ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands

Page created by Derrick Simon
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands
The Software for Highest Quality and economic efficiency

Process automation system for the galvanic plating
of wires and bands
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands
Process Automation System for the galvanic plating
of wires and bands in continuous pass plants

IMPERIO the process management software by CPA has been
developed to control, supervise and administer galvanic coating
processes in parallel continuous pass plants, e.g. for brass plating
in steel cord production. This process control system is fully
configurable and parameterizable and, as such, can be used for
numerous processes. Among other functions, IMPERIO GCS is able
to monitor, visualize, automate and optimize CPA’s galvanic plating

The advantages of CPA’s galvanic coating units, combined with
IMPERIO’s efficient control technology, lead to improved product
quality, whilst reducing the overall process costs and increasing
operation management safety:

Greater precision and constant coating processes:
• less scrap
• reduced energy costs
• reduced electrolyte consumption
• minimized water consumption
• less personnel involvement

IMPERIO GCS is a sector-specific system geared towards the
monitoring and control of the entire galvanic production process of
continuous pass plants, including related functions such as energy
supply, media supply or waste water disposal. As a comprehensive
solution to customers´ requirements, IMPERIO GCS is structured in
terms of functions and distributed to the relevant computer systems
within the individual sections. It is on these computers that the system
is operated on site.

Thanks to configuration, parameterization and continuous
programming, IMPERIO GCS can be fully adapted to your process
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands
01                                  02                                   03                                   04                                05

                      Payoff                                AEOX                                   GCS                               AEOX                              Takeup


                   IMPERIO                            WWTP                                Energy                               Supply                             ABACS                                 LAB

              11                            10                                  09                                  08                                  07                                  06

                      INDEX: 01. Payoff 02. Patenting 03. Plating 04. Diffusion 05. Take-Up 06. Laboratory 07. ABACS 08. DEMIN Water Supply 09. Energy Supply 10. Wastewater Treatment 11. Operator Terminal
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands

IMPERIO GCS SOFTWARE MODULES                                                                                                                       Manage your entire production
Always up-to-date with IMPERIO GCS                                                                                                                 with IMPERIO GCS
SUPERVISION. The control room module                                                                                                               MES. The manufacturing execution module
The supervision computer has been designed to monitor the entire         databases and servers are used. If no connection to the ERP system        The IMPERIO GCS MES component closes the information chain                  from the order, e.g. article data or product specifications such as layer
plant from the central control room. It gathers information from the     is possible or desired, the customers‘ orders and recipes are directly    between the detailed planning or the ERP system and the production          weight or coating thickness, in order to avoid setting errors resulting
various applications and computers in order to provide the operator in   dispatched to IMPERIO GCS and, if needed, scheduled using the in-         process. The MES provides order-relevant data at the process level          in reject products.
the control center with the best possible overview of the process. The   tegrated detailed planning module, SCHED. Once the data has been          and to the machine. It automatically uses specified data (recipes)
man-machine interface (MMI) can be tailored to the specific needs        planned, it is transferred to the MES, the executing module, so that it
of the plant in question and designed ergonomically by means of          can launch orders and set up process parameters.
dynamic plant graphics and graphic automation objects (CPA Power         During operation and upon order completion, they are calculated,
Objects). IMPERIO GCS starts working once the order for production       reports are produced and statistic process controls (SPC) are genera-
has been placed, by extracting the order from the production plan-       ted based on laboratory and online process data.
ning and control module of the ERP system. For production orders
and recipes, universally configurable and parameterizable interfaces,

                                                                                                                                                   Analyze your past and future process development
                                                                                                                                                   with IMPERIO GCS
                                                                                                                                                   SPC. The statistic module
                                                                                                                                                   In order to document and improve the process quality, the IMPERIO           line process data, test data from material tests such as wire diameter,
                                                                                                                                                   GCS process data collection is followed by a statistic analysis. The        strength or results of chemical analyses or consumption rates can be
                                                                                                                                                   statistic module collects all process-relevant data in real time and pre-   analyzed. All the results can be assigned as quality documentation of
                                                                                                                                                   sents them e.g. in the form of up-to-date control cards. This enables       either the orders or the batches.
                                                                                                                                                   the operator to react quickly to quality problems. In addition to the on-

