagrams
  CCAC     for small block and multi-block areas along     Specific                                                  These concepts will follow the Small Area Plan
  1.1.4                                                                 CDP, Trans., ED   Short-Term Short-Term
           the City’s Commercial Corridors outside the     Project                                                   process.
           Activity Centers.

   6          City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                           Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation       Completion                        Status

OUTCOME CCAC1.1 (con’t): Commercial Corridors with attractive physical characteristics that provide shopping, dining, services, and other businesses.
          Encourage tree-lined and heavily-landscaped                                                                 Street tree and landscaping requirements
  CCAC    property edges, particularly where surface                                                                  are provided in the Zoning Ordinance with
  1.1.5                                                  Base Work            CDP           Ongoing       Ongoing
          parking is adjacent to the public rights-of-                                                                additional guidance provided in the City of
          way.                                                                                                        Fairfax Design Guidelines adopted in July 2018.
                                                                                                                      A program for new sidewalks within
                                                                                                                      neighborhoods has been funded, and specific
                                                                                                                      additional pedestrian connections are included
                                                                                                                      in the Old Town Fairfax and Northfax Small
                                                                                                                      Area Plans, as well as the Bicycle Master Plan
                                                                                                                      adopted by Council in June 2021. Trans. staff
  CCAC    Provide pedestrian and bicycle connections
  1.1.6                                                  Base Work      CDP, Trans., P&R   Short-Term     Ongoing     applied for funding for University Drive bike
          to nearby neighborhoods.
                                                                                                                      facility improvements, and CUE bus route
                                                                                                                      improvements aligned with the Capstone
                                                                                                                      development. The Kamp Washington Small
                                                                                                                      Area Plan will also identify areas for new
                                                                                                                      connections for bicyclists and pedestrians
                                                                                                                      throughout and adjacent to the study area.

                                     City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                    7
Action                           Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation      Completion                       Status

OUTCOME CCAC1.2: Tenants representing diverse business sectors that meet current and emerging trends in neighborhood-serving retail, service, and other business
                                                                                                                   ED has received funding for a marketing
                                                                                                                   campaign and is increasing marketing efforts,
                                                                                                                   such as the Old Town Fairfax Crawl, Small
                                                                                                                   Business Saturday, holiday windows, and
          Strengthen existing retail businesses and
  CCAC                                                                                                             other events. The EDA has also implemented
          expand choices to capture retail spending     Base Work            ED           Ongoing       Ongoing
  1.2.1                                                                                                            the Z-Card, Fairfax City 101, to promote City
          by residents.
                                                                                                                   retail businesses, and is available to residents
                                                                                                                   at government offices and in new resident
                                                                                                                   packets. All of these efforts have increased both
                                                                                                                   resident and visitor participation.
                                                                                                                   A marketing plan is pending, but CM, CDP,
                                                                                                                   and ED met to discuss promoting Northfax
                                                                                                                   and Old Town Small Area Plans. ED actively
                                                                                                                   promotes retail and service offerings via email
          Create a marketing plan to generate
  CCAC                                                                                                             and social media. The EDO and Central Fairfax
          excitement about the current retail and       Base Work          ED, CM         Ongoing       Ongoing
  1.2.2                                                                                                            Chamber of Commerce Executive Director
          service offerings.
                                                                                                                   recently highlighted the City’s business-friendly
                                                                                                                   environment during the June 4, 2021 FOX 5 Zip
                                                                                                                   Trip. ED is also updating its website to better
                                                                                                                   market local businesses.

   8         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                              Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation    Completion                       Status

Goal 2: Promote redevelopment in the City’s Activity Centers.
Metrics:        • Average property value per acre in Activity Center areas
		              • Average lease rates in Activity Centers
OUTCOME CCAC2.1: Old Town Fairfax, including an expanded downtown area to its north and south, is a lively, economically viable, walkable cultural hub for the City.
                                                                                                                The City is working with a development
                                                                                                                partner to target Old Town sites, and additional
           Capitalize on the authenticity and appeal                                                            recommendations are included in the Old
  CCAC     of Old Town Fairfax as a historic place and       Base Work          ED          Ongoing    Ongoing Town Fairfax Small Area Plan, such as the
           a shopping, dining, and tourist destination.                                                         creation of an Arts Walk. The EDO is managing
                                                                                                                relationships with the Old Town Fairfax Business
                                                                                                                Association to market and promote the district.
                                                                                                                ED completed the Facade Improvement
           Attract and retain businesses along Main
  CCAC                                                                                                          Program in previous years and is engaging with
           Street and market it as a primary retail street   Base Work          ED          Ongoing    Ongoing
  2.1.2                                                                                                         third party and consultant partners to continue
           for Old Town Fairfax.
                                                                                                                to attract businesses.
                                                                                                                The Economic Development Office continues
                                                                                                                to explore appropriate uses for City-owned
                                                                                                                sites, including potential partnerships with
           Maximize the use of publicly-owned                                                                   private entities. Development is complete
  CCAC     properties to contribute to the economic and      Base Work        CDP, ED       Ongoing   Long-Term and management of the property is underway
           cultural vibrancy of Old Town Fairfax.                                                               for the Park View site as a restaurant. ED also
                                                                                                                uses a variety of City-owned sites, such as Old
                                                                                                                Town Hall and the Sherwood Center, for various
                                                                                                                cultural events.
                                                                                                                This is being considered through the Small
           Encourage redevelopment of privately-                                                                Area Plans process. The Old Town Fairfax Small
           owned, underutilized sites north and south                                                           Area Plan was approved by City Council in June
           of Old Town Fairfax, such as the Courthouse                                                          2020. The EDA is working with a consultant
  2.1.4    Plaza shopping center and the area west           Base Work        CDP, ED      Short-Term Long-Term to begin marketing potential development
           of University Drive between Sager Avenue                                                             sites, and an RFI has been issued to determine
           and Armstrong Street, as mixed-use                                                                   whether it is prudent for the City to participate
           developments.                                                                                        in or otherwise support certain proposed
                                                                                                                development proposals in Old Town.

