I-LYA 2020 Regattas d - Inter-Lake Yachting Association

I-LYA 2020

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I-LYA 2020
                                              Table of Contents
Administration                                             Junior Sail Regatta
   8 2020 Flag Officers                                      37 2020 Chairs & Committees
 8–9 2020 Committees                                         39 Past Jr. Sail Regatta Chairs
                                                             41 2019 Participants
Flag Officers                                                42 2019 Results
   3   From the Commodore                                    43 Past Winners
   5   Meet the Commodore                                    44 2020 Traveler Series
   7   Commodore’s Home Port                                 45	2019 U.S. Junior Championships
  14   Yachtsman of the Year
                                                           Sail Regatta
  14   Commodore’s Awards
  15   Yacht Racing Union Trophy                             49    2020 Schedule
  80   From the Editor                                       51    2020 Chairs & Committees
                                                             52    2019 Race Results
Ladies Program                                               53    Perpetual & Memorial Trophies
  10 Receptions                                              54    PHRF Boat of the Year
                                                             55    JAM Boat of the Year
  12 2020 Board of Trustees                                Junior Power Regatta
  13 Trustees & Appointments                                 59    2020 Chairs & Committees
  15 Honorary Regatta Chairman                               61    2020 Schedule
                                                             62    2020 Regatta Contests
I-LYA History
                                                             65    2019 Results
  17   Historically Speaking
  21   Past Yachtsmen of the Year Recipients              Power Regatta
  23    Play Ball! A Short History of Bay Week Softball      69    2020 Schedule
  27    About I-LYA                                          71    2020 Chairs & Committees
  29    Past Commodores                                      72    2020 Regatta Contests
                                                             74    2019 Results
Final Voyage
                                                             77    Mid America Boating Skipper of the Year
  24 Com. James D. Dupré                                     77     Past Winners of the Greeley Memorial Trophy
  25 Com. Rolf Krotseng
  26 Com. Daniel W. van Heeckeren                          Directories
                                                             78 O
                                                                 fficers, Chairmen, Trustees, Past Commodores
The Inter-Lake Yachtsmen’s Fund
                                                                & Ladies
  31   Trustees/Purpose                                      81 Clubs & Facilities
  31   Centennial Donors                                     88 Advertisers
  32   Bequests/Patrons/Donations
  32   Life Members
  33   Dollar Per Member Clubs
  33   Membership Form


                                                                             Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   1
Congratulations I-LYA Commodore
                                  Steve Hyder and Lady Pam!

                                           Remember that you had

                                             to be a “Perfect 10”
                                            before you could be
                                                 a Shining 20.

                                             From the Perfect 10s
                                                Enough Said!

      Commodore Steve Hyder and Lady Pam


     Tammy Darr  419-340-7257  glcustomwear@gmail.com

2   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
From the Commodore
   Greetings from the Bridge! First let me start out by stating what an honor
and privilege it is to be the Commodore of I-LYA. When I was elected, I had
no idea what 2020 was going to bring. We put together our Boat Show plans
and kicked off 2020 on the road to great success. As we are all aware, the world
came to a screeching halt with the pandemic. We had to cancel our Spring
meeting and then we had to cancel what would have been the 65th year of
Junior Bay. Pam and I were really looking forward to that event. After the
tough decision to cancel, we turned our focus to this yearbook. I am sure you
can imagine the difficulty in obtaining sponsors and ads needed to publish the
yearbook as everything was closed and/or communication was delayed. To say
the least, 2020 has been an incredibly challenging year thus far.
   What I have learned most about this organization is the spirit of not want-
ing to give up. The Board of Trustees, the Yachtsmen’s Fund, the Bridge, the
past commodores, and of course, this membership are stepping up and work-
ing tremendously hard to make the second half of 2020 the best it can be.
The Sailing Regatta is still on schedule to move forward on July 29 – August 1.
The Sail Committee is working extremely hard to make sure everyone has a
great time on the water while maintaining safe distancing on shore. The same
is happening with the Power Regatta scheduled for August 4 – 9. The Power                          Steve Hyder
Regatta committee is working non-stop to make sure the regatta is safe and                    2020 I-LYA Commodore
everyone has a great time.
   The Regattas will be held and we will practice all the safety recommenda-
tions from the CDC. We are boaters and we enjoy the greatest natural resource
that God has given us. The Regattas will allow us to take time away from this
crazy world, enjoy the camaraderie with one another, and see friends perhaps
not seen since last year. This is what the Regattas are about.                                     I-LYA
   The unbelievably dedicated people I have met throughout the three years I                    Event Dates
have served are humbling and they make our organization unstoppable. Each
year the Commodore recognizes just a few that stand out. This year Bruce
Sattler was awarded 2020 Yachtsman of the Year. The 2020 Yacht Union Racing                    Cancelled Spring Meeting
Trophy went to Rear Commodore Mike Fishbaugh, and the 2020 Skipper of                          Cancelled Junior Bay Week
the Year is Brian Moyer. The 2020 Commodore’s Award was presented to
                                                                                              July 29–31 Deepwater Races
Leslie Hill. These recipients truly represent the hardworking dedication of all
our members.                                                                              July 31– Aug. 2 Sail Regatta
   This year I-LYA lost three wonderful ladies who dedicated their time and                     Aug. 4–9	Junior & Senior
energy to the continued success of our organization: 1981 Lady Kay Drake,                                  Powerboat Regattas
1989 Lady Marilyn Krotseng, 1995 Lady Carol Mock. All of you will be deeply                   Dec. 11–12	Fall Meeting at
missed. Sail on in peace!                                                                                  the Sheraton Detroit
   As we all know, there is no way anyone can go through their Commodore
                                                                                                           Metro Airport
year alone and without the support of the perfect first mate. Lady Pam has
stood by me and has truly been my anchor and support throughout this very
tough year.
   I hope to see all of you at this year’s regattas. Please enjoy the lake and stay
                      Very truly yours,

                     Steven M. Hyder
                     2020 Commodore

                                                                                      Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020        3
4   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Meet the Commodore
   2020 Commodore Steve Hyder was born and raised
in Adrian, MI. Steve worked as an apprentice electri-
cian while going to high school and college. He attended
Eastern Michigan University and graduated with a bach-
elor’s degree in Public Law & Government and a minor in
Communications. After graduation, Steve changed direc-
tions and became an EMT. After several years of working
as an EMT, he decided to pursue his dream of becom-
ing an attorney and received his Juris Doctorate from
Thomas Cooley School of Law in 2006. Steve is a man of
many talents — electrician, paramedic, and attorney!
   Steve became active on the water at an early age as he
loved fishing with his father. His family purchased a cot-
tage on Devil’s Lake, and this is where he could be found
every spring/summer weekend, always doing something
on the water including scuba diving. However, the lake                                          Steve and Pam
fun did not stop in the summer, as Steve enjoyed snow-
mobiling on the frozen lake in the winter, too.
   Steve has held a multitude of positions in boat clubs and boating organi-
zations. He became a member of Detroit Beach Boat Club in 2004, served
as Entertainment Chairman in 2007, eventually going through the chairs to
become Commodore in 2010. He then went on to serve for the Associated
Yacht Clubs as Nominating Committee member in 2011, Sergeant-at-Arms
in 2012, Rear Commodore (2013), Vice Commodore (2014), and was the
2015 AYC Commodore. In addition, Steve has served as AYC Ways & Means
chairman in 2017 and 2019. Steve is also a co-chairman of the 2021 AYC
Commodore’s Ball.
   While Steve was serving DBBC and AYC, he became very involved in
I-LYA. He was, consecutively, the Power Regatta Secretary, Treasurer, Vice
Chairman, and then Chairman from 2009–2012. Steve has also served on the
Yachtsmen’s Fund and I-LYA Trustee Board. Steve is a Life Member of the
Yachtsmen’s Fund.
   Steve met Lady Pam at one of the multiple boating functions they both
attend. Steve and Pam enjoy making lifelong friends from all around Lake
Erie. They both love Put-in-Bay and go every chance they can. Steve and Pam
joined Put-in-Bay Yacht Club (PIBYC) in 2018 and have made even more
friends since then.
   In late August, Steve can be found on a football field every Friday evening
refereeing high school football. Yes, he has been knocked down a few times,
but loves the game!
   Steve and Pam spend as much time as possible on the water where all their
worries float away. In off-boating season, they can be found attending mul-
tiple boating events representing DBBC, AYC, and I-LYA. Steve and Pam also
try to work in a vacation or two in the winter months to one of their favorite
vacation spots (always near or on the water).
   Steve is honored to have been elected to the position of I-LYA Commodore
for 2020. Despite facing many challenges with our recent pandemic, he is
committed to leading this great organization.

