Human Exposure Assessment and Relief From Neuropsychiatric Symptoms: Case Study of a Hairdresser - Journal of the American Board ...

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J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.17.2.136 on 13 April 2004. Downloaded from on 24 January 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Human Exposure Assessment and Relief From
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms: Case Study
of a Hairdresser
Stephen J. Genuis, MD, FRCSC, DABOG, and Shelagh K. Genuis, BScOT, MLIS

Human exposure assessment and the results of implementing ‘precautionary avoidance’ suggested a
relationship between a hairdresser’s neuropsychiatric symptoms and occupational exposure to poten-
tially hazardous chemicals. A variety of investigations in response to patient complaints of depression,
emotional instability and various physical symptoms revealed no objective abnormality; the CH2OPD2
mnemonic (community, home, hobbies, occupation, personal habits, diet and drugs) recommended by
the Ontario College of Family Physicians was used as a first-line screening tool to assess potential envi-
ronmental exposure to toxins. After occupational leave of absence, the patient reported cessation of
symptoms. Environmental causes for familiar medical problems are frequently undiagnosed; it is rec-
ommended that, where appropriate, a screening tool for evaluation of environmental exposure to toxics
be incorporated into primary care assessment and management of patients. (J Am Board Fam Pract
2004;17:136 – 41.)

The interplay between human health and the en-                 The objective of the following case report and
vironment is garnering increased attention in the          discussion is to demonstrate the significant value of
medical literature, at scientific gatherings, and in        human exposure assessment as a first-line screening
the popular press. Although it is recommended that         tool in the comprehensive assessment of patients
medical students attain basic skills in eliciting an       presenting with neurological, emotional, or psychi-
exposure history,1,2 environmental history-taking          atric symptoms. Although an extensive review of
or consideration of environmental causation for            environmental history-taking methods is not the
common medical problems occurs infrequently in             intent of this case report, it is interesting to note
everyday clinical practice.3,4 Because “primary care       that a Medline search for medical history-taking
practitioners often have a low index of suspicion          methods relevant to environmental exposure yields
that the source of the patient’s problem may be in         little discussion of tools that are of practical value
their environment or workplace exposure,” multi-           to primary care physicians. The CH2OPD2 mne-
ple referrals are commonly made, frequently with-          monic (community, home, hobbies, occupation,
out problem resolution.5 In response to accumulat-         personal habits, diet and drugs), however, provides
ing evidence of negative patient outcomes, not only        an efficient screening method in that it “involves
from short-term exposure to toxic agents but also          searching for a change in the environment related
from long-term, low-level exposure,6 it is recom-          to symptom onset or exacerbation rather than
mended that physicians consider environmental              looking for a specific exposure,” and it provides
causation for illness, integrate environmental expo-       an organizational structure, arranged by possible
sure assessment in clinical practice and “. . . ad-        source or setting, within which more direct ques-
vance precautionary practice in the presence of            tions are addressed.3 In the “home and hobby”
scientific uncertainty.”7                                   category, for example, patients answer questions
                                                           related to place of residence and age of home;
                                                           renovations; use of pesticides or herbicides in the
                                                           home, garden, or on pets; heat source within the
   Submitted, revised, 9 September 2003.
   From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
                                                           home; use of cleaning detergents; the presence of
(SJG), University of Alberta, Canada (SKG). Address cor-   damp or musty areas in the home, and more.8
respondence to Dr. Stephen Genuis, 2935– 66 Street,
Edmonton Alberta, Canada T6K 4C1 (E-mail: sgenuis@
                                                           Thoughtful completion of this screening tool is                                             facilitated by asking patients to fill it out on their

