House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center

Page created by Kevin Robinson
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
House Calls 2020
                         January 2020 - December 2020

  Thank You for Supporting     North Valley Health Center is    North Valley Public Health:
  Front Line Workers (pg. 5)       Here for You (pg. 6)        Making Vaccines Available to
                                                                 Our Communities (pg. 7)

Our Endoscopy Team Provides    NVHC Welcomes Two New             Vein Finder Donated by
 Professional Care You Can     Physical Therapists (pg. 15)      Bjorsness Family! (pg. 16)
        Trust (pg. 13)
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
Letter from Chief Executive Officer Jon Linnell

                                 It’s been a “Long and Winding Road”
                                 It has been a little over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way
                                 we see and take care of patients. It sure was and is a learning process. We defi-
                                 nitely are fortunate to have a staff that has been willing to “roll up their sleeves”
                                 and take this challenge head on. This pertains to all employees within our organi-
                                 zation, as it takes everyone to make the wheels go “round and round”.
                                 We strive to take care of the residents of our service area and also those that
                                 travel through our service area. We hope that everyone takes this pandemic as a
                                 serious and potentially dangerous environment. We all need to do everything we
                                 can to make this a part of history and not a continuing saga. We have seen how
                                 wearing masks, social distancing, hand washing and using sanitizers has helped
                                 to slow the spread of COVID and has also curbed our usual flu epidemics that we
                                 see each year. It is not over, but we are hopefully seeing the light at the end of the
                                 tunnel. Please, please try and be a part of the solution and not a part of the on
                                 going problem.
  The vaccines are proven to stop deaths caused by COVID and also aid in stopping the spread of the pandem-
  ic. Vaccines are the best tool we have to combat the pandemic. They protect not only you, but also your
  family, friends, clients and greater communities. COVID does not prejudice itself based on your political
  preferences or ethnicity. It has taken the lives of many from our communities and every life is important.
  What if: we did not vaccinate for polio, measles, mumps, rubella, TB, hepatitis, etc.? We would be in a place we
  would not want to be….. so again, please for yourself and your loved ones, friends, and fellow colleagues follow
  the guidelines and get the vaccine.
  Stay safe and please remember that it doesn’t hit home till it hits home…
  												Jon Linnell, CEO

                                     MARK YOUR CALENDARS!
 Save the date for North Valley
  Health Center’s 23rd annual
  golf tournament! This year’s
   tournament will be held on
 August 26, 2021 at the Warren
     Riverside Golf Course!

  Registration information to

  Due to the ongoing COVID-19
 pandemic, the tournament will
 be held on August 26, 2021 for
this year only. We hope to return
  to holding the tournament in
      June next year (2022).

   If you would like to make a
       donation or have any
   questions, please contact
        Payton Gullikson at

   We hope to see you there!

HC 2020 pg. 2
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
Letter from Chief Nursing Officer Sara Kazmierczak

                               This past year has been challenging to say the least; however, despite these challenges
                               our team at NVHC has gone above and beyond to meet the needs of our community.
                               Beginning last March, a coordinated effort between all departments in our facility took
                               effect to respond to the novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV (COVID-19). Our quick response
                               and coordinated effort, with concern for our community at its core, has helped us to
                               keep staff abreast of challenges or new developments and respond to our patients’
                               needs the best we are able.
                               Although COVID-19 has disrupted and altered the way health care is delivered in the
                               United States and across the world, North Valley Health Center has remained com-
                               mitted to providing its community with services that allow for convenient care such as
                               inpatient admissions, skilled swing bed admissions, Emergency Room, regularly sched-
                               uled clinic visits, monoclonal antibody infusions, and other various services. Screening
                               protocols continue to take place prior to entry into the facility, as well as prior to any
                               scheduled procedures, to allow for a safe environment for all patients and employees.
                               Currently, vaccination against COVID-19 seems to be on everyone’s mind. The providers
                               at North Valley Health Center encourage all members of our community to seriously
consider getting vaccinated against COVID-19. Understandably, there are a lot of questions and hesitancy regarding
this decision; however, the vaccinations that have been approved under the Emergency Use Authorization have
 undergone vigorous testing and scrutiny prior to being approved for distribution. We encourage those who are
contemplating this decision to utilize the best available resources such as the Minnesota Department of Health and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Additionally, patients can always consult with their primary care
provider to discuss any questions or concerns they may have. As of April 2, 2021, NVHC has distributed over 2,000
COVID-19 vaccines to our community, including 1st and 2nd dose of Moderna and Pfizer. Anyone age 18 and older is
now eligible to become vaccinated against COVID-19. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming vaccinated,
please call North Valley Health Center to schedule an appointment.
Every day we are one step closer to returning to a sense of normalcy, we encourage all to continue to be vigilant in
their precautions and get vaccinated!
												Best Regards,
												Sara Kazmierczak, CNO

                        Wings of Hope 2021
                          Order forms due by May 5, 2021

 Wings of Hope will allow you to thank, honor and remember your loved
 ones through gifts to NVHC in a way that is similar to the Giving Hearts
 program. We will have a display of butterflies throughout the North Valley
 Health Center landscaping and a paper butterfly display on the clinic
    waiting room windows. All honored names will be included in both
 displays. Butterflies will be on display from June 1st to June 30th. See page
                        18 for additional information.

        Order form can be found on page 19 to be returned to NVHC
                             by May 5, 2021.

                Please contact NVHC Community Relations at
                       218-745-3214 with any questions!

                    Thank you for your continued support of
                          North Valley Health Center!

                                                                                                          HC 2020 pg. 3
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
2020 Giving Hearts Donations
2020 was another successful year for the giving hearts campaign at North Valley Health Center! Thanks to your generosity we
raised $3,990. We had 29 large hearts on display and 95 small hearts on display. We are very appreciative of the donations we receive
through this fundraiser. The clinic waiting room area always looks so nice with all of the hearts on display! The funds will be use
to purchase a new ambulance for the EMS department. Thank you very much for your continued support of the NVHC mission!