                                                                                 Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   5
6   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Detroit Beach Boat Club
    Detroit Beach Boat Club was founded in 1939 by 32 men who all lived
within the Detroit Beach Association subdivision. A single dock, which was
home to a dozen boats, extended into Sandy Creek and the open waters of Lake
Erie. A small garage-sized building was the gathering place. Early years saw
little growth as the country was heavily focused on the war effort. Eventually,
however, as fuel became more plentiful, fishermen gave way to families who
enjoyed cruising on the lake and visiting neighboring clubs. Membership at
the time was limited to Detroit Beach residents, so DBBC remained a quiet
place where members enjoyed the “honor system” bar in the clubhouse and
gathered under the large elm tree that grew on the dike.
    1949 saw the club’s first regatta in which hydroplanes raced out front on the
lagoon waters. They were quite popular and became a part of the annual regatta
until 1961 when interest in these little boats diminished and
the races were discontinued. To help fill the void, DBBC
hosted a water ski exhibition but logistical problems associ-
ated with the huge crowds it attracted prompted the switch
to the “Homecoming Steak Roast” format still used today. A
Luau was added earlier in the summer as another entertain-
ment option for members and the general public.
    In 1965, membership expanded and an addition to the
building on the east and west ends was completed, using
mostly member volunteers. 1968 saw a unique construc-
tion project in which the center building was encased in a new two-story               Detroit Beach Boat Club is proud
structure. The old section remained in use during this period of construction          to be home port to many leaders.
and was not torn down until the new shell was complete.
    1970 saw the DBBC burgee and its members appearing at more and more dis-                   I-LYA Commodores:
tant events. It was not unusual to see visiting boats outnumbering home vessels                Byron Kosino (1985)
at our docks on a summer weekend. Record high lake levels and high winds in                     Allen Ashley (1999)
April 1973 brought water surging over the dike wall to flood the club building                  Steve Hyder (2020)
and grounds. The membership pulled together and again made the necessary
repairs. Improvements came yearly and it was not long before DBBC earned a                   AYC Past Commodores:
reputation as a friendly port due to its social events and wonderful amenities.                Walt Firman (1954)
Declining interest and a changing neighborhood, along with the Vietnam War,                   Byron Kosino (1977)
took a toll on the membership in the early 70s. In 1975 membership was opened                  Allen Sander (1984)
to non-subdivision property owners and the club began to fill with new faces.                  Allen Ashley (1994)
The new members helped make more improvements to the docks and clubhouse                      Jim McDevitt (2003)
which in turn attracted even more members.                                                     Steve Hyder (2015)
    In 1984, the year after the Michigan DNR dredged Sandy Creek to maintain
access to Sterling State Park, DBBC added a second-floor deck and bar facil-
ity followed by a large pavilion, playground, expanded parking lots and in
1989, a new dike. Improvements to existing structures and docks continued                  detroitbeachboatclub.com
over the next twenty years, but the volunteers really got busy after 2010 when
members approved the purchase of all the property, including the previously
leased clubhouse land. The second-floor deck was renovated in 2015 along
with replacement of the patio below it and in 2017, a complete renovation of
the first-floor bar and hall area was completed. The top of the new bar which
is three times bigger than the previous one was done in concrete with blue
and white dye representing the lake we love. The future of DBBC is a bright
one and our opportunities are limitless. There is no doubt why DBBC is “The
Friendliest Club on Lake Erie.”.

                                                                                    Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   7
2020 I-LYA Administration

                                                      Steve Hyder, DBBC
         Bob Lang, WRYCC                                 Commodore                                 Mike Fishbaugh, SSC
          Vice Commodore                                                                            Rear Commodore

Head Fleet Captain                           Regatta Chairmen                              Entertainment Gail McKee, SSCC
               Scott Sander, DBBC                   Jr. Sail Heidi Tigges, PIBYC           Newsletter		Michelle Weisbecker, DBBC
Fleet Captains         Eric Osborne, EWYC    		 Todd Tigges, PIBYC
                                               Jr. S. Co-Chair Mike FitzGibbon, CYC        Photographer	John Bedford, PYC
Mark Balazy, GIYC      Julie Osborne, EWYC
Rick Campbell, MBC Gary Proctor, RVYC                Sail Chair Bill Pribe, NCYC           Security		TBD
Wendy Campbell, MBC Bruce Sattler, CWHYC          Social Chair Connie Miller, PIBYC        Shore Courtesy
Ed Cantu, LYC          Kevin Stone, GLSBC          Race Chair Doug Seib, PIBYC             		              Com. Chris Amlin, SPBC
Grant Corrion, PIBYC Don Teczynski, DBBC             Jr. Power R/C Bob Lang, WRYCC         		              Com. Al Gebhardt, LCYC
Nate Edmunds, BVYC Bob Tiberia, SBC          Jr. P. Vice-Chair Dawn Shoemaker, WRYCC       Sponsorship		   Theresa Vanderford, DBBC
Dave Hensel, CCYC Josh Vail, ORYC                                                          Trophies		      Tom Thanasiu, JRSC
                                                         Power Dale Vanderford, DBBC
Larry Marter, TYC      Chris Wright, SBC
                                             Power Vice-Chair Lloyd Bogue, AYC             Webmaster		     Com. Steve Harris, BLYC
Pam Marter, TYC        Dianne Wright, SBC
Rich McKee, SSCC                             Dockmasters John Dalessandro, WYC             Yearbook 		     Marilyn Paselsky, PIBYC
Fleet Chaplain Com. Ed Payne, FYC
Fleet Surgeon Don Harris, BLYC

                     Shawn Darr,              Rhonda Rich,            Dawn Schaumburger,            Mike Fishbaugh,
                        CCYC                      AYC                        WYC                          SSC
                     Treasurer                 Secretary                    Registrar                Sail Registrar

8     Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
2020 Administration

                                                                                              Fleet Captains

   Gail McKee,               Com. Ed Payne,             Don Harris,
      SSCC                        FYC                   BLYC/PIBYC
 Entertainment               Fleet Chaplain            Fleet Surgeon   Scott Sander, DBBC        Mark Balazy, GIYC            Ed Cantu, LYC
                                                                       Head Fleet Captain

Michelle Weisbecker,     John Bedford, PYC        Com. Chris Amlin,
       DBBC                     Head                    SPBC
                                                                       Grant Corrion, PIBYC      Larry Marter, HVYC         Rich McKee, SSCC
    Newsletter               Photographer          Shore Courtesy

Com. Al Gebhardt,       Theresa Vanderford,            Tom Thanasiu,
      LCYC                     DBBC                        JRSC        Eric Osborne, EWYC       Julie Osborne, EWYC       Bruce Sattler, CWHYC
 Shore Courtesy               Sponsorship                Trophies

             Com. Steve Harris,        Marilyn Paselsky,               Kevin Stone, GLSBC       Don Teczynski, DBBC         Chris Wright, SBC
                   BLYC                     PIBYC
                   Website                  Yearbook
                         2020 Crew                                                                  Not Shown:
                                                                             Rick Campbell, MBC                      Gary Proctor, RVYC
    Julie Aimes,               Tammy Darr         Texanita Sander            Wendy Campbell, MBC                      Bob Tiberia, SBC
   Sharon Amlin,               Bob Harvey           Evan Tigges              Nate Edmunds, BVYC                        Josh Vail, ORYC
   Marcia Ashley              Terry Harvey         Connie Vicary
                                                                              Dave Hensel, CCYC                      Dianne Wright, SBC
    Donna Crusi               Jim McDevitt           Jeff Vicary
                                                                               Pam Marter, TYC
                             Linda McDevitt

                                                                                              Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020              9
Ladies’ Program

                                                              Lady Pam Myers                            Lady Kara Smith
           Lady Bobbi Lang
                                                               Commodore’s Lady                       Rear Commodore’s Lady
         Vice Commodore’s Lady