136 JABFP March–April 2004          Vol. 17 No. 2
J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.17.2.136 on 13 April 2004. Downloaded from on 24 January 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
own time; appointment time can be used for re-           quent 6-month trial of venlafaxine (150 mg/day)
view, discussion, and interpretation.                    failed to adequately relieve her symptoms. The
                                                         patient was referred to a psychiatrist for a neuro-
                                                         psychiatric assessment and was awaiting her ap-
Case Report                                              pointment. Because of the patient’s insistence that a
A 37-year-old married woman with a history of            “hormonal” problem was affecting her, she was
severe premenstrual symptoms and irregular vagi-         referred for gynecologic assessment.
nal bleeding of 2 years’ duration was referred to a          In the process of taking a detailed history, in-
gynecologist for evaluation. The patient reported        cluding an occupational history, it was discovered
experiencing excellent health until 2 years before,      that, after her youngest child’s entrance into school
when she began to feel increasingly “emotionally         3 years before, this woman had commenced part-
unstable, irritable, and very depressed.” She noted      time work as a hairdresser. She emphasized that
that although previously her symptoms were only          before the onset of depressive symptoms, the inter-
evident immediately before menses, she now expe-         action with clients had been very enjoyable and that
rienced these symptoms continuously and did not          she had experienced great satisfaction in her work.
“feel like me anymore.” She reported that there was      At the time of assessment, she was working an
no particular stress or change in her life and that,     average of 5 days per week for approximately 4
until she became depressed, she found her work to        hours each day in a small, poorly ventilated room in
be fulfilling and enjoyed good relationships with         her home. With no other cause evident for her
her husband, 3 school-aged children and friends.         gynecologic complaints and apparently deteriorat-
Over the previous 2 years, the patient had been          ing health, the CH2OPD2 mnemonic3 was used as
experiencing decreased libido, difficulty concen-         a first-line screening tool in the assessment of po-
trating, diminished appetite, trouble falling asleep     tential environmental exposure to toxins. Results of
and early morning wakening, and decreased inter-         the environmental exposure history indicated that
est in daily life. Although she was not feeling im-      over the preceding 5 years, there had been no
minently self-destructive, she stated that she saw       significant changes in the patient’s environment,
little reason to continue living. According to the       except in the area of occupation: the patient re-
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,   ported that for the past 3 years she had experienced
4th Edition, the patient fulfilled the criteria for a     routine exposure via inhalation and direct skin con-
major depressive disorder. During a comprehensive        tact to hairdressing products such as hair sprays,
physical assessment, the patient also complained of      dyes, bleaches, permanent wave solutions, sham-
an 18-month history of debilitating fatigue, severe      poos, and conditioners. Although the patient had
headaches, recurring dizziness, frequent bouts of        not considered her exposure to these chemicals to
apparently unprovoked palpitations associated with       be medically significant, concerns about the impact
marked nausea and occasional vomiting, and inter-        of the chemical ingredients of standard hairdress-
mittent visual changes, which she described as a         ing products on hairdressers has been well docu-
“blinding blurriness.”                                   mented in the medical literature.9 –19
    The patient had previously seen 2 different fam-         Physical examination revealed no obvious ab-
ily physicians and an internist who had conducted a      normality, and hormonal markers were within nor-
complete neurological examination, as well as var-       mal range; the environmental exposure history in-
ious investigations including an electrocardiogram,      dicated that symptoms had commenced and
blood work, a chest radiograph, and computed to-         worsened while the patient was working as a hair-
mography. These investigations revealed no objec-        dresser. These results were discussed with the pa-
tive abnormality. Each physician concluded that          tient and temporary, precautionary avoidance of
the patient had a mood disorder and recommended          the occupational environment was suggested as a
antidepressant therapy. It was also suggested that       means of exploring the possibility that chemical
the patient suffered from a generalized anxiety dis-     exposure was associated with the neuropsychiatric
order with panic attacks; pharmacological treat-         and other symptoms experienced by the patient.
ment was recommended. A 6-month course of a              Follow-up with expert assessment of the workplace
selective serotonin uptake inhibitor (40 mg/day          environment and potential workplace modification
paroxetine) was of minimal benefit, and a subse-          was also suggested. Because the patient had no

