How to Estimate Continuous Sentiments From Texts Using Binary Training Data

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How to Estimate Continuous Sentiments From Texts
                            Using Binary Training Data
                 Sandra Wankmüller                Christian Heumann
          Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität      Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
                  Munich, Germany                    Munich, Germany

                      Abstract                           (Liu, 2015). In psychology, scholars agree that an
                                                         attitude is a summary evaluation of an entity (Ba-
    Although sentiment is conceptualized as a con-
                                                         naji and Heiphetz, 2010; Albarracin et al., 2019).
    tinuous variable, most text-based sentiment
    analyses categorize texts into discrete senti-       An attitude is the aggregated evaluative response
    ment categories. Compared to discrete catego-        resulting from a multitude of different (and po-
    rizations, continuous sentiment estimates pro-       tentially conflicting) information bases relating to
    vide much more detailed information which            the attitude entity (Fabringar et al., 2019). When
    can be used for more fine-grained analyses by        putting the definition of an attitude as an evaluative
    researchers and practitioners alike. Yet, exist-     summary into mathematical terms, an attitude is a
    ing approaches that estimate continuous senti-
                                                         unidimensional, continuous variable ranging from
    ments either require detailed knowledge about
    context and compositionality effects or require      highly negative to highly positive (Cacioppo et al.,
    granular training labels, that are created in re-    1997). This notion that attitudes are continuous is
    source intensive annotation processes. Thus,         also mirrored in the sentiment analysis literature in
    existing approaches are too costly to be ap-         which sentiments are devised to vary in their levels
    plied for each potentially interesting applica-      of intensity (Liu, 2015).
    tion. To overcome this problem, this work in-           Despite this conceptualization, in an overwhelm-
    troduces CBMM (standing for classifier-based
                                                         ing majority of studies textual sentiment expres-
    beta mixed modeling procedure). CBMM ag-
    gregates the predicted probabilities of an en-
                                                         sions are measured as instances of discrete classes.
    semble of binary classifiers via a beta mixed        Sentiment analysis often implies a binary or multi-
    model and thereby generates continuous, real-        class classification task in which texts are assigned
    valued output based on mere binary training in-      into two or three classes, thereby distinguishing
    put. CBMM is evaluated on the Stanford Senti-        positive from negative sentiments and sometimes a
    ment Treebank (SST) (Socher et al., 2013), the       third neutral category (e.g. Pang et al., 2002; Tur-
    V-reg data set (Mohammad et al., 2018), and          ney, 2002; Maas et al., 2011). Other studies pursue
    data from the 2008 American National Elec-
                                                         ordinal sentiment classification (e.g. Pang and Lee,
    tion Studies (ANES) (The American National
    Election Studies, 2015). The results show that       2005; Thelwall et al., 2010; Socher et al., 2013;
    CBMM produces continuous sentiment esti-             Kim, 2014; Zhang et al., 2015; Cheang et al., 2020).
    mates that are acceptably close to the truth and     Here, texts fall into one out of several discrete and
    not far from what could be obtained if highly        ordered categories.
    fine-grained training data were available.              If researchers would generate continuous—
                                                         rather than discrete—sentiment estimates, this
1   Introduction
                                                         would not only align the theoretical conceptual-
In natural language processing and computer sci-         ization of sentiment with the way it is measured
ence, the term sentiment typically refers to a loosely   but also would provide much more detailed infor-
defined, broad umbrella concept: Feeling, emotion,       mation that in turn can be used by researchers and
judgement, evaluation, and opinion all fall under        practitioners for more fine-grained analyses and
the term sentiment or are used synonymously with         more fine-tuned responses.
it (Pang and Lee, 2008; Liu, 2015). Interestingly,          For example, in the plot on the right hand side
the broad notion of sentiment is very well cap-          in Figure 1, the distribution of the binarized senti-
tured by the psychological concept of an attitude        ment values of the tweets in the V-reg data set (Mo-
hammad et al., 2018) is shown. If researchers and                        80

practitioners would operate only on this discrete                        60

sentiment categorization, the shape of the under-                        40

lying continuous sentiment distribution would be
unknown. In fact, all distributions shown on the
left hand side in Figure 1 produce the plot on the                            0.00    0.25     0.50      0.75   1.00
right hand side in Figure 1 if the sentiment values
                                                                         80                                                        1400                     1344
are binarized in such way that tweets with a sen-                                                                                  1200

timent value of ≥ 0.5 are assigned to the positive                       60


class and otherwise are assigned to the negative                         40

class. Imagine that a team of researchers would be                       20

interested in the sentiments expressed toward a pol-                     0
                                                                              −0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
                                                                                                                                            Negative       Positive

