How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022

Page created by Nicholas Steele
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
In collaboration with Accenture

How to Create the
Sustainable Travel
Products Customers
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
Cover: Borchee, Getty Images – Inside: Getty Images

3    Foreword

4    Executive summary

4         Purpose of the report

6         Key insights

7    1 Introduction

7         1.1 The urgency of sustainable T&T development

10   2 Sustainable travel behaviour and the say-do gap

10        2.1 Studies on sustainable traveller behaviour

12        2.2 The sustainability say-do gap

15   3 T&T industry sustainable products approach

15        3.1 Defining sustainable travel products in the carbon emissions space

22        3.2 Case studies

27        3.3 A look ahead – evidence from other industries

29   4 Recommendations

32   5 Conclusion

32        5.1 Call to action

34   Contributors

35   Endnotes

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                                                           How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   2
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
December 2022   How to Create the
                Sustainable Travel
                Products Customers Want

                                            Pedro G. Gomez Pensado
                                            Head of Shaping the Future                                Jesko-Philipp Neuenburg
                                            of Mobility, Member of the                                Global Travel and Aviation
                                            Executive Committee, World                                Sustainability Lead, Accenture
                                            Economic Forum

                As the travel and tourism (T&T) industry recovers          –   What can the T&T industry learn from early
                from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the                  movers within the industry and from other
                urgency of the need to combat climate change                   industries?
                and other sustainability challenges has increased
                dramatically. In response, T&T companies                   –   What are the necessary steps the industry
                are setting new sustainability targets while                   can take to help accelerate the adoption of
                governments, regulators and customers push for                 sustainable travel offerings?
                accelerated action.
                                                                           In line with the World Economic Forum’s
                Moving the T&T industry towards a more                     multistakeholder approach, this report was
                sustainable future requires travel companies to            produced with the input of multiple industry
                step up their eco-conscious and sustainable T&T            participants and experts, with Accenture partnering
                product offerings to allow customers to understand         with the Forum on research and thought leadership.
                and adopt these products at an accelerated pace.           We analysed more than 50 T&T companies, and
                In this context, we set out to investigate how             interviewed five leading industry companies for
                different companies are defining and incorporating         case studies and insights that are included in
                sustainable travel products into their brands and          this publication. Feedback was also sought from
                presenting these products to customers.                    members of the Forum’s Global Future Council on
                                                                           Sustainable Tourism, a community of leaders from
                For this report we asked a few key questions:              government, business and civil society focused on
                                                                           generating principals and solutions for sustainable
                –   How does the T&T industry currently define             tourism development.
                    sustainability and, in particular, “environmentally
                    sustainable” travel products?                          We hope that our findings will enrich the discussion
                                                                           about what is possible and what works, and inspire
                –   Which “sustainable travel” options already exist       action from all industry participants. While the
                    today?                                                 challenge is great, the sustainable transition of the
                                                                           T&T industry is imperative to safeguard the privilege
                –   What are the challenges for customer adoption          of global travel for generations to come. Let’s
                    of these options?                                      accelerate this transition – which is well under way.

                                                                 How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want      3
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
Executive summary
Sustainability has risen to the top of the CEO           successfully develop products that enable more
agenda and leaders across industries are stepping        sustainable travel choices. As it currently stands,
up action.1 In travel, many companies are already in     sustainable travel products are still in their infancy
the process of setting ambitious sustainability goals    and obtaining the required funding and sponsorship
and developing corresponding strategies, including       for relevant initiatives and products remains a prime
the transition to net zero.2 However, to achieve         challenge for T&T companies. While the need for
these goals and transition to a more sustainable         these products is becoming clearer, their value and
future, travel and tourism (T&T) companies must          business case are still often challenged.

Purpose of the report

The purpose of this report is to make the case               (including recommendations on how to design,
for accelerated investments in sustainable travel            develop and offer sustainable travel products)
products by providing an analysis of the opportunities
and challenges of developing sustainability offerings.   6. Present a call to action to the T&T industry
More specifically, the intention is to:                     to further develop and offer more sustainable
                                                            travel products, including a call to action for
1. Provide transparency on the status of current            T&T companies and platform players to share
   research on sustainable traveller behaviour              success stories
   (including research from practitioners and
   academia)                                             Moreover, the goals outlined are intended to help
                                                         the T&T industry accelerate a flywheel model for
2. Supply an overview of the current sustainability      sustainable traveller behaviour, as outlined in Figure
   product landscape and composition (especially         1. Development of any new offerings typically
   as it relates to decarbonization)                     requires a combination of capital, marketing and
                                                         human resource investment, as well as operational
3. Offer proof points in the form of real-life           changes. As a result, leadership sponsorship is
   examples of sustainability products from the          required, as well as statistics that demonstrate an
   T&T industry and beyond (including examples           overall positive impact for businesses. The report
   from other industries as well as success stories      will showcase how sustainable offerings, when
   from T&T companies)                                   designed to address current say-do gap roadblocks,
                                                         should meet customer needs. Meeting these
4. Highlight roadblocks that are currently limiting      needs will, in turn, be the drivers of higher growth
   the adoption of sustainable travel products           rates, shaping improvements in brand image and
                                                         helping secure the necessary leadership support.
5. Provide guidance to T&T companies on how              Note that while this report focuses primarily on the
   to overcome current roadblocks to accelerate          environmental aspects, its findings are relevant to a
   and benefit from sustainable traveller behaviour      broad range of sustainability products.

