Impact of Corona on Gold Rates - International Journal of ...

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Impact of Corona on Gold Rates - International Journal of ...
International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                     Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
Review Paper                                                             E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

                   Impact of Corona on Gold Rates
                                           Seema Mridha
                  Assistant Professor, G.S. College of Commerce and Economics, Nagpur

ABSTRACT                                               considered a safest mode of investment not
                                                       only for the big investors but also for the
The corona pandemic has impacted each and              households. India is the second largest gold
every sphere of human life. Its impact on              consumer after China. The yellow metal
investment decisions can also be felt. For long        saw various ups and downs in the corona
term benefit and risk-free investment, gold is
                                                       pandemic period which crossed Rs. 50000
always considered as a safe zone. Even small
investors such as household prefer it rather           per 10 grams and made a history despite
investing somewhere else. With the beginning           severe economic crises and recession in the
of the pandemic, when the whole nation went            economy. Through this study we will come
into complete lockdown, many investors and             to know how pandemic can pose a positive
institutional investors especially from Europe         impact on yellow metal. There are many
and America invested huge capital in Gold              reasons in investing in gold. It is simple and
backed ETFs. As per the World Gold Council             easy to convert into cash. It was seen
review, after China, India is the second largest       during the pandemic period that many
consumer of gold but the demand for them               people sold their gold to meet out the
reduced drastically during these challenging           financial crisis because many people lost
times. But the price for gold reached a historic
                                                       their job. Return rates of physical gold are
high at Rs.53,250 per 10 gram. Gold backed
ETFs and similar products (gold ETFs) had a            also never too profitable if we invest in the
remarkable year in 2020. Data from World Gold          gold jewellery because the price of the
Council, Bloomberg was studied Globally, gold          jewellery also includes the making charges.
ETFs had record annual net inflows of                  So many people instead of buying physical
US$47.9bn or 877 tonnes. Gold rose 25%                 gold invest in gold ETF. In the 1st quarter
during 2020, hitting a historical high of              the rate of gold rose extremely high. It is
US$2067.15/oz on August. It was found that             also being noticed that how the prices of
when economy was worst affected, production            various stocks impacted the purchase of
stopped, many people lost job, share prices            gold ETFs. In the pandemic period India’s
crashed, gold became very lucrative and showed         GDP fell drastically, reached negative
how its rate is inversely related with the
                                                       digits, investors searched for safe haven.
economic growth.
                                                       Gold is scarce is nature, that’s why India
Keywords: - Gold rates, corona pandemic, ETF           imports maximum gold it requires. Even
(Exchange Traded Fund)                                 though with reduced demand the prices of
                                                       gold were skyrocketing. In India, the gold
INTRODUCTION                                           rates are determined by Indian Bullion and
        The year 2020 was full of challenges           Jewellers Association which provides daily
which posed a great difficulty for the whole           price which is based on:
nation. Even the investors were not spared.            a) International prices
The whole nation went into complete                    b) The dollar-rupee exchange rate
lockdown from March end 2020. Investors                c) Taxes and profit margin
who are the speculators always seek to gain                    As per World Gold Council sources
more profit either investing in Mutual funds,          there was a record gold backed ETF inflows
real estate, shares or gold. Gold is always            of 877t in 2020 took holdings to all time

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Impact of Corona on Gold Rates - International Journal of ...
Seema Mridha. Impact of corona on gold rates.

highs reaching holding of 3751.5 tonnes and          VAT but now after the implementation of
also the gold demand in India in CY20                GST the gold tax rate is 3%.
stands at 252 tonnes, as compared to 496                      Gnanadurai Pandithurai (2016)
tonnes in the same period last year. WGC             revealed that a comprehensive and simple
data shows the demand for gold in Q3CY20             framework can provide the investor with
stood at 86.6 tonnes, down 30% as                    detailed information about the gold and it
compared to the same period in 2019 at               will ensure a proper expectation on gold and
123.9 tonnes. Gold demand value stood at             its role in a portfolio. The study also shows
Rs 39510 crore during the period under               that there exists a close relationship between
review, down 4% as compared Rs.41300                 dollar price and the gold price. The study is
crore in Q3-2019. Gold demand for                    about predicting the future price of gold and
jewellery at the global level also dropped to        informing the investor about the impact of
29% year on year to 333 tonnes in Q3CY20.            numerous factors that can affect the
In the year 2020, the global demand for gold         performance of gold in different economic
came to 14% lower at 3759 tonnes, WGC                environments.
said that the fall is due to the coronavirus                  Nishit K. Dave (2016) showed us
pandemic which weakened the consumer                 that gold can act as a better portfolio
demand. Since 2009 the global demand for             unpredictability and minimize losses amid
the yellow metal on an annual basis slipped          times of business sector fluctuations. When
below the 4,000tonnes. The annual global             other assets are not performing well, gold
demand India also witnessed a massive fall           can serve as a high quality, liquid resource.
of 48% year on year to 52.8tonnes, as per            It also disclosed that there are positive
WGC data. It was also found that in India            correlations among gold prices and crude oil
and China many people invest in physical             prices together with all the other key
gold, but in U.S. and Europe they invest in          elements.
ETF (exchange traded funds). Demand                           Shaun K. Roache and Macro Rossi
from western countries has increased a lot.          (2009) examined that commodities tend to
                                                     be less sensitive than financial assets – e.g.,
LITERATURE REVIEW                                    crude oil, the most actively traded
        Dr. Puja Archana Sahu (2020)                 commodity futures contract, shows no
studies the impact of inflation on consumer          significant responsiveness to almost all
behavior towards gold. According to them,            announcements. The gold price is sensitive
gold investment should be encouraged being           to several scheduled U.S. and Euro are
a easily approachable investment, when the           macroeconomic announcements –including
prices of real estate market are increasing.         retail sales, nonfarm payrolls and inflation.
Inflation has put a negative impact on the           According to them, Gold’s high sensitivity
gold investment also its an accessory and            to real interest rates and its unique role as a
shows social status.                                 safe haven and store of value typically leads
        Sowjanya A.M. (2020) observed                to a counter cyclical reaction to surprise
that the implementation of GST made a                news, in contrast to their commodities.
positive impact on the gold sector.
Implementation of GST has put gold market            RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
more transparent which led to reduction in                  Secondary data was used from
the corruption. Customers feel GST as a              published resources such as from
extra burden on them, but it will lead to a          newspapers, data used from World Gold
corruption free economy. Though GST has              Council, and other published magazines.
increased the price of the gold. Before the          Explanatory research methodology was
implementation of GST, the gold tax rate             used. A deep analysis was done on the
was 2%i.e., 1% for service tax and 1% for            research findings and the causes of ups and
                                                     downs were observed.