                                                                             Neuropsychiatric Symptoms    137
J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.17.2.136 on 13 April 2004. Downloaded from on 24 January 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
personal or family history of psychiatric illness and   ation between physical and neuropsychiatric symp-
was personally convinced that there was a relatively    toms and occupational exposure in the presented
recent cause for her various health complaints, she     case; the value of a first-line, environmental expo-
chose to commence a 1-month leave of absence            sure assessment tool for primary care and specialist
from her hairdressing business to determine             physicians as well as the need for expert follow-up
whether neuropsychiatric symptoms would be alle-        assessment; and the role of precautionary avoidance
viated.                                                 as a means of diagnosing association between ex-
   After 2 weeks of avoiding the job-related envi-      posure and symptoms.
ronment, the patient complained of boredom, but
reported that her mood had improved substantially,      Occupational Chemical Exposure of Hairdressers
thoughts related to the futility of life were no        A review of the medical literature on the potential
longer present, and physical symptoms, such as          occupational exposure of hairdressers reveals that
visual disturbances, nausea, dizziness, and heart       there is a range of chemical hazards in this working
palpitations, were occurring infrequently. At the       environment “many [of] which are either known or
end of the 1-month occupational reprieve, the pa-       suspected allergens, mutagens, and/or carcino-
tient stated that she felt “80% better,” that her       gens.”19 This job-related exposure has been associ-
sleep disturbance had resolved, and that she was        ated with a number of health concerns, primarily
experiencing a return to normal energy levels. The      skin disorders,9 –12 respiratory conditions,12–16 and
patient concluded that her hairdressing career was      cancer.17–19 Although correlation between hair-
hazardous to her health and that the latter was         dressing chemicals and neuropsychiatric symptoms
“more important than any job.”                          has not been documented in the medical literature
   Although expert assessment of the workplace          thus far, it is recognized that neurotoxicants can
(with possible use of Material Safely Data Sheets to    express themselves in a “plethora of possible end-
determine specific substances causing symptoms) as       points,” including neurobehavioral manifesta-
well as alternative work environments (such as a        tions.20 Depression occurring as a direct result of
move from a home-based business to a commercial         chemical exposure has been noted in the literature.5
setting with potentially better adherence to work-      Given that “environmental health problems fre-
place safety regulations) were discussed, the patient   quently present as common medical problems,”3 it
stated that she did not wish to risk compromising       is crucial that physicians determine whether pa-
her improved health and well-being. She seemed to       tients, especially those experiencing otherwise un-
have already made a decision to pursue an alternate     explained health problems, are being exposed to
occupation. Three months later, the patient can-        potentially hazardous substances and, if chemical
celed her follow-up appointment because, as she         exposure is discovered, that action is taken to fur-
reported in a telephone conversation with the first      ther evaluate and therapeutically address the
author, she felt wonderful, she was no longer ex-       problem.
periencing neuropsychiatric and other problematic          The medical literature indicates that hairdress-
symptoms, and she was busy with new employ-             ers are at definitive risk for occupational chemical
ment. Although she stated that she missed her pre-      exposure and that this risk is exacerbated because
vious clientele and her work as a hairdresser, the      many work in unventilated spaces21 and the in-
patient sounded upbeat and very positive about her      dustry is largely unregulated, nonunionized,
future prospects. Twelve and 24 months later, the       and composed of small businesses.19 Despite train-
patient reported that she was feeling well and had      ing received through educational programs at com-
had no reoccurrence of any of the previous health       munity colleges and private training institutions,
complaints.                                             most hairdressers are not cognizant of their work-
                                                        related exposure to potentially hazardous chemi-
                                                        cals19 and have, therefore, not focused on proac-
Literature Review and Discussion                        tively minimizing contact with these substances.
In this literature review and discussion, the follow-   Legislative and intensified preventive measures
ing issues will be explored: the occupational chem-     have been documented as having a positive impact
ical exposure of hairdressers and the importance of     on hairdressers’ occupational skin disease10; it has
occupational history-taking; support for the associ-    also been reported that many persons working in

