Page created by Tracy Robinson

                                            DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY

                                       The past 18 months or so have prompted a good deal of rethinking on several fronts, by consumers
                                       and asset managers alike, not least the myriad of societal changes with which we have already come
                                       to terms. The phenomena being experienced are universal, and therefore of relevance to those
                                       investing on a global basis, such as Alex Crooke, Co-Head of Equities, EMEA & Asia Pacific at Janus
                                       Henderson and portfolio manager of The Bankers Investment Trust PLC, a global equity fund within
                                       the Janus Henderson range of investment trusts.

                                       In the light of recent events, one might be forgiven for thinking that no-one will return to the office
                                       full-time, overseas holidays will become a rarity rather than the norm, cinemas will disappear in the
                                       face of the relentless advance of digital streaming services, and that the majority of meals will be
                                       home-delivered rather than home cooked.

                                       Some – possibly most – of this may turn out to be true… but it’s unlikely, and we should be wary of
                                       allowing conjecture to displace reality. Food delivery firm Deliveroo listed on the UK stock exchange at
                                       the end of March 2020 in what was the London Stock Exchange’s largest IPO for a decade and fared
                                       poorly. Shares in the business had been offered to investors at 390p but closed 14% lower at 284p per
                                       share at the end of the first day’s trading, having fallen by as much as 30% initially.

                                                               TOP 10 UK IPO POPS AND FLOPS SINCE 2018
                                                Difference between issue price on IPO and opening price on first day of dealing (%)

                                                                            -100                  0               100               200   300
                                                              Cellular Goods              300.0
                                                              Panther Metals              125.0
                                                          Helium One Global               107.0
                                                           Wildcat Petroleum               70.0
                                                                 Dev Clever                63.0
                                                       MGC Pharmaceuticals                 41.9
                                                              Cornish Metals               39.3
                                                                   Verici DX               37.5
                                                                   Immotion                35.0
                                                                    Moonpig                25.7

    The past 18 months or so                                       Average*                11.6
                                                                       Avast                           -0.4
    have prompted a good deal                                   Renalytrix AI                          -0.8
                                                                     Bigdish                           -2.2
    of rethinking on several fronts,                 Crossword Cybersecurity                           -2.2
                                                                      Finablr                          -3.5
    by consumers and asset                                        Artel Africa                         -3.8
                                                        Aston Martin Lagonda                           -4.5
    managers alike.                                    Ferro-Alloy Resources                           -8.6
                                                                 The Barkby                           -11.7
                                                                   Deliveroo                          -15.1

                                                                           * Average of all IPOs analysed since the beginning of 2008
                                                                                        Source: AJ Bell, as of April 2021

2                                                                                                                                                 3
As the table above illustrates, Deliveroo’s IPO                               in the depression of the 1930s. Its enduring
    exhibited the worst opening day performance                                   legacy, however, may be a better world of work       The transition has unfolded
    since the beginning of 2018. In the quest                                     on the basis that it has accelerated positive        rather better than expected:
    for an explanation, opinions are many and                                     changes that were already underway whilst also
    varied. Some attribute it to the company’s                                    refocussing attention on areas that were ripe for    people are working longer
    dual share structure, which gives CEO
    Will Shu shares with 20 times the voting
                                                                                                                                       hours but reporting enhanced
    power of other shareholders. Others claim                                     Thanks to the rise of remote working, more           levels of both job satisfaction
    it was down to regulatory concerns about
    the employment status, pay and working
                                                                                  individuals will have a greater say in when,
                                                                                  where and how they earn a living. Prior to the
                                                                                                                                       and productivity.
    conditions of Deliveroo’s ‘gig-working’ riders,                               pandemic, estimates suggested that no more
    which prompted a number of the UK’s largest                                   than a quarter of all US full-time employees
    asset managers to withdraw from the issue.                                    worked from home but, since March 2020, that
    Fundamentally, however, it may simply have                                    number has climbed to at least 37%; some
    been mispricing. In the eyes of many, perhaps                                 estimates suggest the actual figure is closer to
    it won’t now be home delivery forever.                                        50%. In certain industries, the current number is
                                                                                  significantly higher than that: computing, legal,
    Nevertheless, the pandemic has undoubtedly                                    business, education and finance occupations all
    transformed the dynamics of global economies                                  reported at least 88% of their employees working
    substantially and may well be compelling                                      from home.1 This shift to a ‘hybrid’ model of
    us all to revisit key aspects of how we work,                                 work, with some occurring in an office and
    shop, travel, and entertain ourselves –                                       some at home, is already compelling managers
    possibly for good. History reveals that                                       to raise their game, placing greater trust
    necessity has often proved to be the mother                                   in technology in order to become better
    of invention: the death of thousands of                                       communicators rather than relying on
    horses in an 1815 famine led to the creation                                  subordinates to pick up information by osmosis,
    of the bicycle, whilst the manufacturing                                      as in an office, to get the message across.
    assembly line became prevalent after the
    Spanish flu pandemic. In this piece, we                                       For most businesses, the expectation is that
    examine each of those four areas in turn –                                    a home/office scenario offers compound
    the worlds of working, shopping, travelling                                   benefits, the former allowing employees to be
    and entertainment – in an attempt to take a                                   more focused, to avoid the lengthy commute
    glimpse into the future and understand how                                    and to balance professional and personal life
    the world might be changing … not beyond                                      better, whilst the latter becomes a destination
    all recognition, but sufficiently to force a                                  for collaboration, innovation, coaching and
    reappraisal of the investment opportunities,                                  networking. The transition has unfolded rather
    and pitfalls, that may lie ahead.                                             better than expected: people are working longer
                                                                                  hours but reporting enhanced levels of both job
                                                                                  satisfaction and productivity.

