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HULL HEARTBEAT HULL COUNCIL ON AGING | ANNE SCULLY SENIOR CENTER 197A Samoset Avenue, Hull, MA 02045 March - April | 2022 Cover Photo by Hull Resident and Retired Freelance Photographer Richard Green More of Richard’s photos can be found on Facebook. If you would be interested in sharing your artwork or photography on the cover of our next issue, let us know. Share your EMAIL ADDRESS to be OUR MISSION entered into a raffle to win a $25 The purpose of the Hull Council on QR CODE gift card! Monthly Winner! Aging is to identify needs and Do you want to receive implement programs that will our newsletter delivered enhance the quality of life and GET IN TOUCH assist valued independence for the to your home? Use your 781-925-1239 (p) Hull residents over 60 years of age. smart phone camera, scan 781-925-8814 (f) We also assist in educating our the leaders and community to the image aging needs of all our senior residents. below, Family members are invaluable in click the Hours of Operation keeping many seniors home. We provide referrals, advice, and link & Mon - Thu | 9:00am-4:00pm comfort to all our families. Feel sign up! Fri | Closed. Holidays | Closed free to call or visit.
ABOUT US AND OUR SERVICES Page 02 OUR STAFF 781-925-1239 (p) Lisa Thornton | ext. 4 Director Jo Ann Rose | ext. 5 IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Administrative Assistant Hull Veteran’s Service Office Social Security 781-925-0305 1-800-772-1213 Rachel Gerold | ext. 6 Outreach Coordinator South Shore Elder Services Mass. Securities Division re: scams 781-848-3910 1-800-269-5428 Mickey Corcoran Van Transportation Wellspring Multi Service Center Better Business Bureau, Natick 781-925-3211 1-508-652-4800 Alice Kaplan Elder Hotline, Medical, Abuse National Suicide Van Transportation (physical, mental, financial…) Prevention Lifeline Elaine Schembari | ext. 3 1-800-922-2275 1-800-273-8255 SHINE Coordinator Massachusetts Health ANCHOR OF HULL 1-800-841-2900 Substance Abuse Resource SSES NUTRITION | ext. 2 Senior Protection Team 781-534-9327 Get Better Mickey, we need you! 1-508-584-8120
ABOUT US AND OUR SERVICES Page 03 A NOTE FROM THE DIRECTOR again on February 28th to serve you! I statistics from 1750 surveys (35% B ac am so excited to bring you some response rate) suggest that 42% of you I write to you all on one of those k new activities but also pleased to report that we will be bringing are looking for indoor exercise, 36% for outdoor exercise and 33% for day trips. unseasonably warm New England winter back your favorite programs. In this newsletter, you will find some days and feeling the excitement for The Grab and Go program with hot soup new exercise & recreational classes spring! Traditionally spring is a time of and freshly baked bread from local (page 9)and some day trips (page10) transition and rebirth, when we come out businesses will be continuing after planned in the coming months. of hibernation after a long winter and reopening as it was popular with you! start to spend time with family and I'm excited to announce that a new friends after hunkering down in the cold. I am also looking forward to change and member of the Hull Council on Aging After a “pandemic hibernation” these new life that will come in the form of the team joined this week Alice Kaplan will past few months, I know I am ready to re most recent Needs Assessment. The be a new Van Driver. You can read -emerge and join back into life! I hope team at UMass Boston has been more about Alice on page 4. Finally, you are too. compiling and analyzing the data this Rachel Gerold has accepted a position winter. They will be sharing the results with the Hull Board of Health. We will We at the Council on Aging are and their recommendations in the miss her and wish her the very best in springing back to new life too. After coming weeks at a public presentation her new role. closing for the safety of our volunteers, (date TBA)-from the data collected Stay Well. staff, and the community during the through community surveys, focus Lisa most recent surge, we will be opening groups, and interviews. Preliminary Open Staff Positions Activities/Volunteer Coordinator Outreach Coordinator RESOURCES Open COA Board Office Hours with State SHINE—Serving the Health Positions Senator Patrick O’Connor Information Needs of Board Members (2) ————————————————————————————————————— Thursdays, 3/24 and 4/21 @ 10:30am Everyone Note: Although we make every 617-722-2425 Thursday appt times between effort to ensure that the our Office Hours with State 9am-1pm, Mar 3 & 17, Apr 7 & 21 newsletter is accurate, there are times when we inadvertently Representative Joan Call to book an appointment at leave something out or make an Meschino the senior center with Volunteer error, or information has changed Counselor, Elaine Schembari since the publishing date. Please 3rd Mondays @ 10am. 3/21. Call the call 781-925-1239 to verify info. office at 617-722-2320 for April. If you provide your best phone # Meals on Wheels and an email address we can South Shore Elder Services 781- COA BOARD keep you up to date with changes, Jim Richman, Chair cancellations and new programs. 848-3910 x415 Rob Goldstein, Co-Chair Stretch Your Food Budget Free & nutritious Meal Kits to Hull Hannah Taverna, Secretary CHAIR YOGA ON TV Mimi Leary, Mike Maloon, Tue/Thur @ 10am - Hull TV Food Pantry -Dot’s Kitchen Maureen O’Brien, Brian McCarthy– Board Members Tune in to Hull Cable for chair yoga Wellspring Multi Service Center at home. Verizon Channel 35, Com- Greg Grey– Liaison to COA 781-925-3211 x112 cast Channel 9
CENTER NEWS & COMMUNITY SUPPORT Page 05 WELCOME ALICE KAPLAN We are so excited to have Alice and enjoys listening to all their life join the team as a VAN DRIVER! stories! Happy Driving Alice! Alice recently retired from the VOLUNTEER RACHEL’S NEXT STEP transportation industry. She is an SPOTLIGHT avid hiker and kayaker, and Congratulations Rachel! We are so We want to recognize all the attends Sara's Strength Class at excited for you as you take a new hard work our volunteers put the senior center on Monday’s. step on your journey (luckily you in every month to help make She is a hopeless animal lover. She are not walking too far) Rachel our days better! We have so says she is so happy to take joins HULL BOARD OF HEALTH as many great volunteers. It is seniors where they need to go the Town Nurse, so we will con- hard to pick just one a month tinue to see Rachel at the center. but we will highlight them all SENIOR FRIENDS We wish her much success in her in the months to new role, and thank her for all she come! “Senior Friends” is a group of has done these past two years! volunteers serving Hull’s senior MEET SANDY citizens in coordination with the You can still see Rachel for Out- BLOOM! Hull Senior Center and Wellspring reach on Wednesdays at the Sen- Senior Outreach. ior Center in the coming weeks. Sandy has been volunteering at Our Mission the Hull Senior The goal of Senior Friends is to Center for FIVE bring interest and joy to the lives of Hull seniors, embracing them as years. On Monday Mornings extended family and reinforcing you can find Sandy getting the message that our community creative with seniors doing all is ‘there for them’. sorts of different activities. Sandy has been an amazing Our Ongoing Projects include: Hull’s Living Treasures, Moments asset to our team for years. She of Joy, Birthday Buddies, THANK YOU TO THE RESIDENTS OF brings smiles and joy to Bereavement, Senior Santa.* HULL FOR YOUR DONATIONS everyone she encounters. If OVER THE HOLIDAY SEASON! We you get a chance to see Sandy, If your interested in joining this volunteer group, please contact are grateful & thankful every time say “Hello”- you might even the Senior Center at 781-925-1239 you choose to support the work find LOVELY LILY here too! x6 for more information. that we do for the seniors we love Tell Your Life Story! Anne Cruse, a Senior Friend, VOLUNTEER WHY VOLUNTEER? volunteers and is composing life Strengthens your community stories of our seniors so they may be OPPORTUNITIES Good for your brain health shared with their family and friends. Volunteer & Save Money ! She calls the project ‘Hull’s Living Continue to learn and grow SENIOR REAL ESTATE TAX Treasures’, inspired by her Mom. CREDIT PROGRAM Share your skills and talents in Our participants loved the stroll 100 hours required. To learn a productive, purposeful way down memory lane and how wonderful it is, to pass their story about opportunities, policies Get out of the house– along to those they love. Contact and procedures, call 781-925- volunteering is a great routine! The Center, 781-925-1239 x6 for 1239. x4 Make a new friend or two :-) further information.
