Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...

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Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
Impact Stories of Philanthropy

Wings of generosity             A salute to smiles               More than a number
Support from endowments lifts   Annual event improves the oral   Leading the state in personalized
UTHealth Houston faculty        health of veterans               behavioral health care
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
The Campaign for UTHealth Houston

Our communities face complex and pervasive conditions, and the increased demand
for health professionals poses significant challenges for health systems around the nation.

Over our 50-year history, UTHealth Houston has stood at the forefront of these challenges,
combining education, research, and patient care to move health care forward. To build
on our expertise and bring our unique capabilities where they are most urgently needed, we
launched our largest philanthropic effort yet, Many Faces. One Mission.

Within these pages, you will read stories about how your commitment to Many Faces.
One Mission. combines with others to improve lives throughout our community—from providing
scholarships and education to address shortages in the workforce, to training health
professionals fluent in the unique needs of underserved populations, to addressing conditions
where every second matters.

Because of you, we are able to rise up and meet
the challenges at hand. Thank you for being a part
of the UTHealth Houston story—and for your
dedication to building a healthier community.
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
                      The Campaign for UTHealth Houston                                                          issue
       Many Faces. One Mission. is our $500 million commitment to:

                                                                                                                      Engineering the future of health care
                                                                                                                 8    A partnership to advance innovative programs

                                                                                                                      Wings of generosity
                                                                                                                 14   Support from endowments lifts
                                                                                                                      UTHealth Houston faculty

                                                                                                                      Beating in rhythm
                                                                                                                 24   Delivering life-changing cardiovascular care
                                                                                                                      and innovation

                                                                                                                      A salute to smiles
                                                                                                                 32   Annual event improves the oral health of veterans

training the next generation of                   improving                            advancing
       HEALTH                                 HOUSTON’S                          BRAIN AND
                                                                                                                      More than a number
    PROFESSIONALS                              HEALTH                        BEHAVIORAL HEALTH                   40   Leading the state in personalized
                                                                                                                      behavioral health care
  We will deepen our commitment          We will save lives and improve           We are building a leading
       to the next generation             health outcomes throughout               center of care for brain
 of practitioners and innovators, as    Houston and Texas by amplifying       and behavioral health, dedicated
                                                                                                                      Marching on with hope
     well as the educators who
train them, to address shortages in
     critical health professions.
                                             collaborative research;
                                       encouraging a passion for learning;
                                         and promoting patient care and
                                                                              to discovering better treatments
                                                                                 for neurological conditions
                                                                               and making mental health care
                                                                                                                 46   Reimagining care of pediatric brain tumors
                                        public health projects, programs,             accessible to all.
                                            and outreach initiatives.

Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
training the next
                   g e n e r at i o n o f
       H E A LT H P R O F E S S I O N A L S                                                                      E N G I N E E R I N G T H E F U T U R E O F H E A LT H C A R E
                                                                                                                          A partnership to advance innovative programs

      Today’s students hold the potential to tackle tomorrow’s health challenges. By harnessing
      a passion to improve lives, they will become the physicians and researchers who guide
      our communities to better health, the dentists who deliver bright new smiles, and the nurses
      who provide compassionate routine and complex care.

      As our nation faces growing shortages of health care workers, UTHealth Houston is deepening
      our commitment to training the next generation of health professionals—as well as the
      experts who educate them. Through unique collaborations that place students at the forefront
      of their field and faculty support that helps enrich the academic environment, we are
      positioning our graduates to make an even greater impact on health.

                                                                                                                              WINGS OF GENEROSITY
Scan the QR code with                                                                                              Support from endowments lifts UTHealth Houston faculty
your mobile device.

                                                                                  M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
training the next
                   g e n e r at i o n o f
       H E A LT H P R O F E S S I O N A L S

      Today’s students hold the potential to tackle tomorrow’s health challenges. By harnessing
      a passion to improve lives, they will become the physicians and researchers who guide
      our communities to better health, the dentists who deliver bright new smiles, and the nurses
      who provide compassionate relief to patients during their darkest hours.

      As our nation faces growing shortages of health care workers, UTHealth Houston is deepening
      our commitment to training the next generation of health professionals—as well as the
      experts who educate them. Through scholarships that help students achieve their dreams and
      lecture series that unite the world’s top scientific minds, we are positioning our graduates
      to make an even greater impact on health.

Scan the QR code with
your mobile device.
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
                                                                                                                           THE FUTURE OF
                                                                                                                           HEALTH CARE
                                                                                                                           A PA RT N E R S H I P TO A DVA N C E I N N OVAT I V E P R O G R A M S

                                                                                                                           Engineers construct marvels of civilization: They build bridges to connect
                                                                                                                           distant communities, erect skyscrapers that breach the horizon, and develop the
                                                                                                                           energy grids that power humankind. They also play a vital role in safeguarding
                                                                                                                           the health of our communities and pushing the boundaries of biomedical science.
                                                                                                                           Bioengineers specialize in solving challenging health issues—from rapidly
                                                                                                                           developing vaccines that protect against COVID-19 to manufacturing nanoparticles
                                                                                                                           that target specific cancer cells.

                                                                                                                                                                   “Solving problems is what             The MD/MBE program harnesses
                                                                                                                                                                    makes me tick,” says Greg Zhang,     the creativity and ingenuity of
                                                                                                                                                                    who will become the first            two of Houston’s leading institutions
                                                                                                                                                                    graduate of the joint MD/Master of   to prepare future health
                                                                                                                                                                    Bioengineering (MBE) program         professionals like Greg with the
                                                                                                                                                                    through McGovern Medical School      skills to develop solutions to
                                                                                                                                                                    at UTHealth Houston and Rice         urgent health needs and improve
                                                                                                                                                                    University. “The MD/MBE program      patient care.
                                                                                                                                                                    is a unique opportunity for me
                                                                                                                                                                    to merge my passions and bridge
                                                                                                                                                                    the gap between engineers
                                                                                                                                                                    and physicians to improve lives."

    McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston students in the MD/MBE program like
    Greg Zhang use the state-of-the-art facilities and equipment at Rice University to engineer
    real health solutions for real clients throughout the Texas Medical Center and beyond.

8                                                                                           M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   TR AINING THE NE X T GENER ATION OF HE ALTH PROFESSIONAL S                                                        9
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
ABBY LOUIS                                                                                                               NEEL MUTYALA
                                                Interested in improving the health of underserved populations,                                                           Neel joined the MD/MBE program after seeing the potential for
                                                Abby joined the MD/MBE program to learn how to navigate                                                                  technology to improve patient outcomes during his clinical rotations
                                                government regulations to bring medical devices to patients in need                                                      at McGovern Medical School. In his MBE coursework, he is
                                                around the world. In her MBE coursework, she is helping to                                                               helping develop a device to improve the outcomes of children with
                                                develop a device that can stabilize the fetus during fetoscopic spina                                                    hydrocephalus, a condition characterized by the buildup
                                                bifida repair—a delicate procedure before birth to correct a defect                                                      of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. The device monitors pressure
                                                that occurs when the spine does not properly close.                                                                      in the brain and allows health providers to drain excess fluid.

                                               “My education through the MD/MBE program would not be                                                                    “Medical school is a large financial commitment, and the
                                                possible without the generous support of donors,” Abby says.                                                             extra year of the MD/MBE program only adds to that,” Neel says.
                                               “The scholarship I received not only benefits me, it benefits                                                            “Donors who have supported scholarships to the program
                                                the lives of the patients I will touch through my care and the                                                           are enabling me to become the best physician I can be for my
                                                ideas I develop using my bioengineering experience.”                                                                     future patients.”

