Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical

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Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and
                  neurologic disease
Corporate Presentation
June 2019
Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
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    Neither Todos Medical Ltd. nor any of its officers, employees, advisers, or agents makes any
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    ended December 31, 2018 filed in March 29, 2019 with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
    Commission (“SEC”) and available on the SEC's website, and in the Company’s
    periodic reports filed with the SEC.

Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Todos Medical - Overview
    • A clinical-stage diagnostics company and leader in Immuno-Diagnostic
      space focused on the development of blood-based tests for the early
      detection of cancers and neurodegenerative (ND) diseases
    • Portfolio
      − The TBIA Platform –for the diagnostic Todos Breast Screens (TM-B1,
        TM-B2) and Todos Colon Screen (TM-C1)
         o   “Total Biochemical Infrared Analysis” (TBIA) method, a
             proprietary method for screening of solid tumors using peripheral
             blood spectroscopy analysis
      − LymPro Test® for Alzheimer’s disease (possibly additional ND diseases)
         o   “Lymphocyte Proliferation test” (LymPro Test) measures immune
             markers that are directly linked to well established cell
             proliferation processes

Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Investment Thesis
    Todos is positioned to become a leader in the Immuno-Diagnostic space
    • Strong IP portfolio relating to harnessing the immune system to diagnose
    Focusing on high unmet medical need in early diagnosis of cancers
    • Aiding in the screening of patients with dense breast tissue
    • Colon cancer screening with simple blood test
    • First blood-based screening test for lung cancer
    Positive data supporting Todos’ blood test to diagnose early stage
    Neurodegenerative disease – first of its kind in:
    • Alzheimer’s Disease
    • Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)

Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Current Pipeline
Marker          RUO                 IUO                    CE Mark              CLIA              US FDA

TM-B1: Breast Cancer CE mark received

TM-B2: Breast Cancer

TM-C1: Colorectal Cancer

LymPro Test®: Alzheimer’s disease

TM-B1                        TM-B2                          TM-C1                        LymPro
Breast Cancer                Breast Cancer                  Colorectal Cancer            Alzheimer’s Disease

• TM-B1 is a test designed   • TM-B2 designed for early     • TM-C1 designed for         • The LymPro test is a
  specifically for breast      detection of breast            early detection of           validated blood-based
  cancer screening.            cancer.                        colorectal cancer. It is     lymphocyte assay that
• It is indicated for                                         indicated for men and        can assist research
                             • It is indicated for women
  women 25 years and                                          women, aged 50 years         professionals in
                               25 years and older
  older without a                                             and older, without a         differentiating between
                               without a diagnosis of
  diagnosis of                                                diagnosis of                 non-AD subjects and
                               inflammatory or
  inflammatory or              autoimmune disease and         inflammatory or              those with prodromal
  autoimmune disease.          who were diagnosed as          autoimmune disease.          AD, mild cognitive
                               presenting with BI-RADS                                     impairment (MCI) due to
• TM-B1 is to be used as a                                                                 AD or dementia due to
                               score of 3 or 4 (or
  screening method to                                                                      AD.
                               equivalent). TM-B2 is to
  indicate whether a           be used to further assess
  malignancy is present.       if a malignancy is
Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Todos Cancer Screens - The Biological Rational
     • Different cancers influence the immune system differently
     • Same TBIA method with varying algorithms can detect different
    Breast cancer                                  Colon cancer

               Ladoire et al. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 60.7 (2011): 909-918.

Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Todos Cancer Screens - The Unmet Need
     • Cancer screening tests,       Breast cancer
       especially those for          Mammography has significant limits with average
       breast and colorectal         sensitivity of just 70% and even lower among
       have well known               women with dense breast tissue, which is present
       limitations and               in a majority of women under the age of 50.
       compliance shortcomings       Mammography is operator dependent and an
       due to their invasiveness     uncomfortable procedure for many women.
       and significant expense.      Outside of the US and EU, mammograms are not as
     • Many of the effective         readily available.
       screening methods
       remain too expensive for      Colorectal Cancer
       adoption as screening         Colonoscopy is the current standard in CRC
       tests for all those at risk   screening. While accurate, the procedure is
       and are often used too        invasive, operator dependent and expensive,
       rarely and too late.          contributing to low compliance among patients.
     • Early cancer diagnosis        Cologuard, a recently approved fecal-based test
       saves 50% in costs -
                                     by Exact Sciences, is a major advance in CRC
       Cancer costs expected to
                                     screening. However, the expensive test is unable
       reach over $150B in
                                     to detect precancerous polyps and has only 50%
                                     patient compliance.

Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Todos Cancer Screens - Workflow

 Standard           Mononuclear                  FTIR
Blood Draw            Cells &                  Analysis             Results
with Todos            Plasma                  with Todos          Reported to
    Kit              Separated                Algorithm             Doctor
    15 min             2 hr                    30min/                1min

             6 hr                   Can be                 1min
                                  frozen up
                                   3 weeks

Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Todos Breast Cancer Screens - Latest Clinical Trial Results
    Date of Published Results
    March 22, 2018

    About the TM-B1 Assay
    The TM-B1 assay is indicated for women aged 25 years and older without a
    diagnosis of inflammatory disease. The assay is intended to be used as a
    diagnostic method to indicate whether a breast malignancy is present or not. The
    trial was prospective, two arms, unblinded and consisted of 220 female subjects

    Results of Trial
    • Sensitivity of 86% & Specificity 98% for breast cancer detection
    • Positive Predictive Value (PPV) was 95.1% & Negative Predictive Data was 93.5%
    • Dense breast tissue (BIRADS categories 3&4) were present in 55% of subjects
    • For dense breast patients, specificity was 99% and sensitivity was 83%
    • No Major differences in accuracy based on patients age
    • Abstract presented at SABCS 2018

Immune-based blood diagnostics for cancer and neurologic disease - Corporate Presentation June 2019 OTC TOMDF - Investor Relations | Todos Medical
Todos Breast Cancer Screen Go To Market Strategy
     Received approval from the Israeli Ministry of Health (AMAR) to market
     and sell its breast cancer tests TM-B1 and TM-B2.
     • Signed an exclusive distribution rights and sales agreement of TM-B2
       blood tests for breast cancer screening within the State of Israel
     Initial sales efforts to focus on the European Union as CE mark has been
     • Initial pilot studies are expected to begin in Q3 2019 in Europe
     Entering the U.S. market
     • FDA will accept European scientific data for portion of the data package
     • Evaluating CLIA pathway in parallel with FDA process

Todos Medical

                     LymPro ® Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's: $250B Market Growing to $1.2T by 2050
                            ✓ 1 in 9 Americans over 65 has AD
      Healthcare Spend on
      Alzheimer’s           ✓ 5.2 million Americans have AD
      $ Billions            ✓ 500,000 new diagnoses per year
                            ✓ $250B market in the US
                    1200    ✓ 10% of healthcare spending
                            ✓ Projected $1.2T market in US by 2050
                            ✓ Key unmet need: accurate early diagnostic

                            • Pre-screening of patients to reduce pharma
                              patient acquisition cost 50%+
                            • Data generated will add validity to test while
          203                 building commercial story
                            • Mechanisms of fundamental disease biology:
                              Emerging Therapeutic Targets
         2013      2050
                            • $1B IUO market opportunity dominated by PET

Cell Cycle Dysregulation & Alzheimer’s

                                                                                      • Adult Neurons are terminally
                                                                                        differentiated but in AD, neurons
                                                         quiescent                      inappropriately re-enter cell cycle (cell
                                                   G0                                   division process)
                                                                                      • Cell cycle dysregulation (CCD) linked to
                                                                                        expression of toxic misfolded proteins
                                                                                        amyloid and tau in the brain
                              Mitosis                                                 • Occurs early in disease (MCI or earlier)
                                 G                                                    • Leads to early neuron death

                                                                                      • Dysregulation seen in peripheral tissues
                                                                                        including lymphocytes, fibroblasts
                                                                                      • CCD in lymphocytes is measured via
                                                                                        flow cytometer

     Stieler, J., Lederer, C., BruÈckner, M., Wolf, H., Holzer, M., Gertzand, H., Arendt, T., 21 December 2001, Impairment of mitogenic activation of
     peripheral blood lymphocytes in Alzheimer's disease. Neuroreport, 12 :18; 3969-3972

     Peipei Li, Lee Marshall, Gabriel Oh, Jennifer L. Jakubowski, Daniel Groot, Yu He, Ting Wang, Arturas Petronis, & Viviane Labrie Epigenetic
     dysregulation of enhancers in neurons is associated with Alzheimer’s disease pathology and cognitive symptoms NATURE COMMUNICATIONS |
     (2019)10:2246 |

Immediate Use Cases Prior to AD Drug on Market
     Pre-Screen for enrollment in Alzheimer’s clinical trials
     • Use LymPro to stratify population at lower cost prior to advancing to PET
       imaging or CSF amyloid/tau biomarker evaluation
     Companion Diagnostic
     • Potential for development as a companion diagnostic for monitoring
       efficacy of drugs with certain CCD related mechanisms of action
     • Ultimately needed to identify AD for payors to justify drug therapy cost
     • Assist physicians in diagnosing AD patients from those with other
       dementing conditions

LymPro Test - Go To Market Strategy

     • File new IP based on data from ongoing trials at University of
       Leipzig in Germany

     • Initial sales efforts Pharmaceutical clinical trials

     • Pilot studies are expected to begin in 2020

     • Ex-US strategy to be implemented, CE mark, etc.