    HOW WE’LL WORK                                                                A growing body of research sheds light on what
                                                                                  post-pandemic working patterns may look
    The pandemic has taken a severe toll on the                                   like. In one paper, a survey of thousands of
    world’s workers. It has destroyed millions of                                 Americans indicated that the average employee
    jobs and caused a drop in employment that                                     would like to work from home nearly half the time;
    was 14 times larger than the global financial                                 employers were somewhat less enthusiastic, but
    crisis of 2008, taking the numbers out of                                     their prognosis – that one working day a week
    work in many countries to levels last seen                                    is likely to be spent at home – is nevertheless

     Source: “How Many Jobs Can be Done at Home?”, Jonathan I Dingel and Brent Neiman, Becker Friedman Institute, June 2020

4                                                                                                                                                                        5
Firms have digitised many          a significant departure from the current norm.                   that their office space will shrink by 20%
    activities 20 to 25 times faster   Interestingly, something of a transatlantic divide               and 40%, respectively. Moreover, no crystal
                                       has opened up, with US employers broadly                         ball is required to foresee the implications for
    in the first seven months of       adopting a less accommodative approach.                          the armies of retailers, hospitality providers
    2020 than they had previously      Take the banking sector for example: JP
                                       Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs summoned
                                                                                                        and other support services which rely in large
                                                                                                        part for their revenues on a large, stable, and
    thought possible.                  all US staff back to the office as early as June,                relatively affluent universe of urban workers.
                                       whilst European banks from HSBC to Société
                                       Générale are returning more cautiously                           The marked transition in the role of the home
                                       and adopting a more relaxed attitude to                          – from family sanctuary to multi-functional live/
                                       remote working.                                                  workspace – has catalysed a host of changes
                                                                                                        in patterns of consumption. Home improvement
                                       ‘Remote-only’ businesses seem set to remain                      businesses are enjoying strong growth for
                                       a small minority; therefore, cities will not empty               example, whilst e-commerce and streaming
                                       of workers; and firms will not replace full-time                 services, have experienced significant uplifts
                                       employees with lower-cost freelancers across                     in demand: indeed, the demand for data itself
                                       the board, as might be enticing were the                         will likely see a sharp increase as businesses
                                       workforce to be wholly remote. The ongoing                       migrate their need for physical space to a
                                       conflation of domestic and office life will have                 need for more digital space. Supporting remote
                                       profound and enduring consequences                               workers through file storage, video-conferencing,
                                       however, with clear implications for certain                     and collaborative platforms requires major
                                       investment sectors.                                              investment in cloud-based infrastructure for
                                                                                                        example. Similarly, public bodies will encounter
                                       Recent research reveals a marked rise in patent                  an increased appetite for data with contact
                                       applications for ‘work from home’ technologies,                  tracing technology, early-warning systems and
                                       with companies operating in that field set to                    healthcare databases all requiring significant
                                       prosper. Similarly, businesses have endeavoured                  digital footprints.
                                       to control costs and mitigate uncertainty during
                                       historic downturns by adopting automation and                    Considerable disparity is evident between those
                                       redesigning work processes. In a survey of                       nations that were early adopters in this area,
                                       800 senior executives in July 2020, McKinsey                     such as South Korea, and those that remain
                                       reported that two-thirds said they were                          off the pace: the US, Canada and much of
                                       accelerating investment in automation and                        Europe. In short, those segments of the economy
                                       artificial intelligence either somewhat or                       correlated with rising demand in digital channels
                                       significantly. Firms have digitised many activities              are likely to prove well positioned for the years
                                       20 to 25 times faster in the first seven months of               to come; those less able to adapt will likely be
                                       2020 than they had previously thought possible.                  left behind.
                                       Production figures for robotics in China exceeded
                                       pre-pandemic levels by June 2020.2                               The Bankers Investment Trust owns positions
                                                                                                        in electronics companies Apple and Samsung
                                       Research by Microsoft among 30,000 employees                     Electronics which should benefit both from
                                       across the world found that 70% want flexible                    increased usage of technology in the home and
                                       working to remain an option and 66% of                           data proliferation. The Trust also has a large
                                       business decision-makers are contemplating                       holding in Microsoft which is a direct beneficiary
                                       alternative physical spaces more suited to hybrid                of this trend through its cloud business as well
                                       work, significantly reducing the demand for                      as a number of high-profile productivity tools
                                       commercial real estate. Lloyds Banking Group                     such as Office and Teams.
                                       and HSBC, for example, have said