Students in the MD/MBE program       According to Allison Ownby, PhD,                                                   “The MiniVent is essentially a box       Now in his final year of medical       Just as the MD/MBE program
follow a condensed five-year         this exchange of knowledge                                                          with two motors to automatically        school, Greg plans to carry            has enabled Greg, Abby, and Neel
academic path that enables them      between engineering and medical                                                     squeeze the bag valve mask              his experiences in the MD/MBE          to learn how to engineer
to simultaneously earn an MD         students forms the heart of                                                         for consistent ventilation over         program into his future career         solutions to pressing health
from McGovern Medical School and     the program. “While our medical                                                     extended periods of time,” says         as a surgeon.                          problems, donors have engineered
an MBE from Rice. After spending     students bring knowledge                                                            Greg. “We also installed sensors                                               unique opportunities for them
their first three years in medical   about specific health care issues                                                   that allow health providers to         “By combining my skills as              to succeed. Since the Many Faces.
school, students complete            and clinical experiences to                                                         monitor ventilation.”                                                          One Mission. campaign launched,
                                                                                                                                                                 a surgeon with my knowledge
the one-year MBE degree at Rice      the program, engineering students                                                                                                                                  generous commitments from
before completing their final        bring the skills to develop                                                        As COVID-19 continues to fill            of bioengineering, I’ll be             UTHealth Houston Development
year of medical school.              technologies,” she says. “By                                                       emergency rooms around the               able to make a bigger impact           Board members Carolyn Frost
                                     combining these strengths in the                                                   world with people suffering from         on the health of my patients,”         Keenan, Barbara J. Gibbs,
“The clinical knowledge I gained     same classrooms, we can                                                            breathing issues, the MiniVent                                                  and Barry M. Lewis have supported
                                                                                                                                                                 he says. “I hope to create
                                     offer unparalleled experiences.”                                                   could make lifesaving care more                                                 scholarships for students in the
 during the first three years of                                                     Allison Ownby, PhD                                                          new devices that will make
                                                                                                                        accessible to patients, no matter                                               MD/MBE program.
 medical school gave me a unique     During the MBE curriculum, students              Associate Professor and           where they are.                          surgeries more effective.”
 perspective entering the MBE        create real solutions that make           Associate Dean, Educational Programs

 portion of the program,” says       a tangible impact on patients by              McGovern Medical School at           “In addition to designing the            Since Greg completed the MBE
                                     working on bioengineering projects               UTHealth Houston                   MiniVent, we also outlined the          portion of the program in
 Greg. “My Rice classmates used
                                     proposed by faculty and health                                                      steps to bring it to market,            May 2021, two additional medical
 their engineering backgrounds       professionals from across the Texas                                                 which included obtaining patents,       students began their MBE
 to guide discussions on product     Medical Center. In one of the                                                       meeting government regulations,         studies in fall 2021: Abby Louis
 development and engineering         program’s core courses, students                                                    and securing funding,” says             and Neel Mutyala.
 principles, and I shared            assemble in teams and select                                                        Greg. “Students in future MBE
                                     a project that interests them. From                                                 cohorts will pick up the project       “Our vision is to continue
 my clinical experiences to help     there, students transform into                                                      where we left off and continue          expanding the MD/MBE program
 my classmates understand            CEOs and generate a model to bring                                                  to refine it, taking the steps          to offer more opportunities
 the unique needs of physicians      the product from idea to market.                                                    to eventually make the product          for students,” says Gang Bao, PhD,
 and patients.”                                                                                                          available to health providers.”         Chair of the Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Gang Bao, PhD
                                     Greg’s team set out to create a                                                                                             Bioengineering at Rice University.
                                     low-cost bag valve mask ventilator                                                                                         “Building off its success, we hope                 Professor and Chair,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Department of Bioengineering
                                     for children called the MiniVent,                                                                                           to grow additional collaborations,
                                     which could provide emergency                                                                                               including joint research programs         George R. Brown School of Engineering
                                     ventilation to patients with severe                                                                                         that leverage the strengths                          Rice University
                                     breathing issues without the                                                                                                of the extraordinary faculty at
                                     need to manually squeeze the bag.                                                                                           both institutions.”

10                                                                                   M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.       TR AINING THE NE X T GENER ATION OF HE ALTH PROFESSIONAL S                                                            11
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
“As health challenges around the world continue to evolve, our
                                                                                                                                 communities need physician-scientists who make exceptional
                                                                                                                                 patient care more accessible and more effective. Collaborations
                                                                                                                                 like these and the donors who support them empower us to
In the Translational Biomimetic Bioelectronics Lab, John P. Seymour, PhD (left), and
                                                                                                                                 capitalize on the innovative environment and one-of-a-kind
research engineers including Xiaokang Bai, PhD (right), use novel materials and advanced
equipment to design bioelectronics devices to treat neurological diseases like epilepsy.
                                                                                                                                 institutions of the Texas Medical Center to train this new
                                                                                                                                 generation of health professionals.”
                                                 As the program continues to grow, and the partnership between
                                                 UTHealth Houston and Rice University strengthens, new
                                                 opportunities for students and additional collaborative programs
                                                 will flourish.
                                                                                                                                     LaTanya J. Love, MD
                                                  In one collaboration, Sandipan           allow doctors to make fewer
                                                                                                                                   Dean of Education ad interim
                                                  Pati, MD, a neurologist with             implants while still collecting a
                                                  McGovern Medical School and              more precise reading of the brain.          Associate Professor,
                                                  UTHealth Houston Neurosciences,          Their efforts earned a two-year           Department of Pediatrics

                                                  and John P. Seymour, PhD,                seed grant to help advance the          McGovern Medical School at
                                                  who holds joint appointments at          project toward clinical trials.            UTHealth Houston
       Sandipan Pati, MD                          McGovern Medical School                                                                       ­—
        Associate Professor,                      and Rice University, are developing   “Through our affiliations with
                                                                                                                                Executive Vice President for Student
      Department of Neurology                     a device that could improve the        the Texas Institute of Restorative             Affairs and Diversity
    McGovern Medical School at                    diagnosis of epilepsy.                 Neurotechnologies at UTHealth
                                                                                                                                        UTHealth Houston
       UTHealth Houston                                                                  Houston and the Neuroengineering
                                                 “Like going into a bustling stadium     Initiative at Rice University, we
                                                  and trying to listen for one specific  have access to the brightest minds,
                                                  conversation amid the commotion,       the most advanced technologies,
                                                  diagnostic tools for epilepsy help     and the most innovative ideas that
                                                  neurologists listen in the brain       both institutions offer,” explains
                                                  to learn where seizures are coming     Seymour, who received a seed
                                                  from,” says Seymour. “We’re            grant from the Barbara J. Gibbs
                                                  engineering a device that will allow   Partnership Fund for a separate
                                                  physicians to pinpoint where           collaborative project. “Philanthropy
                                                  seizures originate with greater        provides critical seed funding
                                                  precision by amplifying the signal     that enables us to leverage that
                                                  and reducing a significant amount      environment and pursue
                                                  of biological noise.”                  novel projects to collect the
                                                                                         evidence required to earn larger
                                                  During stereoelectroencephalography, federal grants.”
     John P. Seymour, PhD
                                                  a common diagnostic procedure
 Associate Professor, Vivian L. Smith             for epilepsy, doctors implant small    With new frontiers in health
    Department of Neurosurgery                    devices called depth electrodes        science and engineering waiting
    McGovern Medical School at                    in the brain, which measure brain      to be explored, UTHealth Houston
       UTHealth Houston                           activity to help locate seizures.      and Rice University are primed
                 ­—                               Pati and Seymour are redesigning       for discovery.
    Adjunct Associate Professor,
                                                  these depth electrodes to make
      Department of Electrical                    them more accurate, which could
     and Computer Engineering
   12     Rice University                                                                      M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.                                                                    13
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
WINGS                                                   Engineering the future of health care

     O F G E N E RO S I T Y
     S U P P O RT F R O M E N D OW M E NT S L I F T S

     Flight begins with liftoff, a boost that propels us away from familiar
     ground toward rarified air. At UTHealth Houston, endowed funds provide
     resources in perpetuity that set our faculty on trajectories to new heights
     as they conduct life-changing work and train the next generation of health
     professionals, who will meet future health challenges headon.


