Identification of remagnetization processes in Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of the northeast Rhenish Massif in Germany by K-Ar dating and REE ...

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Identification of remagnetization processes in Paleozoic
    sedimentary rocks of the northeast Rhenish Massif in
   Germany by K-Ar dating and REE tracing of authigenic
                       illite and Fe oxides
                       A. Zwing, N. Clauer, N. Liewig, V. Bachtadse

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    A. Zwing, N. Clauer, N. Liewig, V. Bachtadse. Identification of remagnetization processes in Paleozoic
    sedimentary rocks of the northeast Rhenish Massif in Germany by K-Ar dating and REE tracing of
    authigenic illite and Fe oxides. Journal of Geophysical Research : Solid Earth, American Geophysical
    Union, 2009, 114, pp.B06104. �10.1029/2008JB006137�. �halsde-00510540�

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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 114, B06104, doi:10.1029/2008JB006137, 2009

Identification of remagnetization processes in Paleozoic sedimentary
rocks of the northeast Rhenish Massif in Germany by K-Ar dating and
REE tracing of authigenic illite and Fe oxides
A. Zwing,1,2 N. Clauer,3 N. Liewig,4 and V. Bachtadse1
Received 4 October 2008; revised 11 February 2009; accepted 26 February 2009; published 13 June 2009.

[1] This study combines mineralogical, chemical (rare earth elemental (REE)) and
isotopic (K-Ar) data of clay minerals as well as chemical compositions (major and REE)
of Fe oxide leachates from remagnetized Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks from NE Rhenish
Massif in Germany, for which the causes of remagnetization are not yet clear. The
dominant carrier of the syntectonic, pervasive Carboniferous magnetization is magnetite.
The Middle Devonian clastic rocks record an illitization event at 348 ± 7 Ma probably
connected to a major magmatic event in the Mid-German Crystalline Rise, whereas a
second illitization episode at 324 ± 3 Ma is coeval to the northward migrating deformation
through the Rhenish Massif, being only detected in Upper Devonian and Lower
Carboniferous rocks. The age of that younger illitization is not significantly different from
that of the remagnetization, which, however, is not restricted to the upper part of the
orogenic belt, but affects also the Middle Devonian strata. The REE patterns of the
Fe-enriched leachates support two mineralization episodes with varied oxidation-reduction
conditions outlined by varied Eu and Ce anomalies. This is not compatible with a unique,
pervasive migration of orogenic fluids on a regional scale to explain the remagnetization in the
studied region. While clay diagenesis and remagnetization are time-equivalent in Upper
Devonian and Lower Carboniferous rocks, they are not so in Middle Devonian rocks.
Transformation of smectite into illite cannot, therefore, account for the growth of associated
authigenic magnetite, which must have been triggered by a different process. Since
remagnetization and deformation ages are similar, the mechanism could relate to local
physical conditions such as pressure solution and changing pore fluid pressure due to tectonic
stress as well as to chemical conditions such as changing composition of the pore fluids.
Citation: Zwing, A., N. Clauer, N. Liewig, and V. Bachtadse (2009), Identification of remagnetization processes in Paleozoic
sedimentary rocks of the northeast Rhenish Massif in Germany by K-Ar dating and REE tracing of authigenic illite and Fe oxides,
J. Geophys. Res., 114, B06104, doi:10.1029/2008JB006137.

1. Introduction                                                                     [3] It is interesting to recall that secondary magnetic
                                                                                 overprints are observed in almost all rock types, including
  [2] Understanding of the processes by which rocks be-                          the major sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic litholo-
come magnetized is most important for studies of ancient                         gies. While rocks of all ages appear to have been subjected
magnetization processes, regardless of their application to                      to remagnetization events, the Proterozoic and Paleozoic
plate tectonic modeling, stratigraphic application, or unrav-                    lithologies are affected even more often than the younger
eling mechanisms that control the Earth’s magnetic field.                        ones. The main handicap in the interpretation of such
Such processes are reasonably well known for primary                             secondary magnetic overprints is the uncertainty associated
magnetization recorded during rock formation, but they                           with their timing and duration, as timing, for instance, is
are often partly or completely erased by secondary magnetic                      most often only estimated by comparing the magnetic
overprints acquired any time after rock formation, which                         directions to existing paleomagnetic data of the same units.
impacts are still poorly understood [Elmore et al., 2001;                        Beside the large uncertainties associated with those age
Stamatakos et al., 1996].                                                        estimates, the age distribution of the magnetic overprints
      Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximi-             reveals that most remagnetization events in Paleozoic rocks
lians-Universität, Munich, Germany.
                                                                                 occurred between 350 and 250 Ma, including the climax of
      Now at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany.                   the Variscan orogeny. This age span coincides with the
      Centre de Géochimie de la Surface, Université Louis Pasteur, CNRS,
Strasbourg, France.
                                                                                 Permo-Carboniferous Reversed Geomagnetic Superchron
      Département Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie, Institut Pluridiscipli-   (PCRS), which is a long period of reverse polarity of the
naire Hubert Curien, Université Louis Pasteur, CNRS, Strasbourg, France.        Earth magnetic field, approximately spanning from Namur-
                                                                                 ian to Late Permian [Opdyke and Channell, 1996]. Both, the
Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union.                                long period of reverse polarity during the PCRS and the