RESOURCES, INFORMATION, PRESENTATIONS Page 06 LENDING LIBRARY DON’T GET GARDEN THERAPY The Hull Public Library has a SCAMMED! 3rd Monday of the Month small floating collection of March 15 @ 11 AM March 21st & April 25th Large Print books available Detective Andrew K. Reilly @10:30AM to checkout at the Senior Center! A COA staff member Hull Police Department The Hull Garden Club hosts will be able to assist you KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! GARDEN THERAPY, a time to come together and learn how (and you don't even need a Detective Reilly will present to create flower arrangements, library card!). important and up-to-date or create a If there is a SPECIFIC TITLE information on scams, so you can floral craft! that you would like to place stay ahead of the scammers! This class a hold on, or would like the Why are seniors targeted? with all Library to purchase and add How are seniors targeted? materials to our collection? Please Common Scams are and call us at 781-925-2295 or Protecting yourself from instruction email We fraud are can also arrange for book Steps to take if you become a generously victim delivery to your home. provided Contact information for by the Hull Garden Club and its reporting fraud members. Q&A at the end, so bring your Call ahead (781) 925-1239 Ext 1 questions. RSVP @ 781-925-1239 Space is limited. SOUP IT UP, PICK IT UP MONDAY LUNCH CIRCUIT BREAKER? It is @ HULL SENIOR CENTER @ HULL SENIOR CENTER called the Circuit Breaker Tax Grab & Go Tuesdays 12-1PM 11:45am—12:30pm Credit because your eligibility is “triggered,” like an electrical Mar 1 and 15, Apr 5 and 19 Join us for lunch together. circuit breaker, when property tax (Limit 50, Reservation Required.) Socializing is good for your health payments exceed 10% of a senior and mind! Lunches provided by citizen’s annual income. Those Drive up for delicious HOT SOUP & FRESH BREAD. A sweet treat is SSES. Menu available at the who qualify will still be required included too! senior center . Suggested to pay property taxes to their donation $2 local communities. Seniors who SIGN UP at (781) 925-1239 *1 or by are homeowners may be eligible Call by Wednesday the week to receive a credit on their MA EMAIL: before to reserve your lunch! state income taxes . DETAILED **Please drive up to the front of the BROCHURE AT THE CENTER.. bldg (197A Samoset Ave) and we will hand it to you in your vehicle. *THIS EVENT IS FREE- 1:00PM WEDNESDAY LUNCH DONATIONS ALWAYS WELCOME HOSTED @ SANDBAR IN HULL March 16th: Irish themed Lunch and Bingo April 13th: Spring at the Sandbar Call to reserve a spot (781) 925-1239 *1
FUN & LEARNING Page 07 Jasmine Smith-Gillen is the South VIRTUAL/IN-PERSON PRESENTATION Shore Education Manager at the CREATIVE NOTE Trustees properties of World’s End CARD MAKING WORLD’S END AND and Weir River Farm in Hingham. She grew up in Massachusetts Join Hull Artist Jocelyn Thomas WEIR RIVER FARM for card making! and has always delighted being Tuesday, March 8th @ out on the water or on the beach. Wed. March 9, 10-11AM 1:00pm (In person & Zoom) Jasmine ‘s love for the ocean, led You may have noticed Jocelyn’s What is the value of public her to getting a Master’s degree in work around town! She has marine biology. Her career has painted a few of the Utility green spaces? been focused on environmental Boxes on Nantasket Ave. Join the Trustees South Shore education at non-profits, Jocelyn has many paintings, Education Manager, Jasmine fused glass and cards for sale at including a number of Mass Smith-Gillen for a virtual trip to Gallery Nantasket. She is a Audubon sanctuaries, the Lloyd beautiful World’s End Reservation Cohasset Open Studios member in Hingham. Jasmine will share Center for the Environment in and member of the SSAC. the history and unique ecology of Dartmouth MA, and the Roger Her interest in hand making this special place and how it came Williams Park Zoo in Providence, cards will be the focus of this to be a public park. We will talk RI. All have involved working in workshop. Create something about our other favorite green beautiful places where she has that has both art and function. spaces, and