I am a Modern Foreign Linguist - Haywood Village Academy

Page created by Tina Klein
I am a Modern Foreign Linguist - Haywood Village Academy
I am a Modern Foreign Linguist

I am a modern linguist; I seek to explore languages. I use communication skills as a gateway to develop
an understanding of other cultures. As a modern linguist, I strive to express ideas and thoughts in another
language, embedding the key skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. I examine how the
structure of another language links and compares to my own. As a modern linguist, I am confident,
curious and can use my language instinctively in the classroom and beyond.
I am a Modern Foreign Linguist - Haywood Village Academy
Key Concepts for Modern Linguists

                                                                                                         Key Concepts

 What is a language?
 All social animals communicate with each other, from    Languages are tied to cultures and through linguistic study, cultures can be further understood.
 bees and ants to whales and apes, but only humans
 have developed a language which is more than a set of   Language can be understood and communicated through reading, writing, speaking and listening.
 prearranged signals. Human speech is rational and
 organised sound and meaning.                            Language is formed as sounds, words and structures: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and
 There are about 5000 languages spoken in the world
 today. Languages are linked to each other by shared     Learning a language requires the opportunity to match and express new sounds and words within
 words or sounds or grammatical constructions. The       structures to a person’s current understanding of the world.
 theory is that the members of each linguistic group
 have descended from one language, a common

Key Concepts, Knowledge, Vocabulary and Skills - MFL: Year 1

        Key Concepts              Contexts                             Key Knowledge and Vocabulary                                    French                                  Spanish
 Languages are tied           Socialisation:     • Respond to a greeting “Hello”.                                  • Bonjour Madame/Bonjour Monsieur            • Hola Señora /Hola Señor
 to cultures and              Greetings          • Greet others appropriate to the time of day. Good afternoon/    • Bon apres midi / Bon journée / Bon soir    • Buenos días, Buenas tardes,
 through linguistic           and feelings         Good day / Good evening / Good night                              / Bon nuit                                   Buenas Noches
 study, cultures can
                                                 • Ask and answer the question “What is your name?” “My name       • Comment tu t'appelles?/ Je m'appelle...    • ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo...
 be further
                              Mathematics        • Learn numbers: 0-5                                              • Une, deux, trois, quatre, cinq             Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco
                              in language:
 Language can be                                 • Learn the days of the week: Monday to Sunday                    • lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi,   Lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves,
                              Numbers &
 understood and                                  • Question and answer the day of the week                           samedi, dimanche                             viernes, sábado, domingo
                              Days of the
 communicated                                                                                                      • aujord’hui? / c’est lundi                  ¿Hoy?/ Es lunes
 through reading,
 writing, speaking and        The World          • Read and say some colours in chosen language: red / green -     • rouge / vert / blanc / bleu /- jaune /     Rojo/ verde/ blanco/azul/
 listening.                   Around Me:           white / blue / yellow / black -/ pink /purple / orange            noir / rose / violet / orange                amarillo/negro/rosa/violeta/nara
                              Colours                                                                                                                             nja
 Language is formed
 as sounds, words
 and structures:              Cultural           • Locate a country that speaks the language                       • Identify where France in on a map of       • Identify where Spain is on a map
 phonology,                   Awareness:         • Know and locate the capital city of a country that speaks the     Europe.                                      of Europe
 morphology, syntax,          Where is             language.                                                       • Paris                                      • Madrid
 semantics and                France?
 pragmatics.                  Health and         • Ask the question “How are you?”                                 • Ca va?                                     • ¿Cómo estás?
                              well-being         • Answer the question “How are you?” Very good / Good / Not       • très bien / bien / comme ci, comme ça      • Muy bien/bien/ así así/ mal
 Learning a language                               bad, Not good                                                     / mal
 requires the
 opportunity to
 match and express
 new sounds and
 words within
 structures to a
 person’s current
 understanding of the
Key Concepts, Knowledge, Vocabulary and Skills - MFL: Year 2

         Key Concept               Contexts                                   Key Knowledge and Vocabulary
                                                                                                                                            French                                         Spanish
 Languages are tied to        Socialisation:            •       Re-cap Year 1 content:                                          Bonjour Madame/Bonjour Monsieur            Hola Señora / Hola Señor
 cultures and through         Greetings and                      respond to a greeting and greet other appropriate to the       Bon apres midi / Bon journée / Bon         Buenos días / Buenas tardes / Buenas
 linguistic study,            feelings                          time of day                                                     soir / Bon nuit                            noches
 cultures can be                                                 Ask and answer the question ‘What is your name?’               Comment tu t'appelles?/ Je                 ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo...
 further understood.                                    •        Ask and answer the question How are you?                       m'appelle...                               ¿Cómo estás?
                                                        •       Ask and answer the question “Where do you live?”                Ca va?                                     Muy bien/bien/ así así/ mal
                                                                                                                                très bien / bien / comme ci, comme         ¿Dónde vives?
                                                                                                                                ça / mal
                                                                                                                                Ou habites-tu?