     Ana Neumann, DDS, PhD, carries        When Neumann met Stevenson
     the name of her late mentor and       after joining the School of Dentistry
     friend in a special way. As holder    faculty in 2010, she found
     of the Gene C. Stevenson              they shared a commitment to
     Distinguished Professorship in        evidence-based dentistry, and
     Dental Education, she pursues the     both held Master of Public Health
     same goals that drove them both       degrees. Neumann earned
     as dentists.                          a master’s degree and later
                                           a doctorate at UTHealth School
     “I still miss him today,” she says    of Public Health as the only
      of Stevenson, who served as          dentist in her class.
      faculty at UTHealth Houston School
      of Dentistry for 25 years before
      passing away in 2016. “He was a
      wonderful, dedicated faculty
                                                                                                                                                           Dentistry and public health have always held an inextricable link for
      member and a real scholar.”                                                                                                                          Ana Neumann, DDS, PhD. The Gene C. Stevenson Distinguished Professorship
                                                                                                                                                           in Dental Education helps her synergize these two disciplines to benefit
                                                                                                                                                           patients and their communities.

14                                                                                 M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   TR AINING THE NE X T GENER ATION OF HE ALTH PROFESSIONAL S                                                          15
Impact Stories of Philanthropy - University of Texas Health ...
Ana Neumann, DDS, PhD
  Gene C. Stevenson Distinguished                                                                                                                                                                              Todd D. Wilson, MD
   Professor in Dental Education                                                                                                                                                                                 Associate Professor,
             Professor,                                                                                                                                                                                         Department of Surgery
 Department of General Practice and                                                                                                                                                                            McGovern Medical School
       Dental Public Health                                                                                                                                                                                     at UTHealth Houston
UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry

                                                                                                                        SURGICAL TRAINING GETS A MAKEOVER
                                                                                                                        In a world with nearly unlimited information at the touch of a smartphone screen, medical students
                                                                                                                        and residents have access to more knowledge than ever before—and more ways of learning it.

 “I could never dissociate              “I maintain these lectures in my        “Dr. Stevenson was helping              Todd D. Wilson, MD, has watched         “Given the time constraints         to predict what residents may be
  dentistry and public health            course with special dedication          patients with HIV when it was          this transformation take shape           residents have, YouTube-style      looking for and help them
  because really everything              to Dr. Stevenson,” says Neumann,        hard to get a dentist to do            with the residents he teaches in         videos could actually serve as     find the right videos more quickly.
                                         who directs the dental public                                                  the Department of Surgery
  we do is public health,”                                                       that,” Neumann says. “Following                                                 great educational tools,” Wilson
                                         health program at the School of                                                at McGovern Medical School at                                               While the first videos will focus
  she says.                              Dentistry. “I still use his slides.”    that example, this endowment           UTHealth Houston. Where surgical         says. “The problem is that we      on specific surgeries, Wilson hopes
                                                                                 helps us care for patients who         procedures were once the                 only have a few resources with     to expand the effort into different
  She and Stevenson shared              Today, she sees a wide range             might have a hard time finding         purview of textbook diagrams or          good videos vetted by experts.”    fields and institutions outside
  a goal of teaching students how       of possibilities for using funds                                                firsthand observation, today’s                                              UTHealth Houston.
                                                                                 treatments elsewhere.”
  to analyze data to determine          from the Stevenson Distinguished                                                future surgeons have found new
  the best dental practices based       Professorship, which was                                                        ways to study.                           A computer programmer in his       “I greatly appreciate what the
  on the evidence. They worked          founded by Stevenson’s widow,           Neumann also teaches her students                                                spare time and an official
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Glassell family has done
  together to redesign the curriculum   Lori, to honor his memory and           to evaluate evidence, think             “It turns out our residents prefer       Apple software developer, Wilson
  for students in dental public         advance evidence-based dentistry        critically, and uphold the highest       short videos that demonstrate           saw an opportunity to blend         in catalyzing this effort, which
  health classes, adding lectures       and critical thinking. Potential        standards of dentistry.                  specific techniques,” he says.          YouTube learning with trusted       taps the incredible potential
  to familiarize students               uses include creating research                                                   YouTube offers a plethora of such       medical expertise.                  of emerging technologies
  with how to critically appraise       opportunities for faculty at the        “If we can equip them with the           videos and has drawn the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     like machine learning,” he says.
  scientific literature.                School of Dentistry and supporting       best possible knowledge, they can       attention of residents, but Wilson      With support from the Glassell
                                        the school’s clinic for patients         really make a difference in a lot       points out the lack of quality          Family Research Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                                    “I see this as only the beginning
                                        with special needs.                      of people’s lives,” she says.           control on the platform. Yet even       Endowment, he launched              of what is possible.”
                                                                                                                         with his concerns, he believes          a collaboration with UTHealth
                                                                                                                         video learning can play a key role      Houston School of Biomedical
                                                                                                                         in supplementing textbooks, which       Informatics to create an app
                                                                                                                         may not reflect the most recent         with short instructional videos
                                                                                                                         advances in surgical technology.        vetted by a committee at
                                                                                                                                                                 McGovern Medical School. The app
                                                                                                                                                                 will use artificial intelligence

 16                                                                                      M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   TR AINING THE NE X T GENER ATION OF HE ALTH PROFESSIONAL S                                                        17
“Faculty endowments like professorships, chairs, and research
          Bing Yu, PhD
                                                                                                                       funds empower our educators to create unique experiences and
     The JLH Foundation Chair in
        Transplant Prevention                                                                                         programs that grow our students into tomorrow’s health care
         Associate Professor,
     Department of Epidemiology,                                                                                       and public health leaders. As health challenges evolve and new
        Human Genetics, and
       Environmental Sciences                                                                                         issues emerge, these endowments help bring the brightest
UTHealth School of Public Health
                                                                                                                      minds to UTHealth Houston to train the professionals that
                                                                                                                      will keep our communities healthy long into the future.”