icy issue and they would only know the binarized                                             Sentiment                                    Binarized Sentiment Values

sentiment values on the right hand side in Figure                        80

1. The researchers would not be able to conclude                         60

whether the expressions toward the policy issue are                      40

polarized into a supporting and an opposing side,                        20

whether a large share of sentiment expressions is                        0

positioned in the neutral middle, or whether the                              0.00    0.25     0.50
                                                                                                         0.75   1.00

sentiments are evenly spread out. Knowing the
continuous sentiment values, however, would al-          Figure 1: Continuous and Discrete Sentiment Distribu-
low them to differentiate between these scenarios.       tions. Right plot: Binarized sentiment values of the
   As will be elaborated in Section 2, existing ap-      tweets in the V-reg data set (Mohammad et al., 2018).
                                                         Left plots: Histograms and kernel density estimates for
proaches that estimate continuous sentiment values
                                                         three continuous distributions of sentiments that pro-
for texts rely on (1) the availability of a compre-      duce the plot on the right hand side if the continuous
hensive, context-matching sentiment lexicon and          sentiment values are binarized such that tweets with
the researcher’s knowledge regarding how to accu-        values of ≥ 0.5 are assigned to the positive class and
rately model compositionality effects, or (2) highly     otherwise are assigned to the negative class. The uni-
costly processes to create fine-grained training data.   modal distribution at the top is the true distribution of
                                                         sentiment values but the other two distributions would
   Sentiment analysis thus would benefit from a          generate the same binary separation of tweets into pos-
technique that generates continuous sentiment pre-       itive and negative.
dictions for texts and is less demanding concerning
the required information or resources. To meet
this need, this work explores in how far the here        that generate continuous sentiments are reviewed
proposed classifier-based beta mixed modeling ap-        (Section 2). Then, CBMM is introduced in detail
proach (CBMM) can produce valid continuous               (Section 3) before it is evaluated on the basis of
(i.e. real-valued) sentiment estimates on the basis of   the Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST) (Socher
mere binary training data. The method comprises          et al., 2013), the V-reg data set (Mohammad et al.,
three steps. First, for each training set document a     2018), and data from the 2008 American National
binary class label indicating whether the document       Election Studies (ANES) (The American National
is closer to the negative or the positive extreme of     Election Studies, 2015) (Section 4). A concluding
the sentiment variable has to be created or acquired.    discussion follows in Section 5.
Second, an ensemble of J classifiers is trained on
the binary class labels to produce for each of N test    2                Related Work
set documents J predicted probabilities to belong        This work is concerned with the estimation of con-
to the positive class. Third, a beta mixed model         tinuous values for texts in applications in which
with N document random intercepts and J classi-          the underlying, unidimensional, continuous vari-
fier random intercepts is estimated on the predicted     able (e.g. sentiment) is well defined and the re-
probabilities. The N document random intercepts          searcher seeks to position the texts along exactly
are the documents’ continuous sentiment estimates.       this variable. Hence, this work does not consider
  In the following section, existing approaches          unsupervised approaches (e.g. Slapin and Proksch,
2008) and only considers methods in which infor-                  ror (MSE) between the true granular labels and the
mation on the definition of the underlying variable               real-valued predictions from the regression model
explicitly enters the estimation of the texts’ val-               is minimized. Regression approaches have shown
ues. Among these methods, one can distinguish                     to be able to generate continuous sentiment predic-
two major approaches: lexicon-based procedures                    tions that are quite close to the true fine-grained
and regression models that operate on fine-grained                labels (Mohammad et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2018).
training data.1                                                   Yet, the prerequisite for implementing such an ap-
                                                                  proach is that fine-grained labels for the training
2.1    Lexicon-Based Approaches                                   data are available. Generating such granular an-
An ideal sentiment lexicon covers all features in                 notations, however, is difficult and costly: Catego-
the corpus of an application and precisely assigns                rizing a training text into few ordinal categories is
each feature to the sentiment value the feature has               arguably a more easy task than assigning a text into
in the thematic context of the application (Grim-                 one out of a large number of ordered values or even