Large Hearts - Donated to                       Small Hearts - Donated to                      Duane Ekman
honor, Thank and Remember:                      honor, Thank and Remember:                             Alice Beaudry
                                                                                               Sharon Beaudry
To thank:                                       To honor:                                      Joni Beaudry Jakubowski
NVHC Staff - for their caring                   Elva Bustrack                                          Terry Beaudry
service to all                                           Jim Bustrack                          Delores Dufault
                                                         Bobbi and Roger Mischel               Valerian Kuznia
        Sandra Magnusson                        Aime Dufault                                           Sara Kazmierczak
                                                Joan Dufault                                   LaVern Hanson
To Remember:                                    Jaxon Kazmierczak                              Maxine Hanson
Ron Adrian                                      Paige Kazmierczak                              J. Duane Nelson
         Becky Adrian and Family                         Sara Kazmierczak                              Lynelle and Jeff Hanson
Jim Pulkrabek                                   Ethel Safranski                                Harold Bustrack
         Janice Pulkrabek                                Rachel Johnston                       Ole Bustrack
                                                Ashley Fredrickson                             Ruby Bustrack
Carl F. Johnson                                 Rhonda Kostrzewski                             Gerda Nordling
         Florence Johnson                                Rachel Deitz                          Alfred Nordling
Audrey Kalin                                    Kathy McGregor                                 Dale Nordling
         Sue and Gary Anderson                  Yvonne Baird                                           Jim Bustrack
                                                Rachel Deitz                                   Tony Birkland
Gordon Sommers                                  Bobbi Mischel
Marlene Sommers                                                                                Elsie Birkland
                                                Jill Lysford                                   Frank Johnson
         Phyllis and Scott Sommers                       Nadine McMillan                       Lena Johnson
Ruth Ann Magnusson                              Jeanie Ulferts                                         Florence Johnson
Marville V. Magnusson                                    Bobbi and Roger Mischel               Dolores Olson
         The Magnusson Family                   To Remember:                                   Gillman Olson
Wayne Ulferts                                   Bonnie Olson                                   Sid Thompson
                                                        Rachel Johnston                        Hattie Erickson
         Jeanie Ulferts                         Chris Bossman                                  Duane Erickson
Melanie Lysford                                 Evelyn Perry                                   Jonathan Tranby
         Jill and Vern Lysford                          Yvonne and Bill Bossman                Rachelle Sorensen
Esther Mattson                                  Ronnie Olson                                   Thorvald Thompson
O.M. “Cy” Mattson                               Bonnie Olson                                   Olive Thompson
         Marlys Mattson Nelson                  Phil Olson                                     Brad Nugent
                                                Eva Boman                                      Orval Thompson
Lloyd Edgar                                             Shirley and Robert Olson               Joe Yeado
         Rita Edgar                             Paula Laudal                                           Gloria and Phil Thompson
David Duckstad                                          Donna and Larry Laudal                 Arthur William Bossman
Robert Duckstad                                         Stacy Laudal and Kids                  Doris Mae Bengtson Bossman
         Beverly Duckstad and Family            Linda McGregor                                 Esther Marie Bengtson
Jean Johnston                                   Mark Loeslie                                   Florence “Fussie” Bossman
                                                Darlyne V. Magnuson                                    Pat Bossman Hines
         Mary and Jay Johnston                  Tony Sands                                     Robert and Carolyn Nelson
Richard P. Nelson                                       Michal and J. Wendell Sands            Jerry and Kris Peak
         Sheila Nelson                          Loved Ones                                             Sheila Nelson
John W. Sands                                           Ginny and Jerry Kruger                 Kay Carlson
Ruth Sands                                      Randy Swanson                                  Gordon Carlson
                                                Ryan Swanson                                   Melvyn Lysford
Herbert Loeslie                                 Andy Grega                                     Irene Lysford
Delphy Loeslie                                  Millie Grega                                   Donnie Miller
         Michal and J. Wendell Sands                    Bette Swanson                                  Jill and Vern Lysford
Mason and LaFern Linnell                        Lloyd Edgar                                    Jason Johnston
         Pat and Jon Linnell                    Lester Abrahamson                                      Mary and Jay Johnston
Ralph and Vivian Hanson                         Gladys Abrahamson                              Charles Steer
                                                        Sharon and Ron Abrahamson              Ione Steer
Bill and Margaret Mischel                       Robin Johnson                                  Charles Confer
         Bobbi and Roger Mischel                        Rachel and Scott Deitz                 Lois Confer
Tom and Pat Hoggarth                            Ludvik Kotrba                                  Bill Steer
Raymond Woods                                   Gertrude Kotrba                                Harry Confer
         Ashley and Damon Stroble               Robert Kotrba                                  Elsie Confer
                                                Roger Kotrba                                   Baby Girl Steer
Merrill and Mildred Stroble                     Ronald Kotrba                                  Nancy Confer
Louie and Gertrude Kuznia                               Yvonne Kotrba Baird                    Sharron Confer-Morden
         The Stroble Family                     Stella Kathman                                         Kathy and Chuck Steer
                                                        Lisa and David Sorenson                Colleen Tulibaski
HC 2020 pg. 4                                                                                  Brad Olson
                                                                                                       Bobbi and Roger Mischel
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
Thank You for Supporting Front Line Workers!
                                The entire North Valley Health Center staff is continually
                                thankful for the heartfelt support that we receive from the
                                community, especially that which we have recieved during
                                                  the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                We would like to thank everyone for all that they have done
                                over this past year, and continue to do now, to try and ease
                                    the burden on front line workers, both throughout our
                                        community and within our healthcare facility.

                                From staying home, to washing your hands, to donating
                                masks, and everything in between - no matter the effort, big
                                   or small, we are thankful for your support of front line

                                Thank you for continuing to wear your mask, washing your
                                hands frequently, getting vaccinated, and social distancing.
 Members of NVHC clinic staff   We want to assure you that NVHC continues to be dedicated
wearing masks donated by the
     community in April.         to our community’s health during these challenging times!

                       ADVANCE DIRECTIVES
North Valley Health Center has informational resource packets available to the
   community regarding Advance Directives. An Advance Directive is a legal
  document that allows you to write your decisions/wishes about end-of-life
    care ahead of time in the event you are not able to communicate those
 decisions due to a medical condition. It gives you a way to tell your wishes to
 family, friends and medical providers. There are two main types of Advance
   Directives-the “Living Will” and the “Durable Power of Attorney for Health
 Care”. The packets contain information on both of these and information to
    consider when completing a directive. A sample form is included in the
  resource packet for you to use. If you have any questions, you can contact
             Sara Kazmierczak, CNO or Kim Rindy, RN at 218-745-4211.

                                                                                 HC 2020 pg. 5
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
NVHC Continues to be
                      Here for You!
        Despite the ways in which this past year has challenged our communities,
    North Valley Health Center has continued to provide quality care that you can trust!

      Grew our provider team!
       We welcomed gastroenterologist Dr.
       Mirza Baig and family practice nurse
      practitioner Nicole Steien FNC-P to our
                      facility.                   Improved our Equipment!
                                                  With the generosity of our donors, we
                                                    were able to purchase a new CT
                                                    scanner to aide in more accurate
                                                   diagnoses; thus, ultimately yielding
                                                       higher quality patient care.
       Established a COVID-19
       Testing Drive-Through!
         In an effort to keep our community
       safe, we established a COVID-19 drive
       through testing site. If you are in need        Grew our Physical
        of this service, please call 745-4211.
                                                        Therapy Team!
                                                  We welcomed Ashley Jobe and Dan
                                                  Magaña to our PT department. Read
                                                    more about them on page 15.
           Continue to Provide
           Quality Care to Our
      We are dedicated to the communities         Continue to host COVID-19
        that we serve and work hard to            Vaccination Clinics in Our
       provide quality care you can trust.
                                                    Follow North Valley Health Center &
                                                        Marshall County Emergency
                                                  Management on Facebook to receive the
                                                  most up-to-date vaccination information.
   HC 2020 pg. 6

HC 2020 pg. 6
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
North Valley Public Health:
Making COVID-19 Vaccines Available to Our Communities!