                                        City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                9
Action                            Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation          Completion                        Status

OUTCOME CCAC2.1 (con’t): Old Town Fairfax, including an expanded downtown area to its north and south, is a lively, economically viable, walkable cultural hub for the City.
                                                                                                                           ED and George Mason University are partnering
                                                                                                                           to strengthen the latter’s relationship with the
                                                                                                                           City, and the Old Town Business Association,
                                                                                                                           in conjunction with the City, targets students
           Market the connection to Old Town Fairfax
                                                                                                                           as patrons for its member businesses.
  CCAC     from George Mason University and emphasize
  2.1.5                                                     Base Work             ED            Ongoing        Ongoing     Homecoming, Patriots Path (design phase
           Old Town Fairfax as a desirable place for
                                                                                                                           complete; implementation plan underway
           students and faculty to shop, dine, and live.
                                                                                                                           and to be completed in 2022), Patriots in the
                                                                                                                           City, Explore Fairfax City, and other Mason
                                                                                                                           events are another way the City strengthens
                                                                                                                           its relationship with Mason.
           Support efforts by Fairfax County to develop
                                                                                                                    The City participated in the master plan
           a Master Plan for the County Courthouse
                                                                                                                    process for the Massey Complex, which began
           Complex including encouraging improved
  CCAC                                                       Specific                                               in July 2018 and concluded in February 2021.
  2.1.6    connections between the complex and                                   CDP           Immediate Short-Term
                                                             Project                                                The South Street extension is included in the
           surrounding areas, as well as uses that
                                                                                                                    Two-Year Transportation Program for FY 2028
           contribute toward, rather than compete with
           the vibrancy of the Old Town Activity Center.

   10         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation     Completion                       Status

OUTCOME CCAC2.2: A pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use destination at Northfax that capitalizes on its location to successfully compete with other regional centers.
                                                                                                               ED will pursue project feasibility and will include
  CCAC    Pursue feasibility of a public-private            Specific
                                                                        CDP, ED, Trans.   Short-Term Long-Term this in discussions with the EDA’s marketing
  2.2.1   partnership to develop parking structures.        Project
                                                                                                               The Old Town Fairfax and Northfax Small Area
                                                                                                               Plans include clearly articulated development
                                                                                                               expectations for these two Activity Centers,
                                                                                                               including locations for desired consolidation.
          Consistently articulate expectations for                                                             The Kamp Washington Small Area Plan
          unified developments and support measures        Base Work        CDP, ED        Ongoing    Ongoing process began in spring 2021, and Small Area
          that facilitate property consolidation.                                                              Plans for the remaining activity centers are
                                                                                                               forthcoming. CDP and ED are partnering on
                                                                                                               potential consultant selection to determine if
                                                                                                               consolidation for several Old Town properties
                                                                                                               is appropriate.
          Encourage the redevelopment of Northfax                                                              This action is supported by the Northfax Small
  CCAC    as a major commercial center and transit-         Specific                                           Area Plans, adopted in June 2020. The GMU
                                                                            CDP, ED        Ongoing   Long-Term
  2.2.3   oriented development that capitalizes on a        Project                                            MEC is relocating to the WillowWood complex
          potential future Metrorail station along I-66.                                                       in Northfax, as well as the EDO office.

                                      City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                11
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation      Completion                       Status

OUTCOME CCAC2.3: Old Town Fairfax, Northfax, and the other Activity Centers are well-designed and desirable places to live, work, shop, and dine.
                                                                                                                      Guidance to support this action is provided in
          Encourage structured parking and minimize                                                                   the City of Fairfax Design Guidelines. This is
          surface parking, particularly adjacent to       Base Work       CDP, Trans.       Ongoing      Ongoing      further supported by the recommendations of
          public rights-of-way.                                                                                       the Old Town Fairfax and Northfax Small Area
          Promote the orientation of buildings facing
  CCAC                                                                                                                Guidance to support this action is provided in
          toward streets with architecture that engages   Base Work          CDP            Ongoing      Ongoing
  2.3.2                                                                                                               the City of Fairfax Design Guidelines.
          street-level activity.
          Promote active streetscapes with minimal
                                                                                                                      Guidance to support this action is provided in
  CCAC    building setbacks, pedestrian amenities,
                                                          Base Work          CDP            Ongoing      Ongoing      the Zoning Ordinance and the City of Fairfax
  2.3.3   street furniture, on-street parking,
                                                                                                                      Design Guidelines, adopted in July 2018.
          landscaping, and other features.
                                                                                                                     This action is supported by the Multimodal
                                                                                                                     Transportation Plan, which was approved
                                                                                                                     in October 2017, and adopted on 2/12/2019
                                                                                                                     through the 2035 Comprehensive Plan. This
                                                                                                                     is also supported in the Old Town Fairfax and
          Support land planning that balances
  CCAC                                                                                                               Northfax Small Area Plans (adopted by City
          connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, and   Base Work       CDP, Trans.       Ongoing      Ongoing
  2.3.4                                                                                                              Council in June 2020), the Bicycle Master Plan
                                                                                                                     (adopted by City Council in June 2021), the
                                                                                                                     Fairfax Circle TLC, and the forthcoming Kamp
                                                                                                                     Washington Small Area Plan. Connectivity in
                                                                                                                     land planning is also a consideration during the
                                                                                                                     site plan review process.

   12         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation     Completion                        Status

OUTCOME CCAC2.3 (con’t): Old Town Fairfax, Northfax, and the other Activity Centers are well-designed and desirable places to live, work, shop, and dine.
          Prepare individual Small Area Plans, as
                                                                                                                   The Old Town Fairfax and Northfax Small Area
          defined in Section 15.2-2303.4 of the Code
                                                                                                                   Plans were approved by City Council in June
          of Virginia, for each of the Activity Centers
                                                                                                                   2020 and the Kamp Washington Small Area
  CCAC    that clearly demonstrate the desired mix of       Specific
                                                                              CDP          Immediate     Long-Term Plan process began in spring 2021. Timing for
  2.3.5   uses, residential density, building intensity,    Project
                                                                                                                   the remaining plans is to be determined. CDP
          design aesthetic, specific street locations
                                                                                                                   also received funding for a future Small Area
          and multimodal connections, infrastructure
                                                                                                                   Plan in FY 2022.
          improvements, parking, and open space.
                                                                                                                      Specific recommendations for public
                                                                                                                      investments and infrastructure improvements
                                                                                                                      are included in the Old Town Fairfax and
                                                                                                                      Northfax Small Area Plans, adopted in
          Target and coordinate public infrastructure
                                                                                                                      June 2020. Implementation steps for these
          improvements with desired infill,
  CCAC                                                                                                                recommendations are currently in development.
          reinvestment, and redevelopment areas            Base Work    CDP, Trans., ED    Long-Term      Ongoing
  2.3.6                                                                                                               The Kamp Washington Small Area Plan process
          to encourage and stimulate private
                                                                                                                      began in spring 2021. Timing for the remaining
                                                                                                                      plans is to be determined. The Fairfax Circle
                                                                                                                      TLC project will support the land use goals
                                                                                                                      envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan and the
                                                                                                                      future Fairfax Circle Small Area Plan.

