Corporate Tax Statistics - FIRST EDITION - OECD
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Corporate Tax Statistics This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of CONTENTS international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. Introduction 1 The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Corporate tax revenues 2 Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law. Note by Turkey: The information in this document with reference to “Cyprus” Statutory corporate income tax rates 8 relates to the southern part of the Island. There is no single authority representing both Turkish and Greek Cypriot people on the Island. Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Until a lasting Corporate effective tax rates 16 and equitable solution is found within the context of the United Nations, Turkey shall preserve its position concerning the “Cyprus issue”. Tax incentives for research and development 26 Note by all the European Union Member States of the OECD and the European Union: The Republic of Cyprus is recognised by all members of the United Nations with the exception of Turkey. The information Intellectual property regimes 33 in this document relates to the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. References 37 NAMES OF COUNTRIES AND JURISDICTIONS ALB Albania CUW Curaçao KAZ Kazakhstan PRT Portugal SWE Sweden AND Andorra CYP Cyprus KEN Kenya ROU Romania CHE Switzerland AGO Angola CZE Czech Republic KOR Korea RUS Russia THA Thailand AIA Anguilla DNK Denmark LVA Latvia RWA Rwanda TGO Togo ARG Argentina DOM Dominican Republic LBR Liberia VCT Saint Vincent and TKL Tokelau AUS Australia COD DRC LIE Liechtenstein the Grenadines TTO Trinidad and Tobago AUT Austria EGY Egypt LTU Lithuania WSM Samoa TUN Tunisia BHS Bahamas SLV El Salvador LUX Luxembourg SAU Saudi Arabia TUR Turkey BHR Bahrain EST Estonia MAC Macau, China SEN Senegal TCA Turks and Caicos BRB Barbados SWZ Eswatini MYS Malaysia SRB Serbia Islands BEL Belgium FJI Fiji MDV Maldives SYC Seychelles UGA Uganda BLZ Belize FIN Finland MLI Mali SGP Singapore ARE United Arab Emirates BMU Bermuda FRA France MLT Malta SVK Slovak Republic GBR United Kingdom BOL Bolivia GAB Gabon MUS Mauritius SVN Slovenia USA United States BWA Botswana DEU Germany MEX Mexico SLB Solomon Islands URY Uruguay BRA Brazil GHA Ghana MCO Monaco ZAF South Africa VNM Viet Nam VGB British Virgin Islands GRC Greece MSR Montserrat ESP Spain BRN Brunei Darussalam GTM Guatemala MAR Morocco BGR Bulgaria GGY Guernsey NLD Netherlands BFA Burkina Faso GUY Guyana NZL New Zealand CPV Cabo Verde HND Honduras NER Niger CMR Cameroon HKG Hong Kong, China NGA Nigeria CAN Canada HUN Hungary NOR Norway CYM Cayman Islands ISL Iceland OMN Oman CHL Chile IND India PAN Panama CHN China IDN Indonesia PNG Papua New Guinea COL Colombia IRL Ireland PRY Paraguay COG Congo IMN Isle of Man PER Peru COK Cook Islands ISR Israel PHL Philippines CRI Costa Rica ITA Italy POL Poland CIV Côte d’Ivoire JAM Jamaica HRV Croatia JPN Japan CUB Cuba JEY Jersey
INTRODUCTION . 1 Introduction The Corporate Tax Statistics database is intended to assist in the study of corporate tax policy and expand the quality and range of data available for the analysis of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). In developing this first edition of the database, the analysis of corporate taxation, in general, and of BEPS, in OECD has worked closely with members of the particular. Inclusive Framework on BEPS (Inclusive Framework) and other jurisdictions willing to participate in the The database compiles new data items and statistics collection and compilation of statistics relevant to currently collected and stored by the OECD in various corporate taxation. The 2015 Measuring and Monitoring existing data sets. The first edition of the database BEPS, Action 11 report highlighted that the lack of contains four main categories of data: quality data on corporate taxation is a major limitation to the measurement and monitoring of the scale of l corporate tax revenues; BEPS and the impact of the OECD/G20 BEPS project. l statutory corporate income tax rates; While this database is of interest to policy makers from l corporate effective tax rates; the perspective of BEPS, its scope is much broader. l tax incentives related to innovation. Apart from BEPS, corporate tax systems are important more generally in terms of the revenue that they raise Future editions will also include an important new and the incentives for investment and innovation that data source: aggregated and anonymised statistics of they create. The Corporate Tax Statistics database brings data collected under the BEPS Action 13 Country-by- together a range of valuable information to support the Country Reports. Box 1. CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS l Corporate tax revenues: – data are from the OECD’s Global Revenue Statistics Database – covers 88 jurisdictions from 1965-2016 (for OECD members) and 1990-2016 (for non-OECD members) l Statutory corporate income tax rates: – covers 94 jurisdictions from 2000-18 l Corporate effective tax rates: – covers 74 jurisdictions for 2017 l Tax incentives for research and development (R&D): – data are from the OECD’s R&D Tax Incentive Database – covers 47 jurisdictions for 2000-16 (for tax and direct government support as a percentage of R&D) – covers 44 jurisdictions for 2000-18 (for implied subsidy rates for R&D, based on the B-index) l Intellectual property (IP) regimes: – data collected by the OECD’s Forum on Harmful Tax Practices – covers 65 regimes in 41 jurisdictions for 2018