 Language can be              Mathematics                   •     Recap the days of the week: Monday to Sunday                  •   six, sept, huit, neuf, dix             Seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
 understood and               in language:                       Question and answer the day of the week                        •    janvier, février, mars, avril,        enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo,
 communicated                 Numbers,                  •       Children learn numbers 5-10 in French.                              mai, juin, juillet, août,              junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubre,
 through reading,             months of the             •       Learn the months of the year                                        septembre, octobre, novembre,          noviembre
 writing, speaking and        year and                  •       Ask and answer the question “When is your birthday?”                décembre                               Diciembre
 listening.                   birthdays                 •       Ask and answer the question “How old are you?”                  •   C'est quand, ton anniversaire?         ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
                                                                                                                                •   Mon anniversaire est en avril.         Mi cumpleaños es en abril

 Language is formed           The World                 •       Learn the vocabulary of clothes: skirt, trousers, scarf, hat,   •   La jupe, le pantalon, l’echarpe,       La falda, el pantalón, la bufanda, el
 as sounds, words and         Around Me:                        shoes, socks                                                        le chapeau, les chassures, les         sombrero, los zapatos, los calcetines
 structures:                  Colours                   •       I wear…                                                             chaussettes                            Llevo...
 phonology,                                             •       Describe the colours of clothes and answer the question         •   Je porte…                              ¿Qué color es?
 morphology, syntax,                                            “What colour is it?”                                            •   C’est quelle couleur?
 semantics and
 Learning a language          Cultural                  •       Geography of France: recap on where it is on a map of
 requires the                 Awareness:                        Europe, Paris capital city, main cities and the french flag
 opportunity to match         Where is                          (le Tricolore)
 and express new              France?
 sounds and words
 within structures to a
 person’s current
 understanding of the
                              Health and                •       Ask and answer the question “Do you have any pets?”             •   Tu as des animaux
                              well-being                •       Use numbers to refer to amount of pets                              domestiques?                               •    ¿Tienes mascotas?
                                                        •       Understand that add an ‘s’ to form a plural (like in            •   J’ai un chat, j’ai deux chiens, j’ai       •    Tengo un gato, tengo dos
                                                                English)                                                            trois hamsters, un poisson, un                  perros, téngo tres hámsteres,
                                                        •                                                                           lapin, un cheval, un serpent,                   un pez, un conejo, un caballo,
                                                                                                                                    une souris, un cochon d'Inde, un                una serpiente, un ratón, una
                                                                                                                                    oiseau                                          cobaya, un péjaro
Key Concepts, Knowledge, Vocabulary and Skills - MFL: Year 3

      Key Concept           Contexts                     Key Knowledge and Vocabulary                                           French
 Languages are tied to    Socialisation:                                                                          •       Ma mere, mon pere, mon uncle,             •    Mi madre, mi padre, mi tío, mi
 cultures and through     family             •   Learn family members-mother, father, uncle, aunt,                        ma tante, ma grand-mere, mon                   tía, mi abuela, mi abuelo, mi
 linguistic study,                               grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother                                grand-pere, ma soeur, mon                      hermana, mi hermano
 cultures can be                             •   Describe your family                                                     frere
 further understood.                         •   Understand the difference between mon and ma
                                                 (masculine and feminine)

 Language can be          Mathematics        •   Re-cap numbers 1-10                                                  •     Ca coute combien?                    • ¿Cuánto cuesta?
 understood and           in language:                                                                                •     Ca coute ...                         • Cuesta...
 communicated             Numbers &          •   Learn numbers 11-20
 through reading,         prices             •   Ask and answer the question “ How much does that
 writing, speaking and                           cost?”