                                      City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                 13
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                          Status

Goal 1: Support a wide range of housing types.
Metrics:        • Percentage of housing units by type
OUTCOME H1.1: Continued development of housing types that are underrepresented in the City’s existing stock of housing units.
           Create a housing policy that can best provide
    H      for the types of housing units that are most                                              See Sub-Actions
           in demand.
                                                                                                                       Work on the Housing Assessment, including
           Conduct a housing assessment to examine the                                                                 its process and intent, started in Spring 2020.
           types of housing that are most in demand in                                                                 CDP staff held meetings with both the Planning
    H                                                        Specific   the City for a full income range of households                    CDP, HS      Immediate      Ongoing       Commission and City Council on the project’s
           or are most supportive of growing sectors of                                                                direction in spring 2021 and are continuing to
           the local economy.                                                                                          work with the Planning Commission to refine
                                                                                                                       the assessment’s aims and goals.
                                                                                                                       In November and December 2018, Planning
                                                                                                                       Commission and City Council voted to approve
                                                                                                                       development of the Capstone student housing
           Support development of housing types that
                                                                                                                       development at University Drive and Democracy
    H      are not heavily represented in the City’s                                                    Base Work        CDP, HS       Ongoing       Ongoing       Lane. This is a housing type that does not
           housing stock, as identified in the housing
                                                                                                                       currently exist in the City. In addition, senior
           assessment, where reasonable.
                                                                                                                       housing, which is another underrepresented
                                                                                                                       housing type in the City, was approved in the
                                                                                                                       Northfax West project in June 2020.

   14         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation    Completion                       Status

OUTCOME H1.1 (con’t): Continued development of housing types that are underrepresented in the City’s existing stock of housing units.
           Consider efforts to market new and existing
    H                                                                                                                Previously-discussed neighborhood highlight
           housing stock to growing sectors of the         Base Work        CDP, ED       Immediate      Ongoing                                                                                                             videos are currently on hold.
           regional economy.
                                                                                                               This action requires initial research by staff and/
                                                                                                               or a consultant and is supported by the Old
                                                                                                               Town Fairfax and Northfax Small Area Plans,
           Research changes to the zoning regulations to
                                                                                                               approved by City Council in June 2020. Staff
    H      expand opportunities for accessory dwelling      Specific
  1.1.2                                                                      CDP          Immediate Short-Term has started researching potential updates to
           units, while ensuring they do not negatively     Project
                                                                                                               zoning regulations for Old Town Fairfax, with
           impact the surrounding neighborhood.
                                                                                                               research on Northfax to follow. Updating the
                                                                                                               Zoning Ordinance requires review and action
                                                                                                               by the Planning Commission.

                                       City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                              15
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                       Status

Goal 2: Ensure availability of housing that is affordable.
Metrics:        • Number of housing units designated as affordable
		              • Number of housing units that are affordable, dedicated to older adults
		              • Number of housing units that are affordable, dedicated to persons with disabilities
OUTCOME H2.1: Affordable housing units have been added to the City’s housing stock through redevelopment and strategic investments.
           Maintain a robust and dedicated housing trust
                                                                                                                   An affordable housing trust fund would be
           fund that could be used to rehabilitate and
   H                                                                                                               partially supported through the Affordable
  2.1.1    preserve existing housing that is affordable    Base Work      HS, Finance    Immediate     Ongoing
                                                                                                                   Dwelling Unit policy, approved by City Council
           or to help leverage other funding streams for
                                                                                                                   in June 2020.
           new construction.
                                                                                                                   The Affordable Dwelling Unit Ordinance was
           Provide regulatory and financial incentives                                                             approved by City Council in June 2020. In
           to increase the supply of affordable housing,                                                           addition to the ADU ordinance, five for-sale
  2.1.2    including amending the City’s Zoning            Base Work        CDP, HS       Ongoing      Ongoing     ADUs consistent with the new ordinance were
           Ordinance to include an Affordable Dwelling                                                             included in the approval of the Metro Church
           Unit ordinance.                                                                                         property, and 24 affordable housing units at
                                                                                                                   Scout on the Circle have begun leasing.
           Pursue a contractual partnership with the                                                               The Affordable Dwelling Unit Ordinance,
           Fairfax County Department of Housing and                                                                approved by City Council in June 2020, includes
  2.1.3    Community Development to administer             Base Work        CDP, HS       Ongoing      Ongoing     a Memorandum of Understanding with Fairfax
           elements of a housing affordability program                                                             County Redevelopment and Housing Authority
           for the City.                                                                                           for administration.
                                                                                                                   Applications to redevelop the American Legion
           Provide alternative means of accommodating
                                                                                                                   site to include affordable housing units and to
           new dedicated affordable units, such as
                                                                                                                   add affordable units at Fairfax Presbyterian
           leveraging vacant or underutilized public
    H                                                                                                              Church have been received and are currently
  2.1.4    land; supporting or partnering with private,    Base Work      CDP, HS, ED    Immediate     Ongoing
                                                                                                                   under review. The Old Town Fairfax Small Area
           non-profit, or faith-based organizations; and
                                                                                                                   Plan recommends a partnership between the
           co-locating affordable housing with public
                                                                                                                   City and Truro Anglican Church to develop
                                                                                                                   dedicated affordable units.