Rapid advances in medical technology have given UTHealth School of Public Health researcher                               Eric Boerwinkle, PhD
Bing Yu, PhD, an unprecedented window into the inner workings of the human body.                                                    Dean

                                                                                                                            M. David Low Chair in
                                                                                                                                Public Health
Able to view tens of thousands        which was founded to help support       Recognizing the potential for
                                                                                                                          Kozmetsky Family Chair in
of biomarkers—molecules that          the financial needs of transplant       even greater discoveries, in 2021
                                                                                                                              Human Genetics
indicate either normal processes      patients and their families and to      the JLH Foundation established
or disease—many of them               support transplant programs and         The JLH Foundation Chair in                  Professor, Epidemiology,
                                                                                                                            Human Genetics, and
never before explored, her team       research. Intrigued by the potential    Transplant Prevention to advance
                                                                                                                           Environmental Sciences
has made significant progress         of Yu and Boerwinkle’s research         research focused on precursors
in finding markers associated with    to prevent organ failure and thus the   to organ failure like high               UTHealth School of Public Health

potentially fatal conditions like     need for transplants altogether,        blood pressure and diabetes.
heart disease.                        the JLH Foundation made a               Yu was named the chair’s inaugural
                                      substantial commitment to fund          holder in 2021 and will use
“We all have good and bad             their work.                             distributions to examine genes
                                                                              and biomarkers to identify
 things in our body, so we want
                                      Less than two years later, Yu and       patients at high risk for disease
 to evaluate everything,”             Boerwinkle uncovered a key              and discover new interventions.
 she says. “When we identify          compound linked to high blood
 these markers, we can see            pressure, a major contributor           “I am very honored to be the
                                      to kidney failure. They also found       holder of this position,” Yu says.
 how much risk a person might
                                      a gene that regulates compound          “There are still a lot of chronic
 have for future disease.”            levels, which could serve as a           diseases that do not have effective
                                      target for developing treatments.        treatments, and this philanthropic
In 2016, Yu and Eric Boerwinkle, PhD,                                          support positions us to find
were researching the mechanisms “Once we have blood pressure                   solutions that save even more
of end-stage heart and kidney         under control, we can protect            patients from the ordeal of
failure when they met Paula Hern,     kidney function,” Yu says. “This         organ transplants.”
chair of the JLH Foundation,          could prevent people at
                                      high risk of kidney failure from
                                      needing transplants.”

18                                                                                     M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.                                                                 19
              H O U S T O N ’ S H E A LT H
                                                                                                                              B E AT I N G I N R H Y T H M
                                                                                                                Delivering life-changing cardiovascular care and innovation

      A sprawling metropolis with an unbreakable spirit, Houston is home to a vibrant and rapidly
      growing community of people from around the world. While the city boasts world-renowned
      medical resources, its residents face a unique host of evolving health challenges—from heart
      disease to cancer to COVID-19.

      For 50 years, UTHealth Houston has stood at the forefront of safeguarding health in Houston
      and beyond. From leading innovative research and care to advance heart health to connecting
      veterans with essential dental care, we are improving health for people in our communities.

                                                                                                                              A SALUTE TO SMILES
Scan the QR code with                                                                                               Annual event improves the oral health of veterans
your mobile device.

                                                                                 M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.
              H O U S T O N ’ S H E A LT H

      A sprawling metropolis with an unbreakable spirit, Houston is home to a vibrant and rapidly
      growing community of people from around the world. While the city boasts world-renowned
      medical resources, its residents face a unique host of evolving health challenges—from heart
      disease to cancer to COVID-19.

      UTHealth Houston has stood at the forefront of safeguarding Houston’s health for nearly
      50 years. From improving geriatric care for the most vulnerable older adults to connecting
      underserved populations to much-needed dental care, we are improving health for people
      throughout Houston and beyond.

Scan the QR code with
your mobile device.

                                                                                                     I M P R O V I N G H O U S T O N’S H E A L T H   23
                                                                                                                                                                             IN RHYTHM
                                                                                                                                                                            DELIVERING LIFE-CHANGING
                                                                                                                                                                            C A R D I OVA S C U L A R C A R E A N D I N N OVAT I O N

                                                                                                                            The body’s cardiovascular system is vast, with sprawling labyrinths of arteries,
                                                                                                                            capillaries, and veins long enough to wrap around the world more than twice.
                                                                                                                            With a beating heart at its core, this complicated network winds its way through
                                                                                                                            vital organs and tissues, delivering precious oxygen and nutrients. Despite its
                                                                                                                            enormous size and complexity, new surgical techniques offer revolutionary ways
                                                                                                                            to address life-threatening cardiovascular problems—sometimes through even
                                                                                                                            the tiniest incisions.

                                                                                                                                                                            For Emanuel J. Ramos                  Tenorio is part of a world-class
                                                                                                                                                                            Tenorio, MD, PhD, a postdoctoral      team of researchers led by
                                                                                                                                                                            research fellow in the Department     Gustavo S. Oderich, MD. Together,
                                                                                                                                                                            of Cardiothoracic and Vascular        they collaborate on novel
                                                                                                                                                                            Surgery at McGovern Medical           techniques to investigate and
                                                                                                                                                                            School at UTHealth Houston,           treat diseases of the aorta
                                                                                                                                                                            learning about minimally invasive     like aneurysms, which are weak,
                                                                     Gustavo S. Oderich, MD                                                                                 surgery in medical school             bulging areas in the blood
                                                                                                                                                                            sparked a lifelong passion.           vessel’s walls.
                                                                   John P. and Kathrine G. McGovern
                                                                          Distinguished Chair
                                                                                                                                                                            “The biggest drive for me in my
                                                                       Professor, Department of
                                                                                                                                                                             career is to help people,” Tenorio
                                                                  Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
                                                                                                                                                                             says. “I was amazed when
                                                                     McGovern Medical School at                                                                              I learned how we can solve big
                                                                        UTHealth Houston
                                                                                                                                                                             cardiovascular issues through
                                                                                                                                                                             small incisions.”

     Emanual J. Ramos Tenorio, MD, PhD (left), and Gustavo S. Oderich, MD (right),
     save lives by repairing aortic aneurysms with customized stent grafts that
     are tailored to each patient.

24                                                                                           M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   I M P R O V I N G H O U S T O N’S H E A L T H                                                                             25
Oderich and Tenorio develop customized stent grafts
                                                                                                                                                                            to address each patient's unique needs.

                                                                                                                              A patient had
                                                                                                                     multiple aneurysms in different
                                                                                                                         segments of the aorta.

In particular, the team researches      Oderich is a national leader in       Throughout the Many Faces.
cutting-edge stent grafts that          endovascular techniques and one       One Mission. philanthropic
are manufactured to fit the patient’s   of a few surgeons in the United       campaign, donors including David P.
anatomy and can account for             States with FDA approval to use       Storch and the Krist Foundation
vital blood vessels that branch off     these specialized stent grafts        have generously supported
from the aorta. Physicians insert       to treat complex aortic aneurysms.    educational opportunities in
the device through a small incision     His team has demonstrated that        cardiovascular medicine such as
in the groin. Once placed, the          the devices are safe and effective—   fellowships. Commitments like
device diverts blood flow from the      and can lead to shorter recovery      these help equip tomorrow’s
aneurysm, helping to prevent            times for patients.                   cardiovascular experts to continue
aortic rupture.                                                               improving health in Houston
                                        “Every month, we have a new           and beyond.
“The day after I defended                device or new techniques to treat
                                         the aorta,” Tenorio says. “If you    “Our research fellows produce
 my PhD thesis in Brazil, I moved
                                         are a creative person, you can do
 to the United States to work                                                  landmark contributions
                                         a lot of research in endovascular
 with Dr. Oderich,” Tenorio says.        surgery that allows you to            that change lives,” Oderich says.
“Under his guidance, I have              improve lives.”                      “Philanthropy helps ensure
 had the opportunity to study                                                  we have the resources to support
 endovascular techniques                                                       our fellows and to pursue the
 and hone my skills as a surgeon                                               next innovations in endovascular
                                                                               aortic repairs.”
 and researcher to provide
                                                                                                                      Oderich and Tenorio created
 the best care for our patients.”
                                                                                                                        customized stent grafts
                                                                                                                     to divert blood away from the
                                                                                                                     patient’s aneurysms, helping
                                                                                                                       to prevent aortic ruptures.
26                                                                                    M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.          I M P R O V I N G H O U S T O N’S H E A L T H                                                         27
Estrera replaced Jerry’s ascending              “The year after my surgery
                                                                                                                                 aorta and aortic arch and repaired               was an uphill climb. I lost nearly
                                                                                                                                 his valve during a five-hour surgery.
                                                                                                                                 Had Jerry waited much longer to
                                                                                                                                                                                  30 pounds, and there was
                                                                                                                                 go to the emergency department,                  a time when I worried I was
                                                                                                                                 he likely would not have survived.               never going to be myself again,”
                                                                                                                                                                                  Jerry says. “I am so thankful
                                                                                                                                 “The surgery went well, and                      to Dr. Estrera, Dr. Smalling, and
                                                                                                                                  Dr. Estrera told me the repair                  the entire UTHealth Houston
                                                                                                                                  will last 50 years,” says Jerry.                and Memorial Hermann teams
                                                                                                                                 “That is perfect for me because                  to be where I am today."
                                                                                                                                  I plan on living to 100.”                                                                 Anthony L. Estrera, MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Hazim J. Safi, MD, Distinguished Chair
                                                                                                                                 For six weeks after his surgery,                Through his determination and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
                                                                                                                                 Jerry focused on recovery through               the help of his care team, Jerry
                                                                                                                                 cardiac rehabilitation, which                   gradually returned to the activities    Professor and Chair, Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery
After months of cardiac and physical rehabilitation, Jerry Ashworth (left) has returned to normal                                gradually reintroduced him to                   he loves.
activities thanks to a lifesaving aortic repair performed by Anthony L. Estrera, MD (right), a proud                             routine daily activities. He also                                                           McGovern Medical School at
alumnus of The University of Texas at Austin.                                                                                                                                                                                   UTHealth Houston
                                                                                                                                 regularly checked in with Estrera
                                                                                                                                 and his cardiologist, Richard W.
                                                                                                                                 Smalling, MD, PhD, to ensure his
                                                                                                                                 aortic repair remained strong.
Across UTHealth Houston, clinicians and researchers work together to develop solutions that save the
lives of patients throughout Houston and beyond—patients like Jerry Ashworth.