                                        Source: McKinsey, The future of work after COVID-19, 18.02.21

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HOW WE’LL SHOP                                          shift to online will be fully reversed. Predictions    acquired by private equity firm TDR and the
                                                            of a retail apocalypse may well be overstated          petrol-station billionaire Issa brothers in
    It was not long after the arrival of the coronavirus    of course – although the collapse of the               February; and Morrisons accepted the £7 billion
    before it became clear that certain sectors             once-mighty retail giant Arcadia has served to         takeover bid by US private equity firm Clayton,
    faced an existential threat, few more so than           fuel that particular fire – and old habits die hard.   Dubilier & Rice in October.
    the traditional ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers which     Nevertheless, the eye-watering valuations of
    have been serving consumers in person for               tech-driven e-tailers would seem to suggest            The absence of a daily commute, widespread
    decades, and in some cases centuries. It is             that the online revolution will persist long after     furloughs, and more time for householders to
    somewhat unsurprising, given the UK’s status            COVID-19 remains a daily concern.                      assess their living arrangements – both now
    as the most mature e-commerce market in                                                                        and in a remote-working world of the future
    Europe; it’s a story which long predates the            An obvious development is the hybrid concept           – have combined to see home improvement
    pandemic and one which has been hastened,               of ‘click-and-collect’. Prior to the pandemic,         providers prosper also, as discussed earlier.
    not catalysed, by lockdowns.                            it accounted for roughly a third of transaction        Research undertaken by Aldermore Bank
                                                            volumes, with non-grocery items representing           midway through 2020 showed that, even at
    John Lewis can safely be regarded as emblematic         the lion’s share. Other physical retailers             that point, 38% of adults had undertaken DIY
    of the sector. In March 2021, it reported the first     have begun to embrace the model however,               or renovation tasks. The healthy stimulus to
    loss in its history. In the financial year to January   increasingly conscious of the fact that the final      DIY sales is evidenced by the likes of
    2008, it had 3.5m square feet of retail space           mile of a package’s journey is the most costly         Kingfisher – the parent group of B&Q and
    across 26 stores; by 2016, it had grown 40%             and the most problematic. For evidence, look           Screwfix – which has seen like-for-like sales
    to 4.9m square feet across 46 stores, going             no further than the banks of Amazon lockers            increase substantially, and with online sales to
    into the pandemic larger still with 50 stores. Of       at your local railway station, supermarket or          the fore. Its share price is currently up some
    those, eight have since closed with a further           mixed-use site, a clear indication of growing          290% from its 2020 low.3
    eight now under threat. During this period, its         symbiosis in the e-commerce space.
    online business grew from circa 10% of sales in                                                                It would seem that a nation of shopkeepers
    2008, to 33% in 2016, and to 40% on the eve of          Clear beneficiaries of the disruption have             faces a long and potentially painful battle to
    the pandemic.                                           been the revitalised grocery retailers, a sector       adjust not only to the effects of the pandemic
                                                            historically seen as low growth, low margin,           but also to the multitude of challenges that
    Recent data from consultancy Springboard                capital intensive and competitive. However, new        have beset the sector in recent years. However,
    confirms that visitor numbers to UK retail              management teams, years of restructuring               those businesses that have adapted well to
    destinations are substantially depressed: in            and a scaling up of their online offerings have        online without abandoning the physical
    the four weeks to the end of May 2021, they             put the big players back on their feet and, for        presence that evidence suggests will remain
    were 27% below 2019 levels, although the                the first time in a decade, the threat of the          a key element of the consumer experience for
    pattern of out-of-town retail parks outperforming       discounters – primarily Aldi and Lidl – has            years to come, are likely to hold fast.
    continued, with the visitor decline closer to 6%        been countered. Moreover, calculations by
    as opposed to a drop in 36% for high street             Atrato Capital show that the significant uplift in     The Bankers Investment Trust benefits from
    traffic. Whilst coronavirus cases have surged           online order volumes during the pandemic has           trends in e-commerce growth via its holding
    and declined over the past 18 months, the pile of       transformed the profitability of home delivery:        in Amazon, as well as cashless payments
    rent that has gone unpaid thanks to government          for almost two decades, it has been dilutive           businesses Visa, Mastercard and Paypal.
                                                            to the big supermarkets’ profits, the delivery         The Trust also holds stakes in a number of
    mandated closures has continued to grow,
    currently standing at £6.4bn according to               charges rarely covering the costs of picking and       luxury brands, such as Hermes, ANTA sports
                                                                                                                                                                      The eye-watering valuations
    Remit Consulting.                                       despatch, but it is now estimated to be almost         and Burberry, which are direct beneficiaries of    of tech-driven e-tailers
                                                            as profitable as in-store shopping.                    strengthening consumer balance sheets.
    The extent to which employees return to office
                                                                                                                                                                      would seem to suggest that
    work after the eventual full easing of restrictions     Vesa, the investment vehicle of Czech                                                                     the online revolution will
    will be an important driver of footfall in the          billionaire Daniel Kretinsky, doubled its stake
    coming months, although few anticipate that the         in Sainsbury’s to 9.9% in April, becoming the                                                             persist long after COVID-19
                                                            retailer’s largest shareholder; Asda was
                                                                                                                                                                      remains a daily concern.
                                                                                                                    Source: Bloomberg, 20.03.20 to 16.08.21

