Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...

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Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
2102_local covers standard.qxp 1/14/21 11:41 AM Page 19

                    THE JOYS OF                           QUICK BREADS                 THE URGENCY OF
             Pass-alOng Plants                            and MuFFins             BlaCk HistORy MOntH

          FOR Rusk COunty EC MEMBERs                                                         FEBRuaRy 2021

                                                                    Hump Day
                                                                         Camels, with their plodding
                                                                          gaits and affable charm,
                                                                          still ply the texas desert
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...

February 2021
                                                                                         04             Currents
                                                                                                        The latest buzz

                                                                                         06             TCp Talk
                                                                                                        Readers respond

                                                                                         18             Co-op news
                                                                                                        plus energy
                                                                                                        and safety
                                                                                                        tips from your

                                                                                         29             footnotes in
                                                                                                        Texas History
                                                                                                        A Name
                                                                                                        That Sticks
                                                                                                        By W.F. Strong

                                                                                         30             TCp kitchen
                                                                                                        Quick Breads
                                                                                                        and Muffins
                                                                                                        By Megan Myers

                                                                                         34             Hit the road
            08                                                                                          Monuments
                                                                                                        By Chet Garner

            Every Day   12 Putting                                                       37
            Is Hump Day    Down Roots
                                                                                                        focus on Texas
                                                                                                        Photo Contest:
            Camels add unique silhouettes     Pass-along plants spread joy,
            and affable charm to West texas
                                              friendship and legacies
                                              among gardeners.                           38             observations
                                                                                                        Time To Talk
            By Pam LeBlanc                    By Sheryl Smith-Rodgers                                   About That
            Photos by Scott Van Osdol         Illustrations by Chiara Vercesi                           By Michael Hurd

            On the COver
            Doug Baum and richard,
            one of his camels.
            A face that only a … no,
            that anybody could love.
            Photos by Scott Van Osdol

t e x AsC O OPPOWer .COm                                                        f e B r uA ry 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 3
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...

No Crapes of Wrath
J u s T a f r i e n d ly r e M i n d e r
                               to resist all temptation to commit
crape murder this month. Prune crape myrtles gently—or not at all.
   Our February 2020 story Crape Murder explains it all. Many gar-
deners drastically saw off the trees’ limbs, thinking it the proper
treatment for beautiful blooms later in the summer. Not so.          “In recognizing the
   “The prettiest ones I’ve seen have never been touched,” says
horticulturist Greg Grant. “And I mean never.”                        humanity of our
                                                                      fellow beings, we
                                                                      pay ourselves the
                                                                      highest tribute.”
                                                                      —T h u r g o o d M a r s h a l l

                                                                               end of the

                                                                                                                                      Cr APe myrtle : u kimArrO n | shu t ter stOCk .COm. Wi ne : sAs hAg Al A | Dr e Amst ime .CO m. miller: Be t tmAn | ge t t y imAges. iCe Cre Am: unPiCt | Dre Amstime .COm
                                                                               this month marks 175 years
                                                                               since the formal transfer of
                                                                               authority in texas from the
                                                                               republic to the state.
                                                                                 the u.s. Congress accepted
                                                                               the texas Constitution on
                                                                               December 29, 1845, which
                                                                               marked texas’ legal entry into
                                                                               the union. On february 19,
                                                                               1846, the last president of
                                                                               texas, Anson Jones, turned
                                                                               over the reins of government
                                                                               to gov. James Pinckney
                                                                                 “the final act in this great
                                                                               drama is now performed,”
                                                                               Jones declared. “the republic
                                                                               of texas is no more.”

living                    Last July, Austin became the 11th American city and fourth in Texas —
large                     joining Houston, San Antonio and Dallas—with a population exceeding
1 million. The last U.S. city to hit 1 million people was San Jose, California, in 2015.

4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER feBruAry 2021                                                                 t e x AsC O O P POW e r .C O m
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
February 18
                           Wine day
                           Texas has more than 500
                           wineries, according to the
                           national association of
                           american Wineries. only
                           four states have more.

finisH THis
Too olD To ...
     tell us how you would finish that
sentence. email your short responses
to or
comment on our facebook post. include
your co-op and town. here are some of
the responses to our December prompt:
i wish i could …
find a cure for COviD-19.
sherryiOn lAne
                                                        Carries On
miDsOuth eC
                                                        T H e n a M e o f d o r i s M i l l e r , a U.S. Navy mess attendant from
                                                        Willow Grove, near Waco, who became a hero during the Pearl
have just one more day with my dad,
Dixie Wheeler. i have so many                           Harbor attack in 1941, lives on in schools, roads and community
questions i’d like to ask him.                          centers around the country.
rODney Wheeler                                             In 11 years the USS Doris Miller will take to the seas as the first
BlueBOnnet eC
ly t t O n s P r i n g s                                supercarrier named for an African American and the first named
                                                        for an enlisted sailor.
fit into the pants i wore before                           Miller fired an anti-aircraft gun at attacking Japanese aircraft
quarantine.                                             and then pulled shipmates out of the burning water. He perished
CAryl ZimmermAn
CentrAl texAs eC                                        in 1943 aboard an escort carrier torpedoed in the Pacific Ocean.

figure out what my cats are thinking
when they stare at me.                                                                           Contests and More
l Aurie l. re AgAn
BAnDerA eC
leAkey                                                                                      on TexasCooppoWer.CoM
                                                                                            $500 reCipe ConTesT
give everyone a hug.                                                                        ice Creams and sorbets
mArgAre t fOntenOt
BlueBOnnet eC                                                                               foCus on Texas pHoTos
sOmerville                                                                                  manmade vs. nature
                                                                                            Web exTra
to see more responses, read                                                                 see writer sheryl smith-rodgers divide
                                                                                            lilies and prepare plants to pass along.
Currents online.