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Variscan orogeny are only two among many factors that are         unit of the Central European Variscides as defined by
thought to have caused Late Paleozoic remagnetization             Kossmat [1927]. In more recent plate tectonic concepts,
[e.g., Stamatakos et al., 1996].                                  the Rhenohercynian belt is designated as the foreland belt
  [4] Since the 1980s, many detailed studies were under-          thrusted onto the southern margin of the Avalonian micro-
taken on remagnetized rocks to better understand the              continent during the Variscan orogeny [Franke, 2000, and
inducing processes. Two types were mostly reported:               references therein]. The sedimentary basin of the Rhenish
(1) physical processes during which magnetization of exist-       Massif evolved from shallow marine and deltaic conditions
ing minerals is reset by temperature [e.g., Dunlop and            on the southern shelf of the Old Red Continent during Early
Özdemir, 1997; Kent, 1985], its direction changing by either     Devonian. Thick clastic deposits as well as red beds, root
a rotational deformation [Kodama, 1988], or a new magne-          horizons and conglomerates characterize the Lower and
tization imprinted by a differential stress [e.g., Borradaile,    Middle Devonian strata. During subsidence of the shelf,
1994; Hudson et al., 1989; Robion and Borradaile, 2001],          neritic facies gave way to hemipelagic and pelagic environ-
and (2) chemical processes favoring the growth of new             ments with localized growth of biohermal structures. Clastic
magnetic minerals or the dissolution of existing magnetic         sedimentation was almost completely terminated by a trans-
grains [Hirt et al., 1993]. In many published studies, links      gressive event at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary,
between remagnetization and regional fluid flows, hydro-          which led to the formation of a carbonate platform further
carbon or clay diagenesis were suggested [e.g., Brothers          to the north. At the same time, the closure of the Rhenoher-
et al., 1996; Elmore et al., 2001; Jackson et al., 1988; Lu et    cynian basin induced the formation of a flysch trough, which
al., 1990, 1991; McCabe and Channell, 1994; McCabe et             propagated northwestward during the Early Carboniferous
al., 1983; Oliver, 1986; Suk et al., 1990, 1993; Sun and          [Franke, 2000; Walliser, 1981]. Southward subduction of the
Jackson, 1994; Xu et al., 1994]. Even knowing that forma-         Rhenohercynian oceanic basin beneath the Mid-German
tion of authigenic mica-type sheet silicates is common            Crystalline Rise and the final collision of the bordering
during fluid-triggered hydrothermal alteration or burial          continental blocks resulted in a 50% shortening (200 km)
diagenesis [Gill et al., 2002; Katz et al., 2000; Woods et        of the Rhenohercynian zone [Oncken et al., 1999].
al., 2002], and although the isotopic and geochemical               [7] The kinematic evolution of the Rhenohercynian fold
signatures of clay minerals can potentially constrain the         belt has been studied by a variety of methods in the recent
timing of, and conditions during such events (see, for            decades, including strain measurements, metamorphic pe-
example, the review by Clauer and Chaudhuri [1995]),              trology and geochronology. Isotopic ages of synkinematic
systematic investigations of clay minerals in remagnetized        phyllosilicates (white mica, illite) from eastern Rhenish