North Valley Public Health (NVPH) has been hard at work making the COVID-19 vaccine available to Marshall
County residents. They have held 4 community clinics in various cities around the
county for residents 65 and older and 2 community clinics for those 18 and older. Additionally, they have
helped vaccinate phase 1 priority groups, as designated by the state health department, including: school
staff and child care providers, EMS and first responders, assisted living residents and staff, group home
residents and staff, healthcare workers and volunteer drivers, and other targeted groups of essential work-
ers. Like North Valley Health Center, as NVPH continues to get in vaccines from the state, they will continue
to do their part to help get our community vaccinated. NVPH has been a crucial asset in our community’s
fight against COVID-19!
Not only has NVPH been vital in getting our communities vaccinated, but it has also been an
important resource for Marshall County residents as they seek accurate information about COVID-19 and
the vaccines that are offered. The NVPH managed Facebook page, Marshall County Emergency Manage-
ment, has been providing science based COVID-19 information since March 2020. It is currently the best
platform to find out about upcoming vaccination opportunities in Marshall county. With so much informa-
tion about the available vaccines floating around, NVPH wants to remind you that all of the available vac-
cines are safe and effective. “There is no “best” vaccine option as the best vaccine is the one that is avail-
able to you! All of the vaccines are almost 100% effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and
death,” says NVPH director, Frances Tougas.
Although COVID-19 mitigation, prevention, and vaccination has been a major part of the work North Val-
ley Public Health has done this past year, they have continued their family home visits (albeit virtually) and
other services. We are so thankful for all the ways in which North Valley Public Health continues to serve our
If you have additional questions about receiving a vaccine, COVID-19 or the other services offered through
North Valley Public Health, please call 218-745-5154 or follow Marshall County Emergency Management on
Facebook. Be sure to follow North Valley Health Center on Facebook for the most up-to-date vaccination
information offered through the clinic.
                                                                                                 HC 2020 pg. 7
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
2020 Tributes
The following gifts to North Valley Health Center (NVHC) were received from January 2020 to December 2020 in tribute to the people
  listed below. We are thankful for the continued support that NVHC has received through generous donations from our ever-growing
community during these challenging times. Thank you to all who have honored friends and loved ones in this way. Care has been taken to
                        prepare an accurate list, but mistakes can occur. Please notify NVHC to make corrections.

Mother’s Day Tribute To:                      Irene Miska                                    Murray Goodwin
Doris Mae Bengston Bossman                    Jeanette and Tony Filipi                       Jerrilyn and Duane Potucek
                                              Frances Fanfulik                               Donna and Larry Laudal
Pat Bossman Hines                             Debbie and Terry Albaugh                       Sue Morgan and Sam Potucek
                                              Bobbi and Roger Mischel                        Kathy and Chuck Steer
Father’s Day Tribute To:                      Ellen and Philip Kotrba                        Jeanette and Tony Filipi
                                                                                             Laurie and Russ Steer
Arthur William Bossman                        Arlene Gehrls                                  Mary and Jay Johnston
Pat Bossman Hines                             Family and friends of Arlene                   Adelaide and Lloyd Kasprick
                                              Jackie and Bob Baird                           Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Tribute for Retirement To:                    Debbie and Terry Albaugh                       Kim Rindy
                                              Marlene and George Neys                        Sharon and Roger Lappegaard
Mavis Benson                                  Sandra Magnusson                               Frances Fanfulik
Jeanie Ulferts                                Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom                    Jean and John Walker
                                              Kristie and David Lansing                      Jan and Bob Greer
In memory of:                                 Sharon and Ron Abrahamson                      Deb and John Copp
                                              Lynelle and Jeff Hanson                        Renee and Ed Rosendahl
Darline “Dolly” McGlynn                                                                      Carolyn and Don Matz
Nina and Mike Gallagher                       Gary Carlson                                   Mary and Jerry Sedlacek
Toby and Earl McGregor                        Allen Erickson                                 Alice and Terry Beaudry
Sandy and Greg Johnson                        Debbie and Terry Albaugh                       Karen Larson
Pat and Mike Williams                                                                        Arlys Pederson
Ruth Ann and Glenn Johnson                    Marwood “Woody” Hunstad                        Jane and Doug Safar
Raymond Corbett                               Sandra Magnusson                               Darlene Dvorak
Debbie and Terry Albaugh                      Donald Kathman                                 Sharon and Shawn Bubb
Heather and Mike Goroski                      John Hess                                      Barb Nelson
                                              Carol and Tim Urbaniak                         Candy and Don Kroll
Joyce Haugen                                  Janene and Frank Rybaski                       Sandy and Greg Johnson
Janene and Frank Rybaski                                                                     Virlynn and Pete Hanson
Darlene and Ken Gruhot                        Merlin Johnson                                 Bernadette Borowicz
Peggy and Wayne Feuillerat                    Carol and Tim Urbaniak                         Maury and Faith Finney
Clarice and Russell Demeyere                  Tara and Jerred Copp                           Dorothy Oberg
Gail and Don Yutrzenka                        Debbie and Jerry Rominski                      Dale Grega
Karen Michalski                                                                              Stephanie and Michael Pagnac
Susan and Lein Schiller                       Duane Yeado                                    Mary Beth and Richard Edman
Donna and Curtis Carlson                      Jan and Jim Johnston                           Susie and Gregg Schaefer
                                              Barb Nelson                                    Rosemary and Jeff Gustafson
                                                                                             Peggy and Roger DeMeyer
James Penk                                    Rev. Mark Rittman                              Ronald Geatz
Yvonne and Chuck Baird                        Virlynn and Pete Hanson                        Cindy and Mike Beaudry
Jeanie Ulferts                                                                               Pam and Kelly Foerster
Frances Fanfulik                              Nancy Schanus                                  Ellen and Philip Kotrba
Bev Johnson                                   John Hess                                      Tara and Jerred Copp
Karen Johnson                                 Heather and Mike Goroski                       Kent, Robin, Joey, and Louise Asleson
Lori and Paul Quanrud                                                                        Julie and Mark Nowacki
Jan and Bob Greer                             Nick Boman                                     Clarice and Russell Demeyere
Belinda and Jim Folz                          Kevin Johnson                                  Jackie and Bob Baird
Sharon and Larry Johnson                      Bernadette Borowicz                            Debbie and Terry Albaugh
                                              Jan and Bob Greer                              Jenny Langevin
Michael Gallagher                                                                            Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
Elaine Heck                                   Robin Johnson                                  Sharon and Ron Abrahamson
Rose Peterson                                 Bonnie and Tim Howard                          Leslie and Harvey Sedlacek
Kathy Boman                                   Carey and Gary Johnston                        Rachel and John Peterson
Delores Dibble                                Heather and Mike Goroski                       Jan and Mick Riopelle
Nancy Wurtz                                   Jan and Bob Greer                              Elva Bustrack
Jan and Bob Greer                             Pat and Jon Linnell                            Deb and Loren Zutz
                                                                                             Sandra and Gerald Maruska
                                              Lorraine Bieniski                              Bette Swanson
Delphine Safranski                            Mary and Jerry Sedlacek                        Carol and Ron Loeslie
Betty Laurin                                  Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble                      Deanne and Bob Bossman
Sandra Magnusson                              Berna and Earl Pawlowski                       Marie and Rick Schmiedeberg
Kathy and Mark Swanson                        Donna and Larry Laudal                         Jeanie Ulferts
Jan and Mick Riopelle                         Phyllis and Bob Nowacki                        Darrell Rindy
Jan and Jim Johnston                                                                         Laura Jevning
Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble                     Dale Kifer                                     Michelle Strickler
Linda and Darrell Laudal                      Glorianne and Don Loeslie                      Pat and Jon Linnell
Mary and Jerry Sedlacek                       Michal and J. Wendell Sands
HC 2020 pg. 8
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
2020 Tributes
The following gifts to North Valley Health Center (NVHC) were received from January 2020 to December 2020 in tribute to the people
  listed below. We are thankful for the continued support that NVHC has received through generous donations from our ever-growing
community during these challenging times. Thank you to all who have honored friends and loved ones in this way. Care has been taken to
                        prepare an accurate list, but mistakes can occur. Please notify NVHC to make corrections.