Jerry’s night began like any other          When the pain in Jerry’s chest              Jerry was experiencing an aortic
Monday night, playing pickup                did not subside, he asked his son           dissection, a life-threatening
basketball; however, he did not             to drive him to the emergency               condition in which the walls of the
expect for it to end with a trip            department at Memorial Hermann              aorta tear. With symptoms that
to the hospital. Focused on making          Memorial City Medical Center,               mimic other diseases—including a
shots and defending the other               where a team of nurses and                  heart attack—aortic dissections
team, a sudden pop in his chest             physicians quickly ruled out a heart        can be difficult to diagnose,
took his breath away.                       attack. Jerry’s symptoms were               especially in young, healthy patients
                                            not adding up, so a cardiologist            like Jerry.                                                                                                                     Richard W. Smalling, MD, PhD
“I stepped off the court and                conducted a physical exam, in                                                                                                                                               James D. Woods Distinguished Chair in
 grabbed my shorts, trying                  which he detected a heart murmur.           In Jerry’s case, the dissection                                                                                                       Cardiovascular Medicine
 to figure out what was wrong,”             He ordered an echocardiogram                resulted from an aortic aneurysm.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Jay Brent Sterling Professor in
 Jerry says. “I was only 49 years           to look for structural irregularities       When the blood vessel ruptured,                                                                                                        Cardiovascular Medicine
                                            in Jerry’s chest.                           it dislodged his aortic valve,
 old and exercised regularly.                                                           creating a heart murmur. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
 I had no family history of                                                             cardiologist rushed to transfer
                                           “He turned the screen toward
 cardiac problems, but I started                                                        Jerry to Memorial Hermann-Texas                                                                                                    Department of Internal Medicine
                                            me so I could see what was
 to wonder if I was having                                                              Medical Center for open heart                                                                                                        McGovern Medical School at
                                            wrong. Something in my chest                surgery, where Anthony L. Estrera,                                                                                                      UTHealth Houston
 a heart attack.”
                                            looked like a flag blowing                  MD, and his team were waiting
Jerry, Senior Vice President and            in the wind,” Jerry says. “It was           to assess the situation.
CEO of Memorial Hermann Cypress
                                            my aortic wall.”
and Memorial Hermann Katy                                                              “Aortic dissections generally impact
Hospitals, stayed on the sidelines                                                      people much older than Jerry,”
drinking water and trying to                                                            Estrera says. “But they can happen
walk off the discomfort while his son                                                   in younger patients and require
finished up the basketball game.                                                        rapid interventions.”

28                                                                                                M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   I M P R O V I N G H O U S T O N’S H E A L T H                                                                           29
The many faces of                                                                            From treating complex congenital heart conditions to investigating the genetic causes
                                                                                                                     of heart disease and conducting surgical interventions for aneurysms and heart
                                                                                                                     failure, the many faces of UTHealth Houston stand at the forefront of heart and vascular
                    cardiovascular medicine at                                                                       medicine. Philanthropy helps this elite team pursue innovative research and foster
                                                                                                                     collaborations that pave the way for more effective prevention and treatment options
                       UTHealth Houston                                                                              across the full spectrum of cardiovascular conditions.

Anthony L. Estrera, MD, specializes   Biswajit Kar, MD, serves as             Susan T. Laing, MD, provides           Through the John Ritter                         Gustavo S. Oderich, MD, pushes        Families with children who have
in treating aortic aneurysms and      a Chief of the Center for Advanced      compassionate cardiology               Research Program in Aortic and                  the boundaries of cardiovascular      congenital heart problems come
dissections while developing          Cardiopulmonary Therapies               care in Houston while evaluating       Vascular Diseases, Dianna M.                    medicine by innovating minimally      to Houston from around the world
leading-edge surgical techniques.     and Transplantation, where he leads     cardiovascular disease in              Milewicz, MD, PhD, works to                     invasive surgical techniques          to see Jorge D. Salazar, MD, an
                                      the field in interventional             underserved populations along the      prevent premature deaths due                    to treat complex aortic conditions.   expert in pediatric and congenital
“For the past half-century, the       cardiology, structural heart disease,   United States-Mexico border            to acute aortic dissections.                                                          heart surgery who takes on the
                                      cardiogenic shock, advanced             to reduce health disparities and                                                       “Endovascular repairs have            most challenging cases to deliver
 Texas Medical Center has
                                      heart failure, and transplantation.     improve patient outcomes.              “Family history is a major                                                            the best possible outcomes.
 been the center of cardiovascular                                                                                                                                    changed how we treat aortic
 treatment, research, and                                                                                             risk factor for thoracic aortic                 diseases. We have everything we
                                      “With advanced therapies                “Heart disease is truly                 dissection. If we know                                                            “There are many things in
 education for the world. We                                                                                                                                          need to write the next chapter
                                       and surgical techniques, we can         preventable. If we want to make        who has the risk, we have                                                          life we can’t fix—people often
 strive to carry on that spirit                                                                                                                                       of cardiovascular surgery here in
                                       help patients with complex              an impact on cardiovascular            a really good chance                                                               must learn to live with their
 of innovation and deliver                                                                                                                                            Houston, and our work is
                                       heart disease live longer and           disease morbidity and mortality,       of preventing a death.”                                                            conditions. But congenital heart
 unmatched, patient-centered                                                                                                                                          only beginning.”
                                       with a better quality of life           the most cost-efficient approach                                                                                          disease is something we can
 cardiovascular care.”                 than ever before.”                      is to focus on prevention.”                                                                                               fix, and we can help these
                                                                                                                                                                                                         patients lead full lives.”

30                                                                                    M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   I M P R O V I N G H O U S T O N’S H E A L T H                                                                          31
                                                                                                                                                                                TO SMILES
                                                                                                                                                                                A N N U A L E V E NT I M P R OV E S T H E
                                                                                                                                                                                O R A L H E A LT H O F V E T E R A N S

                                                                                                                                                               As Army veteran Danny Sneed tells it, his smile is his style.
                                                                                                                                                               That pride keeps him motivated to care for his oral health, but
                                                                                                                                                               this time something dangerous slipped past his notice.