                                               How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   4
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
FIGURE 1             Flywheel model: how the report can affect the sustainability transition of the T&T industry

Causal chain


             Evidence that travellers not only
             say they prefer sustainable travel        The report will
             products, but also act accordingly        contribute to #1


   2         Leadership in T&T companies is
             more likely to approve budgets

                                                                          5                                                      2
             for sustainability initiatives/
             sustainable products

                                                                                          Flywheel model
             Travel products:                                                         for sustainable traveller
   3         T&T companies are more likely
             to develop sustainable travel                                                behaviour in T&T
             products and offer them to travellers

             Buying behaviour:
   4         Travellers are more likely to book/buy
             sustainable travel products
             (and may even pay more)
                                                                                  4                                   3
             Growth rates:
   5         Higher growth rates of sustainable
             travel products compared to
             (non-sustainable) peer products

Source: World Economic Forum
and Accenture analysis, 2022

                                                                              How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   5
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
Key insights

–   Recent research on sustainable traveller                  reducing the green premium and providing
    behaviour from both practitioners and academia            suitable product value and impact, focusing
    indicates that consumers are increasingly                 on customer incentives and recognition, and
    demanding sustainable products. However,                  educating consumers through greater focus on
    these are typically consumer surveys and                  product credibility and awareness.
    therefore show only what travellers say they
    would do (in terms of attitudes or intentions).       Call to action
    When it comes to tangible sustainable travel          To drive the net-zero transition in the T&T industry,
    behaviour, there is clearly a lack of research and    there is a need to increase ambition where
    empirical data.                                       possible. More specifically, this report calls on T&T
                                                          companies, such as airlines, hotels, car rental and
–   While consumer surveys show that travellers           ride-sharing companies and others:
    say they demand/prefer sustainable travel
    products,3 the picture is often different when it     1. To develop more pilots and prototypes of
    comes to their actual behaviour. This “say-do            sustainable travel products and test them in the
    gap” describes the discrepancy between what              market
    travellers say, in the form of their attitudes or
    intentions, and what they eventually do, in terms     2. To share success stories about sustainable
    of actual booking or buying behaviour.4 Our              travel products (no matter how small) as well as
    assumption is that while there is a say-do gap           effective techniques
    in travel, one of the main reasons is the lack
    of compelling sustainable travel products that        3. To ensure alignment across the industry
    adequately address the roadblocks that create            on reporting standards, emissions impact
    this gap.                                                calculations, etc.

–   While still in the early stages of development,       4. To work together to introduce comprehensive
    within the T&T industry, companies have                  sustainable travel packages that offer a
    started to design, create and offer sustainable          seamless way for customers to incorporate
    travel products. These apply to a wide range             sustainable products throughout their journeys
    of product approaches that differ across sub-
    industries (e.g. aviation, hospitality, car rental    5. To align with vendors and supply-chain players
    and services) and maturity levels (anything from         on sustainability initiatives and offerings
    additional information and services to truly new
    sustainable core products).                           6. To work with local governments, communities
                                                             and other organizations to improve awareness
–   Other industries outside of travel provide               and, where necessary, to help enable
    examples of successful sustainable products.             sustainable offering development
    In retail (e.g. consumer goods, electronics,
    fashion), for example, sustainable products show      7. To educate and work with employees on the
    significant growth rates and even outperform             sustainability mission and the range of offerings
    traditional non-sustainable alternatives.                available for customers

–   There are also some proof points and success          The report also calls on digital travel platforms, such
    stories to be found within the T&T industry           as booking sites, aggregators, global distribution
    itself. Multiple company interviews highlight the     systems and others:
    accelerated growth rates of more sustainable
    travel products in the wake of the industry’s         1. To provide more information about sustainable
    post-COVID recovery as travellers increasingly           travel products on their platforms
    emphasize a wish to make sustainable choices.
                                                          2. To share data and insights on actual booking
–   Several strategies can be used to address                behaviour to allow for comparisons of
    the say-do gap and build the foundation for              sustainable vs. traditional products
    a cycle of sustainable product development
    that may improve traveller adoption. These            3. To provide transparency on the methodology
    recommendations touch on increasing product              behind emissions calculations, reporting, green
    availability, improving the customer experience,         badges and certificates

                                                How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want      6
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
1   Introduction
    T&T company investment in sustainable
    travel products must be seen in the
    context of the increased urgency for the
    industry as a whole to develop in a more
    sustainable and resilient manner.

1.1 The urgency of sustainable T&T development

    Sustainable development, defined by the United          infrastructure, socioeconomic development and
    Nations as “development that meets the needs            overall well-being.10
    of the present without compromising the ability of
    future generations to meet their own needs”, is one     The 2021 results of the Travel & Tourism
    of the world’s greatest challenges and opportunities    Development Index (TTDI) also provide further
    and will depend on “building an inclusive,              insights on the need for greater environmental
    sustainable and resilient future for people and the     sustainability in developing T&T destinations. The
    planet”.5 Accounting for 11% of global emissions,6      index covers 117 economies and benchmarks
    a share that is only expected to climb without          factors and policies that enable the sustainable and
    significant mitigation action, and 10% of global        resilient development of T&T, including aspects such
    GDP and employment in 2019,7 the sustainable            as Business Environment, International Openness,
    development of T&T is a critical component in           Transport Infrastructure, Cultural Resources, Natural
    tackling the world’s growing environmental and          Resources and Environmental Sustainability. Figure
    socioeconomic challenges.                               2 backs up index results showing that economies
                                                            in Europe tend to have the highest scores for
    In particular, this report focuses on the               Environmental Sustainability, while economies in
    environmental sustainability aspects of T&T due, in     Asia, the Americas, sub-Saharan Africa and the
    part, to the urgency of climate change. According       Middle East tend to underperform. As a result,
    to global expert and leader perceptions collected       it is these latter regions’ tourism development
    for the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks             that is often at greatest risk from environmental
    Report 2022, environmental risks account for half of    challenges such as climate change, pollution and
    the top 10 most severe risks facing the world in the    loss of biodiversity. This is particularly problematic
    next 10 years, with climate action failure, extreme     for countries that depend on nature-based tourism.
    weather and biodiversity loss making up the top         Out of the 30 top scorers for Natural Resources, in
    three.8 Moreover, the latest IPCC report9 (April        a measure of availability of natural assets, 17 score
    2022) found that limiting global warming to 1.5°C       below average for Environmental Sustainability. In
    may be beyond reach without immediate and deep          the Americas and Asia-Pacific, where more than
    greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction across         half of economies score above average for Natural
    all sectors, with the failure to do so potentially      Resources, less than 40% and 20% of economies,
    amplifying the negative impact of climate change        respectively, score above average for Environmental
    on the world’s ecosystems, water and food supply,       Sustainability.11