 Learning a language      The World          •   Learn names of sports: dance, swimming, cycling, horse           •       la danse, la natation, le vélo,       La danza, la natación, la bicicleta, la
 requires the             Around Me:             riding, skating, surfing, climbing, jogging, football, tennis,           l'équitation, le skate, le surf,      equitación, el patinaje, el surf, la
 opportunity to match     sports                 table tennis, basketball, cricket, rugby                                 l'escalade, le footing, le foot, le   escalada, el footing, el fútbol, el tenis, el
 and express new                             •   Recap knowledge of days of the week                                      tennis, le tennis de table, le        ping-pong, el baloncesto, el críquet, el
 sounds and words                            •   Learn to say I play football                                             basket, le cricket, le rugby          rugby
 within structures to a                      •   Talk about hobbies and when you do them-I play football          •       Je joue au foot le mercredi
 person’s current
                                                 on Wednesdays
 understanding of the
 Learning a language      Cultural           •   Cultural understanding of importance of meal times in            •       Je voudrais un tableau pour           Me gustaría una mesa para tres, por
 requires the             Awareness:             France and going to restaurants ( children have two                      trois s’il vous plait                 favor
 opportunity to match     Where is               hours lunch time in school and 3 course meal or go home
 and express new          France?                to eat with family)
 sounds and words                            •   Learn the phrase “I would like…”
 within structures to a
 person’s current
 understanding of the
                          Health and         •   Learn fruit items: apricot, banana, cherry, lemon,               •       Un abricot, une banana, une           Un albaricoque, un plátano, una cereza,
                          well-being             strawberry, raspberry, red berries, orange                               cerise , un citron, une fraise,       un limón, una fresa, una frambuesa, las
                                             •   Learn vegetable items: potato, carrot, peas, broccoli,                   une framboise, les fruits rouges,     frutas del bosque, una naranja
                                                 beans                                                                    une orange
                                             •   Express likes and dislikes                                       •       La pomme de terre, carrotte, les
                                                                                                                          petits pois, le brocoli, les
•   J’aime/je n’aime pas

The art of story        Story-telling   •   The enormous turnip - le navet énorme/the                •   le fermier
telling enables us to                       farmer/the farmer’s wife/the son/the daughter/the        •   la fermière
learn vocabuary,                            dog/the cat/the mouse                                    •   le fils
recognise                               •   Read and identify cognates (words that look similar in
grammatical                                                                                          •   la fille
structurers and                         •   Assign roles and learning scripts.                       •   le chien
rehearse and                            •   Practise of French Script, reading out loud and          •   le chat
perform repetitive                          performing.
                                                                                                     •   la souris the mouse
lines                                   •   Perform to another class.
                                        •   Reflect on activity
Key Concepts, Knowledge, Vocabulary and Skills - MFL: Year 4

      Key Concept              Contexts                                 Key Knowledge and Vocabulary                                  French                                            Spanish
 Languages are           Socialisation:             •    My home Chez Moi                                                                                             ¿Cómo se escribe? Se escribe....
 tied to cultures        Greetings and              •    Recap core questions and answers (eg. Name, age, how are        •   (Comment ça s'écrit?..... Ça
 and through             feelings                        you, descriptions, alphabet, colours).                              s'écrit......)
 linguistic study,                                  •    Learn the target language alphabet
 cultures can be                                    •    Ask and answer “How is it spelt?”
 further                                            •    Re-cap of sports with alphabet focus.

 Language can be          Mathematics               •    Ask and answer the question “What is the date?”                 •   Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?          ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
 understood and           in language:              •    Learn numbers 20-50
 communicated             Numbers &                 •
 through reading,         Days of the
 writing, speaking        week
 and listening.