   16         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation      Completion                         Status

OUTCOME H2.2: Preservation of and reinvestment in the City’s existing supply of affordable multifamily rental housing units.
          Facilitate partnerships between existing
    H     property owners and nonprofit organizations
  2.2.1                                                    Base Work      CDP, ED, HS      Immediate      Ongoing
          to preserve and ensure long-term affordability
          of existing multifamily complexes.
          Promote the use of the Low Income Housing                                                                    Virginia joined more than 30 states and the
          Tax Credits, tax abatements, low-interest                                                                    District of Columbia in adopting C-PACE
    H     loans, the PACE (Property Assessed Clean                                                                     legislation in 2009 and adopting amendments
  2.2.2                                                    Base Work        CDP, HS        Short-Term     Ongoing
          Energy) Program, and other funding sources                                                                   in 2015. It is up to the City of Fairfax to pass a
          available to reinvest in and upgrade existing                                                                C-PACE ordinance if they would like to offer a
          multifamily complexes.                                                                                       program.

                                      City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                      17
Action                              Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation       Completion                         Status

Goal 3: Provide housing options for older adults and persons with disabilities.
Metrics:        • Number of housing units dedicated to older adults
		              • Number of housing units dedicated to persons with disabilities
OUTCOME H3.1: A range of accessible housing types with appropriate levels of support and care is available for older adults and persons with disabilities that incorporate
the concept of universal design.

                                                                                                                          The City is expecting multiple applications for
                                                                                                                          dedicated senior housing that will incorporate
                                                                                                                          accessible design features. This action will
                                                                                                                          be considered during the review of these
                                                                                                                          applications. This is also supported by the
           Express preferences regarding housing
                                                                                                                          Old Town Fairfax and Northfax Small Area
           units that are appropriate and/or in demand
    H                                                                                                                     Plans, which were adopted by City Council in
  3.1.1    for seniors and those with disabilities and       Base Work        CDP, HS          Ongoing       Ongoing
                                                                                                                          June 2020. HS has hired a part-time Village
           incorporate features of universal design at a
                                                                                                                          Coordinator position, which would allow those
           range of price points.
                                                                                                                          to wish to age in-place to remain in their homes
                                                                                                                          while receiving the services they need in order
                                                                                                                          to do so. Fairfax Village in the City, an advisory
                                                                                                                          board of residents and HS staff, is currently in
                                                                                                                          the implementation stage.
           Encourage development of congregate living
           facilities - a group of independent dwelling                                                                   Encouraging the development of congregate
  3.1.2    units that have common kitchen and dining         Base Work          CDP            Ongoing       Ongoing      living will generally occur through negotiations
           areas - to support older adults and persons                                                                    as part of the land use process.
           with disabilities.
           Review provisions within the City’s Zoning                                                                     This action requires initial research by staff and/
           Ordinance to identify and amend provisions                                                                     or a consultant. Staff has started researching
           that impede the ability to construct or modify                                                                 potential updates in regards to zoning
  3.1.3    housing containing minimal physical barriers      Base Work          CDP           Short-Term     Ongoing      regulations that may impact housing in Old
           for people of all ages and abilities, including                                                                Town Fairfax, with research on Northfax to
           but not limited to standards of universal                                                                      follow. Updating the Zoning Ordinance requires
           design.                                                                                                        review and action by the Planning Commission.

   18         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                            Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                      Status

Goal 4: Support improvements of existing residential units.
Metrics:        • Number of permits issued for housing renovations
		              • Number of participants in the FRHC program
OUTCOME H4.1: A greater number of renovated housing units.
           Continue to encourage property owners to
                                                                                                                  The City encourages reinvestment projects
   H       undertake residential reinvestment projects
  4.1.1                                                   Base Work         CDP          Ongoing      Ongoing     through its FRHC program and providing for
           that can collectively modernize the City’s
                                                                                                                  energy-efficient retrofits.
           housing stock.
                                                                                                                  The City encourages energy-efficient retrofits
                                                                                                                  through reduced rate energy checkups,
                                                                                                                  promoted via the City’s website, social media,
           Encourage energy-efficient retrofits that                                                              and Cityscene. The City has partnered with
    H      reduce water use and heating and cooling       Base Work       CD, Sust.     Immediate     Ongoing     LEAP-VA on the Energy Smart Homes program
           costs.                                                                                                 to offer discounted prices on home energy
                                                                                                                  assessments. The City has also advertised
                                                                                                                  rebates, rewards and conservation programs
                                                                                                                  offered by Dominion Energy.
           Continue to enforce compliance with building                                                           The City’s building and zoning inspectors
   H       and property maintenance codes to prevent                                                              perform ongoing inspections to ensure
  4.1.3                                                   Base Work       CDP, Code      Ongoing      Ongoing
           deteriorated, unsafe, and unhealthy housing                                                            compliance with property maintenance codes
           conditions.                                                                                            and zoning regulations.
    H      Incentivize reinvestment in existing
  4.1.4                                                   Base Work        CDP, HS      Short-Term    Ongoing
           multifamily complexes.

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Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                      Status

OUTCOME H4.2: Expanded City-sponsored residential improvements programs.
                                                                                                                  FRHC guidelines have recently been relaxed to
    H     Continue to explore modifications to the FRHC
  4.2.1                                                   Base Work         CDP          Ongoing      Ongoing     allow greater participation from townhouse,
          program to encourage greater participation.
                                                                                                                  duplex, and condominium owners.
                                                                                                                  The City has partnered with LEAP-VA
          Encourage further engagement of programs                                                                on the Energy Smart Homes program to
    H     to promote sustainable retrofits and                                                                    offer discounted prices on home energy
  4.2.2                                                   Base Work       CDP, Sust.    Immediate     Ongoing
          incorporation of sustainable elements in                                                                assessments. The City has also advertised
          residential renovations.                                                                                rebates, rewards and conservation programs
                                                                                                                  offered by Dominion Energy.