mer and Stewart, 2013; Gatti et al., 2016). A major               rating a text on a real-valued scale. As the number
difficulty of lexicon-based approaches, however,                  of distinct values increases, the number of inter-
is that even such an ideal sentiment lexicon will                 and intra-rater disagreements is likely to increase
not guarantee highly accurate sentiment estimates.                (Krippendorff, 2004). Hence, to produce reliable
The reason is that sentiment builds up through com-               text annotations, it is advantageous to have each
plex compositional effects (Socher et al., 2013).                 document rated several times by independent raters.
These compositional effects either can be mod-                    The independent ratings then can be aggregated by
eled via human-created rules or can be learned                    taking the median or the mean of the ratings to
by supervised machine learning algorithms. Ap-                    obtain the final value (see e.g. Kiritchenko and Mo-
proaches that try to model compositionality via                   hammad, 2017). The larger the number of raters
human-created rules range from simple formulas                    for a document, the more reliable the final value as-
(e.g. Paltoglou et al., 2013; Gatti et al., 2016) to              signed to the document. For this reason, generating
elaborate procedures (e.g. Moilanen and Pulman,                   reliable fine-grained labels for training documents
2007; Thet et al., 2010). Human-coded composi-                    via rating scale annotations requires a resource in-
tionality rules, however, tend to be outperformed                 tensive annotation process.
by supervised machine learning algorithms (com-                      The best-worst scaling (BWS) method in which
pare e.g. Gatti et al., 2016, Table 12 and Socher                 coders have to identify the most positive and the
et al., 2013, Table 1). In the latter case, sentiment             most negative document among tuples of doc-
lexicons serve the purpose of creating the feature                uments (typically 4-tuples), alleviates the prob-
inputs to regression approaches—which are dis-                    lems of inter- and intra-rater inconsistencies (Kir-
cussed next.                                                      itchenko and Mohammad, 2017). Yet, in order for
                                                                  the rankings among document tuples to generate
2.2    Regression Approaches                                      valid real-valued ratings via the counting procedure
The second major set of approaches that gener-                    implemented in BWS, it is essential that each doc-
ate real-valued sentiment estimates makes use of                  ument occurs in many different tuples such that
highly granular training data (e.g. as in the SST                 each document is compared to many different other
data set where each text is assigned to one out                   documents. This implies that a substantive number
of 25 distinct values (Socher et al., 2013)). In                  of unique tuples have to be annotated—which, in
these approaches, the fine-grained annotations are                turn, demands respective human coding resources.
treated as if they were continuous and a regression                  An alternative to the labeling of texts by human
model is applied.2 Typically, the mean squared er-                coders is the usage of already available information
                                                                  (e.g. if product reviews additionally come with nu-
      Techniques for estimating continuous document positions
on an a priori defined unidimensional latent variable also have
                                                                  merical star ratings). The problem here, however,
been developed in political science. These methods either are     is that such information—if available at all—often
at their core lexicon-based approaches (Watanabe, 2021) or        comes in the form of discrete variables with only
require continuous values for the training documents (Laver
et al., 2003)—and thus have the same shortcomings as either       few distinct values (e.g. 5-star rating systems).
lexicon-based or regression approaches.
      Note that here, in correspondence with machine learn-       algorithms that model a real-valued response variable—which
ing terminology, regression refers to statistical models and      typically is assumed to follow a normal distribution.
To conclude, it is difficult and resource intensive   ument i, a predicted probability to belong to class
to create or acquire fine-grained training data that      1 is obtained from each classifier j, such that there
is so detailed that it can be treated as if it were       are J predicted probabilities for each document:
continuous. Not each team of researchers or prac-         ŷi = [ŷi1 . . . ŷij . . . ŷiJ ]; whereby ŷij is classifier
titioners will have the resources to create detailed      j’s predicted probability for document i to belong
training annotations and thus regression models           to class 1.
cannot be applied to each substantive application
of interest. Hence, the question that this work ad-       3.3    Estimating a Beta Mixed Model
dresses is: Can one generate continuous sentiments
with fewer costs in a setting where inter- and intra-     In step three, the aim is to infer the unobserved doc-
rater inconsistencies are likely to be small? For         uments’ continuous values on the latent sentiment
example based on a simple binary coding of the            variable from the observed predicted probabilities