t e x AsC O OPPOWer .COm                                                                          f e B r uA ry 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 5
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
TCP Talk
                                                                                                                                               He gave us the stars

                                                                                                                                               “The generosity and vision
C Ol l Ag e sOurC e P hOtOs: C Ourtesy m C DOnA l D O B servAtOry

                                                                                                                                                of William McDonald and
                                                                                                                                                Violet Locke McIvor is a
                                                                                                                                                great story. Wouldn’t we all
                                                                                                                                                welcome an opportunity to
                                                                                                                                                go ‘mountain shopping’?”
                                                                                                                                               gerald benneTT

                                                         alabama’s role                                                                        The pinnacle                                        Classic Cover
                                                         While primary control of the Interna-                                                 My husband and I took a                             Huge kudos to photographer
                                                         tional Space Station is in Houston,                        yep! And brought over      week to explore the beaches                         Kristin Tyler for the photo
                                                         Marshall Space Flight Center in Hunts-                     some delicious food        and fishing villages of South                        of the farrier on the October
                                                                                                                    [Burgs in a New Land,
                                                         ville, Alabama, also plays a vital role                    December 2020].
                                                                                                                                               Texas one year. We had heard                        2020 cover. It is a classic,
                                                         in its operation [Out of This World,                                                  about the Matagorda Island                          reminiscent of the Dorothea
                                                                                                                    k Ay l A W A l k e r
                                                         November 2020].                                            v i A fA C e B O O k
                                                                                                                                               ferry and rented bicycles for                       Lange Depression photo-
                                                            Flight controllers in Huntsville                                                   the day [Matagorda Island                           graphs.
                                                         schedule the astronauts’ daily activities                                             Lighthouse, October 2020].
                                                         and provide technical assistance as                                                      There were several others                        merry langlinais
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bandera eC
                                                         the astronauts do experiments and                                                     on the ferry, but we had all
                                                         perform maintenance or handle                                                         day exploring the island—
                                                         emergencies related to the equipment                                                  hardly seeing a soul until
                                                         inside the space station.                                                             returning to the dock. The
                                                                                                                                               view of the lighthouse was
                                                         linda Brower
                                                                                                                                               the pinnacle of that day.
                                                         tri-County eC
                                                         keller                                                                                   Thank you for bringing
                                                                                                                                               that long-lost memory
                                                                                                                                               to life.                                                   WriTe To u s
                                                                                                                                               Joy Connery
                                                                                                                                               Wood County eC
                                                                                                                                                                                                   editor, texas Co-op Power
                                                                                                                                                                                                   1122 Colorado st., 24th floor
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Austin, tx 78701

                                                                                                                                                                                                   please include your electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                   co-op and town. letters may
                                                                                                                                                                                                   be edited for clarity and length.
                                                                          nAsA .gOv

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      texas Co-op Power

                                                         Texas eleCTriC CooperaTives board of direCTors                                        texas co-op power volume 77, number 8 (usPs 540-560). Texas Co-op Power is published
                                                         Chair robert loth iii, fredericksburg • vice Chair gary raybon, el Campo              monthly by texas electric Cooperatives (teC). Periodical postage paid at Austin, tx, and at additional
                                                         secretary-Treasurer kelly lankford, san Angelo • board Members greg henley, tahoka    offices. teC is the statewide association representing 75 electric cooperatives. Texas Co-op Power’s
                                                                                                                                               website is Call (512) 454-0311 or email
                                                         Billy Jones, Corsicana • David mcginnis, van Alstyne • Doug turk, livingston
                                                                                                                                               subsCripTions subscription price is $4.20 per year for individual members of subscribing coop-
                                                         presidenT/Ceo mike Williams, Austin                                                   eratives and is paid from equity accruing to the member. if you are not a member of a subscribing
                                                         CoMMuniCaTions & MeMber serviCes CoMMiTTee                                            cooperative, you can purchase an annual subscription at the nonmember rate of $7.50. individual
                                                         marty haught, Burleson • Bill hetherington, Bandera • ron hughes, sinton              copies and back issues are available for $3 each.
                                                         Boyd mcCamish, littlefield • John ed shinpaugh, Bonham • robert Walker, gilmer        posTMasTer send address changes to Texas Co-op Power (usPs 540-560), 1122 Colorado st.,
                                                         Buff Whitten, eldorado • Brandon young, mcgregor                                      24th floor, Austin, tx 78701. Please enclose label from this copy of Texas Co-op Power showing
                                                                                                                                               old address and key numbers.
                                                         Magazine sTaff
                                                                                                                                               adverTising Advertisers interested in buying display ad space in Texas Co-op Power and/or in
                                                         vice president, Communications & Member services martin Bevins                        our 30 sister publications in other states, contact elaine sproull at (512) 486-6251. Advertisements
                                                         editor Charles J. lohrmann • associate editor tom Widlowski                           in Texas Co-op Power are paid solicitations. the publisher neither endorses nor guarantees in any
                                                         production Manager karen nejtek • Creative Manager Andy Doughty                       manner any product or company included in this publication. Product satisfaction and delivery re-
                                                         advertising Manager elaine sproull • senior Communications specialist Chris Burrows   sponsibility lie solely with the advertiser. © Copyright 2021 texas electric Cooperatives inc. repro-
                                                         print production specialist grace fultz • Communications specialist travis hill       duction of this issue or any portion of it is expressly prohibited without written permission. Willie
                                                         food editor megan myers • Communications specialist Jessica ridge                     Wiredhand © Copyright 2021 national rural electric Cooperative Association.
                                                         digital Content producer Chris salazar • senior designer Jane sharpe
                                                         proofreader shannon Oelrich

                                                         6 T E X AS CO-OP POWER feBruAry 2021                                                                                                                    t e x AsC O O P POW e r .C O m
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
We are excited to announce the release of the 2021 Texas Silver
                                                                                   Round – Revolution Series. This is the second release of a four-year
                                                                                   series commemorating the battles of the Texas Revolution. Each Texas
                                     The                                           Silver Round is one troy ounce .9999 ne silver.