2 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS Corporate tax revenues Data on corporate tax revenues can be used to compare the size of corporate tax revenues across jurisdictions and to track trends over time. The data in the Corporate Tax Statistics database allow the comparison of individual jurisdictions as well as average corporate tax revenues across OECD jurisdictions, 25 Latin American & Caribbean (LAC) jurisdictions, and 21 African jurisdictions1. Box 2. CORPORATE TAX REVENUES KEY INSIGHTS: The Corporate Tax Statistics database contains four l In 2016, the share of corporate tax revenues in total tax corporate tax revenues indicators: revenues was 13.3% on average across the 88 jurisdictions l the level of corporate tax revenues in national currency; in the database, and corporate tax revenues as a percentage of GDP was 3.0% on average. l the level of corporate tax revenues in USD; l corporate tax revenues as a percentage of total tax l The size of corporate tax revenues relative to total tax revenues; revenues and relative to GDP varies by groupings of jurisdictions. In 2016, corporate tax revenues were a larger l corporate tax revenues as a percentage of gross share of total tax revenues on average in Africa (15.3% in domestic product (GDP). the 21 jurisdictions) and LAC (15.4% in the 25 jurisdictions) The data are from the OECD’s Global Revenue Statistics than the OECD (9%). The average of corporate tax revenues Database, which presents detailed, internationally as a share of GDP was the largest in LAC (3.4% in the 25 comparable data on tax revenues. The classification of jurisdictions), followed by the OECD (2.9%) and Africa taxes and methodology is described in detail in the OECD’s (2.8% in the 21 jurisdictions). Revenue Statistics Interpretative Guide. l In five jurisdictions – Egypt, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines – corporate tax revenues Corporate tax revenues made up more than one-quarter of total tax revenues in 2016. 88 countries l Corporate tax revenues are driven by the economic cycle. and growing... For the period 2000-16, average corporate tax revenues as a percentage of GDP reached their peak in 2007 (3.6%) and CIT revenues as a share of total tax revenues declined in 2009 and 2010 (3.2% and 3.1% respectively), reflecting the impact of the global financial and economic crisis. 12.0% 13.3% l For jurisdictions where the exploitation of natural resources 2000 2016 is a significant part of the economy, changes in commodity prices can have a significant effect on corporate tax CIT revenues as a percentage of GDP revenues. From 2015 to 2016, the share of corporate tax in total tax decreased by more than five percentage points in two jurisdictions, the Democratic Republic of Congo (from 2.7% 3.0% 20.6% to 14.5%) and Trinidad and Tobago (from 44.0% to 23.4%). In both of these jurisdictions, the drop was driven 2000 2016 by a decline in commodity prices. 1. The Global Revenue Statistics Database covers 92 jurisdictions in 2018. Data on corporate tax revenues is available for 88 of these jurisdictions. In addition to the OECD, Latin America & Caribbean jurisdictions, and African jurisdictions, the Global Revenue Statistics Database also contains data on Asian and Pacific jurisdictions, but the number of jurisdictions is not sufficiently large for the calculation of meaningful averages for the Asia and Pacific Region.
CORPORATE TAX REVENUES . 3 FIGURE 1: Average corporate tax revenues as a percentage of total tax and as a percentage of GDP 18% 4% 16% 14% 3% 12% Percentage of total taxation Percentage of GDP 10% 2% 8% 6% 1% 4% Note: These averages are unweighted. The number of jurisdictions used to calculate the averages shown in this figure grew from 77 in 2000 to 88 in 2016. Therefore, the averages 2% shown in the early years are not strictly comparable with the averages shown in the later years. Source: Data from the Global Revenue Statistics Database, Percentage of total taxation Percentage of GDP 0% 0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 TRENDS IN CORPORATE TAX REVENUES Between 2000 and 2016, the trend for both indicators is very similar. When measured both as a percentage of Data from the OECD’s Corporate Tax Statistics database total tax revenues and as a percentage of GDP, corporate reveal that there was a slight increase in both the tax revenues reached their peak in 2007 and then average of corporate income tax (CIT) revenues as dipped in 2009 and 2010, reflecting the impact of the a share of total tax revenues and as a share of GDP global financial and economic crisis. While average CIT between 2000 and 2016 across the 88 jurisdictions revenues recovered after 2010, the unweighted averages for which data are available (see Figure 1).2 Average declined in each of the last three years for which data corporate tax revenues as a share of total tax revenues across all 88 jurisdictions are available (2014, 2015 and increased from 12.0% in 2000 to 13.3% in 2016, and 2016). Some of the recent drop can be explained by a average CIT revenues as a percentage of GDP increased drop in commodity prices, which has decreased CIT from 2.7% in 2000 to 3.0% in 2016. revenues particularly in resource-intensive economies. Corporate tax revenues are particularly important Corporate tax revenues as a share of total tax in 2016 in developing economies (CIT revenues as a share of total tax revenues in 2016) AFRICA (21): 15.3% LAC (25): 15.4% 25% Corporate tax revenues made up more than one-quarter of total tax revenues in 2016: OR MORE Egypt, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines OECD: 9.0% 5% OR LESS Corporate tax revenues made up less than 5% of total tax revenues in 2016: Bahamas, France, Iceland, Slovenia, and Tokelau 2. The latest available tax revenue data available across all jurisdictions in the database are for 2016, although there are 2017 data available for some jurisdictions in the Global Revenue Statistics database.
4 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS FIGURE 2: Corporate tax revenues as a percentage of total tax revenues, 2016 MYS EGY PNG KAZ PHL COL SGP THA PER TTO GTM COG FJI MEX CHL GUY IDN ESW NER HND TGO BFA BOL CMR MAR BLZ AUS ZAF RWA SLV NZL DOM CUB MLI PRY COD GHA MUS KOR COK KEN PAN LUX CPV JPN SGB IRL CHE CZE URY SVK CRI CAN NOR CIV JAM ISR BRA WSM ARG PRT NLD SEN GBR BRB BEL USA ESP UGA TUR GRC SWE HUN DNK AUT LVA POL TUN LTU Revenues DEU EST LAC average (25) FIN ITA Africa average (21) ISL FRA OECD average SVN TKL Source: Data from the Global Revenue Statistics Database, BHS 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% Note: The statistical data for Israel are supplied by and under the responsibility of the relevant Israeli authorities. The use of such data by the OECD is without prejudice to the status of the Golan Heights, East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements in the West Bank under the terms of international law.