               Commodore Steve                                                             Commodore Steve
                 and Lady Pam M                 ests
                                                                                             and Lady Pam M
            ally invite all L adies and their gu                                  Cordially invite al
                                                                                                     l Ladies and thei
       Cordi                                                                                                          r guests
                       to attend the                                                             to attend the
                  I-LYA Sail Reg                                                       I-LYA Powerbo
                                                                                                          at Regatta
                                 il Reception
             Ladies’ Cockta                                                                 Ladies’ Lunch
                     at the Tigges’ hom                                               at The Put-in-Bay
                                                                                                           Yacht Club
                    690 West Shore
                                                                                            Friday, August 7,
                                  st 1, 2020                                                                  2020
                   Saturday, Augu                                                                1200 –1330
                          1600 –1730                                                          Register at PIBYC
                                                                                            Wed. Aug. 5, 11
                                                                                                           00 –1430
                               Register at PIBYC
                                                                                        Dress is casual dr
                                 Dress is casual.                                                         esses with hats.
                                                        register.                 Please bring your
                     se br in g your yacht club card to                                             yacht club card to
               Pl ea

10   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Ladies’ Program

                                                                 Past Commodores’ Ladies—2019
(L to R): Marcia Ashley, Kathy Powers, Sharon Amlin, Cindy Johnson-Mintus, Kay Drake, Barb Shaffer, Marge Hansen,
           Patty Krotseng, Nancy Stewart, Dar Burgoyne, Gail McKee, Bonnie Morton, and Donna Payne

                                           Ladies’ Receptions

                                                                              Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   11
Board of Trustees

     Com. Allen Ashley,                         John Dalessandro, WYC       Lloyd Bogue, AYC
        PIBYC/DBBC                                     President              Vice President
     Executive Secretary                                (2020)                    (2020)

       John Bedford,                Com. Arne Hansen,            Scott Kneisel,           Connie Miller
            PYC                            JRSC                      BVYC                    PIBYC
          (2020)                          (2021)                    (2022)                   (2022)

                          Bill Pribe,               Bruce Sattler,           Dale Vanderford
                            NCYC                       CWHYC                      DBBC
                            (2022)                      (2021)                    (2021)

12     Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Trustees & Appointments

                            Trustees are elected by the Association Delegates for three-year terms.
                         Appointments are made by the Trustees for one year, unless otherwise noted.
2020     President John Dalessandro, WYC       2021		 Com. Arne Hansen, JRSC                     2022 		 Scott Kneisel, BVYC
    Vice President Lloyd Bogue, AYC            		 Bruce Sattler, CWHYC                           		 Connie Miller, PIBYC
		 John Bedford, PYC                           		 Dale Vanderford, DBBC                          		 Bill Pribe, NCYC
Executive Secretary
		 Com. Allen Ashley, PIBYC/DBBC

Admiralty Committee*                           I-LYA Marketing*                                  Intersectional Racing *
   Chairman Com. Steve Hyder, DBBC               Publications/ I-LYA News/Social Media                Chairman R/C Mike Fishbaugh, SSC
		 Com. Clay Mock, EWYC                                Editor Michelle Weisbecker, DBBC                 Area 1 Com. Duane Burgoyne, NCYC
   Robert E. Pollack, NCYC                         Publisher R/C Mike Fishbaugh, SSC                    Area 2 R/C Mike Fishbaugh, SSC
		 Bert Tomen, BPYC                             Social Media Dale Vanderford, DBBC                      Area 3 Mike Vining, EWYC
                                               		 Com. Steve Hyder, DBBC                                Area 4 Jim McBrier, EYC
Advisory Committee*
                                               		 V/C Bob Lang, WRYCC                                   Area 5 Todd Duffett, GIYC
    Chairman Com. Mike Powers, MBC
                                                 Sponsorship Committee                                  Area 6 Dave Spiers, EBC
     Secretary Com. Cindy Johnson-
                                                 Co-Chairman Pat McIlwee, SSCC                          Area 7 Bob Sheppard, ACSA
		  Mintus, PCYC
                                                 Co-Chairman Teressa Vanderford, DBBC              Area 1: Toledo–Port Clinton; Area 2: Port Clinton–
Auditing Committee*                            		 R/C Mike Fishbaugh, SSC                          Lorain; Area 3: Lorain–Fairport; Area 4: Fairport–
    Chairman Com. Arne Hansen, JRSC            		 Com. Steve Hyder, DBBC                           Buffalo; Area 5: Near North of Toledo; Area 6: Far
		 Alan Antoine, RVYC                          		             Com. Cindy Johnson-                       North of Toledo; Area 7: Inland Waters
		 Scott Kneisel, BVYC                         		  Mintus, PCYC
		 Jim McDevitt, DBBC                                                                            Long Range Planning Committee
                                               		 V/C Bob Lang, WRYCC                              Co-Chairman Phoebe Borman, PIBYC
Boat Show Coordinators                         		 Connie Miller, PIBYC                             Co-Chairman Bryan Huntley, SSC
		 R/C Mike Fishbaugh, SSC                     		 Bill Pribe, NCYC                               		               R/C Mike Fishbaugh, SSC
		 Com. Steve Hyder, DBBC                      		 Deb Schaefer, PIBYC                            		               Com. Steve Hyder, DBBC
		 V/C Bob Lang, WRYCC                           Webmaster                                       		               V/C Bob Lang, WRYCC
Code of Regulations*                           		 Com. Steve Harris, BLYC                        		               John Popovich, SSCC
    Chairman Com. Cindy Johnson-               I-LYA Nominating Committee                        Measurers
		  Mintus, PCYC/PIBYC                              Chairman Com. Steve Harris, BLYC               Power Boat Com. Jack Attkisson, PIBYC
		 Scott Kneisel, BVYC                         		                  Todd Duffett, GIYC                Sail Yacht Dave Ryan, MBC
		 Com. Clay Mock, EWYC                        		                  Sharon Kneisel, BVYC
		 Larry Inguagiato, MBC                                                                         Monument Committee
                                               		                  Com. Andy Krotseng, EWYC
		 Ron Soka, TYC                                                                                    Chairman John Dalessandro, WYC
                                               		                  Com. Mike Powers, MBC
                                                                                                 		 Com. Chris Amlin, SPBC
Delegates to:                                  Junior Activities Committee*                      		 Com. Allen Ashley, PIBYC/
  Boating Association of Ohio                    I-LYA Junior Council                            		  DBBC
		 Com. Dennis Mintus, PCYC                          Chairman Kathy Allyn, MHYC                  		 Don Harris, BLYC
    Alternate Com. Jack Attkisson, PIBYC        Vice-Chairman CC Wisniewski, PIBYC               		 Tom Thanasiu Jr., JRSC
  National Boating Federation                     Eastern Rep. Tina Petrigan, VBC                Perpetual Trophies
		 Com. Ed Payne, FYC                              Inland Rep. Kari Friedauer, HSC                   Chairman Tom Thanasiu Jr., JRSC
  U.S. Sailing Association                       Western Rep. Lease Schock, SSC/NCYC             		 Com. Allen Ashley, PIBYC/
		R/C Mike Fishbaugh, SSC                      Com./Soc. Media Shilah Griffeth, HSC              		  DBBC
		 Com. Steve Harris, BLYC                       Training/Edu. Jamie Jones, HSC                  		 Don Harris, BLYC
   Alternate Bob Sheppard, ACSA                  Fleet Representatives
                                                                                                 PIB Liaison Committee*
  Yacht Racing Union of the Great Lakes                 C420 Kathy Vanderhorst, EWYC
                                                                                                      Chairman Bryan Huntley, SSC
		 Matt Dubois, GIYC                                    Laser Chris Carroll, CYC
                                                         Opti Terry McSweeney, EWYC
                                                                                                 		 Com. Allen Ashley, PIBYC/
Historian Committee                                    Thistle Tyler Parsons, PIBYC
     Chairman Tom Thanasiu Jr., JRSC                                                             		 Pat McIlwee, SSCC
		 John Greiner, NCYC                           Trav. Srs. Chair   Jamie Jones, HSC              Sail Yacht Appeals
		 Don Harris, BLYC                            I-LYA Jr. Champ.    Heidi & Todd Tigges, PIBYC       Matt Bounds, NCYC
                                               US Ar. E Jr. Rep    Jamie Jones, HSC              		 Barbara Shaffer, JRSC
                                                        Scoring    Brooks Almsquist, EWYC        		 Mike Vining, EWYC
* Standing Committee per Code of Regulations                                                     		 Nancy Zangerle, EWYC