Todos Medical – Upcoming Catalysts
     TM-B1 and TM-B2
     • Ex-US commercial partnership
     • Publish clinical utility data
     • Commercial launch in Europe & evaluate US CLIA pathway
     LymPro Test®
     • File IP based on new Data from Leipzig University
     • Leipzig Data publication
     • CLIA Pathway & evaluate European 510(k)

Management Team
     Dr. Herman Weiss, MD, MBA, FACOG – President & CEO
     Former VP, Medical Affairs and Clinical Development of Juniper Pharmaceuticals Inc.
     Former Global Medical Director of Women’s Health and Bone Health at Teva Pharmaceutical Industries.

     Dr. Udi Zelig, PhD – CTO
     Scientific founder of Todos Medical & Senior at Ben Gurion University
     Former Chief Technology Officer at Crow Technologies

     Michael T. Ropacki, PHD - Chief Medical Advisor, LymPro for Alzheimer’s
     SVP Clinical Development at MedAvante-ProPhase
     Former Global Medical Affairs Leader, Head of Late-Stage Development at Janssen Alzheimer's

     Brian E. Harvey, MD, PHD - Chief Regulatory Advisor
     Former Vice President of U.S Regulatory Strategy at Pfizer
     Former Vice President of Regulatory Policy at Sanofi

     Mr. David Ben Naim, MBA, CPA - CFO
     Former CFO at Insuline Medical Inc (TASE – INSL), Crow Technologies (OTCQB – CRWTF), Ilex Medical
     Limited (TASE), Microbot Medical (NASDAQ – MBOT) and Vonetize PLC (TASE – VNTZ).

     Gerald Commissiong: President & CEO of Amarantus Bioscience Holdings, In

Capital Structure Snapshot May 2019
     • Market Cap of 19M
     • $4.4M raised to date
       − $2.8M common Equity
       − $1.6M in debt raised in February 2019
     • 93.5 Million shares outstanding (founders, early investors and JV)
     • 158 Million fully diluted shares after pending acquisition with Market Cap
       of 30M
     • Outstanding warrants
       − 6.7 Million warrants outstanding at $.50
       − 4 Million bridge financing warrants
     • Quoted on the OTC April 2017
     • Float of approximately 45 Million shares
     • Nasdaq listing targeted for Q3/19

Todos Medical


Clinical Validation in Breast & Colorectal Cancer Screening
                                  Four Peer Reviewed Publications

      • Barlev, E., Zelig, U., Bar, O., Segev, C., Mordechai, S., Kapelushnik, J., ... & Madhala-
        Givon, O. (2016). A novel method for screening colorectal cancer by infrared
        spectroscopy of peripheral blood mononuclear cells and plasma. Journal of
        gastroenterology, 51(3), 214-221.May 2015, Breast Cancer Screening: Zelig et al. BMC
      • February 2013, Proof of concept for solid tumors: Ostrovsky et al. IEEE Transactions on
        Biomedical Engineering
      • November 2005, Leukemia trial publication: Sahu et al. Journal of Leukemia Research

Early cancer diagnosis saves 50% in Costs

      7. Conclusions
      The above rough estimate for cost-savings from early cancer diagnosis, $26B, is only about 17% of
      the total estimated expenditures (see Table 11) and appears to be reasonable despite various built-
      in (conservative) extrapolations. If we take breast, lung, prostate and colorectal cancers and
      melanoma, which are top five cancers by incidence with the total 859,110 estimated new cases in
      2017, which amounts to 50.87% of all 1,688,780 estimated new cases across all cancer sites, 19 the
      estimated costs add up to over $67B (or about 43.87% of costs for all sites), ad the corresponding
      estimated cost-savings from early diagnosis add up to over $10.7B (or about 41.49% of cost-savings
      for all sites). Again, these figures should be considered keeping in mind the caveats we discuss
      above. Even assuming only 50%, the cost savings are staggering.20

Thank You!
                        For Additional Information:

                       Herman Weiss, MD MBA
                          CEO Chairman
  Telephone: +972-58-444-7873, +1-617-483-5956| Main Office: +972-8-633-3964
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