training data?                                            that have been generated by the set of classifiers.
                                                          The approach taken here is similar to item response
3     Procedure                                           theory (IRT) in which unobserved subjects’ values
                                                          on a latent variable of interest (e.g. intelligence) are
In the following, the three steps of the proposed         inferred from the observed subjects’ responses to a
CBMM procedure—(1) generating binary class                set of question items (Hambleton et al., 1991). Cen-
labels, (2) training and applying an ensemble of          tral to IRT is the assumption that a subject’s value
classifiers, as well as (3) estimating a beta mixed       on the latent variable of interest affects the subject’s
model—are explicated. CBMM assumes that the               responses to the set of question items (Hambleton
documents to be analyzed are positioned on a latent,      et al., 1991). For example, a subject’s level of
unidimensional, continuous sentiment variable.            intelligence is postulated to influence his/her an-
The aim is to estimate the test set documents’ real-      swers in an intelligence test. In correspondence
valued sentiment positions. The test set documents        with this assumption, the consistent mathematical
are indexed as i ∈ {1 . . . N } and their sentiment       element across all types of IRT models is that the
positions are denoted as θ = [θ1 . . . θi . . . θN ]> .   observed subjects’ responses are regressed on the
                                                          unobserved subjects’ latent levels of ability.
3.1    Generating Binary Class Labels
                                                             Here, there are documents rather than subjects
The CBMM procedure starts by generating binary            and classifiers rather than question items. Yet, the
class labels for the training set documents, e.g. via     aim is the same: to infer unobserved latent posi-
human coding. The coders classify the training            tions from what is observed. As in IRT, the idea
documents into two classes such that the binary           here is that a document’s value on the latent senti-
class label of each training set document indicates       ment variable affects the predicted probabilities the
whether the document is closer to the negative (0)        document obtains from the classifiers. For exam-
or the positive (1) extreme of the sentiment variable.    ple, a document with a highly positive sentiment is
Alternatively to human coding, binarized external         assumed to get rather high predicted probabilities
information (such as star ratings associated with         from the classifiers. Consequently, the predicted
texts) can be used as class label indicators.             probabilities are regressed on the documents’ latent
                                                          sentiment positions.
3.2    Training and Applying an Ensemble of                  In doing so, it has to be accounted for that the
       Classifiers                                        predicted probabilities are grouped in a crossed
In the second step, an ensemble of classification         non-nested design: In step 2, for each of the N doc-
algorithms, indexed as j ∈ {1 . . . J}, is trained on     uments, J predicted probabilities (one from each
the binary training data. The classifiers in the en-      classifier) are produced such that there are N × J
semble may differ regarding the type of algorithm,        predicted probabilities. These predicted probabili-
hyperparameter settings, or merely the seed values        ties cannot be assumed to be independent. The J
initializing the optimization process. After training,    predicted probabilities for one document are likely
each classifier produces predictions for the N doc-       to be correlated because they are repeated measure-
uments in the test set and each classifier’s predicted    ments on the same document. Additionally, the N
probabilities for the test set documents to belong to     predicted probabilities produced by one classifier
the positive class are extracted. Thus, for each doc-     also are generated by a common source. They come
from the same classifier that might systematically               2010). This means that the variance of ŷij not only
differ from the others, e.g. produce systematically              depends on precision parameter φ but also depends
lower predicted probabilities.                                   on µij , which implies that the model naturally ex-
   Moreover, the data generating process is such                 hibits heteroscedasticity (Cribari-Neto and Zeileis,
that the documents are drawn from a larger popula-               2010). In the given data structure, documents that
tion of documents. The population distribution of                express very positive (or very negative) sentiments
the probability to belong to class 1 might inform                are likely to be easy cases for the classifiers and it
the probabilities obtained by individual documents.              is likely that all classifiers will predict very high
Similarly, the classifiers are sampled from a popu-              (or very low) values. Documents that express less
lation of classifiers with a population distribution             extreme sentiments, in contrast, are likely to be
in the generated predicted probabilities that may                more difficult cases and the classifiers are likely to
inform an individual classifier’s predicted probabil-            differ more in their predicted probabilities. This is,