                                                                                                Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020               13
Yachtsman of the Year
                                             Bruce Sattler, Catawba West Harbor Yacht Club
                                                Yachtsman of the Year was created to recognize one of (or sometimes sev-
                                             eral of) the volunteers who freely donate their time, vacations, talents, exper-
                                             tise, or even boats and equipment to ensure the continued success of yacht
                                             racing competition and the I-LYA organization. One of the hardest decisions
                                             for a Commodore is deciding who to honor with this award.
                                                There are many people in this organization that dedicate time and energy
                                             to the success of I-LYA. This year it is with great honor and privilege that
                                             I award the 2020 I-LYA Yachtsman of the Year to 2019 GCBA Commander
                                             Bruce Sattler. Bruce has been involved with I-LYA for many, many years.
                                             He has served under several commodores as Fleet Captain and Power Boat
                                             Chairman. He has served I-LYA as a Trustee and is often the “man to go
      Congratulations, Bruce Sattler!        to” when you need something. He doesn’t need a title, he doesn’t need to be
     2020 I-LYA Yachtsman of the Year        “asked,” he just sees a need, gets his hands dirty and gets the job done. I have
                                             gotten to know Bruce over the years, and I don’t remember a time that he isn’t
                                             doing something for the organization. He is always there whenever you need
                                             someone. He works non-stop to make our regattas and this organization the
                                             best they can be. He is the first to show up and the last to leave. THANK YOU,
                                             Bruce, for all your years of dedication to I-LYA. I can not think of a better
                                             recipient for this prestigious award. — 2020 I-LYA Commodore Steve Hyder

                                        Commodore’s Awards
                                             Leslie Hill, North Cape Yacht Club
                                                It was my distinct honor and humbling privilege to award Leslie Hill of North
                                             Cape Yacht Club the 2020 Commodore’s Award for I-LYA. It takes a dedicated
                                             group of volunteers to run an event the size of I-LYA’s Junior Bay Week and
                                             Leslie is a standout volunteer among many. She is one of those special people
                                             who devote their time and energy and enthusiasm for the benefit of all. Leslie
                                             shines because she always shares her knowledge with all the clubs and used her
                                             position as Safety Chair to educate all the parents and sailors about how to make
                                             our sport as safe as possible. As Safety Chair, she educated us about concussion
                                             protocols, helmet use, and made the North Cape Safety Kits available for loan at
                                             Junior Bay. She made safety a priority and we should all be thankful.
                                                Leslie’s tireless efforts within I-LYA also included a stint as Junior Activities
I-LYA Commodore’s Award winner Leslie        Chairman where she helped organize and schedule the very successful I-LYA
Hill with her children, Madeline and Joey    Traveler Series. Under her leadership, efforts to balance training and racing
 Lark. Both Madeline and Joey are past       continued with MHYC hosting Junior Olympic Festivals with coaching clinics
  recipients of individual sportsmanship     and NCYC hosting Advanced Racing Seminars where Leslie also took on the
       trophies at Junior Bay Week.          task of feeding all the participants.
                                                Whether coordinating safety boat assignments, preaching concussion
                                             awareness, or manning the kitchen, Leslie brings 100% to every task she takes
                                             on and we in I-LYA celebrate her achievements and say:
                                                Thank you, Leslie, for everything you do!!!

14    Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
I-LYA Honorary Regatta Chairman
                 The I-LYA Honorary Regatta Chairman is awarded to an individual who has displayed
              his or her dedication over the years to I-LYA and our four regattas and who has consistently
              cooperated and helped with the goals of I-LYA and our affiliates on and off the Island.

                                         Tim Niese
                                             Tim Niese first discovered Put-in-Bay in 1973 at the age of 16. It was at his
                                         prompting that his father, Tipper Niese, took over management of the Island
                                         General Store launching the beginning of the Niese family’s active participation
                                         in the growth and development of the island community. Tim spent the next 2
                                         decades earning a degree in Criminal Justice, raising a family and working for
                                         the City of Sandusky Police Department. With his father an active business-
                                         man on the island, the island was always in the back of his mind. As the island
                                         became increasingly busy, he recognized that there was a shortage of modern
                                         hotel accommodations. When he retired from SCPD, he decided to address
                                         that shortage and built the Islander Inn. Two expansions and the acquisition
                                         of Parker’s Inn, which was built where the old gas station used to be, gave him
                                         a facility large enough to house all of the Junior Bay sailors and their chap-
                                         erones—which he has done now for over two decades. In 2007, he built the
                                         Niagara Event Center, which he allows I-LYA to use each year for banquets and
                                         awards at reduced rates. He is truly a great friend and supporter of I-LYA. Tim
                                         is also the force behind Bash at the Bay which has turned into a monster musi-
              Tim Niese                  cal event at the end of each summer. Tim brings in civic groups, including the
                                         I-LYA, to help with this event and raise money for their respective organizations.

                             Yacht Racing Union Trophy
Mike Fishbaugh, Sandusky Sailing Club
   The Yacht Racing Union was the pre-curser to the present-day sailing
body of US Sailing. The trophy is awarded to a person who has gone above
and beyond to ensure the success of the I-LYA Sail Regatta.
   There are so many people who work non-stop to make the Sail Regatta
a success year-in and year-out. However, there is one person who has been
extremely dedicated to this regatta over the years. He chaired the event in
2012 and 2013, he’s vice chaired it three times and has continued to support
this event as well as Deepwater in a variety of other roles. Congratulations to
2020 I-LYA Rear Commodore Mike Fishbaugh for everything you have done
for the Sail Regatta. I can’t think of anyone more deserving. — 2020 I-LYA
Commodore Steve Hyder
                                                                                        Congratulations, Mike Fishbaugh!
                                                                                      2020 I-LYA Yacht Racing Union Trophy

                                                                                  Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   15
Toledo Yacht Club invites all
             I-LYA club members to visit in 2020.
                                                                     Full Service Marina and I-LYA Yacht Club
      We welcome club cruises of any size to enjoy our facilities:
     Deep Water Dockage                        Bar and Restaurant
     Heated Pool           Nearby Golf       Children's Play Area
      While you are here, visit the many nearby local attractions:
      National Museum of the Great Lakes, Hollywood Casino,
      Mud Hens Baseball, Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo Zoo.

              3900 North Summit Street                                  www.VermilionPowerBoats.com
           For information and reservations, contact our
                Club Manager at 419 726-3485 x201

                                                                                Commodore Gregory R. Zenko
                                                                                Vice Commodore Kevin T. Carroll
                                                                                Rear Commodore Daniel J. Clevenger
                                                                                Fleet Captain Michael Mansuetto
                                                                                General Manager Marc Dallas

16      Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Historically Speaking
                                               By Tom Thanasiu, Jolly Roger Sailing Club