Schedule your
production dates at
shop floor level
SCHED. The planning module

In order to increase planning efficiency and improve the processing
of production orders, data from a previous detailed planning control
center can be transferred to IMPERIO GCS. During this process,
specified data such as dates, times and quantities are extracted and
compared to real-time feedback pertaining to work progress, produc-
tion quantities and downtime, so that the planning can be promptly
corrected if necessary. This allows problems to be dealt with early so
as to avoid delivery problems.
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands

Precise documenting of your processes                                                                                                                The integration of your entire process starts
using IMPERIO GCS                                                                                                                                    with IMPERIO GCS
REPORT. The documentation module                                                                                                                     PAYOFF. The payoff module
IMPERIO GCS offers different standardized reports enabling pro-            current abnormalities, split-up processes etc. pertaining to each pla-    The PLC of every single payoff unit is connected to the payoff station   change or failures such as wire ruptures or exceeded change times.
duction performance to be documented. These include an overview            ting cell are recorded. All reports can be optionally generated to give   via a bus system. The payoff module monitors all payoff processes        Here, operation mode, braking force (if operated manually), control
of the current plant utilization with articles and their specifications,   details regarding shift, day, month, quarter, year or other customer      and displays their status, e.g. dancer position, braking power, spool    parameters etc. can be adjusted.
as well as produced quantities expressed as the number of spools,          defined periods.
length and weight. Moreover, the number of incidents, voltage and

Increase the operational availability of your                                                                                                        Aeox Energy managment
plant and support your maintenance personnel                                                                                                         The heat treatment module
MAINT. The maintenance module                                                                                                                        CPA has risen to the challenges of the future - with AEOX Industrial     the energy-efficient heat treatment system and the CPA plating plants,
                                                                                                                                                     Furnaces it has developed a revolutionary, cutting-edge heat treat-      IMPERIO GCS achieves sensational optimization levels with regards
Via the process control system, the IMPERIO GCS maintenance                maintenance can be ordered or personnel can be scheduled in time.
                                                                                                                                                     ment technology including heat recuperation for steel wire production.   to energy, costs and quality. What’s more, IMPERIO GCS can extract
module collects the operating hours and the operating cycles of            However, periodical maintenance work can also be administered. The
                                                                                                                                                     These energy-efficient and combustion-optimized furnaces are fully       and monitor the process data from external systems, provided that
the unit to be maintained and supplies the operating personnel with        completion of maintenance work is confirmed within the system and
                                                                                                                                                     adapted to IMPERIO GCS’s general concept of integrally managing          they are equipped with the necessary standard interfaces.
instructions in the form of daily printed maintenance lists. When          the work that has been carried out is documented in the maintenance
                                                                                                                                                     energy and minimizing plant operating costs. Combined with AEOX,
doing so, the module creates advance warnings, based on critical           logbook.
levels that can be chosen as desired, so that materials necessary for
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands

Manage your plant with IMPERIO GCS
PRO. The plating process management module

• The GCS PRO module controls the following process sections:           Filter systems are used to clean the electrolytes and the pickling
  - Quenching after heat treatment                                      media. These need to be maintained and back-flushed depending on
  - Pickling                                                            their contamination.
  - Polishing, if necessary
  - Flushing and drying                                                 The bath temperature and the temperature of the pickling and
  - Galvanic coating                                                    cleaning media are heated or cooled by means of partly cascaded
  - After-treatment                                                     heat exchangers. GCS PRO supervises and monitors the necessary
                                                                        process elements in the framework of an integral energy optimization
Every process section has recirculation, temperature regulation,        system.
filter, dosing and top-up systems. Moreover, the entire pickling
and galvanic power supply has to be controlled, monitored and           Due to evaporation and the continuous drag-out of pickling and
coordinated in order to ensure a constant current density.              coating media, a regular dosing of water and mother solution using
                                                                        an automatic top-up program is necessary. With regard to pickling, an
Driven contact rolls are synchronized with the wire speed that is       automatic ground and floating sludge exhaustion is also carried out,
determined by the take-up units. In case of differing wire speed, the   with the removed volume being fed into the receiver tank.
speed of the predominant number of wires with the same speed is
deemed to be the relevant speed.