 Learning a              The World                                                                                                                                        Hace sol, hace viento, llueve, hay
 language                Around Me                  •    Explain what the weather is like (sunny, windy, rainy, misty)                                                    niebla
 requires the            weather                    •    Learn the four seasons (winter, summer, spring, autumn)         •   Il fait du soleil, if fait du vent, il       El invierno, el verano, la primavera,
 opportunity to                                     •    Describe the weather in the different seasons (in summer, it        pleut, il fait du brouillard                 el otoño
 match and                                               is sunny)                                                       •   L’hiver, l’ete, le printemps                 En verano, hace sol
 express new                                                                                                                 l’automne                                    Cuando hace calor, llevo una
 sounds and                                         •    Learn clothing items and I wear (Je porte)                      •   En été, il fait du soleil                    camiseta
 words within                                                                                                            •   Quand il fait chaud, je porte un
 structures to a                                    •    Recap with weather + sports with clothes. (when it is sunny,        T-shirt)
 person’s current                                        I wear a t-shirt)
 understanding of
 the world.
 Learning a              Cultural
 language                Awareness:                      Discover the physical geography of France: mountains,
 requires the            Where is                        rivers, seas
 opportunity to          France?
 match and
 express new
 sounds and
 words within
 structures to a
 person’s current
 understanding of
 the world.
Health and well-       •   The Olympics                                                  Les Jeux Olympiques                            Los Juegos Olímpicos,
                       •   diving                                                        Le plongeon                                    Hago salto,
                       •   I do diving/I don’t do diving                                 Je fais du plongeon/je ne fais pas de          Él es nadador, Los juegos Olímpicos de la
                       •   He is a swimmer                                               plongeon                                       Antigüedad. Hago el triathlón, Ella es
                       •   The ancient Olympic games                                     Il est nageur                                  nadadora Los juegos Olímpicos
                       •   I do the triathlon                                            Les Jeux Olympiques de l'antiquité             modernos, Hago ciclismo, Él es saltador,
                                                                                         Je fais du triathlon                           El atletismo, Hago tiro con arco, Ella es
                       •   She is a swimmer
                                                                                         Elle est nageuse                               buceadora Ella es saltadora, No hago
                       •   The modern Olympic games
                                                                                         Les Jeux Olympiques modernes                   atletismo, Él es esgrimista Esgrima El
                       •   I do cycling
                                                                                         Je fais du cyclisme                            remo No hago remo Ella es esgrimista
                       •   He is a diver
                                                                                         Il est plongeur                                No hago equitación Él es un arquero
                       •   Athletics                                                     L’athlétisme                                   Natación No hago esgrima Ella es
                       •   I do archery                                                  Je fais du tir à l’arc                         arquera Boxeo No hago boxeo Él es
                       •   She is a diver                                                Elle est plongeuse                             remero Ciclismo No nado, no hago
                       •   Horse riding                                                  L’équitation                                   natación, Ella es remera, juego / hago
                       •   I don’t do athletics                                          Je ne fais pas d’athlètisme                    (un deporte) Tiro con arco, no hago
                       •   He is a fencer                                                Il est escrimeur                               triatlón (Tú) haces/ juegasEl triatlón No
                       •   Fencing                                                       L’escrime                                      hago ciclismo Él/Ella juega / hace No
                       •   I don’t do rowing                                             Je ne fais pas d'aviron                        tiro en el arco Él / ella es un atleta Él /
                       •   Rowing                                                         L’aviron Rowing                               ella es un atleta (the spelling is the same
                       •   I don’t do horseriding                                        Je ne fais pas d'équitation                    for masculine and feminine)Nosotros
                       •   He is an archer/she is an archer                              Il est archer/elle est archère                 Jugamos/hacemos Vosotros (You plural)
                       •   Swimming/I don’t do swimming                                  La natation/ je ne fais pas de natation        jugás, hacéis, ellos juegan/hacen
                       •   Boxing/I don’t do boxing                                      La boxe/Je ne fais pas de boxe
                       •   He is a rower/she is a rower                                  Il est rameur /elle est rameuse
                       •   Cycling/I don’t do cycling                                    Le cyclisme /Je ne fais pas de cyclisme Je
                       •   I do athletics                                                fais de l’athlètisme
                       •   I do horse-riding                                             Il/elle est athlète He/she is an athlete (no
                                                                                         spelling change for masculine and

. Story-telling    Little Red Riding Hood: le petit chaperon rouge
                   teeth/listen/knock/cakes/wolf/ears/eyes                               Les dents
                         • Read and identify cognates (words that look similar in        Ecouter
                             english)                                                    Frapper
                         • Assign roles and learning scripts.                            les galettes
                         • Practise of French Script, reading out loud and performing.   le loup
                         • Perform to another class.                                     les oreilles
                         • Reflect on activity                                           Tomber
                                                                                         les yeux
Key Concepts, Knowledge, Vocabulary and Skills - MFL: Year 5