                   International Journal of Research and Review (               732
                                      Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
Impact of Corona on Gold Rates - International Journal of ...
Seema Mridha. Impact of corona on gold rates.

                                     Source :World Gold Council

Gold backed ETF and similar change in holdings by month

                 International Journal of Research and Review (   733
                                    Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
Seema Mridha. Impact of corona on gold rates.

Gold backed ETF and similar change in holdings by year

                 International Journal of Research and Review (   734
                                    Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
Seema Mridha. Impact of corona on gold rates.

RESULTS                                                      North American funds had inflows
       The above figures shows that despite          of 563t(US$31.9bn, 45%AUM). Holdings
record setting inflows in the first 10 months        in European funds grew by 260t
of 2020 inflows turned negative in                   (US$13.3bn, 21%). It is also seen from the
November and December. North American                above data that funds listed in Asia saw
funds represented nearly 2/3 of global net           holdings rose by 38t(US$1.9bn,49%).
inflows in 2020. The above data shows that           Other      regions    had     inflows    of
Gold backed ETFs and similar products                16t(US$899mn, 41%). Despite dropping
(gold ETFs) had a remarkable year in 2020.           12% in march, when markets were rocked
       Globally, gold ETFs had record                by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,
annual net inflows of US$47.9bn or 877               gold recovered to finish the year among the
tonnes. Gold rose 25 % during 2020, hitting          best- performing assets.
a historical high of US$2067.15/oz on                        Gold demand in India was 446.4
August.                                              tonnes in 2020, as compared with 690.4
                                                     tonnes in 2019 due to the corona which put

                   International Journal of Research and Review (            735
                                      Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
Seema Mridha. Impact of corona on gold rates.

lockdown and also because of high prices.              observed that investors found gold as the
Also total jewellery demand in India was               most lucrative investment and started selling
down by 42% at 315.9 tonnes when                       them when price of gold was utmost high.
compared with 544.6 tonnes in 2019.
        Total annual gold supply was also              REFERENCES
affected and was 4%lower Year on year                  1. Sahu Puja Archana, Srivastava Mudita
(4633t), the biggest fall ever.                           (2020), “Impact of inflation on consumer
        During the December 2020 quarter,                 behaviour towards gold - A study”,
                                                          Academia:           An           International
gold demand dropped 28% y-o-y to 783.4                    Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.10,
tonnes.It was also observed that Gold                     June 2020, pp.204-208
jewellery demand in Q4 fell 13% y-o-y to               2. Sowjanya A.M, Rakesh C.(2020), “Is Indian
515.9 tonnes, resulting in a 34% lower than               goods and services tax (GST) impacted on
in 2019.                                                  gold      sector?”,   Asian     Journal     of
                                                          Management, Vol.11, Jan.2020, pp.87-91
CONCLUSIONS                                            3. Gnanadurai Pandithurai (2016), “ Astudy of
         It is seen that the economic growth              international gold market and gold price
of a nation and the prices of gold are                    behaviour”,      PHD     Thesis,     Karunya
inversely related. It is observed that when               University, March 2016
                                                       4. Dr.Kumar V.S.,Dr.Joshi Shripad (2016), “
the whole nation went into complete
                                                          The Gimmicks of the yellow metal an
lockdown, the world economic growth came                  analytical study in commercial market”,
to a halt. In the first quarter of the financial          PHD Thesis, Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal
year 2020-21, India’s economy shrunk by -                 Tibarewala University, Feb.2016
23.9%. Major countries like US economy                 5. Shaun K. Roache , Marco Rossi(2009)
also shrunk by -32.9% and UK by -20.4%.                   “Effects of economic news on commodity
Again India’s economic growth rate was -                  prices : Is gold just another commodity? ”
7.5% in the second quarter. Afterwards we                 ,IMF Working Papers, IMF, July 2009
saw a slow positive recorvery rate in the              6.
economy with news of declaration of                    7.
vaccine. During the initial pandemic period,              ommodities/gold-prices
institutional investors basically for Europe           8.
and America, to safeguard their money                     gold-demand
invested in Gold ETFs hugely, as it is
always considered a safe haven, which                  How to cite this article: Mridha S. Impact of
resulted in the rise in the price of gold.             corona on gold rates. International Journal of
Though demand for physical gold in India,              Research and Review. 2021; 8(3): 731-736.
reduced by more than 90%. It is also


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                                        Vol.8; Issue: 3; March 2021
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