                                                                                                                                                                                “He had a dental infection             “Some vets come in and find out
                                                                                                                                                                                 that he didn’t know was there,”        there’s more going on than just
                                                                                                                                                                                 says Lauren Sanchez, DDS,              a toothache,” Sneed says.
                                                                                                                                                                                 a second-year resident at UTHealth
                                                                                                                                                                                 Houston School of Dentistry.          Yet many veterans living in poverty—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       especially those experiencing
                                                                                                                                                                                Sanchez caught Sneed’s                 homelessness—never receive such
                                                                                                                                                                                infection—which, if left untreated,    timely interventions or even
                                                                                                                                                                                could have spread throughout           basic oral care. While the United
                                                                                                                                                                                his body—at Give Vets a Smile, an      States Department of Veterans
                                                                                                                                                                                annual event at the School of          Affairs offers a broad range
                                                                                                                                                                                Dentistry where veterans receive       of health services to veterans, only
                                                                                                                                                                                free oral health screenings,           those who were prisoners
                                                                                                                                                                                preventive care, or urgent care.       of war or have certain degrees
                                                                                                                                                                                Students, residents, and               of service-related disabilities
                                                                                                                                                                                faculty from the School of Dentistry   qualify for dental benefits—roughly
                                                                                                                                                                                and Cizik School of Nursing            13% of veterans.
                                                                                                                                                                                at UTHealth Houston staff the
     A signature event at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry since 2015, Give Vets a Smile                                                                                    event from start to finish.
     serves as a lifeline to veterans unable to access oral health care. For some, it may be the first
     time they have seen a dentist in years.

32                                                                                               M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   I M P R O V I N G H O U S T O N’S H E A L T H                                                                             33
“When we ask veterans how long          In the years since and throughout
                                        it has been since they had             the Many Faces. One Mission.           “After we complete their
                                        dental care, some will say decades,”   campaign, community donors
                                                                                                                       treatment during the event, we
                                        says Bridgette R. Pullis, PhD, RN,     including Delta Dental Community
                                        who leads the Veterans’ Bachelor of    Care Foundation and Amegy Bank          try to direct the veterans
                                        Science in Nursing program at          have stepped in to help grow            to a reliable dental provider they
                                        Cizik School of Nursing and helped     the program from a simple focus         can afford, whether here at
                                        start Give Vets a Smile.               on pain relief to a range of oral
                                                                                                                       the school’s clinics or out in the
                                                                               health services offered by students,
                                       Pullis, whose father served in the      residents, and faculty from
                                                                                                                       community,” Sanchez says.
                                       Naval Construction Battalion            the School of Dentistry and Cizik      “So, we're really trying to help
                                       (commonly known as “Seabees”)           School of Nursing.                      them find a place where
Danny Sneed, who served as a legal
                                       during World War II, saw the urgent                                             they can go and continue
clerk in the Army, keeps his smile
                                       need for dental care during her         The event begins with Pullis
bright with help from Give Vets a
                                       work with homeless veterans             getting the word out to community
                                                                                                                       maintaining their oral health on
Smile and spreads the word to others
through his job with U.S. Vets.        through U.S. Vets, an organization      veterans. She now has help from         a regular basis.”
                                       dedicated to ending homelessness        veterans like Sneed, who works at
                                       among veterans. Many of the             U.S. Vets.                             Since the Many Faces. One Mission.
                                       veterans Pullis encountered                                                    campaign began in 2015, the
                                       suffered from years of drug abuse       “I make sure everybody at              event has provided over $275,000
                                       that wrought severe damage                                                     worth of care to more than 500
                                                                                our housing community knows,”
                                       to their oral health and left them                                             veterans. Pullis and Melchor hope
                                       missing teeth—a handicap in              he says. “I hand out flyers.          that with additional philanthropic
                                       trying to find a job.                    I put up poster boards. I knock       support, they can expand Give Vets
                                                                                on doors. I tell them it’s            a Smile—currently held only once
                                       She approached Margo Y.                                                        each year—to two days a year.
                                                                                more than just an opportunity
                                       Melchor, EdD, RDH, to determine
                                       if the School of Dentistry
                                                                                to get your teeth cleaned,            “It's not uncommon to have veterans
                                       could leverage the talent of its         and that oral health can affect        call us asking how to obtain care,”
                                       faculty and students to find             the whole body.”                       Melchor says. “So even though we
                                       a solution. Together, they launched                                             are doing our best to address
  Bridgette R. Pullis, PhD, RN         the first Give Vets a Smile event                                               this need, we still have many more
 Associate Professor, Department of    in 2015.                                Students from Cizik School              veterans in need of help.”
      Undergraduate Studies                                                    of Nursing help veterans fill out
      Cizik School of Nursing at       “That first year, we were               medical history forms, which           That help has proven a lifeline
          UTHealth Houston                                                     can help avert life-threatening        for Sneed, who sees the event as
                                        basically on a shoestring budget
                                                                               complications during treatment.        a way to honor the sacrifices
                                        because no one knew us                 On the day of the event, they          of those who served by providing
                                        yet,” says Pullis, who worked          conduct the initial intake for each    quality oral health care that
                                        with U.S. Vets to invite               veteran—determining the                can relieve pain, restore confidence,
                                                                               specific issue that needs care,        and keep smiles on the faces
                                        veterans in need of care. “But
                                                                               screening for COVID-19, and            of Americans who proudly wore
                                        we had a great response                taking vital signs while looking       the uniform.
                                        and ended up seeing about              for conditions like high blood
                                        90 patients.”                          pressure that might require            “You have to admit, the people
                                                                               monitoring throughout the day.          here are doing a great job,” he says
                                                                                                                       with a grin. “And my smile’s
                                                                               Dental and dental hygiene students      the evidence.”
                                                                               and residents work under faculty
                                                                               supervision to provide cleanings,
                                                                               basic screenings, and procedures
 Margo Y. Melchor, EdD, RDH                                                    like tooth extractions and root
                                                                                                                                                                             A team effort makes Give Vets a Smile successful.
        Associate Professor,                                                   canals. They also watch for signs
                                                                                                                                                                      Faculty, residents, and students work together to ensure
   Department of Periodontics and                                              of more serious conditions like
                                                                                                                                                                                         every veteran truly leaves with a smile.
          Dental Hygiene                                                       oral cancer.
    Director, Community Outreach

UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry
   34                                                                                                                 I M P R O V I N G H O U S T O N’S H E A L T H                                                      35
a d va n c i n g
       B R A I N A N D B E H AV I O R A L
                   H E A LT H                                                                                                MORE THAN A NUMBER
                                                                                                                  Leading the state in personalized behavioral health care

      The ripple effects of brain and behavioral health conditions extend beyond individual patients.
      They can rob people of their memories, identities, and enthusiasm for life, impacting the
      families and communities who provide love and support.

      That’s why UTHealth Houston experts are at work exploring how the brain works and delivering
      new treatment options for patients everywhere. From addressing gaps in the understanding
      and care of mood disorders to providing hope and healing for children with brain tumors, our
      experts are pushing the frontiers of brain and behavioral health every day.

                                                                                                                          MARCHING ON WITH HOPE
Scan the QR code with                                                                                                   Reimagining care of pediatric brain tumors
your mobile device.

                                                                                   M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.
a d va n c i n g
       B R A I N A N D B E H AV I O R A L
                   H E A LT H

      The ripple effects of brain and behavioral health conditions extend beyond individual patients.
      They can rob people of their memories, identities, and enthusiasm for life, impacting the
      families and communities who provide love and support.

