HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times

Page created by Walter Carroll
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
Featured Section
 SEPTEMBER 27, 2020

FALL 2020

                         A fresh
                      coat of paint
                       goes a long
                                           Is your
                                         furnace in
                                           tip top
                          way.           condition?
                          Page 3            Page 6

                          What          Professionally
                      causes curled     power washing
                      roof shingles?   keeps your home
                          Page 9
                                            Page 14
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
2  Sunday, September 27, 2020                                                                FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                                            myfenton.com

                                       FALL HOME
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HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
myfenton.com                                                                   FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020       Sunday, September 27, 2020  3

A fresh coat of paint goes a long way
Subtle, bright, dramatic,                                                             A                  B                             C
earthy — whatever color you
choose, choose quality paint
By Sharon Stone
   While driving around the tri-county
area, anyone is bound to see some homes
featuring colors that turn heads. A fresh
new color can add drama, excitement,
serenity and other emotions.
   Looking to hgtv.com for inspiration,
homeowners and professional designers
and painters can see the latest trends in
colors and combinations of colors.
   Whether you have a home in the                A   Ivory + White + Aqua                                D                             E
woods, on one of the many lakes or                Symmetrical homes evoke a sense
traditional subdivision, having a profes-       of formality, elegance and heritage.
sionally applied fresh combination of           Honor tradition with a lighter-colored
colors and an eye-catching front door
can bring style and value to your home.         palette rimmed by darker accents.
   Don Niles of Accent Decorating in
Fenton advises premium quality paint
                                                 B    Gray + White + Dove
be used, regardless of paint brand. Niles          This adorable house was built in
is a paint contractor with 40 years of ex-      2011. It’s in a historic neighborhood,
perience in this ever-changing industry.        so the homeowners wanted it to have
   He said the acrylic paints today last        a classic look. Cottage-like touches,
much longer than those from years ago.          like the window boxes, a brick path
There are also semi-transparent stains          and cutouts on the shutters help give
that work well on decks.                        the home that classic Cape Cod vibe.
   Todd Lauricella of Lauricella Paint-
ing in Fenton said it’s important that
homeowners ask their professional
                                                 C    Deep Sea + White + Red
painting contractor to use paint products          Built in 1911, this historic house
with a lifetime warranty. “A lot will cut       gives a new twist on the classic pair-
prices and go cheap,” Lauricella said.          ing of red, white and blue. The deep
“Stay away from contractors who use             teal siding mixed with the dark red
contractor-grade paint.”                        staircase is striking and eye-catching
   Lauricella said every brand of paint         without being too bold and overpow-
carries contractor-grade paint up to high       ering.
quality, lifetime warranty paint. “You’ll
spend a bit more but it will be right,” he
said. “It never pays to use a cheap product.”
                                                 D   White + Clay + Mossy
   He also advises homeowners to ask            Green
their painting contractor for proof of             Built in 1913, this home mixes colonial
liability insurance and worker’s comp.          with Mediterranean styles. The forest-
If the contractor or their employees are        green stucco and moss-colored shutters
injured on the job and the contractor does      blend in perfectly with the landscape.
not have this insurance, the homeowner          The front door was painted in a terracotta
could be liable for costs, said Lauricella.     color to match the roof tiles.
“I applaud them (homeowners) for ask-
ing,” he said. “It’s an instant red flag if      E    Mocha Chocolate + Ocean
they don’t have it.”                            Blue + Pale Blue
   Lastly, Lauricella said homeowners              Spruce up a modern home by paint-
should ask for references from the three
most previous clients of any painting           ing the front door and the deck similar
contractor, not just the references chosen      colors in the same color family. Here,
by the contractor.                              the turquoise blue door and the gray-
   Here are some stylish homes with             blue deck complement the dark brown
interesting color combinations seen on          trim on the house.
hgtv.com.                                              See FRESH COAT OF PAINT on 6
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
4  Sunday, September 27, 2020                                                   FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                               myfenton.com

  YOU’VE BEEN PAYING                           A little work now will help your spring flower gardens
      TOO MUCH!                                Keep up with annual fall chores                                                               without letting them go dormant, but
                                               By Sharon Stone                                                                               they will be deprived of the resting
                                                  It’s just about time to prepare our                                                        period that they like.
                                               gardens for winter — to ensure a
                                               beautiful and vibrant spring. Below are                                                       Winterizing roses
                                               some Farmer’s Almanac tips you should                                                            You may water roses regularly through
                                               consider to get your garden ready — from                                                      the fall; refrain from fertilizing starting
         PRECISION                             cleaning out the vegetable garden to                                                          six weeks before the first fall frost.
                                                                                                                                                Remove any dead or diseased canes.
      FURNACE TUNE-UP                          protecting the flowerbeds.
                                                                                                                                                After the first frost, mulch plants