                                                  How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   7
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
FIGURE 2              Regional Environmental Sustainability pillar performance, 2021

                                                                       Pillar score, 1–7 (best)
                                1                     2         3                4                    5                6                 7

            Northern Europe

             Western Europe

            Southern Europe

               Eastern Africa

   Eastern Europe & Eurasia

         Eastern Asia-Pacific

              South America

              Western Africa

  North and Central America

             Southern Africa

             South-East Asia

Middle East and North Africa

                   South Asia                                                        Global average

  Source: World Economic Forum

  Note: Data represents regional economy group means
  scores for the Environmental Sustainability pillar. The
  pillar measures the general sustainability of an economy’s
  natural environment, protection of its natural resources
  and vulnerability to/readiness for climate change. For
  more information on the pillar and its components, please
  see the Technical notes and methodology page of the
  Travel & Tourism Development Index 2021.

                                                                          How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   8
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
On average, high-income economies tend to have                 In this context, the private sector will play a vital
                       better overall Environmental Sustainability, due to            role in enabling sustainable T&T development
                       typically lower levels of pollution and better nature          and addressing the related global challenges.
                       preservation policies than in lower-income states.             Investment in improving environmental, social and
                       However, on average, high-income economies                     governance (ESG) performance will be critical,
                       ranked in the index also produce around 50% more               with sustainable travel products representing an
                       per capita GHG emissions than the index average.12             important mechanism for achieving this goal.
                       Therefore, while developed economies may typically
                       be better prepared to protect their environment,               Reasons why companies should become more
                       they punch above their population weight when                  sustainable
                       it comes to contributing to global emissions and               As highlighted in Table 1, there are multiple
                       climate change. Meanwhile, developing states are               incentives available for the T&T industry to reduce
                       often less prepared to deal with the impact of the             emissions and improve its overall ESG attributes.
                       climate challenge on their tourism economies.

         TA B L E 1    Reasons for the T&T industry to invest in sustainability

     Category                                                 Reasons to invest in sustainability

                        –   Government and governing bodies forcing environmental standards that businesses must comply
                            with, such as enforcing the Paris Agreement, publishing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the
                            Renewable Fuel Standard (US)13 and the Adopted Renewable Energy Directive (EU)14

                        –   Certain jurisdictions considering setting policies15 and restrictions on the modes of transport allowed by
Regulatory and
                            range, region etc. For example, France is considering banning flights that take less than 2.5 hours by
policy environment
                            train. Additionally, Austria stipulated it would eliminate all domestic flights if an alternative train journey
                            shorter than three hours was available, as part of Austrian Airlines’ bailout condition16

                        –   Various government subsidies, tax credits and other incentives are currently in place or under
                            consideration that may be relevant for sustainable products17

                        –   As the impact of COVID-19 and current challenges have shown, the T&T industry is exposed to various local
                            and global risks. Improving sustainability enables companies to build resilience in the face of future headwinds
Resilience and risk
                        –   Environmental risks such as climate change and pollution endanger natural assets and infrastructure that
                            are vital for many tourism destinations, making them a danger to T&T company operating conditions

                        –   Consumers are being made aware of sustainable options and are beginning to choose these products
                            and services

                        –   Companies that adapt can better capitalize on growing demands for more sustainable travel options and
Consumer and                increase brand affinity among sustainable consumers, gaining a strategic and competitive advantage, and
stakeholder                 improving their brand image
                        –   Stakeholders are increasingly focusing on sustainability performance, and businesses have an opportunity
                            to capitalize on this demand. According to the 2019 UNGC and Accenture CEO Study,18 62% of
                            customers want companies to take a stand on social, cultural, environmental or political issues, and 88%
                            of investors see sustainability as a driver of competitive advantage

                        –   Based on the 2019 UNGC and Accenture CEO Study,19 99% of chief executive officers from companies
                            with more than $1 billion in annual revenue believe that sustainability will be important to the future
                            success of their business

                        –   The UNGC and Accenture 2021 study20 highlights how investors and the capital markets are encouraging
                            sustainability focus, with 31% of chief executive officers citing them as among the most influential
                            stakeholders to manage future sustainability efforts
Investment and
operational benefits
                        –   Inclination to contribute towards green practices is on the rise, thus providing companies with an
                            additional route to diversify their offerings and pave the way for profitability

                        –   Some sustainable offerings can also help reduce operation costs; for instance, reducing room-cleaning
                            services in hotels improves sustainability and may also lower hotel expenditure

                        –   Increased focus on workers’ rights/inclusive labour polices can lead to a more productive workforce21

                                                                          How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want         9
How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want - WHITE PAPER DECEMBER 2022
2   Sustainable travel
    behaviour and the
    say-do gap
    Travellers want to be sustainable, but
    there is a discrepancy between intention
    and action.

2.1 Studies on sustainable traveller behaviour

    Recent surveys and reports from practitioners             prominent in the T&T industry. How travellers view
    and academia indicate that travellers want to             sustainable travel:
    travel and consume more sustainably. This is a
    behavioural change that is here to stay, increasing       –   69% see sustainable travel as lessening their
    the demand for sustainable travel options. Below              environmental impact (Expedia)
    is a snapshot of these changing behaviours and
    attitudes.                                                –   65% see sustainable travel as supporting the
                                                                  local economy, culture and communities
    Traveller priorities                                          (Expedia)29
    Increasing sustainability to combat climate change
    ranks as the top environmental and social issue           Traveller behaviour
    for surveyed travellers in markets such as the            Where travellers choose to stay and their mode of
    UK, Australia and Japan.22 How customers value            transport for travel is changing as they consider
    sustainable travel choices:                               sustainable alternatives. How customers are altering
                                                              their travel behaviour:
    –   96% say it is important that their travel spend
        makes a positive impact in the places they            –   75% want to use environmentally friendly
        visit (Kind Traveler)23                                   modes of transportation for future trips
    –   40% want to make more sustainable choices
        compared to a year ago (Skyscanner)24                 –   20% are choosing to travel by train instead
                                                                  of car for longer distances (
    –   4 out of 5 global travellers confirm sustainable
        travel is important (                   –   28% do not mind travelling for a longer time
                                                                  to reduce carbon emissions (
    –   40% of those making more sustainable choices
        over the past 12 months cite the pandemic as          –   40% actively look for information related to
        the catalyst to making sustainable changes                sustainability while booking (
                                                              –   40% are aware of sustainable stay options
    –   78% aim to stay at a sustainable property at              and have seen these on an online travel site
        least once in the next year (               over the past year (