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International travel stopped
     almost entirely between
     March and May 2020,                        HOW WE’LL TRAVEL
     with the United Nations                    The suitcase appeared at the end of the 19th century when spending several weeks
     World Tourism Organisation                 abroad each year became more common for the wealthy. Cheaper airline fares were the
                                                ‘game-changer’ in terms of democratising international travel but, irrespective of levels
     estimating a shortfall in                  of affluence, many of us will have not packed a suitcase for the best part of 18 months,
     travel spending 10 times                   for leisure or business. COVID-19 has ravaged an industry that relies on freedom of
                                                movement. International travel stopped almost entirely between March and May 2020,
     that which followed the                    with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) estimating a shortfall in

     global financial crisis.                   travel spending 10 times that which followed the global financial crisis.

                                                All parties involved in the fields of leisure or business travel have found themselves
                                                adversely affected by the pandemic: airlines, hotel chains, car hire firms, travel agents
                                                and restaurants have suffered. When rental car group Hertz filed for bankruptcy in May
                                                2020 – in April alone, turnover was down by 73% – it became the pandemic’s highest
                                                profile travel-related casualty and portended a great many corporate failures to come.
                                                Travel is a resilient industry, but it is facing a downturn like no other.

                                                The trough currently being experienced by the airline industry comes after years of
                                                healthy growth. In each 15-year period since 1988, total revenue passenger kilometres
                                                (RPKS) doubled, and were expected to continue to do so between 2018 and 2033
                                                according to Airbus, the European half of the duopoly which manufactures the world’s
                                                largest commercial aircraft. It will be a turbulent ride for airlines however, with signs of a
                                                full recovery still scant: only 2.8bn passengers are forecast to fly in 2021. Whilst long-haul
                                                flying will be hit particularly hard, all airlines face a bleak short-term future. In a good year,
                                                the industry makes an operating profit of circa $50bn; in 2020, losses were estimated to
                                                be more than double that figure. For operators keen to attract the business traveller, the
                                                long-awaited arrival of reliable video-conferencing services – Zoom, Microsoft Teams,
                                                Google Hangouts et al – has made matters worse.