Marlene Dau                                   Gary Durand                                    Ted Yutrzenka
Family and friends of Marlene                 Family and friends of Gary                     Darlene and Ken Gruhot
Jean and John Walker                          Beverly and Marshall Fulks                     Carol and Tim Urbaniak
Kathy and Mark Swanson                        Carolyn and Don Matz                           Janene and Frank Rybaski
Diane and Richard Abrahamson                  Mary Dufault                                   Sandra Magnusson
Elva Bustrack                                 Lois and Stanley Demeyere                      Barbara Spicer
Dale Potucek                                  Donald Kathman                                 Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Toby and Earl McGregor                        Carol and Tim Urbaniak
John Hess                                     Janene and Frank Rybaski                       Debbie Klopp
Chris Ann and Loren Abrahamson                Bev Johnson                                    Joyce Sather
Zona and Clayton Pearson                      Karen Johnson                                  Donna and Curtis Carlson
Leslie and Harvey Sedlacek                    Jackie and Bob Baird
Bobbi and Roger Mischel                       Phyllis and Bob Nowacki                        Judi Spilde
Marie and Steve Goodwin                       Donna and Curtis Carlson                       Kathy and Mark Swanson
Glorianne and Don Loeslie                     Jan and Bob Greer                              Deanne and Bob Bossman
Carol and John Bowman                                                                        Carolyn and Don Matz
Heather and Mike Goroski                      Rita Pagnac
Phyllis and Bob Nowacki                       Roberta and Keith Bergeron                     Loretta Borowicz
Bev and Dick Karr                             Linda and Darrell Laudal                       Donna and Curtis Carlson
Donna and Curtis Carlson                                                                     Phyllis and Bob Nowacki
Lois and Stanley Demeyere                     Russell Demeyere                               Karen Johnson
                                              Family and friends of Russell                  Jean and Robert Safranski
Gary Peterson                                 Mary Dufault                                   Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
Clarice and Russell Demeyere                  Yvonne and Bill Bossman                        Donald Kathman
Jackie and Bob Baird                          Dolores and Chuck DuBore                       Lisa and David Sorenson
Bobbi and Roger Mischel                       Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom                    Darlene and Ken Gruhot
Bev Johnson                                   Karen Larson                                   Bernadette Borowicz
Karen Johnson                                 Arlys Pederson                                 Arnette and Ken Borowicz
Kim Rindy                                     Beverly and Marshall Fulks                     Ellen and Alan Anton
Bette Swanson                                 Jeanie Ulferts
Carol and Ron Loeslie                         Chris Ann and Loren Abrahamson                 Helen Plencner
Dolores and Chuck DuBore                      Carolyn and Don Matz                           Helen’s Family
Deanne and Bob Bossman                        Donna and Mike Miller                          Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
LuAnn Johnson                                 Karen and Peder Larson                         Andrea and Scott Jadeke
Jean and Ron Leverington                      Phyllis and Bob Nowacki                        Phyllis and Bob Nowacki
Wanda and Randy Gubrud                        LuAnn Johnson                                  Sharon and Ron Abrahamson
Bev and Dale Clausen                          Toby and Earl McGregor                         Deanne and Bob Bossman
Pauline and Derwin Broten                     Shirley and Jim Johnson
Lori and Eric Johnson                         Marie and Duane Fillipi                        Lorrayne Yutrzenka
Sharon and Roger Lappegaard                   Beverly Duckstad                               Carol and Tim Urbaniak
Frances Fanfulik                              Jan and Bob Greer                              Bernadette Borowicz
Jean and John Walker
Jan and Bob Greer                             Jean Wizner                                    William “Bill” Porter
Sandy and Greg Johnson                        Carol Pribula                                  Michal and J. Wendell Sands
Diane and Richard Abrahamson                  Ruth Lindgren                                  Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Mandy and Mike Rosendahl                      Elaine Engen
Carolyn and Don Matz                          Frances Fetter                                 James “Jim” Bubb
Virlynn and Pete Hanson                       David Gust                                     Eliz Porter
Bev and Wayne Torgerson                       Victor Wolf                                    Rachel and John Peterson
Bernadette Borowicz                           Mary Ann Greenwald                             Carol and John Bowman
Sondra and Rick Johnson                       Dan Powers                                     Leslie and Harvey Sedlacek
Marie and Steve Goodwin                       Art Pfifer                                     Darlene Dvorak
Heather and Mike Goroski                      Leo J. Wald                                    Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Eliz Porter                                   Ruth Stukel                                    Michal and J. Wendell Sands
Sheila and Bob Hoerner                        Gary Newton                                    Karen Johnson
Karen and Peder Larson                        Jean Brekke                                    Carol Duffy
Rebecca Shelquist                             Bonnie Frye Donahue                            Dolores and Chuck DuBore
Pat and Jon Linnell                           William Bagwell                                Ellen and Philip Kotrba
                                              Dorothy Johnson                                Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Nancy Schanus                                 Ellen and Philip Kotrba
John Hess                                                                                    Arthur “Art” Laudal
Heather and Mike Goroski                      Linda Gornowicz                                Donna and Larry Laudal
                                              Family and friends of Linda                    Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Margaret “Peggy” Kruger                       Toby and Earl McGregor
Mary Ann Nicholls                                                                            Harlan Anderson
                                              Masako Abrahamson                              Lori and Curtis Haugen
Dick Palmer                                   Chris Ann and Loren Abrahamson
Kathy and Mark Swanson
                                                                                                                        HC 2020 pg. 9
House Calls 2020 January 2020 - December 2020 - North Valley Health Center
2020 Tributes
The following gifts to North Valley Health Center (NVHC) were received from January 2020 to December 2020 in tribute to the people
  listed below. We are thankful for the continued support that NVHC has received through generous donations from our ever-growing
community during these challenging times. Thank you to all who have honored friends and loved ones in this way. Care has been taken to
                        prepare an accurate list, but mistakes can occur. Please notify NVHC to make corrections.