                                                                                   The obverse of the high-quality mint strike features Texas’ iconic lone
                                                                                   star in the foreground. The smooth engraving of the star is framed
                                                                                   by a textured topographical outline of the state of Texas. “TEXAS”
                                                                                   arches proudly over the top of the round’s obverse in large capital
                                                                                   letters, with “Precious Metals” presented inversely along the
                                                                                   opposite side. The round’s
                                                                                   mintage year is engraved in
                                 SERIES                                            the bottom left of the round,
                                                                                   just southwest of what
                                                                                   would be the Rio Grande
                                                                                   bordering Texas and Mexico.

                                                                                   The reverse of the 2021 release
                                                                                   displays a scene from the famous
                                                                                   Battle of the Alamo. It depicts
                                                                                   two Texian soldiers including the
                                                                                   American icon, Davy Crockett,
                                                                                   attempting to fend off Mexican
                                                                                   soldiers attempting to breach the
                                                                                   walls of the Alamo.

B AT T L E O F G O N Z A L E S                                                      B AT T L E O F T H E A L A M O
 rst in the series                                                                  second in the series

The stunning 2020 Texas Silver Round depicts a scene from the Battle                The events of this famous battle took place on the days of February
of Gonzales, with three Texian revolutionaries defending the famous                 23rd - March 6th, 1836. At the end of a 13-day siege, President General
Gonzales cannon, while brandishing the Come And Take It Flag.                       Antonio López de Santa Anna and his Mexican troops reclaimed the
                                                                                    Alamo Mission, killing the Texian and immigrant occupiers.

The Texas Silver Round can be purchased in a monster box produced
exclusively for the Texas Mint. Packaged in 20 protective tubes of 25 rounds
each, the monster box holds 500 1-ounce Texas Silver Rounds. Built from
durable cold-rolled steel and nished with a matte black powder coat, the
monster box lid features an orange cutout of the state of Texas. Each sealed
monster box is secured with a unique serial number and a holographic seal
to ensure maximum product protection.

The Texas Silver Round is also available to purchase in a similarly designed
and secured mini-monster box, which contains 10 protective tubes of 25
rounds each for a total of 250 silver rounds.

             FREE SHIPPING                                   G O L D / S I LV E R / P L AT I N U M                       NO ORDER MINIMUMS

                                                              T E X M E TA L S .C O M                                             We a c c e pt:

For pre c ious m e ta l s tora g e s olutions vis it Tex a s De pos itory.c om         959 STAT E HWY 95N • SHI NE R , TX 77984 • 361.594 .3 6 2 4
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
b y Pa M l e b l a n c
P h o T o s b y s c o T T va n o s d o l

d                   oug Baum strides through the prickly
                    Chihuahuan Desert of West Texas, a straw
                    cowboy hat shading his face from the
                    sun and a string of five camels sauntering
                    behind him.
   I’m perched high atop one of those camels, listening in-
tently as Baum, owner of Texas Camel Corps, points out a
canyon wren’s nest, stops to inspect a rust-colored millipede
marching across our path and then explains the role camels
played in the Lone Star State’s history.
   “Texas is perfect for camels,” says Baum, born in the West
Texas town of Big Spring. “That point was not lost on the
Army when they decided to use camels out here in the 1850s.”
   That’s when the U.S. military imported 75 camels from
Egypt, Turkey and Tunisia for use as pack animals. For
nearly a decade, the heat-resistant creatures carried water
and hauled supplies for the U.S. cavalry at Camp Verde,
south of Kerrville.

   When the program ended in 1866, the army sold the ani-
mals. Some wound up in California; others hauled freight
between Texas and Mexico; a few ended up in traveling
shows; and some made their way to Austin, where they were
kept along Congress Avenue near the river and then sold

                                                                   day is
off a few at a time.
   Today Baum, who lives with his menagerie on a farm
near Valley Mills, where he is a member of Heart of Texas
Electric Cooperative, keeps the camels’ history alive by in-

troducing his cartoonish but affectionate creatures at
events around the state. I’ve joined him at Cibolo Creek
Ranch, south of Marfa, for an overnight camel-riding trek to
learn more about the role they once played in the Big Bend.
   I feel like I’m riding a rocking chair strapped to a steplad-

der that’s being dragged down a gravel road. It’s both rough
and rolling, with the bonus that my camel, Cinco, swings
his neck around to give me a big goofy smile now and then.

ABOve texas Camel Corps owner
Doug Baum throws a saddle on
richard at his farm near valley mills.
right richard greets the sunrise.
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
Hump Day Camels, with their plodding gaits and affable charm, still ply the texas desert - Rusk County Electric ...
H              e leads treks each spring and fall at Cibolo Creek
                        and delivers members of his eight-camel herd to
                        museums, parks, schools and libraries. He also
               leads treks in Egypt, where he has a second home, and if
               you need a camel for a church Nativity, he’s the guy to call.