sedimentary rocks remain scarce [Elliott et al., 2006; Tohver     Massif and outlining a northward propagation of the defor-
et al., 2008]. Furthermore, despite tests of correlative          mation front, were first published by Ahrendt et al. [1983]. In
chemical remagnetization and clay authigenesis, no direct         rock types with distinct cleavage, mica formation and recrys-
evidence for cogenetic growth of magnetic minerals and            tallization processes are related to peak deformation and
mica-type sheet silicates has yet been reported, to the best of   cleavage formation [Reuter, 1985]. More recent data [e.g.,
our knowledge.                                                    Reuter, 1987; Reuter and Dallmeyer, 1989] show that defor-
  [5] The main goal of the present work is therefore a            mation started at around 320 Ma to the south and migrated
contribution to a better understanding of diagenetic pro-         northward until 300 Ma [Plesch and Oncken, 1999].
cesses occurring during remagnetization events, by gener-           [8] Conodont alteration indices (CAI; see Epstein et al.
ating isotopic and geochemical determinations of authigenic       [1977]) from Devonian and Carboniferous carbonate rocks
minerals that formed during such events. The NE Rhenish           [Königshof, 1992] and vitrinite reflectance data (Rmax%; see
Massif was chosen as the geologic area, because Late              Paproth and Wolf [1973]) indicate a general increase in
Paleozoic remagnetization overprinting the primary mag-           paleotemperatures from diagenetic and very low-grade
netic information and occurring during very low-grade             conditions (300 – 350°C). To the north, vitrinite reflectance
[1983], Wilken [1995] and Zwing et al. [2002]. In addition,       is correlated with the stratigraphic layering and Rmax iso-
its geodynamic evolution and deformation history is well          lines are folded and offset across faults, indicating preser-
known [Ahrendt et al., 1983; Franke, 2000; Oncken et al.,         vation of a thermal state related to maximum burial near the
1999; Plesch and Oncken, 1999], while the origin and the          onset of deformation. In the southern Rhenish Massif, Rmax
reported remagnetization mechanisms are still unclear. Clay       isolines are not folded and crosscut the stratigraphic units.
minerals from different types of remagnetized rocks previ-        The average vitrinite reflectance is relatively high there
ously studied by Zwing et al. [2002] for their magnetic           (5– 7% Rmax), even in the youngest pretectonic sediments.
properties, were separated and characterized for their min-       Consequently, a major tectonic overburden induced synki-
eralogical, geochemical and isotopic (K-Ar) signatures. For       nematic resetting of maximum paleotemperatures [Plesch
comparison of the geochemical signatures of authigenic            and Oncken, 1999, and references therein] in the southern
clay and magnetic minerals, Fe oxides were leached from           part of the Rhenish Massif.
clay fractions and analyzed for their major and rare earth
elemental (REE) contents.                                         3. Late Carboniferous Remagnetization
                                                                   [9] A paleomagnetic study of Devonian and Early Car-
2. Geological Setting and Tectonic Evolution                      boniferous sedimentary rocks from NE Rhenish Massif
  [6] The eastern Rhenish Massif is part of the Rhenohercy-       outlines a Late Carboniferous remagnetization obtained
nian fold belt, forming the northernmost tectonic-stratigraphic   by thermal demagnetization experiments up to 550°C