                                                  You can postpone winter for a while by
            $             00                   covering your vegetables with old sheets
                                               on cold nights, but the declining hours of
                                                                                              If you have a cool place in your house
                                                                                              (around 50 degrees F), it is possible to
                                                                                                                                             with compost or leaves to just above
                                                                                                                                             the swollen point where the stem joins
                                               daylight and chilly daytime temperatures       overwinter your geraniums by keeping           the rootstock.
                                               will naturally bring plant growth to a halt.   them in their pots and giving them very           In areas where winter temperatures
 For great service that won’t break the bank                                                  little water. Photo: Pinterest                 are severe, enclose low-growing roses
   Service ■ New Furnace & AC                  Preparing perennials and                                                                      with a sturdy cylinder of chicken wire
      ■ Tune-ups ■ Repairs                     flowers for winter                             in the spring.                                 or mesh and fill enclosure with chopped
                                                   Water your perennials and flowering           Before a heavy snowfall, cover              leaves, compost, mulch, dry wood chips,
                                               shrubs in the fall; they will thank you for    pachysandra with a mulch of pine needles       or pine needles.
                                               it this winter.                                several inches deep.                              Before daily temperatures drop well
                                                   Once the ground has frozen hard, cut          Move potted chrysanthemums to a             below freezing, carefully pull down the
                                               perennials back to 3 inches and mulch          sheltered spot when their flowers fade.        long canes of climbing and tea roses, lay
                                               them with a thick layer of leaves or straw.    Water well and cover with a thick layer        them flat on the ground, and cover them
  810-266-5167                                 If you plan to put in a new flowerbed next     of straw to overwinter them.                   with pine branches or mulch.
  11097 Silver Lake Rd. • Byron                spring, cover that area now with mulch            When a frost blackens the leaves of
  dandtheatingandcooling.net                   or heavy plastic to discourage emergent        dahlias, gladioli, and cannas, carefully       Garden chores to do before winter
                                               weed growth when the ground warms up           dig them up and let them dry indoors on           Empty all of your outdoor containers
                                                                                              newspaper for a few days. Then pack            to keep them from cracking during the
                                   SPECIALIZING IN                                            them in styrofoam peanuts, dry peat            winter. Store them upside down.
                                                                                                                                                Hang a bucket over a hook in your
 POLE BARN CONSTRUCTION,                                                                      moss, or shredded newspaper and store
                                                                                              in a dark, humid spot at 40 to 50-degrees      toolshed or garage and use it to store
                                                                                                                                             hose nozzles and sprinkler attachments.
    ROOFING & SIDING                                                                          F until spring.
                                                                                                                                                On a mild day, run your garden hose
                                                                                                                                             up over a railing or over the shed to
                         INQUIRE ABOUT A                                                      How to overwinter geraniums
                   LIFETIME ROOFING WARRANTY                                                      Geraniums (Pelargoniums) are South         remove all the water. Then roll it up and
                                                                                              African in origin, and there they have         put it away.
                   GUTTER CLEANING                                                            a three-month dormant period during
                                                                                              winter’s excessive dryness. They need
                                                                                                                                                Mow your lawn as late into the fall as
                                                                                                                                             the grass grows. Grass left too long when
                  & ROOF INSPECTION                                                           to be kept well watered before going           deep snow arrives can develop brown
                                                                                                                                             patches in the spring.
                                REASONABLE PRICES                                             into dormancy.
                                                                                                  In the old days, people had cool cellars      Don’t leave fallen leaves on the lawn.
                                               FREE ESTIMATES                                 with dirt floors that were dark and moist.     Mulch often or rake onto a large sheet or
                                                   LICENSED & INSURED                         People shook the dirt off geranium roots       tarp, then drag to your compost pile in
                                                                                              and hung them upside down in bundles.          thin layers mixed with old hay and other
                                                   OVER 20 YEARS                              In spring, they were cut back and potted       material. Or, rake the leaves into loose
                                                    EXPERIENCE                                up, and performed nicely.                      piles and run the mower over them to
                                                                                                  If you have a cool place in your house     turn them into mulch for perennial and
                                                 CALL LORNE                                   (around 50 degrees F), it is possible to       bulb beds. Get more tips on what to do
                                                                                                                                             with fall leaves.
                                                810-577-8591                                  overwinter your geraniums by keeping
                                                                                              them in their pots and giving them very           Cover your compost pile with plastic
                                                                                              little water.                                  or a thick layer of straw before snow falls.
                                                                                                  In spring, bring them into a warm             Drain the fuel tank on your lawn
                                                                                              place and water them heavily. When             mower or any other power equipment.
                                                                                              they start to show buds, repot them and        Consult the owner’s manual for other
                                                                                              prune heavily.                                 winter maintenance.
                                                                                                  They will do best in plastic or glazed        Scrub down and put away your tools.
                                                                                              pots with very good drainage. You can          Some folks oil their tools with vegetable
                                                                                              overwinter geraniums as houseplants            oil to avoid rust.
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
myfenton.com                                                                                                         FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                                                                              Sunday, September 27, 2020  5

Clean, coat, cover and store patio items
Keep your outdoor                               clean. Generally speaking, a pressure
                                                washer can work wonders on especially
                                                                                                                                                    your outdoor furniture will vary based
                                                                                                                                                    on material, but as always, consult the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             furniture covers help protect your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             outdoor furniture from some of winter’s
entertaining items looking                      dingy outdoor cushions and pillows, but                                                             recommended care instructions for your                                                                   worst weather conditions, such as rain,

beautiful over the years                        when in doubt, refer to the manufacturer’s
                                                care instructions. After washing, allow
                                                                                                                                                    specific patio set before you begin.                                                                     sleet, snow, and wind. Even if you are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             planning to store your furniture inside,
Compiled by Sharon Stone
                                                everything to dry completely.                                                                       3. COVER                                                                                                 consider covers for protection against
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             dust, dirt, and pests. Outdoor furniture
   During the warmer months, your
                                                2. COAT                                                                                                If you don’t have space to store

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             covers can also be used year-round to
patio gets a lot of use. In our Michigan                                                                                                            your patio furniture indoors during                                                                      protect your furniture from fading and
colder months, however, you likely
spend little time outside, which means
                                                  Properly treating furnishings that sit                                                            the winter months, outdoor furniture
                                                                                                                                                                                                              PATIO ITEMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             keep it clean between uses.

                                                outside is a must. The best way to treat                                                            covers are an absolute must. Waterproof                                                                                                        See                                          on 15
you spend little time enjoying your
outdoor patio furniture, too.
   Because of our winter climate, you’ll                                                                                                                                                                yours.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     You  own the the land.
need to take a few steps to winterize your
patio and make sure your patio furniture
is properly protected from the elements.                                                                                                                                                             You
                                                                                                                                                                                                     You  own
                                                                                                                                                                                                          own    the land.
Follow these simple steps below to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Make   it  yours.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ownitit yours.
properly safeguard your outdoor living
space during the winter months.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     You        yours.
1. CLEAN                                                                                                                                                                                              You
                                                                                                                                                                                                            it the land.
    The first step in preparing your
outdoor furniture for the winter months                                                                                                                                                               Make it yours.
is to clean it. Moisture, dirt, and debris
left on patio furniture and textiles can
lead to mold or mildew growth, leaving                                         Compact Tractors                                                                             BX Series 16.6-24.8
                                                                                                                                                                     Performance-matched        HP
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your furniture in rough shape by the
following spring.
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Tips for cleaning different                                                                                                                                                                 BX Series                                        16.6-24.8 HP                                    Easy operation
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                                                                                                                            BX      Series
                                                                                                                    Performance-matched               attachments
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                                                                                                                                                                              - 62-HP
                                                                                                                                                                                   62 HP
                                                                                           Compact Tractors Performance-matched
                                                                                                                        Performance-matched       16.6-24.8
                                                                                                                                                 attachments           Easy
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                                                                                                                              BX Series
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from wicker, wrought iron, or plastic can
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                                                                                         handle     forTogether
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with a mixture of dish soap and water.                                   attachments.    Stop in forTogether
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Then, simply rinse and let dry.                                               Save more on the versatile        BXwe    dotomore.
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                                                                                                                             Save more on the versatile BX sub-compact tractor. The #1 selling sub-compact