    Traveller perception                                      –   38% actively look for information on a
    The practices most associated with sustainable                property’s sustainability efforts before
    or environmentally friendly travel, according to a            booking (
    2021 Agoda survey,28 are the use of renewable
    energy and resources and reducing or eliminating          –   46% have stayed in sustainable
    single-use plastics. Globally, people are looking for         accommodation over the past year at least
    ways to give back to the environment, and this is             once (

                                                    How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   10
–   41% of those who stayed in sustainable                          The debate about consumers’ willingness to pay
                                      accommodation did so to help reduce their                       more for sustainability still has no clear answers,
                                      environmental impact (                            as these contradictory survey results indicate. In
                                                                                                      general, price is just one of many factors that hinder
                                  Although the surveys covered here show that                         increasing demand and the actual purchase of
                                  travelling sustainably is increasingly important for                sustainability products. According to The Human
                                  people, they also highlight that a large share of                   Paradox report from Accenture, consumers are
                                  travellers are still not prioritizing sustainable options.          increasingly facing complex choices that are driven
                                  For instance, when asked, the majority of Booking.                  by evolving forces ranging from inflation to social
                                  com’s31 survey respondents said they would not                      movements, with 60% of consumer saying that
                                  be willing to pay more for travel activities to ensure              their priorities keep changing because of everything
                                  they are giving back to local communities, while a                  going on in the world. Unsurprisingly, while nearly
                                  Skyscanner 2021 survey32 found that the majority of                 70% of consumers are worried about the impact of
                                  people prioritize cost above all other factors when                 climate change on their lives; the report adds that
                                  booking flights.                                                    they continue to struggle to make sustainability a
                                                                                                      top priority over other needs.33

             FIGURE 3             Survey feedback on sustainable behaviour preference across the traveller journey

                             Booking                                                              Accomodation
                             96% agree that it is                                                 46% of global travellers
                             important to them that                                               have stayed in
                             their travel budget makes                                            sustainable
                             a positive impact in the                                             accommodation at least
                             places they visit2                                                   once during the past year1

     START                                                                                                                                END

Research                                                          Travel                                                            Future travel
40% actively look for                                             90% of consumers look                                             65% of consumers
information related to                                            for sustainable options                                           would like to opt for
sustainability while booking                                      when travelling3                                                  environmentally friendly
travel1                                                                                                                             transport or lodging
                                                                                                                                    on their next trip3

Source: World Economic Forum and Accenture

Notes: 1., Sustainable Travel Report, 2022; 2. Kind Traveler, 10 Global Trends at
the Intersection of Travel, Philanthropy and Sustainability, 10 March 2022; 3. Expedia, The Rise of
Sustainable Travel, the Conscious Traveller and What Your Brand Needs to Know, 2022.

                                                                                          How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want    11
2.2 The sustainability say-do gap

                                       Even though numerous consumer behaviour studies                   companies are continuously attempting to build
                                       suggest that travellers want to be more sustainable,              products that cater to this need, the maturity level
                                       the uptake of sustainable travel products                         and the nature of these products vary greatly.
                                       anecdotally does not signify an accelerated trend
                                       just yet. As sustainable offerings are relatively                 Industry and expert interviews conducted for this
                                       nascent, there is limited data/research on actual                 report and multiple consumer behaviour studies34
                                       purchasing behaviour. This discrepancy, called the                have helped identify a range of roadblocks that
                                       sustainability say-do gap, was also highlighted                   can help explain the gap between consumers’
                                       during the company interviews conducted for this                  claims and what they are doing in practice. These
                                       paper. Recent surveys have identified that travellers             roadblocks can be classified or clustered into
                                       want more information on companies’ sustainability                six main categories: limited availability, lack
                                       practices or would like their offerings to be more                of awareness, low credibility, price premium,
                                       transparent, intuitive and easy to access. Research               cumbersome purchasing experience and lack of
                                       on different industries reveals that although                     rewards/acknowledgement.

               FIGURE 4                Illustration of the sustainability say-do gap in travel

                                                    The say-do gap is the discrepancy between what consumers say
                                                                      and what they do in practice

                               Say                                               Gap                                                          Do
 Traveller’s thoughts while planning for upcoming travel                                                             Traveller’s thoughts while making the booking

                                                                                                                     Can’t find any carbon        Green badges and
         I care about the        I will choose a sustainable                                                                                    offset programmes are
                                                                                                                      footprint information
           environment                                                                                                                              not well defined
                                   alternative regardless of               Limited availability

                                                                           Lack of awareness
         I am not sure what                                                                                               Green flight/hotel
                                                                                                                                                    Let's make the
         sustainable options                                                                                            options are expensive
                                                                             Low credibility                                                         booking fast

                                                                             Price premium

                                                                    Cumbersome purchasing experience

                                                                            Lack of rewards

         Traveller claiming to seek sustainable                                                                    Traveller not booking a sustainability-driven trip
                    booking options

  High                                                         Willingness to opt for sustainable travel                                                       Low