CORPORATE TAX REVENUES . 5 The averages mask substantial differences across l the degree to which firms in a jurisdiction are jurisdictions. In 2016, jurisdictions differed considerably incorporated; in the portion of total tax revenues raised by the l the breadth of the corporate income tax base; corporate income tax (see Figure 2). In Egypt, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and the l the current stage of the economic cycle and the Philippines, CIT revenue accounted for more than 25% degree of cyclicality of the corporate tax system of total tax revenue. In Malaysia, it accounted for more (for example, from the generosity of loss offset than 40%. In contrast, some jurisdictions – such as provisions); the Bahamas, Tokelau,3 France, Iceland and Slovenia l the extent of reliance on other types of taxation, such – raised less than 5% of total tax revenue in the form as taxes on personal income and on consumption; of corporate income tax. The average revenue share of corporate tax in 2016 also varied across the OECD and l the extent of reliance on tax revenues from the the regional groupings (Latin American & the Caribbean exploitation of natural resources; and Africa). In 2016, the OECD average was the lowest, at l other instruments to postpone the taxation of earned 9.0%, compared to the African (21) average (15.3%) and profits. the LAC (25) average (15.4%). Generally, differences in corporate tax revenues as a Some of the variation in the share of corporate income share of total tax revenues should not be interpreted tax in total tax revenues results from differences as being related to BEPS behaviour, since many other in statutory corporate tax rates, which also vary factors are more significant, although profit shifting may considerably across jurisdictions. In addition, this have some effects at the margin. variation can be explained by institutional and jurisdiction-specific factors, including: 3. The Bahamas and Tokelau do not levy a corporate income tax.
CORPORATE TAX REVENUES . 7 CORPORATE TAX REVENUES AS A SHARE OF GDP Corporate tax revenues as a percentage of GDP also tax revenue share of total tax revenue differs, such vary among jurisdictions. In 2016, the ratio of corporate as differences in statutory corporate tax rates and tax revenues to GDP for a majority of jurisdictions fell differences in the degree to which firms in a given between 2% and 5% of GDP (see Figure 3). For a few jurisdiction are incorporated. In addition, the total level jurisdictions, corporate tax revenues accounted for a of taxation as a share of GDP plays a role. For example, larger percentage of GDP; they are more than 5% of GDP for the 21 African jurisdictions, the relatively high in Malaysia, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago. In contrast, average revenue share of CIT compared to the relatively they are less than 2% of GDP in 12 jurisdictions. low average of CIT as a percentage of GDP reflects the low amount of total tax raised as a percentage of GDP In 2016, the OECD and African (21) averages were almost (average of 18.2%). Total tax revenue as a percentage of identical, at 2.8% of GDP, whereas the LAC (25) average GDP is higher for the 25 LAC jurisdictions (average of was higher (3.4%). 22.7%) and OECD jurisdictions (average of 34.0%). Across jurisdictions in the database, low tax-to-GDP ratios may The reasons for the variation across jurisdictions in reflect policy choices as well as difficulties in domestic corporate tax revenues as a percentage of GDP are resource mobilisation. similar to those that account for why the corporate In 2016, average corporate tax revenues as a percentage of GDP were highest in the LAC (25) region at 3.4%. The OECD and African (21) averages were 2.8%.
8 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS Statutory corporate income tax rates Statutory corporate income tax rates show the headline tax rate faced by corporations and can be used to compare the standard tax rate on corporations across jurisdictions and over time. As statutory tax rates measure the marginal tax that would be paid on an additional unit of income, in the absence of other provisions in the tax code, they are often used in studies of BEPS to measure the incentive that firms have to shift income between jurisdictions. Standard statutory tax rates, however, do not give base to which the rate applies. Further information, a full picture of the tax rates faced by corporations such as the data on effective corporate tax rates and in a given jurisdiction. The standard corporate tax intellectual property (IP) regimes in the Corporate Tax rate does not reflect any special regimes or rates Statistics database, is needed to form a more complete targeted to certain industries or income types, nor picture of the tax burden on corporations across does it take into account the breadth of the corporate jurisdictions. KEY INSIGHTS: l Statutory tax rates have been decreasing on average over the l Comparing 2000 and 2018, six jurisdictions – Bulgaria, last two decades, although considerable variation among Germany, Guernsey, Jersey, the Isle of Man and Paraguay – jurisdictions remains. The average combined (central and decreased their statutory tax rates by 20 percentage points sub-central government) statutory tax rates for all covered or more. During this time, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle jurisdictions was 21.4% in 2018, compared to 21.7% in 2017 of Man eliminated preferential regimes and reduced their and 28.6% in 2000. standard statutory tax rates to zero. l Of the 94 jurisdictions covered, 18 had statutory tax rates l From 2017 to 2018, the combined statutory tax rate equal to or above 30% in 2018, with India having the decreased in ten jurisdictions and increased in six (Canada, highest statutory tax rate at 48.3%, which includes a tax on India, Korea, Latvia, Portugal, Turkey). distributed dividends. l The jurisdictions with the largest decreases in the combined l In 2018, 12 jurisdictions had no corporate tax regime or corporate tax rate between 2017 and 2018 were France (an a statutory income tax rate of zero. Only one jurisdiction, almost 10 percentage point decrease) and the United States Hungary (9%), had a positive statutory tax rate less than (a decrease of 13.07 percentage points). France repealed 10%. Hungary, however, also has a local business tax, an exceptional surtax on corporate profits that had been which does not use corporate profits as its base. This is not in place in 2017, and the United States lowered its central included in Hungary’s statutory tax rate, but it does mean government corporate tax rate by 14 percentage points. The that businesses in Hungary are subject to a higher level of tax jurisdiction with the largest increase was Latvia (an increase than its statutory tax rate reflects. of 5 percentage points), which transitioned at the same time to a CIT system where tax is only imposed on distributed l Comparing statutory tax rates between 2000 and 2018, 76 earnings. jurisdictions had lower tax rates in 2018, while 12 jurisdictions had the same tax rate, and 6 had higher tax rates (Andorra; Chile; Hong Kong, China; India; the Maldives; Oman). The average statutory tax rate fell by 7.2 percentage points l The largest increases between 2000 and 2018 were in from 28.6 % in 2000... Andorra and Chile (both at 10 percentage points) and the Maldives (15 percentage points). Andorra and the Maldives 21.4% in 2018 did not have a corporate tax regime and introduced one during this time period.