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                                                               $0$0          0%     $1,50060
wood items can be wiped down with a
                                                           0% APR             UP  TO                   $0 DOWN            SAVE
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Tips for cleaning
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   When it comes to textiles and                                                                                                                    Flint                        Inc.
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upholstered items such as cushions,
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                                                 *Based on EDA tractor sales data of under 20 horsepower models from 2009 to 2019. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2020. $0 Down, 0% A.P.R. nancing for up to 84 months on purchases of new Kubota BX2680, B2301, B2601, B2650, B3350, L3301,
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                                                                                                                                                                  through     from 2009
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                                                                                                                                                                 Purchase      made
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                                                                                                                                                                                      on 9/1/20,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 liability from the use

                                                                                                                                    Flint New
                                                                                                                                           Burton ,, Mi
                                                                                                                                                     Mi 48529
                                                                                                                                                        48529 Inc.
                                                                                                       of this material. For complete warranty, disclaimer, safety, incentive offer and product information, consult your local Dealer or go to KubotaUSA.com.
                                                                                               *Based on EDA tractor sales data of under 20 horsepower models from 2009 to 2019. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2020. $0 Down, 0% A.P.R. financing for up to 84 months on
                                                                                                purchases of new Kubota BX2680, B2301, B2601, B2650, B3350, L3301, L3901 equipment from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory is available to qualified purchasers through
                                                                                                                                                                          3266 E. Bristol Rd
                                                                                                Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A.; subject to credit approval. Example: 84 monthly payments of $11.90 per $1,000 financed. Customer instant rebates of $500 are available on
                                                                     KubotaUSA.com              qualifying finance or $800 on cash purchases of BX2680 equipment. Additional instant rebate of $700 are available with purchase of two new qualifying implements. 1st implement
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
6  Sunday, September 27, 2020                                          FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                    myfenton.com

Did You Know . . .                         Is your                                                                         G               H
                                           furnace in tip
                                           top condition?
 ■ Removing wallpaper can result
                                           Annual inspections by
 in damaged walls and higher out of        qualified HVAC expert, regular
 pocket expense.
 ■ If wallpaper adhesive is not            maintenance are key tasks
 properly removed it will cause your       By Sharon Stone
 paint to never fully adhere to the           It’s inevitable. If you haven’t
 wall and cure.                            already turned on your furnace
 ■ Failing to properly prep your           for a night or two, you probably         FRESH COAT OF PAINT                                    I
 walls before painting will also result    will soon.                               Continued from Page 3
 in a higher out of pocket expense.           An efficient furnace plays a vital
      Save yourself time,                  role in keeping your home warm            G    Olive Green + Oak + White
   money and headaches!                    and cozy during a cold Michigan             If you have a Craftsman-style home
                                           winter.                                  with intricate architectural details, stick
   - CALL A PROFESSIONAL -                    If you’re in the market for a new     to muted tones to allow your home’s
                                           furnace or wanting to ensure the         design to shine.
                                           efficiency and safety of the one
                                           you have, you’ll want to contact
                                           your local furnace experts.
                                                                                     H    Taupe + Beige + Brown +
                                              A furnace is designed to heat         Rustic Red
                                           your home’s air using different             This eye-catching traditional exte-
                                           types of fuel. It blows hot air
                                                          See FURNACE on 10
                                                                                    rior is rooted in its landscape with an
                                                                                    earthy palette. Choose muted hues for
                                                                                    a warm, sunbaked look.

                                                                                      I   Speedy Red + Cream +

 BARTLETT LAWN SERVICE                                                              Coffee
                                                                                       Neutral siding and “Swiss coffee”
                                                                                    trim serve as the perfect backdrop to
                                                                                    the vibrant red door on this 1919 home

                                                                                    located in Cleveland, Ohio.

    TREES      It’s Fall                                                             J   Blissful Bay Leaf
                                                                                      Subtle earthy colors are used to blend

            Clean-Up Tllim! e!
            before the
                                                                                    with the home’s stone columns and the
                                                                                    wooded environment.

            We do it A
     Tree Removal/Trimming • Experienced Tree Climber • Mowing
                                                                                     K   Stone Blue + Peacock Blue
                                                                                    + Pebble Gray
                                                                                       Pairing gray-blue siding with
    Stone Brick Pavers • Retaining Walls Stump Grinding & Removal                   creamy-beige trim adds warmth and
 Trimming • Edging • Lawn Rolling • Aeration • Landscaping • Brush                  charisma to this gorgeous home. The
     Hogging Driveway & Road Grading • Rototilling • Field Mowing                   dark gray roof helps accentuate the blue
       Mulch • Dethatching • Land Clearing • Tree/Brush Chipping                    while the stonework balances out the
                                                                                    whole palette.
          No Contracts Required | Monthly Billing Available

              Duane | 810-275-4241
     Residential / Commercial • Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Licensed
                40 Years Experience • Workers are U.S. Citizens
              SENIOR & VETERAN DISCOUNT   
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
myfenton.com                                                              FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                    Sunday, September 27, 2020  7

Roofing materials                                                                                                                       Free