                                                A host of carriers has succumbed – Norwegian Air Shuttle, FlyBe, Virgin Australia, Avianca
                                                and Stobart Air amongst others – with smaller operators lacking access to substantial
                                                capital finding themselves particularly vulnerable. For IAG, the parent company of British
                                                Airways and Iberia, capacity in the second quarter of this year was just over a fifth of
                                                that seen for the same period in 2019. It has seen its share price plummet from circa £5
                                                in mid-2018 to less than £2 three years later. Two types of carrier are likely to survive:
                                                those with sound business models and strong balance sheets – Ryanair in Europe
                                                (whose share price has recovered to mid-2018 levels), Southwest in the US and AirAsia,

                                     Source: Bloomberg, 21.06.18 to 18.06.21

10                                                                                                                                                   11
all low-cost operators – and legacy carriers,         carmakers. Tesla, the industry’s prime disruptor,
     mostly sustained by government funding. Just          is ahead of everyone else by a country mile and
     as PanAm and TWA are relics of the past, so           completing the universe of four are Uber, the
     a number of familiar names may no longer find         app-based ride-hailing giant now valued at over
     themselves on the tarmac.                             $100bn.

     Let’s turn our attention to travel of a different     Having been slow to the electrification party,
     kind: the train and the car.                          established carmakers are catching up but
                                                           are also finding themselves having to confront
     Sir Peter Hendy, chairman of Network Rail             a new societal challenge: the transition from
     which owns and manages the railway’s                  ownership to ‘usership’. The private car will
     infrastructure, estimates 20% of passenger            remain a significant element of the new
     traffic may not return while Abellio, which runs      ecosystem – for every 10 miles travelled,
     franchises including Greater Anglia and East          Americans drive eight, Europeans seven and
     Midlands Railway, has suggested that the              the Chinese six – but its dominance may well
     drop-off will be closer to a quarter. At the low      be under threat as we begin to rethink the
     point, passenger numbers fell to 5% of                concept of mobility… and it’s in city centres
     pre-pandemic levels; it has climbed since but has     where the revolution begins. Uber and Lyft,
     not consistently exceeded 40%. Just 12% of            its smaller US rival, have lost money for years
     commuters are planning to travel five days a          but are forecast to become profitable in 2022
     week after the pandemic.                              according to Morgan Stanley. Zipcar lets people
                                                           rent vehicles by the hour. Turo, a Californian
     Whilst rail operators are drawing up plans            business, offers peer-to-peer car-sharing.
     for flexible season tickets, industry figures         BlaBlaCar, a French firm that connects car
     believe that the Treasury, which has pumped           drivers with spare seats with passengers
     over £10bn into keeping the railways running          looking to travel in the same direction, has
     during the past year, is resisting more sweeping      succeeded in generating 90m members in 22
     reforms. Even before COVID-19, the regular            countries. Bike-sharing schemes and e-scooters
     commute was in gradual decline due to flexible        for hire are now commonplace in urban areas.
     working. Petrol has effectively been poured onto      As an additional layer of mobility, specialist
     what was already a burning platform, with the         journey-planning apps – Whim of Finland and
     franchise model set to disappear, replaced by a       Germany’s Deutsche Bahn are good examples
     fixed fee for running services, thereby reducing      – are now able to stitch these various options
     the risk of fluctuating passenger numbers. There      together to build a seamless trip, charging the
     is even talk of prioritising the needs of leisure     individual service providers a commission.
     rail-travellers, who have long been subjected         Subscription services, where a fixed monthly
     to delays and reduced services as a result of         fee covers all costs other than fuel, are also
     regular weekend engineering works.                    growing in popularity.

                                                           Unsurprisingly, the world’s mainstream
     Turning to cars, in the 1980s and 1990s, the
     likes of General Motors (GM) and Toyota               carmakers are keen to get a piece of this new
                                                                                                               Having been slow to the
     boasted some of the world’s largest market            action: in 2016, GM invested $500m into Lyft,       electrification party, established
     capitalisations; the picture looks rather different   Volkswagen has invested $300m into Gett,
     today. Of the four most valuable corporations         a European taxi-hailing app, and Toyota has         carmakers are catching up
     in the business of moving people around, only         invested in Uber and Grab, a Singaporean            but are also finding themselves
     two – Toyota and Volkswagen – are traditional         ride-hailing app.
                                                                                                               having to confront a new societal
                                                                                                               challenge: the transition from
                                                                                                               ownership to ‘usership’.