ities. To account for this data generating process, a            predicted probabilities are likely to exhibit a higher
mixed model with N document random intercepts                    variance for documents positioned in the middle of
and J classifier random intercepts seems the ade-                the sentiment value range. To additionally account
quate model of choice. (On mixed models see for                  for this effect, the beta mixed model described in
example Fahrmeir et al. (2013, chapter 7)).                      equations 1 to 4 can be extended with a dispersion
   As the predicted probabilities, ŷij , are in the unit        formula describing the precision parameter φ as a
interval [0,1], it is assumed that the ŷij are beta             function of document-specific fixed effects:5
distributed. Following the parameterization of the
beta density employed by Ferrari and Cribari-Neto                                        h(φi ) = δi                       (5)
(2004) the beta mixed model is:
                                                                 To keep φi > 0, h(·) here is the log link (Brooks
                     ŷij ∼ B(µij , φ)                    (1)    et al., 2017).6 In the following, CBMM is imple-
                                                                 mented with and without the dispersion formula in
                 g(µij ) = β0 + θi + γj                   (2)    equation 5. The variant of CBMM that includes
                                                                 equation 5 is denoted CBMMd.
                      θi ∼ N (0, τθ2 )                    (3)       With or without a dispersion formula, the θi de-
                     γj ∼ N (0, τγ2 )                     (4)    scribe the document-specific deviations from the
                                                                 fixed population mean β0 . Hence, the θi —in linear
In the model described here, ŷij (the probability               relation to β0 —position the documents on the real
for document i to belong to class 1 as predicted by              line and thus are taken as the CBMM and CBMMd
classifier j) is assumed to be drawn from a beta dis-            estimates for the continuous sentiment values.
tribution with conditional mean µij . µij assumes
values in the range (0,1) and φ > 0 is a precision               4       Applications
parameter (Cribari-Neto and Zeileis, 2010). µij is
determined by the fixed global population intercept              4.1      Data
β0 , the document-specific deviation θi from this                The effectiveness of CBMM in generating continu-
population intercept, and the classifier-specific de-            ous sentiments using binary training data is evalu-
viation γj from the population intercept. As the                 ated on the basis of four data sets:
documents are assumed to be sampled from a larger                   The Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST) (Socher
population, the document-specific θi are modeled                 et al., 2013) contains sentiment labels for 11,855
to be drawn from a shared distribution (see equa-                sentences [train: 9,645; test: 2,210] taken from
tion 3).3 The same is true for the classifier-specific           movie reviews. Each of the sentences was assigned
γj . To ensure that the results from the linear pre-             one out of 25 sentiment score values ranging from
dictor in equation 2 are kept between 0 and 1, the               highly negative (0) to highly positive (1) by three
logit link is chosen as the link function g(·).4                 independent human annotators.
   Note that in the beta distribution V ar(ŷij ) =                  5
                                                                       Note that the document-specific δi are fixed effects that
µij (1 − µij )/(1 + φ) (Cribari-Neto and Zeileis,                are not modeled to be sampled from a shared population distri-
                                                                 bution. The reason is that current software implementations of
     Note that the usually employed assumption is that the       mixed models that use maximum likelihood estimation only
random effects are independent and identically distributed       allow for inserting fixed effects but no random effects in the
according to a normal distribution (Fahrmeir et al., 2013).      dispersion model formula (Brooks et al., 2017).
   4                                                                 6
     Thus, equation 2 is log(µij /(1 − µij )) = β0 + θi + γj .         Thus, equation 5 here is log(φi ) = δi .
The V-reg data set from the SemEval-2018 Task                  these data sets are selected because they come with
1 on “Affect in Tweets” (Mohammad et al., 2018)                   fine-grained labels that can be used for evaluating
contains 2,567 tweets [train: 1,630; test: 937] that              CBMM, the settings in which CBMM will be espe-
are likely to be rich in emotion. The tweets’ real-               cially valuable are those in which external informa-
valued valence scores are in the range (0,1) and                  tion that may serve as a granular training input is
were generated via BWS, whereby each 4-tuple                      unavailable and the available amounts of resources
was ranked by four independent coders.                            are not sufficient for a granular coding of texts.
   Furthermore, two data sets from the 2008 Ameri-
can National Election Studies (ANES) (The Amer-                   4.2    Generating Continuous Sentiment
ican National Election Studies, 2015) are used.                          Estimates via CBMM
The feeling thermometer question, in which par-                   Step 2 of the CBMM procedure consists in train-