Many choices to transform                    with other materials. Wood shingles                                                              RICHMAN
the look and functionality
                                             are sawn from logs and are thin, while
                                             shakes are thick, rough and formed by                                                              WELL DRILLING
of your home                                 being split from logs.
                                             • Clay or concrete tiles: These
                                                                                                                                             Ralph Richman, Owner/Operator
Compiled by Sharon Stone                     tiles add texture and elegance to a
                                             roof, according to HGTV. Clay or                                                              Expert Repair Of Your Existing Well
   Replacing or renovating a roof can                                                                                                        Drill New Wells - 2”, 4”, 5” & 6”
be an impactful home improvement             concrete tiles are very durable and        Changing a roof means years of
                                                                                        improved performance and an instant              Full Service Pump Repair • Tank Repair
project.                                     quite heavy, so they must be installed
   It’s easy to forget about the roof when
materials are working properly. Some
                                             by a professional. These tiles can make
                                                   See ROOFING MATERIALS on 15
                                                                                        uplift to the look of a home. Photo:
people put off replacing or repairing
a roof simply because of the costs of
such undertakings. However, the right
roof can improve the appearance of a
home and provide protection against
the elements, potentially preventing
damage to a home’s interior as well.
                                                                        A place of comfort!
   Roofing materials have evolved
over the years, but the most common
type of roofing material is the asphalt
shingle. These shingles are a relatively
modern invention, with the first
“asphalt prepared roofing” serving
as a forerunner to asphalt shingles,
appearing in the late 1800s.
   Roofing materials will need to meet a
particular area’s fire codes and must be
able to withstand any extreme weather
conditions common to the geographic
region where the home is located. Certain
roofing materials may be heavier than
others and may require special framing.
   Work with an experienced roofing
contractor to learn more about your
available options and to shed light on any
special installation or maintenance issues
to consider before construction begins.
   The following are just some of the
roofing materials homeowners may
want to consider.
• Asphalt shingles: The most
popular roofing material, asphalt
shingles, are guaranteed for 20 to 30
years, which helps solidify this choice
as a smart-value product. For some
homeowners, a downside to shingles
is that, because they are so popular,
they’re seen everywhere. Homeowners
looking to make a unique statement
with their roofing materials may want
                                                                                  Specializing in Commercial & Residential Interior Design
to choose a different option.
                                                                                           — Proudly serving our customers since 1976 —
• Wood shingles and shakes: A
wood roof is another possibility, but                      Window Treatments | Shades/Blinds | Lighting | Furniture| Upholstery | Area Rugs |Wallpaper | Artwork
some homeowners find wood roofs
require more money to install and more                              701 N. LEROY | FENTON | 810.629.7881 | INTERIORSBYBONNIE.NET
effort to maintain than roofs made
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
8  Sunday, September 27, 2020                                                   FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                            myfenton.com

Did You Know . . .                               Exterior renovations that can improve home value
                                                 Give it that coveted ‘wow’ factor
                                                 Compiled by Sharon Stone
                                                    Renovating a home to improve
                                                 its value can be a smart investment.
 ■ Removing wallpaper can result
                                                 Interior improvements, such as
 in damaged walls and higher out of
 pocket expense.
                                                 updating kitchens and baths, offer
 ■ If wallpaper adhesive is not                  good return on investment, but there
 properly removed it will cause your             are plenty of exterior renovations that
 paint to never fully adhere to the              can add value to a home and give it that
 wall and cure.                                  coveted “wow” factor.
 ■ Failing to properly prep your
 walls before painting will also result          Landscaping
 in a higher out of pocket expense.                 Abundant and well-planned
                                                 landscaping can instantly boost curb
      Save yourself time,                        appeal. According to the landscaping
   money and headaches!                          experts, the majority of prospective
   - CALL A PROFESSIONAL -                       home buyers say a home’s curb appeal
                                                 is an important factor in their buying      Exterior renovations can add value to a home and give it that “wow” factor, such
                                                 decisions. As buyers use the internet       as this bright red front door. Photo: bhg.com
                                                 to look for their dream homes, there’s
                                                 no denying a beautifully landscaped,
                                                 nicely photographed property can            or paint it a striking color to add appeal.   to improve the security of the property.
                                                 entice buyers to click and read more        Remodeling magazine’s “Cost vs.
                                                 about a house.                              Value Report 2019” indicates changing         Repaint (or reside) the exterior
                                                                                             an entry door to a steel replacement can         A fresh coat of paint or new (or
                                                 Address insects and minor                   offer 74.9 percent return on investment.      cleaned) siding can instantly give
                                                 repairs                                     Such a door provides visual appeal            homes a facelift. Neutral, warm and
                                                    Improving home value may come            and added security — things buyers            inviting colors tend to have the widest
 Full-service auction company. Conducting                                                    look for. In addition to the front door,      appeal. Adding manufactured stone
  successful auctions in Lapeer, Genesee,        down to fixing areas of the home
        Sanilac, Macomb, Tuscola &               that can negatively affect its appeal       make sure that the entryway has a level       veneer to the home can offer a 94.9
  St. Clair County areas for over 30 years.      to buyers. Hire an inspector to look        walkway, steps that are in good repair,       percent return on investment, says
                                                 at key components of the house and          accents that are free from rust or tarnish,   remodeling experts. And after doing
3 Construction & Farm Equipment     Several      recommend what needs to be fixed. This      and decorative plants.                        the front door and siding, investing in
3 Classic & Modern Cars          Live & Online   way it is discovered before home buyers                                                   a garage door replacement offers the
3 Real Estate                      Auctions      come in and do their own inspections.       Outdoor lighting                              highest value of all exterior projects
3 Estate & Business Liquidations   This Fall!    Termite infestations, deteriorating             Outdoor lighting can add to the           listed on the “Cost vs. Value Report
3 Monthly Online Auctions
                                                 roofs and hidden water leaks are some       ambiance of a property and serve as a         2019.” This improvement returns 97.5
                                                 things that might need fixing.              security feature. Utilize different lights,   percent when selling.
                                                                                             such as a bright light by the entry,             Knowing which improvements add
           810-724-4035                          Improve the entryway                        uplighting in trees and shrubs for drama,     value to a home can help homeowners
          Rowleyauctions.com                       The front door is the focal point of a    a light-lined path to the door to improve     tailor their efforts to those that are most
   124 S. Lake Pleasant Rd. • Attica, MI
                                                 home’s exterior. Invest in a new door       visibility, and motion-detection lights       financially beneficial.

           Johnston Farm & Composting
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                       (517) 546-6271
                                                             Quality Screened
       “BLACD”                                               COMPOST
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                                                                Cedar & Hardwood Mulch

                                                       5292 Center Rd. • Linden
                                                                  (4 miles west of US-23)
                                      Mon. - Fri. 8-6pm • Sat. 8-4pm • Closed Sunday
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
myfenton.com                                                                  FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                    Sunday, September 27, 2020  9