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         Figure 1. Geological sketch map of the NE Rhenish Massif with sampling locations. The main
         structural units where sampling was carried out include: Paffrath Syncline (PS), Remscheider Anticline
         (RA), Luedenscheider Syncline (LS), Attendorner Syncline (AS), and Wittgensteiner Syncline (WS). Site
         numbers refer to Table 1.

(see component B in the work of Zwing et al. [2002]). Three    taken at locations where paleomagnetic and rock magnetic
individual incremental regional fold tests across the          studies had been carried out before (Figure 1). As in the
Remscheider Anticline (RA), Luedenscheider Syncline            paleomagnetic and rock magnetic studies [Zwing et al.,
(LS), Attendorner Syncline (AS) and Wittgensteiner Syn-        2002, 2005], sampling was restricted to the northern part
cline (WS in Figure 1) show a unique and distinctive           of the Rhenish Massif, where paleotemperatures are below
variation in timing of remagnetization relative to the age     300°C (CAI
B06104                       ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                                       B06104

Table 1. Location, Description, and Stratigraphic Age of the Selected Samples From NE Rhenish Massif
Sample Latitude (°N) Longitude (°E)                  Location                         Lithology            Stratigraphic Unit     Stratigraphic Age
LET        51.375        7.561        Henkhausen, near public pool               cherty carbonate       Kieselkalk-Horizont         Tournaisian
HAC        51.373        7.976        old quarry at B229, west of Hachen         bituminous limest.     Kulm-Plattenkalk            Visean
BRU        51.209        7.578        roadcut at B54, south of Brügge           sandstone              Honseler Schichten          Givetian
HAM        51.257        7.644        old quarry at L530, opposite of factory    sandstone              Honseler Schichten          Givetian
NEU        51.272        7.778        old quarry near B229, south of Neuenrade   quartzitic sandstone   Honseler Schichten          Givetian
OLP        51.366        8.164        roadcut at A46, south of Olpe              greywacke              Arnsberger Schichten        Namurian
ALB1       51.106        7.823        roadcut SW of Albringhausen                siltstone              Wiedenester Schichten       Givetian
ALB2       51.111        7.818        roadcut at L539, west of Albringhausen     sandstone              Selscheider Schichten       Eifelian
ATT        51.111        7.879        roadcut at L708, south of Attendorn        gray/red sandstone     U. Newberrien Schichten     Givetian
STC        51.137        7.986        old quarry, east of Sankt Claas            limestone              Massenkalk                  Frasnian
BOH        51.024        8.387        active quarry (Fa. Böhl) near Raumland    quartzitic sandst.     Raumländer Schichten       Eifelian
LER        50.954        7.152        old quarry in park, Hotel Lerbach          bituminous limest.     Hombacher Schichten         Frasnian
UTH        51.010        7.196        old quarry at L286 near Unterthal          limestone              Unterer Plattenkalk         Givetian

the Paffrath Syncline (PA), where the paleotemperatures                 evaluate the degree of the diagenetic to very low-grade
were found to be minimal (CAI = 1.5; Rmax = 0.9%).                      metamorphic impact. For quantification, the illite crystallin-
Limestones and dolomites (STC) from carbonate buildups                  ity index (ICI) was used by measuring the full width at half
(bioherms) are mainly authochtonous biolithites and dolo-               maximum (FWHM) of the first illite basal reflection (10 Å)
micrites [Folk, 1959]. All carbonate rocks are characterized            [Kübler, 1966]. The boundaries between nonmetamorphic/
by low amounts of clay minerals. At site BOH, a green tuff              anchizone and anchizone/epizone are defined at 0.58 and
turned out to be much more suitable for geochemical and                 0.35° 2Q, respectively, for the
B06104                      ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                      B06104

of the pilot samples, following a procedure close to that        terized by high compaction and very low porosity. The
described by Bonhomme et al. [1975]. The samples were            intergranular pore spaces in the sandstones as well as the
preheated to 80°C for several hours to reduce the amount of      intraparticulate and vug porosities in the carbonates are
atmospheric Ar absorbed on the mineral surfaces during           filled with calcite and dolomite cements. Small volumes
sample preparation and handling. The results were con-           of free intergranular porosity were only observed in the
trolled by repetitive analysis of the GL-O standard averag-      greywackes.
ing 24.67 ± 0.18  10 6cm3/g STP (2s) of radiogenic 40Ar            [20] Two illite morphologies could be identified by SEM
for 12 independent determinations during the course of the       and TEM observation. Subeuhedral and irregular particles
study. The atmospheric 40Ar/36Ar ratio was also measured         occur as overgrowth of detrital and authigenic minerals. In
periodically and averaged 300.8 ± 7.9 (2s). The K-Ar ages        carbonates, illite coats large grains of authigenic kaolinite
were calculated using Cox and Dalrymple’s [1967] formula         (
B06104                       ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                        B06104

         Figure 2. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and transmission electron micrograph (TEM). (a) SEM
         image of sample LET. Abbreviations are as follows: ill, illite; kao, kaolinite; cal, calcite. (b) Backscattered
         electron image of a polished section of sample OLP. Abbreviations are as follows: qz, quartz; fsp,
         feldspar; Fe-ox, Fe oxide (magnetite). (c) TEM image of the
B06104                           ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                                       B06104

Table 2. Mineral Composition of the Clay Fractions and ICI Data of the Air-Dried and Glycolated
B06104                          ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                            B06104

           Figure 3. XRD patterns of the air-dried
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         Figure 4. Plot of K-Ar apparent ages versus FWHM (illite crystallinity index) of the 10 Å illite peak.
         Except for sample LER, the samples follow a general trend of increasing K-Ar apparent age with
         decreasing ICI (=increasing crystallinity). See section 5.1 for additional information.