• In general, all fluid tanks feature redundant pump systems with all
   necessary safety requirements:
   - Monitoring of levels, temperature and pumps
   - Periodical pump change
   - Automatic change in case of failure
   - Dry running protection
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands

Put your quality on
solid ground
MELPICK. The pickling unit module

Power control relating to the current number of wires and including
voltage monitoring, failure documentation and temperature-
dependent adaptation is carried out with regard to a high-quality
pickling process in a multi-level electrolyte pickling plant.

Imperio Gcs Manager.
You decide the recipe of your
desired final product

The GCS Manager is responsible for precise coating processes.
Given that it is easy to use and that adjustments can be made
quickly in the form of article-based recipes, it efficiently prevents
operating errors and reject products whilst automatically calculating
the necessary currents and current densities based on article
specifications such as coating thickness, minimum layer weight or
alloy composition.

Cell failure compensation                                                   Monitoring and automatic adaption

If adequate coating cannot be guaranteed due to physical circum-            In order to run the plant with the lowest possible level of personnel
stances such as cell short circuits, a lack of anode material, shortfalls   resources, on-site monitoring of the plating cells is supported by
in ion concentration or equipment failure, this will be compensated         indicator lamps or large displays. Based on the plating analysis data
by automatically splitting up the current to neighboring cells, or, if      entered in the laboratory station or via online measuring and testing
necessary, by reducing take-up speed. In the event of wire break, the       devices, an automatic adaption of the article parameters can be
effected power supply modules are turned off for safety reasons and         induced further to statistic analysis.
will be turned back on automatically after threading in order to ensure
that they become productive again as soon as possible.
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands

All’s well that ends well                                                    Caring for the
with IMPERIO GCS                                                             environment
TAKEUP. The take-up module
                                                                             with IMPERIO GCS
Well-functioning, fully integrated take-up units are a prerequisite for      WWTP. The waste water treatment module
smooth galvanic coating processes.
The PLC of every take-up unit is connected to the take-up station via
a bus system. The take-up module monitors all take-ups and pre-              An already existing waste water treatment unit can also be connec-
sents their status, such as speed, spool filling degree, spool change        ted and administered using IMPERIO GCS. The purification and
or disruptions such as wire fracture, excess temperature, FU or gear         neutralization of waste water can be carried out either continuously
failure. It is also here that the speed for start and production, starting   or in batches (batch process), which are controlled, monitored and
ramp, wire tension, meter pre-selection, etc. can be chosen.                 documented by the system. However, manual control measurements
                                                                             that might be necessary can also be included. Usually, the generated
                                                                             records have to be handed over to the respective authority as evi-
                                                                             dence of correct operation management. IMPERIO GCS WWTP fulfils
                                                                             this task to perfection.

                                                                             Fully automatic bath
Clean is often                                                               preparation and bath
not clean enough                                                             maintenance based
water regeneration as an integral part                                       on a recipe
of your galvanic coating process -                                           with IMPERIO GCS
controlled and monitored by IMPERIO GCS                                      PREP. The preparation module
DWTP. The water processing module
                                                                             The baths and chemicals needed for the coating process are often
To process tap water, softening or DEMIN water treatment units with          prepared, stored and regenerated centrally. The preparation of baths
ion changers or reverse osmosis are mainly used and are often back-          is carried out using the IMPERIO GCS PREP recipe control. The infor-
flushed, cleaned, regenerated and dosed in batch mode operation.             mation that exhausted fluids need to be topped up is sent automati-
Similarly, recirculation systems are used for water economization,           cally via the linked computers.
which recycle the flushing water and feed it back into the process
system. All water treatment processes for cost-effective supply of the
necessary process fluids are monitored, controlled and supervised by