discuss why they are enjoyed connecting people with It should be fun, challenging in important civic, educational, and nature and animals, encouraging a good way, and will focus on spiritual assets worth stewarding stewardship for our home planet creating a personal way to for future generations. connect. CALLTO SIGN UP (781) 925-1239 *1 Some materials provided. We HISTORY LECTURE SERIES suggest you bring scissors, any yarn, buttons, etc. that you who operated the systems, and STEAMBOATS TRAINS also identify some of the more might want to use on your card, or even a small favorite picture AND TROLLEYS, MASS fondly recalled vessels and of family or pets that you might TRANPORTATION-HULL engines that serviced Hull. want to add to your card. Thursdays, March 3-April 7, Weather Note: Classes will be Please call 781-925-1239 to RSVP cancelled if there are snowy or 1:00-2:30PM for this event! No walk-ins! slick travel conditions. Make-up 6-WEEK LECTURE SERIES, March 3, classes will be offered. 10, 17, 24, 31 April 7 2022. Tuition $20 for 6 wk series. Limit 20 Steamboats, Trains and Trolleys, 6 WEEK WRITING COURSE Mass Transportation in Hull – w/ Wednesdays - 9:45-10:45am (w/ Laura Leventhal) Bob Jackman March 16th, 23rd, 30th April 6th, 13th, 20th Steamboats, Trains and Trolleys, This class is for any level of writer! Whether you haven’t written a Mass Transportation in Hull will word, have poems stashed in your desk drawer, or you want to put chronologically detail the arrival of your ideas and thoughts and dreams on paper, join us! The each of these transportation instructor will explore techniques to jump start your creativity, help modes in Hull and demonstrate you find your writer’s voice, and enjoy the magic of writing. the relation between transportation, the economy, and Notebooks and pens will be supplied, but bring your own if you the culture of the town. The have a preference. (I like plain old Bic pens.) Please call the Senior program will delve into the Center at (781) 925-1239 to reserve your spot. investors, managers and captains
CLASSES, CLUBS, CLINICS Page 08 CRAFTS & GAMES CARD CLUB Monday at 10-11:30am Tuesdays at 1:00 WITH SANDY BLOOM Currently playing Whist. We would Easy crafts to tap into your creative like to expand to other card games. side. Fun games for socializing. Call if interested. Meet someone Snacks served and/or stay for lunch. new or bring a friend. BINGO MAH JONG Monday at 1-3:30pm Thursdays at 11am-1pm Come enjoy a fun afternoon with WITH BARBARA LAWLOR friends. Maureen & Ann are here Tile based game that was developed calling bingo and bringing smiles! in the 19th century in China and has Please call to sign up. Space limited. spread throughout the world. Beginners and experienced players. MOVIE MATINEE’S WEDNESDAYS @ 2pm 3/9 WILD OATS, PG-13, 2016 COM- 1st and 3rd Mondays EDY/ADVENTURE 1:00pm-3:00pm A retired widow hits the jackpot We are happy to offer an opportunity for when she receives a life insurance knitters to come together to knit , crochet check mistakenly made out for and share conversation. five million dollars instead of fifty INSTRUCTION PROVIDED by MARGIE thousand dollars. Mar 7 3/23 1917, R, 2019, WAR/DRAMA 4/13 LAUNDROMAT, R, 2019, Mar 21 (After Garden Therapy) DRAMA/COMEDY Apr 4 4/27 MONEYBALL, PG13, 2011 Apr 25 (Holiday on April 18th) Sports/Drama The film is based on an account of the Oakland Athletics baseball CLINICS AT THE SENIOR CENTER team's 2002 season and their gen- eral manager Billy Beane's at- BLOOD PRESSURE tempts to assemble a competitive team. In the film, Beane (Brad Pitt) CLINIC and assistant general man- Tuesday at 10:30am-11:15am ager Peter Brand (Jonah Hill), 1st & 3rd Tuesday, with Town Nurse, faced with the franchise's limited Rachel Gerold Mar 1, 15 Apr 5, 19 budget for players, build a team of undervalued talent by taking a PODIATRIST CLINIC sophisticated sabermetric method approach to scouting and analyz- Mar 21 at 10:15am-1:00pm ing players. Call Dr. James Dwyer’s office at 781-335-8811 to schedule an Sign-up in advance for all classes and movies is appointment. suggested. Snacks & drinks provided for movies!
