Hygiene protocol for filmArche e.V. starting September 2021

Page created by Ivan Gallagher
Hygiene protocol for filmArche e.V. starting September
1. General guidelines for the stay at filmArche e.V.
2. Current situation for classes at filmArche e.V.
3. Room booking/equipment rental
4. Infection control during lessons and breaks/routing
5. Contact tracing
6. Hygiene rules/disinfection
7. Infection control in inter-class and public teaching events

1. General guidelines for the stay at filmArche e.V.
a) The minimum distance of 1.5 meters should be maintained whenever
possible during meetings at filmArche e.V.. Upon entering please use the disinfectant
provided or wash your hands. If the minimum distance is not kept, protection against
droplet infections and aerosols must be ensured, for example by wearing medical masks or
masks of type FFP2/KN95, or all visitors present must be tested negative, vaccinated or
recovered (hereinafter: 3G rule).

b) The maximum number of persons in the respective rooms (see chapter 3) must not be
exceeded, if the 3G rule can’t be maintained.

c) The rooms must be thoroughly ventilated every hour. We recommend that on class days
one of the people present is selected for regular airing/ventilation.

d) If the minimum distance of 1.5 meters can‘t be maintained, a medical mask or a mask of
the type FFP2/KN95 must be worn. The only exception is when one person is sitting alone in
a ventilated room, such as an editing room.

e) Groups booking rooms are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting these rooms (see
chapter 6). In addition, the cleaning schedule for classes prepared by the office (as it was
prior to the pandemic) will be in effect again beginning in October 2021.

f) Attendance lists are to be left in the mailbox for the office upon leaving.

2. Current situation for classes at filmArche e.V.
Since 18.06.2021 classes are allowed to take place at filmArche again, organized by a general
room allocation plan. Ideally, all classes have signed this hygiene concept at the first class
after 18.06.2021 and handed it in at the office. In this way, we wanted to ensure that
everyone had read and accepted this hygiene concept. This was to achieve a better
implementation and commitment. After the summer break of the filmArche, i.e. from
September 2021, this hygiene concept will also be extended to inter-class and public
teaching events (see chapter 7).

The management responsibility for the implementation of the hygiene protocol according
to the Berlin step-by-step plan for university operation under pandemic conditions lies with
the filmArche office since 04.06.2021. If there is a COVID19-infection among persons who
were at filmArche, this must be reported to the office (info@filmarche.de) immediately!

Evidence of a negative test result (rapid antigen test) must be provided by students for
participation in courses at filmArche and documented in the class attendance register. Good
testing locations in Neukölln are: Lahnstr. 84 or Saalestr. 30. This testing requirement is only
waived, if proof of a complete vaccination, dating back at least 14 days, or of recovery after
an infection with COVID19, dating back no longer than 6 months, can be provided.

The above does not apply if typical symptoms of COVID19 are exhibited!

3. Room booking/equipment rental
All room booking requests must be sent by email to the office (info@filmarche.de). From
now on the new hygiene regulations also apply to bookings made previously. From
September on, a maximum of three classes, unless one class is particularly small in which
case four classes are permitted, may be in the filmArche at the same time per day. On the
day the class is held, a list of participants is to be kept, meaning names of persons attending
etc. are to be given (see chapter 5).

If the 3G rule can’t be observed, the following maximum number of people will apply to the
Foyer: 17 people
S1: 13 people
S2: 11 people
S3: 9 people
Editing rooms: 1 Person each

Equipment can still be borrowed as before, but please follow the instructions of the
equipment staff.

4. Infection control during lessons and breaks/routing
a) Protection against infection in class
The lessons take place within the framework of the defined classes in order to limit close
contacts to a manageable group of people. The classes present at filmArche start their
lessons at different times, i.e. one class starts at 10 am and the second class at 10:30 am.
This is to be agreed upon by the classes themselves.

If it is not possible to maintain the minimum distance, at least a medical mask, better yet a
mask of type FFP2/KN95 is to be worn. Attention shall be paid to sufficient ventilation by
designating one person in the class to be responsible only for ventilating the room.

b) Protection against infection during breaks
The classes present go to their breaks at different times in order to ensure that a limited
number of people visit the sanitary rooms and the corridors at the same time. General
lingering in the corridors is to be avoided. The kitchen may only be entered by a few people
preparing drinks or food. The surfaces must be disinfected afterwards. Common meals may
also take place inside the filmArche again with sufficient ventilation.

c) Routing
The corridors of filmArche are used to reach the seminar rooms and to visit the sanitary
facilities. Unnecessary lingering in the corridors is prohibited. Clear signage throughout the
premises points out the corridor etiquette and the specifications for room use. In the
common areas of the filmArche (hallway, kitchen, bathroom, technical lending, foyer), even
if there are no classes, generally at least a medical mask, better still a mask of the type
FFP2/KN95 must be worn.