  20         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                           Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation       Completion                       Status


Goal 1: Require high-quality, sustainable design.
OUTCOME CDHP1.1: Clear expectations for the required design elements and building materials for the City’s historic districts and commercial centers.
                                                                                                                   The Old Town Streetscape Plan and Standards,
                                                                                                                   adopted 7/9/2019, provides an overall
                                                                                                                   conceptual level streetscape plan for the Old
          Determine design aesthetic of Fairfax
                                                                                                                   Town Fairfax Historic Overlay District, with
          Boulevard and Main Street with input from
                                                                                                                   the Main Street Streetscape Design expanding
 CDHP     City boards and commissions and convey          Specific
  1.1.1                                                                       CDP          Immediate     Immediate on this concept plan and incorporating the
          through design documents such as the            Project
                                                                                                                   standards into a 30% design for a three-block
          City of Fairfax Design Guidelines and other
                                                                                                                   section of Main Street. The planned Old Town
          documents that may be prepared.
                                                                                                                   and Northfax Guidance Committees would
                                                                                                                   provide additional review on City design

                                     City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                               21
Action                              Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                       Status

OUTCOME CDHP1.2: Attractive buildings, inviting public spaces, and welcoming gateways that contribute to our economic vitality and unique character.
                                                                                                               Financial support to implement clean
                                                                                                               energy improvements in targeted economic
          Identify commercial economic investment
 CDHP                                                                                                          investment areas may be provided by programs
          areas and provide financial support through       Base Work        CDP, ED       Ongoing    Ongoing
 1.2.1                                                                                                         like C-PACE. It is up to the City of Fairfax to pass
          the Economic Development Authority.
                                                                                                               a C-PACE ordinance if they would like to offer
                                                                                                               a program.
                                                                                                               Design Guidelines are used in every design review
                                                                                                               process for certificates of appropriateness
                                                                                                               by staff, the BAR, and City Council. Staff
                                                                                                               directs applicants to this document prior to
                                                                                                               submissions when possible. The language
          Continue to develop and refine design                                                                in this document encourages high-quality
 CDHP     standards with a menu of options to encourage                                                        architecture and landscaping and unique
 1.2.2                                                      Base Work         CDP         Immediate Immediate
          variety, visual interest, and durability in the                                                      expressions in design. No changes have been
          design of new development.                                                                           made since its adoption by Council on July
                                                                                                               24, 2018, but the document is designed to be
                                                                                                               amended as needs arise over time. Review of
                                                                                                               the Design Guidelines is recommended by both
                                                                                                               the Old Town Fairfax and Northfax Small Area
                                                                                                               Plans, adopted by City Council in June 2020.
                                                                                                               Many newer developments in the City have
                                                                                                               included gathering spaces and amenity areas
                                                                                                               in their design. Examples include outdoor
                                                                                                               seating at Scout on the Circle, pocket parks and
          Explore public-private partnerships to create
 CDHP                                                                                                          outdoor gathering areas within the Boulevard
          neighborhood centers inclusive of gathering       Base Work        CDP, ED      Short-Term Long-Term
 1.2.3                                                                                                         VI development, and public outdoor spaces
                                                                                                               in the Moxley development. Both the Zoning
                                                                                                               Ordinance and Design Guidelines encourage
                                                                                                               the integration of gathering spaces into site
                                                                                                               The Northfax Small Area Plan identifies the
 CDHP     Create attractive gateway features at key City
 1.2.4                                                      Base Work      CDP, ED, PW    Short-Term Long-Term City-owned parcel at Chain Bridge Road and
          entry points.
                                                                                                               Fairfax Boulevard as a potential gateway site.

   22        City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation    Completion                          Status

Goal 2: Protect and enhance historic resources.
Metrics:        • Number of properties located in a locally-designated historic district or designated as a historic landmark
		              • Percent of new development and improvements deemed in compliance with the City of Fairfax Design Guidelines
OUTCOME CDHP2.1: Protection of eligible structures, properties, and neighborhoods through local historic designation and strategic investments.
                                                                                                                     Maps of the Old Town Fairfax National Register
                                                                                                                     Historic District, potential archaeological areas,
                                                                                                                     and historic resources are available on the City’s
           Develop an inventory of historic and
                                                                                                                     website. The consultant-led review of the City’s
 CDHP      archaeological resources readily available       Specific
 2.1.1                                                                       CDP           Ongoing      Ongoing      National Register Historic District concluded in
           on the City’s website that is reviewed and       Project
                                                                                                                     summer 2021; however, no significant updates
           updated at least every 10 years.
                                                                                                                     to the district were recommended. Additional
                                                                                                                     properties identified as potentially having
                                                                                                                     historic value will be further studied in FY 2022.
                                                                                                                     A potential micro historic district encompassing
                                                                                                                     the 29 Diner and Ahn’s Autobahn Auto Repair
                                                                                                                     was identified in the Northfax Small Area
           Work with neighborhoods to gain support for                                                               Plan. The consultant-led review of the City’s
 CDHP      new locally-designated historic districts and   Base Work         CDP          Short-Term    Ongoing      National Register Historic District concluded in
           landmarks, where appropriate.                                                                             summer 2021; however, no significant updates
                                                                                                                     to the district were recommended. Additional
                                                                                                                     properties identified as potentially having
                                                                                                                     historic value will be further studied in FY 2022.
                                                                                                                     The City of Fairfax Design Guidelines contains
                                                                                                                     guidelines for historic district renovations.
                                                                                                                     Applications to demolish buildings in the
                                                                                                                     Historic District must be reviewed and approved
           Encourage the preservation of existing                                                                    by the BAR, and Certificates of Appropriateness
 CDHP      buildings of historic or architectural          Base Work         CDP           Ongoing      Ongoing      applications are reviewed for effects to historic
           significance whenever feasible.                                                                           and architectural significance. Contributing
                                                                                                                     properties within the City of Fairfax National
                                                                                                                     Register Historic District are also eligible for tax
                                                                                                                     credits for restoration projects that comply with
                                                                                                                     the Secretary’s Standards for Rehabilitation.