The 40Ar/36Ar intercept of the mixing line is likely to be       and it yields an age of 324 ± 3 Ma, a MSWD of 3.5 and an
different from initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio of mineral parageneses,   initial 40Ar/36Ar of 280 ± 35. The observation of two
which is considered to be similar to the present-day atmo-       isochrons A and B with 40Ar/36Ar ratios close to the
spheric 40Ar/36Ar ratio (295.5; see Nier [1950]). As stated,     present-day atmospheric value and the comparable low
meaningful isochron arrays should also have Mean Square          MSWD values can be considered to reflect the presence
Weight Deviates (MSWD) close to unity, as the scatter            of two generations of illite: an older in Middle Devonian
around the line should be limited. Owing to the limited          clastics (identified as illite generation A) and a later in the
number of samples in a normal data set, the MSWD is often        Upper Devonian and Carboniferous carbonates and grey-
larger than 1.0, and Brooks et al. [1972] believe that 2.5 is    wackes (identified as illite generation B).
an acceptable cutoff for the definition of an isochron.            [29] Four samples do not follow the observed trends and
However, it should be kept in mind, that natural inhomo-         were discarded in the isochron calculations. The clay
geneity of sediments may also cause data scatters, and           fractions of two sandstone samples (ALB1b, HAM; see
consequently higher MSWD values.                                 Figure 5) plot clearly above isochron A. This could be
  [28] Here, the K-Ar data of most samples fall on or close      caused either by the occurrence of an older paragenesis of
to one of two regression lines in a 40Ar/36Ar versus             K-bearing minerals or by excess 40Ar during illite formation
   K/36Ar plot. Both regression lines yield low MSWD             [Clauer, 2006, and references therein]. However, the clay
values and initial 40Ar/36Ar ratios close to the present-day     fraction ALB1, which was separated from the same rock
value (295.5), which are given by the intercept of the           sample as ALB1b, fits isochron A and shows no evidence
regression line with the ordinate. These regression lines        for excess 40Ar during illite formation. Furthermore, such a
can, therefore, be interpreted as isochrons (isochrons A and     mechanism is expected to affect other samples having a
B; see Figure 5). Isochron A consists in the data points of      similar lithology such as BRU, or provenance such as
B06104                     ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                         B06104

         Figure 5. K-Ar isochron plot for the data of the
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Table 4. REE Contents of the Untreated
B06104                         ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                                        B06104

                               Figure 7. Relation between REE and Fe contents in the leachates.

LER was added to the group of the Upper Devonian and                       the variation in the Ce and Eu anomalies, which may occur in
Lower Carboniferous carbonates and greywackes defining                     two valence states, is not significant. However, the ATT1,
isochron B (324 ± 3 Ma) on the Figure 5. However, it should                ALB1 and UTH leachates yield negative Eu anomalies, while
be remembered that the LER size fraction plots slightly above              leachate LET has a negative Ce anomaly. This is thought to
isochron B in a 40Ar/36Ar versus 40K/36Ar plot.                            reflect different reduction/oxidation conditions during pre-
  [33] The REE patterns of the leachates are characterized by              cipitation of REE-carrying minerals, such as the Fe oxides
varying degrees of enrichment in MREEs (Figure 8), and                     and apatite.
they show significant differences among the samples char-
acterized by the two generations of illite A and B. The                    5.3. Leaching Experiments of the Fe-Bearing Mineral
enrichment in MREEs is more pronounced in the leachates                    Phases
of the Middle Devonian clastics (generation illite A of 348 ±                [34] For efficiency control of the leaching procedure, the
7 Ma), while the patterns of the leachates from Upper                      amount of magnetite in the samples was estimated using the
Devonian and Lower Carboniferous carbonates and grey-                      anhysteretic susceptibility (kan) as a proxy. While the initial
wackes are generally flatter (generation illite B of 324 ± 3               susceptibility k0 is controlled by all magnetic (ferro(i) -,
Ma). This fractionation, which can be quantitatively de-                   para-, and dia-magnetic) material of the sample, kan reflects
scribed by the ratio of Gd/La, is directly correlated with the             only the amount of ferromagnetic minerals. It depends also
Ba content of the leachates. In the samples of group B with                on grain size and is about one order of magnitude greater in
low MREE enrichment and low Ba contents, the ratio of Gd/                  the 0.1 mm magnetite grains than in 1 mm grains [Dunlop
La is negatively correlated to Fe2O3 and CaO + P2O5. The                   and Özdemir, 1997]. Consequently, the mass-normalized
relationship in the leachates is interpreted as reflecting two             anhysteretic susceptibility of a whole-rock sample is a good
mineralization processes: an early crystallization of MREE-                estimation for the magnetite content in the
B06104                      ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                    B06104