What causes curled roof shingles?
It’s a problem many                            contribute to curled shingles as well.
                                               Homeowners with attics in their home
                                                                                            the health of a home’s inhabitants.
                                                                                               When a roof is not installed correctly,
homeowners encounter                           may see curled shingles on their roofs
                                               because moisture is building up in their
                                                                                            shingles may not be aligned or nailed
                                                                                            down in the right way. This might
Compiled by Sharon Stone                       poorly ventilated attics.                    be what’s causing shingles to curl on
   No homeowner wants to look at the              In addition to causing damage such as     recently installed roofs.
exterior of his or her home and see            curled shingles, a poorly ventilated attic      Homeowners can protect themselves
roof damage. Such damage may lead              allows moisture to build up, potentially     and their roofs by working with
homeowners to think they need a new            contributing to mold growth. Mold            skilled roofing professionals, who can        Curled shingles are a problem many
roof, a potentially costly expense that        presents a host of additional problems,      diagnose issues like curled shingles and      homeowners have encountered. Photo:
can quickly throw household budgets            including some that can adversely affect     offer the right solutions.                    Metro Creative Connection
into a state of disarray.
   According to the HomeAdvisor,
the average homeowner spends a little

more than $7,600 installing a new
roof. Various factors, including the
size of a home and the type of roof
homeowners prefer, will affect the
cost of a roof replacement. In addition,
homeowners who see roof damage can
rest assured that not all roof problems
will necessarily require a replacement
                                                                           WATER SYSTEMS
roof to be installed.
   Curled shingles are a problem
many homeowners have encountered.
This particular problem is not always
indicative that a roof is on its way out. In
                                                                                Serving you with
fact, the home improvement resource
This Old House notes that, as asphalt                                    Quality Work for 5 Generations
shingles age, their corners often begin
to curl downward or upward.
   Homeowners who notice this early
enough can glue down the curled section                                                                 Call toll free:

                                                                                  1-866-4-KEN LEE
of each shingle that’s beginning to curl.
   Some shingles may be curling
because they’re defective. Roofing
experts advise homeowners to contact
their local roofing professional to
diagnose the cause of the curling.
Doing so quickly can prevent curled
shingles from contributing to more                                                                                        • Residential & Commercial
widespread damage.
   Moisture and poor ventilation may                                                                                      • 5” Wells & Up
                                                                                                                          • Repair Service

   FENCE                                                                                                                  • Wells & Pumps
                                                                                                                          • Well Abandonment
      FOR LESS!                                                                                                           • Water Softeners
                                                                                                                          • Constant Pressure Systems

                                                                                                Local: 810-735-7144
           810-735-7967                                                 Fax: 810-735-1167 | P.O. Box 342 • Linden, MI 48451
HOME & FALL 2020 A fresh - Tri-County Times
10  Sunday, September 27, 2020                                             FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                           myfenton.com

FURNACE                                      be cheaper than another. In general, gas
                                             is the least expensive heating source,
                                                                                        heat lost through the duct system.
                                                                                           Although a high rating is important,
                                                                                                                                     of a well-running furnace are keeping
                                                                                                                                     it clean and maintained. “Keep the
Continued from Page 6
                                             according to hvac.org.                     the cost of the fuel source may take away    filters clean. This allows it to breathe,”
through ducts to deliver warm air via
                                                The Federal Trade Commission            from the furnace’s efficiency.               he said.
grills or air registers. Furnaces also are
                                             requires all new furnaces display AFUE        According to hvac.org, the most              Annual inspections are a good habit
known as a forced warm-air or ducted                                                                                                 to get into, said Lamb. New or newer
warm-air distribution system, and they       (annual fuel utilization efficiency)       efficient furnace is an electric one.
                                             ratings so consumers can compare           An electric furnace hardly loses any         furnaces don’t necessarily need an
heat a home using one of these sources:                                                                                              annual inspection, however, every
• Electricity                                their efficiency. The AFUE represents      energy; the AFUE rating for an electric
                                                                                                                                     couple of years is advised.
• Fuel oil                                   the annual heat output of the furnace      furnace is 95-100 percent. Despite the
                                                                                                                                        D & T Heating and Cooling has
• Natural gas                                compared to the total annual energy        high-efficiency level, electricity is more
                                                                                                                                     been busy and it takes anywhere from
   These three sources can warm a home       consumed. An AFUE of 90 percent            expensive, making electric furnaces the      30 minutes to one-and-a-half hours to
quickly, and they all have their pros and    means that 90 percent of the energy        most expensive to run.                       clean and inspect a home furnace.
cons. For instance, depending on the         heats the home and the other 10 percent       Dan Lamb of D & T Heating and                One thing Lamb points out is that
area in which you live, one source may       escapes. AFUE does not include any         Cooling said the most important aspects      homeowners are fortunate if they
                                                                                                                                     can get 15 years out of a furnace.
                                                                                                                                     Residents with a 25-year-old furnace
                                                                                                                                     should consider replacing with a high-
                                                                                                                                     efficiency unit.
                                                                                                                                         Lamb said most furnaces are
                                                                                                                                     assembled in Mexico. They are good,
                                                                                                                                     however, he likes a brand assembled in
                                                                                                                                     Canada by Napoleon. “Those are high
                                                                                  spirit                                             quality,” he said.
                                                                                                                                        Installing a properly sized furnace
                                                                                                                                     is the key to heating your home

                                                                                    of                                               efficiently. If your furnace is too small,
                                                                                                                                     it will not heat your entire home. A
                                                                                                                                     furnace that is too big will waste money

                                                                                excellence                                           on fuel by producing heat you do not
                                                                                                                                        Many factors determine the best size:
                                                                                                                                     square footage, ceiling height, number
                                                                                                                                     of windows, and insulation. Ask your
                                                                                                                                     local HVAC contractor for an in-house
                                                                                                                                     evaluation to determine the best size
                                                                                                                                     for your home.
                                                                                                                                        Macklin Heating and Cooling in
                                                                                                                                     Linden has a team of employees with
                                                                                                                                     more than 60 years of experience
                                                                                                                                     in HVAC contracting. They are
                                                                                                                                     community minded and support the
                                                                                                                                     armed forces when the opportunity
                                                                                                                                     arises. They offer a 21-point safety
                                                                                                                                     inspection to get your furnace ready
                                                                                                                                     for cool temperatures.
                                                                                                                                        Their residential heating and cooling
                                                                                                                                     services include heating, cooling,
                                                                                                                                     indoor air quality and more. They also
                                                                                                                                     service industrial and commercial
                                                                                                                                     heating and cooling.

myfenton.com                                                               FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                     Sunday, September 27, 2020  11

Things to consider...                                                                                                                                  Before fireplace
Before warming up by a                        than heat.
                                                 Avoid softwoods like pine that                                                                        season hits
cozy wood-burning or gas                      can produce a lot of creosote, which                                                                     full swing,
                                                                                                                                                       homeowners will
                                              is a byproduct of wood combustion.
fireplace this fall and winter                Creosote is highly flammable, and as                                                                     want to brush up
                                              it builds up in a chimney, the risk for                                                                  on a few fireplace
By Sharon Stone
                                              a chimney fire increases.                                                                                facts so they
   A warm fire can make even the chilly
                                                 Stan Brunhuber, owner of Stan’s                                                                       can safely enjoy
fall and winter days more enjoyable.
                                              Fireplace and Chimney Service in                                                                         nights spent
Fireplaces may not get much use in
                                              Fenton, has 37 years of experience                                                                       sitting by the
spring or summer, but come late fall and
                                                               See FIREPLACE on 13                                                                     crackling flames.
throughout the winter, the fireplace can
be a great place for families to gather.