Source: World Economic Forum and
Accenture analysis, 2022

                                                                                               How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want             12
These roadblocks are industry-agnostic, and this        2. Lack of awareness: Although the concept
report elaborates on how each is a hindrance to            of sustainability has been catching up post-
the growth in uptake of sustainable products in            COVID, consumer awareness of sustainability
the T&T industry.                                          concepts and related products is often
                                                           limited. In particular, consumers may lack
1. Limited availability: The overall lack of               an understanding of what the current T&T
   sustainable product alternatives has created            sustainability challenges are, what behaviour
   an availability roadblock in the T&T industry.          they or the industry can modify to address these
   The majority of travel products on the market           challenges, and what sustainability products are
   are not necessarily sustainable. Moreover,              currently available or how they work.
   consumer behaviour is influenced not just by
   the functionality of a product but also by its           In the survey, 31% of travellers
   aesthetics, quality, comfort and overall appeal.         surveyed confirmed that they didn’t know
   Therefore, sustainable products need to meet             sustainable accommodation existed and 29%
   consumer expectations in these areas to be a             said they didn’t know how to find it. Additionally,
   competitive option.                                      29% of respondents who haven’t stayed in
                                                            sustainable accommodation this year believed
   A 2022 survey of global travellers           there weren’t any options in their preferred
   found that 32% claimed non-sustainable travel            destination, 10% thought they were available
   options appealed to them more, 26% said the              only in remote areas and 8% believed they
   same about sustainable travel destinations and           seem less luxurious.36 This highlights the fact
   27% said sustainable travel did not provide the          that low levels of awareness about sustainable
   expected luxury and comfort. This highlights             practices among travellers inhibit them from
   that travellers perceive a lack of comparable            choosing more sustainable options.
   sustainable options.35

                                              How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   13
3. Low credibility: Consumers want to be                     When asked about how a seamless experience
   reassured that companies’ sustainability claims           would affect customers’ booking behaviours,
   are credible and verifiable. This has created             32% of respondents declared that they would
   a need for more transparency in reporting,                like T&T companies to suggest things to do and
   including enhanced certifications and verified            places to visit while on holiday. Likewise, 34% of
   labels for sustainable products.                          global travellers said they would be encouraged
                                                             to make more sustainable travel choices on
   Seven out of 10 travellers surveyed by Expedia            online travel agency (OTA) platforms if the
   have avoided a travel destination or transport            platforms offered a sustainable filter option, with
   option due to a perceived lack of credibility             36% wanting such travel platforms to use clear
   in relation to an organization’s sustainable              labelling to help them more easily identify when
   practice commitments.37 According to Booking.             something was sustainable.41
   com’s survey, 57% of customers claimed
   they would feel better about staying in a             6. Lack of rewards/acknowledgement:
   particular accommodation if they knew it had a           As customers increasingly adapt to green
   sustainable certification.38                             practices, providing ways for them to make their
                                                            efforts more visible would encourage them to
4. Price premium: While this is not always the              continue on this path. To bridge this roadblock,
   case, sustainable travel is generally perceived          customers would have to feel rewarded for their
   to be more expensive than its traditional                efforts, both physically and emotionally. This
   counterpart. As the willingness to pay a                 includes supplying tools to help them publicize
   premium for more sustainable products varies             their actions on social media, providing some
   by customer segment and is ever-evolving,                physical recognition and delivering a product
   customers often drop out from purchasing                 that looks different to showcase the customer’s
   the sustainable alternative due to actual or             sustainable choice (e.g. a green boarding pass
   perceived higher prices.                                 or different-coloured seats on a plane). Some
                                                            16% of customers surveyed who have stayed
   About 74% of consumers surveyed said it                  at sustainable properties within the past year
   costs too much to be more sustainable when               highlighted how ideal such properties are for
   travelling, with only half willing to pay more           sharing stays on social media.42
   for more sustainable transport, activities and
   lodging. Moreover, 26% of travellers39 said           While certain mature products have paved the way
   they wouldn’t choose a destination, lodging or        for a breakthrough, some companies with nascent-
   transport option that is committed to supporting      stage products are still debating on how significant
   the local community and culture if it was more        the return on investment (ROI) would be. Focusing
   expensive. Some 59% of respondents from               on these roadblocks would help companies
   a Vacationer survey stated cost as their most         close the current say-do gap. Additionally, some
   important factor when booking travel, 34%             interdependencies exist across the six roadblocks,
   were willing to pay something extra up to $50         allowing companies and the industry at large to
   to lower their carbon footprint from the trip, and    address multiple issues within the same initiative.
   22% were not willing to pay any premium.40            For example, companies that struggle to optimize
                                                         the right purchasing experience must deal with a
5. Cumbersome purchasing experience:                     lack of customer awareness of and exposure to
   Consumers want sustainable products and               existing sustainable offerings. As part of the process
   wish their purchasing process to be hassle-           of refining the purchasing experience, it is important
   free and intuitive. Having to go out of their way     to ensure that customers are presented with all of
   to research the sustainability of a product or        the sustainable options offered by the company
   to purchase such a product is considered a            and that they clearly understand the sustainability
   major roadblock. Moreover, customers want             benefits, as well as any other potential travel
   sustainability information and associated             experience benefits those offerings can provide.
   labelling to be easily accessible.

                                               How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   14
3   T&T industry
    products approach
    Sustainable products offer a path towards
    reducing carbon emissions.

    Sustainable travel products currently being offered        sustainable travel products built around
    in the market address environmental and social             decarbonization practices. Decarbonization is one
    factors – products that touch on issues such as            of the most critical sustainability challenges facing
    water safeguarding, waste management, worker               the T&T industry. Companies’ approaches to
    and community inclusivity and the protection of            carbon emissions can help inform the development
    natural and cultural heritage. However, for the            of broader sustainability product portfolios.
    scope of this report, the focus is on environmentally

3.1 Defining sustainable travel products in the carbon
    emissions space
    As T&T companies start or mature their net-zero            travel segments were analysed in this section, as
    journey, many create their sustainable products            well as three main product configurations. These
    around several decarbonization levers, which are           three segments were chosen due to their large
    usually aligned with their sustainability strategy. As     share of the overall T&T industry and because they
    an example, three different categories across the          are some of the largest and more direct conduits for
    aviation, hospitality and car rental and ride-sharing      travel emissions.43

                                                     How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   15
Product categories

                                          Different categories exist in relation to achieving                                    level with compensation strategies, and passing
                                          carbon neutrality or net-zero targets. As shown                                        through more robust reduction and zero-emissions
                                          in Figure 5, these can be grouped into three                                           strategies. After analysing 50-plus T&T companies
                                          main decarbonization levers spanning a scale                                           and interviewing five representatives from the
                                          of companies’ effort and integration levels.                                           aviation, hospitality and car rental and ride-sharing
                                          Sustainable travel products are built according                                        ecosystem, 12 mainstream sustainability features
                                          to these categories, starting with a low effort                                        were found.