      Key Concept           Contexts                       Key Knowledge and Vocabulary (for vocabulary see knowledge organiser)                    French
 Languages are          Socialisation:          •     Learn the body parts: the head, hand, leg, foot, face, eyes, mouth,          La tête                   La cabeza
 tied to cultures       Greetings                     arm, shoulder, stomach, hip, knee, neck, back, ear, hair                     La main                   La mano
 and through            and feelings                                                                                               La jambe                  La pierna
 linguistic study,                                                                                                                 Le pied                   El pie
 cultures can be                                                                                                                   Le visage                 La cara
 further                                                                                                                           Les yeux                  Los ojos
 understood.                                                                                                                       La bouche                 La boca
                                                                                                                                   Le bras-                  El brazo
                                                                                                                                   L'épaule                  El hombro
                                                                                                                                   Le ventre                 El vientre
                                                                                                                                   La hanche                 La cadera
                                                                                                                                   Le genou                  La rodilla
                                                                                                                                   Le cou                    El cuello
                                                                                                                                   Le dos                    La espalda
                                                                                                                                   L'oreille                 Las oreja
                                                                                                                                   Les cheveux- T            El pelo
Language can      Mathematics         • En classe                                                                   Un taille crayon                   Un sacapuntas
be understood     in language:   Pencil sharpener/what do you have in your pencil case?/an exercise book/in         Qu’est ce qu’il y a dans ta        ¿Qué hay en tu estuche?
and               Numbers &      my pencil case I have …/a pencil/ in my pencil case I do not have/a glue          trousse?                            En mi estuche tengo
communicated      Days of the    stick/listen/a pen/write/ a pencil case/repeat/ a school bag/silence/ a reading   Un cahier                           Un lápiz
through           week           book/open your books/a rubber/close your books                                    Dans ma trousse j’ai...             En mi estuche, no tengo
reading,                              •                                                                             Un crayon                          Un pegamento
writing,                              • Understand difference between un/une                                       Dans ma trousse je n’ai pas de..    Escuchad
speaking and                          • Understand how to make a plural                                            Un bâton de colle                   Un boli
listening.                                                                                                         Écoutez                             Escribid
                                                                                                                   Un stylo                            Un estuche
                                                                                                                   Écrivez                             Pepetid
                                                                                                                   Une trousse                         Una mochila
                                                                                                                   Répétez                             Silencio
                                                                                                                   Un cartable                         Un libro
                                                                                                                   Silence                             Abrid vuestros cuadernos
                                                                                                                    Un livre                           Una regla
                                                                                                                   Ouvrez vos cahiers                  Pensad
                                                                                                                   Une gomme                           Una calculadora
                                                                                                                   Fermez vos cahiers                  Leed
                                                                                                                   Une règle A ruler                   Unas tijeras
                                                                                                                   Pensez Think                        Preguntad
                                                                                                                   Une calculatrice A calculator       Levantad la mano
                                                                                                                   Lisez Read Des ciseaux A pair of
                                                                                                                   Demandez Ask J'ai I have
                                                                                                                    Levez la main Raise your hand Je
                                                                                                                   n'ai pas de/d' I do not have
Learning a        The World          •   Habitats: the tropical rain forest/the meadow/the ocean/the               La forêt tropicale                  La selva
language          Around Me:             seaweed/the desert/the tall trees/The Arctic/the bushes/is a habitt in    La prairie                          La pradera
requires the      habitats               …/the cactus/the Sahara/the hardy plants/Amazonia/The Pacific             Dans l’océan                        En el océano
opportunity to                           Ocean                                                                     Les algues                          Las algas
match and                            •   Add other animals to pets, zoo/farm/wild etc.                             Le désert                           El desierto
express new                          •   Recognise j’ai + un/une/number and                                        Les grands arbres                   Los árboles grandes
sounds and                           •   Use Je n’ai pas + de/ il y a _un/une/number + il n;y a pas + de           Les buissons                        Los arbustos
words within                                                                                                       est un habitat dans...              es un hábitat en ...
structures to a                                                                                                    Les cactus                          Cactus
person’s                                                                                                           Le Sahara                           El Sahara
current                                                                                                            Les plantes résistantes             Plantas resistentes
understanding                                                                                                      L’Amazonie                          Amazonia
of the world.                                                                                                      L’Océan Pacifique                   El Océano Pacífico
Learning a        Cultural           •   Discover famous French artists and identify landmarks in France                1. Sacré-Cœur, Paris                1. La Sagrada Familia (Barcelona)
language          Awareness:             (human geographical features)                                                  2. Jardin du Luxembourg,            2. La Alhambra (Granada)
requires the      Where is                                                                                                   Paris                          3. La Mezquita de Córdoba
opportunity to    France?                                                                                               3. Cathédrale Notre-Dame                 (Córdoba)
match and                                                                                                                    de Paris, Paris                4. El Museo del Prado (Madrid)
express new                                                                                                             4. Centre Pompidou, Paris           5. El museo Guggenheim (Bilbao)
sounds and                                                                                                 5.    Place de la Concorde,             6.    Las cuevas de Altamira
words within                                                                                                     Paris                                   (Cantabria)
structures to a                                                                                            6.    Jardin des Tuileries, Paris       7.    La Catedral de Santiago de
person’s                                                                                                   7.    Arc de Triomphe, Paris                  Compostela (Galicia)
current                                                                                                    8.    Eiffel Tower, Paris               8.    Los castillos de Castilla
understanding                                                                                              9.    Jardins du Trocadero,             9.    Los jardines de Andalucía
of the world.                                                                                                    Paris                             10.   La plaza de toros
                                                                                                           10.   Louvre Museum, Paris              11.   El acueducto de Segovia
                                                                                                           11.   Musée du Quai Branly,             12.   El palacio Real de Madrid
                                                                                                                 Paris                             13.   Las ruinas romanas
                                                                                                           12.   Jardin des Plantes, Paris
                                                                                                                                                   14.   Las ruinas celtas
                                                                                                           13.   Parc des Buttes-
                                                                                                                                                   15.   Las ruinas íberas
                                                                                                                 Chaumont, Paris