IN MEMORY OF (continued):                     Arden Hoff                                     Christopher “Chris” Kasprowicz
Cherry Ann Iverson                            Leslie and Harvey Sedlacek                     Ethel and Ted Safranski
Donna and Larry Laudal                        Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble                      Darlene and Ken Gruhot
Kathy and Mark Swanson                        Berna and Earl Pawlowski                       Donna and Curtis Carlson
Michal and J. Wendell Sands                   Marie and Steve Goodwin
Bobbi and Roger Mischel                                                                      Ann Bowman
Jan and Bob Greer                             Keith Bell                                     Leona Chalaturnyk
                                              Bette Swanson                                  Dolores and Chuck DuBore
Bill Bossmam                                  Deanne and Bob Bossman
Bill’s Family                                                                                Michael “Mike” Kasprowicz
Karen and Peder Larson                        Gene Johnston                                  Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
Gloria and Phil Thompson                      Marlene and Sig Silnes                         Bernadette Borowicz
Bruce Anderson                                Bette Swanson
Diane and Richard Abrahamson                  Dorothy Oberg                                  John Abrahamson
Nadine and Brent McMillan                     Dale Grega                                     Yvonne Bossman
Karen and Jim Pearson                         Jeanette and Tony Filipi
Mary Beth and Richard Edman                   Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble                      Gladys Bodell
Berna and Earl Pawlowski                      Carol and Ron Loeslie                          Sheila and Bob Hoerner
Robin and Ken Hanson                          Tara and Jerred Copp
Dolores and Chuck DuBore                      Rachel and Josh Johnston                       Bob Howard
Bev and Dick Karr                             Darlene Dvorak                                 Patty and Les Howard
Marlene and George Neys                       Kathy and Mark Swanson
Ginny and Jerry Kruger                        Ellen and Don Strickler                        Greg Kilen
Jeanie Ulferts                                Kathy and Chuck Steer                          Karen and Peder Larson
Bette Swanson                                 Sharon and Wayne Larson                        Lisa and David Sorenson
Wanda and Randy Gubrud                        Phyllis and Bob Nowacki                        Karen Larson
Mary and Jerry Sedlacek                       Jan and Jim Johnston                           Eliz Porter
Jan and Jim Johnston                          Jan and Bob Greer                              Denese, Randy and Dylan Nicholls
Bobbi and Roger Mischel                       Sharon and Roger Lappegaard                    Sandy and Greg Johnson
Bev and Dale Clausen                          Pat and Jon Linnell                            Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom                                                                  Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom
Bev Johnson                                   Fraye Ranstrom                                 Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Carol and Ron Loeslie                         Delores and Jack Sedlacek                      Lisa and Tim Sedlacek
Linda Edgar and Loren Engelstad               Karen Larson
Janice and Willis Grochow                     Ina Loeslie                                    Claudia Brooke
Glorianne and Don Loeslie                     Glorianne and Don Loeslie                      Bev Johnson
Marcia and Francis Kuznia                                                                    Karen Johnson
Karen Larson                                  Mavis Elseth                                   Yvonne and Chuck Baird
Linda and Ron LaBine                          Dona Nielsen                                   Eliz Porter
Kathy and Mark Swanson                        Deanne and Bob Bossman                         Lovie and Chuck Graham
Carolyn and Don Matz                          Bev and Dick Karr                              Kim Rindy
Arlys Pederson                                Ginny and Jerry Kruger                         Kathy Kleinvachter
Rachel and Josh Johnston                      Bette Swanson                                  Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Marie and Duane Fillipi                       John Hess                                      Nadine and Brent McMillan
Delores and Jack Sedlacek                     Chris Ann and Loren Abrahamson                 Janice and Aldon Filipi
Betty and Mike DuBore                                                                        Mavis Benson
Clarice Demeyere                              Verna Jorenson                                 Pauline and Derwin Broten
Sandy and Greg Johnson                        Cindy and Ralph Melgard
Chris Ann and Loren Abrahamson                Jeanie Ulferts                                 John Thorkildson
Jenny and Lowell Engen                        Karen and Peder Larson                         Linda and Darrell Laudal
Marie and Steve Goodwin                       Barbara Jorgenson
Jan and Bob Greer                                                                            Janice Lenhart
Karen Johnson                                 Donald Kathman                                 Gloria and Phil Thompson
                                              Bev Johnson                                    Jeanie Ulferts
Pat and Jon Linnell                           Karen Johnson                                  Karen and Peder Larson
                                              Karen Michalski                                Denese, Randy and Dylan Nicholls
Lorne Johnson                                 Betty Laurin                                   Yvonne Bossman
Karen Larson                                  Mary Dufault                                   Delores and Jack Sedlacek
Suzie and Jerry Jevning                       Judy and Tom Yutrzenka                         Wanda and Randy Gubrud
Donna and Larry Laudal                        Jan and Jim Johnston                           Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Phil Thompson and Associates                  Sandra Magnusson
Peggy and Wayne Feuillerat                    Nancy and Howard Sturman                       William “Billy” Borowicz
Donna and Curtis Carlson                      Janet LaBine
Michal and J. Wendell Sands                   Arnette and Ken Borowicz                       Donald Kathman
Glorianne and Don Loeslie                     Janene and Frank Rybaski
                                              Liz and Jeff Anderson                          Lynn Nash
Junius “Mike” Otto                            Denese, Randy and Dylan Nicholls               Bette and Rick Solberg
Toby and Earl McGregor                        Deb and Loren Zutz
HC 2020 pg. 10                                Darlene and Ken Gruhot
2020 Tributes
The following gifts to North Valley Health Center (NVHC) were received from January 2020 to December 2020 in tribute to the people
  listed below. We are thankful for the continued support that NVHC has received through generous donations from our ever-growing
community during these challenging times. Thank you to all who have honored friends and loved ones in this way. Care has been taken to
                        prepare an accurate list, but mistakes can occur. Please notify NVHC to make corrections.
Dorthy Palm                                   Anna Mae Nelson                                Curtis Anderson
Mary and Jerry Sedlacek                       Bev and Dick Karr                              Yvonne Bossman
Yvonne and Chuck Baird                                                                       Bette Swanson
Eliz Porter                                   Martell Robinson                               Dolores and Chuck DuBore
Michal and J. Wendell Sands                   Susan Gudajtes                                 Jan and Jim Johnston
Deanne and Bob Bossman                        Michelle Donarski                              Beverly and Marshall Fulks
Suzie and Jerry Jevning                       Christopher Novak                              Sue Morgan and Sam Potucek
Lovie and Chuck Graham                        Rita Rudnik                                    Bette and Rick Solberg
Kathy Kleinvachter                            Leona Schuster                                 Bruce Anderson
Rachel and Josh Johnston                      Audrey Paschke                                 Karen Larson
Virlynn and Pete Hanson                       Paula Schlangen                                Arlys Pederson
Elva Bustrack                                 Alan Ebertowski                                Deanne and Bob Bossman
Bette and Rick Solberg                        Bernadette Borowicz                            Carol and Ron Loeslie
RaeAnn and Harris Halvorson                                                                  Kathy, Todd and Kyle Kleinvachter
Sandy and Greg Johnson                        Delores Malm                                   Carolyn and Don Matz
Bobbi and Roger Mischel                       Lisa and David Sorenson                        Bev and Dick Karr
Jo and Doug Sorenson                          Karen Larson                                   Marcia and Paul Baynes
Janice and Aldon Filipi                       Suzie and Jerry Jevning                        Betty and Mike DuBore
Pat and Mike Williams                         Janet LaBine                                   Marcia and Francis Kuznia
Toby and Earl McGregor                        Betty Laurin                                   Toby and Earl McGregor
Marlene and George Neys                       Judy and Tom Yutrzenka                         Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Nadine and Brent McMillan                     Beverly and Marshall Fulks                     Sandy and Greg Johnson
Mavis Benson                                  Darlene and Ken Gruhot                         Kristie and David Lansing
Bev and Dale Clausen                          Pam and Lynn Sundby                            Linda and Ron LaBine
Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom                   Sandra Magnusson                               Jenny and Lowell Engen
Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble                     Marie and Steve Goodwin                        Bernadette Borowicz
Jeanie Ulferts                                                                               Marie and Steve Goodwin
Pauline and Derwin Broten                     Sandra Hanson                                  Jan and Bob Greer
Marie and Steve Goodwin                       Sandra Magnusson                               Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Pat and Jon Linnell                           Pauline and Derwin Broten                      Pat and Jon Linnell
                                              Bremer Bank
Kari Nicole Wagner                            Denese, Randy and Dylan Nicholls               Calvin “Cal” Sorenson
Janice and Aldon Filipi                       Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom                    Judy and Tom Yutrzenka
Bobbi and Roger Mischel                       Bernadette Borowicz                            Darlene and Ken Gruhot
                                              Ginny and Jerry Kruger                         Liz and Jeff Anderson
Lorraine Adamski                              Denelle and Don Narlock                        Sandra Magnusson
Bernadette Borowicz                           Jan and Bob Greer                              Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom
Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom                   Bobbi and Roger Mischel                        Carolyn and Don Matz
                                                                                             Bev Johnson
Joseph “Joe” Deschene                         Rev. Ron Warnes                                Karen Johnson
Yvonne and Chuck Baird                        Wanda and Randy Gubrud                         Linda and Darrell Laudal
Yvonne and Bill Bossman                       Bobbi and Roger Mischel                        Bernadette Borowicz
Ethel and Ted Safranski                                                                      Jan and Jim Johnston
Berna and Earl Pawlowski                      Kathy Melgard                                  Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Betty Laurin                                  Suzie and Jerry Jevning                        Mary Dufault
Darlene and Ken Gruhot                                                                       Ethel and Ted Safranski
Sharon and Ron Abrahamson                     Gale, Gloria, Robin and Bob                    Pat and Jon Linnell
Liz and Jeff Anderson                         Swanson
Jan and Mick Riopelle                         Glorianne and Don Loeslie                      Donald “Don” Miller
Betty and Mike DuBore                         Linda and Ron LaBine                           Family and friends of Don
Carol and Ron Loeslie                         Bernadette Borowicz                            Linda and Ron LaBine
Carol and Tim Urbaniak                        Toby and Earl McGregor                         Clarice Demeyere
Bernadette Borowicz                                                                          Bette and Rick Solberg
Carol and Bill Sedgeman                       Florence Johnson                               Karen Larson
Jan and Bob Greer                             Florence’s Family                              Jean and Ron Leverington
                                              Sue Morgan and Sam Potucek                     Diane and Richard Abrahamson
Lawrence LaBine                               Jennifer and Kenny Palm                        Lori and Eric Johnson
Darlene and Ken Gruhot                        Jan and Bob Greer                              Liz and Jeff Anderson
Betty Laurin                                                                                 Lois and Stanley Demeyere
Dolores and Chuck DuBore                      Duane “Buddy” Hoeper                           Arlys Pederson
Sandra Magnusson                              Darlene and Ken Gruhot                         Denise and Brian Laymon
Mary Dufault                                  Betty Laurin                                   Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Donna and Curtis Carlson                                                                     Ina Loeslie
Bernadette Borowicz                           Winton Knutson                                 Jan and Bob Greer
                                              Bev Johnson                                    Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Carole Haarsager                              Karen Johnson                                  Pat and Jon Linnell
Bobbi and Roger Mischel
                                              Loretta Kostrzewski
                                              Judy and Tom Yutrzenka                                                    HC 2020 pg. 11
2020 Tributes
The following gifts to North Valley Health Center (NVHC) were received from January 2020 to December 2020 in tribute to the people list-
ed below. We are thankful for the continued support that NVHC has received through generous donations from our ever-growing commu-
nity during these challenging times. Thank you to all who have honored friends and loved ones in this way. Care has been taken to prepare
                             an accurate list, but mistakes can occur. Please notify NVHC to make corrections.