               FIGURE 5                   Sustainable travel product categories

                                                                                              f effort to c

                                                                 Level of integration of sustainability within core products

                                            Compensation                                                      Reduction                                      Zero emissions
                           Neutralizing customers’ proportion of CO2 emissions                Reducing customers' CO2 emissions by investing           Developing a zero-emission product
                                       by investing in carbon offsets                           in industry-specific carbon mitigation options       by investing in non-pollutant technologies

                                                                                              Sustainable aviation             Latest aircraft
      Aviation                                                                                 fuels (SAF) usage                                       Electric/hydrogen-powered aircraft1
                                Low-quality                       High-quality
                               carbon offset                     carbon offset                                 Partial usage
                         (technology-based|nature-based)   (technology-based|nature-based)     Energy          of renewable         Low-carbon                    Entire property
      Hospitality                                                                             efficiency                              menu                        powered by RE
                                                                                                               energy (RE)

      Car rental and sharing-                                                                                                                                       Full electric
                                                                                                           Hybrid electric vehicles                                  vehicles
      ride-sharing     Avoidance carbon offsetting           Removal carbon offsetting

 Enabler |                                                                                                       Visibility
 All sectors                                                                                   Carbon calculators, filters and green badges

Source: Accenture Travel analysis, 2022

Note: 1. Product is not available in the
current market; however, it will be available
in the future.

                                                                                                                 How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want                     16

First, carbon-offsetting services are a common             efficiency (e.g. bringing renewable energy to remote
choice offered to customers by most companies              communities through solar panels) and developing
covered in this analysis. These are defined as             GHG treatments (e.g. methane capture from animal
a method of compensating carbon emissions                  waste for clean gas cooking).
outside of a company’s value chain. They can
be divided into low-quality carbon offsets, also           Conversely, removal offsets include nature-based
called avoidance offsets, and high-quality offsets,        projects such as soil sequestration, reforestation
usually referred to as carbon-removal offsets.             and afforestation, as well as technology-based
Avoidance offsets prevent carbon that would                options that encompass direct air capture (DAC)
have otherwise been released into the atmosphere           and, more broadly, carbon capture, usage and
whereas removal offsets capture and store carbon           storage (CCUS). Both removal and avoidance
in geological and ocean reservoirs, land vegetation        offsets are offered to the final customer through a
or products.44 These include nature-based practices        third-party organization, such as myClimate45 or
such as preventing deforestation and forest                Cool Effect.46 In terms of costs, avoidance offsets
degradation, as well as projects aimed at protecting       are often less expensive than removal offsets,
grasslands that would otherwise be converted into          especially the tech-based ones. Prices range from
croplands. There are also tech-based projects that         $5 to $30/tCO2 for avoidance offsets to $20 to $40/
focus on improving household devices (e.g. building        tCO2 for nature-based removal offsets and $450 to
cooking appliances that use less heating material          $900/tCO2 for tech-based solutions.47
such as wood), boosting renewables and energy


On the other hand, companies with net-zero                 a 15–20% reduction in fuel consumption and a
strategies adopt reduction alternatives by investing       reduction in the same range for CO2 emissions.52
in industry-specific carbon mitigation options. These      Although customers do not typically get to choose
options can greatly vary by segment.                       what aircraft they fly on, the introduction of carbon
                                                           calculators providing carbon emissions data for
Aviation                                                   flights can help lead to more sustainable choices.
For the aviation industry, two main options are            Calculators can show that routes flown by newer
available:48 the uptake of sustainable aviation            planes generate fewer emissions, thereby pushing
fuels (SAF) and the acquisition of latest-                 sustainability-conscious travellers to choose these
generation aircraft. Currently, the availability of        flights over options serviced by older aircraft.
SAF is limited: it represents less than 1% of total
aviation fuel demand.49 However, it has an average         Hospitality
CO2 reduction potential of 80%,50 and several              On the hospitality side, several hotel companies
airlines and businesses are rallying to achieve 10%        are currently following three principal reduction
SAF demand and supply by 2030 through coalitions           practices.53 The first is to work towards energy-
such as Clean Skies for Tomorrow.51 The latter is          efficiency practices,54 encompassing, lighting,
triggering the inclusion of SAF uptake services for        the provision of hot water, catering services, and
leisure and corporate travellers through different         heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC)
airlines’ websites. Costs vary depending on the SAF        optimization.55 Measures in this regard include
pathway used. Biofuels made of waste fats, oils and        the appropriate setting of internal temperatures,
greases are currently the only ones in commercial          retrofitting spaces for better insulation, installing
use and represent the less expensive option. Today,        low-energy lighting (LEDs) and occupancy sensors,
customers who would like to include a portion of           and other HVAC optimizations.
SAF in their flight have to pay on average $650/
tCO2. If paying for full SAF, Accenture analysis           While hotels can follow specific and more targeted
shows that this translates to more than $200 per           actions, products in this sector are usually defined
trip for a New York to London flight that in an            as green when a third-party organization certifies
economy cabin on average generates 320 kg of               compliance in relation to the measures described
CO2 emissions. It is important to note that customer       above. Examples of such certifications include
payments for SAF are used by the airline towards           those provided by the Global Sustainable Tourism
future purchases of the fuel.                              Council (GSTC) and the Leadership in Energy and
                                                           Environmental Design (LEED) system. However,
The second option is the introduction of latest-           as highlighted by Marriott International in the case
generation aircraft. Airlines regularly upgrade            study section of this report, the definition of a
to the latest available aircraft, a process that is        sustainable product needs to be complemented
cost-effective given the cost-reduction benefits           with other practices aimed at reducing, for example,
involved. Usually, new aircraft generation brings          waste and by-products from water and plastic