      That’s why UTHealth Houston puts our experts to work exploring how the brain works and
      delivering new treatment options for patients everywhere. From making rapid stroke diagnosis
      and care a reality to helping people with substance use disorders overcome addiction, our
      experts are pushing the frontiers of brain and behavioral health every day.

Scan the QR code with
your mobile device.

                                                                                                        ADVANCING BR AIN AND BEHAVIOR AL HE ALTH   39
                                                                                                                                                                     A NUMBER
                                                                                                                                                                     L E A D I N G T H E S TAT E I N P E R S O N A L I Z E D
                                                                                                                                                                     B E H AV I O R A L H E A LT H C A R E

                                                                                                                              The statistics are staggering. One in five adults will struggle with a behavioral
                                                                                                                              disorder during their lifetime, and the ripple effects reverberate throughout
                                                                                                                              the community, straining hospitals and public institutions. Behavioral disorders
                                                                                                                              are responsible for one out of every eight visits to the emergency department,
                                                                                                                              and more than eight million Americans care for an adult family member with
                                                                                                                              a behavioral disorder, averaging 32 hours a week in unpaid care.

                                                                                                                                                                     With only 10 state psychiatric         “We need to emphasize behavioral
                                                                                                                                                                     hospitals across Texas to serve its     health now and address those
                                                                                                                                                                     29 million residents, the waiting list issues because of how important
                                                                                                                                                                     for treatment can easily amount to      they are, how prevalent,” explains
                                                                                                                                                                     months, and private facilities may      Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD. “It's a
                                                                                                                                                                     not be covered by insurance,            major cause of disability
                                                                                                                                                                     resulting in thousands of dollars in    worldwide. These are very common
                                                                                                                                                                     out-of-pocket expenses.                 conditions that need to be better
                                                                                                                                                                                                             addressed so that people can live
                                                                                                                                                                     Yet the real story lies beyond what     fuller, happier lives.”
                                                                                                                                                                     the numbers tell us; it lies in the
                                                                                                                                                                     lives disrupted, the dreams dashed,
                                                                                                                                                                     and the anguish lived through
                                                                                                                                                                     every day.

     Alongside the experts in the Faillace Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
     Lokesh Shahani, MD (left), and Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD (right), stand at the forefront of delivering
     much-needed personalized care for patients with behavioral disorders.

40                                                                                             M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   ADVANCING BR AIN AND BEHAVIOR AL HE ALTH                                                                       41
Jair C. Soares, MD, PhD
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Pat R. Rutherford, Jr. Chair in Psychiatry
      Lokesh Shahani, MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Professor and Chair,
          Associate Professor,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Faillace Department of Psychiatry and
Faillace Department of Psychiatry and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Behavioral Sciences
          Behavioral Sciences
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Director, Center of Excellence on
     McGovern Medical School at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mood Disorders
        UTHealth Houston
                 ­—                                                                                                                                                                                              McGovern Medical School at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    UTHealth Houston
        Chief Medical Officer,
         UTHealth Houston
     Behavioral Sciences Campus                                                                                                                                                                                      Executive Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     UTHealth Houston
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Behavioral Sciences Campus

For years, behavioral health              In spring 2022, UTHealth Houston          “The new hospital improves             Shahani says the goal is to create      The Dunn Center Building will         “We are building a massive
experts in the Louis A. Faillace, MD,     strengthened its commitment to             access to inpatient psychiatric       a more complete continuum               also allow the university to double    footprint in behavioral
Department of Psychiatry and              behavioral health when it opened                                                 of care by providing step-down          the number of psychiatric
                                                                                     care for our community,”                                                                                             health at UTHealth Houston,”
Behavioral Sciences at McGovern           the doors of a new facility that,                                                beds for those patients who need        residents. “When this happens,
Medical School at UTHealth                combined with the UTHealth                 says Lokesh Shahani, MD.              more time in the hospital,              we will have the largest               says Soares. “We now
Houston have dedicated themselves         Houston Harris County Psychiatric         “It provides us an opportunity         something the region previously         psychiatric residency program          have the Behavioral Sciences
to pursuing discovery, clinical,          Center (HCPC), has created                 to develop innovative and             lacked. In the future, patients could   in the nation,” says Shahani.          Campus in addition to close
and translational research and            the largest academic psychiatric                                                 transition from acute to subacute
                                                                                     personalized ways of caring for                                                                                      to 20 sites in the community
offering individuals and their families   hospital in the nation. A collaboration                                          care in the hospital, to a partial
access to the latest treatments           with the Texas Health and Human            individuals suffering with            hospitalization program, to                                                    and partnerships with
and therapies.                            Services Commission, the new               mental illness.”                      an intensive outpatient program,                                               hospitals throughout the
                                          facility, which carries the name of                                              and finally to outpatient-only care.                                           Texas Medical Center.”
                                          the John S. Dunn Behavioral                                                      This is critical to easing and
                                          Sciences Center, adds 264 beds                                                   reintegrating patients back into
                                          to the existing 274 beds at UTHealth                                             the community.
                                          Houston HCPC.