IN MEMORY OF (continued):                       Jeffrey “Jeff” Bauer                            Fern Dahlman
Richard Gunderson                               Dolores and Chuck DuBore                        Betty East
Jerry Odegaard                                  Pauline and Derwin Broten                       Marlene and Sig Silnes
Mary and Jerry Sedlacek                         Kathy and Mark Swanson                          Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
                                                Karen and Peder Larson                          Eliz Porter
Marguerite Jadeke                               Kristie and David Lansing                       Jeanie Ulferts
Jeanie Ulferts                                  Jennifer Engen                                  Mary and Jerry Sedlacek
Arlys Pederson                                  Jan and Bob Greer                               Bette Swanson
Betty and Mike DuBore                           Bobbi and Roger Mischel                         Diane and Richard Abrahamson
Clarice Demeyere                                Pat and Jon Linnell                             Glorianne and Don Loeslie
Toby and Earl McGregor                          Raymond “Ray” Burwell                           Shirley Johnson
Marie and Steve Goodwin                         Suzie and Jerry Jevning                         Leslie and Harvey Sedlacek
Glorianne and Don Loeslie                       Dolores and Chuck DuBore                        Judy and Tom Yutrzenka
Jan and Bob Greer                               Deanne and Bob Bossman                          Carol and Ron Loeslie
Ina Loeslie                                     Maggie and Chuck Steffan                        Marlene and Sig Silnes
Marlene and Sig Silnes                          Betty and Mike DuBore                           Janice and Willis Grochow
Dolores and Chuck DuBore                        Bette and Rick Solberg                          Deb and Loren Zutz
Ann Pederson                                    Carol and John Bowman                           Kathy and Mark Swanson
Gloria and Phil Thompson                        Toby and Earl McGregor                          Darlene Dvorak
GFWC Mawami Club                                Carolyn and Don Matz                            Bette Swanson
Michal and J. Wendell Sands                     Bernadette Borowicz                             Jackie and Bob Baird
Stephanie Sands and family                      Ellen and Philip Kotrba                         Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
Karmen and Joseph Schuster and                  Sandy and Greg Johnson                          Diane and Richard Abrahamson
  family                                        Jan and Bob Greer                               Sandy and Greg Johnson
Monica and Corey Jamieson and                   Bobbi and Roger Mischel                         Lorette and Lee Hendrickson
  family                                        Pat and Jon Linnell                             Toby and Earl McGregor
Robbyne and Jared Sands and                                                                     LuAnn Johnson
  family                                        Gloria Mortenson                                Frances Fanfulik
Carol and Ron Loeslie                           Carolyn and Don Matz                            Carey and Gary Johnston
Toby and Earl McGregor                                                                          Jennifer Engen
Clarice Demeyere                                Charles “Chuck” East                            Jan and Bob Greer
Eliz Porter                                     Sharon and Wayne Larson                         Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Jan and Bob Greer                               Karen Larson
                                                Betty and Mike DuBore                           Daniel Kuznia
Cecelia Lubarski                                Zona and Clayton Pearson                        Phyllis and Henry Hammerback
Frances Fanfulik                                Arlys Pederson                                  Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
Bev Johnson                                     Sharon and Ron Abrahamson
Karen Johnson                                   Marie and Steve Goodwin                         David Kurz
Betty and Mike DuBore                           Eliz Porter                                     Diane and Richard Abrahamson
Jeanie Ulferts                                  Jan and Bob Greer                               Ellen and Philip Kotrba
Deb and John Copp                                                                               Darlene Dvorak
Chris Ann and Loren Abrahamson                  Wayne Olson
Glorianne and Don Loeslie                       Bette and Rick Solberg                          Loren Engelstad
Michal and J. Wendell Sands                     Frances Fanfulik                                Dolores and Chuck DuBore
Jan and Bob Greer                                                                               Deanne and Bob Bossman
                                                Marilyn Mattson                                 Yvonne Bossman
Jim Engelstad                                   Jeanie Ulferts                                  Judy and Tom Yutrzenka
Linda Edgar and Loren Engelstad                 Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble                       Pauline and Derwin Broten
                                                Bernadette Borowicz                             Betty and Mike DuBore
Mary Lou Cook                                   Diane and Richard Abrahamson                    Paty and Rick Gould
Mona Rae and Bob Fagerstrom                     Bette Swanson                                   Jan and Bob Greer
                                                Frances Fanfulik                                Bobbi and Roger Mischel
Mary Ann Chwialkowski                           Kathy and Mark Swanson                          Pat and Jon Linnell
Sandra Magnusson                                Marie and Duane Fillipi
Bernadette Borowicz                             Jan and Bob Greer                               Glenn Carlson
                                                Pat and Jon Linnell                             Betty Laurin
Annette Strandell                                                                               Michelle and David Durand
Mary and Jay Johnston                           Jeanne Olson
Carol and Ron Loeslie                           Sandra Magnusson                                Mitchell Skeim
Carey and Gary Johnston                         Bernadette Borowicz                             Karen Johnson
Pat and Jon Linnell                             Frances Fanfulik                                Kim Rindy
                                                Jan and Bob Greer
Judy and Tom Yutrzenka                                                                          Myra Bentley
Sue Morgan and Sam Potucek                      Jody Albaugh                                    Marilyn and Arlyn Stroble
Jan and Bob Greer                               Karen Johnson
Pat and Jon Linnell                                                                             Norma Jean Laudal
HC 2020 pg. 12                                                                                  Donna and Larry Laudal
Welcome, Dr. Mirza Baig!
      Gastroenterologist Specializing in Colonoscopies & Upper Endoscopies

                                   Dr. Mirza Baig has more than 20 years of experience spe-
                                   cializing in colonoscopies and upper endoscopies. He
                                   attended medical school at DOW University of Health
                                   Sciences (DUHS) in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan, where he
                                   graduated in 1991.