10 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS Box 3. STATUTORY CORPORATE INCOME TAX RATES The Corporate Tax Statistics database reports statutory tax The standard rate, that is not targeted at any particular rates for resident corporations at the: industries or income type, is reported. The top marginal rate is reported if a jurisdiction has a progressive corporate tax l central government level; system. Other special corporate taxes that are levied on a base l central government level exclusive of any surtaxes; other than corporate profits are not included. l central government level less deductions for subnational taxes; The statutory tax rate data presented in this report refer to l sub-central government level; combined statutory corporate tax rates, unless otherwise noted. l combined (central and sub-central) government level. STATUTORY CORPORATE TAX RATES SINCE 2000 The distribution of statutory tax rates changed Most of the downward movement in tax rates between significantly between 2000 and 2018 (see Figure 5). 2000 and 2018 was to statutory tax rates equal to or In 2000, 12 jurisdictions had tax rates greater than or greater than 10% and less than 30%. The number of equal to 40%, while only 1 jurisdiction (India) had a rate jurisdictions with tax rates equal to or greater than 20% exceeding 40% in 2018, and that rate only applies to and less than 30% jumped from 20 jurisdictions to distributed earnings. Over three-fifths (58 jurisdictions) 43 jurisdictions, and the number of jurisdictions with of the 94 jurisdictions in the database had statutory tax tax rates equal to or greater than 10% and less than 20% rates greater than or equal to 30% in 2000 compared to more than tripled, from 6 to 20 jurisdictions. less than one-fifth (18 jurisdictions) in 2018. FIGURE 5: Changing distribution of statutory corporate tax rates 50 2000 45 2018 40 35 30 Number of jurisdictions 25 20 15 10 5 0
STATUTORY CORPORATE INCOME TAX RATES . 11 The average statutory corporate tax rate declined more significantly in the OECD than in the regional groupings (a decline of 8.5 percentage points, from 32.2% in 2000 to 23.7% in 2018). Despite the general downward movement in tax rates regimes that were not compliant with the BEPS Action during this period, the number of jurisdictions with very 5 minimum standard, and the Maldives is also in the low tax rates of less than 10% remained fairly stable process of amending or abolishing such regimes.) between 2000 and 2018. There were 10 jurisdictions with tax rates less than 10% in 2000, and 13 below that CORPORATE TAX RATE TRENDS ACROSS REGIONS threshold in 2018. Since 2000, average statutory tax rates have declined There has, however, been some movement of jurisdictions across OECD member states and three regional groupings into and out of this category, and these movements of jurisdictions: 14 African jurisdictions, 17 Asian illustrate how headline statutory tax rates do not give a jurisdictions and 19 LAC jurisdictions (see Figure 6).4 complete picture of the tax rate in a jurisdiction. Between 2005 and 2009, the British Virgin Islands, Guernsey, Jersey The grouping with the most significant decline has been and the Isle of Man all moved from standard statutory the OECD (a decline of 8.5 percentage points, from 32.2% corporate tax rates above 10% to zero corporate tax in 2000 to 23.7% in 2018) followed by the African (14) rates. In all of these cases, however, before changing their average with a decline of 7.3 percentage points, from standard corporate tax rate to zero, they had operated 34.4% in 2000 to 27.1% in 2018. While the averages have broadly applicable special regimes that resulted in very fallen for each grouping over this period, there remains low tax rates for qualifying companies. Meanwhile, a significant level of difference between the average for Andorra and the Maldives instituted corporate tax regimes each group: the average corporate tax rate for Africa and moved from zero rates to positive tax rates (10% (14) was 27.1% in 2018, compared to 23.7% for the OECD, in Andorra beginning in 2012 and 15% in the Maldives 18.4% for Asia (17) and 17.9% for LAC (19). beginning in 2011). However, they also introduced preferential regimes as part of their corporate tax systems 4. As the sample of jurisdictions for which tax revenue data are available and the sample of jurisdictions for which statutory corporate tax rate data are available are that offered lower rates to qualifying companies. (Andorra not the same, the average corporate tax revenue and statutory tax rate data for the has recently amended or abolished its preferential different regional groups should not be directly compared.