ticipants have to rate on an integer scale ranging                ing an ensemble of classifiers on the binary train-
from 0 to 100 in how far they feel favorable and                  ing data to then obtain predicted probabilities for
warm vs. unfavorable and cold toward parties, is                  the test set documents. Here, for all four applica-
posed regularly in ANES surveys. In the 2008                      tions, a set of 10 pretrained language representa-
pre-election survey, participants were additionally               tion models with the RoBERTa architecture (Liu
asked in open-ended questions to specify what they                et al., 2019) are fine-tuned to the binary classifi-
specifically like and dislike about the Democratic                cation task. The 10 models within one ensemble
and the Republican Party.7 Here, the aim is to                    merely differ regarding their seed value that ini-
generate continuous estimates of the sentiments                   tializes the optimization process and governs batch
expressed in the answers based on the binarized                   allocation.8 As the seed values are randomly gen-
feeling thermometer scores. For the Democrats                     erated, this neatly fits with the assumption encoded
there are 1,646 answers [train: 1,097; test: 549].                in the specified mixed models that classifiers are
This data set is named ANES-D. For the Repub-                     randomly sampled from a larger population of clas-
licans there are 1,523 answers [train: 1,015; test:               sifiers. As a Transformer-based model for transfer
508] that make up data set ANES-R. For compari-                   learning, RoBERTa is likely to yield relatively high
son with the other applications, the true scores from             prediction performances in text-based supervised
ANES are rescaled by min-max normalization from                   learning tasks also if—as is the case for the selected
range [0,100] to [0,1].                                           applications—training data sets are small.
   To create binary training labels for the CBMM                     In step 3 of CBMM, two different beta mixed
procedure, in all training data sets the fine-grained             models as presented in equations 1 to 5—one
sentiment values are dichotomized such that the                   model with and the other without a dispersion
class label for a document is 1 if its score is ≥                 formula—are estimated. In each mixed model, the
0.5 and is 0 otherwise. CBMM’s continuous sen-                    estimate for θi is taken as the sentiment value pre-
timent estimates for the test set documents then                  dicted for document i.
are compared to the original fine-grained values.                    Steps 1 and 3 of the CBMM procedure are
Note that these four data sets are selected for eval-             conducted in R (R Core Team, 2020). The beta
uation precisely because they provide fine-grained                mixed models are estimated with the R package
sentiment scores against which the CBMM esti-                     glmmTMB (Brooks et al., 2017). In step 2, fine-
mates can be compared to. In each of the four                     tuning is conducted in Python 3 (Van Rossum
data sets, the detailed training annotations are the              and Drake, 2009) making use of PyTorch (Paszke
result of resourceful coding processes or—in the                  et al., 2019). Pretrained RoBERTa models are ac-
case of ANES—lucky coincidences. For exam-                        cessed via the open-source library provided by Hug-
ple, around 50,000 annotations were made for the                  gingFace’s Transformers (Wolf et al., 2020). The
V-reg data set that comprises 2,567 tweets (Moham-                source code to replicate the findings is available at
mad et al., 2018). Such resources or coincidences,      
however, are unlikely to be available for each po-                   8
                                                                       The 10 models applied for one application also have the
tentially interesting research question. Thus, whilst             same hyperparameter settings. In all four applications, a grid
                                                                  search across sets of different values for the batch size, the
      The survey contains one question asking what the partici-   learning rate and the number of epochs is conducted via a 5-
pant likes and a separate question asking what the participant    fold cross-validation. The hyperparameter setting that exhibits
dislikes about a party. For each respondent, the answers to       the lowest mean loss across the validation folds and does not
these two questions are concatenated into a single answer.        suffer from too strong overfitting is selected.
4.3     Evaluation                                               uous sentiment predictions. Yet, to account for the
4.3.1    Comparisons to Other Methods                            data generating process of the ẑij , a linear mixed
                                                                 model (LMM)—instead of a beta mixed model—is
The sentiment estimates from CBMM and CBMMd                      estimated:
are compared to the following methods.                                           ẑij ∼ N (µij , σ 2 )             (6)
    Mean of Predicted Probabilities [Pred-Prob-
Mean]. For each document, this procedure simply                                  µij = β0 + θi + γj                (7)
takes the mean of the predicted probabilities across                                θi ∼ N (0, τθ2 )               (8)
the ensemble of classifiers: θ̂i = J1 Jj=1 ŷij .