            aum first fell in love with camels while working           “They teach me what I should be—patient, observant,
            as a professional musician in Nashville in the         methodical,” Baum says of his camels. “These are things
            1990s, when he played drums for country music          I recognize I lack in myself.”
            star Trace Adkins. He took a day job working at           He leads treks each spring and fall at Cibolo Creek and
            the Nashville Zoo.                                     delivers members of his eight-camel herd to museums,
   “I had zero experience with camels,” he says. “Within a         parks, schools and libraries. He also leads treks in Egypt,
week I was absolutely smitten. They’re sweet, affectionate,         where he has a second home, and if you need a camel for
playful and so, so gentle.”                                        a church Nativity, he’s the guy to call.
   They’ve also got leathery, pie-sized feet; spindly, stiltlike      Part of Baum’s mission is to dispel myths about camels.
legs; nostrils that squeeze shut to keep out blowing sand;         They’re not, he says, ornery, smelly beasts that spit at people.
and peach-sized eyes fringed in lush, 3-inch lashes.               Their humps aren’t filled with water, either, though a camel
   Baum stuck with music for a while, but eventually “the          can go 10 days or more without a drink. Camel humps—one
camel thing just won,” he says. “It was an obvious choice          for dromedaries, two for Bactrians—are filled with fat. (If
to me.”                                                            you’re riding a single-humper, you’ll sit on a padded seat
   He moved back to Texas and in 1998 bought four camels,          behind the hump. For a two-humper, you ride between the
with the idea of using them for educational programs. Two          bumps.) Camels can be downright cuddly, and they don’t
of those camels—Richard and Cinco—are with us on this              spit—although llamas, which are closely related, do.
cool September afternoon, slowing periodically to munch               I learn, when Cinco exhales on me, that the stinky part
on creosote bushes.                                                of the stereotype rings true. Camels’ awful breath is both

1 0 T E X AS CO-OP POWER feBruAry 2021                                                                         t e x AsC O O P POW e r .C O m
sweet and pungent, like grass clippings mixed with syrup—       ABOve   Doug Baum, walking behind the
                      in part because they chew their cud. They are ruminants         first camel, leads a trek through the
                                                                                      desert at Cibolo Creek ranch, south of
                      and employ three stomachs to process their food. Stand
                                                                                      marfa. OPPPOsite Author Pam leBlanc
                      next to one for a few minutes, and you’ll hear that digestive   perched atop richard.
                      system in action, gurgling and glugging like a clogged
                      drain. Also, they fart—loudly and potently.
                         Two other guests on the trek, Sue and Randy Howerter,           “Sometimes you get an attachment to animals,” Sue
                      Guadalupe Valley EC members, are equally taken by the           Howerter says. “It’s the same with camels. They have so
                      animals. Randy, who makes musical instruments, met              much personality and character.”
                      Baum at a festival in New Braunfels. Sue, a blacksmith, was        Before our two-day trip ends, we’ve lumbered a dozen
                      intrigued, too, and the Seguin couple visited Baum’s farm,      miles across a stark landscape that looks like the backdrop
                      where he lives with his family, the camels, five miniature       of a John Wayne movie, soaked in a spring-fed creek, eaten
                      donkeys, a pair of dogs, a flock of chickens, assorted sheep     a traditional Moroccan meal, sung around the campfire,
                      and goats, one horse, and “too many” kittens.                   watched shooting stars streak across the sky and listened to
                         After that the Howerters needed no convincing. They          coyotes yip as we snuggled in our tents.
trek : PAm leBl AnC

                      headed to Cibolo Creek Ranch, where we all loaded sleep-           But it’s the camels that get top billing. And that’s just
                      ing bags and pajamas into large canvas saddlebags; climbed      how Baum likes it. D
                      aboard our kneeling, straw-colored steeds; and hung on as
                      the animals rose to full height.

                      t e x AsC O OPPOWer .COm                                                                    f e B r uA ry 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 1 1
b y s h e r y l s M i T h - r o d g e r s • i l l u s T r aT i o n s b y c h i a r a v e r c e s i

Putting Down Roots

P          aige Eaton faced a bare yard when she and her
           family moved into their rural home in Wood
           County in 2006. After hand-prepping her first
garden bed, she planted several varieties of daylilies dug up
from her sister-in-law’s yard down the road. Today those
daylilies and many other pass-along plants are the founda-
tion of Eaton’s diversified gardens that support pollinators
and other wildlife. Now she passes along plants from her
yard, too.
   “I love to give daylilies to friends and co-workers,” says
Eaton, an employee and member of Wood County Electric
Cooperative. “I’ve even mailed them to Mississippi and
Georgia. I feel good about sharing daylilies because they’re
hardy and can make anyone a successful gardener.”
   Sharing plants also saves lives—of the green kind, that
is. In a yard or garden, plants multiply, often where they’re
not wanted. Instead of tossing extras, most gardeners prefer
to give away what they’ve thinned out. Are those pass-along
plants? Maybe. Maybe not. Definitions vary, depending on
the gardener you ask. Traditionally, the term refers to plants
that are easy to grow, propagate and pass on as seeds, trans-
plants, divisions, bulbs or cuttings. They’re often fragrant and
rarely sold in commercial nurseries. They may also bring
back fond memories of the giver or places tied to the past.
   “Without pass-along plants, most of us would have lost                             “is not by any means my creation. I have heard it most of my
touch with our childhoods,” says Neil Sperry, a Texas                                 life, possibly at my grandmother’s knee.”
gardening expert and Grayson-Collin EC member. “There’s                                  Another custom among some Southern gardeners also
something special about being given a cutting, division or                            goes back for generations. “When you receive a pass-along,
seed from your grandmother’s favorite plant and then                                  you’re not supposed to say thank you or it won’t grow,” says
sharing it with a young person who’s important to you.                                Marcia Coffman, president of the Mountain Laurel Garden
Some of my favorite pass-alongs are tulips, oxblood lilies,                           Club in Bracketville and a Rio Grande EC member. “I’ve
autumn daffodils, resurrection lilies and hardy amaryllis.”                            actually found the custom to be true. Instead, you should
                                                                                      tell the giver, ‘Oh, this makes me so happy.’ ”

A          ccording to many sources, the phrase “pass-along
           plants” was coined by the late Allen Lacy, a
           gardening columnist and author. However, Lacy,
who grew up around Dallas, declined the credit when he
wrote in a foreword to Passalong Plants that the expression
                                                                                         If one pass-along can bring happiness, imagine being
                                                                                      surrounded by them. Tables covered with pass-alongs can
                                                                                      be found at plant sales and swaps, such as seasonal fund-
                                                                                      raisers jointly hosted by the Denton County Master Gardener
                                                                                      Association and the Native Plant Society of Texas in Denton.