                  Health and          •   Explain what is wrong with you to the doctor                 J’ai mal à la tête – I have a           Me duele la cabeza
                  well-being                                                                           headache
                                                                                                       J’ai mal à la gorge – I have a sore     Me duele la garganta
                                                                                                       J’ai mal à la jambe – I have a bad      Me duele la pierna
                                                                                                       J’ai mal au pied – I have a bad foot    Me duele el pie
                                                                                                       J’ai mal au genou – I have a bad
                                                                                                       knee                                    Me duele la rodilla
                                                                                                       J’ai mal au cou- I have a bad neck
                                                                                                       J’ai mal au dos – I have a bad back     Me duele el cuello
                                                                                                       J’ai mal au bras – I have a bad arm     Me duele la espalda
                                                                                                       J’ai mal au ventre – I have stomach     Me duele el brazo
                                                                                                       ache                                    Me duele el estómago
                                                                                                       J’ai mal aux yeux – I have bad eyes
                                                                                                       J’ai mal à l’oreille – I have earache   Me duelen los ojos

                                                                                                                                               Me duele la oreja

                  Story-telling   Goldilocks:                                                          Boucle D'Or et les trois ours            Ricitos de oro y los tres osos La silla
                                       • Assigning roles and learning scripts.                                                                 mediana
                                       • Practise of French Script, reading out loud and performing.   La moyenne chaise                       La silla pequeña
                                       • Performance to another class.                                                                         La silla pequeña
                                       • Reflection activity – writing about our experiences.          Mou Soft Boucle                         El cuenco grande estaba demasiado
                                  Goldilocks and the three bears                                                                               salado
                                  The medium chair                                                                                             Padre oso
                                                                                                       La petite chaise
                                  Soft                                                                                                         La cama grande
                                  The small chair                                                                                              El cuenco mediano era demasiado dulce.
                                                                                                       Le grand bol était trop salé.
                                  The large bowl was too salty                                                                                 Mamá oso La cama mediana
                                  Father bear                                                                                                  El cuenco pequeño era perfecto.
                                                                                                       Papa ours                               El Bebé oso
                                  The big bear
                                  The medium bowl was too sweet                                                                                 La cama pequeña
Mother bear                      Le grand lit                          La silla grande era demasiado grande.
The medium bed                                                         La silla mediana era demasiado baja.
he small bowl was just right     Le moyen bol était trop sucré.        Un bosque La silla pequeña era perfecta.
Baby bear                        Maman ours                            El cuenco grande
The small bed                                                          El cuenco grande
he big chair was too tall/high   Le moyen lit                          La cama grande era demasiado dura.
A house                                                                El cuenco mediano
Sweet                                                                  La cama mediana era demasiado blanda.
                                 Le petit bol était juste comme il
The medium chair was too short                                         La cama pequeña era perfecta
A forest                                                               La silla grande
                                 Bébé ours
The small chair was just right
The big bowl
Tall/high                        Le petit lit
The big bed was too hard
The medium bowl                  La grande chaise était trop grande.
Low                              Une maison
The medium bed was too soft
The small bowl                   Sucré
The small bed was just right     La moyenne chaise était trop
The big chair                    basse.

                                 Une forêt


                                 La petite chaise était juste comme
                                 il faut.

                                 Le grand bol


                                 Le grand lit était trop dur.

                                 Le moyen bol


                                 Le moyen lit était trop mou.