12                                                                                                                                            13
The Bankers Investment Trust owns positions in Toyota Motor. The motor company has joined          The shape of the economic recovery is therefore to a large
             the electrification race and plans to spend $9 billion over the next decade to build factories     extent dependent on what consumers choose to do with
             for electric-car batteries. The US sleeve also owns a position in American Express. The            these untold riches, and to what extent. Andy Haldane, the
             eventual recovery in global travel should benefit the financial services company. In Asia,         Bank of England’s chief economist, talks about a “coiled
             another beneficiary of the return of international travel is likely to be the Trust’s holding in   spring” of pent-up demand waiting to be released as the
             duty-free business China Tourism.                                                                  government’s lockdown shackles continue to be relaxed.
                                                                                                                Healthier savings should result in higher levels of
                                                                                                                consumption, on the basis that people will feel less
                                                                                                                compelled to set aside an overly prudent proportion of
             HOW WE’LL ENTERTAIN OURSELVES                                                                      their future earnings.

             UK household balance sheets have rarely been healthier, the government having absorbed             Households are unlikely to remedy missed trips to the
             considerably more of the economic pain of the pandemic than in a normal downturn through           hairdressers in 2020 by visiting their stylists more frequently,
             the furlough scheme, tax concessions and soft loans. Despite 2020’s double-digit fall in GDP,      but they are widely expected to visit the pub and eat out at
             unemployment never rose above 5%. Business insolvencies were lower than in 2019. The               restaurants more often, particularly as, since 17th May, they
             household savings ratio – the percentage of disposable income that people save rather than         have been able to do so inside. It’s not a secret that we like
             spend – climbed to its highest level on record (see chart below)5, with circa £180bn added to      a drink in these islands. Analysis from Nielsen Scantrack
             personal bank accounts between the start of the pandemic and the end of June 2021.                 shows that, whilst sales of supermarket alcohol went sky
                                                                                                                high during the initial lockdown (the 17 weeks to 11 July
                                                                                                                2020), the overall volume of alcohol purchased was
                                                                                                                lower than in 2019. Perhaps, for us Brits, the social aspect
                                                     HOUSEHOLD SAVINGS                                          of drinking is as important as the boozing itself! However,
                                                    Per cent of disposable income                               supply rather than demand may prove to be the prevailing
                                                                                                                issue, given that the British Beer & Pub Association, an
                                                                                                                influential trade body, predicts that some 30,000 pubs –
              35                                                                                                80% of those in England – are at risk of closing as certain
                                                                                                                lockdown constraints persist. Food delivery apps have,
              30                                                                                                needless to say, been one of the success stories of the
                                                                                                                pandemic – the merger of the Just Eat and Takeaway
              25                                                                                                businesses is now valued at over £6bn – but it remains to
                                                                                                                be seen to what extent our enthusiasm for ‘at home’ dining
              20                                                                                                remains undimmed.

                                                                                                                Other sectors likely to see a marked and sustained uplift
                                                                                                                in sales are consumer durables – car sales were extremely
                                                                                                                weak throughout most of 2020 for example – home
              10                                                                                                entertainment technology, equipment which facilitates
                                                                                                                home working and streaming entertainment services: Netflix,
                5                                                                                               Disney et al. As people seek to reward themselves after
                                                                                                                months of lockdown containment and enforced saving,
                0                                                                                               increased consumer spending on personal and luxury
                       2015           2016           2017              2018       2019           2020   2021    products is also widely anticipated.
                                                 US          Euro area              UK
                                                                                                                The Bankers Investment Trust owns positions in tech-enabled
                                       Source, Refinitiv Datastream/Fathom Consulting as of July 2021           media companies Netflix (online streaming), Facebook
                                                                                                                (social media) and Alphabet (YouTube) which have all seen
                                                                                                                substantial growth in their userbase and revenue over the
                                                                                                                last few years.