I-LYA 125 Years Ago (1895)                                                                           (Lakewood would merge
                                                                                                     into Cleveland YC in 1908),
                                      John E. Gunckel of
                                                                                                     he sailed his 28' cutter
                                  Toledo’s Ohio YC (soon
                                                                                                     Unique into Vermilion
                                  after to merge with
                                                                                                     harbor and told his com-
                                  Toledo YC) was I-LYA’s
                                                                                                     panions it looked like a
                                  Commodore in 1895.
                                                                                                     good place to locate a fac-
                                  Among the Commodore’s
                                                                                                     tory… and that is what he
                                  other claims to fame were
                                                                                                     did. He sold his interest
                                  the formation of the Old
                                                                                                     in his Cleveland firm and
                                  Newsboys           Association
                                                                                                     established F. W. Wakefield
                                  in Toledo (which later
                                                                                                     Brass Co. in Vermilion.
                                  morphed into the Boys
                                                                         Com. Fred W. Wakefield      The Wakefield Brass Co.
                                  and Girls Club of Toledo),
                                                                                                     invented battery-operated
     Com. John E. Gunckel         as a passenger agent for the
                                                                     running lights for small boats and an auto spotlight that
                                  Lake Shore and Michigan
                                                                     could be changed instantly into a red danger light, among
Southern Railroad line, and telling comical fishing sto-
                                                                     other lighting fixtures. He bought a summer house on
ries. Harry C. Kendall of Detroit’s West End YC was
                                                                     the lake from Miss Cora Thompson in August of 1905.
Vice Commodore and J. J. Gill of Sandusky YC was Rear
                                                                     His home eventually became the Great Lakes Historical
Commodore. This same year Detroit YC joined I-LYA,
                                                                     Society Museum (1953) and then the Inland Seas Maritime
becoming the 10th club in the organization.
                                                                     Museum which housed quite a bit of I-LYA history until
    At the spring meeting, the trustees adopted the
                                                                     it fell into disrepair and closed. In 1912, F. W. Wakefield
Seawanhaka Rule, requiring remeasurement and reclas-
                                                                     was president of the Vermilion chamber of commerce
sification of every boat. The regatta, held the week of
                                                                     and elected mayor (twice). He was a founding member of
August 6th, at Put-in-Bay was a success but the complaints
                                                                     Vermilion YC. He and his family were featured, along with
about the rules were loud and endless. The winners were
                                                                     F. W.’s new 45' Matthews Tobermory, in Matthews Boat
Clytie of TYC in the special class, Marie-M of SYC in the
                                                                     Co. advertisements which ran in the October 1914 Power
25 footers, Undine of PIBYC in the 30 footers, Puritana of
                                                                     Boating and Motorboating Magazines. Tobermory, built
TYC in the 40' class, Sultana of TYC in the 46' class and
                                                                     in Port Clinton, had one of the first diesel engines to be
Neva of CYC in the 56 footers.
                                                                     installed in a pleasure boat on the Great Lakes.
    Sultana, owned by Commodore E. D. Potter Jr., was
built under the old rules in 1894 to beat Neva, which she
did without effort. Puritana was “the ship of the year for
‘95.” She was built at Racine, WI, for Commodore S. O.
Richardson Jr. It was the first year for Priscilla in fresh water,
brought here by George H. Worthington of CYC after a
remodel from her efforts as an America’s Cup contender.
I-LYA 100 Years Ago (1920)
   I-LYA’s 1920 Commodore Frederick William Wakefield
was a self-made man of his time. Born in Birmingham,
England in 1863, he emigrated to the United States in 1875
and moved to Cleveland. He worked in a wire mill at 16
and soon after learned the art of metalworking. In 1887, he
started working for C. A. Selzer & Co. Exporters dealing in
light fixtures, brass goods, and bric-a-brac. He eventually
left Selzer and started Gas Fixture and Brass Co. making
light fixtures for Standard Lighting Fixtures of Cleveland.
In 1905, at the age of 41 and as Commodore of Lakewood YC

                                                                                           Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   17
Historically Speaking

                                                            I-LYA 75 Years Ago (1945)
                                                               Commodore James A.
                                                            Beidler Jr. of Toledo
                                                            YC was in charge of
                                                            I-LYA’s 52 clubs in 1945.
                                                            Commodore           Beidler
                                                            sailed frequently in the
                                                            early 1900s and was
                                                            Commodore of TYC in
                                                            1935. He owned five movie
                                                            theaters in the Toledo
                                                            area with his father James
                                                            Sr. and bought a 1929,
                                                            39' Matthews which he             Com. James A. Beidler Jr., TYC
                                                            eventually replaced with
   The 1920 I-LYA regatta was held (for the first and       a cottage on Peach Point
only time) in Erie, Pennsylvania over July 11–17. It was    at Put-in-Bay. He was PIBYC’s commodore in 1956 and
also the first dry regatta with prohibition finally kick-   was active in both I-LYA and PIBYC for many years.
ing in with the ratification of the 18th Amendment and         Serving with him were Lester R. Mylander of SYC as
the Volsted Act. The regatta began with a long-distance     Vice Commodore, Edward W. Keifer of PHYC as Rear
powerboat race from Rocky River, Ohio to Erie, Pa. Held     Commodore and I-LYA PC (1915) Harry C. Kendall of
under International Power Boat Union rules, prizes          DYC as Secretary-Treasurer. Trustees were I-LYA PC
totaling $600 were divided among the first 10 boats         Wilbur J. Wright of CYC, Arthur Summerlee of DYC and
finishing with a sterling trophy and flag to the winner.    Lee Miller of PIBYC.
There was also a sailing distance race free-for-all from       The Spring Meeting was held at the TYC and the meal
Rocky River to Erie with prizes totaling $150 and a ster-   was roast muskrat. The regatta dates were August 5–8
ling trophy. Commodore Wakefield’s Tobermory was            with 23 classes completing, the largest being the 8-Meters.
the flagship and the Commodore’s reception was held         The Lightnings were popular newcomers to I-LYA racing
aboard Harry Parsons yacht, a 79' Matthews, Mahapa II.      with the Stars, 30-Square Meters, Snipes, Interlakes, and
Along with the daily sail and powerboat racing, there       K Cats also well represented.
were other sporting events—swimming, tennis, base-             Visiting clubs played for the softball championship.
ball, tug-of-war, rope climbing, running, a boxing exhi-    Buster Crabbe brought along his troupe of Olympic
bition and other field events. Novelty events included a    champions to put on a water carnival in front of the I-LYA
night shirt race, mixed relay, wild goose chase, walking    headquarters at PIBYC. There was a “Gay Nineties” bicy-
spar, canoe tilting, dingy and canoe races and water        cle race for the Thundermug Trophy. The Ladies Cat Boat
polo. No entry fee was charged for any event, but dinner    Races were on Monday the 6th with the first class at 3 p.m.
and dance tickets were $3 a plate, including the ball at    on a 4.5 mile course. There was a bowling tournament
Erie YC.                                                    at the Colonial Pavilion the next day. The Commodore’s
                                                            Reception was informal and held at the Park Hotel
                                                            Tuesday evening.
                                                               For two of the three race days, 30 knot winds prevailed
                                                            but the races were still sailed. During starting line maneu-
                                                            vers several yachts became tangled. The new Thistle class
                                                            sailboat, designed, built and sailed by Sandy Douglass
                                                            from VBC swept the Universal Class. Andie Carnegie
                                                            of DYC won in the CK Class and George Harris of SYC
                                                            swept the Star Class in Ripple.

                         MaHaPa II

18   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Historically Speaking

I-LYA 50 Years Ago (1970)                                     I-LYA 25 Years Ago (1995)
                                    Virl F. Berry of Forest      After participating in its
                                 City YC was Commodore        activities for over 30 years,
                                 of I-LYA with George L.      Clay Mock 1980 PC of
                                 Sackett of MHYC elected as   MHYC took the helm of
                                 Rear Commodore at 1969’s     I-LYA. Clay began judg-
                                 fall meeting at Detroit’s    ing I-LYA races in the
                                 Hotel Whittier. Arthur N.    1970s, was elected trustee
                                 O’Hara of VBC continued      in 1982, served on several
                                 to Vice Commodore. The       committees, filled in for
                                 discussion at the spring     Commodore Snodgrass at
                                 and fall meetings at Hotel   the Junior Championships
                                 Pick-Carter in Cleveland     in 1986, and continued
     Com. Virl F. Berry, FCYC    were centered around         working that event for              Com. Clay Mock, MHYC
                                 Ohio’s proposed anti-pol-    many years after. He was
                                lution laws.                  the Chief Judge for the Junior Championships from 1990–
    I-LYA’s Junior Championship was held Monday July          1997, advancing the level of race management, judging and
27 through Friday the 31st with Arnold Bahr of Lake
                                                              training at the event. After his year leading I-LYA, Clay
County YC as chairman and Wm. “Scotty” Robertson of           continued his stewardship of the Inter-Lake Yachtsmen’s
MHYC as vice. Entry fees were $50 for each team with          Fund for many years, ensuring the Fund’s longevity.
an additional $28 per crew member to partially cover             The 40th I-LYA Junior Race Week began on Sunday,
the cost of meals and housing. A team of four Juniors         July 23d with Chris and Lin Bartel from MHYC as Chairs
was preferred. However, the actual races were sailed by a     and Arne and Marge Hanson from Jolly Roger SC as Vice
skipper and two crew. The skipper, who was to be helms-       Chairs. Filling up a busy Sunday was a racing clinic fol-
man during the entire series, was designated at the time      lowed by the icebreaker dinner, meeting and group picture
of registration. The alternate crew could be used in any      at Perry’s Monument. Four days of racing saw 104 sailors
of the races. Male crews and chaperones were housed at        representing 16 clubs. The winners in the Championship
the Bayview Inn. The location of the evening meal was at      Series were Charles Vanderhorst, Christine Synowiec and
the discretion of the chaperone. Junior girls were housed     Taylor Robinson of Hoover YC (Sears/Thistle), Michael
in quarters separate from the boys. No junior sailor was      Kaim and Stuart Lipp of MHYC (Bemis/JY-15), and Bill
permitted to drive an automobile on the island during         Bolas of CYC (Smythe/Laser). The juniors were housed
race week. The winning Thistle of the seven-race series       at the Arlington House, Park Hotel, Perry Holiday and
was from Erie YC, manned by 14 year old skipper Doug          Pete’s Retreat and the awards banquet was held at Tippers.
Loesel and crew Clark Kuebler, Richard Esenberg, and             The weekend Deepwater feeder races brought sailboats
Doug Russell.                                                 to Put-in-Bay and the I-LYA Regatta sailing started on
    The traditional regatta attracted 186 sail yachts         Monday July 31st with PC John Bureau of Perrysburg BC as
in 25 classes. Threatening weather and the loss of a          PRO. The weekday racing continued through Wednesday.
course boat created an upset attitude in some classes.        Top winners were: MORC Overall — InfraRed, Bryan
Commodore Frank Miller’s Cat’s Paw won the K Class.           Huntley, SSC and PHRF Overall — Bullet, Jim Samson,
Walt Swindeman Jr’s Red-S from NCYC swept the cruis-          SSC. Bullet also won the I-LYA Blue Gavel Trophy for
ing Class-B as did Lewis Wake’s White Elephant from           Lake Erie Boat of the Year for the 3d consecutive year. This
Detroit in the Thistles. John Mueller of CYC won the          year also marked the 60th year of the Interlake class rac-
Lightning class on Tickled Pink, and Cutty Shark, skip-       ing at I-LYA. The sailboats cleared the docks by 11:00 a.m.
pered by Rick White of PIBYC, won the Shark Catamaran         Thursday to make room for the Powerboat Regatta, arriv-
class. The only powerboat event was the Predicted Log for     ing a half hour later.
the Greeley Trophy, won by Frank Stallings of SYC. The           The I-LYA Powerboat Regatta began August 3d and
fall meeting, traditionally a stag affair, changed to co-ed   ran through Sunday the 6th with 223 boats registered.
and the Yachtsman’s Ball, previously held at Put-in-Bay       The Chairman was Howard Jones of Bay View YC. Roger
during the regatta, became a part of it.                      Viculis of Ford YC was the winner of both Predicted Log