                                                 NEED A
The Chimney Safety Institute of
America (csia.org) advises homeown-
ers with fireplaces to hire a CSIA-

certified chimney sweep to clean their
fireplaces. After a lengthy period of
non-use, various issues could be affect-
ing the chimney, many of which might
not be noticeable to an untrained eye.
   Professional, certified chimney
sweeps have extensive knowledge
                                                  Update your
of fireplaces, making them valuable
resources who can let homeowners
know if any safety issues developed
since fireplaces were last used. The
National Protection Agency recom-                                                                             Distributed by

mends that chimneys be swept at least
once per year.                                                                                       biewerlumber.com• 800.482.5717

   A full inspection of the chimney might                                                                     Distributed by

be in order as well. Chimney service                                                                 Aluminum Rail Available in Stock
technicians will conduct thorough ex-                                                                biewerlumber.com• 800.482.5717
aminations of readily accessible portions
of the chimney exterior and interior and                                                             Aluminum Rail Available
                                                                                                                Call            in Stock
                                                                                                                     us for pricing or
accessible portions of the appliance and
the chimney connection. The CSIA rec-
ommends that homeowners who plan to
                                                                                                                                       quotes on any of our
                                                                                                          1122 N. Saginaw St. • Holly, MI 48442
use their chimneys as they have in the past                                                                            Decking Materials
                                                                                                          Ph: 248.634.8951 • kertonlumber.com
request a Level 1 inspection, which will
examine the soundness of the chimney              Beautiful outdoor living,                                                           Treated, Cedar, and
                                                                                                          1122 N. Saginaw St. • Holly, MI 48442
                                                                                                          Ph: 248.634.8951 Composite!
structure and flue as well as the basic
                                                                                                                           • kertonlumber.com
                                                  built for Life®
appliance installation and connections.
Technicians also will verify if the chim-
ney is free of obstruction and combustible
   Homeowners also should inspect
their chimney dampers before lighting
their first fires of the season. Dampers
should open and close smoothly. If
not, a service technician can help fix
or replace the damper.
   Firewood is another thing homeown-
ers must consider before lighting their
first fires of the season. The CSIA says
that well-seasoned firewood works
                                                   1122 N. Saginaw St. • Holly • 248-634-8951 • kertonlumber.com
best, noting that wood that is not well-                                       M-F 7:30am-5:30pm • Sat. 7:30am-1:00pm
seasoned will produce more smoke
12  Sunday, September 27, 2020                                   FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                     myfenton.com

Your driveway                                                                                                         home does affect your home’s value.
                                                                                                                         “It’s the first thing people see,” he
                                                                                                                      said. “If it’s falling apart, they will
It’s a first impression for                                                                                           pick at the rest of the house.” He was

guests, potential buyers                                                                                              referring to homeowners who are trying
                                                                                                                      to sell their home to potential buyers.
                                                                                                                         D.O.W. Asphalt and Paving does
By Sharon Stone
                                                                                                                      residential and commercial asphalt
  The saying, “you only have one
                                                                                                                      work. Not only does a high-quality
chance to make a first impression,”
                                                                                                                      asphalt driveway bring beauty and
holds true in many situations, even the
                                                                                                                      value to a home, it cuts down on dirt
curb appeal of your home.
                                                                                                                      and dust being tracked into the home.
  Robert Ward of D.O.W. Asphalt
                                                                                                                         According to Asphalt Magazine,
and Paving in Swartz Creek said the
                                                                                                                      there are some key considerations in
quality of a driveway leading to your
                                                                                                                      having a good asphalt driveway. These
                                                                                                                      critical points include:
                                                                                                                      • adequate foundation
                                                                                                                      • proper drainage

                                            Fall Flooring
                                                                                                                      • appropriate materials
                                                                                                                      • good construction practices
                                                                                                                      • timely maintenance

                                                                                                                          Don Siler, asphalt technology
                                                                                                                      specialist for Marathon Petroleum
                                                                                                                      Company (MPC), agrees with those
                                                                                                                         “Good materials, good practices,
                                                                                                                      good workmanship and good site
                                                 NOW THROUGH                                                          preparation make a good driveway,”
                                                  OCTOBER 31                                                          he said. “Driveways must be properly
                                                                                                                      designed and constructed. If the design
                  Purchase new in-stock carpet                                                                        procedure is wrong, then the driveway

            today & have installed before the holidays                                                                will be faulty.”
                                                                                                                         Most experts agree that the quality of
                                                                                                                      the paving job is what matters most to
       Your HOMETOWN Flooring Specialists for over 47 years!                                                          driveway performance — particularly
                                                                                                                      using a mix that is appropriate for the
                                                                                                                      job and achieving good compaction.
                                                                                                                      But maintenance is important, too.
                                                                                                                         According to Asphalt Magazine,
                                                                                                                      recommended maintenance treatments

                        30                %
                                                                  20              %
                                                                                                                      include taking care of the drainage
                                                                                                                      features and crack-sealing. Overall

                                          off                                     off
                                                                                                                      pavement sealing is a matter of choice
                                                                                                                      and wear-and-tear.
                                                                                                                         Water is the enemy of pavements.
                      ALL REMNANTS                           IN-STOCK CARPET                                             Proper installation of drainage at the
                                                                                                                      time of construction is important, but it
                                                                                                                      is equally important to assure that the
                                                                                                                      drainage continues to work. Water can
                                                                                                                      soften the subgrade and/or undermine
                                                                                                                      the pavement.
                                                                                                                         Crack-sealing is an important part of
                                                                                                                      maintaining the driveway pavement.
                                                                                                                      Water and foreign material can enter
  1465 N. LEROY STREET                                                                                                the pavement and cause damage if the
                                                                                                                      cracks are not sealed. Some owners
                                     RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL FLOORING EXPERTS                                        do not like the appearance of sealed