42                                                                                          M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   ADVANCING BR AIN AND BEHAVIOR AL HE ALTH                                                                                43
More patients translates into more research. “The Dunn Behavioral              Part of the Dunn Foundation’s transformational gift—which the
 The Center of Excellence on         Sciences Center will help us grow exponentially at the same                    Dunn Behavioral Sciences Center was named in honor of—is
  Mood Disorders includes an         proportion on the research side,” says João de Quevedo, MD, PhD.               designated for research like this, an endeavor they have supported
active research and clinical team   “With longer treatment programs, patients can be enrolled                       since their giving began in 1986. Similarly, Anthony Faillace made
 dedicated to finding biological
                                     in more comprehensive research.”                                               a significant commitment in honor of his father and founding
     markers and targets for
definitive treatment for patients                                                                                   chair of psychiatry at UTHealth Houston, Louis A. Faillace, MD,
 with mood disorders, such as        De Quevedo balances seeing            “There is the chronological age that     which created faculty chairs that provide resources for behavioral
                                     approximately 40 patients a week       is on your driver’s license, and
bipolar disorder and depression.                                                                                    research and educational programs.
                                     for mood disorders with leading        then there is biological aging,” says
                                     the Translational Psychiatry Program de Quevedo. This biological aging
                                     in the Faillace Department of          is associated with non-psychiatric      Understanding the importance           But there is still work to be done.
                                     Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. conditions like cardiometabolic            innovation plays in ending                                                    João de Quevedo, MD, PhD
                                     The Translational Psychiatry           disease and cancer. “The data           suffering, Elizabeth and Drew         “I really believe that we are now
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Professor, Faillace Department of
                                     Program sits at the center of four     show that patients with behavioral      Kanaly created a research              where the field of oncology was        Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
                                     overlapping focus areas—the Center disorders age quicker biologically          endowment to help find answers,        30 years ago, before major
                                     of Excellence on Mood Disorders,       versus chronologically. We are          and Yvonne and Walter Johnson          investments created a much better
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Translational Psychiatry Program
        The Center for               the Center for Neurobehavioral         trying to understand why and how        made a substantial estate              understanding of the pathways
  Neurobehavioral Research           Research on Addiction, the Brain       to prevent that.”                       commitment to ensure work like         and mechanisms involved in                McGovern Medical School at
    on Addiction researches                                                                                                                                                                             UTHealth Houston
                                     Collection for Research in Psychiatry                                          this continues long into the           causation,” says Soares. “This is in
  new therapies and develops         Disorders, and the Trauma and          The team has a large focus on           future. They join a growing list       many ways still the last frontier
   evidence-based treatments         Resilience Center.                     treatment-resistant behavioral          of individuals and foundations         in medicine.”
  for addiction and substance                                               disorders. Patients who do not          committed to advancing
     use disorders informed         “In translational research,             respond to traditional treatment        behavioral health.
  by behavioral neurosciences.                                              are more likely to be on disability,
                                     we work on the basis of the
                                                                            attempt suicide, and have               “The impact of philanthropy
                                     disease to discover how it             increased health expenditures.
                                    develops and why. From there,                                                    goes beyond what is seen
                                    we propose new therapies,”             “These patients have been sick            through a donor’s initial gift.
                                    explains de Quevedo. To do              most of their lives. They give up        It impacts other researchers,
                                    that, researchers work in
                                                                            their dreams. They drop out of           who produce preliminary data
                                                                            college. Their relationships suffer,
                                    tandem with clinicians to obtain                                                 to apply for grants to keep
   The Brain Collection for                                                 and they are unable to hold a
                                    patient data, neuroimaging,             job,” explains de Quevedo. “When
                                                                                                                     programs going,” de Quevedo
    Research in Psychiatry
                                    and blood samples and to                you treat them, and you are able         says. “Without our donors,
 Disorders houses brain tissue
  to help understand how the        employ genomic, behavioral,
                                                                            to bring them back to normalcy, it’s     we would not be competitive.”
                                                                            life-changing. These are the
   brain functions and how it
                                    epidemiological, and                    people we would really like to help
 regulates behavior to identify
    the biological causes of
                                    bioinformatics approaches.              because the others are already
                                                                            served by traditional treatments.”
      behavioral disorders.
                                    For example, researchers are
                                    investigating the accelerated aging     Building on evidence that
                                    that happens in people with             bipolar disorder is linked to the
                                    bipolar disorder.                       loss of neurons and increased
                                                                            inflammation in the brain, Soares
                                                                            and de Quevedo are initiating
                                                                            the first pilot study to determine
                                                                            whether stem cells—which have
 The Trauma and Resilience                                                  been shown to stimulate neuron
  Center is a multidisciplinary                                             growth after a stroke—can
   treatment, research, and                                                 effectively treat complex behavioral
 education center devoted to                                                disorders like treatment-resistant
helping people who experience                                               bipolar depression.
    psychological problems
 in the aftermath of traumatic
        life experiences.                                                         M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.      ADVANCING BR AIN AND BEHAVIOR AL HE ALTH                                                                           45
                                                                                                                        WITH HOPE
                                                                                                                        R E I M A G I N I N G C A R E O F P E D I AT R I C B R A I N T U M O R S

                                                                                                                        Abbi Evans and her family mark a routine eye exam in December 2020
                                                                                                                        as the beginning of a journey that forever changed their lives. When the optometrist
                                                                                                                        noted something odd about Abbi’s optic nerve and referred her to a specialist,
                                                                                                                        the Evans family felt something was wrong.

                                                                                                                                                              “You go to your eye exam expecting      Further testing revealed that Abbi’s
                                                                                                                                                               to leave with a prescription for       tumors were benign and caused
                                                                                                                                                               glasses or contacts, but we left       by neurofibromatosis type 2, a rare
                                                                                                                                                               with a prescription for an MRI and     genetic disorder characterized by
                                                                                                                                                               a growing fear,” says Abbi’s mother,   the continued growth of noncancerous
                                                                                                                                                               Christy. “Before long, we learned      tumors in the nervous system.
                                                                                                                                                               that our daughter had three            With no cure, patients like Abbi require
                                                                                                                                                               brain tumors.”                         lifelong monitoring to keep the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      tumors in check.
                                                                                                                                                               A junior in high school in Corpus
                                                                                                                                                               Christi, Texas, Abbi’s life was
                                                                                                                                                               bustling: In addition to excelling
                                                                                                                                                               in her classes and preparing for
                                                                                                                                                               college entrance exams, she was a
                                                                                                                                                               talented and passionate clarinetist
                                                                                                                                                               in her school’s marching band.
                                                                                                                                                               Aside from some unusual
                                                                                                                                                               headaches, nothing suggested
                                                                                                                                                               Abbi had anything as serious as
                                                                                                                                                               a brain tumor, much less three
                                                                                                                                                               of them.

     David I. Sandberg, MD, has dedicated his career to helping children beat the odds
     against deadly tumors of the central nervous system—whether through surgery or
     through innovative therapies that deliver medications directly to the brain.

46                                                                                       M A N Y FACE S. ONE MISSION.   ADVANCING BR AIN AND BEHAVIOR AL HE ALTH                                                                          47
Doctors promptly ordered               Following surgery, Abbi spent
                                       additional MRIs to check the rest of   five weeks in physical rehabilitation
                                       Abbi’s nervous system and found        at TIRR Memorial Hermann to
                                       another benign tumor, called an        regain her mobility and coordination.
                                       ependymoma, on her spinal cord.        Her therapy team was led
                                       With the tumor encroaching on          by Stacey L. Hall, DO, Director of
                                       vital nerves in her spinal cord, the   Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
                                       family contacted neurosurgeon          at TIRR Memorial Hermann.
                                       David I. Sandberg, MD, at McGovern
                                       Medical School at UTHealth             “One of my main goals
                                       Houston and UTHealth Houston
                                                                               following surgery was to rejoin
                                       Neurosciences. He advised them to
                                       drive to Houston for emergency          the marching band,”
       David I. Sandberg, MD
                                       surgery to remove the tumor.            Abbi recalls. “My therapists
       Dr. Marnie Rose Professor in
          Pediatric Neurosurgery
                                                                               incorporated my clarinet into          Abbi’s (middle row, center) desire to return to marching band motivated her to give
                                       Although the trip between Corpus
                                                                               our sessions by having me              her all to physical rehabilitation. With help from her therapy team and support from
          Director, Division of        Christi and Houston is typically                                               her family, she was able to pick up her clarinet again and march on.
         Pediatric Neurosurgery        an uneventful 3.5-hour drive, a
                                                                               clean it, put it together, and
     Department of Pediatric Surgery   historic weather event was brewing.     practice breathing exercises.”
                                       Sweeping from the northwest,
       McGovern Medical School at
          UTHealth Houston             Winter Storm Uri strengthened into     Abbi completed her rehabilitation
                                       a life-threatening natural disaster    just in time to take the field
                                       and took aim at Houston.               again with her marching band.
                                                                              Building off that momentum,
                                       “Dr. Sandberg had no choice            she graduated eighth in her class,
                                                                              and in fall 2022, she will begin
                                        but to immediately schedule Abbi
                                                                              her college education with the hope
                                        for surgery the day after             to one day work in the health
                                        we arrived, which was when the        care field.
                                        storm was predicted to hit,”
                                                                              “I may face more challenges and
                                        says Christy. “He told us he
                                                                               surgeries, but I know I’m in
                                        would walk to the hospital             the best hands with Dr. Sandberg,”
                                        for Abbi if he had to, and when        says Abbi. “I want to take these
                                        the storm shut down the city the       experiences and the example
                                        next day, he kept his word.”           Dr. Sandberg provided to care for
                                                                               my own patients in the future.”
         Stacey L. Hall, DO            Sandberg trudged through more
           Assistant Professor,        than a mile of sleet, snow, and
     Department of Physical Medicine   ice to reach Children’s Memorial
           and Rehabilitation          Hermann Hospital. Despite
       McGovern Medical School at      an unpredictable commute, Abbi’s
          UTHealth Houston             surgery went as planned, and
                                       Sandberg successfully removed
                                       the tumor while preserving
                                       her spinal cord.

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