                                                                                Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   19
Historically Speaking

contests — the Greeley and I-LYA II — on Lady Katherine          dinner, introductions and skits for the “Looney Toons”
but the Commodore’s Trophy went to John Thompson of              trophies took place at the Niagara Conference Center.
Toledo YC on Dawler. In the softball game, the East beat         The 155 participants, representing 17 different clubs and
the West 17 to 6 and Elba-Mar BC took home the Greatest          organizations, took their traditional group photos at
Participation Award. The Junior Powerboat Navigation             the pirate ship between the Islander and Grand Islander
Contest was won by Kristine Kopsky (15) of WWYC.                 hotels. First place winners from the three divisions were
   1995 was also a year of sadness with the passing of 1964      Charlie Yingling, Daniel Burns, and Harris Bransch from
I-LYA Commodore Frank H. Miller of BLYC/PIBYC, 1994              CYC (Sears/Thistle), Colin Mackay and AJ Rush from
I-LYA Man of the Year Jim E. Crain of PIBYC, Dr. Dale            NCYC (Bemis/420), and John Fisher from ISC (Smythe/
Walker of VBC/SSC/MBIYC, Jack B. Springer of SSC/                Laser). Long time volunteers Rob and Abby Ruhlman
SYC/CIC, and Joe LoPresti of PIBYC/MBIYC. On a hap-              took home the “Thank You for Caring” Matt & Tracey
pier note, Paul Pheiffer was awarded I-LYA Man of the Year       Davis Family trophy.
for his many years of dedicated service to the organization.        The Powerboat regatta, chaired by John Bedford of
                                                                 SSCC, began on Wednesday July 28th and ended Sunday
I-LYA 10 Years Ago (2010)                                        August 1st. The top awards went to Gary Coles of EMBC
                                   The Commodore of              for both the Predicted Log (Greeley) and overall boat
                                I-LYA was John D. Stewart        handling and weather contests (Commodore’s Trophy).
                                of West River Yacht and          The Club Participation award went to WRYCC and the
                                Cruising Club. John was          Club Volunteerism award went to SSCC.
                                drafted into the Army in            The schedule for I-LYA’s 117th Sail Regatta sailing
                                May of 1967 and became           changed from previous years. Following a slow decline
                                the post’s pre-eminent           of sailboat participation, Sail Chairman Bob Sheppard
                                parachute        packer — an     (ACSA/LLYC) was instrumental in moving the regatta
                                art form for which hun-          from weekday to weekend racing, a change that had been
                                dreds of members of the          successful at several other regattas around the country.
                                82d Airborne are, to this        The Deepwaters included races from Buffalo, Cleveland,
                                day, very thankful. After        Detroit, Port Clinton, and Toledo throughout the week
 Com. John D. Stewart, WRYCC    the Army and several jobs,       and the Bay Week races were held Friday through Sunday.
                                John decided he like being a     This was also the 75th anniversary of the Interlake class
mixologist and a teller of tales. Practicing his trade at sev-   racing at I-LYA. Started at Sandusky Sailing Club, and
eral Detroit area clubs led him to a job at Detroit Metro        originally called the SC2 (Sandusky Sailing Club Class),
Airport and, in 1983, he became owner of the Double Eagle        the Interlake was designed by naval architect Francis
Lounge in Romulus Heights — “A bar with pool tables and          Sweisguth of Rochester, NY for the waters of Sandusky
he will take your money at both!” John married Nancy on          Bay and Lake Erie and to be under 18 feet long. The rea-
December 31, 1985 and acquired two daughters by associa-         son for the length restriction was because SSC had recently
tion. His first boat was a 34' cruiser named Bull Ship. He       raised their dockage rates from 25 cents/ft. to 60 cents/ft.
and Nancy joined WRYCC in 1997. He was elected to the            for boats over 18 feet. Five SC2s raced in the 1935 I-LYA
WRYCC board in 1999 becoming Commodore in 2002.                  regatta. By 1936, the class was renamed to Interlake. Top
He served on the I-LYA Powerboat committee from 2003             trophy winners at the 2010 sail regatta were Matt Dubois of
to 2006 and in 2005 was elected to the I-LYA trustees. His       GIYC on Racer X — Blue Gavel/PHRF Boat of the Year &
Texas Hold’em tournaments at Michigan clubs were suc-            the Mike Smith Trophy/PHRF Class Overall, Jim & Chris
cessful fund-raisers for his commodore year.                     Davis of NCYC on Orange Crate — Millennium Trophy/
   The flagship for the 2010 regatta was John’s 41' Chris        JAM Class Overall, Patrick Green of PIBYC on Black Cat
Craft Commander Lovely Lady. Commodores-in-waiting               Racing — Parsons Trophy/Largest One-design Class/Hobie
were Fred Schroeder from CCYC and Mike Morton from               Wave, and Bob Bradley of JRSC on Red Hot — McDermott
WYC. The 55th Junior regatta co-chairs were Matt & Sue           Memorial Trophy/Largest Small Centerboard Fleet.
Dubois and Patti & Todd Duffett from Grosse Ile YC.                 The Yachtsmen of the Year award went to 2002 I-LYA
Junior Bay began on Sunday July 18th with registration,          Com. Douglas Hogan and Lady Pearl (Swan Boat Club).
rigging, and inspection of boats at PIBYC. The juniors           Notable losses this year were 1978 I-LYA Commodore
were housed at the Grand Islander Inn. The Icebreaker            Norm Winkel and 1997 Yachtsman of the Year John Dent.