12 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS FIGURE 6: Average statutory corporate income tax rates by region 40% Overall Africa (14) Asia (17) LAC (19) OECD 35% 30% 25% 20% Note: For readability purposes, the Y-axis value has been positioned to start at 15% 15% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Percentage of jurisdictions with statutory corporate tax rates greater than, or equal to, 30% 2000 2005 2010 40% Overall Africa (14) Asia (13) LAC (13) OECD 62% 47% 29% 35% 2015 2018 30% 23% 19% 25% Excluding jurisdictions with a zero statutory tax rate, the overall average 20% statutory tax rate declined from 31.7% to 24.0% from 2000 to 2018. 15% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
15% STATUTORY CORPORATE INCOME TAX RATES . 13 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 FIGURE 7: Average statutory corporate income tax rates by region excluding zero-rate jurisdictions 40% Overall Africa (14) Asia (13) LAC (13) OECD 35% 30% 25% 20% Note: For readability purposes, the Y-axis value has been positioned to start at 15% 15% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 The inclusion of jurisdictions with corporate tax rates the time period; meanwhile, the average statutory of zero affects the average tax rate and has larger tax rate for the full group of 17 Asian jurisdictions is effects on some regions than on others, since zero- 5-10 percentage points lower per year than the average rate jurisdictions are not evenly distributed among the statutory tax rate for OECD jurisdictions. different groups (see Figure 7). Excluding zero-rate jurisdictions results in the most Excluding zero-rate jurisdictions raises the overall average striking difference in the LAC region. In 2018, the statutory tax rate by about 3.6 percentage points per year, average statutory tax rate across all 19 LAC jurisdictions while the general downward trend remains the same. (17.9%) was 8.3 percentage points lower than the average From 2000 to 2018, the overall average statutory rate for statutory tax rate for the 13 LAC jurisdictions with non-zero rate jurisdictions declined from 31.7% to 24.0%. positive CIT rates (26.2%). With the exclusion of zero- rate jurisdictions, the LAC (13) average is higher than The effect of excluding zero-rate jurisdictions varies the OECD average and is second only to the average by grouping. There are no zero-rate jurisdictions in statutory rate for African (13) jurisdictions. the OECD or Africa (14), and so the average statutory In 2018, the African (14) region had the highest average tax rates of these groupings are not affected. However, statutory corporate tax rate at 27.1%. 4 of the 17 Asian jurisdictions and 6 of the 19 LAC jurisdictions have or had statutory corporate tax rates set at zero; therefore, the average statutory tax rates of the 13 Asian jurisdictions with positive statutory tax Africa (14) rates and the 13 LAC jurisdictions with positive statutory tax rates are higher than the averages for those regions when all jurisdictions are included. The average 27.1% statutory rates of non-zero-rate Asian (13) jurisdictions and the OECD jurisdictions are extremely similar over
14 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS THE STANDARD STATUTORY CORPORATE TAX RATE IS NOT THE ONLY CORPORATE TAX RATE Standard statutory tax rates provide a snapshot of Jurisdictions with broadly applicable tax regimes available the corporate tax rate in a jurisdiction. However, to international companies jurisdictions may have multiple tax rates with the applicable tax rate depending on the characteristics of Preferential tax regimes are especially important in the corporation and the income. understanding how standard statutory tax rates do not always capture the incentives that may exist to engage l Some jurisdictions operate preferential tax regimes in BEPS behaviours. In particular, some jurisdictions offer with lower rates offered to certain corporations or or have offered very low rates through regimes that are income types. available to international companies with relatively few restrictions, while maintaining high standard statutory l Some jurisdictions tax retained and distributed tax rates. earnings at different rates. l Some jurisdictions impose different tax rates on For example, a number of jurisdictions offer or have certain industries. offered International Business Companies regimes. Companies qualifying for these regimes pay a reduced l Some jurisdictions have progressive rate structures rate of tax relative to the standard statutory CIT rate. or different regimes for small and medium sized While the standard statutory tax rate may be quite high companies. in these jurisdictions, qualifying international business companies are typically exempt from tax or pay a tax l Some jurisdictions impose different tax rates on non- rate of only a few percentage points. There are also other resident companies than on resident companies. cases, like Malta, which offers a refund of up to six- l Some jurisdictions impose lower tax rates in special sevenths of corporate income taxes to both resident and or designated economic zones. non-resident investors through its imputation system.
STATUTORY CORPORATE INCOME TAX RATES . 15 FIGURE 8: Tax rates of broadly applicable tax regimes available to international companies Malta St Vincent and the Grenadines Montserrat Seychelles Barbados Curaçao Maldives Taxes on distributed earnings Mauritius Another way in which standard statutory tax rates Standard corporate may not reflect the rates imposed on companies is if Andorra income tax rate jurisdictions tax distributed earnings in addition to (or Reduced rate instead of) a corporate income tax on all profits. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% In some jurisdictions, there is a tax on all corporate Figure 8 shows the standard CIT rate in 2018 as well as a profits when they are earned and an additional tax on reduced CIT rate available through a special regime (or any earnings that are distributed. This is the case in India, through an imputation system, in the case of Malta), for for example, where corporate profits, whether retained or jurisdictions which have been identified as implementing distributed, are taxed at a rate of 34.9%, and an additional regimes, with broad application, that offer low rates to tax on dividend distributions raises the total tax rate on international companies. The jurisdictions shown in distributed profits to 48.3%. Figure 8 are only those for which statutory CIT rate data is available in the Corporate Tax Statistics database; there are In other jurisdictions, there is no tax on profits when similar regimes around the world in other jurisdictions. they are earned, and corporate tax is only imposed Since jurisdictions may offer multiple special regimes when profits are distributed. This is the case in both and the exact tax rate may depend on the companies’ Estonia and Latvia, which both tax distributed profits circumstances, the reduced rates shown are representative. at 20% and impose no tax on retained earnings. While 20% is reported for both countries in the Corporate Tax Except for the Maltese imputation system, which is Statistics database, the rate faced by corporations in not in the scope of the BEPS project, all of the regimes these jurisdictions could be much lower and will depend shown were amended or abolished during 2018 or are in on the proportion of profits that are distributed. In the the process or being amended or abolished to be aligned case of both of these jurisdictions, where a corporation with the BEPS Action 5 minimum standard. These retains all profits and does not pay any dividends in changes should greatly diminish the incentives these a given period, it will not be subject to any corporate regimes provide for BEPS behaviour. income tax.