5. Contact tracing
Classes that have an attendance appointment at filmArche please keep an in-class or
external list with the names of those present, date of attendance, report of a negative
antigen rapid test valid for the day of the class or information on vaccination
status/recovery after contracting COVID19 and finally a means of contact (telephone
number or full address). Pre-printed tables for keeping such a list are available in the
entrance area.

For all individuals who use, for example, the editing rooms, the following still applies: Please
write your name, date and time of attendance, report of a negative antigen rapid test valid
for the day of the class or information on vaccination status/recovery after contracting
COVID19 and finally contact details on the slips of paper at the entrance to the filmArche
and drop them in the collection box. This way we can be sure that contact tracking is

6. Hygiene rules/disinfection
a) Personal hygiene
The novel coronavirus is transmissible from person to person. The main route of
transmission is droplet infection (for example when speaking, coughing and sneezing). This
mainly occurs directly via the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. In addition,
indirect transmission is also possible via hands, which are then brought into contact with the
mucous membranes of the mouth or nose or the conjunctiva of the eyes. Transmission via
contaminated surfaces (smear infection) is considered unlikely according to current expert
knowledge, but cannot be completely ruled out. The most important measures in this regard
are still:
• Keep a distance (at least 1.5 m)
• Stay at home if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness or a cold.

•   Observation of the health of students as well as paid staff in order to notice symptoms of
    illness in time
•   No touching, hugging or handshaking

b) Basic hygiene including hand hygiene
• The most important hygiene measure is regular and thorough hand washing with soap (see
  also www.infektionsschutz.de/haendewaschen/), especially after blowing the nose,
  coughing or sneezing; after using public transport; after contact with stair rails, door
  handles, grab bars, etc., before and after eating; before putting on and after taking off a
  protective mask, after going to the bathroom;
• Hand disinfection: Proper disinfection of hands is particularly useful when thorough hand
  washing is not possible. For this purpose, a sufficient amount of disinfectant must be
  applied to dry hands and massaged into the hands for about 30 seconds until they are
  completely dry (see also www.aktion-sauberehaende.de).
• Do not touch your face with your hands, especially the mucous membranes, i.e. do not
touch your mouth, eyes and nose.
• If possible, do not touch publicly accessible objects such as door handles or lift buttons
with your full hand or fingers; use your elbow if possible.
• Coughing and sneezing etiquette: Coughing and sneezing into the crook of your arm is
among the most important preventive measures! When coughing or sneezing, keep the
greatest possible distance, preferably turn away.
• Anyone wearing a mouth-nose protection should still keep the recommended safety
distance of at least 1.5 m from other people.

c) Room hygiene: seminar rooms, foyer, editing rooms, kitchen, corridor and office
To avoid transmission through droplet infection, a distance of at least 1.5 m must be
maintained while operating at filmArche. This means that the tables in the classrooms are
placed correspondingly far apart to ensure the minimum distance. If the minimum distance
is not reached, protection against droplet infections and aerosols must be ensured, for
example by wearing medical masks or masks of type FFP2/KN95, or all visitors present must
be tested negative, vaccinated or recovered.

Regular and correct ventilation is particularly important, as this replaces the indoor air. Each
class selects one person who carries out regular and correct ventilation. Several times a day,
at least during every break, the windows must be fully opened and ventilated for several
minutes. Tilt ventilation is largely ineffective as it hardly exchanges any air.
Persons who have booked a room or editing room are responsible for disinfecting the
premises used before leaving.
This includes:
    • Door handles and grips (e.g. on drawers and window handles) as well as the likely-to-
        touch perimeter of the doors,
    • Stair- and handrails,
    • Lightswitches,

• Tables and surfaces,
   • Computer mice, keyboards, telephones.

Groups booking rooms are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting these rooms. In
addition (see chapter 6). Before leaving, the rooms must be cleaned and disinfected. In
addition, the cleaning schedule for classes prepared by the office and that can be viewed on
the wiki (as it was prior to the pandemic) will be in effect again.

d) Hygiene in the sanitary area
Sufficient liquid soap dispensers, disposable towels and toilet paper are provided and
regularly replenished in all sanitary rooms. There is sufficient hand disinfectant in the
seminar rooms, the foyer, the kitchen and the office. To prevent too many students from
using the toilets at the same time, the use of each restroom is limited to one person. At the
entrance to the toilets there is a clearly visible notice stating that only one person is allowed
in the restrooms at a time. Toilet seats, fittings, washbasins and floors are to be cleaned
daily by the filmArche members present. In case of contamination with feces, blood or
vomit, a prophylactic scrub-wipe disinfection is required after removing the contamination
with a disposable cloth soaked in disinfectant. Rubber gloves must be worn during this

7. Infection control in inter-class and public teaching events
Inter-class or public teaching events such as basic courses, film screenings, Abnahmen,
workshops, or Wednesday events will be permitted beginning in September 2021, subject to
compliance with the rules outlined below. Compliance with the rules must be ensured by the
organizers of the event.

a) Infection control at inter-class and public indoor teaching events.