                                       City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                     23
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation     Completion                        Status

OUTCOME CDHP2.2: Redevelopment that respects nearby historic structures and the established architectural pattern.
          Ensure all new development subject to the
          requirements of the City of Fairfax Design                                                                 All Certificate of Appropriateness staff reports
 2.2.1    Guidelines is compliant, and continue to        Base Work          CDP           Ongoing      Ongoing      contain an analysis for every relevant provision
          monitor the review process for Certificates                                                                of guidelines that pertain to the project.
          of Appropriateness to ensure it is effective.
          Rezone all properties in the Old Town Fairfax                                                              Staff has started researching potential changes
          Future Transition Overlay District to the Old                                                              to the Historic Overlay, Transition Overlay,
 2.2.2    Town Fairfax Transition Overlay District,       Base Work          CDP           Ongoing      Ongoing      and Future Transition Overlay districts in
          either proactively or as each property seeks                                                               conjunction with research on zoning regulations
          land use amendments.                                                                                       within Old Town Fairfax.

OUTCOME MM4.2: The City’s historic resources are utilized to provide educational programs in the community and promote preservation of historic properties.
                                                                                                                 Currently, the City and Historic Fairfax City, Inc.
          Promote greater awareness of the City’s
                                                                                                                 are offering a limited number of historic walking
          historic resources and the history of the
                                                                                                                 tours of Old Town Fairfax. Monthly educational
 CDHP     City and surrounding area, identifying
 2.3.1                                                    Base Work          His.          Ongoing      Ongoing programs or are offered in person or virtually at
          educational, economic, and recreational
                                                                                                                 the Fairfax Museum and at Historic Blenheim.
          benefits of historic structures, properties,
                                                                                                                 The Ratcliffe-Allison-Pozer House will reopen
          and districts.
                                                                                                                 in April 2022.
                                                                                                                 A FY2021 CIP request to upgrade the museum’s
          Evaluate the need to expand the Fairfax                                                                Fairfax Story exhibit has been postponed until
 CDHP     Museum and Visitor Center, currently located     Specific                                              at least FY 2023 due to COVID-19-related
 2.3.2                                                                       His.         Long-Term    Long-Term
          in the Historic Fairfax Elementary School        Project                                               budget adjustments. Both the Fairfax Story
          building.                                                                                              exhibit and the feasibility study requests have
                                                                                                                 been included in the FY 2023 CIP.

   24        City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                               Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                           Status

Multimodal Transportation
Goal 1: Connect with the region.
Metrics:        • Traffic on City arterials with neither origins nor destinations in the City - 60% existing (MWCOG model)
		              • Transit commute mode share - 11% existing (American Community Survey)
		              • Crashes on major and minor arterials involving pedestrians or bicyclists
		              • Crashes of all types on major and minor arterials - 837 current (VA State Police)
		              • CUE on-time performance - 86% current average for all routes (CUE)
OUTCOME MM1.1: Corridors for regional travel and better connections to regional networks and destinations are enhanced and improved.
           Continue to participate in regional planning                                                                  The City participates in regional planning efforts
  MM       efforts to increase connectivity in the regional   Base Work      CDP, Trans.     Ongoing       Ongoing       with NVTA, NVTC, MWCOG/TPB, WMATA, and
           road, transit, and trail networks.                                                                            VDOT.
           Collaborate with WMATA and regional
           partners to support a western extension of
  MM       Metro’s Orange Line, including a station            Specific
  1.1.2                                                                      CDP, Trans.    Long-Term     Long-Term
           location at I-66 and Route 123 (near Northfax)      Project
           to benefit City of Fairfax stakeholders with
           improved access to the Metrorail system.
  MM       Increase connectivity to the existing Vienna/
  1.1.3                                                                                                See Sub-Actions
           Fairfax-GMU Metrorail station including:
                                                                                                                 The Pickett Road Trail is funded for FY2024. The
                                                                                                                 Fairfax Circle TLC, a project that will develop a
                                                                                                                 visions and alternatives for the redesign of the
  MM       Improve pedestrian connections from the                                                               Fairfax Circle intersection, addressed this and                                                      Base Work      CDP, Trans.    Short-Term Long-Term
           Fairfax Circle area to the Metro station area.                                                        will influence the forthcoming Fairfax Circle
                                                                                                                 Small Area Plan. Transportation staff is also
                                                                                                                 looking at bus route improvements adjacent to
                                                                                                                 the Scout on the Circle development.

                                         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                     25
Action                                Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                          Status

OUTCOME MM1.1 (con’t): Corridors for regional travel and better connections to regional networks and destinations are enhanced and improved.
                                                                                                                    The Pickett Road Trail is funded for FY2024, and
                                                                                                                    the Two-Year Transportation Program includes
           Improve bicycle facility connections and                                                                 the George Snyder Trail phase 2, the Country
  MM       crossings across Fairfax Boulevard from the          Base Work      CDP, Trans.    Short-Term Short-Term Club Hills Trail, and the Plantation Parkway
           City to the Metro station.                                                                               improvements. Additional areas are identified
                                                                                                                    in the adopted Bicycle Master Plan. Bikeshare
                                                                                                                    is also funded for the Fairfax Circle area.
           Continue collaboration with George Mason                                                                 Examples of collaboration include the Mason
  MM       University to enhance bicycle and transit                                                                shuttles, CUE service updates, Patriots Path,                                                        Base Work      CDP, Trans.     Ongoing    Ongoing
           connections between the University and the                                                               providing comment on the Mason Campus
           Metrorail system.                                                                                        Plan, and bikeshare implementation.
  MM       Implement the recommendations of the Old              Specific                                                                          Trans.       Ongoing      Short-Term 30% plans are under development.
           Lee Highway “Great Street” conceptual plan.           Project
           Expand trail and bicycle networks to connect
  MM       to regional facilities and destinations,                                                      See Sub-Actions
                                                                                                                           The proposed George Snyder Trail phase 2,
           Improve connections and logical links to                                                                        Pickett Road Trail, and paving of the Wilcoxon
  MM       the Cross-County Trail and beyond to the             Base Work      CDP, Trans.     Ongoing       Ongoing       Trail would all improve connections and links to
           Washington & Old Dominion (W&OD) Trail.                                                                         regional trails. Other connections are addressed
                                                                                                                           in the adopted Bicycle Master Plan.
           Improve trail connections south along
  MM                                                                                                                       This is addressed in the adopted Bicycle Master
           Route 123 to connect to the Braddock Road            Base Work         Trans.      Long-Term     Long-Term                                                                                                                   Plan.
           Sidepath and on to Lorton.
                                                                                                                   The George Snyder Trail will provide the
  MM                                                                                                               connection to the I-66 facility, as will the
           Connect trails to the planned I-66 trail facility.   Base Work      CDP, Trans.    Short-Term Long-Term                                                                                                           Jermantown Road Shared Use Path. This is
                                                                                                                   addressed in the adopted Bicycle Master Plan.