    Lexicon-Based Approaches. Two lexicons are                                     γj ∼ N (0, τγ2 )                (9)
made use of. First, the SST provides for each tex-               This approach is named Regr-LMM. The LMM
tual feature in the SST corpus a fine-grained hu-                with a dispersion formula, Regr-LMMd, addition-
man annotated sentiment value that indicates the                 ally has: h(σi2 ) = δi ; with h(·) being the log link.
feature’s sentiment in the context of movie reviews.
Hence, the SST constitutes an all-encompassing                   4.3.2 Evaluation Metrics
and perfectly tailored lexicon for the SST applica-              The generated continuous sentiment estimates are
tion and is employed as a lexicon here. Second,                  evaluated by comparing them to the original granu-
the SentiWords lexicon (Gatti et al., 2016), that                lar sentiment labels. Three evaluation metrics are
is based on SentiWordNet (Esuli and Sebastiani,                  used: the mean absolute error (MAE), the Pearson
2006) and contains prior polarity sentiment values               correlation coefficient r, and Spearman’s rank cor-
for around 155,287 English lemmas, is used. For                  relation coefficient ρ. The evaluation metrics are
the SST and the SentiWords lexicons, the sentiment               selected such that there is a measure of the average
value estimates are generated by computing the                   absolute distance (MAE) as well as a measure of
arithmetic mean of a document’s matched features’                the linear correlation (r) between the original true
values. The procedures here are named SST-Mean                   sentiment values and the estimated values. Note
and SentiWords-Mean.                                             that Spearman’s ρ assesses the correlation between
    Regression approaches, that make use of the                  the ranks of the true and the ranks of the estimated
true fine-grained sentiment values rather than the               values and thus evaluates in how far the order of
binary training data, are also applied. Note that                documents from negative to positive sentiment as
the evaluation results for the regression-based pro-             produced by the evaluated approaches reflects the
cedures signify the levels of performance that can               order of documents according to the true scores.
be achieved if one is in the ideal situation and pos-
sesses fine-grained training annotations. Hence, the             4.4   Results
regression approaches constitute a reference point               Table 1 presents the evaluation results across all
against which the other approaches’ performances                 applied data sets. Figure 2 visualizes distributions
can be related to.                                               of the true and estimated sentiment values for the
    Here, in all four applications, J = 10 RoBERTa               SST data. Across the four employed data sets (each
regression models are trained on the training set                with a different shape of the to be approximated
and then make real-valued predictions for the doc-               distribution of the true sentiment values) the perfor-
uments in the test set such that there are J =                   mance levels vary for all approaches. Yet, the main
10 predictions for each test set document: ẑi =                 result remains consistent: the continuous sentiment
[ẑi1 . . . ẑij . . . ẑiJ ]; whereby ẑij is the real-valued   estimates generated by CBMM correlate similarly
prediction of regression model j for document i.                 with the truth and get only slightly less closer to
To have a fair comparison to CBMM, the same                      the truth as the predictions generated by regression
procedures for aggregating the predicted values are              approaches that operate on fine-grained training
explored. Thus, there are three different aggrega-               data. At times, CBMM estimates even slightly out-
tion methods. First, the mean of the 10 models’                  perform regression predictions. Hence, researchers
predictions is taken such that the sentiment esti-               that seek to get continuous sentiment estimates but
mate is: θ̂i = J1 Jj=1 ẑij [Regr-Mean]. Second
                                                                 do not have the resources to produce highly de-
and third, a mixed model with and without a dis-                 tailed training annotations can apply CBMM on
persion formula is estimated on the basis of the ẑij .          binary training labels and thereby obtain estimated
The estimates for the θi are extracted as the contin-            continuous sentiments whose performance is likely
SST                                                   V-reg                                           ANES-D                                                       ANES-R
                                                           MAE                           r         ρ          MAE                              r       ρ      MAE                               r      ρ                   MAE                                r           ρ
                        SST-Mean                           0.190                      0.554     0.574         0.171                         0.437   0.487     0.242                         −0.013 −0.033                  0.252                          −0.059       0.058
                        SentiWords-Mean                    0.201                      0.428     0.429         0.177                         0.429   0.475     0.254                         −0.067 −0.079                  0.289                          −0.009       0.005
                        Regr-Mean                          0.099                      0.892     0.876         0.090                         0.871   0.869     0.195                         −0.655 −0.653                  0.191                          −0.618       0.627
                        Regr-LMM                           0.099                      0.892     0.876         0.090                         0.871   0.869     0.195                         −0.655 −0.653                  0.191                          −0.618       0.627
                        Regr-LMMd                          0.099                      0.892     0.876         0.090                         0.872   0.870     0.195                         −0.655 −0.653                  0.192                          −0.618       0.627
                        Pred-Prob-Mean                     0.216                      0.859     0.856         0.198                         0.804   0.844     0.202                         −0.646 −0.649                  0.218                          −0.624       0.613
                        CBMM                               0.161                      0.874     0.856         0.164                         0.819   0.842     0.191                         −0.667 −0.648                  0.207                          −0.621       0.613
                        CBMMd                              0.137                      0.877     0.856         0.133                         0.835   0.844     0.200                         −0.668 −0.649                  0.205                          −0.620       0.612