20   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Past Recipients
                                                   Yachtsmen of the Year
            1978 marked the beginning of a tradition that has been adopted by each administration since.
         Commodore Norm Winkel determined that recognition should be given to the many volunteers
         who freely donate their time, vacations, talents, expertise, and even boats and equipment to ensure
         the continued success of yacht racing competition and the I-LYA organization. These special people
         have earned the honor of being “Yachtsman of the Year.”
 1978		William George Schwer*, SYC                               1998		Richard “Moose” Avery, SBC         2014		Tom Thanasiu, JRSC
 1979 		Andrew M. Kennedy, Jr.*, MHYC                            1999		Com. Frank Olech*, BPYC            2015		Ron & Kaye Soka, TYC/JRSC/
 1980		Ernest B Hammer, CYC                                      2000		Com. Harold Christenson*, SSC     			  MBIYC
 1981		Harlo McNally*, PIBYC                                     2001		Com. Dave Shaffer*, NCYC           2016		Bob Lang, WRYCC
 1982		Helen Davis*, CCYC                                        2002		Don Bartels, VBC                   2017		Com. Steve Harris, BLYC
1983		Com. Al Mastics*, CYC                                      2003		Edwin* & Abigail* Skoch, PIBYC     2018		Lady Kay Drake*, PIBYC
1984 		Art Kreger*, CCYC                                         2004		Al and Marcia Ashley, DBBC         2019		Com. Dennis Mintus, PCYC, AYC
1985		Com. Art O’Hara*, VBC                                      2005		John Thompson*, TYC                2020		Bruce Sattler, CWHYC
1986		John Borman*, PIBYC                                        2006		Com. William A. Heider, Sr.*
			Com. Norm Winkel*, SSC                                       			   & Lady Jan, CPYC
1987		Joe Chase*, WCYC                                          			Bryan Huntley, SSC
                                                                			Gail McKee, SSCC
1988		Com. John* & Marilyn Bureau*,
          PBC                                                    2007		Ronald Spies, GIYC
1989		Stephen Strong, CYC                                        2008		Kris Miller, PIBYC
1990		David Walborn*, JRSC                                       2009		Com. Henry Webber*
                                                                			   & Lady Peggy, VBC
 1991		Com. Alfred Gebhardt, LCYC
                                                                			Com. Clay Mock, MHYC
1992		Com. Don* & Mary* Emery, EWYC                            			Com. Byron Kosino*, RVYC
1993		Com. Fred & Nancy Weiss, WYC                              			Lady Donna Payne, FYC
1994		Jim Crain*, PIBYC                                          2010		Com. Doug Hogan
1995		Paul Pfeiffer*, SYC                                       			   & Lady Pearl, SBC
1996		Don Bartels, LYC                                           2011		Bob Sheppard, ACSA/SSC/LYC
			Jim Mills, SYC                                                2012		Com. John Onacila*, BCBC
1997 		John Dent*, RVYC                                          2013		Howard Pinkley*, ORYC
                                                                          * Denotes Deceased

 Congratulations Commodore Steve Hyder and Lady Pam

         West Shore Sail Club
                                                                                         GREAT LAKES BOATING
                         Commodore.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . Tim Lozon
                         Vice Commodore .  .  .  . Russell Sims
                                                                                             DONE RIGHT
                         Rear Commodore.  .  .  .  .  . John Kukla
                                                                                                                              FOR ALL YOUR YACHTING NEEDS
    — The Best Kept Secret on the Water —
           * Promoting Sailing and Seamanship since 1972
           * Nearly 100 race starts per year
           * Club coordinated Sailboat Cruises
           * Social activities and monthly dinners
           * Low yearly club dues

                                                                                                        Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020           21
                                  Boat Club
                                 28817 E. River Road
                                    P.O. Box 569
                                 Grosse Ile, MI 48138
                                 Club: 734-671-9639
                                 Gas: 734-671-8580
                                   42° 05' 85" LAT.
                                  83° 09' 02" LONG.

     Commodore Neal LeBlanc                               Greater Cleveland Boating Association
        Welcomes you to                                            2020 Officers and Member Clubs
         Elba-Mar Days                                                           Wish
       July 10th, 11th, & 12th                                        Commodore Steve Hyder
                   Facilities:                                               & Lady Pam
       Year-round Dining • Guest Dockage
                                                                       A Very Successful Year
      Showers • Heads • Electricity • Water
          Gas Dock • Pumpout • Hoist                                 Commander  Kenn Paprocki                   BPYC
               Monitors channel 9
                                                                Vice Commander  Dave Richards                   AYC
               AYC • I-LYA • YCA                              Rear Commander Tony Ciero                         VHYC
              Best Wishes To                                    Flag Lieutenant Don Young                       EMBC
         Commodore Steve Hyder                                        Secretary Elizabeth Wagner                WRYC
              & Lady Pam                                              Treasurer Kathryn McCarthy                REYC
                                                                        Trustee John Brock                      CLYC
                                                                        Trustee Christopher Aune                CRYC
                                                                        Trustee John Popovich                   SSCC/BCBC
                                                              Sergeant-at-Arms Anthony Caruso                   GRYC
                                                         Advisor to Commander Bruce Sattler                     CWHYC

           Maumee River Yacht Club                       Al Koran Mariners Yacht Club     Lakeside Yacht Club

                 2735 Broadway Street                    All Ports Yacht Club             Lyman Boat Owners Assn.

                   Toledo, OH 43609                      Ashtabula Yacht Club             Mentor Harbor Yachting Club
                       www.mryc.us                       Beaver Creek Boat Club           Mentor Lagoons Yacht Club
                                                         Beaver Park Yacht Club           Middle Bass Island Yacht Club
     Beautiful Decks Overlooking the River • Pool        Catawba West Harbor Yacht Club   Northeast Yacht Club
     Guest Dockage • Electric & Water • Showers          Chagrin Lagoons Yacht Club       Olde River Yacht Club
      Floating Docks • Full Service Restaurant           Chagrin River Yacht Club         Point Yacht Club
        Walking Distance to the Toledo Zoo               The Cleveland Yachting Club      Put-in-Bay Yacht Club
                                                         East Light Yacht Club            Redbrook Boat Club
          Come Celebrate with Us at the Annual           Edgewater Marina Boat Club       River’s Edge Yacht Club
                     MRYC Regatta                        Edgewater Yacht Club             Sandusky Yacht Club
                    July 31 & August 1                   Fairport Harbor Yacht Club       South Shore Cruising Club
      AYC / I-LYA Pool Party August 1 from 2:00 – 6:00   Forest City Yacht Club           Vermilion Boat Club
                                                         Grand River Yacht Club           Vermilion Harbor Yacht Club
              Congratulations                            Harbor Yacht Club of Ashtabula   West Channel Yacht Club
        2020 Commodore Steve Hyder                       Huron Yacht Club                 Western Reserve Yacht Club
                                                         Inter City Yacht Club            Westlake Yachting Club
                   Members of AYC • I-LYA
                 Club Phone—419-382-3625                 Island West Yacht Club           Whiskey Island Boat Club
                 Marine Radio—Channel 69                 Lake County Yacht Club           Wildwood Yacht Club

22   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Play Ball!
                                  A Short History of Bay Week Softball
                             By Com. Douglas Hogan with input from I-LYA Historian Tom Thanasiu Jr.

   Bay Week softball, as we now know it, began back in the early 70s when the
I-LYA Sail Regatta hosted over 300 sailboats. The bigger sailboats had larger
crews who spent a lot of time enjoying the party life of Put-in-Bay. Skippers felt
their crews were not capable of performing at their best after an afternoon and
evening of socializing. Thus, searching to find a good way for the young sailors to
blow off steam following a day of racing, it was suggested that they play softball.
   To the best of our knowledge, it was Commodore Keith Davis of Cooley Canal
Yacht Club that enlisted some help from his home club and got Art Kreger and
Bill Martin to organize a softball tournament using Mother of Sorrow’s ball dia-
mond. At that time, with the big boats and large crews, there were enough play-
ers to hold softball games over three days. Games were held on Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday with accolades to the winners on Wednesday along with the racing
awards. The winner of the first softball tournament in 1976 was NCYC. U.S.
yacht clubs from Erie, PA. to Detroit, MI. as well as some Canadian clubs par-                         Art Kreger
ticipated. Credit for establishing the tournament goes out to Art Kreger and Bill
Martin from CCYC who were named the first I-LYA Sports Ashore Chairmen.
Art and Bill were assisted by Dave Horn from EMBC.
   By the late 80s, Mike Bureau had succeeded Art Kreger as Sports Ashore
Chairman. As the size of the sail regatta diminished, the tournament grew
smaller and ultimately moved over to the Powerboat Regatta. When Doug
Hogan took over as Sports Ashore Chair in 1991, he tried a couple of things
to build the softball tournament, but nothing seemed to work until he chal-
lenged Rocco DiLillo from West Channel YC to an East vs. West softball game.
Doug Hogan was a Past Commodore of AYC (Associated Yacht Clubs) at the
time, so a game against the members of GCBA (Greater Cleveland Boating
Association) seemed like a great idea. Rocco accepted the challenge—loser
buys a keg of beer—and the game was scheduled for Tuesday during the
Powerboat Regatta. AYC won the first game and is still waiting for the keg!
The Bureau Family contributed a trophy which was then given to the annual
winner of the regatta softball game.
   The softball game still continues today under new management. Dave Grey
from CPYC took over as the chairman for GCBA for a period of time and
was then replaced by Rich McKee Jr. who is still playing today. The Cousneau
Family took over from Doug Hogan as the AYC Softball Chairman. Doug
became the Softball Commissioner and home plate umpire with the three
I-LYA Commodores as base umpires. Doug retired in 2018 after many years of
great and happy memories.