1 2 T E X AS CO-OP POWER feBruAry 2021                                                                                      t e x AsC O O P POW e r .C O m
“We pot up extra plants from our gardens, like white avens,   arrived here, they’d set it under their motor home’s awning.
mealy blue sage and fall asters, and label them,” says Liz    Then they’d take it back home and keep it in their garage
Moyer, a member of both organizations. “When I go to plant    over winter.”
sales, I always look for pass-alongs because I know they’ll      Roses also rank among beloved pass-along plants. Becky
do well in our climate and soils.”                            Smith of Hungerford and fellow members of the Texas Rose
   In the Rio Grande Valley, members of the Driftwood         Rustlers preserve and share old garden roses that were
Garden Club in Port Isabel give away small potted plants in   planted by Anglo settlers at their homesteads and cemeter-
exchange for donations at a monthly market. Their pass-       ies. “We host a cutting exchange three times a year,” says
alongs usually include palms, plumerias and succulents.       Smith, the group’s chairperson. “Our mission is to encour-
   “We have a lot of winter Texans who like to take home      age others to grow these old roses, which have been time-
something unique from Texas that they can show their          tested to survive and require no spraying or fertilizers.”
friends,” says Mary Gorbell, club president and an NEC           Unlike old garden roses, not all plants make suitable
Co-op Energy member. “One Iowa couple had a Washing-          pass-alongs. “Years ago someone gave me a Chinese tallow,”
tonia palm they got from us. Every summer after they          recalls Greg Grant, a Smith County extension agent with

t e x AsC O OPPOWer .COm                                                            f e B r uA ry 2 0 2 1 T E X AS C O - O P POW E R 1 3
“Later I divided the cacti into 15 pots and passed
 them along to my children and my sister’s
 children. It was all we had left of the land
 that our family had owned since 1889.”

 Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in Tyler. “It had lovely fall
 color, but then I learned how invasive it is. Fortunately, the
 tree later froze and died. So be careful when people pass
 along something to you. Check it out before you plant it.
 Mexican petunias can choke out other plants, but they
 don’t take over an ecosystem and spread ad nauseam like
 Chinese privets do.”
    Grant, a Deep East Texas EC member, also cautions
 against scooping up plants from public parks and private
 property. “If you don’t own the land, then you shouldn’t dig
                                                                  SHARING CACTUSES,
 up a plant unless you have the owner’s permission,” he says.
                                                                  SUCCULENTS AND NATIVES
 “In my hunts for plants, I’ve been known to knock on doors
 and offer cash.”                                                  y e a r s ag o , a friend gave my hus-
    When is the best time to plant pass-alongs? “Most are         band, James, and me a variegated
 forgiving about being dug up or divided,” Grant says. “So        agave with green and gold leaves.
 even if you do it at the wrong time of year, they don’t mind     i planted it in our adjoining vacant lot
 because pass-alongs are tough.”                                  that we call the meadow, and it pro-
                                                                  duced dozens of pups. Along the

 O           ccasional losses in her gardens motivate Lin
             Grado, a Wood County master gardener and
             Wood County EC member, to share some of her
 plants. “For instance, if something destroys my fall obedient
 plant, I know I can go to a friend that I gave some to and get
                                                                  way many other pass-alongs, includ-
                                                                  ing texas natives, have found homes
                                                                  in our gardens.
                                                                     Because they’re easy to grow and
                                                                  share, succulents, cactuses and most
 more,” she explains. “I know that’s a little selfish, but it’s    native plants make ideal pass-alongs.
 nice to know I’ve got backups.”                                  sedums, succulents also called
    Mention pass-alongs, and potted plants may come up.           stonecrops, flourish and spread in
 “I treasure my peperomia, a tropical houseplant that was         gardens. Just break off a stem and
 given to me by the late Ralph Pinkus,” Sperry says. “He’s one    stick it in a pot or in the ground. voilà!
 of my heroes and was the founder of North Haven Gardens          you’ve got a new plant. Aloe veras
 in Dallas. I’ve had that plant for 35 years.”                    also make good pass-alongs.
    Though small, a potted cactus matters greatly to Moyer,          through the years we’ve received
 a member of CoServ, an electric cooperative in Corinth.          a texas buckeye, lindheimer’s
 “Before my grandfather’s farm sold near East Sweden, I dug       crownbeard, heartleaf hibiscus, pink
 up some barrel cacti,” she recalls. “Later I divided the cacti   mint and bracted passionflower, to
 into 15 pots and passed them along to my children and my         name only a few pass-along natives.
 sister’s children. It was all we had left of the land that our   in turn we’ve gifted gregg’s mist-
 family had owned since 1889.                                     flower, fragrant mistflower, flame
    “Sometimes,” she adds, “a pass-along plant is the only        acanthus, turk’s cap and pearl milk-
 thing you have left of someone or something that you             weed vine. i’ve also shared seeds
 held dear.” D                                                    with friends.
                                                                     As for that agave and its many
                                                                  pups, those aggressive spreaders
     W e b e x T r a Our video
                                                                  are gone. lesson learned: Always
 shows writer sheryl smith-
 rodgers dividing lilies and                                      read up on your pass-along’s grow-
 preparing plants to pass along.                                  ing habits. — s s r