138 JABFP March–April 2004        Vol. 17 No. 2
J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.17.2.136 on 13 April 2004. Downloaded from on 24 January 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
this industry simply choose alternate careers when       sessing exposure to hazardous substances and may
experiencing a wide variety of health complaints,        indicate underlying cause for patients with either
which they assess as being linked to their work          familiar medical problems or with multiple symp-
environment.9 Because women’s occupational his-          toms in the absence of discernible pathology. Al-
tories are frequently overlooked in medical history-     though expert evaluation may be an important sub-
taking,22 it is particularly important that clinicians   sequent step to environmental or occupational
use a screening tool such as the CH2OPD2 mne-            assessment by a family doctor, the following bene-
monic to ensure that all aspects of a patient’s po-      fits of a simple exposure history by the primary care
tential exposure to environmental contaminants are       physician have been noted: it “may be the key to
evaluated.                                               identifying the patient’s current illness,” it is a tool
                                                         that develops the patient-physician relationship as
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Occupational               discussion of basic personal facts facilitates poten-
Exposure                                                 tially intimidating interactions with physicians, and
It may be suggested that, in this case study, the        it allows for “future-focused evaluation of organ
patient’s symptoms were psychosomatic and that           systems that may be at particular risk because of
when she took a temporary leave of absence from          prior exposures.”5 Because of the increasing spec-
her job, she spontaneously improved because of           trum of health sequelae that may be attributed to
emotional or subconscious psychological factors.         toxic exposure,3,7,23–29 and because the rapidly ex-
As is the situation for many cases involving neuro-      panding field of human exposure assessment is still
psychiatric symptoms, this theory cannot be con-         relatively new to many physicians,30,31 the utiliza-
clusively disproved. A psychosomatic explanation,        tion of a user-friendly, first-line tool is a valuable
however, is not likely for the following reasons: (1)    means by which physicians can identify potential
the patient enjoyed being a hairdresser, she chose       hazardous exposure.
precautionary avoidance of her work environment              Expert evaluation of the work environment and
as a temporary means of assessment, and, if it were      identification of specific chemicals involved in the
not for her appreciably improved health, she stated      process as well as evaluation of exposure pathway
that she would have chosen to return to this work;       should follow this environmental assessment, be-
(2) despite a history of deteriorating health, both      cause expert appraisal may allow the identification
her nonpsychiatric (including visual, neurological,      of specific variables within the work environment
cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal complaints) as      that can be modified to reduce or eliminate expo-
well as psychiatric symptoms resolved when expo-         sure to toxins. Although the patient in this case
sure to the potentially hazardous chemicals was          study declined expert assessment and chose to
eliminated; (3) the chemical agents involved in her      adopt precautionary avoidance not only as a means
occupation are recognized in the medical literature      of confirming the association between symptoms
as having a range of adverse health effects; (4) no      and occupational environment but also as a long-
precipitating emotional stressors were noted in the      term therapeutic measure, it must be noted that
patient’s history; (5) in the 2 years that have passed   precautionary avoidance on a long-term basis may
since precautionary avoidance was initiated, the pa-     involve significant personal costs; therefore, expert
tient has not experienced a recurrence of symptoms       involvement may be recommended to facilitate di-
despite her less preferred, subsequent employment;       agnosis and therapy for specific environmental ex-
and (6) the patient had no past personal or family       posures. Expert assessment also serves public health
history of psychiatric illness or emotional in-          objectives of preventing potential hazard to others
stability.                                               and facilitating the comprehensive evaluation of
                                                         products being used in a given industry.
Environmental Exposure Assessment by Primary
Care Physicians                                          Precautionary Avoidance
The CH2OPD2 mnemonic, available from the On-             It is important to note that precautionary avoidance
tario College of Family Physicians website8 is a         is a recognized method of diagnosing association
valuable first-line exposure assessment tool for pri-     between exposure and symptoms.3,24 Although a
mary care and specialist physicians in that it pro-      causal relationship between the patient’s exposure
vides an uncomplicated and effective means of as-        and her symptoms cannot be conclusively demon-

                                                                              Neuropsychiatric Symptoms      139
J Am Board Fam Pract: first published as 10.3122/jabfm.17.2.136 on 13 April 2004. Downloaded from on 24 January 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
strated, the documented association between a va-       may allow the identification of underlying illness
riety of physical illnesses and the hairdressing oc-    causation and effective symptom relief.
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