                                   Dr. Baig completed his internal medicine residencies in
                                   Chicago, and his fellowships in Gastroenterology at the
                                   Illinois Masonic Medical Center and Finch University of
                                   Health Sciences (Gastroenterology). He also completed
                                   a fellowship in Gastroenterology at Beth Deacon Medical
                                   Center, Harvard Medical School’s world-class teaching

                                   Dr. Baig loves the small-town way of life in the Midwest and
                                   is excited to be a part of the North Valley Health Center

                                   In his spare time, Dr. Baig enjoys spending time with his
                                   family, traveling and painting.

                                   We are excited to have Dr. Baig as a member of our
                                   provider team at North Valley Health Center! If you are in
                                   need of a colonoscopy, have concerns about your health,
                                   or are in need of the other services that our endoscopy
                                   team offers, please call us at 218-745-4211 to schedule your

Our Endoscopy Team is Dedicated to Providing Professional Care You Can Trust!

                                                                                 HC 2020 pg. 13
2020 Annual Fund Drive Donations
The following gifts to North Valley Health Center (NVHC) were received as part of our annual fund campaign from January 2020 to December
2020. We are thankful for the continued support that NVHC has received through generous donations during these challenging times. Thanks
              to your generosity over $33,500 was raised for the purchase of a new ambulance. Thank you for giving generously!
Friends of NVHC                   Tom Blazejewski                 Kathy Boman                           Paul St Germain
Donald Kathman                    DuBore Funeral Home                      Henrietta Linder                      Janet St. Germain
Dawn Erickson                     Orin Knutson                    Harry and Muriel Howard               Marilyn Mattson
Doris Erickson                    Northern Plains Track                    Bonnie and Tim Howard                 Faith and Larry Rud
Lovie and Chuck Graham            Britta and Blake LaBine         Joseph Deschene                       Gene Laurin
Darrell Rindy                     Tina and Chad Swanson                    Holly Deschene                        Betty Laurin
Ginny and Jerry Kruger            Lavonn Marek                    Roberta Stengl                        John B. Engelstad
Kim Rindy                         Virlynn and Pete Hanson                  Carolyn and Don Matz                  Joan Engelstad
Yvonne and Carl Kroll             Jenny and Larry Korynta         Peggy Kruger                          Gerald Carlson
Louise and Dennis Brekke          Pam and Jack Riopelle                    Richelle and Garth                    Mary Carlson
Steven Dunrud                     Rachel and John Peterson                 Kruger                       Merton and Frances Roley
Yvonne and LeRoy Vonasek          Shirley and Robert Olson        Carl Woinarowicz                               Allyn Roley
Darlene Haave                     Marjorie Erskine                         Woinarowicz Brothers         Nancy Wurtz
Coralie and Don Jones             Suzie and Jerry Jevning         Baby Robert Wayne Demeyere                     Leonard Novak
Jeanie Ulferts                    Northwest Electric                       Lois and Stanley             Tim Anderson
Darlene Dvorak                    Bremer Bank                              Demeyere                              Mike Flaten
Lee and Bud Paulson               American Federal                Cassondra Johnson Blackbird           Dolly McGlynn
Marlene and George Neys           Sandra and Kenneth Kuznia                Cheryl Forfang                        James Skoglund
Rokke, Aandal & Associates        Darlyne and Don Votava          Fern Dahlman                          Eugene Ljunggren
Jerrilyn and Duane Potucek        Carol and Ron Loeslie                    Joanne and Dean                       Dale Ljunggren
Aase and Bruce Hamnes             Lisa and Tim Sedlacek                    Dahlman                      Don Miller
Nancy and William Michalski       Julie and Mark Nowacki          Gene Johnston                                  JaNean Miller
Karen Johnson                     Sandra and Gerald Maruska                Mary and Jay Johnston        Jack Walker
Eliz Porter                       Linda and Tim Conely            Merrill and Mildred Stroble                    Rita Walker
Deb and Curt Myrfield             Sue and Russell Miller          Louie and Gertie Kuznia               Elton Oberg
Ethel and Ted Safranski           Warren Worker                            Marilyn and Arlyn                     Dorothy Oberg
Marlene and Sig Silnes            Sarah Dobias                             Stroble                      Roy Swanson
Toby and Earl McGregor            Becky and LaVerne Rogalla       Ken Price                             Timothy Swanson
Phyllis and Scott Sommers         Bobbi and Roger Mischel                  Dale Price                            Deanna Swanson
Jo and Doug Sorenson              Jay Swanson Agency              Connie Jenkins                        Clive Jones
Deb and Loren Zutz                Janene and Frank Rybaski        Daniel Durand                                  Carl J. Johnson
Kathy and Todd Johnston           Kathy and Mark Swanson                   Donna and Price Jenkins      Gary Hebert
Bill Riopelle                     Stacie and David Nelson         Art and Doris Mae Bossman             Terry Hebert
Laurie and LeRoy Hougard          Randy Gehrls                             Deanne and Bob                        Nancy Hebert
Jill and Merle Adolphson          Karlene Wages                            Bossman                      Ken Poolman
Carol and David Sunsdahl          Kim and Gary Tonkin             Felix and Marie Bolduc                         Verona Poolman
Iris and Arnie Maurstad           Susan and Lein Schiller         Edward and Myrtle LeQuire             Harold Bustrack
Larry Czapiewski                  Colette and Robert Ellerbusch            Beverly and Richard                   Elva Bustrack
Pat and Mike Williams             James Bustrack                           Bolduc                       John Abrahamson
Mary Jo and Dean Chandler         Sara and Ryan Kazmierczak       Alden Pederson                                 Diane and Richard
Mary and Jerry Sedlacek           Peggy and Larry Riopelle                 Arlys Pederson                        Abrahamson
Doug Gloude                       Warren Sheaf                    Our parents, the Holdens and          Our sons, Michael, Roger and
Mary and Kim Kapping              H & S Construction               DuBores                              Gary Hebert
Sandy Magnusson                   Jennifer and Kenny Palm                  Dolores and Chuck                     Frances and Art Hebert
Sharon and Ron Abrahamson         Rachel and Josh Johnston                 DuBore                       Cecelia Lubarski
Donald and Dennis Dvorak          Ashley and Damon Stroble        Shirley Sundby                                 Geraldine and Raphael
Karen and Jim Pearson             Jiralyn and Bob Miller                   Becky and Alvin Nybladh               Topka
Gary Gerszewski                   Roberta and Keith Bergeron      Charles and Ione Steer                Albert Chruszch
Marlene and Eugene Jorgenson                                               Marlys and Craig             Tracy Chruszch
Kaye and Mike Baird               IN MEMORY OF:                            Halfmann                              Marilyn Chruszch
Julie and Ron Magnusson           John Safranski, Jr.             Mary Ann Chwialkowski                 Murray Goodwin
Jackie and Bruce Chwialkowski             Patty and Terry Sundby           Yvonne and Roger                      The Goodwin Family
Sandy and Greg Johnson            Harold “Bud” Golden                      Kazmierczak                  Valerian, Loretta and Henry
Lorraine and Richard Deschene             Lila Golden             Glenn Carlson                         Kuznia
Adelaide and Lloyd Kasprick       Audrey Kalin                    LeRoy Nelson                                   Sarah and Philip Kuznia
Paige and Austin Sundby                   Susan and Gary Anderson          Donna and Curtis             My husband, Wallace LaBine
Renee and Ed Rosendahl            Family Members                           Carlson                               Janet LaBine
LaBine Electric                           Doris and Larry Nelson Robert and Lois Swanson
Phil Thompson and Associates       Marcy Bubb                              Shari and Duane
Carol Anderson                            Cathy and Mike Bubb              Swanson
Marshall County Group Home        Jim Pulkrabek                   Russell Demeyere
Maria and Amie Bergeron                   Janice Pulkrabek                 Mick Rapacz