 1 4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER feBruAry 2021                                                                 t e x AsC O O P POW e r .C O m
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RuskCounty2102_ 1/12/21 5:30 PM Page 18

       Rusk County EC News

                             Youth tour Canceled                                                             t h ur sDAY

                             Due to COVID-19
                             I N 1 9 6 5 , e l e Ct r I C
                                                   cooperatives across Texas
                             joined forces to send a busload of youths to Wash-
       MES SAGE
       FROM                  ington, D.C. There the teens met with President
       CEO/                  Lyndon B. Johnson, explored the capital, and
       GENERAL               forged memories and friendships to last a lifetime.
       MANAGE R
                             For more than five decades, Texas’ electric co-ops
       rhett reID            carried on the legacy of that first Government-in-         LYSE N koAL E x AN DE R | IStoc k .c om

                             Action Youth Tour each summer.
                                Until the coronavirus pandemic hit. I’m saddened
                                                                                        sAVe t he DAt e
                             to announce that, for the second year in a row, Youth
                             Tour has been canceled.                                    rusk County
                                Along with the National Rural Electric Coopera-         electric Cooperative
                             tive Association and other statewide cooperative
                             associations, the Texas Electric Cooperatives Board
                                                                                        84th Annual Meeting
                             of Directors decided to cancel the state’s participa-
                                                                                        Thursday, April 15
                             tion in the 2021 Youth Tour.
                                This decision was made out of an abundance of
                             safety and caution for all those involved. After
                             carefully considering the resources required to

                                                                                     Apply Now for
                             properly ensure the health and well-being of more
                             than 200 Texas delegates and 20 chaperones, the
                             TEC board determined that the risk was not worth        RCEC Scholarships
                             the reward.
                                The cancellation comes as a big blow to all of us
                             here at Rusk County Electric Cooperative. Youth
                             Tour represents one of our most important invest-
                             ments in the future of the communities we serve.
                             The students who participate in Youth Tour travel

                                                                                                                                             D NY59 | ISto ck .co m
                             to Austin and Washington to learn about the
                             important role of electric cooperatives, meet their
                             congressional representatives, and gain a deeper
                             perspective on the history and mechanisms of our
                             democracy. Attendees often return with a renewed                                    cooperative
                                                                                     r u s k C O u N t Y e l e Ct r I C
                             commitment to their hometowns, and many have            maintains a scholarship fund to assist
                             gone on to become teachers, doctors, lawyers,           high school seniors who desire to further
                             politicians and even co-op employees in those           their educations. Scholarships are
                             communities.                                            awarded to students based on several
                                Of course, the biggest loss of the cancellation is   criteria: demonstrated civic activities,
                             felt by the young people who won’t get the chance       scholastic achievement, leadership abili-
                             to take the trip. Many have anticipated Youth Tour      ties, class standing and financial need.
                             for years, hearing friends and family who have par-
                                                                                     to be eligible, the student’s immediate
                             ticipated call it the trip of a lifetime.
                                                                                     family must be an active member of
                                Rest assured, as soon as conditions are deemed
                                                                                     RcEc, and the student’s permanent resi-
                             safe, Rusk County EC will jump on the chance to
                                                                                     dence must be in the RcEc service area
                             send students once again on this unforgettable trip.
                                                                                     with the membership in a parent’s or
                                In the meantime, thank you for understanding
                                                                                     guardian’s name.
                             this difficult situation. D
                                                                                     Applications must be postmarked by
                                                                                     march 5. D

       1 8 TEX AS C O-OP POWER F EbRuARY 2021                                               RU S K C O U NT Y E LE CTR I C COOP ER AT I VE
RuskCounty2102_ 1/12/21 5:31 PM Page 19

                                                                                                                       Rusk County
                                                                                                                       Electric Cooperative

                                                                                                                       coNtAct u s
                                                                                                                       P.o. box 1169
                                                                                                                       henderson 75653-1169
                                                                                                                       phone (903) 657-4571
    Amber Lo L L A r | The hender so n ne w s


                                                                                                                       ceo/General manager
                                                                                                                       Rhett L. Reid

                                                                                                                       board of Directors
                                                                                                                       Kenneth Keeling, President
                                                                                                                       Jay Innerarity, Vice President
                                                                                                                       Emily Whitworth, secretary
                                                                                                                       Jerry Brown, Assistant secretary-Treasurer
                                                                                                                       Sam Allison
                                                                                                                       Richard “Trey” Hacker
                                                                                                                       Nora Tipps

                                                                                                                                                   For information and
                                                                                                                       24/7                        to report outages,
                                                                                                                                                   please call us.
                                                                                                                       outage                      ( 903) 6 5 7 - 4 5 7 1


                                                                                                                       of f i ce locAt i oNs
                                                                                                                       (903) 657-4571
                                                                                                                       3162 sh 43 e.
                                                                                                                       Hours: monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
                                                                                                                       (903) 693-2198
                                                                                                                       325A w. sabine
                                      Rusk County EC Float Wins at                                                     Hours: monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. and
                                                                                                                       1:30–4:30 p.m.
                                      Henderson Christmas Parade                                                       lakeport
                                                                                                                       (903) 643-9181
                                                                                                                       8989 Fm 349
                                      A teAm of    Rusk County Electric Cooperative employees built a float that
                                                                                                                       Hours: monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. and
                                      lit up the streets of Henderson and won first place at the Christmas parade      1:30–4:30 p.m.
                                      December 3.
                                         The co-op was invited to attend a surprise parade for students at Wylie
                                                                                                                       bi l l pAy me Nt opt i oNs
                                      Primary and Wylie Elementary schools Thursday, December 17, with the             • online with smarthub or Pay now
                                      “East Texas Magical Christmas”-themed float. Even though it was during           • by automatic bank draft
                                      the day, the kids were excited and enjoyed the parade.                           • by mail to P.o. box 1169, henderson, TX 75653
                                         That evening the RCEC crew traveled with the float to Tatum to be a           • In person at any of our offices
                                                                                                                       • night deposit box at all office locations
                                      part of that town’s parade for the first time. It was a great experience, with
                                                                                                                       • by phone at 1-877-487-0013. Please have your
                                      families lining the streets to welcome the floats. D                               rCeC account number available.