Size of the event: The maximum number of persons at inter-class and public events in the
premises of filmArche depends on the respective spatial conditions and enabling compliance
with the distance requirement. Accordingly, the usual spatial restrictions apply (see chapter
3). The organizers of the event must ensure compliance with these restrictions in advance by
means of a registration procedure.

Rapid tests: There is no obligation to present a negative rapid antigen test or proof of
complete vaccination or recovery for events of this size, but it is strongly recommended
that all participants be tested on a daily basis and are vaccinated or recovered. Event
organizers are encouraged to point this out in the event announcement.

Admission: Persons who have had contact with a person suffering from COVID19 in the last
14 days or who themselves suffer from an upper respiratory tract infection are not
permitted to attend. The same applies to persons with symptoms of a respiratory tract
infection of any severity. This cannot be circumvented by a negative test result, proof of
full vaccination or recovery. This must also be pointed out in the event announcement and
at the entrance.

Mask obligation: The wearing of a medical mask or a mask of the type FFP2/KN95 is
obligatory, for the protection against droplet infections and aerosols the mask must also be
worn at the seat. The organizers will inform about the obligation to wear a mask at the seat.
Visitors at increased risk of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection who are unable to wear a medical
mask put themselves and others at increased risk of infection, especially if they are not fully
vaccinated. Event organizers should advise them not to attend.

Minimum distance: A minimum distance of 1.5 m applies to all participants during the entire
event. The obligation to maintain the minimum distance does not apply to spouses or
partners, members of one's own household, persons for whom custody exist, or other
persons listed in § 1 Para. 2 Sentence 2 of the Ordinance.

Contact tracing: For contact tracing, organizers must register visitor data in lists. These lists
must contain the following information: First and last name, full address and e-mail address
(if available), telephone number and time of attendance. They will be deposited in the
designated collection box or dropped into the office mailbox.

Routing and spatial planning: The event organizers ensure that the minimum distance of 1.5
m is maintained when entering and leaving the filmArche. The hallway area of the filmArche
is open for accessing the foyer, the seminar rooms and for visiting the sanitary facilities.
Unnecessary stays in the hallway are prohibited – visitors will be informed of this by clear
signage. The assignment of a fixed place can be waived, but the minimum distance must still
be observed. The seating and arrangement of the tables must be prepared accordingly by
the organizers of the event. In addition, it is checked in advance that liquid soap dispensers,
disposable towels and toilet paper are provided in all sanitary rooms and that sufficient hand
disinfectant is available at the entrance and in the event room. Use of the sanitary facilities is
limited to few persons per sanitary room. This will be indicated by a clearly visible notice at
the entrance.

Event duration: Public events should not last longer than 90 minutes, including possible
breaks. Only workshops with fixed participants may have a longer duration.

The same provisions as in item 6 apply to the ventilation and cleaning of the rooms.

Catering: If food and beverages are to be served during the event, the regulations for
restaurants from Section 18 of the Ordinance apply.

b) Infection control at inter-class and outdoor public events.

For teaching events organized by members of filmArche outdoors, the following basic rules
apply, which must be supplemented by individual hygiene concepts for the respective event.
The following applies in particular:

Outdoor events may have a total of up to 250 people under certain conditions.

The direction of movement when entering and leaving the venue must be
regulated in accordance with the distance and the walkways should be
planned in one direction each, if possible. Entrance and exit possibilities are to be regulated
and preferably different entrances and exits are to be opened.

Tickets are to be sold primarily cashless and in advance online.

For contact tracing, the organizers must register data of the visitors.

Protective measures in entrance and checkout areas are to be set up analogously to those in
the retail trade (cf. https://www.berlin.de/corona/massnahmen/einzelhandel/).
If food and beverages are to be served during the event, the regulations for restaurants
from Section 18 of the Ordinance apply.

Compliance with the rules must be ensured by trained personnel on site.

It is also strongly recommended to test all participants on a daily basis. For events with
more than 20 and less than 250 people present at the same time, the assignement of a fixed
place can be waived if all those present have tested negative. For events with up to 20
people, the testing requirement is not a prerequisite for this.

Participants must maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 m in all areas and when entering and
leaving the venue (§ 1 Para. 2 VO). This minimum distance can be undercut (checkerboard, 1
meter) if the mask is also worn in place to protect against droplet infections and aerosols or
if all visitors present have tested negative in the sense of § 6 of the Ordinance, have been
vaccinated in accordance with § 8 of the Ordinance or have recovered. The obligation to
maintain the minimum distance does not apply to spouses or partners, members of their
own households, persons with custody, or other persons listed in § 1 Para. 2 sentence 2 of
the Ordinance.

At events without a fixed location, the maximum number of participants must be set so that
a minimum distance of at least 1 m can be maintained.

A medical mask is mandatory for all participants at events, unless they are at their own
permanently assigned place (§ 11 Para. 5 sentence 2 VO), as well as for dance events (§34 (5)
sentence 1).

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