HOTEL BETHLEHEM | APRIL 21, 2023 - Pennsylvania State Nurses Association

Page created by Frances Lawson
HOTEL BETHLEHEM | APRIL 21, 2023 - Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
VIRTUAL | OCTOBER 21-22, 2022

HOTEL BETHLEHEM | APRIL 21, 2023 - Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
ADVANCED HEALTH            This presentation will provide information on the
POLICY INNOVATION:         professional nurse’s role in promoting change through
FINDING YOUR               organizational state and federal legislation. Nurses will
POLITICAL VOICE            develop the knowledge necessary to articulate a political
CAROL AMANN PHD, MSN,      position and initiate contact with legislators or
RN-BC, CDP, FNGNA,         organizational leaders related to a topic of concern.

ADVANCED                   This session will combine presentation, discussion, and
NEGOTIATION: THE           exercises to examine effective negotiation persuasion.
SKILL OF EFFECTIVE         Nurses will learn how to identify the other party's
PERSUASION                 interests and leverage these interests to frame options in
                           a manner that is persuasive to the listener.

NURSING                    We are immersed in a nursing staffing crisis worsened by
LEADERSHIP AND ITS         recent global events. Although there are numerous
CONNECTION TO THE          discussions on social media about the need to pay nurses
CURRENT STAFFING           more, the reality is that wages may have little to do with
CRISIS:                    the creation or resolution of this staffing situation. There
IMPLICATIONS FOR           are several reasons why nurses are leaving the bedside,
NURSES ACROSS ALL          which vary considerably by generation. This presentation
GENERATIONS                will explore the current staffing crisis from the
                           perspective of challenges in recruiting and retaining
DENISE HAMMEL MSN, RN,     nurses and how we can begin to address these obstacles
CLSSBB, CPHQ,              and create a sustainable workforce systematically.

UTILIZING DATA AND         Using the PICOT framework as a guide, we will discuss
TECHNOLOGY TO              how to incorporate data and leverage technology into
IMPROVE NURSING            Evidence-Based Nursing practice. Challenges to data
PRACTICE                   capture and reporting will be examined as well as a
HEATHER SHIRK, MSN,        foundational review of Informatics principles. Nurses will
RN – BC,                   develop a conceptual framework for how data and
WELLSPAN HEALTH            technology can be leveraged to support EBP projects.

DARE TO DISC:              This session will provide an overview of personality
LEVERAGING YOUR            insights into human behavior. Nurses will conduct a self-
PERSONALITY STYLE          assessment of their personality. The session will also
AT WORK                    describe how to apply the human behavior model to
                           healthcare leadership.
HOTEL BETHLEHEM | APRIL 21, 2023 - Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
CRUCIAL                                    This course teaches skills for creating alignment and
CONVERSATIONS                              agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes,
WENDY ARNOTT,                              emotional, or risky topics – at all levels of your
MASTER CERTIFIED                           organization. The course teaches nine powerful skills for
SPEAKER                                    working through disagreement to achieve better results.

BUILDING TEAMS                             Through purposeful and collaborative actions, regard for
THAT BRING RESULTS                         another’s knowledge and skills promotes the principles of
                                           a high-performing team—and is an actual representation
PHN, ACNS-BC, CHEP, CNE,                   of a healthy work environment. Being attentive to others
CPCC, CPRW, LNCC, NEA-                     and the overall situation fosters successful outcomes
BC, OCN, PNAP,                             through improvisation. Nurses will discuss real-world
SR STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS                     strategies that interprofessional teams can employ to
                                           promote engagement.

USING INNOVATION                          Healthcare organizations are complex and sometimes
STRATEGY IN YOUR                          chaotic systems that are difficult to manage. Yet, such
ORGANIZATION:                             environments provide a fertile foundation to create new
TRANSFORMING THE                          solutions. Nurse leaders must use healthcare's dynamic
ROLE OF THE LEADER                        and complex nature to innovate and solve challenges.
IN COMPLEX                                This session will explore Innovation Strategy, including
ORGANIZATIONS                             the structures, relationships, leader styles, and
                                          approaches to create the desired end-state. Nurses will
CLSSBB, CPHQ,                             discover how to harness the power of their organization
XCELLENCEFIRST                            through practical improvement and innovative strategies.


M a n agers and C N O s o f t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s a r e e n c o u r a g e d t o
a t t e nd this in-p e r s o n d a y .

P a r t icipants wil l i d e n t i f y a r e al - w o r l d p r o b l e m o f i n t e r e s t t o them and of value to
th e i r organizati o n . T h i s w i l l b e d e v e l o p e d i n t o a f i n a l p r e s e n tation. The project will
b e w orked on o v e r a s i x - m o n t h p e r i o d . I t w i l l i n c l u d e : n e t w orking with professionals
in t he organizat i o n a n d c o m mu n i t y , c r e a t i n g a h y p o t h e s i s , i d entifying necessary
re s o urces, colle c t i n g a n d a n a ly z i n g d a t a , a n d f i n d i n g a r e s u lt. The project will align
w i t h the organiz a t i o n ’ s s t r a t e gi c o b j e c t i v e s .
T h e Pennsylvan i a S t a t e N u r s e s
A s s o ciation’s (P S N A ) S t a r
L e a d ership Insti t u t e i s a t h r e e- d a y
h y b r id leadershi p p r o g r a m .
A t t e nded by he a l t h c a r e p r o v i d e r s
from across the s t a t e , t h e I n s ti t u t e
te a c hes particip a n t s e n h a n c e d
le a d ership com p e t e n c i e s , t h e r o l e
o f l eadership wi t h i n c o m p l e x he a l t h
s y s t ems, and the v a l u e o f
in t e rprofessiona l a n d
in t e rdisciplinar y c o l l a b o r a t i o n. T h e
In s t itute provid e s :

    A n e ngaging an d s u p p o r t i v e
    le a r ning environ m e n t
    S u b ject matter e x p e r t s t o
    d e v e lop leadersh i p s k i l l s
    O p p ortunities to e x p a n d
    p r o f essional net w o r k s
    C o n nections wi t h p r o f e s s i o n a l s
    A b l end of inter a c t i v e g r o u p
    e x e r cises, readi n g , a n d s e l f -
    a c t u alization
    T h e guidance a n d r e s o u r c e s o f a
    m e n tor

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