      Source, Refinitiv Datastream/Fathom Consulting as of July 2021

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A TIME TO BE NIMBLE                                                                                GLOSSARY

     Some of the societal and consumer behaviours we’ve described are hard-wired, of course,                Bond yields                                                            It includes controlling interest rates and the
     and so we may well see a good degree of bounce-back as economies across the world                      The level of income on a security, typically                           supply of money. Monetary stimulus refers to
     continue to re-open. People like working together, for example, and so offices are unlikely to be      expressed as a percentage rate. Note, lower                            a central bank increasing the supply of money
     redundant, although we will probably need less space. Home delivery is useful, but many would          bond yields mean higher prices and vice versa.                         and lowering borrowing costs. Monetary
     prefer to sit in a restaurant with friends, and so we should see bricks and mortar dining return                                                                              tightening refers to central bank activity aimed at
     over the coming year. A great many businesses have disappeared needless to say, particularly           Gross domestic product (GDP)                                           curbing inflation and slowing down growth in the
     in saturated sectors, and so the silver lining to a particularly dark cloud is that competition will   The value of all finished goods and services                           economy by raising interest rates and reducing
     have lessened for the survivors.                                                                       produced by a country, within a specific time                          the supply of money.
                                                                                                            period (usually quarterly or annually). It is
     It’s ironic to note that Bankers Investment Trust – one of the UK’s oldest listed vehicles – has       usually expressed as a percentage comparison                           NAV Net asset value (NAV)
     remained consistently fleet of foot in adapting the portfolio allocation to prevailing market          to a previous time period and is a broad measure                       The total value of a fund’s assets less
     conditions. Performance has been consistently impressive. Over the longer term, the share              of a country’s overall economic activity.                              its liabilities.
     price and NAV total return are both well ahead of the benchmark over five and 10 years.6 Over
     the most recent financial year, with dividends reinvested, the net asset value (NAV) total return      Inflation                                                              Premium
     was 5.3%, outperforming the FTSE World Index total return of 4.3%, whilst the share price total        The rate at which the prices of goods and                              When the market price of a security is thought
     return was higher still, at 8.1%, due to the narrowing of the discount to NAV at which the shares      services are rising in an economy. The CPI and                         to be more than its underlying value, it is said
     are traded: a premium of 0.4% at the year-end compared to a discount of 2.2% for the previous          RPI are two common measures.                                           to be ‘trading at a premium’. Within investment
     financial year.7                                                                                                                                                              trusts, this is the amount by which the price per
                                                                                                            IPO                                                                    share of an investment trust is higher than the
     There is, of course, an ever-present threat that robust growth prospects and all this new-found        Initial public offering: when shares in a private                      value of its underlying net asset value.
     demand generate inflation, pushing up bond yields and prompting central banks to be less               company are offered to the public for the
     accommodative with regard to monetary policy. Binges and hangovers do, after all, tend to go           first time.                                                            Valuation
     together. Despite that, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)                                                                                     Metrics used to gauge a company’s perfor-
     is predicting that, of the G20 nations, only six will have restored per capita GDP to pre-pandemic     Monetary policy                                                        mance, financial health, and expectations for
     levels by the end of 2021. The UK is forecast to achieve that goal in mid-2022.8 Our current           The policies of a central bank aimed at influencing                    future earnings eg, price to earnings (P/E) ratio
     economic summer may well prove to resemble our summers in general therefore: pleasant,                 the level of inflation and growth in an economy.                       and return on equity (ROE).
     warm, and fun but with low risk of overheating.

                                                                                                                                      ANNUAL PERFORMANCE (CUM INCOME) (%)

                                                                                                                         Discrete year performance % change
                                                                                                                                                                                            Share Price                    Nav
                                                                                                                                  (updated quarterly)

                                                                                                                                30/06/2020 to 30/06/2021                                         11.0                      18.6

                                                                                                                                28/06/2019 to 30/06/2020                                          9.1                      6.5

                                                                                                                                29/06/2018 to 28/06/2019                                          8.1                      6.6
         Source: Janus Henderson, The Bankers Investment Trust PLC factsheet, as at 30.06.21
         Source: Janus Henderson factsheet, The Bankers Investment Trust PLC annual report, 2020
         Source: OECD Economic Outlook, May 2021
                                                                                                                                30/06/2017 to 29/06/2018                                         11.5                      12.4

                                                                                                                                30/06/2016 to 30/06/2017                                         27.6                      19.4

                                                                                                                                   All performance, cumulative growth and annual growth data is sourced from Morningstar

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       17

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     For promotional purposes. Not for onward distribution. Before investing in an investment trust
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