Table 1: Evaluation Results. For the SST, V-reg, ANES-D, and ANES-R test data sets, the mean absolute error
(MAE), the Pearson correlation coefficient r, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient ρ between the true and
the estimated sentiment values are presented. The shading of the cells is a linear function of the approaches’ level
of performance. The darker the shading, the higher the performance. For computing the MAE, the predicted
sentiment values are rescaled via min-max normalization to the range of the true sentiment values.
 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

                                                         0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

                                                                                                               0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

                                                                                                                                                                    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
True Sentiment Scores

                                                        True Sentiment Scores

                                                                                                              True Sentiment Scores

                                                                                                                                                                   True Sentiment Scores

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           True Sentiment Scores




                        0      20       40    60   80                           0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0                               0.0    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0                           0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0                                 0.0     0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
                                    Frequency                                      Estimates from Regr−Mean                                 Estimates from CBMMd                           Estimates from Pred−Prob−Mean                                 Estimates from SST−Mean






                                                                                                                                                                                                                           20 40 60 80













                        0.0    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0                              0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0                               0.0    0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0                           0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0                                 0.0     0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
                              True Sentiment Scores                                Estimates from Regr−Mean                                 Estimates from CBMMd                           Estimates from Pred−Prob−Mean                                 Estimates from SST−Mean

Figure 2: True and Estimated Sentiment Values for the SST Data. First column: Histograms of the true sentiment
scores. Remaining columns, top row: Estimates from Regr-Mean, CBMMd, Pred-Prob-Mean, and SST-Mean
plotted against the true sentiment values. Remaining columns, bottom row: Histograms of the estimates from
Regr-Mean, CBMMd, Pred-Prob-Mean, and SST-Mean.

to be only slightly lower compared to predictions                                                                                                    procedure that accounts for the complex building
from regression models. Beside this main finding,                                                                                                    up of sentiment in texts.
the following aspects are revealed:                                                                                                                     Regression Approaches. The continuous sen-
   Lexicon-based approaches do not perform very                                                                                                      timent predictions generated by regression ap-
well. The predicted sentiments are centered in the                                                                                                   proaches tend to have the smallest distances to and
middle of the sentiment value range and changes in                                                                                                   the highest correlations with the true sentiment
a document’s sentiment are not strongly reflected                                                                                                    scores. Hence, the results demonstrate that if one
in changes in the sentiment values predicted by the                                                                                                  has detailed training annotations available that can
lexicons. (As an example see the most right column                                                                                                   be treated as if they were continuous, regression
of Figure 2.) Consequently, the lexicon generated                                                                                                    approaches constitute an effective way to bring sen-
sentiment estimates exhibit relatively low levels of                                                                                                 timent estimates as close as possible to the true
correlation with the true sentiment values. Espe-                                                                                                    sentiment values.
cially the case of the SST lexicon for the SST data                                                                                                     Across applications, the estimates obtained from
shows that it is not sufficient to have a lexicon that                                                                                               Regr-Mean, Regr-LMM, and Regr-LMMd are
has a coverage of 100% and is perfectly tailored                                                                                                     highly similar. The reason is that the variance
to the context it is applied to. In order to get valid                                                                                               for the document-specific intercepts, τθ2 , is high
sentiment estimates, one requires an aggregation                                                                                                     relative to the error variance σ 2 , and the classifier-
specific variance τγ2 .9 Thus, the LMM estimator                      MMd and Pred-Prob-Mean in Figure 2.)
is close to a fully unpooled solution in which a
separate model for each document is estimated                         5   Conclusion
(Fahrmeir et al., 2013, p. 355-356). The sentiment
                                                                      This work introduced CBMM—a classifier-based
predictions from Regr-LMM are therefore highly
                                                                      beta mixed modeling technique that generates con-
correlated with Regr-Mean that computes a sepa-
                                                                      tinuous estimates for texts by estimating a beta
rate mean for each document. Furthermore, adding
                                                                      mixed model based on predicted probabilities from
a dispersion formula does not strongly affect the
                                                                      a set of classifiers. CBMM’s central contribution
predictions from Regr-LMM.
                                                                      is that it produces continuous output based on bi-
   Pred-Prob-Mean leads to acceptable results. Yet,
                                                                      nary training input, thereby dispensing the require-
the estimates from Pred-Prob-Mean still strongly
                                                                      ment of regression approaches to have (possibly
mirror the binary coding structure (see the fourth
                                                                      prohibitively costly to create) fine-grained training
column of Figure 2). Moreover, MAE tends to
                                                                      data. Evaluation results demonstrate that CBMM’s
decrease and r tends to increase further if the pre-
                                                                      continuous estimates perform well and are not far
dicted probabilities are aggregated via beta mixed
                                                                      from regression predictions.
models in CBMM.
                                                                         CBMM here is applied in the context of senti-
   CBMM produces continuous sentiment estimates
                                                                      ment analysis. Yet, it can be applied to any context
that exhibit performance levels that are relatively
                                                                      in which the aim is to have continuous predictions
close to those of the regression-based procedures.
                                                                      but the resources only allow for creating binary
When considering the MAE and r, CBMMd tends
                                                                      training annotations.
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