                                                                                         CLOSED SUNDAY & MONDAY          In addition to complete sealing the
                                                                                     Tues-Fri 9am-6pm • Sat 9am-3pm   driveway for appearance purposes,
                                                                                                                                       See DRIVEWAY on 13
myfenton.com                                                           FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                      Sunday, September 27, 2020  13

WHAT THE OLD                                                                                                                            DRIVEWAY
FARMER’S ALMANAC                                                                                                                        Continued from Page 12
IS PREDICTING                                                                                                                           sealing can be used to preserve
   According to The Old Farmer’s                                                                                                        the pavement. Fuel-resistant,
Almanac, if you were hoping for a                                                                                                       polymer-modified asphalt
reprieve from harsh winter weath-                                                                                                       sealers can guard against spills.
er this year, they have some news                                                                                                       Stony mixes or pavements with
that just might make you smile.                                                                                                         open textures benefit from
They’re predicting a light winter                                                                                                       sealing.
for most of the United States, with                                                                                                        If your home has a concrete
warmer-than-normal temperatures        On a typical La Niña year, the jet stream tends to have a more northern positioning,             driveway, it too needs
in the forecast for a large part of    which can mean consistent cold storms in places like British Columbia, Oregon,                   maintenance.
the country.                           Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, and central/northern Colorado.                                        Michigan temperatures
   Uncommonly chilly tempera-                                                                                                           fluctuate from very cold to
tures will be limited mostly to the
western states and northeastern
                                       What weather to expect this winter                                                               very hot throughout the year,
                                                                                                                                        which can cause lifting, sinking
New England. Specifically, win-
ter will be colder than normal in
                                       Tri-county area and most                      of ENSO. These deviations from normal
                                                                                     surface temperatures can have large-scale
                                                                                                                                        and cracking.
                                                                                                                                            Do you have concrete
Maine; the Intermountain, Desert
Southwest, and Pacific Southwest
                                       of state could see below                      impacts not only on ocean processes, but
                                                                                     also on global weather and climate.
                                                                                                                                        settling? Uneven slabs in
regions; and eastern Hawaii and
above normal elsewhere.
                                       normal snowfall                                  On a typical La Niña year, the jet stream
                                                                                                                                        driveway or sidewalks? Afraid
                                                                                                                                        of tripping?
                                                                                     tends to have a more northern positioning,            JBI Concrete Lifting is the
   On the precipitation side of        Compiled by Sharon Stone
                                                                                     which can mean consistent cold storms              answer. With their process, they
things, expect “wet” to be a win-         According to a recent report from          in places like British Columbia, Oregon,           can raise your sunken concrete
tertime constant, with rain or aver-   National Oceanic and Atmosphere               Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah and                  back to where it belongs while
age to below-average snowfall to       Administration (NOAA) Climate                 central/northern Colorado.                         filling in the void underneath
be the standard throughout most        Prediction Center, there is a 50-55 percent      While each La Niña has the potential            with an environmentally safe
of the country.                        chance of La Niña conditions arriving this    to be wildly different than the last, the          material.
   Specifically, precipitation will    fall and lasting throughout the winter of                                                           Concrete lifting only takes a
                                                                                     southern states of the west tend to get
be below normal from Delmarva          2020-2021.                                    slightly less than average snowfall. That          few hours and can save you up
into North Carolina; in the south-        El Niño and La Niña are opposite           said, the last La Niña delivered historic          to 75 percent compared to the
ern Appalachians, Georgia, and         phases of what is known as the El Niño-       snowfall to the California, so take these          cost of replacement. There is no
Florida from the Ohio Valley west-     Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. The
ward to the Pacific and southward                                                    generalizations lightly. But on the whole,         harm done to landscaping and
                                       ENSO cycle is a scientific term that          the northern mountains of the Western              you will have access to your
to the Gulf and Mexico; and in
                                       describes the fluctuations in temperature     United States are generally favored by a           area in a matter of hours.
western Hawaii and above or near
normal elsewhere.                      between the ocean and atmosphere              La Niña pattern in terms of snowfall and               JBI Concrete Lifting is
   Snowfall will be greater than       in the east-central Equatorial Pacific        temperature.                                       a family owned business.
normal in the Northeast, Wiscon-       (approximately between the International         NOAA is predicting above average                Lifting, caulking, grinding
sin, Upper Michigan, the High          Date Line and 120 degrees West).              snowfall this winter in Montana,                   and concrete replacement are
Plains, and northern Alaska and           According to the NOAA, La Niña is          Wyoming and the Great Lakes area with              some of the services they offer,
below normal in most other areas       sometimes referred to as the cold phase       an increased chance of precipitation in            along with residential and light
that receive snow.                     of ENSO and El Niño as the warm phase         Northern Colorado starting in March.               commercial construction.
   In the Lower Lakes (Syracuse
west along the Great Lakes to
Chicago and Milwaukee, most of         FIREPLACE
                                                                                     know the home’s history,” he said.

                                                                                                                                                             or small
Michigan, south to Indianapolis),
                                       Continued from Page 11                           Gas fireplaces require maintenance,
snowfall will be below normal in
                                       with fireplaces and chimneys. He              as well. Brunhuber said it’s important to
most areas, with the snowiest pe-
                                       said with wood-burning fireplaces,            make sure they were installed correctly
riods in early and mid-December,                                                                                                         We Grind Them All!
mid- to late-February, and early
                                       the most important thing is to make           and safely, gas logs are placed correctly

                                                                                                                                         DS STUMP
to mid-March.                          sure there is no build-up of creosote.        and there’s no deadly carbon monoxide                   &
   Traditionally, The Old Farmer’s     “Chimney fires can cause house                leaking into the home.
Almanac still has about an 80-per-     fires,” he said.                                 He advises homeowners to go to                      GRINDING  Small Yard Accessible
cent accuracy track record. These         Brunhuber said annual professional         csia.org to view all of the qualified                                — INSURED —

numbers are determined by look-        inspections and cleanings are impor-          chimney sweeps in all zip codes.                                   810.730.7262
ing at monthly averages — since        tant and take only up to one-and-a-half          Before nestling up to a fireplace this                          810.629.9215
these are long-range monthly pre-      hours to complete.                            winter, homeowners should consider
dictions — as opposed to judging          New owners of a home will want             a host of factors and safety measures                                 ESTIMATES
each day’s forecast.                   to have their wood-burning or gas             to ensure their fireplaces are safe and
                                                                                                                                        SMALL TREE & BRUSH REMOVAL
                                       fireplaces inspected. “You might not          ready for the season ahead.
14  Sunday, September 27, 2020                                                  FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                            myfenton.com