   26         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                              Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                        Status

OUTCOME MM1.1 (con’t): Corridors for regional travel and better connections to regional networks and destinations are enhanced and improved.
           Coordinate with Fairfax County on the                                                                  This is addressed in the adopted Bicycle Master
  MM                                                          Specific
           construction of the Main Street/Little River                     CDP, Trans.    Long-Term    Long-Term Plan. The City is applying for a TLC grant for a                                                      Project
           Turnpike bicycle facility.                                                                             feasibility study for this project.
  MM       Improve the Blake Lane-Jermantown Road
  1.1.5                                                                                             See Sub-Actions
                                                                                                                The City has selected A. Morton Thomas and
                                                                                                                Associates as its consultant to determine
           Complete a transportation study to
  MM                                                          Specific                                          necessary improvements to the Jermantown
           determine necessary facility improvements                        CDP, Trans.    Short-Term Long-Term                                                      Project                                           Road corridor, and improvements to
           and operational plans.
                                                                                                                Jermantown Road are included in the FY 2021-
                                                                                                                2025 CIP.
           Coordinate with Fairfax County and VDOT
                                                                                                                The City has received NVTA funding to complete
  MM       on improvements to the Jermantown Road             Specific                                                                       Trans.      Immediate Short-Term the engineering work and construct this project,
           bridge over I-66, including additional capacity    Project
                                                                                                                with design commencing in 2020.
           for vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians.
           Pursue a connection from Jermantown
  MM                                                          Specific
           Road to Waples Mill Road north of Fairfax                        CDP, Trans.    Long-Term    Long-Term                                                      Project
           Support Fairfax County in pursuing
  MM       improvements to Braddock Road to facilitate       Base Work         Trans.      Short-Term Long-Term
           its operation as a critical regional corridor.
  MM       Complete the Government Center Parkway             Specific                                                Design is in progress, with construction to begin
  1.1.7                                                                        Trans.      Immediate Short-Term
           connection.                                        Project                                                 in 2024.
           Improve safety and ensure continued
  MM       efficiency of Pickett Road as a regional north-   Base Work      CDP, Trans.    Short-Term Long-Term
           south corridor and important truck route.

                                        City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                  27
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                      Status

OUTCOME MM1.2: Safety and operations in the regional network are improved.
          Conduct a detailed study of Fairfax Circle to
                                                                                                              The Fairfax Circle TLC is complete and will
  MM      improve safety and operations, potentially        Specific
  1.2.1                                                                   CDP, Trans.    Short-Term Long-Term address safety and operations as it informs the
          including geometric changes to the existing       Project
                                                                                                              future Small Area Plan
          circle configuration.
          Simplify multi-leg and offset intersections,
  MM                                                        Specific
          such as the intersection of McLean Avenue,                      CDP, Trans.    Short-Term Long-Term Construction will commence in 2024.
  1.2.2                                                     Project
          Warwick Avenue, and Fairfax Boulevard.
          Address safety and operational deficiencies at
  MM                                                        Specific
          major intersections, such as the intersection                      Trans.      Short-Term Long-Term This project is under design.
  1.2.3                                                     Project
          of Eaton Place and Chain Bridge Road.
  MM      Continue City participation on regional                                                                  The City participates on the NVTA, NVTC, and
  1.2.4                                                    Base Work      CDP, Trans.     Ongoing      Ongoing
          transportation boards.                                                                                   MWCOG/TPB boards.
                                                                                                                   Projects taking a regional approach to public
                                                                                                                   transportation planning include coordination
  MM      Promote a regional approach to public                                                                    with WMATA on CUE bus improvements and
  1.2.5                                                    Base Work      CDP, Trans.     Ongoing      Ongoing
          transportation planning.                                                                                 Blue/Orange/Silver Metrorail study. CUE will
                                                                                                                   also coordinate with WMATA on the regional
                                                                                                                   bus network redesign.
                                                                                                                   The City participates in regional funding
          Participate in the regional process for                                                                  prioritization discussions through NVTA and
  MM      evaluation and recommendation of projects        Base Work         Trans.       Ongoing      Ongoing     NVTC and applies for grants for transportation
          to be applied for state and regional funding.                                                            improvements through many regional, state,
                                                                                                                   and federal programs.

  28         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                               Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                       Status

Goal 2: Provide viable and attractive mobility choices.
Metrics: • Miles of sidewalk (excluding trails) - 126 existing
		       • Miles of bicycle facilities (dedicated on-street facilities and trails) - 10.6 existing
		• Pedestrian and bicycle volumes on trails
		• Non-drive alone mode share by residents and workers - 28% existing (MWCOG model)
		• Percent of residential units within 4,000 feet of parks or open space via street or trail network - 88% existing
		       • Percent of residents within 2,500 feet of a transit stop via street or trail network - 79% existing
		       • Number of bicycle racks deployed throughout the City

OUTCOME MM2.1: Pedestrian safety is improved.
                                                                                                                      The Residential Sidewalk Policy addresses
                                                                                                                      filling gaps in the pedestrian network. Locations
                                                                                                                      with new sidewalks include Roberts Road,
          Fill critical gaps in the pedestrian network.
                                                                                                                      Burke Station Road, Chain Bridge Road, and
          Develop and act on a prioritized list of sidewalk
                                                                                                                      University Boulevard by Armstrong Street
  MM      improvements in the commercial areas and
                                                              Base Work      CDP, Trans.      Ongoing     Ongoing     and by Stratford Avenue. New sidewalks on
  2.1.1   provide sidewalks on at least one side of every
                                                                                                                      Hallman Street, Jones Street, Hill Street, Sager
          residential street in neighborhoods that are
                                                                                                                      Avenue, and Oak Street are currently under
          in agreement.
                                                                                                                      design. A feasibility study will be conducted
                                                                                                                      for Dwight Avenue. A Pedestrian Master Plan
                                                                                                                      is proposed for FY 2024.
          Ensure the pedestrian network is accessible
  MM                                                                                                                  Curb ramp upgrades are ongoing. Audible
          to all and meets the requirements of the            Base Work         Trans.        Ongoing     Ongoing
  2.1.2                                                                                                               pedestrian signals were installed in Old Town.
          Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
                                                                                                                      Safe routes are addressed in the City’s
          Enhance safe routes to school, safe routes                                                                  Residential Sidewalk Policy and have been
  MM      to transit, and safe routes to community                                                                    implemented in new sidewalks along Burke
                                                              Base Work    CDP, Trans., P&R   Ongoing     Ongoing
  2.1.3   facilities, completing specific planning efforts                                                            Station Road and Chain Bridge Road. Draft bus
          as required.                                                                                                stop guidelines are underway and also consider
                                                                                                                      pedestrian accessibility.