                                                                                      Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   23
Final Voyage
                                            Jim Dupré
                                               James D. DuPré was born on June 25, 1941 and passed on July 17, 2019. Jim
                                            was born and raised in Sylvania, Ohio. He was one of four brothers. Jim was
                                            always an outdoor person. He loved fishing, hunting and most of all boating.
                                            He and Betty joined River View Yacht Club in 1980. The membership was a
                                            birthday present to Betty, but as Jim’s love of boating had began long before
                                            that, it didn’t take long before they were both very involved in the club. In the
                                            mid 80s Jim and Betty decided they would like to take part in I-LYA and never
                                            missed a year after that. Jim held several offices at RVYC and in 1996 decided
                                            it was time to be the Commodore. While holding that office he told his Bridge
                                            Officers that he expected them to be at the I-LYA regatta that summer, as none
                                            of them had ever attended, and they honored his wish. One of those officers
                                            has never missed a year since. That officer being RVYC PC Al Antoine.
                                               In 2002 while serving as one of Commodore Doug Hogan’s Fleet Captains,
                                            Jim thought he would like to be even more involved in I-LYA and decided to
                                            run for the office of trustee. He was elected to the position and that same year
                                            he became the Commodore of River View for the second time. It was while
        2007 Commodore                      serving as I-LYA trustee that he decided it was time for him to seek the postion
          James D. DuPré                    of I-LYA Commodore. “Never a dull moment with this man,” was Betty’s say-
     June 25, 1941 – July 17, 2019          ing. So in 2007, Jim became the Commodore of I-LYA. While going through
                                            the chairs of I-LYA, he and ORYC PC Gary Ryan started the Junior Power
                                            program and, thanks to this year’s Rear Commodore Bob Lang, it is doing
                                            very well today.

                                            “It was a pleasure and an honor to serve as your Commodore”
                                              — Jim DuPré

24   Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
Final Voyage
Rolf Krotseng
    The 96th Commodore of the Inter-Lake Yachting Association hailed From
Edgewater Yacht Club in Cleveland. An avid sailor who loved to be involved in
all aspects of the sport, he was particularly proud of his time dedicated to I-LYA.
    Rolf and Marilyn joined Edgewater in 1969 and soon became immersed in
every aspect of the club and all that it had to offer. Racing their Flying Scot,
Witch Thimble, they traveled near and far. Their travels included such far off
destinations as Deep Creek, Maryland for the Nationals — it was all their Ford
Fairlane 500 could muster through the eastern hills of the US!
                                                Back in Ohio, the trip of the sum-
                                             mer was always to Put-in-Bay. Over
                                             the years, their friends on the island
                                             read like a who’s who. Their chil-
                                             dren, Stephanie, Dave, Tom, and
                                             Andy always had a “parent” watch-
                                             ing over them no matter where they
                                             went. From the first days staying at
                                             the State Park to the present day,                 1989 Commodore
                                             they have always felt the welcome                     Rolf Krotseng
                                             only Islanders could give.                  October 6, 1930 – November 9, 2019
                                                Rolf encouraged the Association
                                             to greater involvement in one design
                                             racing. In the years leading up to the
                                             1976 Olympics, I-LYA held “Spirit”
                                             regattas at Sandusky attracting
                                             sailing greats such as the Harken
                                             Brothers and Olympic great Peter
                                             Barrett to Lake Erie. One of the sto-
ries goes that Bill Bentsen of the US Olympic Committee was there to observe
the racing. Noticing a power boat with a bunch of “guys in whites,” he inquired
who they were. After hearing they were all Past Commodores, his response
was, “Do you mean to say you let Commodores run your race committee? At
our club we don’t even let them on the race course!”
    Organizing events and individuals the likes of John and Phoebe Borman,
Jim Crane, and cadre of Commodores, Rolf immersed himself in volunteer-
ing his time to ensure that the regattas were as successful as possible. Later,
he would also serve as the President of the Yacht Racing Union of the Great
Lakes and organized several runnings of the Great Lakes Championship, a
match racing event. Many other organizations also benefitted from his time.
He served as Commodore of the Ohio Inter-Club Yachting Association, Rear
                                             Commodore of MORC International,
                                             Vice Commodore of MORC Station 14,
                                             and as a United States Yacht Racing
                                             Union Certified Race Officer.
                                                Rolf and Marilyn gave every
                                             ounce of their time to the Inter-Lake
                                             Yachting Association. As memorial-
                                             ized on cocktail napkins from his 1989
                                             Commodore year stated, “Yachting
                                             forever — yardwork whenever!”

                                                                                      Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020   25
Final Voyage
                                              Daniel van Heeckeren
                                                 Commodore Daniel W. van Heeckeren served I-LYA as Commodore in 2003.
                                              Born in Nootdorp, Netherlands in 1936, descendant of a Dutch royal family, Dan
                                              held the title of Baron. After immigrating to the United States and becoming a
                                              U.S. citizen in 1970, he was no longer eligible to use that title. “Dr. Dan” attended
                                              Colby College in Waterville, Maine where he received his BA in physics, Harvard
                                              Medical School, where he earned his MD, Yale-New Haven Hospital where he
                                              was a Resident and then Chief Resident of Surgery, and Karolinska Institute in
                                              Stockholm, Sweden as a Fellow in cardiothoracic surgery. Working in a number
                                              of Cleveland area hospitals throughout his career, and as an Assistant Professor
                                              at Case Western Reserve University, he saved thousands of lives and taught hun-
                                              dreds of medical students surgical procedures and bedside manner, thus saving
                                              many thousands more throughout his career. He and his wife, Doris, were well
                                              known for their philanthropy — championing democracy, justice, and equal
                                              rights for all, educating young people
                                              in sailing & boating, and helping oth-
                                              ers living with Parkinson’s disease,
          2003 Commodore                      among many others. As members of
     Dr. Daniel W. van Heeckeren              Mentor Harbor Yachting Club, and
     December 1, 1936 – June 9, 2020          later Edgewater Yacht Club, Dan &
                                              Doris were very active in sailing on
                                              Lake Erie, in I-LYA, and in US Sailing
                                              as a National Judge and serving on
                                              several committees.
                                                 Dan’s Commodore year, 2003,
                                              was the Bicentennial of the State of
                                              Ohio and also the 30th anniversary of
                                              he and Doris joining Mentor Harbor
                                              Yachting Club, their 40th wedding
                                              anniversary (celebrated during the
                                              regatta), and the 30th anniversary of the van Heeckerens sailing at I-LYA Bay
                                              Week. In those years, his racing at the event was only interrupted twice – once
                                              when the boat had run aground returning from Mackinac Island, and the pre-
                                              vious year when his Vice Commodore duties necessitated him staying ashore.
                                                 Following his year as Commodore, Dan & Doris became the co-Chairs for
                                              the I-LYA Junior Championships in 2004, chairing the event in 2005. The 2005
                                              event attracted 176 junior sailors representing 24 I-LYA clubs – one of the larg-
                                              est in the history of Junior Bay. Dr. Dan was a driving force behind the change
                                              to the Club 420 as the doublehanded boat and the Laser Radial as the single-
                                              handed boat for Junior Bay Week and the I-LYA Traveler Series - following
                                              the rest of the nation at the time and helping to elevate the level of competi-
                                              tion for Lake Erie area junior sailors. The van Heeckeren Family Trophy is
                                              awarded annually to the winner of the Laser Radial Class at the I-LYA Junior
                                                 He was a mentor to many of the leaders of I-LYA who followed him and
                                              shared his love of the sport of sailing and racing on Lake Erie with friends
                                              and family throughout his life. Even throughout his battle with Parkinson’s
                                              disease, Dan remained as active in I-LYA as possible. Dr. Daniel W. van
                                              Heeckeren passed away on June 9, 2020 in Shaker Heights, Ohio.

26     Inter-Lake Yachting Association 2020
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