GROUP FITNESS CLASSES & WELLNESS Page 09 PICKLEBALL@ PICKLES Strength & Flow Mon 9:00am Located at 357 Columbia Rd, Hanover, MA Chair Yoga Tues 9:45am Fast Track ONE Mondays, 1-2:00pm Balance/Condition Tues 1:00pm Fast Track TWO Mondays, 12-1:00pm Strength & Flow Wed 11:00am Qi Gong/Tai Chi Wed 12:30pm March 7, 14, 21, 28 (4 week clinic) Chair Yoga Thurs 9:45am Level ONE: Learn to play Pickleball this winter so you are ready to join in the outdoor fun this spring. Balance/Condition Tues 1:00pm Level One is for someone new to the game. Coach Zumba-Moroccan Thurs 2:30pm provided instruction. Learn to score. Learn to serve. Begins with DRILLS , ends with GAMEPLAY. Bring payment on class day or pay forward at Level Two advances your game (4-8 people/court). the office. Checks payable - Hull COA Call the senior center to reserve your spot. Must have 4-8 people to run this program! $100/person Working out with others provides ZUMBA TONING BALANCE & inspiration and connection. Enjoy W/ MOROCCAN STICKS renewed strength and balance. CONDITIONING Thursdays @ 2:30pm Tues and Thurs 1:00pm CHAIR YOGA No class 4/7, 4/14. 4/21 with Neil Sullivan Tues. & Thurs. at 9:45am with Justine Hobin Begins on MARCH 15th with a with Kathy Dunn Light weight toning Moroccan MEET & GREET / CLASS (1-2:30) Stay active, flexible and strong. sticks enhances sense of rhythm NO FEE FOR THIS FIRST CLASS Chair Yoga will improve balance, and coordination -tone arms, core, The class will consist of strength & build muscle strength, and it even and lower back. We will focus on conditioning exercises, stretches supports brain health! A little bit strengthening muscle groups and and various balance drills of movement everyday can make reducing the loss of muscle mass. designed to increase balance, all the difference in your balance. Its purpose is to sculpt and tone strength and flexibility. The Helps with fall prevention. Pull up through resistance. Improves stretching and strengthening a chair! NAMASTE. $3.25/class cardiovascular health. $5/class exercises utilized in the class are focused on specific key muscles STRENGTH & FLOW QI GONG/TAI CHI and joints designed to increase Mon. 9:00am, Wed. 11:00am Wednesdays at 12:30pm the ROM (range of motion) and with Bill Mazzeo strength in order to bring greater with Sara Pearson stability and increased awareness Strength and Flow is a dynamic Qigong is a mind-body-spirit and reaction time so as to class that integrates breathe, practice that improves one's improve balance and prevent falls. mindful movement, yoga, with the mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, Neil is a Clinical Exercise use of small hand weights, breathing technique, self- Physiologist. He has worked at resistance bands, and balls to massage, sound, and focused Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital increase strength & flexibility. and BIDMC where he has led the Benefits include: Strengthen and intent. Tai chi is a low-impact exercise. Gentle movements of Balance and Falls Prevention tone major muscle groups, regular tai chi can improve your Program and Post-Rehab Back improve overall flexibility, and link strength, flexibility, and range of Care. Neil teaches at local COA’s. breath to movement. $5/class motion. $3.25/class $5/class
TRANSPORTATION, SUPPORT, RESOURCES Page 10 have been brewing and what’s new to come in Hull this Summer. THE Heritage Museum and DAFFODIL Gardens, Sandwich, MA TRAIL May 24th, morning van departure, approx 9am Hop on the van and enjoy a ride around scenic Hull taking in in- Call to sign up. COSTS TBA. credible views of the ocean and Weir River Farm Barn Tour enjoying the beautiful DAFFODIL SENIOR CENTER VAN TRAIL planted by members of the May—date TBA TRANSPORTATION Hull Garden Club! Bring your own Grocery Shopping, Medical , Van Rides available on Monday bagged lunch or Local Errands, Out-of-Town order a lunch April 25th Call 781-925-1239 X5 to request a when you sign up Call to reserve your spot! ride and get more information. COMING SOON! Ride request can FUEL ASSISTANCE be submitted on-line at 2021-22 Fuel Assistance Heating Season aging November 1—April 30 Medical rides are available Eligibility is based on gross