                                                 How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   17
usage and food, given that a significant part of         Lastly, practices such as including low-carbon
the environmental impact in the hospitality sector       menus in catering services are gaining more
comes from these resources. In fact, some criteria       popularity. Initiatives such as the Cool Food Pledge,
highlighted in the certification process encompass       where businesses commit to reducing 25% of
safeguarding water resources, minimizing waste,          the GHG emissions associated with the food they
maximizing reuse and other social aspects such           serve by 2030 relative to a 2015 baseline, are
as promoting health and well-being and increasing        currently rallying more and more hospitality service
the social and economic benefits for local               companies to join these types of pledges.59
                                                         Car rental and ride-sharing
Another reduction pillar comes with the increasing       Regarding the car rental and ride-sharing segment,
use, if only partial, of renewable energy (RE),          the main reduction approach comes with the
which is, according to the sector decarbonization        introduction of hybrid-electric vehicles (HEV),
approach (SDA), the most relevant in terms of            where two types of configurations currently exist.
meeting science-based targets. As described              The first is the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV),
by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, practices       powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE)
include on-site renewable energy through wind or         and energy stored in a battery. These cars can
solar power and ground sources of energy. Also,          operate on full electric mode for 30–60 km before
“near-site” renewable energy can be procured             switching to regular fuel. The share of kilometres
by hotels through power purchase agreements              that can be electrified translates into an exhaust
(PPAs), sleeved PPAs, where an intermediary              pipe (tailpipe) CO2 emissions reduction of 15–55%
utility company handles the transfer of money and        compared to full ICE cars.60 Even though the
RE on behalf of the buyer57 or community solar           reduction potential is significant, market shares of
panels. Hospitality providers can also support utility   new vehicle registrations in different geographies
renewables through the purchase of renewable             continue to be low. In 2021, PHEVs’ market share
energy certificates (RECs) in order to help countries    in Europe was 9%, followed by 2% in China and
upgrade their power grids. Actions taken in this         1% in the US.61
space are also considered in the criteria for green
certifications or badges, which are usually displayed    The second type of configuration is the hybrid-
on a company’s website along with its carbon and/        electric vehicle (HEV) powered solely by petrol,
or water footprint information.58 If properties end up   which provides simultaneous energy through
being fully powered by RE, they can be classified        regenerative breaking to batteries embedded in
under the zero-emissions category.                       the car. These types of cars can be classified into
                                                         micro, mild and full hybrid vehicles reaching CO2
                                                         emissions reductions of 3%, 15% and up to 30%

                                               How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want    18
Zero emissions

Zero-emissions products are defined as those that        hospitality companies’ websites, mainly through
produce no carbon emissions. In terms of zero-           green badges or information for customers.
emissions products, different maturity levels exist,
depending on the sector.                                 Car rental and ride-sharing
                                                         In car rental and ride-sharing, a zero-emissions
Aviation                                                 product is commercially available today in the
In the aviation industry, two products are currently     form of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). BEVs
under development: electric aircraft and hydrogen        represent the primary technology pathway,
propulsion aircraft. Electric aircraft use electric      translating into the highest global EV share in 2021
motors to generate energy that is stored in high-        for light-duty vehicles, achieving 71% of global
density batteries; these can achieve 100% zero           sales for all cars compared to 29% for PHEVs.66
emissions if the electricity is generated through        Although current BEV penetration is low within the
renewable sources. However, due to the additional        broader automotive market, it is expected to grow
weight that these batteries bring and the further        due to new mandates being proposed by some
technological development required, such aircraft        governments; for example, the requirement for a
would be viable only for short-haul ranges (of           minimum of 100% BEVs by 2035 in the EU, 20% by
less than 500 km) from 2040 onwards. A similar           2025 in China and 50% by 2030 in the US.67
scenario applies for hydrogen propulsion aircraft,
where hydrogen combustion needs to be produced           Currently BEVs, available as light-duty vehicles (LDV)
through renewable energy sources in order to get a       and heavy-duty vehicles (HDV), are powered by
100% zero-emissions aircraft. As research is still at    a pack of batteries recharged through an electric
the development stage in this field, it’s more likely    power source and have a typical driving range of
that this product will become available from 2040        240–640 km.68 These products are made visible to
onwards, specifically for regional and narrow-		         customers through green badges and filters available
body aircraft.63                                         in car rental and ride-sharing websites and apps.

Hospitality                                              Companies within the aviation, hospitality and
In hospitality, a zero-emissions product already         car rental and ride-sharing industries often follow
exists: renewable sources of energy are available,       several decarbonization approaches at once when
as are circularity practices for water collection        it comes to building an environmentally sustainable
and waste recycling. In fact, some hotel chains’         travel product. The availability of sustainable
properties are already entirely powered by RE.64         travel products depends on how difficult it is to
However, transitioning to these practices requires       abate emissions. This is driven by the stage of
significant investment and is dependent on the           development of decarbonization technologies within
availability of sustainable technologies in different    their respective industry, as highlighted in the A Net
geographical areas.65 When the latter difficulty is      Zero Roadmap for Travel and Tourism report.69
overcome, such practices can be highlighted on


Visibility products such as carbon calculators,          travel offerings and understand the impact they can
filters and green badges can serve as enablers           make. It is essential to achieve alignment across the
for all of the sustainable product types. These          industry on the methodologies behind these tools to
products enable travellers to identify sustainable       help overcome say-do gap roadblocks.