                                 Le petit bol
Dur Le petit lit était juste comme il

La grande chaise
Key Concepts, Knowledge, Vocabulary and Skills - MFL: Year 6

        Key Concept                Contexts                               Key Knowledge and Vocabulary                               French                                   Spanish
 Languages are tied         Socialisation:                                                                         Sur la photo il y a – In the photo there is
 to cultures and                                          •    Use the phrase il y a …
 through linguistic                                       •    Use adjectives to describe family members/friends   Sur l’image il y a – In the image there is
 study, cultures can                                      •    Describe a photograph/picture of family
 be further                                                                                                        Ma mère - my mum                              Mi madre,
                                                                                                                   Mon père - my dad                             mi padre,

                                                                                                                   Ma belle-mère - my step-mum

                                                                                                                   Mon beau-père - my step-dad

                                                                                                                   Mon frère - my brother                        Mi hermano

                                                                                                                   Ma soeur – my sister                          Mi hermana

                                                                                                                   Ma grand-mère - my grandma

                                                                                                                   Mon grand-père - my grandpa

                                                                                                                   Mon oncle – my uncle                          mi tío,

                                                                                                                   Ma tante – my auntie                          mi tía,

                                                                                                                   Ma cousine – my cousin (f)

                                                                                                                   Mon cousin – my cousin (m)

                                                                                                                   Il/elle a les cheveux
                                                                                                                   blonds/gris/noirs/bruns/roux - he/she
                                                                                                                   has hair blond/grey/black/brown/red

                                                                                                                   Il/elle a les yeux
                                                                                                                   bleus/verts/noisette/marron/gris -
                                                                                                                   he/she has eyes

                                                                                                                   Il est
/sportif/intelligent - he is

                                                                                                      Elle est
                                                                                                      uese/sportive/intelligente - she is
Language can be       Mathematics in                                                                  J’ai - I have                                  • Un perro, tengo, un gato, no tengo, un
understood and        language:            •   Say what pet(s) you have if any and what is your       Un chat – a cat                                  conejo
communicated                                   favourite animal                                       Un chien – a dog                               • Tengo un (masculine) Tengo una
through reading,                           •   A dog,a cat, a rabbit,a hamster                        Un lapin – a rabbit                              (feminine)
writing, speaking                          •   A gold fish                                            Un hamster – a hamster                         • Tengo un pez rojo que se llama
and listening.                             •   A bird and a mouse                                     Un poisson - a fish                            • Un pájaro y un ratón
                                           •   Use il y a to describe how many animals – describe a   Un oiseau – a bird
                                               photo again!                                           Une souris – a mouse
                                                                                                      Une tortue – a tortoise
                                                                                                      Je n’ai pas de + animal (without un/une)
                                                                                                         e.g. Je n’ai pas de chat
                                                                                                      Je n’ai pas d’animal - I don’t have a pet
                                                                                                      Qui s’appelle - who is called e.g. j’ai un
                                                                                                         chat qui s’appelle Mittens
                                                                                                      Mon animal préféré c’est - My favourite
                                                                                                         animal is …
                                                                                                      Il y a + number + animals e.g. Il y a deux
                                                                                                         chats, il y a quatre oiseaux, il y a cinq
                                                                                                         souris. - there are two cats, there are
                                                                                                         four birds, there are five mice.