Grime, grime go away
Professionally power washing                       One thing he’s learned over the past
                                                21 years is how important it is to clean
the exterior of your home,                      (power wash), prep and lastly paint. If
decks and patios now will                       homeowners skip any of those steps,
                                                they might not be as happy with the
keep your home beautiful                        results as they could be.
                                                   The biggest mistake he sees is that
By Sharon Stone
                                                surfaces aren’t cleaned properly. “It’s the
    Power washing, also known as                small things that the professionals do that
pressure washing, utilizes a high-              make the difference,” Strong said.
velocity water spray to remove dirt and            Here’s a few reasons why it might be
residue from the exterior surfaces of           best to hire a professional:                  pollution. The professional will knock
a home. It is frequently used on vinyl             It’s safer — a power washer provides       has experience with removing those
siding, concrete and sometimes wood             exactly that: Power. DIY homeowners           substances from an array of surfaces.
decks to treat mildew and other growth          with little experience with these                They use professional grade
that accumulates over time.                     powerful machines could accidentally          equipment — DIY-grade devices
    This method of cleaning can be a            damage their home. Power washers can          can’t achieve the same pressure as
great way to remove grime without               break windows, crumble old bricks and         professional-grade washers. Power
having to scrub by hand. But it requires a      mortar, and knock siding off a house.         washer companies use professional-
delicate touch to get it right. Sometimes       A professional power washer knows             grade tools and cleaners that the
it is best to leave the job to professionals.   how much pressure to use on different         average consumer can’t find on the
    Tim Strong, owner of Tim Strong             surfaces.                                     shelf at home improvement stores.
Enterprises LLC, said his company has              It removes contaminants —                     It improves home value — First
been doing an enormous amount of power          Over the years, your home can grow            impressions shouldn’t matter, but
washing of decks and homes. In addition         contaminants, such as mildew, mold            they do matter when it comes to your
to this service, they are busy painting,        and algae. There also could be a build-       home value. When you see a home
staining decks and cleaning gutters.            up of dust, debris from chimneys and          for sale that’s dingy with untended
                                                                                              landscaping, how does that affect your
                                                                                              sense its value? It goes down, right?

                                                                                                 In addition to making your home
                                                                                              look better, cleaning also can reveal
                                                                                              underlying problems. Fixing problems
                                                                                              before they become disasters can

                                                                                              improve the home’s value.
                                                                                                 It’s convenient — Who really wants
                                                                                              to spend their free time tackling such

                                                 CALL TODAY
                                                                                              a messy job? A small power-washing
                                                                                              job could easily burn through most of
                                                                                              an afternoon.
                                                  before the                                     A professional power washer will
                                                                                              almost certainly leave your house
                                                                                                                                           Professionally power washing the
                                                                                                                                           exterior of the home and deck can be
                                                  Fall rush!                                  cleaner than you can.
                                                                                                       Source: stlouispressurewash.com
                                                                                                                                           an effective way to clean it in the spring
                                                                                                                                           and fall. Photos: Metro Creative Connection

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myfenton.com                                                                                            FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                                                Sunday, September 27, 2020  15

PATIO ITEMS                                                         often left outside. However, hoses and          Clean out the grease tray and wipe down
                                                                                                                                                                                                      10 OFF
                                                                                                                                                                                    Senior                                  SERVICE
Continued from Page 5                                               planters can crack when exposed to              the grill’s exterior.                                           Discount                                CALL
                                                                    extreme temperatures, so find a warm                                                                            or                                      mention this ad!

4. STORE                                                            place to store these essentials for the
                                                                    winter, too.
                                                                                                                    Tend to repairs
                                                                                                                       When all of your furniture, décor,                                STYES PLUMBING LLC.
   Storing your outdoor furniture                                                                                   and grilling accessories have been                                      Serving the area for over 20 years
during the off-season is the best way                               Clean and cover the grill                       stowed away, take some time to care
to protect it from harsh weather. A                                   Similar to outdoor furniture and              for the structure of your patio. Clear
garage, basement, or storage shed is                                décor, your grill is also susceptible to        the area and use a leaf blower or broom
ideal, but a covered deck or patio will                             damage from winter weather conditions.          to remove dirt, leaves, and other loose
help protect your furniture, too. An                                                                                                                                                                 TIM STYES
                                                                    When grilling season has ended, turn            debris. If your patio is especially dirty,                                 - Owner & Licensed plumber -
alternative option to storage is to bring
outdoor pieces indoors to use and enjoy
                                                                    your grill on one final time to burn off        wash it down with a pressure washer                                          (810) 750-6229
over the winter.                                                    any existing residue and use a wire             or garden hose.                                                  Basement baths • New homes • Remodels • Repairs
                                                                                                                                                                                      Alterations • Water heaters • Sewer & drain cleaning
                                                                    brush to remove grime from the grates.                                    Source: Hayneedle.com
Put Away Accessories
   Small items, such as pillows and
décor, should also be stowed away for
the winter. Outdoor storage boxes are
a smart way to keep these items clean
and organized until spring.
   Garden supplies and accessories are                                               bransontractor.com

ROOFING MATERIALS                                                                                                                                                               Midsize Models:
Continued from Page 7
Mediterranean-, Spanish- or mission-                                                                                                                                            3015 at 30 hp
style houses stand out even more. Their                                                                                                                                         3515 at 35 hp
long-lasting nature can help offset the
price tag.                                                                                                                                                                      4015 at 40 hp
• Metal: Metal roofs are usually made
from fully recyclable steel, aluminum                                        bransontractor.com
or alloy, making them an eco-friendly
choice. Metal roofs also reflect the                                                                                     Midsize Models:
sun’s rays and can be an energy-                                                                                         3015 at 30 hp
efficient option in hot climates.
• Slate: One of the longest-lasting
materials available in roofing products,
                                                                                                   4720 CH               3515 at 35 hp
                                                                                                                         4015 at 40 hp

slate is fireproof and comes in various
natural colors and shapes. Once
installed, slate requires very little                                                     4720 CH
maintenance. However, slate can be
cost-prohibitive because its delicacy                                                                  3015
and weight requires extra roofing
support and professional installation.
                                                                                                                         • Available with Hydrostatic
                                                                                                                         or Gear Shift Transmissions
                                                                                                                                                                                • Available with Hydrostatic
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16  Sunday, September 27, 2020           FALL HOME & GARDEN 2020                           myfenton.com

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