Sustainable product configurations presented to customers

Having now laid the groundwork on the different          sustainable product configurations will be analysed
environmentally sustainable approaches that              below: ancillary, bundled and embedded products.
companies undertake, the following three main

                                               How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   19
FIGURE 6              Sustainable travel product configurations

          Industry                                                     Product configuration of sustainable features

                                              Ancillary product                           Bundled product                          Embedded product

                                                        – SAF usage services                                               – Latest aircraft generation
             Aviation                                   – Avoidance and/or removal carbon offsetting                       – Electric/hydrogen-powered aircraft1

                                                        – Avoidance and/or removal carbon offsetting                       – Energy efficiency
            Hospitality                                 – Low-carbon menu                                                  – Entire property powered by RE
                                                                                                                           – Low-carbon menu

            Car rental and                                                                                                 – Hybrid electric vehicles
                                                        – Avoidance and/or removal carbon offsetting
            ride-sharing                                                                                                   – Full electric vehicles

Source: Accenture analysis, 2022

Note: 1. Product is not available in the current
market; however, it will be available in the future.
Product configurations included in the framework
above are the ones offered at the time of booking.

                                  Ancillary products

                                  A sustainable ancillary product represents an add-                   In Lufthansa Group, customer uptake of
                                  on to a product or service provided by a company.                    sustainability ancillaries is reaching nearly double-
                                  These are chosen on a more voluntary basis than                      digit percentages at some airlines. For United
                                  bundled/embedded products and are often found                        Airlines’ SAF ancillary products, emissions
                                  as part of the booking process. For example,                         reductions achieved in just one year are 15 times
                                  Lufthansa Group includes sustainable features and                    higher than the combined reductions through
                                  information at different touchpoints of the customer                 carbon offsets over the lifetime of the programme,
                                  journey, from the booking experience and in-flight                   despite higher carbon-abatement costs. The
                                  services to the provision of sustainability information              success of the different ancillary types may also be
                                  after the trip. However, particularly in hospitality, a              driven by the market segments to which they are
                                  wider range of ancillary products may be offered                     offered. In the case of United Airlines, the success
                                  throughout the customer experience. These include                    of SAF offerings mentioned above were targeted at
                                  offerings chosen by customers – for example,                         corporate clients while carbon offsets were offered
                                  selecting low-carbon menu items or electing for                      to retail customers. Further details on the Lufthansa
                                  reduced room-cleaning services.                                      Group and United Airlines examples are given in the
                                                                                                       case study section of the report.
                                  For the industry segments within the scope of
                                  this paper, typical ancillaries include carbon-
                                  offsetting services.

                                                                                         How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want              20
Bundled products

A bundled product includes a sustainable feature          to bundle their products by including carbon
or ancillary attached to it and sold as a package.        compensation options and/or a percentage of
This type of configuration typically gives customers      SAF, creating a greener offering. Also, car-sharing
less flexibility to opt out and is usually targeted at    companies such as Uber have a bundled product
a specific travel segment and geography. In the           that includes carbon compensation options,
case of hotel companies, these bundled products           specifically in the Latin American market where the
can include carbon compensation options as well           EV penetration is low.
as low-carbon menus. Airlines are also starting

Embedded products

Embedded products include a sustainability                flown on the latest-generation aircraft and green
feature that is set within a product and sold as          certifications achieved through practices such
a core offering. For airlines, this means using           as RE can help such offerings to stand out in the
the latest-generation aircraft or the electric and        hospitality space.
hydrogen-powered aircraft that are currently under
development. For hotels, embedded products can            Companies’ approaches when defining a
include full or partial RE usage as well as energy-       sustainable travel product are usually based
efficiency practices. For car rental and ride-sharing     on the availability and cost of decarbonization
companies, sustainable products have the highest          technologies. Evidence collected so far shows that
penetration in the market through BEVs and HEVs.          customers naturally opt for sustainable products
In fact, as testified by Uber, the availability of EVs    when the choice requires little additional effort when
has increased four-fold in the past year, with these      searching, booking and paying for them. In that
vehicles carrying more than 13 million people in          sense, car rental and ride-sharing companies seem
2021. Further details on Uber’s product categories        to be ahead of hotels and airlines, given that an
are described in the case study section below.            embedded zero-emissions product is available at
Particularly for embedded products, the use of            a competitive price. However, examples from other
visibility tools is key to enabling customer decisions    industries illustrate additional practices that T&T
and competitive differentiation. For example, carbon      companies could follow to increase the uptake of
calculators can help customers identify flights           sustainable products.

                                                How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   21
3.2 Case studies

                             CASE STUDY 1

                             Amadeus IT Group

Amadeus70 is a travel services company that provides IT             emissions, thus allowing them to make more sustainable
solutions to a range of T&T companies including airlines and        choices. Also, offering carbon-offsetting options to travel
travel agents. Its solutions connect travellers to the journeys     agencies will help to extend the impact of these solutions.
they want through travel agents, search engines, tour
                                                                    Although some of these products are already on the market,
operators, airlines, airports, hotels, cars and railways.
                                                                    further research and innovation are needed to help the
In the race to support the industry to decarbonize and              company advance faster towards decarbonization. In 2021
achieve its own targets, Amadeus is currently strengthening         Amadeus invested €787 million in research and development
its sustainability value proposition. With nearly 2 million         towards technology solutions that help boost operational
reservations processed per day in 2019, the company is in a         efficiency for their customers, efficiencies that in many
key position to inform and help raise awareness about each          cases are linked to improved environmental efficiency. A
traveller’s carbon footprint.                                       lack of standardization and precision in carbon calculation
                                                                    methodologies is currently hindering the credibility and uptake
In this regard, Amadeus is starting to partner with other
                                                                    of these features. However, coalitions such as Travalyst, of
companies to offer sustainability features such as carbon
                                                                    which Amadeus is a member, aim to address these challenges
calculators that can be integrated into Amadeus’ travel
                                                                    and help build the critical mass needed to drive alignment for
distribution platforms. This will help airlines and travel agents
                                                                    the industry.
provide visibility to their customers about their flight’s carbon

                                                                        How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want   22
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