16 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS Corporate effective tax rates Variations in the definition of corporate tax bases across jurisdictions can have a significant impact on the tax liability associated with a given investment. For instance, corporate tax systems differ across jurisdictions with regard to several important features, such as fiscal depreciation rules as well as other allowances and deductions. To capture the effects of these provisions on corporate tax bases and tax liabilities, it is necessary to go beyond a comparison of statutory tax rates. It is well understood that cross-jurisdiction Box 4. CORPORATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATES competitiveness is not solely driven by the tax costs associated with an investment; many other factors, such The Corporate Tax Statistics database contains four forward- as the quality of the workforce, infrastructure and the looking tax policy indicators reflecting tax rules as of 1 July legal environment, affect profitability and are likely to 2017: have significant impacts on investment decisions. In measuring the competitiveness of jurisdictions, however, l the effective marginal tax rate (EMTR); effective tax rates (ETRs) provide a more accurate l the effective average tax rate (EATR); picture of the effects of corporate tax systems on the actual tax liabilities faced by companies than statutory l the cost of capital; tax rates. l the net present value of capital allowances as a share of the initial investment. The Corporate Tax Statistics database presents “forward- looking” ETRs, which are synthetic tax policy indicators All four tax policy indicators are calculated by applying calculated using information about specific tax policy jurisdiction-specific tax rules to a prospective, hypothetical rules. Unlike “backward-looking” ETRs, they do not investment project. Calculations are undertaken separately incorporate any information about firms’ actual tax for investments in different asset types and by sources payments. As described in more detail in Box 6, the ETRs of financing (i.e. debt and equity). Composite tax policy reported in the first edition of Corporate Tax Statistics indicators are computed by weighting over assets and focus on the effects of fiscal depreciation and several sources of finance. In addition, more disaggregated results related provisions (e.g., allowances for corporate equity, are also reported in the Corporate Tax Statistics database. half-year conventions, inventory valuation methods). The tax policy indicators are calculated for three different While this includes fiscal depreciation rules for macroeconomic scenarios. Unless noted, the results intangible property, such as acquired patents or trade- reported in this report refer to composite effective tax marks, for example, the effects of expenditure-based rates based on the macroeconomic scenario with a 3% real R&D tax incentives and intellectual property (IP) regimes interest rate and 1% inflation. are not accounted for. It is intended that the effects of R&D tax incentives and IP regimes will be included in Largest statutory tax rate reductions due to fiscal acceleration the dataset in the future. (percentage points, 2017) In addition, it should be noted that the ETRs reflect tax rules as of 1 July 2017, thus not accounting for the effects of the US Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which entered into force in 2018. Recent studies applying similar USA India Papua New Guinea Belgium forward-looking ETR methodologies suggest that this 4.8 3.8 3.8 3.6 percentage points percentage points percentage points percentage points reform package has significantly reduced the ETRs in the United States. If capital allowances are more generous than economic depreciation, fiscal depreciation is accelerated. Fiscal acceleration can be measured by comparing the EATR to the statutory rate.
CORPORATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATES . 17 KEY INSIGHTS: l Of the 74 jurisdictions covered in 2017, 55 provide accelerated l Effective marginal tax rates (EMTRs) are the lowest in depreciation, meaning that investments in these jurisdictions jurisdictions with the most accelerated fiscal depreciation are subject to EATRs below their statutory tax rates. Among rules, including two large economies with comparatively those jurisdictions, the average reduction of the statutory high statutory tax rates: India and the United States. In tax rate was 1.8 percentage points; in 2017, the largest addition, jurisdictions with an ACE also have considerably effects were observed in the United States (4.8 percentage lower EMTRs. points), India (3.8 percentage points), Papua New Guinea (3.8 percentage points) and Belgium (3.6 percentage points). l Disaggregating the results to the asset level reveals that fiscal acceleration is strongest for investments in buildings and l In contrast, fiscal depreciation was decelerated in 11 juris machinery. For these two asset categories, the average EATR dictions, leading to EATRs above the statutory tax rate. Among across jurisdictions is 19.3% and 19.6%, considerably lower those jurisdictions, the average increase of the statutory tax rate than the average composite EATR (20.5%). was 2.4 percentage points; the largest increases were observed in Costa Rica (8 percentage points), Chile (6.8 percentage points) l Investments in intangibles are subject to very different and Botswana (5.3 percentage points). ETRs due to significant variation in tax treatment across jurisdictions. In particular, intangibles are non-depreciable l Among all 74 jurisdictions, only 5 jurisdictions had an in Botswana, Chile and Costa Rica, leading to strongly allowance for corporate equity (ACE): Belgium, Brazil, Italy, decelerated fiscal depreciation. Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Liechtenstein and Turkey. Including this provision in their tax South Africa and Spain provide moderately decelerated code has led to an additional reduction in their EATRs of depreciation of intangibles. On the other hand, a significant 1.3-4.4 percentage points. number of jurisdictions accelerates depreciation of intangibles, including Denmark, Kenya, Papua New Guinea l The average EATR across jurisdictions (20.5%) is 1.1 percentage and the United States. points lower than the average statutory tax rate (21.6%). EATRs are also less dispersed across jurisdictions compared l Comparison of statutory tax rates and the degree of to the statutory tax rate. While the median is about the same acceleration measured in percentage points suggests as for the statutory tax rate, the highest EATR is only 44.1%, that jurisdictions with higher statutory tax rates tend to compared to the highest statutory tax rate at 47.9%; half of the provide stronger fiscal acceleration, especially among OECD jurisdictions covered have EATRs between 14.5% and 27.4%. jurisdictions.
18 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS CORPORATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATES 2017 ETRs fall into two categories: forward-looking and l EATRs reflect the average tax contribution a firm backward-looking ETRs. Forward-looking ETRs capture makes on an investment project earning above-zero information on corporate tax rates and bases as well economic profits. This indicator is used to analyse as other relevant provisions within a comparable discrete investment decisions between two or more framework. They provide an appropriate basis for cross- alternative projects (along the extensive margin). jurisdiction comparisons of the combined impact of corporate tax systems on the investment decisions In contrast, backward-looking ETRs are calculated by of firms. Although these forward-looking ETRs do not dividing actual tax payments by profits earned over a reflect actual tax payments by specific taxpayers in the given period. They are calculated on the basis of historical past, they are accurate indicators of the investment jurisdiction-level or firm-level data and reflect the combined incentives delivered by corporate tax systems and effects of many different factors, such as the definition therefore provide comparable information on the of the tax base, the types of projects that firms have been competitiveness of tax systems. engaged in, as well as the effects of possible tax-planning strategies. Although backward-looking ETRs may not reflect Two complementary forward-looking ETRs are typically how corporate tax systems affect incentives to invest at used for tax policy analysis, capturing incentives at present, they provide information on how tax payments and different margins of investment decision making: profits of specific taxpayers or groups of taxpayers compare to each other in the past. Therefore, backward-looking ETRs l EMTRs measure the extent to which taxation are often referred to in public debates about multinational increases the pre-tax rate of return required by tax avoidance and BEPS. The second edition of Corporate Tax investors to break even. This indicator is used to Statistics will include aggregated and anonymised data from analyse how taxes affect the incentive to expand Country-by-Country Reports allowing for the calculation existing investments given a fixed location (along the of some backward-looking ETRs for certain groups of intensive margin). multinational enterprises. Among the 55 jurisdictions that provide accelerated depreciation, the average reduction of the statutory tax rate was 1.8 percentage points.
CORPORATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATES . 19 Box 5. KEY CONCEPTS AND METHODOLOGY Forward-looking effective tax rates (ETRs) are calculated on l The effective average tax rate (EATR) reflects the average the basis of a prospective, hypothetical investment project. tax contribution a firm makes on an investment project The OECD methodology has been described in detail in the earning above-zero economic profits. It is defined as the OECD Taxation Working Paper No. 38 (Hanappi, 2018), building difference in the NPV of pre-tax and post-tax economic on the theoretical model developed by Devereux and Griffith profits relative to the NPV of pre-tax income net of real (1999, 2003). economic depreciation. pre-tax post-tax The methodology builds on the following key concepts: (Economic profit NPV ) – (Economic profit NPV ) EATR = pre-tax (Net income NPV ) l Economic profits are defined as the difference between total revenue and total economic costs, including explicit l Real economic depreciation is a measure of the decrease costs involved in the production of goods and services as in the productive value of an asset over time; depreciation well as opportunity costs such as, for example, revenue patterns of a given asset type can be estimated using asset foregone by using company-owned buildings or self- prices in resale markets. The OECD methodology uses employment resources. It is calculated as the net present economic depreciation estimates from the US Bureau of value (NPV) over all cash flows associated with the Economic Analysis (BEA, 2003). investment project. l Jurisdiction-specific tax codes typically provide capital l The cost of capital is defined as the pre-tax rate of return allowances to reflect the decrease in asset value over time on capital required to generate zero post-tax economic in the calculation of taxable profits. If capital allowances profits. In contrast, the real interest rate is the return on match the decay of the asset’s value resulting from it capital earned in the alternative case, for example, if the being used in production, then fiscal depreciation equals investment would not be undertaken and the funds would economic depreciation. remain in a bank account. l If capital allowances are more generous, fiscal depreciation l The effective marginal tax rate (EMTR) measures the is accelerated; where capital allowances are less generous, extent to which taxation increases the cost of capital; it fiscal depreciation is referred to as decelerated. The NPV corresponds to the case of a marginal project that delivers of capital allowances, measured as percentage of the initial just enough profit to break even but no economic profit investment, accounts for timing effects on the value of over and above this threshold. capital allowances, thus providing comparable information on the generosity of fiscal depreciation across assets and (Cost of capital) – (Real interest rate) jurisdictions. EMTR = (Cost of capital) The cost of capital, EMTR, EATR as well as the NPV of capital allowances are all available for 74 jurisdictions in the Corporate Tax Statistics online database.
20 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS EFFECTIVE AVERAGE TAX RATES Figure 9 shows the composite EATR for the full database, To allow comparison with the statutory tax rate, the ranking jurisdictions in descending order. In most share of the EATR (in percentage points) that is due to jurisdictions, EATRs diverge considerably from their a deceleration of the tax base is shaded in light blue statutory tax rate; if fiscal depreciation is generous in Figure 9; reductions of the statutory tax rate due to compared to true economic depreciation or if there are acceleration are transparent. In addition, the reduction other significant base narrowing provisions, the EATR in the EATR due to an ACE is indicated as a striped area. (and also the EMTR) will be lower than the statutory tax The composite EATR corresponds to the combination of rate, i.e. tax depreciation is accelerated. On the contrary, the unshaded and shaded blue components of each bar, as if tax depreciation does not cover the full effects of true indicated by the red line marker. Across the entire sample economic depreciation, it is decelerated, implying that the of jurisdictions, the EATRs range from around 44% in India tax base will be larger and effective taxation higher. to 0% in the British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Saudi Arabia, Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, and the Cayman Box 6. ASSET CATEGORIES AND TAX PROVISIONS Islands. Ranking just above these jurisdictions, Andorra, COVERED Bulgaria and Hungary have EATRs around 9%, the lowest non-zero rates in the sample. The calculations build on a comprehensive coverage of jurisdiction-specific tax rules pertaining to four Comparing the patterns of tax depreciation across juris quantitatively relevant asset categories: dictions shows that most jurisdictions provide some degree of acceleration, as indicated by the transparent bars; 1. buildings: e.g. office buildings or manufacturing plants; the most significant effects are observed in jurisdictions 2. machinery: e.g. machinery, cars, furniture or equipment; with an ACE, such as Belgium, Brazil and Italy, as well as in jurisdictions with generous bonus depreciation 3. inventories: e.g. goods or raw materials in stock; schemes, such as India and the United States. While fewer 4. intangibles: e.g. acquired patents or trademarks. jurisdictions have decelerating tax depreciation rules, the effect of deceleration can become quite large in terms The following corporate tax provisions have been covered: of percentage point increases compared to the statutory l combined central and sub-central statutory corporate tax rate; e.g. in Botswana, Chile and Costa Rica, where income tax rates; intangible assets are non-depreciable. l asset-specific fiscal depreciation rules, including first- year allowances, half-year or mid-month conventions; Box 7. MACROECONOMIC SCENARIOS l general tax incentives only if available for a broad The two main macroeconomic parameters, inflation and group of investments undertaken by large domestic or interest rates, interact with the effects of the tax system multinational firms; in various ways and can have ambiguous effects on the l inventory valuation methods including first-in-first-out, effective tax rates (ETRs). last-in-first-out and average cost methods; The Corporate Tax Statistics database contains ETR results for l allowances for corporate equity. three different macroeconomic scenarios. In the first two scenarios, interest and inflation rates are held constant; the The composite ETRs reported in this brochure are constructed third scenario uses jurisdiction-specific macroeconomic in three steps. First, ETRs are calculated separately for each parameters. While the former approach addresses the question jurisdiction, asset category and source of finance (debt and of how differences in tax systems compare across jurisdictions equity); while the debt-finance case accounts for interest holding other factors constant, the latter approach gives better deductibility, jurisdiction-specific limitations to interest indications on the tax effects on investment incentives in a deductibility have not been covered in this edition. Second, specific jurisdiction at a specific point in time. an unweighted average over the asset categories is taken, separately for both sources of finance. Third, the composite The results published in this brochure build exclusively on ETRs are obtained as a weighted average between equity- the macroeconomic scenario with constant 3% interest and and debt-financed investments, applying a weight of 65% 1% inflation rates, however, results from the two additional equity and 35% debt finance. macroeconomic scenarios are available in the online database.