income, household size, and vulnerability to on Monday & Tuesday with a 5-7 heating costs. Fuel Assistance can assist with any primary heat type: oil, day notice. If you make a request natural gas, electricity, propane, kerosene, wood or coal. without advance notice This is available for all residents in Hull, not only people 60 and older. availability may be limited. Grocery shopping Please call the Hull Senior Center at (781) 925-1239 x 6 for Fuel Assistance questions, to fill out an application and to get assistance in filling out the 2-3 day advance notice is application. requested for shopping. Stop and Shop Cohasset LIFE LESSONS & SHARING LOSS TOGETHER Wednesday’s 10:00 am GROUPS MEET AT THE SENIOR CENTER Stop and Shop Hingham Thursday’s 10:00 am hosted by William Zella, Ph.D., licensed Psychologist and Rachel Gerold, Town Nurse REMINDER: Wear your mask on the van. Hand sanitizer available. LIFE LESSONS—1ST & 3RD TUESDAY, 3-4PM Join Dr. Zella and Rachel to share your “Life Lessons” with a small group of community members. There is so much value in sharing your life with others and it is our hope we can share them with Hull High School students this upcoming year. LOCAL DAY TRIPS SHARING LOSS TOGETHER—2ND & 4TH TUESDAY, 3-4PM Vitamin Sea Brewery This discussion will talk about all types of loss. Loss of a loved one, pet, Weymouth, MA career, meaning in life, youth and so much more. Are you feeling the effects of pandemic depression? May 11th 10:30AM Please join in our conversation or simply join to listen. We have so many Take a behind the scenes tour of lessons to learn together. (NO meeting the 5th Tuesday) Call 781-925- Vitamin Sea Brewery. Learn about 1239 *6 if you have questions or you are interested in joining this group. the brewing process, what they
HULL COUNCIL ON AGING U.S. Postage Department of Elder Services PAID STD. PRESORT Anne Scully Senior Center Permit #19 197A Samoset Avenue, Hull, MA 02045 Hull, MA 02045 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED If Town Hall is closed, the senior center is closed. If schools in Hull are closed, the VAN does NOT operate. It is the discretion of the Director of the Senior Center to cancel van rides due to poor road conditions. During inclement weather, call the center to check if activities have been cancelled. The office remains open unless there’s a severe storm. If your call is not answered please leave a message - 781-925-1239 ext. 1. This Newsletter is sponsored in part by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs and by our Advertisers. Shop our ads! VETERAN’S COFFEE SUNDAY @ Hull Lifesaving Museum MARCH 13TH Friday, March 4th & April 1, 9:00-10:30 AM Longer days are Enjoy the camaraderie of other Veterans. All veterans ahead and the welcome on the first Friday of each month. January’s sun is coming. meeting will be held at The Hull Lifesaving Museum, Don’t forget to 1117 Nantasket Ave. (closed to public during meeting) turn your clocks New speakers each month on varying topics. ahead ONE hour! Discussion & snacks . Contact Craig “Wolfie” Wolfe at 781-771-6416 or by email at LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BEING A WELLNESS RETREAT Sanctuary Fitness, Two Little Feet Yoga & Girl On PROGRAM LEADER! Fire Reiki want to immerse your mind, body & soul in a full morning of self-love to celebrate YOU this Do you have a special talent, hobby or interest? If Spring Season! Allow Sara Pearson and Nicole so, have you thought about sharing that skill or Palermo to bring gentle yoga, reiki energy healing, passion with seniors ? Language, travel/culture, essential oils & healthy bites to show gratitude and journaling, photography, painting, design, crafting love to YOU! projects, dancing, knitting, quilting. What is the This retreat is being planned for May- June! DATE & TIME To Be Announced! commitment? It could be a one time event, or a monthly or weekly commitment. You are more Call for details and to reserve your interesting than you think! People love learning, space. Early sign-ups accepted. and you might be surprised at what you can offer. Don’t keep your talents a secret! We need YOU! Holiday: Monday April 18th
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