         Figure 8. NASC-normalized REE patterns of the leachates from
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Table 6. Major and Some Trace Elemental Compositions of the Leachatesa
Sample SiO2 (wt %) Al2O3 (wt %) MgO (wt %) CaO (wt %) Fe2O3 (wt %) MnO (ppm) TiO2 (ppm) K2O (ppm) P2O5 (ppm) Ba (ppm) Th (ppb)
                                                 After Crushing and Treatment   With Acetic Acid
BRU        0.10          0.64          0.10          0.25         2.16           151          15.8        903       236   189      238
HAM        0.23          0.45          0.09          0.17         0.66           97.8         2.88        818       121   41.5     113
NEU        0.25          0.48          0.13          0.24         0.87           114          16.1        601       175   41.9     161
OLP        0.23          0.75          0.10          0.13         0.65           48.4         1.54        1026     86.5   59.5     50.8
ALB2       0.25          0.36          0.08          0.21         0.76           67.2         9.40        653       236   69.1     125
STC        0.16          0.29          0.04          0.16         4.61           609          198         283       811   24.0     46.6
BOH        0.17          0.49          0.14          0.24         0.06           12.3         5.74        1422     BDLb   266      165
LER        0.38          0.34          0.17          0.48         1.38           11.7         13.8        769       215   23.4     271
UTH        0.15          0.29          0.08          0.46         3.34           539          43.5        361       885   19.8     269

                                                      After Freezing/Thawing and Crushing
LETn       0.20          0.10          0.08          0.35          2.31         114          0.09         276      1112   47.6     153
HACn       0.25          0.26          0.02          0.13          1.48        10.8          15.5         858      2826   97.2     362
ALB1n      0.32          0.44          0.06          0.26          1.84        67.7          3.58         617      1096   52.5     217
ATT1n      0.20          0.25          0.07          0.23          3.56        91.0          97.3         519       714   58.3     490
  Amounts are in wt %, ppm, and ppb (relative to the untreated
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acid during the preparation phase, before leaching. Con-        and the short duration of the remagnetization event, favor
sequently, it can be assumed that the leachates represent a     the occurrence of a chemical remagnetization process
mixture of Fe oxides and other soluble minerals in the          [Zwing et al., 2002]. Authigenesis of magnetic minerals
B06104                      ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                       B06104