CORPORATE EFFECTIVE TAX RATES . 21 FIGURE 9: Effective average tax rate: OECD, G20 and participating Inclusive Framework jurisdictions, 2017 IND CRI ARG USA MLT FRA CHL Lo COD AUS MSR BRA SYC PER GRC SEN PRT JPN MEX BWA DEU ZAF KEN NZL PNG BEL ESP CAN LUX AUT CHN JAM KOR NOR NLD ISR IDN ITA SVK THA CZE CUW TUR SWE CHE DNK GBR FIN ISL RUS SVN POL EST SGP HRV HKG ALB ROU MUS LVA LTU CYP IRL MAC LIE Acceleration: EATR decrease compared to STR (pp) HUN BGR Deceleration effects counterbalanced by ACE (pp) AND Deceleration: EATR increase compared to STR (pp) VGB TCA EATR reduction due to ACE (pp) SAU JEY EATR IMN GGY Statutory Corporate Tax Rate CYM 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
22 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS EFFECTIVE MARGINAL TAX RATES Figure 10 shows the ranking based on the composite If investment projects are financed by debt, it is also EMTR. As highlighted above, the EMTR measures the possible for the EMTR to be negative, which means that effects of taxation on the pre-tax rate of return the tax system, notably through interest deductibility, required by investors to break even. While the effects reduces the pre-tax rate of return required to break even of tax depreciation and macroeconomic parameters and thus enables projects that would otherwise not work in the same direction as in the case of the EATR, have been economically viable. Figure 10 shows that the their impacts on the EMTR will generally be stronger composite EMTR, based on a weighted average between because marginal projects do not earn economic profits equity- and debt-financed projects, is negative in 7 out (see Box 5). As a consequence, jurisdictions with high of 74 jurisdictions; this result is due to the combination statutory tax rates and generous capital allowances, of debt finance with comparatively generous tax notably India and the United States, rank much lower depreciation rules. For jurisdictions with an ACE, the than in Figure 9. On the other hand, jurisdictions with composite EMTR will generally be lower because of the decelerating fiscal depreciation, including Australia, the notional interest deduction available for equity-financed Czech Republic, Slovakia or Thailand, are ranked higher projects. up based on the EMTR, as shown in Figure 10. 5 jurisdictions had an allowance for corporate equity (ACE): Belgium, Brazil, Italy, Liechtenstein and Turkey. Including this provision in their tax code has significant effects on the incentive to expand existing investments as measured by the EMTR.
24 . OECD | CORPORATE TAX STATISTICS EFFECTIVE TAX RATES BY ASSET CATEGORIES The composite ETRs can be further disaggregated by mean EATR for investments in intangibles suggests that asset categories; jurisdiction-level EATRs and EMTRs there are several outliers at the top of the distribution. by asset categories are available in the online Corporate Tax Statistics database. Figure 11 summarises these data The lower panel depicts further information illustrating on asset-level ETRs. The upper panel provides more the EMTR distribution for each of the asset categories. information on the distribution of asset-specific EATRs, From this graph, we can draw the following insights: comparing them to the distribution of statutory tax rates. The first vertical line depicts information on the l Investments in machinery benefit more often from statutory tax rates; it shows that the mean (i.e. the red accelerated tax depreciation than other investments; triangle in the middle of the first vertical line) and the as a result, the corresponding vertical line is more median (the blue circle) are both around 22%, while the condensed and centred around zero. 50% of jurisdictions in the middle of the distribution have statutory tax rates between 16% and 30%. l Investments in buildings are also often accelerated, as evidenced by the vertical line that ranges from 0% The other four vertical lines in the upper panel of to around 9%. Figure 11 illustrate the distribution of EATRs across jurisdictions for each of the four asset categories: l Investments in inventories often benefit from lower buildings, machinery, inventories and intangibles. EMTRs, compared to the statutory tax rate, although Comparing them with the statutory tax rate shows to a lesser extent than the first two asset categories. that the distribution of EATRs is more condensed for investments in buildings and machinery. For both of l Marginal investments in intangibles can be subject to these asset categories, the middle 50% of jurisdictions very different EMTRs in different jurisdictions, reflected have EATRs between around 14% and 26%, however, in the vertical line that stretches out more than the the mean EATR on investments in machinery is around others, ranging from around 0% to just below 30%. 2 percentage points lower than the median, indicating This result is driven, on the one hand, by the variation that some jurisdictions have much lower EATRs on this surrounding the actual economic depreciation of type of investment. For investments in the other two intangible assets as well as, on the other hand, different asset categories, the distributions are similar to the policy treatments across jurisdictions. statutory tax rate, although the comparatively high
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