HC 2020 pg. 14
NVHC Welcomes Physical Therapists
Ashley Jobe and Daniel Magaña to our Facility!
                                    Welcome, Ashley Jobe!
                  Ashley Jobe joined North Valley Health Center (NVHC) as a full-
                  time therapist in the fall of 2020.
                  Ashley attended the University of North Dakota for her
                  undergraduate and graduate programs. She was a student at
                  NVHC for one of her clinical rotations, which is when she dis-
                  covered her love for rural healthcare. Ashley is excited to return
                  to the area, as she is originally from Thief River Falls, MN.
                  Prior to returning to NVHC, Ashley worked as a physical
                  therapist for Sanford in Fargo, ND. She originally started in the
                  inpatient neurological rehabilitation department. Ashley
                  later went on to complete an orthopedic residency at Sanford
                  Southpointe in Fargo, ND. She is currently working towards
                  becoming a clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy.

                  Ashley and her fiancé live in Crookston, MN. In her spare time
                  she enjoys spending time with family, being active outdoors,
                  and loving any and all dogs that cross her path.

                                  Welcome, Daniel Magaña !
                  Daniel (Dan) Magaña joined North Valley Health Center (NVHC)
                  as a full-time therapist early in 2021.

                  Dan was born and raised in Salinas, California to two
                  hardworking farmer-workers. Daniel received his undergraduate
                  degree from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington in
                  history and English. He then attended the University of Mary in
                  Bismarck, ND where he received his graduate degree in Physical
                  Therapy. Dan completed his clinical rotations in Devils Lake and
                  Bismarck, ND.

                  Before joining NVHC, Dan and his wife were both traveling
                  physical therapists - working in various locations in Minnesota
                  and California. During this time, he worked for Altru Regional
                  Services in Erskine, Crookston, and Red Lake Falls, MN. Dan has
                  a strong emphasis on manual therapy, exercise, and education
                  to improve musculoskeletal impairments.

                  Dan and his wife live in Crookston, MN with their two young
                  children that they love and adore. In his spare time, he enjoys
                  spending time with his family, mountain biking, and fishing.
                                                                      HC 2020 pg. 15
2020 Lifeline Donations
                                    Friends of NVHC
                              Warrenton Community Fund
                                  GFWC Mawami Club
                               Alvarado Benevolent Fund
                 In Memory of Arlene Gehrls by Donna and David Gehrls

                       2020 Ambulance Donations
                                Warrenton Township
                                  McCrea Township
                                  Boxville Township
                                GFWC Mawami Club
                                      Robert Bodell
                                 Klopp Construction
                    In Memory of Bill Bossman by Yvonne Bossman

                      2020 General Fund Donations
                               Glorianne and Don Loeslie
                             Roberta and Keith Bergeron
                                 Jay Swanson Agency
                      National General Management Corporation
                                 Gary Carlson’s Estate
                       Our Savior’s Lutheran WELCA of Warren

                         2020 Township Donations
                             Sinnott              Farley
                             Brandt                Fork
                            Oak Park              Vega
                            Wagner              Warrenton
                              Alma               Angus
                             Foldahl            Sandsville
                          2020 Capital Donations
                               Frandsen Bank and Trust
                                   Bjorsness Family

                             OF THE NVHC MISSION!
HC 2020 pg. 16
Thank You Bjorsness Family!
This past December North
Valley Health Center received a
generous donation from John
and Bonnie Bjorsness of
Newfolden to purchase a vein
finder! When John came to the
ER last November, it was his
daughter-in-law, Heather
Bjorssness, that was the nurse
on duty. Heather has been a
nurse at NVHC for over 10 years;
yet, even for her, finding a vein
to administer an IV is difficult at
times. After several pokes and
failed attempts to find John’s
vein, Heather knew that a vein
finder would make the process                        Bonnie and John Bjorsness
of finding a vein less difficult for both the staff and the patients they serve. “Vein
finders are something that I have wanted to see our hospital receive for quite some
time. They not only benefit the nursing staff, but other departments as well,” says
Heather. That’s where John and Bonnie stepped in. They donated the funds to pur-
chase a vein finder to help both the nurses and patients have a less stressful expe-
rience. “We saw how much it was needed when we came to the ER,” says Bonnie.
The vein finder came in January and has been a great addition to how we serve our
                                                          patients at North Valley Health
                                                          Center. “All of our nurses are
                                                          skilled at administering an IV;
                                                          however, there are some
                                                          factors that make finding a vein
                                                          harder in some patients versus
                                                          others. A vein finder helps us
                                                          better serve all of our patients.
                                                          We are thankful for this
                                                          technology!” says Sara
                                                          Kazmierczak, CNO at NVHC.
                                                          On behalf of all of us at NVHC,
                                                          thank you Bjorsness family for
                                                          your generous donation!
             Heather Bjorsness and her family                                 HC 2020 pg. 17
HC 2020 pg. 18
HC 2020 pg. 19
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                                                                  Non-Profit Organization
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    Warren, Minnesota 56762

                   Community Caring
       We provide convenient, quality care for your unique
              needs at our state-of-the-art facility.
      We are here for you, we care for our communities, and
       we are right around the corner when you need us.

• Primary Care Clinic
                                       For more information and a full calendar of
• Diagnostic Testing                            outreach services go to:
• CT Scans                      
• Lifeline
• Ultra Sound                              To Schedule an Appointment Call:
• Mammography
• Physical Therapy
• Echocardiography                          Keep up with what’s happening on
• Nuclear Medicine                                    Social Media:
• Acute Hospitalization
• Transitional Care/Swing Bed                    North Valley Health Center
• Respite Care
• Hospice Beds                                          Hospital/Clinic
• Emergency Room
• Cardiac Rehab                                 Marshall County Emergency Management
• Lab Testing
                                                    Public Health COVID-19
• Mental Health
• Audiology
• Endoscopy                                        @northvalleyph
• Public Health                                      Public Health
• Stress Test
• Upper and Lower Endoscopies
• Colonoscopies                  NVHC is an equal opportunity provider & employer
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