                                                                                                                       V i s i t u s oNl i Ne

                                      rCe Le CT   •   (903) 657-4571
RuskCounty2102_ 1/12/21 5:31 PM Page 20

                                                                                                           He touched many lives throughout the
                                                                                                        years with his caring attitude for his
                                                                                                        friends, family and local communities.
                                                                                                        He was a somewhat quiet man but was
                                                                                                        not short of words when it came to dis-
                                                                                                        cussions about family, farming and Rusk
                                                                                                        County EC. He is remembered by all as a
                                                                                                        good man.
                                                                                                           Brown, with his wife of 44 years,
                                                                                                        Martha, was the proud father of three
                                                                                                        sons, who along with their families kept
                                                                                                        him busy attending events where they
                                                                                                        were involved.
                                                                                                           At a difficult time like this, it can be
                                                                                                        hard to put feelings into words, but we at
                                                                                                        RCEC would like to thank Mr. Brown for
                                                                                                        his leadership, friendship and caring
                                                                                                        nature, which affected so many people.
                                                                                                        Also, thank you to the Brown family for
                                                                                                        allowing him to be a part of the co-op
                                                                                                        family for so many years.

                                                                                                        Individual Tributes to Jerry Brown

                                                                                                        Trey Hacker, RCEC Director, District 2
                                                                                                        “Mr. Brown and I helped each other the
                                                                                                        old fashion way, the kind of help that
                                                                                                        money can’t buy: just plain kindness
                                                                                                        because it is the right thing to do. Mr.
                                                                                                        Brown and his kindness will be greatly
                                                                                                        missed. He was a great man that I am
                                                                                                        glad came across my path 18 years ago.”

                                                                                                        Nora Tipps, RCEC Director, District 4
                                                                                                        Nora Tipps and her husband, Billy “Don”
                                                                                                        Tipps, said they felt fortunate to have
                                                                                                        worked alongside Brown. Don Tipps
                                                                                                        worked with Brown at the highway
                                                                                                        department, and Nora Tipps served with
                                                                                                        him for many years on the RCEC board.

       RCEC Remembers Jerry M. Brown
                                                                                                        Both said it was a pleasure to work with
                                                                                                        such a fine man.

       June 10, 1949–December 17, 2020                                                                  Linda Forbus, RCEC Executive Assistant
                                                                                                        “Mr. Brown was a very kind gentleman. I
       I t I s w I t h g R E at s a d n E s s that Rusk County Electric Cooper-   feel blessed to have been able to spend the last 11 years working
       ative announces the death of longtime director Jerry Brown.                beside him. He will be very missed.”
       He died December 17, 2020.
           Brown was appointed in February 2002 to the District 1 seat            Rhett Reid, CEO and General Manager
       on the Rusk County EC Board of Directors. Over the years he                “It is with a saddened heart we say goodbye to a great director
       won reelection and served as assistant secretary-treasurer. He             of RCEC. Mr. Brown served almost 19 years and helped guide
       was dedicated to the employees and members of the coopera-                 the co-op through the many challenges it faced. With quiet
       tive and always had their best interests at heart as well as that          resolve and kindness, he looked out for the best interest of
       of the community.                                                          RCEC’s members and employees. He will be greatly missed.” D
           Brown was born June 10, 1949, and graduated from West
       Rusk High School in 1967. In addition to the RCEC board, he
       served on the boards of the West Rusk Consolidated Independ-
       ent School District and Rusk County Crime Stoppers.

       2 0 TEX AS C O-OP POWER F EBRUARY 2021                                                                RU S K C O U NT Y E LE CT R I C COOP ER AT I VE
RuskCounty2102_ 1/12/21 5:31 PM Page 21