Learning a language   The World            •     know the name of the planets in our solar system     • Les planetes                                  • Los planetas
requires the          Around Me            •      understand that adjectives in French mostly come     Jupiter est énorme et aussi assez loin du     Júpiter es enorme y esá tbastante lejos
opportunity to                                   AFTER the noun                                       soleil                                         del sol
match and express                           • describe the planets in size and colour                 La lune                                        La luna
new sounds and                              • use true or false                                       Mercure est assez petite et près du soleil     Mercurio es bastante pequeño y está
words within                           Jupiter is huge and also quite far from the sun                Le soleil                                      cerca del sol
structures to a                        The moon                                                       Pluton est la plus loin et la plus petite
person’s current                       Mercury is quite small and close to the sun                    Pluto is the furthest and the smallest         Plutón es el más lejano y el ás pequeño
understanding of                       The sun                                                        La terre                                       La tierra
the world.                             The Earth                                                      Mars est assez près du soleil et c’est         Marte está bastante cerca del sol
                                       Mars is quite close to the sun and red                         rouge
                                       Mars                                                           Mars                                           La tierra es un planeta cerca de Marte y
                                       he Earth is a planet close to Mars and only has one moon       La Terre est une planète près de Mars et       solo tiene una luna
                                       Mercury                                                        a seulement une lune Mercure                   Mercurio es un planeta azul
                                       Neptune is a blue planet.                                      Neptune est une planète bleue                  Colours like ‘negro’ (black) negro (masc
                                       Pluto                                                          Pluton                                         sing) negra (feminine singular), negros
                                       Saturn                                                         Saturne                                        (masc pl) --> Rojo, amarillo, blanco
Jupiter                                                              Jupiter                                       Colours like ‘ verde’ ( green) same for
                                         The sun is in the centre                                            Le Soleil est au centre Saturne est loin       masculine and feminine. Add an –s for
                                         Venus is close to the sun and it is always very windy               du soleil et a au moins 18 lunes Saturn is     plural Other naranja, rosa
                                         ranus is quite close to the sun and is blue and green               far from the sun and has at least 18           Colours finishes in consonant (gris,
                                                                                                             moons                                          marrón, azul) same ending for feminine
                                                                                                             Vénus est assez près du soleil et il y a       and masculine singular. Add –es for
                                                                                                             toujours beaucoup de vent                      plural (grises, marrones, azules)
                                                                                                             Uranus est assez loin du soleil et c’est
                                                                                                             bleu et vert U
Learning a language   Cultural               •    Discover famous musicians                                  Je joue – I play                               El clarinete
requires the          Awareness:             •    recognise and recall the names of different musical        De La clarinette                               El "El" (masculine)
opportunity to        Where is France?            instruments : clarintet, harp, piano, triangle, trumpet,   De la harpe                                    La bateria (the drums)
match and express                                 violin, drums cymbals, guitar                              du piano                                       Los platillos
new sounds and                               •    be able to use the verb jouer de +                         Du triangle                                    La guitarra
words within                                 •    construct simple sentences “I play the flute”              De la trompette                                Toco la flauta
structures to a                              •    use ne,,,pas to express the negative                       Du violin
person’s current                                                                                             De la batterie
understanding of                                                                                             Des cymbales
the world.                                                                                                   De la guitare
                                                                                                             De la flûte à bec
                                                                                                             Je ne joue pas de + instrument (without
                                                                                                             de la/du/des)
                      Health and well-       •    Recap going to the doctors and saying something is         J’ai mal à la tête – I have a headache         Me duele la cabeza
                      being                       wrong                                                      J’ai mal à la gorge – I have a sore throat     Me duele la garganta
                                             •    Giving advice for illness using ‘il faut’ (you must)       J’ai mal à la jambe – I have a bad leg         Me duele la pierna
                                                                                                             J’ai mal au pied – I have a bad foot           Me duele el pie
                                                                                                             J’ai mal au genou – I have a bad knee          Me duele la rodilla
                                                                                                             J’ai mal au cou- I have a bad neck             Me duele el cuello
                                                                                                             J’ai mal au dos – I have a bad back            Me duele la espalda
                                                                                                             J’ai mal au bras – I have a bad arm            Me duele el brazo
                                                                                                             J’ai mal au ventre – I have stomach ache       Me duele el estómago
                                                                                                             J’ai mal aux yeux – I have bad eyes
                                                                                                             J’ai mal à l’oreille – I have earache          Me duelen los ojos
                                                                                                             Je tousse – I have a cough                     Me duele la oreja
                                                                                                             J'ai de la grippe – I have flu
                                                                                                             Je suis malade – I am ill
                                                                                                             Je suis enrhumé - I have a cold
                                                                                                             Qu’est-ce qui ne vas pas? - What’s
                                                                                                             Aidez-moi – help me
                                                                                                             Il faut rester au lit – you must stay in bed
                                                                                                             Il faut aller à la pharmacie – you must go
                                                                                                             to the pharmacy
                                                                                                             Il faut boire de l’eau - you must drink
Il faut prendre du sirop – you must take
                                                                              Il faut prendre des pastilles – you must
                                                                              take throat sweets
                                                                              Il faut manger peu à peu – you must eat
                                                                              little by little
Story-telling   Jack and the Beanstalk                                        Jacques – Jack
                Meeting the characters and learning their names.              Les haricots magiques – magic beans
                     • Describing characters and clothes.                     Il est misérable - he is sad
                     • Reading the story/ putting the story into chunks.      Elle est en colère - she is angry
                     • Writing a script using Little Red Languages            Leur vache – their cow
                     • Creating puppets and puppet scenes for the perform     Ils vendaient le lait – they sold the milk
                     • Assigning roles and learning scripts.                  Pour la vendre au marché - to sell her at
                     • Practise of French Script, reading out loud and        the market
                         performing.                                          Le vieil homme – the old man
                     • Performance to another class.                          J'achète ta vache – I'll buy your cow
                     • Reflection activity – writing about our experiences.   Je te donne cinq haricots magiques – I
                                                                              will give you 5 magic beans.

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