is probably inherited from those synsedimentary mineral            was caused by oxidizing fluids percolating from weathering
deposits. The second illite formation at 324 ± 3 Ma is coeval      surface in zones of enhanced permeability.
to the northward migration of deformation through the
Rhenish Massif, being only recorded by Upper Devonian              6.2. Interpretation of the REE Patterns From
and Lower Carboniferous rocks. This indicates that the             Leachates
metamorphic conditions were not sufficient to recrystallize           [47] The occurrence of Ba and the enrichment in MREEs
the earlier illite generation in the more deeply buried Middle     (Figure 8), which is most pronounced in Middle Devonian
Devonian rocks. It is supported by the high ICI of the Upper       clastics, indicate that early illitization was accompanied by
Devonian and Lower Carboniferous rocks. However, it                mineralization of Ba-rich minerals, probably barite. Ther-
needs to be kept in mind that this boundary was folded             mally driven fluid flows could have mobilized Ba from
during the Variscan deformation, which is outlined by the          sedimentary-exhalative deposits that were frequently de-
vitrinite reflectance being correlated to the stratigraphic        scribed along synsedimentary fault zones in the NE Rhenish
units and by the Rmax isolines being folded and set off            Massif (e.g., Meggen ore deposit; see Werner [1989]). The
across the faults [Paproth and Wolf, 1973]. Consequently,          characteristic enrichment in MREEs in the leachates with
the first illite generation and the vitrinite reflectance pre-     high Ba contents is probably inherited from those synsedi-
served a thermal state related to the maximum burial and the       mentary mineral deposits. The negative correlation of
magmatic event in the Mid-German Crystalline Rise.                 MREE-enrichment and Fe2O3 and CaO + P2O5 contents
  [44] The second illitization event is not significantly          in leachates of samples affected by the later illitization
different from timing of the pervasive and syntectonic             indicates mineralization of Fe oxides and possibly apatite
remagnetization. In contrast, remagnetization was not only         with flat REE patterns. This diagenetic event appears to be
restricted to the upper part of the fold and thrust belt, but it   coeval to the deformation and could have caused the
affected also the Middle Devonian strata, erasing any              chemical remagnetization in the Upper Devonian and Lower
previous remagnetization possibly caused by the earlier            Carboniferous units.
thermal event. The younger illite generation is characterized         [48] The REE patterns of the leachates from different
by lower Gd/La ratios in the leachates, which are thought to       lithologies in the NE Rhenish Massif show varying occur-
reflect crystallization of Fe oxides and apatite with flat         rences of Eu (and Ce) anomalies. This indicates varying
NASC-normalized REE patterns. The regional pervasive               oxidation-reduction conditions during mineralization of
migration of fluids is expected to homogenize the REE              soluble mineral phases such as barite, Fe oxides and apatite.
signatures of the soluble minerals, but the REE patterns of        A pervasive migration of fluids on a regional scale is
the leachates rather suggest an interference of two mineral-       expected to homogenize the REE signatures of soluble
izations possibly of different ages. The REE patterns from         minerals. The observation of two mineralization events of
different samples also show variations of the Eu and Ce            different ages, and the different oxidation-reduction con-
contents indicating varied oxidation-reduction conditions in       ditions during diagenesis, are against regional fluid flows in
the different lithologies. This observation is against a           the NE Rhenish Massif.
pervasive migration of orogenic fluids on a regional scale
for remagnetization in the NE Rhenish Massif. In the               7. Conclusions
Ardennes Massif, an Early Permian remagnetization was
related to fluid migration during formation of Mississippi           [49] The present work combines mineralogy, REE chem-
Valley – type deposits [Zegers et al., 2003]. The absence of       istry and K-Ar isotope dating of clay minerals as well as
such syn- to late-orogenic deposits in the NE Rhenish              REE chemistry of Fe oxide leachates to study remagnetized
Massif further supports the evidence against a regional-size       sedimentary rocks from Paleozoic outcrops in the NE
migration of orogenic fluids.                                      Rhenish Massif. The results yield important implications
  [45] A temporal relationship between clay diagenesis and         for the processes and mechanisms responsible for the Late
remagnetization is observed in Upper Devonian and Lower            Paleozoic remagnetization of the studied area.
Carboniferous rocks. On the other hand, remagnetization is           [50] 1. In the predominantly Late Devonian and Early
not related to clay diagenesis in the Middle Devonian rocks,       Carboniferous carbonates, clay diagenesis and remagnetiza-
since the latter preserved an older diagenetic event. There-       tion are coeval at 324 ± 3 Ma with respect to the main phase
fore, the transformation of smectite into illite cannot account    of deformation in the Late Carboniferous (320 –310 Ma).
for the growth of authigenic magnetic minerals, which was          In Middle Devonian clastics, authigenic illite preserved an
probably triggered by another process. Since the ages of           older diagenetic event at 348 ± 7 Ma, while the age of
remagnetization and main deformation are similar, this             remagnetization is not different from that of the remagne-
mechanism could relate to local pressure solution and/or           tization in the younger sequences. Formation of secondary
changing pore fluid pressure induced by tectonic stress.           magnetite might be linked to chemical processes associated
However, this raises the question of why did remagnetiza-          with the smectite-to-illite transition in the Late Devonian
tion occur during different stages of folding in northern and      and Early Carboniferous rocks, while a different mechanism
southern NE Rhenish Massif.                                        seems to have induced the growth of magnetite in the
  [46] A second remagnetization predominantly carried by           Middle Devonian clastics.
hematite is recorded in rocks from cores with steeply                [51] 2. Leaching experiments of the
B06104                            ZWING ET AL.: IDENTIFICATION REMAGNETIZATION PROCESSES                                                             B06104

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                                                                                Becquerel, F-67087 Strasbourg, France.
                                                                                  A. Zwing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1,
                                                                                D-80539 Munich, Germany. (

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