                                        City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                  29
Action                             Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation   Completion                       Status

OUTCOME MM2.1 (con’t): Pedestrian safety is improved.
                                                                                                                   Updated crosswalks are planned for Cedar
                                                                                                                   Avenue at Chain Bridge Road and University
          Improve pedestrian crosswalks. Crosswalks
  MM                                                                                                               Drive at Layton Hall Drive. New crosswalk
          should be provided across all legs of all        Base Work         Trans.         Ongoing    Ongoing
  2.1.4                                                                                                            standards are also considered with all City
                                                                                                                   street projects and private development
                                                                                                                   The Residential Sidewalk Policy addresses filling
                                                                                                                   gaps in the pedestrian network. Sidewalks have
          Expand the sidewalk network. Sidewalks
                                                                                                                   been installed during street reconstruction
          should be provided with any significant street
  MM                                                                                                               projects on Roberts Road and Burke Station
  2.1.5   maintenance, rehabilitation, or reconstruction   Base Work      CDP, Trans.       Ongoing    Ongoing
                                                                                                                   Road. New sidewalks on Hallman Street, Jones
          project and may be constructed independent
                                                                                                                   Street, Hill Street, Sager Avenue, and Oak
          of a street project.
                                                                                                                   Street are currently under design. A feasibility
                                                                                                                   study will be conducted for Dwight Avenue.
                                                                                                                   The City is working with Fairfax County on
          Increase pedestrian connectivity to the
  MM                                                                                                               connections. The Pickett Road Trail will also
          existing Vienna/Fairfax-GMU Metro station,       Base Work      CDP, Trans.       Ongoing    Ongoing
  2.1.6                                                                                                            address these connections. This is also included
          such as through the Fairfax Circle area.
                                                                                                                   as part of the Fairfax Circle TLC.
                                                                                                                   The City participates in MWCOG’s Street Smart
          Expand safety education efforts to educate
                                                                                                                   safety campaign, and the Police Department
          all road users on pedestrian awareness
                                                                                                                   conducts periodic safety campaigns. CM has
          and safety. Educate residents on proper
                                                                                                                   shared information on new laws for pedestrians
  MM      procedures for traveling as a pedestrian,
  2.1.7                                                    Base Work   Trans., Police, CM   Ongoing    Ongoing     on social media. CM has created videos
          interacting with pedestrians as a driver, and
                                                                                                                   regarding back to school safety and new speed
          locating and using pedestrian facilities to
                                                                                                                   cameras; and an article about pedestrian,
          increase comfort and safety and encourage
                                                                                                                   bicyclist, and driver safety was published in the
          more walking.
                                                                                                                   August 2021 Cityscene.

  30         City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022
Action                               Work Type Lead Responsibility Initiation    Completion                       Status

OUTCOME MM2.2: The City’s existing trail system, including the “Green Ribbon” parks and trail network, is connected and expanded.
                                                                                                                  Opportunities for future trails and connections
          Identify and fill gaps in the trail network.
                                                                                                                  include the Pickett Road Trail, the County Club
          Find opportunities for future trails, complete
                                                                                                                  Hills/Fire Station/Route 50 Connection, the
  MM      connections to existing segments, implement
  2.2.1                                                      Base Work    CDP, Trans., P&R    Ongoing   Ongoing Dale Lestina/George T. Snyder Trail Connection,
          projects proposed by the Parks and Recreation
                                                                                                                  and completing the Judicial Trail. Additional
          Master Plan, and pursue new trail connections
                                                                                                                  locations are being identified in the adopted
          to create a more functional trail network.
                                                                                                                  Bicycle Master Plan.
  MM      Connect the George Snyder Trail to the              Specific                                            Design has commenced, while construction is
  2.2.2                                                                   CDP, Trans., P&R   Immediate Short-Term
          planned I-66 trail facility.                        Project                                             planned for FY 2023.
                                                                                                                  An improved trail crossing has been installed
                                                                                                                  along the Sager Trail at Sager Avenue. Other
          Improve trail crossings across arterial streets,
                                                                                                                  areas for improved trail crossings on streets
  MM      including Fairfax Boulevard at Pickett Road
  2.2.3                                                      Base Work    CDP, Trans., P&R    Ongoing   Ongoing identified by P&R include Plantation Parkway,
          and Main Street at Main Street Square and
                                                                                                                  Stafford Drive, Fairfax Boulevard at Draper
          Railroad Avenue.
                                                                                                                  Drive, Presbyterian Way, Poplar Street, and Old
                                                                                                                  Lee Highway at Ridge Avenue.
                                                                                                                  Traffic calming measures have been installed
                                                                                                                  and implemented at University Drive and Ford
          Provide wayfinding, trailblazing, traffic
                                                                                                                  Road. Additional improvements are addressed
  MM      calming/safety, and non-motorized facility
  2.2.4                                                      Base Work    CDP, Trans., P&R    Ongoing   Ongoing in the Neighborway recommendations of the
          improvements to provide connections
                                                                                                                  adopted Bicycle Master Plan, including traffic
          between parks and trails.
                                                                                                                  calming efforts for the Plantation Parkway

  MM      Increase resident awareness of trail networks       Specific
  2.2.5                                                                   CDP, Trans., P&R    Ongoing     Ongoing     An updated trail map will be published in 2022.
          and connections.                                    Project

                                        City of Fairfax 2035 Comprehensive Plan Implementation Guide Updates - January 24, 2022                                31
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