     Rusk County EC
     Bylaws Excerpt


     It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to appoint a nominating com-
     mittee at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors in January. The
     nominating committee shall consist of not more than eleven members, at
     least one of whom shall be selected from each of the districts of the project
     so as to ensure equitable representation. No member of the Board of Direc-
     tors may serve on such committee.
        The committee shall prepare and post at the principal office of the Coop-
     erative by the first Friday of the month preceding the Annual Meeting a list
                                                                                     De BBiSmirn off | iStoc k .c om
     of nominations for Directors.
        Any fifty (50) or more members acting together, who are bona fide resi-
     dents of the district from which the director is to be elected, may make        Fresh Peach Loaf
     other nominations by petition by the second Friday of the month preced-
     ing the Annual Meeting and the Secretary shall cause to be posted such          CAKE
     nominations at the same place where the list of nominations made by the         2 cups flour
     committee is posted.                                                            1½ cups sugar
        The Secretary shall cause to be mailed with the notice of the meeting or     2 eggs
     separately, but at least ten days before the date of the meeting, a statement   1½ teaspoons baking soda
     of the number of Directors and nominees to be arranged by districts, and        1 teaspoon vanilla extract
     shall specify separately the nominations made by the committee on nomi-         1 teaspoon salt
     nations and also the nominations made by petition, if any.                      2 cups peaches, mashed
        The members may, at any meeting at which a Director or Directors shall       ⅓ cup peach juice, reserved from
     be removed as herein provided, elect a successor or successors thereto             mashed peaches
     without compliance with the foregoing provisions with respect to nomina-
     tions, except that the new Director must reside in the same district as the     TOPPING
     Director in respect of whom the vacancy occurs.                                 ¼ cup light brown sugar
        Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, failure to comply        ¼ cup chopped pecans
     with any of the provisions of this section shall not affect in any manner
     whatsoever the validity of any election of Directors.                           1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
                                                                                     Butter and flour a tube pan or a
                                                                                     9-by-13-inch baking pan.
                                                                                     2. C A K E combine all cake ingredi-
                                                                                     ents in a large mixing bowl and beat
                                                                                     thoroughly to combine. Pour the
                                                                                     batter into the prepared pan.
                                                                                     3. T O P P I N G in a small bowl, com-
           POWER TIP
                                                                                     bine the brown sugar and chopped
           Don’t block the supply and                                                pecans. Sprinkle the topping onto
           return air vents in your home                                             the cake.
           with furniture or by closing them
                                                                                     4. Bake about 40 minutes, until the
           off. Blocking the vents makes
                                                                                     cake is springy to the touch and a
           your heater work harder.
                                                                                     toothpick inserted in the middle
                                                                                     comes out clean.

                                                                                          find this and more delicious recipes
                                                                                     online at
           ru nna 1 0 | i Sto c k .c o m

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            A Spectacle, by George
            Washington’s Birthday Celebration in laredo has bridged cultures since 1898

            b y e l a i n e P e ñ a • i l l u s T r aT i o n b y Pa u l c o x

            e v e n T H o u g H i Wa s b o r n and raised in Laredo, I             I had learned about the history and culture of Na-
            did not know the background of what actually tran-                  tive Americans in school, but those lessons did not
            spired during the boisterous Washington’s Birthday                  match up with the spectacle presented in Washing-
            Celebration on the Juarez-Lincoln International                     ton’s Birthday. “Playing Indian” is not appropriate.
            Bridge each February. This birthday party, the largest              Rather than disparage those activities, I decided to
            of its kind in the U.S., drawing as many as 400,000                 use my research to understand the broader impact
            partygoers, had taken place annually since 1898—                    of the events.
            though it is canceled in 2021 for the first time.                       Now the festivities include more than two dozen
               During my early years, I would watch and work,                   events in February, but the bridge ceremony is still
            selling bottles of water or cans of soda from an ice                the highlight. It includes abrazos—hugs—between
            chest to make easy money. My family would go to                     celebrities and high-profile U.S. and Mexican politi-
            popular events like the carnival and the Jalapeño                   cians as well as actors portraying Washington and
            Festival. The smell of deep-fried corndogs made me                  Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, the priest known as the
            dizzy, and watching contestants eat jalapeños hand                  “father of Mexican independence.”
            over fist troubled me, but I still looked forward to                    These embraces are presented as evidence of how
            going. It gave us the same fun and novelty you find                  los dos Laredos, the two Laredos, have maintained
            with hometown fairs everywhere.                                     cross-border ties, even during times of crisis.
               When I began my academic career, I decided to                       In one important sense, the celebration is purely
            study the spectacle surrounding Washington’s Birth-                 promotional, confirming the significance of interna-
            day as a research project. I wanted to know more                    tional trade. As a researcher, I started asking basic
            about the true meaning of this celebration. I wanted                questions about the legitimacy of the celebration.
            to find an explanation for why residents in Laredo                   My research told me that it is less important to ques-
            and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, continued to celebrate                    tion the validity of the ideas behind the festivities.
            the birthday of George Washington, the first U.S.                    I wondered if the ritualistic mythologizing of history
            president, why that tradition persisted and why rep-                could lead to any conclusion other than evidence
            resentatives from both countries hold on to the ritual              that communities invent traditions.
            of meeting on the international bridge. Out of that                    Reading up on critical studies of nation and na-
            research came my book, ¡Viva George!: Celebrating                   tionalism helped me take a big step back and figure
            Washington’s Birthday at the U.S.-Mexico Border.                    out how to piece together the puzzle without expect-
               One of the most challenging aspects of my years                  ing this border tradition to conform to any familiar
            of research on both sides of the border was the                     national narrative.
            search for the deeper significance of the idiosyn-                      In the course of more than a decade of research
            cratic aspects of the celebration. I learned about the              for my book, I learned that Washington’s Birthday
            months of behind-the-scenes preparation and even                    Celebration has ensured positive media coverage
            participated in a horseback ride-along with Border                  for Laredo, solidified cross-border political and eco-
            Patrol agents to understand the origins of the event.               nomic connections between the U.S. and Mexico,
               Originally organized and promoted by members of                  and even provided free and clear border crossing
            a white fraternity who impersonated Native Ameri-                   privileges to festivalgoers.
            cans, the two-day festival included a reception in the                 Studying the meaning behind celebrations
            middle of the international bridge, a reenactment of                changes how we think about national history and
            the Boston Tea Party, a grand parade culminating                    national heroes and helps us consider which heroes
            with Pocahontas receiving a key to the city and a py-               are worthy of veneration. Border enactments such as
            rotechnic show advertised as “the greatest display                  Washington’s Birthday are more than goodwill ges-
            ever seen in the State of Texas.” This cross-border tra-            tures because they challenge the perception of the
            dition has changed over time, but the grand parade                  border as a place only of violence and illegality. D
            and the international bridge ceremony continue, and
            the event is still unapologetically ostentatious.

2 4 T E X AS CO-OP POWER feBruAry 2021                                                                                     t e x AsC O O P POW e r .C O m
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