                                                                             Constant pickling quality
                                                                             with IMPERIO GCS
                                                                             AREG. Das Regeneration module

                                                                             The cleaning and regeneration of pickling media (e.g. sulfuric acid
                                                                             retardation system or phosphoric acid regeneration) and other chemi-
                                                                             cals is performed fully automatically by IMPERIO GCS and is mostly
                                                                             controlled, supervised and documented in discontinuous batch mode
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands

Efficiency and operating
safety of your supply
systems with IMPERIO GCS
UTILITIES. The supply module

IMPERIO GCS UTILITIES supports you with the supply and ma-
nagement of energy, media and other infrastructure with regards to
the necessary quantities and constancy. This module is based on a
continuous monitoring of all agents and media. The temperature of
heating and cooling agents, the pressure of air compressors, fresh
air and exhaust fans, as well as the quantities and temperatures of
clean water are continuously documented. In the case of deviations,
the personnel is informed and reserve systems are activated. If
production-critical media fail, the production is even stopped automa-
tically. To enable product calculation, consumption documentation is
prepared, whilst energy quantities are reported and attributed to the
different batches. Energy recovery plants are also integrated in order
to allow for energy-optimized operation management.

Automatic bath analysis
and bath maintenance
ABACS. The Automatic Bath Analysis
and Control System

This online analysis and dosing system has been developed by CPA
to compactly connect your laboratory directly with the production pro-
cess. The fully automatic bath analysis, control and dosing ensures a
constant electrolyte composition and, as an IMPERIO GCS module, is
key to ensure a high product quality.

Document and analyze
your laboratory samples
LAB. The laboratory analysis module

If online process data which has been collected by IMPERIO GCS is
complemented by offline measurement data, then this data should be
fed into the system and consequently made available for the automa-
tic adaptation of the plant.
The laboratory module enables the measured sample values to be
attributed to the batches. If enough samples are available, the article
parameters are subsequently adapted based on statistic procedures
(control cards) to further improve quality. The results can also be
used for product documentation in the form of test certificates for the
ImPerio gcs Process automation system for the galvanic Plating of wires and bands
Technologies for Excellence
As research+development oriented, international company             According to our core values Competence - Perfection - Ambition
group, CPA provides advanced, high-performance technologies         and our corporate principle TECHNOLOGIES FOR EXCELLENCE
for a wide application range in the fields of wire production,      we continuously strive for the best. For the success of our customers.
automation, electrical and environmental engineering.

CPA product lines

• Industrial Furnaces                                            • Wire-Guiding Equipment
  - AEOX ECC: Recirculation Convection Furnace                     - ROLLOC
  - AEOX STS: Microstructure Transformation System
  - AEOX EXC: Cross-flow Convection Furnace                      • Wet Drawing Machines
                                                                   - LINNOX
• Continuous Plating Plants – Single Cell Control,
  Group or Segmented Control                                     • Stranding Machines
  - CELLRAC 				                                                   - TAUROP
                                                                 • Process Management System
• Pickling Plants					                                             - Imperio - PMS
                                                                 • Manufacturing Execution System
• Electropolishing Plants					                                     - Imperio – MES
                                                                 • Plating Control System
• Fully Automatic Bath Analysis and Control System                 - Imperio – GCS
                                                                 • Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
• Dryer						                                                      - Micromatic
  - STRYCOC                                                        - Comatic

• Double Capstan - Take-up and Payoff Units                      • Industry Terminals
  - ROTACC - H                                                     - XILOC
  - ROTACC - V
                                                                 • Sensors, Transmitters and Actuators
• Tangential Take-up and Payoff Units				                          - PACOS

• Fully Automatic and Manual Flyer Payoffs

Technologies for excellence                                                                                           Changes reserved with regard to
                                                                                                                              technical development.

CPA Wire Technologies GmbH, Lagergasse 322, 8055 Graz, Austria, phone: +43 (0) 316 46 70 0
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